#or more often than not. existing guys. OCs i've either had for a while or new ones from other verses that i want to develop more
murder-incarnate · 8 months
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i'm never gonna see act 2 ever again
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
*flails hands of warning* I am being depressing here!!! Fatalistic even! I'm trying to words why I'm enjoying this less than other murder minecraft! I'm talking about concerns I have! Please don't read if this is going to upset you!!! Or if you wanna fight! I'm just hashing out my thoughts!!! Because I can't go back to watch and enjoy and chill until I've been through with them! Gotta pour salt on the ground before I can fill the bottle up with sugar! This is only me talking shit not me talking about bits I've liked which have absolutely existed and if I was having no fun I'd just turn the ducking streams off and not come back! It's just morning and I hurt anx so I'm grumpy!
tbh my biggest concern with purgatory is the knock on effects after it for ccs who genuinely seem not to be having fun. Like they can just not play more, but IC bridges are still burnt (often with OC friends which is miserable to play long term), and like... I'm not actually sure how long Etoiles even if he drops now could still enjoy stuff if q!phil still has issue with q!etoiles after. And I'm pretty sure at least some of them would back off to let those who did have fun continue trajectories it sent them on, and I would miss them?
And it sucks because I know there is fun to be had here, but it's not to everyone's tastes? And it's the people who aren't or weren't having fun who get the biggest consequences after? Because it's an RP reward for a PvP event?
I guess the biggest part of my problem and why I keep thinking there has to be an around or loophole for the eggs it is because it's an rp reward for a mechanics event? And yes all has some rp and some mechanics, but the eggs are most valued as characters at this point. And the fact it's an rp reward means people not having fun are going to have a much harder time stepping away from it.
I'm also concerned about people (red) logging in as much as they are. Because they do not log in that often normally and it's going to burn some of them out.
Idk I want to have fun and I enjoy bloodbaths, but the stakes feel wonky and it's really hard when the people on at my timezome either aren't having fun, are bitching about it, or have potential massive knock on consequences.
If they lose their eggs to this, Fit and Phil are going to be unwatchable. I already can't manage Tubbo. If Fit is miserable Pac is miserable, if Pac is miserable Mike is miserable. For most of the streams I remember it's just those guys hanging out with their eggs. Which we havent had for a while and honestly I kinda enjoy seeing less of them but for the angst because it opens more options, but imagine how fucking intolerable Fit and Phil are going to be near each other if only one of them's egg/s survive? Because the other one did something? Theyd both understand but theyd both be /awful/. Add in that Etoiles is rifted with Phil and oh look theres everything that regularly happens for the PoV that best matches my schedule gone (I enjoy Tazercraft more, but Phil has my exact schedule, so I tend to follow him because no language barrier and I don't miss bits of development for him)
And I know the stakes are the same for everyone, but they're not? Pomme and Richas are basically safe, which covers other morning hours. And Leo and Dapper are also in massive danger, but I don't watch that late normally, so it's less of a concern for me personally?
It's why I have to tell myself the reward isn't the reward, because if it is, everything gets shifted in directions I am not interested in seeing.
Now I think I wonder if part of the reason Phil is depressing to watch is that he's run the same numbers I have, from the same assumption of you can save 4/7 eggs if you win, and realised he can't save both Chayanne and Tallulah even if he wins. Which yeah he has the overthrow the eye thought he did actually share with someone this session but we keep being told it's pure PvP by like Quackity. Which. Tbh pure PvP leads me towards either there is no cursed team or the cursed team is only defined after the fact because??? The stakes??? In terms of reward one team losing is clearly worse???
I also as an aside think it'd really help if the admins were open with the players about how the mechanics work, and had been open in advance about the exact timescale. No hate to them, they obviously want secrets and surprises, but I'm sure Cellbit would be less annoyed if he'd known 2 weeks not like 4 days so he didnt plan and commit as hard to a specific arc plots for himself, or if its had been suggested to wait until after to start something big, and Etoiles would be happier if he could see how scoring worked and knew how shit was assembled so he could more accurate judge what is fair. Shit like beds not working as respawn points and if armour actually is not giving defence should absolutely have been told in advance, though, and to everyone. Admins are new to PvP running so entirely understandable and theres obviously so much work gone into it and they want this to go well and people to have fun, but its misery.
Also splitting people from their friends was obviously intentional but is absolutely contributing to people feeling miserable. Both the ccs who are and the watchers.
Pulling back to morning hours again where dynamics are a huge part (I assume later streamers too but I know these)... Tazercraft are split (potentially interesting but I really really hope they played this in advance especially given how little Mike can get on atm and that they /stream together/ when time allows), and Phil has nobody who shares his stream times and he regularly spends time with on his team (which when we account for afterwards and knock on effects... ow, because people arent going to long term adjust their schedules over this or at least shouldn't). Fit and Pac are managing to still be cute, but can they sustain it over this divide? Tubbo and Fit were already on shaky grounds and this will make them worse. Mike is barely here because life.
Lose any eggs and have the tension from it split up morning hours and honestly I'd rather Phil just streamed hardcore a while because then at least its solo player isolated not cut yourself from your friends and loved ones over a BS AI making you betray each other for what you thought was the sake of your children.
After the first day where I watched Missa farming stream I've only really watched red and green, but blues spawn fucking sucks and is misery itself.
I am begging for team back up hours sometime, but the more Quackity talks the less I expect it.
But, really, my biggest problem is the streamers I enjoy or at least their characters are fucking miserable, when I try change PoV its still miserable, and as far as I can tell they're going to continue being miserable once the event is over.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
So, the Star Trek fandom is old, of course. And with Prodigy saved it's not unlikely we'll continue to exist for quite a while longer. And it's got me thinking. I've been viewing old fanworks from pretty much the moment I got into fandom culture at all over a decade ago and continued to do so for every fandom I've joined since that had existed long enough for this to be an option. Especially in my early days, most fics I read were at least 5 years old or more.
And trek is so long standing, it's really a great place to be in for this. I've read multiple Voy fics from the 90s and it's awesome that we have this option. Obviously pre internet fandom stuff isn't as well preserved since there's not many people transcribing their old zines and stuff like that. But nowadays, with fan run non-profit hosting sites like ao3 and also general increased efforts to preserve internet content, the stuff we publish now might just be here to stay.
Obviously, with bigger pairings (and also gen) old fics tend to get buried unless they're either outstandingly exceptional or culturally impactful (eg the fic featuring the oc Dr Mary Sue - in fact a trek fic btw, I don't recall the title nor have I read it but I just know it's archived somewhere) but rarepair fics are often sought after longer because there's just not as much to read for them.
Basically, what I'm saying is... I think it's very possible that sometime in the 2050s a young trekkie who hasn't even been born yet might be a big Voyager fan, they might love Tuvok/Suder and they might just read your fics about them and maybe those will even be their favourite. And isn't that so beautiful? And isn't that so human? Someone reading something written three decades prior about something from three decades before that. Stories that weave connections through generations. Makes you almost feel like time doesn't matter as much. It's nice.
Anyway, sorry for my 3am ramblings lol, my brain just wouldn't shut up about it
Yeah, I sometimes think about stuff like that too~!! I specifically remember when I first got into Star Trek it was because of Tuvok and I started creating art and fics of him because I could find barely any at the time. It always makes me so happy when people on here or ao3 take the time to engage with the stuff I make because I was really on here being like "If Tuvok has one fan it'll be me" and now here you all are saying "Let me on the bandwagon too!" and it's a really fun ride <3 Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit vain I like to think Hey! Maybe some day a new Tuvok fan will look up his name and find a lot more waiting for them than I did! And they'll scroll through pages and pages of art and speculation and screenshots and think.... "Wait, one guy did all this?? Was he like, ok???? Seriously, one dude???" and that's beautiful~
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sepublic · 1 year
hihi this is a general purpose one from the oc and creators ask game feel free to narrow it down to ur faves (which i know we arent supposed to have but come on now) or from ur oc canon as a whole !!
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Applying this question to my OC canon as a whole... Not really? My OCs are usually made in response to the story bringing up a role that suddenly needs filling. So for example, Lloyd and the other kids need a teacher at Arkley's, particularly one they can actually relate to, one who's genuinely concerned for them? In other words, that one nice teacher that everybody likes and remembers? Well, I fill in that spot and from there create Trexdis, throwing in character concepts and ideas that I've had floating about, and have always wanted to incorporate into something, before working from there.
In essence; The story needs a character, be it to flesh out a group, and/or provide a certain function/relationship to our characters. To serve as a piece of world building, because surely someone has to be in charge of this, etc. And from there, I look across a vast collection of bare-bones ideas and concepts for characters I have floating around; Stuff like a certain aesthetic, an unusual power I've wanted to toy around with... The basic structure of a backstory that informs their personality and motives, their mentality in life, that sort of thing.
Each concept doesn't have to be its own individual character, either; It's better if I combine a few to add more facets to an OC, while avoiding a crowded quantity over quality situation. Certain personalities and backstories are often devised from pieces of media I've liked, and wanted to try my own spin/take on...
For example, the Ensemble! I've always enjoyed the trope of the villains employing a mercenary that ends up working with them full-time, so what if the good guys did that instead? So I need at least one mercenary. And I was fascinated by the idea of a 'human' whose brain was actually a computer, essentially making them a robot in a meat suit, a natural reverse to the cyborg when it comes to the flesh-machine interface.
But what if we took that a step further? What if there were multiple robots in meat suits... And they were all synced? Because I like the idea of a singular mind spread out across multiple bodies, whom are more like different limbs than their own individuals, despite appearing as such. Robots are well-equipped to pull that off, and I have one operating a human body... So I mash them into a singular concept. From there I take this nebulous idea for an OC floating around, and then I use it to fill that 'mercenary working for the protagonists' role.
Lycan, Breda, Gene? It's because there needs to be a roster of actual students at Arkley's. Salazar? Started off as a necessary leader to the pre-existing Techno League (with an O, not an A). When I initially worked with the idea of various students being the children of big bad villains of notoriety, I needed a parent for Gene. Salazar already existed and I could make some similarities between him and Gene... And this aspect has since carried over.
Then there's groups like the Escapees or the Arkley Alumni; A fairly open sandbox for me to mess around with (the latter especially), and add any number of weirdoes, who manifest from concepts that are still unused. Organizing the Escapees felt fairly natural to me, and with Arkley's Alumni, there's a lot of empty space for me to fill in and create a new character from if I ever feel the need to.
If there's one OC whom I do struggle with, it's one I haven't properly introduced you guys to; His name is Shogaken, he's got this pretty bombastic, villainous personality, an evil warlord, that kind of thing. He initially started off as a canon character from another piece of media I was making an overly elaborate fanfic for (which is what the GEverse started off as), and I got attached to him and his design, the lore I fleshed out, etc. I basically re-characterized an 'interpretation' into an entirely different character.
So when I made the GEverse its own thing, I realized I could fully embrace this fact, and renamed him Shogaken as the beginning of the differentiation process, making this character my own. However, since I'm no longer wrapping the GEverse around the skeleton of another pre-existing storyline, I have the freedom to do whatever I want... Which means Shogaken's role is also liable to change.
And he started off as the ruler of the Underworld; But in a story where I get to decide everything, I'm not sure if I want the overseer of the afterlife to be so grounded and irresponsible. But I could make it work, so I'm trying different ideas out. Sometimes I don't want to force things, I just let time pass by, allow new influences to soak in, before I find inspiration.
And I guess there IS Beturos, who is another old OC of mine. He started off as a villain, and unlike Azayle or Magmint, I never made him an Escapee for some reason, when that idea came around... So I just haphazardly stuck him in somewhere. But now that the GEverse is no longer a fanfic/retelling, that means a lot of characters and roles from that original media are gone, left empty to be filled out; So I'll probably find something for Beturos there. Give him some justice, and probably some interactions with Azayle and Magmint, like old times. Maybe I'll just make him another Arkley's Alumnus...
Every now and then, I do come up with an idea for a character that I just want to do, independently of an established role; And if there isn't another pre-existing niche/character to attach this to, well, I don't usually struggle to build a new place for them. The story is already fairly open, and part of the premise is a big world with all sorts of weirdoes and their strange stories mucking about, so it doesn't take me too much to fit them in...
The real problem is deciding if I'm satisfied with that, or want to do something more/different, after all. And sometimes I'll debate giving a certain personality/backstory to this character, or that one, if I could just do both and make them different enough through some other means to justify it, etc. And when it comes to more intricate storylines... Right now, I’m taking it slow and easy, no rush. A lot of good ideas have come to me after finding new influences and inspirations. But that’s more a question of what they’ll do in canon, rather than their place in canon.
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sofreddie · 3 years
This Is How We Heal (Part 12)
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Summary: Jared and Reader meet due to an unfortunate accident. They talk and end up leaning on one another because they feel no one else understands.
Characters: Reader, Dani, OCs
Warnings: Minor Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1,113
A/N: I sat stagnant. My whole existence became about my depression and I couldn't escape. One day I realized I hadn't thought about the things that had caused my grief or pain in so long. That realization suddenly reignited my healing process. I finally felt I got to a place where I could write the ending of the story. I caught up to my characters in their healing process.
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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"Alright, boys, we're headed out," Dani said as she looked between Jared and Jensen with a smile.
It was the weekend following her nightmare and conversation with Jared. Dani came by out of the blue, insisting that her and Y/N were taking a spa weekend. She had a feeling Jared was behind it somehow.
"Are you sure?" Y/N protested one again, which she had done from the moment Dani arrived and all through Dani's whirlwind packing of her things, "It's really not necessary. I can stay here-"
She was cut off by Dani slapping a hand over her mouth before turning to the guys, "See? Proof she needs this." Dani insisted again, the guys laughing and nodding as Dani drug Y/N from the house.
Jared had urged her to take the weekend and relax. She was long overdue for a rest. Even Liam told her she needed a break and he promised he'd be fine while she was gone.
He was maturing so well. He was sad over the loss of his father. But he handled it gracefully. Y/N admired his strength. He was the happiest she had ever seen him.
She was having moments of happiness too. Ones that surprised her, that broke through the storm clouds of her mind like bright, warm rays of sunlight.
Liam's happiness was a big part of that.
Jared was another huge part.
He helped her to feel less broken. He listened to her fears and concerns. He didn't disregard them or push them aside.
Other than the occasional chaste kiss shared between them in moments that seemed to demand the action, nothing had really changed between them.
Y/N was still scared, her nightmare still weighed heavily on her mind. But she couldn't figure out why she struggled to move past it. As they pulled up to the lavish building, Y/N hoped maybe she'd find the answer. Or at least feel a small bit of peace from whatever lay beyond those doors.
Later in the day, after having undergone several treatments together and chatting away, they found themselves lounging in robes, towels tied on their heads, and cucumber slices over their eyes. Though to be honest, half of them were being eaten.
"I want you to know, Y/N, that I really care about Liam, and you," Dani said after a while of quiet between them, "You two have come to be part of our little, awkward, bundled together family," she chuckled warmly.
Y/N wasn't sure what to say to that. She knew she cared, but she didn't know the extent of her heart for her and her son. Family? She was honored, but did she really fit in there?
"I'm grateful to have friends like you."
"Family, Y/N," Dani insisted, "We've adopted you and you're stuck. Try to run, I dare you, Jared's like a freakin' gazelle!" she chuckled, Y/N laughing with her. She wasn't a runner herself. But she was glad Jared had such a productive outlet.
Not to mention how great he looked all sweaty and panting. She tried hard to ignore that, but it stirred there anyway every time. She knew Jared wanted more with her. She'd be lying if she said she didn't either. But her grief and guilt held her back.
"Can I be totally honest with you for a minute?" Y/N asked timidly. She hadn't really talked with anyone about anything important, other than Jared. But she often felt maybe his opinion was skewed.
If there was one thing she'd learned about Dani was that she was no BS.
"Of course," Dani responded with a nod, tucking her legs under her as she shifted on her lounger to face Y/N, giving her her complete attention.
Y/N took a deep breath and closed her eyes to steady herself. She explained the dream she had and how she felt after. She explained what happened with Jared, and then of course the kiss. Kissing, she supposed. It hadn't really stopped.
Dani listened to her every word, silently taking it all in. She nodded along and observed Y/N's body language as she spoke. The grief, the guilt, it was visible.
"I knew Gen for many years," Dani said with a smile after Y/N had finished venting, "She was amazing. Lively and down to earth and silly and smart and so beautiful," she said wistfully, forcing back the tears from missing her, "Someone everyone loved," she sniffed.
Then she turned serious, her gaze leveled on Y/N, "I think she would be so happy that Jared and the kids have you and Liam," she insisted. Y/N started shaking her head, but Dani put her hand on her forearm, silencing her, "They adore you. We adore you. I know you don't see it or understand it yet, but you really are our Angel."
Y/N felt the tears welling up. She knew she was gonna cry. Dani pouted too and they laughed as they hugged, soothing each other through the moment. Y/N was so very grateful to have someone like Dani in her life.
There was a time she wasn't very warm to her. When Dani had taken charge of her life and made her do things she didn't want. But in retrospect, Dani was fighting for her and forcing her to fight for herself and her son.
She'd be lost without her.
She was broken from her thoughts as she heard her name being called. She turned, looking for the source, and finding it quickly.
"Sara?" Y/N responded, a bit shocked to see the woman who had been an old neighbor and friend of her and Brian's many years before.
She hadn't thought about him in - well, she wasn't sure how long. But she didn't feel bad about it like she thought she would. After a quick catch-up and heart-felt condolences, she was gone as quick as she appeared.
Dani turned to Y/N, ready to see a negative reaction to the situation. But Y/N was surprised at herself. Not only had she not thought about her guilt for a while, but it didn't hurt.
"Dani," Y/N spoke with a smile, "Thank you. For your help and support and what you said about Gen," she relaxed back into her lounger with a sigh, "I think I've been so deep in grief for so long that it's just become a part of me. But I think maybe I can start to let it go."
"See," Dani smirked, "Told you a spa day was necessary. Obviously this means more spa visits are in order," she chuckled, Y/N laughing right along with her.
Maybe she was right. With the way she was feeling, it had to count as therapy, right?
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itsmeizumine · 3 years
so, i searched high and low for a post i swore i made talking about why i wanted to make a naruto oc and had this initial blurb and everything that i just intended to add on, but since it disappeared somehow, i'll start again
it's going to be long, but feel free to tag along the ride under break!!
so, i know anyone who has followed me for a while might have caught up to the fact that i’m on my own naruto nostalgia personal hell right now. it has been dragging for a few months in and out since my lil sibs started to watch the ENTIRETY of naruto franchise just because (we’re talking about all filler eps, all arcs, all ovas, all movies; they’re real champs like that). we all are stuck in the same rooms with each other and nowhere else to go so there was really no way to escape this even if i wanted too, which… i did, in the beginning, not gonna lie (i can’t handle second-hand embarrassment guys, i just can’t, and kid naruto is– oh my god); but then i kind of settled on this constant utterly mortified state so deeply nothing else phased me enough to stop watching the damned thing with my sibs, and here we are.
(and pls, don’t get me wrong. i love naruto, it was important to me as a kid and i still feel echoes of its impact on me even now in my life; it’s just– watching it with my kidsie sibs and parents in the same room with it dubbed in my native lang and them having no context to most things anime, just… no lol)
and god, as much i like the series, rewatching it made my heart ache too. kid naruto had an awful life, dude. for real. it just made me want to swoop in, adopt him and get him somewhere else asap the whole time we watched classic. it was devasting blow after devasting blow since day one, and it took too long for him to find support and bonds (as flimsy as they were) he could cling and lean on (and even then he was left/had to leave behind some).
idk guys, i might be overthinking this but kids in precarious situations always make me emotional af
so i thought: my mojo is making ocs, okay, that’s how i dive into fandoms and such, maybe i could make someone he could call a friend? even if it’s just to comfort him and myself a bit?? yeah, let’s go with this
and like, i wanted him to have someone to goof up with and be silly and talk freely and not have to appear awesome to with that false bravato of his (because he uses that when he’s not comfortable, and i really really really need him to be, for once) but i also wanted him to have someone he could fall back whevener he wants, no questions asked, and that could take care of him if things came down to it, but couldn’t strip naruto’s control over his own situation as an adult would (because that’s terrifiying thing to feel, no control over what’s gonna happen to yourself; now imagine that as a kid that has to live and tend and watch out for their own well-being themselves or else they might as well die in a ditch and no one - in naruto’s mind on the very beggining of classic - would bat an eye?? yeah, no good indeed); so an older kid it had to be. older sibling figure or whatever.
and since i wanted this older kid to approach naruto amicably, they couldn’t be a kid native to konoha, even if they were there from on and beyond. or else they’d first think of naruto in the preconceived notions leaf-civilians kid thought (as a vague monster/demon their parents made of him), or as leaf-nin kid thought (a dumb numbskull, disgrace of the academy).
so before i even started on the kid themselves, i had to settle on a place out of konoha to start the deal (hahaha going through naruto wiki pages on my dying computer was so much fun guys, you have no idea)
i didn’t find a location that made sense in the wiki so i came up with something on my own. it turned out really cool actually. i’m going to link a post talking about this location in particular because this post is too long already, but what you need to know about shokinin daichi is that it was a completely civilian-based settlement. no one was prevenient from a ninja clan and married out of it for peace and quiet, no one had a second cousin that once dreamed about shinobi life as a kid or anything. i know it seems unfathomable in naruto’s universe to such a place exist, especially with how the world is exposed to us on the anime at least, but believe me, it’s more likely than you think. there’s far too much empty space on naruto’s geography and petty, small 1x1 feuds between clans for it not to. shokunin daichi was a place civilians were relatively content with their lives, and if one of them was more ambitious they’d aim for bigger things, yes, but it wouldn't usually scale so far as to become ninja.
my kid, kawarake, was the same. his family made up one the cores of the sanka clan, but since no one was looking forward to taking the clan head’s position from the main family anytime soon, they all lead relatively quiet lives with their own thing going on. the sanka clan run the ranch of shokunin daichi, and each of its cores took care of one kind of animal. kawarake’s family core took care of horses, and he spent most of his days since he was five tending to them or taking care of his littler cousins who wanted to tend them. if he wasn’t on the stables, he’d be strolling in the settlement’s main square to talk to and help all his extended family, or he’d be in his little hide-out by the river farther south from it. he was looking forward to start an apprenticeship under kakka’s clan on metalwork once he was bit older to have the excuse to go out of the settlement more often, but there was no rush on his part still. he was fine like this.
one seemingly random night, with most of the settlement preparing to lay down for the day, a group of nuke-nin found the place. no one knew how, nor who they were; and whoever was left after that disaster could only guess why, but as soon as the rogue shinobi caught sight of the quaint little thing that was kawarake’s home they started to set things on fire. they pillaged and ransacked and destroyed everything in their wake and soon it became clear that there was little to no thing the civilians could do to defend themselves, even with their mattocks and sickles and ropes and wooden planks and the strongest men and women there. smoke and heat enclosed around all of them, and people that had lived their entire lives there together were forced to leave with no plan or direction, just the clan heads’ ultimate order to grab who they could in their way out and survive. hope against hope that they’d find each other again.
kawarake had managed to find his nephew, and be found by his mom before they had to leave the remains of their burning, collapsing ranch behind. with stingy eyes and searing burns and scratches and soot here and there, they made their way out of the settlement to find kawarake’s dad and a distant cousin by chance, but couldn’t manage to reach a group - their people - running in the distance before they too dispersed each to some direction in search of safety. between the kawarake’s mom, dad and cousin, they decided that their best bet would be to seek refuge in konoha for now; and there they fleed to through forest and packed dirt as the night went on.
i don't think it's confirmed in canon but i've seen it around enough in fanfiction to think it might have been implied somewhere. the politics of seeking refuge in a hidden village might change from country to country but i think there's a consistency on the treaty: it has to be compensated for the risk it takes in accepting the refugee, either by trade if the said refugee can has capital to start producing right away or by demanding a shinobi from the refugee's household.
kawarake then becomes the first gen nin of his family, in order for them to stay in konoha and under it's protection. he's the best conventional candidate because of his age; his cousin and parents at too old for the academy, and his nephew too young. he's uneasy in the beginning, he's surrounded by ninja that can, with a few hand seals, create a catastrophe as big as what happened on his settlement just because they felt like it, and that's disconcerting af, but once he realizes that he's also gaining this power, and he's also also learning how to counter it, he manages to ease up a little bit. he even starts to look forward to the possibility of making missions out of konoha in the end; that way he can look around for all his family, and warn them they have a safe place to stay in konoha.
his family arrives two years after the uchiha massacre, and he graduates as a genin on team 3 the same semester as neji, tenten and lee. here's what i have of him and his team, intend to post more soon
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he's a nice kid, guys, but he really shouldn't run around with a kunai like this
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here's him, isako (also oc, gotta write stuff for her) and shiyoka (same, tho y'all have seen art of them and kawarake together already), their sensei is dope too and deserves her own presentation just because.
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purpleshift · 8 years
Stop me if I've posted this before, but I'm full of salt and fight and I need to write stuff down
One of these days (i.e. when I fucking finally get to reading ASoIaF) I'm going to write this stupid fic where Rhaegar Targaryen and the most recent Crown Prince Rudolf (of Austria Hungary) switch places in some alternate universe(s). You know what Jon Snow is going to be called in one of these universes? JOHN OF AUSTRIA, THAT'S RIGHT, WATCH AS I GET MY FANFICTION ALL OVER YOUR HISTORY HAHAHA, NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO TELL IF IT'S OUR HISTORY'S JOHN OF AUSTRIA OR MY FANFIC (yeah, us millennials are often driven by spite) Here's some things I have planned out: lol prophetic dreams, try interpreting them when they're about alternate universes John of Austria, ward of King Edward the whatever number I need to make it work, King of the U.K. and other assorted territories can canon Rhaegar make sense of the trenches, where we meet our Jon Snow? Not to make fun of war, but, wow, did warfare get different in very few centuries OTL instead of OTL Princess Stéphanie, meet our fictional Princess Amelia of Portugal or Brazil or something, she's our ATL Elia Martell stand in and she's a character who exists and hopefully won't be hated on by hypothetical readers of a fic that doesn't exist yet oh and this Prince Rudolf is platinum blond, I heard there was a production of the musical/play thing where adult him was played by a platinum blond person? Yeah, that. new in controversial ideas: emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria is a better father figure than King Aerys II of Westeros (Elisabeth's the same as ever, though) (note to self: read a fucking history book) controversial idea 2: Rhaegar is IIRC depicted as more liberal than his dad (hard not to be, with a paranoid ruler), and it is known that OTL Rudolf was a liberal to his dad's conservative. OTOH, liberal pseudo/quasi-(?) feudal thinkers are not the same as liberals in a C19 monarchy. Anyway, he probably gets on better politically with Franz Joseph than Rudolf did. what a good kid, thinks Franz Joseph, knowing this is not his kid anyway, some random butterflies are that Lyanna lives (maybe because Rudolf isn't trained in whatever faux mediaeval sword's fashionable in Westeros, and runs off from before the Ruby Ford, who the fuck knows), and that Rhaegar has sex with yet another man's wife (in a loose sense, unless you go by the Crusader Kings 2 mod), though since they're pretending to be married maybe that's excusable? that baby in ATL C19 is a girl and called Valerie, after her "aunt" lol (also because this was the best pun on either Valyria or Visenya I could come up with) meanwhile in Westeros, Rudolf is apparently trying for an ATL Mayerling thing (not to make fun of suicide or murder, but like, I'm sure there is a plot thing that happens that justifies this, and like I can't diagnose from the dead, but like? why suicide-murder? in the first place? because of your royaltyness and your dad disapproving of an affair? it's super simplified but very concerning, OTL CP Rudolf. if you were alive today I want to talk as friends about recovery because you know, sometimes I have suicidal thoughts or actions but not murder? anyway you don't know because you're long dead) in any case, whether because of this or another reason, he dies! Oh, and Ned Stark arrives at some point. oh uh I had a thought about Lyanna "running away" because Rhaegar in this universe promised a fair arbitration with Robert and then universe swap happens; or maybe they "accidentally" got drunk (they = both) or desperate (but it wasn't Rhaegar who initiated) (but that sounds a bit rapey??) anyway I'm not really sure how to change that thing where it seems like Rhaegar had all the agency and Lyanna didn't say no (and it's all very dub-con)? Anyway, ATL Westeros' Jon Snow is successfully born, Rudolf dies, and they burn his body because plot reasons? (Targaryens are traditionally burnt, right, and uh since "Rhaegar" didn't die at Ruby Ford, it would probably look bad for Lyanna (not so much Ned) to say "oh hey I shot him dead while he was trying to kill me after having his kid", THERE YOU GO) In any case, apparently there is enough magic in burning universe-outsider-Rudolf's corpse because ~universe swap~, a portal opens and we get Rhaegar back; somehow a peace treaty without total destruction of the Targaryen forces is made; Elia, Rhaenys, and baby Aegon get to live because I say we should stop fridging them for Rhaegar/Lyanna. It's probably very uncomfortable in the Westerosi royal court but damn it, part of dumping (I-most-often-speak-Common-which-being-represented-by-English-in-canon-will-be-interpreted-as-English) sorry, I mean a Rhaegar who only has English/Common in common with OTL in C19 Europe, is that he has an opportunity to read about the Wars of the Roses. Fun fact: I hear that there were waves of Anglophilia in Europe in the 19th century? Being cool and industrialising and all that. Yeah, they'd know some English in Vienna. Anyway, I hope he read up on the Wars of the Roses! Wait, it's my fic outline, yeah he did. Anyway, I'm not sure, but I would think that he would also attempt to study politics in this new world. I don't think canon Rhaegar is that up his own arse, though I've seen my fair share of Rhaegar-bashing. Yeah, stuff starts changing in Westeros. Oh, and maybe a fountain pen Rhaegar was using at the time survives the magic fire and Westeros gets the fountain pen tech early. Yay. Right, meanwhile in Vienna, CPrincess Amelia and Franz Joseph have just seen the guy they've been having pretend is the Crown Prince disappear in a fire. Cons: she is a pregnant widow, he doesn't have a son in a literal sense (like where is the body). Pros: there was a fire?? (dubious - discuss) The pros massively underweigh the cons, if that wasn't clear. So they have a funeral? It doesn't change much for their timeline unfortunately, except that some seriously weird conspiracy theories pop up eventually. Sorry, that universe. Oh, you were wondering where our John of Austria comes in? In the universe he comes from, his dad (either Rhaegar or Rudolf, but it doesn't matter) publicly cheated on his wife with the recently widowed Dowager Kaiserin of Germany, and now the Kaiser has a younger half-brother being raised in the UK by their maternal uncle, which is public knowledge, which as previously mentioned gets awkward around WWI. John's parents are both still dead, but at least he knows who they really are from the start. Epilogue: Rhaegar's last dream Oh, he and Valerie the younger, the OC, they meet. She has his eyes, by the way. It's set WWII, she's Resistance, she recognises him somehow, they have an emotional talk, the end. I assume it's a happyish ending, since Westeros isn't exactly in outright civil war when the ice zombies come. Yeah, anyway, since my canon grounding is so terrible and second hand, I'm not writing it until I read the canon.
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vulptilla · 7 years
i've been thinking for a while now is it ok to ask of your oc's? the not hawke oc you've tagged casim. it's nice to see you have a (former) templar oc even you're anders positive! who is this guy?
Ohhhh, you sweet anon! ♥♥♥ You literally made my day. I’m always eager to talk about my oc’s (and also other people’s oc’s!) So it’s always ok and really, really appreciated to ask me anything about them. ♥
My friend and I have been rp’ing for an year now in DA setting and after my first two mage oc’s I had this thought that I wanted to challange myself and try if I could credibly write a templar character, even if he’d be only a former templar. I’m not very fond of the Templar Order (as you probably know already), so it was and still is quite challanging to reach the right mindset for a character that is not aware of any oppression. (Though he will be soon enough. I just wanted to leave some space for character growth and not make him too perfect from the beginning.) 
As I’m seemingly not capable of short and compact answers, The Essay™ is under the cut. 
Casim is the second son of a minor noble family hailing from Starkhaven. I have this headcanon that especially in those significantly pious cities like Starkhaven it would be common practice that at least one of the younger children of noble families would often be sent to the Order because it’s probably considered respectable thing to do and it probably makes the Chantry respect those families more. Casim is the one from his family since his older brother would inherit their father’s lands and titles. 
Since Casim is born and raised in very religious and also very privileged environment, he never had any reason to question the Order and it’s values and methods, at least not before his little sister’s magical abilities started to show. First he was shocked and actually shunned Cecilia for months leaving her letters unopened even while he knew well enough that she had literally no one else to lean on. Because of his templar training and everything he had been told about mages and magic ever since he was a child he was afraid and unsure if Cecilia would even be the same person anymore, but at the same time he still wanted to protect her at any cost. After all, she was his dear, beloved sister, for the Maker’s sake. Soon he realized that above all else she would be dangerous for herself more than anybody else, which was actually true because she wasn’t taught how to use and control her new powers and she was basically left alone with her struggles since both of her brothers were absent and their parents were absolutely mortified about the fact they had a mage in the family, which was considered an unbearable shame in their social circles, and therefore they wanted to hide her away and pretend she didn’t even exist. They basically kept her locked up in her chambers and let her out only now and then, when they could have been absolutely sure no one couldn’t see her. They also refused to take her into the Circle because if they had done so, then every noble house in the city would have known they had magic running in their bloodline.
After an accident with Cecilia’s magics that nearly got both of the siblings killed (she accidentally set a gazebo on fire and Casim rushed to her aid as he had always done and thought he would always do, no matter what) they had a heated argument about the situation. At the same time Casim actually kind of wanted to respect Cecilia’s wish to stay at their childhood home but he was also too afraid that any day soon he’d receive a letter informing him of his sister’s early death and he just couldn’t make himself to ignore the situation any longer (as their parents wanted him to do and what they did themselves; they actually had hoped she had died in the fire so they could have told everybody she had died of an illness and so they would be spared of the shame of having a mage in the family) while Cecilia was constantly in grave danger at home. He just loved her so much and wanted nothing more than her to be safe, even if that would have been possible only inside the walls of the Circle. He knew that even if he would have ended his promising career in the Order, he still couldn’t have stayed at their family manor keeping his sister safe from any harm forever, so eventually he decided to tell the truth about Cecilia to his Knight-Commander. Casim had just risen to full knighthood then and he thought, as naive and young he was then, that he would, naturally, be assigned to bring Cecilia to the Circle. He knew that she was very shy, introverted and extremely wary of strangers and he just wanted to spare her for any unnecessary stress and harm. Things just didn’t go as he had planned since the Knight-Commander decided to assign four other templars to bring Cecilia in without Casim’s knowledge. When he heard about the Knight-Commander’s plans it was already too late and the party had taken the road. He left his duties at the barracks immediately and rode back home as fast he ever could only to find their yard burned to ashes and all the templars sent for his sister lying dead in the ground. Cecilia was also badly burned but still barely alive so she could tell him what had happened. She told him that one of the templars had drawn his sword on sight and she had been so scared and even while she hadn’t had any intentions make any resistance or to do any magic, it had happened anyway and she had accidentally summoned a firestorm. After that Casim confessed that everything that had happened was his and only his fault since he had been the one who had told the templars about her in the first place. He couldn’t do anything else but to beg for his sister’s forgiveness. He had never meant anything like that happen, he just wanted his beloved sister to be safe. At any cost. In the end she chose to forgive him and they had just enough time to say goodbye to each other before she died in his arms.
After everything that had happened Casim didn’t feel comfortable to stay with the Order any longer. Many of his colleagues and even some of his closest friends openly resented him and didn’t trust him anymore because then everybody knew he had hidden the truth about his mage sister for years or so. He also blamed himself about his sister’s fate even though they both had known that she eventually would have met the same fate one way or another without any proper education how to use and control her abilities. Even though he left he still respected the Order and it’s members who had sworn to protect innocent people, but nevertheless he felt that being a templar just wasn’t for him, at least not anymore. After all, being a templar wasn’t actually his childhood dream or anything like that, it just had felt a better option than holding an office in the court or something else boring as heck his father probably had planned for an alternative. Casim had just wanted to do something good in his life and back then he had thought being a templar would be, well, exactly that. 
After Cecilia’s funeral Casim travelled all around the Free Marches as a wandering sellsword. His parents were highly disappointed in him and blamed him for ruining the family’s reputation, so they had basically disowned him. He had no place to go and for a quite a while he had no desire to stay anywhere for long, so he always left a town or village when the regular customers in any local tavern began to remember his name when he stepped inside. After couple of years of aimless wandering he ended up in Kirkwall and met our other oc’s. 
(I’m actually shipping him hard with my other oc, who happens to be a former circle mage with very, very horrible and traumatic past with templars. It’s no secret, I’m sucker for the concept of forbidden love. I know it’s considered highly problematic but actually I want it to be so at first. I want it to be painful in the beginning when they’re both struggling with the burdens of their pasts and former positions. She of course struggles a lot more than him, but still. What I’m trying to do with them is to get them both to realize that today they actually are equals and they actually could form a healthy relationship if they both are ready to put quite a lot effort in it to make things work between them, since there’s always a risk that they would unintentionally slip back in their old roles as the oppressor and the oppressed, which would be extremely unhealthy and I wouldn’t want that for either of them. They both are also very inexperienced when it comes to romantic relationships which definitely won’t make things any easier for them but… we’ll see. If it won’t work, then it won’t. I’m not gonna force it if it won’t.)
Thanks for asking! ♥
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