badlydrawngenshin · 3 years
May I ask for a Venti? I joined during Tartaglia's rerun but Venti ended up being my favorite character so I'm skipping all of inazuma to save for his next rerun (if he even gets one) because I have guaranteed pity. I really want him so I'm not gonna break but I'm still Grieving
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a few ventis for yall
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
"you don't have to pretend. not with me, not ever." 👀 but obviously take your time, gotta study for those midterms
“You don’t have to pretend. Not with me, not ever.” Alisaie squeezed N’adana’s shoulder.
The two of them sat on the edge of N’adana’s bed, nestled in her room in a back hallway of the Rising Stones. It was quieter than usual, which normally would have been welcome, but it filled them with a sense of dread knowing it was only quiet because their friends lie in an uncurable coma only a few doors away.
N’adana sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She had unfortunately been caught sobbing when Alisaie came to her door, and the elezen refused to believe any of her normal excuses as to why she looked to be such a mess. “You’re not going to think less of me?”
Alisaie shook her head, “Of course not! We’re friends, N’adana. When you’re around me, you’re allowed to pretend you’re not the Warrior of Light sometimes.”
“Truly?” N’adana’s eyes widened, almost disbelieving at the idea. Ever since she had joined the Scions, her entire identity had revolved around being the Warrior. At some points it almost felt like a character she had to play, with the only respite she had being her friendship with Alphinaud. Even then, if he hadn’t opened up to her during their stay at Camp Dragonhead, she wasn’t sure if she would even have had that. But now Alphinaud was gone, too. It was only her and Alisaie now.
“Truly.” Alisaie nodded, grabbing N’adana’s hand and squeezing it in affirmation.
N’adana let out a sigh of relief, “Gods, you don’t know how much that means to me. I’m always so… afraid… that people will stop respecting me if they think I’m just another blabbering kid.”
Alisaie’s eyes widened in surprise, not realizing that the Warrior had felt so insecurely about how people viewed her. She always seemed so confident and carefree.
But now Alisaie supposed that’s how she wanted people to see her.
The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a time that neither of them could place. After a while, Alisaie sighed and stood up from the edge of the bed. “I suppose it’s late, and we should both get some sleep.”
N’adana bit her lip as Alisaie hesitated in the doorway, blurting out before she could even manage to think, “Do you want to sleep in my room tonight? Truthfully, I just… don’t want to be alone right now.”
Alisaie blinked, her hand tightening around the doorknob as she considered it. “Neither do I.”
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"why do you care?" with Fray and Shiro 👀
What a stupid question that is. Is it wrong to care overmuch about things? Fray asks me why I care for people who are “shitheads” to others and don’t deserve kindness. He’s just being callous and I ignore him when he asks. He knows the answer, he just hates it so he keeps asking hoping for a different one. I care because that’s how I was raised and that’s how I was encouraged. To care about the little things and the big things and the things that matter to me. I care for him because I love him deeply. I care about Rielle cause I see the future in her. The outcasts can be somebody someday, they are loved by someone and capable of loving.
I know Fray isn’t what these Ishgardians think he is. Some blasphemous dark knight that is the epitome of evil here to sow discord and lead Halone’s people astray, and I was like why would he bother with that when the Church already has that well in hand? Anymore oppression and that’s overkill. It’s bullshit that’s what it is. We’re all products of our environment and he was just in a really bad one. Same with Sidurgu. They’re good people with more hands on ways of dealing with problems. I don’t condone his heavy handed justice but I don’t have much room to talk with some of this shit they got me doing around Eorzea.
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smallest-turtle · 4 years
5, 8, and/or 16 in the WoL ask meme for any of your characters!
What does your character think of the Echo? What was it like when they first experienced it?
B’sahla and Philomena both consider it a gift. Philomena’s echo awoke about three years after the Calamity. Along with visions of the meteor shower, she also started seeing the people that Hydaelyn wanted her to find, who would all eventually come together to make up the FC that joins B’sahla throughout the majority of her adventures on the source. Deidre considers hers as more of a useful burden. Hydaelyn is no more considerate a mother than the one who left her to raise her siblings as a child, in her eyes. Just another way she’s had her life stolen from her, after she finally attempted to make it her own after running away. She keeps this opinion to herself, considering the way the Scions revere the Crystal. It’s very isolating. Her brother on the other hand awoke to his echo the night after the moon fell, when he was 11, and Deidre(13) thought the nightmare about the meteors was just because the Calamity had just happened. Hydaelyn doesn’t speak to him the way she does Deidre, and his powers are a lot more subtle. He doesn’t get visions of people’s pasts, but he does have a slight clairvoyance in battle (similar to Fordola), and for when those whose fates are tied to his are in danger. (He’s had nightmares of several of Deidre’s battles, and of Alphinaud’s ship crashing over the Burn) He also has a sense for the flow of aether, which is how he navigates rough seas and knows when there will be storms. Being on the first is nauseating the first several days thanks to the wrongness of how unbalanced everything is. It’s a bit overstimulating before he adjusts to it.
What is your character’s favorite place— to visit, or to stay in?
Deidre has a permanent room at Fortemps Manor, and the guest room of the house she helped Sid secure in the Firmament for himself and Rielle. Ishgard is also home to B’sahla, and where she raises her children. Philomena loves Dravania, its beautiful and diverse, and she can often be found exploring the ruins outside of currently restored Idyllshire. Caelen loves any of the costal cities, though Limsa obviously has a special place in his heart. He ran away when he was 13, and he made it his home.
What does your character do for fun or during downtime? Do they have hobbies or side projects?
Any time B’sahla has is spent with her young children which are born pre ARR patches, and pre SB patches, and her husband, Haurchefant. Deidre crafts and bakes when she’s stressed, and despite keeping her crafting identity from overlapping with her being the Warrior of Light, the quality and design of her work is well sought after. She’s an omnicrafter, but her focuses are fiber crafts, jewelry making, and woodworking. She also has a greenhouse on the grounds of Fortemps Manor, where she is working on breeding decorative plants that can thrive in the new Coerthan climate. She intends to plant Haurchefant a garden. Philomena spends a lot of time managing the FC, tutoring at the conjurors guild, or as a healer on call for emergencies. With all the battles going on, she spends a good deal of her time in infirmaries. Caelen’s often at sea, or mediating trade between the Confederacy and the Alliance. On the First he is their agricultural expert, merely out of exasperation at how inefficient the Crystarium’s food gardens were when they’re meant to feed an entire CITY. Is antagonizing the Exarch with Alisaie a hobby? Yes.
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keeperofthe-mxxn · 4 years
here me out: what if i asked all the questions in the ffxiv ask thing? cause i would like to ask all the remaining questions >:)
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*hands shaking*: yes please. It’ll be again a lil outta order at times.
2. He’s with the Scions but it’s not a blind faith. He trusts them as far as he can throw them. Only thing he can trust them to do is something exceedingly reckless at any given moment and he can be trusted to do the same. Haphazard thy name is Scion after all. Some days he’s justified in his wariness some days he feels tinges of guilt for doubting their intentions. Only ones with his unwavering faith are the twins and G’raha, with no real reason to get a side eye from him. (Though Alphinaud gets a disapproving look from time to time from him for his ambitions.)
3. You stay in your zone I’ll stay in mine is his thoughts. Short and simple.
4. Hiding. His archery was rudimentary at best. Of course he wants to forget about a time he tucked tail and hid like a coward.
12. Alisaie. Ive mentioned before on discord that the twins are like Mhol’ito’s surrogate children. He and Alisaie are like two peas in a pod sometimes. She’s full of conviction and will fight to the bitter end for her beliefs. He definitely respects that and knows her and Alphinaud both will grow into impeccable adults. Extending to outside the scions but people that are involved with them like Nero and Gaius he finds very impossible and will not deal with them at all. Cid can handle Nero and Gaius should know he’ll get a beatdown he won’t walk away from this time if he crosses Mhol again.
13. Yes he has three. two service dogs. He’s got anxiety, depression, PTSD, and a shit ton of survivor’s guilt from all his travails. He sleeps with one dog (and heavy sleeping pills) that’s there for his night terrors. He thinks the others, or Aymeric, will never forgive him for waking them with his hysteria at all hours of the night and early morning eventually leading to the second service animal. He also has a cat, just a normal cat he spoils to death.
14. Oh he loves his mounts. Sometimes he summons Midgardsormr just to talk with him. Get a wise opinion. He may try to get him to tell stories but is hardly ever obliged.
16. The soul crystals of his fallen siblings are his most precious. He takes up their trades in a vain attempt to feel connected again. No one was a dark knight, he did that one in pure DRK fashion; for himself. No one was a bard either though his younger sister did express an interest in becoming one when she was older. (That’s the lore reason Mhol’ito is a bard. I was inspired by a favorite FF character (Maria, FF2) to become an archer and eventually resigned to being a bard.) No one is allowed near the chained box he keeps them in. Not even his remaining family when he gets reconnected. He put multiple decoy padlocks on it to confuse a thief or overly curious person. He never opens it either it’s too painful to actually see the crystals. As long as the box is still in his possession, chains undisturbed, he’s content knowing what’s in it.
I forgot the numbers at this point and Ima just answer what I remember.
Mhol’ito doesn’t take loss very well. Especially if he was the direct cause of it. Like Haurchefant. Specifically Haurchefant. Specifically his siblings that came after him. The futures they could’ve, should’ve, had drives him insane with anger and guilt.
I can’t finish that thought it’s DRK spoilers 🤫
More then anything he wants to settle into Ishgard for a quiet life. He’s 41 now post SHB and would love nothing more then to side aside the mantle of warrior of light. It was only intensified after hooking up with Aymeric. Wants to start a life with him.
He didn’t intend for adventuring to be his main gig as it’s a very demanding lifestyle sometimes. He absolutely wishes for the quiet old days where he knew nothing of the outside world and it’s plight. Safe with his family.
In combat he’s a support no matter how they wish to cast a spotlight on him. He feels like a glorified errand boy who occasionally kills primals and helps in wars. Fucks with the empire. The only time he uses the I’m the wol in anything is when he’s treated like a doormat by people and demands some respect.
Wow this post had so many times I could rabbit hole into DRK spoilers 🙃
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☕ and 🙊
☕️ Do I do warm up sketches before I start drawing?
Sometimes! It depends on my mood, some days I just jump straight into it
🙊 What’s my latest silly sketch?
This one! I saw an incorrect quote using that scene from Malcolm in the Middle and thought it fit for my main 3 WoLs.
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starglitterz · 3 years
─── series masterlist !
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noun; a person or thing that is the centre of attention or admiration.
summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet's cynosure?
pairing; streamer!xiao x fem!reader
genre; modern au, fluff, crack, angst, strangers to lovers
status; complete
warnings; all characters are over the age of 21, swearing, detailed warnings will be specified each chapter
updates; erratic, will try my best to upload new chapters as much as possible, but at least 2x a week tho!
taglist (open); @noirkkat @bookuya @ohmykazuha @glazelilyy @oreoz-unfortunately @tiny-aroace @xiaophobic @test-tube @jiinghe @storytravelled @mirikusashes @ben6ett @oliviasslut @bluexiao @lunachelly @aelatus @mimion @akiiyukii @angelhxneyy @give-xiao-almond-tofu @abyssheart @xuanya @normalisthenewnorm @viagiraffe @fuhuashandholder @astersg4rden @dilucbar @nachotrash @childe-support @cynokine @axerrri @ventirain @kait-is-always-late @hushyouu @celestair @rim0na @indecisivehusky @nurserinnn @ariesreii @saving-for-xiao @hellokittykuroo @auradragon199 @xiaoszn @ayaka-wrld @almondto-fu @berryqueue @chichikoi @yunaholics @yoimimi @http-mewchuu
usernames in bold could not be tagged :( send me an ask if you'd like to be added / removed / changed your username :]
additional info: all parts & any asks relating to cynosure will be tagged under [📱] ━━━ cynosure ! .
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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# chapters:
character profiles !
one ! - welcome to the internet!
two ! - can i put my minecraft bed next to yours?
three ! - news 39
four ! - stay with me
five ! - irl fps!?
six ! - fly to the moon
seven ! - bubble tea
eight ! - this is how to be a heartbreaker.
nine ! - i need a vacation
ten ! - raise your glass!
eleven ! - morning after dark
twelve ! - you know i'm just a flight away
thirteen ! - love taste
fourteen ! - blushing!
fifteen ! - cynosure.
# extras:
playlist !
guide to this au !
serendipity ! ( a cynosure spin-off series )
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© starglitterz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
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a storm is brewing.
A flurry of panicked voices reached your ears – the chaoticness pumping adrenaline and coursing a feeling of uneasiness through your veins. Your bag was messily half-thrown-together from haste with your medical tools, herbs, and other instruments that contributed to the recognition of you being the renowned healer of Teyvat.
Yes, you. You were famous throughout the seven lands – because of your special powers.
When you were much younger, you had touched a wilted, browned leaf on the roadside; turning the entire leaf green and alive again, eventually sprouting into a sapling.
Then, word spread about your powers and people all over the world of Teyvat came to you for healing.
This continued for many more years, the people of Teyvat eventually giving you the title of the Lifebringer. You wore the name proudly on your head, doing your best to put your powers to good use.
Eventually settling on the role of a healer for yourself, you studied your powers with the alchemists of Mondstadt, Albedo becoming your friend. His assistant, Sucrose, was also kind to you, and you saw her frequently for check-ups. She was nice – unfortunately, however, not everyone around you was.
Heavy was the head that held the crown, wasn't it?
While some idolised you, there were those who proclaimed your powers were blasphemy, witchcraft, and so on. Some did their best to hide you from others for themselves, and others tried to exploit your powers to benefit themselves.
You were eventually placed under the care and protection of the Knights of Favonius, from Mondstadt, your homeland. Acting Grandmaster Jean had promised to keep you as safe as possible, but, unfortunately… not all promises could be kept.
"Protect the healer, you cowards!" You heard Kaeya's cry. The older man unsheathed his blade, attacking the rogue men that had infiltrated your camp. Two knights had rushed to stand in front of your tent, swords drawn and at the ready to fight anyone that had come your way.
The knights fought for your safety, while you stayed within the protection of your tent.
Unfortunately, they had not considered the inside of your tent, nor noticed the hole that had mysteriously appeared on the ground. Creeping hands that slithered around your waist – covering your mouth with a cloth soaked and dripping wet with chloroform, dragging you out.
You screamed.
well!!! that’s chapter 1 right there! i wrote this a few days ago and i couldn’t resist putting it out. hopefully this gave a bit of background. :D
taglist: @eternism, @starglitterz, @oreoz-unfortunately, @lucult, @melkxsh, @solarpearl, @yua1106, @tokyii-e @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst, @hq149, @shxnosuke , @dilucbar,@mika-zuko, @clouds-rambles, @the-gayest-sky-kid, , @the-name-is-loser, @velionqs, @xingkiitty
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The plan is to double up. Just for you bud. @oreoz-unfortunately. 
Edit: well that was the plan but i used a lot of brain juice on this one so maybe later. 
Nap buddies
it’s been a particularly stressful month so when we got back home to an inn room with the other two they passed out immediately on the floor. well not immediately persay they sat and talked before they both just fell asleep on each other. Itami is such a light sleeper so i just put a blanket around their shoulders and sat on the bed. i took my shoes off and stretched before watching the two sleep. estinien tried to move the two but kept nearly waking Itami.
“Just let him be Estinien. if those scions are to be believed he’s got a lot of things to do. those primals wont keel over cause we ask them too.” i stretched then checked the time. holy fuck it’s like 3 am no wonder we were all exhausted. well maybe not Estinien that man runs on spite i swear, Fury as my witness. 
“You look ready to drop Nova. we going to fight about you getting sleep? or do you just want to go for a drink and a walk.” and by walk you mean get me drunk so i’ll talk about my feelings? no thanks i know this song and dance. I told him how about just a walk this time. he nods then left ahead of me so i quickly scribbled a note to the two if they woke before we came back we stepped out. 
the sun really doesn’t make a difference here in non tundra areas. it’s so warm here it’s almost alarming, but i know it’s normal for the locals. we walked in silence in the early morning hours before he broke the silence with an attempted small talk. “Shut up about the weather and work bullshit. i feel like absolute garbage.” my feelings just kinda fell outta my mouth in a torrent. and he listened to all of them. i just kept talking and talking till he grabbed my shoulders and told me to breathe. we sat on the ground right where we were standing till i felt better. “I didn’t realize it’d all come out like that. sorry i snapped at you.” i think it’d be more beneficial to me and this relationship if i did start sharing more of my feelings so it doesnt explode like this. “If it’s all the same to you, i’d love a drink right now.” 
we came back to the room at about 7 am and the two hadnt really moved far, they were laying instead of leaned against the wall, still snoozing away. i couldnt speak for Estinien but i believe i was a little drunk, not wasted like i used to get around him. without even removing my shoes i fell into bed and pulled the covers over my head. estinien soon followed. 
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taiyakiithoughts · 3 years
tagged by @oreoz-unfortunately !!
nicknames: taiyaki, torii, and nugget
zodiac: leo 
height: 4′10′’-
last thing I googled: “not a falsettos playlist” on youtube (ive rewatched it at least thirty times, its not even funny-)
song stuck in my head: patchwork staccato (venti cover aklshdsa), sports by beach bunny, reality from 36 questions, and the entire falsettos soundtrack
house: house B)
followers and following: 16 following and 19 followers
amount of sleep: not enough :DD
lucky number: i think when i was younger, it was 4
dream job: i want to be either on broadway or a writer, but ill probably stick w an office job *shrugs*
wearing: t-shirt and pj pants
favorite songs: too many to count :D tho to name a few, imma say patchwork staccato, COLORS by FLOW, fly love from rio, and one of the ultimate ones is vivi by kenshi yonezu, id say that ones pretty special
random fact: sometimes i do that monokuma laugh randomly (the opopopopop one-)
instruments: ukulele, viola, bass guitar, and kalimba
favorite authors: the first ones that come to mind are pseudonymous bosch, kohei horikoshi, and “anonymous” (the person who wrote diary of an oxygen thief)
favorite animal sounds: i dunno, its been a while since ive been near any animal, but the first thing i thought of is those like bubble sounds a fish makes :DD
aesthetics: what i want to be? both frisk and sans energy/those creepy and sad japanese school horror games/main character in a teen coming of age movie/the sandlot. what i am? a person sitting with their knees to their chest on a shelf in a supermarket.
tagging: @whiskey-png and anyone else who wants to 
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jessilynse · 3 years
Tagged by: @bard-of-light
Nickname:  Jess (Jessica in full, but usually go by Jess)
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 6′1″
Last thing I looked for on Google: “Overwatch shoes tyrone”
Song in my head: Microchip
House: uh, i live in an apartment, actually
Followers and following: 25 followers 70 following
Amount of sleep: usually about 8 hours, depends on how much i oversleep before work
Lucky number: don’t have one
Dream job: uhhhhh fuck
Wearing: White undershirt and black pants with an unbuckled belt because I got distracted changing out of my work clothes lol
Favorite songs: Currently vibing with Trust Yourself, Blue Rodeo; Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd; And So It Went, The Pretty Reckless (All of which feature on my Laila playlist, which I will post eventually!)
Random fact: I haven’t had a haircut in like three years, and my hair goes down past my shoulders! really proud of it :)
Instruments: I’ve never attempted to really learn an instrument, apart from like a teeny bit of piano as a kid.
Favorite authors: hmmmm heck don’t really have one, don’t read enough for that, which I need to fix!!
Favorite animal sounds:  cute hamster squeaks!
Aesthetics: fall leaves, flannel shirts, sturdy boots (ish?? idk)
Tagging: @oreoz-unfortunately @lavenderleblanc
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gremlinmidi · 4 years
Getting to Know You!
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Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better~
Tagged by: @windup-dragoon
Last song: Through the Maelstrom by Masayoshi Soken (FFXIV OST)
Last movie: It was either Patriot Games or The Mothman Chronicles, I can’t remember which
Currently reading: No novels right now, I’m more focused on writing than reading. The last book I finished however was Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, I do intend on continueing the series as well.
Currently watching: Lovecraft Country and True Detective
Craving: My step-dad’s chicken casserole
Tagging: @mi-kleos @janefoster @iminhathepancake @queenbitchmateus @queen-of-moths @oreoz-unfortunately and anyone else who’s interested!
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
» ffxiv song meme
tagged by @verthunder​ — 5 ffxiv osts that i think represent my ffxiv oc(s)! Thank you so much this is the first meme I’ve been tagged in I’m !!! <3
(Don’t know if these are entirely accurate, there’s SO many FF14 tracks I’m in love with so I might be missing some very blatant ones that fit her better). Here’s a YT playlist of all the ones I considered if y’all are curious?
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1. A Sailor Never Sleeps (Limsa Lominsa night theme)
2. Defender of the Realm (ARR triumphant moments BGM)
3. A Mother’s Pride (Yanxia night theme)
4. Canticle (Alphinaud & Alisaie’s theme)
5. Where All Roads Lead (The Hero’s Gauntlet theme)
Tagging all of you (apologies if these are double tags <3) @sweetbloompier​ @branson-thorne​ @roxinova​ @jessilynse​ @vexredain​  @bard-of-light​ @starfallenseas​ @onwesterlywinds​ @ink-dreams-ffxiv​ @roguestly​ @liyeraaurel​ @traveleorzea​ @shepherdtothestars​ @twilight-dawn-ffxiv​ and @oreoz-unfortunately​ (I haven’t seen you post anything about your OCs but uh... if you have some <3 <3 <3)
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16, 18, 19, 30 :D
Thank you dearie for the ask. ❤️
16. Sweet or savory?
Sweet please.
18. Beach or forest.
Beach. Gotta bask in that warm sun on a lazy day.
19. Chaos or order?
Order please. I don’t like chaos, someone is bound to get hurt then the chaos only gets worse.
30. Risk or safety?
Both. In certain situations each is good. No reward without risk but safety is always welcome in this line of work.
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keeperofthe-mxxn · 4 years
1, 5, and 16 :D
Ima go a lil outta order cause 1 is a hefty one. (Not typing questions that’s too much effort)
5. The Echo is one of many many reasons Mhol’ito wants to throw hands with Hydaelyn; it’s nearly killed him more times then one. The major one is the shit she’s got him doing he’s kinda an old man now but that’s another can of worms.
16. His hobbies outside of picking up more classes (something I can answer in I think it was 15.) is mostly traveling. Take G’raha with him, take his man (Aymeric for those who don’t know) with him. Somedays it’s just chill with Guydelot and vibe. He’s hardly a singer but he does it around Guydelot mostly, occasionally the twins or by himself.
1. Oh boy the hefty one (you’ve heard some of this I know on discord). I haven’t really named a place he grew up just that it was somewhere backwater and that his 7 siblings were his friends as well. I haven’t filled the hole on why they decided to move but they did and lil teen Mhol got separated from his family. His three older brothers came looking. They were traveling back to their family with him when they got killed by some imperials and he escaped. Bounced around the map from one bad place to another till the Calamity came. Got swept up in an exodus to Eorzea and decided to hop a random carriage and start a new life wherever it stopped which was Gridania. I kinda paraphrased a little. I can do detail on discord if you’d like.
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@oreoz-unfortunately tagged me in a picrew meme, so here’s my ladies (in order of left to right, top to bottom) Constance, Liore, L’lyanne and Tziporah
Link: https://href.li/?https://picrew.me/image_maker/636737
Tagging?: @windup-dragoon @ffxivelliotcraig any one who wants to do it really
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