#or like.  gross p0rn.  there's no in between with these two.
og-doeiika · 4 months
❤️ 💭 💌
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
" The still warm, steaming corpse heaves, pregnant with two terrified men."
I like the dissonance between the positivity/life giving connotation with the yucky corpse. Very gross and uncomfortable lololol
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
Metal lyrics, horror novels, animation works, and p0rn ;;;u;;; I write a lot of crack/ have a lot of ideas for more humorous writing. I approach writing projects as I do with animation: I tend to see things I find amusing to the end. I feel like if the thing I'm writing can consistently evoke the same reaction from me as I work on it I'll finish it. Most of my animations post uni are funny because I just laugh at the same joke throughout the whole production LOLOLOL
I really like romance but I find it hard for me to write about emotions
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Character A is dick and due to their hubris justice is served ;^) My OCs are all like this- and my taste in characters is like this too,,, The more mean the character the more funny (hot) it is to see them get served
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
least favorite recent trend is people calling exclusively-smut (or just romance period) readers p0rn addicts. like no, smut will never ever ever ever ever even come close to be on the same level as p0rn. worse yet it's coming from supposed left-leaning people. like way to agree with right wingers on this issue goddd
Hmm, I get where you're coming from, and I totally agree that the conservatives have weaponized, essentially, good intentions to flip young progressives/libs into spouting conservative talking points. But I will say:
A) Some romance novels? Are kinda really close to porn, lol. And I'm not talking erotica--I'm talking books wherein the sex is not necessarily the point of the story or the crux, but it is kinda why you read. Either to be turned on, or to gawk at something utterly absurd (and sometimes funny). Which is why people watch porn, mostly; to be aroused and/or shocked or amused or grossed out.
Like, I'm thinking of books like Vera Valentine's Squeak. It's about a woman who falls in love with two balloon animal shifters, and they fall in love with her right back. Are you reading that because it's good literature? Not really. Or like, the shorty KU books where the plot is kinda thin but the sex is bomb. I mean, people absolutely read books to masturbate, just as they do with porn ("one-handed reads"); and those books are often romance novels. I mean, I have watched porn that legitimately has better emotional plotting than some of the sillier romances I read. And that's not knocking those romances--just as I don't think a "my first massage with the hot masseur lady" porno is meant to give you this deep story. Nor are those books; and they both accomplish their goals.
To compare, I'd say that Tiffany Reisz's Original Sinners books, which are somewhere between erotic romance and erotica depending on the installment... Are nowhere near being porn. The plots revolve around sex. The sex is explicit and very adventurous--CNC, blood play, pegging, bondage, group sex, daddy kink, priest kink, extreme sadism and masochism, needles, and it goes on and on. But the sex is the framework for serious character development and growth and confronting some heavy issues. It's not anywhere close to the kind of content porn typically offers.
The biggest differentiator between sexually explicit, sex-heavy books and porn is the ways in which the products are crafted and the risk components. Both can create unrealistic expectations surrounding sex and relationships (we talk a lot about boys having porn brain, but if you see some of the shit teen girls think is normal after reading certain romance novels--well). Both can do the opposite. And for both, it's seriously not their problem; content is not responsible for educating the kids. The kids' support systems (parents, guardians, teachers) are. Or should be.
B) Porn is not bad; and therefore, it's not bad to compare those books to porn. It is true that porn can be exploitative and harmful to performers. However, that is the sex industry in general--any industry in general. Companies across the world violate child labor laws every day. American employees regularly work themselves to the point of exhaustion, go to work sick and get sicker/infect their coworkers, and have nervous breakdowns due to overwork--and don't make ends' meet. We culturally focus more on how sex workers can be harmed because 1) it's more shocking because sex 2) it's more direct, at times, because sex workers deal with very intimate services that can involve physical risk 3) the harm that occurs is used by politicians and the media to justify why sex work should be outlawed. When in reality, if sex work was decriminalized we'd be able to offer sex workers safe harbors and resources without fear of legal consequences.
But anyway--porn is not bad inherently. If porn is made ethically, which it absolutely can be, there is nothing wrong with people consenting to sexual acts performed on camera... and as long as nobody is getting hurt, everyone is of age and consenting, and there aren't any animals (because animals cannot consent ever lol) involved, theoretically that's fine. Do a lot of people abuse this system? Absolutely, but I'd say that they're more able to abuse it because of the stigma surrounding porn. Though it's legal and theoretically regulated, the regulations aren't often meant to work for performers, they're meant to "protect" the people who might stumble across porn online.
And because we shame people for watching porn and shame porn as a concept, nobody talks about what ethically made porn is, and how different types of porn affect people differently as they grow up. Because most of them? Will watch porn either way. But perhaps if teens felt free enough to discuss the things they saw in porn with sex educators... they would learn more about what is real and what isn't.
I also think that porn can be interesting and artistic (it often isn't, but erotic cinema used to be more common--would recommend the documentary "Skin" to explore more about it), and like I said above, romance novels can be--and like porn, sometimes they aren't. And romance novels, while they may not be as directly harmful as bad porn can be to performers, can be harmful on a broader level. For example, there is som racist porn out there; and there are some racist romance novels out there.
So I guess my thing is--as someone who reads a lot of romances of many degrees of quality, and had also watched my fair share of porn... I don't see a huge difference between some books and porn, lol. And that's not a bad thing. If the worst romances or erotica novels are just as bad as porn on a whole, that's fine, because porn on its own isn't a bad thing. The argument really shouldn't be "romance novels/erotica are better than porn", imo, because the people coming after one are going to come after the other either way. Sex negativity usually takes a universal approach. Nothing is spared; nothing is "good enough". When Spoutible banned sex workers from sharing content, they also banned romance novelists from sharing content, as one example. Romance novelists were no different from people literally having sex for money in that sense, and I honestly think that as the conservative movement becomes more extreme, their personal perception of what is and isn't sex work will also become more extreme. And tbh? The line is blurry. A phone sex operator is not actually selling sex--they're selling a fantasy, woven from their own minds. They just have a more direct connection to the person enjoying the product than authors and other artists do.
It's complicated, and we're all affected, so we've kinda gotta work together here, imo.
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theateared · 4 years
That’s Sweet. ❜
Summary:  What’s a God to a non-conformist?
    “Why did you bring me here?”
    Churches were the antithesis of everything that he stood for.  That being said, he couldn’t deny that they were pretty places.  Though he considered the people who occupied them to be deluded and spiteful, he could appreciate a good story told in the form of a stain-glass window - fictitious or otherwise.
    Grace guided him keenly until they were sat side by side in one of the pews.  The dark wood was hard and unaccommodating beneath him, one arm raising to rest along the back of it whilst the other found purchase on the armrest.  Huron was home to some of the most beautiful scenery around but their buildings of worship were unfortunately dull.  Oftentimes, they weren’t even remodelled  -  even long after the place was scheduled for repairs.  It was seen as a disservice to Raku to up and change things.
    “I wanted to look at the art with you.”     “Ah.”
    His head inclined along with hers until his eyes could lock onto the mosaic depiction of Huron’s guardian.  Raku was a heroic little thing;  almost deer-like in its face with its large round eyes and its long ears.  It was shown in the centre of a bright ball of green light, plant life and animals appearing around the edges like smoke from a fire.  Edgar wasn’t sure how he felt about the deity.  Though he didn’t feel inclined to pick a fight with a God, he certainly would if there was any chance that he could win.  Gods were backhanded creatures, much like monarchs and government officials.  To him, they all had one thing in common:  corruption.
    Even so…  you look pretty.  I suppose that’s enough for most.
    “Do you have anything to confess?”
    Edgar’s eyebrows shot upwards, head turning in her direction.     “I’m sorry?”
    “This is where people come to confess their sins, no?  To answer to God?”     “I can’t do that.”     “Why not?”     “I don’t answer to God.”
    They sat in silence for a while, staring into the tiled static above, losing themselves in the myriad of colours.  His mind was beginning to drift.  It often did these days.  Though he tried to distract himself from her body warmth, from her scent, he could feel his focus slipping.  He was fighting a losing battle, trying not to fall in love with her.  You don’t do that anymore.  You’re not the same man.  All that ever landed you in was trouble.
    His eyes flitted downwards as he felt her warm palm on his knee.  Her fingers remained still for a moment before she squeezed gently, reassuringly, the bench creaking beneath her as she swivelled her body in his direction.
    “Damn it.  Well, I have something to confess to you.”     “What is it?”
    “I’ve seen you here on occasion.  I’ve seen you walking through the church gardens alone;  slipping in through the back door for some reason or other.  I always found it strange that a lye who has no affection for faith would willingly visit a church.  I started wondering about you...  about what else I don’t understand.  What else I don’t know.”     She paused for a moment, eyes unflinching as they searched his face.  She then let slip a feeble laugh, candid grin stretching across her face.     “I… thought I could get you to confide in me if we visited it together.”
    You just keep on surprising me.  You’re just so different.                                                                          Why do you even want to know about me?
    Edgar allowed a soft chuckle to leave him, sharp eyes softening somewhat as mirth left its twinkle behind.     “That’s sweet, Grace.”     As an after-thought:     “You wish to learn about me.  Have I finally caught your attention?”
    The woman huffed a brief laugh, hand pulling away from him.     “As if.  But…  what’s so wrong with wanting to know a little bit about who my leader is?”
    She seldom ever acknowledged his ranking when they were alone together.  Though she had learned the hard way not to defy him when it mattered, when they bickered they were equals. There was no reason for him to act as if he was above her when he was trying to win her affection.  In truth, part of the reason he even engaged in their verbal chess matches was because she was a wonderful distraction from his responsibilities.  For just five minutes, he was dragged down from his pedestal to share space with others in a setting that wasn’t modelled for business.  It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy being in power, he simply felt it necessary to take breaks.
    You make me feel more normal.  That’s dangerous.
    His head turned towards the front of the church.  The podium reserved for a preacher looked terribly bare in the dim light.  Of course she had chosen nightfall to drag him there, their only illumination being the glimmer of the moon.  On the bright side, it made him feel as if they were the only two creatures in the whole of Huron.
    “... what do you want to know?”
    Edgar found himself unable to look at her when he heard her head turn in his direction.  His face remained stoic despite her imploring gaze.  Had he looked, he would have been met with doe-eyed fascination.  His heart likely would have stumbled on its path to indifference.
    In a quiet voice:     “What am I allowed to ask?”
    “Whatever you wish.  So long as you accept that I can’t guarantee you an answer.”
    Much less an answer you like.
    He could practically hear the gears turning in her head.  It wasn’t every day that somebody was given permission to ask an Alpha questions.  They were very much a solitary breed;  it made no sense for them to share themselves with those of lower status.  He wouldn’t be surprised if she suspected trickery from him.  His statement very much read like a dare, one that was supposed to remain completely figurative for her sake.
    “... there’s something that’s been bothering me for a while now,”     she admitted softly. You’re doing the thumb thing, Grace.  I can hear you stroking it against your palm.     “Are you…  a purebreed?”
    He pondered the question briefly, heavy silence looming over her like a shadow.  Then, he shook his head.     “No.”     His ears perked in her direction when he heard a soft sound pass her lips.  It was likely that a lot of things were falling into place for her;  certain ticks that hadn’t made sense until now;  a superstitious hunch finally being grounded within the constraints of fact.  You’re smart, Grace.  I have no doubt that you suspected this much of me.     “I am a hybrid.”
    Before she could stop herself:     “Do you remember who you were?  I-In your past life?”
    I probably shouldn’t tell her that, he thought to himself.  I probably shouldn’t invite her to question me more.  There are things nobody should know about me.  Things that even Raku has shied away from.
    “... yes.”     The affirmation carried weight, though not one associated with grief.  If anything, the only thing that echoed within its syllable was a firm sense of finality.  Case closed.  Let’s move on.     “With that in mind, I have a question for you.”     He paused to swivel in her direction this time.  All at once, he appeared intimidating, blocking her exit like a cat would a mouse’s.     “Do you fear me, Grace?”
    Even if you don’t know what I’ve done, you now know that I was brought back as this sinful creature because our guardian decided that I was to atone for my sins.  Whatever my past life entails, it’s bad, and you know it.
    “... no.  I don’t think so.”
    She was gazing at him intently, as if trying to make up her mind.  Suddenly, he felt as if she had placed him beneath a microscope.  Even though his shadow swallowed her whole, and his eyes were dark and empty, and he surpassed her in the hierarchy by a mile, Edgar felt the slightest of urges to shy away from her line of sight.  He resisted with ease, remaining still and strong, stare neither hard nor soft as he waited for her to continue.
    “I mean…  I’m wary of you, but that’s not the same thing.  I don’t think respect can exist when fear also exists  -  and I do respect you, so I can’t fear you.”     Her body language became avoidant, body shuffling until she faced forwards once more.  She was all too aware of his arm behind her head now.  If I say something you don’t like now, will you reach over and choke me?     “... you’re a jerk, Edgar.  But you’re a good leader.  And, even though you’re a jerk…  you look after me.  And the rest of us.  The creed doesn’t suffer any because they have you to rely on.  And I…  I like that about you.”     She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.  He had the makings of a serial killer, that she knew even without delving into his history, but he looked so disarming in his nice coat and vest.  It was hard not to feel some sort of attraction to him despite their tumultuous relationship.  Maybe I do want to know you more personally.  Maybe I am interested in you.  Maybe that’s why we’re here.     “As far as I’m concerned, that you doesn’t exist.  I didn’t know you then.  I know you now.  I’ll judge you based on that.”
    When did it start raining?  It matched the flutter of his pulse as he locked eyes with her.  With an unrelenting calm, he held her gaze.  Your eyes are so blue…  like the ocean.  After what felt like a lifetime, Edgar scoffed softly, leaning back in his seat.  
    “You never cease to surprise me, Grace,”     he admitted, though he did so through clenched teeth.  If there was anything he hated doing, it was wearing his heart on his sleeve.  It hadn’t done him a lot of good in his past life.  It most definitely wasn’t wise to do so now when the game was meaner.     “Most would at least try to ask more of me.  Try and pick my brain a little.”
    “Maybe there’ll come a day where you tell me on your own accord.”     “And ruin this dreamy image you have of me?  Absolutely not.”     “The only thing dreamy about you is how far removed from reality your taunts are!”
    The Alpha gave way to a quiet laugh, a hand raising to cover his mouth.  He seldom ever smiled genuinely.  Though his face was almost always alight with a sharp-toothed grin, it wasn’t joy that it radiated.  Alas, she ignited something warm inside of his cobweb-laden chest.  She had for a while now.
    He glanced her way when her knee knocked against his gently.     “... let’s go.”     He remained seated, even as she rose from her perch.  Her flared skirt fanned briefly around her legs as she righted herself, arms sticking out in a borderline exasperated fashion before they fell back to her sides.     “Well, I’m not going to get anything more out of you, am I?  Unless you want to sit and discuss your gritty history all night like a good little church boy?”
    “It’s raining,”     he replied slowly.  Even without giving her a command, she followed the sweep of his eyes, sinking into her seat once more.  Edgar reached into his coat pocket, retrieving his pack of cigarettes and lighter.  The lit tip looked all the more perverse while housed by a church  He took a long drag, exhaling smoke unapologetically in the direction of Raku’s window.     “You have until it stops.”
    She gave him a puzzled look, though a smile tugged at the corners of her lips nonetheless.       “To do what, exactly?”
    He offered her a low laugh as he breathed in smoke.     “To convince me to confess my sins, of course.”
                             Perhaps I don’t answer to God but I could answer to you.
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victonz · 7 years
can you do a post where you ship garbage101 and other mutuals with wanna one members with description sry that u got hate i hope this lightens up the mood
hello cute anon dghshqi garbage 101 has like 25 ppl and like I have like 20 other mutuals so I’ll so about 30 pplish and make a description so this is gonna be a real long post but ily so imma power through for him (lai Guanlin)
guanlin: (gotta start w my soft boy whom I love so much) 
@l-guanlin bc she says she doesn’t fuck w boys younger than her but guanlin is cute and he’s a year younger so its good (side note: she hangs w him on the week days and on weekends I take him out for ice cream its a balance) choke u better be glad I didnt put u with a donkey
@ongeuigeon Laura probs wants Daniel but Ive GOT NEWS FOR U HONEY sijdhi2e anyway ur sorta soft but sometimes u knock me out with things u say so in a way ur guanlin so wow a match!
@laiguanlin a soft blog that I love and hdjxhdjhwsh Imma ship u with him even (it doesn’t have to be romantically) bc ur both cute !!
 ok listen but @darkpastwoojin aka visual queen gee really loves her boy and how can I deny her that !! so I def ship them wow a good looking pairing I’m 4D nutting !! fce jinhwi is shaking rn bc u and woojin are on the come up nugus can’t relate
 also @woojinnies um we don’t talk as much as I would like but ily and woojin loves u and ur so sweet so like I just feel like you’ll balance him out so good if that makes sense !! I love a match made in heaven tbh wjdhsiwje (side note: when will we ever pm tbh)
@p-arkwoojin jem the fake stan who can’t recognize whose who during their lives (jk ily!!) but she’ll always recognize woojin no matter what so um!! gotta put her w her boy!! 
@parkji-hoons naia a soft cutie that deserves the world and jihoon would def give it to her like !!1! I love cute bbys that deserve the stars! :’)
@jwihoon another pure soft that I love !! like :((( wtf jelly when u speak, I picture it so soft I hope ur doing well and tell Jihoon hi for me!!
@seonnho matching u with jihoon bc u spoke last night and u had me screaming sometimes so I really think thats how it is w jihoon bc u think he’s soft but then he surprises u in one hit ijhxweodh
@j7sung all I know u probs want jisung bUT listen u and daehwi? soft words r literally angelic I can not! really so pure u and him could do no wrong ok y'all deserve happiness also ily and sorry for being gross sometimes ally ;;
@kangdan101 Sarah another pure soft that deserves to be shipped w someone as equally as pure and soft :( like cute bbys must stick together so daehwi it is! stay soft! I also love u and I’m also sorry for being a nastie ;;
@wannaoneioi ur so sweet and cute and I just met u but ur truly so sweet omg :(( like u don’t deserve the hate u get bc ur seriously the cutest lemon squeeze I’m sorry I’m bad @ replying ur the best though!
@kangniel ren would probs rip my dick off if I didnt ship her Daniel but like??? ren is really cute about her love for Daniel like :// also anon u didnt hear it from me but ren is a Dom for Daniel and she asked him to neigh for her and pour milk on himself so she’s gross jot that down
@kngniel yeah she def going w this boy cause like :// um??? sana says some shit that makes me do double takes and sana h8s when I roast Daniel but she supports him through it all so !! really can’t fight her on her loyalty to him even if he said Harry poTE ://
@kimjaehwanswife I was gonna ship Lucy w jaehwan but xshxehsd ong is also extra and like I bet if we told Lucy she isn’t funny she’ll throw a fit like ong, bc they’re both great sources for laughter like validate these kids always 2kforever! (and me tbh)
@panwink nina is so cute and soft and I just adore Nina!! like :((( I want one to make her laugh all the time bc she’s so precious I know Nina is older than me but still I want her to be happy
@idaehwi Amy, my soulmate I bet u thought u were gonna be shipped w daehwi? wrong ! u and ong? probs discuss furry kinks on ur free time and watch furry p0rn :// jk but u and ong? Iconic ! y'all living in 2025 (ily)
@kimsjaehwan Macy pls ur my true soilmate u and I have the same interests and everything :// so I guess ill share u with jaehwan!! like :/// I’m jealous or whatever but ily and he better treat u like perfect or else *knife emojis*
@minhwangs Sarah def has to be w minhyun like u can’t have one without putting the other u feel me!!! I love Sarah and I know minhyun would treat her right always so thats a big plus!! another one of my fce tbh no lie love them!
@minsbugi ok yeah this pairing? soft pure cute nice sweet and everything in between ! I love kenia like she comes in every full moon but I love her presences and I also love minhyun so soft nut!
@lovebugi ok so this is an odd pairing BUT listen to me Jay, u and minhyun?? probably that one couple after hs that got together that shocked everyone like its possible bc um #1 I don’t think he’s mr vanilla at all and ur def not mrs, vanilla so um the freaky is in the cooking ;)
@memelordjisung so I was gonna put Erin w someone else but then I thought to myself, nvm know one calls him daddy better than she does like :/// he really is papi chulo and Erin makes sure everyone knows that he is so she’s his #1 supporter !!
@yjjisung another gc member that comes every full moon but its ok be we love and appreciate !! and iwdhcihd I love ur love for jisung, I must take notes truly !! ur an amazing person just like him!
@hasungswoon listen,,,, u thinking he’s a dom? try again! like sheila idk whether u r or not but this is a one way street w u guys, Sheila is the Dom in their relationship and subwoon loves it tbh, kinky I love a good adjusted couple tbh!! (side note; sungwoon sends her nudes w lingere)
@nohtaehyun ok so I love sungwoon a lot and he’s precious and like I feel the same way about Tay? like she’s precious pls!! so its only natural that I put two cuties together
Baejin: (I also forgot him omfg shoot me)
@rosybaejin UM!!! big soft nut here bc I love abia but abia loves baejin more so thats ok bc I approve ! like baejin stans? hardly heard of any abia is the #1 in the baejin cult tbh !! she loves her boy and she’s truly so soft for him :(( Ily abia
@baejinsgf bc she seems really cute and soft for him !! :( it’s really so sweet like I need to step up my game, but truly the purest!! 
@dxnghyuns oh ngan, how I love u,,,, like hdiwjdhdjhs ok what to say but ngan is the only donghyun Stan I know and like really no one can compete she’s so soft literally she turns the uglie gc soft and :(( her love for donghyun is admirable
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tectonicduck · 3 years
thank you for the tags @7x10mickey & @09x06endingscene 💖 
1. why did you choose your url?
I wish I could tell you 😭 I legit do not remember, I think maybe I had to change my url in a hurry and just chose something random? I always wonder what people think it means lol
2. any side blogs?
I have two abandoned ones, one that is fitness based and one that’s food based. The food one has the word “p0rn” in the url so I still get gross bot followers on that one lol
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
At least since 2011! 😕I’ve done a bunch of purges so I can’t be exactly sure, but I do have 10 year mutuals lol
4. do you have a queue tag?
I just tag ‘queue’ because I’m already so spacey with replying to asks I don’t want people to think I’m ignoring them
5. why did you start your blog?
To talk about Glee when livejournal just wasn’t doing it lolololol
6. why did you choose your pfp?
I love dogs and I’m a lesbian
7. why did you choose your header?
I love florals and I’m a lesbian
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I think this one
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have no clue how to find that out 😭
10. how many followers do you have?
Not gonna put numbers since no one else is lol but a very large majority of them are inactive anyway
11. how many people do you follow?
Maybe 500? Again, most of them are inactive
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
yes this is my proudest moment tbh
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
That’s between me and my screentime app 😔
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Ngl I probably did during my glee days 🙈
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
They have no power over me
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
Yes! I just never get the timing right to participate
18. which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
Most definitely @basic-banshee, she’s had a couple of accidentally viral posts (fake dating for office holiday party, lesbian gym thor, etc.) 😅
Tagging: @mindcruising @dreamsinteacups @pink--and--white @arrowflier @messedwithmandy @y0itsbri @iian-gallaghers @mickpause @iansemtjacket @something-cool-and-profound @delusi0nal-th0mas @zutaralesbian
tried to tag peeps I haven’t seen do it yet, sorry if you have and I missed it!
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