#orihime had the same problem
greyhavensking · 1 year
do I think bleach is a good manga, narratively speaking? no
did I enjoy reading it anyway? absolutely
#maria rambles#bleach#if nothing else it gave me a lot of characters I genuinely love#and an interest in looking for fix it fics#but really just. I have so many complaints. and they’re going in the tags so I’m not bothering anyone with them#I don’t love ichihime as a pairing but it isn’t strictly because I don’t like Orihime#I don’t think she was given enough chances to really develop as a character. she flatlined after a while and it was really frustrating#she never really gets a chance to prove herself since TYBW really limits where she actually steps in to help#and past a certain point she basically functions as a conscience for ichigo to bring him out of his hollow form#the other problem is that Rukia gets the same treatment#she gets sidelined so often after the soul society arc. she gets her ass handed to her in nearly every fight#and she and ichigo can’t even be seen together as friends in the final arc. they’re literally almost never in the same place at the same#time. because they had to push the fact that her love interest was renji and ichigo’s was Orihime#don’t even get me started on chad#that poor guy had Zero relevance to the plot#he loses his fights on hueco mundo and literally never has a badass moment again#I don’t count TYBW because we don’t actually see him do anything#ishida is also a can of worms to me#not to mention all the captains/vice captains#WHY was the zombiefication of hitsugaya even necessary????#he came out of it immediately and then it was like. well. that happened. let’s move on#I realize Kubo was probably very pressed for time and had to get out all his plot points on a time crunch#but like. good god. that entire arc is a mess and a half#the only thing I really praise is bringing back the arrancars. but even then. they were barely relevant#ughhhhhhhhhh it’s such a shame because I really genuinely loved the start of this series
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jubileemon · 6 months
Why Ichigo And Rukia Ended Up With The Right People
In Bleach, Ichigo ends up with Orihime, Rukia is with Renji. Since it's part of the shonen genre, it doesn't center around romance and would be unlikely to focus on romantic relationships, as there were other interesting and exciting things happening.
The Problem With Ichigo X Rukia
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Even though he becomes a Shinigami, he isn't technically a soul. He was not born in Soul Society and never died to go there. If he wanted to be with Rukia, he would either have to wait and die from old age or die right away and part with everyone else way too soon. Rukia is a soul who ages extremely slowly and will probably never die. Their families are in different worlds, so their priorities are incompatible.
This might be the single biggest factor in Orihime's favor against Rukia: she won't outlive Ichigo by hundreds of years. After all, Ichigo is a substitute Soul Reaper, but not a full-fledged one. It was only ever touched on vaguely because the shinigami are all spirits/souls, and things like time and age aren't something that hold much meaning to them anymore. Roughly in the beginnings of the series, Rukia mentions that she's 10 times older than Ichigo (who was 15 at the time).
Ichigo also looks like Kaien Shiba, Rukia’s mentor and the man that she admired. Due to this, even Byakuya himself understood why Rukia would feel a connection for Ichigo. Rukia realized the parallels between Kaien’s last fight with Ichigo’s battle against Grand Fisher, the Hollow that had killed Masaki Kurosaki. As such, she views them as similar and so would be unlikely to have romantic feelings for someone resembling her late mentor. In fact, she keeps comparing Kaien and Ichigo throughout the Soul Society arc.
Rukia and Renji
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Rukia and Renji grew up together as orphaned Soul children in Soul Society. They shared the same experiences, jointly discovering the gift of Reiatsu that earned them a place in the Shin’o Academy. Their mutual goal was to become Shinigami, gain higher ranks, and grow stronger. When Rukia tells Renji the Kuchiki clan wants to adopt her, he acts happy but is deeply upset because he predicts they will grow apart. Still, he tries to hide his sadness because Rukia finally has a family. Unfortunately, Renji falsely believes that he's not important to her anymore.
While this saddened Rukia, he only reacted in the way he believed was best for her, and that ended up making him feel guilty about her potential execution. Chapter 98 was devoted to how Renji considered Rukia an unattainable “star” that he, a “tramp,” could never reach. If he just wanted friendship, why did he feel he had to stay out of Rukia’s way? If she just wanted friendship, why did she expect him to protest? The answer is simple: Her adoption didn’t get in the way of friendship, but in the way of the “something more” that they wanted.
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Renji's feelings towards her have always been apparent, as far back as when they were kids. As they originally met around several years ago in the Soul Society, they've been around each other for quite a while. One evening, the two of them were unsuccessfully attempting to catch fish when Renji finally managed to snare one. When he turned around, he saw the rest of his friends staring at Rukia longingly. As anyone with a crush themselves would do, Renji admonished his friends for looking at her with love-struck eyes.
Renji's feelings for Rukia are crystal clear, even when he doesn't acknowledge them. On the other hand, Rukia finds it difficult to express her emotions, especially after joining the Kuchiki clan and her stranied relationship with her brother Byakuya. However, there are several instances that prove her love for Renji beyond the shadow of a doubt. In fact, Rukia obviously cares for Renji even after he attacks Ichigo in the Agent of the Shinigami arc. Although Ichigo and Rukia also love each other, their friendship is considerably less intense than her lifelong attachment for Renji.
Ichigo and Orihime
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Orihime’s crush on Ichigo was evident from the first few chapters. She even had trouble being articulate in front of him, although part of her character development was how she gained confidence in herself. As for him, he was ready to sacrifice his life for her from the very beginning, when he put himself between her and her brother Sora (who became a Hollow). He almost always singles her out, speaks up for her and he even defends her.
When the Espadas allow Orihime to say goodbye to one person before she is taken to Hueco Mundo, she picks Ichigo even though he's still unconscious from an earlier fight. She explains how she could have picked one of the others, but Ichigo was the person she needed to see one last time. Orihime says how there were so many things she wished she had gotten to do and how she would like to live five times to try multiple different things, but that she'd always fall in love with the same person... Ichigo.
Ichigo literally came back from death for Orihime during his fight with Ulquiorra, all because she pleaded him not to die. Orihime also places her body between Ichigo and Acidwire to protect Ichigo. Ichigo puts himself between Grimmjow’s Ceros and Orihime without hesitation. Orihime more than willingly goes to fight Yhwach alongside Ichigo, serving as the latter's defense. Even Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, and Nnoitora all mocked him for wanting to protect her and underlined how she was the motivation for him to fight more fiercely.
In the early chapters, Orihime knew that Kon wasn't the real Ichigo when he was running wild inside Ichigo's body and being his perverted self. He jumped into Ichigo's classroom, made a move on Orihime, and then kissed Tatsuki before being forced to flee. Orihime knew right away that wasn't the real Ichigo, forgiving him of actions that would have got him in hot water with any other girl. It's a testament to how much Orihime cared about him. That said, Ichigo would have never acted that way in the first place.
Ichigo & Rukia Contributed To Each Other’s Relationships
It's kinda interesting to note that both Rukia and Ichigo have worked to boost each other's relationships. Remember, Rukia was the one who dragged Ichigo to apologize to an injured Orihime. Rukia was the initial reason why Ichigo and Orihime came closer together and were more expressive of their desire to protect each other. At the same time, Ichigo was the catalyst for Rukia and Renji to become close again after decades of avoiding each other. Ichigo was not meant to interfere in their relationship as a third party, but to help them realize the complete range of their feelings for each other.
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hiraethwa · 3 months
one summer day
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11 star-crossed. where you celebrate tanabata with your friends
<< 10 epiphany. | >> 12 shoot for the stars.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader word count: 1.4k warnings: just fluff <3 tags: @lemurzsquad @daisy-room @integers @brokenscaredakira -- (inbox me if you want to be added to the tag list)
there are several thoughts that run through your mind as your eyes land on ushijima. one, he kept his promise to you, wearing a simpler yet formal kimono. two, it is utterly, and you mean utterly, unfair how devastatingly good he looks in it, it cannot be healthy for your heart. three, how are you going to survive the night at this rate? and four, you are going to be swarmed by his fans and you only have yourself to blame. 
it is tanabata after all, the star festival that celebrates the ancient legend of orihime and hikoboshi, two star-crossed lovers who could only meet one day every year. almost every girl in high school is bound to attend the biggest tanabata festival in the miyagi area. 
“feeling a little warm?” you manage to find your voice to tease the stoic boy. there is definitely a pink tint to his golden skin, one you credit to the summer heat. 
next to him, semi and tendo jump into the fray as well, taking the rare opportunity to poke fun at their captain outside of volleyball practice, referencing inside jokes that you are not privy to. 
“you both cleaned up well,” you chirp, nodding at their yukatas in acknowledgement. 
“yeah, we didn’t want to leave ushijima-kun all dressed up by himself, and since we were part of the problem, we decided that we should shoulder some of the blame too,” tendo grins at you knowingly. 
you give him a half-lidded look that said wow, you are so funny.
“c’mon, we’re late, i want to go check out some stalls before the fireworks go off.” you make a point to link your arm with semi, marching off with your best friend before anyone could get a word in and ignoring the source of the heat you are feeling on your face. definitely the summer heat.
the night air is warm, ever so slightly cooler than the day, but you could feel the sheen of sweat forming on your skin beneath the thin yukata fabric. it is crowded as expected, with streamers hanging from paper balls of every color, low enough that you run your hand through the soft wisps as you pass by. 
the first stop of the evening is the center of the complex, where several man-made bamboo trees have been erected for festival-goers to write their wishes on a piece of paper and tie it to. you steer semi towards the tables with writing instruments and bands of color paper, tugging at his sleeve impatiently with ushijima and tendo following right behind him.
you grab a piece of paper and a pen, sidling off to one side so that your writing is not visible to your friends as you scrawl your wishes for the year on the thin material. once you are done, you sneak up to your friends stealthily, peeking over their shoulders to read what they have written. 
“oi,” semi exclaims as he discovers you looking at his paper. 
you look away innocently, standing to the side while waiting for them to be done. ushijima joins you, to which your heart stutters a beat to. 
despite having patched things up months ago, things have not gone back to normal. gone were the days where your unrequited love is the absolute truth. now, ushijima’s every action, every look leaves you second-guessing yourself, and your heart feeling like you just ran a marathon. 
you tried, you really did, to act as normal as you can around him without your heart on your sleeve. though you wonder whether you are doing a good job of it. there was no particular reason, but if you had to pick a turning point, it was that time when he got really close to you and you ended up kneeing him in the balls. 
nothing was the same since then, at least for you. 
so now, as he compliments you, your mind goes haywire. “you look beautiful in your yukata.” 
you smooth over the folds, thumbing the gold detailing on the blue fabric, mind blanking out at his words. “thank you.” warmness spreads across your cheeks, causing you to look down and concentrate particularly hard at the little thread poking out the seam, picking at it, hoping he does not see the redness on you. 
“wanna tie it together?” you nod at his question, following him to the bamboo tree. you end up picking a branch that you felt was more auspicious than the others, tying your paper strip to it. 
ushijima decides on the same branch, knotting his paper just above yours. his purple touching your green one, as if it is a representation of his wishes. you shake your head at the thought. you did not dare to even explore that possibility, regardless of how different everything feels. but maybe, just maybe, if you are accepted to the university of tokyo, there is hope there.
“you had to pick the same branch, huh?”
he shrugs, holding out an arm for you. you take it naturally, despite the weird feeling in your stomach as you clutch onto his sleeve. “wanna get some food?” 
you end up getting some yakitori skewers and a tornado potato from a roadside stall, easily demolishing the food in minutes before tugging him to a sweets stall. just as wakatoshi pays the vendor for the matcha mochi, two girls approach you both shyly, asking for a photo with him.
their eyes dart to you, probably wondering who you were and what kind of relationship you have with ushijima, making you shift uncomfortably. you take the hint to leave, spotting a stall selling handicrafts just a few stalls down. 
the expressionless falcon soft toy you picked up reminds you of ushijima. 
“we’ll take it,” ushijima appears next to you, handing over some cash for the toy that you are busy squishing. 
“i was just looking at it…” you trail off, tilting your head to look at him. 
he slant his head in confusion, “but you like it, do you not?” 
but you don’t get a chance to respond before semi and tendo comes flying at you both from behind, almost knocking you over in the process. good, you think. you are afraid of where the road leads into unknown territory. unfamiliarity terrifies you, and for that reason, you want to stay precisely where you are, on the even ground that you know like the back of your hand. 
good because if you went down that road and things end unpleasantly… no, you would much rather love him in silence than to risk losing him. 
“what is it?” semi whispers to you conspiratorially as he glances at ushijima.
you frown at the little falcon. “is it just me, or is ushijima not his usual self?”
“what do you mean? he’s always like this around you.”
semi’s words leave you speechless. sure, you’ve heard a few people point it out to you in the past, but you didn’t think much of it at the time as you were too busy trying to put yourself back together. now, you can’t help but hear the words repeat in your mind. 
you find yourself atop a small hill, sandwiched between ushijima and semi for the fireworks that opens the weekend long celebration of tanabata. just for a few seconds, you allow yourself to admire ushijima’s profile, his head turned towards tendo as he says something to the redhead.
boom. the first of the fireworks goes off, lighting up the night sky in showers of golden and blue. a smile finds its way to your face as you bask in the moment next to the people you care about, on a summer night in your final year of high school. 
you tense as fingers lace through yours, too shocked to even look in ushijima’s direction as your eyes lock onto each and every bright firework that shoots upwards and explodes into colorful reactions that illuminate the dark sky. much like what he is to you, walking into your life, a blinding sun unaware of its own light, bringing life to the darkness in your heart, chasing away the darkness.
despite your thundering heart, your body relaxes, fingers tightening around his larger digits. the thoughts firing through your brain are too many, too fast to process, so you let them wash over you, choosing to focus on the present. it is a gift, you realize, on tanabata, from the stars orihime and hikoboshi themselves. 
you can only hope that unlike the story of the star-crossed lovers, there will be a better ending for yours. 
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sunnixsunshine · 11 days
Gonna just post this all together lol uh big post, lots of words, whatever, enjoy
Anyway, meet Roronoa Hikoboshi and Orihime! Hikoboshi resembles Zoro’s dad, he takes over the restaurant eventually while Sora is off sailing, Shinjiro is off sailing, and Takehiko is just causing massive amounts of problems to every type of authority out there lol. Orihime is actually Pudding’s daughter, her only child in fact. Idk, Pudding just eventually gets over Sanji(good, hes way too old for you sweetie tbh; narratively I enjoy their story but ooooooof couldnt she have been at least 18?), meets a new gentleman whos just as kind to her. He, too, has an interest in baking and they open a bakery together, which eventually moves to the exact oart of the All Blue where Sanji resides. Hikoboshi and Orihime meet when theyre 15/16 years old and immediately theyre pretty infatuated. With Orihime being a fairytale and love at first sight kind of gal and Hikoboshi being just as much as a hopeless romantic as his father. When the two want ther parents to meet—its pretty awkward at first lol
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Hikoboshi and Orihime is directly inspired by the myth and Tanabata festival itself. As I said, Hikoboshi more so resembles his grandfather Arashi. Orihime is supposed to look like her father the most, however I wanted to play with the idea of her resembling Big Mom a bit? Mostly just the hair honestly, which starts off as brown but as he gets older it gradually changes to pink. Which makes me think about the possibility of Pudding maybe holding some kind of issues against her early on???? Idk but I would like to explore the idea! Btw, their moles are supposed to reflect their respective stars’ positions, Vega and Altair!
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But anyway heres my designs for Zoro’s parents. Arashi was s two swords style user trying to work his way up to three swords style before he died. He grew up an orphan on the very outskirts of the village after both of his parents passed away when he was roughly 10. Tera grew up on the same island but she wasnt born there, her father bringing her there when she was eeeeeh like 4-6. She didnt grow up in the village though, in fact she didnt up grow up having a home town to name, she doesnt know where in the east blue her family is specifically from, they camped out in a tiny cabin in the wood with a few other bandits. She gets lost a lot, which is where Zoro gets it! She actually ended up having to choose between “carrying on the family business” (being a thief) or Arashi, and she chose Arashi because she’s actually really bad ar being a bandit. They met when they were 18, married a year later, but it took four years to finally have a family of their own. And turns out Zoro is the only kid they ever would have. Quick little details; when Arashi was fatally wounded by the pirates attacking the village, his swords were both essentially destroyed and later buried with him. And so was his earring. Same with Tera, who had genetic illness, Huntington’s disease, however she actually died of pneumonia in the winter time, but her Huntington’s symptoms were prevalent and Zoro was aware of what was going on. She, too, was buried with her earring, two of Zoro’s earrings specifically just being replicas in memory of his parents. And gonna state it outright here: no Zoro doesn’t have Huntington’s disease, but it is a fear of his that he pushes off to the back of his mind constantly. Tbh I just think it makes him more human as a character to have such a natural fear, idk.
Something I kinda REALLY wanna expand on is my idea of Arashi and Koushiro having a relationship somewhat similar to Zoro and Kuina; Arashi being a few years younger than Koushiro who has actual training to begin with, Arashi having no formal training, just his parents’ swords that they left behind. Now neither of them even knew they were like distant cousins, to Koushiro Arashi is just this younger kid with an obnoxiously loud desire to go above and beyond to learn two swords style when he doesnt have any formal training nor does he even know one swords style! Koushiro finds Arashi annoying and even talentless—and yet for several years they met in a field so Koushiro could pass his formal lessons onto Arashi. Arashi couldnt learn at the dojo because he couldnt afford it. The lessons would stop once Koushiro is being prepared to take over the dojo one day and also when he meets his future wife—so hes about 21 give or take, Arashi is around 17 at the least. Their relationship was mostly bickering because Koushiro doesnt like Arashi’s rash attitude and tendency to goof off. And Arashi found Koushiro to be uptight and too grown up. Arashi never could surpass Koushiro in a dual, both one sword style and two sword style. Hes just always been several steps behimd Koushiro and that’s what pushed him to train more. Fast forward to present day, and honest to god Koushiro NEVER connected Zoro to being Arashi’s child. For one thing, he didnt know Arashi had a kid, thats how strained they became, and another, Koushiro, to be fair, doesnt even see an ounce of Arashi in this kid whatsoever. The ego and eagerness to go above and beyond, sure, but what little kid ISNT like that?? Anyway, it comes as a shock and a part of him feels more obligated to take care of Zoro after having witnessed Arashi’s death himself years prior when Zoro wouldve only been a toddler.
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
I don’t understand why Zutara shippers are so obsessed with hating Aang (or Kataang).
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I understand they wish Zutara was canon, and that’s perfectly valid. I get why people ship it, and even though a good chunk of the toxic side of the ZK fandom say some pretty racist stuff, the ship is harmless. But the hate is vitriolic. You got to people like the-badger-mole, sokkastyles, longing-for-rain and they spend more time whining about Aang and his relationship with Katara than they talk about Zutara. They say the most objectively untrue stuff about Aang, Katara and Zuko as if making false claims about these characters is the only way to make their ship look good.
For example:
“Zuko did some bad things throughout the show, but Aang is worse because he never supported Katara and sexuality assaulted her. Not to mention Katara never had feelings for Aang, he was practically her son that she had to take care of”.
What ZKs actually sound like:
“Zuko did some bad things throughout the show, so we have to make Aang look worse by comparison to ensure that Zuko is a better match for Katara, despite his own problems, because surely a poorly timed kiss is the same is sexual assault. We falsely believe Aang never supported Katara because he didn’t agree with her seeking vengeance of the person who killed her mom, unlike Zuko who helped her out, meaning that one single episode must mean he’s the only one who supports Katara. Lastly, we have to find a way to make Katara’s obvious affection for Aang problematic, so let’s blow her motherly traits way out of proportion and say that any time she shows Aang affection, it’s a mom coddling her toddler, and yes Aang is a toddler because he’s BALD. So what that they kissed, they’re a mother and child. Also Katara emotionally supporting Aang is bad, she actually hates it. Dude trust me”.
They reason I bring this up is because I don’t understand why they have to be so bitter, it just makes them look pathetic that these people, some fully grown adults are so butthurt about a non-canon pairing from a 20 year old cartoon. Their media-illiterate ramblings don’t prove Aang and Katara are a bad couple, they just make it painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that these types of pathetic ZKs are just seething and coping.
Sure, you might say “I’m not one to talk” seeing as Kataang is canon, but let me tell you, I have my fair share of non-canon ships that I love.
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I love Ichigo X Rukia, I think they have great chemistry and strong bond, I wish they were endgame, they felt like the heart and soul of Bleach. But I don’t hate Orihime, such a sweetheart (plus she gave us the Leekspin meme) her and Ichigo are cute, I just think Ichigo and Rukia are better.
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I love Black Widow X Captain America from The MCU, they would’ve been a cute couple, they had good chemistry, they kissed for corn’s sake. I don’t care that much for Steve X Peggy, they’re kinda cute, but whatever, although I do really like Captain America’s ending. I don’t like Nat X Bruce, seeing as it came out of nowhere, but whatever, it didn’t last long anyway and I have nothing against either character.
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If anything I’m more prone to getting annoyed when a beloved canon couple are broken up, all the build up thrown away and replaced with another character whom has less chemistry with the original. Case in point, Haley and Andy from Modern Family, they were so cute, they had great chemistry and there was so much build up, only for Andy to leave in the season where he and Haley become a couple. Then later Haley and her initial on again off again guy Dylan get together and I gotta say, I don’t like it. But I have nothing against the character, Dylan’s a sweet guy who genuinely loves Haley and matured a lot, and they’re in no way a bad or unhealthy couple, there are people who genuinely like them as a couple too. I do think Haley’s character was kinda done dirty, but that had absolutely nothing to do with what guy she ended up with.
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The moral of this story is, you can like a non-canon ship and even dislike a canon ship without making up ridiculous reasons why and acting like a spoiled entitled brat like the vocal minority of ZeeK freaks from the the toxic side of the fandom.
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hollowbait · 1 year
ichigo grows up beautiful. of course, kisuke doesn't see it for himself, careful to stay away after aizen. after isshin's request that his son be allowed to finish growing up in peace. but chad and orihime still drop by, and while they're only in the periphery of ichigo's life, they have the added advantage of having contacts who've remained close with the ex-substitute soul reaper.
so they've seen photographs - arisawa tatsuki and ichigo smiling towards the camera. a red-haired girl wearing glasses with her arm linked with ichigo's, sticking her tongue out at someone off frame. a group photo that includes ichigo, arisawa and the red head alongside a mousy brunette and a leggy, dark haired girl, as well as the two boys ichigo had always hung out with, standing in front of a giant waterfall.
in all of them ichigo shines like a tiny sun, blinding and beautiful.
so maybe it shouldn't have come as a shock when orihime comes by one day, worried about a man she sees following ichigo. soul society never did send anyone more competent to karakura after ichigo was... unable to continue with his duties. kisuke has had to konso a lot of spirits since then.
what does come as a shock is realising that the man following ichigo isn't a spirit, attracted by the gentle light of ichigo's soul. it's a man, attracted by something more physical, and with much darker intentions.
and ichigo is strong - if the man ever tried anything, kisuke is sure ichigo could send this man to the hospital with no problem -
but something protective and urgent burns inside the body kisuke had painstakingly built himself, seeing the vile things the man wants to do to ichigo. the man's soul is dark and festering, and kisuke doesn't want it near ichigo, even if it's just to kick the living daylights out of him.
and it's different to kill a living being. messier. heavier. the blood and viscera more than just a symbol of spiritual destruction.
but the way kisuke shrugs it off feels the same.
he breathes out, is almost done arranging himself back into friendly shop keeper when a voice calls out -
"i could've handled him, you know."
he smiles. "you would deny me the chance to save a damsel in distress? how cruel of you, kurosaki-kun."
then kisuke turns around to bask in the sun.
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bleached-socks · 6 months
I’ve been loosely working on a Bleach Miraculous AU with Ichigo (cat), Uryu (fox), Orihime (ladybug), Chad (turtle), and Rukia (bee).
The only thing is I still need to figure out who the Hawkmoth substitute for the butterfly miraculous will be. Currently I have three options:
1. Aizen. He already has a purple butterfly look so the butterfly miraculous would fit him perfectly. He is the perfect ideal of a butterfly miraculous holder. Unfortunately the show only works because Hawkmoth is stupid, and Aizen is absolutely not stupid. If Aizen had the butterfly miraculous, it would take him 3 akumas max to get the ladybug and cat miraculous. It could maybe still work if he’s just doing this for fun or to mess with the heroes, but that’s kinda weak and I don’t know why he would do that in the context of the AU.
2. Isshin. Sticks with the theme of the cat miraculous holder’s dad being the villain. Also let’s him have the secret identity that he’s keeping from his son, but instead of it being a soul reaper it’s a supervillain. Plus he can still have “trying to resurrect his dead wife” as his motivation. It also adds an emotional inverstment for the main cast. The problem with that one is that Gabriel is a shitty dad to his kid. And while Isshin is certainly not the best parent, he’s nowhere near as bad as Gabriel, so I’d have to turn him into a really bad parent (or figure out how to redeem him somehow but I don’t really want to do that because it feels cheap).
3. Gabriel Agreste. Just the exact same villain from the actual show. He does not interact with the cast at all except for when he’s trying to kill them as Hawkmoth. And because his motivation is already fleshed out, I don’t need to come up with it myself. It would be far less dramatic, but it would be way funnier because it would imply that all the stuff from the actual show is still happening, just off screen because they aren’t the miraculous holders anymore
It’s not a guarantee that I’ll go with wherever the result is, but I’m curious about what other people think.
Also the poll is a week because I don’t like 1 day polls.
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What if Ichigo, other than protecting his family and friends, was morally closer to a villain?
He fights to protect his family and friends, and that's great, but he has no problems beating the snot out of people or sending them to the hospital. Exhibit A is when we first see him beating up some punks because they broke a vase, probably accidentally. Yes, he was doing it for the dead girl, which was nice of him, but did those guys really deserve broken noses and potentially broken jaws?
Then there's the fact that he really doesn't care about any hollow activity that he doesn't see in the beginning. He is willing to let the world around him burn so long as he doesn't see it and his family and friends aren't in trouble. He only agrees to be a Soul Reaper, killing Hollows because he feels indebted to Rukia. He goes to Soul Society to save her for the same reason and also because she is now a friend whom he will protect.
Then there's the whole ‘saving the world thing’; if Aizen hadn't forced him into it with the kidnapping of Orihime and the targeting of Kurakura Town, I can't see him fighting against Soul Society. Instead, I think he’d instead take his family and friends somewhere safe and look the other way.
Of course, there's the potential end of the world and being one of the idiots in it, Ichigo might feel compelled to help, but I always got the sense that Ichigo fought as fiercely as he did because HIS home was at stake. His family and friends were in danger, and he had to protect them.
Forgive me if my knowledge of the TYBW is a little spotty, but was he not also specifically targeted in the beginning?
Anyway, the point of this whole rant was to propose a fanfiction idea, so here it is.
What if, after all the villains have been defeated and wars won, Ichigo decides there's one more threat to his family and friends that he has to deal with?
Soul Society is shit. That's a well-known truth to him, Kon being the first indicator. There's Rukia’s execution and the Vizard backstory and the declaring Orihime a traitor without much proof, the badge, the Rukongai, the fact Aizen could pretend to be Central 46 and give out outlandish orders, and everyone just nodded their empty heads in agreement. I could keep going!
What if Ichigo didn't just sweep this under the rug and accept it but kept a list of the shitty things Soul Society has done, and when his friends and family were safe, he decided to do something about it? Ichigo was never one for the diplomatic approach but most Soul Reapers think of him as the saviour of Soul Society they definitely wouldn't expect his sword to suddenly turn on them.
But it does because his friends are getting older with each passing year, and they're all going to end up here in Soul Society eventually. Rome wasn't built in a day but it burned down in one.
What if Ichigo decided to destroy Soul Society and rebuild it before his friends could die and arrive in Soul Society?
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gloryhrs · 2 years
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━━ ⟡ 𝓖𝐎 𝓕𝐎𝐑 𝓘𝐓, 𝓘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐎!, ichigo kurosaki.
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male reader. ʚɞ req — anon ♡
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ICHIGO Kurosaki was far from a punk, this is the same guy who fought against multiple opponents, including gods. He fought through hell and back but asking his crush out was where he crossed the damn line. His crush is a certain someone, who was no other than ( Y / n ) ( L / n ), every time he attempts to ask the male out his palms would turn sweaty, his mouth becomes dry, and all of a sudden he had nothing to say. Every time he comes across you his face would immediately turns red from either embarrassment or shyness. His attempts to ask you out failed more times than he can count on his hands.
A bored sigh came from Kurosaki’s lips as looked out the school, as everyone wrote down their notes the orange-haired male just sighed again and turned his head back to the window. Not without sparing a glance at his crush first, 'God he’s so handsome.' Ichigo eyes scanned the ( h / c ) curly-haired male who focused on writing notes and listening to the teacher continue with their lesson. "Oh~ I see you're staring at him again." A teasing voice interrupted his thought process, which made his cheeks heat up instantly from being caught red-handed again.
"Go to hell Keigo." He scoffed and turned his head back to the window, the faint redness still on his cheeks, he found nothing more embarrassing than someone catching him staring at someone he liked. "Aww, but when are you going to ask him out? Or are you gonna freeze up again?" He leaned forward with that shit-eating grin never leaving his lips. Instead of replying to his foolishness Ichigo fully turned himself around in the opposite direction of the male.
"Alright class I will be handing you out your exam scores from Monday, if you have a problem with your grade then please meet me after class." The teacher handed out the papers to the students who were either scared or excited. Ichigo felt his heart drop out of his chest when he saw the failing grade marked with red ink, "You can’t be serious. My dad is going to kill me." He grumbled under his breath as he put his head down with an imaginary rain cloud covering his head. The sudden knocking on his desk made him huff with anger as he mumbled curses under his breath, "Go away." His voice was muffled loud enough for the person in front of him to hear.
"Are you okay Ichigo?" The concerned voice that belonged to you made him pick his head up slowly with shame in his eyes, he couldn’t even bother to look you in your eyes. "Yeah, I’m fine." He turned the paper on its back so you won’t be able to look at his failing grade. "Are you sure? It seems like your entire personality changed when we got our exam scores." You looked at the orange-haired male who looked like he was disappointed in himself, Ichigo sighed whilst running his hands through his hair at your observation of him. Since he first met you he realized that you had a thing for analyzing people and their behaviors.
"I failed the exam and now my dad is going to kill me." He spoke with a hint of embarrassment and disappointment in his voice, he didn’t want you to make him out as an idiot. "Oh, that’s fine. The teacher said that the students who failed can retake it next Friday." You sweetly smiled at the disappointed male, Ichigo’s eyes widened and then soften at your nonjudgmental behavior. "Can you...help me study as well?" He nervously played with his fingers like a child on the first day of school as you nodded your head. You couldn’t help but giggle at his childlike behavior, he didn’t even have to ask, you were going to help him no matter what he said.
"Good, we’ll meet up at my house after school."
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ "YOU asked him out on a study date? How cute!" Orihime smiled widely and clapped her hands together in excitement as the teens around her nodded their heads in agreement. "Yeah! It took you a while but you finally grew some balls and decided to ask the guy out!" Tatsuki grinned and playfully punched his arm, which almost knocked the food out of his hands. Once Ichigo mentioned what he was doing after school to the group they immediately went to conclusions, no matter how many times he told them it wasn’t a date, they just wouldn’t listen.
"Ichigo’s growing up so fast! Next thing you know he’s gonna be marrying the guy!" Keigo used an imaginary tissue to wipe his tears of happiness as Ichigo smacked the back of his head in annoyance. "For the last time, it isn’t a date. He’s just gonna be coming over to help me study." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose from the assumptions his friends began to make. "Yeah. . .We forgot you were a chicken." Keigo started to make chicken noises at Ichigo who looked like he was three seconds away from murdering him in front of everyone.
"Hey! I ain’t no chicken!" He glared at the brown-haired male who continued to make the chicken noises, "Well if you aren’t a chicken then how about you ask ( L / n ) out instead of freezing up as usual." Uryu fixed his squared-shaped glasses and proceeded with eating his lunch, whilst trying to ignore the glare Ichigo gave him. "Yeah Ichigo, the only person who is stopping you is yourself. If you like him then you gotta throw away your fear of rejection out the window and swallow your pride." Chad joined in with a firm nod, once he said that Ichigo felt like multiple weights have been lifted off his back. ‘He’s right, if I keep freezing up like that then someone else is going to take him away.' He bit the inside of his cheek at the thought of someone else confessing and asking you out before him, it had his heart feel heavy, and he despised that feeling.
"They’re right! GO FOR IT ICHIGO!"
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ THE soft sound of piano music played throughout Ichigo’s room as he sat shoulder to shoulder with you whilst looking over the study guide questions. "And that is correct! Three times in a row, good job Ichigo." You watched as he turned his head in another direction at your praise, the way you sat so close to him made his blush even worse. You turned to the last question before glancing and still seeing his head in the opposite direction. Ichigo felt his heart beating against his chest harshly as your hand intertwined with his.
"Is there something wrong Ichigo? Is there something you want to talk about?" You frowned, you never intended to make him uncomfortable. As you tried to remove your hand away from his the male immediately tightened his grip on it, "I-I do have something I want t-to tell you." He finally turned to look at you and your worried expression. The way your lips formed a frown made Ichigo’s heartache, "I-I really like you, more than just a friend. And I have for some time now. You are the smartest, kindest, and most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. A-And, I don’t know, I just really like you ok?" He closed his eyes and waited for your disgusted response.
"Oh my, I was going to confess myself before I leave here." You held your chest and sighed in relief, which made Ichigo’s eyes widen from your response. "You’re so cute Ichigo, I like you as well." You reached out to caress his soft and pink skin. "Can we go out sometime as well?" Ichigo nervously scratched the back of his head and looked away.
"Of course, I mean we’re boyfriends aren’t we?"
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extended ending.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ "( Y / N )! I passed my exam!" Ichigo smiled brightly at you whilst waving the paper in his hand, you couldn’t help but laugh at his adorable reaction. "I’m so proud of you Ichigo!" You wrapped your arms around his neck with him lifting you and spinning you around as well. The sound of your laughter made Ichigo’s body warm up, "Thank you so much, I know I couldn’t do it without you." He ruffled your hair and pressed his lips against your forehead.
©️ gloryhrs, 031423. // notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)/
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obsidiennes · 7 months
Tatsuki has Associated Akuma References
So, Tatsuki has always been a bit... extreme... as her relationship advice to Orihime in chapter 4 tells us:
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But it goes even further than that. She's a fighting game boss. Specifically, she has several references to Akuma (Gouki) from Street Fighter II Turbo and beyond.
This becomes apparent starting in chapter 15:
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Akuma is known for his use of the Satsui no Hado, or Surge of Killing Intent. That is exactly what Tatsuki puts on display here. She then mimics one of one of Akuma's most famous poses:
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It's notable that in the Viz translation, Keigo and Mizuiro's thoughts instead class her as a devil. The specific character used in the original Japanese is 鬼. Akuma's original name of Gouki is 豪鬼, which as you can see uses that exact same 鬼. These remarks are reaffirmed by the school principle, and you can see he uses the same character:
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Much later, in chapter 411, this will be returned to by Don Kanonji, who in Japanese uses the same 鬼 as well:
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Back in chapter 42, while defending Orihime, we get Tatsuki giving boss dialogue:
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In Japanese, while laughing maniacally she specifically says, もラと強いの出てこいやア, which means something to the effect of "Please send me a strong one." This is not unlike a lot of Akuma's quotes, especially: "Weaklings! Is there no one worth fighting?"
What is especially interesting is that Akuma came into existence at least in part because of a hoax of a character named Sheng Long. You might know that name from Dragon Ball, and Shenlong is a mythical Chinese dragon. This is pertinent as the "tatsu" part of Tatsuki's name, 竜, specifically means "Chinese dragon", and is often rendered "ryū". While there is obviously also a character of that name, Ryu, who is also an enemy of Akuma and also struggles with the Satsui no Hado in the form of Evil Ryu, Tatsuki's continued association with the "devil" and her other symbolic linkages with dragons make Akuma the more appropriate connection, in my opinion. (This is doubly amusing as she physically resembles Sakura.)
What is most interesting about this connection though, is her mention of Tekken in chapter 424:
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This is one of the only named product references in Bleach, if not the only one. But it gets stranger.
We know for a fact that the Xcution/Lost Agent arc is happening in April of 2003. Tekken 4 was released on PS2 in Japan on March 28, 2002. Tekken 5 would not be released until March 31, 2005. Although there is apparently an error in the translation here (it's more like, "The next one's coming out, so if you don't return it soon, I'll have a problem"), there is no actual conceivable reason for her to need it back as the next game wouldn't come out for almost two years.
Maybe this is just another error by Kubo. However, there's another possibility.
This chapter came out on November 8, 2010, after a brief hiatus following the end of the Aizen Saga. Earlier that year, on July 24, Tekken X Street Fighter and Street Fighter X Tekken were announced. And who has continued to appear in Tekken since then (most recently in Tekken 7) and refused to stay in his own universe?
I submit to you that Tatsuki's mention of Tekken, so soon after the real life announcement of a Tekken and Street Fighter crossover, yet so far from the release of a Tekken game in the manga's internal chronology, is a fourth wall-breaking reference to real life events made to draw attention to the jokes associating Tatsuki with Akuma, and not supposed to make us think the Tekken series had a completely different development and release schedule in Bleach's reality.
You are supposed to think of Tatsuki as a fighting game boss. And of course you are, as chapter 68 told us:
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The imagined version of her opponent has a similar hairstyle to Karin, rival of Sakura, but a much more monstrous physique. That Tatsuki can compete at all, or do any of this at a meager official weight of 41 kg and such a thin build, let alone a broken arm, comes back to her implicit Satsui no Hado. This then goes a long way toward explaining her durability, as I've covered before.
While you can assuredly plainly see that she is something of a compilation of Street Fighter references, I think that Akuma is the strongest of these for the reasons I've laid out. (Another way of saying this might be that she looks like Sakura, and dresses like Ryu, but is truly most like Akuma.)
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linkspooky · 2 years
This is about jjk 208!
I'm confused on yuki's fate and a bit irritated how gege has treated female characters in jjk. I feel like there are barely any left that are narratively important. Is it just me? Like I used to have hope nobara is alive and will come back into the story but I'm losing faith especially with mai's and now yuki's fates. What do you think about jjk female characters currently? I still love them especially miwa and utahime and maki. Plus mei mei is interesting bc she's twisted. But I feel like there are no female characters that are important anymore... 😕 am I being too impatient or missing something?? 😭😭😭 like I know Shonen treats female characters like crap a lot of times but still
I pretty much agree with you, anon?
Spoilers under the cut.
If you want my essay on how female characters are treated in Jujutsu Kaisen, this is going to be a bit long, multilayered and rambly. Number one, I think a big problem is there's actually not that much variety in the Jujutsu Kaisen female characters. If we are talking about the female characters that are important so far and get screentime and not side characters like Utahime and Miwa.
We've got, Maki, Nobara, Shoko, Mei Mei, Yuki Tsukumo. These five women are essentially one women in that they are five different variations of "brash, independent, strong girl". I am not saying that they all are the same character but Gege clearly has a type of character he prefers and that is loud, tough as nails and fights just as strong as the boys.
And this is just my reading of the situation, but it seems to me Gege is trying to hard to overcorrect for what people consider the "Sakura" problem, or the "Uraraka" problem that is female characters who are softer and weaker than their male counterparts, never get to have fights, and usually end up just being permanent support and love interests. But it overcorrects way too hard in the opposite direction.
The thing is my favorite shonen female character is Orihime is she is all of those things that I just listed above, but she's still interesting because she's a three dimmensional character with struggles, feelings, and relationships to other people outside of Ichigo. People either try way too hard to write good female character, or they don't try hard enough and what you end up with is they forget to just write female characters with thoughts and opinions.
I think a consistent flaw with Gege's writing of female characters isn't necessarily that they're all mean and nasty but the fact that he doesn't give them long running character arcs? Megumi's arc is developing his ten shadows technique and learning to be a sorcerer and be more selfish when he doesn't want to be and battles feelings of suicidal. Yuji's arc revolves around the idea of death. I like Nobara but I am not sure what her arc would be, besides her initial confrontation with Mai and the fact she is a naive outsider to the trio. Maki had an arc in Jujutsu Kaisen Zero in her relationship with Yuta and how distant she was in the group, but that seems to be resolved in JJK proper and what they came up with was her relationship with Mai which was an interesting arc with a lot of potential for both of the sisters to reconcile and grow together but then Mai just dies. It's like Gege thought giving Maki a power up to make her just as powerful as Toji was more important than a character development arc that forces her to grow and change.
I say Miwa is the best written female character because she has an arc. Loses in the Kyoto battle arc and feels useless -> grows closer to Mechamaru and they both catch feeling -> because she doesn't reach out enough to Mechamaru in time, he ends up dying trying too hard to protect her which only reinforces her feelings of uselessness -> Miwa has to grieve Mechamaru, and cope, and move on.
I can draw a clear line from point a to point b, I know how the character is expected to grow and change. I like Nobara's character but also like, I understand why Gege exploded her head to raise the stakes of the three main characters she's the only one who didn't have much of an ongoing arc.
However, I will say that Yuki Tsukumo's death is just really weird. Like I said the problem with these female characters is not that they are shallow, or poorly written, but they're not super important to the story and they don't really have arcs. The thing about Yuki is the mystery surrounding her character was a pretty long running theme, where did she come from, what are her plans for the future. She's the first character to promote the idea that we can lived in a future without curse spirits or cursed energy and she was working towards this goal. Which sounds like where we might end up at the end of the series. She's a person with a hidden agenda that is using some of Geto's old allies and isn't necessarily on the side of the kids.
By killing Yuki you effectively lose all of that.
Yuki Tsukumo dying leaves like a hundred unanswered question on where she comes from, what her plan was, and the only vague answer we get about her is she used to be a star plasma vessel. Once again, we have this problem where what was interesting about Yuki was her plot importance and how she added to the world building of Jujutsu Kaisen and the mystery that surrounded her character.
What we got instead of Gege elaborating on any of that, was a fight scene where Yuki throws fisticuffs with Kenjaku. Because once again Gege writes a women as rough and tumble and just as willing to throw hands as one of the boys instead of just writing them as a character first.
Generally, for a character death if you have to kill them it's because they serve a greater narrative purpose dead then alive. Yuki being dead doesn't really add anything to the story, it just gives us a bunch of unanswered questions because Gege didn't elaborate or fill us in on all the mysteries he had building up with her character whatsoever. Now she's just kind of a spunky girl. Which like, great, whatever I guess but I preferred Mad Scientist, potentially dangerous ally Yuki Tsukumo with her own agenda.
As I said it's not really anything with Yuki Tsukumo's personality so much as her character writing, not only do we just know nothing about her now, but all future development or plot involvement or even plot importance and the things she could have added to the story are just gone now. We can't really know about these characters if Gege doesn't bother to tell us who they are.
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teamatsumu · 1 year
Summary:  After all, he has never been able to say no to her.
Pairing: Ishida Uryuu x Inoue Orihime
Word Count: 3,775
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Adultery, Post canon, swearing., you have been warned!
A/N: This is a murky piece lmao. Problematic content, so don’t come for me. It’s fiction!
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The nurse’s foot was tap, tap, tapping on the marble floor, the noise ringing in the quiet of the room. Uryuu was sure it was unintentional, but it didn’t help his concentration at all. He didn't want to reprimand her, though. He wasn't sure he had the energy to. He blinked and pursed his lips, focusing on the file in front of him.
“Everything looks fine to me,” he looked up at the nurse, who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Uryuu couldn’t blame her. If he remembered correctly, she was on hour 14 of an 18 hour shift. “And she wants to leave?”
The nurse nodded. “Her attendants are in the waiting room. She already has her bags packed.”
Uryuu hummed and closed the file, holding it up for the nurse to take it from him. “Then discharge her. Write her a follow up for two days from now. Make sure a resident signs off on that. Then she’s good to go.”
The nurse nodded politely before leaving the office, the door shutting softly behind her. Uryuu sighed and leaned back in his chair, taking his glasses off to rub his eyes. It provided little relief to his burning eyelids. He stretched his legs beneath his desk, hoping to abate the building tension in them. Again, it did almost nothing to improve his situation. He knew what he really needed was a good night's sleep.
He wasn't sure he was going to get it, though.
It's not like Uryuu had a lot going on at the hospital. He was a consultant now, not a resident. He could afford to step away and have his juniors run the show for a bit. After years and years of hard work, he was finally at a point in his life where he didn't have to struggle just to keep up with his career. At 30, he was finally qualified enough to take a breather.
Life wasn't that kind to him though. It never had been. Why would it start now? One problem always replaced the next, and this new problem came in the form of wide, brown eyes and a soft little smile.
Dammit. He was thinking of her again. He looked at the clock hanging on the far wall and mentally cursed at himself. Ten minutes. That's how long she had stayed out of his mind. He should be proud. It was a record. But he had wanted to stay strong for longer.
He wondered what she was doing right now. Midday meant Kazui was at school and Ichigo was at work. And she didn't work at the bakery on Wednesdays. So she'd be home. Alone.
Shut the fuck up.
The voice in his head was cruel and sharp, but it was what he needed. He couldn't afford to think of her. Couldn't afford to imagine her home at her lonesome, knowing he could head over right now and be uninterrupted for a few hours, at least. He knew where these thoughts led. Sooner or later, her voice would ring in his ears if he let these images run free in his head. Quiet little whimpers, biting at her rosy lips to keep the noises at bay, looking at him with those big eyes loaded with unshed tears as the pleasure kept building and building…
Uryuu nearly jumped out of his skin when a soft knock on his door sounded in the quiet of the room. He bit the inside of his cheek, scowling at himself for his blasphemous thoughts. He needed to get a grip. He straightened in his chair and put his glasses back on.
"Come in."
And in poked a head of burnt orange hair, the very subject of his crude fantasies just a minute ago.
"Ishida-kun," her voice made his heart squeeze. "Can I come in?"
Of course you can. Have I ever refused you?
"Inoue-san, of course. Please." He stood up in courtesy, watching her open the door just enough to slip in and shut it behind her. Uryuu froze in place.
She was wearing the same skirt as last time.
It had to be intentional. Inoue-san was dense sometimes but she wasn't an idiot. She knew what she was doing. To him. But he had to believe she didn't have a clue, because she was humming and pulling a chair back to sit on, right across his desk.
Shakily, Uryuu sat down as well.
"Are you okay? Did you want something? You usually text before you show up." Or when you want me to come over. When your husband isn't enough for you. When you need me to make your pain better.
She shook her head, giving him a big smile and placing her hands neatly on her lap. "I was just out running some errands. I thought I'd drop by."
Liar. Uryuu knew instantly. There were no errands. It was just him.
He nodded anyway, letting the corners of his lips curl up. "Well, I'm glad you did. You know you're always welcome."
Her eyes held gratitude, some of the tension leaving her shoulders. It made Uryuu stiffen slightly. Had she been nervous? Had she been scared he would turn her away? His hold on the arms of his chair tightened. Did she really believe he would ever do that? Did she think that at any point, he would reject her?
She was all he had.
No. No. He had promised himself. No more. He couldn't do this to her. He couldn't do this to Ichigo. The few times it happened was already one time too many. Surely, he would not be reduced to this again. This was immoral. It was reprehensible. To have an affair, right under her husband and child's nose-
Her smile had wavered, lessened, her eyes boring straight into his. Her hands were no longer still, fingers wringing together in nervousness. The room was silent, the only noise coming from the ticking of the wall clock. The air felt charged. Heavy.
It was like the very walls were holding their breath.
"Why are you really here, Orihime?" His voice was low, as if he was afraid to disrupt the stillness of the space around him.
"You know why." Her voice was a mere whisper, her eyebrows creasing.
"We can't."
"Why not?"
"Because-" He grit his teeth. How could she ask him that? "Because you're married."
She looked down at her hands, her hair falling gently over her face. "That didn't stop you last time."
Uryuu screwed his eyes shut, teeth clenched so hard it made his jaw ache.
"Or the time before that."
He stood up slowly. Every muscle in his body protested the action. He wasn't even tired, yet he felt like he was weighed down by lead. She had stopped talking instantly, but she kept her gaze on her hands, twisting and pulling at her fingers to calm her nerves. He could read her so easily. She was an open book to him.
He walked around the desk until he stood before her, leaning down and placing his hands on the arms of her chair. At this proximity, the scent of her shampoo invaded his nose, making his eyelids flutter. She seemed to dig her chin further into her chest as he drew nearer.
"Look at me."
She didn't. She kept her stare steadily on her lap. Uryuu sighed, defeated. He knew exactly what he was going to do. Every molecule in his body screamed for him to do it. She was here, still and pliant on a chair in his office, offering herself to him, right within his reach. At the end of the day, he was just a man. Weak willed in front of this woman. A slave to his desires.
There was nothing he desired more than her.
He leaned his head down and nudged his forehead gently with hers. He felt her intake of breath as her head lifted up just marginally. Tilting his face, he slotted his lips with hers.
It was intense and hard from the very start. There was no room for soft, passionate love when their time together was already so limited and riddled with guilt and sin. As much as Uryuu would like to go slow, he couldn’t. One look at her was enough to drive him insane. Here she sat, before him, ready for the taking. In a couple of hours from now, she would be home again. With the man she shared a last name with. A last name he would never acknowledge. To him, she was still Inoue-san.
There was no going slow. Uryuu was desperate.
His hand came up to cup the side of her head, pushing his lips harder against hers, eliciting the first little whimper from her throat. His tongue invaded her mouth immediately, feeling her own tentative movements. It nearly made him chuckle. She came to him, practically begging with unsaid words for him to fuck her. And yet, now she was the one being hesitant.
It just wouldn’t do.
He gripped both her arms tightly and hauled her up until she was on her feet, arms winding around her waist tightly and pulling her body flush against his. He knew she liked that, and he was validated by the sigh that escaped her lips. He swallowed the sound hungrily, feeling his core stir as every part of her body pressed and pulled along with his. Her hands had fisted the white lab coat he adorned, and it made him realize they were wearing too many clothes.
His heart ached again. They didn’t have time.
Their lips broke free for air, and Uryuu immediately descended to the soft, unmarked expanse of her neck. She was pliant and warm, the smell of morning dew and fresh, flowery detergent. Her hands, gentle as always, carded through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp and sending a violent shiver down his spine. He nibbled at the skin just under her ear, knowing she could hide it with her hair. Her sounds became louder.
He was already undoing the buttons on her shirt, eager to feel more skin. He could feel himself hard and throbbing in anticipation, grinding into her hips for some form of relief. Once her shirt was pushed down her shoulders, he abandoned the kisses on her neck to lean back and look at her, and he wasn’t disappointed.
Her skin had flushed a beautiful rosy pink from her cheeks down to her neck. Her lips were swollen and red, her neck carrying a slight sheen from his treatment earlier. He cupped her breasts, hearing her keen at the contact, eyes fluttering shut. Fuck.
He pulled down the cups of her bra immediately, mouth descending on his right nipple to suck it into his mouth. The reaction was instant, back arching as she gasped, head thrown back. It lit a fire inside Uryuu that he hadn’t felt in a long time. This moment right here. This was the reason he still allowed himself to sin. It was shameful, yes. It was heinous. But when he had her trapped in his arms, tasting her flesh and hearing her pretty little sounds flood his ears, he couldn’t blame himself at all. She was the worst temptation. And he would always give in.
“Ishida-kun…” It was breathy and desperate. Uryuu could feel her fidget and rub her thighs together, begging for relief. He would give it to her. He would make sure she never craved anyone but him ever again.
It was times like these that Uryuu barely recognized himself.
His mouth left her nipple with a soft pop, straightening his back and peering down at the wanton expression on her face.
“What do you want, Orihime?” The same question. This time, with an entirely different undertone.
“You. All of you.” Her nails dug into his waist. She was staring at his lips. Uryuu couldn’t help his little smirk.
He turned her around and pushed between her shoulder blades until her front pressed into his office desk, her ass in the air. He didn’t leave her wanting for his touch however, leaning over to put his weight on her until she sighed. His lips brushed the shell of her ear.
“You dirty girl,” he whispered, hand running under her skirt and skimming up her thigh until he reached the apex. God, she was soaked. And it was all because of him. This time, he huffed out a small laugh. “Walking all the way here and giving yourself to me like this. Do you want me that badly?”
She pushed against his fingers, trying to make him rub her where she needed it the most. “Yes.” Her voice was small, and it sounded almost ashamed. But Uryuu knew better. She wasn’t ashamed. She was desperate. His cock twitched.
He slid his hand up further until he felt the waistband of her panties, tugging them down the swell of her ass and off her thighs. They hit the floor around her feet with a soft plop. The next second, his fingertips were brushing at her burning center, not wasting a second before he pushed two fingers into her down to the knuckles.
She gasped and moaned loudly. Uryuu brought his left hand up to her mouth, to clamp it shut, nudging his nose against her cheek.
“Do you want to get caught?” He asked. She shook her head slightly, hips twitching and walls clenching around him. He curled his fingers, watching her eyes roll up into her head. Tears coated her eyelids, not yet falling, but no worries. He’d have her crying in the next ten minutes or so.
Her quiet whimpers were drowned out by the sound of the filthy squelch Uryuu’s fingers made as he moved them in and out of her, spreading them apart to open her up. Not that he needed to do much. He’d fucked her just last week. She would’ve been fine even without the prep. But he couldn’t stop right then. He was too engrossed in watching her face, the tiny shifts in muscle at every movement he made. He could feel the palm of his hand get wet where it held her mouth shut. He pressed his crotch hard against her ass. She looked….. divine.
How ironic, considering what they were doing.
She gasped when his fingers left her abruptly, mouth free from his grip so she could take big, heaving breaths. The sound of his belt clinking and zipper pulling down had her stilling in anticipation. Uryuu lifted up her skirt, sighing at the sight. He ran a gentle finger up her skin, feeling the shiver that ran down her back. He lined himself up to her before leaning down, elbows resting on either side of her head. Her cheek was pressed to the desk, eyes looking up at him. Her expression was relaxed. She knew she was about to get what she wanted.
She gave him the tiniest smile when their eyes met. Uryuu pushed forward.
The relief was instant for both of them, moaning in unison. Uryuu felt his face scrunch up at the tight grip around him. Warm and hot and twitching. He didn’t stop until he had sunk all the way in, letting out a long, shuddering breath.
“How are you already this tight?” His voice sounded strangled. He heard her giggle and blinked his eyes open, watching the rose flush of her cheeks. Her hair was a mess, sprawled over the desk around her head like a halo. It made him smile too, bending his head forward to brush his lips against her temple. She sighed in contentment.
"Feeling better?" He joked, making her laugh more openly now. His tongue darted out to lick at her bottom lip. She hummed.
He pulled out slowly before surging forward again, his skin meeting hers with a wet slap. Her smile disappeared.
"Uryuu…" God. Not his name. Not like this, unhindered, cracked and yearning. Uryuu groaned and started moving in earnest, unable to hold himself back any longer. He leaned his chest against her back and grabbed a tight hold on her hips, thrusting harder into her.
Uryuu’s head was swimming. He could no longer think straight.
Her voice gained a higher pitch, back arching at an angle that made him hit deeper into her. She clenched around him just right, making his rhythm stutter. He growled like a man possessed, hips smacking harshly between her thighs at a pace she simply couldn't keep up with. Her hands scrambled for purchase over the desk, gripping at the edges above her head for stability. Each deep thrust of his cock punched a mewl from her throat that she desperately tried to keep quiet, her cunt clenching down on him in a way that made him dizzyingly close to cumming.
No. Not yet. Not so soon. She'll go away if you do. She'll leave.
His thoughts were broken and muddled as they screamed at him. He wanted to listen to them so badly, but the delicious rub of her walls made it almost impossible to. In his hazy state, he realized she was stiffening up even more, tears streaking down her cheeks and hips jerking with every slam of his cock deep inside her. He felt a sick satisfaction wash over him.
"You gonna cum for me?” He growled in her ear, fist in her hair dragging her head around to look at him again. Nose to nose, eyes boring straight into hers, he saw her and all the need that overflowed within her, felt it in the way he split her open. His eyes were hooded and his sweating forehead pressed into hers to keep her eyes on him. "You love this don't you? Taking me like this and then going home, still sore from the feeling of my cock. I bet you think of me when he looks at you. I bet you wish it was me you were going home to."
He couldn’t believe the words leaving his mouth.
She almost sobbed as her hips twisted without rhythm, but it didn't matter. The plow of Uryuu's hips kept hers pinned to the desk, kept her from losing his pace, and that’s just how both of them liked it. “A-Ah, U-uryuu, y-yes--”
Uryuu's hand reached under her legs, finding her clit to rub harsh circles into. She mewled, forehead banging into the desk hard before every muscle in her body seized up.
"Cum," Uryuu could barely recognize his voice. "I can fucking feel it, baby. Cum, for me, c’mon, cum--" He tugged her head back, nerves firing across her scalp and making her eyes roll. The slick sound of her pussy was growing louder and wetter. He continued to fuck into her even when she clenched so tight it felt like he couldn’t possibly thrust back inside, feeling her ride her high. His pace didn't falter and his fingers didn't halt, dragging out her orgasm until she was mumbling incoherently into the wood of the desk, crying and trying to move away from his insistent fingers.
Uryuu shuddered against her and grunted. He pressed deep into her body and stopped, panting harshly. He rasped out a groan, long and low, against her sweating neck , hips stuttering, fingers massaging hard at her ass and thigh as he swirled his hips into the tight squeeze of her insides. Hot jets of his cum filled her, squelching louder now with each of his shaky thrusts. With every flex of his cock he panted, moaning at the end of each one while he pinned her down with all the weight of him and twitched his hips forward as deep as he could get, knowing she would have bruises due to the unforgiving edges of the desk.
Both of them stayed that way for what felt like hours, panting and writhing as the desk under them groaned harshly. He wedged an arm under her head, feeling her sweaty face press into the give of his muscle.
"Are you okay?" His voice was raspy.
She hummed and didn't say much more, nodding slightly and shifting her hips. He cursed softly into her shoulder blade, finally pulling out of her with a wet squelch that made his ears burn. He straightened up, feeling his back protest the action. Her skirt was pushed all the way up to her waist and he watched, mesmerized, as his cum dripped down the inside of her thighs.
"Ishida-kun," His gaze snapped up to hers, eyeing the deep red color on the apples of her cheeks. She was pouting a little, clearly embarrassed. "Don't- don't look."
Uryuu couldn't help the little laugh that escaped him, leaning down again to pepper small kisses all over her hot face, wrapping both his arms around her waist until her body felt like it was one with him.
"You are so cute, Inoue-san." He inhaled her wonderful, after-sex smell as he pulled her up straight. "I wish I could-"
He stopped.
The air in the room shifted immediately, and Uryuu knew he had just burst the little bubble they had created. He regretted it with every fiber of his being, because she was already going rigid again, arms twisting in his hold a bit. He knew what this meant. He knew what would happen now.
Somehow, despite doing this many times now, the ache didn’t seem to numb at all. In fact, it got worse.
He helped her clean up and dress herself, not meeting her eyes as he did the same. His mind was clearing again, as it always did after every such encounter. Now would come the regret and the longing, and the harsh internal lecture about how this was the last time, and that he would never do it again.
It was all delusion, of course. He knew that. As she gave him one last sweet kiss and told him she'd see him soon, he knew there was no way that this was the last time. They would see each other again in a few days, when either he cracked or she did, either here, at her own house, or the quaint little apartment Uryuu lived in, and they'd play the same game all over again. He would let himself be consumed by her. She would let him taint her body. He would fall asleep alone and exhausted. She would go home to her family and pretend she hadn’t seen him since high school. Rinse and repeat.
After all, he had never been able to say no to her.
Let me know what you think! Requests are open.
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troius · 2 years
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This is just a masterclass in deception, I’d be impressed if it wasn’t such evil behavior. Chad’s actually doing pretty well to press Ginjo on this-- after all, he knows Orihime, and certainly knows she wouldn’t lie to him. So Ginjo can’t just say “she’s lying”, and he certainly can’t say “oh yeah, Tsukishima definitely has that ability”.
Instead, he undermines it more carefully. When Chad points out that his Fullbring changed and developed over time, Ginjo says that wouldn’t be the case with Tsukishima, given his age and experience. But as we just saw with Jackie and Ichigo, age and experience aren’t the same thing! Tsukishima is what, 30 at the oldest? And he’s assumedly lived most of his life as a normal human, who knows when his Fullbringer powers first appeared (Ginjo certainly isn’t telling).
Chad, meanwhile, has had his powers for two years at this point, and has fought Kyoraku and Nnoitra, who I am very confident in stating are stronger than anybody Tsukishima has faced. He’s had two dedicated training periods, one each with Yoruichi and Urahara, who probably know more about how to develop unconventional powers than nearly anybody. And yet he still only figured out the Brazo Izquierdo after those training sessions. So “Tsukishima’s Fullbring couldn’t have that power” is a pretty weak argument here.
Then Ginjo moves on to “Tsukishima’s Fullbring didn’t have that power”. His logic is that Uryu was attacked by Tsukishima, and Uryu isn’t suffering from memory problems. It’s a brilliant move, because it rests on a fact that Chad himself has provided: that Uryu was attacked by Tsukishima. Which is, of course, not true.
Because even setting aside perfectly plausible scenarios where Tsukishima just attacked Uryu with his cut-anything powers and not the memory-powers that left Orihime completely unharmed...Chad doesn’t know if Tsukishima was truly the one who attacked Uryu! That’s an educated guess Orihime made, but for all she knows Tsukishima provided the distraction and Shishigawara did the physical damage. But because Chad brought it to the discussion, he can’t blame Ginjo for relying on it for his theories.
Anyhow, these stories have holes, and you can see Chad isn’t fully satisfied. But what can he do? He’s one teenager in this nightclub of sketchy adults, and they seem to be his-- and Ichigo’s-- only chance at figuring any of this out. He can’t really afford to alienate them. And so he doesn’t.
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asukaskerian · 2 years
monthly wordcound - september
TOTAL: 6 722 words. POSTED -Days on a wire chapter 7 - Madatobiizu fraternat poyamory ABO (4 013 words) IN PROGRESS -bleach suburban ot4 (1 161 words) -bleach grimmichi superheroes (1 548 words) hmrmrm. lowish wordcount BUT, lots of editing happened in there, so that's still writing work.
also family stuyff stole my last weekend è_é -- teasers thataway (only bleach ofc)
superheroes AU -- "Oh hey, a hollow." "--What?" The girl leaned over his feet, squinted through the glass. "I thought it was a cat at first, but, so many legs." Grimmjow watched it shuffle under a car and out the other side. Mmh. Nowhere near big enough to break into the house. Safe. "Probably ate a cat, yeah." She grimaced. "Ugh." Like it's a surprise that a hollow would be hungry. They weren't named that for nothing. "Probably gonna eat more." "Ugh! Be right back, I'm gonna catch it." --Huh. "And do what?" he asked, baffled. "Keep it for Zangetsu's lunch?" "Gross! No, I'm gonna put it in a crate and call Animal Control, they do hollows when they're that small, right? Dad? It doesn't need a hero team, right?" Engetsu came, wiping his hands on an apron, to squint through the glass with them. Grimmjow gathered his legs, watching him warily. He didn't track the small hollow. He could feel it, barely there, at the end of his range; it would break everything it used for teeth on his armor. Engetsu felt like he'd be more of a problem. "Probably not," the man allowed. The hollow skittered up a garbage bin, peered in, didn't deign to climb in. "Okay, then, Animal Control." "Or you could save them some time and kill it yourself." The look she gave him, her sour, suspicious face so shocked -- "... Did you think they did anything but put them down? They're hollows." It had never made sense to him that humans would bother to care for dogs and cats, even those that ended up on their own in the street, but at least they were tameable, if you were into that. He stared back, letting her see his bafflement. Her face fell. "I thought they had, like, wildlife preserves...?" Even as he barked out a laugh he knew it was the wrong response and she wouldn't like it, but he couldn't help it. "Oh my fucking god." "What!" "Putting a bunch of hollows together in a space they can't escape where their only choice for food is each other." Engetsu winced. Curtains looked betrayed. -- suburban ot4 -- "Looks like your kids were right about your harem, Ichigo!" "His what?" Grimmjow demands, eyes glittering in delight. "Oh, I have got to hear this." "Oh nooo," Orihime whimpers again, face in her hands, and Ichigo knows her, and it looks like embarrassment, and it is embarrassment -- it's embarrassment because she thought about it and liked it. But Nel doesn't know that and is generally nice, so she relents, goes "Sorry, honey, is it too much?" in a gentler voice, and Ichigo's wife (still whimpering) walks back down the stairs with Kazui still dripping merrily in her arms and goes to slump forehead-first against Nel's shoulder. "Not too much," Orihime mumbles, face scarlet and eyes still scrunched closed against Nelliel's exposed shoulder, half-hidden by cascading waves of teal hair. "I just, um, sultan Ichigo." All of Grimmjow's teeth are out, but he doesn't laugh, just grins so wide Ichigo wishes he would and get it over with. "Ooookay, honey, let's discuss cosplay some other day. Let's get this miscreant in the shower before he pees again, yeah?" he cuts in, and -- Almost -- Almost leaves it like that, retreats with her up the stairs, almost follows without saying anything more past this polite 'that was funny but let's drop it', because it's such a dangerous thing to joke about. But Nelliel and her boyfriend have the exact same way of waggling their eyebrows and leering smugly, and that cannot be borne. "I'm sure we can find Grimmjow a good sequined bra his size to go with the pants." Grimmjow opens his mouth to protest, even as Ichigo herds his wife and child away; then he yells after them, offended, "It had better be a good one, Kurosaki, you think I'm putting these puppies in an inferior one?" and when Ichigo glances back he's cupping his pectorals in both hands and squeezing up to give himself cleavage. Ichigo has regrets. Like, he still laughs his ass off, but very regretfully.
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abysscronica · 1 year
What do tou think about the big 3? Do you think there are new shonen lately that can compete?
Hey, thank you for the question! I can't remember if I was asked about the Big 3 before, so here we go. Please remember this is solely my opinion, everyone should be free to enjoy what they prefer.
They all started pretty close to each other, One Piece in 1997, Naruto in 1999, Bleach in 2001. Despite being bonded to the classic shonen traits, they all have different narrative dynamics.
Obviously I think One Piece is the unmatched best (and also the only one still ongoing). I always talk about it, so I'm not gonna spend too many words on it here, but basically I think it's strengths compared to the others lie in the world building, memorable scenes, and ideals.
It's no secret what I think about Naruto, I was asked before. I believe Naruto part 1 is AMAZING. Compared to the other two, Kishimoto had a head start. Buuuuut then, for me, Shippuden was a complete let-down. The crafting of shinobi battles introduced before, where each player had a (more or less) precise set of skills and had to find a way to make it work against the enemy, was discarded in favor of divine powers, together with many characters introduced in part one. Plus I found the plot boring, and the final part a total mess. It had its moment, don't get me wrong, but not enough to keep me entretained.
So Bleach. I have to confess that I haven't finished Bleach yet, so maybe I shouldn't even talk about it, but there's a reason I got stuck. Even though Kubo wrote what I think is one of the best shonen arcs ever written (the Soul Society arc), then he... kept going back to the same plot. That's why I stopped reading at the Espada arc, I felt like we were doing the exact same thing, just swapping Rukia with Orihime. From there I felt it got really messy, with forgotten characters, storylines, and repetitive cliches.
I hope I won't upset anyone with this, as I said before it's just my opinion, and all three manga must possess great qualities to even be defined "Big 3".
Now, about the new generation. Shonen are slowly evolving as well, so it's hard to compare the new ones - and I haven't read many, I have to admit. My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan (is it even a shonen?), Beastars, One Punch Man (dropped tho), and Chainsaw Man. I've watched the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen and I tried Dr. Stone, but I dropped it soon because I found it boring, despite the great art. Most of these suffered (or are suffering...) of a bad/rushed finale, which is a common issue for this type of manga.
In short, no, I don't think any of the new gen's peaks matched the Big 3's peaks. MHA had a shot for a moment, but then declined. (and Chainsaw Man is too particular and plays in its own league). Maybe the heirs are among the ones I haven't read (yet), like Black Clover, Mashle, or JJK.
But the only one that truly had a shot, in my opinion, is not a new gen. It's Hunter x Hunter. If it weren't for its serialization problems, it'd probably be one of the Big 3 (knocking out Bleach I guess?).
BTW I did thoroughly enjoy Demon Slayer and Beastars, and I'm currently enjoying CSM.
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paquerette-san · 2 years
Bleach Logistics
Karakura is not that big of a city. Just big enough to not know everybody and have a variety of people and characters, some shady some not.
It got me thinking but Ichigo seems to be kind of famous : he has ginger hair, because of that a lot of thugs know him and challenge him and he has a reputation (Keigo knew his name and reputation before even meeting him).
Then there was the whole shinigami business and Ichigo got a new I'm-not-even-paid-for-this-shit job.
His reiatsu output kickstarted his friends spiritual awareness (and we were robbed with Tatsuki) while he was dealing with hollows.
It's always funny to remember how, from an outside point of view, he was randomly dying before acquiring Kon.
Now, how weird would it be for his classmates and teachers to find out that strong and independant Kurosaki, the same one that could (and would) fight a group of thugs without problem, had a 'condition' that made him kick the bucket and come back from the dead regularly.
He was weird. He got weirder (and he still didn't give a fuck about it).
Unknow to all of them, it was only the beginning.
Because soon, some of them started seeing weird things : a strange shadow, movement in the corner of the eye, a blured figure...
They didn't give it much thoughts (they had other shit to think about) but it was still strange and the phenomenon was increading as the days passed.
Even worse, it seemed as if some people were involved in the weirdness. Without surprise, Kurosaki Ichigo was one of them (when wasn't he). His medium powers were disclosed by the ones who knew him in kindergarten (Tatsuki was furious and had beaten the crap out of them).
Now, how weird would it be to see him run away from class to go to the toilets (indigestion profesor !) and then run on thin-fucking-air with a giant sword and a black kimono.
How weird would it be to see some nightmarish monster going on a rampage, to see Kurosaki appearing out of nowhere (sometimes alone, sometimes with friends) and start beating the shit out of them before disapearing again.
It wasn't a shock to see Kurosaki involved in all of that violence, but seeing the student representant Uryuu Ishida destroy a hollow was. It was a little more disturbing to see the sweet Orihime Inoue tanking without a flinch an attack from those monsters. And seeing all of those new transfer students was a humbling sight.
Some choose to follow the saying 'ignorance is bliss' and kept the illusion that they saw and knew nothing of the parallel plane. Others just kept it low but they were loosing it on the inside.
All of them thought the same thing : What the fuck was going on ?
Almost all of them got their answer, on way or another.
For some it was seeing a recently deceased soul on the road.
For others it was looking at Kurosaki helping a soul pass on : a stranger, a friend, a family member.
For a few it was having a first hand experience with him.
Yuki was sick. She had been for some time.
She knew she didn't have a lot of time so she took it upon herself to organize her possessions. She didn't have a lot of family or friends but did everything to see them and make a lot of memories.
She tried to stay positive but she was worried. Death isn't a little thing, everybody meet it, nobody can run away from it but it's not a formality. So she was a little scared of what awaited her.
In the end, she shouldn't have.
It was late in the afternoon when she died. She hadn't felt well and ended up unconscious after lunch, fighting a loosing battle against her body.
Now she was looking at her face wistfully. She wasn't sad nor happy to be dead, she didn't leave a lot of regrets behind but she left people she cared about behind. She hoped they would be okay.
The sun was setting when someone entered her bedroom. She was surprised to see Kurosaki in a traditional outfit. She felt alarmed when she spoted the huge sword on his back.
He looked at her and gruffly told her to calm down. With a patience and kindness she didn't know he possessed, he explained evrything to her : how he was a (part-timer) shinigami sent here to help her move on, how the afterlife was, the procedure to sent her on... He answered her questions, listened quietly to her and waited for her to be reeady (it didn't take long).
She left him with a last message for her best friend and let him do his job without much fussing.
It was her last day on earth but she was happy to be sent away by a familiar (if unknown) face and new knowledge. She hoped she would see his face someday in Soul Society and could repay him his kindness.
She would soon discover she wasn't the only one of Karakura people to think this way.
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