#and anyways i dont think they do those pod things either?
redbean-nom · 28 days
the contrast between elsbeth's tribe (nightsister... commoners? peasants? villagers?) fighting grievous vs talzin's clan (nightsister royalty) is so funny like.
elsbeth's clan: probably-Mother Selena dueling grievous with two fire sickles that melt/short out when hit by lightsabers (grievous didn't even split his arms! it's literally a leisurely spar for him). approximately three archers in the background. one single unit of B1s and B2s plus possibly a handful of commando droids. elsbeth hiding in a tree and falling out.
talzin's clan: Mother Talzin voodooing Dooku from the castle basement and then levitating in a giant electric sphere and zapping the entire droid army for like five minutes straight. Ventress dueling four-arms grievous for equally long. An entire army of archers casually force-speed/force-jumping over entire trees. Grievous' full fleet, a bomber squad, a unit of commando droids, magnaguards, state of the art experimental tanks, more regular tanks, and a full army of B1s/B2s. Daka long-distance-necromancing the entire clan and resurrecting every single dead nightsister in the entire region. Talzin finally not-surrending by turning herself into a force ghost and then promptly going to start a cult to revive herself/the dead nightsisters.
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astrallouis · 1 year
Question for Miles is a moron, what do you think the throat spray actually was? Do you think he actually thought it was covid protection? Do you think he knew it was nothing and just used his image to lie to his friends to get what he wanted?
GREAT fuckin question. i havent thought on it too much since id mostly seen it from the filmmaking perspective of acknowledging covid in-universe without the everything that came with early covid and no vaccines yet but now u have me thinking.
(this got so long so im gonna put it under the cut oops)
first i wanna say im really mostly talking out of my ass since that scene was the last concrete point abt covid we really have outside of mentions like why miles has the mona lisa lmaooo anyway:
like i said miles really is a moron. everything he takes credit for he either hires someone for, steals their work, or lets them interpret his bullshit (like lionel w the faxes). so i think theres a couple possibilities.
he almost definitely went to someone to develop the throat spray, and its possible he actually asked or expected it to be Real and actually protective. but it being so early in the pandemic and over a year before the irl vaccine wld come out they probably told him its not possible. and theres the point where he could have done a couple things.
he could have 1) pushed whoever to just make it work like we see so many bosses and rich assholes like to do and it IS actually protective [very unlikely but we REALLY dont know much about what happens after the movie covid wise and how far rian johnson changes reality here]
b) done the above and whoever he hired lies to him and says it works when it doesnt, and he believes it works like you mentioned [more likely, but thats putting a moral decision on a person i made up two paragraphs ago lol]
iii) they told him it wasnt possible and he just told them to make a placebo instead and knows its fake like you said, using his image as a genius to manipulate his friends [most likely in my opinion, given everything else he does]
i really do think the last one is what happened. the efficient man doesnt answer blanc's question about what the spray is. all he does is say “youre good,” put the little slap bracelet on blanc, and move on. and we dont know much of miles' actual opinions on masks and covid iirc, besides being friends with both ppl like lionel who properly masks up and asks for elbows instead of a hug from birdie, and with duke who doesnt wear one at all and is. ukno. him. so theres that
all of this to say. miles bron really is just an entitled asshole who thinks he makes change when he doesnt and doesnt care abt consequences. i personally think he actively knows the spray didnt do shit but couldnt stand the idea of going a year without getting his ego stroked by those shitheads and would do anything he “could” to make it happen. this is also the same guy who just sent the 50 people it takes to run the island “home” in the middle of the pandemic which has implications about commuting and pods i dont even want to go NEAR since this is already too long.
tldr: hes a moron AND a manipulating and gaslighting bitch. the spray was probably just saline or whatever and he knew it. shithead
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anchoeritic · 1 year
hi kells baby <3 im so sad it has been taking me literal weeks to write on my idea and its somehow not coming together. idk why either its probs cuz im overthinking everything. i have like 2 more things open and i keep switching between what to finish first. ive been getting so discouraged when seeing fics that are written so much better and ofc getting so many notes 🙁 ik its not about how many ppl will like it or see it but still i get sad and like, i dont wanna continue bc i feel like its not gonna be as good as them anyway. my first and only fic i have has gotten a decent amount of notes but idk :( i feel like its not worthy to torment myself into finishing them even tho i literally can’t think of anything else all day, its just so hard for me to write it down when my thoughts are that.
im sorry for dumping this on u, im just 🙁
i love u kells
hi honey bee. if you don’t feel like finishing them, don’t pressure yourself into doing so. don’t ever force yourself to write if you really aren’t up for it. honestly, i’m in the same pod as you atm so i get what you mean. but if you really do want to continue with writing those two things, just take breaks between and make sure to always prioritize yourself before anything else. i’m positive your writing is absolutely amazing!! but if you’re not feeling it, let yourself take a break hun. 🤍
i love you the most, sweetheart. sending you so many kisses.
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notpup200 · 2 years
pup do you have any tsp stanley or narrator headcanons answer quickly (or dont it doesnt matter)
Oh hello! Sorry, it wont be quick bc I just woke up.
Let's see, headcanons huh?
Well, some of these may not be headcanons? Sorry if they aren't:
- Mute Stanley, for one. I know, its basic of a hc, but it's good okay- (points to the Not Stanley ending)(points to the entire game)
- Narrator wears glasses! He reads a lot in the story, plus it's very easy to imagine him adjusting his glasses during that one bit in the matentice tunnel.
- Trans Stanley. Enough said.
- Autistic Narrator. I just enjoy this one. Hehe. (More or less because he states in the Serious Room ending, that he has a hard time reading human emotions. Like hrgrgrg me too.)
- the idea that the Narrator is just a shadow on the wall that follows Stanley. This one is neat to me, because during some parts of the story, the Narrator seemingly can't leave Stanley? Not sure why that is, so the idea that he's attached to Stanley somewhat is fun to imagine.
- In Zending, Narrator can mimic the glowing lights of the colors during it.
- Stanley is either married still, or divorced. (Seeing as Narrator is the concept of divorce.)
- 432 is mostly glitched out, and I imagine they left the office space somehow, and ended up in the files / code of the Parable. (Gaster moment)
- Curator definitely has her hair in a bun, and glasses with those little hanging cord things also.
- Mariella works in the same building Stanley does! Biggest headcanon for me, I feel. I think it makes sense? Plus, I dunno. I think it's fun to imagine Mariella having her own Parable. Perhaps it's the business meeting, when all of a sudden, her co-workers seemingly vanish.
- adding onto the Mariella Parable thing, we see Stanley's model walk past a window in an Easter egg, which is odd, because shouldn't we see a different model? Just saying, I think that Easter egg is meant for Mariella's Parable, but somehow ended up in Stanley's.
- Narrator, while seemingly omnipresent, doesnt know everything in the Parable. (Escape Pod Ending, Confusion Ending, etc etc) So I like to imagine hes just some nerd in a booth, who pretended to make TSP. Just some guy! A stage guy, if you will.
- Narrator is a Theatre nerd. He so obviously is. Theatre kid. (Points) nerd.
Yeah that's all I got for now.
If I can recall anymore, or add on anymore, maybe I'll rb this and add on to it.
Anyways, enjoy that, I guess?
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cutemeat · 2 years
wait as a newish fan can you tell me how / why rob is misogynist? (like besides his weird things on the podcast lol idk if theres more) and also who is jordan lol
ok im gonna say first of all i was mostly just joking in those tags ur referring to KJNFGDKJ just as full disclosure before I dig into this any further. ..
that being said, me joking abt that stuff in regard to rob is bc it just seems like rob is insecure about how he's contributed to a shitty system and really screwed someone (jordan reid, aka the original Sweet Dee) over personally and after being made more aware of his place in contributing to said system he's overcompensating while he's working thru some of that.... and uh. in all honesty it's something that i find funny and make jokes about cuz i am also someone with an extremely fragile ego n it feels good to deflect and make fun of someone else for having a fragile ego LOL
so it seems like rob's talking on the podcast and in other interviews abt misogyny n trying to 'correct' himself or pulling out that fuckin button on the podcast for 'Solves the North Korea Situation'.... i think this ties into him reconnecting with Jordan (who, like i said, was the og sweet dee who got booted from the production at the last minute largely as result of her n rob breaking up n none of the other guys backing her up...) and basically writing the MQ ep A Dark Quiet Death about that whole situation and the falling out.. idk it just seems like. maybe having to reconcile the fact he has been A Part Of The Problem and an asshole has gotten to him n again it feels like he overcompensates for that in the pod n i like to exploit those insecurities im familiar with in my own ways for laughs LOL. but yknow... i am a 20 yr old unemployed HS drop out on tumblr dot com n hes got a nice mansion and successful career in the film industry so i dont feel like im gonna hurt any feelings here..
so with all that context out of the way: i dont think rob is Actually some raging misogynist ... and if he is I wouldn't know either way cuz I Dont Know The Guy! so def take what I say here with a grain of salt I am very often not being serious and bad at using tone indicators so I do apologize if any of it gets confusing kjndfgkjd. he def has been misogynistic in the ways a lot of men will be without rlly thinking much of it (think dennis' obliviousness to how insane some of his logic about women sounds on sunny, but maybe less predatory but again idk the guy lol) but as of now he seems like he's more aware of that n better late than never n all that!
(once again.. a lot of my opinions here are mostly based in my own experiences and emotions projected onto people and situations I have only heard accounts of in articles/blog posts/podcasts n interviews so def keep that in mind. don't take me as the authority on anything lol. google 'jordan reid' + 'always sunny' and read thru her old blog posts about the situation if u are so inclined and draw your own conclusions! but like i said it's a mostly interpersonal thing between two ppl i dont know and it doesnt seem like there's much bad blood on that interpersonal level anymore rather than anger with a system that failed her. that being said its def a part of the shows history that shouldn't just be forgotten or discarded as it is apart of a larger issue anyway. srry this is all so messy if it wasnt obvious by how badly i am at talking abt this stuff i feel weird talking about strangers lives even celebs but yknow. tbh if i wanna make jokes abt this shit i should be prepared to explain myself anyway. like god im so bad at talking abt any of it seriously but i always wanna know all the dirt cuz I'm so fuckin nosy I love drama n gossip and Backstory!!!)
+ this is an older article that sorta sums up the events n links to her blogpost about it!
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alegzandryan · 4 years
Prepping for a Ritual
So since I am doing these things as we speak I thought I would go through some ritual things that I find useful, for anyone that feels overwhelmed or unprepared for ritual work. I know tumblr and tiktok have pushed a lot of easy jar spells on us, but there really is something more to a ritual setting, even a simple one. And as it goes without saying, this is my personal idea of a guide and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and practice.
Get your supplies ready the day before the ritual. ESPECIALLY if you are going outside/somewhere outside your home. Collect all the things you will need and put them together. This will give you a day to remember all the things you forgot before it's time, instead of in the middle of your ritual
Choose what you are going to wear the day before, too. Some people take aesthetic very seriously but others dont. Either way, give some thought to what you are wearing. Is that crystal necklace good for what you are doing? Are those pants comfortable enough to sit for 30 minutes in? Comfortability is just as important as presentation for ritual, so dont wear that corset that hurts you after 15 minutes. You will need to focus on more important things.
Foot wear is also super underrated. Are you hiking 10 minutes into the forest to find a ritual spot? Wear boots. Are you in your house and want to go barefoot? Make absolutely sure you are not going to step on a ritual tool and make yourself bleed, or curse to some gods about the existence of legos in the middle of your ritual
Make some stuff for a cleansing/power bath. I usually assemble ingredients and things day before, then go to bed, and do a quick ritual bath before the actual ritual. Steep a hair rinse or charm a fancy body wash before hand so you dont have to focus on that spell, too.
Do a tarot reading/your preferred divination, before bed the day before you do a ritual. It can be quick or extensive, it doesnt matter. But it can be good to get some guidance before you are gearing up for a spell or ritual, and have some time to think about it before you are minutes away from it.
Prepare food and water, once again especially if you are going outside. Rituals can take a lot out of you depending on what you are doing, and food and drink are very easy and quick ways to help ground yourself if you are shaky or need help coming back to a relaxed state. If you are struggling, boiling pasta or microwaving stuff is the last thing on your mind, or maybe even your ability. So have some fruit snacks or granola bars or cookies or something-- easy to take and easy to eat-- with you. Trust me, this is more important than a lot of people realize. It's a good after-ritual practice and one you should be ready for
Think about your intent and purpose. Set aside some time day-before to do this, maybe 30 min to 1 hr I would say. Maybe make an entry in your BOS if you are the journaling type. This serves 2 functions: one is to charge your intent before the spell. It will give you more oomph and precision in your spell casting, or more prepared behavior if you are speaking to gods. Think about what you want to ask them, what you want them to know, how much respect you should give them, or what they may ask of you. What are you willing to do for them, and what are you not?
The second function is that it gives you time to back out of something. Not all spells are meant to be cast, and especially not if you are in a high emotion before it. Give yourself a day to prepare, an hour to think over, why am I doing this? SHOULD I be doing this even? There is nothing wrong with changing your mind. Doing things impulsively in magic isn't typically beneficial to the caster most of the time. Think through potential consequences, too. How could it back fire? How could it go right but in the wrong way? Is there a better way to get what you want? Can you add a caveat, or a time limit on the spell? Are you using parts of a closed practice and not really thought about it before now?
If you are doing spell work in the out-of-your-house-space-land, even if it is just like, in your appartment parking lot, the park down the street or even your own backyard, make sure someone somewhere knows about it. I know not everyone is out of the broom closet, but even if you just have to tell your friends you are stargazing or something, make sure SOMEONE knows and has a check in time for you. There are creeps and terrible people everywhere, and not to spook anybody, but doing magic can often attract animals or any assortment of beings who want to watch/investigate you. I have been given a heart attack by a baby antelope at dawn before. I have also been given a heart attack by a forest spirit asking wtf I was doing there. I know it doesnt exactly feel witchy to have your cellphone crammed in your waistband, but trust me, better safe than sorry. Be it humans or otherwise, doing magic in the dark in total secret is just not realistic to your safety. Take someone with you and have them wait in the car or around the corner if you can. Once again, make sure someone, somewhere, has a set time to call or come get you in, incase you get kidnapped or fae-napped. Your wellbeing is a much higher priority than any magic spell.
Also familiarize yourself with nearby wildlife. Even if you are in the city, check out what raccoon eyes look like in flashlight, or maybe if your suburb is prone to stray cats or dogs. Check out a rabies registry as well, so you know what kind of risk you are looking at around such animals. Rabid animals are actually more prone to being unafraid of human contact and will readily let a person touch them. Do NOT interact with wild animals. No, they are not a sign or a gift from your god. Most animals are curious about magic in general, but that doesnt make them not wild. Do not interact. If you are in a less populated space, you should also check out what kind of wild life is native to your area and how dangerous they are. Deer will startle themselves into you like getting hit by a BMW and bears and cougars can be active day or night, as well as Bobcats, snakes, or coyotes. Check out your local wildlife center for advice on how to handle what lives in your area
(Last outdoors advice, I promise) also check out what kind of myths and legends existed on the land you are on, ESPECIALLY if you live in north america. Knowing who's land you are on should be important to your practice anyway, and knowing what kind of creatures may be out there may save you some distress later. Indigenous cultures should be respected, and their tales can tell you what's around your area. And I dont care where the hell you live, if you hear whistling in the darkness/forests, it is one of several things coming to get you and none of them are good. Get gone and DONT whistle back. Or at all. No whistling guys. Bad.
For indoor rituals, make sure you wont be disturbed. Much like meditation, rituals are very dependent on focus and intent. Interruptions can mess with your outcome.
More indoor advice, checkout your lighting and ventilation well before you do your ritual. For instance, my altar is in a walk in closet-- there is no way in hell I am burning 4 candles and an incense in that room. I would have to do it in my living room or bedroom where there are windows, or find a way to eliminate the candles. Is the room dark enough to fit your ritual? Is it light enough that you can read your notes? (also make notes/write up a copy of the spell, it helps so much) Make sure you have enough light to see what you are doing properly.
I am a big advocate of "do not over cleanse your life, stop over cleansing" however, if that is something you do a lot of, make sure all your tools and whatnot are cleansed and prepared day before. You can shave a 2hr ritual down to 30 min if you get all of your prep work done day before, which is nice. And it once again gives you time to say "shit I forgot that one thing I need to cleanse" an hour later and still not interrupt your ritual because it is day before.
If you are an of-legal-age type person and doing some drug/alcohol part of your magic, make double sure you have food, water, and a buddy system. You may not need a designated driver if you aren't going out of your house, but you still need a designated sober person to make sure you dont like, astral travel out of your body and get replaced with a pod person, or get hurt trying to cast a circle with a ritual knife while high. Know your limits well before you use them in ritual and, I cannot emphasize this enough, have a friend to keep you under scrutiny incase something goes wrong and you need help.
If you are having the OTHER kind of must-be-of-age type of ritual, be sure your partner is well informed. Maybe have a dress rehearsal so you are both on the same page about mechanics and consent. Speed run through the general timing and motions, and talk about what each of you expect to get out of the ritual. Is it for bonding? Or are you using the energy to try to charge something? Is it for fertility? Are you both good to have ritualized sex (I know that seems like an obvious question, but you would be surprised by how many partners clam up about sexual things to try to not disappoint their partner). If you are a witch and your partner is not, be sure they know what to expect, and that they 100% want to do it even though it's not necessarily their practice and not just to be a people pleaser. If you havent done anything like this before either, tell them that, too. Honestly is 100% required here
And lastly, keep your cool. It's easy to get over excited or over anxious about this kind of thing, but honestly with a little prep time you have a high change of doing awesome. And even if you dont? That's okay too. Everyone makes mistakes, we all learn from those mistakes, and every single experience you acquire will level you up until you are the best at being you. Do what feels right, trust your gut, do some reading, and keep calm and witchy on.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Chapter 5
Characters: Clint, you, Loki
Warnings: this is a SLOW burn, slight angst, fluff at the end, Loki starting shit.
Summary: life has never really bwen this complicated. Or well the life that you think you know has never really been this complicated. Living with the avengers, learning new things, yeah its gonna be a long road but what else do you have to look forward to other than the random runins with the god of mischief.
Loki Masterlist
It had been about a week since you had arrived at the tower and just as long as your incounter with Loki, you hadnt had much time to think about it though since you were normally nose deep in class work or training with Nat and Clint since Tony had sent you the message "If your gonna be an avenger you have to train like one, training starts at 6." You had left him on read after that, you had never been a morning person and you sure as hell wasnt about to start now.
"Alright y/n, lets try you on the bow today." Clint smiled walking into the arena where most of your training took place.
"After I finish this." You said pointing to your coffee. "I swear, you would think that after saving lives you would want to sleep in." You grumbled.
"Bad guys dont sleep, we dont get to sleep." Clint said wiping down a few of his practice arrows.
"You didnt get back till like 3 this morning. Im really starting to wonder if you sleep at all." You tossed your cup away and got up starting to do your stretches.
"Get over here so I can show you how to hold this thing." He saod holding out the bow.
"I know how to use a bow, I was in archery in high school. Top of my team." You grabbed the bow feeling the cool metal in your hand. His bow was diffrent than what you was use to, as light as air almost were yours had been heavy.
"This bow is probably a little different than what your use to. The metal is vibranium, the strings are made of some type of industrial woven string that Tony invinted in his lab. Might be a littlw hard for you to pull back." He smiled looking at the bow like a child.
"It is very beautiful." You examined it looking down the sights has you pulled the string back easily. "Absolutly magnificent peice of weaponry." You looked over at him and seen that he was staring at you wide eyed. "What?"
"No one else has ever been able to draw the string back like that." You let the string gently go back into place amd handed it back to him.
"I told you, I was in archery while I was in high school."
"Theres no way that someone no matter how skilled they are can pull that back."
"Well if your forgetting, apperantly Im not from here either."
"Yup almost forgot, Asguardian. Anyways. You know how to use one of these so lets set up a few targets and get to work. Tony wants to try you out on a few different things, eval you, and see what suits you best. Im already leaning toward you being good at the bow."
After he talked you through some of the basics that you had informed him you knew and he insisted on stating that it was 'mandatory' you were finally able to pick up one of the training bows.
"These bows suck. Stark has all the money in the world and he buys walmart brand bows? If you pull this one back to many times the string will break. Why cant I just use yours?" You roll your eyes looking back at Clint.
"My bow, my baby. If you want ine bad enough you can start off at the bottom and work your way up. You have a card why dont you buy one?" He countered, just then the foor opened drawing your attention.
"Sorry, didnt realize that the area was occupied today, I just wanted to get a few throws in woth the new daggers Stark and Banner decided to enhance for me. Wanted to make sure that they wouldnt bloe up in my face." Loki said walking over to the bay next to you and Clint. You hadnt had a moment alone with the trickster since in the hall weeks ago and now he was here acting as of nothingbhad happened. You looked down at the daggers that he had laid out.
"Wow, those are beautiful." You noticed that not only had he laid down two simple green handeled knives but he had also laid down a set of electric blue ones and a set of gold handle ones engraved with ancient symbols and roses with the stems winding down the hilt. "May I?" You asked leaning down to get a closer look.
"Of course y/n, you are the one that gave me those." He answered casually. Your breathing hitched and you turned to look at him.
"Thats not funny Loki."
"I dont know what your talking about. I was simpl-" he started before you cut him off.
"You know damn good and well what I am talking about. What did you expect? Me to pick it up and everything come barreling back to me? Here I'll do you one even better." You stormed up to the daggers and grabbed one of the gold ones up throwing it at the target on the far side of the room. You had expected it to fall short and clink to the floor but you never hears it fall. When you looked at the target you noticed you had hit the middle.
Clints jaw had dropped as he was looking around the wall to see what you had been yelling about. Loki looked at you with a smug expression. "I assume they must have had knife throwing classes at the school you attended as well."
"Shut up. Clint are we done, I have some studying for class that I really need to do." You looked at clint as he knodded still awestruck. "Thanks, I'll talk with Tony about getting a better bow for me to practice with." You took off toward your room.
Later after you had taken a hot shower and changed into some leggings and a baggy shirt you decided to go to the one place in the tower that you had decided to claim as your own little study corner. It was located on of of the high up floors that happened to be more of an observation deck, you could watch the team leave on missions, see the ocean, and watch some of the most beautiful sun sets that you had seen. You had notice while checking the place out that there was a fairly large window seat that you could spead your work out on as you looked out over the city, this small part of the tower was your little hid away, you hadnt seen any other member of the team up here so you figured when you needed the alone time you could come here. It had seemed to work for the most part until today.
You notice the shadow of the figure standing over you before looking up into the eyes of Lokis confused ones, you had noticed his lips moving before rolling your eyes and taking out your noise canceling ear pods.
"What do you want Loki?" You sighed placing them back into the chsrging dock.
"Well if you hadnt had those things in you would have heard me tell you that I was sorry for earlier." He sassed crossing his arms.
"How did you find me? No one really bothers coming up here." You pulled your legs under your chin and covering you feet with the throw that you had brought up with you this time.
"The AI system has no bounderies when it comes to privacy, it can tell you were anyone is in this god forsaken place." He responded. "May I sit?"
"And if I say no?"
"I'll sit anyways." He shrugged.
"Then what is the point in asking?" You leaned forward moving your papers and books out of the way. He reached down and grabbed a few of the papers to help you.
"Your doing a paper on Shakespeare?" He asked as he sat down reading over the page.
"Umm, yeah. Part of my agreement to come here is so that I can finish up my collage classes. Drama and Art Major." He hamded the paper back to you so that you could stick it in your binder. He gave you a look that you were use to getting from him. "Don't say it Loki." You out your hand up to stop him before he could even open his mouth.
"I wasn't going to say anything." He held his hands up.
"Hum, interesting. The god of lies actually sucks at lying. I should remember that." You smiled. This was the first time you had actually felt half way confortable around him.
"I could never lie to you." He smiled back. "You have always had a knack for seeing right through me."
"I wish you wouldnt do that." You sighed leaning your heas agints the window behind you.
"Do what exactly?" He askes mirroring your position.
"Where you mention something about my past. Its annoying and it breaks my heart."
"Well Dove, how do you think I feel? The worst part about it for me is that while you remember nothing I am stuck remembering everything. Your past, my past, our past together. It truly is the worst pain that I have ever felt. To have something that you have wanted for so long in front of you and they dont even want you back." He sighed looking out the window.
"Loki," you crossed your legs and placed your elbows on your knees. "I have never said that I didnt want you. I just dont know what is what."
"So you do want me?" He laughted.
"That is not what I meant and you know it." You leanded back again. "Tell me about us. About how you and Thor know me." He eyes lite up.
Chapter 6
Tag list:
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janiedean · 3 years
oh i know c didn't believe it but i lowkey want her to see that he left her for brienne for the drama lol. but more than that i really do wanna see how the lsh showdown goes and how they proceed beyond that, if pod/hyle survive (i didnt think they would but pod survived the show so who knows). and then do they go back to riverrun, when and how do they meet up with sansa (i always thought LF would die in book 6 at the vale before sansa left for the north tbh but the show made me rethink and now im not sure?). anyway in that way they'd have to meet up towards the end of book 6 and that would probably also be the time arya's making her way back from braavos after taking needle back maybe? (i think i've read fanfics covering all this and they stumble upon arya somewhere along the way xD)
do they have oathsex in winds 👀 (there's definitely going to be lots of romanctic feelingssss) when and how soon xDDD do they head north now xD i have so many questionssss aaaaahhhhhh (although i'm honestly more forgiving of grrm these days, so i dont blame him at all esp given how i havent been productive AT ALL in the pandemic esp in the latter half and anyway his blog posts in the beginning of the year were so sad about so many of his friends passing away, it would take a toll on anyone :( )
(ngl grrm could release his notes in bullet points for the remaining books and say he's not writing anymore and i'd purchase that too :D i just wanna erase that fucked up excuse of a show from my brain esp the last 4 seasons)
I mean... I'll admit that seeing c. lose her shit realizing jaime left her for brienne would make my day but at this point I just... want team young griff to rhaenyra their way into KL and have her out of the way without jaime being involved so people stop harping they'll die together and honestly her dying without that acknowledgment would... kind of be poeticjusticeish and I honestly hope she sees melara laughing before she dies but fair enough I see your point uu
that said my money is on both pod and hyle surviving bc like... the batb will need hostages and if either were dead brienne would have let herself get hanged anyway so they need the leverage and at that point idt they're dead meat, pod because if he didn't die then then why would grrm do that and hyle bc I think jaime needs to get the jealous bust and no one else will tell him brienne was gonna die for him anyway so I'm of the idea that both live - for now anyway - and that the oathsex is happening in winds because the moment those two figure it out no way they can keep their respective clothes on
and then do they go back to riverrun, when and how do they meet up with sansa (i always thought LF would die in book 6 at the vale before sansa left for the north tbh but the show made me rethink and now im not sure?)
my theory for now is more like:
if sandor is at the quiet isle and they all collectively decide to look for sansa then they aren't going back to riverrun bc jaime would be defecting and he wouldn't go back for an army he didn't gaf about anyway also like... count that the blackfish is on the loose and jeynew is apparently in the wow prelude chapter or so grrm said so like whatever's up at riverrun is more with the remaining tullys + jeynew & the army having no commander imvho
also like.... the freys are obv set up to be northern conspiracy victims so that's probably gonna play out too and at this point I'm betting money brynden has a part in it because like as brienne is gonna off cat it's not gonna be stoneheart red-weddinging anyone also bc grrm doesn't thing personal revenge is a good thing
if I don't remember wrong brienne had come that close to figuring out the vale option so... if it's three of them at some point they'll manage that and then they go to the vale to get sansa and at that point they find her, swear fealty etc, lf gets moon-door-ed or smth and they grab the valean army to go to winterfell which was... what I think they stole in the show except it was never supposed to be just lf and sansa was never supposed to be in wf
and at that point they get there in time to help stannis take it bc like hell I think there's two sieges of winterfell in these books but if I was wrong and stannis failed then they'd be in time to help jon who at that point would have received robb's will
like I would like fandom (not talking to you ofc) in general to remember maege mormont and howland reed out of everyone have a fucking will signed by robb stark making jon legitimate which will conveniently be delivered after he dies and comes back to life so his vows don't hold him anymore
idk about arya's timing but could be doable
(also I should reread agot but I'm 99% sure at some point bran dreamed smth that was like... three people defending sansa from a mountain while she was trapped in a snow castle and while idk about frankengregor getting to the vale in timely fashion I always thought it was sandorjaimebrienne teaming up to do that but like I could remember wrong)
but I mean... more than all of that I'm eating my hat on the fact that brienne having jaime with her when she goes through his same ordeal ie having to kill your mad liege lady is going to be exactly what doesn't make her go in that path - bc at that point he did enough soul cleansing to know where he fucked up and he'll know she's better than succumbing to cynicism - and eventually gives her the force to deal with it and come out of it a better knight and stop giving a fuck about what others think of it and eventually at the end leads to her knighting and recognition that she is the best knighthood in westeros has to offer like that is happening regardless of anything else and I'm dying on that hill X°D and I'm saying it as someone who's written jaime knighting her since the year of the lord.... 2012 at least but I'm pretty sure that I put it in at least three fics and two of them were written before 2014 so when the show did it I just went like OH WELL AS THEY SHOULD so like it's bc I always thought he was going to do that T_T
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 46 - watching notes
Full disclosure: I'm not in a particularly good mood today. Have you seen that "no productivity. Only guild." Meme flying around? That's me today :|
Hopefully this will distract me (though distraction was the problem in the first place 🙈)
I apologise for any typos you'll finde in this post 😅
To recap, the last thing I learned was that apparently, Jiggy married his own sister because Jin Guangshan was a scumbag who raped more women than he could possibly remember
I was told by several people that this episode is their favourite. No pressures or anything :D
The way someone is dragging up Jiggy's secrets has a lot of poetic justice to it. Everyone is outraged and gossiping. Consensus is reached quickly. Kinda makes me feel that that someone (who probably also wrote the letter to jgy) knows exactly how to use the sect world's worst qualities as a weapon
Yao what's-his-name, resident gossip queen, at it again
Don't look at me my memory is as bad as wwx when it comes to names :D
I was about to write who is Lianfang Zum again and then I remembered that it's jiggy's honorary title. See what I mean? ^^
What does it say about me that my heart makes a leap when I simply see wwx leaning close to lwj to whisper to him? 😅 I'll probably die reading the novel, that's what that says
Oh so it was the maid who sent the letter
Come on Wei Wuxian! That was cruel
Yeah Yao what's-his-name, why would you need to know the identity of who ever is behind this? It's not like you've ever been deceived before!
What's... with that bracelet?
I love it how everyone looks positively startled when Lan Wangji says something unprompted :D
Wait ... Zwei Jun is in his hands? Shit, i don't remeber what happened there. Where did Xichen go again? 😬
I'm so confused right now 🙈 I can't watch and read the subtitles and type
Okay, watched the whole conversation again, now I'm following
I reiterate my earlier statement that whoever is pulling the strings here knows exactly what strings to pull to get the clans to act
Great, another mob 🙄
NOW you want his help? 😂
Sure, as soon as he can serve YOU with his "evil tricks", that's okay!
You can see how much wwx changed because he does not hold their hypocrisy to their faces. He mostly seemed tired of it
And Jiang Cheng just realised that wwx might indeed not be responsible for Jiang Yanli's death, didn't he? He's almost stunned 🥺
Or is BEAUTIFUL to see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji move in such unity! 😭
Oh ... those are the graves of his foster parents, right? :(
And Yanli ... oh God I forgot about Yanli 🥺
I'm crying again. Nothing on this show will ever hit as hard to me as the Yunmeng siblings' fate
I couldn't help myself, I legitimately just stroked my laptop screen where Yanli's plate was 🥺
So many conflicting emotions
Thanks to a friendly anon, I know that these three bows together are marriage thing! 😭😭😭
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So yeah, they're married now. I dont make the rules :')
Somehow, this feels like them asking wwx's foster family's blessing
And now I'm imagining Shijie smiling back at them gently and I'm crying 🥺
And by God, I love lwj's gentle teasing :')
This whole scene, he's so soft! 😭
And it think that Wei Wuxian probably thought that he'd never get to step into Lotus Pier again. But here, he can finally say his goodbyes to his Shijie properly. He can heal! 🖤
And again, I cannot stress enough how wonderful that is! And how rare and precious in a show like this. So often character's get put through unimaginable trauma, but they either brush it off no problem or the show/movie ends immediately after the main action and you are left to imagine the number it did on the character's psyche. There are so rarely fantasy shows that really dive into the emotional fallout the plot has on their characters and then give them time to heal. Thus show does both and I'm so goddamn overjoyed my it!
Come to think of it, it reminds me of a very good hurt/comfort fic 🤷‍♀️
Jiang Cheng pleae, fir once, try not to be angry immediately when you're hurting :(
He still takes special offence that lwj is there. Makes me wonder if he still feels like wwx chooses lwj over the Jiang sect and is still hurt by it 😔 (note that at the same time, he reminds wwx that he's very much not a member of the Jiang clan anymore. God, the man has not worked through his own feelings ...)
For once, as much as I love it when lwj defends wwx (especially when it's not against any physical harm, but because he doesn't want wwx to be hurt emotionally) I think him interfering with this particular conflict does not help
Okay sorry, but no! lotus pier was not destroyed because wwx saved lwj in that cave. That was just an excuse for the Wen sect. They would have come eventually anyway
So there's my answer
He's still hurt because he feels wwx chooses anyone else over his family, which is to say him
And he probably can't understand because their positions are so different. The (future) sect leader and the son of a (dead) servant and a rogue cultivator who never felt quite like he belonged 😔
It's so goddamn tragic how much between these two was destroyed simply because they have such a different status in society and could never quite understand each other's perspective
And again, wwx just takes it 💔
Until, that is, lwj's honour gets besmirched
Don't fight in front of Shijie 🥺
Jiang Cheng's every action screams that he still loves his brother and that amidst all that pain for his lost family, is also deep betrayal and grieve for the brother he thought he could always count on 🥺💔
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Can we appreciate for a second how much this shot tells us? From Jiang Cheng's angry desperation, to Wei Wuxian's quite acceptance of his rage (which must be so confusing to Jiang Cheng and probably hurt him even more. Because fighting is always how these two resolved their issues!) to Lan Wangji who is in full on protective mode (which I find more than heartwarming,but still think probably isn't helpful rn)
He ... what?
I still don't quite understand when exactly wwx's lack of golden core shows. Why does he have a nosebleed here?
Wen Ning 😱
I get what he wants to do!
Have we ever seen him this calm and determined before?
Abd they understand 😱😱😱
The look on all of their faces! Shiiiiit
I'm crying again
Oh wangii is crying 🥺
Wen Quing 💔💔💔 I'm crying even harder just looking at her. I've MISSED her 🥺
Lan Zhan your FACE!! 😭
The way he's looking at wwx in his arms, as if he's seeing him fir the first time
And by god, I can only imagine what he must be thinking
He must be reevaluation every single interaction they had since wwx started down the path of demonic cultivation 😭
I'm a bit in awe of Wen Ning here and how much he must have been holding in. That's the steadiest and most confident he's ever been
Oh Jiang cheng 💔
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That looks like a man whose entire world has just been shaken to its core
And Lan Wangji is crying so much 🥺
God I hope he doesn't blame himself even more 🥺
Aaaaaaahhhh, so that is why he wouldn't just carry the sword for appearance sake and why he just had a nosebleed!
Jiang Cheng probably needs about a month to process all that :/
And therapy ...
Aaaaaaahhhh! The boat scene! I've seen gifs! 😍😍😍
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A penny for Lan Wangji's thoughts ...
Oh I'm so so so so glad that Wen Ning gets to say thank you to the man who raised his ... cousin (?) :')
Oh god we get to see!!!!
Oh little a Yuan 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I wonder now, did Lan Qiren know who the child was that his nephew suddenly brought back to cloud recess?
I'm glad that we all learned from this that keeping secrets from the people we love, especially secrets that concern them personally, will eventually come back to bide us in the ass. Than you for delivering that important lesson, wen Ning!
Which reminds me that I hope they eventually tell wwx that they know 😬
I swear to god, one of these days I will melt from the gentleness in lan Wangji's gaze :')
Shit. He had to be awake? 😳
You can pinpoint the moment Lan Wangji's heart breaks for all the suffering wwx endured and how close he came to loosing him even then 🥺
Waking like that in you lovers arms in the middle of a lotus pond - that's the dream *sighs* (minus the passing out bit)
It's weirdly cute that wwx thinks that it's Jiang Cheng's insults that have lwj so upset 😅
I can't
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The moment Yanli's themes started to play and she appeared I started to bawl 😭😭😭
And he's sharing the lotus pods with them ... oh please, lwj, please understand what he's saying. That's his pove language! His sister's food was how he received love and right now he passes it on to you! Please, please understand it! 🥺
Oh lwj, don't 🙈
Awwwwww ....
He's breaking the rules for you!!! Just to make you smile!!! 😭😭
And holy shit look at their expressions 😭
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By now you should know that he's willing to break the rules for you :')
And poor third wheel Wen Ning 😂
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Now there are glittering butterflies???
Do they have some kind of romantic aesthetic bingo going on in this episode???
Oh okay, messenger butterflies
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Please appreciate wwx almost climbing into lan Wangji's lab in excitement :D
Thay scene transition was pretty af!
Hey! Why do they bully wen Ning? 😤
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*shakes wwx by the shoulders* DO YOU GET THAT HE LOVES YOU NOW???
Huh, this episode was a roller coaster. you guys did NOT exaggerate! I loved it to pieces. I'm floored once more by all the actor's performances. Wen Ning revealed a lot about his character, Jiang Cheng broke my heart, Lan Wangji made it melt and Shijie is still able to make me bawl in an instant. But ... I'm not left with a bitter feeling. Sure, jiang Cheng and wei Wuxian havebt reconciled, but the truth is the first step to even have that possibility. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are both healing and whatever happens in the last 4 (4!!!😭) episodes, I'm not dreading it that much right now. I feel like we're climbing upwards :)
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose thank you guys for staying with me for this crazy ride 💙🖤💙
Also one last thing: please don't tell me what happens differently in the novel in any given scene. I am still reading it (about half way through rn) and I'd like to still be surprised by stuff like first kisses and love confessions 💙🖤
I should have put something like this at the end before, but I always forgot. That's on me 😅 so don't feel bad, if you've shared something before :)
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
memories of a younger generation din djarin x reader
christmas request info can be found here
"You may not remember me. I was a child." "Yeah, well, I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier." "You're the reason that I got this far."
Song: spirit in the sky my norman greenbaum
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
i sat in the corner of the cantina, watching those around me intently. it had been a while since id come home to Tatooine and i was beginning to regret the decision. i was taken from here after all but maybe that was a good thing. i looked up as the door opened, noticing a Mandalorian walk in with a pod following close behind him. i raised a brow as i took a drink, not recognizing the signet on his armor.
when i heard him ask for something from the waitstaff i became more intrigued. surely that couldnt be who i thought it was but the voice sounded all to familiar, even now as a grown up. i listened intently to him as he asked for information. he was searching for more like him. i almost couldnt believe what i was hearing. i stood slowly, walking to him as the waiter left.
"youve come a long way."
i said, standing at the edge of his table. he looked up at me, one hand on his waist.
"do i know you?"
he asked and i pulled the cloth down away from my face.
"you may not remember me. i was a child when we met after all."
i watched as he tilted his head to the side, his small green friend looking between the two of us.
"our paths crossed on mandalor, a long time ago."
i said. i was so sure it was him.
he asked and i smiled.
"you arent wearing your armor."
he noted and i sighed, moving to sit across from him.
"i had to leave it and the guild behind. the empire was taken down but i could risk being hunted anymore."
he sat back in his seat.
"what are you saying?"
i looked to the waiter as he came back with a bowl for the little one.
"oh is this your guest? my sincerest apologies madam hunter. i didnt know you three were together, may i get you anything? on the house."
i sent him a stern smile and nodded.
"oi-oi puffs for me and my friends. no rush."
i said and he scurried away.
"madam hunter?"
din asked and i laughed, shaking my head.
"ive kept imperial troops out of town for nearly a decade. ive regretted every day of it but it keeps me in good favor with the locals."
i paused, motioning to him.
"youre the reason i got this far."
when he went to speak the waiter came back with the plate of deserts, bowing once before leaving. i looked back to din, offering him one but he just stared at me.
"you are not the same youngling i remember during our training."
he said and i laughed a little to myself.
"always so sure of yourself din djarin. i most certainly am not the same as i was but maybe thats a good thing. working in the guild made me stronger but we both know ive always been pig headed when it comes to authority."
he laughed a little back, shaking his head. i looked to the table as the small one climbed to the middle, sitting down and shoving a puff in its mouth.
"you are right on that one y/n, you were never good at listening either."
i smiled at that, watching the baby consume another puff. i leaned into the table, folding my hands together under my chin.
"and you were the one to always listen. maybe thats why we worked so well together."
i reminisced for a second, looking back to him.
"ive missed you, din, ive missed our times together. oh the trouble we couldve gotten into over the last ten years."
he shook his head.
"im not like that anymore."
i sent him an amused look.
"you never really were in the first place, i on the other hand-"
i heard from across the bar, my hand immediately going to my blaster as we looked to them.
"you dont belong here."
he said sternly, raising his chest. din stood up to match him, getting closer to his face.
he challenged.
"no, and i think you need to leave. you take that thing with you when you go. i know about you and we dont need trouble here from you and your kind."
i stood up, pushing both of their shoulders back to separate them, moving in to look at him fully. his eyes went wide when he realized who i was.
"i think its you who needs to leave, friend."
he opened and closed his mouth a few times.
he said a little surprised.
"he goes, i go. and i dont think you all would survive a harvest without me."
he nodded quickly.
"yes madam hunter, my apologies. i didnt know he was with you."
i let him go and he bowed his head before walking to the opposite side of the bar, sighing in relief as he sat amongst friends. i looked to din.
"maybe its best we finish our business somewhere else."
i suggested and he nodded, placing a few silver pieces on the table for the food. i walked with him outside the cantina, the people around watching us intently.
"do you always draw this much of a crowd?"
he asked and i laughed, nodding to a few townsfolk.
"i dare say having you with me doesnt help, but im a namesake around here."
he nodded once.
"i see a lot has changed."
i looked back to him, opening the door to my hut and offering for him to enter. he looked around as he stepped down into it
"no they havent, we just havent been in contact since i got lost on that swamp planet. which i dont appreciate by the way."
i watched as he sat at my table, the pod moving in close to him.
"i thought you were dead."
he defended and i rolled my eyes.
he leaned forward.
"hey, if you wouldnt have been running around-"
"i lost the ship!"
i interjected, laughing at my own stupidity.
he asked a little bewildered.
"yeah, i forgot where we had landed and by the time i had found it back there was nothing but scorches in the grass. it did take me two days to find it back though so i get why you left."
he sat back and hummed to himself.
"well im glad you found your way home."
he said and i looked to the table solemnly.
"right, home."
he tilted his head.
"is something wrong?"
i shook my head no and stood up, walking to the kitchen for a drink.
"no, it just hasnt felt like home in a long time."
i heard him stand and i turned back around to face him.
"ya know, once upon a time you used to tell me everything."
i snorted.
"Yeah, well, its been a long time. now I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier."
he sighed.
"to bad things cant be the way used to."
i sent him a knowing smile.
"if only."
there was a long paused and i looked up to him again.
"what are you doing here anyways?"
he cleared his throat.
"im looking for more like us, i have to get this child back to its kind."
i crossed my arms over my chest.
"so you finally found your quest."
he looked back to the child sitting in its pod staring at us.
"i have."
i nodded once.
"alright, ill help."
he looked back to me surprised.
i swallowed.
"ill help. you know nothing about this planet and the people in this town trust me. its the least i could do for an old friend."
i walked slowly to the child, running my finger tips over its ear and hearing it whine.
"besides, im sure you could use it, being a single dad and all."
he sent me a look, even with the helmet on, i could tell he was glaring.
"i am not a single dad."
i laughed, picking the kid up and seeing it smile.
"yeah, sure."
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akechicrimes · 4 years
7 or 71 for either shuake or yukamitsu [big eye emojis]
7. “I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work (which Goro dubiously eyeballs for a whole four seconds before picking up) and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
Well, neither Goro nor Akira own a car for Akira to drive, so that means Akira got hit on foot. Goro is very calm, and has no immediate panic response to that, because he’s a rational and responsible adult. “Are you dead?” Goro asks.
“Probably not.”
“And is there a reason you’re calling me instead of the ambulance?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I think I have a bruise on one of my legs, if that counts. But I was riding your bike when it happened, so the bike got totaled, so, you know. They’ve got the same model you had, but there’s tons of new colors, if you want pictures.”
Goro takes a very long, very deep breath. Goro is very, extremely calm. “Anything is fine,” he says. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, hundred percent. I even landed on my feet; you should’ve seen it.”
“You should go to the ER anyway,” says Goro, in a voice that is truly the epitome of calm.
“I mean, I guess I could, but that seems like a waste of time. And I don’t want to just leave your bike in the middle of the road.”
“Throw it away if it’s wrecked, then.”
“But it deserves a proper send-off.”
“You’re doing this to me on my birthday, Kurusu.”
“I’ll go to the ER if you go with me,” says Akira hopefully, who is a perennially bad influence who is of the opinion that Goro should have just said he’d be ‘working from home’ and spent the day with him.
Goro takes a look at his calendar, tallies up how many meeting he’d have to reschedule, and waits a whole five seconds before he lets himself say, “Fine,” because Akira just said that he’s fine and Goro isn’t upset and everything is so calm that Goro can wait five seconds before agreeing to leave work. “I’ll see you at Leblanc.”
“Wait, wait, which color for the bike? They’ve got green, blue, a red, a kind of fun rose-gold thing, which is a bit excessive considering it’s a bike, and teal, and a kind of blue and orange Naruto-y thing…”
“Anything is fine.” Goro stops. “Except the last one.”
“Red it is! See you in a bit.”
“Don’t ride that bike back to Leblanc,” says Goro, as if lightning might strike twice on the same day on the same man riding the same model bike of the same color, but Akira’s already hung up. Goro speed-drafts a rescheduling email, copy-pastes it to four different people, and then sprints out the office door without even a goodbye to his coworkers.
Friday, 11:16 AM
FUTABA: hey goro
FUTABA: hey gorororororororororo
GORO: If it’s about the traffic accident, I heard about it.
GORO: I’m going back to Leblanc now.
FUTABA: no it’s smthg else
FUTABA: well it is about the accident but i got smthg else for u
FUTABA sent MOV19.mp4
FUTABA: ripped this from the traffic cam
GORO: Is this footage of the accident?
FUTABA: yeehaw
GORO: …Thank you for the offer, but I don’t know if I want to see this.
FUTABA: ok i hear u but i promise it’s hilarious
FUTABA: and also u might feel better if u see it
FUTABA: like idk what he told u on the phone but like
FUTABA: look the car even slowed down at the intersection
FUTABA: the dude was obeying traffic laws and everything he was doing something like ten under the speed limit
FUTABA: the car ENTIRELY missed akira
FUTABA: got the bike full on
FUTABA: and then he just rolls up across the hood and up the windshield like a looney toon
FUTABA: rip ur bike tho it just goes cronch
FUTABA: instant pretzel
FUTABA: ty bichael for ur sacrifice
FUTABA: also idk i figured you
FUTABA: might wanna see for urself that he’s okay
FUTABA: like u can see him stand up at the end and he’s not even confused or anything he’s super duper ok
FUTABA: he’s not bullshitting u over the phone and pretending he’s ok when he’s not ok
FUTABA: u know how he does lmao
GORO: …Huh.
GORO: He really did land on his feet for a whole second there, didn’t he?
FUTABA: yeah like a cat
FUTABA: it’s nuts tbh
FUTABA: and then he remembers he’s a human and falls on his ass LMAO
FUTABA: show it to morgana i want his professional kitty cat opinion on the matter
FUTABA: rate akira’s near death experience
FUTABA: also the driver was v nice and v apologetic and he gave akira his insurance
FUTABA: but i have his home address and work address and phone number and the name of his dog if you want it
GORO: Just the insurance will be fine.
GORO: …And thanks for sending the video.
GORO: Even though I already knew he was fine.
FUTABA: you know those like
FUTABA: itty bitty teeny weeny micro dogs
FUTABA: that are like four and a half pounds
FUTABA: but they think they can take any mfer on the block out of sheer will alone
FUTABA: and theyve always got their eyeballs bulging out and they pick fights with 70 pound dogs
FUTABA: and they have only two emotions which are rage and anxiety and they shake constantly because theyre only four pounds and they have So Much Emotion and nowhere to put it so they vibrate at the speed of sound
GORO: Is this a metaphor about me.
FUTABA: it’s a metaphor about you
FUTABA: because i can hear your shaky angry anxious four pound vibrating all the way from the other side of tokyo
GORO: You are the smallest, angriest, most anxious person I know, who regularly picks fights with international hacking organizations and billion-dollar companies.
GORO: And I, somehow, am the angry shaky dog.
FUTABA: your husband got hit by a car on ur birthday
GORO: I know that.
GORO: I do not need to be reminded.
FUTABA: ah yeah
FUTABA: sorry
GORO: He’s fine.
GORO: He said he’s fine.
GORO: And from this footage, he’s more than fine.
FUTABA: he is super double extra fine with a side of fine
GORO: Unless this footage was in any way edited.
GORO: And unless he was faking his call, somehow.
GORO: In which case, I’m going to walk into Leblanc and find out that he was just pretending to be okay so he could hear my voice one last time and Leblanc will be swarming with police officers to break the news the newly bereaved.
GORO: But that’s not going to happen.
GORO: Because Akira is fine, and I’m perfectly fine.
FUTABA: im rly glad to hear my man
GORO: This footage isn’t edited, is it.
GORO: Are you very sure?
GORO: Videos are easily modified.
GORO: Would you even know if it was edited?
FUTABA: yes im a literal wizard of course i would know
FUTABA: where are u even getting this idea from
GORO: The entire series of events is unrealistic, isn’t it?
GORO: You said yourself that it was almost like something out of a cartoon.
GORO: The likelihood that someone gets hit by a car and comes out of it entirely no worse for wear is practically ridiculous.
FUTABA: i ripped that film straight from the cam it is entirely unedited
GORO: But how can you be sure? Did you see him in live camera?
FUTABA: i mean no but he texted me
GORO: What if that was his dying text.
FUTABA: i rly dont know if his dying text would have been the “i lived bitch” meme with the cat filter
FUTABA: he’s fine dude
FUTABA: that’s why i sent you the video
GORO: I KNOW he’s fine.
GORO: I’m asking if there’s any solid evidence.
GORO: I’m going to call him. Brb
FUTABA: so what he can tell you he’s fine AGAIN and you’ll be like
FUTABA: “oh but what if it was secretly a pod person who stole his body after he died tragically after calling me one last time to hear my voice”
FUTABA: like go ahead and call him if u want but
FUTABA: the only person who was gonna edit that footage was me
FUTABA: and if he were dead i would not be functioning enough to be doing any kinda photoshop like that
FUTABA: let alone LIE to you jesus christ!!!!!
FUTABA: i pronounce you King Shaky Dog
FUTABA: the tiniest and angriest and shakiest and most anxious four pound goblin
FUTABA: i will reclaim my title tomorrow
FUTABA: for now it’s my birthday gift to you
FUTABA: the title of Shaky Dog allows you to go absolutely apeshit and nobody will judge you
GORO: You know I hate birthday presents.
FUTABA: did you call akira
GORO: I hate birthday presents so much that I will be refusing my title as King Shaky Dog and will henceforth not be going ape shit.
FUTABA: ok so
FUTABA: i didnt mean to
FUTABA: get snippy with you or anything
GORO: It’s fine.
GORO: I wasn’t… exactly polite, myself.
FUTABA: you really can call him if you want
FUTABA: there’s nothing wrong with that
FUTABA: between u and me……………………. i definitely did that more than once for a lot lesser reasons than someone getting hit by a car
GORO: My stop is in less than thirty seconds.
GORO: I will probably live.
FUTABA: lmao ok well
FUTABA: if u change ur mind about losing ur shit then please know i gave u that footage in the first place because i think if something like that happened to MY partner i would mcfreakin lose it
FUTABA: speaking of her
FUTABA: sumi says happy birth btw
FUTABA: but cuter because u know how she is
FUTABA: “happy birthday crow-senpai~~~~~~~~” in her shy voice that makes u wanna die
FUTABA: ofoogofhghhfoghfhhghfh g gh SUMI ur so cute ilysm
GORO: Tell her I said thanks.
GORO: And stop telling me how much you love her and use the ring you made me go ring shopping with you for.
FUTABA: im being cyberbullied for being a cowardly lesbian
GORO: I’m at my stop, by the way, so I’m going offline.
FUTABA: which tbh i probably deserve
FUTABA: oh kk see u
FUTABA: watch the video again mr shaky dog
FUTABA: akira is fine
FUTABA: everyone is alive
FUTABA: you are one year older
FUTABA: happy birthday goro
The bike is totaled.
Akira isn’t the sort of person to dump a piece of trash right in front of Leblanc, but it’s hard to miss sticking out of the nearby public trash bin. The back wheel has exploded into serrated wheel-spokes and limb rubber bits that Akira’s shoved into the trash as best as he could. The body of the bike is crushed in on itself, exposing its sharp hollow innards; the handlebars resemble a badly-tied knot. The front wheel is left to stick up and out, creaking gently, spinning overhead from half a hinge like a head not quite fully severed.
The cafe is empty except for its usual barista who, of course, is a very normal and mild-mannered barista, who has nothing to do with the several hundred millions worth of dollars of repatriated art hiding in the attic en route back to South Korea. That would be illegal, of course, and Akira Kurusu-Akechi has never once in his life done anything illegal in the name of what’s morally right. “Welcome back, dear,” says Akira, and hangs up a coffee mug to dry, and it’s so normal that Goro is convinced that either he’s experiencing yesterday, or maybe he’s re-experiencing the year 2016 all over again, or maybe Akira really is dead and this is just his ghost.
Goro sits in his usual spot at the bar. Same chair, sixteen years later. Unbelievable. Maybe Goro’s giving him a little bit of a dumbfounded look, because Akira tilts his head, leans across the bar, and pecks Goro on the cheek.
“Where’s Sakura?” Goro asks.
“Having his midday old man nap. So,” says Akira, looking pleased with himself, “either we can close Leblanc for an hour and raid the kitchen and make lunch, or we can close Leblanc and go out and have a fancy lunch. Your choice because I already made dinner reservations and we’re doing those no matter what.”
Goro really means to give him an answer, because Akira really does love Goro’s birthday every year and never fails to pick someplace nice for the day, but instead what comes out of his mouth is: “Did you ride the new bike back home?”
“Yeah, I did. Figured I might as well take it for a test drive. It’s a good bike.”
“Why didn’t you take the subway?” Goro says sharply.
“Didn’t have my card.”
“You just rode the bike all the way across Tokyo?”
“It wasn’t all the way across Tokyo, just a bit away and back… Goro?”
Ah, Goro’s going to become one of those people who has a meltdown any time their loved one gets on a plane or a train or ksomething else associated with heebie-jeebie nonsense magical thinking. Great. Fantastic. God dammit.
“Do you really want me to go to the ER?” Akira asks eventually.
Goro really wants Akira to have never gotten hit in the first place, but people don’t get what they want and sometimes the universe decides to send one bad fucking driver through a red light and take away Akira’s entire life in a split second—one mistake, a coincidence at the wrong place and time, and the boy who fought God and won is a smear of bones on the pavement.
This would be different if it were sixteen years ago, and Goro had the power to bend people’s minds in half until they broke, or dive into the deepest, bloodiest parts of the collective psyche and pummel the worst of them to a pulp—but what’s he going to do here? Lambast a guy who was going ten miles under the speed limit and just wasn’t looking the right way? Is he going to summon a new Persona from his soul and undo time itself?
Can he do anything if the universe decides, one day, that Akira’s time on this earth is up? He spent all those years desperate for power, and then abusing that power, and then desperately guilty for having abused that power, and then desperately trying to get up that power, and now here he is with the power to do jack shit when his husband almost gets run over and if the Metaverse were still around he swears he would have carved Loki from his own soul out of sheer fury alone—
“No,” says Goro sharply, and stands up. “It’s nothing. I’m not hungry, and I’m going for a walk. Please don’t text me unless it’s an emergency.”
“What—hey! Goro, wait, wait—”
“I’m getting some fresh air!”
Akira’s scrambling to get out from behind the bar. “Didn’t you just get here—?”
Goro spins around and points a finger at Akira like it’s his fault: “You were the one,” he snarls, “who promised, when we got married, that we’d always be together. And now you get hit on a bike, and then stand up like it’s nothing and—and get on another bike and go cycling around the exact same streets where you got hit—? Aren’t you scared? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Akira falls silent. “I didn’t go back to the same intersection,” he says at last.
Goro can’t take this. “I’m taking a walk.”
“Wait wait wait, Goro, just—” Akira grabs Goro’s hand and Goro has the sudden urge to yank his arm away, but Akira’s hand is also incredibly real, just like it felt this morning and yesterday and the day before that and all the days Goro ever took Akira’s living, breathing body for granted. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. He was going, I dunno, twenty miles per hour at most. It was an intersection. He’d slowed down beforehand and everything, and I didn’t even get hurt on the fall.”
Right, because Goro’s the one who’s just freaking out for no reason. Right. Okay. Because that’s how he is, isn’t he, always being dramatic over little things. Right. Of course. This is fine.
When Goro doesn’t turn around, Akira moves around to the front to look him in the eye. “Sorry if I made you worry,” says Akira. “But it was really nothing at all.”
“Maybe it was nothing this time,” says Goro forcefully. “But what about the next time—the next car—the next time you borrow my bike? What about tomorrow? Or the day after that? Literally any one of the hundreds and hundreds of days coming up where you could easily die just as easily as you died today.”
“Then I’ll escape death hundreds and hundreds of times,” says Akira.
Goro scoffs.
“I mean it. I was a Phantom Thief, wasn’t I? I escaped death more than once. Did it again today. I’ll do it as many times as it takes until we’re both old and grey.” Akira takes Goro’s hand, but it’s Goro who laces their fingers together.
“Sometimes it doesn’t work that way,” says Goro, like a bad echo of his ten-year-old self, trying to figure out what kind of world would let his mother die.
“I’m just keeping my promise,” says Akira. “I told you that I’d never leave you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Sometimes that’s not your decision to make.”
“It is and I’ve decided I’m immortal until you die.”
Goro scoffs. “Don’t be arrogant.”
“Is it being arrogant? I didn’t let death steal you away from me. I’m not letting it steal me away from you, either.”
“Sometimes…” Goro begins.
“'Sometimes’ what?”
'Sometimes’ what?
Sometimes things get worse. People die early, and unfulfilled; they streak through the sky in a blaze and then wink out, without even a burst of fire to show for it. Sometimes nobody gets a say in what happens, and plans don’t pan out, and wishes aren’t granted, and everything happens for no good reason and no good end.
Today, Goro Akechi-Kurusu is thirty-four years old, about sixteen years older than he ever figured he was going to be. He has a career in a non-profit for maladjusted youth getting reacclimated to school systems and preparing for college, instead of the career in law he figured he’d have if he actually lived that long. He doesn’t just have one friend, but multiple friends. He has, unbelievably, a husband, which honestly still floors him to this day, considering that he was and maybe still is convinced that marriage is a scam devised by asshole men like his father to manipulate young women into a false sense of security. The other day, Akira mentioned that he wanted to get a cat to keep Morgana company, maybe in a few years when they moved into a pet-friendly apartment, and in Goro’s head, it made sense that they would both be alive and together entire years in the future for them to get a cat.
Today is already an impossible day, isn’t it?
“Sometimes,” says Goro flatly, “you say ridiculous things, and I think that you could actually pull it off.”
Akira grins. Akira leans in for their regular greeting kiss when one of them comes home, but this time, Goro closes his eyes, leans into it, really tries to memorize the feel of Akira’s lips on his. Every line and scar on his hands, the odd ends of his fingernails, that familiar way he waits for four beats, then takes a breath through his nose and kisses Goro again, and never can quite seem to avoid kissing him more on the bottom lip than the top. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” he says plainly not three inches from Goro’s face. “It’s bad form to leave a calling card and never show up.”
Goro smiles. “Then I won’t let you break your word.”
When Akira pulls away, he kisses the back of Goro’s hand, like a proper gentleman thief of old. “Happy birthday, dear,” he says, and surprisingly, despite the way this awful day started off, Goro thinks that Akira might be able to pull that promise off, too.
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Haikyuu HC to COVID-19 (Karasuno edition)
This is horrible 💀 im just so bored so I made whatever this mess is KFJSJDMSK enjoy
Hinata Shouyou
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huh? isn’t it just the flu?
“No, hinata. People have died from it-“
goes bananas
whenever someone sneezes or coughs, his soul leaves his body as he runs away to sanitize/wash his hands for a miserably long time.
eats an expired can of peaches thinking it’s his last resort
lowkey happy school is closed because homework sucks
but also highkey hates it because now all volleyball tournaments are closed
then gets all angry when he realizes he’d have to do online school???!!?? like wtf he got jipped.
thinks they could still do volleyball if they did online calls cus if the school can do it,, then vOLLEYBALL CAN
will probably miss half of the class calls from oversleeping/forgetting anyway.
sheepishly ask yamaguchi, yachi or tsukishima for help on assignments/notes. (he will NEVA ask kageyama. he’s always in competition with him here!)
still practices volleyball 24/7 in his backyard or room (maybe even with his baby sister??)
He’s really good at practicing all by himself from practicing all alone in middle school—
but will probably go crazy being alone all the time with his family. he just wants to play volleyball with the team again.
looks up “what to do when you’re bored” or “what to do at home while in quarantine” on youtube
Kageyama Tobio
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probably says he’s immune to the corona because he’s just better than everyone else
doesn’t really think it’s real until school shut down because of it
When he sees that corona is airborne he wont know what that means so he’d probably think it’s produced by air itself?? which makes him think air is trying to kill the human race?? and will be so confused as to why it decided to pop up now???
DESPISES online school. He had enough trouble understanding it from the gecko, so now he has to learn it basically all by hiMSELF?!?
And no way is he just gona email the teacher for help. If he does it’s gonna be only once in his lifetime. Anymore than that he thinks he’s doin too much. He doesn’t want his teachers thinking he’s dumb 😭
he says literally nothing during the calls he just tries to pay attention? and fails because he’s on a computer. in his room. alone. he’s bound to daze off or stare at a pen for 5 minutes.
Obvi still practices volleyball. Very much misses it. At least Hinata had his sibling to practice with him. tobio is a lone wolf in his household.
When his mom goes out to get groceries he gives her one of those doctor masks so she doesn’t catch corona.
Few moments later through the internet he realizes that corona is smaller than air molecules so if you can breathe through something you could still get it so he struggles for an hour thinking he just killed his mother
When his mom is back he keeps his distance in case she’s carrying the plague
omg did she just cough or am i imagining things no she definitely coughed she has corona oh oh god
In reality she was just clearing her throat.
is lowkey worrying about everyone and how they are 🥺 (yes, maybe even hinata).
thinks he’s science smart by calling it covid-19 than corona.
Asahi Azumane
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He just worries about everyones health
like he just imagines the worst case scenario’s and starts to get really worried if people got it. Always checks on everyone and asks if they’re feeling any symptoms of corona ❤️
He’s either not gonna get it or he gets it and dies there’s no inbetween
but he’s jesus himself so theres no way he nor anyone in his bloodline can get it
is very happy to know that dogs can’t get it.
Takes online school seriously and tries his best
And is honestly so sad school just ended??? even if it’s temporary, he could be learning, playing volleyball, and going about his day instead of staying in a cage. he’s a third year so—how would graduation even go..?
always is up to date on the news !! and notifies everyone if anything important is added/changed.
Always tells everyone to stay safe! Whether through text or before ending a call.
only buys a lot of toilet paper from the fear of there being no toilet paper in stock since evERYONE IS BUYING IT-
Starts to try new hobbies that he put off for the longest time cus quarentine is rlly getting to him.
Is all out a family guy so he doesn’t mind the extra time with his family.
Nishinoya Yu
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420 blazin’
thinks going outside means you’re instantly gonna die from corona attacking your white blood cells (????)
but also probably doesnt care as he goes outside like everyday to run around and get rid of energy (and to practice volleyball, of course).
also why is it called white blood cells when blood is red ☠️ smh
Buys 101611018320129 bags of chips because that’s his comfort food
yay more gaming time!!!
Noya🐒: Tanaka do u wana play minecraft 2getr latr?
Tanaka🍌: HELL YEAH!!
doesn’t shower for three days straight because screw personal hygiene!! No more school!!! Can do whatever he wanted!! It’s basically summer!!!
until he’s forced to do online school.
Is def the class clown. Probably somehow kicks the teacher out of the call through a little bit of hacking.
“alright guys so i’ll be you’re substitute teacher for the day-“
tbh acts the same as he would in school. maybe a little more rebellious because, i mean, what is the teacher gonna do? send him to DETENTION? call his mOMMY?
Calls/spams literally everyone in his contacts because he’s so bored and lonely. Answer him!! Y’all will be on facetime for hours!!
He’s fun to facetime.
Will call you a loser if you don’t have an apple iPhone because then he can’t facetime you and facetiming is one of his favorite things to do to pass time (besides gaming)
Okay but he lowkey still tries at school for the sake of his grades and his future ;-; maybe calls asahi or sugawara for help??
always looks up his homework on the internet to see if he can get an answer key or something (he did that anyway even before corona but)
will do one subject for 3 hours thinking he’s finally done with everythinf till he realizes he has like 4 other subjects and needs to do those too.
Sending memes all the time
Tsukishima Kei
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oh, what about corona again?
honestly could give NO fucks??. like ABSOLUTELY ZERO. nonxistent.
doesn’t even remember it’s still happening half the time.
is surprisingly very knowledgeable about corona.
he’s just smart and sciency¿ so he understands the ins and outs of corona like how it works and how its spread.
so if you tRULY want any update or background info on the corona virius, ask Tsukishima.
bitch don’t touch me you have rabies.
doesn’t care that he’s obligated to stay at home because he would have stayed either way. he very much likes being alone.
might go a little crazy cooped up in his room so he’ll hang with his brother/family or go outside before he says ‘okay that’s enough’ and goes back to his room.
isolation? oh okay *puts on headphones*
he rlly gonna be rocking it out in his room cus he can listen to music all day any day
developes a really bad sleep schedule since he had no way to get rid of the energy he got rid of at school.
still a huge tease so he says everyone has the corona virius.
is never online on social media which means he’s never up to date with his frIENDS. Doesn’t have a clue what those dipshits are doing and could care less (besides yamaguchi,, they probably facetime or call thru skype or something).
I bet the whole volleyball squad has a groupchat and honestly he puts all notifs on mute cus his phone keep goin DING DING DING DI DING ID DID IDKNG DING DIG
Brother: Omg why are you getting so many text messages?
Tsukki: Shut up
if he is online on the gc and he texts it would be simple replies like “Hi” “Okay.” “No.” “Goodbye.” and then he’s gone for another week
every first year is begging on their knees for tsukishima to give the answers or help them out and he obviously says: go do the hw yourselves idiots
besides yamaguchi!!!! again!! cus theyre gay for each other
maybe practices once in awhile with his brother or alone in his backyard but he doesn’t care
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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buys 101817 pounds of toilet paper because everyone else is? but not because of the same reason as asahi. he thinks toilet paper is the cure to corona.
probably has a part time job at a grocery store so he still has to go to work 😭 i dont even know how he could have a job in the first place he’s probably always late-
still gamin with noya of course
also buys like all the junk food thats in stock. and since he works at the grocery store he gets a ton of coupons and deals.
texts Kiyoko everyday goodmorning ❤️❤️❤️ and goodnight 😘😘 texts just to be left on read.
“i love it when she ignores me !!!”
scrolls through tiktoks for 1000 hours to pass time
School Is For Losers!!
similar to noya, he thought it was basicaly summer until he realized they were gonna be doing online school. literally had a fit and said he didnt wanna do jack squAt
Laughs so hard when nishinoya somehow kicks the teacher out of the call he’s like laughing so loud and hard he starts crying
all of the sudden has a better view on school
gets excited when he sees nishinoya on the call
makes funny and ugly ass faces when the teacher isn’t looking. everyone laughs and the teacher’s like 🤨
probably uses the green screen effect so he can change hus background (somehow) and accidentally misclicks a file so a girl wit a bikini becomes his background for .5 seconds before changing it to a cursed meme:
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doesn’t get half the shit the teacher is talking about
but it’s okay because the half he doesn’t get is the other half noya gets
and the half noya doesnt get is the orher half tanaka gets
they’re two peas in a pod 🥰
until they try explaining it to each other and suddenly get confused?? mental malfunction ¿?
yeah im SMART!!!
s -
m -
a -
r - penis
t -
Daichi Sawamura
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quite calm about the whole coronavirus
like he knows it is serious and understands how it is spread but he’s still calm about it??
tells everyone to sanitize and wash hands on a regular. and social distancing!!
honestly still wakes up like he does on normal school days and does all his academics just fine.
he even does gym activities (besides volleyball) for 30 minutes to an hour!!!! he be running on that treadmil! getting stronk!
does each subject on his own for 20-40 min each day. he’s really good at self discipline
makes sure sugawara and asahi are up to date on school work and will gladly help.
sadly can’t help the first years (and probably second years) because that info is deep in his brain and basically forgot how to do it after a year or two of not using it.
VERY VERY VERY sad that volleyball nationals are cut off. this is his last year and for it to be??? gone??? just because of some flu?!?! hates it.
he wishes school to go back and still has hope that school will go back to normal in a couple of weeks (even though it’s a slim chance).
asks the teacher questions whenever he has questions. He’s also vv considerate so he’ll ask questions he knows the answer to but asks them for anyone who’s confused ab it/wants to ask but is too shy. (literally i lov daichi sm)
Eats a healthy amount of everything
asks asahi for any updates on corona even though he’s quite up to date himself. he just wanna make sure he didn’t miss anything.
also doesn’t mind being around his family. he’ll do more chores around the house to help his parents out :> he’s literally perfect wtf
def does worry about everyone in the volleyball gc and anyone else he has contact with. Will also email classmates and ask if they’re doing all right. Even away from volleyball he’s a team player ☺️✌️
Is happy for the rest of the day when asahi tells him dogs can’t get corona.
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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doesn’t know what to believe anymore
keeps in touch with everyone!! always online 24/7 on social media, vball gc, you name it.
Literally everyone is acting so normal why are people so calm am i the only one worrying about this and the worlds future like this year has been really bad so far for not just me but the whole nation actually the entire world honestly like war almost broke out in january and now this corona stuff is really buttering my crissont the wrong way-
Even though tsukishima literally gives No Fucks, yamaguchi is the complete opposite.
like tsukki and yamaguchi call on skype and eVERY TIME yamaguchi starts with ‘how have you been? do you feel sick at all? have you drank enough water today?’ and so on
“What are you even worrying about?”
“Well...what if you get the corona virius?... it can be deadly, you know!! Thousands of people have died from it!!! The fact school is shutting down and people are panicking is making me feel like i should be panicking-“
Tsukki will then snarkily reassure him it’s fine and people their age are the least likely to get it bad.
Yamaguchi will feel a little better afterwords
“Thank you, Tsukki!”
Tsukki will ‘tch’ it off
Even though he gets really good grades he has triuble finding motivation to do any school work?? doing school work in his own home? 😐
His home was kinda a place he can chill whereas school is a place he can be fully focused
but now his home is ALSO school??!!?
Luckily he understands the work, at least.
When he sees tsukishima on the call, too, he instantly says hello.
“Tsukki!! Hey!! 😁”
“Shut up.”
“Gomen, Tsukki.”
Yeah. Even when they aren’t at school, he’s still the same as always.
He takes extra care of his family and always stays in touch with other relatives. Especially grandpa and grandma. THE SECOND he learned elderly people are at more risk you bet your ass he’s calling them making sure they’re okay. He checks up on them everyday now.
He peobably practices volleyball a little, too. He’s more focused on schoolwork though.
Sugawara Koushi
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Have you guys ate dinner yet? 🥺
obviously checking up on everyone
he would fail as a mother if he didn’t.
Actually reads in his free time?? He finally has time on his hands to read these books so.... here we are!
Wakes up at a scheduled time everyday (minus weekends. Maybe sleeps for an extra hour or so).
He dresses in pjs rather than actual clothes because he’s not going anywhere with this social distancing thing.
Always tries to lighten the mood when all the students are on the online call. Maybe crack some joke or innocently play around with the effects.
He still pays close attention in class and does quite well on his own. No help from his parents! He can do everything on his own! He a big boi!
Does homework really well, too. Probably does extra work or more work than needed just because it makes him feel good afterwords.
Honestly i can see him cooking in his free time. If he doesnt feel like reading or scrolling mindlessly through his phone, he gonna cook.
Will make the best cookies in the universe.
Honestly isn’t too good with exercise so he might gain a few pounds or grow the smallest chub 🥺🥺🥺 he would be so cute omfg.
is realy involved with his family!! they play a board/card game every friday night and have the best time.
if he has a dog, cat, or literally any animal you know he’s gona be hanging with them since he has more time.
Still! Playing! Volleyball! I mean by now every boy is practicing at least a little bit. He would probably be in his backyard playing volleyball with his family. Theyy’d set up a net and everythin! They’re all rookies at it but he still cherishes the moments with them.
It’s honestly still practice. Better than nothing
He talks about how his family plays volleyball and everyone is so jealous like 😭😭 makes him more grateful hearing half the volleyball team saying they have to practice alone.
Watching youtube videos of random videos/vines making him giggling.
“Hey, Dachi, look at this video.”
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paradisobound · 5 years
Puppy Love
12 Days of Ficmas: Day 6
Summary: Dan and Phil’s daughter Macey has been asking for a puppy for a while. So they decide to adopt a puppy for Christmas. 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: None 
[Read on Ao3]
“Macey has been wanting a puppy for a while.” Phil says one night while he and Dan are laying in bed. “She’s been dropping hints every day for a while now.” 
Dan turns on his side and Phil looks down at him from where he sat on his phone. He’s been looking at the websites of the local animal shelters to see what puppies and dogs that they had. They were looking to adopt, not shop. 
“She’s thirteen, Phil.” Dan comments. “Do you think we should really give her the responsibility of a puppy?” 
Phil adjusted his glasses on the edge of his nose and pushed them back to the bridge. “Well, that’s the thing.” He says. “I think Mace will do fine with a puppy. She’s very responsible already. So I guess I don’t see the real harm of adopting a puppy. Plus, it’s not like she’ll be the only one taking care of it. We’d have it be a family dog.” 
Dan nods slowly and Phil can see the expression on his face means that he’s concentrating on what Phil is saying. 
“Do you think we’re ready to have a puppy?” 
“Dan, we raised Macey just fine.” 
Phil watched as Dan chuckled and snuggled further into the sheets. 
“Let’s sleep on it.” Dan finally says, his voice groggy.
Phil locks the screen on his phone and sets it on the nightstand next to the bed. He snuggles down and gives Dan a quick kiss before he says goodnight and shuts his eyes. 
“You know, papa, Gemma’s mum got her a puppy for her thirteenth birthday. But since my birthday is in May, maybe you can get me a puppy for Christmas!” 
Phil looked up from his coffee to see Macey standing in the kitchen in his school uniform, making herself a bowl of cereal. Dan was already gone to work at the BBC but Phil doesn’t leave for work until after Macey is on her way. 
“Hmm?” Phil says, taking a sip of his coffee. “We’ll see.” Macey stomped her foot and Phil gave her an eyebrow raise and she stopped. “Mace,” He began, “A puppy is a lot of responsibility and so it’s something we really need to think about. We still have a month before Christmas.” 
Macey looked up at him and her expression softened and she nodded. “Okay.” 
Phil smiled at her. “I’ll talk with your dad tonight about it.” 
Macey’s lips turned into a massive grin and she jumped up and down in her spot. 
“But that doesn’t mean anything!” Phil said, making sure that was clear. “You know your dad can be stubborn.” 
Macey nodded again and finished pouring the milk into her cereal. “I know!” She said, clearly getting excited already.
Phil let her finish her breakfast so she could get to school on time and he in return finished his coffee and then packed himself his lunch before he also headed to the BBC for his shift. 
“I reckon we’re gonna have to get Mace a puppy now.” 
“Phil, what did you do?” 
Dan was in the shower and Phil was taking out his contacts at the bathroom sink in preparation for bed. 
“Well, she dropped hints about the puppy earlier this morning before she left for school and I kind of said that I would talk to you about it.” 
Phil removed his second contact lens and put it in the pod before turning the sink on and washing his hands. “I know!” He said quickly, grabbing his glasses and putting them on before grabbing his toothbrush. “But I didn’t promise her a puppy. I just said I’d talk to you about it.” 
“Then we don’t have to worry.” 
The water to the shower turned off and Phil turned the tap on again to wet his toothbrush. Dan stepped out and grabbed a towel, tying it around his waist. He grabbed another towel and began to dry his hair. 
Phil brushed his teeth and then rinsed off his toothbrush as Dan stood next to him and did the same. 
“I think we should get her a puppy, Dan.” Phil says seriously. “You know what it’s like to be a teenager and to want a pet and your parent’s either don’t think you can handle it or they don’t want to deal with it. Well, we know Macey would love the thing like it was her child and we also know we’re going to too. We always did say we wanted a dog. Maybe this is the way we can do so.” 
Dan spit out his toothpaste and turned on the tap to rinse his toothbrush off. He put his toothbrush in the holder and Phil wanted for his response. Dan turned to face him. “A dog is a lot of work.” 
“And a child wasn’t?” Phil commented. 
Dan sighed. “Are you sure we should do this?” 
“I think I’m gonna go to the local animal shelter tomorrow.” 
Dan nodded. “Okay.” He walked away from the bathroom and nodded. “Okay. Yeah, we can go quickly after work tomorrow.” 
Phil smiled at him and Dan smiled back. 
When he went back to the bedroom, they exchanged a few quick kisses before falling asleep. 
“No no no no no!” 
Phil watched as Dan chased after the newest family member who the shelter had called Mani. He was a 3-year-old mutt that the shelter said had some form of terrier in it and also some Shih Tzu. He had the energy of a puppy, very fast and very agile. The shelter had, thankfully, held Mani for them so they could pick him up Christmas morning but the new pup was already a spry thing. 
Dan had been chasing him all morning around the house while Macey slept, trying to keep him quiet. The little pupper just slipped out of their grips every time. Phil tried to help at first but now he just can’t help but laugh as Dan chases the tiny dog around the house. 
Thank goodness the shelter told him Mani was house broke and also didn’t appear to chew on anything but his toys. Dan and Phil had went to the shelter every evening to play with Mani and so when they came to pick him up, he’d practically ran for them as Dan put him on a lead and then they finished filling out the papers. 
Trying to hide all of the new dog stuff was hard. They picked up the food and the new toys but kept them in their closet although Macey could tell their suspicious behavior. 
Dan had finally caught Mani and was holding him in his arms as Phil walked over and put the little bow around his neck on his collar. It was a pet safe one and they weren’t going to leave it on him long anyway. 
They could hear the floor creaking and footsteps down the stairs so Dan walked with Mani into the kitchen to hide. Macey walked around the corner, her brown hair a little messy and her pajamas a little disheveled. 
“Where’s dad?” She asked. 
Phil smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, honey.” 
Macey furrowed her brows but then Dan walked out, Mani in hand and Macey’s face instantly fell before she ran over to Dan 
“This is Mani.” Dan said, handing him over to her. 
Phil could see Macey was on the verge of crying as she took Mani from Dan and held the small fur-baby in her arms. “I love him so much.” She said sniffling. “Thank you for the perfect Christmas gift.” 
Dan and Phil both smiled at her. “He’s not your only gift.” Phil mentioned. “We did get you other things as well.” 
When they went into the living room, Macey set down Mani who played around with the scrap wrapping paper and tore it apart. They had given her some of the other things they knew she wanted like some Body Shop lotions and such, but they also wrapped a few dog toys for Mani and as soon as she opened them, she immediately gave them to Mani who played right along with her. 
Dan and Phil but stood back and watched as she bonded with Mani. Macey would pick him up and cuddled him to her chest while giving him kisses and he would return the kisses back. And from that point on, Phil was sure that those two were going to inseparable. 
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deobis · 5 years
20, 53 (Hyunjoon), 44, 67 :))
20. favorite non-title track?
hhhhhh this is so hard i like a lot of them :((( its either 4ever, walkin in time, LOU, get it, or just u i love them all :(((
53. favorite thing about hyunjoon
everything. literally everything. But if i have to pick its probably his scronch smile or busan accent
44. get it or got it?
67. which member would you want to be your best friend?
i want hyunjoon to be my best friend but i swear me and sunoo would be two peas in a pod
im gonna expand on #53 bc well… mayb i have a lot to say lol
First lets talk about what first attracted me to him: his smile. It really is one of a kind. Its so wide and happy and his really nice teeth dont make it any easier for me. And he often scronches when he smiles, which is really really endearing and cute :( Oh and the eyesmile that appears. My legs go weak whenever I see it. 
Next theres his dancing. I dont really talk about this on this blog but he has a VERY unique style of dancing. Anyone who first sees it may think its odd or over the top but ?????? I literally can’t keep my eyes off him??? He puts so much passion into his dancing (probably his aries moon lol) and it really shows, both in his moves and in his facial expressions. He really knows how to snap his god damn neck back when he needs to and how to angle his head o and dont even get me started on his popping. And as a ballet dancer, seeing him incorporate modern dance moves into his style is so pleasing (Ive taken modern and trust me its really fun) Its so smooth but also very strong. idk how to describe it its just mesmerizing. 
Third, his b u s a n a c c e n t. I REALLY,,,,, its so fucking cute. Whenever I hear it my heart does flips and my pulse goes up. Its so cute. He just lets it slip. Like it almost seems like he doesnt even try to keep it in. Its REALLY prominent in flower snacc and though he still lets it out sometimes, its less often now. Probably bc he uses his seoul accent more. Have i mentioned how cute his accent is? It usually comes out when hes excited (eg the nyukyuhwall vlive) but it also shows up when hes calm and those moments,,,,, precious,,,, i lov him :(
Fourth, his soft laugh. Theres this compilation on youtube of just hyunjoons lil laughs. u know those ones where he laughs under his breath with his wide cute smile? yeah like that. and it sends me. Ive watched it so many times i swear. his laugh is so precious. I would do anything to protect it.
Ill make this the final one bc this is getting long but,,, I love how humble he is but at the same time he knows when to be confident (well,,, usually) His speech at the end of the castle really made me cry for an hour. Hearing him bravely say how he doesnt love himself off stage really tore my heart to pieces. I hope he comes to love himself as much as I love him. 
anyways stan hyunjoon hes the biggest baby in tbz and deserves ONLY love
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nierly-amazing · 6 years
yo talk to me abt 2b and 9s. i need friends 😭
You want me to talk about 2B and 9S? YOU WANT ME TO TALK ABOUT 2B AND 9S????? ARE YOU SURE?!?
And there are people out there who are too hard on one or the other and it makes me S A L T Y because they’re shoving their moral purity bullshit on two deeply broken characters and expect them to make the right decisions all the time.
Of course they’re gonna make mistakes, of course they’re going to choose the wrong options. They may be androids, but they are pretty damn human.
2B’s trapped in a cycle of killing the one she loves over and over and erasing his memories of her and everything.
Defecting isn’t really an option in her mind. She’s an E unit so she knows how successful they are; she probably wouldn’t think they’d last very long out there with no way to maintain and repair themselves. She doesn’t know of any successful defectors; command never tells them about A2 when she kills them, obviously, because they wouldn’t want to give anyone any ideas if they found out there was someone who’s survived years on her own out there (albeit falling apart and only surviving out of spite).
Plus, A2′s much less of a threat than an E-model and their best scanner model who is powerful enough to hack into the Bunkers defenses to dig out classified information. A2′s just some prototype who found out she was sent down to die yet continued to survive out of spite. 2B and 9S had the potential to cause a LOT of problems for YoRHa, since 9S found out one of the biggest secrets kept from all androids and other info that could possibly be very dangerous if the enemy got their hands on them. So it’s pretty likely they’d put a lot more effort into killing them than they did with A2.
A2′s circumstances are different than 2B and 9S’ anyway. Her only order was to die at the end of her mission. So for her it’s either let yorha kill her, or go on the run until she eventually gets killed by them or a machine. There are no other options for her. She has no one left to protect or worry about losing, nothing to tie her back.
And she was in a similar situation to 2B; they all did find out they were programmed to die after the mission but chose to see it through anyway instead of defecting.
So if command ordered her to kill 9S again and said they wouldn't reinstate a new one, who says she wouldn't take him and gtfo?
2B hates her job so much that she once chose death over killing him again, and the only reason she survived because he killed himself instead and made her promise to keep killing him. He wouldn't let her take the 'easy' way out because he knew that wouldn't solve anything.
That promise kinda complicates things too. Since it kinda invalidates what the next 9Ss might be feeling so now she’s even more stuck since she has orders from command AND orders from the 2+ 9S that made her promise.
Like, her job hurts her to the point where her own data corrupts in a way that’s ‘physically’ painful to the ‘touch’ (aka memory thorns).
She’s tried what she could to try to stop 9S from coming to the same conclusions as last time. She’s even tried to get command to retract their orders before but to no avail.
She’s cold and strict with him, but never outright cruel and mean. And, heck, maybe she could have been gentler on him, maybe she could have been herself more to make life easier on him. But like at what expense to her? The closer she gets to each of them the harder it is on her to kill him. Remember the whole “as close as possible yet eternally distant” thing?
So like, she could have made some better choices, but she was pretty stuck in what she was doing. She was stuck walking down a path where any decision she made could have bad consequences, so geez, give her a break for choosing the ones that had less terrible consequences (at least in her mind).
I already gushed about the poor boy at length [Here]
BUT I can still gush a bit more anyway. 
Some people are too hard on him too. Like do yall really expect someone who was:
A: Thrown into an endless war from the day he was born with no ability to quit. 
B: Given all the emotions and wants and needs of a human and then prohibited from expressing or trying to get those needs met.
C: Paired up with someone who’s emotionally distant to him and he doesn’t know why, falls in love with her anyway, only to find out she has to kill him over and over and is falling apart at the seams because of it. 
D: Has his memories wiped but some remaining something still draws him to her to the point where he’s willing to sacrifice himself for her after only ‘knowing’ her for an hour or so.
E: Programed to be incredibly curious then punished when directing that curiosity in a way YoRHa didn’t like.
F: Tortured and violated by some creepy humanoid machine and forced to face his complicated feelings about her and the world in a definitely not healthy way.
G: Thrown into traumatic battle after battle the moment after she starts reciprocating feelings for him.
H: Watched almost everyone he knows and cares about die in the span of an hour, many of whom he had to kill himself.
I: Watches the most important person to him get stabbed right in front of him, just when they were finally free of their cycle.
J: Wakes up thinking she was murdered in cold blood and fucking nobody thinks to tell him it was a mercy kill. Anemone knew, the pods knew, the weapons dude knew, A2 obviously knew and had multiple ways to take 5 minutes of her day and safely let him know 2B was infected, but didn’t. 
K: Intentionally tortured by the machine network because the Red Girls had some weird fascination with him. 
L: Had no real support network because androids in the middle of a 6000 year war likely dont have any grief counselors. 
M: The only time he’s had contact with A2 she said some cryptic bullshit that could be easily interpreted as taunting or something by him.
N: I could probably think of more to get all the way to Z but I want to do something else now.
Like yall really think someone who has gone through that much trauma with little to no support would be expected to behave like some morally pure uwu angel and make all the right decisions? Could he have acted better and made better decisions? Probably. But give the poor guy a break. He’s an endlessly fascinating character to study and relate to despite his flaws and mistakes.
Anyway I love them both so much despite their flaws and mistakes and they are an amazing pair because of the potential to grow and heal with each other after they wake up after [E]. They’re finally free to be as emotional and supportive of each other as they want and finally get t-shirts. 
And i just love who they are too. 2B is a gentle and kind person when she’s not forced to be cold and strict. 9S is just a curious ball of energy and is super sweet and respectful to 2B. He can be kinda snarky but he always backs off and respects her boundaries.
And just, I love the role reversal in this pairing. 2B’s the strong stoic one, where 9S is the bubbly support. It wouldn’t have half it’s charm if the genders were reversed.
There’s just SO MUCH POTENTIAL with these two. Like before I had no real intention of reading or writing fanfiction but then I played nier and I probably have written nierly (heh) 200k words over all my fics but now like, I just want to explore so much with them and their complex and unique relationship and uguh just
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agl03 · 6 years
Hi! Hope your recovery is going well! So idk if you saw but Chloe posted an instagram story and her eyes were super puffy from crying on set and she said sadness was coming on the show so now I'm really stressed out. Not sure what ep they're filming right now but there's only so many people Daisy would be crying for and I'm just worried one of the mains is gonna die. Anyway I just wanted to know what you thought about it.
Hi! love your blog! And im so happy your surgery went very well! Have you seen Chloe instagram stories? She cried a lot on set today and said sadness is coming in the show, do you have any idea what that could be? I just hope they dont kill any member of the team
Hey so I hate to get really deep on you but I don’t know house to voice my concern without doing so-so future apologies. I deal with intense depression. Have my whole life. Tv, especially agents of shield and Fitzsimmons are honestly one of the things that gives me a little feeling back into my life. It’s as if watching their relationship and friendship makes me feel human for a little and it’s honestly what I count down to each week. I just saw Chloe’s instagram story where she was insanely swollen in the eyes from crying and said sadness is seriously coming this season. I’m terrified this is about fitz or Simmons. Especially with the promo pic of Lil looking sad and Iain never seeming entirely interested sometimes. I’m really deeply worried about their death as they r my fave characters in existence n I think one of them dying would cause a serious break on my part: I know that sounds insane n I’m slightly embarrassed to admit it but I really wanted your opinion on the possibility 
Anonymous said: I know a lot of people are freaking out over Chloe’s IG story and one Daisy cries a lot each season and it doesn’t mean death. Even if it did Fitzsimmon’s is the heart of the show and have almost died how many times? They are finally giving us a pay off and if one of those characters died I don’t think one could function without the other (not that I want any of the main cast to die) but I highly doubt they would kill off two of the best actors on the show. Crying doesn’t always mean death.
Anonymous said: Hi! Did you see Chloe’s instagram story? She was really upset. Do you think the sadness could be death of one of the mains? And what ep do you think they’re filming now?
Anonymous said:  Just from the acting point of view, WHY would Agents of Shield writers kill off Fitz or Simmons in episode 14 of season 5 when there are still a lot of episodes left in that season AND a strong possibility of a season 6 given the recent higher ratings? Would they really get rid of the two strongest actors on the show? Iain and Elizabeth are a gift to this show. FitzSimmons are the heart and soul. My question is…WHO is dying then? If anyone….What do you think? She could cry for other reasons.
So I woke up from my nap and there was a bit of a kerfuffle.   Before I forget, IMDB has been updating for 14, so I think that is where they are at right now.  I’m starting to suspect that 11-15 could be a smaller pod with the 3rd pod of the season being 15-22.
I totally know and understand that show related anxiety is a real thing, I saw that in full force when they ran the “Fallen Agent” campaign at the end of Season 3.  I’m going to do my best to make everyone feel better.   
Chloe wouldn’t laugh like that if it was a big cast member being killed off.  She said she’d been crying on set all day and she wasn’t upset as she posted that video (so it was Daisy crying not Chloe).  She was joking around and laughing.  Not something someone would do if one of her good friends/people she sees as family was being let go.
Best example I can give for you here is in Season 3.  Chloe knew that Lincoln was getting killed off and Luke was going to be leaving.  She was very very sad about it and it showed on her social media interactions.
AOS keeps its spoilers locked down tight, no way Chloe would blow something like a major character dying on a instagram story.   
The writers are well aware of how important FItzsimmons are to the fandom and are the heart of the show.  Either one of them dying is deal breaker for me, that is my line in the sand and I walk away.   Fitzsimmons are referred to the heart of the show so killing off either one of them would be a massive mistake.   But in that FItzsimmons are two of their absolute favorite red herrings to use.  
I felt both of their absences very strongly in 3 and 4 of this season with Jemma silenced and FItz not there yet.   
There are lots of other things that could have meant she had to cry for.  Death isn’t the only option here.   Someone could get injured, sick, or kidnapped.    My current theory is Coulson’s secret and the deal with the Rider come out and what those consequences are going to entail.  Daisy losing Coulson, her mentor and father figure, would be a difficult blow for her.  It could also have something to do with Inhumans or something about the prophecy we the audience don’t know about yet and it weights heavily on Daisy.  
Chloe, Clark, Ming, and Jeff were all at TCA’s last night and were in great moods, again that doesn’t jive with someone major being killed off.  
Deke is one I worry about, Radcliffe was killed in 15 last season.
It could also not be story related at all, rather someone on the crew is moving away/got another job.   
I know everyone is worried and upset right now and I really hope that Chloe might post a follow up or clarification.  Even though she meant it to be a cute/funny video it has upset a lot of fans.
I would be absolutely and utterly shocked if they killed off any regulars 2 episodes after the 100th.  It makes no sense to me.  And I would have hoped they learned their lesson with the whole Fallen Agent thing where they lost viewers for those closing eps until they knew their favorite was safe.  
I really hope that helped everyone who needed it!
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