#or i dunno tomatoes kinda look like apples i guess?
What was the significance of the tomatoes? Falling upon Gabriel's naked arrival?
Are the fruits going to fall?
Is this foreshadowing?
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Are the good old fashioned lover boy and the love of his life going to get their shit together?
Is Aziraphale going to realize he's fallen in love for the first time and this time he knows it's for re-ee-ee-eeeaal?
These are the questions I need answered.
(This was supposed to be a short and silly post, but my thoughts blew up in the tags, so read them if you want a silly fan theory)
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smoltongzhi · 4 years
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“So my boyfriend left me alone in his apartment with a computer and I ended up looking at pizza stuff, because he has food standards and I eat like a garbage can. @aptlyattorney​, you’re looking at this when you get home or else.”
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“So we’ve got this ‘chicken tikka masala’ thing first, which looks pretty bomb if you ask me. I don’t know all the shit in the ingredients list but I like the sound of it. The yogurt’s kinda weird. I like a little kick, though, so I’m into this with all the spices! Complicated cooking, though. I give it 7/10.”
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“Now we’ve got, uh... Beet pesto with kale and goat cheese? I mean, I’ve eaten worse than squished beets and I’d choose kale over starving, but who thought of this? 4/10, I’d love this shit if I’d been literally starving for a week.”
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“This is caramelized apples, onions, and goat cheese, which looks like a chicken shitted a soft-boiled egg from, like, 10 feet in the air onto a pizza crust. Caramelized apples and goat cheese, sure, but I dunno why the apples are a thing here. Just eat the fucking apple separately. 5/10, eat your apples like a man.”
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“I saw ‘breakfast pizza with sausage, eggs, and cheese’ and thought that’d be pretty nice, I’d eat it, but fuck this. Look at this. This is worse than the apples pizza. 1/10, I will throw this in someone’s face.”
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“Fun fact, strawberries make me pretty sick, but I don’t let that stop me in life. This looks pretty fucking good. That’s the worst part; everything else sounds pretty good. I’d eat it. 7/10, it’ll make me sick but I’ll like it.”
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“Raspberry marscapone “““pizza”““, like this isn’t just a fucking flat fruit dessert lying to the world. 0/10. It’s not a pizza, it doesn’t fucking count.”
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“I guess this is grilled honey sriracha and chicken. Dunno how you grill honey. Looks like someone put some salsa on flatbread and then wanted to get funky and threw some chicken and bacon in. I like the looks of it, though--9/10 from me, I bet I would buy it on the regular.
“The next one’s supposed to be bacon, japaneno, sausage, sriracha and stuff, but the link sends me to a dead end, so whatever. Hypothetical pizzas don’t feed me. 0/10.”
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“Chipotle cajun shrimp and quac--nah. Another starvation pizza. 2/10.”
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“Shrimp da via--no, uh, shrimp da d... Shrimp va devol... It’s shrimp and tomatoes or whatever. It looks pretty fucking stuck-up for a round bread covered in shrimp. 1/10, get off your fucking high pizza horse.”
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“Jalapeno popper pizza, okay, this sounds nice, I’m into it. This is a chill-ass pizza, no ruffles. Bacon, peppers, onions, yummy cheese. I bet even I could make it at home. 9/10, maybe there’s a better pizza out there somewhere but I’m happy with this.”
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“Rhubarb basil with apple-honey barbeque sauce. Fuck you. 0/10. Just make a salad like a normal human being.”
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“Cookies and creme dessert pizza, okay, like... Why not just make it a pie, or actual cookies? 2/10, shit excuse to eat sugar in a wacky new way. I’d just eat normal cookies.”
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“Deep dish apple pizza--fuck OFF, IT’S A PIE, IT’S AN APPLE PIE, IT’S NOT A PIZZA JUST BECAUSE YOU USE SOME DOUGH. Negative 10/10, stop LYING to me!”
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“Grilled blackberry with goat cheese, pistachios, and honey. I’m gonna have a fucking episode. It’s like I’m back in the civil war. I’m looking at a cluster of gut shots. Negative a billion out of ten, you aren’t a cook, you are NOTHING, you KILL me, you kill GOOD food, I WILL KILL YOU-”
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naromoreau · 5 years
Blind Date
Thank you so much to my amazing friend @outranks for betaing this and encourage me in every step to write this. Also a big thanks to the lovely @starsandskies for giving me her insight of John which I greatly appreciate.  _________________________ Pairing: Rook (Not a Deputy yet) x John Seed Rating: SFW, no warnings.  Pre-Game events
To abandon her old life was the hardest decision she'd taken knowing fully well it was the only way to get out of that shroud of toxicity. David had sworn with words that had punched her in the gut, not to leave her alone until she'd finally forgive him, something Rook knew was not gonna happen in the next month. Year. Hell, probably never. It wasn't as much the act as the treason, the lies and deceit that now felt like venom sluicing down her throat. It was wrath and it was consuming. It shouldn't hurt like this, she was better off, yet head tripped over heart 99 times out of 100. 
Not knowing where to go, calling Kim had seemed a brilliant idea. Much to her chagrin they hadn't seen each other in a long time, despite have been partners in crime in school, and pretty much sharing the tiniest detail about each other’s life once they were away. Those phone bills had been sky up high. Even after she married Nick, who was everything Rook could’ve asked for Kim, they were still as thick as thieves. 
So, in seconds Mrs. Rye had had everything decided, coaxing Rook to move back to Montana where they’d be waiting for her. It sounded like the perfect set up. Away from the constant hubbub and chaos New Jersey was. 
Her old Chevy roared up the highway, as the corn fields passed in a blur. It’d been a hell of a long trip but somewhere between the sight of the far away mountains and the mauve streaks of the sky, Rook felt a bit more at ease. She spotted the sign of Fall’s End at the distance and decided to drop by the closest grocery shop to buy the stuff she needed to prepare her killer spaghetti bolognesa to thank Kim and Nick to allow her to stay with them. Her mouth watered at the thought. 
The car skid to stop just outside the only visible store Rook could find. The place was small, crammed with supplies and the man in charge was attentive and polite. She glanced around. There was just another person aside her, who now fidgeted with something standing next to a pile of toilet paper. Rook looked at him as she passed by and her brows arched. He was definitely the most handsome man she'd seen. Just a little taller than her, trim and lush beard and brown hair slicked back. When he tipped his head up, a breath caught in her throat. Blue eyes clear as country sky stared back at her, icy hue making her words stutter in her mind. 
The corner of his lip quirked slightly in a smile that she decoded as a form of remote acknowledgement of her presence, so she nodded and made an stately retreat. 
Right. Pasta. 
It was ridiculous. The way her knees trembled a little when she finally seized the pasta and the tomatoes. She didn't know the man. For all Rook knew he could be married, engaged, or plainly not into her. And really. She was just tangling her thoughts when the reality was they were nobodies to each other. 
Rook sighed.
The only thing left to pick was the parmesan. Memories of her mom's recipe huddled in her mind once she stood in front of the cheeses and picked the one she remembered. 
"You don't want that, darling, it's nearly… inedible." 
It was that man. His voice was sinfully sweet, a tinge of pleased satisfaction falling thick from his tongue. 
"Excuse me?" 
The fact that he just called her 'darling' before insulting her childhood memories, kicked her sudden infatuation to the back of her mind. 
"That… cheese you just picked-- it's definitely heinous, a crime to use it in a good bolognese," he said, looking inquisitively at the ingredients she carried clutched to her chest. "This one on the other hand…" A tattooed hand offered her a different one, as she watched a smug grin come alive on his face. 
"Thanks. But I think I'll go with this one."
A wave of annoyance was starting to shatter her polite smile, as she sidestepped him, walking to the check out. 
"Suit yourself, dear."
Rook knew it was far better to ignore the taunt, but again, she wasn’t known for being the smart type. “Are you a professional cheff perhaps?”
The man just laughed. A short, sharp sound that made a shudder wrack her spine despite her best efforts. “I’m a lawyer.”
Huh. “Ah, well, yeah-- thanks.”
“I’m not wrong, dear.”
She clenched her jaw, waving a goodbye as his final words brushed her on her way to the register. 
She was about to leave the store, when the same honeyed voice greeted her from the store’s TV. 
"The salvation is within your reach, join us at Eden’s Gate--" 
‘Lawyer my ass’. The man was a fucking preacher. 
“Fucking televangelist.”
Apparently you couldn’t trust people in this town. 
Hope County was as idyllic as a bucolic painting but far more interesting. Her life in Rye's household was proving to be oddly cheerful even if half the time Rook was forced into the pleasant inaction of a well-tended guest. The grey dawns creeped one after the other and slowly, slowly, she started regaining a little of her previous balance. Thick amounts of anger, heavy as tar, fizzled out with every day she spent trudging across golden barley fields. 
That was, whenever Kim and Nick had to go to business in town, leaving her on her own. Otherwise, Rook was always hedged by activities ranging from helping Kim to administer the property, to assist Nick with never ending tuning and 'reparations' of his plane. Which Rook suspected had a bit more mileage than was safe, not that she would’ve voiced that thought in front of its owner. The man was head over heels for Carmina, the seaplane. 
"Pass me the torque wrench, Rookie.” 
Rook heard Nick’s huff from beneath one side of the plane, where he was bent trying to determine the source of the jarring sound of metal scratching metal everytime he turned on the engine. 
She fumbled in the tool box until it produced what she was looking for. "Here."
"It was just routine crop-dusting," he mumbled more to himself than Rook, "dunno what coulda got wrong."
"Bet you'll figure it out soon enough."
"I'm fuckin' counting on it, tell you that-- A friend and I go on testing flies on the weekends, y'know?" 
"More like dick measurement contests, but with planes, you mean." Kim chided in carrying a tray of sandwiches and three beers. 
Nick almost jumped on the spot, hitting his head with the open door of the plane. "It ain't like that, Kimmie, you know that."
"Yeah, right." Kim rolled her eyes an sipped her beer, an amused smile tugging her lips. 
"John's a good guy," Nick said. 
"Who’s John?" Truth was that Rook wasn't as interested as to actually want to know, but she didn't want to seem rude, after how amazing they'd been with her. Asking didn't cost anything. 
"A guy who moved here 'bout couple years ago," Nick said, "nice guy but keeps pretty much to himself except for--" 
"The dick measurement contests," Rook and Kim offered in unison with devilish twin grins, the words a slap on Nick's face. 
"Very funny you two," Nick groused. 
Kim sauntered to Nick and kissed him, softly, nothing more than a chaste peck on the lips. The way Nick clung to her waist, receiving every bit of what she was giving with complete rapture, as if they hadn't  kissed almost a hundred times already that day, struck Rook right in the middle of her current train of thoughts. Even in their best moments, David had never been like that, had never shown an ounce of the joy that reeked from Nick every time he held Kim. 
He'd never loved her and now she knew it. Suddenly Rook felt ill. 
"C'mon," Kim said with a dreamy smile, holding Nick's hand, "let's have some lunch."
A month went by in a heartbeat and Rook started thinking about getting a job and settling there. Coming back to her roots, in a sense. 
“I’m glad to see you smiling again, honey,” Kim said after putting in the oven the result of their hard work.  
She had been trying for the last half hour to teach Rook how to make the perfect crust for an apple pie, after she ate six slices and demanded to know the magic behind it. Now they both sat at the isle, sipping two cold ones. 
“Yeah, kinda hard not to in a place like this-- I mean it’s… breathtaking.” 
Kim smirked. “It has its ups and downs, like every place I guess. You never meet too many new people.”
“But I mean that’s good in a way, right? You get to deepen your relationship with the ones you already know?” 
It was so different from the rhythm of living in New Jersey. Always fast. A ceaseless flow of new things that after a while were always not enough. Like David. And maybe that’d been the problem. 
“You thinking about that asshole, huh?”
Rook just sighed. “I mean-- maybe that was the problem, we moved in together too fast, I don’t know--”
Kim set her beer down, and placed one hand over one of her own. “No, sweetie. The guy was always an asshole, trying to pretend he wasn’t one. Knowing him more-- less, it wouldn’t have made any difference.”
Rook let out a soft, dry chuckle. She knew that, but trying to understand how all went to hell in a handbasket was helping her to realize this time, she wasn’t the failure. 
“I should’ve listened to you, Kimmie.”
“Yeah, well, that’s not your signature move,” Kim said, voice tinged with amusement.
Rook laughed, the joke unspooling the frayed, worn out tension curling up inside her. 
“How do you meet good people?” Rook asked, not really expecting an answer. 
“I guess-- I guess it’s a matter of you know-- just knowing people.” Kim arched a brow. “Do you wanna start dating again?”
“See, I don’t know. Yes? No? I don’t--” Rook sighed. “I just wanna know people, like you said, and maybe then-- who knows.”
Kim nodded along her stuttered monologue, her eyes glinting with what Rook identified as a sudden idea. She knew Kim’s ideas were to be feared or celebrated. “What about John?”
“Who’s John?” It took Rook point-three seconds to realize who Kim was talking about. “Nick’s weird plane friend?”
“He’s not weird and he’s a good man.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about that. I mean--”
“He’s really good looking,” Kim said, pointedly.
“So you think I can be convinced with the promise of a pretty face, huh?”
“Seriously, Kimmie, you think so little of me,” Rook said with faux offense, sporting a half-grin. She wasn’t totally opposed to the idea and she trusted Kim above all. Maybe this could be a good onset, and it didn't matter if things went sideways or if the guy ended up being a self absorbed prick that just took a swim in a barrel of cologne: it was a step in the right direction. “Fine, but make sure he’s into this too. I don’t wanna spend time with a guy who feels I ambushed him.”
“No worries, honey. I’ll take care of everything.”
 She admired the view in the mirror for a few long seconds, trying to convince herself it was not such a bad idea. Rook had never considered herself beautiful, but she was pleased by her reflection. The plain navy blue dress she'd packed almost without thinking, seemed fitting yet comfortable which was exactly what Rook wanted. She didn't want him to think she was trying too hard, especially if he wasn't going to return the favor. The silky fabric caressed her fingers as she glided them over the skirt, trying to fix any visible creasings. The nervous squirming in her stomach intensified as she went down the stairs, to meet the Ryes. 
"Ain't you a sight for sore eyes, honey," Kim chirped, with a big grin on her face. 
Rook tucked a strand of golden hair behind her ear, painfully conscious of her own blushing. "You think so?" 
"Bet your money on it." Kim gave her a reassuring smile, before holding her hands. "Nick's gonna take you there-- John insisted you two should have dinner at his ranch which I think is nice, 'cause the Spread Eagle is good and Old Gary is a nice guy but the place isn't suited for a proper date."
Rook quirked a brow. "He has a ranch?" 
"Yeah, I think you'll like it."
This was it. The physical display showing she was kicking her past to the curb, ready to start anew. Rook blew air hard, shaking her head and her carefully combed curls.
"It'll be fine, honey, and you can always call either me or Nick if you want an early pick up for whatever reason, m'kay?" 
Rook nodded before hugging Kim. 
"Thanks, Kimmie-- for everything."
Kim's eyes glinted, smiling warmly. "Go have fun."
Rook shivered when a current of wind blew up, her dress whipped around her body by it. The night sizzled with warmth, suiting for the end of July, yet Rook clutched her arms as if it was freezing before stepping through the threshold of the house. 
The door had been left open, a clear statement of how peaceful and quiet this side of the County was or of how much John trusted his neighbours. She could feel her heart drumming under every inch of skin, from her toes up to her temples. Her eyes swiveled down to the perfectly set table at the side of the great living room, and she let out a small gasp of surprise. It was definitely far more intimate than any scenario she'd expected. 
The room was dimly lit and she almost missed the man standing next to the fireplace with his back turned. 
When she took a step forward, the click of her heels against the floor seemed to snap him out of his silence and he swirled to face her. 
Oh. Oh no. 
"Ah, Rook, it's such a pleasure--" 
The words were cut in a dry halt, while a glaze of confusion set on his face. Apparently he was as dumbstruck as she was. 
Rook was trying her best to not let her jaw hit the floor, because "plane John" was the "parmesan guy", as she referred to him in the abridged version she'd given to Kim. In Rook's book the guy was a total jerk and a liar. Definitely not someone she wanted to spend the evening with. 
He recovered quicker than her. "I didn’t know you were staying with the Ryes," he said with a saccharine voice. 
"There was no reason for you to know it,” she said with her chin held high. "I'm sorry-- this was a mistake--" 
"On the contrary, my dear," he said, taking a few steps in her direction, his eyes drinking in the sight of her, "I believe this is a very right encounter." 
Rook gulped despite herself. He had no damn right to be this handsome: perfectly tailored black trousers and white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, he could've passed for a model if he wanted to. She bit her lip to cut the spell. 
"You lied to me," Rook blurted out. 'And insulted my choice of cheese,' she wanted to add but it didn't seem like a proper claim. 
His brow creased. "I beg your pardon?" 
"You told me you were a lawyer but I saw you on that televangelical infomercial." 
She didn’t know what she was expecting but it certainly wasn't him huffing a laugh. "So you jumped to the conclusion I should've been lying because lawyers aren't men of God?" 
Rook wasn't feeling as confident in her assertion as a minute ago, nevertheless, she retaliated. "Actually the opposite, I think."
John finally broke in an honest, clear, ringing laugh that was as annoying as it was enticing. What a contradiction this man was. 
"Well, normally you'd be right, but it does happen that I am both," he said, walking to the table and reaching a hand in her direction. "I can tell you all about it if you stay with me for dinner."
Rook weighed the options in speed mode and agreed. After all saying no over the parmesan, would've been a whole new level of petty even for her. 
She took the hand drawn in her direction and her cheeks flushed when he closed his fingers around it. It felt warm, and a little rough, and something wild fluttered in her stomach at the contact. It'd been ages since she'd felt like that, like the central focus of attention, like he was the lucky one having her there. 
Her heart tumbled again when he reluctantly let go of her hand to pull the chair for her. A small gesture done with the ease of something that came natural, not just for show. 
"Thank you," she said. 
He nodded and flashed another dashing smirk in her direction. Thank God she was sitting because by now her knees were jello, courtesy of those striking blue eyes. 
"I have to say I wasn't expecting my date to be the beautiful stranger I met a month ago," he said in a frank tone, sitting at her side. "I often wondered if you were still around."
Rook almost let out a goofy giggle. She shouldn't have let it rattle her that much but the fact that he called her beautiful, aside from making wonders for her ego still hurt by the betrayal, in that matter of factly tone, just brushed aside some of her doubts about him. 
"Do you say the same to all your dates?" She quipped. 
By some magic trick her question made his composed manners crack a little. A light blush spread over his nose and cheeks. "I haven't had a date in years if I have to be honest." 
For the first time that night, she smiled at him. "Then we're in the same boat."
"Better to say, the same plane," he said serving her a slice of a handmade lasagna, the smell making her stomach rumble of hunger. 
"I bet you are as head over heels with your plane as Nick is with his," she scoffed. 
"Not true, darling," he said, "as much as I like Affirmation, my plane that is, things are just meanings to an end." He leveled his gaze with hers, almost breathtaking under the candlelights. "I reserve love just for people."
Rook shuddered under his veiled words and for a moment found herself wondering how would it be to be loved by him. It was silly, and utterly naïve. She was floundering in spirals of ifs when the truth was he was only being polite and she was being delusional. 
"Shall we?" She asked gesturing to her plate, swallowing her inconvenient thoughts. 
John's eyes lingered for a few seconds on her, his mouth quirked in a smirk. "Of course."
By the end of the meal Rook had learned everything there was to know about John Seed the lawyer and PR of Eden's Gate Project. 
She wasn't a woman of faith, considering herself mostly a respectful audience rather than willing participant but John had been so convincing she'd agreed to join him for the Sunday service next week. 
A pang of regret assaulted her for thinking bad of him for so long when in all honesty he seemed a good person, if well, a bit overeager about his beliefs, culinary and religious alike. The whole night had left her under the impression than despite his candor on the questions she asked, there were a lot of things unsaid especially surrounding his upbringing. 
She knew he had siblings, part of Eden’s Gate as well, and that his whole life now revolted around it. He seemed too perfect to be truth and when the night was over, she found herself wanting this wasn't just a one time thing. 
"I had a really great time," she said taking her phone out of her purse to check the time and dial for Kim. 
"It was a pleasure-- no, a delight, to have you with me tonight and I hope is not a bold assumption to think this was not a one time only thing-- or am I wrong?"
Rook's heart pounded heavily in her chest. "No, you’re not," she said with a soft smile. 
This man was certainly in his own league.  When her eyes finally fell to her lockscreen, she bit back a scream. It was 2:00 a.m. 
Probably seeing the distress on her face, John leaned forward, a hand placed over hers. "Is something wrong? "
"It's-- it's 2:00 in the morning!" she yelped, "I can't -- damn, I can't call Kim right now, it'd be so rude."
He huffed a short laugh. "Don't worry, darling. I'll take you there."
He stood up, offering her a hand that she took quickly, thinking about how inconsiderate she'd been with the Ryes. At least she had her own key. 
"Thank you, so much, I don't -- I don't wanna bother you though, it's quite far."
"Nonsenses, my dear. It's my pleasure."
She hadn't realized he was still holding her hand, when he stopped right at the threshold of the house. 
"I know--" He chuckled, and cleared his throat, clearly nervous, and Rook's knees bucked at his proximity, "I know I have no right asking this of you, but-- may I kiss you, Rook?" 
There was a slight waver in his otherwise confident request, Rook found endearing. She would've been lying if she said she hadn't toyed with the idea more and more as the night progressed, imagining the scrape of his beard over her chin, the hard press of his mouth over hers-- 
"I'd very much like that," Rook answered, thanking her stars she wasn't croaking out of pure nervousness. 
She felt her cheeks burning as he closed the distance between them, painfully slow, blue eyes delving into hers as if to pry into her soul. 
His hand slid up, thumbing at her jaw, fingers resting against her neck, warm and gentle. Rook's heart galloped when he leaned in, not diverting her eyes from those magnetizing blues. Her breath came in shallow exhales when finally his lips brushed hers, soft and slightly damp. Tentatively first, shy eagerness that untethered with every second passed. 
Rook closed her eyes, taking in the sensations, flitting and stark, careening through her. Kissing someone hadn't felt like this in a long time if not ever. A kiss capable of send jolts of pure exhilaration and new-formed vertigo to the farest corner of her being. She could feel every inch of his chest pressed to hers, warm and solid, his tongue sliding along the seams of her mouth, and every movement drove her further away from heartache, further away from the feeling of hollowness. So quickly, so effectively. It felt so right. And it was scary. 
She broke the kiss, gauging the impact of how screwed up she was. 
"Is everything alright?" John asked, lips swollen, breathing coming out in small puffs. The whole sight and the pitch of his rough voice wreaking havoc on Rook's gut. 
"Perfectly." She allowed herself a genuine smile that he promptly returned, holding her hand and finally guiding her to the black SUV parked at the garage. 
"Thank you for that, my dear," he said with a pitch that made her half-formed hopes, gain reality. "Now, let's take you home."
Hope County looked beautiful and daunting at night. Dark blue scattered with silver glimmer of distant stars.
Sitting at John's side Rook felt alive. She could even say she forgave David. She didn't care at all about it anymore, because if it meant coming here, and coming here meant meeting John, then it wasn't all tragedy. 
Living here was going to be perfect, and she was going to seize every second of it. In that moment John turned his head to look at her and she was struck by the sheer glee waving back at her from those clear blue pools. A light squeeze of her hand as a silent reassurance. 
Of what? Rook wasn't sure yet, but she was determined to find out.
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sapphicluxanna · 5 years
1-100 pls 🌹💕
BABE. oh my god. okay here we go, it’s gonna be long!!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal than milk I think?
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? I love winter and everything about it, I’d rather be cold than hot 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? post it notes, receipts, I’ve used flowers a few times, really anything that’s in reach
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? tea with a little bit of milk and honey, coffee depends on the day? typically with a lil bit of vanilla creamer. when I make my ‘fancy’ coffee at home with frothy milk on top I always top them off with a dusting of cinnamon 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? always
6: do you keep plants? ye! I have a succulent/cacti terrarium, some sunflowers, jasmine, african violets, tomato plants, hanging planters, and a few more I forget the names of!
7: do you name your plants? not the ones I have currently
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I love ink. I haven't been able to paint with ink in a while, but the movement of that and watercolor are just.. freeing? I dunno how to explain it.  that and drawing using ink, every mark you make is permanent and I just kinda zone out when doing it
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? aight listen. my future s/o is gonna have to deal with this a lot. shower? singing. car ride? singing. cooking? singing. y'all aint getting a break even if I sound like a dying cat
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? primarily side and stomach!
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? I cant think of many at the moment but uhhhh. hmm. a few guys and I play a game together and I run the group (in rdr2), and we don't let people join it if their horse’s tail isn't braided so we’ll hunt them down and kill them instead
12: what’s your favorite planet? neptune looks beautiful
13: what’s something that made you smile today? the fact that you wanted to know more about me
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? lots and lots of plants, kinda modern, a few fish tanks, smells like lavender and coffee
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! mars has the biggest known volcano!
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? stupidly basic, but chicken parmesan 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I’ve always wanted to impulsively dye it some shade of blue just for a few weeks
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I got ridiculously drunk off tequila at a house party and was given my first mojito, thought he picked leaves off the tree out back and threw them in so I dug them out and threw them around the yard in disgust. I have a very vague memory of this but they always give me crap for it
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I have a couple! one is my bujo where I keep lists of things like self care ideas, favorite movies and books, quotes, friend stuff, etc. another I use to draw in and like to recreate van gogh sketches, others are private 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? y'all ever really see brown eyes? oof
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don't have this?
22: are you a morning person? I could be if I woke up next to the right person
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? netflix binging, reading, aquarium shopping, walks with my dog in the woods, making stupid pancakes, and league with a babe
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? it takes time for me to trust people, so probably all my life at some point with a girl. as for family? no
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? I’ve locked myself outta my place a few times and had to go through the window
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? several pairs of sandals and slides!
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? just regular mint?
28: sunrise or sunset? watching the sunset on a blanket in the grass with a girl I care about 
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? her voice gets a lil louder and she talks fast when she's excited about something and its flipping adorable
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love fluffy socks and patterned socks and ones with dinosaurs and stuff and I love socks so much, don't sleep in them though
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. we played a drinking game based off how we did in a split screen game, one drink for every kill, got v drunk that night 
33: what’s your fave pastry? I love baclava but I’m horribly allergic to walnuts
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I still have it! my dad went down to south carolina a lot and I was, and still am, very much in love with alligators. I think I was six or something but he came home with this giant garbage bag and was moving it like there was an animal inside and when I opened it, it was a giant stuffed alligator. he's currently sitting on my bed, but seems a lot smaller now
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I really wanna get into using thicker paper for letters with pressed wax seals and pressed flowers 
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? I don’t really focus on individual bands too much tbh, I bounce around a lot within genres. anything happy and country atm
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I’m tryna keep it cleaner, better habit to make myself get into 
38: tell us about your pet peeves! people smoking around me (I don't care that you smoke whatever, I just ask you don't do it around me bc it makes me feel sick), a group of people that takes up the whole sidewalk going incredibly slow, people that cut me off in traffic without turn signals, people who f around in the tsa line and don't get ready then stand there for ten minutes taking everything off for the scanner and hold us up, “there” and “their” and “they’re” misuses, etc. jeez, didn't realize I had so many and that's not even all of them
39: what color do you wear the most? blue?
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I love my claddagh ring, my mom and sister both have the same one and we all match. currently not wearing it bc it was like 100 degrees F then other day and it burned my finger?????
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? asoiaf!!!!
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! I like this lil coffee shop about half an hour away, every drink has an individual and funny name and the workers are nice 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? I honestly can’t remember, but I could really go for this right now
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? uhhhh it’s been a bit? lotta stressors recently 
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? I try to, should've listened to them regarding some stuff and I didn’t 
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. what do you call a blind dinosaur? a do-you-think-he-saurus.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? broccoli
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? santa and the dark, no on both accounts now 
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? no, I just use apple music 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? I dunno about odd, but I keep seashells and shark teeth I find on beaches 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? somebody to love
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? uhhhh I’m bad at keeping up with when these come out but probably the “wait was anyone going to tell me ___ or was I supposed to find out in this ___”
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I haven't seen these sorry!
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? my dad
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? I honestly cannot think of this right now
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when they get excited about something, when their eyes sparkle a bit in sunlight, when they’re touchy (only certain ones), compassion, weird hobbies and interests, etc
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? it’s an experience. listen with headphones on high or don't listen to it at all
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I guess I’d be the wine mom bc I don't drink heavily too often with my friends cause I’m usually the dd, vodka aunt would go to my friend S cause hell she puts that shit away fast
59: what’s your favorite myth? I love greek mythology
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? sappho
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? a lil cat bank that grabs a coin with its paw and drags it into the box and a potato, respectively 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? not usually
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I kept all of my books on a shelf before the move but idk what imma do with them now bc I have no room for a bookcase so they're kinda messy rn
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? pale blue and cloudy
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? a friend who moved away a few years ago, I miss her 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? oooooh. hmm. lots of blues and pinks and purples with lil twisty brown vines?
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? I love them, 10/10, perfect. 
68: what’s winter like where you live? we either get 3 feet of snow overnight or a dusting, there’s no in between
69: what are your favorite board games? I cant remember the last time I played a board game??? I liked the game of life and monopoly when I was a kid 
70: have you ever used a ouija board? nope
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? whatever happens to be in the cabinet!
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? I have the memory of a goldfish
73: what are some of your worst habits? letting people get away with things they've done to me, being too lenient with people that make me uncomfortable, etc
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. they’re such a good friend and we have enough years built into our friendship that we can go a few weeks without talking and be right where we left off. they’re kind and caring and ready to help people when they need it 
75: tell us about your pets! my cat is an 8 year old lil grump, but he gets so freaking affectionate and lovey too. he knows when I’m anxious and will come up and sit on my chest and purr. my dog’s a ball of jumping energy, she's always excited and happy, she’s only 2 so hopefully she’ll mellow out. then my clownfish are flipping adorable even though they try to bite my fingers when I’m working on the aquarium 
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? unpacking and socializing with family
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink lemonade 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I don't care about them really, but the facebook minion memes passed around by moms gotta stop
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? one of my exes surprise got me flowers sometimes, while the relationship just didn't work that was a cute action 
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? they’re kinda beige-ish? I just moved here and I don’t wanna repaint them
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. hmm. one of my friends’ eyes are like the leaves on the forest floor, an assortment of greens and browns blended together with the occasional fleck of gold when light filters through the trees
82: are/were you good in school? I’m okay? In high school I was in honor classes and stuff and I've made the deans list a few times in college so far, but honestly I think I’m just average. I have a lot of issues with math and it’s why I couldn't go into one of the fields I was considering. I get overwhelmed quickly
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? tbh I don't look at this kinda stuff but I know kesha’s rainbow was good?
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? ye! I want a small humpback whale on my left inner wrist, they mean a lot to me and I finally got to see one in person just last year. then I have some scars on my thigh I’ve been tossing around the idea of getting a tattoo to cover up, but idk if I would or what I would get 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? no sorry! I always wanted to when I was younger but I got psyched out by guys who would say they're not for girls who I never took advantage of the comic shop a family friend owns 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I dunno what this is and I’m too tired to google it but imma guess its about music? to which I say I’m v bad at keeping up with everyones stuff 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? the princess bride, star wars, lord of the rings, the sound of music, indiana jones (NOT crystal skull, it sucked), jurassic park, and a lottttt more. 
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? impressionism, post impressionism, and expressionism 
89: are you close to your parents? ish. 
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I absolutely loved st. malo in france. I need to go back. it’s a giant walled city on the water and it’s just beautiful. I sat and watched an artist on the street for a while and bought two of his paintings afterward, gotta figure out where to hang them in my new bedroom. the air smelled amazing, it rained a lot when I was there but I still loved it and I wish I’d had more time to really explore than I did
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I wanted to go to sri lanka to see my family but I don’t think it’s gonna happen, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for pennsylvania cause reasons 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? cheese is life
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? I braid it overnight and wear it down during the day!
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my dad a few days ago 
95: what are your plans for this weekend? I think I’ve got another family party to go to? feel kinda done with my fam rn though
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I literally just installed 2 years worth of updates this morning, so yeah, I procrastinate updates quite a bit 
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? idk what the first thing is but the others are scorpio and slytherin!
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? oh wow I can’t remember, but imma say yes? I wanna hike with my dog at some point 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. somebody to love, la mer, and some others
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the future. I hope that future me is happy and comfy with someone she loves surrounded by their plants, aquariums, pets, and love. 
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