mvrcer · 2 years
⌊ anyone capped  |  fall harvest carnival ⌋  @vancitystarters ​
He's chanting expletives under his breath because this is a family-friendly event and he still has at least THAT much self-control left; regardless of how short the queue has become and the fact that for whatever reason, the very person who'd tasked him with holding their place in line was STILL not back from getting her 'desperately-needed' corndog. Jude isn't sure why he agreed to holding their spot while she was gone — isn't fully sure why he's here to BEGIN WITH, actually — but by the time he finally decides to just abandon ship and suffer his absent companion's ire, he's already getting herded onto the ride with the person behind him. There's no turning back now. Jude's expression is guilty as he takes his place, glancing back at the queue as if he could figure out if he'd stolen someone else's ride partner. All in all — FAR from ideal.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he mutters, now that the necessity against coarse language has been rendered obsolete. His tone is both irritated AND apologetic — if the other did want to board with someone else, it would probably take another half hour wait in line. "Hope I haven't separated you from a friend or date or something. I was waiting for someone to get back." He rubs a hand over his face. "With their fucking corndog."
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boyd-harris · 2 years
Text to ??
Boyd: Titanic themed drinking game. I'm trusting you to be my eyes and ears out there. Lemme knew when I need to take a shot.
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xoxoveronicawalsh · 2 years
Who: Anyone @vancitystarters
The night sky was beautiful, the stars and moon all twinkled against the black sky, along with the deep blue waters. The music was almost an echo as Veronica appeared zoned out looking at the objects in the sky that shine at the water. She noticed a few animals jumping out of the water. To be free and happy, with no worries must be nice. Her brother hasn’t talked to her in days which was a scary thought for her. Bram has never not talked to Veronica no matter how bad something was or how mad he was. She’s pretty sure Lola is mad at her too and knows she’s spilling to Bram. Furthermore she’s still on edge about everything. She was trying to enjoy the cruise as thoughts and memories danced around in her mind. She continued to stare at the water while enjoying her drink not noticing someone approaching her.
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dante-ochoa · 2 years
STATUS: open LOCATION: Downtown Gastown’s Halloween Hootenanny
Dante liked these type of events, there were many business opportunities, and there was a lot of room to be social. if anything, they had learned over the past five years that locking themselves up in their house and focussing on business alone wasn’t good for their health. 
“You should try these fries, I don’t know what they put on them, but they’re way better than normal fries,” Dante said, holding one out. 
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rajvohra-oldaccount · 2 years
status: OPEN STARTER 0/3​​​​
location: VMF After Dark Jam
It was a rarity for Raj to leave his doctor’s coat at home and just go out and have fun. Most of the time he was thinking about work or how busy he was going to be at work the next day. His brother was the one who yelled at him over the phone to shut off for a while and just go out and have fun. So here he was, a couple drinks down and dancing like there was no tomorrow. It was easy for Rajveer to make friends when he actually tried and so once he and his dancing partner were on the dancefloor, there was no stopping him from letting loose. He didn’t know how long they’d been dancing, but it had been a while. “Do you wanna grab something to drink?!” he shouted over the blaring music, letting his dance moves slow to a stop to grab the other’s attention.
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suhanadhawan · 2 years
status: OPEN STARTER (capping at 5) @vancitystarters​​
​​​ location: The Sky Bar (Deck7)
There was something beautiful about being out on the ocean as the sun hid away behind the horizon. Suhana watched others as they cuddled with their loved ones, the ocean breeze whipping playfully about them. It was sweet. Of course all she had was the most recent glass of champagne in her hands and a few friends who were off somewhere exploring the cruise ship. She however, had gotten tired of walking around in her heels for the last couple hours and was taking this opportunity to rest before she was inevitably dragged about for more pictures and probably dancing. The woman kicked off her heels for a bit, sighing in relief as she wiggled her toes and relaxed against the railing. As someone passed by she quickly slipped back into her heels, not wanting to seem uncouth. “No matter how much you break them in, they still hurt like hell after a while.” So much for not wanting to seem uncouth.
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deanjacksons · 2 years
dean 📲 jordan.
Dean: You being good?
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smarthilarie · 2 years
who: capped  when: end of the event  where: sully’s, samhain festival
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If there was one thing Hilarie loved about Halloween in particular, it was how visual the holiday ended up being.  While she wasn’t one to get over-excited about anything that required a display, she also appreciated the ingenuity of people who did get excited.  Their costumes were often so novel she was almost inspired to dress up herself.  That impulse just never won out, never lasted through until the next year.  
“All I’m saying is, that’s an excellent way to pull that off.  Just because you won’t catch me dead in that costume doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it on someone else.” 
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maevewest · 2 years
for: @mvrcer​ when: halloween event where: cabin in the woods ; spooky hike
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Signing up for a haunted hike through the woods sounded like a great idea at the time of booking the cabin for a solo retreat. Now? Spying ghosts in trees felt like a cake walk in comparison to finding herself surrounded by a pre-assigned group of strangers. (Wasn’t this event supposed to be small groups? When did three become twelve?)
Flipping the pages of the memo absently for the umpteenth time, she pauses at the sight of a familiar face in an unfamiliar setting. The lines of her concerned expression iron out, smoothing as she takes to a pointed beeline to his side --- all the while stuffing the comically large map into the purse by her side.
"You own something other than basketball shorts.” It’s about as close as a hello that someone like Maeve can give. “The trail’s already to a scary start.”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
─── starter for @vancitystarters​ / capping at 4 replies
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SAMHAIN FESTIVAL, SULLY’S TAVERN ─── Large beer mug in hand full of mead, Matt offered it with a grin. “Have you tried it yet?” The live music was going strong, people were dancing and celebrating the Celtic New Year with mead and feasts of food. It was loud inside, there was a lot going on outside as well in the back lot with the party tents up. Matt leaned in a bit to be heard over the noise, “it comes ‘round once a year. Enjoy.” The sweetish drink was from an ancient Celtic recipe and something Matt had ordered in masses for the festivities. Since his grandfather had opened the tavern long before Matt had been born the Samhain Festival had been an annual thing, and since he had taken over he’d tried his best to keep the traditions alive. Especially since they’d always been so popular. “Want to join me outside for some fresh air for a bit?”
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arminxkhan · 2 years
starter for @sancmsayar​ location: mount pleasant monster bash 
“Thanks for volunteering with me,” Armin didn’t really want to sit at his booth alone at the small event happening in mount pleasant neighborhood. It was close to home and well, the person that was supposed to be volunteering with him was no longer in his life the same way that she was. It was his fault, he knew that, “And so last minute too, I really owe you. A home cooked meal or whatever you want, a bucket full of candy?” He didn’t know what would make up for asking her to do this on a night she might otherwise have been busy for. 
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raleighrose · 2 years
status: open @vancitystarters​ (will be capping at six)
where: the ovation, deck eight
when: 8ish pm
It hadn’t taken much for Rose to charm an entire flatter of bacon-wrapped figs out of the hands of one of the waiters, shuffling herself inconspicuously to the edge of the deck.
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Her face, however, sours almost immediately after the first bite. You could ploy with as much wine as you wanted -- but Rose trusted her palette and she knew for a fact that those figs were past their prime. Making a disgusted grunt beneath her breath, Rose ceases chewing and spits the remainder of her mouthfull over the side of the rail towards the water. 
“Hey, you want one?” she questions the next passerby, offering the platter.
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nesrinadem · 2 years
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sofiazetterlund · 2 years
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with her son staying with her parents for the night, Sofia came out for a good time with her date @evamcrales. catch her on the dance floor but don’t forget to check the water slides at the pool later.
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sawyer-harris · 2 years
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Sunday, September 25th, 2022.
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rajveervohra · 2 years
status: closed for @tyramirez​​
location: Seafaire ballroom on deck 7
Rajveer found Tyler after the delicious dinner provided by the Blue Water Restaurant and at this point he was feeling pretty good. It had been a fun evening so far and the night was still young. "Ty, you look... like you need a drink, man. Let's go grab a glass of champagne and then will you do me the honor of this dance?" Yeah, maybe Raj was a little tipsy, but just a little. Just enough for the doctor to let loose, but not nearly enough to worry the man before him that he would go falling over the cruise's railings.
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