#or maybe some sort of protective thing ovo
mstrchu · 1 year
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eternal spear → aspect of nezha
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zec-kosmajski · 1 year
Pre nekoliko godina, kada sam pisao priču o mom gubljenju nevinosti i Milici, na samom početku te priče pominjao sam da sam tadašnju devojku, u jeku ljubavi otpratio na autobus pa otišao do Manijaka.. I tamo sreo Draganu njenu sestru od koje sam saznao da Milica nije više sa nama... Nastavak ko nije čitao, može da pročita nekoliko postova niže.
Ovog puta možete pročitati nešto napisano dve godine kasnije. Devojci koju pominjem na uvodu te priče, kojoj sam tada zaljubljeno mahao dok je njen noćni autobus polazio za Zemun sa Trga Republike.
Napisano je na Engleskom jeziku. Pisano kao da ona meni šalje pismo. Želeo sam da se distanciram od maternjeg jezika pošto sam pokušao da bude pisano tako da moj stil pisanja ne bude prepoznat odmah, što bi trebalo da ona shvati i zbog svega, najviše zbog velike razlike u godinama, ona napiše i pošalje meni. Bio sam jednostavno slab da raskinem sa njom, a ovo je bio moj pokušaj da joj stavim do znanja da ona treba mene da ostavi....
Dear Aleksandar,
I don't really know where I should start. I never was good at writing letters, especially the important ones. You're the one with all the words on. You always knew just the right combination of them to make me feel better. That's something I'll never forget. But I can't keep quiet about this any longer on although I can't write this letter as well as you could. Well, perhaps that's the point.
I'm sorry, Aleksandar , but I have to leave you. I know that must come as a shock. Believe me, I never imagined I'd have to write those words, least of all to you. But it's true. I'm sorry, but I can't be in this relationship with you anymore. I suppose that requires some source of explanation, while I still haven't convinced myself that this is totally the right decision. The least I can do is tell you how I arrived here. Over the past few months, I've been doing a lot of introspection. I knew that something in my life wasn't right, and hadn't been, for quite a while on.
I wanted to know what that was. There was this deep unhappiness and emptiness inside me. I felt like a seed. So much potential inside me for something greater.
And yet something was preventing me from breaking out of the heart out of the casing. I couldn't stand this any longer, so I went on a search for what it was. Each time I did this, there was a truth that bubbled up from my subconscious. And each time I didn't want to listen because I didn't want it to be true. But we have to listen to our subconscious, as it knows, far more than we care to admit. Once I did listen, I couldn't deny that truth any longer. It was you my dear love, that was preventing me from flourishing into a tree. Sorry, I'm talking in metaphors. I did say I wasn't good at writing letters, but you understand what I'm trying to say. You always did.
Please don't take this too personally. Without you I wouldn't be the same person that I am today. You taught me so much about the world and protected me from all sorts of things that would have otherwise hurt me. You helped me navigate the tangled webs of the outside world without getting caught in them. It really is a jungle out there, and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me. So far, both of these past few months, I've come to realize something else. Maybe it's just me, but I feel better without you. Like my life has meaning again. When you go outside to smell the roses, it's normal to be worried about pricking your finger on the thorns. That's something I had to come to realize on my own.
It's a scary place without you, no question about that. And there are thorns around every corner. But I can't remain with you forever, and everyone leaves the world with a scar or two. So that's why I'm writing this letter. It's look like as you wrote it for me, for my last goodbye.
That's a cigarette in my left hand, like you always hold it, and more than a few tears on the pages.
I truly am sorry. I'll miss your warm embrace more than anything else in this world. But this is something I have to do for myself If I want to survive. I know that I have to be strong enough to take the steps necessary for my own survival. I know deep down that's what I have to do. Some people remain seeds their whole life, but not me.
I'm a tree, one day I'm going to look at my brilliant foliage and I'll know that I made the right decision. Thank you for all that you've done for me, but I'll have to live my own life from here.
All the best,
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polar-stars · 4 years
Isshiki and Nene?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: 👏 Best 👏 Senpai 👏 Isshiki is such a caring, brotherly person hnnn. It’s shown on multiple occasions, how he truly looks out for his kohais at Polar Star and it warms my heart. Him being protective over his adopted family in his battle against Julio is definitely one of my favorite moments of his. I also love how he’s actually pretty wise and smart, despite often acting so silly and quirky. 
worst quality: uh. UHHH. This is another hard case, because come on? It’s Isshiki. If I have to say something, meep, idk where was he when Eizan was about to fucking obliterate his dorm?? I know he was drafting his Isshiki-Rule, but hear me out. Isshiki should have fought Eizan, I’m mad. Having been the one two Elites in the manga, aside from Erina, for quite some time they early on showed to have some sort-off tension in their relationship...Meep, I just wish their relationship could have been worked out more. 
ship them with:  His garden. Meep, I think I’ve said it a couple of times already but Isshiki is one of those characters I always personally preferred to end up alone to be perfectly honest ovo;; (yeah, even long before I fell down the rabbit-hole with a certain other ship. Believe it or not) If I really have to name a favorite ship for him, it would be him and Megumi, but ultimately I do have other Megumi-ships I prefer as well -w-;;
brotp them with: All of PSD (including Fumio of course) & his 91st Gen Squad, mainly Kuga 
needs to stay away from: ...//mumbles// Azami. 
misc. thoughts: I still can’t believe all I’ve seen him cook is in one battle against a character that was much of a joke and then Eishi, where lost :////////////// Hmmmm :/// Did I mention that it would have been a lot more epic if he had fought Eizan instead? Did I?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang  [I’m straight so hahdh, but yeah I do think she’s a pretty girl. Especially with her hair down]
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: I love Nene for a great many reasons, but I think ultimately I just think its very admirable how hard-working & committed she is. The woman is super headstrong in her own icy way and I love it. I also love how she straight up owns people in such a level-headed, sophisticated manner. That’s some Queen right there. No wonder, she has so many simps ahdhd. 
worst quality: Hm, my biggest issues with Nene are how she was utilized within the story, but in terms of her character well....Idk, as someone who’s a stickler for all sorts of protocols and rules herself, meep....Nene might have more troubles when improvisation is asked for? Also I feel she might have a tendency to push people away and refuse help because she wants to do things on her own maybe? Maybe?
ship them with:  Eizan. The few interactions they had were very interesting in my eyes. Especially in the anime I loved how Eizan always reacts suspiciously quiet to all of Nene’s scolds and sharp jabs at him. So yeah, I am quite emotional over these two. And I could probably cry incoherently about them for hours. But to keep it short: I’ve always been weak for the Bad Boy x Good Girl trope, yeah. 
brotp them with: Momo, Rindou and Isshiki would be my main ones for her
needs to stay away from: A to the z to the a to the m to the i
misc. thoughts: She better be getting a Season 5 CameoTM soon, or I’ll be >:/ All of the 91st Gen appeared by now, where is my child? Please ahdhd Finally give some justice for Nene. I’m really unhappy with how her character was used in the story tbh, since I really liked her when more detail was given for her and I remain disappointed how criminally underutilized she ended up being. I could cry for hours.
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ca-3 · 5 years
for the character thingo: Ristu and/or misono?
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I realized I told myself I would come back to these messages and I forgot for like a whole week ksjfhkashfk but ANYWAYS I got time now so--
 But two good younger brother characters!! OvO
favorite thing about them: I will never get over the fact Misono shuts off immediately after like 9 o’clock, and how easily embarrassed he gets. 😂 He is baby and I wish we got more of Lust Pair and not have them dropped for quite awhile after a really good arc-- dkalsfjklsafjl I definitely liked Misono wayyy more after reading the manga, it sucks how one-dimensional the anime made Lust Pair seem. Envy Pair too, but Misono’s character is actually a lot deeper than I thought and how much he really cares about his friends really opened up to me after Lust Pair arc. 
least favorite thing about them: To be honest. I’m not always fond of the Tsundere trope sometimes. So I was kinda “Hnnn” when I heard Misono was Tsundere™ Sometimes I just find it really annoying in anime, but only if it’s overly exaggerated but that goes for any trope. Misono’s a good amount were it’s not over bearing a least. 
favorite line: don’t know really.... 
brOTP: Misono and Mahiru also Tetsu and Misono.
OTP: I ship Tetsono quite a bit. 😂 I think they’re cute, but I think they are probably better off as friends. Basically I’m good either way. 
nOTP: It’s rare anyways but I say no thank you to Misono x Lily or worse Misono x Mikuni WTF--
random headcanon: I like to think baby Misono’s first word was Mikuni’s name. Or maybe “Lily”...
unpopular opinion: I still think Lust Pair’s arc was way more interesting than Greed Pair arc... I’m also sad to hear the movie wasn’t up to standard as well. :T  
song i associate with them: I don’t really have one for just Misono. Maybe for the Aliceins as a whole... but not just Misono sadly. 
favorite picture of them: This picture of Misono and Tetsu is still everything--
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 but also good... BABY MISO!!! ;w;
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favorite thing about them: How much Ritsu is protective of his older brother is forever my fave thing-- He’s always ready to throw hands I’M-- 
least favorite thing about them: It was a bit sad during the time when Ritsu was jealous of Shigeo’s physic powers. Both of the brothers had some sort of inferiority complex to the other...and not realizing their own good qualities because that. To me that’s a bit of a frustrating trope. Worse irl tho  But I’m glad their relationship improved after that mess. 
favorite line: “I will not judge you people. Because I know now... When people stray from the right path, there usually isn't an actual reason. It's like that even now. I'm facing enemies that lost all will to fight, and I'm moving for the sake of violence. There's no actual reason... This kind of freedom is strong, I'm much freer than all of you... Why? Because I've lost my limits. I've obtained loss! " or maybe... "Because I'm sick of myself. I just wanted to... feel the 'foolishness' of myself. And to create a new self. Me, as a fool."
brOTP: Obviously Ritsu and Mob lol and maybe with Sho. 
OTP: I don’t really have any romantic ships for Ritsu tbh. 
random headcanon: N/A
unpopular opinion: N/A
song i associate with them: hmmm don’t know for Ritsu...
favorite picture of them: I liked the version of Ritsu 98% because the red cheeks remind me of Pikachu haha 
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Sorry I forgot this one but thanks for asking!!! 💕
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grandzealot · 5 years
ovo (your choice!)
hypothetical relationships || [ open ]
cracks knuckles
he would like her! shes too young for romantic shipping. often when this happens it can be natural for richter to sort of adopt people but i feel like hed feel like shes got her own direction well enough. she has a lot of traits that he values altho hes a hypocrite so hes probably not anywhere near as moral himself lmao. how she ends up handling far harbor would have a big impact on his thoughts of course
hed appreciate her practical skills. on one hand hed love her temper if it were directed at his enemies on the other he would be SO GRUMPY if it were directed at the coa or himself lmaopragmatism is also something he likes a lot 
wow im reading her traits more thoroughly as i type this and a lot of things about her are similar to him. big contrasts being that his mind is probably more chill and his emotions tend to be more slow to build. but if he is showing emotion it usually is anger…
richter isnt particularly self aware so sometimes being around people who are like himself make him mad and he doesnt understand why
on one hand i can imagine him liking her very much on another they could be quickly and grumpily at each others throats quite a bit ( maybe mostly depending upon if they have a common ‘enemy’. ) he might come off as calm next to her by nature of letting her take the lead if theyre both being upset at the same thing in particular
shes in richters age range and if he knows her as being private/discreet that makes a romantic/sexual interaction more possible but their personalities may or may not clash too much. they might have to actually GROW to get along and that can definitely be asking too much of richter lmao. v funny if its the same for zetta  
aw richter would like him probably. esp if he acts polite to the coa. richter would naturally tell him what to do if they were working toward the same ends and he would think it was a comfortable and nice interaction. if he actually knew the mans thoughts richter would be inclined to be gentle to him bordering on babying him
in a relationship richter would be very protective and would be very soft about him but idk the likelihood of them getting to that point bc richters still richter and basically every muse ever could always do better lmao
gosh we talked about them a bit already. richter might have had issues with him not conforming as much as richter deems appropriate but ultimately hed view him as being well placed within the enclave as they age – esp bc richter goes into recon and likely appreciates his intel
shipwiiiise i feel like initially they might have a strained friendship with a deeper secret appreciation bc neither has super close friends to begin with? if they run into each other later in the commonwealth richter would probably pretend to not know him in public and idk how well they would talk in private. richters not the type of person that gets ppl to feel things they dont normally feel so romantic/sexual things are probably extra impossible lmao
i dont think ive seen what he says about the coa but i assume its not nice lmaoooo
richter would probably scowl heavily but by default tolerate p hard bc any player character maccreadys traveling with is helpful to the family. ultimately hed appreciate mac having their (sosu) members back and write off his ‘attitude’ to his youth… and hed be horrified to know mac was from the capital wasteland lmao
maccready is way too young for shipping w richter but even if he wasnt i like him and tony so much cant we just let that be canon lmao
if they were both companions to a sosu at the same time richter would probably be grumpy ( but not as grumpy as he would if mac were older ) but when he realizes the other is capable and if they get their backs a few times hed probably be ok w it. i dont end up writing it a lot but in game richter is a bit snarky so i imagine some sosus might be pulling their hair out over the two at times lmao
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How about RFA + Saeran + V reacting to superheroine/magical girl MC revealing her true identity to them? (ovo) Accidentally while fighting? ? On purpose while protecting them? At home in no danger at all? Or whatever ideas you may have! ^^ (And for once 707 didn't know a secret beforehand please?-Ijustreallywannaseehimflip)
took me a bit, but I got it done! I left out Jaehee cause I got stuck and had already spent so much time on this request, but I might just add her on later. Hopefully you like it ^^
he’s always had a fascination with superheroes 
and always loved pretending to be one in his game
there was one he had admired for a while though
one who fought crime around his town and he only saw through sightings online
he really looked up to them 
one day, after seeing another one of their sightings, he noticed that they looked familiar
he couldn’t quite place his finger on it, considering they were wearing a mask
so he showed you the picture to see if maybe you could help him
”Oh, that’s me”
he laughed, thinking you were kidding until he saw your confused look
he then looked at the picture again and back at you
and then it clicked
he had a million and three questions, but none of them were coming out
”Wha-? How?! When do you-?? What?!”
”Well you’re just always so immersed in your game that you never notice when I go out to do that”
he was so floored
didn’t even know what to say
you thought that he had known since he talked about it so much
but you didn’t realize that he didn’t know that was you
and honestly, any time you come home after fighting crime, seeing you in your suit, it just really gets him going
loves that his girlfriend kicks so much ass
he always found you so adorable
didn’t think you could ever hurt a fly
but always found it weird that you would disappear at the randomest of times
once confronted you about it, but you told him you were just taking care of business
he also noticed some scrapes and cuts sometimes
his mind first jumped to mafia boss, but thought that you were too cute for that type of stuff
until you came back with all sorts of bruises
when he asked, all you said was that you were teaching someone a lesson
he kept quiet about it for a while, never bringing up anymore questions
it wasn’t until one day, when you two went out and noticed some shady business going on across the street
you excused yourself from him and his mind went into panic mode
’oh god oh god oh god I’m gonna die, I didn’t need to get involved in this today’
when you returned, wearing a costume that looked straight out of a magical girl anime, he was really confused
watched as you approached the group, talked for a bit, then kicked their shit in
’what kind of mafia boss’
he really didn’t know what he just witnessed
when you approached him again, he looked dumbfounded and confused
”I guess now is as good as any time to tell you…”
then you explained your life as a magical girl and his expression stayed the same
when you finished though, he was just ultimately relieved that you weren’t apart of the mafia
although seeing how much your costume covered explained how you got so many cuts and bruises
and it didn’t help that you looked 100x more adorable in it
must contain the beast
he always wanted to protect you
always thought it was his duty to prevent anything from happening to you
you assured him many times that you were capable of taking care of yourself, but always insisted that you have at least 2 bodyguards with you at all times
and when he found out you’d disappear from them at times, he got upset with you
you wanted to explain yourself, but it ended up turning into an argument 
he kept insisting and being too one-sided
”I just want to protect you, I don’t understand why you’d be so against it”
”I just don’t see why it’s necessary because…”
you were interrupted by one of the bodyguards letting Jumin know he had to go to work
”We’ll pick this back up when I get home” he said, giving you a quick peck on the cheek before leaving
a few hours later, he started thinking about what you two were talking about
started thinking about it
something just wasn’t sitting right with him
what did you mean by ‘you could take care of yourself’??
as he was thinking, a group of men walked into his office
”Can I help you?” he said as he looked up from his paperwork to be met with a gun to the face
at that moment, he feared for his life
before he could even respond, the gun got knocked out of this guy’s hand 
and then the guy himself got tackled to the floor
he thought that maybe one of his bodyguards had finally caught up, but it didn’t look like they were wearing the uniform
when he actually saw who had done that, he was shocked
”Hey honey, give me one second”
and with that you swiftly kicked all their asses, looked like a fight scene straight from a movie
as soon as they got knocked to the floor and dragged out, you turned to Jumin, whose expression you could not read
”So I guess I can tell you now”
His face continued being unreadable as you explained it and as soon as you finished, he got up to approach you and wrapped his arms around you in relief
you decided to let him sink it in for a few days
afterwards though, he had so many questions
and even asked you to be his bodyguard, now that he felt uneasy about his own
you assured him that nothing like that will happen again as long as you’re out there fighting crime, he just had to tighten his security
and with that, he was 100% supportive of you and never questioned your safety, knowing full well that you really could take care of yourself and him (and Elizabeth)
wants to fund a comic book series about you and your adventures
he knew about e v e r t h i n g in your past 
your school, your past jobs, even stories from your old embarrassing diary from middle school 
he had found out everything from the background check and even took it a step further 
he always teased you about how he knew everything and you always tried to tease back that you had one secret he never know about 
he wasn’t buying it though 
he was so set in the fact that he knew everything about you 
until he started noticing how weirdly strong you were 
it was little things at first, like how you always carried him with ease or accidentally broke appliances to bits 
one time you lifted the entire couch with him on it up and over you while you vacuumed 
but for some reason, he just let it go, thought maybe you were just shredded or something 
what he did find suspicious was how you always left in the middle of the night 
you always claimed you were in the kitchen getting a snack, but his data always showed activity of you actually leaving the bunker 
he really didn’t want to think it, but he thought maybe what you were hiding from him was an affair 
so he set out to follow you one night to find out 
he saw you leave and started following close behind, hood over his head to hide his identity 
he followed you for an hour, noticing that you didn’t really have a set destination, you were just walking around the shady parts of town 
after walking down a particularly shady alley, he looked up only to not find you anymore 
he felt a strong set of arms grab him into a choke-hold 
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you following me for over an hour, what do you want?” 
“MC! MC!” 
“Saeyoung? What the hell are you doing here?!” you asked, letting him go instantly 
“What the hell are you doing here?! Don’t you know how dangerous this is?!?!” 
“Yeah, actually I have something to tell you…” 
and that’s when you confessed and explained your double life of fighting crime and cleaning up the streets 
“So you’re like a superhero?” 
“Well, yeah” 
“Awesome, cause I thought you were cheating on me!” 
that’s when you smacked him upside the head 
“Idiot! I love you too much to do that.” 
and with that, you took him home 
afterwards, he started a fan blog dedicated to you and became your #1 supporter from then on 
will definitely brag to the rfa about it without straight up outing you
you noticed that he started watching more magical girl animes
and thought that maybe he was starting to catch on to you
but no
he had not a clue about your double life as a magical girl
until he found your wand
when he found it, he thought it was just apart of some cosplay you were making
and because of all the anime he had watched, he had the urge to wave it around as if he were a magical girl
as soon as he did that however, his clothes had changed into an intricate, dress-like costume
”What the fuuuuuck?” he whispered to himself as he examined the clothes and wand
that’s when you walked in and saw he discovered your secret
”So you probably have some questions, but before you ask, I just have to say how great that looks on you”
he started blushing when you said that and stuttered through all sorts of questions as you calmly answered 
low key thought it was the coolest thing
also started getting worried about your safety after you told him, but you assured him that you had been doing this for years
then got upset that you didn’t tell him sooner
but any time he sees you in your costume, he just can’t get over how adorable you look
now brags that his girlfriend could kick anyone’s ass even his own
he didn’t notice a thing
not only because he couldn’t see, but because he was just so oblivious
he didn’t even notice the little things around the house
the weird amount of strength, coming home in the middle of the night, hiding weapons around the house
he once pulled your supersuit out of the dryer and thought it was cosplay
this poor boy is so naive
it wasn’t until you two were out late one night
walking home from your date and a group of muggers comes up to you two
as soon as one of them pulls out a knife, you kicked it right out of their hand 
and then went and kicked everyone else’s shit in
and it was impressive as fuck, looked like a choreographed fight scene straight from a movie
when you turned around, you saw V staring at you in complete shock
you didn’t realize that you didn’t tell him about this aspect of your life
after you did, everything started to click for him
he starts getting into mom mode 
packs you a lunch before sending you off
cleans and bandages any wounds you get when coming back home
he’s just so ready to protect you, even though you proved that you could protect yourself pretty well
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into--the--abyss · 7 years
waahh I'm super late to replying but i finally got around to it ^^"... I haven't actually read Hush yet which I SHOULD lol (though I have a pretty good grasp on what happened in the comic) so what if the twin showing up is like the Jason Todd situation (you know with Clayface) and is all a ploy to target Ciel's weaknesses idk? but omg imagine if this arc was like Hush and we get to see all of Ciel's "Rogue's Gallery" come back and systematically try to take him down OvO
(2/2) So this is what I'm thinking so Undertaker (or whoever's behind all of this) manages to collect the twin's cinematic records put it into a different body made to look like Ciel via facial surgery and poof perfect bizarre doll... is it farfetched? you bet... do I care? nope lol
No worries!  I’m just so happy to hear from you.  :)
If you get a chance to read Hush, go for it!  The art is pretty good.  I need to see the movie, though--I’m really behind with my DC animated movies.  (But The Long Halloween still remains my favorite Batman arc, so if you haven’t read that and are in a Batman mood, I’d pick that over Hush.)
Anywho, yes, I LOVE the idea of Ciel’s weaknesses being exploited, because I think all the best parts of this manga are when someone is attacking his weakness.  (Like Kelvin, who for me is still the Prime Epitome of what it means to be a Kuro villain--because he exploited one of Ciel’s greatest fears.)
The icing on the cake is, of course, that Ciel is the type of character who never shows any weakness, so striking a nerve with him results in such juicy reactions from him.
Bringing back Ciel’s Rogue’s Gallery would make him confront his past “sins,” and this is something that I think is sorely lacking ever since the Green Witch arc: the story seems to have pulled back from its comments on morality, in regards to both Ciel and Sebastian.  And now we have a situation that doesn’t involve any agency on the part of Sebastian at all, so he’s just a side character at this point but I guess that’s a topic for another day...
Ever since the existence of the Four Lords was known, I was hoping beyond hope that at least one of them would be someone from Ciel’s past.  Doll.  Baron Kelvin.  Madame Red.  Peter and Wendy.  I’ll take anyone, but just someone who can look Ciel face-to-face and make him question what he’s done and why he did it.  I think it’s time he reaffirmed his “revenge” again, like he did in GW, and maybe somehow the 2CT thing will shed light on what (our)Ciel REALLY wants out of life.  Because it does not seem that finding his parents’ killers is a priority anymore--that may have never been his priority to begin with.
So, yes, let’s bring all the ideas to the table.  If realCiel turns out to be an elaborate meat puppet made by UT for whatever reason, I’ll take it.  He wants to get back at the Queen and make a better Watchdog?  Sure, why not.  He wants to make a Ciel that doesn’t have a pesky demon protecting him?  He’s a lover of tropes and he wants to see a classic “No I’m Ciel!”  “No...I’M Ciel” type scene, straight out of a 90′s kids cartoon?  Sure, seems legit.
I don’t even care if anything makes sense at this point, let’s just throw it all at the fan until this manga becomes some sort of avant garde performance art piece.  XD
Nice to hear from you, as always.  
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polar-stars · 5 years
🛑 Takara/Takayuki, ☠️ Hironori/Moe, 🎉 Keiko/Yasu (this sounds like a fun duo to me) :3
I hope you’ll like it and that I will do alright ovo;; (once I was home, I listened to a Calming Pokemon OST Compilation, hoping it would give me strength for you to like it)
For the first one, the idea is honestly by Kana ( @yourmoontothenightsky​ ) ahdhd I just couldn’t get it out of my head anymore, so kudos to her for that
Stop my muse from doing something reckless - Takara/Takayuki
“And?” Takayuki made an attempt on an unbothered voice, probably in hope to achieve the impression that he was completely sure on what the answer would be. But Takara did not fail to hear the hint of genuine curiosity in it.
She had currently taken a bite of the Xiaolongbao, a type of Chinese dumpling, he had brought her as the two were walking through the hallways of Totsuki. 
It tasted great. It was warm enough to heat her up a bit but not burn her tongue. The meat-filling was prepared well and also seasoned excellently. And mind you, when it came to meat Takara most certainly knew what she was talking about. 
However, she did not want to boost his ego all too soon and so she took a few more bites, putting up an extra critical act. She practically felt him getting all tense and impatient next to him. Internally she tried calculating how long it would take for him to spat something impolite. 
Finally right when he was about to open his mouth, she said. “It’s good, I guess.”
“Rea- I mean…Of course it is.” Takayuki retorted then, while crossing his arms. “You could have just fucking said it outright though, instead of that haughty performance!” 
Takara’s brows furrowed. “Excuse me?” Who was he of all people calling haughty, huh? Takayuki only huffed. “You heard me.” 
A “hmpf” escaped Takara. She’d show that angry rage-ball who truly was the Primadonna of the two. Wanna bet he’d take over an hour to praise her work, hardass tsundere he was? 
“Let’s get into one of the kitchens, I’ve got a pasta-dish to show you.” She therefore spoke challengingly. Takayuki took note of the competitive tone and was quick to respond. “PFAH, Fine by me. Though I hope you won’t feel sad when it fails to reach my leve-“ He suddenly was cut off as one of the students passing by, practically ran into him in their hectic. And being in such a hurry, the person had also already rushed past Takayuki when he was still trying to recollect himself. As he turned his head to the side to inspect who it was that crushed into him, all he saw was a bit of green hair flowing past him. 
Instantly, everything in Takayuki was triggered. 
He knew that shade of green. 
And he associated it with one particular, overly arrogant dickwad who was always looking for trouble. 
Just like he was often quick to talk, Takayuki was also quick to act. Sometimes too quick. Like in this particular situation for example, when his blood was boiling and his brain not working fast enough to satisfy it. 
He swirled around, reached out to grab the person behind him and raised a fist in the process. “YOU MOTHERFUCKING DOUCHEBAG!” 
Before his balled fist could fly however, Takara next to him was quick to get a hold of his shoulder and also said fist. Stopping his actions immediately. “You dumbass! What do you think you’re doing?!” She yelled. 
He shifted his attention to her, responding in equally loud manner. “I am about to punch a bitch!” “You’re about to punch Tori-senpai!” Takara corrected immediately, making Takayuki snap out of his rage as confusion spread on his face. 
He turned his head again and indeed, the one he faced was not the tall, male with his typical condescending smirk that jeered insults often beginning with “mid-” and ending with “-get”. No, the one he was facing was not even a male to begin with but a teenage girl, looking fairly irritated. 
After two more confused blinks, Takayuki finally let go of grabbing the upperclassman while also lowering his fist. 
“May I ask what that was about?” Tori raised an eyebrow, her voice cold. All Takayuki said in response was. “I….Sorry, I thought you were Eizan Shigeo.” This statement only seemed to make matters worse however, as Tori’s face visibly darkened and she spat. “You thought I was who?!” She sounded utterly disgusted. Not that Takayuki could blame her. 
“Again…sorry.” Takayuki muttered and looked to the side. Tori’s blue eyes narrowed for a second before she turned around and walked on, still having things to attend to. “Maybe you need to check out an ophthalmologist.” 
Takara couldn’t help but sigh, knowing that of course Takayuki could not just ignore that statement. She began shaking her head, as he roared. “Hey! Its not my fucking fault that you two share partly the same genes, aight?!”
Tori only turned her head. Her voice was pure frost. 
Takara had enough and got a harsh hold of Takayuki’s shoulder again, pulling him away. 
Protect my muse - Moe/Hironori
(Honestly “Moe being in trouble” is still something I gotta practice writing, so thanks for the request actually :0 ! It will possibly be a bit clunky though)
Moe Saito was barely ever in trouble. 
She was close to quite a few dangerous and dreaded personas. No one in their right mind would actively try to land on the radar of Shigeo Eizan and all of his dangerous schemes, which is why there was barely anyone who would dare to harm one of the rare non-familar-related persons he actually truly cared for.  
Having invisible protection around her at pretty much every given time, Moe was therefore inexperienced how to behave in any sort of racy situations. 
Situations like the one she was in right now. 
“You’re so cute, Moe-Moe. Did anyone ever tell you?” A classmate had gotten a hold of her hands, while simultaneously attempting to pull her closer to him. Moe tried walking backwards, not liking his grip in any way. “A lot of people did.” She responded in her usual dry manner, but if one was to listen closely, one could hear the slight shiver in her voice. 
She looked around the empty classroom, a desperate attempt to spot any familiar face of Shigeo’s associates who usually were always so near. But hopeless. The only thing near to her now, was the wall behind her. The male who still held onto her hands had now given up trying to pull her towards him but rather supported her backwards-approach, in hope he could close the space between them once she had her back to the wall. 
“Can I call you just Moe? Can I?” He smiled, though Moe felt no warmth or friendliness coming from it. It was rather creepy. 
“That wouldn’t be very polite.” She retorted. 
“And such a pretty ribbon you got.” The male merely continued calmly. Moe’s insides were thrown in turmoil when she saw the hand reaching out for her most precious, dotted ribbon. “Can I look at it in detail?”
Hironori was just strolling through the school as he suddenly heard a few underclassman eagerly chat near an opened classroom in an otherwise empty hallway. 
“He’s really doing it, huh?” “He’s got guts indeed.” 
Hironori hid behind a wall, a little curious on what this was about. Did some dumbass on this school do something absolutely reckless again? Had Raijin been riding through the corridors on Shelby again?!
“Let’s see if he actually manages to get this done though. He said he wants to succeed through his ‘charms’, which he barely has being honest.” A girl argued. “I still think,… this entire thing is too crass for a truth-or-dare…” A softer voice spoke up. “…Shigeo-senpai will not blink an eye to destroy the entire life of whoever he believes of being at fault for it.”
Hironori leaned in a bit closer. With Shigeo’s name mentioned, suspicion had grown rapidly. Something was not right here. 
“But that’s exactly the idea!” Another voice spoke up. “He’ll snatch that ribbon-” Ribbon. “-and once he has it, we will smuggle it into Kawahara’s things  and once Shigeo-senpai-” Shigeo. “-will see his most precious baby girl-” Baby Girl. “-come crying to him without her most precious ribbon, that annoyance Kawahara will be gone over the night. And all it takes is Hima getting Saito Moe’s.” - Moe. 
“You disgusting cockroaches!” 
With the speed of a flash, Hironori stepped out from behind the wall, his voice being as sharp as a knife and his eyes having a dangerous fire in them. 
The group of middle schoolers flinched immediately and quite a few faces grew pale instantly. 
Utter contempt was shown in Hironori’s gaze as he looked at them. “You’re all through and through despicable and pathetic.”
He was quick to move into the direction of the classroom, just in time as he heard a familiar high-pitched voice wailing. “Don’t touch my ribbon! It was a gift!”
As he stepped into the room, he demanded. “Let go off her this instant.” 
The boy who had a crying and kicking Moe pinned to the wall, turned his head and froze instantly. 
Hironori only took a step further. His tone was cold but oh so full of warning danger. “Step away from her. Or I will decorate the room with your innards.”
This gruesome thought alone paired with such a threatening voice, sent shivers through the boy and he practically jumped away, raising his hands defensively. 
Hironori had to suppress not spitting him in the face. “Now piss off. And don’t you ever even think about stepping anywhere remotely near her ever again. Or I will find you and I will slice you worthlessness of a person into two halves.” 
That was enough for the boy and he ran out of the room immediately. 
Once the sounds of his hurried footsteps that most certainly feared for their lives vanished, Hironori turned his head to Moe, still shivering at the wall, her usually so unbothered and calm face full of tears.
“Moe-” He began, but then the much more shorter girl ran towards him, crashed into his legs making him stumble a bit backwards, pulled her arms around said legs and buried her crying face into them. 
“…Thank you, Nii-chan.” She sobbed, barely audible. 
He looked her for a few seconds, before he patted her head, careful to not distort her ribbon. 
“But of course.” 
For a hug filled with laughter - Yasu/Keiko
“There’s two major ways to interpret the beginning of World War I.” Keiko explained happily, while stuffing the smoked cheese Yasu had prepared into her mouth. “There’s positions who blame the entirety on Germany and Austria but there’s also people who say that all of them were dummy-dums for such a long time and that the situation was so overcooked that a war was basically inevitable. It just needed one event to finally let everything overbuilt and said event happened to be the shots in Sarajevo!”
“Ah..” Yasu responded while taking his notes. He had to write an essay on the war guilt for World War I tomorrow and had asked Keiko for help. 
He always liked Chieko’s help as well, but he had to admit that it was a nice change to be taught something without a few occasional eye-rolls and all-too-typical complains. 
“At the time, the entire guilt was put on Germany with the treaty of Versailles. Which did most definitely plague the young Republic in many ways!” Keiko continued. 
Yasu gave a slight nod. “I see….” He finished the last sentence he had been writing and looked up into Keiko’s radiating, teal-colored eyes. “Well, thank you a lot, Keiko-chan. This will all be very helpful.”
A jolly laughter emerged from his companion and out of the sudden Yasu had arms wrapping around him. “But of course, Ya-kun! It was a pleasure! I love it when people ask me stuff! It’s always a joy!” 
For a few seconds he sat still, a bit overwhelmed by the enthusiasm, while Keiko still giggled. 
Then he began lightly patting her back. 
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