#or on twitter @brawlite
brawlite-archive · 2 years
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sunny kisses from california xoxo ☀️💋
by celebillustrate on twitter | celebillustrate on ig, posted with permission
illustrating a pool-house scene from if i stare too long by brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
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✧・゚: * July 2022 Harringrove Starter Pack *:・゚✧
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Thank you to Harringrove fans for coming together and creating this amazing fic starter pack and to our endlessly talented creators for giving us so much to choose from! Forty-one votes were cast and across the 119 nominations, the number of votes received by the fics overall amounted to 397 (!!!!). The chosen fics had a combined total of 126 votes. The doc with the list of nominees will stay active in case you want to check out the rest. 
Here are the 14 fics chosen by Harringrove fans as the best place to start for those looking to dabble in the community (you can also see these fics in the ao3 collection) - in alphabetical order:
◢ Billy Hargrove Needs a Nap - lilpeas [74,312; E]
It’s one thing to be a light sleeper in this shitty town that won’t shut up at night, but it’s another thing entirely to fall asleep on Steve Harrington’s shoulder during last period English.
◢ break (like waves) - @witchsickness​ [93,187; E]
‘We’re good together,’ Harrington says to the darkness above. Not a question. Matter of fact. He turns to Billy, a smile sweet enough to make Billy want to do something reckless. Something stupid. ‘I’m telling you, heartbreaker. We’re gonna be unstoppable.’
Billy wants to ask. If he means tomorrow. If he means just for the game.
Wants to ask if he means forever.
He’s never wanted anyone to mean forever before.
or; falling (in love), the hard way
◢ break up with your girlfriend (’cause i’m bored) - @the-copperkid [15,604; E]
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
◢ Cherry - @lazybakerart [58,061; E]
They’ve got ten minutes before Steve’s break is up and he has to go back to wishing for death with a smile.
◢ cherry pie - @brawlite and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [133,828; E]
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
◢ dried up, half full - @lymricks​ [60,016; E]
Steve’s been coming out here searching for a monster in the woods. He’s finally found one.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
◢ falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana (series) - @lazybakerart​ [294,822+; E]
Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
◢ in waves - @lymricks​ [45,095; M]
It’s March and it’s too cold for Billy to be shirtless and wearing shorts, but he hadn’t noticed until Harrington appeared and made him hold still. Harrington can’t seem to stop looking at the bruises. “What’s it to you if I miss a little school, Harrington?” Billy asks. He feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
“I don’t know,” Harrington snaps back, looking uncomfortable. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Plant your feet, Billy wants to scream at him. I’m going to bowl you over.
◢ Incident at Castle Byers - @flippyspoon [3,639; G]
Will learns something about Billy Hargrove and feels a little less alone.
◢ Under the Covers - @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger​ [87,788; M]
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
◢ when the bones are good - @un-buttoned​ [28,411; E]
‘So,’ Tommy says around a mouthful of fries, ‘what the fuck is the deal with you and Hargrove?’
And that’s really the goddamn question, isn’t it?
He wants to know Billy. Wants to know why he is the way he is. Wants to be able to figure out what the fuck he’s thinking when he looks at Steve like that, when he touches him like it doesn’t mean shit and like it means everything all at once. Wants to know why he talks so much shit, why he needs to fight, where all that fire comes from. Why he’s so volatile, why he’s such an asshole, how he can be so fucking mean and so fucking sweet in the span of seconds, at the same time, even.
◢ you’ll lose the blues in chicago (series) - @lymricks​ [101,188; E]
Steve takes a second to feel relieved it's not Dustin getting all sorts of arrested in places he shouldn’t be, then he goes back to staring.
It's Billy, who looks as good now as he did the last time Steve saw him: three years ago. He looks just as complicated, too. He’s got bruises on his face, a split lip.
The officer clears her throat, slowly, awkwardly, and Steve realizes they’ve been staring at each other for a while, now. He imagines, for a moment, saying that he doesn’t know this person, this stranger, pretending that Billy Hargrove was someone he used to know and kind of remembers, but--no, he’s not willing to sign for him, or whatever. To vouch for him. “Mr. Harrington?” the officer prompts.
Steve runs a hand through his hair. “Steve,” he corrects, a little absently. “Yeah, I’ll--yeah. Do you have a form, or something?”
Three years later, Steve Harrington signs Billy Hargrove out of a police station. This, it turns out, is only the beginning.
◢ you’re cold (and i burn) - @keroujack​ [55,919; E]
Move on. Let it heal.
Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy.
Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.
(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
◢ Yourself or Someone Like You (series) - halfempty [792,802; E]
Maxine looked happy as they parted from Steve and walked down Main Street away from the theater. She slid into the passenger seat of Billy’s car. 'That was really fun,' she said. She looked at him like a gremlin and then smiled real cutesy. 'Did you and Steve hold hands in the popcorn?'
'I hope you had a real good time, I’m going to kill you in your sleep tonight,' Billy told her.
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anarchist-billy · 4 years
Thigh fucking, you say? pt. 2
At the suggestion of @tracy7307, I’ve put together what I’m sure is not a comprehensive list of fics that feature the highly underrated sex act otherwise referred to as Intercrural.
I’ve split this into two parts - Part 1 contains all fics under 5k, and below you can find all fics over 5k.
Bottom Steve/Billy connotes whose thighs are being fucked.
Be Okay by XxmerthurcatxX
5.7k - Bottom Billy
Billy finds himself on a date with King Steve himself. It's been ten years since Billy high tailed it out of Hawkins and never thought he'd get a second chance with the boy he could never forget.
sweet to taste (saccharine) by OurLadyofPerpetualWallfflowers
6.2k - Bottom Billy
Billy wanders into the woods to beat the summer heat.
Steve goes into the woods to beat some monsters.
They wind up with an entirely different situation to beat.
Steve Is Too Nice For This Fetish by 3_idiots
6.1k - Bottom Billy
“Uh,” Steve paused. Sexy but mean, sexy but mean--”You’re a… dirty boy.” Billy groaned in the oh-dear-shit-why-way instead of the oh-baby-yes-way and flopped his head down onto Steve’s shoulder. **** Billy has a humiliation kink, Steve is trying.
Paper Bag by mrharringtons
6.6k - Bottom Billy
Billy almost crashes his car, finds an abandoned kitten, and ends up raising it with Steve. -
It's a little life in his hands. And the small twisting, nagging feeling itching beneath his skin is the same as the one that made him pick up that bag in the woods in the first place.
"I know you're not a bad guy, Billy," Harrington mutters, like he's been thinking about it. Billy expects to meet his eyes, but Harrington is looking at the cat. "She can stay here no problem. She's yours. I'm just helping out."
Harrington shrugs. Knocks a knuckle against Billy’s knee. Like that was normal.
"I like helping. Makes me feel good. Like I'm doing something meaningful with my life. Kind of the only thing I'm good at."
get my love caught by Highsmith (quimtessence)
7.1k - Bottom Steve
"Listen," Hargrove says. The tone has Steve reflexively snapping to attention. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee, or, like, a hot beverage of your choice?"
Steve should say no. He's about to say no.
He doesn't say no.
(Or, Steve and Billy meet again, after four years.)
don't want you to get it on (with nobody else but me) by brawlite​ & ToAStranger
8.5k - Bottom Steve
It all starts with a game. Two truths and a lie.
Billy's not sure how it got them here, his hands around Steve's wrists, pinning him to their door, his thigh wedged between Steve's as they pant into each other's mouths.
Earlier, they had been at a party.
Press Your Space Face Close to Mine, Love by moonflowers
8.5k - Bottom Billy
Hargrove looked about as sour as usual, brow furrowed as he glared at the kids, hair mussed from the standard issue helmet that came with the suit. Steve couldn't shake the thought that Billy had somehow heard his thoughts about how fucking glad he was that they weren't stuck on the same ship, and torn his way across space purely to piss him off. Honestly, he wouldn’t put it past him. He must have felt Steve staring at him, because his attention snapped up, locking on to Steve with his usual unwavering intensity. He looked about as pleased to see Steve as Steve was to see him.
Paint it, red by CeruleanHeart
8.6k - Bottom Steve
"That's a pretty color..." Billy repeated and stepped closer, crowding Steve against the door "... for a pretty boy."
Steve and Billy run into each other behind the arcade. When Steve mixes up his lighter with a lipstick Nancy forgot at his place, Billy decides to mess with him a little bit. After all, what's prettier than a pretty boy with red, red lips?
But as usual when Steve and Billy meet things escalate, only this time in an entirely different way. And soon Steve discovers a new, darker side of himself that's both alluring and unsettling.
The Yard is Full of Shards by Deep_South
9.4k - Bottom Billy
Steve spent the first month after That Day in perplexed confusion, still teased and tormented by Billy’s body, which always seemed just out of reach. At first the selective reveals and concealment of Billy’s skin seemed circumstantial. Billy would always insist that they meet in the dark shade of the woods; he kept the lights off in Steve’s room; and he only climbed into the backseat of either of their cars at night. They were all places where Billy’s body remained shadowed and occluded, with only small glimpses afforded by the weak filter of the moon, or what little light streamed through Steve’s window from the lamps out by the pool. Steve had figured Billy was being carefully paranoid about being seen by others, of being seen with Steve. It took Steve longer than he’s proud of to realize that Billy didn’t want to be seen by *him.*
OR: A lifetime of abuse has left Billy with scars that run deeper than Steve could ever know.
Bright by Kerasines
10k - Bottom Steve
Steve's face looks golden in the light of the setting sun, and when he drops his eyes from where he was holding Billy’s gaze, his eyelashes paint shadows on the light flush of red in his cheeks.
He looks so fucking pretty that Billy’s breathless with it. Doesn’t know what to do, just holds still and can’t tear his eyes from his face as Steve leans in close, too close, to put lotion onto the front of his shoulders, rubbing it in carefully, so carefully, as if he’s trying not to hurt Billy. Touching Billy’s chest, staring at it where it rises with every shallow breath under Steve’s hands.
Then he looks up, straight into Billy’s eyes, and Billy’s sure his brain stops working for a second.
Quick Note: The Following fics are over 10k, so I can’t speak to how strongly intercrural is featured in them, but I’ve included them because it is definitely in there. :)
paint a picture of the days gone by by socknonny
15k - Bottom Steve
The doctors find a way to save Billy thanks to the drugs Steve and Robin were spiked with by the Russians. But something goes wrong... Now, Billy can barely remember his own name, and who the fuck is this pretty boy in front of him? Why does he feel so important?
break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored) by thecopperkid
15k - Bottom Billy
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
your life is a perpetual insomnia by Buildyourwalls
54k - Bottom Steve
After the Mind Flayer takes Billy away, Steve is trying to get on with his life. Until one day a mysterious letter comes in the mail and he embarks on a journey to find Billy with Robin, Dustin, and an orange VW van named Betty at the helm.
 A story of love, found family, and a whole bunch of Scoop Troop witticism.
Pretty Broken Boys by Stranger Ships (Imaginary_Boyfriend)
97k - Bottom Steve
Christmas break is over and Billy decides to try turning over a new leaf during his last semester at Hawkins High. Will Steve notice (and perhaps reward) his efforts, or has Billy already burned too many bridges?
(i will try to tag authors later. i don’t know everyone’s tumblr handles, and tumblr gives me a lot of grief when i try to tag people anyway, which i’m too tired to deal with rn, so i apologize)
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kelpie-earnest · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Got tagged by @hoppnhorn @missroserose @uncaringerinn @letshargroovetonight @lemonlovely @highon85 and @sparkleeye omg, thank you babes! This was so long that due to my dead skunk mood these days I almost didn’t fill it out, but then I felt bad so here we go  😂
Nickname: Zozo, Zoz, Ziz, Zo (never thought Zoe could have so many trash nicks, huh? 😂)
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 158cm / 5′2″
Last movie I saw: The Party
Last thing googled: e27 light bulb type (I keep forgetting the click in type is called ‘bayonet’)
Favorite musician: I don’t think I have a top favourite? I eat everything but my favourites highly depend on current mood and I’m also selective in my music, it’s extremely rare for me to like almost all songs from an artist or band. Usually it’s 1-3 songs per album OR band, altogether. Yeah it’s annoying. lol
Song stuck in my head: Hang Me Up to Dry - Cold War Kids
Other blogs: I have a twitter and IG now and also some other social media accs for another hobby of mine.
Do I get asks: Not really. The odd one here or there
How many followers?: 1.4K
Amount of sleep: varies wildly, 5-9 hrs
Lucky Number: Don’t really have one? Maybe 8, but I just like to use it because my dad likes to use it and I got used to it lol
What I’m wearing: light grey Uni sweater with my fav flamingo pattern pajama bottoms and knitted, thick, THICK slipper socks
Dream job: Character designer or something to do with wildlife
Dream Trip: Hard to say. There are still a few trips I really want to do, like a round trip of Japan and also a proper, long road trip in America but the real kind with a motorhome, through coastal towns and big empty nothings and also the desert of course.
Favorite food: Ramen. I keep getting back to it so might as well admit it. I love soup and Ramen is just more of everything that I like about soups
Play an instrument: learned to play violin when I was a kid, wish I haven’t quit
Languages: fluent in 2 and another 2 I can understand some things in
Random Fact: All my close family (parents, sister) are artists in different fields
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: a hot but not stifling early summer day on a field, with the scent of wildflowers and dust, grasshoppers and birds chirping, the sound of a dragonfly’s wings at a small wild pond, laughter and tea with honey, a cozy knit sweater with soft jeans and boots, soft and mild tasting sweets, excited conversation with hand gestures, untied side braids in long straight hair, glitter around the eyes and smudged over clothing, fireflies blinking in and out of sight in a warm, silent night, the sound of horse hooves on dry ground, kicking up dust as they walk, fresh cold spring water I think pretty much everyone I know has done this already? lol So feel free to ignore or not do it. I will tag some people I haven’t seen this from :’)  @nightxshade @timothygurl @delphineygt @flippyspoon @granpappy-winchester @marsza @tracy7307 @the-copperkid @eternalgoldfish @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @brawlite @asya-arbatskaya @hexlikesramennoodles @heart-eyes-harrington
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matchstickwords · 5 years
tagged by @letshargroovetonight when I was tagging people I almost tagged you again lmaooooo
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better. fuck the rules tho
cancer ♋
5’ 11” (i think? in meters I’m 1.79)
Last movie I saw:
Colette, with my friends :) 
otherwise I think bad times at el royale or bird box, not sure
Last thing googled:
wheat plant parts
Favorite musician:
I don’t have one? lol I like a bunch of stuff but nothing pop-ups to me. Brendon Urie maybe...
Song stuck in my head:
Despa- I’m kidding hahaha a crimson and clover cover
Other blogs:
1 twitter I don’t use (but I follow fandom peeps just in case)
3 tumblr blogs (main a caos, this sideblog and one for garbage reasons o.o)
Do I get asks:
lmao what is that? (yes like 3 *cries laughing* asks, good one)
How many followers?:
my sideblog has 369 and growing é.é (FOLLOW ME I ALWAYS QUEUE HARRINGROVE STUFF) my main is me and the pornbots that won’t stop following me.
Amount of sleep:
8 hours but my sleeping pattern is shit (’cause I’ve been painting)
Lucky Number:
7 or 5 
What I’m wearing:
my pj’s. pink shorts a baggy green shirt and my fluffy black slides
Dream job:
freelance while traveling the world 
Dream Trip:
Favorite food:
Rice (not only is she basic but poor?) Stroganoff
Play an instrument:
Plastic cup... does the cup song count? otherwise no
Spanish (from Argentina) English. I can read Korean sort of.
Random Fact:
I can clap with one hand (does not sound like someone jerking off, at all)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:
High waisted Jeans, Dr Martens or white Nikes, the sunrise when it rains, bad photography, half-finished drawings, sad playlists, crying (I love to cry about other things) the color blue, dog hair on clothes, too many rings, sparkly bottles of nail polish, frozen bananas and strawberries, Netflix comedy specials, a table full of food and friends around it, too many ao3 tabs, long braids, buttered toast, Mate cocido with milk still steaming.
@blahblahblaharringrove @dead-night-harringrove @superlepato @harrygroves @eternalgoldfish @delightfullychaoticcoffee @ofherboozeaddiction @whitehawkharringrove @giraffewrites @hasrex @hurricane-billy @pizzacast @billynsteve @pan-shego @melatonin-groove @sightetsound @youjustgotlawyered @stranger-ships @confettibites @alexdudeg @midgemaisell @brawlite @the-copperkid @lucybrown45 @lymricks @uncle-keery @highon85   @celoica @trashcangimmick @straight-outta-hobbiton @uncaringerinn @callunavulgari @gothyringwald @twobrokenwyngs @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger  @meowmerson
  I KNOW SOME OF U GUYS ARE TAGGED A L R E A D Y BUT LIKE WHATEVER I LOVE U ALL and if I forgot someone I love u too, bitch
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badspacebabies · 6 years
yr space baby 2017 wrap-up
Hey y’all! I know I’ve been quiet around here lately, and it’s been for a few reasons of the self-preservation variety. I’m happy to report that if everything goes well in the next few weeks, I’ll be back on tumblr more regularly in the New Year, with lots of new content (fic, shitposting, and otherwise).
2017 was a rough year for me (like it was for a lot of people, no joke). I struggled a lot with my depression, but eventually found a shiny new toolbox to help me deal, and have been making slow and steady recovery. One of the major victims of this year was my productivity, both fannish and in real life: I’m only two weeks out from my PhD dissertation deadline right now, and I’m still writing; I only wrote two-three stories this year; I had to drop out of multiple fests and big bangs that I was so unbelievably excited for, simply because I couldn’t find the energy or positivity or structure to sit down and write. 
That being said, I am so grateful for my friends and family in kylux, on tumblr, twitter, and in NYC. Thank you, my unending love and gratitude for the support and patience of my soul-sister @reserve, my sweetest pea @eralkfang, my salty nugget Dot, my constant inspiration @yeats-infection, and to @longstoryshortikilledhim, @7porgs, @queenstardust, @sathinfection, @viella-art @cosleia @claricechiarasorcha @kdazrael @irisparry @verybadhedgehog @lady-starkiller @fraxinus @stardestroyervigilance @lingua-mortua @hollyhark @gefionne @huxblush @hux-you-up @tiniestbutt @kyluxtrashcompactor @thesunandoceanblue @littleststarfighter @haeym @brawlite @xan-drei @sigalawin @tallrezi @meinesterne @nightsofllyn @huxxsux and ohhhhh my god everyone on kylucc tweetie and tumblr, everyone from the NYX Kylux fam, and everyone else I’m forgetting yikes yikes yikes.
The fic round-up is paltry this year, but here goes:
Sastrugi, sequel to Wracklines, and part two of the three-part Tidal Force Series
Ren is gone. Hux is fine. The past can’t hurt you.
(All of these things are lies.)
featuring: spooky space mysteries, the requisite hux-womp, a strange baptism, and sad weird angry sex in a ruined childhood home
up on top (and at the edge) 
wherein Ben Solo is left to wander alone on Coruscant and finds something fascinating
a little birthday fic for @reserve
Kylux Cantina Ficlets
I managed about four of these. One of them is smutty.
Finally, a side note to the above: one of the things that I’m most proud of this year was founding and running the @kyluxcantina, a community devoted to weekly writing and art prompts for our favorite pairing. You guys have been unbelievably creative, inspiring, and hilarious during the near-year that the Cantina was active, and I’m so happy to say that we’ll be back again in the new year with a whole new set of post-TLJ inspired themes!
Until I’m back for good in 2018, y’all can come find me on twitter, screaming about The Last Jedi, and also how much i fucking love hux and want him to die crushed under Ren’s gigantic tiddles, at badspacebabies.
See y’all in 2018!! xoxo
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brawlite-archive · 2 years
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by celebillustrate on twitter | celebillustrate on ig, posted with permission
illustrating a cozy scene from if i stare too long by brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
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brawlite-archive · 2 years
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by celebillustrate on twitter | celebillustrate on ig, posted with permission
coming soon to an archive near you: red right hand, by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, illustrated by celebillustrate
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✧・゚: * July 2022 Harringrove Starter Pack PART TWO! *:・゚✧
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I’m BACK. with starter pack part 2. don’t cream your pants. I still haven’t finished my paper and I definitely haven’t gotten any work tasks done today. 
this list features only one fic per author so we can celebrate even more creators  ♡ ♡ ♡ (thank you @hecatescrossroads for the idea!!)
◢ Billy Hargrove Needs a Nap - lilpeas [74,312; E]
It’s one thing to be a light sleeper in this shitty town that won’t shut up at night, but it’s another thing entirely to fall asleep on Steve Harrington’s shoulder during last period English.
◢ break (like waves) - @witchsickness [93,187; E]
‘We’re good together,’ Harrington says to the darkness above. Not a question. Matter of fact. He turns to Billy, a smile sweet enough to make Billy want to do something reckless. Something stupid. ‘I’m telling you, heartbreaker. We’re gonna be unstoppable.’
Billy wants to ask. If he means tomorrow. If he means just for the game.
Wants to ask if he means forever.
He’s never wanted anyone to mean forever before.
or; falling (in love), the hard way
◢ break up with your girlfriend (’cause i’m bored) - @the-copperkid [15,604; E]
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
◢ Cabbage Patch Kids - @callieb [15,026; NR]
Billy doesn't eat vegetables. He doesn't eat the limp disgusting cabbage they hand out in the school cafeteria, won't touch the merest hint of green in Susan's cooking even when his dad is glaring at him across the table. He won't eat vegetables to keep himself healthy, in spite of all the warnings they give him in health class.
He won't even eat vegetables when Steve Harrington cooks him dinner. Right?
◢ cherry pie - @brawlite and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [133,828; E]
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
◢ dried up, half full - @lymricks [60,016; E]
Steve’s been coming out here searching for a monster in the woods. He’s finally found one.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
◢ falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana (series) - @lazybakerart [294,822+; E]
Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
◢ i hear the secrets that you keep (when you’re talking in your sleep)  - @oepheliawrites​ [45,095; M]
Billy’s there the way that he’s a lot of places nowadays, sort of absent-mindedly, like he’s not sure how it happened or why and is going somewhere else in his mind anyway.
Steve watches him more than ever now, and Billy rarely watches back.
(or five times billy really needed some sleep, and one time he needed something else entirely)
◢ Incident at Castle Byers - @flippyspoon [3,639; G]
Will learns something about Billy Hargrove and feels a little less alone.
◢ if i fall asleep with my hands held tight - @elysiumwaits [28,796; M]
Billy keeps sneaking in Steve's window as the months go on: a story in ten parts.
◢ lover with a radar phone (series) - @bewires [86,717; E]
Steve is sure Billy won’t be back for more after the first time. Why would he? Steve’s pretty aware, at this point, that beyond his epic babysitting game and his hair, he has fairly little to offer in life. Billy’s gorgeous, and he’s smart, and he’s got better things to do than nail Nancy Wheeler’s dumbass ex-boyfriend.
(Spoilers: Billy absolutely does not.)
◢ Take Me Home Tonight - @heckinahandbasket​ [81,998; E]
The ghost of Billy Hargrove leaned in the open window of Steve’s car with that trademark smirk and, honestly, Steve was kind of impressed by how detailed his own hallucination could be. “Wanna fuc-What the shit? HARRINGTON?” They blinked at one another for about ten seconds before Steve’s brain finally managed to fire off a thought. “You’re real?” Steve couldn’t stop the words from spilling out of his mouth, his own stupidity a constant echo in his empty head. Billy’s face reflected his thoughts as he yanked on the door handle until Steve reached over to hit the lock with shock-numb fingers. “Real fucking freezing. Let me in, pencil dick.”
Or: The Pretty Woman AU literally nobody asked for.
◢ Under the Covers - @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [87,788; M]
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
◢ when the bones are good - @un-buttoned [28,411; E]
‘So,’ Tommy says around a mouthful of fries, ‘what the fuck is the deal with you and Hargrove?’
And that’s really the goddamn question, isn’t it?
He wants to know Billy. Wants to know why he is the way he is. Wants to be able to figure out what the fuck he’s thinking when he looks at Steve like that, when he touches him like it doesn’t mean shit and like it means everything all at once. Wants to know why he talks so much shit, why he needs to fight, where all that fire comes from. Why he’s so volatile, why he’s such an asshole, how he can be so fucking mean and so fucking sweet in the span of seconds, at the same time, even.
◢ you’re cold (and i burn) - @keroujack [55,919; E]
Move on. Let it heal.
Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy.
Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.
(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
◢ Yourself or Someone Like You (series) - halfempty [792,802; E]
Maxine looked happy as they parted from Steve and walked down Main Street away from the theater. She slid into the passenger seat of Billy’s car. 'That was really fun,' she said. She looked at him like a gremlin and then smiled real cutesy. 'Did you and Steve hold hands in the popcorn?'
'I hope you had a real good time, I’m going to kill you in your sleep tonight,' Billy told her.
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brawlite-archive · 2 years
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by celebillustrate on twitter | celebillustrate on ig, posted with permission
do you like scary movies?
coming soon: red right hand, by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, illustrated by celebillustrate
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brawlite-archive · 11 months
psssst: if you came here bc twitter is dying, i'm not here. you can find me at @brawlite now.
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brawlite-archive · 4 years
this is a casual reminder to find me on twitter (@ brawlite), since i am only ever like 3% on tumblr anymore
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brawlite-archive · 4 years
just a casual reminder that if you’re ever looking for me, i’m most easily found on twitter these days 
and by easily, i mean i’m there every hour of the day, bc it’s not like i’m going anywhere else rn!!!!
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brawlite-archive · 7 years
i have spent the last couple days lazing around on the couch feeling generally sorry for myself (and sore) bc of a medical thing. but today i went to my office holiday party and then we went to ikea to get a thing to turn into a bunny-hutch. so: halfways productive.
the bun-situation is a GO (hopefully, fingers crossed until after xmas).
anyway, tomorrow i’m going to try and get some more writing done on either (or both) sweet dreams or i ain’t the worst. 
THEN i’m going on a short vacation over the weekend!
anyway if you ever want MORE random brawls thoughts (usually in more detail, with more selfies and less organization), you can always follow me on twitter. username is always brawlite (or just click here). 
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brawlite-archive · 7 years
in case you were wondering where all my random personal posts went, they went to twitter. so, if u miss my dumb antics and want them back, u can follow me on there. or you can rejoice that i'm being quiet on here finally. ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
(username: brawlite)
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brawlite-archive · 7 years
i unlocked my twitter for a while. so, if you've ever wanted to follow me on there but didn't wanna request me -- have at!
username: brawlite
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