#I am a queer woman so obviously I love sapphic ships
nota-professional · 2 years
to think people are receiving death threats over a fucking shipping poll???? y'all this is the internet it is not that serious
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shelaghdette · 7 months
theory: trixie franklin is a lesbian
alright, this one may prove slightly controversial, but please bear with me! i've always taken the view that trixie is bi, but thinking about it more, i've come to a different conclusion.
glossary -
wlw - woman loving women, a blanket term for any woman who is attracted to women.
sapphic - another blanket term for femmes who are attracted to femmes, arguably more inclusive than wlw - here used interchangeably with the above.
lesbian - a woman or femme who is exclusively attracted to other women or femmes.
bisexual - a person who is attracted to two or more genders.
a note on compulsory heterosexuality -
before you read this, if you don't already, it's probably best to understand the concept of compulsory heterosexuality, or comphet.
this is when societies (like most in the world, even in the modern day) enforce the normalisation of heterosexual love and relationships, to the point that lgbt people feel pushed towards straight-passing relationships when they may be happier in a queer relationship.
comphet applies to all genders and queer sexualities, but today i'm going to be discussing it specifically in the context that it impacts lesbian women.
relationships with women -
full disclosure - i am a trixadette shipper (i think i might've even invented the ship). i have analysed quite a number of scenes from the first two seasons where trixie and sister bernadette interact, and there doesn't appear to be much in the way of heterosexual explanation for their behaviour towards each other. that in itself deserves its own post, and will get one in due course.
my theory that trixie is attracted to women mostly stems from her interactions with sister bernadette, and later shelagh. there are a few longing looks, some flirtatious body language and just a general air of gals who are a bit more than pals.
however, aside from this, trixie never appears happier than when she interacts with other women. she seems to gain the most fulfilment from her relationships with her female friends, far more than she does with the men in her life. barbara and valerie are prime examples of this.
prior to realisation of being sapphic, it's very common for wlw to experience intense attachment and deep love for female friends. this can truly be just platonic, or it can be a crush that is so repressed that it presents as overwhelming platonic love.
"attraction" to men -
ever since the first season, trixie has been presented as the "boy crazy" girl. she often talks about men, but if you actually watch her behaviour, she rarely pursues any particular man. additionally, closeted queer people may often overcompensate for their insecure identities by putting forward a highly straight image.
it's extremely common for lesbians who are experiencing comphet to fantasise about an abstract concept of a relationship with a man, but not have much idea of WHO that man might be. in the early seasons, when she DOES pursue a man, it is with an ulterior motive (getting that actor to be a judge for the baby show) and it ends disastrously for her.
when she does eventually get into relationships with men, it is because they pursue her. it happened with all three of her relationships we've seen on the show - tom, christopher and matthew. i do not personally think trixie showed any interest in them prior to them showing interest in her, but YMMV.
image consciousness
it's very telling that, during her AA meetings, trixie speaks at length about her ability to put on a show to please others around her. obviously, she talks about this in the context of placating her mentally ill and alcoholic father, but this skill from childhood has been highly transferable to her adult life too.
trixie is extremely good at putting on a front and looking well put together, even during her worst moments. when she was relapsing, she hid it well until her secret was unwittingly revealed to phyllis by a patient. the girl can lie and lie, but it's all a defense mechanism.
trixie clearly struggles with a view that she must be seen as perfect at all times. it's easy to see how, if she was a lesbian, this would not fit into the image she tries to display to others. i believe that part of her striving for perfection includes wanting a relationship with a man. this leads me into my next point.
cultural context
it probably goes without saying, but the 1960s was not an easy time to be a sapphic woman, especially if you weren't attracted to men. we just need to look at the story of patsy and delia to see how the show acknowledges this. comphet is still a problem we face today, in the year of our lord 2024, but it was absolutely rampant in those days. female lgbt behaviour was never criminalised like male homosexual acts, but it was harshly viewed. wlw faced a lot of the same challenges as mlm, as well as their own unique struggles when homophobia is coupled with misogyny.
marriage to a man and child-bearing were still considered the most important things a woman could do in that era. and by the time trixie gets into a relationship with matthew, she is approaching her mid-30s. in that time, trixie would have already been considered "on the shelf." the show really implies this by her becoming a lot more focused on her search for a husband in later series, like when she joins the marriage bureau.
relationships with men
i won't say much about tom, but trixie makes no bones about it when she told him he and barbara are much better suited. there's a real notion that trixie feels out of place in her relationship with tom, and ultimately she breaks it off when she realises she couldn't be happy with him in the long term.
this continues into her relationship with christopher. i really like christopher, and i think trixie does too. by far, he is the person who treats her the nicest out of the three men she has had major relationships with. however, even then, she doesn't seem entirely comfortable, and breaks it off when she fears how intimate the relationship has become. i think the situation with alexandra is mostly an excuse for her fear of commitment to a man.
i also want to talk about sex (minors, cover your ears) when i mention christopher. he's the first man she is ever implied to have slept with, and she agonised over it for a very long time before she makes the decision to do it. some people read this as her being asexual (which she still could be, even as a lesbian!), or just "proper" for the era, but opinions vary. i view it as her having no sexual attraction to MEN.
finally, matthew. oh, matthew. he makes me so very angry.
matthew and trixie essentially traumabonded over the death of his first wife, and she is a good supportive presence to him raising his son in her capacity as a midwife. i think the convenience of him showing interest in her, coupled with her recent anxiety about find a partner, created the situation where they eventually married.
and she still isn't happy. when the new pupil midwives arrive and trixie hears them having fun with nancy, she looks really sad and lost, and my heart just breaks for her. it's a sign that she regrets leaving the lifestyle she loves for a life of domestic "bliss".
when they had their argument about trixie's work, it's very telling that her immediate response was to retreat back to her safe place of nonnatus house for half the week. trixie feels the most secure when she is among women, this is shown time and time again.
this was super long winded and possibly a ramble, but these are my thoughts on her. if you made it to the end, here's my favourite happy video edit of trixie and shelagh. i'll probably make a whole post about why i ship them next.
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rebelcracker-s · 2 years
okay no because i am so fucking TIRED of male content creators using female friendship/"sisterhood" to discredit popular f/f ships??????
obviously this is about wenclair, OF COURSE THIS IS ABOUT WENCLAIR.
in case you weren't aware, wednesday co-creators miles millar and al gough just had an interview where they adressed the potential of wenclair being canon in season 2. millar started talking about the show's central "idea of sisterhood", of "exploring the friendship" in future seasons and not letting their vision get "misdirected by fans."
what the fuck. i know the title of the article linked says they're open to this relationship becoming romantic, but it really doesn't sound like that to me.
it's glaringly obvious that wenclair is FAR more popular than wenxavier and wentyler combined. a general majority of fans agree that the wednesday love triangle was lackluster and unnecessary. if the creators haven't decided on making wenclair canon, they're missing out on a massive opportunity to skyrocket the popularity of the show.
for an example of the popularity that wednesday could reach, let me remind you that the owl house, known for its canon f/f romance, reached second on tumblr's top 22 of 2022, after stranger things. lumity ranked number 7 on the ships list, being the second highest sapphic pairing on that list (the first being a stranger things pairing, of course).
if wednesday's creators committed to wenclair, they could be seeing popularity of that height. but no, they've decided that they want to "explore the friendship" instead.
how could these creators decide that representing "female sisterhood" is more important than sapphic representation, or more importantly, the show's popularity?
female friendships are NOWHERE near that rare that wednesday and enid's platonic relationship needs to be prioritized. if wednesday's creators wanted to show a sibling-esque relationship while also making wednesday and enid's relationship romantic, they could focus on wednesday's relationship with her brother pugsley or with eugene. hell, if they needed a female friendship, they could develop her relationship with bianca or create a new female character for wednesday to bond with.
this is not about female friendships at all. this is blatant homophobia.
there is ample room for female friendships in any piece of media. refusing to include a sapphic relationship because it interferes with the "friendship" or "sisterhood" of two characters (cough, cough, SOMAN CHAINANI) is just a horrible excuse to hide the fact that you're too lazy and homophobic to include sapphic representation.
which begs the question ... why are men in charge of these descisions at all?
men, ESPECIALLY straight men, have no right to be deciding the fates of female characters' sexualities and romance plotlines. they have absolutely no experience with what it means to be a queer woman in modern society. especially with the blatant bias against sapphic representation in media. while heartstopper, they both die at the end, and song of achilles are enjoying immense popularity due to their representation of m/m relationships, shows like the owl house and first kill are being axed just for their f/f representation.
there isn't just a demand for proper sapphic representation. there is a NEED. and it shouldn't be denied just because a man wants to focus on female friendships, something he doesn't know shit about.
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certifiedfae · 3 months
the tlou fandom is so funny to me bc a small portion of ppl ship ellie & abby and i am pretty sure very few people in the wider fandom in general are aware of this, specifically because i feel like if people WERE aware there would be massive backlash & hate ���🥰🥰 but the reason ppl ship them (at least for me) is mainly i think bc it’s 2 attractive fruity-coded people. like yes duh they r in love they are both hot sapphic-looking ppl?? imagine being on a deadly revenge mission that is all you’re living for and your mortal enemy turns out to be a buff woman….. like yeah i’d also fold immediately and do anything to be with her! i don’t care that she killed my dad!!!! and that’s so valid of us. but the way the majority of tlou players are like unaware of this ship because they are not also gay and insane is so wild. can you play tlou in a straight way?? i wasn’t aware? i feel like it makes u relate to the game and story arc and characters soooooooo differently if ur not thinking about queerness a lot i guess. idk i guess this is just my “straight people……. exist??” post. but to be fair it IS a piece of media with explicitly lesbian and transgender characters from a time when that was unprecedented in video games (and in many ways still is. i feel like explicit transness treated in a neutral or sympathetic way is still extremely taboo in pretty much every medium). so it’s funny to think of that game as having queer characters for “wokeness” or like it’s this extra thing that they put in for no reason when 1) it is THE reason many of us played or watched the game/show in the first place and is the heart of the story to many audience members and 2) it’s incredibly hard to write those storylines into a game due to marketing/executive pressure and is absolutely something they did intentionally with a lot of effort and care behind. so for people to get pissed about the ONE main character having that aspect be part of her story is soooooo silly bc like obviously that was on purpose?? it’s not like they made a whole character and then decided to flip the gay switch at the last minute for “sales”? like gorl in 2013???? i don’t think so ! anyways tlou was queer and is queer and if you’re not queer and still enjoy it then cool! you’re normal! but if u have a problem with that part of the story then u are straight up homophobic and i hope you know that ellie would kill you in cold blood <3 get better soon :)
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🦇 One Last Stop Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
❓ #QOTD If you could live in a different time and place, when and where would you choose? ❓ 🦇 August expects moving to New York will only prove her cynicism right. The only way to live is to do it alone. That is, until a mysterious girl on the train hands her a scarf, sparking not only a major subway crush on the Q, but an adventure that will alter August's perspective of the world forever.
💜 Oh. My. Goddess. This book. THIS BOOK. This book hit me like a freight train (yes, yes, I see the pun). It's been a month since I read it because I couldn't find the words...I still can't. But I'll try. 💜 This. Book. Why did NO ONE tell me about this book?! 💜 From page one, this book is a childhood friend reaching out and tugging you into a warm, solid embrace before lifting you off your feet, spinning you around, and causing the word to blur. Casey McQuiston's narration is familiar, inviting, intimate. I couldn't stop annotating. August is raw and vulnerable and real, but still figuring out who she is away from her mother and messy childhood. We're only lucky enough to discover the woman she is alongside her. 💜 I don't want to spoil this story for anyone who hasn't read it yet, because there's a moment that changes EVERYTHING -- the genre, the plot, August, EVERYTHING. It's executed so well that I still feel the impact. WHY am I tearing up writing a review for this a MONTH later?! 💜 The underlying messages in this story are so heavy and impactful, yet written with such ease and grace and respect. There's: 🚇 Beautiful representation and discussion about virginity 🚇 Kisses for evidence-gathering 🚇 Exploration into New York's queer history 🚇 A Chinese lesbian displaced during the 70s 🚇 Lost memory 🚇 HIV/AIDs activists 💜 Beyond that, there's a beautiful sapphic ship, quirky cast of queer side characters, and sense of found family that's beyond heart-warming. I'm completely onboard for whatever Casey McQuiston has planned next.
💜 Literary Awards: 🚇 ALA Alex Award Nominee (2022) 🚇 Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Romance (2021) 🚇 RUSA CODES Reading List for Romance (2022) 🚇She Reads Best of Award Nominee for Romance (2021)
🦇 Recommended for all readers; namely fans of Delilah Green Doesn't Care, She Gets the Girl, and Imogen, Obviously. This book is absolute magic. I read this in February but I can already say it's one of my top reads for the year. Yes, I'm still tearing up. What is wrong with me?
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🩷 Queer Found Family 🚇 Bisexual FMC 🩷 Diverse Cast 🏙️ Coming-of-Age 🩷 Sapphic Ship 🚝 Smut 🩷 Sci-Fi Twist
💬 Quotes ❝ Truth is, when you spend your whole life alone, it’s incredibly appealing to move somewhere big enough to get lost in, where being alone looks like a choice. ❞ ❝ August looks at her as the train reverses past Gravesend rooftops, this girl out of time, the same face and body and hair and smile that took August’s life by the shoulders in January and shook. And she can’t believe Jane had the nerve, the audacity, to become the one thing August can’t resist: a mystery. ❞ ❝ "Your friendly smile of acceptance—from the safe position of heterosexuality,’” Jane reads aloud, “‘isn’t enough. As long as you cherish that secret belief that you are a little bit better because you sleep with the opposite sex, you are still asleep in your cradle … and we will be the nightmare that awakens you.’” ❞ ❝ August laughs and wants so badly to know what it feels like to show off the person who’s yours from across the crowd...Maybe what she really wants is to be the person across the crowd who belongs to someone. ❞ ❝ “The attraction between you two is literally a spark, and it’s the same spark that’s bringing her back into reality." ❞ ❝ “I fell in love with you the day I met you, and then I fell in love with the person you remembered you are. I got to fall in love with you twice. That’s—that’s magic. You’re the first thing I’ve believed in since—since I don’t even remember, okay, you’re—you’re movies and destiny and every stupid, impossible thing, and it’s not because of the fucking train, it’s because of you. It’s because you fight and you care and you’re always kind but never easy, and you won’t let anything take that away from you. You’re my fucking hero, Jane. I don’t care if you think you’re not one. You are.” ❞
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lilithfairen · 1 year
Shit RWDE Says: "Up Yours, Queerphobes" Edition
I've been tempted to do "Shit RWDE Says" posts for a while, but collating such posts seemed like such a expense of time. Until now, where RWDE is giving us the perfect opportunity to see just how deeply they despise a queer relationship for existing in fiction and how much they hate and blame queer people for a cartoon and the romance between two women.
So let us begin the MKRY~
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"We kept downplaying the growing relationship between Blake and Yang, while treating every interaction between Blake and Sun as absolute proof of romance, but you're the ones eating scraps."
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"How can we insinuate that sapphic women are horrible people for loving each other? Let's pretend they don't care about anyone else just because they care about each other!"
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"The worst wlw ships are the canon ones, because what if they actually express love and affection for each other instead of a man?"
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"Let's not forget the real victim here: A MAN."
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"I am so pissed off over the existence of a sapphic relationship that my brain completely shuts out 99% of the show in order to pretend that the plot is being ignored."
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"Those stupid queer folks and their stupid ships, not caring about good storytelling like us folks."
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"All fictional worlds must have queer folks angst about being queer. Also it's your fault that tender embraces each other or flat-out tackle-hugging and cuddling or blushing at each other are all things homophobes don't register as 'romantic' when it's between two women."
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"I see no problem with comparing a sapphic relationship to this."
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"I am so offended by the idea of a sapphic relationship that I fail to listen to a character openly, plainly, and bluntly explaining the circumstances."
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"I am the same person who still cannot register something a character openly, plainly, and bluntly explained because I am just that pissed off at two women kissing."
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"I cannot stand the idea that the creator of the series planned to include a queer relationship in their story. Who in their right mind would make anything except for what I approve of?"
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"I live in a world where saying a creator will do something they obviously never will means that they're going to do that exact thing. Also I am an idiot."
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"This relationship is poorly written because Yang doesn't carry a grudge about something Blake already addressed all the way back in V6. Also, as an Adam Taurus stan, I believe Blake should be guilt-tripped and shamed by her love interest." (Really, this comes from an Adam stan. Are you surprised?)
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"God, a woman being attracted to another woman? what the fuck."
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"I cannot wrap my head around women having romantic feelings."
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"Blake rightfully belongs to Sun and the only reason he doesn't get her is the worst part of the fandom, i.e. queer folks!"
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"If I ignore Blake and Yang having the hots for each other since V7, then it doesn't count at all! I only register heterosexuality!"
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"In reality, I was constantly being brought new courses from the waiters, but ignoring it because I had arbitrarily decided that only one specific course constituted as dinner at this one specific restaurant (but none of the other restaurants I enjoy, mind you)."
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"I, who have been whining about Bumbleby and bee fans and how Sun has totally been wronged all day long, am now registering people expressing their glee and delight over the episode in the same fashion that I register all of Blake and Yang's interactions. Which is to say, desperate denial."
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"Let us repeat: The real victims here are men at the hands of those awful writers and queer folks oppressing us Blacksun shippers!"
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"We who demanded that a woman belong to a man who repeatedly offended her and refused to respect her wishes are now declaring other people to be disrespectful and entitled!"
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"No matter how much I claim otherwise, I hate how two women confessed their love to each other and would skip over it in subsequent rewatches to pretend it never happened."
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"How dare a woman not give a man who stabbed her in the stomach, cut off her friend's arm, and gaslighted her the trust and respect he's entitled to!"
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"I totally don't hate sapphic relationships, but Blake and Yang's relationship clearly received undue focus in V9! Which is to say, any whatsoever."
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"I am a blithering queerphobic asshat who genuinely believes no one would ever write a sapphic relationship unless it was purely out of desperation. (And thank goodness the person I sent this ask to doesn't give a shit about that!)"
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"People become worse people when they aren't heterosexual!"
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"Poor writing is when I cannot register anything characters do other than their queer relationship because I'm so pissed off at them being queer!"
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"Me, a person with Real Taste, have ignored literally every element of two characters and their relationship except for their colours."
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"Queer people aren't queer unless they loudly and explicitly state that they are queer at the earliest possible time! And no, it doesn't count if they openly express their attraction to each other!"
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
You know, as a bi person, I really kind of hate the aggressive pissing on hetero ships by virtue of it being hetero and not for the actual faults of the couple or characters.
Mind you; this is not the same problem as homophobes people who insist they don't hate gay stuff but have 0 gay couples and fight headcanons saying that they're gay. Those people, even if they don't know it; are homophobic. Their stubborness to face the fact that they're bigots makes them even more bigoted because bigotry does not inherently = being mean, but is about the inability to accept or think of other people. It's scary how many people earnestly think you have to shout some Westbro Baptist Church bs to be actually homophobic, and all that's before you get to internalized bigotry within the LGBTQ culture. Speaking of which...
I saw a thread where people were hating on Friendship is Magic because Pinkie Pie canonically gets with Weird Al's ponysona. --Obv I'm biased because that being made canon was the only part of the finale I liked as obviously I loved Cheese Sandwich for being his own character apart from Pinkie Pie and Weird Al-- but, BESIDES THAT; The complaint was talking about how some characters were "forced into being straight" by the writers and...really? You're incapable of headcanoning Pinkie and Cheese are bi or in an open marriage or just invalidating Pinkie now because she's the only one of the mane 6 who canonically had a kid with a stallion? Really?
There's being queer baited and wanting more gay couples that are also main characters and not off to the side cyclops police. And then there's getting mad that a character without a canonized sexuality is in a hetero relationship at least once in their life. Not even that they themselves are for sure straight, just that they're married or w the opposite sex.
Naturally, I only have women shippers to talk about. I can't quite talk for gay men or m/m shipcourse. Whenever I see lesbiansapphics be all "even canonically straight characters should be made gay"/"this ship would be fine if it were lesbians"/"this character should have gotten with this character so I can have lesbians", I do know it's all just joking. At least, I'm pretty sure. I know the reason you want more lesbians -I want more lesbians too because lesbians are great! You are right in how and what kind of scrutiny is held against you for liking women and like fiction women liking other fictional women...but...maybe don't be so judgemental of the ladies on your side who happen to like some m/f ships more than your appointed 'good' ship?
"We're not judgemental. You're the one who's judgemental for not being able to take some light rubbing abt your ship being straight."
Am I though? When you hate on a m/fships because seeing people support them in ANY WAY means you have to make fun of them just to validate your own feelings...idk pardon MY autistic arse for feeling a tad bit picked on or lumped in with the really not okay straights. Am I excluded from defending myself because I'm not the ideal lesbian? I'll never survive the sapphic hunger games if I don't have specific standards for my gay couples vs my straight ones?
I've seen people adore The Owl House for being gay because it is but absolutely hate that Willow/Hunter is implied and then be mad that Luz didn't get with Willow because "Amity is a bad girlfriend". It's not Dana's fault that Luz got with the "wrong woman", the show was written with Lumity being endgame and Hunter being an important side character because he's related to the main villain who is a man. Cope. I've seen people hate on MysteryElk because Elktaur/General has a standardly attractive' hunky design; I've seen people hate Edred from Unicorn Warriors Eternal for being an icky 'generic' guy. If you actually know the characters and the relationships in question with their lovers, you'd know that the fact that they're a man is the LEAST problematic thing they got going on! No, the men in these couples being women would not "fix" anything not just for shippers but in the actual show with the relationships. Like, you DO get that the problem is Nowhere King is the aggressor and that Edred is clingy and unsupportive, right? That those are the actual problems with these couples? And GOSH do I now hate Clone High's insistence that JFK is actually a decent person because he's not a 'pick me' like Abe. I hate that, in the wake of the internet realizing how bad tumblr sexymen nice guys really are, we apparently have to pick out the men who are "salvageable" or obsess over the problemed ones problems because they are men. Which- come to think of it, isn't that part of the issue with SnapeWife-types who stan flawed male characters like their the second coming but antagonize women characters for being flawed? Shouldn't we, idk, maybe encourage people to love characters for their flaws and not because we can 'fix' them somehow or hate them because they exemplify a person you hate irl?
Overall, the (hopefully) ironic demand for gay couples all the time like it's a supremacy is kind of irritating to me. I'm just not into living with the "this majority group are all the things wrong"-mindset, or even a "you deserve to feel the bigotry I already experience because that's cathartic for me". I know exactly why people are in pain. I know that pain because a lot of it is the same I have to go through. The reason I'm 'biting back', not at the gay community I'm in but at this specific mindset? Yeah it IS because I'm obsessed with people judging me, but I think it's because I'm self aware of this problem I have that I don't want to indulge the part of me that wants petty payback at all. When and if I like my petty payback, I want to make sure it's not at the people who might be judging me vs the people who actually, honestly are.
TL;DR: I love me some 'straights are not okay'-jokes, but there comes a point where I can not hear them when you clearly don't mean it as a joke.
No amount of active bigotry in this world will make the toxic absolutism you got as a result of that bigotry something I need to deal with as the butt of your anger. I and other bi/pan/ally people are not your stress dolls, inherently. The straights (a group) are not okay, not the straights (individuals), k?
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We're currently in season 2 of our Smallville rewatch (or first in my partner's case) so, largely from memory, here is my ranking of Smallville characters who should have been canonically queer listed on a scale from "Dude it was right there! I cannot fathom why you fumbled the ball here!" to "I mean I get why you didn't, but the subtext was loud". I might change my ranking after we finish the show.
1. First and most egregious we have Tess Mercer.
This woman is a lesbian.
Her second scene in the entire series is a square off with Lois in which Tess waits maybe 15 seconds before asking if Lois is into role play (to be fair, Lois is in a Spirit Halloween style french maid outfit at the time). Their tension remains severely homoerotic throughout the her time on the show.
They pair Tess with Oliver. They pair her with Zod. They give her the hots for Clark and none of it feels the least bit authentic. She is gay. Let this woman be gay.
2. Coming in at a close second is Chloe Sullivan.
Comp het is the only narrative explanation I can think of for why Chloe spent so much time pining for the obviously disinterested Clark when Pete was right there!
(Yes, I know that the actual reason is network demanded the love triangle, but I want an in-universe explanation, damn it)
Don't get me wrong, I remember her relationship to Jimmy being delightful, but "spent my teen years wanting someone who I knew didn't want me" is giving big "closeted and not ready to deal with my sexuality yet" energy.
Also her jacket choices in the early years feel distinctly sapphic to me, a sapphic who lived through this era.
Bonus: she and Lana could have ended up together and driven a stake right through that love triangle from hell.
3. Lois!
Lois is bi. Fight me.
Am I saying this just because I'm in love with her? No, but I'm gonna be real with you, it is a factor. It's just so obvious to me.
Let bygones be bygones and bi gals be bi gals
4. Clark Kent
Am I saying this just because I'm in love with him? No, but I'm gonna be real with you, it is a factor.
As the show went on, they dipped more and more heavily into the "super powers and kryptonite poisoning as queerness allegory" and it's... it's not great. But that's a whole other post. I just think that if you make listen to a character earnestly describe herself as her bestie's "krypto hag" when talking him through an issue he's having with his sex life AND you make your first on screen lesbian a homicidal shape shifter the least you can do is make your allegorically queer main guy actually bisexual.
Let bygones be bygones and bi guys be bi guys
Also it would kinda explain why he looked the other way about Lex's deeeeeply creepy behaviors for so long. He had the same blind loyalty to Lex that he had to Lana. While I do not ship them especially in the early seasons (Clark is a teen and Lex is in early 20s for the first 4 years of the friendship, that's a big nope for me) Clark having a crush on his morally dubious older friend would explain a lot.
Clark, that grown man is bribing a government agent for your mom's medical records. He is not you friend!
5. Lana Lang
I just think it would have been neat. As I mentioned under the Chloe section I would have really liked it if she and Chloe had ended up together.
Also Lana's journey from damsel in distress (that poor kid is in so. much. distress.) to morally complex love interest to superhero in her own right could also have been a really cool exploration of gender identity.
While I know the average TV writer in the 2000s first association the the word "binary" was likely "code" rather than "gender", non-binary Lana Lang would have slapped.
6. Lex Luthor
Lex is the official recipient of the "I completely get why they didn't make this canon, but the subtext was loud" award.
Lex is manipulative, duplicitous, obsessive, and predatory. (In other words, just another billionaire amiright) Making him canonically gay or bi would have reinforced some extremely harmful stereotypes and given how popular the show was in its time, I am very glad they didn't do this.
That said, he's just so obsessed with Clark and he loooves to compare himself to Alexander the Great.
And a season 6 (when everyone is adults) toxic, chaotic Clark/Lana/Lex throuple would have been amazing. The secrets! The betrayals! Certainly beats the canonical Lex/Lana doomed abusive marriage and ride on the ever present Clark/Lana merry-go-round.
Lex also made a clone combining his DNA with Clark's. Fellas....
Honorable mention: Oliver Queen
I don't have a narrative reason.
Maybe the fact that he was paired with first 3 people on this list at different points in the series just gives him a bit of bi/pan 4 bi/pan energy.
I also just think it would have been fun. And I like fun.
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Any good queer movie recs? As✨GAY✨ as possible! 🏳️‍🌈
Oh boy okay here we go
- Fanfiction: it came out like a week or two ago on Netflix and it’s sooooo good like why is no one talking about it😭 trans + gay rep (TW mental health)
- Elisa & Marcela: such a gorgeoussss movie, it’s about the two first women who got married in Spain in 1901 even though it was illegal
- But I’m a cheerleader: probably one of my all times favourite queer movies, it’s absolutely adorable and hilarious, it’s a comedy about a girl who gets sent to a conversion therapy camp (and that’s how she realises she’s a lesbian) (edit i rewatched this a couple of days ago and it really is awesome, even better than I remembered I absolutely love it bfkzidjskdk)
- Pride: now this one doesn’t have a main romance but it’s only gays and lesbians and miners striking against Thatcher AND IT IS SO GOOD IT’S MY FAV MOVIE EVER PLEASE GO WATCH IT SO I CAN TALK ABOUT IT WITH SOMEONE please you have to it’s soooo good like so so so so good you have no idea
- Carol: this one is pretty famous but it really IS a very good and iconic lesbian romance
- Prom: this one is a musical, it’s not for everyone but I personally really enjoyed it, it has lesbian teenage romance and several other queer characters (if I remember correctly)
- Imagine me and you: also a very very very awesome amazing sapphic movie that I absolutely love, basically it’s about a woman who’s getting married to her boyfriend but falls instantly in love (literally during the wedding) with the woman doing the flower arrangements
- Fear street: this is a horror trilogy (so careful if you don’t like scary/bloody movies) and it is AWESOME I actually don’t usually particularly like horror but I’ve watched these twice they were so good (with a main sapphic ship)
- Wish you: I watched this with one of my friends who loves everything Korea related cause we thought it sounded gay and it actually is gay!!!! So yes it’s a pretty sweet boy love
- Call me by your name: I know this is like everyone’s favourite queer movie but I actually didn’t love it that much- don’t get me wrong it’s definitely a very good movie and I get why people love it but I guess it’s just not for me, but as that’s just my personal opinion I do recommend it anyway!
- Portrait of a lady on fire: this one is also pretty famous but it really is that good! Beautiful sapphic love story
- Love, Simon: based on the novel Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, it’s really good and there’s a spin-off show (Love, Victor) that I personally love even more! (Currently rewatching it)
- The half of it: it’s basically a modern and queer remake of Cyrano de Bergerac and it’s really really good
- Crush: I can’t remember much about the plot cause I watched this quite a while ago but it’s a fun high school romantic comedy but make it sapphic :)
[edit: thought of a couple more :)
- Alex Strangelove: don’t remember much about the plot (I tend to mix it up with Love, Simon for some reason) but I do remember liking it, it’s a fun, gay rom com (I think?) wow maybe I should rewatch it if I’m so unsure about the story lmao
- Beats per minute: (it’s French, the original title is « 120 battements par minute ») absolutely incredible mind blowing beautiful heart wrenching stunning amazing perfect emotional raw educational masterpiece. Cannot recommend this enough. (I watched it for the first time a couple of days ago, it had been on my list of gay movies I need to watch for years and I am so happy I finally watched it) anyway it’s about the aids crisis and it’s so so so so so so so so so so so so good please watch it
That’s all I can think of for now! There are obviously lots of other queer movies (I really need to watch more, but I must admit I like watching series more)… also if you have Instagram I recommend the account queer cinema archives which posts really interesting analyses of queer coded or explicitly queer scenes in the history of cinema, and there’s also an account called lesbian cinema which posts recommendations of sapphic movies and shows!
Anyway I hope this helps :) I really enjoy making these lists, if you guys have other requests don’t be shy!
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that-irishman-fan · 3 years
sherlock sexuality headcanons!
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Ay, everyone! I’m back with a brief list on my personal sexuality headcanons for the characters of the hit BBC show “Sherlock” that I fucking love. I’m only on the last episode of Series Three, so if y’all are going to comment or reblog, please NO SPOILERS! Anyways, sorry for my rants, I’ll just get right into what you came for here! As a LGBTQ+ member myself, I am so excited to write these headcanons for these OBVIOUSLY GAY cinnamon-buns! Let’s do it!
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Asexual biromantic in my opinion. I totally think he’s attracted to Watson, in a romantic and platonic sort of way, rather than a sexual infatuation. Johnlock is totally valid to me, and I can absolutely get behind it as one of my many ships!
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Bisexual, through and through, I fucking stand by this! I think he prefers women, but is in denial about his gay side. And I know that I am not the only one who believes that John is bi, though in my opinion he is still trying to process the fact that he likes both women and men. 
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Queer, simply because he doesn’t like to use labels. I think he’s on the asexual spectrum like his brother, but is more open to having romantic relationships or sexual encounters than Sherlock is. Mycroft doesn’t really put limits on who he loves, he just does and that’s it, nothing more. 
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Bisexual too, in my opinion, with no specific preference between male or female. Mystrade is my personal favourite Sherlockian ship in the fandom, and I could totally picture it happening. Lestrade was apart the community as a young punk in punk seventies London, and he still is even after cleaning up his life. 
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Closeted pansexual who prefers men or out of the binary individuals, but she won’t be fussy about who she loves. Sherlock knows Molly is LGBTQ+ but has kept his mouth shut out of the small ounce of love he holds for her. 
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LESBIAN and SAPIOSEXUAL in capital letters, everyone! Fly the sapphic flag, because Irene is as gay as you can get. People might question my reasoning due to the fact that in the show she is portrayed as being sexually/romantically attracted to Sherlock--but I think it was more of an intellectual lust rather than physical, if that makes any sense. 
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Bisexual, leaning towards women, I think. She was totally attracted to John and I will not hesitate to say that I ship them completely! They are perfect together, in my opinion. I like JohnLock too, but there is something about John x Mary that is very charming. But yes, Mary could be with a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter to her. 
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Pansexual, and I won’t hear anything else! That was a joke, I respect all headcanons, y’all! I know pans when I see them, being pansexual myself, and he is pan in every single way possible! Moriarty has no limitations or constraints holding him back, and gender never mattered to him anyways. I will say that he’s defo aromantic, preferring a sexual relationship or platonic friendship instead of a marriage/dating scenario. HE IS MY PAN KING, THOUGH! 
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A straight ally--she is super supportive of gay and transgender rights, and was one of the original JohnLock shippers too. To her, it isn’t wrong or strange to be LGBTQ+ at all. Mrs. Hudson is sympathetic, caring, and loving, there is not a homophobic or transphobic bone in her body!
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sapphicambitions · 4 years
Rating Evermore Songs By The Homoerotic Subtext
Before i get into this please know that i do not give two shits about Taylor Swift’s personal life or sexuality. That is not what this is about. I’ve just gotten my grubby little gay hands on this album.
Willow:  While it fucking slaps and is genuinely  one of my favorite songs on the album i don’t really get a lot of homoerotic subtext from it. also the fact that im listening to it from a lesbian’s perspective and the line “that’s my man” is repeated a lot so i don’t connect to it on a homo level but it does slap. 2/10
Champagne Problems: ugh this song is so good. feels like it was written about happiest season, if im being honest. like the narrator is still closeted while her lover is out to her family. and like insert the plot of happiest seasons also the mention of flannel? come on. also like the narrator’s lover’s gender is never mentioned so im choosing to believe the narrator is singing about loving a woman while she’s in the closet. you can’t tell me that im wrong. impeccable homoerotic vibes 8/10
Gold Rush: this song is just overflowing in homoerotic subtext. “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful”????? “With your hair falling into place dominoes”????? “THE COSTAL TOWN WE WANDERED ‘ROUND HAD NEVER SEEN A LOVE AS PURE AS IT” ???? that’s me singing about my crush. The whole thing feels like im singing about my unattainable crush. That is what i chose to think this song is about. 9/10
’Tis the Damn Season: this song makes me go bonkers. yes yes its about going back home and reconnecting with an old flame. I get the homoerotic subtext out of this purely because i like it and there’s no reference to pronouns in it. Like i CAN make this about homoeroticism if I WANT to but it’s not like as inherent as some of the other songs. Pretty okay homo vibes. 5/10
Tolerate It - the homo vibes in this one hurt me. they hurt me!!! the line “I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it” hits HARD when you have family members who just Don’t Acknowledge your gayness. Like yes yes this is about a lover but god this song hits so hard in context of a queer person’s relationship with their less than enthusiastic family. Now I’m begging for footsteps in the story of your life? If it’s all in my head tell me now? Took this dagger in me and removed it? goddddddd it hits a little too hard. i can also related it to my love life of loving someone who only kind of cares about me so there’s homo subtext in that but jesus christ this song makes me think about my family. 7/10
No Body, No Crime: do you think that after the narrator killed ester’s husband she muttered to herself: “but no homo” ? 10/10 homoerotic subtext. I don’t need to explain it.
Happiness: i do not care about Miss Swift’s intentions, because there is little to no subtext in this one, tbh. to ME this song is about my relationship with my former self and how i’ve grown into my gayest self. I can’t make it go away by making her a villain. And she hasn’t me the new me yet. There will be happiness after her but there was happiness because of her. My relationship with my past self and my current self is complicated and messy and necessary 4/10
Dorothea: i mean, we know. we all know. it’s the betty of this album, but better. I firmly believe this will be the next song tiktok lesbians obsess over. interpret that as you will. 8/10.
Coney Island: references the long haul. like a Uhaul. lesbianism. anytime i hear a woman call her lover “baby” i automatically assume lesbianism. Also this song makes me think about One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston but y’all don’t know that yet. Unfortunately this song is a duet with a man. I don’t really connect to this song a lot, tbh. 2/10
Ivy: i mean like this song is about having an affair with someone who is not the narrator’s husband. The homoeroticism of this one JUMPED OUT. my GOD this just RADIATES secret lesbian love affair. like this is in the olden times when you couldn’t be gay and women had to be married to men in order to survive but the narrator is in love with a woman she can’t be with. the imagery of this song is so sapphic. 12/10. i love it so much,
Cowboy Like Me: Pack it up, Brokeback Mountain. 15/10.
Long Story Short: I can get nothing of my own out of this song because it is just so obviously taylor swift singing about her own life. those stronger than me might be able to get homoerotic subtext out of it but i can only hear Taylor Swift singing about Taylor Swift which is fine, it’s a good song, but it gets a 0/10 on the homoeroticism
Majorie - I know this is about her grandmother and i relate to this song a lot about someone in my life that i lost. it is a song about loss and loving someone you lost but how they never really leave you and its beautiful but unfortunately it is the song i think about when i think about my gay ships that got hit with the good old bury your gays trope. like this is a queliot song. it is. i don’t make the rules. but the song itself isn’t really homoerotic, more that i can just relate to it on many levels. 3/10 on the homoeroticism scale but a 10/10 for a well written song.
Closure: First of all, this song is a bop. It reminds me a lot of the ben platt song where eh says “did you read my letter? do you know me better than i know myself?” so therefore im already thinking in homo terms. I would say these are pretty solid homoerotic vibes. i relate to this song a lot because a lot of my “exes” i never officially dated and we broke up there was absolutely no closure and im just rubbing my grubby homosexual hands all over this song. 6/10
Evermore: i am completely erasing Miss Swiftie’s intentions behind a song, this song is about my struggle with finding my sexuality and my journey with coming out and how i felt suffocated by the closet and i was convinced that everything was going to terrible for forever and i felt very lost and i look back on this time very bittersweetly cause it sucked but it brought me to where i am today. 5.5/10 homoeroticism
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