elcibeyyolu · 9 months
Elçibəy Sobaya Odun qoyarkən bu qədər sadə prezidentin qədrini bilməyən xalqa 100 ildə belə prezident gəlsə yenə qədrini bilməyəcəklər... Ehh dünya...
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starkmrjavad · 2 years
1991-ci ildə ermənilər Naxçıvan-Ermənistan dövlət sərhədinə çox yaxın bir ərazidə çobanlıq edən iki azərbaycanlını və onlara məxsus 1.500 qoyunu oğurlayırlar. Hadisədən hiddətlənən bir qrup azərbaycanlı içində 81 nəfərin olduğu və əsasən erməni sərnişinlərdən ibarət Qafan-İrəvan qatarını Ordubad rayonunda yerləşən dəmiryolu stansiyasında girov götürür. İlkin danışıqlardan sonra qadın və uşaqlar buraxılır və tələb olunur ki, 2 çoban və 1.500 qoyun geri qaytarılsın. Ermənistan tərəfi tələbi yerinə yetirir və beləcə ələ keçirilmiş sərnişin qatarı 2 günlük gecikmə ilə yoluna qaldığı yerdən davam edir.
İnformasiya blokdasının olduğu bir zamanda baş vermiş bu hadisə Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatlarının 70-dən çox qəzetində işıqlandırılıb.
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shahananasrin-blog · 10 months
[ad_1] Azerbaycan Savunma Bakanlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamada, bugün yerel saat 13.35’den 13.45'e kadar Azerbaycan ordusunun Nahçıvan Özerk Cumhuriyeti, Ordubad ili güzergahındaki mevzilerinin Ermenistan ordusuna bağlı birlikler tarafından ateş altına alındığı belirtildi. Açıklamada, açılan ateşe Azerbaycan ordusu birlikleri tarafından karşılık verildiği kaydedildi.Rus barış gücünün geçici olarak konuşlandığı bölgede bulunan Ermeni silahlı grupların Azerbaycan ordusunun Ağdam yönündeki mevzilerine yaklaşmak amacıyla yerel saatle 14.00 civarında yeni hendekler kazmaya çalıştığı belirtildi.Azerbaycan ordusuna bağlı birliklerin aldığı tedbirler sonucu çalışmaların engellendiği aktarıldı. Mehmet Küçükkahveci . Haber7.com - Gece Sorumlusu [ad_2]
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Chronicles of Victory: October 16 2020
BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 16. The Azerbaijani Military launched a counter-offensive operation, later referred to as the “Iron Fist”, on September 27, 2020, in response to the large-scale provocation of the Armenian armed forces alongside the frontline, Development reviews. The erupted 44-day Second Karabakh Warfare ended with the liberation of Azerbaijan’s territories from almost 30-year Armenian occupation. Development presents the chronicle of the twentieth day of the Second Karabakh struggle: – President Ilham Aliyev interviewed by A Haber TV channel. – “Azerbaijan’s superb Military has liberated Khirmanjig, Agbulag and Akhullu villages of Khojavend district. Lengthy dwell Azerbaijan’s Military! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!” President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a publish on his official Twitter account. – The artillery battery belonging to the Armenian armed forces was destroyed, and the deputy commander of the forces regiment was injured. An inventory of the tools of the Armenian Armed Forces destroyed at night time was disclosed. – The Azerbaijani Prosecutor Basic’s Workplace reported that 47 civilians had been killed and 222 injured on account of shelling of Azerbaijani settlements by the Armenian armed forces. – The Azerbaijani Protection Ministry shared footage from villages of the Khojavend district of Azerbaijan, which had been liberated from the Armenian occupation. – The Armenian armed forces, grossly violating the humanitarian ceasefire, continued shelling the territories of Goranboy, Tartar, Aghdam, Aghjabadi and Fuzuli districts of Azerbaijan. – The Armenian armed forces launched a missile strike on the territory of the Ordubad district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. – The Armenian aspect bombarded a cemetery in Ahmadaghalilar village, Aghdam district. – The Azerbaijani Protection Ministry shared new footage from the liberated Hadrut settlement. – The state flag of Azerbaijan was raised above the border outposts liberated from Armenian occupation. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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gumus-online · 2 years
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QİYMET 35 M @gumus_online @bijuteriya_gumus#gumus_online #azerbaycan#baki#azerbaycaninsta #portbakumall#genclikmall #parkbulvarmall#28may#boyunbagi #sirqa#uzuk#üzük#qolbag#qizil #gumus#naxcivan#ordubad#kitap #sekil#aksesuar#geyim#toy #xonca#xezertv#gence#sumqayit#gelinlikmodelleri#gelinlikmodelleri2019#gelinlik https://www.instagram.com/p/CX2bhTwoaSb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ayrı-ayrı məqamları təhlil edəndə görürsən ki, jurnalistika ümumən hadisə və proseslərə necə yanaşır. Barəsində neqativ məlumat yayılan hansısa şəxsin şiddətlə qınanması lazımdır. Amma jurnalist linç yox, tənqid etməlidir. Tənqid konkret fakta əsaslanmalı, yaradıcılıq məhsulu olaraq ortaya çıxmalıdır. Şəxslərarası atışmalar insanların ədalət ruhunu sarsıdır, müəyyən münasibətlər sisteminə zərbə vurur. Nəticədə kütlə psixologiyasının dominant mövqe qazanmasına şərait yaranır. Bu isə olduqca ziyanlı tendensiyadır. #media #journalist #kiv #muxbir #redactor #tv #radio #news #like4likes #tbt #ordubad #worktime #atwork #coment #2014 #february (Ordubadım) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3BMjAAXKr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y4cj89spe3uk
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gwendolynlerman · 3 years
Languages of the world
Azerbaijani (Azərbaycan dili/Азәрбајҹан дили/آذربایجان دیلی)
Basic facts
Number of native speakers: 23 million
Official language: Azerbaijan; Dagestan (Russia)
Also spoken: Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey
Script: Latin, 32 letters/Cyrillic, 33 letters/Arabic, 45 letters
Grammatical cases: 6
Linguistic typology: agglutinative, SOV
Language family: Turkic, Common Turkic, Oghuz, Western Oghuz
Number of dialects: 2 main groups
7th century - first written evidence
7th century-1920s - use of the Arabic script (it is still used in Iran)
1929 - creation of a Latin alphabet for Azerbaijani
1939-1991 - use of the Cyrillic alphabet (still in use in Dagestan)
1992 - Latin alphabet revision
Writing system and pronunciation
These are the letters that make up the Latin script: a b c ç d e ə f g ğ h x ı i j k q l m ñ o ö p r s ş t u ü v y z.
These are the letters that make up the Cyrillic script: а б в г ғ д е ә ж з и ы ј к ҝ л м н о ө п р с т у ү ф х һ ч ҹ ш ʼ.
These are the letters that make up the Arabic script: ی ه و ن م ل گ ک ق ف غ ع ظ ط ض ص ش س ژ ز ر ذ د خ ح چ ج ث ت پ ب ا ء.
Azerbaijan features vowel harmony. There are no initial consonant clusters. Stress usually falls on the last syllable.
Nouns have two numbers (singular and plural) and six cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, locative, and ablative).
There are no articles or prepositions. Noun complements precede nouns.
Verbs are marked for tense, mood, person, and number. Evidentiality is also marked.
There are two main dialect groups: North and South. North Azerbaijani includes Quba, Derbend, Baku, Shamakhi, Salyan, Lankaran, Qazakh, Airym, Borcala, Terekeme, Qyzylbash, Nukha, Zaqatala, Qabala, Yerevan, Nakhchivan, Ordubad, Ganja, Shusha, and Karapapak.
South Azerbaijani comprises Aynallu, Qarapapaq, Tabrizi, Qashqai, Afshari, Shahsavani, Muqaddam, Baharlu, Nafar, Qaragözlü, Pishaqchi, Bayatlu, Qajar, and Marandli.
Both groups of dialects are mutually intelligible, but they have significant differences in phonology, morphology, lexicon, and syntax.
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madderhatter · 2 years
do you know how we eat hole in azerbaijanya? we eat ass and then we plug the pucker with our iron cocks. how does turkish iron cock feel? I wonder...bplease give
If you want to experience the both, come to Nakhchivan. You can also try the Ordubad omelette while there. It ruined my gag reflex forever
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ukrainianfellow · 3 years
Putin's Russia has reduced the significance of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars road project. Georgia may remain on the side of the North-South international transport corridor and the New Silk Road
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Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan - Alexey Overchuk, Mher Grigoryan and Shahin Mustafayev held a trilateral meeting dedicated to the details of unblocking transport communications in the region. The decision in principle to unblock was made during the negotiations between Vladimir Putin, Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliyev, which took place on January 11 in Moscow.
We are talking about the Nakhichevan railroad, which in Soviet times connected the Masis station, located near Yerevan, the Azerbaijani city of Nakhichevan (the capital of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic) and Baku. The terms “Nakhichevan corridor” and “Meghri corridor” (after the name of the Meghri region of Armenia, through which the road passes) are also used.
During the Soviet era, this route was used for significant regional and international traffic between Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, as well as Iran and Turkey. However, after the end of the Armenian-Azerbaijani war in 1993, the movement along the route was completely stopped.
In fact, for Armenia this meant the introduction of a land blockade, since the Nakhichevan railway was the only land transport communication between Russia and Armenia.
The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, the landlocked exclave of Azerbaijan, also found itself in a partial blockade. After the cessation of traffic on the Nakhichevan road, land communication of the autonomy with other regions of Azerbaijan is carried out either through the territory of Iran in the south, or through the territory of Turkey in the west.
Thus, the decision to resume traffic on the Nakhichevan railway will help overcome the regional blockade and will have a beneficial effect on all states of the region, creating incentives for them for further development.
Armenian cargo will be able to be directly delivered to Russia (and this is the largest importer of goods from Armenia) by rail through the territory of Azerbaijan, and then - Dagestan. In a broader sense, this guarantees Armenia's direct access to the single market of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
In addition, Armenia can also receive a railway connection with Iran. Earlier, plans were voiced to build a new branch to the Iranian city of Marand through the Meghri region of Armenia, which could become part of the North-South international transport corridor.
The investment company Rasia FZE from the UAE showed interest in the project back in 2013, and a free economic zone was even launched in the Armenian Meghri in 2017, designed to stimulate cross-border trade. However, despite these steps, the project was frozen due to high costs. Now he is again acquiring features of realism.
The restart of the Nakhichevan Corridor is also beneficial for Russia, which will receive an alternative land route to the markets of the Middle East. First of all, to Turkey, with which Russia's trade turnover is steadily growing. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has already made it clear that Moscow will continue to develop direct Armenian-Azerbaijani transport links. Note that the Armenian railways have been under the control of Russian Railways since 2008, and the "Nakhichevan Corridor" itself, according to the trilateral agreement, will be guarded by Russian border guards.
In the future, there will be an opportunity for direct communication between Turkey and Azerbaijan, which have already announced the construction of an extension of the Nakhichevan railway to the Turkish city of Ygdir with a length of 230 km. The investment is estimated at $ 270 million.
Today the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway is operating, which connects the two states through the territory of Georgia, but the Nakhichevan road will be about 340 km shorter. Reducing the distance for transporting goods and passengers will reduce transport costs, speed up bilateral trade and increase tourist flow.
The new road "Nakhichevan - Ygdyr - Kars" will be connected with the railway line, which continues to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Thus, through Nakhichevan, Turkey will receive direct access to the Caspian Sea, as well as to the Turkic world in Central Asia.
Creation of a full-fledged "Nakhichevan corridor", which in the future can be integrated into the international transport corridor "North-South" and "New Silk Road", will give an impetus to the rapid development of Azerbaijani autonomy. Therefore, regional players are already showing interest in its economic fate.
Thus, Turkey plans to lay a new gas pipeline between Ygdir and Nakhichevan, which was previously supplied with gas at the expense of Iran. At the same time, Iran is ready to resume construction on the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, on the Araks river, the Khodaafarin dam and two hydroelectric power plants - Ordubad and Marazad.
The competition between Iran and Turkey for Nakhichevan is likely to only intensify. Earlier, for almost three decades (since the blocking of Nakhichev Nsk railway in 1993), the logistics of the Azerbaijani autonomy was carried out mainly through Iranian territory. Now, with the emergence of new roads and a gas pipeline, Iran will suffer not only economic, but also geopolitical losses in the region.
The new Rasht-Astara road, which should also become part of the North-South corridor, can provide a kind of compensation for Iran. The construction of the road has already been credited to Iran by official Baku in the amount of $ 500 million.
Apart from Iran, Georgia, which is now playing the role of a transit hub in the South Caucasus, may also be a victim. After all, Armenian cargoes going to Russia now pass through the territory of Georgia. However, the appearance of an alternative road through Azerbaijan and Dagestan will sharply reduce the importance of the Georgian Military Road.
The weak hopes of official Tbilisi that the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars road should be developed as an alternative to the Nakhichevan corridor will obviously not come true. And not only for economic reasons, but also for geopolitical reasons. After all, initially Russia tried to reduce the importance of Georgia in the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars road project. Having concluded an agreement with Baku and Ankara on the transportation of goods to Turkey using this road, Moscow immediately offered to build an additional station on Turkish territory to replace the Georgian one.
Now the Nakhichevan corridor, if it develops towards Ygdyr, makes the transit function of Georgia in the region virtually insignificant. However, this will partly hit Russia itself. In recent years, the authorities of North Ossetia, through which the Armenian and Georgian cargo flows, have developed a number of projects aimed at increasing the transit role of the Georgian Military Highway - expanding the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint, creating a branch of the Armenian Embassy in Vladikavkaz. In addition, a new bypass road will be built in Vladikavkaz, designed to relieve the city from transit trucks heading to the Russian-Georgian border. Restarting the Nakhichevan Corridor may call into question the need for all these infrastructure projects.
What made Russia decide to abandon the road through Georgia? Georgia's pro-Western course and the buildup of military cooperation with NATO led Russia to look for alternative trade routes. Because of its guided course, Georgia risks becoming isolated, which will once again negatively affect its economy.
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Norzen bobwhite Növ dekorativ bildirçin 🥰🦃🦢👍 #neftcala #neftçala #baking #baki #zerdab #zerdablilar #bıldırcınyumurtası #bildircin #bobwhitequail #bobwhite #oguz #oğuz #oğuzatay #ordubad #ordubadlilar #ordubadim #saatli #saatlı #saatlitablo #sabirabad #sabirabadjurnali #sabirabadda #sabirabadofficial #sabirabadxeber #sabirabadprikol #saliyan #salyan #salyan_seheri #salyangoz #salyankosmetika (at Baki, Azerbaycan - Баку, Азербайджан) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRiXREH8ny/?igshid=2e3ankphfkr4
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gumus-online · 2 years
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QİYMET 65 M @gumus_online @bijuteriya_gumus#gumus_online #azerbaycan#baki#azerbaycaninsta #portbakumall#genclikmall #parkbulvarmall#28may#boyunbagi #sirqa#uzuk#üzük#qolbag#qizil #gumus#naxcivan#ordubad#kitap #sekil#aksesuar#geyim#toy #xonca#xezertv#gence#sumqayit#gelinlikmodelleri#gelinlikmodelleri2019#gelinlik https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ4qCQssAqR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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23 fevral böyük ürəkli insan, səmimi və sadə ağsaqqal, Azərbaycan Respublikası Milli Məclisinin deputatı, Milli Məclisin Hesablayıcı Komissiyasının sədri, Regional Məsələlər Komitəsinin sədr müavini, Azərbaycan Ağsaqqallar Şurasının sədri Fəttah Səməd oğlu Heydərovun doğum günüdür. Allah rəhmət etsin inşallah. Fəttah Heydərov 1938-ci il fevralın 23-də Naxçıvan MR-nın Babək rayonunun Çeşməbasar kəndində anadan olmuşdur. 1955-ci ildə Nehrəm kənd orta məktəbini, 1959–1964-cü illərdə Azərbaycan Dövlət Universitetinin mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsini, 1975-ci ildə Bakı Ali Partiya Məktəbini bitirmişdir. 1955-ci ildə Babək rayonu Güznüt kənd klubunun müdiri kimi başlamışdır. 1958-ci ildən Çeşməbasar səkizillik məktəbinin müəllimi, 1968-ci ildən Naxçıvan Vilayət Partiya Komitəsinin təlimatçısı, 1970-ci ildən Ordubad Rayon Partiya Komitəsinin ikinci katibi işləmiş, 1970–1990–cı illərdə Naxçıvan şəhər və Ordubad rayon XDS-in deputatı seçilmişdir. 1976–1978-ci illərdə Naxçıvan MSSR Əhaliyə Məişət Xidməti naziri işləmişdir. 1978-ci ildən Ordubad, 1986-cı ildən Culfa Rayon Partiya Komitəsinin I katibi, 1983-cü ildən Naxçıvan MR Mədəniyyət naziri işləmişdir. 1990–1995-ci illərdə Naxçıvan MR Ali Sovetinin deputatı olmuşdur. Azərbaycan Respublikası I (1995-ci il), II (2000-ci il), III (2005-ci il), IV (2010-cu il), V (2015-ci il), VI (2020-ci il) çağırış Milli Məclisinin deputatı olmuşdur. Milli Məclisin Hesablayıcı Komissiyasının sədri, Regional Məsələlər Komitəsinin sədr müavini olmuş Azərbaycan Ağsaqqallar Şurasının sədri işləmişdir. 4 avqust 2020-ci ildə vəfat etmiş, I Fəxri Xiyabanda dəfn olunmuşdur. https://www.instagram.com/p/CaTssPAtRdL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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soyarmenio · 2 years
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Armenia comenzó trabajos preparatorios para la construcción del tramo Meghri del ferrocarril Yeraskh-Julfa-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz #Armenia #Ferrocaril #Iran https://soyarmenio.com/noticias-de-armenia/inician-construccion-del-tramo-meghri-del-ferrocarril/
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gwendolynlerman · 4 years
Languages of the world
Azerbaijani (azərbaycan dili/азәрбајҹан дили)
Basic facts
Number of native speakers: 23 million
Official language: Azerbaijan, Russia (Dagestan), Turkic Council
Language of diaspora: Armenia, Belarus, Canada, France, Georgia, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, United States
Script: Latin, 33 letters/Cyrillic, 34 letters
Grammatical cases: 6
Linguistic typology: agglutinative, vowel harmony, SOV
Language family: Turkic, Common Turkic, Oghuz, Western Oghuz
Number of dialects: 2 main dialects
16th-18th century - Early Azerbaijani
18th century onwards - Modern Azerbaijani
1900 - 1930 - approaches to the unification of Azerbaijani
1956 - official language of Azerbaijan
Writing system and pronunciation
These are the letters that make up the Latin alphabet: a b c ç d e ə f g ğ h x ı i j k q l m n ng o ö p r s ş t u ü v y z.
And these are those of the Cyrillic alphabet: а б ҹ ч д е ә ф ҝ ғ һ х ы и ж к г л м н нҝ о ө п р с ш т у ү в ј з ʼ.
Before 1929, Azerbaijani was written using only the Persian alphabet. Between 1929-1938, the Latin alphabet was used and between 1938-1991, the Cyrillic script replaced it. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the current Latin alphabet was introduced. However, the Cyrillic alphabet is still used in Dagestan.
Nouns have no gender, two numbers (singular and plural) and six cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, locative, and ablative).
Azerbaijani does not have articles, prefixes or prepositions, instead suffixes and postpositions are used.
Verbs are conjugated for tense, mood (indicative, dubitative, imperative, conditional, and subjunctive), person, and number. Evidentiality, i.e., the contrast between direct and indirect information, is another feature expressed by verbs. There is no verb “to have”, which can be replaced with the construction “x exists”.
The language can be divided into two main dialect areas: North and South Azerbaijani. North Azerbaijani is spoken in Azerbaijan and Russia, as well as in some regions in Central Asia, and comprises the following dialects: Quba, Derbend, Baku, Shamakhi, Salyan, Lenkaran, Qazakh, Airym, Borcala, Terekeme, Qyzylbash, Nukha, Zaqatala, Qabala, Yerevan, Nakhchivan, Ordubad, Ganja, Shusha, and Karapapak.
South Azerbaijani is spoken in Iran and some parts of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. It includes Aynallu, Qarapapaq, Tabrizi, Qashqai, Afshari, Shahsavani, Muqaddam, Baharlu, Nafar, Qaragözlü, Pishaqchi, Bayatlu, Qajar, and Marandli.
Both types of Azerbaijani are mutually intelligible and differ mainly in vocabulary.
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railsistem · 3 years
Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan, Nahçıvan üzerinden demiryolu inşa edecek
Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan, Nahçıvan üzerinden demiryolu inşa edecek
Hükümetle olan bir oturumda konuşan Paşinyan, “Brüksel’de, Azerbaycan devlet başkanı ile görüşme sırasında Yerask, Culfa, Ordubad, Meğri, Horadiz demiryolunun inşasına ilişkin anlaşmayı onayladık” ifadelerini kullandı.Paşinyan’a göre, konu Ermenistan, Rusya ve Azerbaycan başbakan yardımcıları arasında üçlü çalışma grubu çerçevesinde ve Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin’in arabuluculuğunda iki…
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azad-tv · 3 years
Xalq hərəkatının lideri Əbülfəz Elçibəyin vəfatından 21 il ötür
Xalq hərəkatının lideri Əbülfəz Elçibəyin vəfatından 21 il ötür
Milli azadlıq hərəkatının lideri, Azərbaycanın sabiq prezidenti Əbülfəz Elçibəyin vəfatından 21 il keçir. Hefteaz.com-un məlumatına görə, Ə. Elçibəy 2000-ci il avqustun 22-də müalicə olunduğu Türkiyədəki Gülhanə Hərbi Tibb Akademiyasında vəfat edib.Ə. Elçibəy 1938-ci il iyunun 24-də Ordubad rayonunun Kələki kəndində anadan olub.1957-ci ildə Azərbaycan Dövlət Universitetinin şərqşünaslıq…
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