literally-1894 · 1 year
     Dark Sun Gwyndolin (Dark Souls I) explaining the life and philosophy of eccentric Marxist cultural theorist Wilhelm Reich to a very confused YoRHa 9 Type S (NieR: Automata).      I got the idea for this one from how completely uncurious 9S is about      Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophy, despite it all being very clear and simple. Fun.
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thechembow · 8 months
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Denver - Day Two, All Clear
Oct. 19, 2023
Today's gifting just added to the already monumental change made yesterday. We've done over 100 TBs in the Denver metro area, strategically busting cell towers, some double bustings. I can now update my review of Denver to no longer the worst place on Earth. Today it was kind of nice and tolerable. The new worst place on Earth is any other city east of here, which we haven't gifted yet.
We're connecting to a grid we've already started in New Mexico in 2018. I also left a few TBs in Boulder when George Noory interviewed me in 2015. We have gifted extensively in Utah and Nevada, and all this is adding exponentially to the effects of the orgonite in Denver.
The sky completely cleared up since yesterday. There were hardly any "planes" and the trails were very short and short lived. Some cut in all of a sudden then disappeared, only being able to survive for a moment. One craft with a very weak trail flashed and revealed what looked like a silver orb. It kept flashing and then disappeared.
It did actually get hot like the forecast said today, but the feeling of heat began before the measured temperature matched the feeling. Temperature is something other than what science has revealed so far. The perception of "temperature" that we feel is not necessarily related to a number on a thermometer related to rising mercury. I felt as hot when the thermometer read 65 degrees as when it read 83 degrees. I was also sweating a lot, not to be so graphic. But it is an interesting observation.
This may be why the meteorological establishment has created a new tool of disinformation, the "Feels Like" scale. How unobjective can you be? Everyone's orgonomic balance is different thus making "feels like" too subjective to measure. We all feel temperature differently based on energetic factors in the body. Maybe the different levels of OR in the environment also affect how we perceive temperature and when you combine these two variables, you get something that cannot be measured. It's too subjective for established science and requires a new understanding. There may actually be things that can't have a number attached to them, and that makes things difficult for the AI to function, because they only see numbers.
This gifting has created a more livable environment in Denver and will allow residents to feel joy in their lives again. It will become cold soon and snow is on the way. I look forward to seeing new records broken this winter.
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puutterings · 3 months
and some already
        These dowsing techniques do not just scout out the electromagnetic fields that lace our environment. They lead toward the sacred, as does a meditative practice that also interlocks with the telluric power structure...
                                                            I went about seeking more tools, especially the Bovis biometer.       It was exciting to find myself puttering around on the cutting edge of new science. It was frustrating not to know more, to be able to do more, right away. More seeking was clearly ahead of me. There were more books to ferret out and read, and some already on my shelves needed to be studied again.  
ex Michèle Burdet, Stumbling Down the Shamanic Path : Mystic Adventures and Misadventures (iUniverse, 2007, 2010) : 76 google books : link
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Alfred Bovis (1871-1947), “Commerçant itinérant en quincaillerie, Bovis développe une passion pour la radiesthésie.” fr.wikipedia : link
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Par Auteur inconnu, La Vie à la campagne, 1er août 1935 source
see “Bovis Life Force Bioenergy Units Dowsing Chart,”Orgonomic Sciences Handbook (2019) : 81 : link  
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shoppinland · 3 years
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Adjustable laptop stand. #orgonomics #student #workingfromhome #covid_19 #professionalorganizer https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_f3n-LKe-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stephjenion11 · 2 years
Pádraic E.Moore lecture - (26/01/22)
Today I watched a lecture by Pádraic E.Moore. Pádraic E.Moore is an writer, curator, and art historian. In the lecture, he spoke on exhibits he worked on. Those being, "The Museum of Ancient History", and "Tour Donas".
I didn't like the lecture. I felt the ideas discussed about Moores work, was interesting. I particularly enjoyed Moores discussion of Wilhelm Reich, and the discussion of psychoanalysts. This is because the deeper themes of the unconscious mind sounded really interesting, due to my own interest and studying into the subject of psychoanalysts.
However, I was quite disappointed to see these themes didn't correlate to the exhibits discussed in lecture. I just felt it was unnecessary to discuss these ideas, when they didn't really develop or link to the work discussed. Though disappointed by this, I was still wanted to see the exhibits by Moore. When seeing the exhibits... I was underwhelmed.
For instance, "The Museum of Ancient History". I understood that the exhibit, was a "museum", but I felt there was no creativity, it just looked like a standard museum. I felt that the idea of using Ancient objects and displaying them, had potential, it just to needed to be more visually appealing. As artists, our goal should be to make exhibits as visually intriguing as we can, not do the opposite. The objects could have been displayed in a more intriguing way, making the exhibit more memorable. Such as having a bright coloured exhibit, to contrast with ancient objects. This is just example, but it would have improved it visually. As to be honest, I can't really remember anything visually from the exhibit.
This told me, how important exhibiting work really is. Having a exhibit with a unique or enticing appearance, will make it more memorable. Allowing your work to more valued by the audience in turn. This is were The Museum of Ancient History failed. It just went a very generic approach, when they could've displayed or shown in the objects in an unexcepted way. Making it stick in the audiences mind more, and make for a more fun experience.
Overall, I was left unsatisfied with lecture. I wanted something more conceptual and visually with the exhibits, and felt more development into both these things, needed to be considered.
(Below are some images/ a video. The first three images are from the zoom lecture. The first image is Moore talking about the concept of spirituality. The second image is him talking about the collaborative exhibit "Tour Donas". The third is him talking about the group exhibition, "Orgonomics". The video is a piece of my own work. I placed this here as I feel Moore did help inspire it. The lack of visually interesting pieces shown in this lecture, was something I didn't want to happen to my pieces. While this piece in the video is not perfect, I did something that is eye popping. Something that I felt lacked in Pádraic E.Moore's work.)
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latherapy · 4 years
A Renowned Counselor and Psychotherapist Professional in Los Angeles, CA Serving Clients across the Area
The Blog is about LA Therapy & Associates in Los Angeles, CA run by Roland A. Frauchiger, known for his counseling and psychotherapy services for individuals, couples and families.
One of the most well-regarded centers in Los Angeles, CA offering services provided by experienced counselors and psychotherapists in the greater Los Angeles area is Los Angeles Therapy Center & Associates. The center was founded by Roland A. Frauchiger, a firm with more than 25 years of experience helping people to find best counseling and psychotherapy in this area. The center can help with mood disorders, family/relationship difficulty, domestic violence, anxiety, depression, personality disorders, child counseling, developmental disorders, pre-martial counseling and much more. Roland has experience in handing a variety of problems for individuals, as he makes use of orgonomic, psychotherapeutic and bioenergetics methods for proper cognitive, emotional and behavioral functioning. Visiting the website latherapy.info will give you a better understanding of what this center offers.
Of the many psychotherapists in Los Angeles, Roland A. Frauchiger is a well-known professional thanks to his experience in working with individuals, couples and families in Los Angeles, California. Individual counseling is a straightforward task, as it includes counseling of single person.  Family counseling, on the other hand, covers more individuals, and Roland is exceptionally known for his family counseling Los Angeles services.
The broad range of services offered by the center covers anger management & domestic violence programs, how to live with another person, couples/family counseling, child counseling, the NO-nonsense 6-hour management course, and mind & body therapy. Anyone looking for the best family therapy Los Angeles services, at a fair rate, should consider the center. The center is located in West Hollywood and Silverlake, Los Angeles, CA. Centrally-situated to treat a maximum number of clients while helping them all to live a better and happy life.
The first step in getting treatment is making an appointment. To learn more about the center, get in contact today.
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literally-1894 · 2 years
On Star Wars and the Galactic Empire
     The American public is immensely vulnerable to Fascist rhetoric, and one place where this is very visible is the Star Wars franchise.      I have known Americans, who walked out of the theater after seeing a New Hope, and who thought to themselves "the Empire is correct", or "the imperial social order is equitable and just", or who were simply upset about the fiscal cost of the Galactic Empire losing the Death Star.       As it turns out, the Galactic Empire's excesses are exactly those of the 20th century Axis Powers, this entailing pointless expansionist wars in every single direction, the manufactured emiseration and slavery of every single minority group in imperial space, the pointless wunderwaffe projects, etc. Probably other excesses as well, though of sorts which were either too viscerally disturbing for a family friendly laser film (as w/ the widespread sex slavery in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan), or which simply did not intervene in the plot of an adventure film (as with the mass art theft perpetrated by Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy). Furthermore, as pertaining to the Rebellion, the central political actor in the original Star Wars films, it is not a politically radical force. They aren't communists, or sexual libertines, or even social democrats, but rather liberals; liberals attempting to reestablish the fairly livable way of life from the pre-Phantom Menace Thousand Year Peace. The Rebellion began with discontents within the galactic ruling classes, chiefly from Mon Mothma and Senator Origana Senior, about the excesses of Clone Wars-era Chancellor Palpatine, chiefly in his assumption of 'emergency powers' and complete disregard for term limits or other regular proceedings of Democracy. They'd dedicated their resources to deposing him, and establishing a new Galactic Republic (this is the exact wording they use) once Palpatine is gone in the phase of the Galactic Civil War after Return of the Jedi.      Diatribe aside, the point is that not only is the Galactic Empire not admirable in any respect (and for all the same, often silly reasons that the Nazis were not admirable), but within a liberal point of view, the Rebellion are completely inoffensive advocates for a present-day bourgeois-democratic social order. Jumping and hollering about how much resources were lost with the destruction of the Death Star completely obfuscates its construction using slave labor, its position as the central weapon in the Galactic Imperial system of State Terror, and the opposition therefrom being completely ubiquitous from all areas of the Galactic social order, even people from the highest echelon of galactic society like Mothma and the two Senators Origana.       Though the discourses into George Lucas's gordian knot of power politics, extraterrestrial spirituality, and action figure sales that is the Star Wars franchise have been useful, they have not, however, answered the question posed. Why is it that viewers will go into the Star Wars franchise, and leave in support of the Galactic Empire?       This may, perhaps, be due to the second half of Fascistic rhetoric, the first being the Suicidal Destruction of the Other, effectuated externally through the Fascistic State's total war against its neighbors, and effectuated internally through the Fascistic State's genocides and internal purges. The second half, to the first, is a regression into a dreamt womb of symbols, which provides comfort for the individual Fascist, while neutralizing their reasoning faculties so that their actions, beliefs, and conjectures are never questioned. This is what was observed in Nazi Germany with the constant iconography of the fictionalized blonde aryan woman, as well as w/ the Nazi regime's fixation on Wagner (whose operas are largely uncritical recitations of a Germanic perspective on the universe).       Where this may be found a second time is in the contemporary Right, as with the Proud Boys requiring initiates to be able to recall three breakfast cereals, as with Evangelical Christian passion plays where the crew of the USS Enterprise sing pop song parodies about God and Jesus, as with former U.S. president Donald Trump's constant fixation with fast food brands such as Wendy's and Coca Cola, etc. Star Wars is one of these symbols from the period of a consumerist childhood, which reaches the surface once more in the continually infantilized mindset of the subjectified consumer-fascist, and what does Star Wars have, but a fascistic regime in every single respect?      here may also be the factor of the consumer-subject's fear of radical change, as exhibited in the MatPat video about everything which was destroyed in the destruction of the Death Star in Star Wars: a New Hope.       --
      I should probably put in citations. Most of this is conjecture from Star Wars expanded universe Youtube videos I watched when I was eleven, and there’s probably a total compendium of the Axis Powers’ atrocities somewhere.
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thechembow · 2 months
Rain in California: When will it end?
Mar. 30, 2024 - Fox 11
**Watch video.** The meteorologist uses orgonomy at the beginning of the report! He shows a time lapse of clouds coming in off the coast from west to east. The jet stream changes direction, reversing course and moving from east to west for a short time and then resumes a normal west to east flow followed by the storm rolling in. He says:
"Look at the direction change. This is very telling. That was earlier on this morning in Santa Monica. And then you see the clouds changing direction because of the dynamics of this storm, and what you're seeing is... [a bunch of pseudoscience].
But before the diversion to a fake "explanation," he actually used orgonomy without using any specific orgonomic terms. I've never heard a meteorologist describe a direction change in jet stream before a storm. This is an OR shift, which I describe on this blog regularly. This is the energy of the atmosphere coming into balance and orgone energy dominating over DOR, resulting in rain.
The meteorologist describes this energy shift as the "dymanics of this storm," hinting that there is an energetic force behind it, which we already know from the science of orgonomy. It is slipping into the mainstream now because people are noticing the things I write about on this blog.
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mindshiftinstitute · 7 years
“It Will Be Great to See Everybody Again!”
The Mindshift Cosmos and Consciousness Rangeley Reunion
Our Mindshift Institute conference series, called Cosmos and Consciousness, began in 2003 with a dream that Michael had. He awoke from the dream knowing that our first speakers would be Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild; Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell; and Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John E Mack.  The initial conference was a great success.   And for the next 10 years that dream became a reality for all those who participated and co-created it.  The last conference was in September 2012.
This year, we are holding a Mindshift Cosmos and Consciousness Reunion on Sept 22-23. Almost everyone who has told us they plan to be there has said “It will be so great to see everybody again!”  Indeed it will be!   The dream is continuing to live.  As John Lennon said, “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
Each conference had a specific theme.  For the first event, the theme was The Transformative Impact of New Knowledge. In the following years. we focused on the major areas of our existence in which our human knowledge is inadequate and for which new knowledge would be truly transformative. Each  year, together with our presenters and our participants, we explored one of the following questions: 
What is Life?
What is Love?
What is Interconnectedness?
What is Consciousness?
Does Consciousness create Reality?
What do we know about Intelligent Life Beyond Earth?
How can the Knowledge of Tomorrow help us today?
Is there a Continuity of Consciousness manifest in all levels of existence?
How can Extraordinary Experiences guide us forward?
In October 2012, we were looking back over the years of the Rangeley conferences, and also, over our Mindshift work since its founding in 1999.  We recognized a flow to the development of our work that was both logical and intuitive. It was related to the thesis-antithesis-synthesis structure of the tool of thought called “dialectical materialism.”
In our early years, we were focused on the antithesis (New Knowledge) to the thesis (the Dominant Worldview).  We were communicating about anomalous phenomena and extraordinary experiences, hoping that a deeper awareness of their existence and nature could help expand our vision of reality and assist people in “waking up” from what we called “The Trance State.”
The Cosmos and Consciousness series, along with our work at the Center for New Knowledge that we founded in 2009, began to move us, unknowingly at first, in a new, more specific direction.  We were progressing away from the thesis-antithesis dichotomy toward communicating about a new synthesis: a worldview based on new knowledge about the physical primordial cosmic energy that functions in nature. Humanity calls this energy both Love and Life Energy. We see them as also being functionally identical.  
In the five years since the last Cosmos and Consciousness conference, our Mindshift focus has been on writing a book about the practical applications of this new understanding of Life Energy and Love for creating life-positive change in everyday living over time. This new worldview has a new way of knowing, called Energetic or Orgonomic Functionalism, which emerged from the earlier dialectical way of knowing.
It will be exciting to share about this at the reunion, to learn from past presenters about where they are at today, and to hear from all who attend who want to share about what is going on in their lives.
We look forward to a wonderful gathering!
Trish and Michael The Mindshift Institute
PS We have posted the listing of all 10 conferences below for you to familiarize yourself with the series.
 Cosmos and Consciousness Conferences (2003-2012), Rangeley ME
Cosmos and Consciousness I  (2003) The Transformative Impact of New Knowledge Dr. John E. Mack, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Rudy Schild
Cosmos and Consciousness II  (2004) Life--The Ultimate Mystery James O’Dea, Dr. Brian O’Leary, Dr. Rudy Schild, Michael Mannion 
Cosmos and Consciousness III  (2005) The Cosmology of LoveJames O’Dea, Dr. Ken Hamilton, August T. Jaccaci, Michael Mannion
Cosmos and Consciousness IV (2006) Our Interconnected Universe Dr. Paul Bernstein, Dr. Rudy Schild, Gillian Spencer, Stephane Allix, Natacha Calestreme, Michael Mannion
Cosmos and Consciousness V (2007) Does Consciousness Create Reality? Dr. Amit Goswami, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Rudy Schild, Dr. Jenny Wade
Cosmos and Consciousness VI  (2008) New Scientific Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life In Our Living Universe Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Carol Rainey, Dr. Rudy Schild, Michael Mannion
Cosmos and Consciousness VII  (2009) The Knowledge of Tomorrow—Today Dr. Paul Bernstein, Dr. Ken Hamilton, August T. Jaccaci, James O’Dea, Dr. Rudy Schild, Michael Mannion
Cosmos and Consciousness VIII (2010) Life Energy in Science, Medicine and Healing--The Foundation of a New Worldview Dr. Ron A. Bryan, Dr. Conny Huthsteiner, Dr. Beverly Rubik, Michael Mannion
Cosmos and Consciousness IX (2011) The Continuity of Consciousness--Cosmic, Human, Animal and Plant Dr. Rudy Schild, Dr. Hillary Webb, Dr. Jonathan Balcombe, Trish Corbett, Michael Mannion
Cosmos and Consciousness X (2012) At the Cosmic Threshold: Extraordinary Experiences Guide the Way Dr. Rudy Schild, Roberta Colasanti, MSW, Trish Corbett, Michael Mannion
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audibledarkness · 7 years
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#StickandRudderGuy #Tucson #bnw_photography #Aviator #aweekendintucson #shadowandlight #thatsativalife #orgonomics #WilhelmReich #demeyestho #stickandrudderskills #stickandrudder #flyboy #bænotbæ #AngleOfAttack #permanenceinImpermanence #blackandwhitephoto #art #artforsale #StraightOuttaCompton54 #a>z© #blackandwhitephotography #man #bnwphotography #blackandwhitephotography #shadowman #lightandshadow #hidden #selfnotself #fistme #audibledarkness
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His emphasis on the social repression of benign sexuality increasingly gibed with Freudian pessimism whereby sexual drives were irreducibly subversive, in whatever society. While his radical activism menaced bourgeois acceptance of Freudian ideas, most Viennese Marxists detested his sexual ideas (often as 'bourgeois decadence'). So in 1930 he moved to Berlin, whose Communist Party briefly adopted his ideas, even distributing his sex-educational booklets for eight- to twelve-year-olds. By 1932, however, German Communists were very concerned not to scandalise the Social Democrats (hitherto classed as 'Social Fascists'); and, the Fascist threat apart, Moscow was in full u-turn from sexual permissiveness to neo-conservatism. In 1934 Reich approached Trotsky's Fourth International, which saw no way of using him. A militant anti-Stalinist by 1935, he abandoned Marxism by 1940. From 1938 he began to drop the term 'dialectical materialism', eventually substituting 'energetic functionalism'. The shift from 'matter' to 'energy' echoes Einstein (and scientific realism); the shift from 'dialectics' to 'functionalism' moves from an abstract form to an operational materialism. WR outlines his travels and troubles in Scandinavia in 1933-9, his shift to the USA, and his new concentration on 'orgone energy', linking matter, body and mind. Orgone energy, beneficial when flowing, becomes maleficent (stagnant, decayed) when blocked. Sexual repression can generate various diseases--depressions, psychosomatic disorders, allergies, ulcers, cancers--or various mental attitudes... Orgone boxes gather orgones flowing in from the atmosphere, and are therapeutic, while cloudbusters (from 1952) break up orgone accumulations in the skies. At first 'orgone therapy' flourished, alongside 'talking' sessions, involving quite active, even critical, behaviour by analysts. Probably orgonomics appealed to 'transcendentalist' streaks in US thinking (e.g. Christian Science, Scientology, various 'hippie' cults (macrobiotics), 'New Age' cures). The film links Reich's prosecutions (by the Food and Drugs Administration, from 1947), with the McCarthyite witch-hunts, a reasonable surmise which may well have much truth. But also, the first attacks on Reich appeared in the New Republic, then very left-wing. One came from a journalist widely accused, on the left, of parroting Stalinism, and from then on Reich attributed the campaign against him to 'Red Fascists' (while refusing to name anyone at all as Communist to FBI enquirers). Another attack came from Fredric Wertham (whose campaign against violence in comic-books had deeply affected that industry). Sharaf discusses the charges against Reich, and the progress of the case, in fine detail. The FDA may have suspected large-scale medical fraud, and an unsavoury sexual cult. Wrongly no doubt, but not necessarily unreasonably: in medical matters, distinctions between unorthodoxy, dottiness and fraud, are necessary though difficult. The writings were destroyed as being effectively promotional material for treatments deemed fraudulent. However, the highly respectable New York publishers, Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, began to reissue them from the 60s.
Raymond Durgnat, WR--Mysteries of the Organism
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icymiblog · 11 years
Kovu - Orgonomics
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literally-1894 · 2 years
On Kanye West’s Antisemitism
      Why is Kanye West so virulently antisemitic? Following Deleuze and Guattari in their text Apparatus of Capture, Consumerism, effectuated through information machines such as televisions and computers, is itself a form of exploitation; through mass marketing, and the like, Capital is further extracted out of the population of a capitalist country, preventing large excesses of Wealth from coagulating within the lower classes, and enriching the abstract entity of Capital. This form of exploitation, however, is not particular to any class, rather being universal, across all of Capitalist Society, and especially targeting the moderately to exorbitantly wealthy.
     Why are the Wealthy of the world, such as Donald Trump and Warren Buffet, such zealous consumerists? Because they experience the immense alienation which comes from possessing large amounts of Capital, which may never be invested into anything, be it charity (mass collective wealth would upset the Capitalist Social Order, and upset the fortunes of poverty-exploiting companies like Walmart and Nestle), be it their own productive forces (the Tendency for Rates of Profit to Fall means that this wealth will be wasted), etc., except for wealth-destroying vanity projects and hobby horses. Furthermore, as they came of age within the Capitalist Aeon, exposed to advertisements and consumer-media as with the rest of the Population, they had a consumerist upbringing; for them, McDonald's, Star Wars, and Coca Cola are the very picture of human comfort, with each being a crutch on which they build their own lives. The alienation of being in possession of vast amounts of useless wealth, as well as the alienation from the general population, the happenings of the World, and even other members of the Capitalist Class (as with the Donald Trump-Michael Bloomberg feud), all produce a level of directionless personal hysteria which make them vulnerable to consumerist forces.      How does this relate to Kanye West? In the case of Capital and Consumerism, capitalist data firms and gambling companies will unequally target persons especially prone to mass amounts of spending, as to enrich their own Capital. "Whales". This is the term that gambling companies, and MMO marketing teams use for these people. They find persons who are vulnerable to the paper-thin comforts of Skinner boxes and consumer-media, and they exploit them, and exploit them, and exploit them, until the casino or MMO has made a maximal amount of money from that individual person.
      And what do conspiracy theories do? They engender passivity in the individual consumer. In the case of QAnon, for instance, the message of QAnon is that the entire government has been resolved by Donald Trump, Q, and JFK Jr. already, that the coup which would inaugurate that trio is inevitable, and that all the individual QAnon believer has to do is wait for that coup to occur. Of course, these conspiracy theories also selectively target terroristic individuals, driving them to extremes of violence and misanthropy (as we saw with the recent Club Q shooting, may their blood be avenged), but those individuals whom it targets with messages of Passivity and Proselytizing also further the spread of that conspiracy theory, to new hosts of varying quality.
     Kanye West experiences the innate alienation produced by excess Capital, he experiences the innate alienation from Self and from libidinal expression produced by being a consumer-subject in a consumer-society, and Kanye West has already demonstrated himself to be vulnerable to periods of extreme hysteria and religious delusions. And in the period of his divorce, which would doubtless be vulnerable for any person, Kanye has allowed himself to be a host for antisemitic libel and paranoia which conditions, and reinforces, his own shattering ego and sense of self, while his platform spreads that to all the World's population.
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thechembow · 1 year
Can anything orgone-related account for the orbiting low pressure systems that came on shore & formed an eye? I am in Santa Clara co. & I can attest that it was pretty darn hurricane-like yesterday! We are still plagued with power outages & uprooted trees, seems like for months now.
Absolutely! All weather is orgonomic. The motion of OR is a spiraling wave, which is why we see spirals in weather systems and cloud formations. When there is an extreme weather event like a hurricane or tornado, it is the result of an sudden and very strong OR rush. The DOR (deadly radiation), which has suppressed precipitation is suddenly released, causing an extreme result. This is why there can be extreme weather following orgonite gifting trips.
This winter's record breaking weather is the result of the work done in Salt Lake City this past summer. This work removed a significant blockage in the flow of the jet stream, which diverted weather systems up and around California (note Utah's record winter too). Now the weather is free to move through evenly, bringing rain and snow to everyone, not to mention we have covered all of California already.
I expect this new weather to continue and I don't think we'll ever return to the "dry and sunny" California we grew up in, but that was not the real California anyway. Thank you for your question and hope your power comes back soon.
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thechembow · 2 years
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Translating the Weather Forecast
Jan. 29, 2022
It’s been quiet and the sky has been clear, extremely high in OR, and with few flyers lately. We finally started seeing some more significant activity and weather disturbances on Thursday, when the wind kicked up significantly. The wind roared in from the east all night on Thursday. It continued through Friday night, but was much calmer by then.
There is a system coming into California from the west and it’s spiraling as it makes its way across, bringing up clouds from the southwest. The spiraling movement also caused the wind to come from the east temporarily, although the system as a whole is coming from the west.
This morning brought the first significant cloud cover in some time. It was DORish but transmuting throughout the morning. There was rain in parts of Southern California, especially in the desert. We had localized rain here in the mountains too. The clouds were gaining definition throughout the morning and the air was moist.
In the afternoon, we had DORized clouds and haze, which cleared up nicely in the evening with beautiful OR clouds in the sunset. Flyers did not fare well.
When reading the upcoming forecast, subtract 5-10 degrees from all highs and lows. Ignore the chance of rain percentages altogether. On Sunday, the DOR will have transmuted and OR clouds will have evaporated. This will bring clear skies tomorrow. 
On Monday, we will have overcast skies as DOR transmutes again. Expect an energy battle. The OR clouds formed at the end of the process of transmutation will clear overnight. There is a chance of rain on Monday night, as humidity will allow for it and the atmosphere will begin to be more weighted towards OR.
On Tuesday, the day will begin with OR skies and a chance of rain increasing later in the day. This chance will increase as humidity and OR increase throughout the day. It may snow at night since the forecast calls for a low of 24 (remember this means high teens).
Let’s see if my orgonomic assessment of weather based on my own observations and translating meteorology into orgonomy is correct!
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thechembow · 5 years
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Breaking the Blockage - Energy Shift
Nov. 6, 2019
Over the past week, we’ve been working on breaking down a blockage over the ocean which had been sending the jet stream up and around California. We have had some significant opposition to deal with lately, mostly because I’m done writing my book and it’s being prepared to be printed and published. They’re doing everything they can to make our lives as hard as possible so it’s delayed. The blockages in our life are finally being broken down, and so is the one over the ocean.
The progression of satellite images is from Nov. 2 (the 3rd was very similar) to Nov. 5, and the final two are from today. We recharged the chembuster crystals yesterday and focused on drawing in the large amounts of precipitation that we can see over the Pacific Ocean. We also concentrated our energy on powering up the west coast orgonite grid from Southern California to Washington.
Today, the jet stream started to normalize and we saw reports of fog in Southern California, Oregon, and Washington. They even reported on “stagnant air” in Washington and Oregon, which is a weather advisory I’ve never seen before. It is actually an orgonomic rather than a meteorological way of describing weather, but they don’t understand that the stagnation is due to DOR and that the dense fog advisory is the result of an OR transmutation. There is also rain throughout the Southwest and some snow in New Mexico, which is as far east as we’ve gifted.
The energy shift is happening. None of the recent attacks have stopped us, but these have been trying times. The sky has been great all the time though. We have taken back the sky. Now we need to work on taking back our lives. The parasites are getting very heavy handed right now, so if you’re feeling down, know that you’re not alone. We all need to recharge ourselves, so taking time to relax, meditate, read, and learn are necessary for healing the planet. If you’re feeling bad, turn off the cell phone and wifi. Don’t give them an “in” to your consciousness. We all need to remove DOR and increase OR, and if we all do this together, the results increase exponentially. The goal isn’t just a clear sky and rain. It’s the permanent eviction of the parasites.
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