#or truly appreciates her and how she feels soo lost without a place of true belonging
reddragon-cowboy · 2 years
[ I appreciate y’all liking and interacting with my bby Niah it means a lot 🥲 she has a lot of more info about her I haven't shared yet but I'm getting there! Tbh I stopped roleplaying years ago due to lack of interest in my ocs, particularly my female oc since they’re such a huge part of me, so it’s kinda nice that some want to interact with her. . .]
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Favourite IU Lyrics
To celebrate iu’s 12th anniversary and give her the appreciation she deserves, here are 10 of my favourite lyrics that iu has written (in no particular order):
Note: iu has so many writing credits and so many songs that are strong as a whole that I don’t think I could ever choose my favourite lines from all of them or ever actually make an ordered list of favourite to least favourite. Also keep in mind that these lyrics and songs are open to interpretation so how I describe them may be different to what you think. I’m just doing this for fun so please don’t get mad at me if I don’t include your faves, and hey maybe I’ll make a part 2 someday
1. Bad Day
“I feel someone’s body heat on the empty playground bench
Why is this warmth making me feel even colder?
I bury my face in my scrunched up shoulders
My hands that I hid in my pockets get cold”
Bad day is such a special song to me. It was with this song that I realised there was something special about iu’s writing. I just love the whole metaphor of a cold room being used to describe a bad day. She took a relatable concept and was able to create an extended metaphor out of it that somehow describes the feeling so well, a feeling that some may struggle to put into words. I have mental illnesses and we know that iu has struggled with mental illness too, so this just feels like a very personal song and that just makes it better. You know that she felt these things and poured her heart into this song.
2. Ending Scene
“As much as you were lonely
I really hope you meet someone
Who will love you more than you
I’m sorry that it wasn’t me
It’s not easy to give
Don’t say those words, please
You know those words hurt even more”
I’m usually not big into love or break up songs, but something about this just feels so unique and heartbreaking. It’s not a bitter break up where they hurt each other, the other person is wishing her the best and admitting that they’re not right for each other, but that just makes it worse because they are clearly a good person who cares for her. It’s just so well written and a new perspective and that’s something I really appreciate about iu.
3. Can’t Love You Anymore
“Where are you?
Where are you?
I’m home
I’m in a cab
Are you almost home?
Oh, I’m sorry
For what?
Just, everything
Go home
I left my wallet there
Oh, hey
Never mind
No, what is it?
I don’t think
we’re in love anymore”
How could I not include the iconic back and forth with iu and oh hyuk? This again feels like a unique break up song in that it’s so chill. There’s no big reason for it, they just simply fell out of love and are now unable to be like they were before and are just tired of being together. I think this part shows that so well because not only are the lyrics great but the delivery of them as well. It just sounds great and is fun to sing along to (or at least try to sing long).
4. Eight
“So are you happy now?
Finally happy now are you?
I’m the same
I think I’ve lost it all
Everything comes on it’s own and leaves without a goodbye
At this rate, I don’t want to love anything”
Eight aka song of the year starts off strong and stays that way throughout (thanks partly to yoongi of course). IU has lost two close friends these past couple years, and from the mv it seems clear that the song is talking about her memories with them, as well as being another song that focuses on her age and how she’s growing up. For those reasons these lyrics just really hit hard. IU is such a strong woman and I hope that she is able to create more truly happy memories.
5. Red Queen
“Children obviously but adults too
Even the things that don’t have life
Everything fell in love, fell in love with her
Her heart was that beautiful too
Even when she gazed
At the tiniest, poorest of things
Those passionless, depressing eyes
Used to sparkle so bright"
This is another song with a connection to sulli. IU said that she was inspired to write the song because of a drawing sulli did, and the lyrics seem like they are telling her story of going from being loved to hated by the public, especially as after she passed away iu changed the lyrics at her concert to pay tribute to her. This obviously makes the song more touching now, but there’s even more to appreciate. I really love the structure of the lyrics, how it’s like she’s telling a fun silly story but underneath it’s actually very dark. This is helped even more by the instrumental and vocals, which shouldn’t be surprising because we all know iu is a musical genius. Red queen is easily one of her best songs.
6. Blueming
A hundred roses, wanna make them bloom with me?
Let’s color the flowers however we want
So it’s beautiful even when it withers”
It was really really really hard to choose my favourite lyrics because there is so much going on in this song, every single line has something to appreciate. I love when art can take something simple and make it poetic, and that’s what iu does well. The song as a whole is about texting your crush, and she describes this as creating flowers in their chat room, blooming flowers together as their relationship also blooms. It’s simple yet effective. Again I’m not big into love songs but I can appreciate poetry when I see it and damn do I see it. And can we just take a moment to appreciate how cool that texting without spaces line is? In the mv they type out the hangul without any spaces just so we can see that she really did that, wow.
7. Greedyy
“Girls be ambitious, own more, whatever it may be
There are so many things that are such a waste to give to others
Everyone tells you the same line as if promised, be good
If you don’t wanna you don’t have to, don’t have to”
Now we love a good bit of female empowerment. This song is actually by jea and moonbyul, but iu wrote the lyrics (moonbyul wrote her own I think). I think it says a lot that iu wrote a song for another female singer and she decided to make it about ambition and taking what you want. It honestly gives me cindy from the producers vibes. This song is very underappreciated so please check it out!
8. Through The Night
“Just like letters on the sand
Where waves were
I feel you’ll disappear
To a far off place
I miss you again and miss you more”
Through the night actually had to take some time to grow on me, but now it is one of my favourite iu songs ever. I don’t know why but this song often makes me cry, it’s just so full of love and admiration for whoever it’s about and iu’s vocals help put so much emotion into it. I think I cry because I make up scenarios in my head that make it more personal and hurt more, and I think you can do that with a lot of iu’s songs which really helps the listeners experience. I think with the palette album iu really hit something with her writing, it’s so full of emotion and poetic techniques. I’m so happy palette won album of the year and this song won song of the year because they both really deserve it.
“Yellow C A R D
If you cross this line, it’s a violation, beep
Keeping manners stop here, it’s ma ma ma mine
Please keep the la la la line
Hello stuP I D
If you cross that line, I’ll get serious, beep
Stop it, keep the distance
Cause we don’t know know know know
Comma we don’t owe owe owe owe (anything)”
An iconic song. Bbibbi is a song telling the public to stop giving hate to celebrities and to stop invading their privacy, but in true iu fashion she keeps it upbeat and strangely polite. This got iu a lot of attention and I think that proves how good she is at writing. She did something new and empowering while still keeping in line with her image, and people really responded to this. This was another song where it was very hard for me to choose the lyrics. I went with the chorus but I also really love the pre chorus where she is repeating negative comments she receives, I just think that’s really cool.
10. Leon
“My heart used to be quietly asleep
But why did you throw a stone,
making me wanna dance?
Please hide my shaking eyes,
my black sunglasses”
Now maybe it’s just because films are my biggest passion in the world, but I really love this song. This part is sung by park myung-soo (iu still wrote all the lyrics) and is meant to be from leon’s perspective. I really like how iu took full advantage of this song being a boy girl duet because it allowed her to write from both perspectives and have fun with it. Something about it actually reminds me of red queen and I just really enjoy the vibe. I’ve noticed that korean people seem to really like leon the professional and I find that interesting, especially as it’s about the relationship between a 12 year old girl and a grown professional assassin man, but that’s a conversation for another day. As it is, this is a great song that was very successful in korea, and queen iu deserves all the success and praise.
If you somehow read all this, thank you so much and please stream eight!
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qboo78 · 5 years
Episode 11 thoughts
There is just a lot of things to unpack about the truth & dare scene and the confession scene. It is all thanks to such amazing cast and their great acting that there is a lot of nuance to those scenes... it makes the scenes work so well and the things that are left unsaid is even conveyed...
first off it started with the bottle pointing to Yi Seo, with Yi Seo not very happy to receive truth questions, then everyone reacted with wanting to ask questions anyway but Sae Ro Yi seems fine just letting this one pass, then Geun Soo, this sly boy, called him out and ask him if he has any questions for her. Sae Ro Yi being put on the spot looked at Yi Seo gauging her reaction, while Yi Seo is of course suddenly amenable with receiving questions if it comes from her Sa Jang Nim lol, I found it very telling how Hyun Hyi is very interested on what Sae Ro Yi will ask, but Sae Ro Yi looking at Yi Seo seems to sense her vulnerability and decided to not ask any questions and said “Not really, I know everything about her”. Yi Seo took the words as like Sae Ro Yi saying I’m not really that interested in anything more about her... but, what was telling was Hyun Hyi’s reaction to Sae Ro Yi’s words and actions, maybe because Hyun Hyi is so much older than Yi Seo but she seems to understand why Sae Ro Yi refrained from asking any questions, Hyun Hyi’s smile at Sae Ro Yi seemed to imply “Aww, he does not want to put her on the spot, that is sweet” and she seems to not be surprised about that, can I say that Hyun Hyi feels like a Sae Ro Yi x Yi Seo shipper like me lol. I like that Sae Ro Yi listened to Yi Seo and understood that she is not really comfortable with this game, but I also know that Yi Seo’s vulnerability that she showed when she welcomed Sae Ro Yi to ask questions was because she wants to see if Sae Ro Yi will be interested in her enough to ask questions, it’s a case of these two looking at the situation on different perspectives and it seems only Hyun Hyi is clever enough to pick up on both. Yeah, I love how they acted this part. Then Geun Soo, being young, determined and greedy in love, just do not have the maturity to demonstrate what true loving is about proceeded to demolish Yi Seo’s plan ruthlessly. He started off by staking his claim by saying that Yi Seo has made an implied promise to him that she will accept his suit if he takes over Jangga and asked her if she remembered that. Again, kudos to Park Seo Joon for the subtle acting, when Sae Ro Yi heard those words of Geun Soo, you could see if you really pay attention how Sae Ro Yi lost his smile after hearing those words... It seems Sae Ro Yi is actually bothered by what was being said. He does not seem to be happy that Geun Soo and Yi Seo have an understanding. Seung Kwon then ask Yi Seo, if there was something going on between them, Yi Seo said an emphatic No while on the background you could see Sae Ro Yi is still looking at Geun Soo with a not happy expression on his face which is at a contrast to Soo Ah's reaction who does not really care about what is happening hehe.. you could see Sae Ro Yi and Yi Seo have identical expressions of not being happy at the situation on their faces...
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He seems out of it too coz he was startled when Yi Seo told him “Sa Jang Nim, it’s not like that” like he shut down for a second and then when he said “OK” he doesn’t seem to truly believe her...
Again, Hyun Hyi is really after my own heart because she was quick to get Seung Kwon to change the subject and she even said it's not fun.
Then we got the first kiss question and Sae Ro Yi seem to have froze before he could answer the question lol... Yi Seo liked the idea that she was the first kiss lol even though for me it doesn't really qualify since she did it while Sae Ro Yi was drunk, which she should not have done in the first place lol. Then next we got the Are you just friends with Soo Ah question and how Sae Ro Yi responded to that question was just... i dont know how to explain how off his response was it was like he was just reading the phone book... he gave more emotions when he was talking about Yi Seo's importance to Danbam in the other episode smiling and saying "I can't imagine Danbam without Yi Seo", He said "I like Soo Ah" but he does not seem happy about it, he did not smile, he did not even once looked at Soo Ah in this whole scene not once but if its regarding Yi Seo, he would look her in the eyes and he just keeps on looking at her in this scene. Again Sae Ro Yi is just clueless about his own feelings i think, it could just be my shipper heart but Im just not convinced... Soo Ah seems to be touched with his reply but is not so happy about it? Sigh, she said she likes Sae Ro Yi but yeah just not buying them as a unit yet...
Then because Geun Soo seems to be in a self destructive mood he went ahead and ask Sae Ro Yi AGAIN if he has feelings for Yi Seo... Sae Ro Yi's reaction was instantaneous like "This again??" and he does not like the question but he also looks challenged by Geun Soo, then he looked to Yi Seo again gauging her reaction, the previous question about Soo Ah he never once looked at Soo Ah lol... this makes me think, why Sae Ro Yi? why the hesitation? Why you have to think about what your feelings are for Yi Seo? Why are you looking at Yi Seo right now before answering? What are you looking for to find in her expression?" Like Seung Kwon said "What kind of question is that? Isn't it obvious?"
After looking at Yi Seo, maybe he saw again her vulnerability and seem to decide on something, i mean kudos again to Seo Joon for his acting coz he did a clenching of his jaw then answered the question. See what I mean on how Yi Seo can bring out Sae Ro Yi's emotions while about Soo Ah, he is just like an automaton lol. If Sae Ro Yi truly did not have any feelings for Yi Seo, he would just immediately and simply said no to Geun Soo... why he had to qualify how he looks at Yi Seo with "dong saeng (younger sister) and partner?" I might be reading too much into this but....it just feels like Sae Ro Yi is lying or hiding something... I could be wrong but that is how I see it the way Seo Joon acted that scene like there is something happening beneath the surface coz the tension was just so thick... poor Yi Seo just cant help reacting to his words though, my heart just went out to her, i mean she was already hurt and wounded with Sae Ro Yi's declaration of "I like Soo Ah" and she was able to hold her hurt feelings in but hearing the words of "No (to having feelings). Not even once." would just be too hurtful for a person crazy in love... I don't want to see Yi Seo hurting because I just love her but Kim Dami's acting here was just so heart renching in a good way... It just felt so real and just make me relate to her so much... I am so thankful that Kim Dami is the one playing Yi Seo, if it were someone else I do not think I would enjoy and love Yi Seo so much as much as I do, I mean I would still appreciate Yi Seo’s character a lot but Kim Dami playing Yi Seo is just phenomenal... it was the same reaction I got when I first watch Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock and Martin Freeman as John Watson.... their acting was just top notch and breathtaking...anyways this is already a long post and I will continue my thoughts (review?) on my next post... the confession scene will be next...
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