#or the portrayal of the characters don't match with my mental image
foodsies4me · 3 months
Saw a parent drawing with their two kids while walking the dog and they all looked so happy drawing together outside despite it being chilly. And somehow I feel that a family creating art together is art in and of itself.
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Ventus and Vanitas for the character asks!! 3, 8, 21, 22, and 23! Sorry if that's too many? You don't gotta do all of em!
HELLO thank you for the ask!! this is a lotta questions but i'm excited to answer them!! Warning, there's a little negativity since some of the questions ask for dislikes about the characters. I love both Ven and Vanitas, I'm just saying my personal thoughts on them! + If you don't agree with these thoughts that's not a huge deal to me, we just agree to disagree LOL
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Ventus - The "You're awful, Aqua" scene. Please Ventus I know you're upset but APOLOGIZE TO AQUA she didn't deserve that. I wish his and Aqua's relationship had more focus in general, because they're really cute when they're together. I genuinely hope Ventus apologizes to her for being a brat in BBS though
Vanitas - To be honest, anything I dislike about Vanitas comes from fanon, since I feel Vanitas does his role as antagonist really well.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Ventus - Two big things.
One: Portraying him as a coldblooded killer when in comes to the KHUX/Strelitzia stuff. I think it's a lot more fun that Ventus didn't mean to hurt anyone, but ended up being responsible for so much pain. It's really tragic, and I think it makes KHUX more interesting as opposed to "Ventus killed Strelitzia out of malice". Also, it's genuinely just funnier like that. I know it's dark but nothing makes me laugh more than the mental image of 10 year old Ventus covered in blood just going "wow is this strawberry jam?? lol how'd this end up here?"
Two: Not the biggest fan of people like. Boiling Ventus' personality to just "oh he's baby". I think Ventus being childish is a really important character flaw, but he's got a lot more to him than just that, and his youthful nature has upsides and downsides. On this note I 100% think Ventus knows what sex is and that that's how babies are made. I know it's a weirdly popular portrayal to just have him not know what sex is at 17 years old. It's also a lot funnier if Ventus just has a different vocabulary from the other characters his age when it comes to adult topics and doesn't understand slang because Master Eraqus taught him that it's impolite to use term XYZ or whatever. Vanitas - Okay this is rough because there's a lot in the KH fandom's portrayals of Vanitas that I really don't like and other things that I really love. But to match Ven I'll boil it down to two big things: One: This one is kinda hard to explain but. I know that Ventus and the Wayfinder Trio DO NOT have to be present in every "Vanitas Redemption Fanfiction" but it really grinds my gears when they're treated as, like, 'close-minded' and completely left out of Vanitas' life. The idea that Vanitas is secretly a good guy and it's just his relationship with the Wayfinders/the Wayfinders themselves are the problem is just such a boring take. They don't have to be on good terms but have Vanitas earn their tolerance, have them settle things, man! It's SO JUICY when they have to work things out or Vanitas feels actual regret and isn't just handed the "you're a good guy now and we trust you" stuff on a silver platter. Ventus, Sora, and Vanitas are a trio...I think that if Sora takes in Vanitas as a friend, he should at least try to understand Ventus' fears about the whole thing.
Two: I think its a BILLION times funnier if Vanitas is shorter than Ventus but SO MANY PEOPLE MAKE HIM TALLER IT PISSES ME OFF. Vanitas and Ventus are either the same size OR Vanitas is shorter. No more tall Vanitas. I am on my hands and knees begging you all. Short King Vanitas. SHORT. KING. VANITAS. As a short person I need this. DO IT FOR ME.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ventus - Hardest thing for me to write when it comes to Ventus are. Sassy remarks/comebacks, and times I'd KNOW he'd be a brat but I can't bring myself to write him saying anything too harsh. But my favorite things to do? I love giving Ventus issues/fears that he would reasonably develop after his 12 year nap. I don't care if canon says he doesn't have horrible insomnia after KH3. He SHOULD have horrible insomnia and I WILL write him crying in frustration when he's struggling with sleep.
Vanitas - I actually don't write Vanitas much. I feel like I can't do him justice, but it's fun to have him just be a douche-bag sometimes. I think I'm not great at his dialogue, but writing about his feelings towards Ventus is fun.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Ventus - I LOVE fics where Ventus is forced to take a more responsible role, or has to balance his childish nature with a growing sense of maturity. This is one of the reasons I'm SUCH a huge fan of fanfics where Ventus is like a big brother figure to Sora. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE fics where Ventus' anger is explored like. Oh he is FULL of anger, man. As much love and kindness that's in his heart. There is Hatred there too. AND ANY FIC THAT REVOLVES AROUND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SORA AND HOW BEING IN SORA'S HEART AFFECTS HIM. Fic recs that have some of the above tropes!
Hurricane Heartbeat by Dorked
Sleeping hearts often wander by Bommie20
How Long Have You Known Sora, Exactly? by 13thSyndicate
Three Quarters by angeltheatre For Ventus stuff I don't like, see question 8's answer
Vanitas - I love when he's kinda. Forcibly made to form a "truce" with Ventus but keeps testing him. I love fics where Ven's just minding his own business and Vanitas is like "I'm gonna start shit >:)" and they both get called out for being idiots when they fight each other. But OH MAN. MORE THAN THAT. I love love love when fics have Vanitas adapt the attitude of "No one can hurt Ventus BUT ME." it's my favorite flavor of protective Vanitas. For stuff I don't like, see question 8's answer
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
do you think there are any book series' vyrm or the kids are interested in?
this is completely biased but maybe something like warrior cats with hallownest wildlife? sorry i have to include the silly cats in my brain
I'll be completely honest, I don't think I've read enough book series that I can still remember to properly answer this question. But I suppose I could talk about the family and book genres they'd enjoy?
Vyrm would struggle a bit with focusing on large plots, he's definitely more into more technical books. Anything about tinkering or engineering would be right up his alley and he would be completely lost in any well written book on that topic. That being said, I think it was my friend who had this idea, but I love the mental image of him picking up some romance books prior to hibernation, and after separating with WL. He never really thought about romance before (WL wasn't really the romantic type, and for the longest time he thought he was the same way), but once he started suspecting he might have feelings for Grimm, he gave romantic novels a try, to see if what he's experiencing matched their portrayals of love. Despite that, however, he didn't get the confidence to confess until after he woke up from hibernation. These days he doesn't read them, as I said, he's not actually a novel type of person, and he finds learning romance through his experiences with Grimm much more pleasant.
Grimm on the other hand loves sappy romance novels. It definitely hits right into his desire for intimacy and affection that he experienced for most of his life. He'd imagine himself in those romantic situations, though for many years the realization that he'd never find that life only made him feel worse afterwards. After meeting Vyrm, those thoughts finally had some merit, and he found comforf in picturing himself and Vyrm in such scenarios, as this time there was a chance he could finally get to live that life. Well, he got his wish at last, though he still finds enjoyment in the genre. But doesn't limit himself to it, he fancies all kinds of stories, he has a large collection of various books in his Troupe chamber that he collected during his travels.
Hornet really likes adventure books, I think she'd enjoy Lord of the Rings for example. Stories are an escape for her, she lived many years convinced that loving anyone would just bring her pain, but deep down she really wanted something more. And books let her immerse herself into experiences that were perhaps more hopeful than her life. Of course, she now has a family again, and despite her fear of attachment, that sense of escapism isn't as strong of a driving force for her anymore. She still absolutely loves books and has read through Grimm's entire collection at least twice. She tries to hide it, but she's always ecstatic whenever Grimm brings new books from his travels.
Holly enjoys slice of life type stories, they grew up wanting that type of peaceful life, though unfortunately they wouldn't get their wish for a long time. They prefer stories with low stakes, something they can read to find comfort and reassurance that things are going to be okay. Though I think they'd like poetry as well, particularly that of very personal kind - it's difficult for them to interpret, but they're always willing to learn, especially in areas that give them a better understanding of emotions and things others struggle with. They didn't get to develop good communication skills in their childhood, but they really want to be a proper part of the Dirtmouth community, and exploring such themes in fiction certainly helps.
Zote claims he's above reading, but deep down he loves literature about knights and heroes. He always pictures himself as the great hero that saves the day and gets all the fame and appreciation for his heroic actions. He does struggle with separating those fictional heroes from reality, and he'll often start quoting his favorite knight characters pretending to be them, much to the amusement of others. It certainly feeds into his conviction that he's a great knight, but as he tones down his arrogance throughout the span of the AU, it becomes more endearing than harmful.
Lewk can only read very simple books for children, but he loves whenever someone else reads for him. Vyrm and Grimm would always read him various stories to bed, those of heroes and villains, of family, and who knows, maybe also some kid-friendly equivalent of a Warrior Cats story like you mentioned. He particularly enjoys looking at the pictures in Vyrm's technical books, and asking him what those things are and how they work. He's incredibly curious about everything, and is definitely shaping up to be an avid reader like Hornet or Grimm.
Asta and Milo are way too young to read, and they don't fully comprehend things that are read to them either. They do understand some words, but mostly those they hear often - mainly things like "papa" which they hear from Lewk, that they repeat to get the attention of Grimm or FPK. They like when someone reads them to sleep, but it's mostly due to the comforting vibe created by their soft blankets and their dads' voices.
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skaruresonic · 1 month
"Shadow isn't always an aggro douchebag, look at all these times where he was slightly chill for three seconds in a row! Sure there are just as many if not more examples of Shadow being a raging knob, but I personally do not like those instances and therefore I am going to say they were bad writing and ignore them in favor of the reading of his character that personally appeals to me more!"
What is it about Shadow that makes people be trippin so much? lol
How hard is it for people to just wrap their heads around the idea that Shadows chemistry is different with everybody? He has a MUTUAL competitive relationship with Sonic BECAUSE they have just as much in common as they have differences. Rouge is probably the most trustworthy person in Shadows life currently but it's more like they're co-workers than friends. Amy seems to be able to tug on his heartstrings and get him to do whatever she wants with her earnest personality even while he acts all tsundere about it. Ect.
The way Shadow is isn't mutually exclusive, but folks seem to want to just disregard interactions they don't like because they're different from interactions he has at other times under different circumstances. If your view of Shadow requires trimming fat and going "yeah well that time he was being 'OOC' so I just ignore it" then maybe your view of Shadow isn't accurate.
>>me @ me: the damage is done. you've said your piece. do not drop the Even Spicier Take(tm)
>>me: instructions unclear, failed step one
Tbh, I didn't want to say this because quite frankly, I didn't know how to word it in a way that wouldn't come across as though I was passing judgment since that's not my intention. But… ever since Shadow dropped that "go help your teammates" line in Sonic Forces Overclocked, this general notion has percolated in the back of my mind...
...Well. I think this idea of Shadow as modern fandom conceives him is... made up. And that's the lightest way I can put it.
Over time, I've come to suspect that fandom's constructed this mental image of Shadow as a noble protector archetype, soft-spoken and who always strives to fulfill his duty, and they've become quite attached to it to the point of rejecting other aspects of his character… like the pettiness and the bullheadedness.
It's possible the reason for the backlash against Sega's current portrayal is because the image doesn't match reality. His canonical pettiness chafes against the grain of who he "should" be. I'm not sure how well I'm explaining myself, but I hope the sentiment is received in the spirit in which it's intended.
That's not to say the archetype or the better parts of his personality are necessarily wrong in every circumstance (mandatory disclaimer that I am speaking in generalities and am not personally knocking your fic), but rather, insisting that noble side is all he is and lumping the less palatable traits under that umbrella paints an incomplete picture of his character. Although nobility and pragmatism do inform important parts of his character, they aren't his only traits.
It's like if people took umbrage with Sonic saying "I have no master except the wind that blows free." What, precisely, is there to take umbrage with? If part of the character's personality rubs you the wrong way, that doesn't necessarily have to indicate OOCness, especially when the character is supposed to be an anti-hero.
I have no legit idea what folks even mean by "Vegeta!Shadow" anymore because, for one thing, never watched DBZ, and for another, he gets slapped with the label regardless of his behavior. I can't isolate the offending variable because there doesn't seem to be one, aside from "Sega sucks." Forces!Shadow is relatively chill but still Vegeta!Shadow because Reasons. Flynn fucks up issue 19 so therefore his portrayal is evidence that Sega wants Vegeta!Shadow, because that's how logic works I guess. Shadow goes on vtube and his rivalry with Sonic gets acknowledged? Vegeta!Shadow. Like, is there no sense of scale or degree with which people apply the label? These are three different portrayals. I don't understand.
Obviously I don't want to be all "you must have a high IQ to understand Shadu Le Hedgehog(tm)" because that's very not much the message I want to convey. Lol and lmao I would be so far up my own ass if I did.
But it is interesting how discussing him specifically results in particular problems of communication. The issues with discussing Shadow appear to be that A.) folks tend to think your personal opinions and gripes are indicative of those of all Shadow fans AKA the SA2 fan problem, and B.) you're always going to miss some nuance that someone else is going to point out, and sometimes you have to decide to take the L for the sake of conserving energy.
I've written about his character at length, sometimes embarrassingly so (he rotates in my brain like a TV dinner. hehe Shadow go brrrr). And I think anyone who follows me at this point knows my attitude on Shadow is always changing in subtle ways, because there are as many ways of looking at him as there are facets of his character.
On the other hand… I get that people flanderize him, and his multiplicity can be difficult to capture in the limited space a post can permit. But also, there are times where I'm tired and can't English(tm) and I just don't feel like including footnotes every time I'm like "hehe Shadow's kind of an asshole <3," you know what I mean? It should go without saying that Shadow's character allows enough berth that "hehe Shadow's kind of an asshole <3" does not inherently preclude those moments where he's not-an-asshole. Or less-of-an-asshole. Whichever. You know what I mean.
Despite being frustrated with fanon, I'm not trying to pass indictment and say This Is How Shadow Ought To Be Characterized Forever. Rather, I'm just expressing frustration at how fandom continuously refuses to accept the most baseline traits, like (checks notes) "annoyed by Sonic sometimes."
Like it or not, he does have some rough edges. It wouldn't be fair to sand down the bad boy side of Sonic, and indeed some subsects of fandom complain about its erasure. So why is it okay to do to Shadow?
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penumbraal · 27 days
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❝ i don’t care if i’m right or wrong. i only believe in my conscience. i will follow my conscience and save people. if you disagree with that, then … let’s agree to curse each other. ❞
penumbraal: an independent and selective roleplay blog for MEGUMI FUSHIGURO from jujutsu kaisen. manga and anime - based. headcanon - enthusiast. mun is 28, they/them. 21+ only.
navigation: carrd | wikia | prompts | pinterest | spotify
( rules on carrd and under the cut ! )
01. about me: my name is shannon! i'm 28 and live in eastern time. i've been in various tumblr rp scenes for roughly 13-14 years now, which you probably can't tell based on my choppy photo editing work lol, but i've been inactive for a while due to life. i work a fairly mentally draining full time job so to be safe i'll say for now that i'll be relatively low activity.
02. about writing: i will only write with mutuals, including askbox starter prompts; however, non-starter ask prompts are welcome from non-mutuals! additionally, i am happy to interact with multimuse blogs, duplicates, and original characters.
i'm okay with writing a variety of lengths - multi-para, single-para, one-liners, etc; i might prioritize shorter form replies at times due to how exhausted i constantly am, and might also accidentally turn a short-form into multiple paragraphs! never be stressed about matching me. i can pretty much work with anything!
03. about content and triggers: i will not be writing any explicit nsfw content, even with an "aged-up" megumi. due to the nature of jjk and the fact that i have au's that involve megumi as an adult, there will be some mature themes concerning violence, mental health, etc. as i write a megumi who is gay and trans, there may or may not be an exploration of identity and dysphoria. it depends on if it seems pertinent to what i'm writing in the moment, and i will definitely tag anything that gets too intense, but if i underestimate anything please tell me and i will tag it for you regardless.
i will not be writing anything that involves adult/minor relationships, incest, underage sexual content, etc. and for my own comfort will not be following/may block anyone who does. i try to avoid call-outs and drama as i don't have the energy left from my outside life, but i try to curate my dashboard accordingly.
i'd like as many people as possible to feel comfortable on my blog; as such i'll do my best to tag general triggers that i'm aware of. please do not at all hesitate to ask me to tag something i'm not tagging! additionally, to be clear, i don't tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, and zionism in this space.
a few things that make me uncomfortable that i'd prefer tagged if possible: emetophobia, gore, body horror, arachnophobia. images only for me, i don't personally need these tagged if it's only in writing. thank you in advance!
04. about shipping and identity: as i mentioned, i write megumi as a gay trans guy. i tend to ship chemistry but i also ship itafushi and it will likely be the ship i'm most interested in writing. of course i absolutely won't force that on anyone writing yuji and am more than happy to just explore their friendship!
at the moment i don't imagine i will practice exclusivity with a specific character. i'm sure there will be some portrayals of characters that megumi and i vibe with more than others and i won't completely discount the idea, especially if i'm approached about it; but i like interacting with different portrayals and so for now i'm very open to writing with duplicates!
i will reiterate that i will not be shipping megumi with canonically adult jjk characters regardless of whether or not i am writing a verse where megumi is also an adult.
05. about plotting: i love that stuff! slide into my dms! ask for my discord! or we can wing it! i'm not picky. i'll like a starter call, i'll post a starter call, i'll post some silly little open one-liner, i just love interacting with people! as long as we're mutuals, go wild!
06. final thoughts: i always make a point to read rules before following. because of work, i'm not always on my computer to look at tumblr, so it may take some extra time before i follow back. that all being said, i have a bad memory and so while i'm striving not to do this, if there's anything i've done as a misstep in interacting with you, please tell me! i want you to feel comfortable and stress-free interacting with me, and have fun roleplaying!
thanks for reading! <3
credit for icons: iconsbytina.
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nsfwflint · 2 years
When reading fanfics, how much does “realism” in the idols affect the quality for you? Realism, in this case, is how they’re portrayed compared to themselves irl, such as mannerisms, behaviors, and interactions with other members.
It depends. If it's someone that I've seen interact with various people on variety shows and whatnot and/or someone from one of my favorite groups it might matter. Having a character match your mental image does help.
But if it's someone I don't know, then it doesn't matter lol. For all I know, someone's portrayal could be completely accurate and I'd have no idea.
But as long as you make it convincing enough, it doesn't affect me really.
There's been several idols that I've written that I don't know much about personality-wise (Rockit Girl Leeseul, Seol Ha Yoon, CLC Seungyeon) and I just wrote the vibes I get from them. And I plan to write more that I don't know, just because they're super hot. A good example:
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