#or the other angles from ep 1 intro
fzrticv · 8 months
I doubt it gonna happen but wonder if there will be consequences for demosn openly killing Angles, not just adam but also just exorsit who are technically just Angles. Isn't that somewhat what Sera Feard might happen? hm
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romchat · 1 year
My Journey to You Ep. 1-2, 24 visuals: Portraits of power and masculinity
I'm doing a rewatch of My Journey to You and I just can't get over how well the show introduces its two male leads, Gong Ziyu and Gong Shangjue. In under two minutes, these two scenes brilliantly establish one of the show's core themes around masculinity and power without a word of dialogue.
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Ok, so I gasped when the first glimpse we get of Ziyu's character, the protagonist of a wuxia drama, is a delicate shot of his bare feet. He's a nobleman's son in a sect that is revered by the rest of the martial arts world and yet look at what he's (not) wearing: no military regalia, weapons--just a thin robe and his bare feet.
He's also shown napping, sprawled across his seat like a Victorian woman on a fainting couch. And then when he wakes up, we see him staring longingly out of the brothel's window, his face gently cast in the morning light, like a fairy tale princess locked away in a tower.
Visually, the show immediately communicates to us that Ziyu represents a softer, more romantic image of masculinity, which is reinforced over and over again throughout the show with other feminine-coded symbols (e.g., Ziyu playing music, wearing a red couple bracelet, carrying a bunny lantern). He’s not meant to be seen as a strong son ready to lead his sect but as an overly sensitive playboy wasting his time away.
And then we're introduced to Shangjue.
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The music thrums menacingly as Shangjue rides into the Gong residence, his uniformed men carrying spoils of war behind him. As he passes through the main gates, we see each guard bowing in respect. All of this fanfare and the solemn blackness of his riding gear signal the important political role he occupies within the Gong family.
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(Side Note: Ryan Cheng's side-eye is magnificent and one of the sexiest things to hit Cdramaland in 2023.)
But what I love most about this scene is the use of high and low-angle shots and central framing. At 6'2’’, Zhang Linghe (the actor playing Ziyu) is a giant, and yet the high angle and surplus negative space around him makes his character look small, almost pitiful in comparison to Shangjue.
In contrast, the zoomed-in, low-angle shot for Shangjue communicates his intimidating persona. There’s something ruthless (even kind of malevolent) about his character, and the show tries to convince us of this first impression with repeated use of shadow and animalistic imagery in its early episodes. He embodies the type of masculinity a powerful sect like the Gongs would want representing them in campaigns with the outside world.
From the jump, Ziyu and Shangjue are set up as antagonists, both by how the characters dismiss one another in the script and also by the show's visual storytelling.
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Of course, as the show goes on, both characters gradually change their opinion of one another, and this change is mirrored once again in the visual storytelling. Their final scene in Episode 24 is a near reversal of what we saw in their intro scenes (many thanks to @kingsandbastardz for pointing out the costumes!):
Shangjue's hair is up in a ponytail, neck bare, his rich blue robes nipped in at the waist. He's no longer dressed in his villainous black robes and he doesn't look as physically imposing without his signature cloak. He is finally Ziyu's ally. And check out how the camera angle is also reversed, with Shangjue being shot from a high angle so he looks less dangerous--even fragile--while Ziyu is shot from a low angle to look more powerful.
Despite audience expectations about what type of man would make a strong leader, he has officially grown into the role of Sword Wielder.
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pinkberrypocky · 5 months
pmmm rewatch live notes: ep 1
ive been rewatching pmmm w my friends who haven't seen it before and have decided that i am incapable of being normal abt it so uhhh.... gonna dump the notes i took during ep 1 here. they are entirely incomprehensible ramblings of a madman but the goal is to synthesize some actual analysis once im done w the watch through. im convinced there is significant color symbolism related to the colors of the holy quintet but idk the exact symbolism for each color so there's a good amount of notes of just instances of those colors that i think could help me pin down the symbolism later on so there's that too a gift for u (or i guess a hurdle if u don't care abt color symbolism but honestly if u don't care abt color symbolism i don't understand u). idk i thought it might be silly for like maybe 1 other guy out there. also my friends bullied me into it (read: hyped me up about it until i relented)
ok buckle in folks this is solidly two pages on google docs
first scene happens bc madoka remembers it from another timeline 
spiraling time is it the future or the past does it even matter
brightest thing in intro is her hair ribbons bc they are what links madoka and homura across time and space 
everything else is desaturated
god madoka w her in the intro bc god madoka saves and treats all the magical girls like that when she saves them from their witch future 
hard to tell what the world is like bc does it even matter 
no matter what the setting is homura will fail to save madoka and madoka will sacrifice herself 
also adds to the eerie effect 
madoka’s mom tells her to use the red ribbon
madoka never chose her fate for herself, she’s always doing what others want and what she thinks is best for others 
the scenery has a weird juxtaposition of greenery and industrial things which mirrors the juxtaposition of the magical girl stereotype and the psychological horror reality 
the classrooms are like bird cages 
homura walks in like she’s not seeing everyone and not really there bc she’s living in the past which is also the future 
like idk what that loom w the dramatic lighting means but it means Something
the way homura doesn’t hide that she knows the way to the nurses office shows that she’s getting desperate and tired of this cycle
insisting that madoka call her homura even though they “just met” shows how important their relationship is and how much she yearns for their old dynamic 
when she confronts madoka in the hall she shows emotion for the first time showing how much she cares about this 
it seems cruel but in reality she is grasping at straws to protect madoka 
she doesn’t care if she has to be seen as cold as long as madoka is safe
homura knows the math so well bc it’s the same every single fucking time
the symbolism of kyubey with the spikey evil statue that’s all rusty and the shadow where it merges w him 
when madoka reveals she has seen homura in a dream and they brush it off bc haha we’re just middle schoolers this is a magical girl anime nothing weird would happen
red in the scene where homura tries to kill kyubey… kyoko’s color… what does red represent in this show?
kyubey reaches out to madoka asking to be saved bc he knows that’s her weak spot , that she will always jump into danger to save other regardless of her own well being 
when homura appears trying to kill kyubey there are chains what could this represent 
chained to her cycle, chained to kyubey, chained to madoka 
they form the shape of a cross bc homura is jesus, she takes the brunt of the harm and the blame in an effort to save the others 
use of collage in the witch labyrinths is disorienting and jarring it doesn’t fit and it’s confusing and creepy and unsettling 
language is similar to german at times maybe a reference to historical german witches 
sayaka protects madoka in a  hug like embrace when they first end up in the labyrinth symbolizing the way she is to the end a protector
mami makes sure to act unbothered and not scared when she meets them to keep her persona of a magical girl who saves ppl despite the horrors of the reality 
the fact that mami uses guns alludes to the horror of magical girls hidden just beneath the surface 
the use of the word contract also shows the severity and adult nature of what they are about to embark on
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boxenstopp · 7 months
previous one here (ep 1)
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omfg i love these boys so much. anyway shadow here calls them "double Ms" and carzzy makes, probably an innuendo by telling him to get between his legs? marek then, in the intro, says stuff about double m two, and refers to them as "me and matyas" which first of all. he says matyas!! second of all, the says matyas? without the š?? could be english-izing.
carzzy then with the. and this is literally all i can think of when i hear/see it. beauty vlogger intro. "hello guys :)" but his eyes look completely dead i love it so much.
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then there's a cut because you know these bitches were just awkwardly staring into the camera for far too long.
NOW. HAIR SAGA. carzzy needs to check his hair with his phone (fucking girl) and humanoid just starts messing with his too like I GET IT GUYS. YOURE LITTLE PRINCESSES. humanoid and his movement actually like he thinks he's in a hair commercial. and then.
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needs to bump into carzzy because while carzzy is loud about being an attention whore and everyone knows it, humanoid is also one, just. more private about it or something (not really if i'm pointing it out here) probably planning something devious.... like calling carzzy hot.
NEXT. i always do a watch of these beforehand so i know what i'm getting into but honestly. always makes me gasp when humanoid leans over and just says "you're so fucking hot, oh my god" . like okay he can do that sure but normally that's a backing down type thing not a teehee i want attention from by bf. cannot overstate how much this means to me foaming at the mouth im normal guys im normal
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also nothing except humanoid has. arms. and carzzy says he's "lost it mentally" but i mean we all knew that already.
THIS FRAME. a) carzzy with the eyes b) the fact that he actually leans towards marek like he's going right baby? hmm? good midlaner!!
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also marek has the "backing down" face again cause his ryze got countered by the pantheon oh no :<<< he also does a little apologetic look down at back at carzzy like he's ashamed. this also makes carzzy laugh way too hard cause i mean, free insult for him xdd.
THEN. the synchronized stomped "to the floor" is AMAZING because they look so fucking proud like yes guys WE GOT IT.
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so far no "marek brazda"s :( also genuinely i need to state how much these guys are pretty much the same around each other. constant just blatant insults, intense neediness same fucking humor all of it. there is no like needy/patient angle to me. humanoid would call himself the patient one sure, but he is WRONG.
really good carzzy face here btw. what he looks like in my mind 24/7.
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+ bullying carzzy time! poor little sad baby can't hit an mf ult and it's call his fault until it isn't :( he goes on to go boo hoo actually it's reallt hard to hit an ult and it relies on MY team who were doing shit and ACTUALLY they were calling me a perfect player like yesterday so whose fault is it >:(
humanoid's face when carzzy claims that he'd called carzzy a perfect player
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here we also get one of the stupidest dom/sub moments because really i don't know what else to call it. carzzy says humanoid shouldn't talk cause he isn't allowed. and then as a little funny joke haha humanoid pitches his voice disgustingly high and says. fucking. "yes i agree master" i mean he regrets it immediately after but he still said. that.
THE THING I TALKED ABOUT LAST EP . where one of them just entirely backs down and goes actually youre the fucking best thing in the universe. and this time it's marek and he's cute and stuff about it and actually very thought through explanation of how carzzy carries the entire team 1v9 <3 i mean not that this is a standard, he goes right back to insulting carzzy's elise but the dynamic of it is so so good chomping on thoughts rn
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next segment is just humanoid making noises :)
carzzy goes on a rant about how he was sad and crying and depressed (but in a teehee way if that makes sense. in a :3 way.) and like any normal person humanoid GETS UP, has a weird scuffle and pulls carzzy's hood over his head. i mean you could argue carzzy initiated it but they're always on the verge of bodying each other. classic carzzynoid behavior love how they never explain shit youre just supposed to sit and stare like wtf
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THIS SHIT. i have no comment i feel like if i did it would be exactly this. silence. they do this shit in complete silence. (we also get a bit of a bi thing w carzzy and humanoid saying i love you which is a thing. they do. but im also so tired goodnight lol enjoyers.)
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final thoughts: ouwghdhwja. ahhhooaaaaaa. every time i watch one of these i go damn, they posted this? they went, hmm, this is good for out branding. 2 disasters trying to overcome their disaster-ly mess and come out on the other side exactly the same, just way more fucking annoying aboutit. what am i even saying anymore. also no marek brazda's :( too busy being gay ig
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iwtv ep 1 rewatch thoughts
[i am eating Popeyes right now and i promise didn’t plan it this way, but seeds were planted so here we are.]
first things first we [the viewers] are introduced to our two time Pulitzer Prize winning professor Daniel Malloy. We all come to this course with a variety of understandings of the topic just like in any other course. Right off the bat he’s telling us of his expertise in a pervious recording and at the same time we witness his visible skepticism of his own claims in the more nuanced present setting. if you think he’s the only reliable character it’s very much being challenged in the first few moments, which i’m sure has been pointed out many, many times.
he flips the channel there’s a war happening (clue about where we’re at in terms of timeline?? idk. i’ve only engaged with AMCverse so maybe?) and flips it again and the fantastical is going to become a reality. he just has to put the pieces he doesn’t have together so he sits down to do a puzzle (a devils minion easter egg apparently) and he’ll get those pieces by accepting the extended invitation sent to him by none other than Louis de Pointe du Lac, which picks up from his mail box after trying to fit missing pieces together. very solid intro.
Daniel: Why get any closer to the bug than i need to?
he says before he gets on an international flight and exposes himself to countless risks. It’s what he does tho right? i’ve seen a couple sc of the books where he describes Armand as looking like an insect. he is not put off by getting close to perceived bugs. Its funny tho as he’s asking the question, he’s unboxing the answer—louis’ handwritten invitation—as to what would be worth risking your life for right above the devils minion easter egg.
-bc the bug has been following your career (like the way armand followed him yes?) and you like that
-bc the bug wants you and has invited you and you are a risk taker in the ways an investigative journalist has to be to get to the story/truth. in a way a man who refused to face his mortality chooses to be as pointed out by the lovely tumblr user blueiight here (hope it’s okay that i linked you. lmk)
Louis definitely clinging to threads of the past. in 2020 he’s sending hand written letters (on papers with Lestat’s initials) instead of emails and original cassette recordings instead of digital recordings. A lot if not all of his threads to humanity are threads to the past (“in my day” old headass) since right now he seemingly doesn’t really have any connection to humanity in the modern time. being an out of touch billionaire will do that to you, on top of being a century old vampire.
I think thats another evil that gets overlooked when some of y’all are looking for “he’s just as bad” reasons to pin on him. Instead of the imaginary he bit claudia before bringing her to Lestat…like…in addition to his pimping he’s literally a billionaire. like its right there. that encapsulates the worst ways to exist in this world. he the manpire of humanity as well like…
which i guess is goes into the many faces of violence that fade to the background and don’t get called out enough. violence isn’t alway brutality and i noticed just this past couple of days people only see violence when it’s in tandem with brutality, but im not about to sit here and lecture y’all cause that’s not at all fun. and thats why im doing this. bc its fun. i just think this show does a wonderful job of showing the spectrum of violence and evil and i think you do a great disservice to what they have done here if you’re only seeing those things from one angle. and i think thats one of the reasons why so many people struggle with Lestat and don’t appreciate how masterfully (no pun intended) he’s been crafted bc you don’t recognize those things [violence and evil] anywhere else in the story as being as bad.
if thats Daniels box of the past he doesn’t have much kids stuff, just a pink stuffed animal and a bike helmet, so i wonder how much of his kids lives he’s really missed. Like it doesn’t even seem like there was a joint custody situation where they spent a great deal of time at his home as well. idk maybe he has things in storage. but i’m curious about that and how that parallels with how louis let his own child down as has been pointed out.
ngl he look tf good while he listening back to this tape 😩😅 someone zoomed in on his muscle flexing when he pressed play and i just want to say to you i agree wholeheartedly with you whoever you are.
he mad tho. snatched that letter up quick after pausing the tape. 😂
He dives into the (possible) eternal sunset on a highway that looks like water.
If this is a way to get Lestat’s attention, which I think it can be said is a part of why this second interview is happening given the papers Louis chose to write the invitation on, I think its very pointed that Louis is introducing himself as a keeper of knowledge considering one of his (possible*) final moments with lestat as pointed out here.
one of the last things Lestat ever did before he was poisoned, had his neck sliced, and was dumped in a garbage yard to feed on rats, was humiliate Louis about his love of books and claim the role of the knowledge keeper in their family. I think its a very pointed message that this is a book (especially with all the mediums available in 2020), of course Louis loves books, but also Lestat has beef with books lol (Between Gabrielle and Louis). If there’s anyway to get a rise out him (hehe) its a book where Louis is identified as the knowledge keeper of the immortal life Lestat gave to him. and it’s written by a savory inferior as well. louis could have written the book himself. God knows he has the skill, time and the access to do it so that was intentional. Lestat gone drop through the ceiling of the dubai penthouse in a rage.
*possible final moments bc we don’t know yet if Louis has seen Lestat since Paris etc. etc. which i think he will see him in paris bc of Rolins “can’t burn him twice” comment, but i’m open to being wrong.
i haven’t pointed out anything that hasn’t been discussed extensively, but this is a verrryy solid opening introduction to the show. right off jump they established this to be a well crafted episode.
i need yall to know right now that as we go forward in this episode i cannot be held accountable for who i become when faced with brown eyed louis’ fine self. you’ve seen it yourselves please don’t hold this against me!!!! i am not god’s strongest soldier! i am weak at the knees! i will buckle! i will fold!
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jiminieloved · 2 years
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 114
BE Era part 2
December 1, 2020:
a) Run Ep. 118
4:22 Jimin seems to direct JK to punish Tae and pats his back
29:50 JK calls Jimin without using honorifics
32:27 Jimin pulls JK by his wrist and Hobi mixes up their names
32:43 Jimin pulls JK by his hand
37:02 Jimin sits by JK’s side
5:39 Jimin tries to steal a post it from JK and gets scolded by him, then Jimin says he can’t get mad because he is older than him, JK says he didn’t get mad and apologizes
6:08 JK tells Jimin that he is exhausted and Jimin tells him their shirts are hilarious
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b) 2020 Awards Dance Practice
practicing the black swan choreo together in the begging of the video
1:38 Jimin runs after JK
2:04 Jin is recording a video and Jimin and JK join him
2:41 practicing their part of the choreo together and then going near Jin when he is recording
3:42 watching the video of their performance with Jin and Hobi
4:23 playing with the choreo prop
c) Black Swan MMA Performance Dance Practice
2. December 4, 2020:
Jin Birthday Vlive
16:50 Jin calls Jimin and finds out JK is with him
3. December 5, 2020:
a) iHeartRadio Most Requested Live - Ask Anything Chat
2:48 Jimin says he was home alone a lot on Christmas, JK says “I see” and puts his hand on the back of Jimin’s neck
3:20 they are asked if they could be a flower, what flower would they be, Jimin says he would be a “forget-me-not”, JK asks why and Jimin says it is because his body is fragile
5:46 JK imitates Namjoon’s face and Jimin laughs at it
6:03 Jimin looks at JK and laughs
b) Ask Anything Chat - "Someone" From BTS Falls Off His Chair
They are asked what would they call a book of their life, Jimin laughs so much at JK’s answer he ends up falling from the chair
c) Melon Music Awards 2020
the epic “Black Swan Performance” when Jimin and JK did the pas de deux
d) 2020 MMA Behind Video
Another angle of the “Black Swan” performance in the beginning
e) 2020 MMA Episode
0:26 preparing to film the “Black Swan” performance and then rehearsing for it
1:23 Jimin goes on JK’s back to see which way their movement will be better and then they film the performance
2:09 checking the performance recording together and then filming it again
f) 2020 MMA Making Film
0:24 rehearsing and then filming the “Black Swan” performance
1:12 watching the performance recording
3:11 JK playfully throws some water at Jimin and then Jimin spills water on JK’s neck
7:15 JK caresses Jimin’s back while he talks
10:26 Jimin tries to cheer JK and Hobi up and JK smiles at him
g) 2020 MMA Behind Video
1:15 Jimin looks at JK while JK films his intro part of the performance
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4. December 6, 2020:
a) MAMA 2020 Episode
4:10 JK thanks all the people involved in the performance making and Jimin puts his hand on his shoulder and asks if he cried and then fixes his hair
10:28 talking about the concept of the “Life Goes On” performance
11:28 Jimin goes near JK and takes his microphone
14:23 JK says that Jimin’s ideia of calling Yoongi for the speech was awesome
b) MAMA 2020 Thank You Stage
1:27 JK slaps Jimin’s butt
1:58 Jimin holds two mics for JK while he speaks
2:17 they briefly look at each other while JK speaks
c) MAMA 2020 Making Film
1:45 Jimin dances to warm up and JK looks at him and smiles
4:09 the part of Jimin asks if JK cried while touching his shoulder and then fixes his hair again
13:55 the part where Jimin takes JK’s microphone again
18:45 JK walks behind Jimin
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5. December 8, 2020:
Run Ep. 119
8:21 Jimin does spins just like JK did on the previous episode
11:17 JK and Jin are the only ones who vote to accept Jimin’s picture
29:40 Jimin helps JK to check how many of his photos were ruined by the spy and laughs when he sees it was almost all of them
34:20 JK is shaking his leg and Jimin puts his hand on it to calm him
35:16 Jimin pulls JK to try to make him confess that he lost
38:23 Jimin puts his hand on JK’s neck when he seems upset for losing and then helps him when he is supposed to make an ending comment
0:48 JK is amazed by the amount of card Jimin has found
3:00 looking at the pictures together
3:43 JK plays with the art in front of his shirt and Jimin starts rubbing on them too
5:05 Jimin tells JK that if he wins he is going to make the loser hike Mount Achasan, JK laughs and says “you have to go with the loser, right?”, Jimin pats his chest and JK asks why is he looking at him when he says that
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6. December 9, 2020:
Vanity Fair Interview
2:48 they talk about the first first place award they won and JK mentions that Jimin cried that day, Jimin corrects him saying the day he cried was at M Countdown
7. December 10, 2020:
a) TIME Entertainer of the Year Performance
2:30 JK puts an arm around Jimin’s shoulder while singing Dynamite
b) TIME Entertainer of the Year Interview
3:03 JK puts briefly massages Jimin’s neck when he notices him trying to crack it
8. December 11, 2020:
a) Winter Package Teaser
0:30 Jimin goes to JK’s side
0:50 sitting close to each other and being touchy
b) Winter Package
Part 1
12:00 JK makes a noise and Jimin stares at him and then laughs
12:48 sitting side by side
19:22 when it’s JK’s turn to play the guessing game, Jimin gives him a hint
41:00 looking for Jin together, playing with the snow and then doing a Jinjikook photoshoot
46:52 Hobi and JK take pictures of Jimin
47:32 playing with the snow
51:25 Jimin, JK and Yoongi go to a beer brewery together
53:41 Jimin turns to JK excitedly when the beer brewery staff tells them they are going to get to taste the beer
Part 2
0:10 drinking beer together with Yoongi, JK describes the beer taste while looking at Jimin
0:50 drinking another beer together, at 1:16 JK grabs the beer before hearing the explanation and Jimin tells him not to get too excited
2:43 Jimin laughs at JK’s joke and says his acting has gotten better
3:27 JK makes a funny comment again so Jimin holds his arm and teases him saying he is drunk
8:57 Jikook and Yoongi mixing the beer, Jimin tells JK he is good at this
9:55 JK tries to keep mixing the beer when they are done and Jimin makes him stop
11:40 having dinner together with Yoongi and Jimin shows JK a video of the other members ziplining on his phone
12:58 writing the review of their day together, Jimin asks JK what he did well and then writes that he protected JK
13:19 the cutest winter package moment when Jimin asks JK to hold him to help him sit right, JK teases him and Jimin whines at him, then JK ends up helping him
16:57 they are doing a self-cam before going to bed and Jimin is wearing JK’s sweater
19:56 walking side by side
21:25 playing with a football ball together and then doing a photoshoot with Hobi
27:18 standing close for the photoshoot
28:36 sitting side by side while having dinner with the group
50:02 Jimin and JK try to do the yoga exercise Tae showed them
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9. December 15, 2020:
Run Ep. 120
24:40 Jimin asks JK if he is the culprit and can’t hold his laugh
29:39 the caption says there is “war of nerve” between Jimin’s and JK’s characters, because they were trying to beat each other’s records
32:00 Jimin gets into character and asks JK why did he run to his place without saying hi to him
5:30 Jimin plays with the yo-yo and JK gets worried he is going to hurt his fingers, then JK insists that Jimin lets him play with the yo-yo
5:56 Jimin starts singing, JK watches him and sings along with him, then JK teases him for not knowing the lyrics and Jimin says “what? Quiet you”
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10. December 17, 2020:
Arriving together
0:45 Jimin and JK getting out of the same car
11. December 18, 2020:
a) Arriving at KBS
0:54 Jimin and JK arriving together in the same car
b) Leaving KBS
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12. December 22, 2020:
Run Ep. 121
25:14 JK says he is suspicious of Jimin
37:02 Jimin asks JK why he didn’t listen to him about about the culprit
38:42 JK plays with Jimin’s yo-yo
1:03 they both get into character and start accusing each other, Jimin tries to reach for JK but stops when Tae accuses them of plotting
9:05 JK says everyone is so good at acting and Jimin compliments him saying he was very funny towards the end
13. December 25, 2020:
a) SBS Gayo Daejun
8:36 Jikook cute choreo moment
10:22 another cute choreo moment
b) SBS Episode
1:51 talking to each other in soft tones and JK brushes his fingers on Jimin’s chest, then Jimin touches his chin
3:59 looking at each other and laughing after trying to taste the fake snow
10:00 Jimin calls JK to see the choreo instructions
10:27 JK zooms the camera on Jimin’s face and then they practice their part of the choreo
14. December 29, 2020:
Run Ep. 122
2:54 Namjoon says JK and Jimin are going to be a team so JK smiles and Jimin goes near him
5:36 narrating the cooking video together, JK starts speaking funny and Jimin laughs at it, JK keeps giving Jin and Yoongi the cooking instructions for a while and making Jimin laugh
15:58 they go to the kitchen together to help Jin and Yoongi and then go back to the other room and keep giving them the instructions together
31:41 Jimin is proud for giving the instructions well, and JK teases him saying “you did it for too long in the beginning”
32:39 JK stands behind Jimin
33:55 Jimin asks JK what he thinks of the food
34:25 JK stands behind Jimin again and stays there until de end of the episode
15. December 31, 2020:
New Year’s Eve Live Making Film
2:17 standing close for the photoshoot
4:02 discussing the performance
7:03 Jikook handshake, then Jimin makes a funny face and JK looks at him
8:47 Jimin keeps talking in the background while JK speaks
12:27 standing close
Credits for the Run episodes timestamps to @ladyc0312​​​​​​​​
Information compiled by Shan and @lagalaxiedemochi
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bengiyo · 1 year
Stay By My Side Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
This is about the new BL out of Taiwan. I will not be watching "the half-brothers getting into each other's pants" from China. I've missed Taiwan, and am excited to see them tackle the supernatural.
Episode 1
Every time I see Taipei I think about how deforested my city is. It's so hot here.
Hot boy on a motorcycle!
Well, we're definitely in BL. We already have Crash Into You just after the first minute. You can't fall in love if you ain't clumsy.
What an interesting choice to telegraph all of the upcoming beats with both leads narrating before even the intro.
Is this guy rich or something? Why do they care if this new student is happy?
Damn, bro, you ain't have to stunt on him like that.
This sister seems familiar to me. Ah, she was in Papa & Daddy as Jerry's sister.
I'm with the biker. This room is messy as hell.
I think this guy on the basketball team was the cafe owner in Be Loved In House: I Do.
What's a little light stalking between roommates?
You know, I'm not with Bu Xia at all. It's a dorm. You're gonna be assigned roommates. Don't touch his stuff.
They broke the damn TV! How will we watch our stories??
Only in a Taiwanese BL would kissing your opponent during an arm wrestling match be a reasonable tactic. I'm going to ignore how that angle was likely impossible.
Wait! There were no ghosts in this episode! I get that they're not supposed to show up around Jiang Chi, but I feel like we needed to establish that he's haunted?
Episode 2
Bu Xia does seem to be a genuinely difficult person to live with.
This man is really eating the spilled chips off Jiang Chi's chest. What the hell.
Now he's got Jiang Chi helping him with his essay? Couldn't be me.
Ah, okay. Now it is time for the spooky
I was really blessed with an excellent roommate my first year of college.
Jiang Chi feels kinda gay.
I do feel a little bad for Bu Xia. His sister could have at least warned him.
Okay, the audio cues when he touched Jiang Chi were funny.
Oh next week looks silly.
This a little choppy. I'll come back next week, but this feels a bit rough around the edges. I don't think I'm keen on Bu Xia.
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agnisleftpec · 7 months
i present my stupidly long reactions/opinions post to all of natla. i wrote it all as i watched, and i got more and more words in my head as i went, so it gets long. no i will not be editing this. i am not a review blog, i just have opinions ajhgsfjkf
ep 1 good: -gyatso. i love him so much -overall this was a good enough intro, but not much really stood out to me as good?? it's. kind of a weak intro asjdhgsfh
bad: -fire nation helmets trying to look a little less dopey by adding angles to the eye sockets is stupid af. like i can understand why they might have thought the circle eyes looked dopey, but personally, it felt eery and othering to me, like there aren't people behind those masks. also it's closer to a skull motif than the weird angular half cirlce shape. -aang being able to basically superman fly?? and hover?? it looks really weird, and i also kinda breaks some potential future plots?? like, he can just. hover up into the air and fly away without his staff. and they seemed to have replaced aang's jumping with it. now he just starts hovering. -i dont like that katara doesn't bend aang out of the ice in rage. i dont really care about sokka dropping the blatant sexism, but i still think they should've been fighting about SOMETHING. even without the comparison of their jobs at home, they already had something to bicker about before losing the boat, they should've kept that up. katara's angry bending was such a good way to communicate her character as well as show viewers her raw power and that bending is effected by emotions, i really dont like that they dropped it. -there's a heavy lean into sokka's relationship with aang that's probaly a result of the writers knowing how much the fandom loves sokka lately, but also. it really feels like it's overshadowing katara's role in aang's new life. like, if i hadn't seen the original show, i would assume that the main relationship is aang and sokka from this episode.
overall a servicable intro i guess, but i was. boring. it was really boring asjhgsfh
ep 2 good: -zuko is an artist and they stole his fucking journal im screamin. this is so funny. he's so mad that he lost his fckin diary and aang is using it to figure out his next steps. im just. i love this -actually really liked that waterbending scroll as a gift from gran gran, it makes it a lot more personal and very smoothly sidesteps the original plot for the scroll, which you gotta admit is a lot of screentime that they dont have -sokka trying to impress and relate to suki and looking like a gotdamn fool while doing it. he's fucking smitten. i love this. AND SUKI STARING AT HIM WITH HIS SHIRT OFF LATER. yeah. yeah i like this better than the original episode actually -sokka's dialogue overall is amazing, mostly because he's funny. the funny dialogue is overall pretty good i my opinion. which leads into a bad point: most of the serious and heartfelt dialogue feels pretty unnatural. the actors are overall pretty inexperienced, but the script is doing them no favors
bad: -Lt. Jee has a topknot. how fukcing dare they -they just used "VIP" in a sentence. i dont like the acknowledgment of a latin alphabet. why do they have an acronym for an english phrase using the latin alphabet when we've seen no latin letters anywhere -aang meeting with kyoshi first was fun, but the weird filter they have over the spirit world (?)/the whole scene genuinely makes it hard to look at -NO UNAGI??????? NONE??? NOT A SINGLE GIANT EEL FISH???? -did momo just make a chimpanzee sound. im going. to lose it.
neutral: -zuko and iroh don't know zhao yet… that's fucking wack
a MUCH better episode than the first one, this actually got me excited for stuff
ep 3 good: -love this internal resistence. very cool aspect to explore that i think the main show was missing -CABBAGE MERCHANT -fire nation terrorists in omashu is kind of terrifying. i like it -ok the casting and costume design for the freedom fighters is actually spot on, i love it. also jet's weapon use is so faithful to the original, it's gorgeous -OOOOOOH, sokka's warrior vs engineer, hakoda vs machanist father figure is so good, i love this -THAT FUCKIN LADY WHO JUST STARTED SMACKING ZUKO. im fuckin choking -i did actually really like the fight scene between all the cloths and scaves and stuff, it was short but it was fun. honestly i love every zuko and aang in this episode, it's very good
bad: -did. did they say attitude control on the airship? …did they mean altitiude control…? is attitude a common problem with airships?? (maybe it is, idk shit about air travel terms. mybe attitiude means something else entirely. but i don't think so) -WHy. why are the fire nation spies wearing RED. wh
neutral: -putting teo and the mechanist ("sai" now) in omashu is a pretty decent way to combine plots, but im not sure if i like that it probably wont get aang's grief over his cultural home being changed and partially desstroyed. i always thought that was a super important to aang's character, but also the narrative does have other chances to lean into aang's cultural grief -putting JET in omashu. that's a choice. -Lt. Jee as an informant for zhao… that's wack
side note, this is the point where i really started to notice that the music is… boring. it's super boring. we go from what feels like basically background noise style western orchestral music which really isn't that notable to the credit role remaster, and it's jsut so jarring. have they not been using the og soundtrack?? i can remember hearing the fire nation motif, but like… not much else. might need to go back and listen. what's the point of remastering the soundtrack if you aren't gonna use it?
ep 4 good: -FLOPSY STATUES -im lovin zuko's infiltration thing, it's amusing to watch. but also, maybe a bad point, cuz he's not… very good at it. blue spirit who?? i suppose needinng to talk to people lowers his stealth exponentionally. there's a reason the blue spriit doesn't talk. im leaving this point here cuz im having fun, but it's still got problems -OOOOH they're using this as the iroh captured and zuko choosing to sasve him or find aang, that's clever. the whole "make a choice" thing from that guard was a bit on the nose though. -sokka and katara bonding and chatting about expectations is great. i really like them bonding a lot. HOWEVEER. there is a LOT of focus on sokka's burdens, we haven't once touched on what katara's been doing. this is. an unforseen consequence of removing sokka's (blatant) sexism, isn't it. they cant figure out how to give katara's role the same amount of value without someone to act like it isn't important.
bad: -the implication that sokka is scared of haunted tunnels. why would he be scared, this bitch does not believe in spirit nonsense. unless he does now. natla sokka is supersticious. -i really dont like the mad hatter's tea party vibe from bumi. like, bumi was always off his rocker, but this brand of kooky feels off. -while i like the conversation of soka not trusting katara, i really dont like the seeming personality reversal in the tunnel. it's minor, but it's just so weird to see sokka sasy stuff like "woo love leads the way" without mocking it, and katara beig the one who says that's stupid. -how did they manange to make zuko look older for his flashback. good lord. oh no. -bumi: "you vs me, to the death." im fucking. im so done. i hate this bumi i hate him. i understand him being upset that aang vanished, but he is so fucking mean in this. -ok i. do not like them giving the zhao v zuko agni kai ending to iroh. i really dont like that at all. we lose the point of zhao being a fuckin bastard, about zuko being the type to give mercy (which the show has already thrown out twice now from zuko almost blaasting fire in someone's face after they we on the ground and basically defeated. dont really like that change in character. they added all this awkwardness and these comments about what an honorable soldier shouldn't do, and yet they do this?? dumb), and having iroh defend him with ease. innstead it's replaced with "dont show mercy to earthbenders." ok. -the badgeermoles. sense feelings. and react to them. FEELINGS. im.
neutral: -THE SINGING NOMADS??? i thought this tunnel plto sounded like it could be similar to the cave of two lovers, but i really did not expect to see the singing nomads here. i do love them though -look, i dont care about shipping, but OOF. the poor kataang shippers. they're just throwing out all the kataang scenes but not building up an actual friendship in its place. i'm not a fan
bad episode. did not like this one. there were some goo parts, but overall it was just so disappointing compared to the original. on its own, i supposes it's a servicable episode, but so far, none of the others have really let me down this much in terms of expectations.
ep 5 good -ooooohh. i know this one is going to be controvertial, but i actually love the part where ozai corrects azula in the fact that zuko found the avatar, not zhao, and that he's displaying desireable traits in an heir that she seems to be lacking. like, i wish this came AFTER we had some blatant examples of ozai's favortism towards azula, but i do love the idea that ozai is driving their competition between each other. also that ozai is actually able to be proud of zuko IF he achieves those impossible goals he sets. but we still need more azula favoritism set up. -DID JUNE. FUCK ME, there was so much in two seconds hold on. the western whistle thing. june saying "your dad's kinda cute." she thinks iroh is cute, and she thinks iroh is zuko's dad. im. im fine. -WAN SHI TONG????? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE. my child. i did not expect to see my child in s1. overall, i'm relatively happy with him? wish his face was smaller or the resof him was bigger - he had a lot more poof to his head in the original, in imo a smaller face on the head would help make him look larger in solo shots. he looks pretty scrawny. also the voice is a bit too much old man for my tastes? but i'm picky about this bird. now im just super curious if there will be a library episode if s2 comes, and what that'll look like.
bad: -nothing has exemplified my problems with the changes in this show more than katara not throwing the acorn at aang's head. it's just. her attitude is gone, any whimsy that isn't sokka is gone, and they struggle to meld serious topics with humor. -actual gyatso in the spirit world?? maybe?? first of all, if it is actually gyatso, i dont think they did a good job of prooving that. second, why??? i'm really not a fan of aang actually getting that relief from grief and guilt. guilt is such a huge part of aang's character, i just.. idk, it feels less impactful when he gets actual gyatso telling him its ok instead of learning to manage his guilt on his own, nevere knowing really what gyatso would think og him now, like very other person who loses a loved one. it's just. it feels cheap
neutral -im not sure if i like koh as an actually malicious force in this story. like, it works fine for the narrative presented, but i really liked how koh was in the original, threatening and scary and trying to trick aang into making an expression for snack time, but not actually doing anything but helping aang when asked.
not the best episode, but not the worst. we just did that. it's kind of an in between, so idk if there's much to comment on. overall, im not a huge fan of the plot choices here, but i don't think they're actually bad choices, just not my style.
ep 6 good: -roku: im here to help you with anything you need aang: it has to do with koh roku: …anything but that roku has so much fuckin attitude, i kind of love it -zhao ignoring aang to correct the notetaker guys notes and make he gets his facts straight is both funny and an effective way to show off zhao's ego. also "what are you doing, dont write that down" is makin me think of that one kig who fell of his horse while hunting and said "dont let the historians write about this" and guess what fucking happened -the convo right after was really good imo. aang basically doing a lil test to prove that he and zuko could be friends with their boring old conversation was great. zuko getting mad about compassion is heartbreaking, woohoo. pretty much all around a fun scene, except that last line from aang was a little too on the nose. but at this point, im used to it in this show. -also the journal thing is still great. and i could be totally wrong, but i feel like zuko being super kowledgable about avatar stuff is a fanon thing?? well supported, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't actually come up often how much zuko knows about the past avatars, and fandom kind of took the idea that he MUST know a bunch given his search, and has freuently applied that to aus that turn zuko into this avatar specialist that actuallyhas a lot of info that aang needs. i swear that's a fanon concept, and i kind of love that it's happening here. -Ooohh. omg. the 41st as zuko's crew is DEFINITELY something i've only seen in fanon. the crew NOT KNOWING they were the 41st is completely new, and i honestly adore it.
bad: -not the fuckin mother of faces statue spinning around in his hand like a fuckin loading screen object -zhao yelling "cel - la - brate" like a fuckin party rock song, im. i cant. -blue spirit mask looks plastic. also why'd they make it angrier. i mean, i gujess it doesn't matter, but i dont think it adds anything either. that's a design you shouldn't touch in my opinion, it's too iconic. -the fucking music. the music is so fucking boring. you can't give me one fucking blue spirit motif?? wh. please. i need it -why. why did it take so long to do the whole "i need the avatar alive" and then swords to aang's throat. like. i could deal with that short moment of realization leadinng to a pause, but the actual action of zuko putting his swords to aang's throat feels like it takes forever. the whole shock from the animation was how fuckin immediate zuko's reaction was, how there seemed to be no hesitation from allies with the avatar to betting his life on escape. dont care if they have to speed up the footage, that whole sequence shouldn't have given us time to think. it was too slow from the second zhao told his soldiers to stop. -the agni kai. hm… ok. there's a lot here. at its most basic, i absolutely hate that zuko fought back here, because it feels so incredibly counter to the message of the animated show. like, there's a lot of fuckin weight to zuko's line of "i won't fight you." basically any fanfic can tell you a bunch of different ways this is important. it struck a chord for a reason. zuko fighting back just feels wrong. that said, i don't think it's a god awful scene. it's disappointing and abandons half of the origial meaning, but on its own in the context of the show as we've seen it, it works. we still get the trauma, zuko learns the idea that compassion is weakness, and it's still horrifying in the end. but compared to the original, it does feel like the writers here missed the point of zuko refusing to fight in the original, and that's the most frustrating part.
neutral: -torn on how i feel about zhao tagging along with zuko instead of them being phsycially separate. like, i guess it works, but zhao feels more slimey and less powerful this way. like, i'm not constantly reminded that zhao has more influence and more resources through this partnership. but then again, this episode also kind of solves that issue? i guess it doesn't matter, i just didn't like it. -zuko is a very vocal fighter, and he also makes a good amount of noise during his blue spirit fighting. i guess it doesn't really matter, especially cuz we dont have dante basco's crazy recognizable voice to deal with, but it still feels a bit disappointing for the blue spirit to make noise when we're used to dead silence
i might be going crazy, but i swear i heard some of the original guard grunts from the show when zuko's beating up the guards in front of his cell. i might be crazy, but fuck. ANYWAY. overall i did like this episode. going off the last episode, it still had a lot of plot bits i didn't care for, but overall it's good. yes there are issues, but im honestly more impressed by the things they introduced than i am annoyed with the things they changed. im still thinking about the 41st, like fuck
ep 7
good: -zuko's "ship" blew up!! that's an intersting change, but i think it's a clever one! though i do wonder what will become of zuko's actual ship considering it's fine. my favorite character, alive and well. have fun drowning, zuko. but also, this seems much more brutal to me?? cuz like. jee and iroh were trying to save zuko, and they ended up putting himself in danger in doing so. that's worse than just not being around when danger happened like in the animation, imo. -YUE HAS A FURSONA????????????? -i do love that whole scene of azula putting her foot down and refusing to do more of ozai's dumb little tests of strength. like, maybe not true to her animation arc, but i do like it -honestly the change where katara "wins" the fight with pakku not cuz pakku has a crush on her grandma but because everyone else who watched her figt thought she was badass was really nice. crowd vote says fuck pakku
bad: -OOF THAT FIRST SHOUT OF THE NORTHERN WATER TRIBE. oh that is not good. i haven't mentioned the cgi yet, but this is. oh dear. technically it's eas to miss, but still. -im so sorry, im sure she's lovely, but the first short of yue is so bad, she looks like she does not want to be here at all. i actually startedlaughing out loud wtf -oh i forgot momo existed. but now thtat he's here, he's ugly. i dont like him. -sokka and katara look so fucking pale next to hahn and arnook. i hate it
neutral: -im still neutral about azula and ozai's whole tough love thing. azula's lack of confdence and anger at not feeling good enough really feels like a zuko thing instead of an azula thing. she really doesn't come across in the original as worried at all about how she holds up next to zuko. in a vacuum, i don't think it's a bad choice, but compared to the original it is a jarring shift
overall pretty good. i dont like aang's protective behavior, but i do like that it's showing off some of aang's more negative qualities. we didn't get a bato episode or a intro to the storm episode here, so we haven't really encountered that yet. also im happy katara got to be sort of mad. a little.
ep 8 good: -i do like the early war balloons i think, it feels more reasonable that zhao snuck into the city vs got all the way back to the spirit oasis on komodo rhinnos withou being stopped or followed like they did in the original. -katara mastering waterbending literally without instruction is kind of badass. that whole exchange of "you've found a master haven't you" "yes, it's me" was pretty fun. idk how realistic it is, but like. in the original, she also masteredd waterbending in a matter of days, so. niether are that realistic -i kind of like how fuckin visceral the moon spirit getting stabbed is. like, minor change, doesn't matter, but still. that one shot of the bloody bag with a knife sticking out of it was lovely -ok that's spooky as fuck, the "there is no aang" thing with koizilla. like, the idea that this isn't just aang being possessed or lending his aide, this is him straight up giving up his life to la in that moment -that whole thing about zuko just beig a tool ozai uses to motivate azula was really well done actually. great acting, basically all that fanfic worthy revelation emotion, it was super good. like i was kinda thrown by ozai giving all control around hunter the avatar to zhao after seeming so impressed that zuko found the avatar in the first place, but really, i been played a fool. he doesn't care, he's manipulating azula. this is what the favoritism looks like. yikes. -also obsessed with the visual they talked about with aang/la wandering the world forever in search of a partner they wont find. this new context that koizilla really wasn't just a fuck you to the fire nation, it was meant to be permanent. like, fuck, i love that
bad: -OH THEY GOT RID OF ZHAO GOING TO THE SPIRIT LIBRARY i hate everything. what's the point. they're just gonna nix the library all together. wan shi tong is never coming back. sokka v wan shi tong will never happen. my entire career is over. -kuruk just appearing in a random doorway is wack -koizilla looks bad. baaaaaaaaaaad. where's the glowly lines -ok great yay we got zuko turning his back on zhao and getting attacked, but first of all that meant nothing cuz zuko DID ttry to kill him, zhao just dodge, and second, la should've taken zhao. i just. it's a more satisfying death for him, and also zuko's whole take my hand thing is super fuckin important too. but zuko in this show as a traumatic aversion to compassion, so whatever i guess.
pretty good finale, entertaining and got some good emotion stuff. better than most of the episode's emotions honestly
overall good: -before i speak i need you to look at my icon. scroll down the blog a bit. just take that in. ok? ok. i think zuko kind of carried the story here. overall i was very impressed by his acting, and yes, it was much more awkward and tear-ready than animated zuko, but also that's my fuckin jam. he's out of character in a lot of ways, but all the characters are, and like. lets be fucking real, this is fanon zuko. this is how the majority of fandom characterizes him. -set design was very nice in my opnion. casting choices (minus the water tribe sibs) were amaing visually, maybe no so much in terms of talent but we deal. while the costumes look too new and fee fake, it's not the worst. if you go into this expecting camp and trashy fun, you'll enjoy it. you can't set your standards high -once again, take a scroll through my blog. ok. i love how often aang is just like. clearly dissappointed with zuko's lack of desire to change, how much he wants to connect to zuko but zuko wont stop fuckin hissing and spitting. if aang got to have personality in this script, he'd basically be pointing at zuko like "that's my emotional support enemy," i swear to fuck. i might be pushing it on how much they were really like this in the narrative, but i dont care, im having fun asgjhdfh
bad: -momo and appa both look creepy. they give me realistic pokeon vibes, and not in the detective pikachu type of way. like, detective pikachu is what i was hoping for, something that preserved the cute and still felt semi real. this didn't do that. momo is weirdly top heavy and his eyes scare me, and appa has weird, ever present droopy lips, especially at the corners. it's just uncanny -i dont like how bending looks. it's okay i guess, but it's got so many extra busy particle effects that it feels uncontrolled. i always pictured masterful bending as being really smooth and pretty unnatural looking- smooth water bubbles, fire with weirdly contained flickers and not much smoke, earth without a bunch of crumbling pebblees, air without dust everywhere you dont want it. the wobbly water and earth bending with so many fuckin shards of debris and the firebening with so many sparks is disappointing cuz i would've worldbuilt that to be a lack of mastery thing. anyway. it's fine. -aang is not happy and excitable, and katara isn't angry or sassy. they have the personalities of cardboard boxes. rip.
i actually liked that a lot. lots of good and lots of bad, but overall i had fun and that's what matters. maybe not something i'd rewatch if i didn't have atla brainrot, but not fuckin god awful. the characters were pretty different from their animated counterparts, and that's very frustrating in its own way, and the script was full of poorly written dialogue, and the acting kinda of sucked in a lot of places, but. but. i had fun, and im probably gonna rewatch it, and im gonna enjoy applying these ideas to fanfic and fanart. overall, im glad it exists. it's not going to replace the original, it's not meant to, but it's just trashy fun. i love trashy fun.
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phrootsnacks · 8 months
jjba thursday: part 4 ep 7-9
im just so tired from having meetings. my schedule is lighter on thursdays (which is the reason why I have jjba thursday) but now everyone is just like "oh you're free thursday? lets have our meeting then :)" like UGH yes im free but I still have a life!!! and that life is watching jjba and posting my reactions on tumblr.com!!!!
anyway. angst time over jjba time now
episode 7 - Toshikazu Hazamada (Show Off)
um. ok
wait this con artist guy is gonna be a recurring character,,,
of course he's a finance bro.
"something evil's taking over our town!" *cough cough*
oooh he's mysterious and lurking and shadowy *kicking my feet*
quick! shoot the fake one!
lol get neck chopped koichi oh MY GOD THATS SUCH A FUNNY IMAGE
ok reverb calm down w the heavy breathing
who is she?
nooo jotaro you're too autistic to realize that's not the real josuke on the phone!!
lol get bricked in the head con artist guy
oh no,,,, he's an incel.... :(
"its like watching a dying cricket on a death march" damn
wait a minute.... do people ship josuke and koichi?? actually im completely unaware of any jjba ships. what are the jjba ships? other than like. idk avdol and joseph?? y'all remember that one episode where they were magnetized to each other and in attempt to separate ended up in very .... compromising positions in public? what was that about.
yeah what is that stand. I know its reverb and it's a cicada but um.
ruh roh!
I dont think stabbing a pen thru someone's skull is blunt force trauma,,, or even works???? its a pen
biker gang to the rescue!
episode 8 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1
"stand users are inadvertently drawn to each other" oh you mean plot convenience?
"everyone is suspect" goddamn this show just can't get enough of this fear mongering politic huh
why does billion bro walk like that. and why is billion bro kinda like, my new favorite character?
so she likes short kings,,,,
josuke,,, dont get jealous............. :)
what the fuck is happening
wait. were you tossing and turning all night, or were you knitting a whole sweater personalized for koichi last night? somethings not adding up! lol
is this a trope im unaware of or is she actually so character
wait is the trope.... yandere..........
oh no,,,, she's not a girl's girl........ :(
oh wow
what is with koichi catching all these stray characters that are... yknow,,,,,,,,
what is happening. this is the plan?
yeah obviously the plan backfired. because now she's saying "I can fix him"
hahahahaha this is so silly multiple choice test about Prince's music
this isn't really "studying" while "eating breakfast"
????? ok
episode 9 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 2
wow. you're really gonna end on that scene and then play the intro? wow. ok. um. wow
the pity angle is not gonna get you anywhere
she is. so many people on tumblr.com
I repeat: she is so many people on tumblr.com
seriously why does reverb have skateboard wheels
there's a payphone and the ocean nearby? that ... that narrows it down????
wowwwwwwwwww yknow koichi is really vindictive huh
yep ok yandere
reverb 2.0... why does it look like that
oh no.... now he has polnareff hair???
big shot (nows your time to be a)
you think its that house? the one thats wrapped in hair and has a pink aura?? no way billion bro...
oh she also has a complex about her hair! thats great.
what. what.
well then
ok. I uh, well. see you next week!
0 notes
jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 1
Meet the Maidens
It is back to school baby, both for D20 and, funnily enough, myself as well (something I hope will give me more time to get the recaps out in a timely manner fingers crossed). 
As I’m sure you all know if you’re reading this, this season of D20 takes place in the world of Fantasy High but with a focus on Aguefort’s OTHER most badass adventuring party who we’ve so far only seen on the sidelines, the Seven Maidens! You’ll recall, they’re made up of the seven girls who were captured by Penelope and co. to fulfill the prophecy that would let Kalvaxus rule the world freshman year. And, in fact, we start with a flashback to freshman year so let’s just jump right in.
We find our seven soon-to-be heroines chained in the Red Waste in front of what we know and they will shortly learn in Kalvaxus’ lair--a crucial part of the prophecy that was the subject of season 1. The structure of this episode is sort of like 2 rounds of introductions--first here with the maidens meeting each other for the first time and then again at home with their families a la the first episode of Freshman Year so I’ll be glossing over certain things that we’ll get to later in their second intros.
Anyway, the first two to wake up are Danielle (aka Yelle: half-elf, druid) and Zelda (satyr, barbarian as we know). Zelda is her usual, adorably nervous self in contrast to Yelle who is no less sweet but in a super chill, granola girl, fuck the system kind of way. We actually learn that Penelope had her on board with the plan for a hot second when she thought it was just “overthrow the government” but didn’t know about the “install a just as bad if not worse evil dragon overlord” part. 
Ostentatia (dwarf, cleric) wakes up next and is, as Izzy--her player--describes her “Jersey Trash.”, all blinged up with jewelry that she secretly made herself and didn’t buy. She wakes up pissed and ready to bodyslam Aelwyn which are both extremely valid emotions as much as I love Aelwyn. By the way, all of the girls recognize each other as girls who go to their school but none of them are really friends though they very quickly start throwing the label around because that’s what you do when you wake up chained with 6 other people in front of a dragon’s lair in a place called the Red Waste. 
Katja (half-orc, fighter) wakes up and immediately cares about nothing more than the status of her beloved horse, Cinnamon and declares that if Cinnamon dies, she’ll die. This is a fantasy world so Ostentatia and Danielle are a little concerned that might literally be true via a soul bond or something but it’s more that Katja just really, really loves that horse. Danielle tries to cast a spell to locate the horse but can’t get the somatic components quite right with her hands manacled. 
They all get into a discussion about the fact that everyone for a fact knows they’re all virgins now (you know, the real issue here) and what exactly counts as “virginity” for the purposes of this prophecy (like, does second or third base count or only traditional home runs using the baseball analogy) when Penny wakes up and is, just so excited to be here gang! Penny (halfling, rogue), who is one of the girls who has been kidnapped the longest, is adorably and honestly a bit concerningly exuberant to be surrounded by all these new friends, totally disregarding  the fact that they are clearly in some deep shit. Zelda mentions that Riz, her old babysitee, knows they’re kidnapped and is trying to help and she lights up. 
Next up is Sam (water genasi, sorc/bard) who immediately starts thrashing to get out of her chains and, when she can’t get free, is devastated by the fact that her ex betrayed her (!?) Finally Antiope (human fighter/ranger) wakes up all out of sorts having started her growth spurt while in the crystal and also having needed to pee right before she went in which becomes a problem all over herself (which Sam helpfully cantrips away).
With all of them awake, the stones they’re chained to light up and some of Kalvaxus’ minions (the ones who tied them up) show up to do minion speechifying. Yelle does a horrifying Animorph style morph into a waterbear (a tardigrade if you wanna get all Bio 101) to get out of her bonds but then Sam who has a serious one track mind re: getting out of here (Correct) and has exactly zero patience for these guys casts Tidal Wave and just knocks them off the cliff. Yelle frees Ostentatia who frees everyone else with Animate Object on their chains. Hands free, Yelle also casts Locate Animal and tells a very pleased Katja that Cinnamon is doing a full Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron down the highway searching for her. 
The girls decide to explore the cave which has recently had most of its treasure moved (it’s currently in the gym for the Prompocolypse fight which is currently happening). Penny and Sam (who are in insanely different emotional places) find all these broken mirrors which Sam takes as a cue that they need to GTFO (which is what she was already doing) and Penny thinks would make a great material for friendship bracelet making which she starts doing as Sam physically pulls her away. Sam hears someone doing post-cry sniffles and is like, “Not today Satan,” still trying to leave. However, Penny sees that there is one mirror left and, inside, sees a ethereal looking human with flowing, preternatural, black hair who senses their presence and asks if Penny is someone named Anima. She asks for their names though she declines to give hers (hmm, feels very fae) and the girls give the fake names of Kelly and Cecelia which the figure says she will guard and not misuse. The figure says she is looking for her sisters (who she says when Penny asks are at Aguefort which...hmmmmm) and, all of a sudden, Sam and Penny are having a bad feeling about those mirror shards. 
They ask her a question about the mirror and she gets really aggro when it’s referred to as “her” mirror as she would very much like to be out of it. The woman really wants to get out and says she can give them lots of power if they help. Sam pulls out her compact Mirror of the Past (magic item that does basically what you’d expect--shows you info from something’s past though in a cryptic way usually) to try and get some info on this thing and just barely avoids losing her mind in the process because this thing is ancient. Like eons old. She also learns the woman’s name (or maybe title): The Ending of Things (will be calling her Ending for now).
Right around now the other girls come in and can see at the angle they’re looking at her at the woman in the mirror is Not Really A Person and Antiope points at her and reflexively casts a ranger sense spell to try and clock its weaknesses and stuff but Ending grabs the spell energy like a lasso and tries to drag her into the mirror. She does however find out that she’s stacked with hella resistances (total immunity to necrotic damage and non-maj weapons, resistance to most elemental damage, and more).
Sam briefly considers using Lightning Lure to pull Antiope back before deciding on a much less ouchy Counterspell. Unfortunately, it’s not strong enough and now she’s being pulled in by her spell energy too. Yelle casts Erupting Earth which has some pros and cons.
Pros: Antiope and Sam are saved! Yay!
Cons: The mirror breaks and whatever was in it is fully freed. Not yay!
Shortly after (but not before Penny gives everyone their new friendship bracelets), someone calls into the cave looking for them--it’s Fig’s mom, Sandra-Lynn (with new art)! She’s happy and impressed that everyone is OK (also, Katja and Sam both have little lines that foreshadow their ~parental issues~ for the season--Katja being very moved by the simple act of Sandra-Lynn showing up for them and Sam saying that in her experience moms can be very evil).
As they all leave the cave, they all do checks and get some info:
Ostentatia: The mirror was kinda like a palimpsest (the crystals they were trapped in) and whatever this thing is is ancient and powerful. 
Yelle: Gets the above info and the fact that when the thing left it wasn’t quite a bad vibe, just the vibe that something big and important is at play.
Penny: On an Arcana check she knows that what Danielle did 100% saved Antiope and Sam’s lives from whatever and wherever was on the either side of the mirror but the contact marked them in some way. 
Katja: With History she sees some Primordial writing which is the writing of elementals (one of the things Ending has resistances to which might be relevant; also Sam reads Primordial but doesn’t get to read what it says)
Antiope: She knows that she and Sam are connected to Ending now somehow but it’s a two way connection which means they can also use it to their advantage. 
Ostentatia casts Mending on the mirror shards which I think was to reconstruct the mirror but what it actually does is someone link their friendship bracelets. Cute!
And, with that, we cut to the present a year and a half later (which is Jr or Sr year for everyone). 
We hop from kid to kid as they get ready to head in to school and get glimpses into their homes lives! Let’s do a quick rundown for each girl:
Antiope Jones
We see that Antiope is the youngest of five in what is essentially a military family full of basically every kind of fighter (she says she basically lives in a “Crossfit box”). There’s an 8 year gap between her and her sister Corsica who is the second youngest so her parents are kind of already living like empty nesters. When she comes downstairs she is promptly handed a protein smoothie and told two pieces of info: (1) from Corsica she learns that she overheard at school --where she teaches--that Aguefort needs to talk to her for some reason but she won’t say why which annoys the crap out of Antiope and (2) her parents lined up an internship for her at the Ministry of Adventure. She and her mom verbally spar a bit about them being all up in her life and how stressed she is and how she likes what she has going now with the Seven but her mom wins ofc because she’s a Mom and also a master tactician with a deft hand for loving mom guilt. On the way to school her bros (who include a gunslinger and an eldritch knight cause they run the whole gamut of fighter classes) Facetime her like, “Yikes Ant, heard about what happened with Mom, this is why you don’t fight her lmao.”
Sam Nightingale
This is a heavy one so strap in. 
We check in with Sam who isn’t at her own family’s home but at Penelope’s family home which is off the bat eyebrow raising. It’s an upper middle class house and, on the way down, she has to pass Penelope’s bedroom which is conspicuously empty. Downstairs she’s greeted by Penelope’s human mom Rebecca who she learns is moving out soon because her elf husband is both cheating on her while away in Falinel and starting the divorce process. Sam clearly sees Penelope’s mom as a surrogate mom (for reasons we’ll learn in a second) and goes full ride or die assuring her that her ass is better than the ass of the woman he’s cheating with and offering to help burn his stuff even though drowning is more her specialty (she’s so cool). She also is a little stricken at the thought of Rebecca leaving her in the house alone but Rebecca says she can come with if she wants, she just didn’t want to disrupt her school life.
She also tells Rebecca that her bio-mom called recently which immediately sets Sam off. Through the convo we learn a couple of things:
Sam used to be an actor it seems.
And it seems like she was kicked out of the house after she transitioned or something similar which is why she lives with the Everpetals. 
Now that it’s more “fashionable” to to be trans (her mom’s words, not mine) she wants Sam to talk to her so they can get her back in the game.
Sam is having none of that and tells Rebecca to just delete her mom’s number. Then they have a cathartic session of burning her cheating husband’s shit before Sam leaves in Sebastian--her sentient, seafoam blue, self-driving car with a very hot male voice which I am extremely jealous of. She picks up Zelda on the way to school and they commiserate a little and have a heart to heart about adults and change and how much Zelda wants to body slam Sam’s mom. 
Penny Luckstone 
Penny’s house is a whirlwind of activity and her harried parents get her and her 19 young siblings ready for school (no wonder she’s such a good babysitter). We see where Penny gets her type-A ness from as her mom and dad both have this cheerful but overworked energy of “EVERYTHING IS FINE” like that Good Place sign. Her mom spares a second to tell her that she recently got a letter for The Society of Shadows which is like a super secret rogue college (which her parents assume is legit even though they haven’t heard of it cause they’re Mumple people and also, if you've heard of a rogue school, how good could it really be?) Penny is excited except that it would mean she’d have to move and leave her party. Her mom is like “hey it’s a full ride and there are 20 of you guys so just take that into consideration but it’s ultimately your decision” before she dashes away to get to work because it is always Go Go Go with the Luckstones. She texts Sam for a ride and Sam swings by to grab her. This is not plot relevant but she has a booster seat in the back of Sebastian with her name carved into it and it’s important to me that you know that. 
Katja Cleaver
Next up is Katja who lives in a Richie Rich style mansion and comes from very old money as she is descended from one of the first adventurers in Solace. She is in the barn with Cinnamon and the bugbear farrier they have employed (her name is Gertrude and a farrier is someone who does horseshoes). She eats the same breakfast as Cinnamon (hot dry oats and berries baybee) wo she loves so so dearly. Cinnamon is a magical horse--basically like a Find Steed spell that’s on all the time. She’s modeled the horse in her fave book series--the Babysitter’s Horse of course. Lockwood, the staff’s hobgoblin butler, is also there and they get a fantasy Zoom call from Katja’s dad who is in the middle of the insane 20th level adventurer stuff which he says might make him miss her graduation. She is extremely disappointed but just barely hides it from her dad (who seems to really care despite his not being around). She can’t hide it from the staff or Cinnamon however and Cinnamon offers to give her a ride to school via the scenic route. 
Note: We also learn two sad facts about Katja from the conversation with her dad.
Her mother is Disney Princess dead* and
She wears one half of a friendship necklace and it seems like she’s waiting for someone to give the other half to. It’s implied earlier that the way Penelope got her was by promising to be her best friend. Sad!
*Edit: Well, she’s gone and we’ll leave it at that until next recap. 
Ostentatia Wallace
Ostentatia wakes up and goes downstairs to have a very high energy in both directions interaction with her very fantasy-Italian mom and grandma. Her grandma is concerned her beard isn’t coming in--not knowing she shaves it on purpose which her mom is like, “Listen it’s fine but don’t tell grandma it’ll kill her.” She clocks very quickly that her dad isn’t there and his mithril working tools are gone. Her mom tries to play it off but she knows she’s being lied to and her mom relents. Her dad is at a meeting with the other workers of the shut down mithril factory and negotiations have ceased. It looks like he’s gonna be long term out of work. That explains where her dad is but not why the tools are missing. She decides to go do some investigating on her own and ambushes her dad in his car where, with the inaugural nat 20 of the season, she realizes he pawned his tools to get her 5 revivify diamonds. She's upset by this and he’s upset that she’s, in his eyes, questioning his ability to take care of his family. She’s like, alright, you did a thing for me, I’ll do a thing for you and she casts Animate Object to make his stuff steal itself back in a sequence that involves an animated crowbar using another crowbar which is just wild.
Danielle Barkstock
I’m gonna be real, Danielle’s life is exactly how you assume it is based on Who She Is As A Person so this one will be real short. Eco-friendly off the grid geodesic yurt. One super chill peace and love elf sorc mom and one rough and tough human ranger mom. She also knows and helps the Cubbies with their anarchist machinations because yeah, duh. She gets some messages from school on her crystal--one being a message from the principal saying that she and the rest of her party have first period off to meet with him and the other being a newsletter from the school showing, among other things, a photo of the Druid class doing a project but she’s not in it for some reason. She texts one of the other druids to see if she can figure out why she wasn’t invited but fully gets left on read. Brutal. Of course, she hasn’t messaged that person in 6-8 months so maybe that’s why.
Anyway, with that, all seven of our maidens make it to school and are all exuberant to see each other in a very teen girl way before getting to the principal’s office and learning that their party will be broken up at the year! 
I wanted to do something a little different for these recaps than the Bad Kid ones so instead of Honor Roll/Detention we are doing Superlatives and the inaugural one goes to...
Sam: Most Like To Survive a Horror Movie
Man she woke up chained in a ritual magic circle and she was Ready To Go Immediately. You will not catch this girl doing horror movie victim BS like exploring the spooky house or giving the creepy obvious ghost the time of day. She is hyper-competent and her goal is making it out alive and dragging her friends with her. Love her.  
Random Thoughts
The season immediately starts with a bang or I should say a bing with Izzy trying to say “bling bang” and accidentally saying, “bling bing” and immediately getting roasted by everyone. I love the authentic girl group vibes (which include everyone clowning on her then immediately hyping up Zelda to the max after being way more awkward). 
Handshake meme with Danielle and Moonshine from Naddpod. Also, Cinnamon and Horse from Centaurworld. 
I love that Rekha and Erika just straight up were like, “Our characters are Asian”. Like obviously, make your characters Asian coded in your fantasy world--all my D&D characters are black like me--but it’s funny that they completely disregarded the, “There’s no Asia in this world so I guess they’re this world’s equivalent to--” Nah just, “I’m a half-elf and I’m Asian.” You love to see it. 
I absolutely LOVE the choices the cast made to flesh out their characters based on the little info Brennan had about them, none moreso than rich horse girl Katja. Rekha is a genius. 
“I only want one thing and he’s working” KATJAAAAAAA
Man if I was in that flashback I would have been wilding out so much with my flashback plot armor. 
I appreciate that the first thing that Aabria has Antiope do is extremely uncool. I love it when players aren’t concerned about just being cool and on point all the time. Sometimes (read: often) that’s the less interesting choice. 
But on the exact opposite side, she’s a ranger and an arcane archer which I think is extremely cool. Lmao also I didn’t mention in the recap but she HATES dragons now which, understandable. I’m guessing they're her favored enemy. 
I can’t wait to see another group of kids interact w/ madman Aguefort. 
Also, as a known Aelwyn-stan, I am very excited for the possibility of the Seven interacting with her cause as much as I love her they are under no obligation to acknowledge her redemption arc and I would love to see them throw hands. 
I love the Greek myth naming scheme of Antiope’s extremely cool family as with her on the spot nickname “L-Cab” short for long caboose since she’s the youngest by a mile. 
Also this is out of character not in character but Sephie is an extremely cool nickname for Persephone. 
I wonder why Brennan didn’t let Sam read the Primordial in the cave. He just glossed right past her saying that she speaks it and she didn’t push it. Would it have solved his entire plot in the span of a flashback or was he just keeping things moving?
Sidenote, if I was married to an elf man and worried about aging like Rebecca, I would simply become a druid (or a monk or up my wizard levels so I could learn True Polymorph or Wish or something). 
I wonder what the deal with Ending is. She seemed relatively sincere in the mirror but that doesn’t mean anything. She could be sincere and also Very Bad News. 
There is an offhand comment by Brennan about how the dwarf forge god gives spells but doesn’t talk to his followers which I think means that Ostentatia is gonna be getting a direct god call soon enough. 
Also she mentions that her dad is doing some criminal activity on the side which seems like a Problem for later. Honestly all of the kids have some pretty rich parent drama happening which should be interesting to see explored. 
No nat 1s this ep and 1 nat 20 as I mention from Ostentatia. 
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ladyc0312 · 3 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 112-121
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Yes, I'm still doing these! It's just happening more slowly than I'd like because writing for work + writing fic + trying to go to bed before midnight + so much amazing content being released that clearly must be poured over and dissected = less time to make guides. For anyone still with me, he's the next section!
Ep 112 “Dalbang School Part 1” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
The ones with BTS in a classroom driving Teacher Jin insane
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5:58 - JM declares that he and Taehyung will pair up (by being the first to hug each other in a game), but then when Hobi blows the whistle at 6:38, JK runs over to hug JM before Tae can get to him.
6:58 - Jin asks why JM said he wanted Tae and then hugged JK. JM explains that he didn't hug him, he just found himself in JK's hug as JK cackles in the background.
7:24 - When Jin blows his whistle at the class, JK and JM mirror each other in putting a finger in one of their ears.
7:35 - Teammates JK and JM are immediately on the same page about wanting their team name to be Kim Seokjin. When they have to change it, JM quickly picks up JK's suggestion that they call their team Bang Sihyuk. These don't sound like particularly unique moments, but when you watch it, it just really strikes you how in sync the two of them are in terms of physicality, ideas, and sense of humor.
9:52 - After Jin comments that he heard JM did very well in school, JK adds that JM was the top student. When someone else asks if JM was the best or second-best, JK forcefully reiterates that he was the best student.
12:45 - When they get a question right, JK and JM clasp hands and bump their shoulders together.
13:10 - JM and JK both goof around, speaking in satoori and challenging JHope to a fight of sorts.
13:27 - When Jin repeats that they got the question right, JK and JM do exactly the same as 12:45, but seated this time.
14:22, 14:36, 15:13 - In all three of these moments, JM nearly falls over laughing at something JK did that no one else found anywhere near as funny.
23:36 - When JK says he's good at this game, JM laughs and pokes JK in the chest with a marker.
BEHIND 2:30 - JM takes a selfie of him and JK with his personal phone while they're supposed to be paying attention to Jin.
6:35 - JK cheers on JM and calls him Jimin-ssi when JM announces he's doing well on this spot-the-difference round. When Jimin modifies the brag to say he only found four, JK says "that's still quite impressive."
Ep 113 “Dalbang School Part 2” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
4:50 - We all know how JK is when he gets into his "focus" zone, especially in a competitive environment. But here, when JM rather rudely interrupts JK's melodica practice, JK just starts playing around with him and giggles.
7:41 - As RM & JH take their turn, jikook are whispering to each other in the back row.
11:42 - After quickly agreeing on a lunch option, jikook do a high five / handshake thing and then JM says "we think alike" and "we get along pretty well." JK responds "that's exactly it" and the on-screen captions tells us they are a "good match."
22:20 - This is where JK and JM start switching back and forth carrying each other on their backs to get under a limbo stick.
They go again at 23:35, 26:11, and 28:13.
And again at 30:22 and 32:16 and 34:30 because, even though they lost, they want to try to do it again to show that they can as a "matter of pride."
25:00 - JK points something out to JM and then pats his butt.
33:33 - JM announces they lost, and then jikook do another handshake / high five thing.
34:33 - JM does an... interesting pose for the camera where he puts his hand on a bent-over JK's back and smirks.
34:56 - Yet another handshake and JM pats JK on the back when they finally pass the limbo challenge.
BEHIND 5:55 - While examining the limbo setup, JM comments that JK is good at this. JK comes over to give a demonstration and JM watches him be silly with it and says "he's a strange kid" fondly.
6:21 - Another jikook limbo attempt - this one was cut because they did it too easily.
Ep 114 “League of Number One Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where BTS play games with League of Legends world champions
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3:55 - After Jimin protests that he shouldn't be out, JK tells his hyung to turn around and face the back.
14:40 - JK fake-boxes JM after losing the hammer game.
18:18 - JK mimics Jimin's BWL intro.
Ep 115 “League of Number One Part 2” (Ep: 2 / KM: .5)
7:05 - JK comes over to check on Jimin's phone to make sure he's actually visible in the selfie the teams take.
Ep 116 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The ones with random games in that rec room-looking place that are a lot more fun than they sound
22:14 - JM and JK play around with the jump rope during breaktime.
22:26 - JM and JK play around like they're boxing with each other.
BEHIND 5:15 - JK appears to take an interest in watching JM's... back as he moves around acting out potential poses.
Ep 117 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
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5:30 - Despite showing pretty much everyone else touching everyone else in the pose guessing game, we don't get a single shot here or in the behind of JK feeling up Jimin. The above photo proves that it happened, though, so definitely side-eyeing the editors, here.
BEHIND 5:35 - JK keeps throwing water bottles when they're supposed to be taking a group photo. Jimin pulls him back next to him and puts an arm around his neck. JK puts an arm around Jimin's shoulders in return.
7:51 - After it's explained that JK is staying late to watch Jin do his penalty, a packed-up Jimin comes over and stands next to JK, waiting until they're done to leave.
Ep 118 “Photo Story Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The ones where BTS play a Samsung-sponsored game involving getting specific pictures while a spy tries to ruin the fun
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4:22 - JM appears to direct JK to go punish Tae and pats JK's back when he starts to obey. Something happens that we don't see when the angle changes - next thing we see, JM seems to be pushing JK? JM then giggles at JK pretending to beat up Tae. (After this, JK spins around like a ballerina. Not jikook-related, just adorable.)
29:51 - JK calls Jimin twice without adding "hyung."
32:28 - JM pulls JK along by the wrist. Meanwhile, J-Hope once again mixes up their names.
32:44 - Though there is now a group walking slowly together and he doesn't need to pull him along anymore, Jimin takes JK's hand again.
37:02 - There are a bunch of seats open in the room, but Jimin walks over to sit right next to JK.
BEHIND 5:40 - When JM tries to steal a post-it from JK, JK scolds him in satoori banmal. JM calls him out for not calling him with hyung and JK quickly apologizes (in a way some k-army jikookers have said is like how a married person would respond to their nagging spouse!).
6:09 - JK and JM meet up and JK tells JM he's exhausted. There's a kind of weird moment that I fully admit I may be reading too much into where JK seems to be walking right towards JM, then abruptly stops and turns, looking at the camera, before walking with Jimin in a different direction than he had been heading. Then, JM says he thinks their matching shirts are hilarious and that it's funny they're wearing them for the show.
Ep 119 “Photo Story Part 2” (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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8:21 - "You are me, I am you" moment: Jimin does a ballet spin the same way JK did in part one.
11:18 - JK is the only one to vote for JM to be able to keep a picture in other than Jin (who has nefarious reasons for doing so).
29:40 - JM goes over to help JK see how many of his photos the spy ruined and almost falls over laughing when it becomes clear it's nearly all of them.
34:21 - JM puts his hand on JK's shaking leg to help calm him (see above photo), but JK is so irritated that it doesn't work like it usually does. Poor bunny!
35:17 - JM pulls at JK's shirt and hand, then folds over his back while trying to get him to confess that he actually lost.
38:24 - JM has a comforting hand on JK's neck when he's acting upset about losing.
38:32 - When it seems like JK is struggling to come up with an ending statement, JM helps prompt him.
0:55 - JK talks about how amazing it is that Jimin found so many cards.
3:51 - When JK is playing with the sequin art on the front of his shirt, JM leans over and starts rubbing on them, too.
5:11 - Jimin tells JK that, if he wins, he's going to make the loser hike Mt. Achasan. JK asks why he's looking at him when he says that and they both laugh. Jimin pats JK's chest and they laugh even harder. Jin and Tae both have "omg, these two" looks on their faces.
Ep 120 “Reply BTS Village Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones with a real-life Mafia game inexplicably set in a 1970s village. It's... fairly difficult to follow, but the guys are into it and the outfits are great!
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24:40 - Jimin breaks character and laughs when asking JK if he's the culprit.
29:40 - Caption: "The air is undeniably tense between Gamer Jeon and Chief Park." Not explicitly jikook, I just find it funny that the writers seem to be playing with some real life relationships, making sope best friends and jikook have tension that leads to banter...
5:34 - When Jimin is playing with the yo-yo, JK expresses concern that he's going to hurt his fingers (caption: Kook is just worrying for his hyung). Then, JK asks poutily and in banmal if he can play with the yo-yo multiple times and Jimins says no. Like, JK straight-up gives his hyung a command ("let me try that") using informal speech and no one bats an eye!
5:58 - Jimin starts singing a song about an ants. JK watches him. JK initially says to Hobi "look, he's a fool/dummy!" (in banmal again), then starts singing along. He jokes that JM doesn't know all the lyrics and Jimin says back "quiet, you."
Ep 121 “Reply BTS Village Part 2” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
38:48 - After having asked for it a bunch in the Behind of the previous episode, JK now has Jimin's yoyo.
non-jikook note: At the end of this one, they "time travel" to solve a mystery in Joseon-era Korea and I can't express how badly I want to see that. Please come back to that, Run!
BEHIND 0:58 - Jimin and JK play around accusing each other with exaggerated accents and formality. Jimin comes up behind JK and reaches out to touch his shoulder, but stops when Tae joins them and accuses them of plotting together.
9:05 - When JK says everyone else is so good at acting, Jimin compliments him that he was very funny towards the end.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Reviews! 3-5: Louie’s Eleven!
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In my most anticipated ep of this batch, Louie’s Ocean’s Eleven esque heist gets derailed by his own ego and someone pulling a Die Hard while Donald finds love in an elevator living it up when he’s going down with the best Daisy in history. Romantic musical numbers, people being dicks, and suprise returns insure. Hey you kooky beatniks there’s gonna be a heist, tonnnniggghtttt under the cut. 
If the little intro blurb didn’t give it away, i’ve been waiting for this one all season, with the last two being okay but not amazing and a suprise treat respectivley. WIth Daisy debuting, a heist (a genre I love and need to watch more of) and the Cablleros, expectations were high... and met and exceded. Yeah while the show has disapointed me before (The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks, which this episode is somehow a sequel to is the prime example. ) with an episode I was chomping at the bit for this one delivered.  The basic setup is as you’d expect: Donald, now having less parental obligations has gotten the Cablleros back together. It’s something Frank hinted at in the EW interview for this episode: That they wanted to explore just what Donald would do now he could ease up a bit. He’s not alone anymore: He trusts Scrooge again, He has Beakly to educate them and his sister to split parenting duties with and make up for lost time. He’s in a good place and has freedom for the first time in 10 years, almost 11... so what DOES he do with it? Up until now his life has been his kids: Sure his overproection of them and trying to get them away from Scrooge was more him projecting over his issues with Della and his childhood in general, but he still meant well on some level. Their his world, the thing he cares most about, and while the boys can be disprectful it’s been shown multiple times they truly love their adopted dad as much as their newly returned mom and Donald did an outstanding job raising them warts and all. What do you do when your life has been one thing for a good third of it?  It’s why I think him trying to get famous through his music makes a lot of sense: His college days and adventures were a happy time for him: hanging out with his best friends, doing something he truly loved, and doing something normal at the same time. So of course the idea of having them not only presumibly move to the area for this, so he has friends close again, and do something from a time he was truly happy... of course he’d jump on that.  But given our trio consists of a disaster area with horrible planning skills 90% of the time, a boisterous rooster, and a playboy Parrot, their plana mounts to “Go to rich people’s bathrooms and plkay and hope they don’t get thrown out”. Since that failed, Louie, being Louie steps in with a crooked contract (Which Donald relucntantly signs after Panchito has already forged his name) and an elaborate heist on tastemaker Emma Glamour’s annual party with the help of his 11: Louie himself, Dewey (More on him in a minute), one of the background characters, the cabs, webby, Huey (whose suprised to find out he just did a forgery), Gyro (who is TOTALLY not in just to test out his new headsets which TOTALLY don’t make your head go pop if you wear them too long) and Manny as his trump card.  But naturally this being a heist pastiche, things go wrong from the start: Turns out Glamour beefed up security with an old familiar face: Falcon Graves, who you may remember from infernal internship and was freaking awesome and kinda hot. He’s back, and Dewey’s understandably afraid of Graves spotting him given last time they met Dewey threw him off a roof.  Things naturally snowball from there: An attempt to have Donald grab a stage pass from Glamour’s assitant, Daisy, aka the reason everyone anticipated this episode so much including me, goes sideways because well Donald and he gets trapped in the elevator with her strapped together. Oh and she finds out he’s a party crasher here for his own plans. Great first meeting.  Meanwhile Jose and Panchito fail to get past the rest of security, Louie continues to undervalue Dewey and fails to schmooze Glamour, and oh yeah: Graves was pulling a Die Hard the entire time in a really nice twist I didn’t see coming. Graves brings in some familiar hired goons: The smashnikovs and Gabby McStabberson from the pilot, back again if in a minor role. The night is full of many happy returns, but we’ll get to the last suprise guest in a second. Meanwhile Donald bonds with Daisy as both feel ignored: Daisy is revealed to, in line with her charcter in general, be a budding fashion designer who wants her dress, the stunning green number that’s been circulating around, to get on the list and hoped by showing it to Glamour at the party and helping plan it, she’d throw her a bone. I REALLY like Daisy’s character here a LOT. She has Daisy’s empathy, love of fashion, with some added ambition and combat prowess, more on that in a second, while still being willing to call someone out if she has to, and even when she does so to Donald it is after she finds out he was gatecrashing her one shot at getting ahead in her dream career, calming down when she gets an understanding of his reasons and just how lonely he truly feels. Frank scraped together every good part of every version of daisy and left her old, horribly outdated and sexist “nagging girlfriend/wife from every sitcom that came decades after this character was created” characterization used at times dead and buried.  Speaking of Donald, the musical number was utterly beautiful, the clear highlight of the episode and wonderfully romantic, while also heartbreaking: and Donald not being listend to DOES really tie into his character for me: no one really has: Della and Scrooge flat out ignored his concerns about space travel, while the boys love him they will, with Huey being the outlier, ignore or dispresct him frequently. And even his two best friends bicker over their own directions for the bands while ignoring him up to the end, something I DO wish had gotten more focus, as do I wish the cabs had gotten just a touch more in general as their mostly off to the side. That being said I like this: besides being somewhat meta given donald’s spare use in season 1 and being only in about half of season 2, I like this: It shows that while he appears to take his family ignroing waht he wants constantly in stride inside he jsut wants SOMEONE to care about what he wants and needs, genuinely care. I mean “The Golden Spear” did show they TRY at times, with the cruise being an especially nice gesture, but most of the time they generally don’t think about donald when planning family outings or what not, it’s just one adventure after another with him left in the dust or fearing for his life. He’s a great adventuer, truly legendary.. but he dosen’t LIKE adventuering. He just wants someone who cares about what he wants.. and he’s found it in someone looking for the same and seeing not someone they love but don’t respect.. but a sweet kind man who just wants for someone to respect what he wants and genuinelyw ork at doing that. And he got it.  Before we get to the climax the other main plot, since both plots share equal time this ep really and are really just two halfs of the same main plot, the Dewey and Louie plot is a bit weaker. It’s not BAD but it is predictable, though it was nice to see Louie be the control freak and it makes sense: hustling what he’s good at so of course he wants to see his plan go through and get the glory... but he fails to be actually GOOD at heisting whicha lso makes sense: Louie’s good at manipulationa nd seeing angles.. but he’s so caught up in his own scheme, he can’t see them and is blind to the value of his own brother. While Deweey can be massively unehlpful and attention whorish, he does have a genuine knowledge of the partya nd Glamour that woudl’ve made things go faster, and it does fit his character enough not to be jaring and the ending of it, with Dewey providing a critical distraction AND getting on the list himself, whlie Louie saves his eleven and a huge fight with them, and daisy who proves every bit as badass and prone to bersekerr rages as her man, that’s a treat to see, is predictable, though the bit of Louie giving Dewey a new heist plan with his brother included and admitting he was wrong wa nice. It’s not bad, it just pales in comaprison to the donsy plot right next to it that’s so much fresher and more intersting.  However while the main brother conflict is mostly passable, the rest of the heist is wells et up and the ep as a whole shot up from good to great witht he climax, starting with a big, wonderful, and fucking hilarous reveal: Graves was after Glamour’s phone, which acesses her website and sold it off to the highest bidder.. and the second we find out that was his plan, it becomes obvious just whose coming back: Beaksy is back, to graves utter horror after the fiasco from last time, as he wants on the list. And while the minute graves mentioned he was selling off Emma’s phone I could tell Beaks was about to make his way in, the show did throw me a genuine , wonderful curveball: Emma is beaks mother. Given his mom is a cold and distant assholish tastemaker and “Coach Dad” apparently mocked his unatheltic son, it explains.. pretty much everything really. Graves is mortified and eventually just plans to say screw it and kill both for annoying him, another bit I like as it shows even a consumate professional can get fed up with the beaks family, understandably their Duckberg’s version of the Sapperstiens at this point, but Emma is saved by Daisy, who after Graves whaleson donald, returns the favor and beats the shit out of him. It twas glorious.  So things wrap up: everyone’s new faviorite couple takes turns telling Emma off who actually concedes to Daisy telling her someone needed to stand up to her, and puts her dress ont he list, graves is arressed by Detective Cabrera (to my utter delight, one last nice suprise) and the boys play their number.. they don’t get on the list because donald can’t sing, but Daisy is smitten and Donald likewise. Also beaks is squatted next to his mom whining like a petulant child because of course he is. All in all a great ending As you could tell I loved this ep. While again the main dewey and louie conflict was just kinda stock and predictable, the amount of energy and heart in the rest of the episode easily overrides it, and I was delighted both to see Graves come back and to see beaks suprise appearnce tying him to both of the episodes antagonists. Overall a well plotted fun romp despite it’s flaws and one of the highlights so far. An instant classic. As for where it ranks... 1. Quack Pack 2. Louie’s Eleven 3. Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks! 4. The Lost Harp of MIrvana! 6. Double O Duck . HOpe you liked the review and if there’s any other episode from the first two seasons of the reboot or from the original, or from the disney afternoon or the animated marvel canon, just throw me a message or an ask. Later days.  Stray thoughts; 1. Huey’s bit was gold and I feel for the poor boy.  2. I was mildly disapointed the eleven mostly included exactly who you thought and Manny when we have a rather large supporitng cast to pull from. 
121 notes · View notes
Moriarty 8 - 11 (FINAL) | HypMic 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Taiso Samurai 7 - 9 | Akudama 9 - 12 (FINAL)
Hopefully I’ll be able to get on to all that backlog soon, because...I don’t want it to keep accumulating and Skate-Leading Stars (first winter 2021 anime) already has an advance 1st ep. up...
Moriarty 8
(Moriarty 8 notes deleted accidentally…)
Moriarty 9
If you want a modern equivalent to the Baker Street Irregulars, then I’d suggest you look this way *jabs finger at Odd Jobs Yamada (from HypMic)*.
These CGI background horse and carriages are…kind of distracting…
I’m guessing back in those days, the Irregulars were better than Google at finding info…because Google didn’t exist until the internet did.
Moriarty 10
Just this ep and one more until the end…at least, until spring 2021.
Wow, the use of colour here is really striking!
White lilies mean…purity/chastity…?
I’ve never heard of “bending someone’s ear” until now. It means to talk to someone, especially to ask a favour or to talk at length.
Probatio diabolica: the devil’s proof. I didn’t even know that was a concept until now…(I never once studied law, as you can tell.)
“William” isn’t normally shortened to “Liam”…It’s normally “Will”…also, notice all the footprints on the floor…
Moriarty 11 (FINAL)
Last ep. before spring 2021.
LOL, kabedon.
The fishy thing about Brits is that they’ve named things across the world names from Britain. I know there’s a Doncaster which isn’t anywhere near Britain, for one thing…
Observe the weird finger-like marking made by one of the bloodstains and the scratches on the suitcase. The latter was probably forced open.
Considering the number of signs the killer left, he was clearly in a hurry…
Well, based on that shoeprint we can find the killer if we can find traces of blood on his shoe.
“Duram” (sic).
Ah! If it was raining in Durham, then there would be traces of mud on the killer’s shoes. I remember early on in Detective Conan Shinichi, then newly shrunk, deduced Agasa was running in the rain based on the mud on his pants…this is similar.
Chloral (hydrate…?).
The “washroom” (apparently a Canadian term, the British term is “water closet”) has privacy and a place to get rid of the evidence, to some extent.
What about the rest of Eddie’s clothes?
Considering there are still 5 minutes of the ep. left…there’s going to be some kind of stinger for the next season. I can feel it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait…Director Holmes??? Y’mean, Mycroft?! That is a good stinger! See you next time.
HypMic 12
“Ever since I was born, there was never a time I’d felt I’d accomplished something.” – Aw, Doppo, sweetpea (<- this blogger calls people “sweetpea” when they’re feeling lots of moe feels for them). Please don’t say that. You’ve accomplished more than enough in your life!
…Oh, almost didn’t notice it until Hifumi hid behind Doppo and the angle changed to confirm the jacket was on the bed, but Hifumi doesn’t have his jacket on.
I think I saw a tweet that said something about a wall being wrecked (specifically “Wall: Ow…”) but I wasn’t sure of the context, so I saved it in my bookmarks…LOL, so that’s what it means?
Samatoki, I know you don’t like Ichiro…but please stop trying to preach what his 2nd character song says in the title…(i.e. Break the Wall, LOL)
Jyuto’s very much a “I’ll leave this problem to the other guy” guy.
When the Funi subs say “dame”, I think Samatoki is just referring to an “onna” (woman). It’s a bit of an odd choice, really…although I can’t go and interrogate whoever was responsible for it. I don’t have the authority or the contacts that will allow me to.
This is not the time for fighting one another!!!
Notably, in the manga, Jakurai was going to chaffeur Hifumi and Doppo to their place, but then he had to go to work and so they rode the train with their prize money. This “run from Special Forces” ending is better, I think, since people got grumpy at Jakurai for having to abandon them with the money.
“…permission to cover a story.” - Permission from…who?
*screams* I was thinking Tom, Rex and Iris worked for a foreign government! They work for Ichijiku – why didn’t I think of that?!
LOL, I couldn’t even tell what Tom was saying until I played it back…it’s English, just…said in a spot where you don’t expect it.
“…that scares me.” – This may be nitpicky of me, but osoreru is actually a derivative of osore (fear), so “it strikes fear in me”…? “It strikes fear in my heart”? What would sound right…?
Go, host mode Hifumi! (...but does that imply host mode Hifumi is the only “version” of Hifumi able to rap? Certainly, he was able to do Wrap and Rap without his jacket, right…?)
You can tell Tom still respects Jakurai after all this time because he (the former) calls him (the latter) “Sensei”. Also, this’ll be interesting, we haven’t seen many mics and speakers beyond the standard bad guy ones (depicted in both the anime and the manga).
My gosh! All I knew of this song was that m-flo, also responsible for Human Lost’s theme song (and notably they’re a hip hop group with techno influences), was responsible for this song. Man, this s*** slaps! It’s great! (Sorry, I’ve just never really had the chance to capitalise on all the info I gathered on EDM DJs when talking in terms of things from Japan…m-flo is basically the only act I know which does that, so I’m really excited…can’t you tell from how verbose I’m getting in this note?)
That’s interesting that Matenrou won and Tom still took the gold chair symbolism to represent him and the Secret Aliens as the victor instead.
Iris’s parts are awesome. M-flo has a female vocalist and so I’d assume Iris takes on Lisa’s (m-flo’s vocalist’s) parts.
…Hmm, Gentaro’s made a reference to the track “Me Against the World”, has he?...Maybe.
I’m not quite sure, but I think Ramuda said “majo” (witch) when he was referring to Beauty and the Beast in the English subs.
…gosh, what is up with that airhorn…? Still, next time is the last time. See you on Christmas…no, Boxing Day.
HypMic 13 (FINAL)
This is the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning…y’know, considering how stuff trended on Twitter, I’d say this anime’s gonna get a 2nd season, but you can’t really say that until it actually happens. I mean, Boueibu is much less popular than HypMic and that got a 2nd season…
This is the 1st episode where I woke up early enough to watch without spoilers and had no obligations to place over it, so…this is exciting, in its own sense, but in a sense, it could also be called “profoundly disappointing” because this experience is only available to me as of the final episode.
One of the tweets I saw a few weeks back came to mind – someone became interested in sakuga houkai (terrible animation, literally “animation collapse”) because of HypMic…I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing…
…Dude, you probably shouldn’t answer a call from someone who just revealed themselves to be a traitor last episode…*sweatdrops*
(Spoiler for rest of franchise) Hmm…Dice’s face is pretty straight. Assuming at this point we knew Dice was Otome’s son, this is a good poker face from him…!
This thing about gangs was mentioned in their profiles (although the words used implies they “went delinquent”), so it actually doesn’t surprise me.
I wonder if this subway exists in the mainline story…?
According to the next ep. preview I saw on Twitter, TDD will reform to take down the Secret Aliens. I’m not sure if that was a guess or whether that’s true, so I’m waiting for the shoe to drop on it.
Samatoki-san, not -sama. Hmm…
There was definitely the word “team” in Dice’s line, so it’s “what the legendary team was made of”.
…oh gosh…they’re still using that airhorn…?
Again with the play on “lonely thunder”. It’s a really fun pun, but one I’d like to see in the rest of the series more.
Notably, Iris’s rap in English missed the word “charisma” where it could have fit (unless I missed reading it the first time).
Note Samatoki does actually use the word “shinsensa” (freshness), so there’s no lie there.
I still love how much they went in on Rex’s theme, even in his raps.
Huh, that’s new. Never seen a tag team like this before.
It seems Tom’s signature is using a lot of English, which makes it easy for us English/Japanese pair translators.
Saburo didn’t actually say “Ichi-nii”, did he…?
…based on the rock intro, this is Rhyme Anima, the OP, or something that sounds similar. What I’d need to confirm this is the “nautilus” line and the “ends corruption” line, which are the OP’s two biggest tells for AMQ.
“rainmaking” – Hmm, another link from Gentaro to Rei. This might be a different part of Rhyme Anima (OP) that wasn’t used as the OP proper.
“this white light invites and heals” (<- paraphrased) – Sounds like Sensei, alright!
…now that (rainbow bit). That’s sakuga!
*a silhouette appears* - Oh nooooooooooooooo! Now they‘ve done it! They’ve included Rei! That’s more than enough spoilers to last a lifetime for y’all anime-onlys!
I wish someone would work on this collaboration between Saburo and Riou…
Hmm…what is the series endgame? Putting in Dice as the new ruler??? I mean, Dice is the worst possible politician ever. He’s far too lax about things.
*Nemu enters* - No! Nemu!
Not only is Iris a “ramen shop owner”, it’s Tom’s favourite food…No wonder ramen has significance to her.
…ooh! A new song! Update: I don’t know what this song’s name is, although it probably will become clear what its name is on the 13th. I’ll keep my eye on Twitter in case the answer is there.
…I knew it was far too early to say if there was an s2 – the DVD’s live events go until September 5th and the 2nd DRB finishes in March. That almost felt like a stinger right there. Oh well, I’m more than happy to call this anime a success, even if I would call it the worst of the arms of the franchise. All HypMic’s anime had to do was deliver fun, before anything else, and it delivered on that front. See you around!
Taiso Samurai 7
Anime burnout means I’m coming back to the anime after the day it finishes.
This dancing scene is kind of like the one at the start of ep. 2 of IWGP, except it has the owl to represent the setting as well as the dance stage.
Leo doesn’t seem to know kanji or katakana, only hiragana.
Even though this part of the anime is set in London, the characters are still speaking Japanese (lel…?).
LOL, Edward Scissorhands much?
LOL, these background gossips are like the Plastics from Mean Girls…haha.
…LOL, that’s not one of those dismounting moves, is it? It’s just kind of…jumping off the bar.
Lookit how Leo’s sticker is 90 deg. sideways from what it should be, haha.
I don’t think it’s true that Olympic gymnasts have never failed. Like other people at the top of their game, they’re probably failed millions of times, but only outside the view of most of the world. Persistence and passion are what’s key to becoming the best at what you are, no matter what field you’re in.
Now Aragaki’s what I call a “determinator” (see TV Tropes on what that is).
Taiso Samurai 8
Notably, the word used for “clothes” is specifically for Western clothing, like dresses.
Well, now we know why Leo can do those stretches…
They’ve clearly sped up the dance here, but…it’s basically the same sort of movements Yuri on Ice used to suck me in. I’m here for it!
Leo seems to be the type who tries to push away his worries by distracting people (including himself) with other things…I see. I didn’t have much of a grasp of his character beforehand.
Britney! F*** you, Britney!
Ah, that must be the (a?) fabled owl of Ikebukuro. I’ve never actually been to Ikebukuro…the closest I got was Akihabara (to memory) and even then, that was for electronics, not anime…so I’ve never seen the owl statue I’ve been talking about close up.
Rei does kind of look like her mother like this.
Ah! Rei and Kitty have a pair look now! “Twinsies”, they call it.
Amakusa’s head is located right next to Leo’s butt, so I end up staring at it…LOL.
The Hoover mission.
“I <3 Ninja”, LOL.
LOL, “Nyapoo!”
*sighs* The problem with being multi-talented is that you’re going to be told to one day put one passion above the others, even if you don’t want that.
LOL, you can be a ninja with this WikiHow article. (I was looking for Kitty’s quote, but found that instead. It seems to be a quote from one of Tomoyo’s movies.) Update: I was right.
There’s a movie in the back where the title is “Black Rainmaker”. (Tomoyo, I presume) Mifune is the 1st person credited.
Considering this is 2003…you won’t be on Mars in 2013, Kitty.
Wow, a tape! That brings me back to 2003, indeed.
Charlie’s Angels…so that’s what the tape was.
LOL, a shoebill.
“blade in your heart” – That would refer to the character for “ninja”, which has a blade over a heart. Y’know Kiss Shot Acerola Heart-Under-Blade (from Monogatari), yeah? Like that.
…you might think emails were out of place in 2003, but a virus from an email caused me to be an avid reader and that virus was unleashed around the late 90s – early 2000s.
LOL, Kitty’s cat belt buckle.
You said it, Rei. You said it.
Taiso Samurai 9
Lausanne, Switzerland.
I noticed one of the boxes at the start of the OP says “Horizontal Bars”, rather than some random name to make the boxes look like they were discarded.
Someone encoded the video funny…
LOL, BB’s getting possessive of his territory.
Fuku-chan the fukurou (owl) in Ikebukuro…LOL.
LOL, randomly there’s a skeleton with a hat in the background of Britney’s clinic.
Notably, one of the wall hangings says “heart” on it – alternatively, “soul”.
Notably, Atlanta was the 1996 Summer Olympics…there is no 1997 Lausanne Olympics, as far as I know.
Akudama 9
I watched the part where it glitches twice and I can’t quite figure out what that circular symbol is…maybe it’s Hacker’s symbol…?
Ah! Only now they properly confirm Swindler used to work in the Seal centre.
“Life that never dies is defective.” – Doctor
Does that mean Doctor is actually older than she looks, due to plastic surgery…?
Marker? What marker?
Apparently that flower is a cherry blossom…according to Detective Conan.
…I know this anime wasn’t made in America (it wouldn’t be “anime” otherwise), but Anime Feminist is going to have a field day with this one…if they haven’t abandoned it already due to their idea of morals.
…now I can even see parallels between HypMic’s authorities and Akudama’s. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
“Why did this have to happen when I’m chief?” – Sounds like…basically every authority during COVID and BLM, to be honest.
See? Akudama likes the S word. I told you.
I haven’t watched The Shining, but reading the synopsis, you can figure out why Cutthroat is the way he is…sort of.
How does the iconic quote go? “Heeeeeeeeeeeere’s Danny!” (or something…?)
They even copied the iconic eye shot! There you go!
Way to take a guy out (with the door, LOL).
…with all this killing, I can see why Akudama Drive was only in one magazine now. (Then again, HypMic was in basically all of them and that also has a tonne of problems…)
Akudama 10
万死 literally means “10000 deaths”.
That police chief is such a mood, LOL.
I can see why people didn’t recognise Swindler, but Courier never changes his look, so…uh…
You can’t become a police chief without a sense of justice, no?
“Since when did you know that I’m not-“ - *facepalms*
Is this what they call an “ass-kickin’ Christmas”? (LOL)
Y’know, Sister, you could just do the whole “wherever you are, I’m also seeing the same sky as you” thing some other anime do.
Notably, there are shide (the paper strips) and a rope over the vault…they really do treat the shinkansen and its immortal children as a single god, huh?
Hmm? They don’t care about Sister anymore? Just Brother? (Somewhere along the way, the priorities must have shifted.)
In the end, the best ship is Brawler and Hoodlum (lel).
Akudama 11
One more ep after this. I’m gonna miss this anime, even if it was crazy over-the-top and I didn’t finish it until after the day it ended.
I think the scariest scene in all of Akudama Drive is the one where the “cleaner” tosses the girl aside.
“This nowhere place!” – Around this time, the bunny and shark’s shirts say “morning”/”afternoon” (shark) and “evening” (bunny).
The blue bird of happiness…literally. That character on the birds is the one for “happy”.
…LOL, that one glitched Courier looks more like Cutthroat.
Hacker’s drone matches Courier’s head angles, LOL.
I guess if you think you’re falling in Kanto, you’re falling in Kanto and if you think you’re floating (like Courier did), you float. I always liked that concept.
War Games. Now the title makes sense!
…but they can be together if they stay here in Kanto as vessels for the citizens? (That sounds mighty antagonistic of me, but…that logic does compute.)
Maybe swindlers play games with the truth…? (What an interesting concept.)
“Just fine.” – I think Hacker needs a “This is fine” meme.
“We can hear your heart talking.” – It means something like “We can hear you spouting your true intentions.”
“…worth every last penny…” – That’s a weird thing to say for someone whose life got changed by 500 yen…Just goes to tell you how American the subbers can be sometimes.
Swindler’s smug face is so good, LOL.
Akudama 12 (FINAL)
This episode isn’t named after a movie. It’s named after the anime itself.
The TV says “Please watch away from the TV”, i.e. stand back from the TV while you watch.
“They came and stole the offerings…” – At this point, bunny’s shirt says “freedom” and shark’s says honpou, meaning “wild, uninhibited, rampant, extravagant”.
…where did Shikoku come from? Is that where Swindler and Sister landed after they tried going to the moon?
Ohh! That Christian imagery! That’s scary!
Is Akudama Drive a tragedy? No, I think…on the contrary, it’s a story of hope.
LOL, “s*** guy”.
I thought the girl had a bomb. Turns out she has a gun, which is…far worse, come to think of it.
Instead of red characters which say things about the situation, now Shark and Bunny have Hacker’s symbol on them.
There’s no way anyone who wasn’t immortal would survive the attack Courier took…
…why is it that falling over represents vulnerability in children in all of these stores where a war has happened and/or there’s a chase? Hmm?
Wow, Sister did everything with heels on…?!
Anyways, that was a fun time. See you next time!
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bathroombreaks · 4 years
gg 1x01 rewatch
the questions are from @pynkhues, you can find them here.
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
oooh it’s def the scene where the girls are getting ready to rob fine & frugal. i just find it hilarious that they’re about to rob a store and they’re talking about how their kids are doing in school?? like, what absolute lunatics!! and i think it sets up their dynamic very well right from the beginning, idk. everyone’s always saying that the three girls have a very lived-in chemistry and i agree and i think you can feel it right from this first scene of them together
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
idk?? i’m very bad at reading and watching things critically, i’m very easy to please, i think?? and this ep just makes me pleased as punch!! but i guess that the scene with beth and amber, while funny, doesn’t really hit the mark for me?? idk, the way she’s framed as a “beautiful dummy” and not as much at fault as dean kind of irks me. i totally get that dean is the married one, but amber clearly knew he was married and somewhat regularly saw his wife, i don’t think she should really be absolved of that. and, idk, i don’t like that she basically got a prize for cheating - like, “here, you helped my husband cheat on me, so take some money to go live your dreams” is such a weird response?? beth was very scathing in the delivery and i get the point was for amber to be out of their lives but, like, still?? why not just tell dean he has to fire her?? this just further proves that beth is an idiot and an absolute lunatic, which we already knew
3. Let’s talk about the Big 6 Character Intros – Beth, Ruby, Annie, Dean, Stan, Rio. What did you think? What did you like? What did you dislike?
oooh i really liked all of them!!!
i absolutely love annie’s, it’s so fun with the car speeding and then with her banter with ben. i love the way they set up their dynamic right from the get go!!
and then ruby and stan’s intro was also amazing!! you get right away that they love each other so much and are so supportive of each other!! the way they both gesture when sara is talking about the women standing next to the men is so cute!!! i love it!!
rio’s is also amazing, he’s a snarky little bitch right from the get go and they really did a great job of also surprising us, thanks to the camera angle, and really driving home that he’s the boss.
i think the one i liked the least is actually beth and dean’s?? i mean, they do a good job of immediately letting you know that beth is the overworked mother and dean is the lazy, good-for-nothing husband - i mean, she’s running around, taking care of everything, and then he just strolls in and asks the kids to go to the car, without even having his tie done. but i think it’s a little misleading and i think it’s one of the reasons why the fandom (including myself) maybe has a harder time accepting beth staying with dean (aside from the fact that dean is a fucking asshole and he deserves nothing less than a horrible death, i mean)?? it really sticks in your mind this contempt she seems to have for him?? and, of course, then you get the flashback to beth getting waxed for him, and so you understand that they were maybe going through a bit of a rough patch but she wanted to work through it, but what sticks in your mind is that first scene, where she’s full of contempt, not even able of saying a perfunctory i love you back. and since they seem to want to drag out the boland marriage as much as possible, i think they kind of failed there.
4.   Ruby tells Stan to fix the damn door! Is Stan an amazing handyman? A terrible one??? 
i think stan is anywhere from ok to amazing, they’re just so overworked that he hasn’t had time?? idk, paired with the fact that he says he’s pulling a double at the beginning of the ep and that it doesn’t seem to be a new or uncommon thing, it just reads to me like a thing he really does want to take care of at some point but hasn’t found the time to do yet
5. Do you think Beth, Ruby or Annie had a way out of their individual financial situations that didn’t involve crime?
in short: nope. in long:
ruby and stan are desperate. they mention stan’s parents at some point, but i assume they just don’t have the money to help them?? and, i mean, they’re both working double shifts and they mention that they’ve had their gofundme page up for years. i think if they had any other way they absolutely would’ve already taken it, for sara’s sake.
we can assume from the flashbacks we get in 2x08 that annie and beth didn’t have as stable a home life as all that. i assume that either their parents are both now dead or they just have no communication with them. either way, they don’t have them as a safety net.
when it comes to annie, she’s working a minimum wage job, driving a very shitty car and her kid’s laptop has been broken for a month without her being notified, because said kid knows they don’t have the money to get a knew one. she does ask for help from the richest person the girls know later (that’s how i think they phrased?? i’m pretty sure), her ex, who promptly says no. so, yeah, it’s safe to say she doesn’t have a way out of her financial situation either.
and, in regards to beth, i think she would absolutely help ruby (and annie) if she could. so the fact that she doesn’t, paired with the fact that we get mentions later that this is not the first time dean has managed to basically bankrupt the car dealership, makes me assume that either the bolands were living close to paycheck to paycheck, but stable enough that she didn’t worry, or that she did think they had some spare money and did give that to them when she could?? because i don’t see how she would not give ruby the money for sara, if she thought she had it, especially when she does it later in the season.
so, no, i don’t really think any of the girls had safety nets or ways to get out of their financial situation. except for beth. she could’ve gotten a job. i know it would’ve been hard because of her lack of work experience, but she could’ve at least tried instead of immediately jumping to robbery!!
6. Is Beth’s backsplash dope? Or was Rio just being a dick??
both!! i mean, i personally like the backsplash, but rio was absolutely just being an asshole, whether or not he did believe it was dope had nothing to do with it.
7. Five major story locations were set up this episode – Ruby’s house, Beth’s house, Annie’s apartment, as well as Fine & Frugal and Boland Motors. Was there anything that jumped out for you about these locations in this episode? Do you think that they were well established given what happens in each across the course of the series?
ok so i don’t know enough about like tv shows and storylines and all that stuff to answer this, i’m sorry. but, like, i think it’s very cool that fine & frugal is robbed in the first and last episodes of season 1, it’s a fun full-circle type of thing, and i love that we’re introduced to boland motors via dean’s affair and beth’s destruction of it because it’s something that permeates the place throughout the whole time?? i mean, beth later “borrows“ one of the cars, rio smashes the corvette because of beth, it gets raided by the fbi because of beth’s illegal activities - beth is always destroying it, even when she’s not literally destroying something like in that first episode. and in season 2 we have beth fully realising just how deep dean’s betrayal was in the middle of the boland motors showroom. both of those things are always there!! it’s cool. and saying that, i mean, they kind of went the same route with boland bubbles, if you think about it?? we get dean cheating on her there, her fully realising how deep his betrayal is via gayle’s comments and then her clearly robbing the place?? boland bubbles really is just a continuation of boland motors
8. We met lots of supporting characters this episode too – in particular Boomer, Baby Tyler, Amber and Greg. Based off of what we saw of them in this episode, pick one, and tell us what you think!
i love baby tyler and amber!! i love that we’re introduced to baby tyler being all smiley and y’know a little bit ridiculous eating ice cream while on the job and maybe obviously inept because of it. and maybe you expect him to not do anything during the robbery because of that but then he really tries?? he thinks he’s facing off with 3 armed criminals and he really goes for it, he doesn’t cower like boomer!! he’s adorable!! and amber i already talked about and i know i was a bit harsh but i really do love her!! her oblivious comments are gold.
9. Screenshot and/or tell us about your favourite character look~ this episode.
frankly, this ep doesn’t really have any stand out looks for me?? the one exception is annie’s outfit when she picks up ben in the porsche. you can really tell how happy she is that she could one up nancy, that she’s proud of herself because she’s gonna get to give ben the laptop he needs.
10. This episode gives us some sharp character notes on Beth, Ruby and Annie – from Beth’s capacity for violence to Ruby’s visceral anger around being ignored, particularly when it comes to her daughter’s wellbeing, to Annie’s tendency to run a mile when given an inch. Is there a moment that stood out to you, particularly in light of future seasons?
ohhh i mean, there’s something to be said about beth’s capacity for violence uh? she keeps refusing to acknowledge it, because that doesn’t fit her stepford wife without a pulse image as annie calls it, but it’s always there - she’s always ready to blow up and throw some keys at your face. and ruby’s response to being ignored kind of screws her over?? she was very lucky jt only wanted her address for his nephew and didn’t become a second mary pat. idk, i’m sorry. like i said, not very good at critical thinking.
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cerastes · 4 years
I think the main reason for the boom of 12-13 eps is bc it's a lot easier to just pick up a random LN or Manga and give it a 'now an anime' to boost sales and garner more attention to the original work. Its not good bc it leaves tons of unfinished series but it also brings a lot of light to lesser known LNs or Manga. There's also remarkably less anime-only series now.
Well, talking about it not from a wholly personal view and taking on the topic from a more subjective angle, 12-13 eps format is good for both the anime industry and the source material.
As you say, it’s easier to pick something for an adaption because it’s not a huge commitment, not as huge as it used to be when you were expected to make 49-52 episode shows (a format I am not too fond of either because it usually resulted in a lot of dead air, long useless shots, and filler episodes just to fill the episode limit) or even longer ones, like with DBZ or One Piece (these megashows only really happening when the source material is immensely popular and thus it’s a guaranteed sell). “But what about the 24-25 episode format?” Although not as big a commitment as the 49-52 format, it’s still a sizable amount of episodes, and you can’t exactly stop by episode 14 or 15 when you see there’s no interest. It was still a risky gamble that the industry players couldn’t afford to take anymore during the early 2010s when anime money was pretty scarce. 
12-13 eps is good because:
It’s a great gauge of interest. If people don’t care? No biggie, it wasn’t too expensive to make, so it’s not a big loss comparatively. If people care? Cool! Profit! If people REALLY liked it? You can commission a new season with guarantee that it’s going to have an audience because they really liked S1!
In 12-13 eps, you have just enough time to explore 2-3 short arcs, 1 big arc, or a short intro arc followed by a longer main arc. It’s perfect to get a taste for the piece of media. If you liked it and want more? You go and buy the LN or the manga or the game! In other words, “unfinished series” is basically the modus operandi of this format for the most part, since it’s always designed with selling you on the source material first and foremost. For better or for worse.
So, in other words, the 12-13 format is efficient. I understand all of this, I even agree with it!
...But even then, I still can’t like it, haha, I’m a stickler for longer episode counts. I need at least two big arcs in my media. The first arc is almost always rough and too tainted with tropes, it’s the second arc and on that sees real development from both the characters and the author, to make a new, more exciting, better thought out, more passionate arc in which we use the lessons learned from the first arc and apply them to this new storyline, if that makes sense.
So yeah, I understand the reason of its existence, but I’m not a fan of it.
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shijiujun · 5 years
[History3: MODC] Ep 1-2 Summary - SOMEONE PROTECC XI GU PLS
Alright guys! I managed to make it home in time, and watched both episodes, but I guess I’m able to do a mini summary of sorts - But my verdict on the show is while the first two episodes seem a tad bit slow in terms of plot but there ARE NO GLARING PLOTHOLES THANK GOD and i gotta say I LOVE XI GU AND HAO TING AND BO XIANG AND ZHI GANG AND THE TWINS LMAO THEY ALL SO CUTE and surprisingly I like the main girl as well Si Yu although okay it kinda sucks that she’s going after Xi Gu while still attached to Hao Ting unless she was aiming for threesome but then no communication there and FRANKLY it might even be a love rectangle between Xi Gu - Hao Ting - Nintendo Switch - Si Yu lmao 
We start off with Hao Ting and gang (the fiercer twin, Gao Qun, Bo Xiang and the other guy whose name I still don’t know but he’s a Singaporean actor) in class and the Chinese teacher reading off abysmally low scores ranging like in the 30s and below out of a 100, and guess what our lovely main lead Hao Ting scores THIRTEEN OUT OF A HUNDRED
And okay you gotta give it to Hao Ting - He’s a little shit but he’s a CHARISMATIC little shit with a glib tongue, anyway the teacher yells at him for being not serious about graduating and his friends cheer him on and are just generally obnoxious, and then Hao Ting quips that this is about freedom yeah, and of course the teacher is like fuck you dumbass & threatens Hao Ting that if he dares to leave this class he doesn’t have to come back
Don’t ever dare and threaten your dumbass jocks in class cuz they hear a dare they gonna CARRY OUT THE DARE TEACHERS HAVE YOU NOT LEARNT ANYTHING - so Hao Ting leaps over a desk and runs out much to the cheers of his friends and everyone in class who get up and run to the windows and doors to watch him go - And then one of his friends yell at him to ask him to buy fried chicken early from the canteen I think
And then cut to the next scene - The gang at the courtyard/stage thingy and Gao Qun filmed the whole thing earlier and is showing to everyone while they eat fried chicken, and then Hao Ting demands for 300 NTD each from his friends, who refuse to pay lmao although Hao Ting digs into Bo Xiang’s pocket and digs out some coins and keeps them 
Then Hao Ting’s girlfriend pings him and he runs off
Cut to the infirmary, and HT’s shirt is half off as his girlfriend Si Yu is helping him to ice his shoulder and spray muscle relaxant on his back - She’s chiding him for being so reckless earlier and asking him not to do that again because she’ll be worried, and HT obviously soaks in the attention and TLC from her, and then they proceed to MAKE OUT
Pretty good makeout scene really, although idg why the camera angle had to show like her cleavage specifically like LMAO ARE U ALLOWED TO SHOW THE CLEAVAGE OF A TECHNICALLY UNDER-18 GIRL?!!! No idea, anyway, things get really heated up, but they’re interrupted
And XI GU makes his first appearance here!!! He’s taking a nap in the infirmary and is totally disturbed by these two horny teenagers, in any case SY and HT go out, although SY’s eyes are totally on XG as they leave - She’s curious about him
Then the infirmary doctor comes in, and obviously XG is like the apple of everyone’s eyes and I GET IT BECAUSE WHEN HE SMILES IT’S DEVASTATING - So the doctor is chiding him for not eating lunch (and if you read the character intro translation I did you’ll know it’s because XG is poor and he wants to save money, like that’s driving force behind all his actions for now at least) and because of that XG is obviously thin as fuck and pale like Edward Cullen - So doc tells him to take more care of himself and rest etc. etc.
And then side character 1 and side character 2 - SY’s friends, the girl (SC1) calls herself a fujoshi and is obviously a fan of XG and you’re a bit creepy but I get you girl, and then anw SY is asking SC1 about XG after she sees that XG is first in exams again, and SY gurl don’t two-time please
HT is DYING to buy a Switch, and after dinner with his fam, he tries to secretly ask him mom for money but the mom and sis totally gives him away and the dad threatens to hit him to see if ‘he’ll be more normal’ after that LMAO - and anw dad chases HT to the room but HT wins by shutting the room door and son and dad yell at one another through the door - But despite this u can see that they’re really close
Mom and sis settled on the couch eating fruits in the chaos - a MOOD
Then next day SY catches up to XG as he’s walking to (class? to lunch? idk?) and asks him to tutor her, and XG rejects her of course cuz he likes to study alone and he hates everyone else kinda but she insists and he refuses and then because they’re doing this on the stairs she slips and OF COURSE SMOL XG catches her and upstairs, the fiercer Xia twin videos it and them in that position
Fiercer Xia twin meets the rest of the gang on the rooftop but no one has much of a reaction to his news until he pulls out the video - HAO TING EATING REGARDLESS OF THE NEWS IS LIKE A BIG MOOD REALLY - the nicer Xia twin tries to speak up for XG because they’re like classmates, and then WHOA there’s a strange like almost-kiss moment as Xia En and Xia De like confront each other over that
HT finishes eating and goes confidently, “She won’t like him”
And then he goes to the infirmary wanting to take a nap right, and when he pulls open the curtain THERE XI GU IS ASLEEP AND THIS IS WHERE WE GET THE HAO TING FALLING ON XI GU ON THE BED SCENE FROM THE TRAILERS - And HT groans, “First he ruins my plans and then now he’s taken my bed”
HT reaches for a red pen from the table on the other side of Xi Gu’s bed and of course he falls and lands on the bed, and then XI GU WAKES UP AND HORRORRRRR
Doc comes in and reprimands HT for bullying/disturbing XG basically
And then I can’t remember where the scene is exactly but XG at some point goes to work at Zhi Gang’s soy milk store?!!! I think or cafe that sells soy milk lmao, and Zhi Gang asks if he’s eaten dinner, and XI GU SO CUTELY SMILES OMGGG and lies that he has, but obviously ZG already knows that XG is lying and already bought dinner for him, and also lets XG go home early out of consideration for XG’s studying schedule since he’s also studying to graduate this sem I think?!
Oh okay then before this scene, we have THIRSTY BO XIANG AT HIS COUSIN’S GYM WIPING THE EQUIPMENT AND ALSO TAKING SECRET PHOTOS OF ZHI GANG - His cousin catches him, makes a scene and he’s ZG’s personal trainer I think and when he lifts up ZG’s shirt to ‘check’ on his progress, wow, BX DROOLS OKAY
And then at some point, Si Yu ambushes XG in class and gets him to tutor her after school because he stays behind for two out of five days, and then the twins find out, so when the time comes, the fiercer twin bullies XG out of class, and SY is left disappointed 
HT basically begins to skip school and part time, and helps his mom to give out flyers in his neighbourhood to earn some extra money, and he also somehow cheats his mom by deliberately over-counting his daily part-time rate LMAO, but the sis does the math and outs him, and dad chases after him to try to hit him again but HT ain’t scared at all and they just play cat and mouse
And then the gang corners XG during lunch, bully him and basically makes him late HALF AN HOUR for class which has NEVER HAPPENED TO PERFECT ATTENDANCE AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE XI GU - He’s distressed because he needs a perfect attendance record and grades to get scholarship for university - So he’s fucking distressed, and the nicer twin at the back obviously sees it and he FEELS BAD and XG didn’t eat lunch again so he’s having gastric probably
End of the class XG begs the teacher not to record his tardiness because he really needs the scholarship, but the teacher is like everyone saw you come in so damn late, how can he like not put it on record? But when XG insists - white-lipped and shaking and all - teacher asks him to tell him why - and so XG tells him (which also doesn’t help him in terms of being bullied more by the gang when they find out)
So the gang ends up sweeping the corridor lmao
XG once again goes to work and kind-hearted LOVELY OPPA ZHI GANG gives him a bread again and asks him to go home early to study CRIES WHERE IS MY DADDY LONG LEGS
and BX probably because of his punishment, is unable to go to the gym for a while, but ZG asks the cousin where BX is
End of episode 2 shows BX on his bicycle cursing his cousin out for making him go all the way out to like... find a soy milk store, and GUESS WHAT SOY MILK STORE BELONGS TO HANDSOME ZHI GANG OKAY
Oh yeah and then he sees his lovely oppa in store helping XG to straighten out his collar and then he gets jelly
and the next day he confronts XG and pushes him against the wall and THE EPISODE ENDS HERE LIKE STOP DIS BULLYING
And for now, it seems like Si Yu may actually be supportive when she finds out that HT has taken an interest in XG - More on that in the next trailer I think, because somehow HT will mess up and XG ends up losing his first place on the exams and walks away dejectedly as HT regrets being a fucking idiot
And also at some point Zhi Gang will see Bo Xiang having fun with another girl on the streets and be all pissed and jelly and withdraw, and then HT tells BX to please go apologise and get him back, which BX attempts to do - CRIES HANDSOME OPPA IS DEFINITELY ZHI GANG OKAY
For @decadentdeerpolice <3
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