#or maybe he's taking the picture
brotherskywalker · 6 months
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This is an AI generated base that I photoshopped a bunch to maybe be art? Anyway, Luke and Leia finally getting married. Someone write me the fic?
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deadrlngers · 4 months
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I'm the reticent vampire of the Ninth Arrondissement. I walk the night capturing disappointment and regret as only the reticent vampire can.
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
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I got these little guys before your Pokémon posts, but now I can’t think of them as anyone but Grim and Sylvester!!
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"Look Grim!! Its us!! :0000"
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buwheal · 6 months
so anyways, aquarium pictures i forgot to post!! yay!! every single date is wrong btw,, i forgot to set my camera date. oops.
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Handsome in his little bow lookit this freak
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winepresswrath · 7 months
sudden yearning for time travelling teen jiang fengmian lands at lotus pier fic that winds up being about a perfectly nice kid having a varying series of "oh no. i don't like that. that's a lot" reactions.
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silverwhittlingknife · 5 months
OKAY SO i have been rereading dustorange's wonderful post here about Dick in an UtRH-esque scenario where he dies & then comes back to life
so first, i think Robin!Dick would be just as hurt by the discovery that Bruce has a new Robin, and brood about it - but i think the shame of having died would stop him from confronting Bruce about it the way Nightwing!Dick does in canon.
and I do NOT think that he would expect Bruce to kill anyone for him (or even be upset that he doesn't? I just don't think this would be a consideration for Dick. he's gonna be fixated on "I failed." so he'll be upset about being replaced but not about the lack of revenge. and if Bruce did take revenge, i think he'd actually feel angry and betrayed about that because it'd feel like the choice was taken away from him, a la how upset he gets when he thinks Bruce has arranged to have Zucco killed - even if he intellectually knows that Bruce wasn't deliberately undermining himbecause he didn't know Dick was gonna come back to life.)
anyway so what WOULD he do??
what comes to mind is something along the lines of "Dick obsessively keeps an eye on Batman & Robin even while telling himself that he's not"
and then - say - if it's Robin!Tim (i feel like this has to be Tim because in the world where Dick dies there is no way that Bruce is voluntarily picking a new Robin), then maybe the moment when Dick steps in is when Bruce is in danger & he's furious / critical of Tim for not protecting Bruce well enough
and i feel like that's how he'd channel the hurt feelings - it'd all be deflected under shame and obligation, and then translated into the anger of "you replaced me & yet you're failing to do the job that you're supposed to do" (which is actually about projection/self-hatred because Dick would actually be mad at himself for having died & not doing that job anymore)
and Dick wouldn't want to see Bruce at all because of the shame over dying & subconscious fear that Bruce doesn't want him back, plus every little thing that Tim does differently would drive him NUTS because it implies that maybe the way Dick did things wasn't good enough for Bruce
i'm actually kind of fascinated by this now. because i am me and i have (1) obsession i am mostly invested in the dick & tim side of it sdfsdfds
so i'm picturing Tim very stung by whatever critical things Dick said to him & tracking this mysterious vigilante down, and then Dick doesn't want to spend ANY time with him BUT he's also subconsciously desperate for news of Bruce!!! so then something something Dick starts sorta training him a la Tim's various contacts with edgy non-batman-aligned vigilantes, and Tim's very defensive about how he IS a good robin so THERE but of course he's also defensive because he's secretly worried he's not good enough.
normally i would have tim Recognize dick since recognizing dick is tim's most basic skill HOWEVER i think it would be much more fun if tim doesn't recognize him so he can give dick a speech about legacy & the first robin: "i do x and such because that's how the first robin did it so it is Objectively Correct." which Dick will find incredibly infuriating but will be unable to counter since he cannot counter with 'the 1st robin was ME'
…hmmm i do think Dick ought to be angry about SOMETHING about batman's methods/attitude just because that's more dynamic? I feel like in order to make the adaptation work, there ought to be SOME kind of argument with Bruce right before he dies that he can still be mad about, a la the garzonas fight for Jason and Bruce. unsure what though?
okay let's see: I feel like Dick's main arguments with Bruce aren't about vigilante issues per se so much as they're about working in a team - so e.g.
1) Bruce being controlling/demanding, and 2) Bruce being secretive and doing stuff behind Dick's back, and 3) Bruce not allowing Dick enough autonomy, 4) just generally a perceived lack of trust.
SO maybe whatever The Frustrating Thing that bruce was doing when dick died is a thing he's STILL doing with this new robin, and dick is getting frustrated all over again sorta on tim's behalf but mostly on his own behalf because he never got to resolve this with bruce
but anyway that way when Bruce finally spots disguised!Dick, then they can have the fight again before Bruce realizes who he is <3
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rottengurlz · 9 months
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took these specifically with @rhdweauni0 in mind
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l3irdl3rain · 1 month
Okay, has something about Valentine's eyes changed since his intake or am I seeing things? I can't figure out what it is. He's also changed in other ways obviously, but the eyes too somehow????
Yeah, he has some iris changes. Another cat I had, Anders, had very similar looking eyes. It’s iris atrophy and it can sometimes be caused just from old age.
Those pictures are from his intake, and that shelter had him for about a year if I remember correctly. I told someone they’re from a year ago but more realistically they’re from a year and a half ago now.
He aged poorly because he’s ancient beyond measure, but also there were a couple of health issues that went untreated / undiagnosed. (Not a dig at the shelter by the way, they were doing their best with the resources they had).
It’s funny to see the difference though. When I saw the pictures I thought “oh, he doesn’t look that sickly.” And then I saw him in person and it was hard to believe he was the same cat.
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the most Dog ever. or. dog shaped Thing ever
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
in my mind dean was always supposed to get older and become the new bobby. like ok you're a hunter, maybe a little new to the scene and still figuring things out. and you're tracking down a werewolf, easy case. except some things don't line up quite right and now you're thinking it might not actually be a werewolf. so you ask around a hunter's bar and they all say the same thing. go to this one bunker in the middle of nowhere in kansas
and you're like sure what the hell. you're stumped anyway, might as well check it out. maybe it's a weapons storehouse or something. but then you get there and there's a doorbell and a bee-shaped welcome mat out front and you're starting to think you've got the wrong place. the door swings open and there's this middle aged guy with a robe and batman pyjama bottoms. and he laughs at the look on your face and tells you to come in, he doesn't bite. not since he got that vampire cure, anyway. you're not sure what to make of that last part but he winks at you when he says it so you figure he's joking. maybe.
he gives great advice about hunting everything under the sun and if you stick around long enough he'll go on and on about how he saved the world at least five times. ok sure. you don't want to be rude so you just sit there and sip your coffee politely while he talks about some guy called chuck and how much of a bitch he is. and another guy who's aged a little more gracefully comes padding down the hallway in a metallica t-shirt and rolls his eyes. has he told you about tvland yet? ('i was just getting to that part!')
if you go to the basement you'll find shotguns filled with salt, wooden stakes, holy water, and demon-killing bullets for sale. and if you're lucky the witch who sells hex bags might be around. low-grade curses only, of course. you better leave the powerful stuff to the professionals. and she'll get in trouble if she gives you anything stronger, not that she can't be persuaded. a girl's gotta make a living after all and she's always encouraged eager new witches. it's worked out pretty well for her so far. and then a guy you swear is twice your height will raise an eyebrow at her and insist she only sell the weaker hex bags, please. you don't need any more witches in your coven, rowena. you've got plenty
pagan god giving you trouble? there's a man who swings by every once in a while who knows how to deal with those. give him some candy or a fun magic relic and he might help you out. it depends. he's a little picky about dishing out advice and he likes to play favorites. and if you've got a demon problem they can give you the number of a guy who swears up and down that he used to be the king of hell. but you've seen him walking around with a purse-sized terrier tucked under his arm and a dozen more following him so you're not really sure if you believe him
idk i like to think that dean got to grow old and retire. that doesn't mean he stops helping people, it just means he hangs up his coat and becomes an old man who rambles on and on about 'back in my day' and makes a dent in his leather armchair. there's a foosball table where the dungeon used to be and sam complains about beer bottles being everywhere and it becomes a safe haven for anyone still fighting the good fight. it's just that for dean and the rest of team free will the fight is over. they're done hunting now
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myokk · 2 months
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1930s AU continued💓💓
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eelektroenthusiast · 2 months
So I asked my irl friends to give me some outfit inspo for vocaloid designs and sorted them at random, it was pretty fun!☆
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(I gave my friends lil pseudonyms since they don't really use tumblr)
+ bonus sketch of rin in one of the outfits from the reference friend S gave me by courtesy of friend A☆
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they’re alive and well and going on weirdguy roof dates as we speak. cas told me <3
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 3 months
The setting sun was illuminating Andrew’s golden strands like a halo, highlighting his profile. Simultaneously, the sunset painted the sky with pink and purple and Neil who just recently got into photography wanted nothing more to capture this. With a cigarette in his hand, Andrew was nothing short of a masterpiece and Neil had to remind himself to breathe.
He ran inside their apartment and frantically searched for his camera and ran back out to the balcony where Andrew had turned towards him.
Neil answered his unasked question, “I want to capture the view.”
Andrew stubbed his cigarettes and started to head back inside.
“No,” Neil’s hand snagged onto Andrew’s palmetto hoodie, Neil’s hoodie to be exact. “The view.” He emphasised and pulled Andrew back to his original spot. It really showed how far they had come when Andrew wordlessly went back to where he was standing.
Andrew stood facing Neil with his blank face. Neil took a couple of pictures before asking Andrew to stand the way he was standing before. Rolling his eyes, Andrew turned his back towards Neil again. Neil’s hoodie was already oversize but Neil swore he could see Andrew’s back muscles outlined against his hoodie.
“Are you satisfied?” Andrew turned his head towards Neil once again. Neil had the wildest thought that maybe it was Andrew’s jawline that cut all those scars into him. If only.
With his hair highlighted by the sun and the pink and purple background, one of the cats had hoped onto the balcony and Andrew petting King, Neil captured the perfect photo.
“Perfectly,” Neil grins, he walked towards his masterpiece and wrapped his arms around Andrew’s shoulders. They stood on their balcony, in their apartment with their cats and Andrew in Neil’s hoodie and arms, and watched as the sun finally sank behind the horizon. The pink and purple had disappeared and gold that could never rival Andrew’s hair painted the sky. Neil never really looked at the sky but now he could not stop.
Beautiful, Neil thought, admiring the sky for another second before dropping a kiss to Andrew’s hair.
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selcouth-vast-poet · 1 year
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okay i tthink i did it YIPPEEEE
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lieu-rey · 4 months
love your drawing an art by the way.
I think you should create John and Javier's kid
Just imagine bro.
THANK YOUU!! but bro imma be so real I saw this ask and the idea of them being parents was so preposterous to me I laughed for like three days straight. john and abigail were a mess, but abigail is a good mother and wanted the absolute best for jack and was essentially raising him on her own for the first four years of his life. if it weren't for her pushing john to get it together and be a good father, he wouldn't be the man that we see in rdr1.
so let's sit and discuss john and javier being parents. the question of who gave birth is an entirely different discussion but listen. imagine TWO parents who are already in a weird, toxic situationship HAVING A CHILD. i know javier was always kind to jack in canon, i dont think he'd actually take out his frustrations on his and johns child, but javiers priorities will likely be to the gang first and foremost, the way it was for john. if john and javier arent fighting half the time, neither of them are even giving the child attention they need. unlike with abigail and john, it only gets worse as they get closer to the demise of the gang, and then it's a question of who the child ends up going with: john as he goes to reunite with abigail and jack,,, or javier who ends up going back to mexico and becoming a tool for the government. there's actually alot of potential here for a fic but I'm no writer lmao
now, all that being said.... I did it. BCMEBDNDN
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I used some random face merge app to merge john and javiers faces a couple times and then drew this man. what do you think his name would be?
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