#wonder if we will se ehm
fzrticv · 8 months
I doubt it gonna happen but wonder if there will be consequences for demosn openly killing Angles, not just adam but also just exorsit who are technically just Angles. Isn't that somewhat what Sera Feard might happen? hm
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Ok, I am back, Nemo ^-^ Now this is just a curiosity I have, but you invited me not to keep any inside, so I'm here asking... Why Jacob? I mean, you are very inspired by him and created your most depicted OC for him; I wonder, why do you like him? I must admit that Jacob, alongside Arno, is the assassin I like less, to say least. Ok, ehm... Let's just say I really can't stand characters like him (braggart, clownish, not very serious in what he does, messing around while Evie has to take the situation in her hands) and that's probably why I didn't enjoy Syndicate and Unity so much). Please, do not misinterpret me, this is just my personal opinion about the character and no criticism. Though I still wonder what he left in the heart of an artist like you (because I really can't get it!) I really hope I didn't offend you and explained myself as I meant ^ ^'
Thanks, tight hugs <3
Hi my dear Lady Connor,
Welcome into my box. Allow me to offer you some tea, while I answer your ask.
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Make yourself comfortable, because it’s going to be a long one.
Let me start by reassuring you that I know that this is your personal opinion, and that you didn’t mean it as a criticism in any way, so it’s all perfectly fine on my side. You are absolutely entitled to have an opinion about him, and I respect that and your vision of him, while I do not necessarily find myself agreeing with it.
Now the subject under discussion.
Why Jacob, of all the Assassins and Templars, has managed to find a way to take root in my heart and not wanting to leave me alone.
It will probably make you giggle, but the first time around I played Syndicate, I was intrigued by him, but not entirely sure. I was on the fence, so to speak. He was not exactly the type of man that I usually fall for (like, if you have seen my other ocs and their loved ones, I do have a trend there) and Jacob, at least at first, didn’t fit into what usually makes me go absolutely gaga.
But there was something there.
Something that I couldn’t explain to myself, but that just tickled my brain and my soul, somehow, something that made me want to go back and just roam around London and explore the city with him, to hear his voice and just learn WHY in the freaking world all ideas were literally flooding my mind.
It was like a funny feeling that didn’t want to leave me alone, to the point that I needed to find a reason as to why.
And after replaying the game a second time, I saw it. I understood it.
It was my connection to him as a person, my connection to him as a son of a father whhad not enough love to give to his son and not enough acceptance in his heart for how his son was.
Jacob is clownish in his ways, because there is a lot of sufferance behind the jokes he cracks and the way he tries to face life.
There is a lot of sadness hidden by his smiles and apparent carelessness.
And I know perfectly what it means having to hide your sadness by cracking jokes or by being the clown around other people.
I know perfectly what it means having to show something to the world , a mask, because you are afraid you are going to be judged for your feelings and even reproached for them, because you need to “toughen up” and face the world the way others want you to.
Because I know perfectly what it means having your personality being bridled by other’s expectations, instead of being nurtured and appreciated for what it is.
I disagree with you when you say he is not serious in what he does. He seems to be because we have Evie, on the other side, that’s a very strict person that goes by the book, because that’s how she was taught and how probably Ethan tried to teach Jacob too. Which, per se, it’s not a bad thing, if that thing works for you. Evie thrived under Ethan’s ways, because she was more attuned to what her father wanted of her and what she was able to do. Jacob probably didn’t, and the lack of a second parent -a second voice- that could have helped reassure him that the way he was “was perfectly fine” could have played its role in Jacob not being as confident as he makes out himself to be.
And I am pretty confident in saying that Jacob’s apparent “carelessness” in what he does is not caused by a superficiality of temper, but rather an extreme need in wanting to express himself in a way that he was probably not allowed to, in a way he was probably not understood by the people that were supposed to understand him.
You ask me why Jacob? Why Jacob has carved such deep spot in my heart, to the point that he is the only one I always draw, the only one I like to write about alongside with my Dorothea.
Because I can see him. Because I know that he is much more than what he shows. And because, above everything else, I deeply relate to him on a personal level, as a person.
Jacob is a classical case of not judging the cover by the book, because even though he appears as probably the most superficial of the assassins, he most certainly is not.
I can see past the buffoonery, past the immaturity he demonstrates (understandable, though, because he is only 21 in the game and because growing up in a strict environment can lead to people not maturing properly -and I talk by experience here. At 21 I was a mess).
I can see past his bragging, which is none other that a way for him to cover up all the insecurities that being raised by Ethan most certainly left him with.
There is so much more underneath the surface, so much more to grasp if someone is given the chance to do so.
Because it’s easy to form an opinion over a first impression, but it takes an enormous amount of effort and constant work to see past our own bias and see what truly glitters beneath the surface.
It takes effort and courage to give other people the same grace we wish to receive.
So, in a way, my own story, my own ideas, all that I have created in the past couple of years, was a way to give myself the grace that I was not given by the people that were supposed to love me.
I said it more than once, and if it wasn’t clear, I will repeat it again: my writing, my artworking, all that I do and put out there is not only because I love Jacob as a character, but it is also a deep work of therapy that I do for myself, in order to both analyse and somehow elaborate the traumas I went through my life.
That’s why I created Dorothea for him, with her sweetness, her loyalty, her acceptance.
It was my way to reach out to him somehow and give both him (and me) that hug and comfort that he so desperately needed and deserved.
Infact, my Dorothea not only represents, idealistically, how I would love to be as a woman (because unfortunately I spent most of my life feeling like Quasimodo lol) but she represents both the way I love and the way I wanted to be loved.
And, thanks to my IRL husband, I was loved that way, and he is also very much the true inspiration for certain qualities my Dorothea has.
So that's another reason as to why I always draw Jacob and Dorothea, and why I love their love and I am extremely protective of it: it's my way to let out the happiness I was lucky enough to find in this life. A way for me to let all the joy out. <3
So, now, you know why Jacob is so important to me, and why he has left such immense mark in my heart and soul, to the point that, creatively speaking, he is the undisputable King of all my thoughts.
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⚫CHAPTER 299: GOSSIP⚫ - Hey Guyss!!! - Nacy was shouting and waving to them - here we aaaare!!!! - Hahaha! look at them - Said Tim - aren't they wonderful? - Hi girls - said Thomas - welcome! The only one who said nothing was Theo. But the blonde girl stepped in front of him. - Hi pretty, I'm Nancy, who are you? - I'm Theo... - he couldn't finish the sentence as the waiter came to him. - Hi Theo, I'm Richard, but you can call me Rick - he blinked his eye to Theo, left the glasses on the table and left. - Theo sweetie - said Nancy - don't be shy, let's sit to that other table. - Ok, let's go. - Did you like our performance? - said Nancy touching her hair. - Yes, you did it wonderfully, you are great artists. - Which one of us did you liked best? - She stared at him, smiling. Her foot touched his foot. When he felt it, he moved away his. - Ehm... all of you were great - he looked at the table, the whole situation was embarrassing for him. - Oh - she seemed upset but she smiled fastly - do you want to come "chez moi"? - and blinked her eye again. - No, I can't - he still was looking at the table - I'm sorry, I'm not the person you think I am. - Oh C'mon!! - I'm sorry, he lokked at her, very determined - girls, when you are together, you don't have any problem at all, but if I'm seen with another guy I can risk jail, so understand this, I will keep my love and my life private, you need to understant it. ▪️▪️ - Eyy!! Chicoss!! - Nancy estaba chillando y saludandolos - aaaquí estamoos!!! - Jajaja! - miradlas - dijo Tim - no son maravillosas? - Ey chicas, bienvenidas! - dijo Thomas. El único que no dijo nada fue Theo, pero la chica rubia se paró enfrente suyo. - Ey guapete, soy Nancy, como te llamas? - Soy Theo... - no oudo terminar la frase ya que el camarero se le acercó. - Hola Theo, soy Richard pero me puedes llamar Rick - le guiñó el ojo, dejó las bebidas en la mesa y se fué. - Theo cariño - le dijo Nancy - no seas tímido, vamos a la otra mesa. - De acuerdo. - Te ha gustado nuestro espectáculo? - le preguntó Nancy mientras se tocaba el pelo. - Sí, ha sido maravilloso, sois unas artistas! (cont.👇) ▪️▪️ #victorianplaymo #victorian_playmo https://www.instagram.com/p/Celu0dur1zP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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giulsherondale · 4 years
"Welcome Eda!"
Ehm Balca, dear, this is not your home so please don't behave like it is... Ahh my nerves.
And more the earrings tactic... Soo childish. I really can't stand her.
Loved that Eda literally throw the popcorn into Serkan's belly😂
And Sirius at the end, I love my son.
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Honestly... I really love Ferit and Ceren together. They are so cute, and I love how Ferit is trying to correct his mistake. He confesses that he is love with her, that he constantly thinks about her. So sweet.
Serkan telling Eda that the first time they met she used the same tactic of Balca because she forget her bag in his car. I love flirty Serkan and the fact that he remembers everything about Eda and their relationship.
The bet, honestly this is only the pretext so that Serkan can take Eda to Paris and have a romantic moment so the two of them.
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"What does Efe wants?"
"You heard. I said I'll talk to him in the office."
"How strange. Not answering anyone's calls, and doesn't answer questions. But he calls you."
"I still work for him Serkan. Did you forgot? Okay, let's move on to our bet. Perhaps you agree that I won."
"I've told you. Nothing is clear yet."
"What has to happen for you to understand? How much clearer should it be? She ordered the same dish."
"She said she was interested in the stars."
"Everyone loves stars."
"This was not enough, she also said 'Love' looking into your eyes Serkan."
"I think when she talked about love she was thinking about another person Eda."
"She answered by looking at you."
"Who else Eda? There were two people in front of her. Either you or me. Should she look at the salt shaker?"
"Either you are really stupid, or you pretend not to understand. Okay. It won't last long. It is seen, in a couple of days she will already confess her love to you."
"And you will win the bet right?"
"Of course. It's not my business."
"I agree."
"At the end of the day, what matters is how you respond to Balca's attention."
"You're right. This is a special topic that only concerns me and Balca. This is between us."
"Between you? There is something? Then I will call her."
"Eda sit down please. You..."
"I'm not jealous of you Serkan Bolat."
"You're not jealous... Really?"
"Think for yourself what could have been. Is this funny?"
"Okay... But I'm jealous of you like crazy. What to do about it?"
"You crossed the boundaries again. We'd better have coffee in the office."
"Let's have coffe here."
"I have something important to discuss with Efe. We will have coffee in the office."
"Efe can wait."
"Then I'll send him a message."
"No emoji."
This was hilarious. Eda kicking Serkan under the table and Balca was obviously flirting all the time. I loved Eda expression, she was so jealous. Serkan is soo smart, I think that he is well aware that Balca is flirting with him and he pretend not to see in order to push Eda to near to him. My smart babe.
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Engin and Piril... I really like them. They are opposite of each other but they are so in love. And I think their love is actually more stronger that the difference they have. And they take out the best part of each other.
"As if there is an invisible connection between them."
Balca, dear, believe me there is... There is. So better not to put your nose between Eda and Serkan because nothing will change.
"Your coffee Eda Yildiz. Much better now. When you aren't stressed, you're becoming even more beautiful."
"Don't stress me out then."
"I don't."
This moment was so sweet and romantic. Obviously ruined by Balca. And then when Eda takes his coffee mug I was laughing out loud. Love that my girl is marching HER territory.
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WHAT ARE YOU DOING BALCA?! I think she is really stupid because of course by removing the paper in the dossier Serkan will lose faith in Eda but you're damaging everyone and the holding too. She's so silly. And Balca even said that she felt hurt by seeing Eda and Serkan close the night before... Darling you know him for two days what the hell???? I hate her really.
Soo the interview and the photoshoot aren't enough... Balca you aren't spending too much time alone with Serkan and you even ask him to get a photo together and post it... Balca age 33... Balca real age 10.
"Well, until I'm 100% sure, this bet will continue Eda."
"What else should happen to make you 100% sure? What else? I'm just wondering."
"For example... When she look at me I have to feel that everything inside of her melts... When she's trying not to show her excitement... I have to see it by the way she look away... And when she try to stand firm... I have to see that her heart starts to beat faster... In her breath, in her voice, in her scent, even in her veins... I must feel this love."
"When she says my name... I must feel everything inside of her tremble."
Serkan reads her like a book... Honestly I don't know what to say about this scene... It speaks for itself. And plus new Serkan is enjoying his life, especially when he has the woman who he's in love with in front of him... Ahh Serkan❤️
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"I really need Serkan"
Sorry Balca maybe I did not understand well... You NEED Serkan? For what? I really don't get her and I think I never will.
"His partner will arrive tomorrow and he wanted me to bring some flowers to his house and get everything in order."
"You went to his house? While I was doing the interview, you were at this man's house?"
"Yes I was. But there was nobody here. So I left some flowers and left. Anything else?"
"What kind of psycho would want flowers in his house? Is he romantic?"
"What's the problem? At least he doesn't have any allergies."
"And I also have another kind of allergy."
"What kind?"
"I'm allergic to Efe. I don't trust him."
"You should trust me. I know what's right and what's wrong."
Ohhh Eda, honey, you don't have an idea how wrong you are... And I love that Serkan says that he's allergic to Efe. My jealous boy.
I really like boys time, I like when Serkan, Engin and Ferit are together. And every each of them have some suspects on Efe,his behavior and the secret partner.
"You won."
"You won."
"What did I win?"
"You won the bet."
"What bet?"
"Serkan, you won the bet."
"Ah... Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. Balca is a little in doubt, so it happened. But she may still like you."
"Of course."
"I'm sure about it. You cannot change my opinion. She's just not running after you. As a result you won I lost."
"As a result, then, we are going to have dinner in Paris."
"It seems to me not to worth so many adventures. We can just go to that restaurant with flowers..."
"No no. A bet is a bet. Is it not? Therefore, after the results of the tender are announced tomorrow, we will take my plane and fly to Paris."
"It seems that I have no other choice."
During the ice skating scene was like the director told them to do whatever they want, have fun with each other, just be themselves. And I think we saw that, everyone was having fun, was laughing. In fact I really loved the scene it was one of my favorite of the whole episode.
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"I haven't laughed like that for a long time. It did me good."
"Me too."
"You keep well on ice."
"Ah yes? I am good in the air, on the ground, on the ice, in the elevators when you're around."
"Stop showing off. And when I'm not there?"
"You are always there. And you always will."
"Maybe tomorrow... Instead of going to Paris, can we eat fish and bread on the water front?"
"I will never agree. We will fly to Paris anyway. Have you ever benn to Paris before?"
"No. If you've noticed, I don't even ask you."
"I went. But to be honest, this is the first time I'm so worried."
"You probably planned everything hourly now. What are we going to do?"
"Yes. We will have a wonderful tourist route. First we will climb the Eiffel Tower, and then visit the best cafes and pastry shops. We will dine in restaurants. And then we will meet the order over the Seine. And then the Bridge of Arts and the Bridge of Lovers. But of course, none of this worries me so much..."
"Yes? What worries you?"
"Get lost with you in Montmartre."
"You won't get lost. You will not be lost anywhere. It seems to me that you even have a map of places where you are going in your head."
"You're right. But I've never been there before."
"Because I gave myself my word. I promised myself that I would go there with the girl that I really love. And it's you."
"Suddenly it got hot..."
Plus we got Serkan saying "Mon amour, je t'aime" and when she said that she understood what he said Serkan throw the ultimate romantic bomb "Because love has no linguage".
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Who the hell is Piril father?!😳
He has to be someone really important. He even has the guards.
And the final... Boommm... Grandma has come. I can't wait to see her and her plans.. In the fragment we saw that she will help Balca with Serkan because se has a "future husband" for Eda... Clearly grandma has no idea who Serkan Bolat is, he will never give up on Eda. Moreover I think that grandma arrivals is the thing that will unite Aydan, Ayfer, Eda and Serkan. They will work as a team against grandma. I can't wait to see it.
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elentary · 3 years
Black as the devil, pure as an angel
Happy 31st Good Omens anniversary! (i’m late as usual)
A little story about Aziraphale and Crowley popped up in my head and I tried to write it down. 
This is my first story and my first language is not English (so don’t expect a masterpiece out of this): any correction or comment will be appreciated!
(All material related to Good Omens is the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.)
Black as the devil, pure as an angel
London, Monday, 10th May 2021
"Hey, this is Antony Crowley, you know what to do, do it with style"
"Ah, hello, it's me… ...Aziraphale! Well, ehm, it's been a while since we spoke and I suppose you're still sleeping in this moment because you aren't answering the phone. I just hope you aren't sleeping on the ceiling or on the walls: I'm pretty confident to say that's not comfortable for your backbone and I know for sure you have a perfect soft bed in your room. Also, last time I saw you up there, I almost had a heart-attack and I'd like to avoid it, even if I'm sure I can't die of that since I'm not human, but… ...oh, I wandered off too much with this!
Ehm, I called to inform you that lately the situation here in London seems to have improved and, since some restrictions have been lifted, I thought we could maybe meet again when you'll wake up: my bookshop will be open just for you at every hour! 
 Oh, don't worry if you'll be a bit sleepy: I'll prepare my special qahwah (kahve/caffè) in a jiffy! Well, it's not so special, it's just an old recipe I learnt because… ...oh, not that, it's a secr…. ehm, it's not important at all!
I… I… hope to see you soon, my chuck-… my dear!"
Aziraphale hung up the phone and started fidgeting with his golden ring almost immediately: "I shouldn't have called him: it didn't go how I planned", he muttered to himself. Unsurprising, the phrase "it went down like a lead balloon" popped up immediately in his head.
He had been rehearsing the call for ten days, preparing himself for every possible scenario, but in the end he went completely off-script after a few words, letting his emotions spill too much in his tone. 
But what worried him the most was the moment he let slip the words "old recipe" from his mouth: not for the recipe per se, but because of the little secret behind it. 
"I'm quite sure - he said out loud using a hopeful tone to calm himself - I was able to stop in time, thanks goodness! I’m sure that he won't ask anything even if Crowley notices something, because he'll think there is just a boring story behind it".
While he was heading for the kitchenette to make a cup of tea (there is no problem that couldn't be fixed with a good cuppa), he halted midway and wondered: "Why did I call coffee in that ancient way?"
The reason for that ancient name was very old, pretty much as old as Aziraphale's secret: a little more than four hundred years old.
Venice, 1596
"...and just a cup of qahwah for me" said a guest all clad in black who was slouching on a chair in the most luxurious house of the city. 
The young waiter who was taking the order, looked at him a bit perplexed for the last order. 
"Right, that was Arabic" chuckled Crowley "bring me some kahve or whatever is called here".
"Oh, caffè, here it’s called caffè here, Siór!” [1] , said the young one, ”How much sugar would you like in your cup?” added hasty at the demon's expression.
“I'll have Sade kahve but with a bit of cardamom. Remember to grind finely the beans”.
The waiter was still lost but the other guest at the table helped him with a smile: "He doesn't want any sugar in his caffè, dear" 
“I'll bring everything as soon as possible" said the young man and, after bowing a little, he headed for the counter.
Aziraphale was a bit surprised by what just happened: "It seems you are the meticulous one today: I have almost never seen you so specific with your food or drink order, unless alcohol was involved". He also added: "I just hope you didn't want to mess with the poor waiter".
No, angel, I didn't pull a prank. I have been drinking coffee for a while: but since my last mission in Malta [2] I have been loving it: Altan was the best at making it, but he went to Rome", Crowley said with a sigh.
"The funniest thing - he continued, smiling - is that I was lured to that because I thought it was an alcoholic drink since they called it qahwah, that also means wine. At first I was a bit disappointed but later I discovered it helps to stay awake during boring stuff: it did wonder with every task Hell gives me."
"I tasted some qahwah some times ago but it was too energetic for me… but maybe I should try it to deal with Gabr… ehm, with tedious tasks". Crowley politely didn't mention Aziraphale's little slip but smiled a bit inside.
When the order arrived the angel observed how his partner smelled and tasted happily the concoction humming approvingly: 
"I didn't think you were a coffee connoisseur" Aziraphale joked. 
"It's not so bad for someone with so little experience: you should try it sometimes. If you're done with your food, let's organize our Arrangement. For my report…"
They discussed their work for a couple of hours, drinking coffee. Aziraphale tasted it too (a lot sweeter than the demon) but in the end he still preferred his tea. The angel, however, decided he'd propose another place with coffee, since Crowley enjoyed that drink so much.
Milan, Four years later
"Why can't I have a cup of coffee?" Sulked a very crossed demon who was missing a couple of years of sleep due hellish work. "Lent was over 2 month ago, wasn't it?"
The owner of the shop was distraught: "The priest told us that is not proper now, Sir: the Infidels are using it and - he started whispering - it seems that's a Devil's plant". 
"I'm pretty sure that the Devil wasn't involved in any botanical project, even before Falling, and he has never tried any coffee. Instead, if you are speaking about demons, I am the onl-"
"Why don't we order wine instead this time?" Interrupted quickly Aziraphale before Crowley could say something more compromising. The unhappy demon agreed begrudgingly so several bottles of red wine were shared among them. 
"I'm sorry for your coffee, Crowley. It seems idiotic banning a plant just because somebody else has it".
"Well, they copied the idea from the Boss: God was the first to ban a plant, you and I should remember that easily" Crowley snickered.
Aziraphale started blushing and his cheeks soon were as red as that famous fruit: "ah, it… i-it wasn't just a normal fruit and that was part of God's plan…  I suppose.". That phrase was just commented by the demon with a bemused expression.
"So, Crowley, what are you going to do with this? Are you going to tempt a lot of people to drink coffee?"
"Nah, I'm already too busy with Hell's job at the moment. It would be too troublesome to convince people and especially priests: those at top are the worst."
I'm sure I'll miss the ability of coffee to transform random thoughts into ingenious ideas: humans were experts at using that!" The demon slouched sadly on the chair.
Aziraphale would have missed the improved human genius too but, in his opinion, would have regretted more not seeing his demon's smile but he said nothing. He instead started thinking if there was something he could do and soon became lost in his thoughts.
"...anything there?"
"Sorry, what was that?" 
"I told you I'll go back to Spain tomorrow for a temptation: do you need anything there?" 
"Oh, nothing special, just the usual [3] we can share and those books, if you could be so courteous." Aziraphale happily answered, giving him a neat written list.
"Are you going to stay here long, angel?"
"Oh, no, I'm departing for Rome the day after tomorrow… … I know you don't like it because of the absurd amount of consecrated ground there, you don't need to make a face each time I mention it"
"And every pope makes the problem worse." 
The angel assumed a grim expression: "I have to meet pope Clement VIII for the closing ceremony of the Jubilee"
"You don't seems pleased" 
"The Archangels, especially Sandalphon, think highly of him, but I don't… appreciate him, especially after he burned at the stake messer Giordano Bruno and other poor humans."
Crowley liked discussing the stars and the universe with Giordano: he tried to warn the poor man but he was too stubborn to listen.
"May I reciprocate your favour from Spain? Maybe some wine?" Suggested the angel.
"Only if you're sure the bottles are not blessed - Crowley shuddered - I still remember last time I was wrong".
"Are you sure it will be enough?" 
"I'm sure, angel. Let's party now and forget our troubles for now". 
Unfortunately Aziraphale couldn't party happily because he couldn't forget what happened with the cup of coffee and he thought his favour was too small: he decided he should do something about it! 
Luckily the following morning was more propitious and he found a way to repay Crowly for his favour: he'll find a way to lift the ban on coffee.
The only remaining problem was how to do that.
Rome, a week later
Aziraphale was reading the same line of the missive for the third time in a row at his desk: the angel was too distracted because hadn't found a solution for his "problem" yet. 
"I bet I have the solution under my nose but I can't see it" mumbled the angel touching the pope's sigils on the papers.
"Of course, the pope! - he yelled happily - He is the highest authority for the priests: he could convince everybody that drinking coffee is not bad if he tastes it himself".
"I just need to learn how to make the best coffee ever". A name came back to his mind, the name Crowley gave him: Altan. 
Immediately he used a little miracle to locate him that led him to a small cemetery outside the city and on the grave and there were few sweets with a little cup: unfortunately Altan died 10 years before. The angel bowed a little to pay respect. 
A big Turkish man came next to him and inquired "Did you know my father?".
"I didn't but my... acquaintance considered him a genius and was very fond of his qahwa, ehm, kahve. He'll be sad when he'll know he died." 
"I'm Osmanek. May I ask you what brings you here mister...?
"Oh, I'm Aziraphale. I came here to learn how to make the best coffee ever: I hope his art was inherited by you."
"Luckily it was not lost: I loved to help him make coffee. Before revealing my secrets I have a question for you: are you doing this for your… acquaintance?"
Aziraphale nodded: "I'd like to prepare him some coffee he loves, but at the same time I'd love to see everyone have a coffee whenever they fancy, like in your birthplace. To make that possible, however, I have to let somebody else drink your coffee to.. ..to tempt him saying it's not a bad thing: that person is the pope Clement".
The angel knew what he was asking for and couldn't hold the gaze of the man anymore.
"I understand -he continued sadly- if you don't want to help me since I have seen how much that man has been hurting your brothers and sisters…" The angel couldn't say anything else, overpowered by his memories and bowed his head to hide the tears in his eyes: he has seen too many inconceivable deaths in the name of faith
Osmanek observed Aziraphale for a little moment: he was sure there was no lie in his words. "No, - he smiled - I can't leave you after you poured your heart out: I'll help you and your friend to tempt the Pope." 
"Oh, oh, thank you! - and the angel added hastily - But he's not my friend, we barely know each other!"
The man started smiling brighter than ever and guided him to his house.
Immediately after they arrived, Osmanek offered his guest a cup of his special kahve with few sweets. Aziraphale tried just a sip of coffee and he was immediately in love: "Now I know why Crowley likes it so much: it's so scrumptious even without those sweets!"
"I call this Altan kahve in honour of my father: I will teach you how to prepare it for your fr… aquietance but I ask you to not give any of this to the pope. For him, I'll give you another tasty recipe" 
"Oh, I agree with you: the pope doesn't deserve that perfection!" 
Osmanek patiently taught Aziraphale everything he should know: how to roast and grind the beans, how to use the small pot "cezve", the ratio perfect between coffee and water, how to boil and froth the concoction and  which flavours could be used.
In the beginning everything felt so difficult for Aziraphale and he failed a lot. However the angel was very stubborn and, thanks Osmanek's tips and teaching, he was able to make an excellent cup of coffee in a couple of days.
"I hope this will be good enough" mumbled the angel.
"Trust me, it will be too good for the pope", he chuckled. "Now let's see how good you are with Altan's coffee. I'll give you a final tip: imagine you are preparing some coffee for your acquaintance and not me".
"If I'm right, it will taste better"
Still perplexed and a bit nervous, Aziraphale went into the kitchen and, following the last advice, he prepared meticulously the dark drink, flavouring with cardamom and finally pouring it in two kahve fincanı, a dark one and a light one. The smell seemed quite promising.
Osmanek took the darkest cup and, after smelling the aroma, he tasted it. After a few seconds, he smiled "In my native Country there is a proverb that says the coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love but for your coffee this doesn't sound right". He put the empty fincanı on the table.
"I think - he continued - the Italian expression suit it better" 
"I'm sorry but I don't know it" the angel was starting to worry he messed up something even if the man was smiling fondly.
"Il caffè deve essere caldo come l'inferno, nero come il diavolo, puro come un angelo e dolce come l'amore.". [4]
The angel took his courage and drank his coffee: in his opinion, it wasn't perfect as Osmanek's but it tasted like something Crowley would enjoy and that was the best feeling ever. 
The angel couldn't stop smiling: "Oh, I am so grateful to you! But I don't know how I can repay you for this"
"Your happiness is enough: I'll bring you everything you need".
Aziraphale didn't agree with him so he performed some miracles and blessings. 
Osmanek came back with some coffee beans, flavours and utensils. There were also three kahve fincanı: two were familiar (the dark and the light ones) but the other was new (and very flashy).
"Oh, that's for the pope: I have always hated that cup and I hope it'll break when that man wants coffee most"
"Oh, that cup will do that, I can assure you" the angel promised with a mischief smile.
Aziraphale finally bid farewell, still thanking Osmanek profusely.
Two months later was the time to put the plan in action: the pope was in the library at 2 a.m. and he was getting tired but he had a lot of work to do. Aziraphale approached him: "I may have the right solution for your Excellency: it's a healthy concoction that promotes wakefulness and wonderful ideas. It was discovered b-"
"I don't care, - interrupted the holy man - give me that drink and let's hope it works".
"God gives me strength" whispered under his breath the angel while preparing some coffee that suited the pope's taste.
When the cup of coffee was ready, it was given to Clement VIII: he grabbed it and started drinking absent-mindedly. The smell and the taste were so good that he woke almost immediately. 
"Librarian, what is this?"
"As I was saying, this is coffee" 
"Why has nobody given me this miraculous drink? The taste is divine and it works perfectly!"
"I suppose nobody wanted to offer your Excellency any drink consumed by Muslims. Some people also believe coffee is a Devil's plant. In my op-"
"I don't care: it's too good to be Satan's plant and we mustn't let the infidels have exclusive use of coffee."
Aziraphale was quite happy: it seemed his plan worked out nicely.
"Maybe we could bless the beans or use some holy wate-"
"NO" shouted the angel, emanating some angelic power unconsciously "Please, DON'T". 
For the first time in his life, the pope was scared he felt like a little child in front of a giant warrior.
"Ehm, please - said more calmly Aziraphale - never suggest it again or let somebody do that. Just tell everyone coffee could be drank by anybody".
The pope could only nod affirmatively.
Now the angel was sure he was successful in his endeavour and soon could have a coffee with Crowley. 
Aziraphale stayed in Rome for another three weeks, just in time to witness a fincanı to break neatly in two, pouring coffee on some important papal documents.
On his journey to London he stopped to Osmanek's house and updated him on what had happened in that time (especially the broken cup).
London, Monday, 10th May 2021, 30 minutes after Aziraphale's call.
In the end Aziraphale made some of his special coffee with his cezve: he was missing Crowley so much.
"What if i woke him up while he just wanted to sleep a bit more?" 
"No, angel, - a familiar voice answered - I want to stay awake with you for a while"
"Crowley" cheered Aziraphale
"In a jiffy" and he poured the drink in two old contrasting kahve fincanı.
"So, what's the secret behind this old recipe?" Crowley asked with a mischievous smile.
[1] Siór = mister (venetian dialect)
[2] Malta = Crowley had been at the great siege of Malta in 1565    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Siege_of_Malta
[3] Usual = local goodies (especially wine and alcohol)
[4] "Il caffè deve essere caldo come l'inferno, nero come il diavolo, puro come un angelo e dolce come l'amore" = "coffee must be hot as hell, black as the devil, pure as an angel and sweet as love"
To write this I took some info from wikipedia about the history of coffee: if you want to learn something more accurate than my story, look here and here.
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cheyentjj · 4 years
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A/N: so this is a little something I've written based on a dream I've had recently. I have to say Henry doesn't occur in it much, I had to write it though. I hope you like it and let me know what you think. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Looking around me i saw a gorgeous looking tree. The leaves on it so green, so vibrant, a painting would go to shame next to it. Here and there a flower scattered around the surface. Pure white petals with pink tips. Passing by the tree I was unable to take my eyes off of it. I was walking down the path when I crashed into something. "umph" I exclaimed struggling to keep my balance.
"oh, dear are you alright?" a strong but pleasant voice asked.
Looking up I realised I hadn't just ran into something, but someone.
A lady of age standing before me. Short white hair framing her face. A genuine smile shaping her light pink lips, making her blue eyes all the brighter.
I smiled back. "yes I'm quit alright. I'm so sorry though, I wasn't watching where I was going."
She waved in my direction, "don't worry dear. I'm just fine. Are you lost?" she asked obviously picking up on the fact that I was a foreigner to this island.
"well," carefully thinking about my answer. I didn't know where I was going, so theoretically I was lost. But I didn't wanna come across as someone who couldn't take care of herself.
"not lost per se." the last vowel being dragged out just a little more than necessary. While looking around, squinting when the sun shone too brightly into my eyes.
She raised an eyebrow at me, an amused smirk grazing her lips.
"so where are you going then?" she asked pointing at every direction around her.
I chuckled lightly. "to any place that will take my breath away." I shrugged.
The look she was giving me right then and there couldn't have been anything else but surprise and admiration. Her eyes slightly bigger than they were before, mouth opening and closing a couple of times. Before letting out a breathy laugh.
" I don't think I can say I've heard that one before. But good answer. How about I show you a couple of places that could do just that? I know the place quit well." she suggested pointing down the road.
I nodded, finally admitting that I could actually use a tour guide on this island.
" oh, shoot. I'm Ronnie by the way"i rushed out of my mouth before raising my hands at her.
"Marianne" she said, accepting my hand.
I smiled and then motioned for her to walk ahead.
Minute after minute passed of Marianne walking beside me down the road. Showing things left and right that she redeemed worth a visit in my days left on the island. She showed me where to find the gardens, the underground war hospital, and what she believed was the most beautiful spot on the beach.
Though I was sure I had never met Marianne, never having been to Jersey before. I kept having the feeling that I had.
After about 45 minutes of walking and pleasant talk I stopped dead in my tracks looking at the lady in front of me.
She turned around a confused look on her face. "dear, are you alr"
"you're Henry cavill's mother" I said quietly. Solving the riddle in my head.
For a second a flash passed in Marianne's eyes. I would say it was disappointment. But it was gone before I had the time to really see it.
"yes I am." she said firmly.
I nodded at her. "you raised a good man."i looked towards the ocean before pointing to it." so where exactly is that spot you were talking about. "
Again that look of surprise making her look like she had no words left in her brain.
But then she smiled again, as warmly as ever. The kindness returned to those blue orbs.
We were sitting on a little cliff looking over the ocean and beach. And in that moment I doubted I'd ever find a more beautiful place to spent my free minutes.
Though our pleasant talk had returned shortly after we had left for this particular spot, I could tell Marianne wanted to ask me something. I, however, did not want to push it so just stayed quiet until she would take the plunge.
"so you're a fan of my son's work?" she hesitantly asked looking into the ocean.
"well yes. He's very talented. Who could not be a fan of his work."i said again shrugging my shoulders.
" which one is your favorite? "
I glanced over at her, just to find she was looking me dead in the eye. Right into my soul.
" the Witcher. His passion for the role is very visible in his performance. It's admirable. " I said, not ones breaking eye contact.
She smiled widely and I couldn't help but be confused with her reaction.
She shook her haid. "oh it's nothing dear. Most girls that get asked that question just go with superman. No explanation as to why. Probably cause they have never actually seen the film, they just know he looked good."she said.
" oh well, yeah he is good looking. But having seen you it's not hard to see where he got that from. "I smiled at her.
" oh he got that from his father dear. "she smiled in admiration." so is it safe to say you are here for the durrell challenge then? "
" oh yes, but please don't get this the wrong way. I'm not here for him. I'm here for the zoo. You see I used to study animal care in college back home. I knew as soon as I found out i could participate in a charity run to benifit the zoo, that I was gonna do it. Been training for a whole year now. "I explained to the elegant lady sitting next to me.
She smiled at me again." you, my dear, are one in a million. How about we go for a snack? I have some fresh fruits at home that desperately need to be eaten."
"oh no I couldn't intrude on your private life like that. I'm fine I'll ju"
She cut me off placing her small ha'd on my knee. "nonsense. Cmon off we go."
I stood up along with her, not wanting to say no if she insisted. And followed her to her home.
On the way there I tried multiple times to get out from it, make up excuses to leave, but she was having none of it. And when we arrived after a ten minute walk I was at a loss for words. A beautiful house stood before me. It wasn't just a house, it was a home. The warm brown brick making it feel a bit more rustique than modern.
She opened the door, motioning for me to get in. I hesitantly did so but stood still in the hallway. Not daring to go too far.
"oh dear don't just stand there, go on in."
I smiled nervously but obliged either way. Walking further into the home.
I could hear people talking somewhere in the house. The sounds getting louder as I got closer to what seemed to be the kitchen area.
"oh hello there." someone said as they saw you enter.
"hi, ehm, I'm Ronnie. Marianne said to just head on in."you explained.
" ah and if mother said so than so it shall be." the man said dramatically." I'm Charlie." he stretched out his hand to me. Taking his hand I smiled.
" come sit down we were just about to crack a beer and have a snack. Want to join?"he pointed his thumb towards the glass back doors which were slightly open,leading to a backyard.
" I could do with a snack, thank you. No beer though"you accepted his offer.
"perhaps a cocktail then? My wife made me take classes so I can make a pretty good one." he winked.
"well in that case, yes. Please, surprise me."you laughed.
He pointed to the back door, letting you know you could go on ahead. Nodding you started towards the garden.
Stepping out following the sound of laughter. Pure and utter belly laughter. Three guys standing there hurled over with laughter.
Though all three were not small in stature their laughs making them look like mere boys.
"I swear they never grow up" Marianne nudged you, now dressed in something more comfortable. "boys, this is Ronnie. She will be joining us for the afternoon. Please, behave like the gentlemen I raised you to be."she scolded them playfully,making me laugh in the process.
Marianna grabbed my elbow, guiding me toward the one son I knew all too well.
" Henry, this is Ronnie. She will be running the race tomorrow. Shes studied animal care. Isn't that wonderful."she said excitedly and then just left.
I let out a breathy laugh. Looking from her into the pools that were his eyes. And then straight to the ground trying to compose myself.
Just a guy. He is just. A. Guy.
"animal care, huh?" he said making me look back at him.
"yea I started. Didn't get to finish. But the intrest is still there."i shrugged.
He smiled widely at me. Looking over to his mom, he shook his head.
" so tell me more. What did you learn?"
" and that is the story about how I met my husband" I finished my story.
Henry sitting next to you laughing. "yes my mum is quite the character." he said. "see I could never tell this story like she does. I want there for the half if it."he acted dramatically.
" well it's a lovely story. But I'm afraid our time here is up. I'm glad to have met you, Ronnie. Henry, always a pleasure, and good luck with the premiere of your new movie. And to you at home I will see you again tomorrow. Thank you and good night."
We finished the talk show we were invited to a couple months after our wedding. We had been together for two years now. Inseparable since the day we met.
@mary-ann84 @littlefreya @burdenedwith-gloriouslove @wondersofdreaming @iloveyouyen
@dancingwendigo @hnryycvll
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silly-jellyghoty · 4 years
So i did some math using witcher timeline and i found out a few things:
Vesemir has been known to be in active duty during 1112. As Geralt has been entrusted to him as a child, that means he must have been born sometime around 1110. That makes him at least 40 years old when Renfri dies (se below). Btw, Geralt mentions his first kill being when he was 17 years old baby witcher freshly released from Kaer Morhen which would put the act around year 1128
Falka (Ciri's gran gran gran mother or so) and Renfri are both children of Black Sun curse and since Falka's rebelion is dated around 1150's, it's reasonable to think that Blaviken happened around the same time, at which point Geralt has been on the Path for some while already
Yennefer is born in 1173
1218 Calanthe is born
1229 Jaskier is born. Considering he met Geralt in Posada as 20 years old, maybe 20 something in sometime between 1248 and early 1250's, that makes Geralt around 140 years old at that point. No wonder he acts like a grumpy old dog being targeted by a hyperactive kitten. Compared to him, Jaskier is indeed a baby.
1232 coronation of Calanthe after her father's death. Becoming a queen at 14? Poor girl honestly. She doesn't marry until 1235 so that's 3 years of ruling a country as a kid that doesn't even have all her adult teeth grown yet. And then they wonder where all her anger and fighting spirit came from. Maybe if kid in the prime of her hormonal shitstorm had some time to deal with herself in peace in her room instead of sitting through yet another tax discussion she may have turned less bloodthirsty. Then again, taxes make us all wish we could bite someone's head off so - same Calanthe, same
According to timeline for short story A Shard of Ice, Yennefer and Geralt are living together in 1251. Which thinking back about djin incident doesn't make much sense since a) Geralt didn't meet Yennefer until then and b) in djin story it's mentioned Jaskies has been traveling with witcher for a decade already so either someone is lying exagerating *ehm* Jaskier, you drama queen *ehm* OR the whole living-together-and-not-being-happy-about-it thing is actualy set in 1260's. But considering next point, Jaskier is a liar. OR his date of birth is wrong and he's actualy Calanthe's peer agewise
1253 - Ciri is born. That puts her escape to Brokylon and first meeting face to face with Geralt to 1262 - the book version, namely the short story The Sword of Destiny, not the serie's fall-of-Cintra-escape-to-Brokylon-then-doppler-Mousesack-nonsense mix-up. Where's my 8 meters long blood thirsty millipede and Ciri being a stubborn snoty princess calling Geralt names? That was the best part of the story honestly..
After the fall of Cintra, Geralt finds Ciri in 1265 and takes her to Kaer Morhen to guard her and to be trained by Vesemir. Ciri's saga begins in 1267. At that time, Geralt is well into his 160's, Ciri is 14, Yennefer is 94 (but don't tell her i know) and Jaskier 38
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thegreatescape · 5 years
FIRST OF ALL, sorry for my English. Please, don’t repost the pics from this post. I wanna share them with you but you have to respect this, pretty please ;;
At the panel I sat in the second row and when I saw the cast I was shocked by their beauty! Even if it didn't last long, they were so nice and funny and it was wonderful to sing “Buon Viaggio” along with them (even if it was a bit embarrassing haha).
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As soon as I entered the room I had an heart attack because he was so pretty and he seemed such a genuine guy. He smiled at me and said ‘Hi!’ with the softest voice and opened his arms to hug me (I was shaking so hard haha) and I told him I was very happy to meet him. We were still hugging when I asked him "Can I hug you?", as if we weren't already doing it, and he laughed and said "Ehm, yes? Sure!" and he held me tight as we took the picture. I hugged him another time and I was like "I’m so sorry" because I didn’t want to bother him and he said "No don’t worry” and he hugged me even tighter ;;
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When he arrived it was a bit embarrassing because there was complete silence. We were all so nervous and, damn, it was awkward. So he broke the silence saying "Should we play cards?" diffusing the tension.
- He told us that "Giovanni Garau with the U because he is Sardinian" was improvised because, while they were shooting, their make-up artist (who was next to the bouncer) jokingly said 'Garao?' and Ludovico was like "No, it's Garau with the U. And then I asked myself: why is it with the U? Ah, because it's Sardinian! And I said it!" lmao - He said that when they were shooting the scene in which he and Francesco had to run away from the police they bumped into the quod where there was the director, because they were running too fast, while Federico and Nicholas were very slow. - Then he talked about "Aggrappati a me” and told us that the child with whom he acted didn’t collaborate sometimes. Basically she refused to wear a coat but when the director asked her if she wanted Ludovico to put it on her she nodded HAHA - He also talked about that time he worked with Muccino and he said that there was a traumatizing scene because he couldn't remember his line and Muccino scolded him and he started crying because he couldn't take it anymore ;; But then he was so proud of himself when he was able to do it! Seriously he was so sweet! - At the end I apologized because I always tag him on my drawings and he said "Are you kidding? That makes me happy! Have I ever replied to you?" I told him yes and he said, "Ah well, that's the most important thing! Unfortunately I usually don’t have time to reply to people and I'm so sorry". We posed to take a selfie but I asked him to take it and he was like: Why? Me: I'm shaking. He laughed: I don't believe you, liar! haha
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Here I met Federico for the first time and I was really nervous because he’s my favorite person in the world. When I arrived I greeted Rocco again with another hug, and then I clung to Fede just saying "Ciao" because I was literally shaking haha. He had such a soft expression and a tender smile that melted my heart. So, a bit embarrassed, I asked both of them if it was okay to make a group hug and Federico said "Yes, let's squeeze hard!" And I found myself sprawled between him and Rocco. It was the best moment of my life! Then I greeted them with another hug, continuing to apologize, especially to Rocco because it was like our 10th hug. 
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When I returned to the room, there was only Federico ready to take individual photos and while we were queuing, Ludovico came out of nowhere and queued with us hiding among the people. When it was his turn, Federico started laughing and caressed his cheek and posed hugging him tightly. Then Ludovico sat down in a chair next to where they were taking pictures. I wanted a specific pose with Federico and I was trying to find a way to explain it to him without 'ambiguous' but when I mimed it he said "Oh you want me to take you from behind?" I widened my eyes and he immediately realized that it was misunderstandable and he said "That sounded bad!" We took the pic and I gave him another hug because he kept smiling so softly and he was the cutest little muffin ever.
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Then I lined up for the third time ready for the group photo. I introduced myself to Pietro and Francesco and I greeted the others again (yes, hugging them all again because it seemed polite to greet them lol). After we took the pic there was another round of hugs, luckily this time it started from them otherwise I would have felt intrusive, and I ran upstairs to the autographs session.
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Unfortunately I had no extras with Pietro and Francesco, so I gave my drawings to my friends. Franz was very happy about the drawing and said he would have thanked me at the dinner (and he did it). Pietro, on the other hand, recognized my drawing from Instagram and he was so nice to leave me a note saying "Thank you Giulia, your drawing is WONDERFUL!" with his autograph ;;
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The first one I talked to was Ludovico: I thanked him so much for his work and for making the meet a unique experience and I gave him the drawing. As soon as he saw it he widened his eyes and stared at me incredulously "Woah! It's beautiful. Did you do it?! I have no words, it's fantastic, you have a unique talent. Amazing!” and he continued like this for a minute while I was screaming inside. Then we took the pictures! 
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Then I met Rocco and when I arrived we hugged for the 45987243 time. Rocco is SO shy! Every time he hugged someone, he had a nervous laugh and lowered his head, smiling, embarrassed ... ADORABLE. By the way, I told him something personal and I thanked him for his work because he helped me a lot. He stared me straight in the eyes and he looked kinda sad because he saw that I had tears in my eyes and I was desperately trying not to burst into tears and in fact I told him that it was better to change subject because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable and he said: “Don’t worry. I’m the one who should thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m happy that you felt comfortable to open up to me, it's wonderful knowing that I’m helping someone." 
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Then I gave him my drawings telling him those were my way of saying ‘thank you’. When he saw them he lit up and said "NOOOO! SO COOL! They are beautiful! Wow, AMAZING! Oh, wait… this is Fe Cè!” and I realized that I had also given him Federico's drawing by mistake haha 
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We took the selfie, I looked at him with tears in my eyes and it was like he had read my mind because he said "Another hug?" laughing because it was like the thousandth! When I left the queue I read his autograph where he had written "Love yourself always, Giulia"and I cried while I was waiting for Federico’s autograph lol
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When I saw Fede I thanked him for everything and I told him that he’s such a great actor and a beautiful human being and he was literally a sunshine because he smiled from ear to ear with his hands clasped over his heart; I gave him the drawings and he also complimented me and thanked me so much. Then we took 3 selfies and hugged another time.
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The dinner was the best part of the day. I was at the same table of Federico and Pietro, and I was quite close to Pietro. I thanked him for leaving me that note and he lit up and stretched out his arm to be able to shake my hand and he caressed me saying "Ah you are the girl of the drawing! Honey, you gave me a gift! It's one of the most beautiful drawings I've ever seen! I've seen some good ones in my life but yours was perfect, so realistic”. I just smiled and thanked him because I didn't know what to say and he smiled at me in a very sweet way ;; During the dinner we talked a bit with Federico and Ludovico but unfortunately we couldn't hear that much because there was caos. 
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When we finished the pizza and they brought the desserts Federico went to sit right next to Pietro and started asking everyone if someone wanted to eat his tiramisù with him and after everyone said no, he saw that I was staring at him and he stretched the plate "Do you want some? Please help me I can’t eat all of it!" He ‘insisted’ a few times and in the end I said yes and so I ate a piece of it. When I gave it back to him, he looked at the plate and said: "Just that? But you ate a small piece!” And I said “Fede, there was just one fork, maybe I should ask the waiter to bring another one!” and he was like “Oh no, don’t worry. There’s no problem! I eat with this!” lmao So Pietro took a girl's phone and started filming the scene saying “Giulia is eating all of Federico's tiramisu!” It was so embarrassing haha A few minutes later Pietro got up to go to Ludovico - I don't know where I found the courage since I am so shy - and I went to sit next to Fede and I said “I wanted to stay right next to you” regretting it a second later. Federico explained us that he calls Rocco “lizard” because when he yawns he looks like a lizard and he makes a very strange sound. And he chose this nickname because he wanted to find a name that was as humiliating as "Bambi" haha Then he told us a tongue twister and he was the only one able to say it “Se ti stizzisci, stizziscitici pure!” and then he asked Rocco to say it too and Rocco was like “Se ti stizzzidusafhoa sicciicisohfdas” it was adorable hahah Then Fede kept eating his tiramisù even if he was full, but he didn’t want to leave it there so he did the “airplane” with the fork and he tried to make me eat that, you know, like you do with kids, and he made an adorable voice "Come on, take a tiny tiny tiny piece, look at it! It looks soooo good".
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Then I don't remember how we got into the argument but I asked him if I could take a picture of him and he said yes, but when I wanted to take it he turned around to talk and I already had the phone in my hand and I took it anyway but he turned around again with the tiramisu still in his mouth and I lowered the phone so quickly but he had seen me. So I picked up the phone and he saw the picture and he laughed: "Are you taking pics of me while I’m eating? Look how ugly I am! There are too many photos you can blackmail me with! Come on, take another one so I can pose!” I took the picture and when he looked at it he laughed again “Jesus, it's worse than the first one!"
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Shortly after I told a friend "I’ve never drank wine!" And Federico heard me and looked at me so shocked "You’ve never drank wine!? But how old are you?” "25 ..." “And you have never drank wine? Do you want to try ..?” and he gave me his glass (after I said ‘no’ a few times because I was embarrassed lol). I tasted it, and after few second I said: “THAT’S SO GOOD!” Federico burst out into laughing "Good, right?! You have to trust me! Well… Oh God, you’ll become an alcoholist because of me! What a responsibility! "A few minutes later he gave me his glass again asking me if I wanted a little more. For the umpteenth time we have repeated the "no it’s okay", "oh c’mon just a sip, don’t worry" and then I drank again. He laughed and said: "I created a monster!" Then Francesco arrived and hugged him from behind, starting to open sugar sachets because he was very drunk lol 
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Then Fede got up because Francesco was bothering him and he said "Okay, our speed date is over!" and I was like noooo don't leave. Even Francesco was very nice even if he was saying things that had no sense haha We took a picture together and he was kind of purple and said “I’m sorry, I’m drunk as fuck!” 
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The staff told us that the dinner was over so I went back to Pietro to thank him and we took some pictures (like… 15 haha). We hugged each other hard and he thanked me again for the drawing. 
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Then I went back to Federico and told him that I had spent the best evening of my life because of him and laughing he said "It's the wine that makes you saying this! Drink responsibly, I recommend you! I feel the responsibility on my shoulders now! Thank you for everything!” And we took more photos. 
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Then I joined Rocco and I asked him another hug and he smiled and held me tight, saying, "Let’s take a selfie!"And so I took pictures with him too. I was about to leave when we looked each other in the eyes and we both laughed and we hugged each other AGAIN HAHA 
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In the end I went to say hello to Ludovico and we took two pictures but he was completely lost because he was as drunk as Francesco lol
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Probably this is full of mistakes but I just wanted to share with you the best experience of my life. Again, please don’t repost the pictures ;-; 
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
Birth in Reverse - Part 6
Pairing : Avengers x FemPlus Size Reader ; (Y/N) Plus Size Reader x Bucky ; Nadia (Y/N twin sis) Plus Size Reader x Thor
Warnings : Language, violence, Hydra
Word Count : 2.6k
A/N : Let’s speed things up ;) 
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You spend the rest of the night with Wanda and Natasha but couldn’t focus on their chatting, to absorbed in your head and the kiss you shared with Bucky. Eventually their talking was disturbed by a knock at the door. You stood up and opened it, facing Pepper. "I'm sorry to disturb but was wondering if you had a small spot for me. The men are talking sports and it's kinda driving me nuts", she smiled. You gulped harshly before nodding and letting her in. Wanda gave you a reassuring smile, catching Natasha's skeptical gaze. "What are you ladies talking about?", she asked but you quickly counterattacked, "Do you have any siblings?" She frowned not expecting it before shaking her head. "No, I was an only child. It wasn't always easy. I wished I've had a sibling, a sister who I could talk to." The air in your throat compressed and you took a long gulp of vodka, the liquor being a good excuse for the emerging tears. "Hey take it easy there", commented Natasha. "Sorry, I just needed that", you lied. "I've heard about you and your sister. H-How are you holding on? How do you communicate?", Pepper asked intrigued. "Ehm… it's better now. I- we try to make it work. I hear her in my mind and interact with her like that. I can also feel her presence during particular moments and can move along her wish", you mumbled. 'I will slap him again if I have to', added Nadia to which you laughed loudly, not really sure if it was from her comment or the liquor kicking in. You turned to Pepper and asked her, "Have you ever wondered if you had a sibling somewhere? If…ehm never mind. I think I'm just feeling the alcohol." She just chuckled and nodded before taking a gulp of her own drink. Wanda looked elsewhere while Natasha had her gaze travelling between you and Pepper, figuring out some buried secrets.
After another few hours, everyone decided it was best to go back to their rooms. You laid on the bed, not able to sleep and decided to face Bucky. You knocked at his door even if it was late and at your surprise he opened it. "Sorry, you were probably sleeping", you mumbled. He shook his head and mentioned he couldn't sleep. "Can I come in?", you asked and he stepped aside, letting you inside his room. He took place at the edge of the bed and patted it, signaling for you to sit beside him. After a long silence you finally spoke up, "Why did you ignore me?" You saw him gulp harshly. "I couldn't stop thinking about what that asshole said. That you two you know… and it drove me crazy. I couldn't face you afterwards because I care about you and it's an overwhelming feeling, which I'm not used to." 
You processed his words while he continued, "I thought that if I cut the contact with you, the feelings would go but it was worst." "Bucky, what happened with David was two years ago and a mistake I will regret for the rest of my life. I.. it really hurt when you avoided me, leaving the room as soon as I would enter, ignoring my presence. You should have told me about your feelings from the beginning." He nodded and reached out to your hand, your heart skipping a beat. "I know and I'm so sorry. I realized what a jerk I was being. I hope you find it in you to forgive me. I will do anything for you to forgive me", his voice broke. "I forgive you Bucky. I like you too, a lot." His eyes shone brightly and a breathtaking smile took over his features. "You do?", he asked. You chuckled and frowned, "Yes. I thought it was obvious." "I thought you liked Thor since you spent so much time with him", he commented while nervously scratching behind his neck. You laughed and shook your head. "Let's just say that I'm not alone in my head." He frowned in confusion before his eyes went wide. "Oh, you mean that.." You smiled at his astonished expression. "How is this gonna work in the futur?", he asked cautiously. You squeezed his hand in yours and replied, "I don't know but let's focus on the present." He nodded before engulfing you in a tight hug. You spent the rest of the night-morning in each others arms until you eventually fell asleep.
The next day, F.R.I.D.A.Y summoned all of the Avengers and you along to the conference room. "Not so loud please", whined Natasha who's head was about to explode after the previous night's drinks. "Take an aspirin and make sure you're fit in two hours because we have a mission coming", announced Steve. He began to explain the plan : infiltrating another of Hydra's bases. "You're joining us Y/N", he finished. "What? No, no, no, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not an Avenger, I'm not even trained." 'But I am', told you Nadia. You kept mentally talking with Nadia, overthinking the mission. What if someone was in danger and her instincts didn't reach you in time to fight back? "Hey it's gonna be alright", Wanda reassured you. "Thor and Bucky will be by your side", mentioned Tony. "They shouldn't. They should be in the field, doing their job and not babysitting me", you commented. 
"If something happens you will se it right?", asked Rhodey. "Normally yes, but what if I don't get any vision? What then?" "Then we'll improvise", replied Tony. Seeing that you couldn't get of the hook, you only nodded and let them finalize the plan. After the reunion, everyone stood up to get dressed but Tony called after you. "You, come with me. I have something for you." You frowned but followed him nonetheless towards his lab. "So what do you think?", he exclaimed with a bright smile and pointed in front of him. You followed his gaze and saw the purple with hints of gold in a handmade suit. "It's for me?", you asked with dumbfounded. "Yep", he said proudly. "Wow it's gorgeous. You made it?" "Of course I did. It's basically like Natasha's but I changed the color and added some more cool stuff." You smiled and hugged him in recognition. "Thank you, I love it." "You're welcome dear. Try it on", he proposed.
"Alright everyone in the quinjet in 5 min", commented Steve through the comms. You and Stark were the last ones entering the engine and were met with complete silence. You leaned at the billionaire and ask in a whisper, "What's happening?". He smirked and replied, "I think your suit just left them speechless or they really fancying mine but I doubt it." "Damn, looking good Y/N", Sam broke the silence. You felt Bucky and Thor's gaze travelling your curves. You chuckled at their expression and shook your head before taking a seat next to Wanda and Natasha, Bucky and Thor sitting in front of you. You winked at them and they smiled. "Focus everyone", Steve said and specifically looked at the two smitten man. "You heard the man", you added. 'God Damnit look at them almost drooling over the floor. It's really satisfying', said Nadia to which you chuckled. During the flight, Natasha joined Clint at the cockpit and Sam used the opportunity to seat beside you. "How are you feeling?", he asked. "Kinda scared and excited, I don't know it's a weird feeling. Don't know how to explain it." He chuckled and nodded, knowing exactly what kind of feeling you were talking about. "It's gonna be ok, we have each others back." You nodded but your eyes flashed the opposite emotion. "Here I have this for you", he said and shoved you a gun in hands. "Just like we practiced." You thanked him and put the gun at an opening of your suit.
You arrived at the base and Steve recapitulated the plan once more. Before getting at your tasks, Tony grabbed you aside and explained to you some features of the suit. "If you're in deep trouble just say 'Jarvis' and your suit will change like mine." "Jarvis", you repeated and felt the suit's mechanic shield you : like Stark's, a masque covering your face and the ability to fly out." He smiled but declared, "I said when you were in trouble." "How do I undo this?" "Just ask F.RI.D.A.Y to undo it." You did as such and were back at your normal suit. "This is awesome", you commented. He smirked his 'I know I'm a genius' smile and you shook your head. "Ready?", said Bucky who was with Thor standing next to you. "Yeah, let's go", you replied determined.
You entered the place carefully and it was silent. Too silent. "This is not normal", said Thor. "I remember this place", you mumbled under your breath, the creeps surging all over your body. "It's where they… Nadia", you continued. Nadia's memories resurfacing on your mind.  You felt rage taking over your body next. After a crossing on your left, you found yourselves in the largest room. A man was standing alone in the shadows. "Identify yourself or we'll engage", shouted Thor, a firm grip on his hammer. He stepped into the light and you recognized the man in the video, his hands up. "Please, I'm just the bait", he shouted back scared. "I thought you were dead", you said. "They kept me alive because they knew you would come for me." "Why would she do that?", asked Bucky on his guard. "I don't know but they think I have some kind of influence on her, since I was close to Dr Jules", he told us. The room suddenly illuminated and more man came out of different corners. "Rogers, Natasha, Stark", whispered Bucky on his comms but no one responded. "No need to do that", exclaimed a man who seemed to be in charge. He snapped his fingers and a cercle powered by electromagnetic sources appeared in the center, the Avengers captured inside. "It was an ambush", breathed Bucky out. You clenched your jaw, feeling a mix of fear and anger.
Thor summoned his powers to counterattack the force field but it didn't work. He frowned and tried again. "As you can see your powers don't work here. At the contrary you're only powering the field even more", commented their boss with a proud smirk. "What do you want?", you asked and he laughed. "Silly girl, isn't it obvious. We want our creation back and after we get her back. You're bringing us our Asset", he said and pointed to Bucky, who was about to pull on the trigger but you stopped him. "What are you doing?", he asked you confused. "They will not stop until the get me. I'm not sacrificing your lives for me." You marched forward, Bucky and Thor trying to stop you but were trapped by man behind them. 
You passed the Avengers, their features screaming pain and their heads shaking to you 'no'. You stood in front of the so called boss and he turned towards the bait, the one who knew Jules. "Enyo ; Eris ;", he began with a proud smile. You put your hands on your head, feeling like it might explode. "Peitho ; Artemis", he continued while your screamed in pain. "Até ; Medusa", he finished. You were on your knees, your head down. When you lifted your head up, being at the Avengers sight they knew. It wasn't you anymore. It was Nadia. You stood up, your eyes shining with mischief, your gestures the opposite of your own. "Welcome back Nadia", said the man who you thought was the bait but who was in fact the brain behind the whole operation. With a piercing gaze Nadia turned towards him and he smiled recognizing her. "You killed Jules and made yourself the victim didn't you", she asked. He smiled brightly. "The perfect plan don't you think." "Indeed".
"Now you have two choices Nadia : join us willingly and witness the so-called great Earth's heroes perish or we will force you. One more thing if you double cross us", he snapped his fingers and Pepper appeared, a man's arm around her neck. You/she heard Stark's screams. You turned towards them and told him, "Shut up Stark, don't waste your breath. I promise I'll deal with her quickly." She saw the betrayal splattered all over Tony's and the others faces except Wanda's. "Please, please, don't hurt me", cried Pepper out. You walked her way and caressed her cheek. "Don't worry Auntie, it will be over soon." Her eyes widened and Bucky tried to talk Nadia out of it, telling her/you that she didn't had to. You stepped next to the boss and smirked. "Are you ready to end them?" You chuckled darkly and replied "Oh that I'm ready." Grabbing your gun at the speed of light, turned towards the Hydra agent and shot him before attacking the others. Pepper transformed herself to let Loki take over. In seconds you burned the place down. Finding the control base, you destroyed the protocol of the force field and freed the Avengers.
They were trying to recover from the pain while you/she watched them doing so. "Where is she?", you turned to Loki. He smirked, "She's safe you have my word." With a piercing gaze you nodded and replied "Good. In that case you'll have mine. Tomorrow 6 am, training room." He nodded and smiled again before taking your hand and dropping a chaste kiss on it. "I'm looking forward in meeting you Nadia." Snapping your hand from his grip, you made your way towards the team, your hips swaying with every step, emphasizing that you weren't Y/N in control anymore. "Hello, we meet at last", you smirked proudly. "What the fuck just happened?", asked Rhodey. "You want the long or short version?", you replied sarcastically. "Where's Pepper?", asked Tony furiously while grabbing the edge of your suit around your neck. Your gaze landed on his hand and got dark, "I would recommend you to take your hands of me, if you want to still keep them intact." 
Fuming he took his hands of you and you simply told them, "Y/N had a vision while dressing up. She knew this was an ambush. Their goal was Pepper and then you. So she did the best thing she knew. Let me take over." 'I'm sorry I didn't tell them', you said in your common mind. "She's sorry by the way", repeated Nadia out loud. "She knew and didn't warn us", exclaimed Bucky angrily. "It was for the common good", you simply stated. "She should have warned us", counterattacked Natasha. Their outburst didn't phased her and let it slip like nothing ever happened. "Isn't anyone gonna acknowledge the fact she called Pepper/Loki auntie?", stated Clint. "Is it true?" You nodded and your eyes landed on Tony. "You don't seem surprise", you turned to him. "You really think you can ask for F.R.I.D.A.Y to research about your family without transmitting it over me?", he replied sarcastically. You chuckled and said, "Well isn't she two-faced, who would have thought that possible", exclaimed Nadia proud of her joke.
She left them behind and marched in direction of the quinjet, passing next to Thor. "Hello handsome. Can't wait to get to know you", she said with a flirty voice making him smile before he noticed everyone's gaze on him. He cleared his throat and tried to make a serious face while you just chuckled. You winked at him and walked out.
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* gifs not mine, credit to owners*
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roselyn-ravenblade · 5 years
Finding the Muse
{Rp between @natereising and myself. Thank you for reading if you do! }
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Sunlight shone through the thick canopy of leaves over Elwynn, golden spots illuminating lush grass covering the earth. Serenity marked the warm spring day, a chorus of songbirds heralding the afternoon.
Nathaneal tapped the point of his pencil on the page of his notebook, specks of graphite dotting the margin of the parchment. Lifting his gaze from his words, he turned his attention skyward. A soft sigh parted his lips as a breath of wind rustled his brown hair. The writer shifted against his grassy seat, drawing his legs in to cradle the notebook as he took pencil to paper once more.
Rosselyn plodded down the road away from the city gates and followed it through the greenery that was Elwynn Forest. Here, she straightened, a little more sure of step as she drew away from the congestion of people and their noise. Here, there were sweeter sounds of birdsong, here she could hear the breeze coming through the trees and could better appreciate it. Here the thoughts of a mother leaving her behind on a day where people celebrated their matriarchs did not weigh so heavily.
And here, there were friends in the most unexpected places. Observer that Rose was, she easily picked the familiar form of Nathaneal trying to find his muse in the grass, right down to the well-tailored suits that always were his signature. She thought to observe a little while longer as any artist might, focusing on the expressions of his face as he peered upward, the way that breath rose through his chest and parted his lips. As he'd lower his pencil back to paper, Rose dared a little smile and began to walk his way.
"...hi." Despite the number of letters and wealth of words they had passed between each other in writing, Rose stumbled on just exactly what to say verbally. She almost seemed hesitant to disturb him in the first place, but a little part of her wanted to catch the writer's attention before letting the observances make her feel too awkward.
The sound of the voice, regardless of how meek it was, caused the smooth arch of his script to lurch, a harsh line of grey striking through several words from the sudden jolt. Nathaneal looked up to catch Rose's gaze, a surprised expression softening to a smile. "He-hello," the writer replied. Slipping his notebook from his lap, he started to rise to his feet for a proper greeting.
There was a moment of doubt that made Rose step on her own foot, noticing how the writer had been startled. The same instinctual doubt she felt when her focus in art might idly glance her way, and she'd quickly try to find something else to look at, or flip over her sketch in an effort to not tip off that she was sketching them without their knowledge. 
Animals were easier to greet. People she at times couldn't figure out, even when she considered one a friend.
" 'ey there, then." She tried, complete with a raise of an arm and a short pass of a hand in a stiff wave. If she was going to be awkward about it, might as well go all the way. 
"Wasn't...really, looking t'bother. I...ehm...quite sorry. I can...go?"
"Oh, n-no no," he replied with a soft smile as he shook his head. Clasping his hands together in front of him, he bowed his head. "No b-b-bother at all."
Amber eyes peeked up quickly at the soft smile,  gradually reflecting it back in her small way. A little more certainty had been there in that mousy demeanor now that both eyes were open on Nate. Some security in herself that was returned without the formerly bandaged eye.
But perhaps it was something more as Rose nodded and invited herself to sit on a tree stump near where the writer had been musing. Free from crowds, the towering buildings and cobblestone streets, the artist was in her element.
"Had to get away from that, right?" she nodded back to the road she came from and smiled thinly with her little, guilty chuckle. “ I...sort’ve know how that all is."
The writer gathered up his supplies and moved closer to the stump Rose perched upon. Disregarding his well tailored suit, Nathaneal found a seat in the brilliant green grass beside her. His attention trailed to the road weaving through trees. "I've al-always preferred the b-beauty of na-nature to the chaos of hu-humankind." Green eyes sought the sparkling amber of her own, Nathaneal offering her a warm smile. "Present c-c-company excluded."
Rose at first beamed a little at the perception and acceptance, tugging a dandelion free from the grass. She began to free its wispy 'petals', but most clung to her fingers or just fell to the grass in ephemeral clumps instead of allowing themselves to be carried by the forest breeze. She was skeptical now in the face of such stubbornness, her gaze slowly falling from the warm smile to his hands with the same, doubting chuckle.
"I quite think that nature's just as chaotic. If...ehm...not more than people. Can't always just...sort've know what it's up to."
Nathaneal drew up his pencil and opened his journal to a blank page. "I w-w-wouldn't consider it c-c-chaotic, per se…"  He paused, attempting to formulate spoken word. Tapping the pointed graphite to the parchment, he sifted through the words, attempting to identify sounds and phrases that might cause him to stutter. With a soft sigh, he cast his gaze on the empty page and began to write, making sure his script was in view of Rose.
To me, chaos is irrational. Unpredictable. The capricious nature of humans, their words, their bustle through the busy city -- it equates to nothing more than white noise. Meaningless. Droning.
Nature is quite the opposite. While it seems just as changeable as man, there is a subtle beauty in each raging storm, in each dying tree, and in the wake of nature's fury. There is poetry all around us as long as we take time to listen.
Tilting her head to see the writing closer, slowly Rose's body followed with all the cautiousness of a doe, gauging Nate's manner in her approach in whether she should come closer, or back track. In the end, she still kept her presence to herself, as if he were holding an offering of an apple, but she wished to make no move for it that might cause either of them to flee.
Her eyes skimmed over the lines for as long as he would hold the pages still for her, staring still a long moment on the words as she considered with quick blinks. "...wow." She whispered after a long moment, "when you put it like that, I’m thinking just...everything is poetry."
Her words brought a smile to his lips, though her couldn't bring himself to look upon her. He stilled his pencil, forcing himself to use his voice. "P-p-people are of-often surprised that I h-have so much to-to say." Lifting his gaze to finally look upon her face, his smile softened. "I j-just rarely speak my w-words."
Rose's eyes circled around his face as he struggled with his words relaxing her posture as she took certainty in her closeness to him. When he lifted his gaze a second time to smile at her in his admission, she shared in that little soft smile.   Another tiny chuckle slipped off her lips, eyes dropping back down to his written words. "Yeah. It's..heh. Always the quiet ones."
If his eyes lingered still on her, she'd take a few glances between his lips and his pages before giving a little encouraging nod. "I quite think you...ehm...you have a good voice." Lifting fingers, she tucked a messy mahogany curl behind her ear, eyes on his pages. "If it’s easier for you to....sort've put your voice on paper, I'll listen --erm." She squeezed her eyes tight once as she drifted back to the proper word. "I mean...'read'. Anything. Just...like everything. Heh."
The smile fell from his lips, Nathaneal acutely aware of the knot that formed in his stomach. Bowing his head, he cast his gaze to the words on the page in his lap. It took a moment to shove the self doubt from his mind before he started to accept her innocent compliment. After a sharp inhale, he attempted to speak.
 "I-I-I ha-hate my v-v-v--" he stammered, nerves making each word stick in his mouth. Teeth biting down on his lower lip, his face contorted as he attempted to spit out the word. His shoulders tensed, the writer tapping the point of his pencil against the parchment. Each gentle rap started to gain a bit more force until one strike caused him to slash a heavy line of graphite across one of his words. "Vvvoice."
Rose put up her hands with a little helpless gesture as she began to mumble out quietly in response. Her own voice never held the capacity for smooth sentences, pitch always drifting in and out of what was clearly audible. She always thought too long on what it was she was trying to say, and with the often inquisitive nature of her tone, she felt she always sounded like she didn't know what she was talking about. "Well I eh-heh. I don't quite like what I sound like really either. People have a way of just...looking at you that...well...you know," the weary little laugh breathed out of her from a lopsided smile into silence, shaking her head.
Roselyn watched the tap of his pencil, slightly cringing into her silence as he slashed the dark line against the paper. Tentatively reaching to touch the notebook as he held it, a more concentrated effort took her words as she spoke. "But...around you? I don't think I worry 'bout what I sound like quite so much..."
Where she touched and concentrated, a single peacebloom seemed to grow out of the divide between pages, reaching up until its soft white petals unfurled out to it's full bloom.
"So. Progress, hey?"
Her fingers upon the notebook caused the writer to tense further, yet with the sight of the blossom springing from the pages, awe washed away his nerves. Emerald eyes wide with wonder, Nathaneal held his breath as if the slightest exhale would snuff the beauty growing before them. "Amazing," he murmured upon a sigh, a warm smile finding its way to his lips. Glancing up to Rose, he offered her his smile before turning his attention back to the peacebloom.
"Not 'alf as amazing as what you do with words," Rose followed up in a quiet mumble, smiling as he admired the flower between his pages. It wavered with the slightest Elwynn breezes. "Flowers’re lovely, but they do die. But the words you write, they last. Is why I like art. Neat as a trick can be? I can make it last forever if I sketch it up. Or....if you write about it."
Nathanael lifted his hand to ghost a finger across a petal of the peacebloom. The flower wilted beneath his touch, the white blossom  yellowing until a stray breeze plucked the petals to carry them upon the wind. The bare stem curled in upon itself until it too lifted from the book to drift from the page.
"S-s-some last longer th-than others."
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kounfetti · 6 years
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Subaru Sakamaki Maniac 07 Translation/Traducción
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Please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!—-Por favor no republiques y preguntame antés de traducir a otras idiomas.
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Scene: Tsukinami House Entrance Hall
Shin: Come in. 
Yui: Waah...it’s huge.
Yui: (This is Shin’s house...Rather than a house, it looks more like a mansion.)
Yui: (However, even though this is a mansion like the Sakamaki’s house, the atmosphere is off...)
Subaru: Be careful, Yui. We dont know what can come out of this place. 
Yui: This isn’t a haunted house...
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Carla: Welcome, to our house. 
Subaru: Wha!!
Yui: Kyaa!!
Carla: Why are you so startled?
Yui: C-Carla...!?
Yui: (He surprised me...he appeared out of nowhere.)
Yui: (I really thought he was a ghost.)
Subaru: You know this guy too?
Yui: Ah, Uhm... He’s Shin’s older brother. 
Yui: Good evening, Carla. Sorry for disturbing you. 
Yui: This is Sakamaki Subaru. Uhh...
Yui: (How do I introduce him...)
Carla: Is he your boyfriend? [TN: Carla says “恋人”, which means lover/sweetheart.]
Yui: Eh...
Subaru: Wha...
Carla: Was I wrong? 
Yui: N-No, its just that...
Yui: (Saying it aloud is embarassing...)
Carla:...You look too innocent.
Subaru:...tch...Stop kidding. 
Subaru: Yui. Let’s go home already. I dont want to be with these people! 
Carla:...Good grief. What a short-tempered man. 
Carla walks away
Yui: Ah, Carla...!
Carla: I’m preparing dinner soon. If you came all this way, you might as well eat. 
Yui: (He left...)
Yui: (Carla is strange, he’s prideful and dignified...)
Yui: (It’s weird to think that he goes to the same school as me.)
Shin: Like he said, come. 
Subaru: I’m not going anywhere!
Shin: Haah... You really are stubborn. What about you, Yui? 
Yui: (Me...)
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Selection: Go or Don’t go
♥Don’t go
Yui: I’m sorry, Shin. But if Subaru doesn’t want to go, then I wont go either. 
Shin: Eeh~But, aren’t you guys hungry?
Shin: If you go back home now, wont you collapse?
Shin: So come on, let’s go! 
Yui: Ah...
Shin drags her with him
Subaru: Oi...!
Subaru: Don’t let that guy take you anywhere! Damn it!
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Scene Change: Dining Room in the Tsukinami House
Yui:....Mm! Delicious!
Yui: (This pasta is exquisite, and the ham is luxurious.)
Shin: There’s nothing better than what you’ve just tried, right?
Yui: What’s wrong? Subaru, you’re not going to eat?
Subaru:...You might be happy now, but you wont be once you find that you’ve been poisoned. 
Shin: Haah!? What!
Shin: What reason would we have to poison you! 
Subaru: Dont ask me, that’s for you to know! I can’t trust you guys. 
Yui: Subaru....
Yui: (Why is he so guarded? Well then again, Subaru’s not the type to get along well with people...)
Carla:...As usual, this dry-cured ham is good. 
Yui: Eh...? 
Shin: Aah, my brother loves dry-cured ham. 
Shin: That’s what I was doing today. Buying a ton of raw ham.
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Shin: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Three meals of ham each day, every week. I’m a bit fed up with it~.
Yui: Right...
Yui: (Even though Carla has a cool exterior, he unexpectedly has some unique traits...)
Carla: Subaru, Do you not have a favorite food?
Carla: Ok. In that case, raw ham will become your favorite food. 
Carla: I dare you to eat something off your plate.
Subaru: I’m not eating shit! 
Subaru punches something, but there’s a sound that he’s hungry
Shin: Hahaha, funny~. Even if you’re stubborn, it wont take away the fact that you’re hungry. 
Subaru: S-Shut up!
Carla: Forget about being poisoned. Just eat. 
Subaru eats
Carla: How is it?
Subaru: It doesn’t taste awful.
Carla: Really?
Subaru: Tch...
Yui: (That’s good. Subaru let some of his guard down.)
Yui: (I wonder if what Carla said is what caused him to.)
Yui: (Haah, it tasted good.)
Yui: (...Ah, there’s a stain on my clothes...)
Yui: Uh, excuse me. There’s..
Shin: Hm? Aah, Go through that door, take a right, and then it should be at the end. 
Yui: Thanks. 
Yui: (....I didn’t say anything, but he seemed to understand that I wanted to wash my hands.)
Shin: ...? Subaru, why are you getting up?
Subaru: Cause I wanted to. 
Yui: Eeh!?
Subaru: Aah? What’re you shocked for?
Shin: Heheh. The bodyguard wants to follow you to the bathroom?
Subaru: Wha...If you say it like that!
Yui: S-Sorry. Well, I’ll be right back!
Yui: (Haah, that surprised me...)
Yui leaves
Carla: You seem to really care about that woman. 
Carla: How about we kill some time? How about you try to answer a question of mine. 
Subaru: Aah..?
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Carla: What is strength to you? [Callback to Dark 06.] 
Subaru: Haah? What kind of question...
Subaru: (Strength..? A little while ago, I would’ve answered physical strength without hesitating....)
Subaru: (But...now...)
Subaru: Being strong, means that you can protect who you want to protect. 
Carla: I see...
Carla: My answer is a bit different. Strength to me, means you dont have a weakness. 
Subaru: Ah...? Isn’t that the obvious answer? 
Shin: Heheh...
Subaru: Is something funny?
Shin: No~pe.
Shin: Anyways. That girl is taking a while, isn’t she?
Subaru:...I’ll check on her.
Carla stand up
Subaru: Ah...?
Carla: Dont you want to talk, even for a little bit more? 
Ending Monologue Selection
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Subaru and them spoke for a long time.
“What is strength?” What could be my answer? I thought long. I didn’t have physical strength like Subaru. Or like Carla, who had no weakness. 
If there is something that could resemble strength within me, it’s that I believe in Subaru. 
Anytime, whatever happens. I will believe in Subaru. 
No matter what is in store for us---
Correct Options: #1 強さとは/Strength is... & #2 信じている/Believe
Maniac 06 ♥ Maniac 08
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Scene: Entrada de la Casa Tsukinami
Shin: Pueden entrar. 
Yui: Waah...es grande. 
Yui: (Esta es la casa de Shin...mejor dicho, una mansion.)
Yui: (Será mansion como la casa de los Sakamaki, pero me da vibras extrañas...)
Subaru:...Tenga cuidado, Yui. No sabemos que saldrá de este lugar. 
Yui: No es una casa embrujada...
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Carla: Bienvenidos, a nuestra casa. 
Subaru: Whaa!! 
Yui: Kyaa!!
Carla: Porque tan sorprendidos? 
Yui: C-Carla...!?
Yui: (Me sorprendió...Apareció de repente.)
Yui: (Realmente pensé que el era ún fantasma..)
Subaru: Lo conoces a el tambien?
Yui: Ah, Ehm... Es el hermano mayor de Shin. 
Yui: Buenas tardes, Carla. Perdón por la molestia. 
Yui: El es Sakamaki Subaru. Uhh...
Yui: (Como debo presentarló...)
Carla: Tú novio? [TN: Carla dicé “恋人”, que significa un enamorado.]
Yui: Eh...
Subaru: Que...
Carla: No es así?
Yui: N-No, es solo que...
Yui: (Saying it aloud is embarassing...)
Carla:...Parecen demasiaso innocentes. 
Subaru:...tch...No bromeés. 
Subaru: Yui. Ya regresemos á la casa. No quiero involucrarmé con esta gente!
Carla:...Que pena. Que hombre de mal genio. 
Carla se vá
Yui: Ah, Carla...!
Carla: Voy a preparar la cena. Si vinieron tan lejos, debén comer. 
Yui: (Se fue..)
Yui: (Carla es extraño, es orgulloso y digno..)
Yui: (Es extraño pensar que attende la misma escuela que yo.)
Shin: Como dijo el, vengan. 
Subaru: No voy a ningún lado!
Shin: Haah... Realmente no tienes sentido. Y tú, Yui?
Yui: (Yo...)
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Selección: Ir ó No ír
♥No ír
Yui: Lo siento, Shin. Pero, esí Subaru no quiere ír, yo no voy tampoco.
Shin: Eeh~Pero, no tienen hambre?
Shin: Sí regresas a casa ahora, no se van á desmayar? 
Shin: A si que, vamos, vamos! 
Yui: Ah...
Shin la lleva con el
Subaru: Oi...!
Subaru: No lo dejes llevarté! Maldito!
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Cambio de Escenario: Comedora en la Casa Tsukinami
Yui:....Mm! Sabroso!
Yui: (Esta pasta sabé rico, y este jamón, exquisito.)
Shin: No hay algo que has probado, verdad?
Yui: Que pasa? Subaru, no vas a comer? 
Subaru:...Estas felíz ahora, pero imagina que pusieron veneno dentro de la comida.
Shin: Haah!? Que!
Shin: Con que razón tienes para pensar que te dariamos veneno?
Subaru: Eso lo sabes tú! No puedeo confiar á ustedes.
Yui: Subaru....
Yui: (Porque esta tan guardado? Pues, Subaru no es el tipo para ser amable con la gente...)
Carla:...Como siempre, este jamón es sabroso.
Yui: Eh...?
Shin: Aah, mí hermano ama el jamón. 
Shin: Eso es lo que compré hoy. Demasiado jamón.
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Shin: Almuerzo, lonche, y cena.  Tres porciones cada día, cada semana. Estoy ún poco cansado...
Yui: Veo...
Yui: (Carla aparentá reservado, pero, es uníco...)
Carla: Subaru, No tienes úna comida favoríta?
Carla: Ok.. En esa manera, jamón se convertirá a tú comida favorita. 
Carla: Te reto á que comes algo de tú plato. 
Subaru: No voy a comer nada!
Subaru da ruido de hambre
Shin: Hahaha, chistoso~. Puedes ser rigido, pero todaviá te dá hambre. 
Subaru: C-Callate.
Carla: Olvidaté de ser envenenado. Comá. 
Subaru comé
Carla: Como esta?
Subaru: No es horrendo...
Carla: En serio?
Subaru: Tch...
Yui: (Es bueno que Subaru no seá tan reservado.)
Yui: (Quizas fue por lo que Carla le dijó.)
Yui: (Haah, todo fue sabroso.)
Yui: (...Ah, hay una mancha...)
Yui: Eh, perdón. Hay...
Shin: Hm? Aah, Por esa puerta, tomá una derecha, luego debe ser al fín. 
Yui: Gracias. 
Yui: (....No dijé nada, pero como quiera entendió que queriá lavar mís manos.)
Shin: ...? Subaru, porque te levantas? 
Subaru: Porque quiero. 
Yui: Eeh!?
Subaru: Aah? Porque estas sorprendida? 
Shin: Heheh. La seguridad quiero accompañarté al baño?
Subaru: Que...Si lo dices así...
Yui: D-Disculpa. Pues, regreso enseguida! 
Yui: (Haah, me sorprendió...)
Yui se vá
Carla: Realmente te importa esa mujer. 
Carla: Porque no hacer algo mientras tiempo? Puedes responder á úna pregunta mía? 
Subaru: Aah..?
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Carla: Que significa ser fuerte para tí? [Refieré á Dark 06.]
Subaru: Haah? Que tipo de pregunta...
Subaru: (Ser fuerte..? Hace ún poco, dijiriá fuerza sín hesitación...)
Subaru: (Pero...ahora...)
Subaru: Ser fuerte, significa que puedes protejer a los que quieres protejer. 
Carla: Veo...
Carla: Mí respuesta es ún poco diferente. La fuerza, para mí, significa que no tienes úna debilidad. 
Subaru: Ah...? No es la respuesta obvia? 
Shin: Heheh...
Subaru: Algo chistoso?
Shin: Nooo.
Shin: Sin embargo. Esa niña es ún poco tarde, no?
Subaru:...Voy a buscarlá.
Carla se levanta
Subaru: Ah...?
Carla: No quieres hablar un poco más?
Monologo Final Selección 
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Ellos hablarón por ún rato. 
“Que significa ser fuerte?” Y mí respuesta? Pensé duramente. No teniá fuerza como Subaru. Ó como Carla, que no teniá debilidad. 
Si hay algo que se puede llamar fuerza, es que yo creo en Subaru. 
Cual quier tiempo, y lo que pasé. Voy a creer en Subaru. 
Sin importar que hay en nuestro futuro. 
Opciones Correctas: #1  強さとは/La fuerza es... & #2 信じている/Creer
Maniac 06 ♥ Maniac 08
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danglydolan · 7 years
No matter what ♡ Ethan
Request: ‘’Heyy! Would you’ve able to write an imagine about ethan dating a black girl? I dont really see too many of those stories floating around so it would be nice to actually have one lol thank you!’‘ and ‘‘Heyyyy! Would you be able to do an Ethan imagine where he is dating a girl of color & they get hate for it & ethan trys everything he can to comfort her? Thank you love!‘’
Response: Of course!! But I do have to mention that the girls in my imagines aren’t per se black or white, you can choose for yourself :) Also, I have nothing against black girls! I love all girls, we are amazing! I hope you enjoy xoxo
Warning: English is not my native language, so if there are any vocabulary/grammar mistakes, please ignore them. I try my best :)
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‘And this is my girlfriend, Y/N!’ Ethan grabs you with both of his strong arms and puts you gently between him and Grayson. You chuckle nervously, raising your hand to wave at the camera. ‘Hi, I’m Y/N,’ you say. Ethan was so happy that he  finally had been able to convince you to be in this week’s video. He was so proud that you were his girlfriend. Although you were a bit reservedly because there would be so many disappointed fans, you thought it was very cute of him.
‘Do I have to say something else, or…’ You look up to Ethan, who looks at with a goofy but admiring smile. ‘What?’ you ask nervously. ‘Nothing,’ he smirks and gives you a kiss on the lips. ‘Get a room!’ Grayson yells and gives Ethan and you a playful poke. Ethan and you giggle.
After filming the video you guys go back to the living room, where you also had filmed the intro. It had been a fun day and you felt very content. ‘Well, that’s it for this week’s video! Thanks for watching, and we see you next week…’ Ethan says while he puts an arm around you. ‘…on a Tuesday!’ Grayson adds, while he also puts an arm around you. You felt so warm and happy, sitting between these two idiots. You were so lucky to have these wonderful boys in your life.
It was a few days later and you were lying in bed, watching the video of Ethan and Grayson. Today it actually was Tuesday, the day that they had posted the video. You decided to watch it to see how it had turned out and of course, to see yourself. This week the twins and you had done a challenge; ‘‘Hat of dares part 3’’. Of course you had gotten the worst dares, but you didn’t really care since you could laugh about it now. And hopefully many others could also.
Your heart flutters at the way Ethan looks at you in the video. Normally you didn’t really notice it, but from a screen it was so obvious that he liked you. A lot. He was watching you during the entire process and touching you whenever he had the chance.
It made you so happy that he loved showing you off and let thousands of people know that you were his girlfriend. You couldn’t believe that he actually was your boyfriend, though. Not that you were very insecure about yourself or whatever, but sometimes you thought that you weren’t good enough for him. He was so kind, smart, funny, adventurous, creative and really, really handsome.
Of course there were another million amazing things about him that you could think of. But you? You were just so ordinary… so normal. Just like any other girl. What did you have to offer him? Sometimes it was hard to believe that he’d chosen you. But you were so glad he did. He made you the most happiest girl in the whole wide world.
After you watched the video you scroll through the comments with a big smile on your face. The first comments you read were very, very sweet:
‘’you guys are literally couple goals’’ ‘’she looks so sweet! ethan’s one lucky guy’’ ‘’so happy for the both of you! you are great together’’
But slowly your smile fades from your face. There were also a lot of very mean comments, and the more you read, the more you noticed that there were more rude than nice reactions.
‘’lol why is she black’’ ‘’they can’t be a couple, it just doesn’t look right’’ ‘’i don’t understand why he would date a black girl’’ ‘’she is so ugly wtf’’ ‘’she doesn’t deserve him’’ ‘’am i the only one that thinks it’s weird he is dating a black girl?!’’
And there were so many more. Tears are welling up, and you angrily rub them away. You weren’t going to cry, you wouldn’t let yourself. Those girls could think what they want. But it did not help, you were just crying even harder now.
You wish you could delete all those mean comments. Or just unread them. Anything to erase them from your memory. But of course, that was impossible. You couldn’t stop reading, and with each comment you felt more sad.
As the day went by, you couldn’t stop thinking about all the comments. How could people say things like that? What had you ever done to deserve this? Maybe they were right, you thought. Maybe you weren’t good enough for him. Just thinking about this made you start crying again.
Oh, how could you fool yourself like this? It wasn’t going to take long before Ethan was going to break up with you. Soon or later he would get tired of you. You were so boring, of course this relationship wasn’t going to last.
As you slowly doze off to a restless sleep, you suddenly wake up at a sound nearby; it was your phone. You look at the screen and see to your surprise that Ethan was calling you. You sniff and wipe the already dried tears from your cheeks.
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‘H-Hello?’ you say, trying to speak normal. ‘Y/N?’ you hear Ethans voice. ‘Yeah?’ you say, but you already knew why he had called you. ‘Are you okay? Have you read, ehm, the comments? Of the video?’ His voice sounds soft, but also a little nervous. ‘Yes,’ is all you can say, before you start crying again.
‘I’m coming to your house,’ Ethan says with a deep voice, a little angry now. You immediately go sit straight up, wiping your hair that gotten all wet from the tears out of your face. You didn’t want him to see you like this. ‘No, no, it’s fine E. I’m fine.’ You hear keys rattling and doors slamming. ‘I’m on my way,’ was all he said before he hung up the phone.
As you’re lying in bed with a blanket up to your chin, you hear a soft knock on the door. It opens slowly and there is he is, the boy of your dreams: Ethan Dolan. His hair was all wet because of the rain outside, but you thought that it made him look even hotter.
He was just wearing sweatpants, nothing special, but he still looked so handsome that your heart starts beating faster when he walks up to you. In one hand he holds his phone and car keys and in his other one he was holding a big bouquet of flowers. Roses, your favourite.
You go sit straight up again and wipe the mascara away from under your eyes. You were still crying. Ethan comes sitting on the bed and he strokes his hands up and down your arms. ‘Baby, look at me,’ he demanded quietly. You look him in his beautiful dark eyes. ‘You don’t actually believe what those girls said, right? Do you? They’re just jealous.’
You close your eyes while another tear rolls down your cheek. Ethan wipes it away with his hand. Your skin feels cold under his warm touch. You don’t say anything, afraid that you start sobbing again. It was embarrassing to admit, but those comments really did hurt you. You grab his hand and place it back on his thigh. He looks hurt.
‘E… I think that we…’ you sigh, picking your words carefully. ‘Us together… It’s not right. I don’t think I’m good enough for you. You should date a girl that is just as awesome as you are.’ He grabs your hand again and squeezes it lightly. ‘I already am. You are awesome,’ he whispers, leaning closer to you. Your heart flutters at his words and you open your eyes.
‘Y/N… You really think that I care what people say about us? I am so in love with you and your skin tone has nothing to do with the feelings I have for you. I am crazy about you and I really hope you don’t want to give up on us. You’re an amazing girl and I don’t want to lose you,’ Ethan says with a sweet voice.
You grab his face and pull him closer to you. ‘Of course I don’t want to lose you…  God, I love you so much. I’m sorry for being such an emotional mess,’ you say, and before you know it Ethan leans in and puts his smirking lips to yours.
You feel a pleasant tingle running down your spine when his lips touch your skin, trailing down your jawline and neck. You let out a loud giggle as you fall back onto to the bed, your head between the pillows. Ethan pulls back with a wide smile and tenderly strokes his fingers through your hair. ‘I love you so much. No matter what.’
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Marvel Parody - Chapter 8
Pairing (in the futur) : Chris Evans x Plus Size!Reader
Warnings : Language ; spelling mistakes
Word Count : 1.270
Author’s Note : Italic phrases are Reader’s or Evans thoughts. 
‘Ok put on a smile. Let’s go. Oh boy, they’re all locking at me. Act natural, act natural.’ « Hey, this is Chris Pratt here… », you said ‘Shit you already fucked it up’. « I’m kidding. Sorry that was really weird », you continued with a blushing face.
« I see someone watches my Instagram stories », commented an amused Pratt.
« Guilty », you replied with a nervous chuckle.
« Hello », you waved at everyone but couldn’t keep eye contact for too long. 
RDJ just stepped forward and embraced you into a hug.
« Oh, ok », you said surprised.
« You were amazing », he said.
« Thank you. It means a lot coming from a legend such as you », you commented looking at your feet. He came closer and whispered in your ear, « Relax. Don’t be shy. Just pretend I’m one of your uncles or long-time family member. » I immediately relaxed at his sweet words. I looked at him and gave him a genuine smile. 
« Time off Jr., my turn », exclaimed Hemsworth that came and gave you a bone-crushing hug. Other actors followed such as Scarlet, Sebastian, Mackie, Brie, Elisabeth, Pom, Danai, Benedict and Taika. Tom Hiddleston as the gentleman he is, gave you ‘la bise’ (a kiss on each cheek) and was followed by Josh Brolin which surprised you, along with Mark. You gave a handshake with Marvel Producer Kevin Feige such as the Russo Brothers and Chadwick, Letitia, Pratt and Holland gave you a check and a side-hug. That’s when you came face to face to your all-time celebrity crush, Evans. « Hi », your voice came almost as a whisper. « Hi » he replied by also giving you a hug. You could swear that this one was different, like he was holding you tighter. Or maybe it was just  in your brain. He hugged you for what felt like an eternity but that lasted in reality only a few seconds. Sarah cleared her throat and you immediately disengaged from the hug, face red like a tomato and finding enormous interest in your shoes. 
« I’m gonna grab a drink. Does anyone want something? », you asked.
« A cold one », replied July.
« Same », commented Kelly
You went to the bar grab your drinks and tried not to overthink what just happened. Mackie followed you to the bar and sat next to you. « Now I’m portrayed as a stuffed toy?! », he said amused. You looked at your right and smiled. « Sorry », you said shyly. « It’s ok it was hilarious ». « That was the goal. But if it makes you feel better, I did use some of Mackie’s vibes », you replied.
« Dude, go talk to her », whispered Seb into Chris ear.
« No. I don’t wanna bother her. »
« Come on. What happened to your flirting skills man? »
Evans just looked seriously at an smirking Seb.
« Let’s join them », Seb proposed. They walked to you and Mackie having an intense conversation. 
« I saw the Ace Comic Con panel and I just want you to know that we’re not all like that. The real fans care about you and what you bring to Marvel. You are important », you looked him in the eyes. « Wow, thank you. I appreciate it », he said touched by your words. « Some people just don’t realize that at the end of the day, we’re just humans and that we work hard to please everyone and because we’re passionate about what we do, but hearing words like that it means a lot. » « No problem. Sometimes when I’m just sad or whatever, I watch videos of you and Sebastian during interviews and I just feel better. You’re both so funny », you revealed. « Really? That’s so cute. What’s your favorite? », he asked curiously. You laughed and said « I really liked the one where you said ‘Eastern your favorite holiday? Because you about to eat some chocolate’. It was hilarious ». 
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Both of you laughed and were joined by Sebastian and Chris E. . ‘How long have they been here?’, you thought. The bartender gave you your order and you all headed back to the group. That’s when you realized that the only people left in the establishment was the crew and the cast.
Josh Brolin gave you a stern look « So Anus, hein? » Your eyes went wide and your heart started to beat rapidly. ‘Oh god, I pissed him off’. « Ehm… yes. We noticed that some people pronounce Thanos, like phonetically ‘ThEInUs’ and others ‘ThAhnos’, so we thought it would be funny to use the first form. That’s how we came up with Anus », you replied hesitantly. Sensing your voice trembling he immediately calmed you down. « I like it. Thanos is kinda of an ass, so it fits ». You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding and chuckled. Everyone was chatting. You were currently talking with Pom that had difficulties saying something in English, so you just answered in French and she gasped. « Tu parles français? (You speak French?) ». « Oui. Je suis né dans un pays où le français est l’une des langues officielles (Yes, I was born in a country where French is one of the countries official language) », you replied. « C’est génial. Ça fait trop du bien de pouvoir parler un peu sa langue. (Amazing. It feels nice to be able to talk my language). Hiddleston heard you both talking and joined your frenchie conversation. 
Evans was observing you and wondered : ’She talks another language. She’s amazing. What else is she hiding?’
« Sérieusement, tu parles 5 langues? (Seriously, you speak 5 languages?), asked Pom. « Oui. J’en parle 5, mais j’en ai étudié une autre pendant 1 an et je comprends une autre langue parce qu’elle se rapproche d’une des langues que je parle de base. (Yes. I speak 5 languages. Took one year class for a 6th and understand a 7th because it’s similar to one of the 5 others) » « Moi aussi, je parle 5-6 langues (I also speak 5-6 languages) », exclaimed an astonished Tom.
« What are you guys talking about? », asked RDJ
“She speaks different languages », announced Pom
“Is the language of love one of them? », asked Pratt seductively. You laughed loudly and throw your head back and said « Definitely not. »
Evans couldn’t help but smile widely at you letting loose.
You joined Sarah and Emily that were talking with the female cast. 
« You have to teach me some pole dance moves », declared Scarlet to Emily.
« Anytime »
« She’s an amazing teacher », you said without paying attention.
« You learning pole dance too? », asked Elisabeth.
You blushed and took a gulp of your beer. « Yeah, she is. », exclaimed a way to happy Sarah. You tried to give her a warning look with resulted her smiling mischievously. « You’re not that innocent, hein? », exclaimed Scarlet. « Innocent? If you knew what she reads on Tumblr. All those smutty fan fictions about… » « THAT’S ENOUGH », you shut Sarah by putting your hand in front of her mouth and narrowed your wide eyes. ‘You are so dead’. That bitch just laughed. Scarlet was giving her famous Black Widow smirk and raised an eyebrow.  
« Are you guys hungry? », asked G.
« Yeah », shouted the girls.
« Y/N, it’s your turn. »
« Yep, on my way. What do you guys want? »
Once they told you what pizza they wanted, you were about to head out.
« Wait. Do you need help? », asked Holland. You were about to say no when Sebastian’s voice was heard. « Evans why don’t you go with Y/N and help her? ». « Oh it’s ok. I can handle it.
« No, I’ll help gladly », he turned to you. You just smiled shyly.
You looked at Sarah who was smirking like the devil. Meanwhile, Sebastian was doing the same to Chris.
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*gifs not mine, credit to owners* 
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