#or post 13 years of mourning lan wangji meets sunshot campaing yiling laozu
aline-the-cat · 2 years
WangXian personality swap
So I was watching this and the idea was born! It goes like this:
Wei Ying's parents die when he is 4, and the hotel where his parents left him charged him with labor, treating him like a servant until they eventually kicked him out a year later, he still spends 4 years on the street, earning food and the occasional roof over his head working for a lot of different people. He learns to be meek and quiet to avoid beatings; when Sect Leader Jiang finds him when he is 9 yo, he keeps his low profile and servitude under Madam Yu's watchful eyes, who doesn't want to have anything to do with the brat until she sees Wei Ying protect Jiang Cheng from a rabid dog, despite the small kid shaking in fear, from then on, the Matriarch takes Wei Wuxian under her wing, personally training him
On the other side, in Gusu, Lan Wangji suffers his mother's absence, but while he normally is a shy, introverted type of child, he now remembers the last words of his mother to him "A-Zhan looks so cute when he smiles, your smile is like gentle moonlight in a dark sky, won't A-Zhan keep smiling for mother?". A few months after little Lan Zhan understood that his mother wasn't opening the doors ever again, he cried on his brother's arms, telling him between sobs how much he wanted to be the smiling child his mother wanted him to be, Lan Huan promised himself to help his little brother in anything he needed, even in this
So Wei Wuxian grows with his mother's talent and strength and his father's personality and looks. Under Madam Yu's training he flourishes as the perfect bodyguard for the sect heirs, he raises as head disciple and no one bats an eye, because is the perfect position for him to take his place as Jiang Cheng's right hand man when the times comes, he is serious and seemingly cold with his silver eyes that glare the other disciples to perfect behavior when the leaders are near. But everyone in Lotus Pier know that he still has a soft spot for the younger juniors and that both Jiang kids are fiercely protective of their brother, being that many people used to bullied him, feared him or pushed him aside for his stern looks and position in the sect
While Lan Wangji could never be someone one would call 'extroverted', he grows up to be considerably friendlier than when he was younger. His uncle still points him as head disciplinarian, and with this responsibility he takes care of not only reinforce the disciplines, but also to explain why they are necessary and to ensure that every punishment is fair
They both met the first night of the lectures, when one Jiang disciple gets caught after curfew, Wei Wuxian almost sighs and glares at him, as the head disciple, is his duty to ensure all his shidis are behaving correctly as their standing requires and that they don't cause troubles. He grabs the disciple by the neck of his robe (he is not fond of human contact after his years in the street) and makes him and he himself bow to the Lan disciple who caught his shidi climbing the roofs after hours. When he raises with an apology in his mouth he has to stop for a moment, because in front of him is the most beautiful person he has ever seen, with a soft smile that shines beautifully like the full moon in the sky, with golden eyes that speak of amusement more than annoyance for the obvious rule breaking; Wei Wuxian feels his heart melt a little when those gorgeous eyes look at him with open curiosity
Lan Wangji is curious, he has heard stories about the impressive, cold head disciple of the Jiang Sect, but he never thought the guy could be so handsome! clean features, silky head, beautiful silver eyes and elegant poise, besides, over the weeks he also shows to be a dedicated student, and excellent mentor to his sect siblings, ugh, a person can't be this perfect but also this cold!, Lan Wangji despairs.
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