#or whatever liberal white guilt pretzel youve twisted yourself into to try and justify this
glitterdustcyclops · 2 years
y'know the thing that really grinds my gears about the useless white liberals who are all "but i have to play Protocols of the Elder Wands of Zion because it was my childhoood and it was important to meeeee" is that guess what? i also read harry potter as a kid
it was one of the most important books of my childhood, i literally learned my love of reading by reading harry potter. i figured out i was queer by reading hp fanfiction, i poured hours of my heart and soul and brain into thinking about and dreaming about these fucking books. starting with the order of the phoenix my parents wrote a special dedication to me each time a new book released right on the first page, because they knew how important this series was to me
so please, cis people, imagine for a fucking second how it feels to be a trans nonbinary person in this absolute hellscape of a year, living in a state where i'm like 75% they're going to make my very existence literally illegal any day now and also know, bone-deep and true, that the author of one of the foundational texts of my childhood, the architect of my imagination, a woman i once respected and admired, who literally made me want to be an author, fucking hates my guts and doesn't think i deserve to exist.
i'm so fucking sorry but your right to play Soros Expelliarmus: The Game and not feel guilty about giving money to a woman who will 100% use that money to make sure i have less rights than i already do now does not even remotely fucking holding a candle to that
this series has been absolutely destroyed for me, and every time i have to hear about her stupid bigoted face i'm reminded over and over and over again that my rights, my fundamental humanity, don't mean a goddamn thing to her or to you. whatever flimsy excuses you've come up with it to justify it doesn't matter. that's the message you're sending, to every trans person and jew in your life.
so fine, spend your money however you want, i literally can't stop you.
but then you have the nerve, the absolute unmitigated gall, to want us to celebrate you for it?
absolutely FUCK that noise. if you get to give the bigot lady more money so you can experience Jew Hunters of Azkaban then i get to remind you that you are a spineless moral coward for doing it. them's the rules. don't like it? i dunno maybe don't fucking play the game.
seems pretty simple to me.
(obviously shoutout to this poll for the names i used for the game)
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