✧・゚: * July 2022 Harringrove Starter Pack *:・゚✧
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Thank you to Harringrove fans for coming together and creating this amazing fic starter pack and to our endlessly talented creators for giving us so much to choose from! Forty-one votes were cast and across the 119 nominations, the number of votes received by the fics overall amounted to 397 (!!!!). The chosen fics had a combined total of 126 votes. The doc with the list of nominees will stay active in case you want to check out the rest. 
Here are the 14 fics chosen by Harringrove fans as the best place to start for those looking to dabble in the community (you can also see these fics in the ao3 collection) - in alphabetical order:
◢ Billy Hargrove Needs a Nap - lilpeas [74,312; E]
It’s one thing to be a light sleeper in this shitty town that won’t shut up at night, but it’s another thing entirely to fall asleep on Steve Harrington’s shoulder during last period English.
◢ break (like waves) - @witchsickness​ [93,187; E]
‘We’re good together,’ Harrington says to the darkness above. Not a question. Matter of fact. He turns to Billy, a smile sweet enough to make Billy want to do something reckless. Something stupid. ‘I’m telling you, heartbreaker. We’re gonna be unstoppable.’
Billy wants to ask. If he means tomorrow. If he means just for the game.
Wants to ask if he means forever.
He’s never wanted anyone to mean forever before.
or; falling (in love), the hard way
◢ break up with your girlfriend (’cause i’m bored) - @the-copperkid [15,604; E]
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
◢ Cherry - @lazybakerart [58,061; E]
They’ve got ten minutes before Steve’s break is up and he has to go back to wishing for death with a smile.
◢ cherry pie - @brawlite and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [133,828; E]
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
◢ dried up, half full - @lymricks​ [60,016; E]
Steve’s been coming out here searching for a monster in the woods. He’s finally found one.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
◢ falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana (series) - @lazybakerart​ [294,822+; E]
Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
◢ in waves - @lymricks​ [45,095; M]
It’s March and it’s too cold for Billy to be shirtless and wearing shorts, but he hadn’t noticed until Harrington appeared and made him hold still. Harrington can’t seem to stop looking at the bruises. “What’s it to you if I miss a little school, Harrington?” Billy asks. He feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
“I don’t know,” Harrington snaps back, looking uncomfortable. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Plant your feet, Billy wants to scream at him. I’m going to bowl you over.
◢ Incident at Castle Byers - @flippyspoon [3,639; G]
Will learns something about Billy Hargrove and feels a little less alone.
◢ Under the Covers - @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger​ [87,788; M]
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
◢ when the bones are good - @un-buttoned​ [28,411; E]
‘So,’ Tommy says around a mouthful of fries, ‘what the fuck is the deal with you and Hargrove?’
And that’s really the goddamn question, isn’t it?
He wants to know Billy. Wants to know why he is the way he is. Wants to be able to figure out what the fuck he’s thinking when he looks at Steve like that, when he touches him like it doesn’t mean shit and like it means everything all at once. Wants to know why he talks so much shit, why he needs to fight, where all that fire comes from. Why he’s so volatile, why he’s such an asshole, how he can be so fucking mean and so fucking sweet in the span of seconds, at the same time, even.
◢ you’ll lose the blues in chicago (series) - @lymricks​ [101,188; E]
Steve takes a second to feel relieved it's not Dustin getting all sorts of arrested in places he shouldn’t be, then he goes back to staring.
It's Billy, who looks as good now as he did the last time Steve saw him: three years ago. He looks just as complicated, too. He’s got bruises on his face, a split lip.
The officer clears her throat, slowly, awkwardly, and Steve realizes they’ve been staring at each other for a while, now. He imagines, for a moment, saying that he doesn’t know this person, this stranger, pretending that Billy Hargrove was someone he used to know and kind of remembers, but--no, he’s not willing to sign for him, or whatever. To vouch for him. “Mr. Harrington?” the officer prompts.
Steve runs a hand through his hair. “Steve,” he corrects, a little absently. “Yeah, I’ll--yeah. Do you have a form, or something?”
Three years later, Steve Harrington signs Billy Hargrove out of a police station. This, it turns out, is only the beginning.
◢ you’re cold (and i burn) - @keroujack​ [55,919; E]
Move on. Let it heal.
Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy.
Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.
(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
◢ Yourself or Someone Like You (series) - halfempty [792,802; E]
Maxine looked happy as they parted from Steve and walked down Main Street away from the theater. She slid into the passenger seat of Billy’s car. 'That was really fun,' she said. She looked at him like a gremlin and then smiled real cutesy. 'Did you and Steve hold hands in the popcorn?'
'I hope you had a real good time, I’m going to kill you in your sleep tonight,' Billy told her.
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stardustweare88 · 7 months
Feel like Spirk was always hanging out backstage awaiting it’s inevitable entrance as a new obsession. AND HERE WE ARE.
They are too powerful!
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ihni · 1 year
Flippy! Those are ALL GOOD WISHES, thank you. Also, now I'm joining the 40+ crowd, I feel so adult (not). :p
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arthurwilde · 2 years
Happy birthdaaaaaaay!
Thank you flippy my buddy my pal!!!
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dogearedfriends · 3 months
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art for Bare Your Faces of the Veil by @flippyspoon as promised!! the scanning process stripped the blue of some of its vibrancy, so as a consolation price, here are some exploratory sketches of them just making out on the ground 🖖
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celestialvoyeur · 7 months
As a follow up to my recent post about how few fics make it to my favourites list, and how special they are to achieve that distinction, I decided to share my current list.
I’ve shared some of these individually in the past but here you’ll have them all together. 
If you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
(NB: these are not listed in any order of preference. Mostly it’s the reverse order in which I read them)
Leave No Soul Behind by whochick Words: 258,951
AOS, AU Canon-Divergence. Spock, Kirk and the other valiant members of the Emergency Personnel Ambulance Service fight to save lives and turn the tide of the ongoing war against Nero and his fleet before it’s too late. Such a beautiful slow burn for Spock and Kirk.
Atlas by distractedKat Words: 135,529
AOS. Follow on from 2009, Kirk, Spock and the rest deal with the aftermath of Nero’s attack and rebuilding after the decimation of the ‘Fleet and Academy. An exciting tale with twists and turns involving black ops, bad-mirals, action, love and fierce loyalty.
The Lotus Eaters by aldora89 Words: 93,594
AOS. Stranded on a planet together, with multiple dangers and very little hope of rescue, Jim and Spock have no choice but to rely on each other to survive. Spectacular plot, amazing world building, fabulous original character and an epic slow burn Spirk love story!
With Your Feet on the Air and Your Head on the Ground by flippyspoon Words: 39,188 @flippyspoon
SNW. A phenomenal Spirk fic in which Kirk is stuck in Spock's mind while the crew work to find a way to retrieve his body. A wonderful getting to know you/falling for you hard tale. Wonderfully written and highly entertaining.
Evolution by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) Words: 149,293
AOS. Covering the first year of their 5 year mission, this is totally flawless. The character voices are perfection, the prose spectacular. The whole thing plays like an AOS movie. It’s phenomenal.
Emotions by LadyRa Words: 35,569
TOS. Spock gets drugged on a shore leave and is overwhelmed with its effects. Kirk tries to pick up the pieces. A beautiful, and wonderfully grounded, story of realising how much they mean to each other.
And When the Bond Breaks by LadyRa Words: 24,631
TOS. Spock takes out a shuttle to investigate an anomaly and returns to an Enterprise that’s not his own. Time travel shenanigans with such emotional depth that it will traumatise you in the best way. Stunningly good!
All Our Tomorrows Come Today by flippyspoon Words: 18,156 @flippyspoon
SNW. A newly introduced Jim and Spock accidentally get a glimpse into the future and see what they’re going to be to each other (a.k.a. Spirk’s Greatest Hits). A stunningly told story about finding the great love of your life. 
I Won't Make That Mistake Again by Moreta1848 Words: 69,402 @jennelikejennay
SNW/TOS. An epic story detailing Spock and Kirk’s love throughout their lives, beginning from their meeting on Pike’s Enterprise (SNW) and continuing on to an eventual  Generations fix-it happy ending. Wonderful!
No Going Back, No Before by spirkme Words: 78,486 @spirkme915
SNW/TOS. Timeline shenanigans, spies, twists & turns, pining, angst, sacrifice and so so much love!
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr Words: 27,227
SNW. Jim’s been infected with a pathogen that means he can’t sleep, but it he doesn’t he’ll die. Cue Spock and his Vulcan telepathy helping Jim to achieve the sleep he needs, while they get to know each other within their shared mindscapes. A sweet and exciting story about falling in love and overcoming your own inner demons.
First Best Destiny by Ophelia_j Words: 387,733
TOS/TNG. Such a very special fic. Epic in its scope, it covers the entire timeline of Spirk from their very first meeting through to a  clever and satisfying Generations fix-it ending. It provides extra scenes, additional dialogue and internal monologues to expand on existing canon in a really compelling and effective way. Truly this is my new TOS canon.
The Steadfastness of Stars by itsnatalie Words: 61,566
AOS. After Beyond, The crew investigate sudden climate change on a frozen planet and find more than they bargained for. The perfect mix of great plot, fun original characters, action, mystery, world building and deep deep love.
Let Forever Be by gunstreet Words: 43,446 @gunstreet
TOS. A really compelling character study of James T. Kirk. An excellent companion piece to City on the Edge of Forever. Exploring what Jim and Spock got up to, and all they had to overcome, while trying to find Bones and their way back home.
Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 138,921
SNW. Kirk spends a 6 month rotation on the Enterprise as part of his command training. OK, if there’s a favourite of my favourites then this may be it. It’s such a stunning version of their love story, with a beautifully constructed plot. It runs the emotional gamut from moments that will have you laughing out loud to moments that will have you in floods of tears. 
milk and honey by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 28,651
SNW. Kirk and Spock meet for the first time when they wake up in a prison cell together. A really fun, and extremely clever, version of the ‘aliens made them do it’ trope. It’s intriguing and funny with a real depth of feeling throughout.
The Promised Land by gunstreet Words: 58,260 @gunstreet
TOS. A story that explores the time Jim and Spock spent apart between the end of the 5 year mission and TMP. It’s a beautiful story of reunion and renewal of love. Sometimes achingly sad, but it’s worth it for the happy ending.
Again, if you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
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bajuuuu · 29 days
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
Last Song I listened to: Spirits by The Strumbellas
Currently watching: Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Yeah people weren’t kidding when they said this was a good series! I love TOS with all my heart but this thing is GOOD! I already had some thoughts on some of the episodes but as I make my way through the second season now, you can very well expect more rants! ;D
Currently Reading: “Identifying Children's Fidget Object Preferences: Toward Exploring the Impacts of Fidgeting and Fidget-Friendly Tangibles” a research paper on different types of fidget toy preferences because I’m wiring a research paper….
No okay… for real this time, I’m reading the amazing “when in paradise” by flipthebits on AO3! A wonderful AOS mission fic with cults, trauma and mountains upon mountains of pining. Seriously, everyone go read it, a new chapter released a few days back!!
Currently obsessed with: Embroidery! I got into it through learning book binding and finding out that I really liked the sowing part of all things but it’s so fun! Here! I made the TOS command badge and am now making the Engineering one! I am quite proud of these :D
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Favourite color: Ourple!!
Tagged by: the lovely @flippyspoon
Tagging: (no pressure to respond any of y’all! I just think this could be fun!) @threefandomsinatrenchcoat @pirateshauntedbydadjokes @1031-discovery @gay-mooshrooms @frogayyyy @purpleenma
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spirk-trek · 3 months
Would love to see a little something about TOS spirk and dress uniforms, whatever speaks to you!! I love the intimacy of getting ready together and dressing up fancy with your partner :)
inspired in part by this post by @flippyspoon, this fan art [deactivated], and also this fan art by @lesbospirk!
i initially wanted to do something with spock's eyeshadow (still might??) but then the idea of him cutting jim's hair broke into my mind and wouldn't leave... and i never stop thinking about mind melds, so.
lastly: fuck hypersonic showers, ok? spock takes baths and jim loves sitting under steaming water for the drama. that is all. hope you enjoy, anon!
Jim was toweling his hair dry when he re-entered his quarters, screwing his face up as he scrubbed at any residual dampness. He let the towel fall in an open loop around his neck, cotton sleep pants slipping down his waist as he leaned against the partition. Spock was there, of course. Jim watched as he diligently smoothed the sleeves of a green dress tunic laid out over his mattress.
And my, was Spock a sight for sore eyes. The more reflective shade of blue complimented him, each fold capturing light like shards of zircon, lattice trim evoking something almost… royal, in the way it climbed the high collar. Jim’s eyes traced a line of golden embroidery down Spock’s chest as soon as the man turned to find him there, promptly raising a brow.
“Dressings suit you,” he murmured by means of explanation, pushing off the wall and taking a few slow steps to close the space between them. He propped both arms against Spock’s shoulders, extending them into the room behind with loose, lazy wrists.
For so long he had savored these moments of up-close observation, even going so far as to fabricate close quarters on multiple occasions just so he could drink Spock in. The range of barely-there shades of green surrounding his lips, touching the hollows of his cheeks, arching over where his nostrils met the bridge of his nose. Short, dark lashes lining irises the color of a mud-settled pond. Of tadpoles. Of space between stars. 
Spock’s response pulled Jim from his reverence. 
“You have a significant bias."
“Do I?” His gaze dropped to Spock’s lower lip. “Based on the evidence,” he dragged his finger down that seam of gold, “I’d say we’re dealing in… objective fact, Mr. Spock.”
After a moment, Spock finally angled his face lower so their lips were mere centimeters apart. 
“Aesthetic preferences cannot be objective, Captain.”
Jim’s smirk only grew before he finally captured Spock’s mouth, letting a satisfied breath out through his nose. Spock met him, hands bracketing his waist before sliding upward over skin, eventually finding the nape of his neck where fingers curled into damp hair…
Spock broke the kiss and Jim hummed in protest, blinking his eyes open.
“I’ve noticed an increase in the length of your hair,” he observed, as if commenting on the weather. Spock's eyes rose to watch his fingers card through the wave of Jim’s bangs. Jim leaned up into the touch. 
“Mm, you think so?” 
“Indeed. I estimate it has exceeded typical length by 2.51 centimeters.”
“Hm. I suppose it has been a while since I had a trim. Remind me after the delegation-”
“We have time presently, if you are amenable.”
Jim drew back, giving Spock an amused look. “I doubt the salon will be accepting appointments at this hour, Spock. Even for the Captain.”
He curled his fingers over the nape of Jim’s neck again.
“I perform my own haircuts.”
Jim’s brows shot up even further in surprise, still sporting an open mouthed grin which he laughed brightly through. “You want to cut my hair?” He withdrew his arms so he could place one hand on either side of Spock’s neck, thumbs just reaching each corner of his jaw. “I’m not sure I could pull off your cut, sweetheart,” he joked.
Spock didn’t answer aside from a quirk of his lips, accepting the implied agreement before extracting himself and moving past Jim to the door of their adjoined bathroom. Jim watched him go, once more thanking Starfleet for their choice of dress uniforms, and still hadn't looked elsewhere by the time he returned holding a basin and several utensils. Jim knew that Spock preferred his own grooming routines (right down to the fingernails), but he wasn’t expecting the fine golden scissors. Nor did he expect the straight razor which resembled antiques from Earth, yet was still different somehow. He reached for the handle, turning it over in his hands, appreciating the way it gleamed.
“You’ve never shown me these.”
“It has not been pertinent until now.”
Jim placed the razor back into the basin, supposing that was true. 
“Come,” Spock requested, and Jim did, allowing himself to be turned so Spock stood at his back. Gentle fingers slid the towel from his neck and draped it over his shoulders. 
And Jim did again, lowering himself into the desk chair Spock had wheeled around. Spock began pulling strands of hair upward and letting them fall free, so Jim shut his eyes, almost losing himself to the sensation until he heard a snip. The very end of a curl tumbled down the length of his arm and fell to the floor. He peered down at it, prompting Spock’s hands to curl around his head and face it forward once more.
“Remain still, k’diwa.”
Jim smiled, a warmth blooming throughout him. He loved when Spock called him that.
He continued to snip here and there, a halo of trimmed hair quickly forming around them. Jim relaxed into the contact until once again a sound roused him. Water. He cracked one eye open to see Spock running his fingers over the surface of a clear pool now filling the basin, flicking droplets back inside and combing the moisture through his hair. 
“Could get used to this,” Jim murmured. Snip.
“I have no objection to making it a regular practice.”
He grinned, a shiver running through him as Spock dipped his hands into the water again, cold droplets rolling down his neck to be absorbed into the towel. 
“Apologies, k’diwa.”
“No, no. Feels nice.” 
Snip. Snip. Then, Jim saw in his peripheral as Spock set the scissors down on his desk. Gentle pressure on the back of his head tilted it downward, chin to chest. More swishing in the water.
“Do not move,” Spock directed more seriously, and a moment later Jim felt the press of sharp metal scraping down the lines of his neck. He swallowed, hairs on his arms raising as Spock diligently shaped the bottom of his hairline. Slow. Careful. He felt a hot flash of trust, of comfort and care skittering over him until the pressure from Spock’s hand released. Jim didn’t immediately raise his head allowing Spock to trace his fingers over the line, inspecting it by touch. 
The same hand soon reached around to tip Jim’s chin back up. He continued the movement until he was craned back as far as he could go, sure he looked ridiculous as he peered up at Spock, batting his eyelashes. 
“You know, the barber usually kisses me once he’s finished.”
Spock’s second brow rose to meet the first before he bent at the middle, pressing a chaste kiss to Jim’s lips upside down. 
“I do not find that amusing,” he murmured. Jim brought his hand up to the back of Spock’s neck to pull him back down for second kiss before he could pull away, lingering this time, smiling into it before releasing his hold. He could hear Spock smooth the lines of his uniform and draw a short breath through his nose.
“Regardless, I am not yet finished.”
When Jim tried to twist in his chair, he found Spock already circling around to his front. 
“You aren’t?”
“You have not shaved.”
Jim blinked. He usually just used a photon shaver on his way out the door, which could be done in an instant, but when hazel eyes fell to see the razor still held in Spock’s hand his lips curled. He flashed his eyes back up.
“Okay,” he said with a slow nod. He settled back in the chair, gaze steady as Spock moved to stand closer, eclipsing the ceiling light. Jim leaned his face into Spock’s hand as a thumb briefly swiped over the rough stubble covering his chin.  
After smoothing a layer of lotion that smelled like desert spices over the bottom half of Jim's face, Spock began his ministrations high on each cheek, making smooth swipes downward and carefully steering the blade around the corners of Jim's mouth. He relaxed his jaw, lips parting, eyes falling shut of their own accord. Spock eventually brought his hand to one side, propping Jim's face against his palm as he shaved along the opposite edge.
By the time he recognized the warm feeling wrapping itself around him, the tightening thread pulling through his mind and lifting him from the world, Jim was already plummeting through space. He was vaguely aware, somewhere, of his physical body falling into Spock, a cold hand meeting the drop of his head with gentle steadiness. 
Delight spun through him in tendrils. He rushed forward, coiled around Spock’s presence, reached inside and felt the beating of his heart like it was his own. 
Jim. His full name was feather light, yet somehow more insistent. Echoes bounced around them before Spock brought him back to center. My intention was not to meld with you.
Then I must be dreaming, he thought warmly, and suddenly Spock was there before him in swirls of shimmering twilight, pulling him by the hand, by his chin. He felt his warmth from the inside out. Like he had swallowed a sun. Like he could never be cold again. 
Return to me, k'diwa. I must finish.
“I love when you call me that.”
The words, his own voice, were what pulled him back to reality. Their faces were mere inches apart. His cheek was wet. He smelled spices around him, felt humidity in the room. Suddenly, Jim remembered the task at hand and blood rushed to color his face, but the expression he found on Spock’s was fond. Soft. His fingers followed Jim’s chin as it drew back before letting the contact cease altogether.
“Did I…?”
Spock nodded once. Jim swallowed and bit his lip sheepishly. 
Spock shook his head, denying the apology. “My hand placement was unwise. I admit, I was distracted.”
Jim’s embarrassed grimace began to lift into a self-satisfied smile.
“You, distracted? I'd be curious to know what could've managed such a thing.”
Spock said nothing at first. He placed a considerably more careful hand on top of Jim’s head to steady it.
And Jim let Spock tilt his head once more before feeling the cool metal touch back down on his skin. This time the path began just below the line of his jaw, trailing down and catching fine hairs along the column of his throat. When he could, he tried to catch a glimpse of the unwavering concentration on Spock’s face as he worked his way across. 
“You do this every morning?” Jim all but whispered as his head was allowed to level. He instinctively brought a hand up to feel the smooth skin, running his fingers over it in appraisal.
“My metabolism has adjusted to living aboard the Enterprise. I only require this level of grooming approximately once every twenty one standard days.”
Jim blinked. How was he still learning new things about Spock, even after all this time? He supposed that explained why he never had a hair out of place- that is, unless Jim had something to say about it behind closed doors.
Spock was inspecting him now, dark eyes roaming his face, searching for any neglected spots over it's surface. Jim sat still, defiantly keeping his gaze steady until those eyes met his again. They both held it for a prolonged moment until Spock reached out touching his thumb to what must be a single hair left behind. His fingers climbed…
Jim couldn’t have stopped it if he’d wanted to. He surged forward again, their minds coming together like a flood as if protesting the premature ending from before. As always, Spock was there to catch him. Arms twined around, undefined and abstract, embracing him from all directions. He was steady, as if he himself were the solid ground on which they stood, as if Jim would float away and cease to be without him there. His tether. His anchor. His north star.
Hello, ashayam.
Spock, Jim practically sang. Not for the first time, he felt a certain sort of music shivering free in a distant part of his mind. A single note hanging suspended in the fog. He wanted to hum along, to stretch it into a tune that could be carried by birds, a song composed for a symphony, but instead he simply reached for Spock and thought you’re here, you’re here, you’re here as they twisted together.
He felt love float up between them, lifting like bubbles from vents below the sea and racing for the surface. Oranges and pinks brightened in the periphery, dropping off into blue below. He marveled inwardly, distracted by the space that was all their own before his attention was drawn to a thought passing over him. Uncertainty. Spock was the one who put words to it.
You are nervous.
It was as if Jim hadn’t recognized the ache in his stomach until then.
That is why you are seeking me. K’diwa. Come.
Clarity. Sense. Logic. Jim followed him into an embrace of sensation- lying against Spock’s chest in the morning, finding his hand below the table without having to look, kissing him in the dark. All at once it came over him, settled inside him. Comfort. Home.
Your nerves are unwarranted. You have prepared thoroughly.
So did the admiralty when the delegation turned them down.
You are Jim Kirk. Decidedly, not the admiralty.
Jim laughed, and the music came back distantly. Bells.
Spock continued. I, for one, have historically found it difficult to deny you anything.
Jim could feel the ache within him begin to subside as quickly as it had come, could practically feel Spock pulling it from him. He reached out again, hand closing around a wrist which was not there before he decided to hold onto it. 
I love you.
And I, you, ashaya. 
And with that, the meld began to abate, turning to mist and leaving only filtered sunlight behind Jim’s eyes. The sensation of Spock’s forehead against his own came to him like waves of a dream. He sighed, nodding forward until the hand supporting his chin steadied him enough for him to open his eyes. 
“Are you comforted, Jim?”
And the question was so sincere, he felt his heart reeling in appreciation for the man before him. 
“I am, thank you,” he murmured, and seemingly satisfied, Spock brought the razor up and grazed it over the missed spot on his cheek. He wordlessly gathered his belongings, submerged in the now frothy water, and disappeared to return them to his quarters.
Jim raised a hand to ghost over the spot their foreheads had met and thought back to a time long ago, when they were practically strangers, Spock's words to him.
'If I seem insensitive to what you’re going through, Captain, understand… it’s the way I am.'
Spock’s brow lifted when he caught Jim watching him a beat longer than he should have. He was standing in the doorway now, drying his hands, and all Jim could think was how could I have let him be so wrong?
All he said, however, was, “How do I look?”
“Tempting,” Spock answered without hesitation.
Jim’s grin warmed several degrees. “That is what I was going for.”
After taking a moment to appreciate the curve of Spock’s lips, reserved just for him to see, he finally stood to face the green tunic laid out with such care on his bed. Unsurprisingly, each medal was already pinned in perfect position. He ran the backs of his fingers over the dyed fabric, parted it, smiled when he found his undershirt neatly folded there too. He imagined Spock alone in the room as he was washing up. His careful movements, so precise and so graceful at the same time, always yielding perfect results. Point A to point B. The path of least resistance. Jim sometimes marveled that Spock, in all his simplicity, could tolerate him at all.
A hand pressed to the small of his back and Spock was standing close, their hips touching as he reached for the shirt. He presented it to Jim, who pulled it over his head, emerging to find Spock holding his tunic out for him to slide his arms into.
“I’m beginning to feel rather spoiled,” he teased before sliding one arm in, turning, sliding in the other. He leaned back and Spock wrapped his arms around him, closed the shirt over his chest, bowed his head to tuck himself into Jim’s neck. Lips pressed to his pulse. One. Two. Three.
“You are worthy of the treatment, Captain.”
Jim shut his eyes. Captain. It was spoken like a name. Like found treasure. Like he’d follow him anywhere. 
He turned again so they would be face to face, leaving some space for Spock’s hands which immediately sought out his sleeves to soothe them down his arms. Comfortable silence enveloped them as Spock resumed closing his cuffs, tightening the material over his wrists and sliding each gold disk through their respective slots.
“Thank you,” Jim said again sweetly once he was finished, reaching two fingers out to find Spock’s and pressing the tips of them together. As he so often did, Spock looked down at the contact, observing it as he pushed more purposefully along Jim’s fingers, up over the first fold of his palm. 
“I am confident you will be successful.”
Jim followed the path forward until he could lace their hands together fully. 
“What, I don’t get to hear the odds?”
Spock’s grip flexed inside Jim’s. Reverent. Devout. Jim squeezed back.
“I could provide them, however I see little point as it is your tendency to defy all probability.”
Jim leaned up on his toes to press a kiss to Spock’s cheek, delighted to leave behind the faintest imprint of sage.
“Perfectly logical, Mr. Spock. As always.”
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avalonlights · 1 month
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Contrary to first glance, this is not in fact Billy and Steve but Chad and Andy from @flippyspoon's very enjoyable book "Chasing Chad." (You can of course be excused for thinking so, for obvious visual reasons.. 🤣🤣) Anyway, I've been meaning to read it for ages and it's a delight, so I had to stop midway thru and draw THEE shell necklace scene. <3
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✧・゚: * July 2022 Harringrove Starter Pack PART TWO! *:・゚✧
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I’m BACK. with starter pack part 2. don’t cream your pants. I still haven’t finished my paper and I definitely haven’t gotten any work tasks done today. 
this list features only one fic per author so we can celebrate even more creators  ♡ ♡ ♡ (thank you @hecatescrossroads for the idea!!)
◢ Billy Hargrove Needs a Nap - lilpeas [74,312; E]
It’s one thing to be a light sleeper in this shitty town that won’t shut up at night, but it’s another thing entirely to fall asleep on Steve Harrington’s shoulder during last period English.
◢ break (like waves) - @witchsickness [93,187; E]
‘We’re good together,’ Harrington says to the darkness above. Not a question. Matter of fact. He turns to Billy, a smile sweet enough to make Billy want to do something reckless. Something stupid. ‘I’m telling you, heartbreaker. We’re gonna be unstoppable.’
Billy wants to ask. If he means tomorrow. If he means just for the game.
Wants to ask if he means forever.
He’s never wanted anyone to mean forever before.
or; falling (in love), the hard way
◢ break up with your girlfriend (’cause i’m bored) - @the-copperkid [15,604; E]
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
◢ Cabbage Patch Kids - @callieb [15,026; NR]
Billy doesn't eat vegetables. He doesn't eat the limp disgusting cabbage they hand out in the school cafeteria, won't touch the merest hint of green in Susan's cooking even when his dad is glaring at him across the table. He won't eat vegetables to keep himself healthy, in spite of all the warnings they give him in health class.
He won't even eat vegetables when Steve Harrington cooks him dinner. Right?
◢ cherry pie - @brawlite and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [133,828; E]
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
◢ dried up, half full - @lymricks [60,016; E]
Steve’s been coming out here searching for a monster in the woods. He’s finally found one.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
◢ falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana (series) - @lazybakerart [294,822+; E]
Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
◢ i hear the secrets that you keep (when you’re talking in your sleep)  - @oepheliawrites​ [45,095; M]
Billy’s there the way that he’s a lot of places nowadays, sort of absent-mindedly, like he’s not sure how it happened or why and is going somewhere else in his mind anyway.
Steve watches him more than ever now, and Billy rarely watches back.
(or five times billy really needed some sleep, and one time he needed something else entirely)
◢ Incident at Castle Byers - @flippyspoon [3,639; G]
Will learns something about Billy Hargrove and feels a little less alone.
◢ if i fall asleep with my hands held tight - @elysiumwaits [28,796; M]
Billy keeps sneaking in Steve's window as the months go on: a story in ten parts.
◢ lover with a radar phone (series) - @bewires [86,717; E]
Steve is sure Billy won’t be back for more after the first time. Why would he? Steve’s pretty aware, at this point, that beyond his epic babysitting game and his hair, he has fairly little to offer in life. Billy’s gorgeous, and he’s smart, and he’s got better things to do than nail Nancy Wheeler’s dumbass ex-boyfriend.
(Spoilers: Billy absolutely does not.)
◢ Take Me Home Tonight - @heckinahandbasket​ [81,998; E]
The ghost of Billy Hargrove leaned in the open window of Steve’s car with that trademark smirk and, honestly, Steve was kind of impressed by how detailed his own hallucination could be. “Wanna fuc-What the shit? HARRINGTON?” They blinked at one another for about ten seconds before Steve’s brain finally managed to fire off a thought. “You’re real?” Steve couldn’t stop the words from spilling out of his mouth, his own stupidity a constant echo in his empty head. Billy’s face reflected his thoughts as he yanked on the door handle until Steve reached over to hit the lock with shock-numb fingers. “Real fucking freezing. Let me in, pencil dick.”
Or: The Pretty Woman AU literally nobody asked for.
◢ Under the Covers - @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger [87,788; M]
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
◢ when the bones are good - @un-buttoned [28,411; E]
‘So,’ Tommy says around a mouthful of fries, ‘what the fuck is the deal with you and Hargrove?’
And that’s really the goddamn question, isn’t it?
He wants to know Billy. Wants to know why he is the way he is. Wants to be able to figure out what the fuck he’s thinking when he looks at Steve like that, when he touches him like it doesn’t mean shit and like it means everything all at once. Wants to know why he talks so much shit, why he needs to fight, where all that fire comes from. Why he’s so volatile, why he’s such an asshole, how he can be so fucking mean and so fucking sweet in the span of seconds, at the same time, even.
◢ you’re cold (and i burn) - @keroujack [55,919; E]
Move on. Let it heal.
Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy.
Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.
(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
◢ Yourself or Someone Like You (series) - halfempty [792,802; E]
Maxine looked happy as they parted from Steve and walked down Main Street away from the theater. She slid into the passenger seat of Billy’s car. 'That was really fun,' she said. She looked at him like a gremlin and then smiled real cutesy. 'Did you and Steve hold hands in the popcorn?'
'I hope you had a real good time, I’m going to kill you in your sleep tonight,' Billy told her.
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spongynova · 4 months
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From the awesome @flippyspoon ficlet with the convenient splinter <3
Suprising the images you get in your mind when you touch your vulcan colleague.
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indeedcaptain · 12 days
thank you for the tags @android-and-ale @flippyspoon and @celestialvoyeur i'm sorry it took me forty-five business days to respond!!
How do you heat water?
electric kettle!
Do you have a pen cup? If yes/what is the most non-pen item in it?
I do, and it is a cactus-shaped mug that is adorable but impossible to drink from. In it are pens and also a tiny replica of a Toledo sword that I use as a letter opener
Do you have a favorite utensil? Tell me about it.
rubber spatula with christmas decorations stamped onto it :)
What's the highest hotel/building floor you can take standing on a balcony?
i have no fear of heights, so whatevs
I wanna know about your socks. Do you not wear socks? Do you wear cool socks? Are they utilitarian?
i am virtually always wearing socks. i love them. i like to wear fun ones and fuzzy ones. today's socks have acorns and squirrels that say "nuts about you" LOL
Tag five people to learn actual things about them:
@orangexmachina @jennelikejennay @eternally-intermittent @phantomsteed @athymelyreply
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arthurwilde · 2 years
I think you're Buffy but with a switchblade and a camera.
You're so fucking right I am so Seen
(Also this sounds like it should be an answer in Clue. IT WAS BUFFY WITH A SWITCHBLADE HOLDING A CAMERA)
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flippyspoon · 28 days
FICLET - 3500 words Fandom: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock Characters: Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk, Christopher Pike, Joseph M'Benga Additional Tags: Fluff, Romance, silly little unexplained phenomenons Summary:
"One second I’m sparring with Ensign Stiller–I dodged a kick and somersaulted–the next thing I know I’m falling out of a tree. Have we been abducted by some alien force, Mr. Spock? What do you know?”
“No,” Spock said quietly. He fixed his eyes out on the sea, unable to meet Kirk’s stare as he confessed. “But you have been brought here against your will, Commander, and for that I must apologize as I believe the fault is mine.”
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dogearedfriends · 4 months
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went into some sort of fugue state and made some art for @flippyspoon ’s The Orchids of ShiKahr!! so INCREDIBLY good!! give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, give him flower symbolism and he’ll cry on the floor etc
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celestialvoyeur · 4 months
The awesome @flippyspoon has written an amazing SNW Spirk fic called ‘Bells on a hill’. There’s a point where it describes Spock wearing nothing but a pair of black, silk pyjama bottoms and so naturally I HAD to draw it 😁
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