#or saying you wish certain characters would die or that people are misogynistic or homophobic because they don't like a silly internet ship
nota-professional · 2 years
to think people are receiving death threats over a fucking shipping poll???? y'all this is the internet it is not that serious
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arlingtonpark · 4 years
EreHisu is canon. 
I’m almost certain it is, and I fucking hate it.
In a vacuum, Eren and Historia being an item would be fine. Their characters complement each other well, and they have good chemistry. 
Unfortunately, this is not happening in a vacuum. 
The newest episode of the SNK anime is out. It covers the chapters revealing Historia is pregnant and supposedly how that came to be.
In chapter 108, there is a meeting between Paradis and Hizuru. In that meeting, Miss Kiyomi unveils Zeke’s 200 IQ, 3 point plan to save Paradis: 
1. Use a partial rumbling to show the world you mean business.
2. Bulk up your military 
3. Rape your queen, then kill her, then kill one of her children ever 13 years for at least 50 years. 
And maybe rape one of her children too if you need more people to kill.  
Everyone is naturally horrified by this, but Historia seems willing to at least become a titan. 
What happens next is the reason I wrote this post.
Eren forcefully objects to Zeke’s plan and asks why they should accept it up front as the best option.
My interpretation of this moment was that Eren was addressing Historia directly.
In the panel where Eren begins his dialogue, there’s a word balloon indicating someone was saying Historia’s name. 
In the anime, it’s clear Mikasa says it, but because Eren was the main focus of the panel, I thought he was the one talking. 
Whoops, silly me, because that completely changes my reading of this scene and what it means for a possible canon EreHisu.
Specifically, it changes it to be terrible.
It’s one thing to get emotional when someone asks you directly if the obscene thing you believe you have to subject yourself to is really necessary. 
It’s totally different to get emotional when someone says, to no one in particular, that the plan to subject you to something obscene is bad and not necessary. 
In my original reading of this scene, Historia was committing herself to an awful end, but was called out on her rashness by Eren. When he asked her if they shouldn’t try every other option possible, she teared up. I thought that was because her facade was breaking.
She doesn’t actually want this. She doesn’t want to die. She wants to live for herself. But she’s the queen and she has an obligation to her people, so she throws herself under the bus against her own wishes. 
Her tearing up, I thought, was an expression of her true desires. 
I thought it was a great character moment for Historia. It was a powerful, telling moment that implied a lot about her thinking. 
But no, that’s not what happened at all.
Just look at this shit.
Eren isn’t talking to Historia directly or addressing her own reckless decision. Eren forcefully objects to Zeke’s plan and Historia gets visibly emotional at the sight. 
What Eren said could’ve been part of a private conversation that Historia happened to overhear, and the message would be the same. 
The message is this: Eren (and only Eren!) stood up for Historia’s freedom, so now, because of that, she wants his dick.
This moment epitomizes everything wrong with EreHisu, both in theory and in practice.
EreHisu is an insult to gay people.
Really, if you were expecting the usual homophobic storytelling from SNK, then Historia’s character arc shouldn’t be surprising.
Historia started gay. 
Her girlfriend was killed unceremoniously off screen.
Then a guy comes and shows her basic human decency and nothing more. 
And now Historia is straight.
It’s...it’s just shocking how shamelessly bigoted this is. 
How can any writer be this daft?
How can anyone be so blind to the blatant indecency of this?
It’s mindboggling that we are apparently supposed to take this seriously.
EreHisu doesn’t even work on its own terms.
Eren and Historia have always been close, but the thing that makes her fall head over heels for him is that he believes in freedom???
Not even her freedom specifically, just freedom in general. Remember, Eren objected to Zeke’s plan on general terms, not because it was Historia specifically who would suffer. 
Did Historia feel betrayed that no one else stood up for her?
Maybe, but that’s why you’re supposed to show how characters are reacting when their reactions are relevant. 
That’s what makes them characters!
This one moment, like everything about Eren and Historia’s relationship since Uprising, utterly debases Historia’s character so Eren can play the hero.
Everything about this is misogynistic. 
Historia cries when Eren defends her. 
It’s not enough for her to feel grateful towards him, no, she has to get emotional.  
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Is this Historia’s character now?
A damsel in distress crying because her knight in shining armor has come to rescue her?
Historia is needy, but she’s not emotionally frail.
It’s ridiculous that her heart would melt so easily. 
Relatedly, it’s pretty dumb that Historia would be such a cheap date.
She was a cheap date before, it’s basically why she sided with her father in Uprising, but I thought the point of her character arc was that she had gotten over that.
She had supposedly learned to live for herself; part of that meant not being so needy.
Historia is apparently won over because Eren articulates the barest, blandest, most banal appeal to basic human decency imaginable (”Don’t dehumanize people”). 
Historia would definitely admire Eren for his commitment to freedom, which, in a way, is the same as her commitment to live for herself.
And she would definitely feel grateful to him for (implicitly) standing up for her.
But love?
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“Oh, Eren, you’re so strong you believe in freedom so much. I wish I was as strong as you believed as much as you do.”
People don’t fall in love over something as intellectual as philosophy. Love is an emotional experience, not an intellectual one.
Ymir introduced Historia to the notion of living for herself. When Eren tells her to do the same, he’s just reminding her of what Ymir said. 
The emotional impact is far lower, and I can’t understand how this is supposed to form the basis for an emotional connection. 
In reminding Historia to live for herself, Eren is definitely a good friend who has her back, but soulmates?
Eren may be rescuing Historia physically, but Ymir rescued Historia emotionally and completely turned her life around. 
Eren speaking up for Historia does not, or at least should not, mean much to her from an emotional perspective. 
Again, grateful, glad he said that, but that road doesn’t end with romance, which is probably why Historia’s reaction was so strong. 
I can not believe that Historia would feel so strongly for Eren. 
I hate this ship.
It’s very existence is repugnant and bigoted.
It’s executed with the grace of a teen romance novel.
It’s shit.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Thoughts on reboots?
Thanks for playing, dear! ^^
Kay so my general thought on reboots is: Mixed feelings.
For my detailed thoughts, I gotta split reboots up into their sub-categories, because my feelings on the matter vary depending on what kind of reboot it is.
Personally, I recognize five different kinds of reboots. So let’s go through them and I’ll tell you what I think.
1. The Nostalgia Kick
The most common of reboots; people have nostalgia for A Thing so you are banking on the fact that these people will be lured in to watch it based on nostalgia - it is guaranteed money, because the thing comes with an already promised and established fanbase of money-spending people.
Now, to make a nostalgia reboot work, you need more nostalgia than just that of the people in front of the screen - the people in charge of making it need to share that nostalgia. I’d like to name DuckTales here, because you can feel the love and care that goes into this reboot, you know the people making it love the thing as much as you love the thing and that, in the end, makes the result really good.
So even if the money-givers who greenlight a reboot are in it for the money, a nostalgia kick reboot can still work if you also put the people with nostalgia behind and even in front of the camera, not just in front of the screens and I am very much in favor of those, I think it is wonderful to revisit something that you love.
2. The Second Chance
Let’s just assume the motivation behind greenlighting these all is just... always corporate greed, for the sake of saving time and focus on the project itself, okay?
The second chance reboot is something where the original had potential but the potential wasn’t reached - be that writing, acting, or being cancelled without ever really being given a chance.
The new Percy Jackson series falls under this category; either you look at it as “cancelled too soon” because we ever only got 2/5 movies and deserve to see the story through to the end, one way or the other, or you see it as a poor execution in the movies and want it to get that second chance at getting it right.
I love the second chance reboot, I think it is a very justified kind of reboot, because sometimes, for some things something just didn’t work out - be that the people in charge not being a good fit for the project, the actors not fitting, or it just isn’t the right time for that particular thing just yet and a later audience might just find more enjoyment in it.
3. The Update
Much like the second chance, there’s a good core to the original. But by today’s standard, it’s kind of outdated.
Be that through racist, transphobic, homophobic or misogynistic depictions/jokes/writing that were a testament of their time - which does not excuse them, but that is simply where they came from. That was what the entertainment industry of the time was, ugly as it may seem.
Take every TV show from the 90s that is just... all white. Literally just... all white, not a single character of color, not even in a minor role. And even the ones where there are characters of color, but only in a minor role. Shows that are entirely and completely heterosexual. Shows and movies where the whole focus on only on the men and the women are, at best, damsels in distress with big tits who serve the male gaze and are nothing more than trophies.
The core plot of these things can be good. Heck, even the overall writing can be great. But there is just certain aspects that were simply done that way back in the day that do not fly today anymore and the story itself deserves to be retold, but in an updated manner.
Absolutely loving these kind of reboots. Give me the story I enjoyed, but make it more diverse. Tell a different version of the story.
4. The Untouchable
Well now, this one is outstanding compared to the others that talk about the objective form of story; this one is entirely subjective.
The untouchable is one that every person has to define for themselves; it’s that thing you love so overwhelmingly much, you don’t think it should ever be touched, because it is perfect just the way it is.
In some cases, it may still have flaws, like the in Nr. 3 described outdated problems, but there are just too many things that can’t be recreated - specific actors, the overall chemistry of the cast, the writing in details in particular, certain ways of execution that just aren’t done that way anymore (like, say, 2D animated Disney movies). And despite it being something that could be updated in certain aspects, you value the other parts too much and know they can not possibly be recreated so it shouldn’t be touched at all.
As an example, I’d just throw Star Wars out there, because I am fairly sure that people would march the streets with pitchforks if Disney were to announce an actual reboot of the trilogy; there is a reason they went with sequels and not a reboot, because even Disney knows that this is an untouchable franchise for too many nerds and they would be alienating their audience by doing a reboot.
While nostalgia is the thing that draws people in with reboots, there is a fine line you walk and if you are clever about it, you know when to not reboot.
Same goes for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot - they realized that ACTUALLY rebooting this would not fly, so they went with making the new story about a new Slayer, instead of recasting Buffy Summers. That way, the nostalgia crowd WILL still sign up because it is still the thing they loved, it’s the same universe, it’s a continuation of the original story, but it doesn’t touch and thus potentially ruin the thing that the people really love.
If you tackle a reboot project and realize that what you’re working with might be a big untouchable and go about it differently, that can still work out really well. But I wouldn’t count these kind of sequels as reboots, since they are generally seamless continuations, so they’re nonwithstanding for this post’s point.
Generally, if someone is doing a reboot of something I, personally, see as an untouchable, the expectations set are impossibly high - you already love the thing, after all, so they need to bring not just their A Game but their A+ Game to it to make you love this new thing.
It’s about a 90% fail rate, in my experience. And I hate it. I know this one is harder to grasp, because it is a very individual thing - from person to person and from franchise to franchise - but if they try and reboot something I love to bits and pieces and don’t do it justice, that’s... the singularly most disappointing form of reboot and I really hate it.
Hence the “don’t reboot, continue” approach, but since it is not always a universally acknowledged untouchable but rather just something you yourself hold in such high regards, that just doesn’t always work out the way you wish it.
5. The Dumpster Fire
Now, number 5 is one that, in a Venn diagram of reboots, cuts into all four previous ones!
Bad, lazy reboots. If the people making it are solely banking on your nostalgia and don’t actually give a crap, they think slapping the name of the thing on it will be enough and they don’t have to put efford into it. Think of 90% of Disney’s bullshit live-action reboots of their animated classics. Lazy jerk-off reboots for the sake of nostalgia, money making and keeping licenses. Disgusting. Needs to die.
This can happen with absolutely every other category of reboot - they don’t put the care into it, they half-ass it. Often times, the fact that it is a reboot is already symptomatic of that; they were too lazy to come up with something new so they slap a new coat of paint onto something that already exists. If there is no spark there, no show that the people actually give a damn about making this thing good and think that nostalgia alone is gonna bring butts in seats, it’s honestly doomed to fail from the beginning.
Worst case scenario? The bad reboot is such a dumpster fire, the fire catches onto the original and ruins it for you too. Say, the interpretation of a character or other element is just so fundamentally wrong and bad that even looking at that character in the original doesn’t spark joy anymore because it just... makes you remember the bad take on them?
Genuinely, this is the form of reboots that need to stop. If someone reboots something, there needs to be a reason for it - beyond money. Personal investment, a genuine idea for how to make it better/how to update it, something to make this reboot both, worth making and worth watching.
Ask Me My Thoughts On [insert whatever you want here]!  
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jakotsu-stan-blog · 4 years
jakotsu and mukotsu just cause your anon says that... which... ew. sorry even jakotsu hates him. he’s homophobic for sure :/ btw i’m @narakuya asdfhjklskal
How I feel about this character: I am deeply attached to Jakotsu because when I see a gay I immediately have to project all my love and affection. But also he’s so interesting?
All the people I ship romantically with this character: tbh just like,,, Lowkey Bankotsu and Suikotsu? Just bc I think he deserves love and affection and also I’m in love with the relationships he has with them. Like Bankotsu?? Best friend??? The person who most accepts his weirdness and obviously genuinely cares about him? That’s what he DESERVES, Babey! And then with Suikotsu I’m just in love with the whole “you’re annoying but endearing” relationship dynamic and it suits them so well. They’re so funny and cute
My non-romantic OTP with this character: Bankotsu, once again. Partners in crime. Double trouble. These two have each others backs and they’re ride or die. Just the funniest dumbasses around. I love them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: honestly idk how unpopular this is but though I make jokes about it I highkey hate that he’s a canon gay character and is made out to be lowkey predatory?? And also a misogynist?? Anyway Rumiko may have made him but she was wrong Jakotsu is just dumb and flirty and also would get along so well with Kagome if he wasn’t evil.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if we’re talking about like in a perfect world... redemption arc. But like in terms of it being more realistic? Again, taking out the slight predatory gay man stereotype. Or some sort of backstory, especially with Bankotsu. I mean? The Band of Seven were all such interesting characters, but we don’t really... learn anything about them or where they come from outside of Suikotsu. Like we get some backstory of them and when they died, but like? How did they all meet? Why are they all Like That? Renkotsu, Jakotsu, and Bankotsu all have so much potential to be incredibly tragic in their own way. If they built up the relationships between them more, if they showed us really who they are outside of the band of seven, that would’ve made the inevitable deaths and betrayal so much more interesting. Anyway I want a band of seven spinoff series.
Also Jakotsu deserves a boyfriend but that’s just my opinion
How I feel about this character: pure and utter hatred. I’ve mentioned before that I had an abusive and shitty partner, and there are certain aspects of Mukotsu that remind me of him. The whole “I’m so ugly/horrible, no one ever loves me, and if I am rejected I will take it out on you”. He’s horrible and predatory and I stan Sesshomaru for killing him
All the people I ship romantically with this character: can I count death as a person?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: see above
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if I have one. Are there Mukotsu stans? Who do I need to block?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: okay so I know I just went on a tirade about wanting to know more about the band of seven but actually I’m pretty happy with his arc. If we did get to see more of Mukotsu, I wouldn’t want to see him with an angsty backstory or something to make us sympathetic to him. I would want to see that he is just as he seems, a disgusting lowlife predator who got his comeuppance.
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rpbetter · 3 years
As a female I get tired of seeing psa post about /It's important to treat female muses with respect/ or /Female muses deserve better treatment!!/ it's this constant thing I get slapped in the face by mutuals who reblogs that once in a blue moon, but ignore male muses or treat them like shit. I'm sorry to come off as sexist, I wish people would look out for male muses too and those who are gay since they get the short end of the stick and not appreciated. Don't get me wrong it's important to respect all muses regardless of their gender, but these post are coming off as quite feminist and Tumblr is known for being a man hater. I feel really bad for saying all of this.. I'm sorry for this rant, RPbetter. I just need to let it off my chest.
It's all good, Anon! I did tell y'all you could do exactly this!
I know, as in, I can actually feel the hackles of the RPC rising preemptively, this is going to rub people the very, very wrong way...so, I'm asking you to at least try to put that on hold and consider some things about this as a different view from what you've experienced before you get angry with Anon or myself.
Because I think the issue with this, and all PSA's that are especially full of delineation like these are, is that it isn't going to be everyone's experience in the RPC.
We tend to feel like the RPC is our little corner, or for some of you, vast empire. Sometimes, an overlap of both - our little area we have cultivated with our mutuals, our preferred resource blogs, all the blogs that branch off from us and the larger RPC specific fandom community we're a part of. I mean, I know my fandom is huge, my highly cultivated homestead within it is tiny.
I also interact with people from equally huge RPC fandoms. So, between the two, I see some major differences. The differences in some of the minuscule RPC corners I have people in can be even more extreme.
I have a mutual who is open to crossovers and spends time in three bigger fandoms with their muse. The muse is highly desirable in the fandom they come from, had no issue adapting and being desirable in the second big one, but in the third, it was quite different. Same approach that worked out wonderfully everywhere else did not work in this third fandom because the muse...is female in a male and gay ship predominant fandom. So, while this mutual never experienced trouble getting/keeping interaction and respectful treatment of their muse/themselves everywhere else, they suddenly got slapped with it there. It's often a problem of specific fandoms and their material.
Another example?
My main muse is everything that the more hateful PSA's of this sort say is the desirable muse that unfairly gets all the attention and respect: extremely well-known main character, conventionally attractive, male, white, young, and the way he presents in canon, you can play with HCs about him being not being cishet pretty easily. Highly shippable muse that can be made even more so without messing with canon much, if at all.
So, you'd think that I would never have any trouble getting interactions, ships that I want, plots I want, and good treatment of my muse (I mean by other muns, other muns not being total assholes about my muse, what happens between muses, when it isn't directly due to the mun's attitude, is different), right? I don't.
Don't get me wrong, I have the interactions I want, they're perfect. I have the writing partners I always wanted, the best ships, stunning plots, but that's entirely because I am OC and crossover friendly. I'm open to accepting writing partners based purely on the writing. My own fandom does not like my muse, outside of one specific version anyway, the canon ship is not supported, the popular fanon ship is likely to get you a callout in the RPC.
In my fandom, the female muses do get more respect and attention for the most part. It's one of those fandoms pretty into...well, fandom as an act of activism. That's not to say, before anyone loses it on me, that creating or picking up a female muse is doing it for woke points. Just that there is a rather open prerogative in my fandom to create/choose muses based on the idea of "representation" and "fixing canon." If you have one that is like mine, you're automatically assumed to be a lot of really shitty things. Getting called a school shooter, love that for me.
The whole "respect female muses or die" take isn't necessary there, it's the take. Doesn't stop it from coming around weekly, though, so I do feel you on this, Anon.
Furthermore, I'd personally prefer it if we'd all consider getting back to the take of just respecting muse choices and writing, period. People are always going to have preferences, in one place it might align with your own, in another it doesn't. That's perfectly alright and does not mean anything horrible about those people unless they're actively being horrible with it!
Preferring female muses doesn't mean you're a radfem, preferring (or just having even one) a f/m ship does not mean this or that you're homophobic either, nor does it make a bi/pan muse suddenly heterosexual and "bad representation/you're just saying they're bi and that's gross." Just means those are the ships that developed.
Preferring male muses doesn't mean you're "part of the problem" or "taking the easy way," and having or preferring a queer ship does not mean you're a "nasty fujoshi." It also doesn't invalidate what someone has established about their muse's sexuality, a bi/pan muse isn't Gay Now because their primary ship is m/m.
And that's to say nothing of how weird, and often at least mildly offensive, all of this is to both muns and muses that are not on the gender binary. You should probably consider that before you keep implying to a mun that the muse they've established as not cis is exactly that.
Or, that writing a female muse might be impossible for some muns for more reasons than just preference, a thing that is valid enough on its own. A decent number of muns in the RPC are also not cis, this may be the only safe place for them to drop being gendered as they were assigned at birth, it might even trigger dysphoria for them to write a female muse. I know that I am incredibly uncomfortable writing female muses. It's a little ridiculous to keep dropping the implication to outright demand that everyone needs to do their part in filling the female muse quota in the RPC or they're misogynists and/or phobes.
My experience, and I am not alone in it, has been getting plenty of shit for having male muses only, always assumed to be cisgender and often heterosexual. Plenty of shit for not writing the canon as cishet, too...and plenty more for my main ships being with female characters because they're the ones that worked out and stuck around.
No one is lying when they say that there are places where their male muses and queer ships are not looked on positively.
The thing is, I also witness female muses being treated like shit, yes!
And I will say, that treatment is so much worse if the muse is also an OC, has a canon f/m ship they'd like to write or just to write a ship with a canon if they're an OC, or they're certain types of female muses. Because the demands do not stop at being female. You also have to write a Strong Female Character to be of interest, and she had better be available to shipping and smut while not presenting as too sexually open. It's become an impossible obstacle course.
I see it on the dash, I see absolutely valid complaints, and the majority of my friends write female muses. I'm very aware of the problems they've faced, bias against them does exist!
Example of this?
Writing partners who have both male and female muses experiencing, repeatedly, their male muses being picked over the female muses, and their emotionally softer or less sexually available female muses being chosen dead last. The writing is great, these muses are well-done and interesting, easy to interact with, but they'll get told on the blogs for the male muses that they're only interested in them, the other mun having missed that this is the same mun behind both muses.
And it always comes down to wanting to ship m/m. Even when the muse is established as being heterosexual, they'll just keep trying to push it into happening with their male muse. If your male muse is heterosexual, that is like a violent act against the whole RPC.
So, that's also absolutely not a lie either, it does happen, it is a problem. It's valid to be upset about this!
In my opinion and experience, these are both significant problems predicated upon the same, overall issues:
not respecting choices and preferences equally
performative activism in fictional communities
requiring personal information as justification in order to respect choices/preferences as valid and not problematic
not being interested in writing for its own sake and characters for their own sake, but rather, what they say about oneself/in validation and display of one's ideals and/or personhood
not understanding that just because a character is x, y, or z does not, actually, make them interesting or a good character, let alone to everyone
So, I really think the answer here isn't saying that there is a single problem with muse gender across the board, everywhere and without variables, and demanding that people "respect," a thing that actually translates into "you must accept all of x as writing partners no matter your interest in them or viability, as writing partners" all of any one type of muse. I think that's just weirdly pressuring and remaining at a distance from the incredibly simple answer of accepting that people have preferences that do not always benefit you, that you might even find offensive, but that's a right they have.
It's okay if you're not interested in the conventionally attractive, canon male muse, even if someone has HC'ed him as queer. It's okay if you're not interested in the Strong Woman female OC, even if someone has given her other labels of significance. It's okay if you're not interested in someone's well-developed, well-written female OC or canon, someone's male OC or canon, or someone's proudly genderless creature. (Again, don't come at me folks, I literally call myself that, it's a joke based on the way people who do not ascribe to the gender binary can be treated/viewed by others who do, thanks!)
Your likes and dislikes are okay! Even if they're "not inclusive," yes. So long as you're not being a fucking bigot, you're alright. It isn't anyone's job here to be correct the ills of reality in their fiction, let's just all start focusing less on the fine details and more on respecting each other regardless of whether individual preferences benefit us or not.
Forcing people to interact based on guilting or shaming them is the opposite of the answer. Always. And just because it is one extreme in your RPC area does not mean it's like this in everyone else's. I'm genuinely sorry that anyone has experienced negative things based on such ridiculous factors, but please, be sure you're not turning around and doing the same shit to someone else.
Going to repeat:
Forcing people to interact based on guilting or shaming them is the opposite of the answer. Always.
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kingpadackles-blog · 7 years
SPN Fans? (Beware VERY VERY Long Post!)
There has only ever been a very small handful of times where I have had to make a public post to call out hypocrisy in this fandom. And now, again, this is one of those times.These past few days I have seen fans, specifically Destiel & Cockles fans, hating on both Jensen & Jared. Some of these fans reasons being valid, while other reasons are just to be malicious to these men simply for the attention of a retweet on Twitter or reblog on Tumblr.
Just to be clear before I even start to delve deep into the several topics of what I am about to discuss. Yes I am a “AA” or whatever people like to insult Jensen fans with. And yes I am a fan and appreciate Jared. And lastly, yes I do ship Wincest. I am not ashamed of it either. All this evidence is visible when you (because I know some of you will) click on my account to view my posts. I normally avoid drama because I am fan that likes to reblog or to simply make posts that support the boys and the wonderful show that is Supernatural. But I do have a decent following and amount of followers on here. And me staying quite on issues like this is almost as bad as the malicious people who attack the SPN actors out of spite.
Now to get to the matters at hand.
Jensen Ackles: I’ve seen Destiel Fans hate on Jensen because he quote on quote “doesn’t speak up enough on political issues.” And when he does he still receives mass amounts of criticism for it. An example of this is when Jensen recently made that #metoo tweet on Twitter to show support for women who have been sexually abused/assaulted/and or harassed. And when I looked at his mentions I honestly cannot even give you the exact number of how many people attacked him for showing support to women because there were so many. I could have taken screenshots & added them in this post, but I wont. That is how disgusting I found them. If anyone would like to know what I am talking about for proof all you have to do is go to Jensen’s Twitter, click on the #metoo tweet, and see for yourself.
Another thing Jensen receives hate for and fans have called him homophobic for is because he said “Destiel doesn’t exist” at a convention. I do understand if you are a hardcore Cockles or Destiel shipper and what Jensen said grated your nerves. It is a common human emotion to be upset. What is NOT okay is to tag him on Twitter calling him all sorts of derogatory hateful slurs because your feelings got hurt over a fictional ship. I’d like to point out that Jensen being called homophobic has not happened recently, but when it did happen mass amounts of people dragged him. And yes I did call Destiel a fictional ship because it is not canon. That’s not a dig at the ship or anyone who participates in that part of the fandom either. That is literally just the truth. Destiel isn’t canon the same way Wincest isn’t.
When Jensen first dismissed Destiel questions at a J2 panel, within days the top Google search when typing Jensen Ackles name in the search bar was “Jensen Ackles is homophobic.” It stayed like that to for a long time. And it is crazy that people in this fandom do not realize how fucking damaging rumors like that can be to someones career let alone how that might make them feel if they were to see what was being said about them. 
Could Jensen have handled Destiel questions better? Absolutely. But the fact that fans started career damaging rumors about him out of spite of what he said is extremely harmful. 
The most recent thing Jensen has been dragged for is for liking a Blue Lives Matter post. Even I am a huge fan of Jensen and even I know that shit was wrong. But instead of attempting to educate him respectfully on his ignorance, he received slurs and name calling instead.  
Jared Padalecki: Recently Jared has been getting hate for calling out bad service on his social media in front of his several million followers. The first few times he did it, those could be semi excusable because everybody has their days where they’re off. I do believe fans had the right to say “man that isn’t cool, please delete this.” But instead of doing exactly that and trying to educate in a calm, cool and collected manner. The same way they should have done to Jensen when he liked that Blue Lives Matter post. Some of you do the exact opposite. You berate Jared with your words in attempt to make him feel lesser than. As if you fans not tagging him on Twitter means he won’t see the shit you say about him. It’s damn near common knowledge that most celebrities search themselves up online.
And the comments some of you say to Jared shake me to my core. When I see some of you telling Jared to kill himself, it literally hurts me which is a bit insane because these comments are not even directed at me. Fans wishing that Jared would die, makes me scared for his life. And I’m not trying to play that card of “ooooooohh poor weak Jared! He has depression! Everyone please be nice to him! Let him be, poor weak little soul! Awww!”
No, I realize Jared has made mistakes. But the way some of you go about correcting him is appalling. I am shaking as I write this because you are telling someone to die who has publicly said MULTIPLE TIMES he’s wanted to die and has been on the verge of almost killing himself, that he is basically a worthless piece of shit. Those types of comments literally make me want to cry which bothers me because I don’t consider myself a weak minded person. Not after all the obstacles I have personally went through. Jared, like Jensen, is a grown man that I’m sure can handle some criticism. But the criticism some of you show isn’t educational criticism at all it’s hate. And I have to say is that if Jared ever tried to hurt himself over something he’s read online that a supposed “fan” sent him, you will always be vile to me.
Jared’s most recent call out tweet, was that wrong? I have to say yes. And that is not hate, just truth. But clearly Jared learned his lesson seeing as he deleted the tweet within the first few minutes. 
Final Thoughts: It’s very sad to me that fans, and lets be honest here, mostly Destiel and Cockles shippers with Misha in their icons are the ones that continue to attack Jared and Jensen for things that happened years ago. Could you imagine everyone bringing up your past only to throw it in your face every five seconds? Most of you are lucky stuff like that does not happen to you like it does for celebrities in general every morning they wake up. Some celebs deserve criticism while others don’t.
What’s also fascinating is that a specific group of fans continue to drag Jared for calling out bad service or defame Jensen for several different matters like dismissing the ship that is Destiel. When only a few years ago Misha Collins was making racist and disgusting slavery jokes on Twitter.
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It’s jokes like the one Misha made a few years back that literally give more examples and reasons as to why informative enlightening groups like Black Lives Matter exists. It is also jokes like that being the reason why I still get the “she must be angry” simply because I am a black woman who was having a bad day and didn’t feel like smiling at any creepy ass men. 
Stereotypes like the “black women are always angry” are so fucking hurtful and I can’t stand all the misogynistic and racist people out there. This fandom claims they’re so progressive but are the first ones to call a women or even some men of a certain age “old hags” or say things like “you’re too old to be in a fandom”.
As a woman of color I was extremely offended, hurt, and surprised when Misha made those borderline racist tweets. Did he apologize? Sort of. In the second screenshot above, that apology was half-assed. I still cannot for the life on me wonder why he seemed surprised that a slavery joke like that would not receive backlash just because he does a lot of great charity work. And that slavery joke that he made on Twitter is the number one reason why I can’t and will not support Misha and his endeavors. But despite the fact that I do not support Misha, you don’t see me slandering his name every five seconds either.
To be clear I don’t think Misha is a racist nor do I believe that people should loom this over his head for the rest of eternity. But I’m using this as example to show that like Misha, both Jensen and Jared have made mistakes. And to bring up their mistakes on a constant basis like Misha’s fans seem to do to Jared and Jensen whenever possible is out of decent respectful humane character.
There is one thing no one in this dysfunctional fandom can deny. And that is that all three of these men have some of the biggest hearts, when it comes to charity, in the sexist world that is Hollywood. And the fact that some fans can’t even let Jensen, Jared, or Misha do any charity work without them supposedly having some sort of hidden deceitful agenda behind their motives it is truly sickening. 
Now before anyone attacks me on bringing up old news, like the racist tweets on Misha, decides to say that I just contradicted myself. Or that I am trying to bring Jensen and Jared up while tearing Misha down. That isn’t even the case.The point I was trying to make was that I or anyone else really could say and do that EXACT same thing, in regards to bringing up old mistakes, the same way some of you do to Jensen and Jared whenever you get the chance or whenever they do or say something you don’t like. Jared, Jensen, and Misha are not your puppets. They don’t jump when you say jump and they will continue to make mistakes. Which isn’t all that surprising seeing as they are human beings with emotions like everyone else.
I realize many people will not take this post and message the way it was meant to be, which is honestly to stop being so petty and let people ship what they want to ship. And let them love their faves. No, I’m sure a good amount of people will see this post as something to start up drama. But it’s fine because I would not have made this post if I couldn’t handle people not agreeing with me.
This fandom always talks about how they support women, they don’t bully, and that they support the LGBTQ community. Now lets see if I get attacked and berated for expressing my opinion. 
I am going to put this post in the tags because I feel like it is extremely important. No matter your take away from my post and message I am trying to send. It is critical to realize that at the end of day, it is okay to respectfully call a celebrity out without any hidden shade and name calling. But it is not okay to tell Jared to kill himself, call Jensen homophobic or racist for liking that Blue Lives Matter post when you don’t know his stance on anything. It’s also not okay for people to tag Misha in their slander either.
It really is time for fans to start respecting Jared, Jensen, and Misha. This fandom is headed down the wrong path. And we really need to fix it before it’s too late.
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