#or they aren't there in the nkg fight
prophecyoflunarflame · 6 months
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ashcoveredtraveler · 9 months
I have been thirsty for any content related to Markoth, Xero, Grimm or any of the moths that I decided to make some headcannons for them.
- Moths have huge eyelashes. Might as well make them look fluffier.
-Moths don't have a set blood color. Their blood is based if they are more in tuned with The Radiance or Nightmare King Grimm. If they are in tuned with The Radiance, they will have pale gold blood. If they are more in tuned NKG then they will have bronze color blood. Of course it can be a mix of the two colors.(this is partly explained in my blood headcannon post lol)
-Moths could sense when void beings are around. I guess this is more of an actual theory then anything as there is some evidence of that. Markoth says: "You are the darkness... come to consume me," when you defeat him so it seems like he is aware of the Knights nature. I can't find any dialogue from the seer that explicitly shows she is aware of the knights nature. But the Radiance says the phrases: "...ANCIENT ENEMY..." And " ...THE LIGHT CANNOT BE CONSUMED..." Which refers to voids tendency to eat everything away or the Shade Lord.
-Singing and dancing are ingrained into their culture. They sing when doing menial task and the moths that do take up a weapon almost fight when they dance(thanks to Grimm of course)
-Speaking of Grimm, his body was way more fluffier at one point. But when testing out bodies, he realized it would be better if his wings were fluffy while the rest of his body wasn't as it is extremely hard to upkeep that much fluff and not many bugs know to care for it, leaving Grimmchilds fluff dirty and sometimes matted. However NKG's wings are the same.
-When The Radiance came into existence, she didn't have any legs at all. That's why she legs look metallic as they are prosthetics(even though she doesn't walk at all, it's all for show).
-Another Grimm headcannon, all of the Grimm's aren't the same. It is difficult to differentiate all of the Grimm's if they are exactly the same so every Grimm is slightly different. That could be that the chitin is more red than black, the Grimm can be a girl every once in a while, the Grimm could be completely missing its tail.
-As slightly mentioned in my fic in one of the chapters, The Radiance and Grimm has any access to any of the moths. That means they can access their memories, look into their dreams and nightmares and control them.
-also mentioned in my fic, moths were discriminated against. They kinda stood out as they mostly stayed in their tribe doing their own thing. But when the infection began, bugs dreamt of a moth. It didn't help that most of the infection started with bugs that were close to moths, so everyone started blaming moths for everything. That is part of the reason why the Moth tribe diminished.
-in my headcannon dump, I wrote that both Lurien and Xero were moths. Lurien because it would be ironic that one of the Pale Kings most devoted servants would be a moth. Xero because his helmet shape is similar to Markoths helmet shape, and cause I said so.
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 3 months
1, 8, and 15 for the ask thingie?
1- my favorite song is a hard one I love the whole soundtrack to pieces, but I have particular fond memories of hearing Greenpath, the dung defender and especially sealed vessel for the first time.
When I entered Greenpath my first playthrough, was when I think I really fell in love with the game. And the music played big part in that. It gives big studio Ghibli vibes and it feels cozy but adventurous all at once. I will never forget that moment.
Dung defender I heard first actually while watching my sister play, and it was the first boss fight I remember where the music immediately stuck out to me. It captures knighthood and honor so well. and it's one (big) aspect of that fight that makes it so much fun. That and Ogrim's cheerful, playful demeanor.
Sealed vessel though! Sealed vessel was actually the very first song I heard, and I had saved it to a playlist of mine. (To help inspire my writing.) Years before I even got into hollow knight. So my brother actually bought the game the year it came out for his birthday and he and my little sister were obsessed with it for a while, I had no interest. (Didn't really play video games at all back then.) but I always really loved the art style and the vibes of the game, and I would listen as they told me about whatever bits of lore they could figure out. Anyway at one point my brother was showing me some video that had the sealed vessel soundtrack in the background and I went to look it up and save it later because THAT. SONG.
Especially the build up near the end, I get goosebumps every time. TO. THIS. DAY.
It always deeply impressed me, but now, after playing the game, and having the context for it, it makes it hurt so much worse. I will quite literally tear up if I am listening to it without distracting myself. (And the first time I heard it in game, was also while watching my sister play. At the time I did not have all the context and this was before I became obsessed, I still was tearing up though, you have no idea how distressed I was watching that fight.)
Moving on to question,
8- My favorite enemy probably lore and character design-wise, I'd have to say the mantises. I actually struggled so much in both the mantis tribe and queens garden because of them. (I was terrible my first playthrough tbh I've gotten so much better but it was fun) but I love them so much. (I'm obsessed with mantis tribe lore actually. I don't ever talk about it here, but my sisters and I have tons of headcanons and theories anyway) The traitors were annoying but they make the queens garden area so interesting and I've gotten a ton better at dodging their attacks. and walking through the mantis village after defeating the mantis lords and gaining the respect of the tribe, it's so cool. I love bowing back to them. I love them.
Also really love like, all of the mosskin. The mosscreeps are adorable and the one moss knight standing by the lake of Unn, love that guy especially.
15- Least favorite boss? Honestly, I really don't like fighting any of the dream warrior bosses. At least not after beating them once. I play in the godhome a lot and they are some of the few bosses I just, don't ever replay. Not because they are really that hard for me, actually the bosses that have taken me the most tries to beat (watcher knights, sentinel Hornet, PV, NKG ect.) are some of my favorites in the game. They're just the most.. tedious? The most annoying? I guess. And they aren't even really bad, just in comparison to other bosses in the game you know? And the characters themselves and the character designs and whatnot I find really interesting, but the boss fights themselves, Not the most enjoyable.
Wow, those are some long replies XD thanks for the ask! I love any and all excuses to talk about this game.
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
For the Hollow Knight ask game, Gruz Mother and Uumuu, please :3
[ask game referenced] [link to ask box]
Gruz Mother: Were there bosses that you beat the first try?
oh, gosh, lots. i am very much a combat person, and i had some experience with boss combat prior to hollow knight with ori and the will of the wisps, so i think i fared better than i otherwise would have had i dived into hollow knight right off the bat. there are a few bosses where i'm not sure how i did my first try, like vengefly king, but the ones i'm certain about are gruz mother, massive moss charger, gorb, xero, and flukemarm. though with flukemarm it's. i think i deliberately waited until i had shriek before fighting her? and by the time you have shriek it's just. three or four blasts and she's dead, so. lol. not much of a fight.
i also remember i beat mantis lords second try and both hornet fights third try. i actually don't remember for false knight? i know i nearly died to the elder baldur in the ancient mound because i kept trying to heal LMAO like my friend was yelling at me USE YOUR SPELLS and i was like AAAAAAA I'M ALMOST DEAD and i kept hiding in the corner trying to heal and then immediately getting hit by the mini baldur and it was just. a mess. but it's kind of different in a boss arena, i dunno. i think i'm fairly good at recognizing boss patterns? or at least i am now. i run around in godhome too much lmao.
Uumuu: What makes a a boss battle fun for you? What makes it frustrating?
it's a bit of a delicate balance, i guess. i like challenging fights, ones where the stakes are high and everything has to be fluid and mobile. i still like markoth's ascended arena more than his attuned one, and i have fought absrad charmless casually, so that kiiiind of puts this sort of thing into perspective, i think? in general i really like skill based fights, and Yes markoth can be a skill based fight, i do Not care what other people say. but yeah, it means i really like fights like pure vessel, sisters of battle, hornet sentinel, absrad, markoth, nkg, fights where you have to keep the pressure on so they don't keep it on you. double damage can be scary, but like. once i get familiar enough with the fight, it kind of doesn't bother me tbh. i have 9 masks, i can take 5 hits, and i know where to heal.
what i Don't like is pure rng bosses. marmu is the Bane of my fucking existence. as much as i like her as a character and as a concept, i loathe her boss fight with every fiber of my being. i'm sure there's some sort of tactics to fighting her; if remto's r5ab run says anything, it's that you can get consistent with her, but i have not found that consistency because she always pisses me off and i hate fighting her. it's also why p3 is my least favorite pantheon, cause there's elder hu, collector, galien, uumuu, and of course gpz. some of them aren't that hard per se but they're super annoying to fight because of all the rng and it just isn't fun for me. it doesn't feel like i'm actually fighting a boss so much as i'm just dodging the rng bullets sometimes. gpz at least has some skill based elements, and you can find ways to dodge in collector and uumuu's fights, but a lot of the time you're at the mercy of the rng as to whether you're actually going to be able to land hits and. hrgndfgrjkfg. and with marmu it's just fucking pray that you don't get hit, i guess. i don't know. i don't like her fight at all lmao.
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