#original website link seems to be a scam now
cow-wife · 1 year
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obsessed with the presentation of this decrepited vst by jack dark
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kyra45 · 2 months
Palestinian fundraiser method info update
(Palestinian fundraiser method info update)
Hi everyone! Prior to the scam blogs original starting up, I had always stated that PayPal or gogetfunding was considered suspicious due to Palestine fundraisers generally being a GoFundMe link since at that time it was commonly used. While this was originally true, I’d like to take time now to explain that it has now changed slightly due to GoFundMe freezing campaigns and Palestinians having to change to other methods of fundraising.
Now, legitimate/vetted/verified Palestinian fundraisers may use PayPal or gogetfunding as an alternative method to raise funds when gfm freezes their original fundraiser. You may have seen a few of these already, such as 90-ghost (Ahmed) using PayPal to raise funds for his brother or rubashabansblog using gogetfunding after the original gfm was frozen.
However, even with all this, I’d like to explain that there is still ways to check if a fundraiser is ran by the original gfm user and isn’t someone impersonating it as I’ve seen happen before. Here is a quick guide to making sure everything is all right:
- Check around to make sure the fundraiser is accurate to the original and is posted by the original fundraising account or at least someone who is related to them.
- Ensure the funds being requested matches the original fundraiser itself and isn’t a relatively low (For example, $450 itself is not an accurate goal at all.)
- If both of the above isn’t useable due to the account being brand new with very few posts, search the post text to see if it may be from a gfm and see if there’s any past blogs that may have used it that was previously took down. If the original gfm is still up and doesn’t seem linked to a tumblr blog, take caution as the account may be impersonating it by having a PayPal account with no mention of the active gfm and have a goal completely different and lower than the original.
Please understand that sometimes language barriers are a problem and it may lead to misunderstandings due to translation issues. Most blogs will continuously post about their fundraiser though some might not. Others will reuse asks by other accounts because it’s easier for them and they are not fluent in English. Images may be shared across the same family as well.
Now remember, not all Palestinian fundraisers are scams and there is numerous ways to ensure that you support vetted ones such as lists like this that show accounts/fundraisers that have been checked out and confirmed as legit. If someone says they’re vetted, you can easily search around to make sure that they have been.
PayPal and gogetfunding are no longer by default means of someone being a scam, but searching usernames/asks should still show if anything’s been previously recorded by other blogs. Please don’t call a fundraiser a scam on the spot just because it’s Palestinian. You can put effort into searching instead of assuming all of them are scams.
If anyone has additional information to add on, please do!
Additionally, please make sure that the donations you send are going through a real website and not one of those that is impersonating trusted ones.
312 notes · View notes
stanwixbuster · 2 months
Right, their posts keep coming up on my dash because they look pretty, and now that I'm seeing their posts regularly hit 1000+ notes with a direct link to buy "their" clothes, I want to do a PSA:
Lolitawardrobe is not a reputable retailer, as it upmarkets and resells clothes from other brands, and deliberately obfuscates where they are sourcing their clothes from to make it seem like they are the original sellers.
If you're not aware of  EGL fashion, lolitawardrobe and similar sites such as devilinspired are the bottom-feeders of the community. They take listings from indie brands (usually Chinese ones, as they're the hardest for the anglosphere internet to access), including their photos, sneakily doesn't mention the original brand name (but often, are too lazy to edit the watermarks or brand logos on the photos), and hike the price up as much as double the original listing. When you buy something from these websites, they then buy the clothes from the original brand to send to you, all the while pretending they're the original sellers. There's been several cases of people buying things from these websites long after the original brand stopped selling the item, and getting a shrug and a coupon with no clothes to show for it.
"I'm just putting the nice pictures on my blog! I don't want to buy them at all."
Cool. You and your followers should still be aware of this.
"I bought something from Lolitawardrobe and got exactly what I saw in the pictures. I haven't been scammed."
On paper, yes. You haven't been scammed. You've just paid at least double the amount you would if you went directly to the original seller instead. If you want to keep paying more money for no reason, that's your prerogative. The original brand still gets the money and the only loser in this transaction is you.
"But Lolitawardobe says their stuff is from Taobao brands! They aren't hiding anything."
Name one of them.
I'm not asking for some full boycott on reblogging things from them, because these indie brands do beautiful pieces, but if you're tempted by the link and want to buy anything they post about, please keep this in mind. Especially when indie retailers like FanPlusFriend literally have blogs on here and get two-digit notes on their posts, if that.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Aug. 2, 2024
"If you did not believe he was maniacal or evil, before this, well now you know," said a former congresswoman.
A super political action committee connected to billionaire Elon Musk is not only working to elect Republicans including former President Donald Trump but also collecting voter information in battleground states via a method that is setting off alarm bells, CNBC reported Friday.
CNBC political finance reporter Brian Schwartz explained how an online America PAC advertisement featuring footage of the recent assassination attempt targeting Trump sends viewers to different websites depending on their location.
"If a user lives in a state that is not considered competitive in the presidential election, like California or Wyoming for example, they'll be prompted to enter their email addresses and ZIP code and then directed quickly to a voter registration page for their state, or back to the original sign up section," he reported. "But for users who enter a ZIP code that indicates they live in a battleground state, like Pennsylvania or Georgia, the process is very different."
"Rather than be directed to their state's voter registration page, they instead are directed to a highly detailed personal information form, prompted to enter their address, cell phone number, and age," according to Schwartz. "If they agree to submit all that, the system still does not steer them to a voter registration page. Instead, it shows them a 'thank you' page."
One user on X—the Musk-owned social media platform formerly called Twitter—trialed the process and shared related screenshots:
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"How is this legal!?" Veni Kunche of Diversify Tech asked on X in response to the reporting. "America PAC is misleading voters."
Georgetown University professor Don Moynihan also raised legal concerns, saying, "Getting people's personal information on the promise of helping them to register to vote, and then not helping them to register to vote definitely seems like election fraud."
Retired journalist Mary Beth Schneider said: "Scamming people into thinking they registered to vote? This should be illegal."
Jodi Jacobson, founder and executive director of Healthcare Across Borders, called for a federal investigation.
"Is anyone actually working over there?" she asked the U.S. Department of Justice on X. "Because here is something you should be investigating. Now."
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor at Stetson University College of Law in Florida and fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, criticized the super PAC and offered guidance on registering to vote in the United States.
"This is so shitty," she said of the group's actions. "To avoid... a fake registration webpage problem: Google your local board of elections and register directly through them. Typically your local board of elections is the name of the county you live in and 'board of elections.'"
Former Congresswoman Marie Newman (D-Ill.) took aim at Musk, saying, "If you did not believe he was maniacal or evil, before this, well now you know."
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While a spokesperson for America PAC declined to comment and Musk did not reply to Schwartz's emails, the billionaire confirmed he created the political group during a July 22 video interview on X with right-wing commentator Jordan Peterson. Musk also denied a recent Wall Street Journal report that he is putting $45 million a month toward sending Trump back to the White House.
"I am making some donations to America PAC, but at a much lower level and the key values of the PAC are supporting a meritocracy and individual freedom," Musk wrote on X the following day. "Republicans are mostly, but not entirely, on the side of merit and freedom."
Super PACs are not subject to the same legal restrictions as campaigns and traditional political committees; they can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations, and groups. There are limits for coordinating with campaigns, but they can coordinate on canvassing, thanks to a Federal Election Commission advisory opinion from earlier this year.
America PAC has already raised millions of dollars, with donations from venture capitalists and cryptocurrency investors.
Last month, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) publicly thanked Musk for doing "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society in which billionaires dominate not only our economic life and the information we consume, but our politics as well."
As The New York Times detailed Thursday, America PAC is off to "a rocky start" and now "shaking up its field operation." Still, the group's potential impact on the presidential election—in which Trump is expected to face Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris—is generating concerns, particularly given the new revelations from CNBC.
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traderknows · 1 month
Exposing the Scam Behind "Etere bit" and "Bitzeni": A Warning to Investors
Recently, the trading community has been abuzz with concerns about a series of rebranded websites linked to the same fraudulent operation. Originally known as "Eterwealth," this deceptive platform shut down its site, only to reappear under the new name "Etere bit." Now, it has undergone yet another transformation, rebranding itself as "Bitzeni." Despite these changes in name and branding, the underlying scam remains unchanged.
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These platforms have been marked as high-risk by Traderknows due to their lack of transparency and dubious operations. Investors are urged to exercise caution, as these sites continue to lure unsuspecting individuals with false promises and misleading information. The rapid succession of name changes is a clear tactic to avoid detection and to continue defrauding investors.
To protect themselves, investors are strongly advised to conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with any online trading platform. It is crucial to select brokers that provide transparent information, are subject to stringent regulatory oversight, and have a proven track record of trustworthiness.
Staying vigilant and informed is the best defense against falling victim to such fraudulent schemes. Remember, if a platform’s practices seem suspicious or too good to be true, they probably are. Stay safe and protect your investments.
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gnotknormal · 1 month
Spotting art scam accounts- people who are pretending to be artists edition.
My GOD I am getting so tired of these fuckers. They annoy me to no end but I'm so sad and concerned about how many people they might trick. I'm even more concerned about the art they steal from other artists in order to pretend they are who they are saying they are.
My guess is they take your money and run, or they just AI some shit and then disappear. So here's some tips on how to find them.
I recently got followed by a "rabeccartist" (clearly Rebecca was taken) This is your first clue. They almost always just use a normal western sounding forename. Never an artist nickname or anything. While its true a lot of legitimate artists use their name, its very rarely just their first name - how would you ever be searchable by potential clients?!
Let's see what's on Rebecca's profile!
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Could seem innocuous enough, but the hints are here.
Really, first and foremost pushing their commissions without even explaining who they are or what their vibe is.
Almost always say or imply they can do nsfw commissions
No links to a portfolio or mentions of other sites they're on (yes I know not everybody goes everywhere but tumblr isn't exactly the place you get exposure - and how would these artists have got commissions already if not posting on other sites?)
Claims that aren't backed up by posts on their pages
E.g. "creating a world of unique characters" is huge bs. This profile only features "client work" and reblogs of other artists.
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This is the pinned post. Showing some other red flags.
Incorrect/unreasonable tags (some real artists do mess with tags to get some exposure, so this isn't always a red flag on its own)
"Client work done"/"commission completed" - with no indication of how they even know the client or got the commsion from. No mention even of what is included in the picture or what the request was for?
Next image
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Apparently another commission! But this one is a totally different style "furry oc"?? Really? Whose OC? Tag them! Link to their website!
Also I only just notice they just straight up tagged this as AI art so...
And this page leads me to another blog by someone called Helen. (Again, another name- and they pretty much are always womens names).
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It was the only picture liked by Rabecca. Rabecca's page doesn't show any of her original characters or artwork for fun or any sort of world building despite her profile offering a "world of unique characters".
So over on Helen's page
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Same vibe. Nsfw commissions mentioned, all it says is they love to draw. They usually also offer 3D and 2D commissions. Profile image is clearly not the same artist that drew that lion.
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Now I don't watch this show, but someone in the comments helpfully noted this was just a screenshot from the show. Also, this profile doesn't even mention Helluva Boss on it like the other one does (don't come at me if this isn't Helluva Boss I just said I don't watch it). "Client work done" again with no name, no specifications, nothing.
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There's the lion. Fan art? Of who? Why? It's lovely art but clearly different from the only other thing on the profile that claims to be done by this artist.
And looking at Helen's likes...
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Ah! What a surprise!!!
These are both scam accounts. Most likely by the same person. And honestly? I see these on Instagram all the time so I was kind of surprised to see them here. They all have the same or similar MO.
It's kind of funny, although I'm concerned people COULD, I'm so confident that people don't fall for this. I don't know why you would. After all, I am a legitimate artist @gnot-art with years of art under my belt, who sells commissions and showcases my own work on multiple platforms and people rarely commission me XD people don't generally just commission random artists they find on the Internet!!! It's so absurd.
What's even funnier to me is the other main art scam- where someone pretends to be a paying client and rips you off. (I can make another post about how to spot those, too, if anyone wants it). I just find it hilarious to think these 2 types of scam accounts are constantly only ever interacting with each other because they haven't even worked out how unlike actual art profiles what they've made is.
Anyway, I recommend that if you want to commission an artist, you follow them for a bit and get to know them and their style to see if it fits with what you want.
And no legitimate commissioning artist will EVER DM you begging for you to buy something from them.
Have a great day ya little frogs ✌️
0 notes
ashesinthewritten · 1 year
Hello lovely peoples.
I just want to let all you A03 users & writers know that there’s been scammers on ao3. And this is all about my own thoughts on the matter and the parts where I poke holes in the scam comment.
Recently, i got a comment on one of my wip fics, that only has 1 chapter on it. And this will be a long post so beware. I’ll cut it in two paras.
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Formality in a Comment?
My first thought, like other people, was that this is too formal for a fan fiction comment; this was formatted as an email from some sketchy person and/or bot. And this is obviously not my email.
2. No Specifics This comment did not name any specifics of this so-called Discord group, or who to contact (discord admin, mod, whatever they’re called, or otherwise)
2.1 Who’s in Charge?
For example: they did not name what the group is called, or when it was founded.
3. There are HOW MANY? Original Writers?
This person also stated that there was over TEN THOUSAND original writers. So let’s dissect that statement some more.
3.1 How would they manager?
I find it hard to believe that a Discord group with that many members is manageable in any way. And while I know that there are some groups that will have over 1,000 members. 10,000 members just seems…fake.
3.2 So many members, feels random.
And while 10,000 may be an alluring number, like with money, or ratings (like the 10,000/10 would recommend)
I do not find 10,000 other people, who may or may not be active, alluring. It would feel competitive. Like vying for attention, and bumping shoulders with the crowd to even get a crumb of advice.
I feel that—in my own opinion—smaller supportive communities are the way to go.
3.3 Original Writers? You came to the wrong place.
Original writers. Hun. This story you commented on is fan fiction. Specifically Hermitcraft SMP. A fandom about some silly Minecraft YouTubers that make fans giggle, froth, get feral, and sink our jaws into their minute or extensive lore and characters for fluff or angst.
3.3.1 Seriously. Wrong place
This story is FAN FICTION, if you wanted more OG Writers, go look in the OG Fiction filter/tab.
4. No regards for my feedback of this offer
Like other people have pointed out, this ‘person’ immediately distributed their discord link into my comments without feedback.
5. Exposed link in my comments, no safety
Literally anyone could have joined that discord (if we believed it was real) and could have tried scamming or corrupting or hacking the ‘10,000’ writers who may or may not be using that discord for their personal info, like data or credit cards.
6. You put a discord invite into a total stranger’s fic
Need I say more?
Why would a complete stranger put an entire. Discord invite into another complete stranger’s comments on a—primarily—Fan fiction website?
7. Where is the common sense?
If this was real, why would you knowingly share an invite to a stranger, where not just that specific Stranger could join, but literally any rando who stumbled upon that story.
7.1 Why would anyone trust you again
again if this was real, and i was apart of this ‘writing community’ why would I ever trust the person who blatantly exposed the invite to strangers unknown.
IF I was apart of that group I would inform everyone and high tail it the heck out of dodge so my info wouldn’t get compromised.
8. Nearly done now.
The comment ended with, “best, []”
There was no real username that signed off this note. No ways to contact this commenter. Clearly this comment was fake.
9. Checking the source
After I found this comment I read it, and thought, “yep, this is scam.”
And promptly opened up a fresh Ao3 tab, went to the work with this comment and tried clicking on the username.
and guess what? It didn’t work.
So then I tried searching for it, straight up, in Ao3 search. And there was nothing to find.
who would have thought, huh?
and don’t just mark them as spam in your work! This will not go to a real person! It will get looked at by an algorithm, I think
you have to actually report them to get it to stop happening.
A different blog said report them for “Commercial” something or other. do that!
it was the Third Suggestion in Ao3’s report abuse form for me.
if you need help, just search it up that’s how I found the form
0 notes
Naked Technologies | Marco Robinson Reviews
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NAKED Technologies Exonerated in Smear Campaign
This year has been a bloodbath for the ICO and Cryptocurrency market. Many ICOs have now declared bankruptcy or have simply failed to develop any product or utility for the coin they started. The only thing that’s left is a fabulous white paper.
According to Marco Robinson, the Founder of NAKED Technologies:
“[NKD] is one of very few Cryptocurrencies that actually owns assets and businesses where you can actually utilize your coins”
Due to some recent conflicts within the team, a smear campaign has been initiated against both NAKED Technologies, and its’ founder Marco Robinson.
NullTX received a press release titled: “Arrest warrant with jail / imprisonment sentence has been issued against the Founders of NAKED Technology ICO”. The email came from someone called icowhistleblower and made it seem like the anonymous source was “exposing” the founder of the ICO for scamming investors.
The email came with court documents, alleging that Mr. Robinson has been sentenced to two months in jail in Dubai and also banned from the country. You can find the links to the documents below: Dubai Court Order English / Arabic.
Furthermore, the email contains a series of youtube links which show disgruntled investors complaining about not being able to sell their NKD tokens and claiming a lack of response from the NAKED Technologies team.
When NullTX got a chance to speak to Mr. Robinson, we were informed that not only were the court documents fake, but the smear campaign was a result of alleged misconduct by one of NKD’s employees.
According to Marco, one of NAKED Technologies’ team members who goes by the name Kishore M (Kishore Mansighani), has been under contract to sell the NAKED Dollars in Dubai. Kishore allegedly breached the contract and started selling a different cryptocurrency — future1coin — behind Marco’s back.
Mr. Robinson further alleges that:
Mr. Robinson further explains that Jack Singh (H Jagjit Singh) and Melanie Soo (Soo Hui Ling) worked for NAKED Technologies in Dubai helping with events but, “we discovered they had been stealing money from our investors and putting it in their bank account.”
Since Jack and Melanie are both Malaysian citizens, Marco and his team made police reports against the two in their respective country. They even went as far as to send legal letters which they have ignored. They even offered a settlement in one of the letters, which was also ignored. You can find the police reports and the legal letter in the links below:
What is Naked Technologies exactly?
Before we go any further, let’s talk about what NAKED Technologies is. According to their official website, it is the world’s first asset & business backed cryptocurrency. NAKED hosted a presale that raised roughly $7 million, and an ICO which raised roughly $1 million. The ICO was hosted in Nov 2017 during the peak of the crypto craze.
Who is Marco Robinson?
Marco Robinson — the Founder of NAKED tech — is the star and creator of the Channel 4 hit TV show called “Get a House For Free”. He also authored a bestselling book and is an award winning entrepreneur. Check out this youtube video that featured Marco giving away a house:
While creating a cryptocurrency that is backed by real estate is no easy feat, it is clear that Mr. Robinson is a real estate investor and has experience in the field.
What are the investors complaining about?
In the email sent to NullTX, there were a few youtube videos from supposedly disgruntled investors who were complaining about the lack of return on their money and the fact that they couldn’t sell the token anywhere. According to Mr. Robinson:
Furthermore, when asked about these accusations Mr. Robinson said that their team responds to all emails that they get. He further mentioned that some of the emails he responded to simply bounced back — suggesting that the emails originated from non-working accounts.
Moreover, when it comes to allegations about not being able to sell the token. Marco said that he did not want to list the token in January, but the NKD team listened to their investors and decided to list anyway on a smaller exchange called SGExchange. However, because the NAKED team wasn’t happy with the security of the exchange the listing was taken off roughly six weeks after its launch.
That is when those “investor grievance” videos were created complaining of not being able to sell their token anywhere. Because the team wanted to wait for the bear market to be over they didn’t list their coin on any exchanges.
The good news is you can currently trade NKD on LAToken, which added NAKED technologies back in November.
LATOKEN is in the top 30 exchanges in the world with over $50 million in trading volume per day.
The Road Ahead
NAKED Technologies is unique because you can use your tokens to save over 50% on your travel : www.naked.travel which makes your vacations cheaper than any carrier in the world, you can use them on cruelty free cosmetics : www.4thbasecosmetics.com, restaurants : www.nakedrestaurantkl.com and many other products.
Future plans that are getting major traction are to create mass adoption for the coin and bring in thousands of entrepreneurs as merchants that can reward their customers with NAKED DOLLARS when they buy any of their products. This creates of massive eco-system of spending like on amazon. The difference is, NAKED brings in the socially excluded through FREEDOMX it’s new social impact movement which has already been approved in the usa with a 501 3 © and will use its own token to help make homelessness obsolete with the first two way charity based on “Conditional Altruism” I help you if you help someone else!
FREEDOMX uses Blockchain to guarantee donations are fully received by the homeless. Marco Robinson rehabilitates the homeless through the new Rich List with many influencers and qualified coaches to bring the excluded into the included.
0 notes
health4beats · 1 year
How to Know GlucoTrust is not a Scam?
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There are no risks or scams attached to GlucoTrust.com
Even long-term use of it cannot cause any side effects.
The ingredients inside are of the highest quality and obtained from trustworthy sources.
Not only do they regulate blood sugar but they also offer antimicrobial effects.
The company has shared the complete details online, sharing how this product has no suspicions whatsoever.
In addition, there are so many positive customer reviews of GlucoTrust, telling how this product has transformed lives.
This product is guaranteed for the benefits it offers, and the customers will be refunded if they think otherwise.
Just make sure that you are purchasing it from the official website and not a random website.
There is no way of knowing the quality and genuineness of a product if it is not purchased from the manufacturing company.
GlucoTrust Reviews – The Rundown
Going through GlucoTrust reviews reveals this product is a real help for people that are worried about erratic sugar levels.
It is a reliable and safe option that you can use without worrying about the side effects.
Not only it works on insulin response but it also improves the body’s overall efficiency of working.
It is achieved by natural ingredients obtained from trusted sources and processed in an FDA-approved facility.
If you are looking for an effortless way of managing blood sugar, this product is the right choice to make.
Either the body will get better control over sugar levels, or the company will give you a full refund under the money-back policy.
If you are convinced to buy GlucoTrust, hurry up because only a limited stock is left.
Book your order before the best of product availability.
Click here to visit the official GlucoTrust website right now and place your orders while supplies last.
GlucoTrust For Sale: Where to Buy at the Best Price?
GlucoTrust is an exclusive online product, and it cannot be purchased anywhere else.
The company has no shop, dealers, or authorized any person to sell it.
The only way you can get this is through the official website, and people/groups selling it otherwise are nowhere linked with the manufacturing company.
To get the real product, trust no one except the official website, including GlucoTrust Amazon.
There is no way to know if this product is original.
Also, the GlucoTrust Amazon sellers are not linked with the manufacturing company.
Try to save yourself from potential fraud by spending your hard-earned money on a legit source.
The price of the GlucoTrust supplement is already quite reasonable.
Those who wish to use it for a few months can save some more money by ordering a discounted bundle pack.
The price of one bottle is $69 only, but it reduces to $59 and $49 per bottle when you buy three or six bottles, respectively.
The standard shipping charges apply on the sample back, and the delivery is free for bundles.
(Act Now And Save More) Use This Direct Link To Buy GlucoTrust From The Official Website Right Now
Overall, it seems that the six bottle pack is the most affordable option.
Buying in bulk also saves you from the hassle of re-ordering one bottle every month, which can be a problem if you have a very busy routine.
Buy the bottles at once, and stock them to use later; plus, enjoy the best price while the discount is still available.
Bonus With GlucoTrust Purchase
As a part of promotions, GlucoTrust buy buyers will get a discounted price and free products with every purchase.
These bonuses are in a digital format, and the customers will not actually get anything in their mail.
Here is a brief description of the bonuses included with GlucoTrust bundle packs.
100 Great-Tasting Fat-Burning Green Smoothie Recipes
The first bonus is an ebook that contains information on natural weight loss with the help of smoothies.
It shares different recipes made from low-calorie healthy ingredients with enormous health benefits.
These smoothies taste great and also help the body lose and manage weight.
Make them a part of your life to manage the free-floating sugar in the blood that ends up causing obesity.
The Ultimate Guide To Superfoods
The next ebook is on superfoods, sharing how common food ingredients can create a visible improvement in health.
This book shares the details of some beneficial food options that may affect the quality of life by changing metabolism and immunity.
The 3-Day Liver Cleanse Breakthrough
Finally, the third bonus is an ebook on liver cleansing at home.
The liver is the human organ responsible for cleaning the body of toxins and wastes.
This book shares different guidelines following, which results in clearing the body.
The actual value of these eBooks is much higher, but they are free for GlucoTrust customers.
Do not look for them or add them to the cart.
Once you choose a bundle pack, access to these books is provided after the order is confirmed.
Download them on any electronic device to read later.
0 notes
sirmarcorobinson098 · 2 years
Marco Robinson Reviews
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NAKED Technologies Exonerated in Smear Campaign
This year has been a bloodbath for the ICO and Cryptocurrency market. Many ICOs have now declared bankruptcy or have simply failed to develop any product or utility for the coin they started. The only thing that’s left is a fabulous white paper.
According to Marco Robinson, the Founder of NAKED Technologies:
“[NKD] is one of very few Cryptocurrencies that actually owns assets and businesses where you can actually utilize your coins”
Due to some recent conflicts within the team, a smear campaign has been initiated against both NAKED Technologies, and its’ founder Marco Robinson.
NullTX received a press release titled: “Arrest warrant with jail / imprisonment sentence has been issued against the Founders of NAKED Technology ICO”. The email came from someone called icowhistleblower and made it seem like the anonymous source was “exposing” the founder of the ICO for scamming investors.
The email came with court documents, alleging that Mr. Robinson has been sentenced to two months in jail in Dubai and also banned from the country. You can find the links to the documents below: Dubai Court Order English / Arabic.
Furthermore, the email contains a series of youtube links which show disgruntled investors complaining about not being able to sell their NKD tokens and claiming a lack of response from the NAKED Technologies team.
When NullTX got a chance to speak to Mr. Robinson, we were informed that not only were the court documents fake, but the smear campaign was a result of alleged misconduct by one of NKD’s employees.
According to Marco, one of NAKED Technologies’ team members who goes by the name Kishore M (Kishore Mansighani), has been under contract to sell the NAKED Dollars in Dubai. Kishore allegedly breached the contract and started selling a different cryptocurrency — future1coin — behind Marco’s back.
Mr. Robinson further alleges that:
Mr. Robinson further explains that Jack Singh (H Jagjit Singh) and Melanie Soo (Soo Hui Ling) worked for NAKED Technologies in Dubai helping with events but, “we discovered they had been stealing money from our investors and putting it in their bank account.”
Since Jack and Melanie are both Malaysian citizens, Marco and his team made police reports against the two in their respective country. They even went as far as to send legal letters which they have ignored. They even offered a settlement in one of the letters, which was also ignored. You can find the police reports and the legal letter in the links below:
What is Naked Technologies exactly?
Before we go any further, let’s talk about what NAKED Technologies is. According to their official website, it is the world’s first asset & business backed cryptocurrency. NAKED hosted a presale that raised roughly $7 million, and an ICO which raised roughly $1 million. The ICO was hosted in Nov 2017 during the peak of the crypto craze.
Who is Marco Robinson?
Marco Robinson — the Founder of NAKED tech — is the star and creator of the Channel 4 hit TV show called “Get a House For Free”. He also authored a bestselling book and is an award winning entrepreneur. Check out this youtube video that featured Marco giving away a house:
While creating a cryptocurrency that is backed by real estate is no easy feat, it is clear that Mr. Robinson is a real estate investor and has experience in the field.
What are the investors complaining about?
In the email sent to NullTX, there were a few youtube videos from supposedly disgruntled investors who were complaining about the lack of return on their money and the fact that they couldn’t sell the token anywhere. According to Mr. Robinson:
Furthermore, when asked about these accusations Mr. Robinson said that their team responds to all emails that they get. He further mentioned that some of the emails he responded to simply bounced back — suggesting that the emails originated from non-working accounts.
Moreover, when it comes to allegations about not being able to sell the token. Marco said that he did not want to list the token in January, but the NKD team listened to their investors and decided to list anyway on a smaller exchange called SGExchange. However, because the NAKED team wasn’t happy with the security of the exchange the listing was taken off roughly six weeks after its launch.
That is when those “investor grievance” videos were created complaining of not being able to sell their token anywhere. Because the team wanted to wait for the bear market to be over they didn’t list their coin on any exchanges.
The good news is you can currently trade NKD on LAToken, which added NAKED technologies back in November.
LATOKEN is in the top 30 exchanges in the world with over $50 million in trading volume per day.
The Road Ahead
NAKED Technologies is unique because you can use your tokens to save over 50% on your travel : www.naked.travel which makes your vacations cheaper than any carrier in the world, you can use them on cruelty free cosmetics : www.4thbasecosmetics.com, restaurants : www.nakedrestaurantkl.com and many other products.
Future plans that are getting major traction are to create mass adoption for the coin and bring in thousands of entrepreneurs as merchants that can reward their customers with NAKED DOLLARS when they buy any of their products. This creates of massive eco-system of spending like on amazon. The difference is, NAKED brings in the socially excluded through FREEDOMX it’s new social impact movement which has already been approved in the usa with a 501 3 © and will use its own token to help make homelessness obsolete with the first two way charity based on “Conditional Altruism” I help you if you help someone else!
FREEDOMX uses Blockchain to guarantee donations are fully received by the homeless. Marco Robinson rehabilitates the homeless through the new Rich List with many influencers and qualified coaches to bring the excluded into the included.
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Marco Robinson Reviews
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NAKED Technologies Exonerated in Smear Campaign
This year has been a bloodbath for the ICO and Cryptocurrency market. Many ICOs have now declared bankruptcy or have simply failed to develop any product or utility for the coin they started. The only thing that’s left is a fabulous white paper.
According to Marco Robinson, the Founder of NAKED Technologies:
“[NKD] is one of very few Cryptocurrencies that actually owns assets and businesses where you can actually utilize your coins”
Due to some recent conflicts within the team, a smear campaign has been initiated against both NAKED Technologies, and its’ founder Marco Robinson.
NullTX received a press release titled: “Arrest warrant with jail / imprisonment sentence has been issued against the Founders of NAKED Technology ICO”. The email came from someone called icowhistleblower and made it seem like the anonymous source was “exposing” the founder of the ICO for scamming investors.
The email came with court documents, alleging that Mr. Robinson has been sentenced to two months in jail in Dubai and also banned from the country. You can find the links to the documents below: Dubai Court Order English / Arabic.
Furthermore, the email contains a series of youtube links which show disgruntled investors complaining about not being able to sell their NKD tokens and claiming a lack of response from the NAKED Technologies team.
When NullTX got a chance to speak to Mr. Robinson, we were informed that not only were the court documents fake, but the smear campaign was a result of alleged misconduct by one of NKD’s employees.
According to Marco, one of NAKED Technologies’ team members who goes by the name Kishore M (Kishore Mansighani), has been under contract to sell the NAKED Dollars in Dubai. Kishore allegedly breached the contract and started selling a different cryptocurrency — future1coin — behind Marco’s back.
Mr. Robinson further alleges that:
Mr. Robinson further explains that Jack Singh (H Jagjit Singh) and Melanie Soo (Soo Hui Ling) worked for NAKED Technologies in Dubai helping with events but, “we discovered they had been stealing money from our investors and putting it in their bank account.”
Since Jack and Melanie are both Malaysian citizens, Marco and his team made police reports against the two in their respective country. They even went as far as to send legal letters which they have ignored. They even offered a settlement in one of the letters, which was also ignored. You can find the police reports and the legal letter in the links below:
What is Naked Technologies exactly?
Before we go any further, let’s talk about what NAKED Technologies is. According to their official website, it is the world’s first asset & business backed cryptocurrency. NAKED hosted a presale that raised roughly $7 million, and an ICO which raised roughly $1 million. The ICO was hosted in Nov 2017 during the peak of the crypto craze.
Who is Marco Robinson?
Marco Robinson — the Founder of NAKED tech — is the star and creator of the Channel 4 hit TV show called “Get a House For Free”. He also authored a bestselling book and is an award winning entrepreneur. Check out this youtube video that featured Marco giving away a house:
While creating a cryptocurrency that is backed by real estate is no easy feat, it is clear that Mr. Robinson is a real estate investor and has experience in the field.
What are the investors complaining about?
In the email sent to NullTX, there were a few youtube videos from supposedly disgruntled investors who were complaining about the lack of return on their money and the fact that they couldn’t sell the token anywhere. According to Mr. Robinson:
Furthermore, when asked about these accusations Mr. Robinson said that their team responds to all emails that they get. He further mentioned that some of the emails he responded to simply bounced back — suggesting that the emails originated from non-working accounts.
Moreover, when it comes to allegations about not being able to sell the token. Marco said that he did not want to list the token in January, but the NKD team listened to their investors and decided to list anyway on a smaller exchange called SGExchange. However, because the NAKED team wasn’t happy with the security of the exchange the listing was taken off roughly six weeks after its launch.
That is when those “investor grievance” videos were created complaining of not being able to sell their token anywhere. Because the team wanted to wait for the bear market to be over they didn’t list their coin on any exchanges.
The good news is you can currently trade NKD on LAToken, which added NAKED technologies back in November.
LATOKEN is in the top 30 exchanges in the world with over $50 million in trading volume per day.
The Road Ahead
NAKED Technologies is unique because you can use your tokens to save over 50% on your travel : www.naked.travel which makes your vacations cheaper than any carrier in the world, you can use them on cruelty free cosmetics : www.4thbasecosmetics.com, restaurants : www.nakedrestaurantkl.com and many other products.
Future plans that are getting major traction are to create mass adoption for the coin and bring in thousands of entrepreneurs as merchants that can reward their customers with NAKED DOLLARS when they buy any of their products. This creates of massive eco-system of spending like on amazon. The difference is, NAKED brings in the socially excluded through FREEDOMX it’s new social impact movement which has already been approved in the usa with a 501 3 © and will use its own token to help make homelessness obsolete with the first two way charity based on “Conditional Altruism” I help you if you help someone else!
FREEDOMX uses Blockchain to guarantee donations are fully received by the homeless. Marco Robinson rehabilitates the homeless through the new Rich List with many influencers and qualified coaches to bring the excluded into the included.
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almostnoisydonut · 2 years
𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮
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From clothes to appliances and even groceries, almost anything can be purchased online — and many of us are doing just that. In fact, 95% of people have reported to shopping online at least yearly. As we continue to shift toward this trend, the amount of fraud and/or identity theft incidences are increasing.
The next time you buy online, follow these tips to protect yourself from falling victim to fraud or theft.
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Before entering any personal or financial information, make sure you verify that the site you are on is legitimate and secure. The easiest way to tell is to look for “https” at the beginning of a site’s address. If you don’t see the “s” at the end of “http,” then the site is not encrypted and your data will not be secure. All legitimate shopping sites will have the “s” for your protection.
When you visit a website, the URL should begin with “https” instead of “http.” A secure website is encrypted, allowing you to complete a purchase and enter your personal and credit card information without being hacked.
Most online retailers allow you to create an account on their website. This way your personal information and credit card number is stored in their system. Many users create an account to see their order status, order history and make reordering items easier. However, for each account you have, be sure to use a unique username and password. Think about this: if you have five accounts for five different retailers, but you use the same username/password for each, as soon as a hacker cracks your login, they now have access to every account in which you use that login for.
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Updating your software is one of the easiest things you can do to protect your information, but many people put it off. Software updates are often released to help improve security and fight new attacks that are being developed constantly. It may seem inconvenient to have to wait for your computer (or your smartphone) to go through updates and restart, but the protective benefits are well worth it. Next time you see an alert to update your software, do it.
The holidays are a great time for email scammers to send out viruses and malware in the guise of a gift or special offer. Don’t open emails from someone you don’t know or a site you haven’t visited. Another way the bad guys try to get you is with phony messages from your bank or other financial institution saying there is an alert or problem with your account. Always call the bank directly to verify any potential problems and never enter your account information in response to an email like this.
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Unfortunately, a slew of mysterious brands are popping up all over our favorite online shopping spots and social media. It can be hard to tell the fakes from the real deal. Here are some tips to help you spot a product scam:
🦄 Read customer reviews. Look for too many super-positive reviews and repeated language or phrases.
🦄 Scrutinize photos. See if you can find the origin of the photo. If it's a stock image, beware.
🦄 Get help. Some experts uses Fakespot to help find imposter companies.
In addition to sneaky attacks in emails, beware of links to deals that are too good to be true on social networking sites. Look out for unbelievable offers and holiday gifts and bonuses. If you’re really tempted by an offer, do some research or find out if anyone else has tried to take advantage of the deal before clicking.
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Most websites you visit or shop on will ask you for information to complete your purchase or start a wish list. Give them only the information they require you to provide. If a complete address or phone number is optional, then skip those fields. The more info you put out there, the more accessible you are to a bad guy. And before committing your information to a site, take the time to read their privacy policy and find out exactly where and how your information will be shared.
Some online retailers offer the option of storing your credit card information after you have made a transaction. While this provides more convenience for future transactions, you may be putting your credit card information at risk. Major companies have suffered data breaches and had their customers’ credit card information stolen. You should not store your credit card information online, in the same way you should not provide your credit card details over email or a phone call.
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Plain and simple: online retailers do not need your social security number to complete a transaction.
Picture it: You’re just one click away from a crazy deal on a new couch. Admittedly, you’re not familiar with this online shop, but the product has rave reviews. Hang on a second! Before you click “Buy,” read our guide to safe online shopping. Handing over your personal details to a fraudulent website puts you and your money at risk, and if you’ve landed on a fake page, that couch is too good to be true anyway…
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justice4falum · 4 years
do NOT give money to tumblr user roboticwheelchair
Hi, so you’ve probably seen this post or some of its permutations on this website lately! (The old version of this post broke because I mistakenly deleted it. Let’s try this again, shall we?)
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This is a “RAFFLE” for a Nintendo Switch Lite and the poster is asking people send them $10 to earn a spot in the raffle, of which there are 52. People have already sent money in.
This post was made by user roboticwheelchair and the name which currently displays on their paypal is “Mick Garcia” - it’s very possible you’ve heard their story already from several weeks ago. User roboticwheelchair claims that they were physically assaulted for being a transgender man, and that they sustained a concussion.
The BAD news is that roboticwheelchair is a blog which has been on tumblr for a very long time, and used to belong to someone named Falum Gibson. You may have heard this name from their #justice4falum campaign ages ago. They are a notorious scammer and has been doing this since 2016. LET’S REVIEW (LONG, LONG, LONG POST AHEAD.)
Part 1: #BieberMeetFalum and Meeting Ed Sheeran
In 2016, Falum ran a Justin Bieber fan account on Twitter called @bieberfreezer (account has since been suspended). They began a campaign called #BieberMeetFalum by posting a Twitter thread about their disability, cerebral palsy, and how they had intended to meet Justin Bieber personally because his music was important to them. However, the venue he was performing at was not wheelchair accessible and Falum uses an electric wheelchair. They were trying to get the attention of him or his team in order to ensure they met. (LINK)
This was a reasonable thing to post about! Accessibility is a necessity. We know this. And they weren’t asking for money. Twitter got this the attention it needed and they were able to meet Bieber despite the trouble. (LINK)
Later on, they gunned to meet Ed Sheeran and succeeded.
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Part 2: #TaylorNoticeFalum
In 2018, Falum was on Tumblr as user taylorsgetawaycarxo. At this point they still say they have cerebral palsy, but has also said they have COPD (something they later will drop.) Claiming that they are terminally ill and has 2 years left to live, they talk about how Taylor Swift is their idol and they want to meet her before they die.
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This came right after they had done the same thing with Demi Lovato fans, claiming they idolised Demi and needed to meet her, so on and so forth. They ran a GoFundMe for this. 
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The GoFundMe is now defunct, but the URL was “falumlastwish” I believe. Here’s where the plot gets a little lost, because the sheer number of different GoFundMes, donation posts, and meet-a-celebrity campaigns that Falum was running in these couple of years is... pretty wild. There’s a post from another blog here on Tumblr about the Taylor Swift fandom’s run-in with them. (LINK) 
Here’s a GoFundMe they ran from a music fan account on Instagram, where they were asking for help escaping homelessness. They raised almost 5,000 dollars out of the 10,000 they were asking. (LINK)
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At some point they also ran a GoFundMe for a PTSD service dog. I’m not sure how much they were asking for this one, but they apparently made $880 off of it. 
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Part 3: Ellie Elizabeth
This part is a little muddled, because the tumblr blog connected to it has been deleted and it’s really difficult to find archives of the posts, but at some point in early 2019 Falum started using the blog ellie-elizabeth21 to ask for money as well. The story was that they were being sent to conversion therapy for being bisexual by their father, who had them deemed legally mentally incompetent. Further stories they posted about were potential evictions, needs for grocery money, etc.
Here’s a link to an imgur album of some of the posts this account made. Many of them achieved their goal of over $200 or more. (LINK)
“Ellie” also ran a GoFundMe to escape conversion therapy. Although the person running the campaign was listed as Ellie Elizabeth, the “beneficiary” listed on the campaign is Falum Gibson, proving that Ellie was another pseudonym - just a better hidden one. Here’s the link to that GoFundMe, where you can see it for yourself. (LINK)
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This was Ellie Elizabeth’s PayPal account at the time, I believe? And anyway, you might note that they apparently made nearly $6,500 on this account.
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Part 4: #Justice4Falum
Now in November of 2019, Falum moved away from the world of Fan Internet and decided to try out something new. They made the blog roboticwheelchair in September of 2019 and reblogged a photoset of cats to it, which for a while was the only thing on the blog besides the donation post they initially made. They’ve gone through a cycle of reblogging and deleting things there, basically clearing out the blog every couple of weeks to make a new post.
At this point they were also @falumgibson on Twitter. The account has since been locked. This is when they posted a GoFundMe describing medical abuse they were allegedly undergoing at the Ottawa Hospital. Weird side note, this GoFundMe is still running and can be donated to, though obviously I’m recommending you don’t do so. (LINK)
They made several donation posts on Tumblr about this campaign, frequently linking it or their PayPal account and asking people to donate. Sometimes it was to go directly to their legal fund for this lawsuit, other times they were asking for money for medications or other immediate costs.
Side note, they had claimed to be in the hospital since August of 2019 due to suicidal ideation and claimed they had been psych warded. From what I can tell, the Ottawa Hospital General Campus they claimed to be hospitalised at does not actually have a psychiatric ward. It has a mental health team, but they appear to do outpatient work. It’s not really clear what they were in the hospital for at this point.
#Justice4Falum was originally about fundraising for a place to live because apparently they were in danger of being forced to leave the hospital due to homelessness. Later on they turned it into a legal fund to sue the hospital for mistreatment.
Part 5: Further Fundraising, Coming Out As Trans
While Falum was in the hospital, they started identifying as nonbinary. I’m not in any position to speculate about whether or not Falum is transgender, because that’s honestly not the point. Either way, they have started using their trans identity in much the way they use their disabilities - as a way to garner sympathy and trust, and to scam people out of money.
On their Twitter at this point, they did seem to have kind of a bizarre interpretation of how transition worked and appeared to be under the impression that the first thing trans men do is get top surgery? (LINK)
Shortly after this, still during the November that #Justice4Falum ran during, they began asking for donations to a different PayPal account than their normal one, because their stepdad was dying of cancer. There was a GoFundMe for this as well, but it appeared to feature their parents and was possibly not created by Falum.
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No date on this tweet unfortunately, but right after that, they made a post about how they had been outed to their transphobic father and needed to escape living with him.
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At this point, Falum has added several diagnoses to those they claim to have. In addition to cerebral palsy, they now claim to have multiple sclerosis and several mental illnesses. No more COPD, though! I’m very impressed that they recovered from a terminal illness!
Now that they’re out of the closet, in early December they begin making donation posts on Tumblr again and have now made a Patreon. (LINK: POST) (LINK: PATREON) Soon after this, they apparently left their home and became homeless, and started posting about this on Twitter and linking their PayPal.
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In late December they posted on Twitter about having attempted suicide by taking 75 extra strength Tylenol. Warning for a photograph of their IV in this link. (LINK)
Not very long after, Falum returned to their narrative of being terminally ill by posting about how their multiple sclerosis (something they have only claimed since 2019, I believe) causes them over 20 seizures a day and will eventually kill them. (LINK)
Then they locked their Twitter account and decided to try something new.
Part 6: Connor Kay, “anontransman”
Enter Connor Kay. At this point Falum makes a new Twitter account called @ConnorIsTrans which eventually morphs into @anontransman. They initially link this account to their old main account, saying that they’ve switched in order to be openly trans on their new account because their transphobic father is stalking them. (LINK)
They continue asking for donations on Twitter, now with a Ko-Fi account called Connor Rocks.
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They also post a story about an ex-friend of theirs spitting on them for being trans, apparently, and say they’re calling the police on her, which really doesn’t seem like something that’d be safe for a disabled trans person to do but whatever. (LINK)
On their blog at roboticwheelchair, they post stories about how they are being assaulted and mocked for being transgender. I should note that on Twitter they’ve said they are not out IRL and have not taken steps to transition.
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Not only does this particular story sound kind of like the “down with cis bus” post, it’s also somewhat suspect that they allege they were called a tr*nny as an AFAB trans person, given who is generally targeted by that word. But. Moving on.
When the COVID-19 pandemic came around, Connor created a Facebook group for disability support. This was run by the Facebook account Connor Kay, which has since been deleted. It was the same account that they used to have and they’d not changed anything except for the name; prior posts showed it was Falum Gibson’s account.
It turns out they deleted this Facebook account because someone on Facebook posted about their years-long history of scamming people online. Here’s a link to an imgur album of some of the Facebook callout and the images the OP posted. (LINK)
So Falum, or Connor, decides to start anew with an all new PayPal, Ko-Fi, Patreon and Twitter account. At this point they begin to break away from linking these accounts to the name Falum Gibson and their past donation posts, although they are still using the same Tumblr blog. They change their Twitter handle to @anontransman and remove links to Falum. (TWITTER SCREENCAP) (KO-FI SCREENCAP) (PATREON SCREENCAP)
Then they tweet about how they have been diagnosed with cancer. (LINK) Then they begin asking for $100k to go to the US for treatment. (LINK)
Soon after, this Tweet has been completely deleted and they have instead started asking for money for top surgery. (LINK) I believe this is in reverse chronological order, but here are a week’s worth of tweets from them - all deleted at random times in order to make room for the others - asking for money for various reasons. Yes, this was all literally within the same week. (LINK)
Note the very last image of that album contains a reference to an “Amazon Raffle” - they were basically telling people that donations would win them a spot in a raffle for an Amazon gift card or something? It seems they moved on from the @anontransman account before the raffle could come to fruition, or possibly that they just deleted all references to it. Not sure.
In April of 2020, roboticwheelchair posted a specific donation post about being attacked for being transgender and sustaining a concussion. They said they did not see a doctor after the assault because they didn’t think it was important, so their concussion went untreated and because of it they were unable to get groceries. The donation post linked to Connor Kay’s PayPal account. It was deleted and reposted several different times, with basically the same text.
Part 7: Mick Garcia
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This is a more recent post with the exact same story, now about their multiple sclerosis medication. The only difference is now that the PayPal link sends you to the PayPal of Mick Garcia. Mick Garcia has a different PayPal username than Falum, Ellie, and Connor did.
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On April 12th, the @anontransman account deactivated after Falum, or Ellie, or Connor, or Mick decided to leave Twitter. Then yesterday on April 19th, it reactivated and they tweeted once again.
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However, around this same time, another Twitter account under the name Mick Garcia with an icon @anontransman used to use and a very similar tone/style cropped up.
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The Mick Garcia account has not tweeted yet, as it appears that they may be staying with @anontransman for their current purposes, but it appears that for some reason or another they’ve decided to start going by Mick Garcia now.
I guess it’s probably relevant to note that while I suppose there are probably some white people out there with the last name Garcia, Falum is really seriously white and it’s suspect they would pick out Garcia as a pseudonym, whether they list “white” in their Twitter bio or not.
More from the current state of the roboticwheelchair blog includes many, many posts where they’re either reposting their own petitions or basically grabbing for as many followers as possible. You can probably guess why. (LINK)
As of April 20th, 2020, there are 2 donation posts still standing on their blog. Here are both of them. (LINK)
Finally, The Switch Raffle
Literally today, April 20th, roboticwheelchair posted something that is allegedly a raffle. They claim to be giving away a Nintendo Switch Lite to a lucky winner. There are 52 slots in the raffle; they are asking that people send them $10 over PayPal in order to enter. They’re also claiming this is to further fundraise for their medication.
They are claiming their doctor has put them on an MS medication that costs $450 every two weeks. (Note that if they’re trying to make money for that right now and also going to buy a Switch for the winner, than they’d only have about half of that at the end? The Switch Lite is about $260 in Canada and their total earnings from a full raffle would be $520.)
You should not give money to them for this raffle, or for any reason. The reason I’m compiling all of this is because after months of seeing them pull this scam over and over again, they’re now promising people an actual product that given their history, I would say they are highly unlikely to deliver.
Given their past, it is most likely they will delete this raffle once they have the money they want, and refuse to allude to it ever again. Or maybe they’ll just disappear! Or hell, maybe they’ll have some kind of nebulous problem ordering the Switch when someone wins, and that’ll be that.
But it’s clear based on this history, I hope, that Falum or Ellie or Connor or Mick has a long history of taking lots and lots of money from strangers online. Like, a lot of money. My estimate is that they’ve made over $15k on this, and that’s exclusively based off of the visible numbers on their GoFundMes and Ko-Fi accounts.
Please do not give this person your money. They are not trustworthy. There are other people who need it - like you, or maybe like, someone you personally know and not some complete stranger who keeps telling people they’re terminally ill so they can meet a cool musician.
I’ve compiled all of this information to the best of my ability, but I am just one person and it took a lot of digging due to the deleted accounts involved.
Falum is actually disabled; I believe they do have cerebral palsy and may have other disabilities. I do not know if they really have MS, but it’s hard to trust them because they previously lied about having terminal COPD.
I have no idea if Falum is really transgender or not. They have apparently taken no concrete steps to transition, which I know means very little. That being said, if they are transgender, they are leveraging their identity in dangerous ways against other people for money and sympathy. Their stories about being assaulted by strangers for being transgender are highly suspect, given their lack of transition and the fact that the scenarios they describe are highly cliche.
Finally, I’m not trying to harass Falum or threaten them in any way. I don’t know them. If they’re interested in talking candidly about what they have been doing all these years and why, that’s fine. I would honestly love to understand, but at this point it seems like the only thing they can do is apologise for their dishonesty and stop doing this.
Reblog this post if you want! The point is to get the word out there, because this person has been a pervasive presence on this website for some time and has not yet been called out.
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tallysgreatestfan · 3 years
There is this lady somewhere near St. Petersburg who leads this rescue center for injured or otherwise unfit for wildness hares from all over Russia. I wonder how she feels about the situation. She seems a nice and open-minded person, and I think she likely does not feel good about the war, but also she has no chance to say anything about it, because she likely would get jailed and she would not know what would happen to all the hares that rely on her care. She often uses social media to gain money for her organisation, I wonder if that will become harder for her to collect when Russia bans several western websites tomorrow.
There is this man who used to be a soldier in the Ukraine but came to Germany because he just needed more money to support his family, he works as a cleaner now, he is in our apartment building once a week. He is tall and looks intimidating at first but he has a very friendly smile. We already said we were sorry to him last week, but what do you say about a war in your country of origin? Thankfully he has German citizenship now, and his family is over here too, he would have been drafted otherwise. Still, I wonder if his home town was one of the ones invaded, but how do you talk about something like that, how do you comfort someone about that?
I don’t know why I write this, I just feel sad about them.
(Feel free to add links to aid agencies and similiar, I am not good at finding good ones and discerning them from scams)
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thesfwinternaitonal · 3 years
What is the dark world of the dark web, the RED ROOMS?
It’s late one night and you can’t sleep. You toss and turn, but can’t seem to doze off. So, you pull out your computer and head to some of your frequented online forums. You are on your favorite subreddit/infographics show when suddenly a popup blocks your screen. The box is all black with red lettering. It reads: do you like the red room? The red room? You think. What is that? You shrug and go to close the popup. As soon as you click on the creepy message another window appears. A list of people’s names who have accessed a red room before begins scrolling across your screen. The list ends.
                                                   An ominous message is left for you to read. It says: everyone who accessed the red room is now dead, will you be next? You slam your laptop shut and sit in the darkness. You are breathing heavily as sweat pours down your face. Well, that was creepy, you think. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you begin doing research on what red rooms are. One of the first things you find after a quick search is an account from a blogger who knows about red rooms. The blogger explains he knows a friend of a friend who once paid a red room on the dark web using cryptocurrency.
               The red room user went deep into the dark web using the anonymous browser called tor. It was the only way to reach the red rooms, because of the insane stuff that happens in them. The user logged in and waited. The live stream video was of a room covered in translucent tarps. In the middle of the room was a chair. In the top right-hand corner of the screen was a countdown. The user had three minutes to wait before the show would begin. When the countdown got to zero one of the tarps was pulled back. A tried-up man was escorted in by a hooded figure. The captive was secured in the chair and the hooded figure left the room. He then came back with a pushcart piled high with tools and instruments of torture.
                                                                 The man tied to the chair began to scream and plead for mercy. But there was none to be had the red room. The user was able to vote for different ways to torture the man. The executioner would read the messages and do it. But there was a catch. The user said that in order to suggest torture people watching the stream had to pay using untraceable cryptocurrency. The person with the highest payment got their torture of choice carried out. The user explained that this went on for around twenty minutes until someone made a monstrous donation to have the captive killed. The execution was carried out live on the red room video for all to see. You are a bit skeptical that something as horrible as torture and murder could be found on the internet. Also, this description, like every account of red rooms you find, all happened to be second, third, or fourth-hand accounts. It seems like red rooms are tied to the dark web, yet when you do a quick google search for ‘red rooms’ a bunch of sites comes up.
                        Yes, they are all either scams or old sites that no longer work, but they were relatively easy to find. This makes you think that people made up red rooms to scam others and it evolved into an urban legend. But the weird popup from earlier in the night still haunts you. You need to learn more. You decide to uncover more about what the dark web is and how it is tied to red rooms. After some research, you find that the dark web is a relatively small collection of websites that are not indexed by search engines, such as Google or Yahoo! In fact, you discover that there are only about 2000 unindexed sites that make up the dark web. When you compare this to the regular internet, which contains well over a billion sites, you are surprised at how small of a niche the dark web actually makes up of total virtual content.
                                          Supposedly the only way to access these sites is to use open source anonymity tools to uncover the hidden IP addresses. Browsers like tor make it incredibly difficult to determine what is on the dark web and who is there unless you know what you’re looking for. The dark web is based around anonymity so it appeals to bad people doing bad things. You scour the internet for more information about red rooms. It is clear they are video streams of people doing terrible things like torture and murder but do they really exist? Can you actually find one that is streaming live? From everything you’ve read, it seems unlikely. Most videos that claim to be red rooms are obviously just scams trying to steal people’s money. “What a time to be alive”, you say sarcastically. As you go deeper and deeper into your research you find an interesting rumor.
                              It is claimed that the term red rooms have been around for decades. The name may have its origins in the movie the shining where ‘red rum’ is written out in lipstick on a door. Later the movie reveals that what is really being written is murder backward. Another hypothesis of where red rooms got its name is from the 1983 horror film Videodrome. In this movie, torture is shown on live tv in a room painted red. Both ideas for the name of red rooms seem plausible. What doesn’t seem plausible is that they actually exist on the internet. People have been known to do terrible things on the internet, especially when their identity is a secret.
                                                You don’t have to go to the dark web to find websites geared towards racism, hate, and cybercrime. All of that can be found right on the regular internet. As you dive deeper into your research on the twisted world of the dark web, you come across a site that is claiming to be currently live streaming a red room. You are hesitant, but you need to know if it is real, so you click on the link. It takes you to a video in progress. Do you think it’s odd that a red room video would be easily accessible on the regular internet, but like so many others your curiosity gets the better of you? The video in progress shows a woman being tortured by a man. The torturer is using different tools to inflict pain. Blood sprays everywhere. The man disappears behind a curtain. This can’t be real, you think. He comes back into view as the shrieks of the hysteric captive fill the room. click the link to read more: 
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