#or u can always support my Patreon 🥺🥺🥺
mcnuggyy · 2 years
i promise I’m drawing lots and lots it’s just all unreleased comic stuff, porn, or freelance work I can’t share ♡ (๑ŏ ω ŏ๑;)
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louroth · 11 months
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Hello everyone :> 
It's been a month! it's incredible how much my life has changed- while I'm still adjusting I'm just...still walking on clouds. it feels unreal. the patreon took off and I can almost make a living wage on it which is frankly fucking insane, and the discord is so vibrant it scared me for a moment (not anymore- shooting the shit with the people there is the favorite part of my day, even if I sometimes just leave a trail of emotes lskjdhajksdhkjasd.) I couldn't have asked for a better community. YES I am crying about it. Thank you, so, so much. I am cradling your face in my hands. crying.
But as always, enough of my bleeding heart. Let's get to it!
The first two weeks after posting the update, I took a sort of quasi vacation and only wrote a handful of story-words each day, and spent some time fooling around in the discord + brushed off my smut archive to refine for Patreon. There are already 4 stories up, and a new one coming tomorrow- though I haven't decided yet whether it will be possessive/jealous L sfw short or one very nasty short where you come across a particularly insistent species of vines while trekking the forest. hehe. we'll see. >:3
But, even though I had to rest not to combust after work, I am very pleased to say that the next chapter is coming along great, with the skeleton finished for its entirety, and about 45% and some change already written (it's very hard to gauge because I jump around a lot when I write.) This is the final chapter before the forest, filled with action and the heart wrenching drama of offering tenderness to a certain someone, and deciding for your hunter when enough is truly enough. I have teared up writing certain scenes and I genuinely cannot wait for you to experience this next part yourselves. 
It is so funny reading things I wrote for this chapter six months ago, or longer, because I knew exactly what emotions I wanted to bake in and couldn't really nail it, but now it is coming together beautifully! Sure, it will still be wonky first draft writing, but the core is there and that is all that matters for now. I'm saying soon™ for the update for now, because I am allowing myself to adapt to writing full time- I didn't quit my job to become my own nightmare boss, and I truly want to enjoy this process. I think, in the long run, it will result in a better story. Patience is my mantra. All in due time- I cannot force quality creative work. But by everything wretched and sinful, I cannot wait to share this next part with you!!! I'm frothing at the mouth!!!
In other news, y'all. I need to get organized. I get heartburn thinking about all the different variations of files and notes and notebooks and scraps of paper and variables and branches of plot and just generally, the things to keep track of is getting to the point of a dragon hoard of scary 'oh no I forgot about that part'. I'm gritting my teeth through it until this chapter is out, but after it, I am going to spend some time to
 1) get my shit together in gorgeous, beautiful spreadsheets
2) get serious about finding beta- and proofreaders. (me @ u: 🥺)
But that's it, my friends! I scrapped an entire progress report because I started sounded corporate and listing points which was just... sad. I really hope I evolve into writing these in a more fun way, which would make them more fun for you to read too! But for now, I think this will do. I hope you have a beautiful day/night, and if you would like to see more in depth dev-logs of my writing life, or random sneak peeks, I post those weekly on patreon!
Or join our discord, which. It's just the nicest place, I can't even come up with words that do it justice. It's my favorite daily newspaper.
Until next time! x
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hanaranjada · 1 year
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I made a cute lil wallpaper for this month in honor to all the sasusaku moments we got in sasuke retsuden~ You can get it as a reward on my patreon!
Also thank u to the sweetest people in the world who are always there to support my art! 🥺💗💗
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Just wanted to say I came across Alaris two nights ago and literally stayed up all night to complete the demo. I am obsessed. I have work tomorrow, and it’s almost 1am, and my first thought is “maybe I should try another route of Alaris, I don’t have to get into work ‘til 6(pm) anyways”. I literally played so long I had issues seeing because my eyes were so dry. I am low on funds rn (had to take a few weeks off work for a health issue) but the second I get my next paycheck I plan to drop by your patreon. I have not been this taken by a game in eons. The writing is phenomenal. The characters are so intriguing and real. The art is absolutely stunning. The soundtrack is so pleasing - so calming. Thank you so much for making this. I know it’s just a demo right now, but honestly, even if you never finished it, I’d be in your debt forever. I’ve been having a really rough time in my life lately with waiting on a potentially terrifying diagnosis, and was kind of at my breaking point before I found your Alaris. It probably sounds really silly, but when I played it, I felt like a weight was off my chest - it was the first thing in months to not just truly distract me, but to really bring me out of that sort of hazy out of body feeling. Sorry if that’s kinda heavy, I just wanted you to know that your “silly” (as you described it on the website I think? Or somewhere I saw you say that) game has had a huge impact on my life, at least, and I’m really grateful for that. Thank you, truly. Anyways, I’d write more, but to be honest, I’m about to spend another all nighter playing Alaris. I hope you have a wonderful night (or day. Or the like). 💕
ANON…..::::…….. WHOEVER U R I HOPE ONLY BLESSINGS COME TO YOU. this literally made me tear up. i screenshotted it so i can keep it forever and look back on it anytime i’m sad. that is how much this ask meant to me 😭😭😭
you took the time to send in such a sweet, thoughtful message, i only think it appropriate to respond in kind so i apologize in advance for a bit of a longer response everyone!
FIRST, i think i am too late, but i hope you got some rest!!!!!!!!! alaris will always be there for you to play so please do not sacrifice your eyes and sleep for it!!!!! especially if ur having health problems of any kind and waiting on a scary diagnosis—those can be incredibly stressful and hard to go through so i hope you receive good news soon. regardless, i am keeping u in my thoughts and sending you all my love right now 💖💐
i know exactly what you mean by a game or piece of media pulling you out of a dark time, and it’s not heavy or silly at all for you to mention that. in fact, it’s an honor that alaris, even in its demo form, was able to provide that to you. i never would’ve imagined my silly little game (i call it that on my patreon, so u r remembering correctly ha!) would make that much of an impact on anyone, so i’m glad it connected to you in that way 🥺
you do not, by any means, have to support my patreon. especially if you are low on funds, i promise this message alone is support enough! thank you so, so much for the kind words and for taking the time to write this up and send it in, anon. it means the world to me and i hope alaris (in its current and future form) can continue to be something you enjoy 💖 keeping u close in my heart and hoping your health improves, ily!!! 💐✨
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tojikai · 8 months
Is there any way I can support you? Like do you have a patreon, cashapp, Kickstarter etc for anyone that wanted to show you some love and support? I love your stories and I know you're extremely busy with personal stuff in life and that's why I'm going to continue to wait Patiently for chapter 8 even if it takes you months I don't care. Take care of yourself first. I support yo, love, and I hope to continue to see you make many more stories in the future. <3
hiii omg that's so kind of u 🥺 i used to include a kofi link in my pinned post but i removed it bc im kinda shy that i have that when i couldn't even post so much 😅 im really grateful for your the kind words and support. knowing that there are people who would willingly wait makes me so happy <33 i hope that i get time to post more and to always deliver the ideas that i have in mind well !! *whispers* here's my link if anyone's interested, it could literally buy me coffee😭
ps. in uni, your blood would temporarily turn into coffee bc of how frequent you'd need to stay up all night lmao
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mcnuggyy · 2 years
omg i always see your patreon stuff and i'm SO excited for when i eventually get a job because i'm 100% going to go over and support you. your art is so cool and i know there's a bunch of content too >:)
AAAA THANK U ANON THATS VERY SWEET!!!! 🥺💗 Hopefully that means the little bit of advertising I try and do does help fjdjdj cause I can never tell if I’m doing it right LMAO, but aa thank you!!! It really means so much to have that bit of support once a month but at the same time I hope people never feel pressured by all my promoting and stuff Jaja (〃∀〃)ゞ but aaa thank you!!! I’m glad you look forward to all the fun stuff I have waiting for ya :o] <3
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