#or the ohh but i donated to charity
glitterdustcyclops · 2 years
y'know the thing that really grinds my gears about the useless white liberals who are all "but i have to play Protocols of the Elder Wands of Zion because it was my childhoood and it was important to meeeee" is that guess what? i also read harry potter as a kid
it was one of the most important books of my childhood, i literally learned my love of reading by reading harry potter. i figured out i was queer by reading hp fanfiction, i poured hours of my heart and soul and brain into thinking about and dreaming about these fucking books. starting with the order of the phoenix my parents wrote a special dedication to me each time a new book released right on the first page, because they knew how important this series was to me
so please, cis people, imagine for a fucking second how it feels to be a trans nonbinary person in this absolute hellscape of a year, living in a state where i'm like 75% they're going to make my very existence literally illegal any day now and also know, bone-deep and true, that the author of one of the foundational texts of my childhood, the architect of my imagination, a woman i once respected and admired, who literally made me want to be an author, fucking hates my guts and doesn't think i deserve to exist.
i'm so fucking sorry but your right to play Soros Expelliarmus: The Game and not feel guilty about giving money to a woman who will 100% use that money to make sure i have less rights than i already do now does not even remotely fucking holding a candle to that
this series has been absolutely destroyed for me, and every time i have to hear about her stupid bigoted face i'm reminded over and over and over again that my rights, my fundamental humanity, don't mean a goddamn thing to her or to you. whatever flimsy excuses you've come up with it to justify it doesn't matter. that's the message you're sending, to every trans person and jew in your life.
so fine, spend your money however you want, i literally can't stop you.
but then you have the nerve, the absolute unmitigated gall, to want us to celebrate you for it?
absolutely FUCK that noise. if you get to give the bigot lady more money so you can experience Jew Hunters of Azkaban then i get to remind you that you are a spineless moral coward for doing it. them's the rules. don't like it? i dunno maybe don't fucking play the game.
seems pretty simple to me.
(obviously shoutout to this poll for the names i used for the game)
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britishhusbands · 11 months
he donated to a bunch of palestinian organizations during one of his tours, a zionist would never do that. also it's not like the other boys (not zayn of course) are saying much.
see people keep saying this but the only organization i've seen from people's ""receipts"" that harry donated to is 'Choose Love' which is an organization that helps refugees worldwide. I wouldn't say it was a palestinian organziation cause it isn't, it's global one that helps refugees in ukraine, iraq, lebanon etc. so describing it as a palestinian organization is actually not accurate.
i mean of course the other boys won't post too but harry literally brands himself and his merch as 'treat people with kindness' which in itself is political statement lowkey so he brought it on himself for people to expect him to make a statement. but he won't cause i mean we can make an inference on where he stands on this issue based on his behavior historically and also anne and gemma
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blackcathjp · 3 months
hi! there was an ask you answered before for drarry smut recs and you replied and said most are DMHP, could you specify which ones they are please? 😊
Also would you happen to have more DMHP recs? As in long fics, really good oneshots, etc. Anything of your favorites. I’m trying to get back into drarry but it’s difficult with the current climate this ship is in, as I only want to read DMHP / DMHP coded stories (and none of the reverse aka hp/dm) if that makes sense 😅. Thanks! 💕
hi! every fic in this praise kink list is dmhp except for an hpdm scene in chapter 9 of far from the tree. it's really short tho, just 2 paragraphs in a 112k fic.
in this list, they're all dmhp-coded (smut and general dynamic, most are dom dlm x sub hjp vibes). but if you don't want any hpdm (sex) scenes or mentions, i would avoid these fics:
arms and elbows
just a trial run
the complete idiot’s guide to losing your entire mind
only for october
as for other fics:
sweet like candy in my veins by shahwrites (7k)
magical theorist harry is intelligent and cool, and vampire draco wants to help him fight evil! they are in love, your honor!
service bell by shiftylinguini (8k)
werewolf draco x vampire harry. cottage in the woods vibe + fwb + getting back together again.
on target by milkandhoney and the_sinking_ship (13k)
a favorite! it's pwp with some plot. flirting through charity donations, culminating in a flirtatious dunk tank challenge and a steamy locker room session.
solemates by shiftylinguini (17k)
silly workplace step/walking competition turned into fwb turned into falling in love. they're so annoyingly cute in this.
you send me (honest you do) by firethesound (37k)
aurors drarry! harry is accidentally de-aged (physically), which unlocks draco's buried feelings. great writing on intimacy, love, comfort, humor, pining (draco's pining HURTS SO GOOD).
eternally consistent by kitsunealyc (44k)
mystery time travel fic where the ending made me go OHH I NEED TO REREAD THIS AGAIN... it adds a whole new perspective. delicious drarry development in this one.
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
Hello! Do you ever think about how Captain Marvel would probably be someone who helps out in the soup kitchens or raises awareness for actually good charities and homeless shelters (because Billy Batson has experience with which is bad and which is good for obvious reasons) and so because he's such an influential/charming hero it works and the charities, shelters and many other things just get an immediate and overwhelmingly amazing response afterwards with many donations and such and then it's sometimes on the news and Batman sees the news or reads an article as Bruce Wayne and just smiles a bit and thinks back to how his kids were struggling and thinks "another charity to my list of donation worthy ones" and then asks Alfred to prepare a cheque of about a ridiculous amount of money (because he's a billionaire and he wouldn't care if his bank account had a dent in it) and just showers the charities, and then Superman is like "hey! My pal Marvel is vouching for these places and works there sometimes, maybe I can get more people to donate by having an interview with him!" And so basically every Leaguer helps out in their own way and Captain Marvel becomes like the unofficial guy who let's everyone know about the charity/donation thingy and if it's good or not and he becomes a big fan favourite among the lower class and his merch becomes more widespread but because he personally asked the corporations making these (and also with the help of Bruce's lawyers) to make the merch cheaper and more accessible for everyone because he hates when things that bring joy are so overly expensive and unaccessible for people in the lower class and that just makes him an even bigger fan favourite, and whenever he passed by stores in his Billy form and sees people able to buy his merch for cheap with such happy smiles on their faces, he can't help but feel giddy and self indulgent at times and buy a pin or two, maybe a hoodie, the hoodie is just for the extra hilarity because one time he passed by Clark when he was looking for Cap and Billy was in the hoodie and he nearly lost his mind
Ohh my god this is such a lovely idea. Billy being the unofficial sponsor of all these charities and nonprofits and volunteer organizations. Because Billy knows what it's like to have nothing (because he still materially has basically nothing and emotionally he's so distant from his friends coworkers comrades fellow league members and he wants other people to feel better and good and loved) so he just. Pours himself into doing good, not just by punching bad guys and sealing rifts in dimensions but by volunteering at soup kitchens and talking people down from rooftops and rescuing cats from trees.
And think of his mantra: "Do good, and good will follow", and then seeing how his own acts of kindness, unthinking and conscious, are influencing the hero community and branching outward from there, that this Gotham City billionaire cited Capitan Marvel as his inspiration for his most recent donation to a Fawcett City organization, and Superman is following in his footsteps. I bet Billy saves up his money to buy his own merch for himself and also to pass out to people to help them feel better after a loss or a scary moment.
Also, both Billy and Clark are wearing Captain Marvel hoodies and Billy is fully like "is superman impersonating me??" before realizing, no, that's Superman's secret identity, walking around, looking for Billy, in a Captain Marvel hoodie. Absolutely he loses his mind.
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
thinking about versions of Angel and then 2007 and then Woody was also there and maybe the Professor and maybe even Buffy Shellhammer
So here's how it would be: they're all Casey's friends. He used to volunteer a lot at a charity in his neighborhood before he lost went full vigilante. Still stops by occasionally
Anyway Angel and her brother Ryan used to get food there which is how they met Casey, now they have become regular volunteers.
Woody goes a lot because a relative of his helps run it.
Either Buffy's parents make her go or she does it so it looks good for her grandfather's company
Anyway he brings stuff for the turtles sometimes, so he's told the two groups about each other, just not the turtle part. They pass donations through him sometimes as well.
Then after Leo leaves before they try out getting jobs, with Splinter's health declining (sort of vaguely impliedish in the move but mostly my headcanon to explain why the boys need jobs) he isn't able to scavenge as much, and April and Casey have things going on (relationship drama) and Raph is taking uo the Nightwatcher mantle pretty early on.
So Donnie and Mikey fall back on what they know from Casey. April and Casey would both try to be available to be their Human Face, but there comes one time or other where Mikey just can't wait (he specifically wanted to make spaghetti tonight and Donnie forgot to get pasta last time, uggh) and meets Woody and Buffy! Canonically Michelangelo friends in their respective iterations. And they are relatively not freaked out about the turtle situation! (ohh you're one of Casey's friends, that explains a lot actually)
So he goes home thrilled to tell Donnie and Raph (it's a secret from Splinter). Raph, being dealing with his own things, thinks it's a very bad idea to just trust random humans, if Leo were here he would shut that right down so that's what Raph's gonna do (he's understandably really mad at Leo later, but early on he instinctively tries to step into that role)
Donnie is intrigued though. If nothing else, being able to go when they can and not wait on April or Casey would be a huge benefit. Perhaps there's a way he can figure out Buffy and Woody's schedules? Hey Mikey, wanna hang around there with me this week, see the comings and goings, get all the info so we can make a plan?
And on that outing they meet the Professor, who in same way or other is the reason Don comes out of hiding, I'm thinking he needs help but I'm not sure yet what that would look like. He is also extremely unbothered about the turtle situation, much more eager to talk about the history of the discovery of atomic structure with this polite young man than he is at the moment to know how turtle.
Angel is volunteering that day and witnessing this whole interaction like: mm kay. sure. might as well happen.
And Mikey's popping up behind her to explain "We're Casey's friends!" and she's just 'eh I meant more that this random conversation at a food shelter is helping me understand electron orbits better than high school ever did, but yeah not gonna lie I was wondering about the turtle thing and being Casey's friends also does not explain it"
So Mikey and Donnie start spending a lot of time there, still have to hide a lot cuz it's still a lot of random volunteers, but it's a safe space for them especially when Leo doesn't come home when he's supposed to. Raph comes along sometimes but it's rare; Buffy brags endlessly about having an entire three-exchange conversation with him once. Casey and April are Legends because they have met all four turtles.
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ibelieveinturtles · 2 years
Silent Auction
Darcy skims her eye along the auction list, looking for something more interesting than ‘Spa Day’ or ‘Gift Basket.’ Her budget won’t extend to the painting donated by Steve Rogers or ‘Win an Archery Lesson With Hawkeye!’ but she could definitely use the streaming platform package (ten platforms for a whole year? Yes please!) Then an item catches her eye. ‘An Evening at New York City Ballet’s The Nutcracker with one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s most Respected Agents.’ She reads the bio, wondering briefly who the agent is, then makes a bid. Who cares who the agent is, she wants that Nutcracker!
“So, did you bid on anything?” Natasha asks later at the bar. “Ahuh,” Darcy replies, sipping her cocktail. “The Streaming package?” Natasha guesses. Darcy grins. “It was a toss up between that, and the candle lit dinner for two.” “Aren’t you single at the moment?” “Exactly,” Darcy says. “So I picked something else.” Natasha lifts one perfect eyebrow. “Tell me,” Darcy says casually, “why didn’t they name the agent in the Nutcracker Ballet package?” Natasha smiles. “Would you believe me if I said security?” “Nope.” “It’s Commander Rumlow.” Darcy blinks. “Ohh,” she says, then smiles. “I can live with that.”
bingo info under the cut
@darcylewisbingohq @marvelfluffbingo
Title: Silent Auction Squares Filled: Marvel Fluff Bingo: O5, Date Auction for Charity Darcy Lewis Bingo Mini Round: Instant Swap (Winter Party Drabble Game, Prompt: Candlelit dinner) Author: ibelieveinturtles Fandom: Marvel Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: G Warnings: n/a Summary: Darcy bids at a charity auction Word count: 200 (two drabbles)
Previously posted moodboard:
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susansontag · 2 years
Joe Lycett shredding money was a publicity stunt, he shredded fake money and then donated the amount to LGBT charities. The actual scandal is that it turns out he played shows in Qatar recently anyways lol
ohh damn people were telling me he actually shredded money, or at least that's what I gathered? can't believe he got caught in that kind of hypocrisy though lol
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Mr. December
Flufftober day 22 Have you heard? Garvez WC: 840
“Did you hear?!” Scurrying excitedly into the bullpen, Penelope glanced around expectantly at the familiar faces. When nearly everyone sat quietly in confusion, she went on. ”Theeeeeeey’re heeeeerre!” she squealed, “Or, they will be later.” The group of profilers looked to one another then back to her, blank expressions indicating she’d clarified nothing. 
“The Agents…Of The FBI Calendar…?” she went on.
“Oh-ohhhhhhh!” Prentiss exclaimed. While JJ, Spencer, and Rossi made sounds of understanding, Tara and Matt’s demeanors hadn’t changed much beyond amused smiles. Luke however looked…nervous? Concerned? Clearing his expression, he tried for a curious playful tone hoping he hadn’t given anything away, that these trained professionals hadn’t read him like a book. “What do you mean they, Garcia?” JJ jumped in explaining for the members who clearly had not been around for the experience in years past. “Penelope buys a case every year they produce it and passes them out because the profits go to charity, but the Bureau hasn’t done it in a few years, right, Pen?” “Correct my beautiful blonde friend, but it’s baaaack! Which means, all of you will once again be treated to the fine faces and -ahem- bodies of the Bureau.” As she said it, Luke would swear she winked at him. Going on, “And this year every agent selected to participate got to choose a charity where a portion of the profits would be donated to! They even asked them to write a little bit about why they chose it. How sweet is that?” He chuckled, tamping down the anxiety suddenly growing. Jesus, that was such a bad idea, why did he do it?! Why had he let them convince him to do it…Now everyone he currently works with was going to see…well quite a bit of him eventually. “Sounds like you know an awful lot about it Garcia…Now why would that be?” “…I’m friends with the Bureau’s digital artist who compiles it and has it sent out for print?” she answered immediately. “And it was my idea. I mean, after my second year here I figured we could be doing something really good for charity with the physically fine people we have around here, so I figured if New York’s fire fighters could do it, so could we.”  “Why are you so concerned? It’s not like you’d ever pose for something like that, Alvez.” Tara piped in. And she was right of course, except for the fact that he had, in fact posed. It seems he and Penelope had a friend in common… one who knew he’d do anything for retired working dogs, including posing nearly nude in a calendar to raise money for them.
“No, I just…I mean…isn’t it a little… a little objectifying?” He stammered out. “I wouldn’t say objectifying, more like… appreciative of people’s hard work and dedication. And everyone in it volunteered and the photo shoots are totally professional and we have broad representation and it’s all for good causes! Plus, I heard someone even brought their dog this year. I can’t wait to see that one.” Luke flushed, shit.  Looking around for support, “No one else is weirded out by this? Like you get a calendar and then Bob from IA is hanging in your office?” Crossing his arms, Matt mused “I think it’s great this year’s models got to select a charity to support, when I posed it was still down to a democratic vote and one lucky charity.” Luke laughed in disbelief, “You-” But Penelope cut him off, realization hitting her. “Ohh! That’s right! Aww, you were such a baby then, Matt Simmons!”  This revelation however did not help matters, Luke was only feeling more desperate at the anticipated endless hazing he’d be getting shortly, making it harder to disguise his emotions. “Well, it’s clear this conversation is making Alvez uncomfortable, so i’m shelving it for now and heading off, I suggest you all do the same.” Emily smirked sipping her coffee as she and Rossi headed up the stairs to their offices. With a few more comments everyone else followed suit, dispersing to retrieve their own caffeine fixes, turn on computers, or work on reports. Suddenly, it was just Luke, and Penelope who had taken up residence on his desk. Raising the ceramic unicorn mug to her lips, she spoke quietly, “If you feel that strongly about it, I can always have made a mistake or not received them at all…”   Luke sighed, visibly relaxing. He wouldn’t have to explain or tell her at all, she’d just back down. Very unGarcia-like, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Thanks Chica, as much fun as we have here, I don’t like the idea of seeing my co-workers hanging around half-naked at the office.” 
“Mmmm” Penelope’s mouth pursed, biting her cheek in thought as she stood to leave. Leaning in, breath tickling his ear she whispered, “I do have to say, Roxie as Rudolph was quite inspired…Very good photo set, Mister December. It’s a shame I’ll be the only one to see it.” 
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dorokora · 1 year
Shaytan @ Michael: This means nothing to me! Alright? You mean nothing to me! ...This is why I stay down in Gehenna! This is why I punish sinners! I am the good guy! Do you realize? I am the good guy here! I am the winner of everything! God goes up and he plays with his all little friends, like ‘Ohh look! I donated to charity!’.... I get to kill people! I get to poke people with hot sticks all day! It’s great!
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penguin--person · 1 year
9 and 10 of the fandom violence ask
I better be hearing some good rain world salt
9. worst part of canon mm.. im gonna be honest boss. i like all of rain world. maybe the lack of some context, but on another hand, i Love that that so many things are up to interpretation!! like, what even IS the cycle!! i dont know!! btu ive got my theories and i lvoe theories:) like its all told through the pov of a SLUG so like its expected that the slug wont learn that much!! n i lvoe that.. i love sulluges... n i cant even say that the worst part is the horror of it all because i LOVE the horror of it all... i love it all dude sorry i love it all. rain world (n buddy sim) is a perfect game to me. n like, sure, theres propably some bad parts i could think of if i tried hard enough, but none are bad enough that id call them 'worst'.. tho im ceirtan it does have bad ascepts lore wise. i cant think of any rn. i love htem all. everything i think about that could be bad i realize i actually love
10.worst part of fanon id say the blorbofication n all that:( like. like. man. ok. evil ramble time. the first time i met pebbles, i remember thinking 'oh, what a nice guy' - not in the way that 'this guy donates to charity', but 'this guy is in so much pain and clearly dislikes me but still takes the time out of his life to tell me a bit of lore and tell me how to escape the cycle and doesnt even kill me unless i linger too long! and, in a world in which death doesnt even matter all that much, thats fine!:)' . n when i went into his tag here on tuber all i saw was!! everyone being so mean to him!!!! calling him evil n shit... no!!! hes complex!!!! ehs got feelings!!! like, just because he says 'i feel no guilt over killing moon'doesnt mean thats real!!! thats basic denial!!! thats basic coping skills, denial!!! n hes like. hes COMPLEX hes not just GOOD hes not just BAD hes COMPLEX ..!!! n all i saw was 'ohh angsty teen boy' n like Yeah he Is that but also hes More than that!!! hes not just!!! :(( i dont know . ive seen this happen less, somehow, ever since downpour came out, but. that might be bc im not interacting with the fandom much and only with the iterator rp lads. n theyre all SWAG!! but. god. god. watering down characters - not only iterators, slugs too (pointing at artificer. pointing at artificer. pointing at artificer.another personal,less annoyed thing is. everyone agreeing that artificer is a mother that lost her pups. which, of course, is a very likely scenario!!! but i wish more people explored like, artificer n sibling pups scenario, or like, artificer dad, or smth!! i Adore the angry mother believe me i adore it i really do im not hating on it i love it i adore it please believe me. but. mayhaps if we explored a bit more outside the comfort zone..) to bare concepts and shredding them of all their complexities . hate that!!! their whole appeal si their horrors:(( also when people like, put them into 'bad' n 'good' boxes . or smth. i dunno im eepy 👍
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cakerybakery · 2 years
“Ohh, don’t worry. I’m just here to make you a very special offer.
Don’t worry about your phone. It’s nice and safe. Any other electronic device on your person has been disabled.
Electronics in here record about as well as a 1950’s toaster. So no one has to know what we talk about.
I can see from the data I had our agents collect on you that most of the money you donate to your charity, Water for the Wayward, well most of it seems to be funnelled directly back into your pocket.
$50 per balloon for balloons with your face and the name of your new album on them. That seems more like a promotional item for your singing career than an expense for your charity ball. And we found the receipt. You charged Water for the Wayward an average of $60 per balloon.”
“Well you see-“
“Speaking of seeing. You charged Water for the Wayward for singing, on top of charging the attendants. Who were the group of displaced refugees you claim to be trying to raise money for.”
“I, seems to be the only person who benefits from your generous charity.
Look, Tommy, can I call you Timmy? Never mind, I don’t really care, Tammy. Facts of the matter are that we, and by that I mean I, could make sure the taxman Al Capone’s you and you can be singing jailhouse rock for the rest of your long miserable life in an Arctic prison while the public thinks you died in a plane crash or maybe we’ll have you disappear from public life because you contracted an STI and make it a lesson for the kids. Or you start actually paying your fair share of taxes and your charity starts doing some real good.”
“How can you do this? You’re a global leader!”
“Exactly. Do you think Churchill just sat back and let his security team rough up Hitler? Of course not. I keep the tooth Churchill knocked out of that son of a bitch’s mouth in a locked vault.
Here’s the thing, Janet. Leadership is about leading. You don’t ask people to do something you wouldn’t. I can’t ask our fine friends in the black suits and sunglasses to work you over, alone. I’m not a monster.
Look, seeing I’m in a hurry to give a seminar about nonviolent negotiations, I’ll be generous. We won’t break your hands if you choose prison. You’ll still be able to play guitar and feed yourself. The government will just seize a large portion of your money. Your family will be left with enough to live the rest of their lives in luxury. Or you start paying your taxes and stop stealing through your charity, and we’ll only break a few fingers, nothing to hinder your playing.
You didn’t think I would let you get off completely unharmed, did you? Tick tock”
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greatestcoworker · 1 month
forget all those other people i could treat you like a princess trust me (I'm 6'5 and noncholant and have a hellcat btw and also donate to charity and have 1 billion dollar nwt worth)
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(Tjis is just a joke HSBDHS)
>"Ohh, no! Why would i want to be treated as a princess? I'm the one who should be doing that!"
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>"I'll consider it, but know that you didn't make a good first impression!"
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xinanigans · 9 months
Don't watch the reupload. The money goes to charity. Don't steal from people who fucking need the money
Okay but putting a monetization on a video revolving around groomer allegations video is just weird dude.. yes.. charity is great and all but specifically.. why now? Why not in literally any other fucking video? Profiting off of this seems really iffy in my opinion — like he’s trying to downplay the situation by being like “ohh but I’m donating to charity so I’m actually a good guy!!” Although there could be a possibility that it is in a genuine cause, we don’t entirely know if he’s willing to uphold his word having lied so many times about so many things so I’m choosing to remain skeptical. —> just my opinion ┐(´-`)┌
Second of all, most of the reuploads aren’t reposted by monetized accounts so they can’t earn money ( for YouTube— copyright striking exists + I got mine from twitter and you can’t make shit off twitter) so they aren’t necessarily stealing the money, neither is dream losing money. besides, doesn’t dream make literal thousands of dollars per month as a YouTuber? I doubt he needs the extra charity money in the first place if he could just pay with his own pockets with the concert money and shit idk It’s not like bro is in debt or anything (that is a lie. Dream is actually a poor Victorian boy in the 16th century who cannot even afford let alone a small stale loaf of bread !!!)
・゜・(ノД`) how pitiful !
That’s besides the point. dream likes minors and is most definitely racist + antisemitic so I’m not giving him my money. Period. (^^;)
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leiathefrog · 2 years
It’s really cute that you’re gonna defeat me with the power of friendship and all but again I am The Devil from The Bible™ so I dunno how well that’s gonna work.
You motherfucker you didn’t let me finish!
Uh huh, go ahead. 
I have all this power in my hands!-
Yeahadededed shut up shutthefuckup I’m The De- I don’t care! I do not care! You don’t understand I came down here as a joke to have Fun- [inhale] this is not- this means nothing! To me! THIS MEANS NOTHING TO ME! Alright? You mean NOTHING to me! YOU and your little friends, are fuckin annoying. This is why I stay down in hell, this is why punish SINNERS. I am the good guy, do you realize I AM THE GOOD GUY HERE? I AM THE WINNER OF- OF EVERYTHING. God goes up and he plays with all his little friends like “awyweah look I donated to charity” or whatever abaablabeh AH I getta kill people- I getta poke people with HOT STICKS. ALL DAY. It’s great- GIMME THOSE, YOU DON’T GET THOSE YOU LOST YOUR Stupid little privilages! Fuck you! Dipshit!
Oh god! 
Go to space!
[wheezing] ohh what the ff-
Look, I can do this!
I can do this! Anytime I want! This is nothing to me! You are nothing to me! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! THIS IS MY BIG FUCKING THING
Oh my god he’s fucking losing it entirely. I haven’t seen this since, well- 
Why don’t you answer my chats in your chatbox?- I have the sub badge, 12 months. You never acknowledge me, not even once. And I came here from Hell to have Fun with you, I’m your biggest fan! I’ve been with ya since day 1 I got first badge. I was your first subscriber, and you don’t pay attention to me. I was with you through your candidacy, I was with you through your Sin Points- We went to chuck e cheese- you got me the little parachute’n trooper boy- and yet you won’t acknowledge me! You still just leave me in the dust every single day…
The Dust?! THE DUST.
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kenzeltosis · 3 years
❝𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲,, 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫❞
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠: “it’s my party,, lesley gore” 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: denki kaminari 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨: fem reader, angst, oneshot, 3.3k+ words
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not even the school festival could compare to how lively the school looked this night. often, the hero courses weren't allowed to participate in various clubs and activities as they were required to focus fully on their studies, but this was one of the rare exceptions. every year, the u.a. board would get together and choose a charity to donate to, and hold a grand party for the students and teachers in order to raise funds for said charity. 
it was a big deal, and that's how you found yourself walking through a crowd of people to make it to the main entrance, streamers and projection lights and loud music threatening to spill out of the venue. 
charity ball. 
the gymnasium had been converted into a top-tier party venue, with splashes of white and blue at every corner. live music was on the stage at the back of the large room, with hundreds of people milling about to enjoy the various entertainments charity ball had to offer. you were almost overwhelmed, but couldn't help but have a huge grin on your face. 
you and your best friend, denki kaminari, agreed to go to the ball together. the two of you had been so excited at the idea that you even coordinated outfits. needless to say, you both knew you would look stunning. denki had promised to meet you at the entrance, and you had no doubts that he would be there waiting for you. eventually, you spotted him near the edge of one of the doors. 
"denks!" you called- more like yelled, it was a tad hard to hear over the loud music.
hurrying  excitedly to meet your friend, a wave of nerves flashed through you. you had big hopes for tonight. you'd been preparing yourself for the past few weeks, from when denki agreed to go with you. obviously, he agreed as soon as you asked, you two were a power couple. you had a reputation for being fierce and funny.
the only problem was that you weren't dating. 
"we look so cool!" you practically squealed, and denki squealed back in agreement. he wore a clean, black suit, with a muted pink button up shirt that poked out at the cuffs of his sleeves. His tie was thin and had the same pattern as your clutch. 
"how long did it take you to slick back your hair?" you asked, threatening to poke it. denki instinctively moved away, guarding his hair with his hand. 
"it took me, like, forty-five minutes! don't touch it, I don't wanna ruin it so early in the night!" you giggled and his sudden protectiveness, you found it extremely attractive that he was concerned with his appearance. of course, he wasn't vain, but he had the mind to not look like a fool when he walked out of the house. 
"and how long did it take for you to squirm into that dress?" he asked, smirking. the dress was a muted pink that matched denki's shirt, it hugged you nicely, but it was still a loose fabric. he was just teasing. 
you threatened to mess up his hair again before he winced and ducked, laughing at the both of yours' antics. "okay, okay, i get it!"
"come on, where's everyone else?" you looked around for the rest of your friends, but it was a bit difficult to see anyone through all the heads of people. at least you were able to point out a pink blob from the rest of the crowd. denki seemed to notice her around the same time as you. 
"look, there's mina! let's go bother her," you giggled, grabbing denki's hand to pull him along with you. in all honesty, you shouldn't be bothered by his touch, but you still felt the innocent butterflies flutter in your stomach and a blush creeping onto your face that matched your dress. 
despite almost losing him in the crowd, the two of you made it to your friend, who happened to be with a few more of them. you greeted yao-momo and izuku, then latched your arm onto mina, who squealed at the sight of you. 
"ohh, girl, you look scrumptious!" her voice went high-pitched with excitement. you returned the compliment with the same energy, she looked great in her blue and black party dress. ushering you to one side as denki greeted the other two, she whispered, "it's too bad you'll be with denki soon, now i can't have you all to myself anymore!"
covering your mouth with your hand, you nearly had a laughing fit. mina knew all about your plans to confess to denki tonight, and had gone over it with you many times. now that the moment was here, she had to make sure you were confident in yourself for the ordeal. 
you winked at her, which was enough to send her laughing. "it's okay babe, you'll still be my main hoe! denki's only a sidepiece." 
of course, you didn't really mean any of what you said. you glanced over at denki, and thinking of how you were going to confess to him later that evening made a lump form in your throat. never have you met a person who was as reliable and as caring as him, you continuously find yourself in awe as he never fails to disappoint. even tonight. as flirtatious as he was, loyalty wasn't a foreign a concept to him. 
and despite how nervous you were, you couldn't wait to tell him. 
you and mina turned back to the group, your mini hype party only taking a few seconds. izuku was here with ochaco, who had finally worked up the nerve to ask him out. you admired her for that, and congratulated her the moment you found out. yao-momo was here with the rest of the class 1-a girls, as was mina. you all brainstormed where they all might be. 
"jirou's probably near the stage," yao-momo commented, knowing her best friend well. 
"as she should." you and denki chorused, giggling. fellow music junkies. 
"let's head over there!", mina bounced excitedly. "the others are hopefully nearby." 
"yes, lets!"
the five of you speed-walked to the spot where yao-momo predicted her friend would be, of course she was right. after spotting the girl rendezvousing with plenty more of your friends, you all called out to them, moving as quickly as you could through the crowd but unintentionally stepping on a few toes. you noticed that denki had an extra big grin. 
𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞,  𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞... 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞?
"hey guys!" you nearly screeched, the loud environment intoxicating you. you had only been there for a few minutes, but you had savoured each moment.
jirou, koda, and ochaco all embraced you with open arms. you had seen each other at school just yesterday, but the drastic change in scenery made you all feel like you hadn't seen each other in ages. warm greetings and compliments filled the air, just able to be heard over the band. the music had gotten louder and louder as you went further to the stage, making it not the ideal place to hold conversation. 
it made your heart flutter when ochaco shyly held izuku's hand and smiled in greeting, before his face nearly exploded with violent color. 
"let's move over to one of the tables, so we can eat and talk for a bit," yao-momo commented, latching onto jirou's arm as an indication to buddy up so that they could make it to a table without loosing anyone. you almost immediately grabbed denki's hand.
"where should we sit, y/n?" he asked, scanning the area.
all of you put your eyes together to try to find an open table, and somehow, you did. the tables consisted of either four seats or ten seats, all circular tables with matching table cloths and beautiful bouquets as centerpieces. of course, the chairs were shifted around by kids who needed more room at tables and wanted to sit with their friends. you guys were lucky enough to find a table that had ten chairs, all still intact. 
"there! hurry, before other people get it!" you all giggled as you raced to the table, proudly securing your seats by hanging your belongings off the backs of your chairs and sitting down. 
"oi! what do you guys think you're doing, are you trying to escape from us?!" 
a gruff voice called the attention of all of you, one that you recognized well. bakugo sluggishly made his way over the the table you guys all sat at, and you spotted him and kirishima heading towards you guys. kirishima raised his hand to wave, and the rest of you reacted in unison, inviting them to sit with you.
the ten of you spent the next while excitedly chatting and eating, with a few more of your friends pulling up chairs from other tables to sit with you guys. many laughs were exchanged, you hadn't been in this good of a mood in a long time. normally, you be engaged in conversation as much as you could, but your thoughts were only on denki. you two sat next to each other, gaining any compliments on your matching outfits. eventually, mina encouraged everyone to get up and dance. the only one that really needed encouraging was bakugo, who was unamused at the thought of dancing. it just took some teasing to get him up and moving.
"come on everyone!" denki cheered, and you joined in with him, planning on asking him to step away with you for a moment but ultimately deciding against it. you started to wonder if confessing to him at a school dance was the right move or not. 
i mean, come on. ochaco was able to confess to midoriya so they could go to the dance together! as a couple! am i just using our best friend status to take the lazy way out?... that's pretty pathetic... 
you were feeling utterly down at the thought of your own failures, which started to impact how you imagined it going. you could see denki's face going slack with shock, and then nervousness. why would you think that he would love you back? yes, you were already  inseparable, but that doesn't mean he wants to take your relationship further. 
"dance with me y/n!" mina grinned, taking your hands in a waltzing manner and then proceeded to move in a way that definitely wasn't  walting. you laughed lightly, trying to clear your head from the negative thoughts as you joined mina in whatever she was doing. 
eventually, you lost denki on the dance floor, and you pushed the thought of confessing out of your mind. you couldn't spot a handful of your friends, but knew that they were having a good time. 
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞... ‘𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞...
you had so much fun enjoying yourself dancing, that the thought of denki slipped your mind until you heard a slow song start playing. the cliche trope had you in panic as you looked around for denki, only to find other couples pairing up. where was he? you should ask him to dance.
"mina, where's denki?" you asked, and she could see that nerves were starting to overcome you. the frown apparent on her face went unnoticed by you as you looked feverishly around for the yellow-haired boy. 
"girl, you gotta chill," she said, looking around with you. she didn't want you to miss your golden opportunity, and gosh, she didn't want you to feel bad about yourself, either. 
"but i can't find him! what if i never get to tell him..." you started mumbling to yourself, your previous frantic actions turning into despair. "after all, i'm a coward..." 
this time, the look on mina's face didn't go unnoticed. she had a sour, offended expression. her mouth was wide open and her eyebrows were knitted in annoyance. 
"what are you talking about?" 
"well... i can never seem to tell denki anything about my feelings towards him, i'm just hiding under my friendship with him, i can't do anything right-" 
the pink girl held a finger to your lip, shushing you. "i think not." she simply said, and then dragged you to wherever. 
"kiri! emergency meeting!" she called, snatching the boy by his arm and dragging him away from his dance partner. 
"oi! shitty hair was dancing with me, give him back, raccoon eyes!" 
"super sorry bakugo!" mina called, holding back the whining redhead. "kiri, i need your wing-man skills! y/n needs a hype man!" 
kirishima was also aware that you intended to confess to denki tonight. he was so pure and so honest, you couldn't help but believe everything he says. 
"y/n, we've been over this! you're so cool and so manly, and denki will appreciate it if you're straightforward and manly with him too!"
"yes, kiri, preach! y/n, you are so fabulous, my o great, o smaug, o lavish bestie. look at you! inside and out! there's no reason for you to wait, no reason to get so hung up about it!" 
"yeah! whenever you tell him, he's still gonna be so hyped!" 
"just like you should be!" 
you took in their praise, allowing their energy to effect yours. "you guys really think this is a good idea?" 
"yes, babe! but in the minuscule chance that you're rejected, i'll be right here for ya! denki will get so jealous watching us make out." 
that was all you needed to hear in order to cheer up, and both you and kirishima laughed at mina's confidence-booster. it worked, so there's no complaints. "you got this!! now go find him!" 
at this point, the slow song had ended, and bakugo was mourning alone on the dance floor. kirishima stayed back for an extra moment to cheer you on as mina pushed you to go find him. 
𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐨𝐡 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠... 
you walked through the crowd with a positive grin on your face, first scouring the dance floor, and after you couldn't find him there, you looked around your table. despite how long it was taking to find him, your confidence grew with each step, and you knew that you were about to pull the love of your life. he was the only one that could cheer you up when you were truly down, the only one who you could rely on for anything, the only one you knew would accept you no matter what. he made your everyday stressful life fun, and full of laughter, and that was magical in your eyes.
"you've absolutely got this, y/n" you muttered to yourself, you felt like you were glowing. the beacon of light in your life was about to be yours. 
after searching around the whole venue and asking around, you still couldn't find denki. you wondered if he had wandered out into the garden, where you agreed to meet if the ball had gotten too overwhelming for either of you. though, they were supposed to alert the other if they were going to go outside, but there's no harm in checking. 
it was nearing later in the night, and no one was arriving anymore. the gardens were mostly empty, with the occasional bit of chatter to be heard from here and there. the hedges almost resembled a maze, high and twisty, covering lots of ground on the land. the air was warm and comforting. cute benches and flower beds lined the curvy bushes, and you realized just how cute the gardens were as you walked on the cobblestone paths. 
you didn't know how, but you could practically feel denki's presence in the serene setting. his goofy features rested perfectly in your mind as you continued to wander the garden. 
and you were right. your features perked up as you heard denki's voice coming from around a corner, and you could see the top of your future lover's hair from above the bushes. you were about to run towards him... but then you heard another voice with him, and slowed down. 
"you know, you didn't have to say it so cheesily. it would have been easier for me to accept if you didn't use so many pick up lines..." 
"what? i only used, like, two!" 
there was a brief moment of silence, and you stood as still as stone in your tracks. you were on the edge of the corner of the bushes where they were seated. you recognized the voice to be jirou, and you were skeptical about the whole situation.
jirou laughed, breaking the silence. you could almost see denki's sheepish smile, and you heard clothes shuffling. were they moving closer to each other? 
"but, of course, denks, i... i think we could try out the dating thing." 
suddenly, the air didn't feel so warm. 
you doubted she noticed it, but that name was the only thing you would ever call denki anymore. denks. that was your nickname. how could she? but you couldn't blame her, judging on the bits of the conversation you just heard, it sounded like denki was the one to ask her out. had he gone mad? he never mentioned anything about liking jirou romantically, never.
you couldn't restrain yourself from poking your head around the corner to see what was going on. your limbs felt like lead and every sense in your body told you to turn around and run, but you couldn't stop yourself from peeking. they're alone together. you hated that. what if they were making out? or worse? 
they were in no means making out or undressing, as many teenage couples do when given a dark, secluded space to themselves. they handled each other with such gentleness, as if they were scared too much force would upset the other to tears. he kissed her with the softness that you craved so much, the scene made you want to vomit. 
as the air lost it's warmth, you felt the motivation and confidence draining from you, but your adoration still lay heavy in your chest. that was supposed to be you. it's not like you could do anything now, but the heartache that it caused you was made worse by the fact that you couldn't stop loving him.
as you turned away, tears filling your eyes, your mind went blank. you were walking, not running. everything about you felt heavy, and that muted pink dress that you once loved seemed like it was burning at your skin. the couple, unaware of what had happened, could hear your muffled, gutteral sobs, slowly moving away from them. 
they moved away from each other, eyes wide in both confusion and shock. they had both seen a figure in the corner of their vision, but thought nothing of it as neither of them wanted to interrupt the moment. only denki recognized your cries, but why would you be crying? 
denki wasn't dense. the realization of what happened set in his chest, almost as heavy as the pain in yours. suddenly, the name that jirou had called him left a bitter taste in his mouth. as much as he liked the girl in front of him, he couldn't ignore the reason he felt the need to be with her. he couldn't bring himself to call out to you as you trudged away, clearly in dissaray. 
he couldn't bring himself to do much of anything. with jirou, it was much easier for him to make himself do things. maybe it was because he wasn't serious with her. but whenever it came to you, he was much too scared to make any big moves, he couldn't bring himself to tell you anything from all those years ago. 
and maybe that was why he gave up on loving you a long time ago. 
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨,  𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨, 𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮...
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hey! first time ever writing for bnha, hope ya like it :))
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raewritesfiction · 3 years
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A/N: have had this idea in my head for a wee while. Stay tuned for more - multi chapter.
Plot: You’ve moved in with your boyfriend Chris (Evans, duh) and now he wants to make sure the house is properly christened.
Pairing: Reader X Chris Evans
Warnings: Fluff, Smut
[[ Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed from tags; no questions asked ♥️ likes are amazing however I really appreciate Reblogs to help spread my writing further! Thank you 🌈😘]]
Tag List: @jaseminedenise @nikkitasevoli @ohh-la-la-leto @iraniq @snewsome756 @vikki-rogue @amelia-in-w0nderland @pandaliciouz @crispyimagines17 @marie-is-blogging @bonniebird @nutinanutshell @louise-buchan @chris-butt @thegetawaywriter @hollyjolly6211 @sambale13 @blowdandelion @peachyrogerss @browneyes9125 @lovinevans @denisemarieangelina
Chapter 1 - The Move
Chris grumbles as he helps the moving men to load in the last of the boxes to the van; a job they had already slacked on and messed up by dropping three boxes marked ‘fragile’.
Heading back to the car which you had now finished filling with what you immediately needed, Chris sighs and rubs his face. “What are we paying them for again?!”
“After the claims we’re gonna make? I know what boxes they dropped.”
“Oh god…”
You nod “yeah those dishes are a family heirloom and luckily, insured… they aren’t getting the full pay.”
Chris nods “we ready to get going?”
You nod, a little sad and reminiscent over your first ever apartment out on your own. “Yeah… I just need to lock the keys in the safe and then we’re good.”
He offers a soft smile and kisses your temple “you take your time babygirl.”
You walk back and go through each room one last time to make sure everything was empty and your sticky notes were in place before locking up the door and leaving the key in the safe for the attendant in the morning. The apartment had been your safe haven for the last six years and had been your first foray into full independence after your job promotion.
People say that ‘when you know it’s right, you know.’ And you’d never really put any thought into it; but a year after first dating your boyfriend when he had asked you to move in with him it had been a no brainer to say yes and you had understood what the saying had really meant.
Chris’s house was large enough for the two of you and Dodger. He had been rearranging rooms and sorting through his closet to make sure you had enough space for your stuff. You had still been ruthless while sorting your belongings because six years is a long time to collect stuff. The local charity and thrift shops had loved you for all your donations to them.
Climbing into Chris’s car you wipe your eyes and sniff “goodbye apartment… you’ve been good to me.”
Reaching over Chris takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles softly “it’s okay baby.”
The drive was an easy route and yet still seemed to take forever - it was only an hour but it felt longer because the moving truck had no clue where they were going and you kept having to stop to direct them when they lost you. Eventually you arrived at the house and instantly smile when you spot Dodger looking out the window to greet you both.
Not only had Dodger given you his seal of approval he preferred to lay over your legs at night instead of Chris’s; of course he never took this personally but did keep threatening you with “a good spanking”. He had yet to make good on his threats.
Unloading the large van only took half an hour compared to the three it took to load it. Especially since the moving men were actually doing their full job now instead of slacking off.
Very quickly the house was full of boxes in almost every room and you were officially moved into the house. Dodger bounced around happily to greet you and ignored Chris’s attempts to give him fusses.
“Turncoat!” He laughs and heads to the fridge to take out the bottle of champagne.
Jumping a little at the pop of the cork you turn to face the direction of the kitchen. “Whatcha doing?”
“Pouring us a drink.” Chris appears with two flutes and hands one to you. “It’s a little celebration.”
“Well thank you for asking me to move in.” You smile “the last 14 months have been the most content I’ve ever felt.”
Chris kisses you softly and clinks your flutes together. “I have a fun plan to help us get the unpacking done faster too.”
You raise your eyebrow and sip your drink “do tell.”
“Each room we clear of boxes and successfully unpack, we christen by fucking in it.” He winks.
“Oh yes… yes that will work very well to get us motivated.” You giggle “for now… I really want to have a bath and go to sleep.”
“Deal..!” He nods.
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