#or telling me i wouldn't have so many problems if i exercised more or stretched better or took better care of myself because all my problem
dredshirtroberts · 1 year
oh *now* she wants me to see a doctor about my joints doing things joints don't normally do.
bit late ma.
#i mean i do need to see a doctor about it but like#i needed to see one maybe when my joints first started being painful when they'd go out of place#when i was a teenager and under her care#but you know what do i know i'm a hypochondriac liar who is dramatic to make shit about myself because i'm self-centered#so unless it's their idea it's dumb and i'm lying or making it up#like she wasn't complicit in getting me back into long distance running training as fast as she could#or yelling at me for wearing my knee stabilizing brace too much when it would hurt#or telling me i wouldn't have so many problems if i exercised more or stretched better or took better care of myself because all my problem#are obviously connected to my weight and not anything else#and certainly walking on recently dislocated joints wasn't actually the problem because i was somehow making up or exaggerating that my kne#which was visibly 2x the size of the other one at the time - was painful to walk on#'i just looked up sternum dislocation are you seeing a doctor?'#YOU MEAN I SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR IF MY BONES ARE OUT OF PLACE ON THE REGULAR GOSH MOM THAT'S A NOVEL IDEA#WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT#it's almost like when you do a google search of 'hey my bones are out of place why is that?' one of the main things that comes up is#genetic connective tissue disorders that might affect more than just one person in a family#like. like i just. I WOULDN'T NEED A CANE OR WRIST BRACES AND KNEE BRACES IF I'D BEEN TAKEN TO A DOCTOR WHEN SHIT GOT WHACK THE FIRST TIME#THIS IS YOUR FAULT MA
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im-the-punk-who · 3 years
I saw your post on dogs with anxiety. As a professional, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing a list of behaviors in dogs that may be attributed to anxiety and how to tell if it's anxiety or personality. Do you know any of the behaviors in cats that mean the same? You don't have to answer, you provided great examples in your post, I was just wondering what more I could learn without the uncertainty of truthfulness provided by Google. Thanks!
Hey! So yes I can absolutely list behaviors I look for when I'm assessing if a dog has anxiety(and I can go into cats a bit from foster/rescue experience but I haven't been 'trained' on them so it's much more circumstantial).
The short answer is that if your dog seems anxious, that's not a feature it's a bug and you should address it. Even if it seems like it's just their personality - that usually means they're an anxious dog and need help, not that the behavior should be ignored or can't be changed.
Also, I approach dog training from a 'dog problem' perspective rather than a 'people problem' perspective. I am not focused on if the behavior being exhibited is a behavioral problem *for the owner* - I am focused on what that behavior tells me about the dog's emotional state.
But first! Two disclaimers:
1) 100% of dogs will show some of these behaviors in varying degrees. Just because your dog does one or two things on this list at a low degree doesn't mean they're about to have a breakdown. If you think your dog might be anxious enough to need training based on this list, consult a trainer in person. While I am a dog trainer, this isn't meant to be a self-diagnosis thing. Lay-people are notoriously bad at determining how bad dog anxiety is, and a trained professional may very well pick up on things you aren't seeing or be able to explain what's going on.
2) You'll notice some of these things are behaviors people commonly think are 'play' or 'affection' or 'the dog being high energy' or 'because of the breed' - and yes! Yes. My whole point in most of my other posts has been that we have desensitized ourselves to just how anxious our dogs are, right up until they bite someone. Again, if you see a dog exhibiting a number of these behaviors, the best thing is to consult a trainer - in person! <3
Also, below a cut bc this is just ridiculously long
So! there is sort of a hierarchy of dog behaviors. First are the lowest levels of behavioral problems. These are the ones that most dogs exhibit in one form or another. Just like all people exhibit anxiety sometimes, so do all dogs and it's really to what extent those behaviors tell us about quality of life rather than their simple presence. The second level is more acute behaviors - these are ones that may or may not require training but you should absolutely note if you see your dog displaying them. Third category is dogs who have already gone way past what we would consider a 'normal' threshhold for behavior. If your dog is doing these things you need a professional. Full Stop.
For lower level behaviors what I might do is take stock of how many and how intense behaviors are. If your dog is showing, say, 1-2 low level behaviors constantly I might recommend seeing a trainer but wouldn't push it, but if they're showing 1-2 mid level behaviors as well, or like the whole list of low level behaviors, I would absolutely recommend talking to a trainer.
Low level behaviors commonly associated with anxiety:
- 'Stickiness', needy/pushy behavior(dogs who follow you from room to room or climb on you, invade your personal space habitually) - Mouthiness (they consistently go for your hands/arms instead of a toy when playing, or like to chew/lick people habitually) - Putting paws on people/lacking boundaries (like, if your dog wants you to play with it, and puts their paws on you to let you know, or if your dog consistently wants to sit on you) - Taking high value items and running away with them (low level resource guarding), or turning away from you with a high value item/growling/freezing - Being unable to settle (mild pacing, moves from room to room often, rarely sleeps deeply) - the LACK of deep sleep (you rarely see your dog 'dreaming') - Mild leash pulling - 'Snapping' food up rather than taking it gently - Lip-licking, continuous panting, 'freezing' at stimulus - Whining - Moderate vocalizations (barking, howling, etc) Mid-level Anxiety:
- Habitually jumping on people - Rushing at people or through doors/openings - Consistent pulling on leash - Reactive barking (at cars, bikes, other dogs, people, etc) - Uncontrollable 'Zoomie' behavior (will not stop if asked, may bump into people or other dogs) - Compulsive behaviors (digging, chewing, licking, drinking all the water in a bowl, etc) - Pacing/needing a high level of exercise every day, or immediately getting up if you move - Destructive behavior (rips up every toy they're given, chews shoes or other items consistently) - Resource guarding (bears teeth, snaps but doesn't make contact, takes items and hides them habitually) - Hard biting/inappropriate strength while playing, or entering a fight they don't have a part in Starting fights with other dogs over minor infractions (has my toy, was in my way, stepped on me while I was sleeping) - Inability/Unwillingness to take food (yes, this means if your dog is a habitual ‘picky eater’ that can be a symptom of anxiety. I said what I said.)
High-Level Anxiety:
- Overt aggression (lip-snarling while barking, 'hard' barking, biting, pinning, etc) - Starting fights with other dogs who are not interacting with them(going across a room to start a fight, immediately starting a fight upon eye-sight, etc) - hard pulling on leash/darting on leash - Compulsive behavior to the point of self injury - Intense resource guarding to the point it is a danger to interact with them - ‘Starvation’ or lack of ability to eat consistently
Also, because this tends to be really helpful for people, here's a small, non-exhaustive list of dog body-language signals that I look for when I'm assessing a dog's anxiety level:
- 'Looseness' - is the dog's back bending as it moves or is it tense along its topline. This is the number one thing I look for. If a dog has a tight topline, something is bothering them and usually, this is the clearest and most common indicator a dog will give. - Tail level - tucked, low, level, high - Ear level - floppy, back, neutral, forward, uneven, pointed) - Lips - Tight, loose, 'smiling', closed - Body balance (are they leaning forward, neutral, or leaning back/away from the stimulus) - Tail wagging if concentrated from mid to top of the tail (base stiff) (YES this can be a sign the dog is anxious NO it is not just because they're happy) - Presence of 'calming signals' - whole body shaking(wet dog shake), sighing, yawning, stretching - Body position (laying down, belly up, freezing in place, crouching/tucking, etc) - Eyes (hard, soft, wall eye, wide, fixed, moving, staring)
And finally, I do wanna plug the guy who taught me a lot of what I know because he is GREAT and his website has some really cool articles and podcasts - and I can actually recommend his youtube channel as well because most of it is just 'this is why we do what we do' rather than how-tos.
https://www.markmccabe.com/ https://www.markmccabe.com/blog/ (I particularly recommend What do Grade Schools and Mountains have to do with dog training? and Is your dog an optimist?) Youtube channel And now cats! So, cats at their core are similar, but their behaviors will differ slightly. Also again I'll reiterate that while I've had cats all my life and have worked with them extensively I have not received any formal training. So, where a lot of dog behaviors are focused on the person, cat behaviors will often be focused on their environment or other animals. Because we don’t train cats that ‘human means things happen’ they are less likely to connect a human with their unfulfilled need. (So, instead of a dog feeling anxious and going ‘must find/interact with/annoy human’, a cat will feel anxious and go ‘how can I fuck something up. anything it doesnt matter it just has to be something someone loves’). Low level behaviors - ‘sudden’ activity/reactive to loud noises (if you get up and they do, if they consistently hide at a certain noise, etc) - consistently pushing things off surfaces or other ‘attention seeking’ behaviors - ‘Scarfing’ food or eating and then vomitting - Stalking or consistent following of you or other animals
Mid-level behaviors
- Litter box guarding (will 'wait' outside the box while another cat is using it and may start a fight - agitation when being pet or touched - loss of appetite - anti-social behavior(hiding, hissing, etc) - swatting with claws extended - ‘Pouncing’ or stalking behavior that may escalate
High level behaviors
- Starting fights with animals who are not interacting with them - Peeing/pooping outside the litter box - Biting and breaking skin - unprovoked attacks that cause injury
As with dogs, one or two of these things doesn’t mean 100% your cat has an anxiety problem, but these are all indicators that something might be causing your cat stress and that should be addressed.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Gajeel were total opposites in every way, only connected by the guild. When they were forced to train together under Makarov's orders, they expected antagonism and mistrust. Instead, they were given a lesson in how quickly opposition can turn to attraction. The issue: let the budding relationship simmer away, or let it explode. [Freed x Gajeel Multi-chapter]
Notes: Hope you all enjoyed the last chapter, and thanks for sticking with this. It’s quite fun to write for this ship, and I hope you’re all ready for homoerotic exercise and another argument between men who don’t know how to communicate :)
Links: FFN, Ao3, Chapter List
Chapter Three - Proving a Point
Day Two: Tuesday
Gajeel woke in a pissy mood. This wasn't going like it was supposed to.
Freed was meant to be a smug, self important man with no practical skills, no world-hardened experiences, and no way of keeping up with what Gajeel was demanding of him. His three day plan had focused around humbling Freed, telling him that he wasn't hot-shit like he clearly thought, and making him realise that his cushioned life didn't mean he was Gajeel's equal.
What was not meant to happen was for Freed to be competent! He wasn't meant to make a shelter, he wasn't meant to be able to make a fire without a match, and he wasn't meant to be able to cook the damn fish and make them taste good! Even Gajeel couldn't do that.
Worse, the fucker knew. Oh he knew what Gajeel wanted but wasn't getting.
He hadn't been so smug when he'd lost though, had he? He hasn't been running his mouth when he'd been in the stream, gurgling his pathetic little surrender. Nah, he'd looked exactly how Gajeel wanted him; weak, embarrassed and unable to deal with the fact he was out of his league.
Sure, it hadn't taken long for Freed to recover and spout some bullshit about Gajeel being intimidated by his magic, or whatever the hell it was he said. He was trying to save face and Gajeel wouldn't let him; he had lost their fight because he couldn't live without his spells. That was impractical, short sighted and the way a spoiled brat of a man worked. No doubt if he had to rely on his fists more, he would have seen the stream as something to take advantage of and used it, rather than falling into Gajeel's trap.
Hah. At least one thing had gone Gajeel's way.
Kind of.
Look, Gajeel might hate the man and the things he seemed to stand for, but Freed wasn't bad looking. And Gajeel was just a man, who had been stripped to the waist with Freed in the same state of undress, wrestling one another. He was bound to get distracted for a moment. Thankfully, Freed's nasty kick to the balls and the ensuing tantrum after had quickly quelled any growing interest.
Gajeel knew what he had to do today, though. Because if he was going to fight with Freed at the end of the week, he needed to respect the man. He wasn't going to respect Freed if he couldn't take a defeat, and if he couldn't handle himself without his magic. So today, Freed was going to prove he had the ability to back up his words.
Okay, it was a tenuous reason for what he had planned, but fuck it. Fuck Freed too.
It was tempting to wake the prick up by dumping some of the water Gajeel had gathered over his sleeping face - a nice little reminder of how the fight had ended - but he decided against it. He needed to have everything prepared before he woke up, so it would be better to check that everything was in place. That, and Freed apparently snored a little when he was sleeping, and Gajeel certainly didn't want to interrupt the possible blackmail that could come from it.
And perhaps it was nice to have something cut through the silence of the forest.
Gajeel had trained in this forest many times, and as such had come to know how to utilise it's assets. He wandered slowly, blinking away the sleep in his eyes, and eventually found what he was looking for. A large tree that had fallen down years ago, and stumbled down a hill. What remained was a leafless trunk at the bottom of a steep incline, perfect for strength training.
Next, he walked to the largest upstanding tree within reasonable walking distance. Gajeel had often climbed this tree to push his agility and upper body strength, and it was the perfect way to test Freed's practical skills. The tree was still standing tall, the branches Gajeel used to climb still attached. Perfect, no excuses for when Freed fucked up.
When he got to the lake, Gajeel grinned a little. The morning was cold and the water would be freezing, the worst temperature to take a swim in. Normally Gajeel would have hated to swim in weather like this, but it would certainly be a nice wake-up call for the spoiled little Prince.
Yeah, this was gonna be fun. For Gajeel anyway.
"I think yesterday proved pretty damp conclusively that you're out of luck if you don't have your magic," Gajeel said with crossed arms, looking down at Freed. "So, today I'm gonna teach you a couple techniques that'll come in handy when you're in a situation where you can't spell yourself out of trouble."
Freed clearly wanted to make a comment, but held his tongue. He was learning, huh.
When Gajeel had returned from his check of the forest, Freed had woken up, set up a new fire and was using the rest of the fish (and a few berries that he had picked) to make them both a breakfast. Gajeel had wanted to reject it out of hand, but it had smelt great and if it was anywhere near as good as his meal the day before, refusing it would be a mistake. It had tasted amazing, so Gajeel had huffed out a thanks and gave a short nod of thanks.
Soon after that, Gajeel had motioned for Freed to follow him. Freed had done so without complaint - Gajeel couldn't prove it, but liked to think it was because the asshole was too embarrassed after his loss - and allowed himself to be led down the stream, towards the lake.
"You've got wings right, when you use yer magic?" Gajeel asked. "So yer probably gonna use 'em to get over every little thing, right?"
"Like you do with your little cat friend, I expect," Freed commented, and Gajeel stiffened slightly. Freed noticed and smirked a little. "My apologies, I interrupted you. Please, go on."
"Don't need yer permission," Gajeel grunted, more to himself than to the man standing before him. "But if yer using yer wings as much as I think you are, you ain't ready to deal with terrain that ain't easy to walk through. So, if this week's about improving then this is gonna help you get over that flaw. We run from here towards the lake, taking us through forested ground which ain't even and ain't safe, and then we swim from one side of the lake to the other."
"So it's a race then?" Freed asked, annoyingly not intimidated by the proposition.
"If you want," Gajeel shrugged. "But I ain't got a prize or anythin'. Definitely not one for participation, like yer probably used to."
Freed rolled his eyes at that, but didn't ride to the bait. Instead, he said, "Perhaps when I win, you'll cook for once."
"You ain't gonna win," Gajeel claimed.
"We'll see," Freed hummed a little, far too smug for his own good.
"Stretch up," Gajeel muttered, even though he wanted to push the man further, maybe even see if he could add an actual forfeit for losing, something to really make the fucker squirm. But, well, Gajeel didn't know for sure he would win, so couldn't risk things just in case.
Just as Gajeel went to start stretching his calves, he heard the sound of ruffling fabric and frowned. He ignored it for a moment as he felt the gentle burn of his muscles working, but caught sight of Freed's white - now dirt stained and crumpled - shirt now hanging over the branch of a nearby tree. With slightly furrowed brows, he turned towards Freed to demand an explanation, only to see him kicking off his pants and placing them right next to his shirt, leaving him only in his boxer-briefs. His tight and eye-catching boxer-briefs.
Before the thoughts could even form about how Freed was wearing his underwear to perfection, Gajeel forced his memory back to the night before. About how he'd acted and how he had tried to make Gajeel feel like crap just to feed his own ego.
Freed had lost a wrestling match, and had thrown a fit about it. Gajeel couldn't respect a man like that, and he couldn't find a guy hot if he didn't respect him.
"The hell are you doing?" Gajeel demanded.
"If we're going to swim, then I'd rather not get my only set of clothes wet when it could be avoided," Freed explained, and Gajeel was momentarily thankful that he didn't look ready to remove his boxers. He couldn't think like that, so spoke again.
"Cause you can't stand a bit of discomfort, right?" Gajeel grumbled.
"No, I just don't see the point of making things worse for myself to prove a point," Freed looked pointedly towards Gajeel when he said that. "The water is clearly going to be cold and the weather doesn't look like it'll improve, meaning it'll be a struggle to dry ourselves already. The fire can only do so much, and we'll either have to lounge around in wet clothes out of stubbornness, or remove them and wait for them to dry while we ourselves get dry. That extends the time we'll be cold, making us both uncomfortable and wasting time before whatever inane task you've got next. That, coupled with the fact that this is flu season, seems like good enough justification for avoiding a stupid problem."
Gajeel could hardly argue the point, so instead he mumbled, "We ain't gonna be lounging around."
"What an astute and well thought out argument," Freed deadpanned, and Gajeel wanted to punch him again. He didn't, instead averting his eyes as Freed started to stretch his arms. "Nobody is forcing you to do the same if you're shy, Mister Redbox. To me it just feels like the reasonable course of actions."
Rather than speaking, Gajeel turned his back. He also removed his shirt and boots; but he wasn't getting half naked like the pervert next to him.
Calling him a pervert was maybe a stretch.
He pushed back that thought, as well as the thoughts of how damn good Freed's ass looked in those boxers - Gajeel was only a man, and he couldn't deny what he saw - and instead got himself into line with Freed. The race is what he should have been focusing on, not the fact that Freed didn't look half bad when he was taken away from his pampered and luxurious sheen. Tangled hair and the odd spec of dirt really did wonders for the pretty-boy.
The race. Focus on the race. And the fact the guy couldn't deal with a loss.
"Ready?" Gajeel asked, but didn't wait for an answer. "Go."
He lurched forward before he could think, sprinting through the undergrowth of the the forest as he ran towards the lake. Years of guild work in places like this had allowed for the perfection of running through the forest; you kept alternating your gaze between the ground and on the trees.
Usually he would have turned his skin to iron so he wouldn't have to focus on the branches in his way, but he was trying to prove a point. He winced a little as a sharp end to a twig scraped against his cheek, far too close to his eye, but didn't let it stop his pace. He could hear Freed's breathing very close behind him, so evidently Freed knew how to run through a forest as well as Gajeel did, so he couldn't let up for a moment.
When they were out of the forest, there was a short run towards the lake with more space than there had been in the forest. Gajeel forced himself to run as fast as he could, not wanting to let Freed overtake him now he had the width to do so. And not having a view of the man's body might-
The race. The way he'd acted the night before. Focus dammit!
If telling himself wasn't enough to cut off his libido, the face first plunge into freezing, dirty water certainly did. He let out a shuddering gasp when his head broke the surface, but couldn't allow the ice-cold water to stop him. He quickly started to swim, smirking a little when he realised he still had the lead.
The smirk died when Freed overtook him pretty damn quickly.
Gajeel saw nothing but ripples of water ahead of him, and gritted his teeth as he tried to speed up. He was a man built to brute force his way through a problem, while Freed was apparently more agile. He should have expected that, but he had wanted to leave Freed in the dust during the run so it wouldn't be an issue.
All he could do now was swim to the other shore of the lake, pissed off.
When he reached the end of the lake, he saw Freed resting on one of the large boulders that made up the shoreline. He was panting, soaking wet and still wearing those fuckimg boxers. When he saw Gajeel haul himself up from the water, he looked towards him and smirked.
"That didn't end up how you wanted, did it?"
"Shut up," Gajeel snarled. "Get yer clothes, we've got a busy day."
When Freed laughed, Gajeel nearly pushed him into the lake again.
"So, you think ya can beat that?"
Gajeel had more than got his confidence back now, and he was smirking at Freed with his arms flexed intentionally.
Both he and Freed were stood at the bottom of a steep hill, where the dead tree-truck sat. Gajeel had explained this challenge; they would both have to push the tree-truck up the hill as far as they could. The justification for this exercise was that Freed might one day find himself in a situation where he was trapped without his magic and needed to force his way out with his strength alone, and the exercise was meant to simulate that. Freed clearly saw that Gajeel just wanted to push his limits, but he didn't say anything.
This was the last task of the day. They'd already attempted the tree climbing that Gajeel had planned, and Freed had been obnoxiously good at it. Gajeel had been faster, but they both knew that he had a natural advantage because he'd had practice. Gajeel could hardly boast about being slightly better then Freed at something he had done many times and Freed was new to.
Gajeel had just finished his attempt at pushing the trunk, and was fucking delighted when he saw he'd beaten his own personal record. This was how he would regain his control over things.
Freed didn't stand a chance.
"I'm sure I'll be a worthy contender," Freed stated, walking towards the tree-trunk. "Which is a feat, I expect, given that you've clearly been setting me up for failure from the beginning."
"Maybe if you weren't so predictable then I wouldn't have been able to plan things out so well," Gajeel grunted.
"So you predicted that, in everything other than tasks that relied solely on physical strength, I have exceeded your expectations and beaten you in completion, I suppose?" Freed taunted quietly as he positioned himself against the tree-trunk. "I expect you did all of this simply to prove your inferiority."
"Inferiority?" Gajeel scoffed. "You ain't done anything but bitch about this because it's not going yer way."
"Not going my way?" Freed laughed, turning from the log and looking at Gajeel again. "You are joking, aren't you?"
"All you've done is make yer little comments about how you don't think it's fair," Gajeel challenged, taking a step forward and glaring the other man down. "And when ya lose, you throw a tantrum."
"I throw tantrums," Freed demanded, sounding equal parts exasperated and annoyed. "As opposed to you, who has been acting perfectly rational throughout this? It hasn't escaped my attention that you clearly see Makarov's initiative as some sort of personal affront to you, and you have apparently seen it fair to force all of these grievances onto me. So for you, a man who has been as close to stomping his feet and wailing as his pride allows, to complain about me throwing a tantrum is practically laughable."
"You think that's what I'm doing?" Gajeel took another step forward. "I'm doing this because yer clearly a spoiled little city-boy and I ain't associating myself with something who can't-"
"Can't what?" Freed snapped. "Can't make a shelter? Can't start a fire? Can't swim across a lake faster than you? Because I've done all of this despite your clear hopes otherwise. Or would you rather judge my worth as a mage by seeing me push a dead tree up a hillside, or to wrestle you without the weapon I use nor the magic I wield? Because, Mr Redfox, if you need to force such strict parameters to best me and you consistently lose, then perhaps your plan isn't a good one."
Fuck, he wanted to punch the guy. Fully encase his fists in iron and beat the shit out of the guy. It would be damn satisfying to see the guy knocked out, while the smugness straight out of him.
"Nothing to say?" Freed continued, a patronising look on his face.
"Fuck off," Gajeel growler, turning around and going to walk away. Before he could take a step, a wall of glowing runes shot up in front of him, blocking his exit. He turned to Freed with an expression of fury. "What the hell is your problem?"
"You," Freed snapped, and magic seemed to emanate from him.
He looked feral in that moment, with all the shields of fancy clothes and smart ass words replaced by anger and magic. His shirt was billowing in the magic induced winds, and the glare on his face was accentuated by the purple swirling in his eye. Fuck, he looked like a man on the edge and it shot straight to Gajeel's dick. Freed was a gentleman gone wild, and if that wasn't one of Gajeel's most well-buried fantasies then he didn't know what was.
The expression was gone as quickly as it came, and the magic swarming Freed's eye fell away. For a moment, Freed looked worried, but he was talking again before Gajeel could understand why he looked like that.
"Neither of us are happy about this, but at the end of the week we have to fight side by side, and the biggest issue we have right now is that we can't stand one another," Freed seemed more calm now, as if the bubble of anger had burst. What the hell had caused that? "So, either you plan something that might make us work together, or at least respect one another, or we both stop trying and say to hell with the consequences."
Gajeel didn't say anything. It felt like the rug had been pulled from under him.
Suddenly, a wave of shitty realisation hit him. Freed had a point when he said he was taking his anger out on him, when he really just didn't want to do the damn training thing at all. He wasn't being fair.
"I think that's enough," Freed sighed. "I'll gather my things and go home. You needn't contact me again."
Freed was walking away before Gajeel could react, and the walls of runes fell around them both. A horrid feeling of regret filled Gajeel, and he quickly jogged to catch up with Freed, who was clearly ignoring him. He kinda deserved it.
"Shit, Freed, wait," He placed a hand on the man's chest, and Freed glared at him. "Yer right, I ain't been fair," It wasn't a fun thing to admit. "I had some ideas about who you were, and didn't wanna let ya prove me wrong, even when you were kicking my ass," He sighed. "And yer right about me wanting to fuck you over, that's why I did this shit, and it wasn't right. That was shitty of me."
"Well, I can hardly blame you for judging me. We were both guilty of that," Freed admitted. "And thank you for admitting that. But I don't see how we could suddenly become a cohesive, effective team, we're hardly compatible."
Gajeel sighed, Freed had a point.
But if a Fairy Tail mage was good at anything, they were good at being stubborn.
"What if we have a fight?" Gajeel proposed, and Freed frowned at him. "Talking like this ain't gonna get rid of the attitude we have for each other, right? You're still pissed at me, and you said some things that made me wanna sock a punch in yer jaw. Maybe having the chance to beat the shit outta each other might break through the attitude problems we have."
"That's not too bad an idea," Freed admitted, glancing at the evening sky for a moment. "It would be cathartic to make you scream."
"Buy me dinner first, city-boy," Gajeel teased before he could think. Freed all but gaped at him, and Gajeel was speaking to fill the silence before he could stop himself. "Y'know, I ain't ever seen you fight before. Don't know how you work."
"Then I have the advantage," Freed grinned slightly. "And you're voluntarily giving it to me. Perhaps you really are repentant."
"Nah, just wanna kick yer ass without you having an excuse."
"We'll see," Freed smirked, and Gajeel found himself grinning back.
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Imagine Katsuki Bakugo/Reader part 4
Part 3 here:
Once again I say that English is not my native language. But, I am doing my best.
Secondly, it has been a while since I last watched or read BNHA so there might be some stuff out of the anime context.
After Kirishima forces you into making friends with the gang you start seeing Bakugo more and more, until a day he tricks you into going to the movies with him by asking where you had bought some snacks you had brought to gaming night. Bakugo says he had found out you like him and after telling you he thinks you are intelligent, strong and pretty he kisses you. Now, you are dating.
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This part will start showi g up some of how your relationship goes.
The next day
You can't believe how well the date went, how Bakugo has kissed you, how much you had fun picking snacks while also picking at each other. You also competed on who was going to pay for everything you chose. Bakugo won by scaring the hell out of the cashier:
"if you get y/n's money, I'll blow you out of existence." he said while blowing up a pack of snacks.
He bought you so many of your favorite snacks you didn't even know what to do with that many. (Take some time to picture that)
When you came back Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki were sitting at the common room. You waved at them and smiled. They waved back, confused. You weren't used to doing it.
Bakugo stopped by your dorm room.
"So... what do you do on Sundays?" he asked you while leaning against the door.
"I usually train and study."you replied.
"It is not like I have much else to do. I don't have a strong quirk like you, I need to take great efforts to become a hero like my Uncle." you said, a little annoyed by his mockery.
"Aizawa isn't even on the top 5 heroes." Bakugo said, shaking his shoulders.
"Not everyone is aiming that high,Ba... Katsuki."
He smiled to hear you call him by his first name and stood straight, changing sides with you, making you step back, against the door.
"I need to beat you in everything even more now. I don't accept losing to someone who doesn't know their own potential." he said, getting his face close to yours.
"I can't say if this is a compliment." you say, turning your face to the side to avoid him.
"It's not."
As he says that, he opens the door and pushes you in. You almost fall, but he comes inside and holds you by the waist. Your faces are close together, you are pretty sure you are about to kiss again.(if you are taller than him, Bakugo has leant you on his arms)
He rests his lips on your forehead and steps back.
"Bye." he says, leaving and closing the door behind him.
You sit down in your bed, shaken.
There you are, in your special tracksuit training early in the morning. You had already run and worked out and now you are training your punches and kicks on the punching bag.
Sunddely, you hear an explosion and it comes back to you with a blast. You dodge with a backflip and look behind to see it exploding against the wall.
"Come on Bakugo! This is the fourth one this week!" You hear someone complaining.
He is standing in front of you with an obsessive smile. You don't even stop to think and jump, hanging yourself on a workout bar on the roof as Bakugo attacks with another explosion.
You swing and jump behind him, throwing a punch on his face. He dodges and advances to you with one hand aiming at your belly. You flip to the side as it explodes in the air and you kick him in his back making him drop on the floor while you backflip to get far from him.
Everyone else in the training room is now against the walls watching in horror as Bakugo stands up looking really mad, his hands are already making lots of little explosions.
He runs towards you, but you jump over his head and turn with a kick. He holds your leg, laughing and pulls you towards him, holding your whole face with his ingnite hand.
"FUCK!" you say as the pain of the explosion gets deep in your head.
Everyone screams in terror and then again in surprize when they see you picking a barbell and hitting Bakugo with it in the stomach. He flies away from you, to the fighting mat in the middle of the training room.
You stand up licking your flamed lip while it gets healed by your quirk.
"Ok, now it is for real." You say, letting go of the barbell and walking towards him.
Bakugo stands up and cleans his training suit, putting himself in his famous fighting position.
Everyone gathers around to see you train against each other. They cheer everytime they see you healing from Bakugo's explosions and landing a hit on him. They also cheer when they see Bakugo hiting you with a point-blank explosion.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" you hear someone scream.
Everyone shuts up and you and Bakugo stop fighting for a moment, as you see Aizawa showing up from the little crowd.
"Unc... Professor Aizawa." You say, swallowing your breath in.
"Y/n and Bakugo are taking a match for 30 minutes now!" Denki says. You handn't seen him there. "It is amazing!"
"Y/n? Against Bakugo?" Aizawa says looking from you to Bakugo many times. "Against Bakugo?" he says one more time, in desbelief.
Aizawa lets a small smile come up to his face. He seems to be a little proud of you. He then gets back to his usual grumpy face.
"Ok, just keep it down, there are people trying to sleep." he says, and leaves, yawning as always.
You barely have time to celebrate that small victory. Bakugo gets right to your ear with an explosion.
He gives you a bottle of water from his bag. You are sitting outside, both with some wounds and tired. You were the one to give up when you noticed he started getting to hit you way too many times and some of your healings were becoming small scars. Also, your clothes wouldn't take much more of that even though they were made to stand a battle.
"Does it hurt?" he asks you while he throws some water in his face.
You get distracted by it, seeing the water run through his neck and chest and some steam coming up. And his caramel smell was the strongest you had ever scented.
"Hey!" he calls you back to your senses, giving a little smirk to notice you were admiring him.
"Yeah, it does." You answer looking away and trying to put on a serious face. "Hurts like hell. Exploding takes a 7 in my scale."
"What takes a 10?"
"Being impaled. Happend once only." you put your head down and feel a little goosebump as you remeber something bad. "I feel less pain than others, though. It is part of the quirk."
"It is a great quirk." he says. "You may be an amazing hero someday."
"I MAY be?!" You ask frowning your eyebrowns.
"You are too soft. Maybe you won't get there." he mocks on you and you throw your empty bottle on him.
Bakugo laughs and explode the bottle you've thrown, then, stands up and offers his hand to help you. You accept, but he doesn't let go of your hand after you are standing.
"Wanna come to my room, little brat?" he asks with a smirk.
You blush and look away so fast you get dizzy. Bakugo laughs.
"To study." He says. "What are you thinking of?!"
"Shut up. No! I don't want to." You say and shake your hand to make him let go, but he holds you with your arms down and when you see, he is carring you in his shoulders again.
"AAAAH KATSUKI, LET ME GO!" You yell while hitting him.
But not so hard.
You, actually, study. His room smells entirely like him.
He is so smart. He could solve the exercises you couldn't and his serious face explaining to you how to solve them made him, almost, look like a calm guy. Almost.
"You are always one step ahead." you say closing your books and shighing.
"That is where I like to be." he answers while stretching on his chair. "If I want to be the number one, I have to defeat those who could beat me... and then I have to go further."
"Is that why you hate 'Deku' so much?"
"No, I couldn't stand Deku because he was a Crybaby." he looks foward and frowns. "I respect him now. That is why I have to beat him. And that Todoroki too. And you."
"Me?!" you ask, blushing to being compared to two of the best students in class.
"You have a quirk that makes you almost undefeatable. If you had standed longer today, I would run out of explosions. And you know how to use it. I thought your weakness could be the pain, but you don't seem to mind it." he looks up and scratches his chin. "You are strong, and fast, faster than me, so you are probably faster than Deku too. It is difficult to hit you, as many times as it is necessary to get over your quirk."
You scratch your head, embarassed.
"Your problem seem to be how much you care about the scars." he turns to you and looks at your arms covered in small scars. You are wearing a simple shirt.
"It... it is ugly." You say, trying to hide them by crossing your arms. "Too many of these, I'd be seen more like a villain than a hero."
"I don't think like that." Bakugo says, and takes your arms into his hands. "They are battle wounds. Seem really badass to me."
"You wouldn't say that if you've seen all of them."
"Why don't you show me?"
You hold your breath as he comes closer and holds the bottom of your shirt, his red eyes locked onto yours. He waits as you feel your heartbeat increasing fast.
He rises one of his eyebrows as a question. You slowly shake your head affirmatively in reply.
Next part here
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soft-icha-icha · 4 years
Sneaking Away From Team Seven // Kakashi Hatake x Reader Smut
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Info: Kakashi and you are senseis who are training your teams together, and things get a bit heated between you two so you both sneak away.
Contains: blow job, fingering and penetrative sex. Not that kinky.
I have no idea why I thought training with another team would be a good idea? It's double the work, and I'm nearly exhausted on having to train another three kids. I looked at my students, they were just working on their chakra placement and trying to climb up trees upright. At least they were getting somewhere. I looked over at the other team, and all I could hear was arguing. After hearing about how mean and strict Kakashi-Sensei is, I would've assumed his students were disciplined. I never really talked to Kakashi, but I knew who he was. Everyone does, he's one of the finest shinobi and somehow he got stuck with this team? And I do sure as hell mean he's fine in his skills and fine since he is pretty attractive. I wouldn't mind getting closer to him.
Hmmm, I should go help them instead of waiting around. I quickly tell my team that I'll be gone for a moment to help team seven catch up. I walk towards them, and Kakashi looks at me with a bored look on his face. How many times does he deal with this? As I get closer, I notice it's the blonde haired boy and the one with black hair arguing, the girl is just standing there, having no idea what to do.
"Need any help?" I ask Kakashi. He gives me a slight nod.
I really don't have time for this, so I just grabbed both boys by the collars of their shirt, and gave them both a dirty look. They've probably gotten use to Kakashi's cold stare but seemed phased by mine. I put them down gently.
"Great, now that I have you attention. Please get back to training. Kakashi-Sensei does not have time for your arguing, and I sure as hell don't. I would like to say that I'm a nice sensei who wants nothing but the best for pupils to succeed, but you both are getting on my nerves. I don't care who's ahead, you've both been beat by everyone else and are at the same level right now when it comes to this exercise. Don't piss me off again, got it?" I say in calm but authoritative tone.
Both boys seemed surprised but back off from one another, and turn around to get back to the trees.
I quickly tut at them.
"Where do you think you two are going? You have to apologize to your sensei for the stress you caused him from your fighting." I put my hand on Kakashi and I feel shift from one foot to the other.
The boys turn around and apologize to Kakashi before heading out to do their exercise again.
"Thanks for that, I was about to lose it," I hear Kakashi say.
I notice my hand is still on him, and swiftly take it off from him mumbling a quick sorry as I noticed he was looking at his shoulder.
"No problem, Kakashi-Sensei! I definitely want to help you anyway I can!" I enthusiastically say. I notice his stance waver again. Weird.
"Kakashi-Sensei, eh?" He questions.
"Yeah?—" I look at him in confusion, does he not like being addressed that way by his peers?—"Is that alright?"
"More than fine by me" Kakashi answers.
"You know the way you handled the boys, you sounded very different than you usually do," he states.
Different than I usually do? I don't think Kakashi knows me well enough to know me that way.
"I guess, like I said, I'm usually nice." I noticed he got closer. Oh shit, is he flirting with me?
"I like it, it really woke me up to hear  (y/n)-sensei
speaking that way." He put a hand on my shoulder now.
Yep, he definitely is flirting. God the things I would do to him, I internally scream. I place my hand on his, and look up at him through my eyelashes. Kakashi stares back at me.
"I can definitely speak that way more around you, but I usually try to keep to myself," I tell him.
"I can tell, I've always been curious about you, (y/n). I see you around all the time but I haven't really gotten a chance to talk until now," Kakashi says.
"I feel the same about you, Kakashi the copy cat ninja," I jokingly tease at the nickname he's been given.
I see a slight blush rise on his cheeks.
"I can show you what else I can do. Both our students are off in their own little worlds. I know somewhere we can be alone."
Before I can even respond, Kakashi quickly grabs my waist and jumps high, soon enough we were gone from the students in seconds. It's not long before we stop in a secluded area of the woods. We weren't that far from our students, I could hear their faint yells. I look around and notice the set up, it seemed very... romantic. There were string lights hung up, and the layout resembled a mini patio canopy, big enough for two people. It felt cozy.
"Do you take all the girls over here," I say as Kakashi guides me to the sofa.
"Only the ones that I like, and I have to say, you're the only one so far who's caught my attention." He pulls me on top of him as soon as he sits down.
I really had nothing to lose, so when I noticed him staring at me, I couldn't help but feel the need to kiss him all over. I grabbed his face, pulled down his mask (which took him by surprise), and kissed him harshly. I felt him kiss back. He was soon biting on my bottom lip as a way of asking me to open my mouth for him, so I did. I wanted every piece of him. He tasted so good, our tongues were roaming each other's mouths. Kakashi grabbed my hips and started to make me move back and forth on his crotch. I stopped kissing his lips in favor of kissing his neck, and he really seemed to like it when I kissed him there. Soon enough, I was able to tell when I found his sweet spot when I heard a soft groan come from him. I wanted to hear more of that.
"You look so pretty on top of me, baby—is it alright if I call you that?" I nod at the pet name he has given me.
I stopped kissing his neck, and decided to take in the scene around me, including him. This is the first time I've seen him without his mask on, and God knows why he wears it. He's gorgeous! And I'm not saying that because my mind is perceiving him more attractive since we're about to have sex, but he truly is! I just want him to take me right here, right now.
"Wow, Kakashi-Sensei, you're really hot!" I blurt out, a slight blush appears on my cheeks once I realize what I said.
"Thank you, baby. So are you, I've been wanting this forever," he lets it slip.
Kakashi soon regains his confidence, and starts slowing undressing me. He begins by taking off my jacket and undershirt, leaving my bra exposed.
"Mmm... I've always had my attention on you. Your outfit really fits you right, and your face is gorgeous, and your personality is something else, you're the hottest kunoichi, everyone knows it," he tells me.
After undoing my bra, Kakashi cups my breasts and I start grinding on him, I can feel his cock underneath my ass. He feels big, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is. He soon let's go of my breast, and grabs my ass instead. I take his hint and grind a bit more harder on him. Kakashi grinds against me, and it feels so good. I quickly bring my hands to them hem of his shirt, and he gives me a playful look.
"It's no fair that I'm the only one without a shirt on," I exclaim.
He chuckles, and removes his jacket and undershirt. He was a sight to take in. I run my hands up and down his abs, and his v-line has images running through my mind. He soon smacks my ass, and grabs it again, continuing to grind against me. Kakashi is getting real worked up. I really want him inside of me, I think to myself as I feel his cock more underneath me. I slowly start unbuttoning his pants, and he grabs my wrist to stop me, he instead takes me off from him, and stands up to pull down his pants. I do the same, leaving my underwear on. Kakashi sits back down, and his bulge his huge. I had a really strong desire to suck on his cock.
I reach over and start palming him, Kakashi tries his hardest to not buck his hips up. I soon reach for the waistband of his boxers, and he slightly lifts himself up so I can take them off. As soon as I take off his boxers, his cock springs up and hits his lower abs. I was right, he is huge. I feel myself get wetter at the sight of his cock. Kakashi lets out a quiet hiss once he feels the cool air hit his cock. I waste no time licking up the side of his length, and softly kitten lick the tip. This quickly gets his attention as he lets out a grunt.
"Think you can take all of me, (y/n)?" He teasingly asks.
That was probably his way of telling me to hurry up, so I slowly start taking his cock into my mouth. I feel the tip soon hit the back of my throat and I slightly gag, I keep taking more of him. Kakashi's cock is bigger than I thought, so I take whatever is not in my mouth and wrap my hands around it to jerk him off. I look and see Kakashi with his head back, he places his hand in my hair and uses it to keep himself balanced. He soon starts letting out low groans, and every time I hear them, I get more wet.
"You're so good with your mouth, (y/n)," he mumbles. He was too caught up in pleasure.
I start bobbing my head up and down, and I can tell he's keeping himself from fucking my throat. Maybe next time, right now I just really want him in me, especially after knowing how big he is. Given the position we were in, him sitting on the couch and me on the couch as well on all fours right next to him, I feel Kakashi's hand softly rub in between my folds which were covered by my underwear, he moved my underwear to the side, and slowly starts to run his finger through my pussy.
"Is this turning you on as much as me?" Kakashi questions.
I hum in response, and I feel him insert a finger inside me. I keep my composure, and continuing sucking on his cock. His finger was long and reached all the right places, he slowly started pumping the one finger inside me. I falter a bit, but regain myself and take his cock out of my mouth. I start licking up the side of cock again. I feel Kakashi insert another finger in me, stretching me out a bit. I would need at least three fingers to stretch me out for his cock. Kakashi curls his two fingers while moving them in and out, and I moan at that. He really knew what he was doing.
Soon we were both moaning messes with my mouth on his cock, and three fingers of his inside my pussy. I can't hold out much longer, I need to get fucked by him now!
"Kakashi, could you please fuck me?" I ask politely, he seemed into that type of thing.
He takes his fingers out of me, and situates me on his cock. Feeling the tip of his cock, I slowly sit down on it. I feel it stretching me out so good, I feel so full. His cock fits perfectly.
"Feeling full, baby?" Kakashi asks. I nod at him, not having the breath to answer him.
After a few moments of us just staying still so I could get adjusted to his size. I give him the okay to move. He softly starts thrusting inside me, careful not to be aggressive. I let out a whimper as I feel his cock inside me, the feeling of fullness was overwhelming. I loved it. I begin kissing him and he returns the favor, gaining momentum the more we kiss. I soon start fucking myself back onto his cock, this new feeling has us both moaning. Kakashi runs his hands all over my body, I can feel his start fucking me harder.
"Kakashi, you're so big, you feel so good," I loudly exclaim, I was certain I feel could his cock in my lower abdomen, it felt so good.
"Yeah? You're fucking myself really nicely on my cock, if you keep doing that I may cum soon," he pants.
This only makes me more determined in my movements that I started grinding on his cock while it's inside me. I feel the head of his cock, softly brush against my g-spot, I loudly moan.
"Is that your special spot, baby?" Kakashi is soon thrusting in that same direction leaving me breathless. All I could do was just moan his name.
He starts rubbing on my clit, just overstimulating me , I'm not sure how much I can handle. This was all too much.
"Kakashi, I really need to cum," I tell him while still riding his cock. I clench around him, and he moans, begging me to do it again.
"I let you cum, (y/n), just one favor, scream out Kakashi-Senei when you do."
He once again speeds up his thrusts, my senses were off the chart. He was hitting me g-spot repeatedly while rubbing my clit, it was too much to handle. In less than a minute I was clinging onto him as I yelled for Kakashi-Sensei while cumming all over his cock.
"Such a good girl," he tells me, holding his breath.
I feel Kakashi cum deep inside me, and it sets off my senses again, we both softly grind on each other to ride out our orgasms. We're both trying to catch our breaths. Not long after we've calmed down, we quickly get dressed. Don't ask about how we cleaned up, cause we didn't—I sure as hell didn't, though Kakashi doesn't seem to mind.
"Well that was something else," Kakashi speaks up.
"Yeah, really wasn't expecting to end up with Kakashi-Sensei's cum in me," I retort. I see him mega blushing.
"You know, I like it when you call sensei," he says.
"I can tell, and I'll gladly call you whatever you'd like if you keep giving me the time of my life like that all the time." I kiss him softly.
He kisses me back, as both dust off our uniforms. We start walking back to where we last saw our students. I see him pull out a book, and I read the title. Is this where he got the idea?
"So it's agreed, we're both into this, and will hopefully continue seeing each other?" Kakashi asks for confirmation.
"I would like that," I say.
"I'd like that as well."
We walk in silence, both grinning as we approach our students. They were just playing games together while we were gone I'm assuming. They look up once they here our footsteps getting closer. Without any questions asked since they most likely thought we were called for something important, I walk my students home. Kakashi does the same.
"Hope we can do this again, (y/n)-sensei!" I hear Kakashi shout.
I look back, and notice he stopped in his tracks.
"How about the day after tomorrow? Same place, same time. I may need to rest for a bit," I say, catching him off guard.
He quickly turns around after seeing the confused looks on his students' faces. I catch up with my students who I let go on without me, and they tell me all about their training.
I can't wait until the next time we meet up.
anyone want a part two?
Hoped you enjoyed this!
Word Count: 2,796
Posted: 04/20/20
14 notes · View notes
All change implies loss and all loss required mourning. What does mourning require? Mourning requires remembering. Last week, I lost another friend. I'd only seen Zap a handful of times over the last 50 years but we stayed in contact on social media. Zap was a couple years younger than I so I figured I would go first if I figured at all which I didn't.
Zap had a brain stroke. He died a few weeks later. I heard about the stroke and next I heard was about his death Bang Bang.
In our time together, Zap was a great friend. We liked the same music. We liked the same teams. We "got" each other. How many people do we get in our lifetimes that "got" us. I've lost two of them in the last month.
Sometimes I don't get it.
I was still in mourning for Johnny Crown when I heard the first BANG regarding Zap and his brain. Crown was/is easier to remember than Zap because we had so many adventures together stretching all the way back to fifth grade. I had forgotten many of my adventures with Zap.
A few have come rushing back in the past week. I remembered one of the songs that Zap and I loved called "more than you'll ever know" by Blood Sweat and Tears on their first album called Child is Father of the Man. Neither the song nor the group were popular. Al Kooper started the group and left the group just before they hit it big. Everybody knows Spinning Wheel and You've Made Me So Very Happy. Only a few album nuts and Al Kooper fans remember the first album. Child was the breakthrough album, encorporating horns into the mix. A breakthrough usually leads to a main stream which leads to a river which leads to an ocean. University bands play Spinning Wheel at halftime of football games nowadays. That's as much in the ocean as you can get. Zap always preferred the breakthroughs and he could recognize them while they were happening.
Zap was closest to me when I was going through a period of loss. I wouldn't say Zap was a comfort during that time. He was a blues guy who didn't care for whining. I could bring him the blues but I better not whine. I grew up some in his company.
Even I had forgotten about Child is Father I until heard about Zap's passing which activated one of most treasured brain functions and story telling mechanisms.
"that reminds me"
Zap and I were both "album guys". Most of my albums are gone so I had to ask Alexis to play Child is Father of the Man.
Alexis found it. She played it. listened. I remembered even more fun I had with Zap. Fun I had forgotten.
In other words, I was mourning.
I was feeling the loss.
I was preparing for change.
Just as beer is the cause of and solution to most of the problems in the world, mourning is the solution to and the cause of change.
Even this little exercise in forgetting and remembering is part of my current mourning. It will pass in time. I'll fuggedaboudid and get on with the process of thriving while I enjoy the new morning that increasingly will cloud my memories until the next big change.
When it will be Mourning again in America once again. More buried memories will emerge along with the music always the music.
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