#or her parents force her to spend time with jake and is only allowed male friends pfft
eddieydewr · 8 months
I always assumed that millie and her many bfs suspected noah was gay and that’s why there was no problems with them being all over each other lol otherwise those boys woulda been like 😡 then again if millie didn’t at least suspect he was gay then that earns a side eye from me lmao like why you disrespecting your boyfriends babe? lmao. But if she did think he was gay but and said multiple times during ST promo how they were trying to get Noah a girl friend… then she gets another side eye cause to say that about your friend you suspect is gay and closeted is… messy. messy all around lmaoooo. Anyways I do not know how any one ever shipped those two they are def platonic soulmates, though I guess very young fans are blinded by heteronormativity, but I guess maybe in another universe if Noah had been straight those two would be getting married now who knows hahaha. I’m glad Millie found that life long friendship for real though because everything you’ve said about her family is just awful and it must be hard for someone like her to make real lasting friendships.
millie probably suspected but didn’t press or ask him, she was waiting until noah was ready. figuring out your sexuality when you’re a teenager isn’t always easy so it’s good to give noah time and space. also, i don’t think millie was being malicious when she said she was working on finding a girlfriend for noah lol noah obviously didn’t take it the wrong way, and he likely knew that she also knew or suspected anyway. like an open secret just waiting to be confirmed.
also i didn’t think millie had many boyfriends? at least not serious ones anyway 😭 the thing with that jacob kid seemed bizarre, and i don’t count hunter echo cos he’s an arse.
millie and noah are platonic soulmates for sure 🫶🏻 the zoomer version of robin and steve, lol. btw, do you know anything about her and sadie sink? i’ve been seeing toxic millie stans complain that they’re not friends anymore so it made me wonder. there are older photos of them being close and hanging out a lot but it seems nonexistent nowadys. i would’ve put it down to them wanting more privacy, and getting older and busier means fewer opportunities to hang out with friends. it doesn’t necessarily mean they fell out?
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 years
General gripes about DS9 and gender (some spoilers) (content notes: some references to sexual abuse/trauma, and specifically spiritual abuse/sexual misconduct in religious leaders, also death/murder):
I swear to fuck these people do not know how to write female characters without shoehorning them into romance plotlines. (Or weird fucked up stuff, like when that Cardassian serial murderer kidnaps Kira.) Especially noticeable with Ziyal -- when Kira takes her to DS9, the writers apparently can't think of a single thing to do with a young woman other than ship her with a much older Cardassian. Then, she's starting to get her own life and make a name for her as an artist, and they fucking refridgerator her. The fuck. (And: the focus is on how her death affects Dukat, that fucker. Which, obviously sure it's going to affect him...but it's also going to affect Kira, who sees Ziyal as like a younger version of herself and was trying to protect her. And then Ziyal dies. That should have some sort of effect on Kira! And did no one else on the station make any sort of connection with her when she was there?) This is arguably not primarily a gender thing, but it is partly a gender thing: the show keeps demanding Kira find sympathy for her oppressors, over and over again. (This is a gripe fest: of course there's a lot of things about Kira's character that are done really well.) She keeps getting thrown in situations that show (some) Cardassians in more nuanced lights and that more or less force her into relationships with them, while meanwhile her old resistance cell friends all get killed off, her parents are dead, if she has any other family we don't hear about it, and she's basically left with no Bajoran friends even, as far as we know. She gets Bajoran lovers who... OK, about that. First, Vedek Bareil. Now, Bajorans are shown to have a pretty relaxed attitude towards their clergy (eg Kira is frequently rude to Winn even after she becomes Kai with apparently no consequences) -- but still. Vedek is roughly equivalent to, what, cardinal? He's high up in the heirarchy. And, he's put himself in a role of spiritual authority relative to Kira: she gets access to one of the Orbs through him. They've got a power imbalance and one that's connected to Kira's ability to do her religion. I don't care what the social norms are on Bajor that is 100% sexual misconduct on Bareil's part. If something went wrong in their relationship, it could fuck up Kira's connection to her faith. And in the show it's presented as no big deal.
(Star Trek seems to be aware of this when it comes to ship's captains! For all that Kirk notoriously fucks everyone, he never voluntarily (/outside of the mirror universe, outside of odd transporter malfunctions that split him into two parts, etc) came on to a crew member. But it's no less important for religious authorities.) (Also: this has nothing to do with celebacy. I'm fine with Bajoran religious figures being allowed to have sex and being allowed to have sex outside of marriage. But: a religious leader having a sexual relationship with someone who they're in a pastoral relationship to is wrong, and while Bareil isn't exactly Kira's pastor I think there is some level of, he's providing spiritual guidance to her. That means she's off limits to him, or should be. In the same way that bosses shouldn't fuck their direct reports, college professors shouldn't fuck their students, therapists definitely shouldn't fuck their patients, etc. Regardless of how they handle their sex life outside of those restrictions. And regardless of whether there's love involved or not -- romantic love absolutely does not make it better.) And then there's Shakaar, the former leader of her resistance cell. That she joined as a teenager. It's...yeah, it's been many years, yeah she's not directly under him any more, and yeah goodness knows a band of resistance fighters is probably not going to have a clearly written up sexual harassment policy so it's not necessarily unrealistic...it's not as blatantly "oh god no" as Bareil, but it's got some...is anyone thinking of potential abuse of power issues here? Anyone?
There was one episode where Jake and Nog were double-dating and it goes badly due to Ferengi, uh, gender roles not meshing well with Federation egalatarianism. And, then the rest of the episode is all about how they're going to repair their friendship. And I was thinking: we didn't see either female character either before or after, and why is a sexism issue being shown from the lens of "how can I, a nice guy, stay friends with my male friend who has sexism issues" and not "how am I, a young woman, going to deal with this affront to my basic personhood" or "how am I, a young woman, going to repair my friendship now that I talked my friend into a double date so I could date the guy I liked but his friend turned out to be garbage?" Like...out of all the potential relationships there, why is Jake's friendship with a guy with sexism issues (who's made it clear he's not going to change, at least as far as dating goes) the one presented as being in most need of preservation? I know, it's because Jake and Nog are more central characters and their friendship has been significant in the show for seasons now. But...that just brings up more questions. Like why does this show have a significant bro friendship between two teenage boys, but there's no friendship between two women (or between a woman and a man for that matter) that's given as much weight? There's some bonding between Kira and Dax, but it doesn't have the same presence and significance as Jake and Nog or, say, Miles and Julian. (I'm having first name/last name inconsistencies here. Ah well.) Keiko has no on-camera friendships. Kira has no on-camera friendships that have Jake & Nog or Julian & Miles weight. Dax maybe does with her Klingon buddies from Curzon's lifetime. (Benjamin Sisko also doesn't.) Ziyal could have, but doesn't. Molly could have, but doesn't. Miles doesn't seem to have any (on-camera or otherwise acknowledged) parent friends (like...there's one couple mentioned who can babysit Molly at times? That's it? We never even see them?), which is weird because fuck knows parenthood can make it hard to have any friends who aren't parents. Odo's got his weird frenemy thing with Quark. Garak has his standing lunch with Julian (if you read that as platonic, which ... yeah, there's not a lot of arguments for seeing it as platonic beyond "they're both men.") I am, don't get me wrong, extremely for showing male friendships. Very much for it. It's just...I want friendships that aren't between two guys also. And I want them to be shown as significant and meaningful and worth overcoming obstacles for. Friendships between women, friendships between people of the same race or culture (or alien species, since we are talking Star Trek here), friendships between men and women that aren't just a precursor to romance. And...parenting that isn't just...I want to see Keiko have problems with parenting that she overcomes with help from other people. I want to explore the emotional ramifications of Kira being a surrogate mom to Kirayoshi or being a semi adopted mom to Ziyal and then having her die. I want Kira to talk about how her own upbringing in times of famine and war and occupation affects her sense of her ability to potentially be a parent. I want a female character to calmly talk about her decision to not become a mother and have that decision be treated with the utmost respect. I want the sort of struggles that male characters have with parenting on the show, like Worf's difficulty connecting with his son or Benjamin's conflict over watching his son grow up and get less interested in spending time with his dad, be shown for female characters as well. And the joys, like when Benjamin remembers holding Jake as an infant, like when they reunite after Jake gets caught in a war zone. Rather than parenting be this thing that mom characters apparently do on autopilot without any internal conflict or feeling out of their depth or particular moments of joy and amazement. There's so many plot lines and moments and bits and pieces that could be amazing moments that give
mother characters balance and nuance and characterization, but they only ever get shown for fathers. (And this is not just Star Trek either...look at all the kids movies that are about father/son or father/daughter bonding, and somehow the moms...just aren't there. It's so good when there are single father storylines, just...where are all the mom storylines that could be like that?) And why do teenage boys get focus and their own stories (especially with Jake in DS9, but also TNG has Wesley Crusher and Alexander, and TOS had one story centering on a teenage boy) but girls either aren't there at all or don't get to have stories that are about them? Ziyal's stories aren't about her, she doesn't get to form her own friendships and only barely gets to develop an interest of her own before her life is taken away from her. Molly doesn't get stories that are about her. (And yeah, Molly's a lot younger than Jake, but those are still choices: DS9 could have been set when Molly was a teenager, or the show could have introduced a different teenage girl as a significant character, or Jake could have been a girl rather than a boy, or Benjamin could have had two children...)
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what-if-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, ASHLEY! Your application to NOAH PUCKERMAN was accepted. I am really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! I can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Noah “Puck” Puckerman CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28; March 22nd OCCUPATION: Member of the American Air Force FACE CLAIM: Jesse Metcalfe HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Born: Lima, OH; Current Location: Lima, OH temporarily SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Heterosexual, male RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, spontaneous, ambitious NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, stubborn, sometimes arrogant CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: "Girl, you got more curves than a Nissan ad.“ ANYTHING ELSE?: I’m good with leaving the bio as it is. Just added in the part about where he lives now since I figure if he wants to get more involved in making beer/the business behind it, he might want to explore big cities to do that. As for him being in the Air Force, he’s obviously no longer overseas serving but is currently in the reserves so he’s able to work as a civilian but still is involved when he can be with the military. 
As a self-proclaimed “badass,” Puck was well known around the school for constantly tossing students into dumpsters and also for initially being a primary culprit for throwing slushies in everyone’s faces. At first, Puck was very much opposed to the Glee Club, deeming it “gay” and a group of “losers.” Shortly after Quinn Fabray joins the club, Puck discovers that she has become pregnant with his baby, and joins the glee club as a way of being closer to her. But, in the end, Puck begins to enjoy Glee Club and find his passion for singing.
Puck is, at first glance, the stereotypical bullying jock. Arrogant, rude, and judgmental, Puck is the unwavering belief that because he is good at sports, he is better than everyone else. He is also a bit “gangster,” as he has even been sent to juvie due to his delinquent behavior. He was always causing trouble. And because of his supposed superiority, he believed that allowed him to mistreat anyone else who he felt was different from him. Puck also has a very easily provoked temper and would attack friends and enemies at the drop of a hat if pushed.
Puck’s arrogant behavior has made it to where he often doesn’t consider the consequences of his actions and behavior, and how it might affect others. Puck’s arrogance not only relates to school politics but also in regards to girls. Although crude, Puck is nonetheless handsome and knows it. As such, he feels any and all women are fair game for his sexual prowess. He’s shown himself to be particularly fond of older women. In truth, however, Puck is willing to have sex with any woman who is available, even his best friend’s girl. He also seems to revel in the chase and the conquest. Because he has a lot of sex, he thinks he is a sex master.
However, although Puck rarely shows it, he does have several surprising good qualities. He is sensitive about being liked and popular, and finds the idea of being an outsider or bullied unnerving and has been shown to feel guilty for behaving that way towards others so much so that he seems to have stopped his bullying streak since joining the glee club. He knows that his actions are wrong and owns up to that. Puck also finds family very important, as he has a regular family event in which his mother, sister and himself will watch Schindler’s List.
After high school, Puck found his way to the army, and soon enough, he was one of the best in there. He spent all his time working out, and doing his best for everyone to see that he really wanted to be there. He was not going to mess this up like in high school. The army was where he felt at home for the first time. He felt like he had a family again after leaving high school and his friends behind. He knew he had found his place! But, after four years, he wanted more and more, and that was why he decided to transfer for the American Air Force. He also served his country outside of America, and he couldn’t be prouder of himself. He really was finding his way and no longer was the same ‘lost boy’ from high school.
Last year, Puck decided to become a business man too. And now, he owns his own beer company. Homemade beer, to be honest. Everything started as a joke, but soon enough, Puck started to receive requests from people asking him to sell his beer, and well, Puck, as always, was looking for money and more ways to make money to spend on his motorcycle, and well, he decided to let himself go, and get into this crazy world of business. He is now looking for ways to make his beer company grow. He really fell in love with this industry, and not just with the beer.
MRS. & MR. PUCKERMAN (Parents): There is no one in his life that he wants to make more proud than his mom. He knows he was never the best son, but now, now that he is older and finally he is settling down in his life, he is sure that he can make his mom proud now. His relationship with his father is getting better, but still not the best. SARAH PUCKERMAN (Sister): During high school, Puck wasn’t exactly the most ideal big brother or maybe let’s say, he wasn’t the most traditional. He saw Sarah briefly most times and only really ever spent an extended period of time with her when their mother insisted on their family movie nights. Still while he was off doing his own thing and getting into trouble, he made sure to protect Sarah in any way he could, especially when it came to their father. With time, the two grew a little closer until Puck left Lima following high school. He’s been trying to build the relationship up again but understands things are different due to where their lives have taken them. Whether he’s able to be involved in his sister’s life completely or not, he’s still going to be that protective big brother in any way he can. JAKE, CALEB, TOM & ELIANA PUCKERMAN (Half-Siblings): Puck obviously got to know Jake briefly following Jake’s arrival at McKinley. The two had an interesting relationship to say the least and Puck tried to keep tabs on him over the years but it was never really a consistent thing. As for his other half-siblings, there’s not major relationship there for no other reason besides Puck’s decisions following high school. It was hard to build a relationship with people he didn’t know when he wasn’t completely in Lima to help the situation. That said he wouldn’t mind fixing that nowadays just because he knows he’s not the same person he was back then and actually wants a chance at some kind of normal family. QUINN FABRAY (EX-Girlfriend & Baby-Mom): Everything started with their one-night-stand after Puck decided to give Quinn some alcohol, and all Quinn knows is that after the alcohol she drank, she got pregnant. They were barely friends before that, but after the blonde got pregnant, they even dated more than one time actually. Puck always tried to be there for the blonde and for their baby, and even today, he still makes sure to contact Shelby from time to time to see if Beth needs something. Even if after high school their relationship ended, even after they tried one more time during Quinn’s first year of college, they decided that they were better of as best friends and nothing more. Puck still cares about her, but now, he cares about her as a friend.
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How Disney’s Cartoons Are Changing the Game
The cartoon game, to be specific.
Disney is widely known for their animated feature films, and particularly for their princess movies. These movies are seen by thousands of children and adults alike. Disney’s films can greatly influence children, including how they think, dress, talk, and interact with one another, but it is common for children to see a movie in the theater once or twice, and move on to another popular media. While children may see a specific Disney film less than a handful of times, they are far more exposed to and influenced by the cartoons that they watch everyday. While I was growing up, this meant watching Kim Possible, Lilo & Stitch, and American Dragon: Jake Long. While these shows promoted racial and neurological diversity (to an extent), I never saw my LGBT identity represented in animation. Recently, though, Disney has been working toward stepping out of its comfort zone–both in its style of animation and storytelling, and in representation. Disney’s modern cartoons, including Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Gravity Falls, and Wander Over Yonder, are breaking the mold that years of Disney animation have set before them. For this essay, though, I will be focusing on Star vs. the Forces of Evil and its representation of women and LGBT characters.
“Star vs. the Forces of Evil”
“Star vs. the Forces of Evil” is a currently-running Disney Channel cartoon, which is my personal favorite of the recent generation of Disney cartoons. The show follows Star Butterly, a princess from another dimension who has been banished to Earth to practice her magical abilities, and her friends.
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The show covers topics, including friendship, rebellion, living up to your family name, jealousy, and many other heavy topics that are not often covered in other cartoons.
Star vs. the Forces of LGBT Representation
In one scene, when the main cast is at a concert for the fictional band Love Sentence, the camera pans along the audience, and it is possible to see many same-sex relationships, as seen in the pictures below.
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While the show does not have any canonically LGBT characters, it has mentioned that Star’s best friend, Marco, struggles with body dysphoria, and in multiple episodes, he is shown to have a princess persona that he acts as occasionally. Surprisingly, the show manages to handle this topic very maturely, as you can see in the clip below.
In this clip, the audience can tell that Marco is entirely comfortable presenting as a girl, and he refers to himself with feminine titles and pronouns very naturally. Also, while it is quiet, at 1:58, it is possible to hear Marco say, “Can I stay in this dress?” This furthers the point that Marco is comfortable presenting as a girl, and possibly prefers to present that way. As you can see, Marco also uses the popularity of his princess persona to encourage rebellion against oppressors, and following one’s individuality. 
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For these reasons, Marco has stood out significantly to LGBTQ+ viewers of “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.” In fact, many people have interpreted Marco’s body dysphoria, desire to wear a dress, and comfort using feminine pronouns as being a nod to the fact that, later in the show, Marco may come out and become Disney’s first open trans character. This theory has become increasingly popular, with fans even creating a collection of clips (below) that they believe hint at transgender identities, and, more specifically, Marco being trans.
There is also a very concise post explaining the theory behind Marco possibly being trans.
While Marco being trans is entirely theory, he still shines through as positive representation for people who do not often fit society’s rigid gender roles. It is not often that a heroic male character is allowed to wear a dress or ballet shoes without being belittled by friends or being the butt of an uncomfortable joke. Many of the show’s fans have expressed their gratitude, both for the theory and for the blatant representation discussed above.
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Unfortunately, much of LGBT representation can only be found in adult media, which focuses heavily on sex and/or death, and children are left to grow up without seeing that aspect of their identity on television. In fact, a personal account by a transgender woman shows just how important representation can be.
This article expresses that representation has been a great influence on Davies’ identity and transition. 
“’I was 60 when it all came pouring out to my wife, she was very sympathetic and helped me all the way, but we agreed to keep it quiet,’ said Davies, who first learned about transgender identity from a TV show sometime in the 1970s.”
And later, the article goes on to say...
“Patricia was inspired to make the big change from male to female after seeing the romantic comedy film Boy Meets Girl, which features transgender characters.”
This is a sentiment shared by many trans people, who grow up knowing that they are different, but not having the words to describe it, and without being able to see a similar experience represented in their peers or on television, spend a great amount of time confused and wrestling with their identity. I recall Glee being the first piece of media I watched with a blatantly open gay character, but, because it is targeted towards toward specifically older teenagers, even that would be inappropriate to show your average child.
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A Princess Song: Star vs. the Forces of Evil’s Use of Music in Storytelling and Female Representation
Disney’s princess films often use music as an aspect of story telling, and while Star vs. the Forces of Evil follows this tradition, it also diverts from the stereotypical Disney soundtrack. Many of the show’s songs sound like they either came off the radio or out of a rock opera, and it takes advantage of the moods these songs set in order to further their story and express the experiences and emotions of the characters. Many of these songs often come at the height of action and/or conflict, as another way to express intense emotions that might be more difficult to express naturally through speech. However, one of the most iconic example of use of song in Star vs. the Forces of Evil is during the episode “Face the Music,” when Star is forced to help write a Princess Song for herself for her Song Day Celebration.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil briefly mocks how women are often represented in media through Queen Moon’s “Princess Song.” The song expresses that women are often written without conflict or development, and many female characters (particularly princess) are idealized caricature version of what women are actually like.
Star points out, “That song didn’t say anything about the real you! You could plug any name into that song, and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference.” This quote points out precisely what is wrong with many female characters in the media. While male characters may be allowed conflict and interesting development and traits, female character traits often include things like, “her hair is silky soft,” “her favorite color’s pink,” and “[she] smells like lavender.” This perfectly mimics how female character’s are often one-dimensional, in comparison to the complex male characters that appear in the same piece of media.
Star clearly expresses her distaste over this type of song and characterization, as she feels it is basically nondescript and doesn’t fit her. Star feels guilty writing a “puff piece” about herself, when she knows that she isn’t the princess that the kingdom wants, and that she and her parents have betrayed and lied to their citizens and High Commission. Do to this, she helps her Ruberiot, the Official Songstrel of Mewni, write a song that explicitly confesses to her and her parents’ actions.
The contrast between this song and Queen Moon’s song also helps to highlight precisely how different Star is from past Disney princesses. While the stereotypical Disney princess may sit on the sidelines in order to remain soft, while their prince is allowed to be strong and hard to save them, Star does not fit that mold. It would be inappropriate to say that she is a polar opposite of the princess stereotype, though, and that is what makes her such good representation.
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Often times, fictional women are expressed as either “feminine” or “strong.” Writers give their strong female characters lines expressing distaste for fellow women and their femininity, a trope often referred to as “Not Like Other Girls.” Star, on the other hand, breaks this strong vs. feminine dichotomy, as she is both strong and confident in her femininity. While Star’s wardrobe in the show almost entirely consists of dresses, she also has an affinity for weapons and both physical and magical combat. Star goes out of her way to fight villains and charge into battles headfirst, because she is confident in her abilities to hold her own. And, while Star’s reckless behavior leads to harm and her downfall in some situations, it is always presented as a “think before doing” issue, rather than a “girls shouldn’t fight” type issue. Star expresses a clear distaste when other characters don’t let her think for herself, as seen in the episode “Blood Moon Ball.”
She expresses to Marco her ability to take care of herself, as well as her desire to be trusted. These feelings are met with thought and understanding, which helps to express particularly how poignant Star vs. the Forces of Evil can be. Many teenagers struggle with the ability to come into their own abilities as they grow up, and often times, when they express that desire to others, they are met with misunderstanding and/or a lack of trust. This conversation between Marco and Star, though, is incredibly touching, due entirely to the fact that Marco makes an attempt to understand Star’s point of view, and he gives a genuine apology for upsetting her.
The New Modern Disney Cartoon
Star vs. the Forces of Evil has proven itself time and time again to be the type of cartoon that stands out among the crowd. It provides positive representation of LGBT identities and stereotypically queer traits, including body dysphoria and a male character having comfort in feminine clothing. Star vs. the Forces of Evil also presents a positive female role model that breaks away from many harmful traits that are often applied to Disney’s princesses. This show provides deeper themes, while still managing to stay child-appropriate and relatively light hearted, and I hope it is a sign for the direction Disney will keep going with their cartoons.
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Follow your fellow sheep down to the slaughter, Cody.
You’ve been accepted as OC Elizabeth Cooper with the FC Devery Jacobs. We asked for people to bring their twisted and their corroded, and you delivered. Reading Elizabeth’s audition was a wild ride from beginning to end, and we can’t wait to see what kind of chaos follows in her path. Hopefully you’ll stay longer than Elizabeth intends to. 
Please send in your account within the next twenty-four hours.
character name  → Elizabeth Louise Cooper
age  → 23
occupation  →  Waitress at Snake N’ Jakes
face claims  ⟨⟨ please list 2-3 options ⟩⟩ → Devery Jacobs and Q'orianka Kilcher (Devery is my top pick)
why do you want this character  →  Elizabeth is a character I’ve been wanting to write for a while but I could never find the right group for her, but I think this group is perfect for her
character quote  ⟨⟨ this can be dialogue that your character has said, a song lyric, etc. just something that catches the vibe of your person ⟩⟩ →
how this character will be into the group  ⟨⟨ what connections do you see being established to infiltrate your oc among the canon characters  ⟩⟩ → Due to her father’s unlawful activities and connections, Elizabeth could have some connections with members of the meth ring and the Coffin Cheaters, of which her father was a member. She would be very begrudging of these connections however.
possible future plot ideas  ⟨⟨ this could be pertaining to a certain direction you wish to take with your character  ⟩⟩ → Being reunited with the teacher she had an affair with, confronting the members of the meth ring and/or the Coffin Cheaters and standing up for herself, properly grieving her mother and finding closure in some way
biography  ⟨⟨ minimum of 400 words ⟩⟩ →
(TW: Abuse, death, murder, teacher/student relationship)
Elizabeth was a mistake. Her parents had been strangers, strangers who met at Snake N’ Jakes, gotten drunk and fucked in the bathroom. Three weeks later, Elizabeth’s mother was pregnant and a very hasty shotgun wedding was held (Elizabeth’s paternal grandparents wouldn’t stand to hear about their name being dragged through the mud through a scandal like that). At the wedding, Elizabeth’s father dislocated his new wife’s arm, a very dark omen.
The Cooper household was one that became familiar with pain at the hands of the patriarch. Elizabeth saw her mother be almost routinely beaten by her father, belted across the thighs and stomach, the kinds of places that could be easily hidden (although Elizabeth would later wonder if anyone would actually care if they saw the bruises), her father made sure Elizabeth watched every beating, every slap of leather against skin, so that she would see what happens when her father is displeased. But the abuse came other forms too. Elizabeth’s mother was Seminole, and she heard a never ending barrage of racist comments. Once, Elizabeth’s father learned that his wife had been telling their daughter traditional Seminole stories, and punished her by washing her mouth out with soap and choking her with his belt. Her mother couldn’t show her throat for almost a month.
Despite the fear the infected the Cooper house, Elizabeth was able to find love and warmth in her mother. She was extremely attached to her mother, rarely leaving her side and developing intense separation anxiety if they were parted, making the first few days of school difficult. While Elizabeth knew she would never get affection from her father, it never truly mattered so long as she had her mother. Which made losing her all the more tragic.
Three days after Mrs Cooper was reported missing, Elizabeth was wandering around the bayou and found a necklace that had belonged to her mother. It was hidden in the tall grass, a few feet away from the water’s edge, chain thoroughly snapped, indicating a struggle. Elizabeth took it to the police station but nothing that could help the investigation could be found (although just how hard the boys in blue worked can be called in question) and the necklace was returned to Elizabeth. When the discovery of the necklace got out, a theory developed among the townsfolk. Considering where the necklace was found, it was guessed that Mrs Cooper met her demise at the hands (or rather the teeth) of the crocodiles that lived in the bayou. Perhaps she had run afoul of the meth ring or one of the Coffin Chasers (it was widely known she disapproved of her husband’s association with them), or perhaps simply met the wrong person. Elizabeth had a different idea. Two weeks before her disappearance, Mrs Cooper took her daughter aside, telling her that she had been squirreling away money and secretly packing clothes and other necessities so that she and Elizabeth could leave the town and have a new start somewhere better. After her mother disappeared, Elizabeth checked the place where her mother hid the money and packed bags, and found that they were all missing. All of this was enough for Elizabeth to suspect her father of murder. She tried to tell the police, but they didn’t take her seriously and turned her away. Officially, Mrs Cooper is listed as missing and her case is still open, but Elizabeth remains convinced that her father murdered her mother, and dumped her body in the bayou for the crocodiles to hide the deed.
The tensions in the family of two rose, often resulting in heated arguments and Elizabeth would often spend the night away from the home. At school, Elizabeth was an outcast, being a sullen and moody child and her mother’s disappearance further drove her apart from her peers as she became known as ‘The Girl Who’s Mom Disappeared’ or 'The Girl Who’s Mom Was Eaten By The Gators’. This distance continued into high school, with Elizabeth branded a full on loner. Although she wasn’t popular with her peers, Elizabeth was liked by her teachers for her intelligence and work ethic and she would develop friendships with them (as much as the teacher-student power dynamic could allow of course). But the teacher that would have the most profound effect on Elizabeth was her history teacher, Mr Knight.
Mr Knight was handsome, witty, and kind, and very quickly became popular with many of his female students and a few of his male ones. Elizabeth was one of his many admirers but kept this quiet, not wanting to be mocked by her peers or to have Mr Knight think lowly of her. One night, after walking out of the house and from an argument with her father, Elizabeth got caught in the rain. It was late at night, and with few options for shelter, Elizabeth hung out under a store cover. This is how Mr Knight found her and why he invited her into the warmth of his car. Although initially reluctant, Elizabeth agreed to his offer. When Mr Knight asked Elizabeth what she was doing out so late, she burst into tears and confessed everything; the abuse she watched her mother suffer and that she herself was now suffering, her loneliness, her grief over her mother’s disappearance, and every other thing that had weighed heavily on her heart and had remained unspoken. While Elizabeth wept, Mr Knight comforted her, and Elizabeth, unused to positive attention and genuine affection from anyone who wasn’t her mother,, Elizabeth cries even harder. She only stops when Mr Knight kisses her.
For a few days after the kiss, Elizabeth and Mr Knight avoided each other until Mr Knight finally confronted Elizabeth, apologizing for kissing her and confessing his feelings of 'deep affection’ for her. Elizabeth revealed her own feelings for him and the two began to have an affair. Elizabeth was fifteen at the time. While the two took great care to keep their relationship secret, rumours about them started to spread. Afraid for his reputation and career as a teacher, Mr Knight left the town, once again leaving Elizabeth without someone who cared for her. Following Mr Knight’s departure, Elizabeth grew to hate the town and wanted more than anything to leave. And after graduation, she did just that. While her peers partied and celebrated being released from the confines of high school, Elizabeth stole a car and some cash, and drove out of town.
She ended up in New Orleans and lived at a hostel while she got work as a waitress. Elizabeth was determined to leave her past behind, and for the first few years she succeeded. However, things fell apart when three years after getting her job, she was let go and the restaurant where she worked shut down. Elizabeth would go on to take other jobs, all of which she would either be let go from or quit. Things got worse when, during a bout of unemployment, the hostel where she was staying was shut down, forcing her to relocate to a local homeless shelter. Shortly after her relocation, Elizabeth was contacted her father’s lawyer (whom she had no idea existed and never explained how he found her), and told her that her father was dead and as his next of kin, she automatically inherited everything, including the house. Even though Elizabeth swore she would never return to the town, due to her circumstances she decided to go back. But she doesn’t plan to stay for long, and hopes that she will be able to make enough money to leave permanently, possibly to another state or even college, and have the kind of future her mother dreamed she would have.
3-5 factoids  ⟨⟨ these can be as simple as a few of their favorite movies and colors, to something more complex that you feel fleshes out your character  ⟩⟩ →
Elizabeth’s most common nickname is 'Liz’. People have called her 'Betty’ and 'Betty Lou’ and this irks her immensely, as those were the names her mother used for her and she refuses to have anyone else call her that.
A year after arriving in New Orleans, Elizabeth got a small tattoo of the outline of a doe done in white on the back of her neck.
Since living in New Orleans, Elizabeth is able to speak some French, Creole, and Seminole.
She still has her mother’s necklace and always wears it, out of fear of losing it.
Elizabeth has looked into Vodou, but she doesn’t consider herself to be a proper practitioner.
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what-if-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, DEEDEE! Your application to NOAH PUCKERMAN was accepted. I am really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! I can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Noah Puckerman CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28, 01/06/1992 OCCUPATION: Ex-Air Force, CEO of Puckle-Brew.   FACE CLAIM: Theo James HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Lima, Ohio. Currently lives in New Jersey, pretty much New York.   SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Cis-Male, Heterosexual. (Would bang Sebastian tho)   RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single Father (missing Quinn) POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Brave, Passionate, Playful.   NEGATIVE TRAITS: Temperamental, Clumsy, Rash, Prideful.   CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: “ That’s ‘cause I’m a stud, dude. I could wear a dress to school and people would think it’s cool.” Noah Puckerman. ANYTHING ELSE?: Puck has joint custody of Beth with Shelby. He gets her on weekends.  
As a self-proclaimed “badass,” Puck was well known around the school for constantly tossing students into dumpsters and also for initially being a primary culprit for throwing slushies in everyone’s faces. At first, Puck was very much opposed to the Glee Club, deeming it “gay” and a group of “losers.” Shortly after Quinn Fabray joins the club, Puck discovers that she has become pregnant with his baby, and joins the glee club as a way of being closer to her. But, in the end, Puck begins to enjoy Glee Club and find his passion for singing.
Puck is, at first glance, the stereotypical bullying jock. Arrogant, rude, and judgmental, Puck is the unwavering belief that because he is good at sports, he is better than everyone else. He is also a bit “gangster,” as he has even been sent to juvie due to his delinquent behavior. He was always causing trouble. And because of his supposed superiority, he believed that allowed him to mistreat anyone else who he felt was different from him. Puck also has a very easily provoked temper and would attack friends and enemies at the drop of a hat if pushed.
Puck’s arrogant behavior has made it to where he often doesn’t consider the consequences of his actions and behavior, and how it might affect others. Puck’s arrogance not only relates to school politics but also in regards to girls. Although crude, Puck is nonetheless handsome and knows it. As such, he feels any and all women are fair game for his sexual prowess. He’s shown himself to be particularly fond of older women. In truth, however, Puck is willing to have sex with any woman who is available, even his best friend’s girl. He also seems to revel in the chase and the conquest. Because he has a lot of sex, he thinks he is a sex master.
However, although Puck rarely shows it, he does have several surprising good qualities. He is sensitive about being liked and popular, and finds the idea of being an outsider or bullied unnerving and has been shown to feel guilty for behaving that way towards others so much so that he seems to have stopped his bullying streak since joining the glee club. He knows that his actions are wrong and owns up to that. Puck also finds family very important, as he has a regular family event in which his mother, sister and himself will watch Schindler’s List.
After high school, Puck found his way to the army, and soon enough, he was one of the best in there. He spent all his time working out, and doing his best for everyone to see that he really wanted to be there. He was not going to mess this up like in high school. The army was where he felt at home for the first time. He felt like he had a family again after leaving high school and his friends behind. He knew he had found his place! But, after four years, he wanted more and more, and that was why he decided to transfer for the American Air Force. He also served his country outside of America, and he couldn’t be prouder of himself. He really was finding his way and no longer was the same ‘lost boy’ from high school.
Last year, Puck decided to become a business man too. And now, he owns his own beer company. Homemade beer, to be honest. Everything started as a joke, but soon enough, Puck started to receive requests from people asking him to sell his beer, and well, Puck, as always, was looking for money and more ways to make money to spend on his motorcycle, and well, he decided to let himself go, and get into this crazy world of business. He is now looking for ways to make his beer company grow. He really fell in love with this industry, and not just with the beer.
After leaving the Air Force, he made amends with Shelby and has always given 50% of his income to her and Beth. It took well over a year before Shelby agreed to joint custody with the two of them. Puck now gets to see on weekends and his place in NJ has a bedroom for Beth to stay in. His favorite memory is the two of them painting her room together.
MRS. & MR. PUCKERMAN (Parents): There is no one in his life that he wants to make more proud than his mom. He knows he was never the best son, but now, now that he is older and finally he is settling down in his life, he is sure that he can make his mom proud now. His relationship with his father is getting better, but still not the best. SARAH PUCKERMAN (Sister): He loves Sarah a lot. He tries to spend time with her when he can but she is busy with her own life. Puck will always be there for his little sister. Even if she is always on edge from his constant Halloween pranks on her.   JAKE, CALEB, TOM & ELIANA PUCKERMAN (Half-Siblings): Puck only really knows who Jake is. He tries to be a good brother but he gets hat Jake is his own man now and might not want to listen to his advice anymore.   QUINN FABRAY (EX-Girlfriend & Baby-Mom): Everything started with their one-night-stand after Puck decided to give Quinn some alcohol, and all Quinn knows is that after the alcohol she drank, she got pregnant. They were barely friends before that, but after the blonde got pregnant, they even dated more than one time actually. Even if after high school their relationship ended, even after they tried one more time during Quinn’s first year of college, they decided that they were better of as best friends and nothing more. Puck still cares about her and wants her back more than anything. He wants to be a family and it crushes him that she moved on.   RACHEL BERRY: Puck and Rachel used to be a thing but it was never serious. He always wanted more with Rachel but she never seemed interested. He still liked fooling around with her and would happily hook up with her at the drop of a hat if he can.  
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