#or its people trying to argue that minors can consent (they cant)
losergendered · 1 year
what does pro-para mean?
means that you support/dont stigmatize people who experience paraphilic attraction (any attraction deemed outside of the norm. this ranges from things like the big three to things like foot fetishes to things like latex. its a huge huge huge huge range). many of these types of attractions are disordered.
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dead-lesbians · 3 years
so proshitters have come and infected the crash zoom fandom so.
just to let yall know,if your a crash zoom fan and a proshitter get the fuck away from me, literally block me.
fiction does have an effect on realty and not only is denying that fact harmful for victims of CSA and grooming (like me) as even if YOUR intent isnt use it to groom, others can use your content to groom children if it is publicly available.
its also just ignoring blatant facts of how fiction can influence peoples beliefs. 1 2 3 4 5 (i shouldn't even need to add a source to explain how stereotypes in fiction are harmful, not to mention propaganda) but also depictions of children in a sexual way is literally illegal in a lot of places , including in certain states of america , so like, you creating your weird art of kate (who is refered to as a minor, and is meant to be around the age of 8, confirmed by tom himself at 7:27) is literally illegal, just because shes like 100 years old, doesn't make it okay (if you genuinely think that just because she is 'technically' not a child, let me be clear and say that like, she is mentally a child, and oh whoops!!! children cant consent).
Anyway anyone who tries to argue with me will be blocked, ive already exposed my self to enough triggering content today and im not doing it further to argue with kids who have been groomed (i a NOT the right person to help them) and weird 30 year olds who are gonna refuse to change their beliefs no matter what. at the very least dont try and pretend you care about victims when you post this gross content, its preformative as hell when you try say 'you guys dont care for REAL victims' or say it can be a coping mechanism (its not, its simply normalising the abuse, if you expose yourself to something for long enough your gonna be desensitised to it. also if it IS a coping mechanism, it needs to be kept private because it can be used to traumatise other people, and if your a victim, you shouldn't want people to go through the exact same shit as you...finally coping mechanisms can be harmful)
i also wanna ask normal people who dont think you should make csam to not harrass proshitters at all, they are either people know know what they are doing is wrong and use the harrassment to mke themself seem like a victim and further groom children, or are victims of grooming and dont understand any better. simply block these people, or if your in the right head space, try and re educate these people. not all will listen and sometimes you have to cut your losses, but its better than resorting to harrassment.
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savnofilter · 4 years
- this isnt under a read more because i want people to read this, but please read past this/tread carefully if you cannot handle such topics. this is not meant to be interacted with.
I'm not sure how to really go about this. I've been overthinking if I should address this and bring up some stuff while I've been gone, so sorry the absence. I deleted the tumblr app a few days ago and I downloaded it again today so i could post this. I really don't like making posts like this because it cuts the vibe that I've been trying to portray that everything is okay and it makes me feel really disconnected to you guys. I am sorry for the abrupt absence and cutting off any source of communication between us. I knew if I left any form of direct line of talk to me that I would receive hate and I just mentally decided that I cant sit through being harassed right now.
Have you guys ever paid attention to the same people who always have a statement to say or is always in discourse? It's very telling how everyone can post about me, but I shouldnt dare post about them. I'm tired of not being able to post about what I want without people vague posting about me, bringing me up every time they start another discourse with another writer or directly talking about me. My days on here are starting to feel the same. Its good then it goes bad. Good goes bad and bad goes good. It's not even tiring, annoying, or angering -- its repetitive. When I'm not saying anything people create fake stories about me, and when i speak about it im the one starting discourse. Don't get me wrong, I'm nowhere near perfect and I have made my own mistakes. But why the fuck am I always being told to be the mature one, why am I the one who should've done better, why do you people expect so much from me. It's the fact people are always quick to say, "no one cares about you, youre fishing for attention" when they're the ones who vague and interact with me while ive been minding my business for months now. Hm. The fact people have me proudly blocked but still harass me anyways shows a lot about themselves than it does for me. How its such an issue that im a minor until it comes to demonizing, tearing down my character, gaslighting, lying and bullying. I'm a literal example of how their friend group manipulates their followers and exiles people from fandoms for not kissing their ass. except now its in your face.
Consider this my last post about this discourse. I'm not going to waste my time on people who fail to digest other peoples thoughts and opinions time and time again because theyre weak narcissists. If I so choose to decide to shit post my opinions or argue with someone, none of you should be aggravated or moved by it because youre not even supposed to be on my page. If its not something serious i will not be wasting energy that i can be using to build on myself as a growing person than on miserable old ladies that have to use fanfiction to have excitement in their pity, depressing and lackluster lives. If people so do choose to create stories or vague about me, I do not care. So I ask respectfully to people who do lurk on my page to not attempt to message, post or vague about me please. This includes sending anons to yourself to make shit happen.
Past that, something got me thinking. My (older) friend had showed me screenshots of adult writers (no one i have spoken to) that were very excited to write underaged reader with adult characters. There are other instances where writers (that you have probably read from) on here openly made reader underage while aging characters up as adults/with adults. There are many more but there's really no point in listing them nor do I really care. But least to say, the same people who are gung-ho over these pedophilic themes/stories are the same people who support predatory people.
I've been thinking about whether or not i should continue writing for the students anymore. Granted, I still think they're attractive because one snap of the fingers cant stop that. I had been teetering on this thought for awhile because of how borderline pedophilic the people are here towards my age group. I enjoy writing but not to the point of willingly being in a straight line of sight where people who are well over 16 are harassing me and lurking on my page, especially to other minors solely because they are my friends. Backtracking to the statement before, I honestly dont know if I will either stop writing or just for the students as a whole. It shows that clearly some people are using their attraction to teens with the excuse that the characters are fake. The rapid normalization on dark problematic "kinks" is disgusting and vile, and the fact that its discourse now to shame said interests is appalling. Concluding that combined with my experiences here, i feel unsafe.
***(TRIGGER WARNING)*** I dont talk about my personal life on here that much cause I dont see the need too nor do i think its anyone's business. Paired with the fact that the people i have trusted personal information with have used it against me, I will be preventing myself from opening that door. Besides that for now, I have sparsely shared I've been assaulted before. This is my first time really opening up about this and i kind of find it necessary now. Coming from someone who has been a victim of assault and CP by people my age and well over, writing nsfw has been the only way where I could feel comfortable with sex in general. I won't get into details because mentioning this is triggering already and can make people uncomfortable. It feels like anywhere I go, I'm constantly putting myself in a position to be abused. The same people who told me I didn't have to worry about my age and be judged for it, exposed the minimum comfort of keeping myself private online to demonize, judge and hurt me. People call me "extra" for being distraught about my face and age being posted because they think im trying to be sneaky which isn't the case. Its the principle that they KNEW I wasnt ready to share said things, and coming from someone who is inherently a private and closed person, she knew damn well what she was doing when posting screenshots of me on Tumblr. There is no excuse for it. The same writers who write dub/non-con can BARELY understand basic consent and its fucking terrifying. This site was the only other place I could cope without being criticized. To see people who some i was close to proudly lie on my name, (adults) say that i sent them pornographic content without their consent is so very hurtful. To watch people supposedly be victims and then use their own trauma to invalidate my own was so fucking humiliating, disgusting and nerve wracking. Although I knew I made the terrible decision to interact with stories, I have never initiated any NSFW discussion with anyone in DMs unless they did it with me first and a few times -- and trust me raise your hand I'll show you the proof. I was sure that everyone I talked to regularly knew that I was a minor, and to my general consensus, people were under the impression I was 15/16 (which I was and am).***
Whether it be victim blaming from the grooming discourse, I've been met with racism, harassment towards my friends, people wanting me to harm myself and be assaulted. I fear what will happen when i will turn 18, if the harassment will escalate and what not. A big part of me is that I'm still here anyways because it pisses people off and I don't care when I receive hate. I can take it but I don't want it. A good conscious of me knows that I should be doing what's best for me but at the end I'm still attached to my ego-self with the added fact that I sincerely enjoy interacting with my followers and posting stories.
I just don't know how the options look. I'll probably be updating my blog rules as of right now. I've been writing more sfw lately because of this and it'd be nice if you guys supported those until I properly decide. I still have plenty of requests of a bunch of characters (mostly Bakugo and Dabi) and original stuff (all sfw & nsfw) that I really wanna share with you guys. But I just ask that what I do modify that you will respect it like you would to any other writer on here.
Stay safe, keep your mask on, and thank you.
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ungracefulace · 5 years
Apparently @exclusionistgodzilla made a callout post about me and its... So much. I cant reblog from them but I can respond to this because its dead ass just factually incorrect in a lot of places
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So this is how they begin their callout. With someone who just cant stand me. Which is valid, but their reasoning is honestly hilarious. I just want to focus on how for proof in a callout about the DANGERS of ungracefulace, you get unsourced and also wrong (anyone who actually reads anything I post ever will see that I dont give a pass for phobic stuff ace people or any people do. I actively call out and argue with shitty inclusionists when I see them) whining from a whole ass 32 year old. So not a string start but lets see what's next.
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So again, this doesn't... count as a source of my evil since it diesnt have anything from what I said. But Ill do one better, I actually found said conversation and this is what they were talking about. (For context this is arguing against the whole idea that ace people cant consent to sex because we don't experience sexual attraction)
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So first of all I didnt say aces having sex is like lesbians having sex with men at all. I said that an ace person choosing to gave sex with someone counts as consent, and that lesbian sex workers like my aunt are doing so consenually.
Ill definitely give you my wording is bad; when I say "without enjoying it" I'm meaning without being sexually attracted to. And when I said that it doesnt gave to be super enthusiastic I meant that you dont have to be super pumped to have sex for you to want to have sex. But also this is from like 3 years ago and I've gotten way better at wording things (at least in my opinion)
Obviously these are different circumstances, but for clarification in the case of an ace person deciding to have sex with their partner there's nothing wrong with that as long as they arent being manipulated or coerced, just like literally any couple ever. And for sex workers as long as they are in control of their clientelle then I see no problem with that either.
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So none of these at ALL have rape culture apologism so thats just a straight up lie. "Recounting possibly triggering opinions to a CSA survivor minor without consent" ????? They literally were the one to start talking to me in replies of an OP I made about consent. This was the only thing I said about it and they told me they didnt want to talk about it anymore I completely dropped it. And oh yeah, Im a CSA survivor too???? And was also a minor at the time???? Y'all are trying to frame me as some type of predator acting like theres some kind of power imbalance I'm preying on when thats literally not the case and its fucked up.
Supporting self identification in minors is apparently a call out offense now according "supporting the labelling of kids as asexual". And general illiteracy is something thats not supported past "this person said simeone they argued with cant read"
But wait, that's not all!!!
The callout actually continues! With this "receipt"
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This is in reference to the thing from like 2 days ago, and again... its so much. We start out strong with blaming me for "defending 10 year olds being ace" because I'm not some asshole going to tell someine who isnt 10 and is still ace that they didnt actually learn they were ace wyen they were 10.
Then we slide into full lies, nowhere do I even mention "allo kids" or say that its normal for 9 year olds to want or have sex. I said that puberty starts between 9-13, and I said that after puberty people can be interested in sexual stuff. I also said (in the screenshotted part they have in their callout) that obviously its not good and n that I dont think anyone shluld be doing anything sexual until they are at least 16.
This last thing just straight up doesnt make sense. For one, the discussion doesnt gave anything to do with grooming. Someone said someine else was lying about their personal experiences for why they identified as ace at 10, and my point was that they cant decide that person is a liar because they dont think 10 year olds are doing anything sexual. They shouldn't be, but its entirely possible and does happen so unless they literally were in school with that person theres no basis to say the person is lying. But secondly, they acknowledge that I do address the grooming point but not enough for them??? How is that callout worthy???
And then they end this already really thin callout with this...
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All in all, this is a poor callout formed from lies and twisting situations. And considering this is coming from Discourse "the AGBT movement" Godzilla its not surprising but holy shit is it annoying to deal with. But yeah. If anyone needs more sources or anything nust let me know. But that pisspoor callout... Yikes
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toxicradio · 4 years
Hey! So I've a question about the kink thing on that post. This is entirely in good faith, I'm just confused. I don't understand why kinks should be admitted under the LGBT canopy. Surely, how you like to screw is not the point of LGBT+? Also, I'm not sure that pride is a celebration of sexuality as much as it is a public statement of our right to exist as LGBT+ people, it's surely not about sex as such, would you mind explaining this to me? You can do this publicly or not. Have a great day!!
So I've explained this in the notes a few times. But I'll do it again no problem 😊
So the post wasn't ever trying to say "if you are kinky you are automatically part if the community."
The post was advocating for lgbt members who have been shat on or hated for being kinky.
And I'm sorry to burst bubbles but the pride/leather community has been very closely intertwined with the lgbt community. Kink spaces have always been a safe space for the queer and LGBT.
And you could argue pride is us expressing our right to exist. BUT what about us sets us apart from cishets? What is it about us that people hate? It's either gender expression, gender identity, or romantic/sexual attraction.
Now let me be clear: should people be balls deep in each other in broad daylight? Should people be having orgies in the streets? Should people be flogged on floats?
As fun as that sounds: no.
However often times there are places where people can showcase things like shibari or the leather pride will rock up in their leather gear. And that's fine.
Honestly there is a book about an lgbt member who was really the head of the kink scene until he passed last year. It talked about how his actions impacted the lgbt and kink scene for the better. I need to find it because it has great examples of how closely knit the community can be.
But let's talk about pride.
Pride originated as a riot. It's mostly aimed at adult crowds but there are family friendly events such as the parade and such. But a lot of other events are at bars or clubs. Not really youth friendly is it?
And honestly most kinksters arent going to go buckwild. Most of us really truly honestly beleive consent is key. We arent going to engage actively in kinks in broad daylight because the crowd around us javent consent to it.
Now if its educational or the leather pride float that's different.
I love that young people are wanting to be active in the pride community and I love that youth friendly events ate opening in the community.
But you cant change pride and the community as a whole just because omg dudes in leather.
Essentially by trying to exclude the leather and kinksters from the community you are trying to erase a very important history about the community you are trying to protect.
Unfortunately a lot of minors on this site dont understand kink and are a fraid of it because it's not something they are old enough to really get. And that's fine! They are MINORS, they arent supposed to understand it. And if they end up not liking it or being vanilla? 100% legit. Honestly I dont care what people do as long as they are consenting adults.
But it seems like this push is mostly coming from minors to exclude lgbt kinksters from the community and they are to young to really get it.
If anyone else can articulate betyer please lmk
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