#or while my guitar gently weeps or happiness is a warm gun or i'm so tired or penny lane or or or
lieutenantpepper · 7 months
i couldn't include every release (eg magical mystery tour) due to limited poll options :( also tag if your favorite song is off your fav album (for me it's not!) and if u want what song it is!
pls rb for sample size i am very curious
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lubtubby · 2 months
The Outsiders Charecters as "The Beatles" songs:
Darry Curtis: 'Here Comes the Sun', 'Hey Jude', 'A Hard Days Night'
Sodapop Curtis: 'Golden Slumbers', 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand', 'All My Loving'
Ponyboy Curtis: 'Golden Slumbers', 'Because', 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps', 'Hey Jude', 'Yesterday', 'Dig a Pony'
Johnny Cade: 'Maxwells Silver Hammer', 'Elanor Rigby', 'Blackbird', 'A Day In the Life'
Dallas Winston: 'Help!', 'A Day In the Life', 'Happiness Is a Warm Gun', 'Day Tripper'
Steve Randle: 'Drive My Car', 'And Your Bird Can Sing'
Two-bit Mathews: 'Nowhere Man', 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds'
Cherry Valance: 'Julia', 'Girl'
Marcia: 'Lovely Rita', 'I'm Happy Just to Dance With You'
Bob Sheldon: 'Taxman'
All of them: 'Come Together', 'Revolution', 'Let It Be', 'With a Little Help From My Friends', 'Helter Skelter'
There is so many more beatles songs and stuff so there's prob gonna be a part two but this was so much alr
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Back In The U.S.S.R. • Dear Prudence • Glass Onion • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da • Wild Honey Pie • The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill • While My Guitar Gently Weeps • Happiness Is A Warm Gun • Martha My Dear • I'm So Tired • Blackbird • Piggies • Rocky Raccoon • Don't Pass Me By • Why Don't We Do It In The Road? • I Will • Julia • Birthday • Yer Blues • Mother Nature's Son • Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey • Sexy Sadie • Helter Skelter • Long, Long, Long • Revolution 1 • Honey Pie • Savoy Truffle • Cry Baby Cry • Revolution 9 • Good Night
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paulmccartneyhole · 6 days
what are your top 10 beatles songs?
in no particular order because i don't believe in rankings
hey jude i've just seen a face strawberry fields forever i want you (she's so heavy) golden slumbers something don't let me down i'l follow the sun let it be while my guitar gently weeps
second list of honorable mentions:
your mother should know hey bulldog happiness is a warm gun two of us long long long dig a pony i'm so tired for no one i'm a loser mother nature's son
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slaygentford · 2 years
I listened to every Beatles album in order so you dont have to and kept this record as I did. no one asked me to do this and honestly idk how I arrived at it it just sounded interesting after I exhausted the platters who I didnt think to record like this. also im at the point of school where you dont get homework anymore and I miss it so I made a report.
these are graded on a curve, that is, the ratings of each album are calculated in relation to the other albums. prior to this endeavor I had only heard the big beatles songs like in movies and on Wii rockband.
please please me: 3/5. highlight: twist and shout (sorry). lowlight: baby its you. thready ass vocals. leave it to people with talent with the beatles: 3/5. aesthetically identical to prev. highlight: you really got a hold on me. lowlight: please mr postman. why the fuck would you cover this. youre signing up to fail a hard day's night: 2/5. highlight: things we said today. lowlight: sadly, a hard day's night beatles for sale: im gonna keep it real. this sounds identical to albums 1-3 to me and I feel exactly no emotion about it at all. largely inoffensive. 2/5 help!: 3.3/5. highlight: help! killer bass. lowlight: the riff in I need you fills me with a burning, indescribable rage rubber soul: here we begin to experience the epic highs and lows of The Beatles discography. high highs: Norwegian wood and girl. low lows: literally everything else. 2/5 revolver: 3.5/5. these bitches finally woke up! highlight: I'm only sleeping, for no one, Eleanor Rigby is worth the hype, I want to tell you, tomorrow never knows. lowlight: dr robert -- flop attempt at satire. also whatever that one guy was doing to that poor sitar sgt pepper's: I came to a rude awakening when I realized that the wall would not exist without sgt pepper's. humbling. that being said, 0/5. I hated every single second of this. magical mystery tour: epic high following last album's epic low. 5/5. strawberry fields has a BASS DROP??!?!? no skips. I love this album. its such a time capsule as well of like one of the weirdest years in history. i can listen to this album and experience how my parents felt at 16. the callback to she loves you on the last track. I get it the white album: I dont get it. this album tested me like nothing else. I began to flag. I began to question the honor of my quest. I almost shut it off after nearly every song. but let me say: the highs are sweeping. SWEEPING. happiness is a warm gun. blackbird, Helter Skelter, while my guitar gently weeps, back in the ussr, revolution (which is satire which I just realized)... however, the lows are LOW. glass onion is bad; Julia is actually unlistenable (I broke and skipped it); wild honey pie is like getting a transorbital lobotomy; birthday has undone years of my therapist's work vis a vis suicidal ideation. Im so baffled by this I almost want to exclude it entirely. instead I calculated its good song to bad song ratio which landed the album as a whole at a solid D+ (69%)! but that seems like its ignoring the good songs which for any other band even ONE of those would be the song of their career. emotionally the experience was not unlike a bipolar mixed episode. 1/5 yellow submarine: this one was a movie soundtrack. something it has going for it is that it isn't the white album. 4/5 abbey road: yeah. 10/5. I cant even be flippant about this. you live a whole lifetime listening to this one. fine. let it be: set myself up to FAIL with this one. my dad was about to turn 18 the year this came out, which I only bring up because this is the only one of my dads beatles albums I kept. so of course I listened to the record and cried through let it be like a bitch. I like all the studio talking noise. 5/5 for sentimentality
rating overall: 43.8/65, about 66%. but I dont vibe w that honestly. I had a great time doing this and discovered some great music. I also cant ignore their historical significance and the insight it gave me into my parents' youth, which is probably the most interesting thing about the beatles. I choose to recuse myself from assigning a grade and instead, on a pass/fail scale, pass them.
reflection: they were so prolific in 10 years with wildly varying results, but it makes me feel like we need to all create more haphazardly and throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks instead of being so precious about it. because honestly, a monkey at a typewriter with that kind of output WILL eventually write something good. I also think it's the kill baby Mussolini principle in that even if you killed baby Mussolini there would still be the sociopolitical situation which gave rise to Mussolini. so if The Beatles never formed there would've been other band/s who evolved with the upheaval of the 60s who would now serve as this cultural touchstone. but this is what we got and thats quite interesting I think.
takeaway: I cant listen to another beatles song for at least 2 calendar years
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the-reconstructor · 8 months
The White Album has always been a controversial album in the Beatles' canon. While some (rightly) hail it as a masterpiece, an album greater than all of its flaws, some are dissatisfied enough with it to suggest that it would have been a better, stronger record had it been confined to a single LP.
I've long disagreed with that stance, and recently managed to finish a project I'd been working on for a long time. What if the White Album was a TRIPLE album?
Single album theorists and their custom tracklists be damned, what if they had used every single song they wrote in 1968 on the album? An even more expansive and insane version of this already massive album. Here's what I ended up with, as seen in a blog post over at The Reconstructor:
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Back in the U.S.S.R. (The White Album) Dear Prudence (The White Album) Glass Onion (The White Album) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Anthology 3) Wild Honey Pie (The White Album) The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill (The White Album) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The White Album) Happiness is a Warm Gun (The White Album) Martha My Dear (The White Album) I'm So Tired (The White Album) Piggies (The White Album) Blackbird (The White Album) Rocky Raccoon (The White Album) Don't Pass Me By (Anthology 3) Why Don't We Do It in the Road? (The White Album) I Will (The White Album) Julia (The White Album) Revolution (Past Masters) Circles (The White Album) Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Abbey Road) Child of Nature (The White Album) Teddy Boy (McCartney) What's the New Mary Jane? (Anthology 3) Look at Me (Plastic Ono Band) The Long and Winding Road (Anthology 3) Sour Milk Sea (The White Album) Let it Be (Let it Be) Mean Mr. Mustard (Abbey Road) Polythene Pam (Abbey Road) Junk (McCartney) Not Guilty (The White Album) Hey Jude (Past Masters) Birthday (The White Album) Yer Blues (The White Album) Mother Nature's Son (The White Album) Everybody's Got Something to Hide (The White Album) Sexy Sadie (The White Album) Helter Skelter (The White Album) Long, Long, Long (The White Album) Revolution 1 (The White Album) Honey Pie (The White Album) Savoy Truffle (The White Album) Cry Baby Cry (The White Album) Revolution 9 (The White Album) Good Night (The White Album)
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gerogerigaogaigar · 10 months
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Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?
The debut album by Jimi Hendrix and crew is a stunning piece of psychedelic rock. Heavy blues guitar licks are the standard fare here. It lacks the full extent of jazzy exploration that Hendrix's later albums show, but it is still an incredible album. Being the first album from an artist who was always exploring and evolving I'm confused why it is his highest rated album on the list but actually I know why, it's because Are You Experienced has all his biggest hits. The people at Rolling Stone are children after all, jingling keys gets them more excited than artistic expression ever will.
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The Beatles - The White Album
Are you fucking kidding me? I honestly thought we were past the point where I would have anything bad to say about the albums on the list. I mean this is supposedly the 29th best album of all time? The White Album is an infamously bloated mess, and what's left when you pate it down still isn't their best work. Correction, the stretch of songs that includes Wild Honey Pie, The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill, While My Guitar Gently Weep, and Happiness Is A Warm Gun is actually their best work. The last of those four being one of my all time favorite Beatles songs. There are some moments of charm but this album is tedious as fuck and includes some of their absolute worst: Glass Onion, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, Birthday, Yer Blues, Revolution 1, and of course Revolution 9 should be stricken from reality. This list should be stricken from reality. What a fucking albatross I have wrapped around my own neck.
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D'Angelo - Voodoo
My thoughts on this album are very much the same as I had for Brown Sugar. Every song is good, but the album goes on too long. There is a little more variety here and I think the production is a little richer in a way that makes it more listenable, but it is very long. The highlight is probably Left And Right for its features from Redman and Method Man. I actually wouldn't have minded more features. This album is begging for a little more hip hop influence. Either way every D'Angelo album is better than the last and he has a pretty strong starting point. I hope I don't sound too mean I really do like this album I'm just an ADHD queen who cannot focus if an album keeps the same tempo for too long.
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Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
I'm willing to bet most everyone already knows this is the album that defined East coast hip hop. I've talked about the features before: sparse beats punctuated by haunted piano loops, intense focus on virtuosic flow and rhyming. What Enter The Wu-Tang brings us that no other album can is the entire Wu-Tang Clan all at once. From the slums of Shaolin the Wu-Tang Clan strikes again the RZA, the GZA, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Inspecta Deck, Raekwon The Chef, U-God, Ghostface Killah, and the Method Man. Also Masta Killa and 4th disciple but they aren't listed in the opening of the song Method Man for some reason. The cast of rappers is huge and they all seem to share an incredible delight for the kung-fu kayfabe badass personae that infects the album. And with so many distinct voices on the record it is constantly dynamic, almost manic, in its pace. Plus Enter The Wu-Tang is just full of iconic songs, over half the album is certified hits. No other hip hop record bombards you so constantly with such a huge collection of raw talent.
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Patti Smith - Horses
Patti Smith marries art rock poetry with punk rock vulgarity in a way that both makes apparent her role as an early punk artist and leaves her standing somewhere outside of punk itself. Both of the nine minute tracks, Bird land and Horses, take us through a surreal melange of avante garde and 50s rock and roll. The violent cover of The Who's My Generation takes the song and tears it to shreds ending on Smith saying "We created it, let's take it over". And of course there's the lesbian punk anthem Gloria which is a near complete rewrite of a Van Morrison song with the sexual aggression turned up to eleven. All of the covers and musical quoting make the album feel like a quilt made of all the things that influenced Smith's poetry and music. It's the desire to rebel and the feeling of salt of the earth country folk and the musings of a poet all wrapped into one package.
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Carole King - Tapestry
Carole King was one of the most prolific and influential songwriters of the 60s so when she sat down to record her own album she brought a decade of experience with her. Tapestry was technically her second solo album, but her debut was poorly produced and didn't showcase her talents well. Tapestry fixes this. It is a time machine to the heyday of 60s pop rock with a fine veneer of nostalgia. Tapestry consists almost entirely of new songs with the exception of Will You Love Me Tomorrow?, and (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman which King gets to record for the first time in her own voice. The combination of tin pan alley arrangements and Kings unadorned and powerful voice make Tapestry a standout album in the world of 70s adult contemporary.
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The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Whoa really? I was super certain they were gonna put this at number one. Well at a much more modest twenty four here's the most overrated album of all time. Okay yeah I'm gonna trash this album just for fun but it is good, really good. It's just that the praise heaped on it is totally undeserved. So first the good. Sgt. Pepper's is a fantastically jaunty psychedelic tinged album with incredible variety that genuinely shows off each individual member of the group at their best. What it isn't, though, is new or innovative or something that every other band was rushing to copy. It definitely helped bring psychedelic music farther into the mainstream but they were at least a year behind. You know what fuck the negativity I'm doing a 180. The little psychedelic elements, heavy use of sitar, vocal distortion, and the general air of goofing off make Sgt. Pepper's a delightful and easy listen. The wilder ends of the album, the vaudeville Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! The showtimey bounce of When I'm Sixty-Four or the orchestral freak out on A Day In The Life are kinda what make it. The Beatles manage to seemingly get lost in weird bullshit only to reign it back in. It's a fun album and I've already written too much about these fuckers so bye.
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The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico
They were a bunch of classically trained and beat poet types backed up by avant garde singer Nico and managed by Andy Warhol. The Velvet Underground were basically destined to do what they did. Their debut record strikes a weird tense balance between psychedelic rock and minimalist drone as well as being one of many origin points for punk (take a shot every time I say something was an influence on punk music and you'll die). No part of this album isn't a stand out moment from the very beginning where Sunday Morning fakes you out into thinking this will be a normal psychedelic album to the nearly eight minutes of discordant violin on European Son that closes out the album. Nico's vocals add a surreal icy flair to the tracks she sings on and the production is so raw that it feels like the album is deteriorating as you listen.
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The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready To Die
The prophetically titled Ready To Die is amazing for showing the actual range of emotion simmering under the surface of 90s hip hop kayfabe. The bravado is always undercut with lyrics that remind us that Biggie knows how far he's come and how fast it happened. He want to present badass machismo but he can't help rapping about a deep underlying depression. Even on the obligatory sex skit the kayfabe falls apart as Biggie and Lil Kim can't help but break into laughter at how stupid the bit is. Biggie's technique is also immaculate. Not only is he good at doing complex rhymes but he can sell very silly lines very well. The line "I got techniques coming out my butt cheeks / sleep on my stomache so I don't fuck up my sheets" lives rent free in my head.
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Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
A lovingly crafted blue collar opera. A street life fairytale. The sweeping highs of Americana come crashing back to earth in a fit of reality. Born To Run is desperate, romantic, dramatic. Every line, every riff, every piano fill is there to make you feel something. There's so much fear and desperation expressed in these eight songs. And they are beautifully composed. There's a true love of rock and roll and a love of the rebellious attitude it represents but with an underlying fear that rebellion isn't actually an escape. As much as I love Nebraska I have to admit this is probably Springsteen's best album. This is one of the best albums period.
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steelycunt · 1 year
ridiiiii now i have to know what 12 songs you’d keep as the white album
omg okay see this is the question i was afraid of...i feel like if i was trying to take the 12 songs out of the white album that would make it a genuinely good, cohesive album it would be very different to the 12 id keep for personal reasons as my favourites like. MY 12-song white album still has martha my dear on it...which i think if someone was trying to narrow the white album down to a good-quality 12-song album would be one of the first to go...but its. martha my dear :-( i think definitely im keeping back in the ussr while my guitar gently weeps dear prudence...i like obladi oblada but i fear. it has to go. im cutting revolution nine sorry. because truly i dont care. im embarrassed but i do like rocky raccoon...so it would make MY white album but if i was trying to build an actually good white album. well it wouldnt have rocky raccoon in would it :-( anyway sorry im rambling so real answer. there are actually not even 12 songs on the white album i like come to think about it but if i was making the white album for ME im keeping: back in the ussr / dear prudence / obladi oblada / while my guitar gently weeps / i'm so tired / blackbird / rocky raccoon / julia / helter skelter / revolution 1 and then im genuinely out of white album songs i care about enough...if im making a good white album id probably chuck in happiness is a warm gun..glass onion maybe. i will perhaps...
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bungitonthen · 7 months
15/11/23: a beatles playlist 2
back in the USSR
dear prudence
while my guitar gently weeps
happiness is a warm gun
martha my dear
I'm so tired
yer blues
everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey
sexy sadie
helter skelter
long long long
cry baby cry
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pickingatreality · 1 year
Listening to one Beatles album every week, The White Album (Part 1)
Since The White Album is so long I'm listening to the first record this week and the second next week. (masterlist)
Love Counter:
Back In The U.S.S.R: 0
Dear Prudence: 0
Glass Onion: 0
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da: 0
Wild Honey Pie: 1
The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill: 0
While My Guitar Gently Weeps: 3
Happiness Is A Warm Gun: 0
Martha My Dear: 2
I'm So Tired: 0
Blackbird: 0
Piggies: 0
Rocky Raccoon: 0
Don't Pass Me By: 5
Why Don't We Do It In The Road?: 0
I Will: 6
Julia: 5
Total "love"s (for this record): 22
Top Three Songs:
Martha My Dear
Back In The U.S.S.R
(honorable mention) Glass Onion
Rocky Raccoon
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stop enabling me! …. however i just remembered the us soundtrack albums are not actually on capitol, so i will pedantically correct my error and u get one more opinion :-) speaking of the us ahdn imo the most joyful burst of 3 songs in their discog is its tell me why/happy just to dance/i should have known better (sort of cheating but its REAL). which group of 3 songs is most euphoric to u!
I'm a little confused because those three songs don't seem to appear in that order on the US version of AHDN? (and neither do they on the UK version) For reference:
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I'm having trouble finding a three song run that is specifically euphoric (as opposed to being three great, but perhaps not all upbeat) songs, but honestly I do really like When I'm Sixty-Four, Lovely Rita, Good Morning Good Morning! Also maybe this is weird but The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Happiness Is A Warm Gun (or if we cheat and ignore Wild Honey Pie, you could start at Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da!; You could also start one song later and go to Martha My Dear, but the transition from Bungalow Bill to While My Guitar is my FAVOURITE in the entire discog outside the Abbey Road medley!!!!)
:-) I will continue to enable you as long as I wish >:)
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White album?
ooh good one anon!! and also one that is going to be extremely long lmaooo so buckle up for what's below the cut
back in the u.s.s.r: well, the ukraine girls really knock me out / they leave the west behind / and moscow girls make me sing and shout / that georgia's always on my mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mind
dear prudence: the wind is low, the birds will sing / that you are part of everything / dear prudence / won't you open up your eyes?
glass onion: i told you 'bout the walrus and me, man / you know that we're as close as can be, man / well, here's another clue for you all / the walrus was paul <- (faul)
ob-la-di, ob-la-da: happy ever after in the market place / molly lets the children lend a hand / desmond stays at home and does his pretty face / and in the evening, she's a singer with the band
wild honey pie: i love you, honey pie (about the only "lyric" in the whole "song")
the continuing story of bungalow bill: the children asked him if to kill was not a sin / "not when he looked so fierce" his mommy butted in / "if looks could kill, it would have been us instead of him"
while my guitar gently weeps: i look at you all, see the love there that's sleeping / while my guitar gently weeps / i look at the floor, and i see it needs sweeping / still, my guitar gently weeps
happiness is a warm gun: she's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand / like a lizard on a window pane
martha my dear: when you find yourself in the thick of it / help yourself to a bit of what is all around you / silly girl
i'm so tired: i'm so tired, i haven't slept a wink / i'm so tired, my mind is on the blink / i wonder should i get up and fix myself a drink
blackbird: blackbird singing in the dead of night / take these broken wings and learn to fly / all your life / you were only waiting for this moment to arise
piggies: have you seen the little piggies crawling in the dirt? / and for all the little piggies, life is getting worse
rocky raccoon: his rival, it seems, had broken his dreams / by stealing the girl of his fancy / her name was magill, and she called herself lil / but everyone knew her as nancy
don't pass me by: i'm sorry that i doubted you, i was so unfair / you were in a car crash, and you lost your hair <- (faul)
why don't we do it in the road: why don't we do it in the road? / no one will be watching us / why don't we do it in the road? (profound lyrics right here)
i will: who knows how long i've loved you? / you know i love you still / will i wait a lonely lifetime? / if you want me to, i will
julia: morning moon, touch me / so i sing a song of love, julia
birthday: they say it's your birthday / well, it's my birthday too, yeah (another profound set of lyrics)
yer blues: black cloud crossed my mind / blue mist round my soul / feel so suicidal / even hate my rock and roll
mother nature's son: find me in my field of grass / mother nature's son / swaying daisies, sing a lazy song beneath the sun
everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey: the deeper you go, the higher you fly / the higher you fly, the deeper you go
sexy sadie: one sunny day, the world was waiting for a lover / she came along to turn on everyone / sexy sadie, the greatest of them all
helter skelter: tell me, tell me, tell me, come on, tell me the answer / well, you may be a lover, but you ain't no dancer
long, long, long: now i can see you, be you / how can i ever misplace you?
revolution 1: but if you want money for people with minds that hate / well, all i can tell you is, brother, you have to wait
honey pie: now honey pie you are making me crazy / i'm in love but i'm lazy / so won't you please come home
savoy truffle: you know that what you eat you are / but what is sweet now turns so sour / we all know ob-la-di-bla-da / but can you show me where you are?
cry baby cry: cry, baby, cry / make your mother sigh / she's old enough to know better
revolution 9: number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine etc etc etc (the most profound of all "lyrics")
good night: now the moon begins to shine / good night, sleep tight
send me an album and i'll give you my favorite lyric from each song!
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mickadamz · 3 years
fav beatles song?
never ask a beatles fan what his favorite song is. worst mistake of my life. anyways heres an unnecessarily long list of my favorites in no particular order have fun :)
for no one
a day in the life
across the universe
eleanor rigby
and i love her
mother nature's son
i'm only sleeping
hey jude
let it be
not technically a beatles song but its by mccartney: keep under cover
we can work it out
twist and shout
rocky raccoon
have u heard of the movie across the universe? its a jukebox musical set in 1960s america during the vietnam war and its rly good. anyways i like the versions of "happiness is a warm gun", "i am the walrus", "across the universe", "i want you (she's so heavy)", "while my guitar gently weeps", and "hey jude" that were made for that movie
fool on the hill
the long and winding road
the entire abbey road album. especially "you never give me your money", "golden slumbers" and "the end".
if i list any more the sniper positioned outside my window will pull the trigger. im living on borrowed time.
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monkberries · 2 years
The White Album (to put in order) haha
of course, lmao.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps Helter Skelter Dear Prudence Revolution 1 Long, Long, Long Yer Blues Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da I'm So Tired Happiness Is A Warm Gun Back In The USSR Blackbird Cry Baby Cry I Will Martha My Dear Savoy Truffle Don't Pass Me By Piggies Mother Nature's Son Glass Onion Sexy Sadie Good Night Julia Birthday Honey Pie Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey Why Don't We Do It In The Road Rocky Raccoon The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill Revolution 9 Wild Honey Pie
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savageandwise · 3 years
fav songs from the Beatles the white album?
So okay. I'm cheating on this cause it's a double album and it's the Beatles!
Happiness is a warm gun
Helter Skelter
Cry Baby Cry
While my guitar gently weeps
Yer Blues
I Will
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