#or until its proven otherwise
saccharine-fiction · 4 months
i love interacting with the fictionkin community because i always imagine xyz fictional character sitting behind a screen and clicking buttons on my post. like thats sick! a renowned dc villain just reblogged my post! a literal god from genshin impact just sent me a cool reply! a brave warrior cat just followed me!
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storytellering · 1 year
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if anyone's looking for me, I'll be in delulu land manifesting Tony Redgrave for the new dmc anime, don't try and get me back xoxo thanks
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shittywriterbrain · 9 months
i love watching ofmd over and over again because every two minutes i'll hear a line and be like ohhh that's where that thing i say every day is from
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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newspecies · 1 month
i know everyones probably already picked up on this but its really interesting to me that it says "an Archivist" instead of "The Archivist". Jon is ALWAYS described as "The Archivist" so this is another clue to me that [ERROR] isn't Jon. considering it came from this universe's Institute, im inclined to believe it's this universe's Archivist but i also still see it being one of the Archivist monsters from the eye's domain.
there's also its specific correlation with the tape recorders, which IS very Jon (and very Web) and the tape recorders are kind of the odd ones out in this universe when taking all the technological and modern monsters/Externals running about into account. so i do think theres something weird/other universe-y about them being around. theres a lot going on and answers we havent gotten yet, especially about why exactly the tapes are involved.
I also have my own little pet theory that its several of the old Archivists combined, but i doubt that ones going to be canon. i can hope though </3
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Needles thoughts:
Can I put marshmallows on it and then stand it in front of a fire..? :3
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ms-all-sunday · 1 month
someone earlier in the series was talking to me like "id be disappointed if they dont go past skypeia" and while i dont think they will, because that was the intended ending and the obvious stopping point before netflix bites off way more than it can chew, ill cope obviously if they go beyond that, but trying to explain why i dont want them to go past skypeia to a person who hasnt seen water 7 yet is an exercise in futility like you have no personal context for what I'm trying to articulate you would not get it.
even if i tried to explain to you that i dont want writers who have provenly mishandled ops female characters and usopp to even touch w7/el with a 10 ft pole i dont think youd get how truly dire it is that it does not happen.
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starlightshore · 2 years
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[has alt id]
getting into Mild Horror territory haha! Nothing extreme though. Just some ghostly-ness. Also, work on these will be slow as I'm using this as a way to cool down after some grueling shifts at work.
[Start ]
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
Personal Headcanon for alchol tolerance of the boys.
Bi-Han and Kuai: Zero alcohol tolerance. Cyromancers and alchol don't mix.
Smoke: Medium tolerance. He can take a few but he'll end up on the floor if he drinks too much.
Sektor : Does not drink because it fucks with his ability to operate normally. Hates the taste so good luck getting him to drink.
Cyrax: High alcohol tolerance surprisingly but you won't know because he doesn't drink often. Is definitely the one who drives everyone back assuming Sektor doesn't feel like it.
It seems we have a similar idea for Sektor, as the one that doesn’t mix well with alcohol (I like to imagine the alcohol makes him too emotional and thus vulnerable which is why he hates it so much, beside the general low tolerance to begin with).
However, my personal headcanon about Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas is totally opposite to yours. 
For cryomancers the first sips of alcohol may not be the best experience due to the sensation of “warmth” but that is a deceptive feeling, as alcohol leads to lowering body temperature and I like to think that is something pretty cool for cryomancers. Because the more chilled out the body is they feel much better and have annoyingly high tolerance however by rule, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are not allowed to drink much on missions. Their body temperature naturally is low for a normal human being and while drunk, from medical standpoint, they easily could pass as a walking dead, because their body temperature drops to the level that should kill any normal person. So they aren’t allowed to drink much to not rise the unnecessary and difficult to explain doubts.
As for Tomas, sorry guys, but I’m here for the high tolerance of Slavic blood! Even if the stereotype may be harmful, damn it, I want Tomas to be acknowledged as of Slavic origin and in my head he is another Lin Kuei with annoyingly high tolerance for alcohol, especially compared to other members. May be a bit reckless while drunk and be hangover-ish if he overdone the drinking but a few drinks won’t defeat it!
Cyrax in my head is always relatively normal compared to everyone else. Most likely better than average human being with alcohol tolerance but not even close to beast like cryimancers XD
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hollowslantern · 2 months
something seems to be happening to dj allergic reaction
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kinaesthetiqueer · 1 month
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(follow-up to this)
having grown up in atlas, weiss is very familiar with the academy's team anti-frat policy and gets very hung up on just how much trouble they could get in if anyone thinks they're dating.
(which they're definitely not doing. no, sir. absolutely not, sir.)
so better safe than sorry.
(except winter has eyes. and also doesn't care.)
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the-mononoke-facade · 3 months
"Statement of medical efficacy" from the guy who says he doesn't put much stock in people relying on medicine alone to get better, okay Kusu lol
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ar-mage-ddon · 6 months
What if Luxord was Keykiid's apprentice? I believe this because they both use cards (in Chi, before the medals, cards were used) they both use darkness and light, in addition to ludor, one of the possible names of Luxord's somebody, which means playing, what do you think?
it's an interesting theory! i've been thinking of the possibility that player themself could be luxord (though it's a bit of a stretch since we don't know what the exact rules for reincarnation are yet), but apprentice seems plausible too — especially since in the jp dialogue for the final dark road cutscene, xehanort calls player "master" (not necessarily indicative of them having apprentices, but interesting to note either way)
related to their similarities, i also keep thinking about that kh3 remind scene between luxord and xigbar, specifically where luxord says, "yes, that's what i've always done. i followed the orders from above without question." obviously this could just as easily be me picking out coincidences and making connections where there aren't any, but i have to admit that it just makes me think of player's line in the clock tower when they confronted their foreteller: "i've done everything that was expected of me without a second thought."
which also reminds me of luxord saying "the game isn't over until it's over" in the caribbean, which seems to be becoming something of a reoccuring line — it's said once in the loading screen of xehanort and eraqus's chess game with the exact same wording, ephemer says a variant of it in the khux finale ("it's not over till it's over, skuld."), and even player sorta says it right before they fade away though it's a lot more truncated and could be handwaved away ("it's not over yet."). it's interesting to me to see who gets those lines, and out of all of those luxord's sticks out like a sore thumb to me; sure, games are kinda his thing, but it seems like a line that's gaining some importance, so to give it to luxord of all people feels suspicious — all part of him becoming more important in the story moving forward supposedly
(and this probably isn't related at all so i'm just slipping this in last, but in that dark road q&a there's a question about odin where nomura just says "Naturally, Master Odin also had a master to mentor him. Said master entrusted Odin with a mission, which actually ties in with the identity of the blue-robed individual." and it just . it hasn't left my head because there are so many things you could extrapolate from it. does this imply player and odin had the same master? or is player odin's master? are they completely unrelated and the mission is the only thing that connects them? it keeps me up at night)
anyway i'm rambling but tldr; i think there's a lot of tiny details that link player and luxord together and it's fun to think about what their connection could possibly be, and i'm more than excited to see what gets revealed about them in the coming installments !!
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neonsbian · 4 months
i refuse to let the pessimists get to me, this wayv cb will be great and the tt will be fun and cunty and the rest of the album will be great and we'll get the vocal unit club banger and pegging song that we deserve. i believe in miracles idgaf
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mettywiththenotes · 5 months
Love thinking about Bakugou and Tomura interacting because I feel like there's multiple possibilities with how it could go. I'm talking the kind of interaction where they are together in a room with others for some reason (optional) and they have to have something going on between them. On one hand, Bakugou could bring up the kidnapping, get pissed and threaten him (smthg smthg "I've got unfinished business with that bastard") while Tomura just ignores him (smthg smthg "you aren't on my radar anymore"). On the other hand, Tomura could find his anger amusing and rile him up, thus making the situation worse for the people around them (Izuku and All Might probably). Or they both ignore each other, with Bakugou probably throwing him Looks every now and then
When I think about any of these options, the only thing that stays true to The Vision, if just for the shits and giggles alone, is Tomura and Bakugou eventually bonding over talking shit about AFO. And maybe also Izuku's reckless kind heart
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eeveekitti · 11 months
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anyway time for some Neurodiverent Confusion tm
hey neurotypicals if there are any of you on tumblr do you like?? not consider your brain a separate thing from you?? like as a person?? am i too autistic for this shit my brain isnt me and i cannot comprehend people not making that distinction
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