#we also dont know what the other vertue think
fzrticv · 8 months
I doubt it gonna happen but wonder if there will be consequences for demosn openly killing Angles, not just adam but also just exorsit who are technically just Angles. Isn't that somewhat what Sera Feard might happen? hm
0 notes
hisazuki · 7 years
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsu Hen - Index 24
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsu Hen - Index 24 raws
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*Peaceful days...*
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsuhen - Index 24
*Des jours paisibles...*
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsuhen - Index 24
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*”Silent birds of a feather flock together.”*
*With that thought going rampant in our seminar,*
*we calmly started our relationship.”
*”Les deux taciturnes se sont mis ensemble. Qui se ressemble, s’assemble.”*
*C’est en donnant cette impression à l’ensemble de notre séminaire*
*que nous avons entamé calmement notre relation.”
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*Kayoko Takeuchi*
*Akiya Ogata*
Kayoko: Akiya, what job do you wish to do?
*When the spring break of our 4th year at university hit,*
*we were already calling each other by our first name.*
Akiya: I have a few options, but I was thinking maybe I’d take the Class II National Civil Servant exam. (T/N: there are 3 levels or types of civil servant exams depending on your age and diplomas. From what I read on wikipedia class II is mostly for students of law universities).
Kayoko: Wow, that’s impressive. Where would you like to work?
*Kayoko Takeuchi*
*Akiya Ogata*
Kayoko: Akiya, quel métier souhaites-tu faire ?
*Lorsqu’arrivèrent les vacances de printemps de notre 4ème année à l’université,*
*nous nous appelions déjà par nos prénoms.*
Akiya: J’ai plusieurs idées en tête, mais je crois que je vais tenter l’examen de niveau II de la fonction publique. (NDT: il y a 3 niveaux d’examens selon l’âge et le type de diplômes. Selon wikipedia le niveau II s’adresse surtout aux étudiants de droit).
Kayoko: Wow, impressionnant. Et où est-ce que tu aimerais travailler ?
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Akiya: Well, I’m a law student so the Ministry of Justice it is, I guess...
Akiya: Both my parents are teachers, they strongly believe in being a civil servant. They say it’s the most stable job.
Akiya: They also used their trump card on me...
*And who do you think it was who made it possible for you to attend University?*
Kayoko: Ah...
Akiya: I think they’re being unfair, but fighting with them all the time is tiring... Maybe I should just run away.
Kayoko: It just means you’re being a good son.
Akiya: Eh bien, vu que je fais du droit, la logique voudrait que je postule au Ministère de la Justice...
Akiya: Mes deux parents sont enseignants, ils ne jurent que par la fonction publique. Ils disent que c’est l’emploi le plus stable.
Akiya: Ils m’ont aussi fait du chantage...
*Et qui donc t’a permis d’aller à l’Université, d’après toi ?*
Kayoko: Ah...
Akiya: Je ne trouve pas ça très juste de leur part, mais ça me fatigue de me chamailler tout le temps avec eux... Je ferais peut-être mieux de fuguer.
Kayoko: Ça veut juste dire que tu es un bon fils.
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Akiya: What about you, Kayoko?
Kayoko: I got an offer for a job in a regional bank through my parents’ connections. I feel bad but I’m going to take it.
Akiya: You’re not aiming for something law-related?
Kayoko: I’m not really interested, I guess. I just want to find a job I can do easily.
Kayoko: That way, it’ll leave some time to do what I really want to do little by little...
Akiya: What you really want to do?
Kayoko: It’s too embarrassing, I’m not telling you!
*Nowadays people are only saying the most wonderful things!*
Akiya: Et toi, Kayoko ?
Kayoko: J’ai eu une proposition d’embauche dans une banque régionale grâce à un piston de mes parents. Ça me gêne un peu mais je vais l’accepter.
Akiya: Tu ne vises pas quelque chose en rapport avec le droit, plutôt ?
Kayoko: Je crois que ça ne m’intéresse plus vraiment. Je veux juste trouver un emploi pas trop contraignant.
Kayoko: Comme ça, ça me laissera du temps pour m’adonner petit à petit à ce que je veux réellement faire...
Akiya: Ce que tu veux réellement faire ?
Kayoko: Je ne te le dirai pas, c’est trop gênant !
*De nos jours, les gens ne révèlent que les choses dont ils sont les plus fiers !*
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Kayoko: One day I’ll tell you!
Akiya: ...Okay. Fine by me.
Akiya: I guess that’s also what you’d call... “a fulfilling life”.
Kayoko: Thank you.
*It just means you’re being a good son.*
*Kayoko often encouraged me with positive words like that.*
*But what did I do for her in return?*
Kayoko: Mais un jour je te le dirai, d’accord ?
Akiya: ...D’accord. Ça me va.
Akiya: D’une certaine manière, ça aussi c’est... “une vie enrichissante”.
Kayoko: Merci.
*Ça veut juste dire que tu es un bon fils.*
*Kayoko m’encourageait souvent avec ses paroles positives.*
*Mais qu’ai-je fait pour la remercier en retour ?*
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*[]-no Mori Bookstore*
*Now a live-action drama!*
*I passed the National Civil Servant exam.*
*Librairie [] no Mori*
*Bientôt adapté en série live !*
*J’ai réussi l’examen de la fonction publique.*
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[bigger pic here]
Man: This is the Media Betterment Committee!
*And I was assigned to...*
Man: As per article 3 of the Media Betterment Act, we will now carry out censorship!
*...the Special Enforcement Unit of the Media Betterment Committee under the Ministry of Justice.*
Homme: Nous sommes le Comité d’Amélioration des Médias !
*Et j’ai été assigné...*
Homme: En vertu de l’article 3 de la loi d’amélioration des médias, nous allons procéder à une censure !
*...à l’unité spéciale de censure du Comité d’Amélioration des Médias, qui dépend du Ministère de la Justice.*
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Man: Recover all the controversial books!
Man2: Yes sir!
*At that time, I was unable to understand what exactly it was the Media Betterment Committee was hunting down.*
*This job was frowned upon because of the coercive censorship it involved.*
*It’s not like people would willingly ask for it. In fact, it was the position they wanted to avoid the most.*
*It was tough on me, but...*
*this job was meant to right the wrongs in the public morals.*
Homme: Confisquez tous les livres controversés !
Homme 2: À vos ordres !
*À cette époque, je ne pouvais pas encore discerner ce à quoi s’en prenait réellement le Comité d’Amélioration des Médias.*
*Ce travail était haï à cause des censures musclées qu’il impliquait.*
*Ce n’est pas comme si les gens demandaient de plein gré à y être affectés. Au contraire, c’était même l’emploi que tous redoutaient le plus.*
*C’était éprouvant pour moi, mais...*
*ce travail permettait de redresser les torts de la morale publique.*
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Akiya: That’s what I thought.
Kayoko: Hey, you don’t need to make deposits on your bank account so frequently, you know.
Kayoko: Just having you open that account was enough for me to reach my quota.
Akiya: Okay.
Akiya: I have a different account for my paycheck. I’m only using this one to put some money aside.
Akiya: *You don’t need to worry about it.*
Kayoko: *Are you sure you’re not overdoing it?*
*I opened this account in the bank where Kayoko works at her request.*
*I meant to use those savings...*
Akiya: C’est ce que je croyais.
Kayoko: Dis, tu n’es pas obligé de déposer de l’argent sur ton compte aussi fréquemment, tu sais ?
Kayoko: J’ai déjà atteint mon objectif rien qu’en te faisant ouvrir ce compte. [NDT: elle parle de son objectif en temps qu’employée, de son quota minimum d’opérations commerciales à obtenir des clients]
Akiya: D’accord.
Akiya: J’ai un autre compte pour ma paie. Celui-ci ne me sert qu’à épargner.
Akiya: *Ne t’en fais pas pour ça.*
Kayoko: *Tu es sûr que tu ne te forces pas à faire des dépôts ?*
*J’ai ouvert ce compte dans la banque où Kayoko travaille à sa demande.*
*J’avais l’intention d’utiliser ces économies...*
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*...on our wedding ceremony, one day.*
Kayoko: Akiya... You look really tired lately.
Akiya: I do?
Kayoko: Even if it’s just clerical work, it seems the Ministry of Justice is overworking you.
Akiya: Work is tiring no matter what you do... It’s the same for everyone.
*I lied and told noone except my parents about my true occupation.*
*...pour notre cérémonie de mariage, un jour.*
Kayoko: Akiya... Tu as l’air vraiment épuisé ces derniers temps.
Akiya: Ah bon ?
Kayoko: Le travail de bureau au Ministère de la Justice semble bien éprouvant.
Akiya: N’importe quel type de travail est fatiguant... C’est pareil pour tout le monde.
*J’ai menti à tout le monde et n’ai révélé mon vrai métier qu’à mes parents.*
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*”Switch off your heart during a censorship operation.”*
*A year after joining, I became able to do that.*
*Still, this commonly hated job was tough on me...*
*But I’d be fine.*
*Until I could sort out the feelings I didn’t dare to express...*
*Until I could put them into words...*
Author notes: The cover of the LaLa magazine and the chapter contents look like they’re from a completely different manga. I had immense fun drawing both. But this illustration has such a summer feel to it! I hate summer...
*”Débranche ton cœur lors des opérations de censure.”*
*J’y suis enfin parvenu au début de ma deuxième année.*
*Malgré cela, ce job haï par tout le monde me pesait...*
*Mais tout irait bien.*
*Jusqu’à ce que je puisse extérioriser ces sentiments indicibles...*
*Jusqu’à ce que je puisse les exprimer par des mots...*
Mot de l’auteur: La couverture du magazine LaLa et le contenu de ce chapitre ont l’air de provenir de deux mangas différents. J’ai pris énormément de plaisir à dessiner chacun d’eux. Mais cette illustration de couverture est tellement estivale ! Je hais l’été...
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*I knew she’d wait.*
Kayoko: Look!
*Novels Hotaru*
Kayoko: Guess what it is?
*Je savais qu’elle m’attendrait.*
Kayoko: Regarde !
*Nouvelles Hotaru*
Kayoko: Devine ce que c’est !
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Akiya: It’s a monthly magazine that publishes novels and short stories... but everyone can see that from the cover.
Kayoko: But this magazine hasn’t gone on sale yet.
Kayoko: So why do you think I have it?
Akiya: I have no idea...
Kayoko: It’s because novelists who write for the magazine get an early copy!
*Don’t tell me...*
Kayoko: Do you remember I told you about having something I wanted to do back when we were university students? Well, that was that! Being a novel writer.
Akiya: C’est un magazine mensuel qui publie des romans et des nouvelles... C’est d’ailleurs marqué sur la couverture.
Kayoko: Mais ce magazine n’est pas encore paru.
Kayoko: Alors d’après toi, comment se fait-il que je l’aie déjà ?
Akiya: Je n’en ai aucune idée...
Kayoko: C’est parce que les auteurs publiés dans ce magazine en reçoivent un exemplaire avant sa sortie !
*Ne me dites pas que...*
Kayoko: Quand nous étions à l’université, je t’avais dit qu’il y avait quelque chose que j’avais envie de faire, tu te souviens ? Eh bien c’était ça ! Écrire des romans.
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Kayoko: I’ve been writing ever since I was a student. This magazine held a writing contest and the short story I wrote won.
Kayoko: They’ve decided to publish it in this issue...!
Kayoko: I wanted you to be the first to know, Akiya. It’ll go on sale the day after tomorrow.
*I already knew the release date.*
*After all, that magazine...*
*...was on our list of books to censor.*
Kayoko: It’s quite short, would you like to read it?
Kayoko: J’écris des nouvelles depuis que je suis étudiante. Ce magazine a organisé un concours d’écriture et c’est mon histoire qui l’a remporté.
Kayoko: Ils ont décidé de la publier dans ce numéro... !
Kayoko: Je voulais que tu sois le premier à l’apprendre, Akiya. Il sortira après-demain.
*Je connaissais déjà sa date de parution,*
*puisque ce magazine...*
*...faisait partie de notre liste de livres à censurer.*
Kayoko: La nouvelle est assez courte, tu veux la lire ?
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Akiya: What penname did you choose?
Kayoko: It’s my real name but written in hiragana.
*The story was so like her.*
Kayoko: Wah! I guess I feel a little shy after all...
*It was a youthful, feel-good novella.*
*My impressions...*
*I should...*
*I should say something...*
Kayoko: *Erm...* How was it...?
Akiya: Quel nom de plume as-tu choisi ?
Kayoko: Le même que mon vrai nom, mais écrit en hiragana.
*L’histoire lui ressemblait bien.*
Kayoko: Wah ! Ça m'intimide un peu, en fait...
*C’était une nouvelle pleine de vie, qui réchauffe le cœur.*
*Mes impressions...*
*Il faut...*
*Il faut que je dise quelque chose...*
Kayoko: *Euh...* Qu’en as-tu pensé... ?
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Akiya: It took me by surprise... But it’s really like you, Kayoko. I loved it.
Akiya: I hope a lot of other people will like it too.
*Even if two days hence...*
Akiya: Ça m’a pris de court... Mais ça te ressemble bien, Kayoko. J’ai adoré.
Akiya: J’espère que ça plaira à plein d’autres personnes.
*Même si le surlendemain...*
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*...I would hunt it down with my own hands.*
Kayoko: I’m so happy, thank you...!
Man: This is the Media Betterment Committee!
*...je m’apprêtais à fondre dessus.*
Kayoko: Merci, ça me fait très plaisir... !
Homme: Nous sommes le Comité d’Amélioration des Médias !
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Man: Recover all the controversial books!
*How many bookstores have we raided already?*
*How many books have we confiscated?*
*These were proof that Kayoko’s dream has come true.*
Homme: Confisquez tous les livres controversés !
*Cela fait combien de librairies... ?*
*Combien de livres que l’on confisque ?*
*Combien de preuves que le rêve de Kayoko s’est réalisé ?*
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Man: What are you hesitating for, Ogata?!
Akiya: This magazine...
Akiya: Can’t we leave at least one copy of it behind?
Homme: Arrête de traînasser, Ogata !
Akiya: Ce magazine...
Akiya: Ne peut-on pas en laisser un exemplaire ici ?
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Man: Get back to work!
Men: Yes, Sir!
Man: We are cleaners, understand?
Man: No matter what insults the world throws at us, we are the guardians of peace and order. Be proud of it!
Man: You look exhausted.
Homme: Retournez au travail !
Hommes: À vos ordres !
Homme: Nous sommes des nettoyeurs, c’est compris ?
Homme: Quelles que soient les insultes que l’on reçoit, nous sommes les gardiens de l’ordre public. Sois-en fier !
Homme: Tu as l’air épuisé.
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Man: You took tomorrow off, right? Take a good rest.
Akiya: Kayoko...
(text) *It took me by surprise. But it’s really like you, Kayoko. I loved it. I hope a lot of other people will like it too.*
Akiya: ?
Homme: Tu es en congé demain, n’est-ce pas ? Profites-en pour te reposer.
Akiya: Kayoko...
(sms) *Ça m’a pris de court. Mais ça te ressemble bien, Kayoko. J’ai adoré. J’espère que ça plaira à plein d’autres personnes.*
Akiya: ?
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Kayoko: I’m at the family restaurant near your place, Akiya...
Kayoko: Je suis au restaurant de famille près de chez toi, Akiya...
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Kayoko: Can you come and meet me?
Kayoko: About the picture I sent you... A friend from our University seminar sent it to me. Apparently, she saw you by coincidence. [T/N: it doesn’t actually say if the friend is male or female]
Kayoko: “Were you aware of this, Kayoko?” She asked me.
Kayoko: Peux-tu sortir me voir ?
Kayoko: C’est à propos de la photo que je t’ai envoyée... C’est une amie de notre séminaire à l’université qui me l’a envoyée. Elle dit qu’elle t’a croisé par hasard.
Kayoko: Elle m’a demandé si j’étais au courant de tout ça.
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Kayoko: How long did you intend to deceive me?
Akiya: Deceive? It was never my intention.
Kayoko: Then why didn’t you tell me you joined the Media Betterment Committee the other day? You said you hoped a lot of people would read my story, yet you knew perfectly well you’d be the one to hunt it down!
Akiya (?): ...Actually...
Akiya (?): I was hoping a lot of people would be able to buy it before it was confiscated...
Kayoko: Pendant combien de temps encore comptais-tu me mener en bateau ?
Akiya: Te mener en bateau ? Ce n’était pas mon intention.
Kayoko: Alors pourquoi ne m’as-tu pas dit que tu avais rejoint le Comité d’Amélioration des Médias l’autre jour ? Tu m’as dit espérer que mon histoire plairait à plein d’autres gens, mais tu savais très bien que tu serais le premier à la prendre pour cible !
Akiya (?): ...En fait...
Akiya (?): J’espérais que beaucoup de gens puissent l’acheter avant que le magazine ne soit confisqué...
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Kayoko: I’ve been dating you earnestly, Akiya. I thought it was the same for you.
Akiya: It is! I want to use my savings for our wedding ceremony...
Kayoko: Then when were you going to tell me? Did you intend to marry me while still deceiving me?
Akiya: I couldn’t tell you! Everyone hates this job... So...
Kayoko: Would postponing it have solved anything?
*Wait, please!*
*This time,*
Kayoko: J’ai toujours pris notre relation au sérieux, Akiya. Je pensais qu’il en allait de même pour toi.
Akiya: Moi aussi ! Je compte d’ailleurs utiliser mes économies pour payer notre cérémonie de mariage...
Kayoko: Alors quand allais-tu me le dire ? Tu comptais m’épouser en me taisant la vérité ?
Akiya: Je ne pouvais pas te le dire ! Tout le monde déteste ce job... Alors...
Kayoko: Tu espérais que ça s’arrange tout seul en repoussant le sujet à plus tard ?
*Attends, je t’en prie !*
*Cette fois-ci,*
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[bigger pic here]
*Don’t press me for an answer like that!*
*...didn’t wait for me to gather my thoughts like she always did.*
*”You got the last part wrong, Ogata-kun.”*
*”I am absolutely not calm and serene, and I can never stay put. I’m more bad-tempered than most,”*
*”and that’s exactly why I remain quiet in order to avoid quarrels or standing out.”*
*Ne m’assaille pas de questions comme ça !*
*...n’a pas attendu que je rassemble mes pensées avant de répondre comme elle le faisait d’habitude.*
*”Tu as tout faux sur le dernier point, Ogata-kun.”*
*”Je ne suis ni tranquille ni sereine, et je ne tiens jamais en place. Je m’emporte plus facilement que la plupart des gens,”*
*”et c’est justement pour ça que je reste silencieuse pour éviter les conflits et ne pas me faire remarquer.”*
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter:
I didn’t think Ogata would have that kind of tragic past... Obviously what happened with Kayoko is what prompted him to join the Library Task Force later on, but I also find it very interesting to know what happened “on the other side”. The MBC agents always acted like self-entitled jerks in the previous chapters, and I guess now we know why: they hated their job and everyone hated them for it too, so they probably had to steel themselves or let it consume them like Ogata almost did :-(
47 notes · View notes
msclaritea · 7 years
For Steven Moffat, lead writer and showrunner of the sci-fi blockbuster for eight years, however, it’s a question he is more than happy to leave to his successor. “The new Doctor has to be written by Chris Chibnall, not me. Whatever he does is just fine by me,” says the screenwriter, who hands over the reins of one of the BBC’s most valuable franchises after Capaldi’s final appearance in this year’s Christmas special. “Just choose the best person for the job and any other agenda, however worthy, should be ignored. It has to be the best person for the Doctor Chris Chibnall is writing for” As the guiding force behind Doctor Who and Sherlock, two television mega-brands whose every plot twist is debated by an army of social media obsessives, it’s understandable if the Scottish writer might feel some relief at stepping back from one of the shows which has consumed every moment of his working life. “Doctor Who and Sherlock is a lot of telly to create in a year and none of it is easy. It’s been a tough run. There’s going to be a big hole in my diary. I am one script from oblivion,” he jokes. But Moffat does offer a little advice on casting for Chibnall, the Broadchurch creator and another life-long Doctor Who fan, who takes over as executive producer in 2018. “Just choose the best person for the job and any other agenda, however worthy, should be ignored. It has to be the best person for the Doctor Chris is writing for,” he says. Like the Time Lord and his travelling companion, the writer and his new Doctor will be tied together, explains Moffat, who eased Matt Smith into the role after David Tennant’s departure. Steven Moffat appears at the BFI & Radio Times Television Festival on 9 April. Click here for more details, and for other Doctor Who and Sherlock events at the Festival “Chris is going to be working with the actor for quite a few years and it is a pressure cooker. It can be tough, so you need to choose your friend wisely. So long as it works for the good of the show, that’s fine.” The handover will occur in a Christmas special regeneration scene, with Moffat inviting Chibnall to script the new Doctor’s first moments. “We had a laugh about it – I said to Chris he would get a minute at the end of the episode.” Moffat is too immersed in the tenth series of Doctor Who, which launches on 15 April on BBC1, to feel nostalgic at the end of his tenure. “We’re still working absolutely flat out on it, so there isn’t anything to feel yet. We’re shooting the finale and we’re working out how to relocate the final scenes indoors because of the weather. So it’s business as normal. Then it’s the Christmas special and a few weeks off.” Pearl Mackie, pictured with Peter Capaldi, was announced as the Doctor’s new companion, Bill in April 2016 Photo: Ray Burmiston/ BBC Fans will get a sneak preview of the series and of the Doctor’s new companion Pearl Mackie at the BFI & Radio Times Television Festival next weekend. Moffat will also be inducted into the Radio Times’ Hall of Fame at the festival for “pushing boundaries and altering the landscape of British television.” “The viewer doesn’t care that I’m leaving,” Moffat insists. “It’s far more important that it’s Peter’s last series, that’s a big deal. One beloved Doctor is going so that’s hugely exciting as a writer.” Mackie’s Bill Potts is “quite different, more grounded and earthy. She’s terrific, very charming and engaging, she owns the show, she is sensational.” The alien assistant Nardole, played by Matt Lucas, “was initially in it for a few episodes but he’s in all of them now, one way or another.” The Doctor is set to renew acquaintance with old enemies the Cybermen and the Ice Warriors too. “We have a smaller budget than other shows that look cheaper. I want more than three monsters on screen at a time” Moffat has worked consistently on Doctor Who since penning episodes for its 2005 relaunch and he hasn’t lost any of his enthusiasm for the character’s possibilities. “He’d rather be larking around and meeting Enid Blyton. But whenever he sees somebody in trouble he has to try and help. He’s eccentric and immensely resourceful. But he’s also a man who’s blown up planets and wiped out whole armies.”  A vital money-spinner for BBC Worldwide, along with Sherlock, Doctor Who’s global audience has expanded to some 80m during Moffat’s stewardship – yet BBC budgetary restrictions make the challenge of representing the show’s ambitions on screen even harder. “There’s a cultural sense sometimes that Doctor Who is the little engine that could, it’s this plucky little British show. But it’s actually one of the giants. It’s one of the least well-funded of the giants but it’s operating at that level. Why? It’s a massive show,” Moffat asks. “We have a pretty good budget. But we have a smaller budget than other shows that look cheaper. We don’t have the top budget, not by the standards of a colossus of the TV world. I don’t think it’s as good as it could be. I want more than three monsters on screen at a time.” “Overnight ratings are meaningless. But that won’t stop people saying ‘Sherlock’s ratings are in trouble’” Perhaps Doctor Who’s future lies with a funding partnership between the BBC and a deep-pocketed streaming service like Netflix, giving viewers the opportunity to watch new episodes without waiting for Saturday night to roll around? Measuring its popularity by overnight ratings is already irrelevant.“I’m walking on my stumps trying to work out how to tell people to stop looking at overnight ratings. I know the ‘overnights’ are going to be bad,” Moffat sighs. “The more popular a show is, the more people watch on streaming after the first showing. But that won’t stop people saying ‘Sherlock’s ratings are in trouble’. Overnight ratings are meaningless. People are watching across the week. Some people save up a whole Doctor Who series and they watch all the episodes at once. You don’t read a book a chapter a week.” “The way people are watching TV is in the process of the most radical change and you can’t stop binge watching. My kids don’t understand the concept of linear scheduled TV. Even BBC1 as a channel doesn’t mean anything, things have changed so radically.” Steven Moffat and his wife, the producer Sue Vertue at a screening of the Sherlock 2016 Christmas Special. Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty A prominent Saturday schedule slot is still important to “cut through” however. “My worry over the last year was launching during the Rugby World Cup. When Doctor Who launches it needs to be the event of that moment and I thought it got swamped. We should make it our business to make sure it is in a place where it will be the focus of attention.” Hollywood surely beckons for Moffat, who was asked by Steven Spielberg to write the screenplay for his 2011 Tintin adaptation until he had to step back due to his Doctor Who commitments. “I might do something next that’s a little out of everybody’s focus,” suggests the writer, who was frustrated by accusations by some on social media that the death of Mary Watson in the last Sherlock run meant female characters were getting short shrift. “Sherlock is the story of two blokes – what am I supposed to do with that? Make one of them a woman? We chose not to do that” “I massively expanded the role of Mrs Hudson in Sherlock. Mary Watson dies in the end because she always did (her death is inferred in the Conan Doyle stories). With Molly Hooper we gave Sherlock more of a female voice than ever,” he says. Hartswood Films, where Moffat’s wife Sue Vertue produces Sherlock, is a “feminist studio run by women.” Ultimately, Sherlock is “the story of two blokes – what am I supposed to do with that? Make one of them a woman? We chose not to do that.”  Unsurprisingly, Moffat disagrees with critics who have suggested that Sherlock and Doctor Who have become too “tricksy” or convoluted under his watch. “The last Sherlock episode (“The Final Problem”) was a massive hit on any viewing metric scale. You can’t take a few commentators to be the voice of the audience. “I’ve never met anyone who finds Doctor Who ‘difficult’. Hand on heart, if you think Doctor Who is difficult, then Breaking Bad is really going to confuse you.” For all Moffat’s protestations, Doctor Who viewers who have revelled in the show’s reinvention are likely to miss his guiding hand. “It will feel like an ending when I finally stop,” Moffat acknowledges. “Normally I’d been planning the next series by now or Sherlock (currently on hiatus) and I’m not doing that. I’m just trying to make a really good, action-packed, exciting series of Doctor Who.” He will restrain himself from submitting story ideas to Chibnall. “In the short term, at least, I have to get out of the way and let Chris get on with it. You don’t want the previous boss hanging around when you start a new job. I’ll take him out for a drink when he’s feeling miserable.
Molly gave Sherlock a female voice? Hartswood is feminist? TFP was a MASSIVE HIT?! What the devil is he smoking, cause I want some.
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