#oreos and pedialyte
lord-of-the-ducks · 2 years
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I’ve had 9 months to plan my celebratory s4 premiere meal and it’s everything I dreamed of
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edandstede · 2 years
shadows fx: watch guillermo’s journey of a lifetime!
the livestream being watched by hundreds of fans: a seemingly endless loop of the inside of a dark box with a ship horn blaring and guillermo singing, snoring, crunching oreos, humming, fending off a bumblebee and some rowdy seagulls, trying to call for help to no avail, and pauses of him figuring out how to pee because of all the pedialyte
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the-halfling-prince · 9 months
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hanasnx · 10 months
i just want to point out that while i was having my fun yesterday i could— if i had to— take care of myself just fine. i was drunk, but i don’t like to get too bad i have to rely on others. but my bf came home with snacks: double stuff oreos, cool ranch doritos, and pedialyte. so i had my salty, and my sweet cravings satiated. and pedialyte for replenishing hydration. and after i had my snackies, i took a nap. he let me sleep and took care of our dogs for me. and when i woke up he had warm dinner made for me. he fed me bite by bite while i was trying to wake up. and then gave me a back massage to help me get back to sleep.
every single one of you deserves a partner— if you want one— that’ll do shit like this for you just cos they can, just cos they want to. i just had to take the space to brag rq. my bf is the coolest mf and i hate when i see ppl settle for less
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nicecrumbart · 2 years
Thinking about the club trailer again and how Guillermo and Nandor are always dancing together and in sync and how in the premiere they are always working together and doing things together I think I'm losing my mind season 1 Nandor would have abandoned him ages ago I need to lie in a very dark space and consume oreos and pedialyte apparently
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weirdbabs · 2 years
something ive been thinking about recently: where did laszlo get the oreos/pedialyte? he didnt have time to go out and get some pre trip, so did he just have some laying around in case they ever needed to send guillermo off somewhere? are they expired? did he stock up after locking him in a cage in case they ever needed to do so again? did he have everyone make a quick stop at a gas station on the way to the docks leaving them to wonder what the fuck was happening?? did he make guillermo buy his own food????
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kraviolis · 2 years
eating oreos and drinking pedialyte while trapped in a coffin on a boat asmr
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honkifyourelonely · 2 years
pedialyte and oreos…
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kozjk · 2 years
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Colin Robinson wins again. Serving up some Oreo and Pedialyte revenge.
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beescream · 3 years
so uh. guillermo's probably going to have some pretty severe claustrophobia after this, right? and some trauma over being in a coffin, specifically. that's gonna suck when he has to sleep in one after he's turned
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hafwen · 2 years
Just finished season 3 of what we do in the shadows and I love hated the ending!
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tusconarizonia · 3 years
When's someone gonna remind the documentary crew that this isn't a David Attenborough nature documentary and that intervening when Laszlo locks Guillermo in a crate with only Oreos and pedialyte is a good thing actually
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fuh-king-guy · 3 years
things i want for the season 4 pilot that i'm not going to get but will comfort myself with anyways
- camera crew letting guillermo out of his crate the moment laszlo 'bat!'s away (because let's be honest, two grocery bags of pedialyte and oreos are not going to help him at all on that trip, boy is gonna be in horrible shape)
- guillermo runs to the train station, but gets there too late and finds his luggage on the platform (so we don't lose the dolls)
- absolutely bereft yet thinking quickly, he runs back to the house to find the guide who was responsible for the travel plans, bumps into laszlo, and cue him fully intending to go absolutely ham on his ass for the stunt he pulled
- not so much a fight like with nandor, but definitely has guillermo throwing stakes and laszlo flying about dodging them, and yelling things like 'what the fuck are you doing here' and 'now calm down old chap, let's talk about this'
- baby colin robinson breaks the tension by screaming, stealing guillermo's righteous thunder and resulting (perhaps) in a frustrated breakdown (not a big one, but perhaps he lets slip his feelings for nandor here resulting in a brief heart to heart with laszlo)
- very brief, because he tracks down the guide who is still in the house arranging things for the baron, the sire and aspen who have possibly moved in because why the fuck not
- he finds out nandor's final destination (or at least where he's getting dropped off for the final time) and tries to cajole her into helping him, which is difficult because 'well, trains are clearly the safest method of travel' (but really, they're cheap so)
- cue guillermo losing his patience and buying himself a damn airline ticket to arrive there much faster, and damn the cost, and reaching the station before nandor, however far away he's gotten by this point, meeting him there with a big grin, nandermo dolls in hand and absolutely ready and waiting for whatever relieved chastisement nandor springs on him for being late the first time because they're together now and honestly guillermo couldn't care less about anything else because he's finally with his nand-master
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apocalypse-friend · 3 years
Laszlo my beloved. My beloathed. A man who was so angered when his club disrespected his wife that he vowed to never return his home country. A man who separated Guillermo and Nandor just as they were getting closer and now won't be able to find their way back to each other anytime soon. Who stayed behind to once again care for Colin Robinson. Who forced Guillermo into a coffin and sent him across the world. A man who let Nadja go and follow her dream. A man who'll make Nadja, his good lady wife, feel abandoned and hurt. A man who knew she would be fine on her own, but still didn't want her to be alone and someone guarding her anyway, just in case. A man who respected Guillermo as a fighter and protector. Who gave him nothing more than pedialyte and oreos to survive off of and a small hole he hopefully he'll escape with. Who finally used Guillermo's real name. A man who made Nandor, with all his abandonment issues and loneliness, believe he'd been abandoned by the one person he wanted to travel the world with. A man who put up his family portrait, because he still loves and misses them all despite hurting him.
A man who turned a baby into a vampire because it seemed cool, and abandoned it. Who took responsibility for his reborn friend. Who gave Sean brain scramblies. Who tried helping him with his debts again and again. Who fucked Nandor and multiple witches cuz their long hair and accents made him assume they were Nadja. Who loves and adores Nadja more than anything. Who ran away just to avoid a debt. Who inspired a town and helped a volleyball team. Who murdered for fun. Who killed just because Gregor made her wife cry.
Who cares too deeply. Who doesn't give a fuck.
Who's Jack the Ripper. Who's Jackie Daytona. Who is Laszlo Cravensworth, who was always my beloved and now also my beloathed.
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polycephaley · 3 years
I like how Laszlo’s final decision for Guillermo’s stowaway meals was Oreos™️ and Pedialyte™️
Because up until this point I’m pretty sure the vampires have never tried to feed that boy anything but raw chicken every other time.
So what was the thought process there? Also what if after Laszlo pushed him in he just threw like a plastic bag of 11 loose raw chicken breasts in with him instead
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galaxy-of-hair · 2 years
ok i don't know if this will help or not but i REALLY don't think guillermo is gonna be stuck in that coffin for more than an hour or two tops.
nadja isn't even gonna stay in there, right? didn't she talk about how they travelled via boat and they would sneak out of their coffins at night and eat the crew? so either she'll hear him yelling in between episodes of drag race and she'll get out early to investigate, or she'll get out when she wants to eat and wonder why laszlo isn't up yet and then open the box to find guillermo.
but even if nadja doesn't do that, guillermo will get out of the box. he got out of the basement cage no problem. that was a metal cage with some loose rivets or smth. this is a wooden box with nails. he'll kick a fuckin hole in the lid of that thing if it comes down to it.
it might be as simple as the documentary crew sneaking on board. they don't get him out of the box in time for them to get off the ship, because they have to sneak around like scooby and the gang looking for which cargo hold he's in, but they do get him out. they all spend the rest of the trip sneaking around, stealing food from the canteen/cafeteria/breakroom/kitchenette and brainstorming ways to murder laszlo. by the end of the week the ship's crew is 1000% certain the ship is haunted. the documentary footage they manage to get is just the blair witch project, but on a boat.
all else fails? a member of the ship's crew will hear him and assume human trafficking is afoot and immediately let him out and give him a shock blanket and some hot cocoa.
laszlo saying that guillermo will be in the box and have to use the hole for a toilet and subsist off oreos and pedialyte for the duration of the journey almost certainly guarantees that the opposite will happen. if one were to ask laszlo how the imprisonment in s03e01 went he'd probably say, 'we had him locked in a cage for a month with a poop bucket and no lights and he subsisted off of raw room temperature chicken and yoo-hoos.' which is, yes, a literal nightmare scenario, and at first i was HORRIFIED because that's, uh, horrifying, but that's not actually what happened. they can't do anything without guillermo, not even imprison him properly.
that box will keep him in just long enough for the boat to get underway. which, honestly, is also a nightmare scenario in it's own right and i have to stop thinking about it before i have a panic attack
tl;dr - those of us (myself included) who are upset over the thought of guillermo being stuck in a box for a week can most certainly rest easy. he'll get out almost right away
(also, bonus: let's all picture guillermo and nadja climbing into one coffin to binge watch drag race together and lowkey be a comfort to one another during the saddest boat ride ever)
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