#orbot cubot and ergo
ask-cueball · 14 days
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Welcome back, after such a long hiatus, to Ask Cueball: Arc 2!!
As you can see, I decided to return to Tumblr! I am also going to set up a Cohost and possibly a Pillowfort for the comic as well - however they aren't up quite yet, as I'm actually away from home on a large trip and will be until the end of the month. Normally I would wait until things are less hectic to post, especially since I haven't decided on a new schedule (I work Saturdays now, so it's not a feasible schedule anymore), but today is also the 4th anniversary of Ask Cueball, and I felt there would be no better time than now to bring us back! It's been in the works for a long time, so I hope you enjoy what I have in store.
(P.S. - the Discord server is now open to the public again! The old link should still work, and I'll have a pinned post up by tomorrow that will have the link as well. Feel free to stop in!)
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cheesebrackers · 3 months
SA-55 - ERGO
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I have to color him or label him because if he ain’t colored he’s indistinguishable from orbot
(Orbot’s on the right)
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 1 month
1) My art
2) Original
3-10) Characters separately without background
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bgsartcavern · 2 years
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I haven't gotten that far into the game yet but I really like SAGE a lot so far. Also she reminds me of the little robot from Unleashed, mostly because of appearance.
(Reblog, don't repost!)
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rozex21 · 1 month
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Sonic the hedgehog infection au thing idk
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akuoliver · 6 days
Mi tiktok
Es mi tiktok, y pos... un video de Orbot y Ergo
@hebby-arts es mas o menos como yo veia a Ergo antes de ver su de ver tu version, me quedare con la que le hize para este video para mi AU
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lea-andres · 2 years
Orbot, Cubot, and/or Ergo?
YES. (I'm gonna do them altogether because a lot of my thoughts are intertwined. Do not separate and all that )
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First impression: Hehe silly robots.
Impression now: Married old men. Also Cuorb was the best ship in Sonic Boom.
Favorite moment: I know this is excluding Ergo, but *gestures at all of Boom*
Idea for a story: Uh, have Momma Robotnik and Orbot and Cubot interacting (more or less) in one of my WIPs. You can probably tell who is who:
Favorite relationship: *gestures at them*
Favorite headcanon: I love your ask blog's story line so much I'm so tempted to declare it canon (at least to my fics anyway). That happened at some point in the background. *Preps the raccoon gif I use a lot*
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miarobotnik · 2 years
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I have just finished drawing it, so Lunar New Year's Rabbit! The rabbit is a symbol of peace, happiness, and health in Chinese culture.
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 2 years
Okay, shenanigans over... Do your shape bots for the character thing. 😂
Or whichever one you want to do if you don't want to do all three at once.
Oh boy my shapes! I'll do the main three (I'd do Tribot too but I really don't have much for her yet sadly)
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First impression - Oh no. My dark secret.
ORBOT: "Huh...Ergo looked better, they should've just kept him..."
CUBOT: "Wow, you are VERY loud."
ERGO: "I still like Bocoe and Decoe better, but...I do like you a lot. Close second."
Impression now - "MY BELOVED. I am going to steal you and you are now mine. These characters are mine in every way but legally."
Favorite moment
ORBOT: I disintegrate every time this bot opens his mouth and you expect me to pick just one??
CUBOT: There's lots, but the first thing that popped into my head was his voice screaming "hE'S BALD!!" so I guess that deserves a mention LMAO
ERGO: Any time he talks shit to Eggman really.
Idea for a story - Ah-ah-ah, can't say! That's spoilers...Ergo especially~
Unpopular opinion - The shapes deserve a canon spinoff, be it a comic, a show, a series of shorts, a game, etc. Also Tribot should be made canon.
Favorite relationship -
ORBOT AND CUBOT: Come on we all know the answer here, it's each other obviously. Orbot and Cubot's gayness cannot be surpassed.
ERGO: Kinda obsessed with his creationship with Eggman. There's a lot that can be unpacked there especially if you take Ask Cueball as canon.
Favorite headcanon
ORBOT: Orbot has some musical talent but he's usually too embarrassed to show it around most.
CUBOT: Cubot will kill with no hesitation (this is half-canon at this point though) and is surprisingly capable at creating weapons.
ERGO: Ergo deeply cared for Eggman at one point and was deeply betrayed when his deactivation came around.
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erotophs · 2 years
Rank Eggman's robot assistants! (Like, Scratch and Grounder, Orbot and Cubot, etc. Not every robot he's ever made, that would take forever! @_@)
Let's toss Metal Sonic, Snively, and Stone in there too, if you feel up for it.
⚡OUGH thiz iz gonna be a hard 1,,,, we adore all of them ofc but we Do adore zome more than otherz zo in order from moztezt favoriteizt zpecial meow meow to favorite⚡
1. The Shapebots [Orbot, Cubot, Ergo, Tribot]
2. Snively Robotnik
3. Scratch Grounder and Coconuts
4. Stone
5. Starline
6. Metal Sonic
Ones we don't rlly know much ab: Bocoe Decoe and Bokkun, the archie comic eggbosses [we think the page where tassel bot gets owned is cool tho]
Rough and tumble still kinda count but we dont rlly think ab them
We r Sleet and Dingophobic. We do not like sleet and dingo
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datos-de-mis-aus · 6 days
La relacion-hermandad entre Orbot y Salar (oc and canon)
Su amistad es como la de Charry Bomb y Angel Dust
Salar es la q comunmente inicia todo
Orbot la tiene que cuidar, porque si se va, tiene riesgo de morir
Ambos (por las pendejadas de Salar) casi se mueren 18 veces
Orbot fue el primero que supo que Salar era Trans
Salar fue la primera junto a Cubot en saber que Ergo y Orbot son tecnicamente hermanos
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 3 months
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Human versions of Heartbot, Orbot, Ergo, Cubot, Plumbot and Tribot
I drew almost all day starting at night
You can see their human versions with helmets in one album, since on Tumblr I can’t add more than 10 photos in a post, and this is very sad
Link to the album with their human versions - https://vk.com/album-224838836_304798706
If any of you want to redraw them, then I won't mind
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bgsartcavern · 2 years
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..stuck in a sea of white noise..
(Reblog don't repost!)
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cube-lemon-blog · 2 months
Hello! I'm Lemon and I always wanted to create this blog so I finally did it!
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But before you ask me or talk to me, please read the rules:
No NSFW, racist, homophobic and transphobic. It makes me uncomfortable...
Ask me whatever you want but make sure is not problematic.
Be kind and respectful in this blog!
Please, please, please! Be patient, I might be not posting anything but I'll reblog. So please do not push me just to post something!
Dividers by @saradika
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Okay... Since I said the rules, I guess it's time to say about me!
As you already know, I'm Lemon! Actually... My name was Cubot but something horrible happened and that name brings me horrible memories... It would be very kind to call me by my new name and not by my dead name...
I really love making new friends so I hope I find new people here because is very amazing to have friends!
If you didn't know, I'm pansexual and genderfluid and my pronouns are he/they/xe.
I love hugs!
I want everyone to be happy and safe. If anyone wants to talk about something and feels better, you can talk to me... I'll be very happy to help you and make you feel better!
Although, I have friends and I would like to share them to you! My friends are:
Metal Sonic, Sage, Grounder and... Orbot... Well, he was my best friend but... Not anymore.....
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That's... All I got. I hope you understand and I wish you a good day/night!
(heeeeyyyy,, @rozex21 here, creator of this blog. Y'all before you attack me, I have to say that I don't see Orbot and Cubot as brothers but as best friends. So in this au they are all friends. I never see all of them that way. Yes, Sage is still Eggman's "daughter" but making all of them siblings? Naahh... I'll update this blog hopefully very soon, for now, enjoy Ergo being the PFP... He's gonna appear here too-)
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orbviously · 6 years
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( This song is absolutely perfect for these three, and I super recommend you checking it out. Also please check out SPG, they’re just... gosh, they’re wonderful. )
( do not delete caption, do not repost! ) ( featuring @orbviously, @cubeviously and @ergoviously )
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marketable plushie
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