#special inflicts continuous burn damage...
mstrchu · 1 year
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eternal spear → aspect of nezha
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fairuzfan · 6 months
Also re:necropolitics of israel (click)
A few days ago there were reports of Israeli soldiers "returning" bodies of martyrs they took like just straight up from Gaza. Here is a report about bodies being stolen from al-Shifa (click).
The director of Al-Shifa had reported the bodies being stolen back in November (click) before his arrest. The hospital workers mentioned not knowing why the soldiers would do that. The speculation of the photo-op arose because the photo-op of October 7th within Israel happened a month and a half after October 7th, after the Al-Shifa raid. People (Palestinians) noted that the level of violence done to the bodies seemed similar to what they had been seeing with the bombs in Gaza, and found it hard to believe that Hamas could inflict that much damage. There was a thread that was examining this idea but I haven't found it as it's been a bit. If I find it, I'll comment on this post.
But even then, Israel routinely makes corpses serve out their sentences or even outright steals them for the sake of enacting psychological torture onto the relatives of the martyr (click). The burial process is an essential step in mourning and grief, which means by withholding the bodies, they ensure that the family is unable to recover emotionally from the death of their loved one nor are they allowed to move on. This is essentially a form of ensuring that people are unable to resist as the emotional toll this takes on them is quite high.
A variety of reports and testimonies are linked in this article regarding the harvesting and removal of organs throughout the years by Israel (click). The most damning of the evidence is a testimony by Dr. Meira Weiss in her book "Over Their Dead Bodies." The article has a translated passage from Hebrew about the period at the turn of the century and their practices then (roughly 1996-2002):
“They would take corneas, skin, and heart valves, while noting that non-professionals would not notice the absence of these organs as they would place something plastic in place of the corneas and ‘take’ the skin from the back so that the family wouldn’t see it. In addition, the bodies of detained martyrs are used in medical colleges at Israeli universities for research purposes.” Weiss confirmed that “in the first Intifada, the army effectively allowed the institute to extract organs from Palestinians under a military procedure that required the autopsy of a Palestinian prisoner. The autopsy procedure was accompanied by organ removal, which was used by the Israeli Skin Bank established in 1985 to treat burns suffered by Israeli soldiers. This was after the Chief Rabbinate Council issued a ruling legitimizing it, which led to saving the lives of many Israelis who were injured during attacks on Palestinian citizens, continuous assaults, and wars — at the expense of Palestinian martyrs, according to specialized Israeli medical sources for burn treatment.”
It's worthy to note: as an occupying force especially, Israel should not be doing ANYTHING with these bodies and just returning them to the families. I've seen some people say "they didn't JUST harvest Palestinians' organs, they also harvested Israeli organs." It doesn't matter. They are an occupying force that enacts systematic violence on Palestinians especially and within this context, anything Israel does towards Palestinians is a targeted, racialized violence. It is widely known that Israel denies crimes it has committed until many, many years, especially from during the Nakba, such as well poisoning.
People provide evidence that organs can't be used after a certain point in time.... in this context (October 2023-December 2023), it's not about whether or not the organs were used for anything. It is specifically for the purpose of body desecration which Israeli soldiers especially have not been shy about. Here is a report during the bulldozer massacre in which people report that Israeli soldiers run over bodies for no other reason than desecration (click).
Also, remember the grave desecration that happened a few days ago? It was reported that they had stolen bodies believed to belong to young Palestinian activists then (click). This is widely known as 'necroviolence' on Palestinian bodies in order to humiliate them (click).
You cannot remove the context of an oppressive force (Israel) that is documented to have disrespected graves and bodies. You must analyze it within this context, not any others. Withholding bodies of Palestinians, no matter what they did while they were alive, is a form of disrespect and oppression on a subjugated population. To deny that this happens and to attribute it to antisemitism is not only disrespectful of Palestinians' mourning rights, but also an effort to remold the narrative into one of "Jewish people against Palestinians" by emphasizing the Jewishness of the occupying force rather than focusing on... you know... the fact that they're an occupying force known to enact violence on Palestinian martyrs.
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workersolidarity · 3 months
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[ 📹 Scenes from residential neighborhoods in Khan Yunis where citizens of Gaza go about their daily routines despite the massive destruction inflicted on their community and a large undetonated missile sitting in the middle of the street, fired by the Zionist occupation army towards civilian homes.
📈 Yesterday's death toll count shows over 14'500 children have been killed by the occupation army since the start of the war, while over 33'000 Palestinians overall have been killed, including at least 9'560 women.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On the 184th day of "Israel's" Special Genocide Operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of four new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 38 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 71 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
Gaza's Ministry of Health reported that many victims remain missing, while the occupation army continues to actively block ambulance and civil defense crews from reaching the sites of Israeli attacks.
According to the Ministry, "A number of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them."
On Saturday, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report on the Zionist raid of Al-Shifa medical complex, in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, detailing the horrific damage inflicted on the Hospital, and the countless graves lining the hospital grounds.
During the recent mission to the complex by WHO staff, the organization said that Al-Shifa "is now an empty shell after the latest siege."
"No patients remain at the facility. Most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed and the majority of equipment is unusable or reduced to ashes. The WHO team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility completely non-functional, further reducing access to life-saving health care in Gaza. Restoring even minimal functionality in the short term seems implausible and will require substantial efforts to assess and clear the grounds for unexploded ordnance to ensure safety and accessibility for partners to bring in equipment and supplies," the WHO said in its report.
Further, much of the hospital's facilities have been completely or partially destroyed, and are mostly unsalvageable according to the WHO, while most of the healthcare facility's equipment has also been detonated with explosives or burned in resulting fires.
When the WHO personnel walked through the hospital's grounds, the horrifying scene that met the team shocked them.
According to their report, the WHO team witnessed, "Numerous shallow graves have been dug just outside the emergency department, and the administrative and surgical buildings. In the same area, many dead bodies were partially buried with their limbs visible."
"During the visit, WHO staff witnessed at least five bodies lying partially covered on the ground, exposed to the heat. The team reported a pungent smell of decomposing bodies engulfing the hospital compound. Safeguarding dignity, even in death, is an indispensable act of humanity," the WHO added.
According to Gaza's media office, more than 400 Palestinians were killed in the Al-Shifa siege and eventual raid, while together, the number of missing, dead, and wounded total over 1'500.
In other news, the Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs, Mona Al-Khalili said in a statement on Sunday that the Israeli occupation deliberately targets women and children while prosecuting its genocidal war in Gaza, and also targets women and children in the occupied West Bank.
In the statement, the Minister pointed out that over 9'560 women have been killed since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, while out of 15'000 pregnant women living in the Gaza Strip, 95% of them consume insufficient amounts of food, increasing the risk of death and disease for both mothers and their unborn children.
She also noted that roughly one million forcibly displaced women in Gaza face "exacerbated protection risks in shelter centers that lack basic necessities and privacy," adding that approximately 37 mothers are killed in Gaza everyday.
The statement pointed out that 8'100 women will give birth to new babies in Gaza over the next month, however, with restrictions on movement that remain in place, while the destruction, and the Israeli army's dismemberment, of Palestinian cities continues, "hindering access to vital health and social services, ambulance movements, and the provision of humanitarian services."
In the occupied West Bank and Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Minister stated that more than 1'620 Palestinian families, including at least 710 children have been displaced by the Zionist occupation army due to the Israeli occupation's policy of demolishing Palestinian homes.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation continued with its bombing and shelling campaign across the entirety of the Gaza Strip, and while murders of Palestinians have slowed in recent days, largely due to the intense international pressure put on the occupation after the Israeli bombing of a convoy of humanitarian aid vehicles in Deir al-Balah on Tuesday, resulting in the deaths of 7 foreign aid workers, while a second major violation of International law came with the recent Zionist bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which forced many of "Israel's" allies to condemn the occupation, still, the killings still have yet to stop.
The Israeli occupation army also withdrew "all of its meneuvering ground forces" from the Gaza Strip on Sunday, leaving just a single brigade in the entirety of the enclave.
According to the Zionist media, forces with the 98th Division were withdrawn from the Khan Yunis governate after four straight months of fighting in Gaza.
This leaves only the "Nahal" Brigade, which has been tasked with securing the so-called Netzarim Corridor, a 6.5km-long (4mi) passage built by the IOF running from east to west and bisecting the central Gaza Strip from the Be'eri area of southern occupied Palestine to the coast of Gaza, enabling Zionist forces to carry out raids in either the north or south of the enclave.
Just hours after the Israeli occupation celebrated their supposed defeat of Hamas in Khan Yunis, and immediately after withdrawing forces from the city, five Resistance rockets were fired from Khan Yunis towards Israeli communities in the occupied Palestinian territories.
In the north of Gaza, Zionist warplanes bombed a residential building on Al-Mansoura Street, east of the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of at least four Palestinians, and wounding another 10 others, while occupation Merkava main battle tanks (MBTs) advanced on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza City, moving towards the 17th roundabout for a few hours before returning to a temporary base built in the south of Gaza.
In another strike, occupation artillery detatchments shelled a multitude of civilian residences in the Tal al-Hawa and Al-Zaytoun neighborhoods of Gaza City, wounding at least six civilians, while occupation Merkava MBTs fired artillery shells into civilian homes west of Gaza.
Reports also stated that the Israeli occupation army shelled multiple areas in the city of Beit Hanoun, as well as the Qleibo area, in the northern Gaza Strip, while also shelling the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City, along with the southern neighborhoods of Gaza.
At the same time, Israeli artillery forces shelled residential buildings, along with the Sheikh Zayed Towers in the city of Beit Lahia, in the north of Gaza, wounding a number of people.
Similarly, Israeli fighter jets bombarded several residential homes in the Al-Zinna and Bani Suhaila neighborhoods, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, murdering two Palestinian civilians and wounding at least 7 others, while at the same time, IOF soldiers opened gunfire with live bullets towards civilians in the same two villages, resulting in several casualties.
In the early night, Zionist air forces also carried out several bombings in areas west of Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza, and also bombed a group of Palestinians in the vicinity of the Turkish slaughterhouse, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties, while simultaneously, Israeli artillery forces shelled large areas of the south and west of Khan Yunis.
Intense battles with Resistance forces raged across Khan Yunis last night, this despite months of ongoing ground operations in the city, resulting in the deaths of at least four Israeli soldiers, including at least one officer, and also wounding several other Zionist soldiers, while the Al-Qassam Brigades said they'd targeted occupation armored vehicles and soldiers in the Al-Zanna neighborhood, and also targeted the occupation in the east and west of the city.
As a result of the explosive battles with Resistance forces, occupation warplanes bombed the Al-Amal neighborhood of Khan Yunis, along with the Zinna neighborhood, and also bombarded areas in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa University, while Zionist forces also detonated another residential square east of the Nasser medical complex.
Additionally, occupation aircraft dropped American-made bombs in the vicinity of a civilian residence near the Al-Istiqama Mosque, in the Al-Janeina neighborhood, east of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, while Zionist forces also targeted the Al-Nasr neighborhood, north of Rafah, resulting in several casualties.
In another tragedy, it was reported today that Nasser Nasr (Abu Basil), who was wounded during the Israeli occupation bombing of his residential home, killing both his wife and son, has died himself as a result of his injuries.
In yet another criminal atrocity, Zionist occupation forces bombed a group of civilians gathered in the town of al-Zahra'a, in central Gaza, killing at least three Palestinians and wounding dozens of others.
IOF warplanes also renewed their bombardment of residential buildings in the town of Al-Mughraqa, in the central Gaza Strip.
For the first time since the start of "Israel's" genocidal war, Zionist forces on Sunday allowed a fuel truck and two trucks carrying essential medicines to pass-on to hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip.
As a result of "Israel's" Special Genocide Operation in the Gaza Strip, the infinitely rising death toll has now exceeded 33'175 Palestinians killed, including more than 14'500 children and 9'560 women, while another 75'886 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formation Part Three
Summary: The Gojo's share a soft, warm moment with Yuuji after an unexpected midnight run in.
SERIES MASTERLIST requests currently open :)<3
CW: fluff, pregnancy, mild threat, sukuna being sukuna, this is almost more of a crack fic but like it's really soft bc so many people wanted Y/N and Gojo to adopt Yuuji after part two but part four... is going to be heartbreaking I'm sorry
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11.43pm - Tokyo Prefectural High School, Dorm Building Kitchen
You’re in the common room, waiting for your husband to finish up a mission - looking at your phone you see him say he’ll be about 10 minutes, so you go to make yourself a quick cup of tea before he gets here and goes home. You could hear the kids up in their dorms until about 30 minutes ago after you had made dinner for you all this evening.
As you boil the kettle, you feel a silent presence lurking behind you, just at the entrance to the kitchen- a drastic shift in cursed energy, one you’d rather not be familiar with but sadly have come to know all too well. You continue to prepare your tea in peace. “Evening, Sukuna.” You say, with an exasperated sigh. A kitchen conversation with the King of Curses wasn’t quite how you imagined this evening to go but you’ll make do. It feels like your baby starts to sense the cursed energy too, with them kicking a little more since Sukuna’s arrival - Gojo genes are strong in this one you see.
A growl emanates through the room, “You dare address me so casually, wench?” “I do, Sukuna, you’re far too smart to start shit in here and with me right now, so do shut up and let me enjoy my tea.” “Oh, what a brave little girl you are - are you in any position to do anything but beg for me to spare the life of you and your child?” His eyes seem to flow red through the dimly lit room.
“I would say I’m rather well safeguarded yes, I’m a special grade sorcerer, and even 7 months pregnant I could inflict decent damage on you, my husband is Gojo Satoru, and my son who possesses the Ten Shadow technique is down the hall AND is overprotective and down the hall, a girl who may as well be my daughter, doing the same and another Grade 1, but most of all - the body you are housed in is that of a boy who is also as good as a son to me, and the minute you start to show me any real threat I know he will make up and squash your nighttime wandering hopes. So, tell me, what can I help you with, Sukuna?” You roll your eyes, knowing full well he’s trying to grandstand and intimidate you, but you just do not have the patience to deal with it right now. As you speak you pour the water into your mug and sit yourself down with a groan at your tired feet. The glare you were given along with the smirk and what you could only assume to be a laugh may scare some, but not you, you’ve seen and exorcised far worse than Sukuna in a 15-year-old boy's body in the kitchen. “Hm, I like you - you’ve got balls. As for what I wanted, well, I suppose I wanted to see for myself the woman carrying the future of jujutsu sorcery - hardly any fun going through all this trouble to regain my power if there will be nothing interesting to use it on.” He stalls towards you, eyeing you and your growing stomach like a trophy. “The child - it is strong, not even taken a breath and the cursed energy outweighs your own. Possibly it’s fathers too. And you’ve raised the Ten Shadows boy, for a human I almost respect you, there’s nothing quite as entertaining as a fierce woman.”
The flare in your cursed energy at the thought of Sukuna even discussing your children would have blown lesser beings to ash but luckily, years of control and practice have kept you from unleashing the rage of a protective mother - this is not even the first time. The very night Sukuna was reborn inside Yuuji, you stood in front of your injured son Megumi which fire burning inside you as Gojo watched the love and care you had for him and that boy behind you turn into a blast slamming the curse into the building. (Your initial concern for hurting the as-yet-unknown rosey-haired child diminished after having seen how Sukuna reinforced his body during a brief scuffle with your husband).
“Sukuna, you have seen that I am quite clearly pregnant, you’ve done what you came to do - off you go, unless you’re going to say you want tea -” with a snarl and muttering about the insolence of humans and the arrogance of every Gojo he retreats as a waking Yuuji looks around, clearly confused.
“Y/N? Why am I in the kitchen? I was asleep? Wait, why are you here, where’s Gojo-Sensei?” The words all tumble out mingled with a yawn from him. Seeing no reason to hide the truth, you continued. “You’re okay Yuuji, Satoru will be here in a minute, I’m just waiting here for him to finish up a quick mission, didn’t want to drive so I’ll go home with him. And as for why you’re in the kitchen, it seemed your body roommate wanted a midnight stroll.” You put your mug onto the counter as you reboil the water to make some tea for Yuuji, hoping it would coax him back to sleep. “Wait, Sukuna? Are you okay? Oh god, I’m so sorry, what did he want?” He flustered about.
“Yuuji honey, I’m absolutely fine, and you have nothing to be sorry for. He just wanted to see if the rumors of a new Six Eyes could be true. We were all completely safe sweetheart, I sent him packing and pretty much told him if he didn’t want tea he could piss off, he’s too smart to ever try anything that could put himself in danger - so don’t worry, you’re safe with Satoru and me around. Plus, I think this one is going to have both my temper and Satoru’s lack of sanity so, you’re surrounded by Gojo’s who love you.” You pat your belly and then his head and push the chamomile tea mug into his hands. He scratches the back of his neck and thanks you, muttering about how much of a dick Sukuna is. You giggle at him and sit down.
“Wait, did you really ask the king of curses if he wanted tea?” Yuuji asked as if that part of the story had just clicked in his head. “Well, Shoko always said I was too ballsy for someone my size.” You giggle and he laughs too, but nods, knowing you are one of the bravest (and kinda scary in a fight) people he’s met since joining the sorcery world.
“He didn’t want any tea though. Maybe he’s a hot chocolate kinda guy.” You say, with a straight face, Yuuji looks at you for a moment and then bursts into hysterical laughter as you giggle about wrapping Sukuna in a blanket and giving him cocoa with tiny marshmallows. As you’re finishing your tea, Satoru walks (flounces) through the door and leans down to pepper your face with kisses. “Well if it isn’t my dearest, darling, sweetheart, angel wife. Are you ready to go home? I have some snacks for us before bed.” He says as you notice the bags behind his back. He then turns to Yuuji, “Huh, you have Sukuna cooties tonight. What did I miss?” Itadori turns his nose up at the residuals being called cooties. “It’s alright, ‘Toru. Sukuna decided to check out whether the rumor of more Gojo spawn was true. Got poor Yuuji out of bed for it and all.” You reassured him.
“Huh, well, you okay, baby? He didn’t upset you did he?” You loved that Satoru had so much faith in your abilities and strength that he knew he needed to be nothing but support for you, and you’d spoken before about his being surrounded by sorcerers was the safest place for Yuuji to be so you both knew Sukuna wouldn’t risk his chance. You weren’t dumb enough to think you could take down Sukuna alone - only Satoru could have a chance, but you could definitely hold him off with your powerful cursed technique long enough for Satoru to arrive. You kissed his cheek and nodded that you were absolutely fine.
“Gojo-sensei, she offered him tea. Sukuna.” Yuuji said, still in disbelief. “That’s my girl!” Hearing this, Satoru laughed and pulled you into his chest, beaming at his beautifully snarky, witty wife.
“Now, Satoru, let’s get home - it’s late. I can see you yawning, Yuuji, back to bed.” You usher him down the hall to his dorm and make sure he gets into bed, as he sleepily tumbles into his Spider-Man sheets you’d gotten a few months back, you whisper goodnight to him. As you were about to close the door, you hear a very sleepy, barely awake ‘gnight mom, night dad.’ You squeeze Satoru’s hand as you smile at each other, wordless but endless appreciation for what you just heard and have only ever heard from Megumi (rarely) and Tsumiki (you missed hearing it from her). You knew Yuuji would be back to Y/N and Gojo-Sensei tomorrow but now in a sleepy vulnerable moment that’s how he saw and felt about you both was enough to know you guys must be doing something right.
“Satoru, we should really stop picking up stray kids on the street and keeping them.” You giggle thinking of the siblings, Yuuji and the sweet boy you cared for currently in Africa with Miguel. “Hm, nah, we need a whole collection, our own army - now c’mon, the baby just said ‘Hey dad get mom home I want to have cuddles and mochi with you’” in the worst baby impression ever he squeaked at you and he picked you up bridal style to warp you home, but not before you get in a quiet “oh really, when did you become the womb whisperer? That sounds like you want that to me.”
@vesta-ro *
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yu-gi-poll · 17 days
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Cyber Angel Dakini is used by Asuka Tenjoin (Alexis Rhodes in the English dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 8
Effect (according to the anime): “This card only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Machine Angel Ritual". When this card is Special Summoned, your opponent selects and destroys 1 of their monsters. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.”
ATK / DEF: 2700 / 2400
Alexis had a vague archetype at the start of the show and it was cool with the cyber skaters but I LOVED when she started using Cyber Angels
Darklord Nurse Reficule also known as Nurse Reficule the Fallen One is used by Emi Ayukawa (Fonda Fontaine in the English dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 4
Effect (according to the anime): “Any effect that would cause your opponent to gain Life Points instead inflicts the same amount of damage to your opponent.”
ATK / DEF: 1400 / 600
The lady who has the recently-meta Bonfire card also uses the cornerstone of one of the cheesiest strategies out there. Thank goodness she didn't get gift card.
burn damage my beloved! her effect is super unique and pulling off an ftk with it (while really tricky and requiring A LOT of luck) is so satisfying. and her art is cool :)
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theblogofdavyjones · 1 year
Your pain is mine
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Pairing: Davy Jones x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @royisrandom
Request: Okie dokie I have a request. :) So the idea is that the reader overworks herself and gets injured pretty badly and Davy Jones helps patch her up after noticing signs of her being injured. It's nothing too special, but if you could do this that would be awesome. :3
When it comes to working hard, you try to keep it at a steady pace, keeping it maintained so you don’t over do it to the point of collapsing from exhaustion.
But when it comes to pleasing your captain of showing the way you’re capable of using your hands like no one else could, when others couldn’t, there was no taking breaks. Breaks don’t come until the job is done and done well in the captain’s approval before he dismisses you to get some rest. However, when it comes to Davy Jones, you don’t let yourself rest and as a result to that, you have overworked yourself as you shouldn’t have.
By now, you were to the point of collapsing from exhaustion, your body was screaming to give out on you but with you wanting to prove your strengths and capabilities to Jones, you fought back and kept scrubbing against it. One day while on the job, the task at the time was to make sure the ropes were secure and when you were to be assigned of this task, you would always have on you the same kind of gloves you would use if you were to be mountain climbing while being tethered by ropes for safety, in case you slip the ropes would catch your fall. As luck would have it, you were in a rush, wanting to get your job done right and we’ll do that Davy Jones has reason to keep you onboard the Flying Dutchman. To make things more complicated for you, Mother Nature was taking over the weather, brewing a terrible wind the soon turned into a deadly rainstorm, which produced dangerously high waves at least thirty feet.
You were in the midst of helping Bootstrap Bill, whom you considered to be a friend more than a crew mate, to keep ropes secure and you were using your bare hands. When you had first come about the Dutchman, Davy Jones had spared you, making you to be the only living being onboard. The unforgiving storm got worse with each passing minute and you were surprised that the ship hadn’t been hit by a wave until one finally did. As the giant wave had crashed against the Dutchman, it caused everyone to fall back. But it did more damage to you than anyone else; as your hands were violently ripped away from the rope you were holding onto, it left you with painful rope burns that seemed to have now implanted on both your hands. The first thought coming to mind was of how you wouldn’t be able to use your hands properly until they fully heal, but you were going to use them for more work and to be proven you were in fact, a strong person.
You were going to continue to be strong and willing to make some sacrifices if needs be. Since Davy Jones seemed to be playing the organ most of the time, you thought hiding the inflicted injury from him would be easy enough for you to do.,
However, you were wrong.
When Davy Jones had appeared to see what the commotion was about, between Bootstrap Bill and his human son, Will Turner, Davy noticed you hiding your hands in either your pockets or behind yours back. Davy didn’t think much of it at first, but as the days followed, he watched you more closely as the way your hands seemed to be almost unbearable to use for work. It was clear to Jones than that something obviously wasn’t right, that your hands were in some kind of pain.
Instead of confronting you in front of the whole crew, he orders for Bootstrap Bill to tell you that he requested your presence, you were a bit startled and anxious, thinking that you might have done something wrong and you were done for. Standing before the captain’s door, you hesitantly raise your fist and knock softly on the wooden door. Instead of Davy getting up to answer the door himself, he called for you to enter.
“Yes, captain? You wanted me” you ask a bit timidly, Davy starting to approach you.
“Let me see your hands.”
Before he even made the order, you held your hands behind your back as an attempt to keep them hidden and out of sight.
It didn’t workout. So when you refused to give him your hands, Davy, not with his crab claw, but with his more human hand, reached your arms, revealing your injured hands.
“What happened?”
“I was holding onto the ropes, trying to keep them secure during that bad rainstorm and when we got hit by that wave, my hands slipped away rather harshly.” You shyly admit.
Davy sighs before turning away for a bottle of rum, taking your hands once again before pouring the rum upon the injuries. You hissed know pain as the alcohol killed the bacteria and whatever other germs that could be lurking about long with it. Once passed that, Davy helped you bandage both hands while making a suggestion that was unlike himself.
“Maybe you should take the rest of the night and I’ll have someone to fill in your space.”
It was almost daring to refuse this idea, but you did just that, telling him that you would be fine to go back to continue amongst other things.
“With all due respect captain, but I can continue to handle myself and my work. I ask for you to believe me when I say that I’ve had much worse than rope burns. They’re almost nothing to me, if anything they’re minor injuries.”
Davy looked back at you with admiration, before nodding in agreement.
As you begin making your way back to work, Davy follows behind and finds Bootstrap Bill waiting outside for you. Davy than takes the chance to whisper an order to keep a close eye on you.
Of course, he had no choice but to obey the captain’s orders.
Requests: Open
Tags: @princessofthornsandroses @justafairytailofinnocence @always-on-hiatus @friendlynova @marsswann @mypookiebeardavyjones
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Project RBH Devlog 0012
Hm. Turns out that temporary stat changes are slightly more complicated than I thought they would be I’m sure I’ll figure it out—it’s probably as easy as having a constant I can reference and then using a variable to adjust it from within the status effect—but it’s not there yet. Since the code for the status effects runs every frame, if I get the formulas wrong I’ll absolutely nuke the target’s stats into the dirt, which isn’t ideal.
After last week’s success with the Burn status I quickly threw together the Bleed status effect, a stronger version of Burn. This status is special in that it’s exclusive to Critical Hits, providing more payoffs to that playstyle.
Speaking of the Critical Hit system, I adjusted that code to make it a bit more robust, and to allow it to interact with the rest of the damage code, allowing me to create other payoffs that trigger when you land a critical hit, for example, the bleed status, or healing the player.
Around this time I encountered a bizarre glitch that crashed the game if I shot a destructible crate, something that isn’t currently in any builds but that I implemented ages ago. At the time I couldn’t figure out what was causing it, but I ended up fixing it later incidentally while fixing another game crashing problem.
With no idea what’s causing the crate problem I continued working on the upgrades that I’d been working on already, the ones I mentioned a moment ago: healing on Crits and inflicting Bleed on Crits. I also added the upgrades that allow you to actually inflict Burn status, as well as an upgrade that increases your chances of inflicting a Status Effect.
Around this point I remembered/discovered that due to the fact that my bullets and explosions share a damage code, explosions now crash the game because they lack about 90% of the functionality that bullets have now. Fixing this was simple but took me a bit longer than I’d like. All I did was add a few conditional statements that made sure the relevant variables existed before trying to call them. For some reason this also fixed the crate problem.
I am now, however, faced with a problem. Certain upgrades are only meant to be acquired once, such as the added Burn status. You can’t add that twice. I thought I already had a way around this, but I don’t actually think it will work the way I want it to. The way that I shuffle the upgrades is by storing them all inside of an array which I can then randomize into a temporary copy of the array, allowing me to use a reference to the original array, ensuring they do the thing they’re supposed to do. I think that the solution I was already planning on using will still work, but in a slightly more roundabout way.
Much like how I store the name, description, and effect of each upgrade as a variable so I can reference them later when the player gets them, I intend on having a variable that checks how many times the player can get any one upgrade, and then go through the array and remove any that can no longer be chosen. If I remove them from the main array, their positions will shift and the variable references won’t work, but I should be able to remove them from the temporary array that shuffles them all.
We’re almost at the end of June now; this is the last DevLog before July, which means sometime this week I’ll have the next build posted and the next What We Can Learn article.
No rest for the wicked.
Until next Devlog!
Special thanks to my Tier 3 Patrons, Haelerin and Christos Kempf!
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Variety Agatha
Ah, Variety Scouts.  I'm sure everyone's happy about this.
General Overview Agatha and Arbok are a Poison support.  Weak to Psychic.  Uh-oh.  Agatha is two BP units wrapped into a limited unit.  Poison Sting to Poison, Wrap for Trap, Leer to debuff defense, and trainer move is 1MP with +2 Atk/Sp Atk/Crit.  Just +2.  Joy.  She'll heal the team's HP half the time when she hits a foe with status, raises only her own defenses by +1, and ups her odds of Poison.  Grid offers some odd utility like healing and a little bit more boosting of offenses, notably Team Sharp Entry.
Okay let's not mince words: Agatha does not do anything the combination of BP Erika and BP Clemont couldn't.  BP Erika has Toxic (better than Poison) and Trap, while BP Clemont has Screech (better in Gauntlet for debuffing) and Synchro Healing (more consistent).  Agatha may have all the tools for stall, but her poison is weaker, her healing inconsistent, she doesn't buff team defenses just her own, and is generally odd.  She feels like a support you slap on for answering Gauntlet gimmicks.   Like, hyper specialized to that function.  And that's not terrible.   Except it is because Poison is a terrible choice, being bad against Cobalion and irrelevant against Tornadus.  If you wanted to answer Gauntlet, why didn't you just bring Glare?  Oh because Wrap isn't a Poison type thing, and you need an attack to do Poison?  Then drop Hostile Environment for On a Roll 9 on Acid for special defense drops instead of Leer.  It's more valuable in every way.  Moreover, weak to Psychic means that her best utility traits - countering Uxie and Trapping out Cresselia Phase 1 - are hindered by the fact she's weak to like everything they do.
I dunno man!  I get that her defenses are really high, and she’s got some nice healing potential with a +3 crit in one turn function, but I just feel like she’s not doing anything truly unique.  Which is a shame because man is the current Trainer Files event selling me on Agatha.
Move Level and EX? Support, so 3/5 is pretty necessary.  Even more so because her role is surviving long enough to continuously check gimmicks.  She can't afford to drop early.  So you need those healing bits.  EX gives the stats and the double damage, which means better odds of survival.  She's pretty demanding.
Team 1: V!Agatha, Emma, Tech Magneton/Tech Nidoqueen This is, perhaps, a little obvious.  But a guaranteed Poison effect means Emma gets to run wild with her Buddy move.  Tech Magneton is selected for CS, to further drop defenses and hopefully let Emma perform a full denial on Turn 2.  In Gauntlet, Tech Nidoqueen is able to debuff everything for you, which is generally helpful for survival, and specifically helpful for Latias.
Team 2: V!Agatha, Shauntal I'm willing to bet they could do this as a duo.  Agatha applies the status needed to answer Uxie, and with Team Sharp Entry, the literal exact buffs Shauntal needs to cap offenses without investing energy in self-setup.  Shauntal kicks ass as a DPS unit, and Agatha's passive healing easily offsets the burn damage Shauntal inflicts on herself.  If you need a third, you can slot in just about any striker that won't take up extra gauge.  Or Tech Nidoqueen again.
Team 3: V!Agatha, Brycen, Lodge Steven Cresselia's biggest weakness during setup phase is Trap.  Agatha provides needed trap damage, tearing Cresselia apart in its early phases.  Brycen is the usual Haze answer, keeping evasion from factoring in, while Lodge Steven is chosen for a few reasons.  One is, special.  He'll end later phases quickly.  The other is, Stealth Rock.  Bonus passive damage.   Your goal is to take out Cresselia's first phase without seeing Thunder Wave; you'll need some stall on Brycen's part, but it can be done with enough passive damage.  Agatha has Antitoxin, so she blocks Toxic.
Team 4: V!Agatha, Flannery/Electabuzz, Hilda/BP Sophocles Alright, let's address the Gauntlet stages that she doesn't work well against, because Poison is bad.  Flannery provide burn, and between the two, you're able to hit every Cobalion phase without issue.  Flannery is acceptable as a damage dealer, but Hilda combos well with Agatha thanks to Leer.  If using Flannery, use anything that can flinch.  If using Hilda, use Tech Magmar.  For Tornadus, remember that Agatha heals on every hit against a foe with any status, not just poison.  So she can offset the AoE attacks somewhat, especially with heals on Leer.  BP Sophocles is chosen because Agatha perfectly caps off his needed attack.
Final Thoughts I admit to having some serious difficulty with teambuilding around Agatha.  I don't think she's strictly bad, but I do feel like most of her Gauntlet career is spent on being kinda bad at her job.  Poison is just not an effective tool, and being Psychic weak severely hinders her against Uxie, Azelf, and Cresselia, two of which are meant to be fights she answers.  I do think in CS, she has utility as someone with a quick burst of buffs, including capped crit, but she has little else to show for it.  I think her biggest problem is Poison Sting.  Poison Fang with HE1 as a passive would've been amazing for CS stall, but she got basic Poison which sucks.  Glare would've been amazing for Gauntlet, swapping out Leer and putting Acid over Sting, but they didn't do that.  And it's to her detriment.  I just don't respect her kit.  I feel bad because I want to love it.  But it's just got a lot of problems.
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year
Magma Hell Hound - CR6 Outsider (Hell)
A stronger variant hell hound with some additional elemental powers.
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Artwork by Azani on DeviantArt.
Hell hounds feel like they’re conceptually somewhere between devils and fire elementals.  Magma hell hounds are a sturdier breed of the same concept, imbued with a combination of earth and fire planar power.  Like normal hell hounds, they’re native to the plane of Hell and are used as attack beasts by devils and summoners.  They’re more difficult to control, however, and more likely to be encountered as wild beasts in Hell instead.
Also take a look at the Unlocked Hell Hound that I posted last week, which is just a different interpretation of a normal hell hound, and its daddy, the Alpha Hell Hound.
Magma Hell Hound - CR 6
This creature resembles a wolf with jagged rocks in place of its fur.  A fiercely burning heat glows from within its chest, its eyes are points of flame, and magma drips from its open mouth.
XP 2,400 LE Medium outsider (earth, evil, extraplanar, fire, lawful) Init +1 Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +10
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +10 natural) hp 69 (6d10+36) Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +5 Immune fire Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft.; earth glide Melee bite +11 (1d8+6 plus 1d6 fire) Special Attacks ember charge, hell howl, lava breath (15-ft. cone, once every 1d4 rounds, 4d6 fire damage plus lava pool, Reflex DC 18 for half)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6 Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip) Feats Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Acrobatics +10, Perception +10, Stealth +10, Survival +10 Languages Infernal (cannot speak)
Ember Charge (Su) When a magma hell hound successfully hits a creature or object with an attack or combat maneuver at the end of a charge, it can choose to create a burst effect of glowing embers at the point of impact.  All creatures within 30 feet of the target must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex save or be illuminated as if by Faerie Fire for 1 minute.  The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Hell Howl (Su) Once per day, as a swift action, a magma hell hound can let out a fearsome howl that echoes with hellish power.  All lawful-aligned creatures and evil-aligned creatures within 30 feet gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against fear effects for 1d3 rounds.
Earth Glide (Ex) A burrowing magma hell hound can pass through stone, dirt, lava, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water.  Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple, though the area it passes through feels warm for 1 round afterward and often retains a strangely smooth texture, as if the stone had been polished.  A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing magma elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Lava Breath (Su) As a standard action, once every 1d4 rounds, a magma hell hound can spew a blast of magma from its mouth in a 15-foot cone, dealing 4d6 fire damage to objects and creatures in the area and leaving behind a puddle of lava that fills its space to a depth of 2–3 inches and counts as difficult terrain.  A DC 18 Reflex save halves the damage.  The save DC is Constitution-based.
Any creature that moves into or through this puddle of lava takes 2d6 points of fire damage.  This damage continues for 1d3 rounds after the creature leaves the lava pool, although then it only inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage per round.  The lava puddle solidifies and is safe to touch after 6 rounds.  At the GM’s discretion, this puddle of lava could start secondary fires.
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ohthehypocrisy · 1 year
Salazzle for Pokemon Unite!
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Season 1
Prev: Torterra - Scrafty - Starmie - Luvdisc - Boltund - Tinkaton - Rampardos - Bronzong - Delibird - Polteageist - Falinks - Hariyama - Clawitzer
Poison types have always had a bad rap with people. I mean, can you blame them? In the first generation, the more iconic Poison Types were the malicious Gengar or the fearsome Nidoking. Past that, they were all either dangerous plants, gross bugs, or literal embodiments of pollution. That trend continued for a while as the pokedex expanded, giving us terrifying toxic beasts such as Seviper and Drapion, which were cool in their own right, but couldn’t appeal to everyone. There were the occasional winners like Roselia and Gulpin, but it’s hard to be approachable when one of your defining characteristics is the insidious venom flowing through your veins.
Salazzle flipped that script on its head, showing that not only could Poison Types be endearing, but alluring too. With its pleasing aroma and sultry style, Salazzle appeals to all manner of pokemon fans, showing that the typing can be more than just virulent violence. Although, this femme fatale has no qualms using her tricks to get what she wants.
Now, will that toxic trick help Salazzle out in Pokemon Unite? Let’s simmer on that thought for a bit.
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Though those Sp. Atk and Speed stats are very impressive, Salazzle is greatly held back by the rest of its stats. I mean, 110+ in the most important stats to your game plan are a really great combination, but it doesn’t look as good when the rest of your numbers are between 60 and 70. Lacking in defenses, HP, and even a decent Attack stat pigeonholes Salazzle into the very specific play style of a fast yet fragile Special Attacker. And these aren’t the most impressive numbers we’ve seen, even. Fellow Poison Type Gengar has a similar stat distribution, but a much higher Sp. Atk to work with. That said, because of its one note battle plan, Salazzle is destined for the role of a...
Basic attack - Melee/Sp. Attack
Becomes a boosted attack after two hits. The boosted attack stuns enemies briefly and extends the duration of damaging status the enemy is afflicted with.
The boosted attack stuns enemies for 0.75 seconds and adds 1 second of time to whatever damaging status effect they have.
Damaging status effects include any move that applies a damage-over-time hindrance such as Sableye’s Feint Attack or Gengar’s Sludge Bomb. The boosted attack adds an extra second to the duration of those hindrances.
Salandit uses her tail to deal the boosted attack. Salazzle uses a burning palm instead.
Starting off, we’ve got a basic attack with a unique property in interacting with an enemy’s active hindrance. While there are plenty of stuns and debuffs being flung around in the game nowadays, there are very few damage-over-time hindrances, most of which tend to be cast by Fire Types like Charizard and Cinderace. 
Of course, Salazzle will be one of those pokemon to inflict a damage-over-time hindrance to combo with its boosted basic attack, which prolongs the duration of the status effect by 1 second. What 1 second does is give the hindrance just a little more time to deal damage than it’s normally allowed to. This makes Salazzle a great partner for teammates that employ hit and run techniques with their own damaging status effects, like Cinderace or Venusaur.
Of course, given Salazzle’s frailty, it’s difficult to make the most of this effect since you have to get very close to the afflicted target. That’s why it also comes with momentary stun, to make it easier to reach in, slap them silly, then dip. You’re only likely to get one hit in before the status effect wears off, even if you stay engaged and mash the basic attack button trying to get the boosted basic attack back. With sufficient basic attack speed modifiers, it’s possible to get in more than one boosted basic attack in, but at that point you’re overextending and very likely to get yourself KO’d. 
One hit is good enough, especially with your ability.
Ability: Corrosion
Increases the damage of all passive moves and damaging status that enemies are afflicted with while the user is nearby. This increased damage ignores shields.
All passive damage moves and status effects deal an extra 1.5x damage to all nearby enemies while afflicted. This boosted damage pierces shields.
The pokemon has to be in range for Corrosion to boost the passive damage on the enemy. The limited range of Corrosion reaches as far as the screen.
In addition to damage-over-time hindrances, passive damage moves such as Crustle’s Stealth Rock and Charizard’s Fire Blast are also affected. Salazzle can learn moves that are also boosted by Corrosion.
If a passive damage move is boosted by Corrosion and successfully KO’s an enemy, Salazzle and her ability will show up on the KO credit screen as an Assist.
While there are a limited number of damage-over-time hindrances, there are a lot more passive damage moves that can be utilized with Corrosion. Passive effects like Charizard’s Fire Blast or Crustle’s Stealth Rock deal damage over time within the area of effect, but that damage gets boosted by Corrosion if Salazzle is nearby.
Just to be clear, a passive damage move is defined by dealing damage over time within an area of effect. Corrosion will boost the damage of the move if the user can launch the attack and then leave, and the move will continue to deal damage over time to all enemies within without the user’s input. It does not apply to moves that follow the user around such as Venusaur’s Petal Dance or Trevenant’s Curse. In addition, the user doesn’t need to be in range of both its passive move and Salazzle itself for Corrosion to kick in. Salazzle will increase the damage output of the move all by itself as long as she’s within range.
That’s the major caveat of the ability. Salazzle, a frail Speedster, has to be within range for the moves and status effects to deal increased damage, but it’s worth it. Corrosion not only increases the passive damage, but also turns that into piercing damage so that it cannot be blocked by shields. This is great for helping to play offense, pushing a lane and challenging the enemy team on their own Goal Zone, or for playing defense, losing Rayquaza and having to defend your last Goal Zone with your life and using Corrosion’s pierce damage to stuff their shield boosted scoring attempt.
It’s all a matter of keeping your distance and knowing how much you contribute to the team fight. Remember, Corrosion immediately ends if you get KO’d, greatly reducing the amount of passive damage you add to the fight.
You also need to keep in mind which of your teammates is running those passive damaging moves or hindrances. If no one is running such moves as a matter of utility, not to worry. Salazzle employs a wide variety of such moves to bolster her play style.
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At the start of the game, Salazzle will start out as Salandit. You can choose between either Poison Gas or Ember as your first move. By Level 3, you will have learned both.
Move 1: Poison Gas
Sprays a noxious cloud of gas in the area. Enemies caught in the cloud will be poisoned for 3 seconds. 8s cooldown.
The gas cloud lingers for 4 seconds before fading away. Any enemy hit by the poison cloud or walking right into the area of effect will be afflicted with poison.
The poison status effect deals a damage-over-time status effect for 3 seconds. This poison status is boosted by Corrosion.
As a defensive maneuver, Poison Gas is decent. It keeps enemies from wanting to invade your area without risking major damage to themselves. Getting caught in the poisonous cloud causes a damage-over-time hindrance effect, poison, which will get boosted by Corrosion. This helps out somewhat in the early game when the opposing team isn’t capable of great damage or healing just yet, and getting sick from the poison can jeopardize the balance of the first 2 minutes of the game.
Whether it be to ward off enemies from scoring or for covering your own behind while you try to score yourself, Poison Gas helps cover all avenues of your sneaky tactics.
Move 2: Ember
Launches a smoldering shot of fire straight forward, burning an enemy for 1 second. The pokemon will dive roll in the direction they are facing after firing the attack. If an enemy is already affected by damaging status, the timer of that status is paused for the duration of the burn. Also boosts the pokemon’s basic attack afterwards. 5.5s cooldown.
Applies a damage-over-time hindrance to any enemy hit by the projectile for 1 second. The burn damage is stronger than the poison damage inflicted by Poison Gas.
If Ember affects an enemy affected by another damage-over-time status effect, the duration of that status effect is paused but will still inflict damage-over-time. Effectively, Ember adds 1 second to all other damage-over-time status effects.
During the dive roll, the pokemon cannot be targeted, but can still be damaged by any attack already active.
In addition to poisoning enemies with noxious gas, Salandit has no qualms with adding burns to their suffering as well. The burn is boosted by Corrosion, but it also extends the duration of other damaging hindrances the enemy is also afflicted with. Not only will the enemy be dealing with burn damage, they’ll also have their other status effect extended, compounding the issue. Plus, the other hindrance is also boosted by Corrosion, greatly increasing the amount of damage the enemy receives over time.
Ideally, you’ll want to have both Poison Gas and Ember together before you engage the enemy, but Ember will also work with other damage-over-time status effects used by your teammates as well. It’s a small list, but considering you’ll have Ember learned for several levels, it’s good to memorize some of the more damaging ones available to your teammates, like Sableye’s Feint Attack or Slowbro’s Scald. Some pokemon inflict a damaging status effect no matter what set they’re running, like Charizard or Cinderace inflicting burns regardless of what moves they’ve chosen, so it’s always fruitful to give them backup.
Having said that, both Ember and your boosted basic attack will extend the duration of an enemy’s damaging status effect. Ember will boost your basic attack after it is used, allowing you to prolong a damaging hindrance by 2 seconds, or even 3 seconds by using the boosted basic attack first followed by Ember and then your basic attack again. Ember also comes with an evasive roll, allowing you enough speed to either close the distance or dodge out of the way of some attacks. It also greatly helps that the move has a very low cooldown, making Salandit seem surprisingly agile.
After a while, Poison Gas starts to become less useful as the match goes on and the opposing team becomes more agile. Ember can only do so much if Poison Gas manages to catch the enemy off guard. At that point, it’s time for an upgrade.
At Level 5, Poison Gas becomes either Toxic or Sludge Bomb.
Move 1a: Toxic
Sprays toxic fluids everywhere, creating a poisonous puddle. Enemies are slowed down and take gradual damage while within the area of effect. Enemies hit by the initial attack take a greater amount of damage at the beginning of the move. 11s cooldown.
At Level 11, Toxic becomes Toxic+.
Expands the area of effect and increases the rate of damage.
Reduces the movement speed of all enemies within the area of effect by 70%.
While within Toxic, Enemies take a small amount of passive damage that increases while within the area of effect. Until the move ends, the damage continues to increase, even if the enemy leaves the area of effect and is forced back in. In this case, the passive damage is paused but then resumes increasing.
The initial blast of Toxic makes enemies start receiving increasing damage at a much higher scale than those that simply walk into the area of effect. It basically gives them a head start on damage.
Toxic+ doubles the rate of damage increased.
The rate of damage increase has no limit. Toxic will continue to deal increasing damage until the move ends. Toxic lasts for 5 seconds.
Corrosion will also affect the passive damage Toxic deals to enemies while nearby.
No evolution yet, you have to rely on being a stealthy little salamander first.
Toxic creates a damaging area of effect that is much larger than Poison Gas, though it doesn’t inflict a damaging hindrance. Instead, it slows down enemies and starts dealing damage that slowly increases. This combination is very deadly for enemies without movement options, as being caught in the poison ensures that they will be KO’d from the gradually increasing damage, especially as it is also boosted by Corrosion. 
Salandit can exacerbate the problem by using Ember. The burn status doesn’t affect Toxic’s damage output, since it’s not a damaging hindrance, but it does power up your basic attack, which inflicts a brief stun, forcing them to stay within the poisonous puddle for longer than they’d want to. With a solid 3 hit combo using your boosted basic attack, Ember to reset the boost, and then hitting them with the boost again, it equals an additional 1.5 seconds of being forced to stay within Toxic.
Your teammates can also help out too, as Defenders and Supporters can either shove enemies to keep them in, or stun them to keep them from leaving. Adding their own passive damage moves greatly contributes to the overall damage, especially as Corrosion greatly increases all of that damage dealt.
Of course, using Toxic optimally requires that you be within killing range of your enemies, but the move has a risk versus reward factor. If you hit enemies with Toxic as the move is used, the passive damage starts out very high, and keep in mind that the move has no limit to the amount of damage it can scale up to. 
Most of the time you’ll use Toxic as an escape move to avoid overextending with Salazzle. It’s not a bad idea to combine the move with Slow Smoke, as Toxic also slows down enemies caught within the poison. The thing is, Toxic is a great move to use against physical attackers, but Ranged attackers are very unlikely to be caught by the move as they’d rather keep their distance. This is where you switch gears and learn the alternative instead.
Move 1b: Sludge Bomb
The pokemon launches a bubble of poison at the designated area, dealing damage. At the same time, the pokemon will dive roll in the direction it is facing, making it briefly immune to damage. Enemies hit by the attack will be poisoned for 4 seconds. Repeated attacks will increase the damage-over-time effect and reset the duration of the status effect. 3s cooldown.
At Level 11, Sludge Bomb becomes Sludge Bomb+.
Expands the area of impact and increases the amount of damage dealt at the beginning of the status effect.
Sludge Bomb inflicts a weak damage-over-time hindrance when an enemy is hit by the attack. Hitting a poisoned enemy repeatedly resets the duration of the hindrance and increases the damage of poison. Corrosion also affects the passive damage of this hindrance.
Sludge Bomb has no limit to the amount of damage dealt over time after repeated hits. Sludge Bomb+ inflicts 2.5x more poison with the first hit, stacking normally afterwards.
The pokemon is completely immune to damage during the dodge roll.
Poison Gas has the issue of not being able to safely poison your enemies. Sludge Bomb fixes that by not only being able to poison enemies from a distance, but you can also increase the damage-over-time effect by reapplying the move with its very short cooldown.
Aim and lob that bubble of poison, and you’ll deal damage and inflict a damage-over-time hindrance on whoever you hit. It’s very weak poison, but you can add to it by using the move again, resetting the duration of the hindrance and increasing the overall damage it deals over time. 
The weak poison damage is to balance out how easy it is to inflict poison on enemies with Sludge Bomb. If you really want to tack on the poison, you’ll have to keep the target within your line of sight while also making sure not to stray within range of their counterattack. This is called Kiting, and is also a great way to fully utilize Corrosion safely and effectively. 
When you learn Sludge Bomb, you’ll have two moves that provide evasive movement options. While Ember has a decent dodge roll, Sludge Bomb provides total immunity to damage while diving out of the way. Very flashy. In the brief moment you have after throwing this attack, you are basically Unstoppable, which is the same status effect you gain when scoring a goal. Now, because of this, Sludge Bomb is classified as both a projectile and a dash move, so it can get stuffed by abilities and effects like Clefable’s Gravity, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, enjoy the added agility of Sludge Bomb.
Keeping your distance is really important when you choose to learn Sludge Bomb over Toxic, as 1 second of status over the cooldown gives you just barely enough time to reapply the poison hindrance with the move. I say this because you shouldn’t expect the enemy to just sit there and enjoy the slow death of poison, they’ll more than likely retaliate with some heavy damage or even some hard hitting hindrances. If you get hit by one Stun effect too many, you’ll lose out on the stacked poison damage you’ve built up.
The extra range doesn’t make Sludge Bomb any easier to use over Toxic. It just changes the rules of the same game you’re playing.
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At Level 8, Salandit will evolve into Salazzle. At the same time, Ember becomes either Fire Lash or Flamethrower.
Move 2a: Fire Lash
The pokemon leaps in the direction it is facing before casting a burning whip attack in the designated direction. The attack strikes from afar, stunning enemies briefly as well as pausing the timer of any damaging status they are inflicted with. Up to 3 uses can be held in reserve. 6.5s cooldown.
At Level 13, Fire Lash becomes Fire Lash+.
Expands the range of the attack and increases the damage dealt.
Fire Lash pauses the timer of any and all damage-over-time hindrances the target is afflicted with by 1 second.
The pokemon can damage multiple enemies with one strike. Each Fire Lash can be used with a 1 second delay between uses.
Salazzle is immune to damage while performing the leap.
Fire Lash also stuns enemies by 0.75 seconds.
Fire Lash+ expands the range of the attack by 30% and increases the damage of the move by 1.75x.
Like other multi-use moves, each use refills individually after 5 seconds, meaning they can be refilled at very close intervals if all moves are used up.
You know how lizards like iguanas like to use their tails to deliver a lightning fast whip attack at you when they are annoyed? Salazzle does the same thing but with a burning tail instead.
After performing a fancy flip, Salazzle lashes out with a burning whip. In addition to casting damage, it also stuns enemies in place and has the added effect of prolonging the damage-over-time hindrances the target is afflicted with. Now, this sounds a lot like your regular boosted basic attack with some added range, and it is. Your boosted basic attack is very important to your bob and weave play style, as it is the safest way for you to stay in close range of the enemy while whittling down their HP from passive damage or status effects. So having an added range option is a powerful boon to that battle plan.
Between Toxic and Sludge Bomb, the latter seems like the best choice to combo Fire Lash with. Having both Sludge Bomb and Fire Lash gives you two evasive moves in one toolkit. The first move hinders enemies with a passive damage-over-time hindrance and the followup Fire Lash greatly adds to the poison damage the enemy suffers from. This makes you very slippery and can easily help you win 1-on-1 fights with just about any opposing pokemon as they will have trouble pinning you down while you lock them in with stun while they slowly perish from status.
However, don’t discount Toxic, as Fire Lash stuns with each hit, meaning it can very effectively trap enemies within the area of effect with this one move hitting three times, plus your boosted basic attack. You’re likely to get KO’d in return afterwards, but it’s actually your best bet against opposing Speedsters as all of that damage is likely to KO them before you get done in yourself. In all other situations, you’ll need the help of teammates to contribute to all of that damage being built up, but with this combination, you can pretend to play as a nasty little Defender zoning off the area with a puddle of death.
Now keep in mind that the extra range makes it safer to use against most opposing pokemon, but it does run out after 3 uses. Also, the dash at the beginning of the move does alter the trajectory of the attack, and can even shorten it if you decide to dash in the opposite direction of where you’re aiming at. It takes some getting use to, but eventually you’ll master the move and learn how to whip it good.
However, perhaps you’d rather play the long game and prefer to spit fire instead.
Move 2b: Flamethrower
The pokemon launches a burning fireball directly forward. The fire can damage multiple enemies as it travels, inflicting passive burning damage on them. The pokemon’s basic attack becomes boosted afterwards. Any damaging status effect has their duration paused while the enemy is burned. If an enemy is KO’d from burn damage, the cooldown of this move is reset. 11s cooldown.
At Level 13, Flamethrower becomes Flamethrower+.
Burned enemies receive more damage from all passive damage moves and status effects.
Flamethrower inflicts a damage-over-time hindrance for 3 seconds. During this time, all other damage-over-time hindrances have their timers paused but will continue dealing damage while the enemy is burned. Basically, Flamethrower adds 3 seconds to the damaging hindrance.
Flamethrower adds to the damage-over-time hindrances the target is afflicted with. The cooldown of the move is reset if an enemy is KO’d by the burn damage, but this becomes a matter of luck if the enemy has multiple damaging hindrances.
Flamethrower is boosted by Corrosion and stacks with the ability. Flamethrower+ also stacks with the ability even further by increasing passive damage received by 1.5x.
With a mighty hot breath, Salazzle launches a great flame directly forward, burning all enemies caught in the attack. Where Ember burns a single enemy, Flamethrower can damage multiple enemies in one shot, inflicting a damage-over-time hindrance on all affected enemies.
If you’ve been really good at spreading damaging status through Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower greatly adds to your damage potential. Instead of 1 additional second of a damaging hindrance, Flamethrower adds in 3 extra seconds to the timer of all damaging hindrances the enemy is afflicted with. That’s really bad for the enemy if you managed to poison them multiple times with Sludge Bomb, as not only does it exacerbate the passive damage, it guarantees that the next Sludge Bomb will continue to prolong the hindrance.
Disregarding Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower will also work with all other damage-over-time hindrances your team throws out, which is pretty rare. For this reason, Toxic and Flamethrower aren’t recommended to be used together. Toxic does not inflict a damaging hindrance while all Flamethrower will contribute is boosting your basic attack, allowing you to inflict stun with your boosted basic attack.
But with Flamethrower+, it becomes extremely good with Toxic, as the burn status further increases all other damage-over-time hindrances and passive damage moves the afflicted enemy is receiving. In addition to Toxic, all passive damage moves such as Charizard’s Fire Blast and Crustle’s Stealth Rock deal increased damage, compounding with your Corrosion Ability. Getting enough EXP to reach Level 13 to upgrade Flamethrower is a tall order, but any good Speedster main should have no problem reaching that level.
Having a long distance move to throw out from the cover of safety is also a good thing to have as a frail Speedster.
Unite Move: Sneaky Salandits
Strike all enemies in range with a wave of pheromones, stunning them briefly. Use the Unite Move again to summon a horde of Salandits that hold the affected enemies in place for a little while. While ensnared, the trapped enemies receive increasing damage.
When Sneaky Salandits is used, a wave of pheromones is unleashed around the pokemon. This pheromone wave stuns enemies for 1 second. When used again within 7 seconds, a horde of Salandits is summoned and pile onto the enemies hit by the pheromones, binding them and preventing them from moving for 5 seconds. 
The bound enemies can still attack, but dash attacks cannot be used or selected. Basic attacks also cannot be used if they are dash attacks. In addition, Full Heal and other hindrance protection cannot be used to free the targets from being unbound.
Trapped enemies cannot use their Unite Moves either.
Marking enemies with the pheromones cannot be blocked by hindrance protection, but evasive moves can prevent the mark from applying. If the enemy is unstoppable or immune to hindrances when the Salandits are summoned, the enemy will not be bound.
The affected enemies receive weak passive damage that slowly increases while they are bound. The Unite Move hindrance cannot be cleared by any hindrance protection.
Any male Salandits that catch a whiff of Salazzle’s smell becomes instantly hooked on her sizzling spell. This is how Salazzle tricks all these little lizards to do her bidding and trap the enemy in an uncomfortable dog-pile of writhing reptiles.
Of course the first step is to hit the enemies with the perfume in order to mark them as targets for the simpleton Salandits. When popped, Salazzle unleashes a wave of pheromones, hitting all enemies in range with the cologne and stuns them for a second. This gives her enough time to make some distance before using the Unite Move again. On her command, a horde of Salandits appear and clutter around the enemy, preventing them from moving.
The trapped enemies can still attack, which is why the Unite Move only lasts for 5 seconds, but they cannot dash their way out of the trap. They can’t even free themselves with hindrance protection or their Unite Moves. They are effectively stuck in place while Salazzle can do whatever she wants afterwards. Some attacks can still be used, but if the move is a dash attack, it is locked away while they are trapped. This is very similar to how Pikachu’s Electroweb works in the early game, as it binds enemies in place but doesn’t stop them from attacking. However, this is a Unite Move, so it places extra restrictions on the enemy.
So you have the enemy ensnared by your personal harem of Salandits. Now what? Well, you can cast Toxic or Sludge Bomb on the important targets first, just watch out for their retaliating attacks. The Unite Move itself is also dealing damage passively to the trapped targets, which is boosted by Corrosion, so you can choose to stay to maximize the overall damage as long as you keep an eye on the timer. If you have learned Flamethrower+, you can drastically increase the passive damage with either Toxic+ or Sludge Bomb+, as either combination will quickly drain the trapped enemies of their HP.
The application is the tricky part. You have to get close to the enemies to mark them with the pheromones, so make sure you time the attack properly. You don’t want to dive in and spray your fetid pheromones and get immediately KO’d in response. Perhaps it’s better to set up an ambush at choke points, like the tall grass near Regieleki or Rayquaza.
Speaking of which, since the enemy can still attack, you’ll have to be careful of triggering the Salandits to dive in while the enemy is within kill-stealing range of the objective. A Cinderace or Crustle can still snipe the Rayquaza or Regieleki away from you if they have the perfect shot lined up for Pyro Ball or Stealth Rock respectively. In this case, perhaps you should prioritize liquefying these enemies with your poisonous projectiles in order to secure the area.
In any case, fully utilizing Sneaky Salandits requires that you deceive not only these little lizards, but also your enemies. Luring them in with the promise of an easy KO is the best way to trick an enemy into a slow and painful death. That’s true with just about any move set combination you run, as playing chicken with the enemy requires gambling your own HP with the opponent’s. These toxic tricks are not suitable toys for toddlers.
Beware the venomous visage of this femme fatale.
Salazzle already uses her pheromones to become irresistible to the opposite sex, so holowear seems like a moot addition to her design. Nevertheless, we have to dress for success, as they say.
With some vibrant sashes and veils, Salazzle can wear the Exotic Style with great ease. In the same vein, Fancy Style puts Salazzle in a gorgeous glittering dress, necklace, and some earrings to wear. Superhero Style gives Salazzle an eye mask and a colorful jumpsuit along with a vibrant cape to flap in the wind. Punk Style, on the other hand, puts her in a shredded up leather jacket with patches, spiky bracelets, and some stick-on piercings decorating her skull. Finally, Enchantress Style dresses up Salazzle in some wavy clothes and robes and has her wear a necklace featuring a Cubone(?) skull. 
It’s always important to look your best so that you can dance in them while your enemies suffer from a poisonous breakdown.
All Speedsters are defined by their ability to deliver high burst damage at the start of any encounter. This is by design, as a Speedster with their moves stuck on cooldown is a sitting duck, vulnerable to getting KO’d easily. Because of this, the creed of all Speedsters is to take out high profile opposing pokemon to make it easier for the team to win the fight. In a straight line, a Speedster can get a 5 KO streak, but that’s just a pipe dream if the opposing team likes to keep things close. As such, Speedsters favor ambush style attacks, getting cheap KOs and letting the rest of their allies pick up their slack.
Salazzle is NOT that kind of Speedster, though. While she is capable of dealing high damage, that is damage dealt over time through damaging hindrances. In short, Salazzle as a Speedster favors hitting you with poison and then backing off, letting the status effect do the work for you. This is evident through its Ability Corrosion, worsening the damage-over-time status effects and passive moves thrown around by you and your teammates. As such, Salazzle as a Speedster plays really well with allies rather than all by itself.
As a result of this, it is recommended to level up quickly to Level 5 in order to learn either Toxic or Sludge Bomb and then let the flow of battle take you from there. You can call Center Lane at the start of the battle, but your overall damage potential is greatly limited by how much damage you can spread with your moves and assisting your allies. Getting the first round of EXP is important, but after that you should let your teammates in on that bounty so that they can learn their passive damage moves as well.
Coordinating with your teammates is super important as not only do you greatly boost the passive damage moves of Defenders and All-Rounders, it makes it more difficult for the opposing team to try and break through. You don’t even have to actively participate in the fight, just hiding out in the bush is enough for Corrosion to greatly boost the damage of your allies’ passive attacks.
Engaging the enemy is a matter of which moves you’ve learned that determines whether the match-up is winnable or not. Toxic ruins melee attackers, but the high cooldown of the move is to be watchful of. Your allies should also capitalize on any opponents you manage to snag in your poisonous pranks, as most All-Rounders and Supporters won’t last long in the full length of Toxic’s duration, so they should do all they can to keep them penned in.
Sludge Bomb, on the other hand, is a fast and easy to use move that grants you an evasive option in any situation. The trade-off is the relatively weak poison damage you hit the enemy with, but it’s your best bet against ranged attackers, as it helps you deal damage while also keeping your distance. If they move out of range of Corrosion, no worries, as it’s more important that you stay alive to keep your ability active. Combining Sludge Bomb with either Fire Lash or Flamethrower allows you to fully tack on great poison damage through the effects of those moves. Fire Lash can stun and make it easier to apply multiple Sludge Bombs whereas Flamethrower extends the poison duration against multiple enemies.
Of course, the first lesson you have to learn when playing as Salazzle is to know when to retreat. Your Corrosion ability greatly boosts the damage of not just your moves, but the moves of your allies. Ally yourself with teammates that have the ability to plant passive damage moves like Pikachu’s Thunder or Slowbro’s Scald. You can boost their damage just by being nearby, but the ability goes away when you get KO’d, so be mindful of not only where your teammates are positioned, but also where the enemy might be on the map.
Like an insidious toxin, you work your way in and break down the opposition by virtue of your poisonous presence. Be careful not to get expunged, the poison works just as fast as you do. And when you do get caught, maybe you can get away by dazzling them with your fiery footwork and feisty pheromones.
Burn, baby, burn.
And that’s Salazzle for Pokemon Unite! I thought the game could use a pokemon that damages mostly through status effects and use its hard to hit nature to get the most out of its poison, so I figured Salazzle would be the best fit. What do you think? Did I get it right?
Next up, we have a Supporter weaving its way in. Who could it be? Follow and find out!
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cpirits · 2 years
-- ROUGA --
( I looked hrough the WHOLE list for all these )
LEECH SEED: Plants a seed on the target Pokémon.
STRENGTH SAP: The user restores its HP by the same amount as the target's Attack stat.
BURNING JEALOUSY: The user attacks with energy from jealousy.
RAGING FURY: The user rampages and spews vicious flames to inflict damage on the target, then becomes fixated on using this move.
BITTER BLADE: The user focuses its bitter feelings toward the world of the living into a slashing attack.
STEAM ERUPTION: The user immerses the target in superheated steam.
SURGING STRIKES: The user, having mastered the Water style, strikes the target with a flowing motion three times in a row.
WILD CHARGE: The user shrouds itself in electricity and smashes into its target.
IRON DELUGE: The user disperses electrically charged particles, which changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
OVERDRIVE: The user attacks opposing Pokémon by twanging a guitar or bass guitar, causing a huge echo and strong vibration.
PLASMA FISTS: The user attacks with electrically charged fists. This move changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
EERIE IMPULSE: The user's body generates an eerie impulse. Exposing the target to it harshly lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
VISE GRIP: The target is gripped and injured.
GUILLOTINE: A single-hit knockout attack.
ROAR: A terrifying roar that drives wild Pokémon away.
DISABLE: A technique that disables one of the target's moves.
HOWL: Howls to raise the spirit and boosts Attack.
PSYCHE UP: Self-hypnosis move that copies the foe's stats changes, then applies them to the user.
ENDURE: Always leaves the user with at least one HP.
CHIP AWAY: Looking for an opening, the user strikes continually.
LASER FOCUS: The user concentrates intensely.
MULTI ATTACK: Cloaking itself in high energy, the user slams into the target.
RAGING BULL: The user performs a tackle like a raging bull.
RAGE: A non-stop attack move.
SKULL BASH: In the first turn, the attacker tucks in its head. The next turn, it head-butts at full steam.
DIZZY PUNCH: The punch is relatively strong and highly accurate.
SKY ATTACK: Energy is stored in the first turn, then fired the next turn.
OBLIVION WING: The user absorbs its target's HP. The user's HP is restored by over half of the damage taken by the target.
ACROBATICS: The user nimbly strikes the target.
AEROBLAST: A powerful Flying-type attack. It often becomes a critical hit.
BLEAKWIND STORM: The user attacks with savagely cold winds that cause both body and spirit to tremble. This may also leave the target with frostbite.
AURORA VEIL: This move reduces damage from physical and special moves for five turns. This can be used only in a hailstorm.
CHILLY RECEPTION: The user tells a chillingly bad joke before switching places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
ICE BURN: On the second turn, an ultracold, freezing wind surrounds the target.
SPECTRAL THIEF: The user hides in the target's shadow, steals the target's stat boosts, and then attacks.
BITTER MALICE: The user attacks its target with spine-chilling resentment.
RAGE FIST: The user converts its rage into energy to attack.
ATTACK ORDER: The user calls out its underlings to pummel the foe.
DEFEND ORDER: The user calls out its underlings to make a living shield.
RAGE POWDER: The user scatters a cloud of irritating powder to draw attention to itself.
LUNGE: The user makes a lunge at the target, attacking with full force.
POUNCE: The user attacks by pouncing on the target.
ACID ARMOR: Melts the user's body for protection.
DIRE CLAW: The user lashes out at the target with ruinous claws, aiming to land a critical hit.
VENOM DRENCH: Opposing Pokémon are drenched in an odd poisonous liquid.
ROCK WRECKER: The user launches a huge boulder at the foe to attack.
HEAD SMASH: The user delivers a life-endangering headbutt at full power.
ROCK THROW: As the name implies, a huge boulder is dropped on the target.
HIGH HORSEPOWER: The user fiercely attacks the target using its entire body.
STOMPING TANTRUM: Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles.
HEADLONG RUSH: The user smashes into the target in a full-body tackle
COUNTER:  A retaliation move that back double the damage of a physical attack.
STORM THROW: The user strikes the target with a fierce blow. 
LOW SWEEP: The user attacks the target's legs swiftly.
FINAL GAMBIT: The user risks everything to attack its target.
NO RETREAT: This move raises all the user's stats but prevents the user from switching out or fleeing.
HIGH JUMP KICK: Stronger than a Jump Kick. If it misses, the attacker sustains 1/8 damage it should have caused.
ZEN HEADBUTT: The user focuses its willpower to its head and rams the foe.
IMPRISON: Prevents foes from using moves known by the user.
STORED POWER: The user attacks the target with stored power. 
PSYCHIC FANGS: The user bites the target with its psychic capabilities.
AGILITY: A special technique that greatly boosts the user's Speed. Can normally be used up to three times.
BARRIER: Instantly forms a barrier between the user and the opponent.
DOOM DESIRE: Summons strong sunlight to attack 2 turns later.
IRON HEAD: The foe slams the target with its steel-hard head.
HEAVY SLAM: The user slams into the target with its heavy body.
SHADOW SNEAK: The user extends its shadow and attacks the foe from behind.
BEAT UP: The user's fellow party Pokémon appear to pummel the target.
PURSUIT: It inflicts major damage if the target switches out in the same turn.
TORMENT: Torments the foe and stops successive use of a move.
NASTY PLOT: The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts.
PUNISHMENT: This attack's power increases the more the foe has powered up with stat changes.
HONE CLAWS: The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy.
FOUL PLAY: The user turns the target's power against it. 
NIGHT DAZE: The user lets loose a pitch-black shock wave at its target.
DARKEST LARIAT: The user swings both arms and hits the target.
THROAT CHOP: The user attacks the target's throat, and the resultant suffering prevents the target from using moves that emit sound for two turns.
BRUTAL SWING: The user swings its body around violently to inflict damage on everything in its vicinity.
OBSTRUCT: This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks.
LASH OUT: The user lashes out to vent its frustration toward the target.
WICKED BLOW: The user, having mastered the Dark style, strikes the target with a fierce blow.
FAINT ATTACK: The move catches the opponent off guard, so it never misses.
OUTRAGE: The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns.
DRAGON DANCE: A mystical dance that ups Attack and Speed.
CLANGOROUS SOUL: The user raises all its stats by using some of its HP.
PLAY ROUGH: he user plays rough with the target and attacks it.
SPIRIT BREAK: The user attacks the target with so much force that it could break the target's spirit.
Yoinked from@waterlord
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planetofsnarfs · 2 months
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A church in Ohio that suffered an arson attack last year after it agreed to host drag shows has sued the guilty party and members of the extremist group he is affiliated with for damages.
Earlier this year, 20-year-old Aimenn Penny was sentenced to 18 years in prison for trying to destroy the Community Church of Chesterland with Molotov cocktails for hosting a drag show.
The congregation, affiliated with the theologically liberal United Church of Christ denomination, filed a complaint against Penny and members of the group White Lives Matter Ohio in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, on Wednesday. 
The church is seeking compensatory and punitive damages over the organization's involvement in the attack on the congregation, which was a violation of their civil rights. 
The defendants are accused of six counts: "Conspiracy to Interfere With Civil Rights," violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances & Places of Religious Worship Act, a FACE Act violation specifically directed at Penny, "Civil Liability for Vandalism, Desecration, or Ethnic Intimidation," "Trespass to Land," and "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress."
The plaintiffs are represented by the law firm Jones Day and the Anti-Defamation League, a progressive Jewish American advocacy organization that monitors antisemitic groups and other extremist elements.
The lawsuit describes White Lives Matter Ohio as the state chapter of a national network that "requires members to coordinate with each other on activism events and encourages alignment with similar extremist groups, such as Blood Tribe, in order to amplify their shared message of hatred."
"These members attended several White Lives Matter Ohio rallies and 'activism' events culminating in the March 2023 attack on Community Church," the complaint contends.
"These rallies and 'activism' leading up to the attack on the Community Church were directed at others engaged in advancing racial or social justice similar to the practices of the Community Church members, and demonstrate Defendants' increasingly hateful and violent conspiracy to deprive Plaintiffs from practicing their diverse and inclusive religion."
ADL Senior Director of National Litigation James Pasch said in a statement Wednesday that the lawsuit "meticulously documents how members of a local White Lives Matter chapter conspired to deprive members of the Community Church of Chesterland of their church property."
"Their resultant actions in targeting a community church with a hate crime are not just morally abhorrent, they are a clear violation of federal civil rights and property law," Pasch continued.
In March 2023, Penny threw two Molotov cocktails at the Community Church in an effort to burn down the sanctuary in response to the congregation's decision to host a drag show. While the property was damaged, the drag shows went on as scheduled.
Penny was arrested and charged by the end of the month, facing a count of possessing a destructive device and a count of malicious use of explosive materials.
A joint effort by the FBI Cleveland Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Chester Township Police Department led to the arrest, according to Special Agent in Charge Gregory Nelsen of the FBI Cleveland Field Office.
"The FBI leveraged its task force and its specialized resources to identify, locate and subsequently arrest the subject earlier today," said Nelsen in a statement last year.
"We thank the collaborative work and strong partnership of the Chester Township Police and Lake and Geauga County local authorities who assisted."
Penny pleaded guilty last October to violating the Church Arson Prevention Act and using fire and explosives to attempt to commit a felony. He was sentenced to 18 years in January.
"This sentence holds Mr. Penny accountable for carrying out violence against an Ohio church because he disagreed with the way congregants chose to express their beliefs," said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the U.S. Justice Department's National Security Division in a statement earlier this year.
"Such acts of extremist violence have no place in our communities and the Justice Department is committed to bringing to justice those who would use or threaten violence to prevent their fellow citizens from freely exercising their fundamental rights." 
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invincible cheat code gta 5 hack VRC3%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 › gta › god-mode-cheat-code-gtahow-become-in. GTA 5 PlayStation cheat codes ; Invincibility: RIGHT, X, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE ; Max Health and Armor: CIRCLE, L1. GTA 5 cheats for PS5, PS4 and PS3 including invincibility, weapons (RPG, assault, shotgun, etc), explosive ammo, vehicle spawns & more. Invincibility · PS4 / PS5: RIGHT, X, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE · Xbox One / Xbox Series X: RIGHT, A, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RB. Use the God Mode cheat in GTA 5 :Xbox / Xbox One/ Xbox Series S|X: Right, A, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RB, RIGHT, LEFT, A, Y PS3/PS4/PS5: RIGHT. However, just because it's a brilliant game doesn't mean we can't rinse it for all its worth. Watch on YouTube. It's easy enough using these cheats on your console of choice. You can also press up on the d-pad to bring up your character's cell phone, then enter the cell phone cheat and it will have the same effect. No phone shenanigans needed! We've broken up the GTA 5 cheats into sections, so scroll through to the cheat you want, then find the code for the platform you're playing on. The first set of codes to get your hands on all relate to weapons and making the player a completely lethal killing machine. This is the biggie. Enter this cheat and you'll spawn all weapons and max out the ammo for each one. That means you'll have pockets crammed with everything from the basic pistols to the grenade launcher and everything in between. It's a box of lethal toys for you to play with - just be careful not to accidentally blow yourself up. Unleash violent chaos in GTA 5 and you'll soon have the cops, the local gangs, gun nuts and general populace returning fire. Not a lot of people back down in Los Santos. So with this cheat you'll make yourself invincible. You will not die. That doesn't mean the locals won't stop throwing bullets at you, so expect the chaos to continue until you manage to shake them off. Or kill them all. If you don't want to be completely invincible but do want to keep your ticker pumping, this is the cheat for you. So much quicker and easier than using first aid or eating snacks from a vending machine, this cheat will pump your health back up to maximum and equip you with the highest form of body armour. Now you're feeling tip-top again, you can jump back in to the action. This is another cheat that gives you a boost without making you super-powered. You might want to use this during the main campaign for that little uplift. It basically recharges your characters special ability. For Franklin that means Driving Focus , so he can slow down time when handling any vehicle with wheels, allowing pinpoint accuracy when racing around the streets. Michael's special ability is Bullet Time. He can slow down time to target heads and other hotspots with complete accuracy - although he can only do this on foot. Trevor's special ability is Red Mist. Red Mist allows Trevor to take less damage and inflict more pain when he's in the zone, so he can be a little more wild and less cautious of the damage he might take. If you really want to taunt the police and you can't be bothered to start the antagonism from scratch, this cheat will max out your wanted level immediately. That means you'll be descended upon by special military police in helicopters and tanks and with van-loads of support. Brace yourself. Okay, so you need to take it down and notch and you just can't shake those relentless cops? You need to lower your wanted level by entering this cheat. Each time you enter it you lower your wanted level by one star. When normal bullets just won't kill quick enough, you need explosive bullets. These are great for taking out heavily armoured targets and for dropping enemies with a single shot. Especially useful when going up against the police or military because those guys do not mess around. Flame rounds do more damage long term because after the initial hit they continue to do burn damage to your enemies, so they really are an effective way to win the fight. This cheat is pure comedy. Enter it and you'll win pretty much any fist fight with a flick of the wrist and an explosive punch. Pow, indeed. This is similar to Michael's special ability in that it gives you a bullet time cheat but can be applied to any of the three characters. You can enter it up to four times, with each entry slowing down time further. The fifth time you enter it you'll return to normal time. Grand Theft Auto 5 is all about the vehicles. It has it all; sports cars, off-road, novelty rides, bikes, dad cars, helicopters, jet planes and a whole lot more. It even has a submarine. So when the main game is over and you want to explore, race or just mess about doing donuts, these are the vehicles for you. Probably the most fun you can have on four wheels in GTA 5. This badboy is bullet proof, sounds like farts in Hell, and punches other vehicles off the freeway. You'll never go back to another muscle car. As this was added post-release, you can only spawn this using the in-game phone. The Kraken is handy for exploring underwater and finding hidden treasure amongst the depths. Note that you have to spawn this on console using the phone, there isn't a regular cheat code for it. Boats are generally a bit rubbish in GTA 5, so we prefer to use the Dodo as you can fly to any mission that requires water and land close by. On console you'll need to enter this cheat via the phone by pressing up on the d-pad. This is one of the most fun sports cars to race in GTA 5. It's perfect for tearing up the highway. Another popular racer, it handles well and is ideal for a quick getaway if the five-0 are on your ass. If you want max speed and the chance you'll fling yourself off into oncoming traffic at any moment, may we recommend the PCJ? It's lethal. The Sanchez is an ideal off-road all-rounder. Take it up Mount Chiliad and blaze it down the other side. The Buzzard is a favourite chopper, fully equipped with heat-seeking rockets and a machine gun. Hours of fun. Don't get over confident and think you can instantly do amazing stunts. You can, of course, but you'll need to practise. Are golf carts fun? We guess so, especially if driven at the same time as you apply the drunk cheat. It turns like a tank, has a crap top speed and barely fits around the tighter streets of Los Santos. Spawn yourself a limo! This is a slow municipal truck but it's actually great for blocking streets off and it's as tough as old boots. This is ridiculous and always worth a few hours of fun. Enter this cheat and every vehicle will lose its grip, slipping and sliding all over the place. The next set of codes we want to look at are based around movement and the world around you, and will help you navigate Los Santos a little easier. If you're a fan of chaos and explosions you'll probably find yourself out in the desert without a ride. If that's the case, just enter this cheat code to help you run at max speed all the time without having to tap your run button. No one likes swimming in GTA 5. But sometimes you'll end up in the drink and the need to find dry land. Enter this cheat to swim as fast as possible. Ever bailed out of a burning plane and realised you'd forgotten something? Or gotten to the top of Mount Chiliad and felt the urge to leap off the top? You'll need this handy cheat, which literally spawns you a parachute right when you need it. You know when Trevor gets off his head and wanders around with blurred vision and unresponsive controls? This is that. Ideal for use at the weekend after a long week of tedious work. We've never really been sure about the point of this cheat. It basically spawns you in mid air without a parachute. Los Santos looks as beautiful in the rain as it does in the blazing sunshine. Experience all the weather GTA 5 has to offer and cycle through them all with this cheat. Much like the cheat to slow down aiming, this slows down the entire world. Enter it up to four times to really slow things down, and then a fifth time to bring everything back to the regular space time continuum. Rockstar confirms what everyone suspected: Red Dead Online won't be getting any major new content. Who keeps buying Grand Theft Auto 5? We don't know, but there's enough of you to keep the numbers up for Take-Two. Modern Warfare 2: Can it recapture the glory days of Xbox Live? Jennifer Hale is the new voice of Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3. Wild Hearts gameplay video shows your character battling massive boars and a really big toad. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. Alternatively, if you're a pre-established player looking to bring over your wealth to some new hardware, we've got a guide on how to transfer your save data that should be a big help. Off the clock. Connor Makar 2 months ago. Sherif Saed 2 2 months ago. Connor Makar 1 3 months ago. Dom Peppiatt 2 4 months ago. Jim Trinca an hour ago. Stephany Nunneley 2 hours ago. Stephany Nunneley 3 hours ago. Where we jumping? Connor Makar 3 hours ago. Buy our t-shirts, yeah They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Explore our store.
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super speed cheat gta 5 mod menu 9MT&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Xbox - Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB, X. TRIANGLE, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, L2, L1, SQUARE. Ensure you input the right combination, and use the codes in-game. Xbox One & Here's the fast run cheat for. Super Jump. This simple cheat makes you jump higher. Hold the jump button down and you'll jump higher. PS3/PS4/PS5. Discover short videos related to gta super speed cheat on TikTok. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #gtaspeed, #gassperspeedchallege. 9 However, just because it's a brilliant game doesn't mean we can't rinse it for all its worth. Watch on YouTube. It's easy enough using these cheats on your console of choice. You can also press up on the d-pad to bring up your character's cell phone, then enter the cell phone cheat and it will have the same effect. No phone shenanigans needed! We've broken up the GTA 5 cheats into sections, so scroll through to the cheat you want, then find the code for the platform you're playing on. The first set of codes to get your hands on all relate to weapons and making the player a completely lethal killing machine. This is the biggie. Enter this cheat and you'll spawn all weapons and max out the ammo for each one. That means you'll have pockets crammed with everything from the basic pistols to the grenade launcher and everything in between. It's a box of lethal toys for you to play with - just be careful not to accidentally blow yourself up. Unleash violent chaos in GTA 5 and you'll soon have the cops, the local gangs, gun nuts and general populace returning fire. Not a lot of people back down in Los Santos. So with this cheat you'll make yourself invincible. You will not die. That doesn't mean the locals won't stop throwing bullets at you, so expect the chaos to continue until you manage to shake them off. Or kill them all. If you don't want to be completely invincible but do want to keep your ticker pumping, this is the cheat for you. So much quicker and easier than using first aid or eating snacks from a vending machine, this cheat will pump your health back up to maximum and equip you with the highest form of body armour. Now you're feeling tip-top again, you can jump back in to the action. This is another cheat that gives you a boost without making you super-powered. You might want to use this during the main campaign for that little uplift. It basically recharges your characters special ability. For Franklin that means Driving Focus , so he can slow down time when handling any vehicle with wheels, allowing pinpoint accuracy when racing around the streets. Michael's special ability is Bullet Time. He can slow down time to target heads and other hotspots with complete accuracy - although he can only do this on foot. Trevor's special ability is Red Mist. Red Mist allows Trevor to take less damage and inflict more pain when he's in the zone, so he can be a little more wild and less cautious of the damage he might take. If you really want to taunt the police and you can't be bothered to start the antagonism from scratch, this cheat will max out your wanted level immediately. That means you'll be descended upon by special military police in helicopters and tanks and with van-loads of support. Brace yourself. Okay, so you need to take it down and notch and you just can't shake those relentless cops? You need to lower your wanted level by entering this cheat. Each time you enter it you lower your wanted level by one star. When normal bullets just won't kill quick enough, you need explosive bullets. These are great for taking out heavily armoured targets and for dropping enemies with a single shot. Especially useful when going up against the police or military because those guys do not mess around. Flame rounds do more damage long term because after the initial hit they continue to do burn damage to your enemies, so they really are an effective way to win the fight. This cheat is pure comedy. Enter it and you'll win pretty much any fist fight with a flick of the wrist and an explosive punch. Pow, indeed. This is similar to Michael's special ability in that it gives you a bullet time cheat but can be applied to any of the three characters. You can enter it up to four times, with each entry slowing down time further. The fifth time you enter it you'll return to normal time. Grand Theft Auto 5 is all about the vehicles. It has it all; sports cars, off-road, novelty rides, bikes, dad cars, helicopters, jet planes and a whole lot more. It even has a submarine. So when the main game is over and you want to explore, race or just mess about doing donuts, these are the vehicles for you. Probably the most fun you can have on four wheels in GTA 5. This badboy is bullet proof, sounds like farts in Hell, and punches other vehicles off the freeway. You'll never go back to another muscle car. As this was added post-release, you can only spawn this using the in-game phone. The Kraken is handy for exploring underwater and finding hidden treasure amongst the depths. Note that you have to spawn this on console using the phone, there isn't a regular cheat code for it. Boats are generally a bit rubbish in GTA 5, so we prefer to use the Dodo as you can fly to any mission that requires water and land close by. On console you'll need to enter this cheat via the phone by pressing up on the d-pad. This is one of the most fun sports cars to race in GTA 5. It's perfect for tearing up the highway. Another popular racer, it handles well and is ideal for a quick getaway if the five-0 are on your ass. If you want max speed and the chance you'll fling yourself off into oncoming traffic at any moment, may we recommend the PCJ? It's lethal. The Sanchez is an ideal off-road all-rounder. Take it up Mount Chiliad and blaze it down the other side. The Buzzard is a favourite chopper, fully equipped with heat-seeking rockets and a machine gun. Hours of fun. Don't get over confident and think you can instantly do amazing stunts. You can, of course, but you'll need to practise. Are golf carts fun? We guess so, especially if driven at the same time as you apply the drunk cheat. It turns like a tank, has a crap top speed and barely fits around the tighter streets of Los Santos. Spawn yourself a limo! This is a slow municipal truck but it's actually great for blocking streets off and it's as tough as old boots. This is ridiculous and always worth a few hours of fun. Enter this cheat and every vehicle will lose its grip, slipping and sliding all over the place. The next set of codes we want to look at are based around movement and the world around you, and will help you navigate Los Santos a little easier. If you're a fan of chaos and explosions you'll probably find yourself out in the desert without a ride. If that's the case, just enter this cheat code to help you run at max speed all the time without having to tap your run button. No one likes swimming in GTA 5. But sometimes you'll end up in the drink and the need to find dry land. Enter this cheat to swim as fast as possible. Ever bailed out of a burning plane and realised you'd forgotten something? Or gotten to the top of Mount Chiliad and felt the urge to leap off the top? You'll need this handy cheat, which literally spawns you a parachute right when you need it. You know when Trevor gets off his head and wanders around with blurred vision and unresponsive controls? This is that. Ideal for use at the weekend after a long week of tedious work. We've never really been sure about the point of this cheat. It basically spawns you in mid air without a parachute. Los Santos looks as beautiful in the rain as it does in the blazing sunshine. Experience all the weather GTA 5 has to offer and cycle through them all with this cheat. Much like the cheat to slow down aiming, this slows down the entire world. Enter it up to four times to really slow things down, and then a fifth time to bring everything back to the regular space time continuum. Rockstar confirms what everyone suspected: Red Dead Online won't be getting any major new content. Who keeps buying Grand Theft Auto 5? We don't know, but there's enough of you to keep the numbers up for Take-Two. Modern Warfare 2: Can it recapture the glory days of Xbox Live? Jennifer Hale is the new voice of Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3. Wild Hearts gameplay video shows your character battling massive boars and a really big toad. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. Alternatively, if you're a pre-established player looking to bring over your wealth to some new hardware, we've got a guide on how to transfer your save data that should be a big help. Off the clock. Connor Makar 2 months ago. Sherif Saed 2 2 months ago. Connor Makar 1 3 months ago. Dom Peppiatt 2 4 months ago. Jim Trinca 2 hours ago. Stephany Nunneley 3 hours ago. Where we jumping? Connor Makar 4 hours ago. Buy our t-shirts, yeah They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Explore our store.
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comet cheat gta 5 mod 0VDB&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Rapid GT Vehicle. Stretch Limo Vehicle. Garbage Truck Vehicle. The Comet is a nifty little two-door sports car. Use one if you're in a jam and need a light, agile getaway with a little bit of speed too. GTA 5 Vehicle Cheats · Duke O' Death · Kraken submarine · Dodo sea plane · Spawn Rapid GT · Spawn Comet · Spawn PCJ motorbike · Spawn Sanchez. However, just because it's a brilliant game doesn't mean we can't rinse it for all its worth. Watch on YouTube. It's easy enough using these cheats on your console of choice. You can also press up on the d-pad to bring up your character's cell phone, then enter the cell phone cheat and it will have the same effect. No phone shenanigans needed! We've broken up the GTA 5 cheats into sections, so scroll through to the cheat you want, then find the code for the platform you're playing on. The first set of codes to get your hands on all relate to weapons and making the player a completely lethal killing machine. This is the biggie. Enter this cheat and you'll spawn all weapons and max out the ammo for each one. That means you'll have pockets crammed with everything from the basic pistols to the grenade launcher and everything in between. It's a box of lethal toys for you to play with - just be careful not to accidentally blow yourself up. Unleash violent chaos in GTA 5 and you'll soon have the cops, the local gangs, gun nuts and general populace returning fire. Not a lot of people back down in Los Santos. So with this cheat you'll make yourself invincible. You will not die. That doesn't mean the locals won't stop throwing bullets at you, so expect the chaos to continue until you manage to shake them off. Or kill them all. If you don't want to be completely invincible but do want to keep your ticker pumping, this is the cheat for you. So much quicker and easier than using first aid or eating snacks from a vending machine, this cheat will pump your health back up to maximum and equip you with the highest form of body armour. Now you're feeling tip-top again, you can jump back in to the action. This is another cheat that gives you a boost without making you super-powered. You might want to use this during the main campaign for that little uplift. It basically recharges your characters special ability. For Franklin that means Driving Focus , so he can slow down time when handling any vehicle with wheels, allowing pinpoint accuracy when racing around the streets. Michael's special ability is Bullet Time. He can slow down time to target heads and other hotspots with complete accuracy - although he can only do this on foot. Trevor's special ability is Red Mist. Red Mist allows Trevor to take less damage and inflict more pain when he's in the zone, so he can be a little more wild and less cautious of the damage he might take. If you really want to taunt the police and you can't be bothered to start the antagonism from scratch, this cheat will max out your wanted level immediately. That means you'll be descended upon by special military police in helicopters and tanks and with van-loads of support. Brace yourself. Okay, so you need to take it down and notch and you just can't shake those relentless cops? You need to lower your wanted level by entering this cheat. Each time you enter it you lower your wanted level by one star. When normal bullets just won't kill quick enough, you need explosive bullets. These are great for taking out heavily armoured targets and for dropping enemies with a single shot. Especially useful when going up against the police or military because those guys do not mess around. Flame rounds do more damage long term because after the initial hit they continue to do burn damage to your enemies, so they really are an effective way to win the fight. This cheat is pure comedy. Enter it and you'll win pretty much any fist fight with a flick of the wrist and an explosive punch. Pow, indeed. This is similar to Michael's special ability in that it gives you a bullet time cheat but can be applied to any of the three characters. You can enter it up to four times, with each entry slowing down time further. The fifth time you enter it you'll return to normal time. Grand Theft Auto 5 is all about the vehicles. It has it all; sports cars, off-road, novelty rides, bikes, dad cars, helicopters, jet planes and a whole lot more. It even has a submarine. So when the main game is over and you want to explore, race or just mess about doing donuts, these are the vehicles for you. Probably the most fun you can have on four wheels in GTA 5. This badboy is bullet proof, sounds like farts in Hell, and punches other vehicles off the freeway. You'll never go back to another muscle car. As this was added post-release, you can only spawn this using the in-game phone. The Kraken is handy for exploring underwater and finding hidden treasure amongst the depths. Note that you have to spawn this on console using the phone, there isn't a regular cheat code for it. Boats are generally a bit rubbish in GTA 5, so we prefer to use the Dodo as you can fly to any mission that requires water and land close by. On console you'll need to enter this cheat via the phone by pressing up on the d-pad. This is one of the most fun sports cars to race in GTA 5. It's perfect for tearing up the highway. Another popular racer, it handles well and is ideal for a quick getaway if the five-0 are on your ass. If you want max speed and the chance you'll fling yourself off into oncoming traffic at any moment, may we recommend the PCJ? It's lethal. The Sanchez is an ideal off-road all-rounder. Take it up Mount Chiliad and blaze it down the other side. The Buzzard is a favourite chopper, fully equipped with heat-seeking rockets and a machine gun. Hours of fun. Don't get over confident and think you can instantly do amazing stunts. You can, of course, but you'll need to practise. Are golf carts fun? We guess so, especially if driven at the same time as you apply the drunk cheat. It turns like a tank, has a crap top speed and barely fits around the tighter streets of Los Santos. Spawn yourself a limo! This is a slow municipal truck but it's actually great for blocking streets off and it's as tough as old boots. This is ridiculous and always worth a few hours of fun. Enter this cheat and every vehicle will lose its grip, slipping and sliding all over the place. The next set of codes we want to look at are based around movement and the world around you, and will help you navigate Los Santos a little easier. If you're a fan of chaos and explosions you'll probably find yourself out in the desert without a ride. If that's the case, just enter this cheat code to help you run at max speed all the time without having to tap your run button. No one likes swimming in GTA 5. But sometimes you'll end up in the drink and the need to find dry land. Enter this cheat to swim as fast as possible. Ever bailed out of a burning plane and realised you'd forgotten something? Or gotten to the top of Mount Chiliad and felt the urge to leap off the top? You'll need this handy cheat, which literally spawns you a parachute right when you need it. You know when Trevor gets off his head and wanders around with blurred vision and unresponsive controls? This is that. Ideal for use at the weekend after a long week of tedious work. We've never really been sure about the point of this cheat. It basically spawns you in mid air without a parachute. Los Santos looks as beautiful in the rain as it does in the blazing sunshine. Experience all the weather GTA 5 has to offer and cycle through them all with this cheat. Much like the cheat to slow down aiming, this slows down the entire world. Enter it up to four times to really slow things down, and then a fifth time to bring everything back to the regular space time continuum. Rockstar confirms what everyone suspected: Red Dead Online won't be getting any major new content. Who keeps buying Grand Theft Auto 5? We don't know, but there's enough of you to keep the numbers up for Take-Two. Modern Warfare 2: Can it recapture the glory days of Xbox Live? Jennifer Hale is the new voice of Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3. Wild Hearts gameplay video shows your character battling massive boars and a really big toad. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. Alternatively, if you're a pre-established player looking to bring over your wealth to some new hardware, we've got a guide on how to transfer your save data that should be a big help. Off the clock. Connor Makar 2 months ago. Sherif Saed 2 2 months ago. Connor Makar 1 3 months ago. Dom Peppiatt 2 4 months ago. Jim Trinca 2 hours ago. Stephany Nunneley 2 hours ago. Stephany Nunneley 3 hours ago. Where we jumping? Connor Makar 3 hours ago. Buy our t-shirts, yeah They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Explore our store.
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gta 5 vehicle cheats hack 22K%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get comet vehicle – Get garbage truck – Get Buzzard helicopter – GTA 5 CAR CHEATS VEHICLE SPAWNS · Spawn BMX Console: BANDIT · Spawn Comet Console: COMET · Spawn Duster Console: FLYSPRAY · Spawn PCJ Motorcycle. We have all the GTA 5 cheats, with codes that can drop weapons, ammo, and cars on demand; or give you super powers like invincibility. However, just because it's a brilliant game doesn't mean we can't rinse it for all its worth. Watch on YouTube. It's easy enough using these cheats on your console of choice. You can also press up on the d-pad to bring up your character's cell phone, then enter the cell phone cheat and it will have the same effect. No phone shenanigans needed! We've broken up the GTA 5 cheats into sections, so scroll through to the cheat you want, then find the code for the platform you're playing on. The first set of codes to get your hands on all relate to weapons and making the player a completely lethal killing machine. This is the biggie. Enter this cheat and you'll spawn all weapons and max out the ammo for each one. That means you'll have pockets crammed with everything from the basic pistols to the grenade launcher and everything in between. It's a box of lethal toys for you to play with - just be careful not to accidentally blow yourself up. Unleash violent chaos in GTA 5 and you'll soon have the cops, the local gangs, gun nuts and general populace returning fire. Not a lot of people back down in Los Santos. So with this cheat you'll make yourself invincible. You will not die. That doesn't mean the locals won't stop throwing bullets at you, so expect the chaos to continue until you manage to shake them off. Or kill them all. If you don't want to be completely invincible but do want to keep your ticker pumping, this is the cheat for you. So much quicker and easier than using first aid or eating snacks from a vending machine, this cheat will pump your health back up to maximum and equip you with the highest form of body armour. Now you're feeling tip-top again, you can jump back in to the action. This is another cheat that gives you a boost without making you super-powered. You might want to use this during the main campaign for that little uplift. It basically recharges your characters special ability. For Franklin that means Driving Focus , so he can slow down time when handling any vehicle with wheels, allowing pinpoint accuracy when racing around the streets. Michael's special ability is Bullet Time. He can slow down time to target heads and other hotspots with complete accuracy - although he can only do this on foot. Trevor's special ability is Red Mist. Red Mist allows Trevor to take less damage and inflict more pain when he's in the zone, so he can be a little more wild and less cautious of the damage he might take. If you really want to taunt the police and you can't be bothered to start the antagonism from scratch, this cheat will max out your wanted level immediately. That means you'll be descended upon by special military police in helicopters and tanks and with van-loads of support. Brace yourself. Okay, so you need to take it down and notch and you just can't shake those relentless cops? You need to lower your wanted level by entering this cheat. Each time you enter it you lower your wanted level by one star. When normal bullets just won't kill quick enough, you need explosive bullets. These are great for taking out heavily armoured targets and for dropping enemies with a single shot. Especially useful when going up against the police or military because those guys do not mess around. Flame rounds do more damage long term because after the initial hit they continue to do burn damage to your enemies, so they really are an effective way to win the fight. This cheat is pure comedy. Enter it and you'll win pretty much any fist fight with a flick of the wrist and an explosive punch. Pow, indeed. This is similar to Michael's special ability in that it gives you a bullet time cheat but can be applied to any of the three characters. You can enter it up to four times, with each entry slowing down time further. The fifth time you enter it you'll return to normal time. Grand Theft Auto 5 is all about the vehicles. It has it all; sports cars, off-road, novelty rides, bikes, dad cars, helicopters, jet planes and a whole lot more. It even has a submarine. So when the main game is over and you want to explore, race or just mess about doing donuts, these are the vehicles for you. Probably the most fun you can have on four wheels in GTA 5. This badboy is bullet proof, sounds like farts in Hell, and punches other vehicles off the freeway. You'll never go back to another muscle car. As this was added post-release, you can only spawn this using the in-game phone. The Kraken is handy for exploring underwater and finding hidden treasure amongst the depths. Note that you have to spawn this on console using the phone, there isn't a regular cheat code for it. Boats are generally a bit rubbish in GTA 5, so we prefer to use the Dodo as you can fly to any mission that requires water and land close by. On console you'll need to enter this cheat via the phone by pressing up on the d-pad. This is one of the most fun sports cars to race in GTA 5. It's perfect for tearing up the highway. Another popular racer, it handles well and is ideal for a quick getaway if the five-0 are on your ass. If you want max speed and the chance you'll fling yourself off into oncoming traffic at any moment, may we recommend the PCJ? It's lethal. The Sanchez is an ideal off-road all-rounder. Take it up Mount Chiliad and blaze it down the other side. The Buzzard is a favourite chopper, fully equipped with heat-seeking rockets and a machine gun. Hours of fun. Don't get over confident and think you can instantly do amazing stunts. You can, of course, but you'll need to practise. Are golf carts fun? We guess so, especially if driven at the same time as you apply the drunk cheat. It turns like a tank, has a crap top speed and barely fits around the tighter streets of Los Santos. Spawn yourself a limo! This is a slow municipal truck but it's actually great for blocking streets off and it's as tough as old boots. This is ridiculous and always worth a few hours of fun. Enter this cheat and every vehicle will lose its grip, slipping and sliding all over the place. The next set of codes we want to look at are based around movement and the world around you, and will help you navigate Los Santos a little easier. If you're a fan of chaos and explosions you'll probably find yourself out in the desert without a ride. If that's the case, just enter this cheat code to help you run at max speed all the time without having to tap your run button. No one likes swimming in GTA 5. But sometimes you'll end up in the drink and the need to find dry land. Enter this cheat to swim as fast as possible. Ever bailed out of a burning plane and realised you'd forgotten something? Or gotten to the top of Mount Chiliad and felt the urge to leap off the top? You'll need this handy cheat, which literally spawns you a parachute right when you need it. You know when Trevor gets off his head and wanders around with blurred vision and unresponsive controls? This is that. Ideal for use at the weekend after a long week of tedious work. We've never really been sure about the point of this cheat. It basically spawns you in mid air without a parachute. Los Santos looks as beautiful in the rain as it does in the blazing sunshine. Experience all the weather GTA 5 has to offer and cycle through them all with this cheat. Much like the cheat to slow down aiming, this slows down the entire world. Enter it up to four times to really slow things down, and then a fifth time to bring everything back to the regular space time continuum. Rockstar confirms what everyone suspected: Red Dead Online won't be getting any major new content. Who keeps buying Grand Theft Auto 5? We don't know, but there's enough of you to keep the numbers up for Take-Two. Modern Warfare 2: Can it recapture the glory days of Xbox Live? Jennifer Hale is the new voice of Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3. Wild Hearts gameplay video shows your character battling massive boars and a really big toad. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. Alternatively, if you're a pre-established player looking to bring over your wealth to some new hardware, we've got a guide on how to transfer your save data that should be a big help. Off the clock. Connor Makar 2 months ago. Sherif Saed 2 2 months ago. Connor Makar 1 3 months ago. Dom Peppiatt 2 4 months ago. Jim Trinca an hour ago. Stephany Nunneley 2 hours ago. Stephany Nunneley 3 hours ago. Where we jumping? Connor Makar 3 hours ago. Buy our t-shirts, yeah They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Explore our store.
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