#or maybe I just really want a sweet screams clawdeen
nodesiretogrowup · 1 year
if Mattel continues to have the SDCC exclusives as add-ons to g1 lines next year should be a Sweet Screams Clawdeen. maybe cotton candy themed since it wasn’t used in the original releases, but it would still match them unlike this year’s Freak de Chic Draculaura.
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Frankie’s SDCC Diary - June 26th 12:01am MST (Monster Standard Time)
Ow-Ow-Ow! Brain freeze!
Uh, can I get up now?
Cause this bed is really uncomfortable, these straps are cutting off my circulation, and someone has dressed me in really ugly clothes. I don’t know how I know they’re ugly but yikes are they scary and not in a good way.
Mom is crying and telling me how beautiful I am. While my dad is running around like a crazy person shouting, “It’s alive!” It? I am most definitely not an “it”. What I am mostly is happy, sad, confused, enlightened, worried, hopeful and hungry – all at the same time. . . hmmm maybe I am an “It”.
Dad has stopped circling the lab long enough to un-strap me, hug me and name me. Frankie. Frankie Stein.
I like it. It seems to suit me somehow.
Dad helps me stand and he walks me over to a mirror. I can tell that he’s nervous cause this is the first time he’s stopped talking since I was born.
I like the way I look. My hair is long and straight and white with streaks of jet black. My left eye is green, my right eye blue and my lips are full with a definite pout.
I spin to see what I look like from behind and “rrrrippp”! I hear my mom say, “Honey I told you should have used the more expensive thread!”
She rushes over with her sewing kit and does a quick fix on my leg where the stitches have torn.
“Your father is a brilliant man and a great mad scientist but he’s a bit of a cheapskate.”
My dad says, “I am not a cheapskate I’m frugal.”
“Frugal my neck Bolts,” mom says back.
“Why did we have to wait until a thunderstorm rolled through to have our daughter when we could have simply used power from a wall outlet? It’s not like we’re living in the 18th century any more.”
Dad answers back, “Now dear, you know we’ve already had this discussion. A child should have a sense of tradition and if it was good enough for us it’s good enough for her.”
I think I like the idea of tradition. It makes me feel like I have a real history. I can tell mom just wanted me here sooner and that’s pretty cool too.
I’m not sure what I should do next but out of all the things I’m feeling, hungry seems to be pushing itself to the top of the list. Dad says we can fix that and heads upstairs to the kitchen.
Okay so I’m sitting at a table covered in food that looks and smells scarylicious.
The Most Scarylicious:
Pizza- How could there possibly be anything better than this?
Oranges- Peel’s nasty – inside delicious!
French Fries- Little wands of magical tasty goodness!
Chocolate – Wow! This stuff is to absolutely live for!
Ice Scream – It's just . . . Perfect.
The Just Plain Scary
Brussels Sprouts – These seem to be small yet thoroughly evil cabbages.
Liver – Am I being punished for something?
Sauerkraut – One of my dad’s experiments gone wrong?
After I’ve tried everything mom comes in with a beautiful cake and 1 candle. Dad tells me to make a wish and blow the candle out. What do you wish for when you have everything?
Dad thinks I need to get caught up on pop culture since I’ll be starting high school this year so he had Uncle Egor, he's not really related but he’s been in the family like forever, buy some "Fashion" magazines to help me. Uncle Egor seems to be very sweet but I don’t think he always brings back what he's supposed to.
I’m just not sure that articles on “Gifts Ideas for the Ghoul who has Everything” or “Tips on Turning Your Backyard Guillotine into a Food Processor” are really helpful.
Dad comes to my rescue with a copy of last year’s Monster High Yearbook.
Wow! Everybody at Monster High looks so cool! I really love the way Clawdeen Wolf dresses and Draculaura seems really sweet – at least from her paintings – Vampires don’t show up in photographs. I can’t wait to meet and get to know them.
Mom and dad pull out the old photo albums and we spend the next few hours looking at pictures from their past.
It was scary cool, especially the wedding album! Lots of guests and they were all carrying torches. Very romantic!
Mom and dad tell me they had to move a lot because of dad’s business and they didn’t want to have children until they found a place where they could really settle down. When they finally moved here they knew they were home.
We stay up through the night, me asking questions and mom and dad telling stories about their life together.
I start to yawn and mom says, “Off to sleep and a recharge for you now.”
Dad looks at his watch and says, “Just one more thing you have to see before bed.”
He leads us to the top of the house and onto a balcony facing east. The sky slowly catches fire as the sun burns off the early morning darkness. “It’s so beautiful,” I say.
Then dad and mom give me the biggest hug and tell me “It’s never been so beautiful as it is today because we get to share it with you.”
I love my life and can’t wait to see where it goes from here!
Thanks to all the mad scientists at Mattel who helped bring me and my Monster High friends to life!
♡ Frankie Stein
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kisses4thewin · 4 years
In my previous post I mentioned getting some of my dream dolls so I figured I’d at least attempt to share pictures.  They’re under the cut so scrolling is only necessary to those truly interested.
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The were twins! These two were my dream dolls since I was in high school, BUT I COULDN’T FIND THEM (or should I say TOYS R US when they were still around) FOR THE LIFE OF ME! I hunted and hunted, but they evaded me. BUT NOW THEY’RE MINE!!!!
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Little Dead Riding Hood in amazing condition. She was owned by a fellow collector and came with a stand as well as her book. The only thing missing seems to be her actual purse.
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A MOSTLY complete Skull Shores Draculaura. I have both versions of her oddly enough! One was the multi pack one I believe that I found at a yard sale in pretty great condition for being a kids toy. That one was missing her hat, shoes and one earring. 
THIS ONE was bought online and had everything outfit wise except the earrings and bracelet. She’s also in really good condition save for a lip stick smudge that isn’t shown. I THINK she’s the one that was sold individually and I love her. (also behind her is a spare Draculaura I had in a Bratzillas fashion pack. She is hiding the budget her because her face just weirds me out.)
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Adult money=adult purchases aka doll clothes. I used to see HauntCoutureAtelier a decent bit in the tag a few years ago so color me surprised when I stumbled upon them on etsy and could PURCHASE something from them. This gorgeous dress, the tube top and the sequined skirt were part of the purchase. 
ALSO! Also. I found I Love Fashion Scarahs jacket (and her with one of the dresses, a shirt and Freaky Fusion hers outfit? Not complaining because I LOVE this jacket and F.F. hers top))
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VIPERINE GORGON! Didn’t find her make up case, but finding HER in this condition in a $20 bundle with another doll  (The Toralei down below) was MWAH chefs kiss I can’t complain.
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Cat fish Toralei. Tis cute, but only got because she was bundled with Viperine. (Also excuse you Nefera you’re flashing everyone.)
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An I Heart Fashion Clawdeen that I redressed since she only had her shirt and pants. Mainly only bought because I WANTED THAT SHIRT FOREVER. She’s been well loved and suffered some pretty bad glue hair, but I’m happy to have her. Maybe one day I can find a complete or mostly complete her.
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First off that picture in the corner is by IvyAlive on Etsy. Next off POSEA REEF. She’s in amazing condition with SOFT LIKE REALLY SOFT HAIR (not a bit of glue or frizz to be found(, but is missing her earrings and necklace. HOWEVER she has all the fish and things in the seaweed (or whatever that is).
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Kala! I got her from the same seller as Posea and she’s in amazing condition! I’m fairly certain she has her complete outfit and I freaking love her! 
So... Now my question to myself is what doll is the next one I REALLY want. Like REALLY REALLY want? I’d love to get an OG version of the characters, but know that is very unlikely to happen. The next wants are Sweet Screams Frankie and Draculaura (I already have Abbey from when she was in stores! And I honestly don’t know how I feel about Ghoulias.). Snow Bite and Threaderella are also cute....Monster Exchange Draculaura is cute too... But also like Ghoulia has some dolls I’d like ah....So many dolls... Heck there’s plenty of Monster High lines I don’t even know about sooo there’s probably some lovely dolls that I have NO idea they exist sooo WE’LL SEE WHERE THIS MADNESS HEADS! Just.. Later. 
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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13 Wishes Howleen Wolf Diary
On the 18th of July
Mom barked me out of bed this morning saying that I needed to get out of her fur for a few hours. It was that or help her with housework, and since yesterday I spent all day sweeping the attic.... sooo much dust!... I was out of the doggie-door before she could say boo. It’s hard not to feel screeching jealous of Clawd and Clawdeen, cause they always seem to be busy during the summer while I’m stuck at home playing cobweb cleanup. It’s tough being the little sister of two of the most popular monsters on campus - Clawdeen has her pack of friends, and Clawd has his bluddies and Draculaura, too. Meanwhile I texted my beast friend, Twyla, to see if she wanted to come lurk in the park with me today, but she can be pretty nocturnal. Not that I mind moonlighting with her, but sometimes a ghoul wants to get out in the sun, yanno? I took my soccer ball and got some solo practice in, but it’s just not as clawsome by yourself... it made me feel kind of lame, actually. I did see Venus sitting by the trees at on end of the park, but it seemed like she was having a really intense conversation with the oaks and I didn’t want to interrupt. I like Venus, but you have to watch out for her when she’s on the environmental warpath, or she’ll totally talk your ear off. Anyway, after a little while I got distracted listening... okay, eavesdropping... on her (who knew trees had so much drama?) and kicked the ball onto the casketball court where some older monsters were playing. They got fangry, and I wound up packing up and going home with my tail between my legs. Now I wish I’d ignored them and kept playing, cause now I’m bored again. Sooo. Boooored. I’d even listen to Venus lecture me about the dangers of styrofoam... at least it would be something to do!
On the 23rd of July
It’s hard not to feel funky when everyone besides me has things figured out for themselves. Clawdeen has fashion and Clawd has sports, and they both seem to just know what they want. Mom and Dad say I shouldn’t compare myself to them, or anyone else, but that’s such parent advice that I don’t feel like it should count. Besides, it’s not like I don’t know what I want to do... well, okay, it IS that, but it’s also that I want to do everything?? Like, once I spent two weeks trying to make a viral video for FrightTube. Then the week after that I decided that it was totally my destiny to be a superstar singer. Then three weeks later I was totally focused on my future as a Howlympian athlete! And I haven’t stopped wanting to do any of that stuff, but it’s too hard to do it all, and impossible to pick only one, especially cause I don’t know what I’m really good at yet. I feel like I’m getting to a point where I choose or I lose. I mean, what if I discover my hidden talents too late to do anything with them? It’d be so, so tragic. That’s why I’ve been trying so much different stuff this year - music lessons, dance class, everything I can get my claws on. Something will click sooner or later, right?
On the 29th of July
Today I heard... okay maybe eavesdropped on... Draculaura telling Clawd about a big open mic poetry scream going on at the Coffin Bean at the end of the summer. I went on their web site page to check it out, and now I think I might want to try it out, too? I mean I’ve written some poetry, and I’m always accidentally rhyming all the time. And my hip-hop dance classes have totally infused me with the muse... see what I mean? Yeah... I think I want to do this! But I gotta text Twyla and see if she’ll come out for moral support. It’s at night, and the Coffin Bean is usually pretty dark, so she’ll have no excuse not to come - besides, she loves their cupquakes.
On the 30th of July
I finally talked Twyla into going to the Maul with me. If you let her she’d probably stay in the shadows all summer, but lucky for her I won’t let lurking boogiemen lie! We went to the fur salon, and I picked out some new colors for my ‘do - I’ve been letting it go natural lately, but that doesn’t stop me from switching up my style all the time. I wound up buying like five different colors because I couldn’t decide on just one. After that we split a big booberry smoothie at the food corpse and we talked for a long while. Well... mostly I talked, Twy listened, because she’s a clawsome listener. She let me howl about how was I supposed to pick what I wanted to do with the rest of my life if I couldn’t even pick a hair color? I asked her what she thought I should do, and she got this really freaky intense look, like she was thinking hard, and then she flicked my ear and said, “I think what you really want to do is plan out your whole life before you live it, and you can’t do that, so stop stressing out.” Which is both good advice and totally useless because you can’t stop stressing out just because you want to, like, when has that ever worked in all monster history? But I do feel better, somehow. I think it helped to just talk about it to someone who gets me and doesn’t laugh when I say dumb stuff. She also agreed to come cheer me on at the poetry scream. There’s a reason Twyla is my beastie. =)
On the 10th of August
Clawd and Clawdeen actually weren’t busy today for once. Even though they’re a pain in the fang, hanging with them can still be scary-fun. Sometimes. Clawd talked us into playing a pick-up soccer game in the backyard, and Clawdeen didn’t even get growly when she fell into one of the holes Clawd made along the fence... he likes to bury things in the dirt and dig them up later. I think it’s a boy thing. We’ve all got game, and later we did get into an argument about who had the most points - we’d said we weren’t keeping score, but no duh, of course we all were! But no one got their fur in a frizz about it for a change. After a while we were making up the biggest number we could think of and howling with laughter. Dad said later he almost didn’t want to call us inside for dinner because he loves seeing us act like one big happy pack. I think he misses when all my even bigger brothers and sisters were still at home... Mom teases that he’s got empty den syndrome. I miss my older brothers and sisters sometimes, too, but they aren’t that far away. (Plus, not that they’ve moved out, the wait for the bathroom is a LOT shorter.)
On the 13th of August
I think I’m getting cold paws. The poetry scream is in just a few days, and my brain has been going all over the place since I said I’d go. What if I get stage fright? What if I totally blank and forget the whole poem? What if I’m not even that good? ...Ugh, okay, I texted Twyla, and she convinced me not to give up the ghost. Plus she pointed out that since it’s open mic, I can always just show up and decided if I want to go ahead with it when I get there. Sometimes I wish I could borrow Clawdeen’s confidence, not just her clothes... she never seems scared of anything.
On the 18th of August
Whoa, I’m still shaking. The Coffin Bean was WAY more packed than I thought it would be. There had to be dozens of monsters there, and I was a total casket case even with my beastie at my side until I ran into Clawd and Draculaura. I sort of hadn’t told them I’d be there, so they were scary surprised to see me. And then they found out I was sort of thinking about maybe performing, they wouldn’t let me get away with not doing it. So I signed up and waited for my turn, even though I was so howling nervous I could barely hear the poets on before me, and then it was my turn. I was so wound up that my eyes were practically crossing with fright, but I saw my bro and Draculaura waving from the audience, and Twy giving me the claws-up, I sucked it up and read my poem. I had it memorized and gave it everything I had, and the monsters in the crowd really seemed to dig it. I didn’t like completely bring the house down, but when even the zombies slow-clapped at the end and Clawd whooped for me it felt just little bit epic. Then Draculaura when on with this mega-romantic and sweet poem and she had the whole audience wailing like banshees. Even I got a little teary-eyed, and Clawd was whimpering into his coffinchino... he made me promise not to tell anyone lol. Of course she won first place for the night - not that I’m moaning. She totally deserved it, and I came i third, which made me feel pretty clawsome about the whole thing. Even Clawd was patting me on the back and bragging that I was his little sis to anyone who’d listen... which was embarrassing, but whatever, kind of nice too. =) I gave Twyla the biggest hug for staying with me, too, especially since crowds are one of her fangups. I have to say, I really liked tackling my fears... it makes me think maybe I’m ready for a whole new me next year! Watch out, Monster High!
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Monster High doll collecting Questionnaire - answered
Finally had time to take photos for this thing. Hope it’s worth the wait!
1) Introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve been collecting Monster High dolls! Hey y’all! My name’s Tori and I’ve been collecting Monster High since I think...either the end of 2014 or early 2015. Before S5 of the webisodes aired. 
2) How many MH dolls do you have?
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Can I just say “a lot” and leave it at that? I kid I kid. I have like 27 Monster High dolls. That may not seem like a lot but I swear I just had 13 like four dolls ago...fingers crossed I didn’t forget to count anyone. That’s a sign of too many dolls :’D I also have two vinyl MH figures (Frankie and Draculaura) and a Rock Candy Draculaura figure.
3) Is Monster High your favorite doll line? Why or why not? Yes. Yes it is. Forever and ever. Took me a little while to realize it but as I accumulated dolls I realized most of my passion for collecting (as well as creative inspiration) revolved almost entirely around Monster High. That line is perfect for me in every way: tied to/inspired by classic Monsters, bold and edgy gothic fashion, a unique art style...I can’t tell you how much I’ve evolved as a creative individual since embracing my love of Monster High.
4) Who’s your favorite MH ghoul? 
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I wish Cupid had stuck around in MH a little longer. I would’ve loved an elaborate dress (and makeup) for her!
5) Favorite Manster? My favorite Manster is actually Andy Beast from Skull Shores. Since he never reappeared in more than background shots and Mattel never produced a doll of him I’ll go with this guy:
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6) Do you own any dolls of your favorite ghoul and/or manster? How many? I own one Deuce doll, his Boo York doll. He came with Cleo and I love Boo York Cleo so I had to get both. I actually hate how the writing team handled Deuce and their relationship in the movie: as far as I’m concerned it isn’t canon. (He fell so far from Ghouls Rule! Definitely the best part of that movie including his friendship with Frankie.)
I own many Frankie and Draculaura dolls. Stay tuned for pics~
7) Do you own any playsets? If so which one(s)? If not, is there a reason?
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I found this at a thrift store. It didn’t have any accessories though. Still, I’m glad I own it <3 Considering I photograph Draculaura more than any of my other dolls.  I do wish I had another playset--either the catacombs or the Deadlux high school: they’d make such great backdrops for photography! Sadly I have no space.
8) Of the original main ghouls (including Ghoulia, Spectra and Abbey) which is your favorite? Got any dolls of them?
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TA~DA! I’d actually also love to add Ghouls Rule Frankie to my collection but she’s not an immediate must-have.
9) Favorite character with only one doll release?
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I know there were technically two but they’re essentially the same doll so it doesn’t count.
10) Character with too many dolls (in your opinion?) Uh...Toralei honestly. I don’t like her, I’ve never liked her but she pops up a lot more than I expected. Is this so there’s a matching bully in some of these sets or is she that popular and I’m the odd one out?
11) Any character you would’ve liked to see in a doll line that didn’t make it? (i.e. Lagoona in Sweet Screams or Draculaura in Power Ghouls, etc) Apart from another C.A. Cupid doll in like Dawn of the Dance or Dot Dead Gorgeous (can you imagine??) I would’ve loved to see Draculaura in Freak du Chic. I’m aware she had a Scarnival doll but that’s not the same thing. I want a doll with a similar design to her circus mini. I also think adding Lagoona to the “Scarily Ever After” line would’ve been neat (a la Little Mermaid, of course.) I know we saw her as a Mermaid in Great Scarier Reef” but I would’ve loved to see one with a fairytale twist.
Also more Sweet Screams dolls. Best line ever <3
12) Any ideas you would’ve liked to see in a doll line? An eighties glam-rock n roll band stylized after Jem and the Holograms but with a gothic edge. I’m not talking Fierce Rockers, I mean all of the core ghouls (with Ghoulia as like the manager) along with a better-designed Clawdeen. I didn’t mind what we got but she wasn’t “outrageous” enough for me. 
Also a “vintage-themed” line as an homage to the ghouls’ famous parents (including Operetta.)
13) Is there a “grail” MH doll for you? If so do you own it? I feel like my grail dolls keep changing. For a long time it was Collector Draculaura, then OG draculaura, then Dawn of the Dance Draculaura...then Ghouls Rule Frankie and the whole Sweet Screams crew. I guess I can’t make up my mind ^^; Truthfully I have most of these now so I’m pretty content with my collection. I still want a couple older dolls (CLAWDEEN and maybe OG Lagoona) as I’ve said and I must have all the Sweet Screams dolls. Beyond that I’m good. 
14) Thoughts on the cancelled Ever After High crossover? Okay so I will be forever annoyed Mattel didn’t wait to reboot everything until after the crossover. That said what I saw in the storyboards and posts floating around didn’t really impress me. There’s so much potential here and I feel like Mattel took the easiest route possible with it. If you’re going to crossover these two lines a) go ALL out with the designs and b) INVOLVE C.A. CUPID. Plus we’ll never know now if Astra Nova is the blue fairy/her daughter.
15) Thoughts on the 2016 reboot faces?
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Why Mattel. Why was this necessary. 
With Vampirina and now Super Monsters you really should’ve stuck with your older audience. Or saved the “Monster Family” line exclusively for said younger audience and just scaled down the original line to remind your older crowd, collectors included, why we love this line. 
Heck, at this point I’d be happy with detailed collector-only lines released on like Amazon. A limited line is better than no Monster High at all, especially if it’s highly detailed and exceptionally spooky.
16) Thoughts on the 2016 “Monster Family” line?
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So I like the idea behind this line but loathe the articulation. I held off buying Alivia and Kelpie for a long time because I hoped for better quality with later releases. Whoops. All of this said there was potential here to attract a younger crowd exclusively with a brighter and less-articulated family line. Siblings or not they could’ve avoided directly crossing over by merely mentioning the OG ghouls, instead focusing on friendships and relationships with their parents. That’s what I’d have done at least.
17) How bout the SDCC exclusives? What was your favorite? Do you own any? No and I wish I did ;-; While I wasn’t as impressed with them as the Ever After High exclusives I would’ve loved a Hexiciah doll. He’s actually my favorite “manster.” (Heck! You could’ve incorporated him into the crossover, being as he’s half fairy!) I should check ebay...
18) How about Amazon exclusives? I have two! The amazing and unique Draculaura who as far as I’m concerned is the best MH doll ever released and Zomby Gaga. The others never impressed me or lived up to the same quality promised in the first exclusive. I just couldn’t pass up a Lady Gaga monster!
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19) Favorite Frankie Stein doll?
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Aaah this is tough. All the Frankies I own are my favorite ^^; Sweet Screams, Freaky Fusion, her classroom doll I turned into a fearleading one, and while I don’t own her original doll (mine is the 2014 release) I love that one two. I also like Wave 2 Frankie and as I said Ghouls Rule. (Honestly though I thiiiiink Sweet Screams is number one...which is funny because I did not want her when I first started collecting. For whatever reason I thought I’d be happy with one doll of each character. Again I say: whoops)
20) Favorite Draculaura doll?
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21) Favorite Clawdeen Wolf doll? Freak du Chic, her OG doll and I think Boo York. I’m so mad her outfit isn’t more stylish. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it to buy her and like one of her fashion packs...but that’s actually more expensive on Amazon than her original doll! 
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22) Favorite Cleo de Nile doll?
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Originally Dawn of the Dance wasn’t a favorite but now that I own the doll I realize just how much she stands out (why wasn’t purple lipstick used more often???)
23) Favorite Lagoona Blue doll? Skull Shores, her OG doll and I think Dawn of the Dance. I’m not a big fan of the mohawk but I appreciate the detail in her outfit...plus I love blue makeup.
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24) Favorite Ghoulia Yelps doll?
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 I also like Sweet Screams (although she’s my least favorite of the line) and Dawn of the Dance. Honestly maybe I should’ve set my sights on that whole line XD Except I’m not the biggest fan of the Clawdeen and Frankie.
25) Favorite Spectra Vondergeist doll? I’m not as familiar with Spectra’s dolls but I think either Dot Dead Goregeous or Ghouls Night Out.
26) Favorite Abbey Bombinable doll? Sweet Screams <3
27) Favorite Venus McFlytrapp doll? Zombie Shake
28) Favorite Rochelle Goyle doll? Zombie Shake
29) Favorite Operetta doll? Either or OG doll or Scaritage (the latter kind of reminds me of Lucille Ball for whatever reason)
30) Favorite Toralei Stripe doll? I’m really not a fan of her dolls (Orange is such a hard color to compliment correctly) but I do kind of like the stark design in her Fierce Rockers doll.
31) Favorite Jinafire Long doll? I’m not a big fan of her dolls either (I feel the same way about Green that I do Orange) so I’ll say her “New Scaremester” doll.
32) Favorite Skelita Calaveras doll? Scarnival! I’m still half-tempted to purchase this doll one day...provided I can find her!
33) Favorite Howleen Wolf doll? Her original doll. I wish she hadn’t switched to straight/pink hair! The orange stood out in a good way. Someday I hope I find her in a thrift store...
34) Favorite Twyla Bogeyman doll? Freak du Chic
35) What do you do with your dolls? (Display them, take photos of them, etc) I display them, sometimes change their poses and I take photos! I’m still an amateur at that but I’m learning as I go and I think I’ve improved!
36) Is Monster High the only doll line you collect? Why or why not? Sort of? It’s the only line I primarily collect now. I keep my eye on a couple others in case something catches my eye but like I said I’m low on space.  Some of my other collections include: Ever After High (complete with maybe the exception of TriCastleon Lizzie Hearts one day) Super Heroes (this also includes high quality collectibles. One day I’d like Mystique but she’s only available on ebay and out of my price range right now. Plus I’ve found the production condition of each varies...) Disney Princesses/Frozen (sometimes I tell myself I should get Mulan for varying reasons but I’ve only taken photos of my Elsa doll so what does that tell you) Vampirina + Hotel Transylvania (This includes toys as well. HT seems to have wrapped up for the time being and as I’ve stated numerous times I’m fickle with Vampirina merchandise. Nonetheless both of these are technically ongoing) Equestria Girls (Done unless Hasbro releases a new Adagio Dazzle doll. Also fashion packs or  a dAYDREAM SHIMMER DOLL COME ON--ahem-- I’m still planning to get rid of most of my older dolls.) I tried getting into Disney’s “Attractionistas” but only acquired two before they stopped selling in the parks. To be honest the quality dropped anyway and they’ve only got basic articulation. I’m not sure I’m going to keep the ones I have...we’ll see.
37) Do you still collect Monster High dolls? (i.e. scour the internet and/or secondhand stores?) Technically? I got three for Christmas and still poke my head in thrift stores now and then. For the most part though I’m essentially finished, I only say I keep going because there are a few older dolls I will definitely have someday.
38) There’s a lot of new Monster doll/toy lines out now: thoughts if any? H’okay so here’s the Earth--
jk jk I’m old XD
I make it a point to investigate new Monster lines: monsters are my life, nothing gives me greater creative fuel so it is my duty!
Right now there are technically three others out there although like I said, Hotel Transylvania seems to be out of stores. Don’t know if it’s still available on Amazon. The other two are Vampirina and Super Monsters. I’ve talked about them before--they’re largely for a much younger crowd, even younger than the MH reboot audience but there are some highlights for us older collectors if you love monsters as much as I do. I’m a big fan of world building and the spooky aesthetic: I love seeing how different franchises approach this. Character designs too: it can be a little tricky in the “family friendly monster” genre: a successful one balances spooky with well...friendly. I think Vampirina is most successful in this department. Super Monsters leans more towards the cutesy side.  That said, I actually prefer their world set up over Vampirina. As well as the approach to being a monster which isn’t surprising since Vampirina is essentially one giant whimsical metaphor. 
Super Monsters has only just joined the merchandise department which I know I’ve said before. I look forward to seeing how it evolves. Vampirina too: most of the toys, while cute, are more “toy” than doll and I’m not a big fan of gimmicks so I haven’t bought any of the singing dolls. Fingers crossed we get something a little more...elaborate? Even if it’s just a limited release (I do love the one figure/doll I have though! Best of the merchandise released so far <3)
Going back quickly to Hotel Transylvania...I maintain Jazware’s wasn’t the best choice of manufacturer. So many little things that needed a touch more thought. Although I will give them points for clothing quality and faceup!
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39) And finally, what’s your favorite thing about Monster High? Can be past or present!
I think I’ve covered why I love it throughout this questionnaire: Monster High inspires me. It came into the world fresh and with a lot of creative power behind it. It turned so many heads and shook up the doll world as we know it. It brought monsters back into the light and that’s never gone away. If anything it’s blown up even more: that may not have happened without Monster High. Was the writing great? No. But the theme songs, the designs and especially the original lessons taught stood out on their own: Be yourself. Be unique. Be a monster.
Hell yeah, Monster High <3
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cometcrystal · 6 years
monster high questionaire by @cryptoriascollectiblog!
1) Introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve been collecting Monster High dolls!
im dott and ive been into mh since 2015 or thereabouts
2) How many MH dolls do you have?
roughly 150 something??? idk the exact number FDSJLKFS
3) Is Monster High your favorite doll line? Why or why not?
it absolutely is because i love the characters and the outfits. its the autism
4) Who’s your favorite MH ghoul?
cleo but yall know this
5) Favorite Manster?
deuce but yall also know this 
6) Do you own any dolls of your favorite ghoul and/or manster? How many?
yep i own almost every cleo doll, and every deuce doll! im only missing a few cleos and i have every deuce
7) Do you own any playsets? If so which one(s)? If not, is there a reason?
only one i own is astranova’s floaty one. i just dont have the space for em
8) Of the original main ghouls (including Ghoulia, Spectra and Abbey) which is your favorite? Got any dolls of them?
cleo and see above. but if i have to pick someone different, my fav is lagoona... i love her so much... ive got some dolls of hers but i was never as into her outfits sadly. i just love her character a lot
9) Favorite character with only one doll release?
i love porter and posea both to pieces. AND VANDALA
10) Character with too many dolls (in your opinion?)
draculaura but doesnt everyone think that. also amanita didn’t need a second doll. shes only got 2 dolls and thats still too many NFDSLKFSDDSKL especially if theyre gonna put her in a 2 pack with one of the people she left for dead
11) Any character you would’ve liked to see in a doll line that didn’t make it? (i.e. Lagoona in Sweet Screams or Draculaura in Power Ghouls, etc)
LITERALLY ANYONE in sweet screams. sweet screams is SUCH a good line. but you know what woulda been great? is a power ghouls cleo. or a collector’s edition cleo that’s the same grade as collector’s lala. cause i loooove the one we got but also i think a white linen dress would be awesome too. a 2 pack with collector’s deuce maybe
12) Any ideas you would’ve liked to see in a doll line?
i remember coming up w an idea for a series of couples 2 packs based around decades, like 20s cleuce, 70s twyleen, etc i woulda loved to see that but thats completely wish fulfillment 
13) Is there a “grail” MH doll for you? If so do you own it?
my grail was ihf cleo but i got her so at the moment? i haven’t rly got a grail mh doll. maybe gloom and bloom jina
14) Thoughts on the cancelled Ever After High crossover?
SO FUCKING HAPPY IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!!! it would have been bad. baaaad
15) Thoughts on the 2016 reboot faces?
most of em were pretty cute! i liked cleo’s! though they looked a bit wonky sometimes. and i dont like how they made clawdeen look more “white”
16) Thoughts on the 2016 “Monster Family” line?
horrid idea. horrid execution. the only good thing that came out of it was 1. my headcanon that fangelica is elissabat’s sister, not lala’s and 2. lux and pharrah are cleo’s cousins on her mom’s side. also sandy de nile does not fucking exist
17) How bout the SDCC exclusives? What was your favorite? Do you own any?
i think my fav is the deadfast ghoulia but i dont own her! i do own ghostbusters frankie tho and she’s a peach. OH AND I ALSO WANT HEXICIAH SO BAD
178) How about Amazon exclusives?
no clue what all the amazon exclusives were so im just going with collector’s lala cause i love her a lot anyway
19) Favorite Frankie Stein doll?
sweet screams or home ick. or haunt the casbah
20) Favorite Draculaura doll?
probably i heart shoes.....its so cyoot
21) Favorite Clawdeen Wolf doll?
school’s out, scaris, and haunt the casbah. haunt the casbah is just a good line ok.
22) Favorite Cleo de Nile doll?
DONT DO THIS TO ME!!! but boo york + gloom and bloom. and collector’s. and scaris
23) Favorite Lagoona Blue doll?
ghouls night out DEF
24) Favorite Ghoulia Yelps doll?
deadfast sdcc!! or dotd
25) Favorite Spectra Vondergeist doll?
hmmm honestly you can’t beat her sig look
26) Favorite Abbey Bombinable doll?
art class i love the simplicity
27) Favorite Venus McFlytrapp doll?
i heart fashion...god what a look
28) Favorite Rochelle Goyle doll?
haunted. ethereal bitch
29) Favorite Operetta doll?
i heart accessories cause thats SO rockabilly and i stan the ponytail
30) Favorite Toralei Stripe doll?
her sig look def
31) Favorite Jinafire Long doll?
gloom and bloom :pensive:
32) Favorite Skelita Calaveras doll?
hmmm i’d say art class! i love pink on her and her hair looks great
33) Favorite Howleen Wolf doll?
her sig look obv
34) Favorite Twyla Bogeyman doll?
her haunted doll is SO good
35) What do you do with your dolls? (Display them, take photos of them, etc)
display them...hold them... give em lil kisses on their heads
36) Is Monster High the only doll line you collect? Why or why not?
no but it’s the primary one! again its the autism
37) Do you still collect Monster High dolls? (i.e. scour the internet and/or secondhand stores?)
i dont really buy as many anymore since i got almost all the ones i wanted! but ill still look for them just to know theyre still around
38) There’s a lot of new Monster doll/toy lines out now: thoughts if any?
only one i can think of is super monsters (idk if thats the name) and once upon a zombie. toys are more Blind Bags now and less Monsters so please direct me towards the monsters
39) And finally, what’s your favorite thing about Monster High? Can be past or present!
honestly its the lore?? and the characters? mh would have still been my special interest if it was only a tv show/movie series, the dolls were just a bonus
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psychnerd47 · 6 years
From @cryptoriascollectiblog
1) Introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve been collecting Monster High dolls! I’m Abby and I’ve been a closet Monster High fan since the beginning, but got my first doll in September   
2) How many MH dolls do you have? 6
3) Is Monster High your favorite doll line? Why or why not? I don’t know if it’s my absolute favorite ever (That’s probably Karito Kids) but they are super cool.  
4) Who’s your favorite MH ghoul? Operetta, but Lagoona and Robecca are close faves.
5) Favorite Manster? Jackson, but I still love Deuce and Invisi-Billy
6) Do you own any dolls of your favorite ghoul and/or manster? How many? I have a Jackson and Operetta doll and want to get other verisons of them sometime
7) Do you own any playsets? If so which one(s)? If not, is there a reason? No, don’t have room or interest really
8) Of the original main ghouls (including Ghoulia, Spectra and Abbey) which is your favorite? Got any dolls of them? Lagoona, I have a scary cute Ghoul’s Night Out doll of her
9) Favorite character with only one doll release? Casta Feirce
10) Character with too many dolls (in your opinion?) Probably either Draculaura or Clawdeen, I don’t know a lot of their dolls look the same.
11) Any character you would’ve liked to see in a doll line that didn’t make it? (i.e. Lagoona in Sweet Screams or Draculaura in Power Ghouls, etc) I would have loved to see a “Swim Class” or “Dead Tired” Operetta and Jackson
12) Any ideas you would’ve liked to see in a doll line? Maybe a line based on different decades such as 20s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s etc
13) Is there a “grail” MH doll for you? If so do you own it? I really want a complete Invisi-Billy
14) Thoughts on the cancelled Ever After High crossover? I’m disappointed it would have been cool. 
15) Thoughts on the 2016 reboot faces? They were really boring 
16) Thoughts on the 2016 “Monster Family” line? IDK just kinda uninteresting
17) How bout the SDCC exclusives? What was your favorite? Do you own any? Don’t have any but they are really cool, I my fave is Valentine
178) How about Amazon exclusives? Skelita was beautiful, the others are meh
19) Favorite Frankie Stein doll? Picnic Casket
20) Favorite Draculaura doll? Save Frankie
21) Favorite Clawdeen Wolf doll? Schools Out
22) Favorite Cleo de Nile doll? Hauntley Wood
23) Favorite Lagoona Blue doll? Her Basic doll
24) Favorite Ghoulia Yelps doll? Also her Basic
25) Favorite Spectra Vondergeist doll? Basic
26) Favorite Abbey Bombinable doll? Basic
27) Favorite Venus McFlytrapp doll? Gloom and Bloom
28) Favorite Rochelle Goyle doll? Scaris 
29) Favorite Operetta doll? Basic, but I also love her Picture day doll
30) Favorite Toralei Stripe doll? not really a fan of her, but probably her Freak Du Chic
31) Favorite Jinafire Long doll? Scaris
32) Favorite Skelita Calaveras doll? Scaris
33) Favorite Howleen Wolf doll? 13 Wishes
34) Favorite Twyla Bogeyman doll? Coffin Bean, her hair and that outfit (I really want that doll)
35) What do you do with your dolls? (Display them, take photos of them, etc) I take photos, but store them in a drawer because I’m working on organizing my shelves 
36) Is Monster High the only doll line you collect? Why or why not? No, I just love all dolls that catch my attention 
37) Do you still collect Monster High dolls? (i.e. scour the internet and/or secondhand stores?) Heck yeah
38) There’s a lot of new Monster doll/toy lines out now: thoughts if any? None of the others seem as interesting, though Vampirina is cute
39) And finally, what’s your favorite thing about Monster High? Can be past or present! I really like the theme of accepting others the way they are
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 3 Howleen Wolf Diary
On the 20th of July
Clawd got to go away to football camp, Clawdeen got to go to Gloom Beach with Draculaura and Frankie on the Stein family vacation, and I have to stay at home this summer cause my parents think I’ve got some “growing up to do.” It is so not scare! I’m just as mature as Clawd and Clawdeen. I hardly ever chew anything I’m not supposed to anymore, Clawdeen says I don’t take showers but that’s not true - I just don’t take them as long as she does! I don’t think age has anything to do with being mature either cause I have this friend who is a gargoyle and she’s like way older than me - okay well it’s not like gargoyles count their birthdays the same way as werewolves do but she is totally not mature. I mean she likes a new boy like almost every day and most of them are not even that cute. I would never do that - you know not like a boy if he wasn’t cute cause I would so like a boy who was sweet and nice to me even if he wasn’t totally creepy cute. I can keep secrets too which my other who’s a banshee can’t do. If you tell her something she like screams it out at the top of her lungs. Even Clawdeen totally treats me like I’m still a little cub. Not only did she take all of her most creepy cool clothes with her to Gloom Beach but she also put a lock and chain on her closet. Whatever... I’m going to sleep in her bed and eat all the snacks she left in her mini-fridge. Then I’m going to let every monster know how miserable I am by not talking for the rest of the summer. Yeah, that’ll really show mom and dad how mature I am. 
On the 25th of July
Ode to Cushion
Cushion is my hedgehog. She is sharp and poky. Cushion eats worms. My sister thinks eating worms is gross. My sister has to leave the room when I feed Cushion. Would you like another worm? Good Cushion. The End.
On the 30th of July
Some days I wish I had a remote control that let me change the channel on my style - cause right now I feel like I’m totally stuck watching the same lame... lol that rhymed... show over and over. When we were cubs, Clawdeen and I could watch the same episode of a TV show over and over and never get bored. I can still quote entire shows by heart and sometimes just saying a random line like, “Well, it’s certainly uncontaminated by cheese,” can make us laugh til we howl if I say it at the right time. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the remote control. I’d love to change the channel on the show my hair is starring in, because I really hate how it ends. Oh well, hopefully dying it orange to go with my favorite color of blue will make it easier to watch. Now I just have to decide do I turn up the volume to 10 by combining stripes and plaids or maybe I’ll mix a jean vest, knee socks and hiking boots with one of Clawdeen’s haunt couture skirts and make it go to 11.
On the 1st of August
Clawdeen came home today and she actually gave me a hug when she saw me. I guess I kind of missed her a little, or maybe a lot, too. She is my big sis after all, even if she is a pain in the fang sometimes. 
On the 18th of August
I was in a boo funk this morning and I must have sighed one to many times cause Mom told me if I was going to mope around the house and get in her way then I either had to grab a broom and help her clean or go mope somewhere else. I think “mope” is a funny word... it sounds like it could be a character in a cub’s book... “There once was a mope who wouldn’t use soap and though its mom begged it always said, “Nope.” So I took my mope and went to the Maul. I didn’t really have enough money to buy anything cool but I went anyway. Going to the Maul always makes Clawdeen happy doesn’t matter if she’s by herself or in a group. It only makes me happy if I’m hanging out there with my friends - who were all doing something else today. I saw Heath Burns and Deuce haunting out butt I only said “Hi”. Deuce is cool but Heath is... Heath. Clawdeen says Heath’s like a stray puppy; “If you feed him anything he’ll follow you home.” So I kept on walking and didn’t stop to talk. I looked through a few shops and was going to head home when I walked by the music store and heard some monster playing a guitar. It sounded pretty clawsome and I just had to go in and check it out. What was even more clawsome was that it was a ghoul who was playing. I was totally staring at her... lame I know, but honest to claw it was like some kind of magic spell... okay it was still lame to stare. Then she turned around and caught me staring. I thought she was going to be mad but instead she waved me over. I found out that her name is Operetta and that she is going to be starting at Monster High in the fall. Her hair is redder than mine and she’s got this creepy cool beauty mark on the left side of her face that goes all the way down her arm. She also has this accent that’s a total howl. I asked if she would teach me how to play but she said “No.” I was disappointed but she explained that she loved playing and singing more than anything and if I took lessons from her she would expect me to love it just as much as she did. She told me that she didn’t think I was at that place yet but she did show me a few cords and I picked up what she taught pretty quick. I did sign up for a week of free lessons at the music store and who knows, maybe it’ll be something that I really love doing and not just because it makes me stand out from the other monsters I know. 
On the 21st of August
At soccer practice today a ghoul who played on a werewolf cup team came and played a practice game with us. She was really creepy cool and a scary good player. She was so good that I was only able to steal the ball from her a couple of times during the game. After practice was over our coach asked her to talk to the team and give us some pointers. When she was done talking and the team was leaving, she and the coach called me over. I thought I must have done something wrong but she just wanted to tell me that I had a of talent and could be a really great player if I kept working hard. Then my coach told me that I was already a better soccer player than Clawdeen was at my age. I don’t think my feet touched the ground all the way home. No monster has ever told me that I was better than my sister at anything. Well, technically my parents are always telling me that I’m the best at being who I am and that Clawdeen could never beat me at being me but that’s totally different. Anyway, I was planning on telling the story to the whole family over dinner just so I could see the look on Clawdeen’s face but somehow it didn’t feel right to do that so I kept it to myself. When dinner was over, Clawdeen and me had to clean up and right in the middle of doing dishes she told me that she ran into coach at the Maul. Then she said, “He told me he thinks you could be a better player than me if you keep working hard.” The next thing I thought she was going to say was something like, “Over my cold dead spikes.” Only that’s not what she said at all. Instead she kind of smiled and said, “Well duh, tell me something I didn’t know.” I must have looked like a wolf caught in the moonlight cause then she said, “What?” “It’s not like he said you had a sense of fashion or anything.” Then I squirted her with the sink sprayer, which started a massive water fight. Clawd came in right in the middle to try and “alpha” us into stopping. It worked. We stopped attacking each other and started soaking him. It took us an extra hour to mop up, but it was so much fun, I don’t know what could have happened to make Clawdeen change so much over one summer. 
On the 31st of August
I love our family cookouts. It’s one of my favorite things we do in the summer because all of my older brothers and sisters who’ve moved out, and have their own families now, show up with all of my nieces and nephews. There are cubs running everywhere, kisses and hugs, laughing and crying and sometimes you have to yell just to be heard. It’s crazy chaotic and a howling good time! The food is amazing too and there’s lots and lots of it. Draculaura usually comes over too which might seem strange that a vampire would come to a werewolf gathering but she’s such a part of the family that when she doesn’t show up to one of our cookouts everyone is bummed she’s not there. My dad even leaves part of the grill open for her tofu hotdogs, which aren’t bada if you put enough batchup, monstard and onions on them to disguise the taste of the tofu =). We also have a monster softball game in the open field behind our house. This year we played until it was almost dark, and the stars were just coming out; then they started coming down! We all ran to the house and grabbed blankets and sleeping bags and ran back out and just lay there watching them fall. You’re supposed to be able to make wishes on falling stars and they’ll come true, but there were so many falling that I ran out of wishes for real things and started wishing for silly things. I hope wishing that ice scream would appear every time I snap my fingers doesn’t cancel out my wish for perfectly straight hair. Oh well, it’s probably not likely either wish would ever come true but it was fun to hang out on a perfect night and pretend someday they might. Hee hee another rhyme. 
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Howleen Wolf
Read my diary and I’ll make you howl!
On the 18th of July
Mom barked me out of bed this morning saying that I needed to get out of her fur for a few hours. It was that or help her with housework, and since yesterday I spent all day sweeping the attic.... sooo much dust!... I was out of the doggie-door before she could say boo. It’s hard not to feel screeching jealous of Clawd and Clawdeen, cause they always seem to be busy during the summer while I’m stuck at home playing cobweb cleanup. It’s tough being the little sister of two of the most popular monsters on campus - Clawdeen has her pack of friends, and Clawd has his bluddies and Draculaura, too. Meanwhile I texted my beast friend, Twyla, to see if she wanted to come lurk in the park with me today, but she can be pretty nocturnal. Not that I mind moonlighting with her, but sometimes a ghoul wants to get out in the sun, yanno? I took my soccer ball and got some solo practice in, but it’s just not as clawsome by yourself... it made me feel kind of lame, actually. I did see Venus sitting by the trees at on end of the park, but it seemed like she was having a really intense conversation with the oaks and I didn’t want to interrupt. I like Venus, but you have to watch out for her when she’s on the environmental warpath, or she’ll totally talk your ear off. Anyway, after a little while I got distracted listening... okay, eavesdropping... on her (who knew trees had so much drama?) and kicked the ball onto the casketball court where some older monsters were playing. They got fangry, and I wound up packing up and going home with my tail between my legs. Now I wish I’d ignored them and kept playing, cause now I’m bored again. Sooo. Boooored. I’d even listen to Venus lecture me about the dangers of styrofoam... at least it would be something to do!
On the 23rd of July
It’s hard not to feel funky when everyone besides me has things figured out for themselves. Clawdeen has fashion and Clawd has sports, and they both seem to just know what they want. Mom and Dad say I shouldn’t compare myself to them, or anyone else, but that’s such parent advice that I don’t feel like it should count. Besides, it’s not like I don’t know what I want to do... well, okay, it IS that, but it’s also that I want to do everything?? Like, once I spent two weeks trying to make a viral video for FrightTube. Then the week after that I decided that it was totally my destiny to be a superstar singer. Then three weeks later I was totally focused on my future as a Howlympian athlete! And I haven’t stopped wanting to do any of that stuff, but it’s too hard to do it all, and impossible to pick only one, especially cause I don’t know what I’m really good at yet. I feel like I’m getting to a point where I choose or I lose. I mean, what if I discover my hidden talents too late to do anything with them? It’d be so, so tragic. That’s why I’ve been trying so much different stuff this year - music lessons, dance class, everything I can get my claws on. Something will click sooner or later, right?
On the 29th of July
Today I heard... okay maybe eavesdropped on... Draculaura telling Clawd about a big open mic poetry scream going on at the Coffin Bean at the end of the summer. I went on their web site page to check it out, and now I think I might want to try it out, too? I mean I’ve written some poetry, and I’m always accidentally rhyming all the time. And my hip-hop dance classes have totally infused me with the muse... see what I mean? Yeah... I think I want to do this! But I gotta text Twyla and see if she’ll come out for moral support. It’s at night, and the Coffin Bean is usually pretty dark, so she’ll have no excuse not to come - besides, she loves their cupquakes.
On the 30th of July
I finally talked Twyla into going to the Maul with me. If you let her she’d probably stay in the shadows all summer, but lucky for her I won’t let lurking boogiemen lie! We went to the fur salon, and I picked out some new colors for my ‘do - I’ve been letting it go natural lately, but that doesn’t stop me from switching up my style all the time. I wound up buying like five different colors because I couldn’t decide on just one. After that we split a big booberry smoothie at the food corpse and we talked for a long while. Well... mostly I talked, Twy listened, because she’s a clawsome listener. She let me howl about how was I supposed to pick what I wanted to do with the rest of my life if I couldn’t even pick a hair color? I asked her what she thought I should do, and she got this really freaky intense look, like she was thinking hard, and then she flicked my ear and said, “I think what you really want to do is plan out your whole life before you live it, and you can’t do that, so stop stressing out.” Which is both good advice and totally useless because you can’t stop stressing out just because you want to, like, when has that ever worked in all monster history? But I do feel better, somehow. I think it helped to just talk about it to someone who gets me and doesn’t laugh when I say dumb stuff. She also agreed to come cheer me on at the poetry scream. There’s a reason Twyla is my beastie. =)
On the 10th of August
Clawd and Clawdeen actually weren’t busy today for once. Even though they’re a pain in the fang, hanging with them can still be scary-fun. Sometimes. Clawd talked us into playing a pick-up soccer game in the backyard, and Clawdeen didn’t even get growly when she fell into one of the holes Clawd made along the fence... he likes to bury things in the dirt and dig them up later. I think it’s a boy thing. We’ve all got game, and later we did get into an argument about who had the most points - we’d said we weren’t keeping score, but no duh, of course we all were! But no one got their fur in a frizz about it for a change. After a while we were making up the biggest number we could think of and howling with laughter. Dad said later he almost didn’t want to call us inside for dinner because he loves seeing us act like one big happy pack. I think he misses when all my even bigger brothers and sisters were still at home... Mom teases that he’s got empty den syndrome. I miss my older brothers and sisters sometimes, too, but they aren’t that far away. (Plus, not that they’ve moved out, the wait for the bathroom is a LOT shorter.)
On the 13th of August
I think I’m getting cold paws. The poetry scream is in just a few days, and my brain has been going all over the place since I said I’d go. What if I get stage fright? What if I totally blank and forget the whole poem? What if I’m not even that good? ...Ugh, okay, I texted Twyla, and she convinced me not to give up the ghost. Plus she pointed out that since it’s open mic, I can always just show up and decided if I want to go ahead with it when I get there. Sometimes I wish I could borrow Clawdeen’s confidence, not just her clothes... she never seems scared of anything.
On the 18th of August
Whoa, I’m still shaking. The Coffin Bean was WAY more packed than I thought it would be. There had to be dozens of monsters there, and I was a total casket case even with my beastie at my side until I ran into Clawd and Draculaura. I sort of hadn’t told them I’d be there, so they were scary surprised to see me. And then they found out I was sort of thinking about maybe performing, they wouldn’t let me get away with not doing it. So I signed up and waited for my turn, even though I was so howling nervous I could barely hear the poets on before me, and then it was my turn. I was so wound up that my eyes were practically crossing with fright, but I saw my bro and Draculaura waving from the audience, and Twy giving me the claws-up, I sucked it up and read my poem. I had it memorized and gave it everything I had, and the monsters in the crowd really seemed to dig it. I didn’t like completely bring the house down, but when even the zombies slow-clapped at the end and Clawd whooped for me it felt just little bit epic. Then Draculaura when on with this mega-romantic and sweet poem and she had the whole audience wailing like banshees. Even I got a little teary-eyed, and Clawd was whimpering into his coffinchino... he made me promise not to tell anyone lol. Of course she won first place for the night - not that I’m moaning. She totally deserved it, and I came i third, which made me feel pretty clawsome about the whole thing. Even Clawd was patting me on the back and bragging that I was his little sis to anyone who’d listen... which was embarrassing, but whatever, kind of nice too. =) I gave Twyla the biggest hug for staying with me, too, especially since crowds are one of her fangups. I have to say, I really liked tackling my fears... it makes me think maybe I’m ready for a whole new me next year! Watch out, Monster High!
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Howleen Wolf
No, you can’t read my diary... duh!
On the 20th of July
Clawd got to go away to football camp, Clawdeen got to go to Gloom Beach with Draculaura and Frankie on the Stein family vacation, and I have to stay at home this summer cause my parents think I’ve got some “growing up to do.” It is so not scare! I’m just as mature as Clawd and Clawdeen. I hardly ever chew anything I’m not supposed to anymore, Clawdeen says I don’t take showers but that’s not true - I just don’t take them as long as she does! I don’t think age has anything to do with being mature either cause I have this friend who is a gargoyle and she’s like way older than me - okay well it’s not like gargoyles count their birthdays the same way as werewolves do but she is totally not mature. I mean she likes a new boy like almost every day and most of them are not even that cute. I would never do that - you know not like a boy if he wasn’t cute cause I would so like a boy who was sweet and nice to me even if he wasn’t totally creepy cute. I can keep secrets too which my other who’s a banshee can’t do. If you tell her something she like screams it out at the top of her lungs. Even Clawdeen totally treats me like I’m still a little cub. Not only did she take all of her most creepy cool clothes with her to Gloom Beach but she also put a lock and chain on her closet. Whatever... I’m going to sleep in her bed and eat all the snacks she left in her mini-fridge. Then I’m going to let every monster know how miserable I am by not talking for the rest of the summer. Yeah, that’ll really show mom and dad how mature I am.
On the 25th of July
Ode to Cushion
Cushion is my hedgehog. She is sharp and poky. Cushion eats worms. My sister thinks eating worms is gross. My sister has to leave the room when I feed Cushion. Would you like another worm? Good Cushion. The End.
On the 30th of July
Some days I wish I had a remote control that let me change the channel on my style - cause right now I feel like I’m totally stuck watching the same lame... lol that rhymed... show over and over. When we were cubs, Clawdeen and I could watch the same episode of a TV show over and over and never get bored. I can still quote entire shows by heart and sometimes just saying a random line like, “Well, it’s certainly uncontaminated by cheese,” can make us laugh til we howl if I say it at the right time. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the remote control. I’d love to change the channel on the show my hair is starring in, because I really hate how it ends. Oh well, hopefully dying it orange to go with my favorite color of blue will make it easier to watch. Now I just have to decide do I turn up the volume to 10 by combining stripes and plaids or maybe I’ll mix a jean vest, knee socks and hiking boots with one of Clawdeen’s haunt couture skirts and make it go to 11.
On the 1st of August
Clawdeen came home today and she actually gave me a hug when she saw me. I guess I kind of missed her a little, or maybe a lot, too. She is my big sis after all, even if she is a pain in the fang sometimes.
On the 18th of August
I was in a boo funk this morning and I must have sighed one to many times cause Mom told me if I was going to mope around the house and get in her way then I either had to grab a broom and help her clean or go mope somewhere else. I think “mope” is a funny word... it sounds like it could be a character in a cub’s book... “There once was a mope who wouldn’t use soap and though its mom begged it always said, “Nope.” So I took my mope and went to the Maul. I didn’t really have enough money to buy anything cool but I went anyway. Going to the Maul always makes Clawdeen happy doesn’t matter if she’s by herself or in a group. It only makes me happy if I’m hanging out there with my friends - who were all doing something else today. I saw Heath Burns and Deuce haunting out butt I only said “Hi”. Deuce is cool but Heath is... Heath. Clawdeen says Heath’s like a stray puppy; “If you feed him anything he’ll follow you home.” So I kept on walking and didn’t stop to talk. I looked through a few shops and was going to head home when I walked by the music store and heard some monster playing a guitar. It sounded pretty clawsome and I just had to go in and check it out. What was even more clawsome was that it was a ghoul who was playing. I was totally staring at her... lame I know, but honest to claw it was like some kind of magic spell... okay it was still lame to stare. Then she turned around and caught me staring. I thought she was going to be mad but instead she waved me over. I found out that her name is Operetta and that she is going to be starting at Monster High in the fall. Her hair is redder than mine and she’s got this creepy cool beauty mark on the left side of her face that goes all the way down her arm. She also has this accent that’s a total howl. I asked if she would teach me how to play but she said “No.” I was disappointed but she explained that she loved playing and singing more than anything and if I took lessons from her she would expect me to love it just as much as she did. She told me that she didn’t think I was at that place yet but she did show me a few cords and I picked up what she taught pretty quick. I did sign up for a week of free lessons at the music store and who knows, maybe it’ll be something that I really love doing and not just because it makes me stand out from the other monsters I know.
On the 21st of August
At soccer practice today a ghoul who played on a werewolf cup team came and played a practice game with us. She was really creepy cool and a scary good player. She was so good that I was only able to steal the ball from her a couple of times during the game. After practice was over our coach asked her to talk to the team and give us some pointers. When she was done talking and the team was leaving, she and the coach called me over. I thought I must have done something wrong but she just wanted to tell me that I had a of talent and could be a really great player if I kept working hard. Then my coach told me that I was already a better soccer player than Clawdeen was at my age. I don’t think my feet touched the ground all the way home. No monster has ever told me that I was better than my sister at anything. Well, technically my parents are always telling me that I’m the best at being who I am and that Clawdeen could never beat me at being me but that’s totally different. Anyway, I was planning on telling the story to the whole family over dinner just so I could see the look on Clawdeen’s face but somehow it didn’t feel right to do that so I kept it to myself. When dinner was over, Clawdeen and me had to clean up and right in the middle of doing dishes she told me that she ran into coach at the Maul. Then she said, “He told me he thinks you could be a better player than me if you keep working hard.” The next thing I thought she was going to say was something like, “Over my cold dead spikes.” Only that’s not what she said at all. Instead she kind of smiled and said, “Well duh, tell me something I didn’t know.” I must have looked like a wolf caught in the moonlight cause then she said, “What?” “It’s not like he said you had a sense of fashion or anything.” Then I squirted her with the sink sprayer, which started a massive water fight. Clawd came in right in the middle to try and “alpha” us into stopping. It worked. We stopped attacking each other and started soaking him. It took us an extra hour to mop up, but it was so much fun, I don’t know what could have happened to make Clawdeen change so much over one summer.
On the 31st of August
I love our family cookouts. It’s one of my favorite things we do in the summer because all of my older brothers and sisters who’ve moved out, and have their own families now, show up with all of my nieces and nephews. There are cubs running everywhere, kisses and hugs, laughing and crying and sometimes you have to yell just to be heard. It’s crazy chaotic and a howling good time! The food is amazing too and there’s lots and lots of it. Draculaura usually comes over too which might seem strange that a vampire would come to a werewolf gathering but she’s such a part of the family that when she doesn’t show up to one of our cookouts everyone is bummed she’s not there. My dad even leaves part of the grill open for her tofu hotdogs, which aren’t bada if you put enough batchup, monstard and onions on them to disguise the taste of the tofu =). We also have a monster softball game in the open field behind our house. This year we played until it was almost dark, and the stars were just coming out; then they started coming down! We all ran to the house and grabbed blankets and sleeping bags and ran back out and just lay there watching them fall. You’re supposed to be able to make wishes on falling stars and they’ll come true, but there were so many falling that I ran out of wishes for real things and started wishing for silly things. I hope wishing that ice scream would appear every time I snap my fingers doesn’t cancel out my wish for perfectly straight hair. Oh well, it’s probably not likely either wish would ever come true but it was fun to hang out on a perfect night and pretend someday they might. Hee hee another rhyme.
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I’ve been seeing Coraline merchandise pop up recently and it occurred to me 2019 marks the ten year anniversary...just what I need when I’m on a budget X’D
Oh well...there is one figure I’ve had my eye on for...about ten years, maybe if I can find it on sale I’ll pick it up. I really don’t need anymore dolls or collectibles right now (especially when I still want to complete my Sweet Screams collection one day, acquire another Clawdeen doll and find that darned Pinkie Pie) but Coraline is one of my top two favorite movies! Ahhh decisions decisions...
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