herpsandbirds · 7 months
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Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), family Charadriidae, order Charadriiformes, Teesta Barrage, West Bengal, India
photograph by Aniruddha Roy
210 notes · View notes
coffeenuts · 2 years
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2I1A8301-Edit1 by lfalterbauer https://flic.kr/p/2ntLH5R
10 notes · View notes
petrachoir · 5 months
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9 notes · View notes
weirdeukarya · 2 years
my favorite thing is when, as a biologist, you are not supposed to anthropomorphize things but
that’s literally all we do
their all just lil guys doing their lil guy things.
fungus? just a lil guy
bacteria? a tiny guy
whale? a big guy
beetles? a shiny lil guy
181 notes · View notes
a-demetrius-felder · 7 years
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/ôrnəˈTHäləjē/ #artoninstagram #illustration #theprocess #illustration #blackgirlmagic #ornthology #procreate #ipad #digitalart #blackgirls #afropunk #afrofuturism
2 notes · View notes
elliotthezubat · 4 years
[[cont from part 124]]
 Crow: *perched on Misaki's shoulder*
misaki: ....*small smile* would you like a name?
Crow: "CAW!"
misaki: *strokes under the crow's neck* how about 'Alistair'?
Alistair: *closes eyes* =w=
misaki: ^^ *starts preparing supper*
Alistair: *flies to a bureau...there's a photo on it*
-it shows a young girl with a man and a woman. they look to be happy-
-the bureau has various knick-knacks, such as an astrolabe, a butterfly display, a mortar and pestle, and various books on anatomy, ornthology, botany, astrology, the occult and more-
Alistair: "..." *head tilt*
-it still looks overcast outside...lightning strikes in the distance*
misaki: !!......(i hope mr pumpkin is keeping dry.....)
creature: .......
Pumpkin: *wrings out his coat, hanging it up* -_-# "..." *stares at the Creature* "Don't you get drenched either--" *sneezes--a brief stream of fire escaping his nostrils* =~=#
-it's quiet, save for the sound of rain outside-
Pumpkin: "..." *curls up against a wall* "...I wonder if she avoided the rain walking back."
{sister: *turns around* oh. it's you again. *smiles*}
{Pumpkin: ._. "H-Hi?" *steps in* "Am I bothering you?"}
{sister: not at all. ^^ i see that you've gotten a better handle on speaking now. hehe. ^^}
{Pumpkin: *clutching a book* "Th-This helped. I am returning it..." *holds it out*}
{sister: oh! why thank you. *takes it* ..... *looks around* well, the abbot isnt here right now, perhaps i could help you with this?}
{Pumpkin: ._. "Y-You would?" *looks around...sees chairs*}
{sister: of course.}
{Pumpkin: "...Is that a 'chah-air'?"}
Pumpkin: "?!!!" *swings around, shrinking back against a wall*
Akitaru: *holding an ice pack to his head, lying down in the back of the Matchbox* =~=;
Takehisa: *driving* "..."
Arthur: "..."
shinra:....*ahem* s-so commander...
Akitaru: "Don't try to out-drink Honda..." *sits up* "How you holding up?"
shinra: im fine, sir. but i was asking. *ahem* well, iris suggested that we have a party? n-not to celebrate commander arg's death! it's awful that happened! it's just- well things have been tense for all of us and, well... maybe this could help to build morale?
Akitaru: "...Iris is really smart."
shinra: yeah, she is. *smiles*
Akitaru: "Just let me sleep this off, then we'll get pretty balloons..."
shinra: thanks dad.
Akitaru: *yawns* "You're welcome, son..."
hinata: konro's back!
Konro: "Hello, Hinata. You keep the home safe while I was out?"
hinata: yep! we sure did!
hikage: ooooh beni's gonna get soooo scolded for not going!
hinata: 500 yen says he's gonna get spanked!
Konro: "Well, can't settle that unless I know where he is--where'd he go?"
hinata + hikage: he's over by the pond!
Konro: "Then I'm on my way..." *walks to the pond*
Benimaru: *feeding koi*
Konro: "..."
Benimaru: "..."
Konro: "So..."
Benimaru: *grunts*
Konro: "..." *kicks Benimaru into the pond*
hinata + hikage: OOOOOOOHHH!!!
Benimaru: "?!!" *COUGH COUGH* "What the hell?!"
Konro: "You didn't even show up. A man is dead--"
Benimaru: "A man that couldn't even be here for us."
Konro: "...Is that what you think?"
kirei: what happened? i heard a splash- ah!
Benimaru: "..." *stands up, his feet squishing in the mud as he walks* "...He wasn't here when you needed him." *walks by Kirei*
kirei: ah-....konro?
Konro: *scratches the back of his neck* "Sorry...The master was being an ass again."
kirei: ....should i go talk to him?
Konro: "I think that'd help."
maki: we're back!
Viktor: *stuck to the wall by scalpels*
argit: *drinking a soda can* oh great.
Akitaru: "You been celebrating?"
argit: eh.
Takehisa: "I suggest we start charging him rent."
nozomi: tamaki! what happened?!
tamaki:....just fell....that's all....
Komori: *patching her up*
Arthur: *stares* "..."
argit: oh yeah, that happened. it was pretty funny.
shinra: NOT COOL, MAN!
argit: ok! ok! cripes, im sorry for laughing! there? ya happy now?
Arthur: "...In this castle...you will not insult or mock anyone in it...or I will slice your tail off and feed it to you."
argit: yeesh! what's your deal?!
shinra: you just shut the fuck up you shitty sonic the hedgehog knockoff!
Arthur: "Yeah, what the demon said, vile rodent!"
argit: D8<
Akitaru: "!!! Boys!"
shinra: *shuts up*
Arthur: >_>;
argit: heh.
Akitaru: "..." *sighs* "We all need some rest--go to your quarters." *pats Argit on the shoulder--and grips him* "Let's talk. In private."
argit: QwQ; *gulp*
yuuji: *looks at a box full of posters* are these for me?
Aizawa: "Yeah--figured you need something for the walls."
yuuji: t-thanks....oh sweet, grateful dead!
Aizawa: "??? Something you've listened to?"
yuuji: yeah, i like listening to classic rock from time to time.
Aizawa: "Hmm...Yamada may have some to borrow. Just don't mention 'Stairway' in front of him."
yuuji: i'll...keep that in mind, sir....are....um...are you sure you dont mind?
Aizawa: "I wouldn't be giving them to you if there was a problem--I wanted you to have them."
yuuji: n-not that, i mean...you know...me living here?
Aizawa: "...Ah. ...Not going to lie, a lot of things have ruined my status as the 'longer Pro Hero who looks like a homeless man' vibe. But that kind of disappeared when Midnight tricked me into teaching here."
yuuji: i see.....still, cant help feeling out of place, me being an ex-villain and all...
Aizawa: "...Even heroes come out of unexpected places."
yuuji: ..t-thanks...i suppose.
Aizawa: "No problem...After all--" *unrolls one poster--and tenses up*
{Oboro: "--then this checkerboard room shows up with this little dude dancing around--" *handing Aizawa a VHS tape: 'Twin Peaks'*}
{Aizawa: "Hmm. Not sure this is my thing."}
{Oboro: "Dude--give it a shot already!"}
Yuuji: sir?
Aizawa: *looks at the poster, showing a light signal and mountains* "...Could you knock that 'sir' stuff off--'Shota's' fine."
yuuji: um o-ok s-... mr aizawa.
Aizawa: "..." *head pat* "Sure."
greg: *sniffs* it smells delicious, bugbear! ^^
Saria: "You really think so? I'm still trying to perfect this recipe..."
saria's dad: well, you worked so hard on it, so of course it will be great!
Saria: "..." *sighs* "I'm not sure about that...What if it's not hard enough..."
greg: well, if you put your all into something with love, it will turn out well, and even if it doesnt, it's still good because you at least tried.
Saria's Dad: *nom* =w= "So tasty..."
Saria: "..." *sighs* ("That's what they always say.") "May I be excused? I want to do more reading?"
greg: you go do that, we'll save some for later if you get hungry, ok?
Saria: "..." *nods, gathers her books, leaves*
Saria's Dad: "...Did we upset her?"
greg: i hope not...
Saria's Dad: "...Let's put away the leftovers and start on the dishes..." *picks up a plate, one crumb rolling off onto the table*
greg: hmm...
Saria's Dad: *scraps crumbs off the plate into the trash...*
*the crumbs settle at the bottom of the can before the lid closes...then start to shift*
*in saria’s room*
Saria: "..." *checks her phone*
lei-lei: [hey sari! u ok?]
Saria: [worried about tomorrow]
lei-lei: [nervous?]
Saria: [incredibly -~- ]
lei-lei: [understandable.]
Saria: [can we meet up before class? i want to have enough time to put the ingredients away]
lei-lei: [sure! ^w^]
Saria: [thnx. i'll finish reading recipes then head to bed]
lei-lei: [k! C U tomorrow~ \(^o^) ]
Saria: [night] "..." *sighs, opens the 'recipe book' again--* "...What the heck is a 'Black Mercy'?"
-the next day-
Monica: "Mornin', losers."
yolanda: ...
Zarya: "Shh...She's focusing."
Monica: -_-; "Hmph. She's got this in the bag."
lei-lei: *has her apron on*
Saria: *puts some prepared dishes into the fridge* "..." *looks down*
lei-lei: hey, we got this! ^^
Saria: "I hope so--I wasn't feeling confident. But if these recipes work out, maybe I'll be surprised."
lei-lei: that's the spirit!
Saria: *closes the fridge door, smiles lightly*
-the food shifts a bit...then blinks*
Duncan: *looks inside the kitchen* "??? You're doing it wrong--you really should separate the yolks--*
yukiko: thanks fer invitin' me as a judge, azusa-san! ^^
Yumi: "We're happy to have you. Have you met Lunch Rush before?"
yukiko: i've heard of 'em.
Lunch Rush: *waves*
Rin: *drooling over the proposed menu* "I am so blessed..."
yukiko: easy there, kiddo. *hair ruffle*
Rin: =_=;
Yumi: "That leaves...Wait, where's Tsubaki?"
tsubaki: ._.;
Black Star: "I can't believe they moved the hallways around again! ...Wait, I know a short-cut..." *punches a hole through a hallway wall*
-back at the contest-
Yumi: -_-# "We're going to need a replacement judge--and where am I to find one at this late hour--"
Mephisto: "Hello~"
Rin: *chokes*
lord death: oh! i was half expecting stocking.
Mephisto: "Unfortunately, she's tutoring students--it came up at the last minute."
lord death: i see.
Mephisto: "So, how about Arg's death?"
yukiko: i just want it on record the 7th had nothing to fucking do with that, alright?
Yumi: "No one is accusing anyone, and the internal investigation has concluded that it was a suicide." ("Not that any of us believe that for one second...")
yukiko: tch- i oughta give that department a piece of my mind...
Mephisto: "By the by, Death, I think you have problems with your basement--lot of rats getting into the works down there, if you know what I mean..." *HINT HINT WINK*
Rin: "..." ("He wants an exterminator? What the heck is he talking about?")
lord death: *sigh* we'll see what can be done, but they're elusive little bastards...
Mephisto: "I think you'll need to consider out-sourcing. Rin, for example."
Rin: "?!!! What?!"
*students start entering, dressed like chefs*
Kanin: "Thanks for your help with the vegetarian option--I wanted to offer something that maybe others wouldn't..."
kenji: of course! ^^
Kyoka: *STARING AT THE DISHES* "..." *stomach growl*
Axel: "Mountain Dew chicken and rice FTW!"
Duncan: *grimaces* "You have no class..." *sets down a Jell-O mold*
kyouko: they better not waste anything...
Ragnarok: "Dibs on leftovers!"
Saria: *shakes a bit, but manages to set the dish down carefully...it looks like a very well put-together and delicious quiche*
izumi: it looks delicious!
Saria: "Th-Thanks...I hope I did it right..."
Monica: *pushing people out of the way*
-and so-
Rin: *samples the vegetarian option* "Hmm! This is quite good!" *holds up a sign: 8 out of 10*
yukiko: *nom nom* eh, not terrible. *7/10*
Mephisto: =_=; "Pedestrian. Had better." *holds up a sign: 1 out of 10*
Kanin: ^^; "Worth a shot..."
izumi: wow...
Monica: "Go up and present, girl."
Saria: *watching Yolanda* "..." *gulp*
Lunch Rush: *signing* <What have we here?>
yolanda: well, i decided to make a gumbo that my grandma used to make when we would visit.
Rin: "Oh, cool. I had to make dishes at the church since everyone else's cooking sucked."
Fujimoto: "...FFFFFFFFFFFF--"
-back at the contest-
Lunch Rush: <It's good to see dishes with a history!>
Mephisto: =_= "Hmph."
yukiko: *nom* this is really good! i can really taste the spices in it! *9/10*
Rin: *nods* "I think it's super!" *10/10*
Mephisto: "Eh." *2/10*
nagisa: hmm, tough competition.
Crona: "Everyone looks like they put in a lot of work..."
mami: indeed.....*notices someone in the crowd* hm?
Poe: *holding what looks like a stick* "..." *points the stick in different directions*
mami: (what are they doing?)
Mephisto: =~= "How many more entries are there..."
Yumi: -_-# "Just a few more--could you fake interest?"
Mephisto: "I've eaten every dish around the world--five times. Little impresses me..."
Saria: *gulps* *walks up* "H-H-H-Here?"
Poe: "Nothing here..." *points towards the judges' stage*
Karl: *growl wimper*
yukiko: *sniff* smells good enough.
Saria: .~.;
Rin: "That's a unique spice--tastes kinda good!"
Lunch Rush: <Very unique!> *thumbs up*
Mephisto: "..." *tugs on the spoon--and it sticks* "??? ..." *sniff sniff* *eyes widen* "?!!!!!"
Poe: *pointing at Saria's dish* D8 "OH NO!"
izumi: ?!
Saria: Q_Q "Is it really that bad?!"
rowena: !!!! oh no, we're too late....
mami: !!! *soul gem out*
yukiko: shit! *transforms*
Mephisto: "...Okay, I admit, I did not see this comin--"
Quiche Monster: *SWALLOWS MEPHISTO* "..." *BURP*
Yumi: D8
Rin: "...BWHA HA HA HA--"
Quiche Monster: *whips Rin into the wall*
Saria: *stunned*
-people are running away while others join the fight-
kyouko: what the hell is going on?!
Hyde: *snapping pics* "Don't know. But the effects have really gone up this year..."
rowena: sterling rodgers.
Poe: *nods*
Asher: "...The hell is a Sterling Rodgers? A gem?"
rowena: he was a necromancer that hid his spells in cookbooks.
Axel: "People actually do that?"
Yumi: "..." *glares at Poe*
Poe: "It's not my fault! I was moving books, and it was the Nihilque Omnino Liber a Daemonibus Inita--"
Axel: "...That's really wordy."
Asher: "So it's a Food Necronomicon?"
lei-lei: either way, it's a mouthful!
genny: now isnt the time for that!
Poe: "We need the book! I need to apologize to the girl I bumped into and caused all this mess!" >~<
lukas: saria!
*The space where Saria was standing is vacant*
lukas: !!! dammit! *goes to look for her*
yukiko: *fighting the monster*
Axel: "!!! Bro! This is totally going on the bucket list--fighting giant food monsters!"
zeke: hell yeah!
Rin: *stumbles off the wall* "Okay, you quiche bastard! I'm gonna--"
*the Quiche has infected other food, as a spork stabs Rin in the nose*
Rin: "... ... ...AAAAAAAAAAAH--"
Rin: *charges blue flames along his sword* "Now you're gonna get--"
*Rin is now swallowed whole*
kyouko: *slashing at the monsters* RIN! *ATTACKS*
Asher: "...This turned into vore so gradually that I haven't noticed."
hibiki: how do you know what- on second thought i dont want to know.
Asher: >_>; "...Izumi, just hit me against a monster--"
*a flying spaghetti monster lunges at Izumi*
izumi: *dodges out of the way*
Saria: *hiding under stairway, sweater pulled up to cover her face*
lei-lei: sari! there you are! come on, the others need us!
Saria: "...This is all my fault..."
lei-lei: sari...
Saria: *whimpers* "I hated it. I hated everything...I felt like I wasn't good enough..."
lei-lei: .....*hug*
Saria: TT~TT "I didn't want to fail and be left behind..."
{Saria, younger: *looking at a recipe book* "??? What's this one, Daddy?"}
{greg: it's a souffle. ^^}
{Saria: "That's sounds funny--" *looks it over* "It looks fluffy!"}
{greg: why dont we make one, all three of us? ^^}
{Saria: 8D "Can we?!" *reaches for the book--but knocks over a glass of water* D8> }
{greg: oh- *chuckle* it's ok bugbear, it was an accident.}
{Saria: "..." *sniffle* "I didn't mean to..."}
{Saria's Dad: "Every problem has a solution--" *shows a roll of paper towels with little ducklings on them* "So we just got to wipe this off and keep going!" *smiles*}
{Saria: "..." *nods* "O-Okay..."}
{greg: *head pat* right!}
Saria: "..." *pulls down the sweater* "I made this mess..."
lei-lei: then let's fix it! ^^
Saria: "..." *nods--and transforms*
lukas: HEEEEELP!! *stuck in the spagetti monster*
lei-lei: *TOSSES SARIA*
Saria: "Lukas!"
lukas: !!! *reaches out*
*good catch!*
nagisa: *attacking the monsters* mami, im about at my limit!
Crona: *swinging Ragnarok into pudding--*
Ragnarok: *SWALLOWS* "..." *burp* "...Hey, this one got tinier!"
*a soup monster crawls on all fours--*
Janitor: "...Soup on all fours? I thought soup would be bipedal..." *desperately trying to clean faster*
Saria: "..." *LIGHT BULB* "That's it! Crona, you're weapon is a genius!"
nagisa: *attacking, when her soul gem darkens, and something comes out of her mouth*
Axel: "...What."
kyouko: shit!
Quiche Monster: *still infecting other food*
Yumi: "There's no spot to fire at!" *keeps shooting*
charlotte: *starts eating the monsters*
Saria: "Do what the worm thing is doing--eat them!"
yukiko: the fuck? that wraith is _helping_ us?
Quiche Monster: *doubles over, groaning* *looks like it's turning blue?*
kyouko: !!!
Quiche Monster: *gurgles--before it gets cooked--and explodes, revealing Rin and Mephisto inside*
Rin: *wielding his blue flames* -_-# "Ugh--nothing worse than overcooked food..."
Mephisto: *licks his finger* "Mmm! Not bad!" *holds up a sign: 6/10*
Ragnarok: *sliding along the floor, mouth opening and closing as he eats* "WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA--"
kyouko: *cringes* this better not go to waste!
Axel: "Five second rule!" *eats a monster mini-bagel pizza*
-and so-
charlotte: *dissapates*
Yumi: *intense stare at the NOTers and the Occult Club*
nagisa: mmmn... ugh...*RAINBOWBARF*
Crona: ._.; *offers a napkin*
yukiko: what the hell?!
Lunch Rush: <This reminds me of the Austin chili contest fiasco--they still haven't gotten the scent out of the canal...>
Poe + Saria: "I'M SO SORRY!"
lord death: *sigh and tiny chop to them both* next time double check on these things.
Poe: TT~TT "Yes, sir..."
tsubaki: we're he-... ._. what on earth?
Saria: "Please don't fire Mr Poe! It's my fault..."
Black Star: "I told you my shortcut would-- ...YOU STARTED A FOOD FIGHT?! WITHOUT ME?!"
izumi: it's a long story.
Kaoru: "Lord Pheles! I came as soon as I got your alert!"
Mephisto: "There you are, Tsubaki!"
tsubaki: im right here though?
Kaoru: "??? No, I'm Tsubaki."
naho: .w.
mahiru: just how many tsubaki's are there?!
Kuro: =_= "This is the stupidest thing I have been involved in all month."
Hyde: "Oh, what up, bro?" *covered in red stuff*
Kuro Cat: *walks in, leaps on Rin's shoulder*
Kuro: "... ... ...Nope."
izumi: you know, i think i learned something today....
Asher: "Cooking was a mistake?"
Axel: "Wash your hands before dinner?"
izumi:.....actually i got nothing i was hoping i'd think of something. ^^;
Monica: "Yolanda is the only one we should let cook."
Mephisto: "We still need to decide a winner...Which dish was not infected by the demon?"
Yumi: *holds up a Jell-O mold*
Mephisto: "Fine, this thing wins."
Duncan: "Ha!"
lei-lei + hibiki + others: WHAT?!
Duncan: "What do I win?!"
Janitor: *hands Duncan a mop* "Clean up duty."
Duncan: 0n0#
Todoroki: *staring at a text message* "..." *sets down his phone* "..." *sets his arms on the table, thinking*
fuyumi: ?? everything ok?
Todoroki: "...I got a text from someone claiming to be Natsuo's classmate."
fuyumi: did something happen?!
Todoroki: >_>; "...They said their sister wants my autograph."
fuyumi: ...^^;
*Fuyumi's phone has a text message*
fuyumi: *looks*
Unknown number: [sis someone stole my fone so ignore weirdo messages]
fuyumi: [it's 'phone']
Unknown number: [thats how u know its me :P ]
All Might: *coughing, doubled over in the teachers' lounge*
midnight: .-.
All Might: *waves* "I'm fine..." *wipes his mouth* "Just need to take five..." *sits on the couch, reaching for his bottle of water*
midnight: maybe head home for the day, i'll handle the rest of your workload-
All Might: "I-I can't--I'm trying to finish up a training schedule for--" *collapses*
midnight: !! shit! recovery girl! get in here!
*a small siren is heard--as Recovery Girl drives in on a scooter*
Shinsou: <So support students don't go on training trips like the hero students?>
mei: nope! besides, i couldnt just leave my babies unattended all summer!
Shinsou: ._.; <I see...So, no science fairs after I-Island blew up?>
mei: alas, not this time. but it'd be nice to see the blonde angel again~<3 huh? oh right!
Shinsou: (" 'Blonde angel'?") <"Oh right" what?>
mei: i wanted to show you something! follow me!
NOS: "Absolutely appalling security parameters--I'm asleep how long, yet what advancements have I seen..." *thumbing through psychological profiles of Pro Heroes*
himiko: *brushing the hair of a doll*
Dabi: *looking stuff up on his phone* "Says the 'bot who's running on DVDs and 8-trax."
twice: BUUURN! *hand up for a high five*
Dabi: "..." *back to his phone*
NOS: -_-# "I have upgraded to SSD and cloud storage. So watch it, before I share your search history with the entire group."
shaula: ok boomer.
shaula: =3= ruuude.
Kurogiri: "Please do not squabble." *offers Shaula a drink--and passes motor oil to NOS*
kurome: *sips her orange juice*
NOS: "..." *whispers to Himiko* "How old is the child?"
himiko: 4-5 i think?
NOS: "..." ("Do I even want to know how this happened? Or where the mother is? Is there a mother?")
kurome: *looks up* *offers her juice*
NOS: "Um...No, thank you."
Kota: *kicks a rock up the path to the cave* "..."
sphinx: there you are, kouta!
calico: mandalay was worried about you.
Kota: "?! Were you following me?!!"
calico: more of we were following your footprints-
sphinx: *elbows her*
calico: >~0
Kota: "?!!! Jerk!" *stamps on Calico's foot*
calico: OWIE! >~<
Kota: *starts running*
sphinx: *runs after him*
calico: ok I’ll just be here. on the ground. hurtin'.
Kota: *trying to get through the trees--*
*hits a tree branch*
sphinx: *picks him up and carries him back*
Kota: @_@ *looks like his nose is bleeding a bit*
calico: heeeey...
sphinx: *dragging her by the arm*
calico: thank you.
Monica: *lifting Saria up by the collar* "YOU APOLOGIZE FOR THIS MESS!"
Saria: TT~TT "I've said I'm sorry, Yolanda--twelve times now!"
yolanda: come on, monica, let her go already...
Monica: "...Tch." *sets Saria down*
Saria: TT~TT "I just look forward to going home after today..."
lukas: mind if i walked you home?
Saria: "I-I'd appreciate that, thanks..."
lukas: *nods and walks with her*
Saria: "...I really screwed this up."
lukas: saria...
Saria: "I just felt like I wasn't good enough...Sometimes I wonder what we're all doing here--the DWMA is not an easy school..."
lukas: ....*hug*
Saria: "...?!" .\\\\\\.
lukas: im not really the best at giving advice, so...i thought this would help...
Saria: "..." *hug* "Th-Thanks..." *sniffle*
lukas:.... .///. well....
Saria: "I-I...I--"
lukas: ?!?!?!
Saria's Dad: "I got another one!" *holds up a mini-Waffle Man on a fork*
Waffle-Man: "UNHAND ME, MORTAL--"
greg: EEEEP!! >~<;;
Saria's Dad: *nom*
Saria: D8>
Saria: O_O; "I am so grounded...Lukas, will you do the honors?" *transforms*
Charon: *rubbing his shoulder* "Take five." *walks away from a bloodied Hood*
hood: *groan*
Charon: *walks into the infirmary, opens the freezer for an ice pack*
Sho: *hiding behind Arrow* "..." *looks around her at the victim*
Sho: *cringes, holding his chest*
arrow:......*looks at sho, worried*
Sho: "I-I'll go back to my room now..." *walks to leave--and bumps into someone*
Hood 2: "?!!!! I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" *bows in front of Sho*
arrow: ??
Sho: "No, it's fine--"
Hood 2: *falls down, unconscious*
arrow: !!
Haumea: "Hmph." *steps on Hood 2* "No courtesy from these lemmings. Get this one back to the infirmary."
Sho: "..." *grabs Arrow's hand* "Take me back..."
arrow:....of course, my lord....
Hood 2: *dragged to the infirmary, blood spread down the hall...*
Sho: *shaking*
Inka: "Yo, Sho!" *waves*
Sho: *hides by Arrow's side*
arrow: inka, he's not in the mood for this.
Inka: "Come on--he's rarely makes any appearances anymore! How about we go pester the moles a bit more--" *starts poking Sho in the cheek--*
Inka: "... ..." *screams*
arrow: !!
Sho: *lets go of Inka's finger*
Inka: "WHAT THE HELL?!" *clutching her hand* "...At least do the other one, too--"
arrow: *glares at her before walking off with sho in tow*
Sho: "..." *starts crying as they near his door*
Sho: *falls onto his bed, face-down in his pillow* *muttering* "I wish I was..."
arrow: with your brother....right?
Sho: "Dead."
arrow:.........*hugs him*
Sho: *sobs into her shoulder* "I'm a monster..."
arrow: *rubs his back*
Sho: *hiccups and cries himself until he passes out*
arrow:.....(we cant....stay here anymore.....we'll likely be on the run for the rest of our lives, but he cant...he cant stay in this place.....)
Sho: "Zzz..."
arrow:.....(we'll leave this place....even if it kills me....)
Vector: *at a burger stand* <You ever seen this man?> *holds up a photo of Luke*
kid: <wasnt he on TV a while back?>
Vector: <He was in that Robot Fight in IC Prefecture--before that terrorist attack.>
kid: <oh yeah...i think he died or somethin?>
Vector: <...Yeah, sure, that's it.> *groans* <Do you have a veggie burger?>
Rin: =_=# "It was such a mess..."
kyouko: TT~TT
Fujimoto: "So let me get this straight--someone who wants to become the next Paladin got eaten alive by a demon foodstuff. ...Excuse me." *turns away--and starts laughing uproariously*
kyouko: so much wasted food....
Fujimoto: "What, didn't anyone eat the leftovers?"
nagisa: *laying on the couch, clutching her stomach* =~=
Crona: "Would you like more ginger ale?"
nagisa: *nods*
Crona: *pours some*
Ragnarok: *stomach expanded* =w= "We were eating fine today~"
mami: *thinking about how charlotte appeared as nagisa's soul gem was darkened* hmmm...
sayaka: and you're sure you dont remember anything?
nagisa: *shakes head* not really, i just kinda blacked out...
sayaka: hmmm, i think it's like what happened to me in hoozuki...only i didnt lose consciousness...do you think it has something to do with that marble we got off those white hooded twins back then?
mami: perhaps....
Crona: "..."
Ragnarok: *nods off*
mami: homura mentioned something about a dream she had the other night. a dream that said to go to kamihama city...
sayaka: KAMIHAMA!? the magical girl capitol of, like, the whole world probably?!
Ragnarok: "Ngh, be quiet..." *tosses a couch pillow at Sayaka*
Crona: ._.; "May be worth a look?"
mami: perhaps.....from what i've heard, similar cases have been happening in kamihama in recent years as well...
Crona: "Want to call in assistance?"
mami: a good idea...
Pumpkin: *pulled in against the rain*
-footsteps are heard-
Pumpkin: *alert, conjures a shield*
misaki: mr pumpkin, are you in?
Pumpkin: "...You."
misaki: *small smile*
Pumpkin: "...Why are you here? It's miserable out."
misaki: i was....i was worried for you.
Pumpkin: "Hmph. There's no concern for that--" *his arm, wet from the rain, falls off*
misaki: oh!!
Pumpkin: "...It-It grows back...I swear." >_>;
misaki: *picks up the arm and hands it to him*
Pumpkin: "..." *nods, reattaches it...* "..." *sniffle*
misaki:....*offers her umbrella*
Pumpkin: "...Thank you."
misaki: *smiles*.....say.....if you wanted....you could stay at my house for a while.....s-sorry, that was a bit forward, wasnt it?
Pumpkin: "...How the hell am I supposed to do that? I stick out like...do you have 'sore thumbs' in this dimensions?"
misaki: it's quite alright. i live alone...well, there is that crow, alistair, but....
{Imaginary Alistair: "CAH HA HA HA~"}
misaki: ^^;;
Pumpkin: "I assure you, I need no chari--charit--AH-CHOO!" *sneezes fire--then collapses*
misaki: !!!! *helps him up*
Pumpkin: *he looks barely conscious*
misaki:......*helping him walk*
-in asunaro-
???: *running through back alleys while two hooded figures are in pursuit*
???: "We're getting closer."
-the person reaches a dead end-
???: SHIT!!
???: well, you dont have anywhere to run now, so you may as well join us. right tsukasa?
Tsukasa: "Please say 'yes'--it makes things more pleasant."
???: tch- you really think im willing to go with you after you attacked me?! fat chance!! besides, what you're talking about, it's crazy!
tsukuyo:....well, that is rather unfortunate...wouldnt _you_ agree?
???: i said- *freezes as she feels something in the shadows behind her*
Demongo: "Hello~"
???: !!! g-get the hell away from me!!
tsukuyo: my apologies, akane sumire, but you made your choice...
akane sumire: s-stay the hell back you freak!!
Demongo: *his skull-mouth opens wide* "AAAAAAAAAH--"
-sumire can barely let out a cry for help-
Demongo: =w=
Tsukasa: "Well..."
tsukuyo: that was unfortunate....oh well, whats done is done....let's go, the magius will be expecting us back in kamihama by tomorrow...
Demongo: "Give me a second--got to walk this off...Need to jog more..." *follows*
-not too far away, a figure watches them-
???: "My, my, my; what lovely gems~"
mirai: uuuugh, it's too hoooooooot!! =~=
Umika: "Yes, summer tends to be warm."
kaoru: let's go to the beach!
niko: im not fond of sand. its gritty and it gets everywhere.
Saki: "Okay, Anakin."
mirai: i agree with niko, the only swimsuit i look ok in is a school swimsuit and people will laugh at me!
Satomi: "How about camping? We could even see wildlife up close and personal."
mirai: good idea, saki, umika?
Umika: "Beach."
Saki: "Beach."
niko: it appears we're at a tie, then...
Umika: "I guess that leaves it up to Kazumi."
kazumi: leave what up to me? *her hair is complete bedhead*
kaoru: *SNRK*
Umika: *clears her throat* "We were thinking of a summer trip. Would you prefer the beach or camping?"
mirai: we're half-and-half on what we want to do.
kazumi: ...well, summer break is until september, right?
Saki: "Uh huh?"
kazumi: it's july right now, so there's no reason we cant do both, right?
kaoru:....she's got a point.
Saki: "...I suppose so?"
niko: that still doesnt answer the question.
kazumi:..... .n.; coin flip?
Umika: "Heads beach, tails camping...Who has a coin?"
niko: *holds one up*
Saki: "Flip it.”
kaoru: wahoo!
Saki: "Neat!"
mirai: *siiiiigh* i'll go get my stupid swimsuit then. =A=
niko: at least the water will cool you off. plus better wifi.
Umika: "Kazumi, we should get you a new swimsuit as well."
kaoru: and a haircut! *laughing*
kazumi: really?
Saki: "Wouldn't it make you feel a bit better?"
kazumi: ...i guess so.
toto: *pokes head out of her hair* mrow?
Umika: "..." *stifles her laughter*
Yumi: *dialing on a mirror* "...Marie? You there?"
marie: yes?
Yumi: "Hello. I wanted to follow up about an official report from your trip."
marie: honestly, it feels like we havent gotten anywhere.
Yumi: "I'm sorry to hear that. Have you found witnesses to the crimes?"
Anya: *curled up in bed* "..."
Anya: *grunts* "Yeah?"
mio: you doing ok?......i brought you a baguette.
Anya: "..." *STOMACH GROWLS* "...Thank you." *sad nom*
Anya: "...I grew up without siblings, so the thought of even having one never crossed my mind! Now I'm supposed to think, 'Oh, so I may have a sibling'?! HOW AM I TO DEAL WITH THAT?!!" *angry nomming*
mio:...i think i get it, suddenly having a sibling can be a shock. it sure as heck shocked me when my little brother was born.
Anya: "Hmmm...What was that like? How old were you?"
mio: well, my-....hmmm, let me do the math on that...
Anya: -_-; "In any case, at least you knew your sibling from the beginning--I know next to nothing about...mine."
mio:.....im not sure what else to say....
ao: you're afraid.
Anya: "WHAT?!" *shivers*
ao: suddenly everything is different for you and you're beside yourself on what to do...would this be an accurate assessment?
Anya: *shaking* "I-I think so..."
ao: i see. i suppose that's reasonable. if i were in your situation, i'd probably feel the same way, unsure of who to confide in or talk to...
Anya: "...I don't even know how I would talk to _him_."
mio: w-well you dont have do talk to him _now_.
Anya: =_= "I suppose...Not like I was going to dial him up." *gestures to...a phone that looks like it was made by Alexander Graham Bell*
Black Star: *packing an overnight bag*
naho: whatcha doin?
Black Star: "Got a mission! A quick one!"
naho: cool!
Black Star: "Yeah! There's been all these disappearances in Seoul!"
tsubaki: otogiri, shamrock, you'll look after things while we're gone?
Belkia: "D'aw, why don't you ever let me be in charge?" *has Sakuya tied and hanging from the ceiling*
Kid: *appearing on a mirror in Soul's apartment* "We have to talk."
soul: sup?
Kid: "There are missions piling up after the Kishinites incident--so Father wants to send out as many available people as possible. Unfortunately, some are already on missions overseas."
soul: ah. let me guess, one of these missions is for me?
Kid: "Perceptive, as usual. We have a few options. Perhaps a visit to France?"
soul: i take it no bringing the kids?
Kid: "...Given the circumstances of this case, I think it would be best not to."
soul: thought so. im sure blair will look after them till i get back.
Kid: "Good, then. I have to travel as well for a mission."
Nirvana Employee 1: "He's been...less pleasant than usual since the first madness spike."
luka: *sigh* perhaps i should talk to him.
Nirvana Employee 1: "Try this." *hands a box of chocolates* "Also, don't extend your hand out." *has an arm entirely bandaged*
luka:....i doubt he'll be amused, but whatever...
*there's one door where humming is heard*
luka: *shudders* *touches her necklace before entering*
Asura: *resting his head on Mikan's lap*
mikan: *looks up* hm?
Asura: *groans* "What now." *the energy is radiating off of him*
luka: am i interrupting?
mikan: as a matter of fact, yes.
Asura: "I already told the last flunky--my head is killing me. Or do you want a 'manicure,' too?"
luka:....would you care to explain _why_ your head is killing you?
Asura: "If I knew that, I would have stopped the pain already. I only feel this much pain when around another with a powerful soul wavelength..."
luka: like your wife?
Asura: *pierces the wall by her head with a scarf* "We are compatible."
luka: right, she's the only thing keeping you from going on a rampage.
Asura: "...These are brave words from someone with a death wish."
luka: im just stating the facts.
Asura: "...These are amateurs, playing with a madness wavelength that is discordant with my own. That is all I can determine. Go tell that to your supervisors."
luka: very well then. *exits*
heibito:....daddy? what wrong?
Asura: "..." *pats his head* "Just a headache."
Akane: "Good day. Sorry that Clay made us late. I brought donuts."
Youta: ._.
Sid: "Have a seat. We were going over intelligence."
clay: so what's up?
Sid: *shows a map with Kishin Symbols all over it*
clay: dang....
Cho: "The Kishinites were targeting Death City, likely as a distraction for global efforts...Sid was telling me about certain Magic Tools that would assist them."
clay: and the sages?
Sid: "They're doing the best they can--but that's like using a hammer to smash ants. Our work is more precise. So while Zubaidah and others help with the flashy stuff, we're going to be working in shadows."
shinra: *YAAAAAAAAAAWN* =~=
Relan: "Zzz..."
shinra:....*pats his head before getting up*
Akitaru: *already making coffee in the kitchen*
shinra: morning.
argit: yo.
shinra:.....why are you still here?
argit: eh, just felt like it.
Akitaru: "I've tried getting him to leave."
{Akitaru: *spritzing with a water bottle*}
argit: *shrugs and eats his bacon*
Viktor: -^- "This is so annoying--some newbie showing up at random out of nowhere, uninvited." *eats toast*
Komori: <Are you fucking kidding me?>
shinra: -.- (i'd rather have schop here...)
Arthur: "In times of famine, desperate people often turn to consuming the vermin present to satiate their hunger. I propose we eat the mongoose."
argit: hey fuck you!
maki:.....so shinra, you feeling any better?
shinra: y-yeah, i dont know what came over me last night...
Akitaru: "...You going to be ready for today's tasks?"
shinra: of course!
Akitaru: *nods* "Keep your phone on today to check in. This is going to be an important one."
nozomi: good morning everyone.
tamaki: *following behind her*
Akitaru: "Howdy! Just about done with the eggs."
Arthur: "..."
tamaki:....thank you.
Komori: *holds up a sign at Argit*
argit: hmn?
Komori: *small print for only Argit to see* <Talk shit about either of them, and you'll wake up in a bathtub without your kidneys.>
argit: o-o tch- *grumble grumble*
Australian Park Ranger: "My people found the nest without its eggs. This job was too clean to be a predator--at least, not a non-human predator. These were poachers."
janine: damn...
marie: how awful, the poor mother...
Ranger: "What bugs me is that no one ever sees 'em--it's like they're invisible. Not even footprints."
janine: hmmmm *looking around*
*the nest has feathers in it, as would be expected--except one does not look like the others...*
janine: hmm?
*the feathers in the nest are white or gold...this one Janine sees is purple*
janine: well look at that...
Ranger: "??? What's that supposed to be?"
janine: not sure....a clue most likely.
*a Tennessee purple finch eats sunflower seeds before hopping back onto its owner's shoulder*
Poacher: *rubs the bird's head* "You got them locked up?"
???: yeah, these lil bastards wont be causing trouble anytime soon.
Poacher: "Can't wait--Blanche here can't stand this heat. Ain't that right, Blanche~?" *pets Blanche the finch*
Blanche: =w=
*something big rattles in a cage*
tsukasa: *playing DDR*
Tsukuyo: *sips a soda, watching*
Demongo: *posing as a shadow*
tsukasa: *stomach rumbles* im hungry, tag out!
Tsukuyo: *sets the soda down, leaps in*
Demongo: "Pick me up something, too!"
-the door opens and a girl enters and approaches-
tsukasa: ??
souju: *takes a seat at their table* ^u^
tsukasa: uhhhh may we help you?
Demongo: "???" *observing Souju*
souju: *offers hand* ayase souju, at your service! please, call me souju~
tsukasa: erm... ._.;
Tsukuyo: *finishes up* "Ta-da!" *looks back* "???"
souju: you two are magical girls, yes~?
tsukasa: ?! h-how did-
souju: i saw you both last night.
tsukasa: !! *looks at tsukuyo* (do you think she's onto us...?)
Tsukuyo: *goes stone-faced* "Hm. And what would that be?"
souju: i'd like to invite you to my house for tea~ ^^
tsukasa: ?? that's it?
Tsukuyo: "I don't know..."
Demongo: =_=;
souju: you mentioned something about 'joining' and it got me curious...
Tsukuyo: "?!"
tsukasa: *looks at tsukuyo*
Tsukuyo: "..." *shakes her head*
souju: pretty please~? i'll make it worth your while~
Tsukuyo: "...If you're serious..."
souju: wonderful!
Tsukuyo: *looks at Tsukasa* ("I got a bad feeling about this...")
*in a hospital in Seoul*
Doctor: <Another one...>
Patient: *staring up at the ceiling...with eyes that are white, blinded*
nurse: <what do you think happened?>
Doctor: <I would have said it was cornea failure, but...> *gestures to rows of patients, all with the same affliction* <This is too coincidental...>
Pumpkin: *snoring*
-smells like toast?-
Pumpkin: *groans, opens his eyes...* "...Where am I?"
misaki: oh, you're awake. *smiles*
Pumpkin: "...Oh. Right. Hello. Has the rain stopped?" *looks around*
misaki: *nods* i made some toast...
Pumpkin: "..." *stands up, looking where he slept*
Alistair: *eating from a bowl of seeds*
-the couch seems a bit old, but not uncomfortable-
Pumpkin: "..." *tries to fold up the blanket*
misaki: *making tea*
Pumpkin: "...It was a comfortable sleep."
misaki: im glad to hear that.
Pumpkin: *takes a seat at the table, looking around the kitchen*
-there are various spices and cooking tools about, as well as a few herbs and a cookbook-
Pumpkin: "You cook much?"
misaki: usually for myself, i dont have guests often.
Pumpkin: "I see..." *spots a textbook on the table* "???'
misaki: toast is ready.
Pumpkin: "...Thank you." *takes a piece* *nom* "...It's good."
misaki: *smiles*
Pumpkin: "Is that cinnamon on it?"
Alistair: *hops onto Misaki's shoulder*
Hirotsu: "Here are the crayons, the paper, the paste, and the glitter. Have fun, kiddos."
Tachihara: *seated at the kiddie table* "...WAIT A SEC!"
miyuri: yaaaay!! ^o^
Tachihara: *grumbling* "Why's that old fart treating me like some kid?! I ain't a child--" *doodling on paper* "Yo, Sonia, could you pass the yellow crayon?"
sonia: *hands it to him*
Tachihara: "Yeah, thanks--WHY'S HE GOT TO BE LIKE THAT TO ME?! What if it was your pops treating you like that?!"
Tachihara: "..." *grumbles* "I'm sorry for yelling..."
sonia: you're frustrated.
Tachihara: "You're daaaaaaaaa--...darn right I am. Sometimes I feel like I'm treated like the misfit."
sonia: im sure you'll prove yourself someday.
Tachihara: "...Maybe. I'll...I'll just get back to drawing...What you drawing?"
Meme: "Tsugumi, look at this email!"
tsugumi: hmm?
*it looks to be from Marie Mjolnir*
tsugumi: oh!
Meme: "She seems really busy with poachers!"
tsugumi: gagantous!
Meme: "She is reaching out to anyone available to help..."
tsugumi: hmm....
Anya: *packing*
tsugumi: anya?
Anya: "We should help Miss Marie! It would give me something to focus on..."
mio: good idea.
Maid: "Princess, I am afraid you are not permitted to leave."
tsugumi: eh?
Maid: "It would be dangerous to have you go running out so abruptly..."
Anya: "?!!!" *shuts her suitcase, marches out of the room* "Then I know with whom to speak..."
tsugumi: wait, anya!
Anya: *heading into the throne room...*
kathleen: ?? anya?
Anya: "What's this about me not being allowed to leave?!"
kathleen: !! *looks at charles*
Charles: "Anya, now calm down--"
Anya: 0n0 "I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! I am my own adult, and I get to make my decisions--"
*cooks are setting out an extravagant dinner...*
kathleen: anya, please-
Cook: "Excuse me, Princess--will you be having the beef or the pork?"
Anya: "Beef please, thank you. AND ANOTHER--...What."
kathleen: we just.....wanted one more family dinner before you left in the morning...
Charles: ^^; "I suppose we should have clarified to the maids that it would be dangerous for you to leave on an empty stomach..."
Anya: "... ... ..." T\\\\T;
kazumi: woah!
Umika: "Impressive, isn't it?"
kaoru: *in a sporty swimsuit* heck yeah it is!
Satomi: >_>; *watches a hermit crab*
mirai: *staaaaare* 0n0
Saki: "Ah, come on--try to have some fun."
kazumi: the sand feels so funny!
Umika: "Hang on--let's finish your sunscreen..."
kazumi: o-ok.
Saki: "But then we're going seashell hunting, and swimming, and snorkeling, and--"
Satomi: *curls up under an umbrella*
nico: -.-;
Umika: "The camp will be waiting for us--now, it's fun and sun. There, you are successfully blocked."
kazumi: thank you!
Saki: "What do you want to do first?" *holds up a bucket* "We can also make sandcastles?"
kazumi: yeah!
Saki: ^^ "Okay!" *buckets up sand*
kaoru: umika, lets play some volleyball!
Umika: "Very well--maybe go a bit easy on me..."
mirai: *sulks under the umbrella* T^T
Satomi: "My sympathies..." *opens a book, puts on sunglasses*
mirai: *stares at her* (IM NOT CRYING AT ALL!!)
Satomi: *offers a tissue* "Here."
nico: *looking around*
*looks like an ice cream stand on the boardwalk*
nico: *checks her wallet*
*big sign: "FREE SAMPLES"*
nico:.....hey, anyone want something from the ice cream stand?
Saki: "Yes, please!"
mirai: parfait.
Umika: "Kazumi, want anything?"
kazumi: shaved ice for me!
Umika: "And sorbet for me, please."
Ice Cream Vendor: *ringing the bell*
Flight Attendant: <Welcome to Seoul.> ^^
Black Star: *yaaaaaaaawns* "I need coffee and a donut."
tsubaki: ^^;
Pilot: "???" <Fancy DWMA logo on that scarf, ma'am. You looking for the regional office?>
tsubaki: <yes.>
Pilot: <You're going to want to speak to the police station in Terminal A, first floor. They'll provide you an escort.>
Black Star: O_O; ("I hate being behind the language barrier...")
Cabbie: *speaking French* <You from around here, young'un?>
soul: <not locally, no.>
Cabbie: <I could tell from the accent--you from across the pond?> *driving by a shipyard...looks like an airship docked there*
soul: <more or less, yeah.>
Cabbie: <Got ya. Well, there's the spot...Kind of a rundown chateau, you sure this is the address?>
soul: *checks phone*
*that's the address--looks like there are some text messages, too*
soul: <yep. this is the place.>
Cabbie: <Alright. That'll be 50 euros--I'll get your bags.>
soul: ......
{Kid: "We've had a serial killer. I warn you, the scenes are...reminiscent of work you've seen before, in Stein's classes."}
{soul: ok....i'll keep an eye out.}
*it looks like someone is loading crates off an airship into a van labeled "Haijima"*
???: <Careful--those are rare specimens.>
soul: ...*walks up to the house*
*inside are two elderly women*
soul:...*ahem* <good afternoon, ma'ams.> *nods*
???: <Ah, hello, young man. Are you Mr. Evans?>
soul: <and if i am?>
???: <We got the call to set up your room. I'm Sami Champlain, and this is my wife, Françoise Du Pont.>
Francoise: -_-; <Death is making his kiddos scrawny now...> *pokes Soul's arm*
soul: ^-^;
Sami: <Stop teasing the boy, Franny. Here, I'll help you with your bags...> *moves fast but is taking such small steps with such small legs that she is nowhere near his bags...*
soul: <i can handle it, ma'am, really...>
Francoise: <You don't even look like you could lift a feather!>
Sami: <I'm sure it's just jet lag, dear.>
soul: *lifts the bags*
Francoise: <MAKING FUN OF ME, EH?! I bench-press a sea-cow every morning! Feel this arm!> *flexes*
nico: the barbeque is ready.
Saki: "Thanks! I'm starving!"
kazumi: *nom* *shiny eyes* woah! this is good!
Satomi: "It sure is!" *bites into roasted corn*
kaoru: *nom* mmm!.... huh, looks like someone's shooting discs.
{-screaming is heard...-}
nico: !!!
Satomi: "You okay?"
nico:....i-im fine. just...zoned out for a moment.
Satomi: "Maybe you need something to drink?"
nico: y-yeah..
Demongo: *staring at tiny cakes*
tsukasa: .w.
souju: dig in~ ^w^
Tsukuyo: "..." *hesitantly picks one up*
souju: ^w^
Demongo: *whispers* "Pst--I want the strawberry one..."
tsukasa: 7n7
Demongo: "Come on--do it!"
*looks like a door is opened a bit nearby...*
Tsukuyo: *looks at the door* "???"
souju:....want to see something amazing?
Tsukuyo: *looks at Tsukasa* "Want to?"
tsukasa: hmmm...
souju: please, i insist~! ^^
Tsukuyo: "O-Okay?" *stands up*
Demongo: *following in shadows*
-inside of the room is magical girl merchandise. all over the walls. the floor, bed, everywhere-
tsukasa: um....wow...
souju: isnt it wonderful~?
tsukasa: yooouuuu really like magical girls, dont you?
souju: oh i absolutely ADORE them!
Demongo: ("...Not wrong, mostly?")
Tsukuyo: *backs up* ("Something isn't right...")
souju:...you know, im rather jealous of you two...being able to know your sister.......i was supposed to be a twin as well, but my sister, luca, died in childbirth.
tsukasa: !!
Tsukuyo: "Oh dear--I'm so sorry..."
souju: indeed....i was quite lonely, and the fact my parents were always at work didnt help matters.....but when i discovered the world of magical girls, it was true love at first sight...so i began collecting.
Tsukuyo: "I see...It is an impressively exhaustive collection..."
souju: indeed....but it wasnt enough....i wanted to collect more....authentic, merchandise, shall we say.....*takes out a box, full of soul gems* even if the donors were....less than willing~
Tsukuyo: "?!"
Demongo: "OH SHIT!"
tsukasa: are those.....actual soul gems?
souju: but of course! sadly, i had to get my hands a bit dirty to get them, but arent they just beautiful? they say soul gems are connected to their souls themselves.
tsukasa: you're....you're insane.
Demongo: "I agree--and that's saying something..."
Tsukuyo: *backs away*
souju: oh, you arent leaving now, are you~?
tsukasa: yes, we are! you're nuts! even _she_ isnt this bad!
souju: that's a shame...i really wanted to add you to my collection. *transforms* it seems i'll have to dirty my hands again. oh well~<3
Tsukuyo: "?! Tsukasa!" *transforms*
tsukasa: right! *transforms*
Tsukuyo: *prepares her shinobue flute*
*an elevator in Lotte Tower is taking Black Star and Tsubaki up to the top floor*
DWMA Agent: *passes a security badge* <It's not our usual policy to have patients brought to the offices, but this was a rare exception given their condition.>
tsubaki: <i see.>
Black Star: =_= "I don't suppose you speak anything else?"
DWMA Agent: ^^; "Sorry about that--just a bit flustered with these cases and, well, we heard a lot about both of you."
*doors open to a skull-shaped hallway, with glass walls showing out over Seoul*
tsubaki: wow...
Black Star: *face pressed against the glass* "No wonder Lord Death wanted this thing up here--you can see everything!"
Agent: "Tallest building in the city!" *leads them down the hall* "I have to warn you, this might get a bit intimidating..."
Black Star: "How bad can this be?" *spots the door* "I'll go first!" *kicks the door open--*
???: "OW!"
tsubaki: D8
Black Star: "???" *looks behind the door to see a very annoyed physician*
Physician: -_-# *pokes Black Star in the eyes with two fingers*
Black Star: "GAH!" *clutches his face* "WHAT THE HELL?!"
tsubaki: black*star!! *goes over to him*
Agent: "How's the patient, doc?"
Physician: "Their aura got worse. Bring the weapon, leave the meister."
Black Star: "HEY! I'm plenty useful too--"
Agent: *leads Black Star into a briefing room*
Physician: "Weapon Nakatsukasa, how familiar are you with medicine?"
tsubaki: well, i do know first aid at the very least. and please, call me tsubaki.
Physician: *a shorter person, looks up at Tsubaki* "...Hmph. That won't be enough to understand the physical condition of the patient, but your connection to the Nakatsukasa may help..." *opens a door, revealing the patient in bed...their eyes are blank, pure white, just staring up blind at a ceiling*
Patient: "..."
Patient: *sniffles, crying* <H-Hi...Who are you? You don't sound like the doctor--you sound actually friendly.>
Physician: -_-#
tsubaki: <my name is tsubaki. what's yours?>
Patient: <...Bong.>
tsubaki: <it's nice to meet you, bong.>
Bong: <Th-Thanks...I want to go back to work--but I'm like this now. That thing came out of nowhere...>
tsubaki: <what thing?>
Bong: <It was hideous--it pulled me into an alley and had this eye growing out of its forehead...>
tsubaki: !! *listening*
*a man in a business suit enters*
???: <Don't tell me you're lecturing our guest upon their arrival, Doctor!>
Physician: -_-# <Director.>
tsubaki: um...
???: *offers his hand to Tsubaki* <Lee Sang, Seoul DWMA director. A pleasure to meet you, Weapon Nakatsukasa.>
tsubaki: <likewise. and please, call me tsubaki.>
Sang: <Of course! I should've made it clearer to Kro to have you and Black Star brought to me first! Oh, Bong--how's it goin'?>
Bong: *whimpers*
Sang: <Hm--still that bad, eh? Hang in there, soldier.> *pats Tsubaki's shoulder* <Let's talk in my office--Kro brought Black Star there already.>
tsubaki: <right.>
Damon: *staring at the phone Soul left for him and Becky* "...Still nothing."
becky: at least he didnt leave us home alone...
Damon: "Yeah, but they seem kind of busy..."
Blair: *flipping through a magazine*
Katai: *hiding under a blanket*
nagisa: why dont we play some jenga?
Blair: OwO "Yes, please!"
Katai: "O-Okay...I hope I don't topple it..."
Damon: "..." *shrugs* "Sure, Nagisa."
Sami: *holding out a spoon* <Here comes the helicopter--VROOM!> *puts the spoon up to Soul's mouth*
soul: =_=;;;
*the doorbell rings*
soul: i'll get it. *sits up*
Sami: ^^ <Such a polite young man.>
*at the door is someone holding boxes up over his head*
soul: <can i help you?>
Max: <Hi, Mrs. Champlain--I got your deliveries--> *looks around the boxes* <??? Oh! Sorry--should've recognized by the voice you weren't her...Could you take some of these--they are too heavy.> >_<;;;
soul: <oh, sure thing, dude.> *carries some boxes*
Max: *groans* <Thank you, sir...>
Sami: <Maxie! Pull up a chair! How's your Grandma?>
Max: <Busy, ma'am...> *rubs his back* =_=; *looks at Soul* <??? You look familiar...You a musician?>
soul: <well...no?>
Max: <Hmm...Guess you got one of those faces!>
Francoise: <How many albinos have you seen, Max?!>
soul: o-o
Sami: <He's from Death City, dear.>
Max: <Oh! I have friends over there now!>
soul: <ah.>
Max: <I haven't kept in touch, though...I don't suppose in a big city like Death you've run into them.> ^^;
soul: <maybe i have, maybe not. who knows.>
Max: <...Well, that was suitably cryptic.> ^^; <I better finish these deliveries before my lab shift--bye, ma'ams! Good to meet you, sir!>
soul: *small wave*
Francoise: *opening a box* <Finally!> *pulls out a giant shield*
soul: ._. um....
Sami: <Franny collects weaponry for historical purposes--and combat training.>
Francoise: *poses with it* <How's it look?!>
Sami: =w= <Beautiful, dear.>
soul: <i see...>
Francoise: <I can't wait to get some practice in! Boy, when you're done with your investigation for the day, we're brawling!>
soul: ummmm....
Sami: <I would say yes, or Franny will withhold meals from you.>
*an assassin is on top of a building in Death City...their eyes narrow to follow a target*
Assassin: <Target spotted.>
*the target exits a grocery*
???: *pulls out a phone, dials* "...Izumi? It's Papa. Running a bit late."
izumi: are you alright?
Assassin: *holds up a red bow, aiming an energy arrow at him* <Steady...Ready...>
Spirit: "Yeah, sorry, the grocery was just more crowded than usual and is out of milk, so I'll need to make another stop."
izumi: ok. should i get started on dinner?
Spirit: "Sure thing! Let Cassidy know I did manage to find your mom a surprise dessert!"
*someone is walking down the sidewalk--and bumps into Spirit*
Assassin: *stops* <?!>
???: "Oh, dear--sorry, sir!" *is looking at a map* "I can't find anything around this city..."
Spirit: -_-; ("It's like Marie or something...") "No problem, buddy--where you heading?"
???: "I was trying to find 'Rest in Pizza'?"
Spirit: *points* "Around that corner."
???: *smiles* "Merci!" *hurriedly runs away*
Assassin: -_-# <Tourists...> *aims again--*
Spirit: *reaches into his pocket for his keys--then stops* "..." *rapid movements* "...Izumi? I'm going to be a little late--BECAUSE SOME ASSHOLE JUST PICKPOCKETED ME!"
???: *heads into an alley* "Hee hee hee!" *calls out* <Peppino! We are eating well tonight!>
peppino: <yay~!> ^w^
Vampa: <Indeed! So, I was thinking a large with cannolis--> *opens the wallet--and pulls out $400* ._. "...I was not expecting this much...Dude was loaded!"
peppino: *SQUEEE* <let's go somewhere fancy!>
Vampa: <Sounds good to me! We could-->
*tap tap on Vampa's shoulder*
Vampa: "???" *turns* "Oh? Do you have a recommendation?"
Spirit: OnO#
peppino: oxo;;;
Vampa: OwO;
Spirit: *slams Vampa into the wall, aiming his scythe blade at his forehead*
peppino: !!! *SHOVE*
Spirit: *turns on her* "You want some of this, too, thief?!"
peppino: !!! *ducks and covers* >~<;;;
Spirit: "..." *groans* "You petty thieves...Just give me my wallet, and I'll be on my way..."
*a laser dot appears on Vampa's forehead*
peppino: !!!!!!! *tackle*
Vampa: "?!"
*an energy arrow collides with the wall, obliterating it!*
Assassin: -_-#
peppino: >~<
Spirit: "What the hell--"
Assassin: <Actually hit him this time.>
bow: <oi, its not my fault that girl caught me off guard!>
Assassin: <Whatever.> *aims at Spirit--*
Spirit: "This is not my day. You two, get back--" *turns--and sees they both ran off already* "HEY! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME BE HEROIC--"
Assassin: *releases the bowstring--*
Vampa: *pulling Peppino away* "What the hell was that back there?!"
peppino: i thought you were going to get shot!
Vampa: "Thanks for saving my butt back there! And I know how to get us out of here..."
Spirit: *dodging in the alley, before throwing a garbage can at the Assassin*
bow: <SHIT!>
Assassin: *blocks with the bow* <He's wily.>
Spirit: *running down the road* ("I need to get to my car and--") *checks his pocket* "...AGAIN?!"
*Spirit's car comes down the road*
peppino: *waves and blows a kiss* ^w^ bu-baaaai~
Spirit: D8< "THAT MOTHERF--"
*an energy blasts right by Spirit's ear*
Assassin: "Do not move, Red."
Spirit: "..." *holds his hands up*
bow: *shift* well look how high and mighty you are now, death scythe.
Spirit: "You're two to talk. What is this about? Please tell me I didn't make a pass at your sister or something..." -_-;
Assassin: "You posed a significant problem for us some time ago. The Crimson Lotus wants retribution. And eliminating one of Lord Death's soldiers is a start."
bow: *chuckles*
Spirit: "What? Oh, you mean when you two got your asses handed to you mere children? Yeah, that was pretty hilarious."
bow: *WHAM*
Spirit: *knocked to the sidewalk* *spits blood* "That was rude..."
Assassin: "Easy...I'm sure the boss would like this one alive..."
bow: nyeheheheh~
*a courier bike parks*
bow: eh?
Spirit: "...Well, I don't have a ride, but let me help with that--" *SCYTHE LEG SWEEP*
bow: WOAH!
Assassin: "?!"
Spirit: *tackles the Assassin, then flips them into the wall*
Assassin: "GRK!"
*the bicyclist looks up*
Ox: "?! Mr. Albarn?!"
Spirit: "Ox! I'm borrowing this!" *takes Ox's bike--and pedals off*
Ox: D8
Assassin: *rubs their head* "Not so rusty for an old timer...Let's go." *leaps up to the rooftop, following Spirit*
Vampa: *leisurely driving* =w= "Nice wheels, eh?"
peppino: hmmhmm~ you knooooow~ i heard there was a 'lovers lane' not far from here~<3
Vampa: =\\\w\\\= "Oh ho ho~" *switches the radio to love songs...*
*thump on Peppino's window*
peppino: *looks* OxO;; ohhhhhh biscuits.
Spirit: *pedaling like a madman* "GIVE ME BACK MY CAR AND MY WALLET, YOU THIEVES!"
Vampa: "Hey! We stole this free and legally! Go harass actual criminals!"
peppino: that can be arranged~<3
Spirit: "...Oh biscuits--"
Vampa: "Watch the wheel!"
*the car is pulled towards the bike, nearly colliding into Spirit*
Spirit: "!!!" *turns his feet into scythes, leaping off the bike to skid along building walls*
Hyde: *running a hot dog cart on the street with an umbrella* "That'll be five dollars--"
*the umbrella is sliced by Spirit's feet*
Hyde: *a hot dog smashed into his face* =_=#
bow: LOL
Assassin: "Focus." *rooftop running* "We only need the Death Scythe--the thieves are expendable." *aims...*
Ox: *running over sidewalks, huffing and puffing* *calling on his cell* "Yeah! Two assassins! I--" *trips over the hot dog stand* "...Ow."
Vampa: *steadies the wheel--then glares at Peppino*
peppino: QAQ
Assassin: *aims at the hood of the car...*
Spirit: *reaches through the window--and leaps into the car, landing over Peppino and Vampa*
peppino: *SCREAM*
Vampa: "GET OFF OF ME!"
Assassin: *FIRES*
*the energy arrow hits the hood--and the car flips up and through the air, towards a familiar building...*
Spirit: *slow-motion* "NOOOOOOOO--"
Lucy: *sitting in the Agency office* "Hmmm...Kenji, I can't figure out this crossword. The clue is 'blank blank goose.' Four letters. You got any ideas?"
*outside, Spirit's car is flipping through the air towards the window Kenji is looking out of*
naomi: DUCK!!
Lucy: "Oh! That fits..." *starts writing it down--*
Kenji: .w.; "...SIR!"
Fukuzawa: "..." *sighs* "Kunikida. Lucy. Kenji."
Lucy: *looks up* "?!"
Kunikida: "On it!" *grabs Naomi*
Fukuzawa: *stands in front of the oncoming car* "..."
*slow-motion, the car goes through the wall of the Agency...*
Fukuzawa: "..." *swiftly swings his blade, slicing the car down the center in half...*
Kenji: *catches the half with Peppino* "Hello!"
Lucy: *sends the other half with Vampa into Anne's Room*
-outside the door-
Kyoka: *walking to the door with Atsushi* "I hope there's work for us to do soon..."
atsushi: *opens the door*
Kunikida: *protecting Naomi from debris*
*the entire wall of the building is destroyed*
Spirit: *hanging from the ceiling, blades dug into the ceiling, his clothes sliced* Q_Q
atsushi:.....yep, just another normal day.
Kyoka: "...I'll get the dustpan."
Assassin: *across the street* "...You have to be kidding me. What rotten luck."
bow: awww maaaaan....
Assassin: <No way I'm going against Fukuzawa today. Let's head back to base.>
Vampa: *sitting at a tea set with Anne* O_o; "...Are you going to eat me?"
Asher: "Yo. What did your dad say?"
izumi: he mentioned getting dessert for mom.
Asher: "Seems to be taking his time--think he did something?"
izumi: i-im sure he's fine.
Spirit: *seated at a table in the police department--across from Vampa and Peppino, handcuffed to the table*
peppino: QAQ;;;;;
Vampa: "It's all a setup! It wasn't us! It was two people who look just like us! One of them, how do say it in English--'double gangers'! Two gangsters!"
Spirit: "..." *reaches into Vampa's pants*
peppino: D8<
Spirit: *pulls out a wallet*
Vampa: "..." *sneers* "Good luck finding the money, mister--I kept that in my safe spot! HA!"
officer: ...
peppino: 7//w//7 nyehe~
Vampa: "See? She knows what I'm talkin' about--"
Spirit: *not looking up at them, looking through everything but the money pocket of the wallet* "You have kids?"
peppino: e-eh?
Vampa: "??? No? I mean, I don't think so?"
peppino: why do you care, mister?
Spirit: *opens his wallet, as a roll of photos falls out...they seem to be photos of a baby, then that same child a little older along 4, 10, and 13...then there are photos of another girl and her mother...*
peppino: these your kids?
Spirit: *nods* *points to the girl in most of the photos* "This is Maka. That's my daughter."
peppino: she doesnt look it.
Spirit: "...She takes after her mama, a bit."
peppino: can we get to the point of this now?
Spirit: *slams one hand onto the table--extending his blade*
peppino: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;
Vampa: "!!!"
Spirit: "These photos are some of all I have left of her! I hope you never have children, because I'd hate to see you running scared of losing what little you have left in your pathetic waste of a life! I don't give a shit about the damn money--keep it if you want!"
Vampa: "...Sweet! We earned a profit!"
officer: MR ALBARN, please calm down!
Vampa: "EEP!" *struggles to put Peppino behind him as he shields her from Spirit*
peppino: ...*mutters* not like i could have any on my own anyway.....
Vampa: Q~Q
Spirit: "..." *knocks the chair back as he stands, picks up his wallet* "Enjoy collecting the evidence, officer--I have to go recycle my car for scrap metal!"
Stein: "I'll be back in about an hour--he asked me to pick him up." *picks up the keys* "The new paint job should get a reaction out of him."
valentine: just try not to scare him _too_ much.
Stein: "I promise, he will survive." *opens the doors, as a modified ambulance is parked in front of the Lab*
kazumi: *yaaaawn* im tired...
Umika: "But you had fun, right?"
kazumi: mmhmm! i want to get to experience more fun things like that.
nico: !!!!
kaoru: what the heck?
Saki: "?!" *holds her whip*
-looks to be a fight between 3 magical girls and a 4th figure...-
souju: see? your demon collects magical girls as well! we arent any different from each other, right?
tsukasa: shut the hell UP ALREADY! *kicks her in the nose*
souju: GRK-
Tsukuyo: "Contain her!"
Demongo: "I'M TRYING!"
souju: hehehe~ my face is all bloody now...that's not very friendly~....*slashes behind her, bisecting airi anri, who then evaporates and returns to demongo*
mirai: what the hell?! t-that was-
nico: a wraith? no....this one seems....different...
tsukasa:...sis, we have company.
Tsukuyo: "Shit!"
Demongo: "...Lot of girls--dang. Is this a convention?"
tsukasa: dont get any funny ideas, stupid demon!
souju: ahh~! the pleadies saints! this is such an honor!
mirai: just who are you girls anyway?
Umika: "Looks dangerous...Summon weapons just in case?"
Saki: *nods*
nico: that girl just now, she was airi anri, wasnt she?
tsukasa: and what if she was?
souju: *charges at tsukuyo*
Satomi: "?! Wait!" *tries to use her wand for protection*
Umika: "Damn it! Kazumi, stay behind me..."
Demongo: "HANDS OFF HER!" *summoning...*
akane sumire: *KICK*
souju: OOF!
akane sumire:.......
Satomi: "?!!! What on earth?!"
kaoru: !!! sumire-chan!
akane sumire: ..... *charges at them*
kaoru: sumire-chan stop! it's me, kaoru maki! we play soccer together!
-she doesnt reply-
nico: her eyes.....
kaoru:...*growls* WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!
Tsukuyo: "Now may be a good time to make some distance..."
kaoru: why YOU!!! *charges*
kazumi: kaoru!
???: *GRAB*
kaoru: !!!
"Yuuri": *stares with dead eyes--aiming a gun at Kaoru's neck*
nico: !!
kazumi: NO!!
-kazumi then transforms and sends and energy blast-
souju: !!! GYAAHH!
Tsukuyo: "Maybe that'll shut her up."
-'yuuri' was also evaporated-
kaoru: holy shit, i thought i was seriously gonna die!
Umika: "What is going on?!" *glares at the twins*
souju: *unconscious, her magical girl outfit torn up*
Satomi: "Why did she attack? Who is she?"
souju: *her eyes snap open as she stands up* ....well....that's certainly annoying.....
Tsukuyo: "Quiet..."
tsukasa: (she seems....different somehow)
souju: *takes out a second soul gem and transforms*
mirai: ?!?!?!
kaoru: what?
souju: allow me to introduce myself proper. my name is Luca Souju. im sure you're all well acquainted with my twin sister, Ayase.
Tsukuyo: "?! Sis...What the hell..."
tsukasa: but...ayase told us...you died....
luca: yes. it's true that my physical body died in infancy. however, my soul continued to live on in ayase's body as a 'secondary conscious' of sorts. It's said that twins are one soul in two bodies, well our situation is reversed; two souls in one body.
tsukasa: one soul.....
Tsukuyo: "...Then we have to contain this second soul, too."
luca: now, with all due respect. please die. *charges*
Demongo: "Hoo boy..." *tries to summon--*
kaoru: *ATTACKS*
tsukasa: oh shit- RETREAT!
Tsukuyo: "Damn it!" *grabs Demongo* "Come on!"
Demongo: O_O;
luca: ....
kaoru: GET BACK HERE!!
Umika: "Kaoru! Focus before--"
luca: ......*looks at kazumi* you. you've lost your memory, right?
kazumi: eh? w-well....
luca:....go to the museum of the teddy bears. you'll find the answer in the basement. *flees*
Satomi: "Get back here!"
kazumi: .....
Umika: "...Kazumi? Do you know what she meant?"
mirai: museum of the teddy bears....ah! does she mean angelica bears?
Satomi: "Probably our best lead?"
Saki: "..." *nods*
Lucy: *directing Anne* "Okay, set the wall over there..."
Kenji: *picking up debris in the office*
Kyoka: "That sounds like quite a mess..."
sylvia: s-scary...
Fukuzawa: "This is why we have contingency plans in case of any attacks on the office."          
atsushi: ...
Kunikida: *holds up a binder* "Multiple plans." *hands one to Atsushi*
atsushi: *looks* fire...flood...... ._. geese?
Dazai: "Sharp tooth-filled feathery monsters." *munching on chips in the corner*
kaoru: what do you think we're going to find?
mirai: i dont know, i just have the deed to the building!
Satomi: "Sh-Should we be in here?"
kazumi:.....i think we have to...
Satomi: *sighs...nods* "Where do we start exploring?"
nico: she said the basement....
Satomi: *takes out a flashlight*
mirai: *opens the door leading to the basement* well....here goes....
Umika: *follows...sniffs* "Ugh--really dank..."
-they head down the stairs, that seem to go on endlessly-
Satomi: "It's like something out of a horror painting...Like Esher..."
-soon, they reach a corridor-
Umika: "Cover our bases..." *takes position before they open the door...*
kaoru: *defensive stance*
Satomi: "!!! What the hell..."
kazumi: *eyes wide in shock* w..wha.....
-there is a lab.....with several incubator machines containing copies of kazumi-
Umika: "My God..."
Satomi: *looks around...spots a set of photos on a desk*
kaoru: mirai, did you know-
mirai: of course not!
kazumi: *collapses to her knees, stunned*
Satomi: *picks up one photo* "Wait...I know this...Michiru..."
mirai: ?!?! what?
nico: why would there be a photo of her here?
kaoru:....well, i guess we should explain.....
Satomi: *looks back and forth between the photo and Kazumi* "...Y-Yeah..."
{Umika: *dials on her phone...*}
{???: yes?}
{Umika: "Hello? It's me, Umika Misaki? I had sent my manuscript to you and--"}
{???: yes yes, how can i help-}
{Umika: "Why was my novel under someone else's name?!"}
{???: ah, miss misaki! good to hear from you! when can we look forward to your next work?}
{Umika: "..." *drops the phone* "...Some idol..." *falls back in her chair, next to a book review, praising some idol credited for writing _her_ novel*}
{kaoru: nnngh....huh? wha...what happened?}
{Nurse: "You're awake..." *sets down a chart, holds a flashlight to one of Kaoru's eyes*}
{kaoru: ...}
{Nurse: "Do you remember what happened? Do you feel any pain in your legs? Do you need more pain reliever?"}
{-the sound of footsteps are heard-}
{Nurse 2: "Clear the way!"}
{*someone is attached to the gurney being run in*}
{kaoru: what's going on out there?}
{Nurse: "...You were in a soccer game with that girl..."}
{kaoru: !!}
{Nurse: "You collided in your match, breaking your legs...They found your opponent int he bathroom when she...tried to..."}
{mrs usagi: happy birthday, satomi!}
{Satomi: OwO "Yay! What do I get?"}
{cat: mii!}
{Satomi: *tiny gasp* "Kitty..."}
{cat: *hops into her arms* mii! ^w^}
{Satomi: *hugging and petting* "Awww, you're so cute!"}
{cat: *nuzzles and purrs*}
{Satomi: *opens the front door*}
{sare: *laying motionless on the floor*}
{Satomi: "??? Sare? ..."}
{vet: im sorry, there's not much we can do now...}
{Satomi: *covering her face* "I did this...If I had paid more attention..."}
{mirai: *sitting in class* .....}
{Classmate: *talking to another student* "Let's check out the new crepes at the bakery!"}
{mirai:....(who needs them. as long as i have my teddies, im fine!)}
{Classmate 2: "Sounds good!" *bumps into Mirai's desk* "Ugh--hey, four eyes, can't you ever put your desk in the right spot?!"}
{Classmate: *staring at Mirai's teddy bear* >_>; }
{mirai: s-sorry.......*holds her bear close*}
{Classmate: "Aren't you a little old for stuffed animals?"}
{mirai: *sewing her bear's arm* stupid classmates......i....*weeps* i want friends....}
{niko: *laughs* over here!}
{Neighbor: "Slow down! I need to catch up!"}
{neighbor 2: you'll never catch me, coppers! *laughs*}
{Neighbor: "Oh no you don't!"}
{niko: bang!}
{Neighbor: *fake scream* "Eeek!"}
{niko: BANG!}
{Neighbor: "?!!"}
{*it sounds like something shattered*}
{niko: ah-}
{???: what was- !! NIKO! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?!}
{Neighbor: "!!!" *runs away*}
{niko: *trembling as she drops the gun* i....i didnt.....}
{???: "Call an ambulance!"}
{???: big sis look!}
{???: "Oh--what's this that you've found?"}
{-the girl holds up a lily of the valley flower-}
{???: isnt it pretty, saki?}
{Saki: "Oh so incredibly..."}
{???: when i grow up, i want to have lots of pretty flowers like this so i can have a bouquet for when i get married!}
{Saki: "Aww, but I find it hard to believe there's someone out there good enough for someone as amazing as you!"}
{???: hmm... *hug* then i'll marry you, saki! >w<}
{Saki: ^^; *hug*}
{-in the remnants of an accident, the girl lays on the ground, glass lodged in her throat as she chokes-}
{???: someone! get help!}
{Saki: "M...M-Miyuki..."}
{-the girls stand at a bridge-}
{mirai: *holding her bear*}
{niko: *holding a newspaper article on the shooting*}
{Saki: *holding the lily*}
{Umika: *holding a manuscript*}
{Satomi: *holding a cat toy*}
{-before they can jump, a magical net seems to catch them-}
{Satomi: "?!"}
{kaoru: !!! wha- what was i just....?}
{???: *phew* that was a close one. you girls just sit tight while i take care of this bad boy.}
{-a young woman in a witch's outfit appears-}
{Umika: "What...What are you?"}
{???: a magical girl. *leaps up to fight the wraith that has appeared*}
{Satomi: "A...Magical?"}
{Saki: "How does someone do that?"}
{???: perhaps i should introduce myself, my name is Michiru Kazusa.}
{kaoru: that was so awesome! you beat that...whatever it was like paper!}
{Umika: 'What was that thing, exactly? A demon?"}
{michiru: a wraith. a creature that brings misery and suffering...}
{mirai: that...it tried to kill us!}
{Saki: "Th-Thanks for not letting us get killed?"}
{michiru: of course.}
{kaoru: if things like that exist, then we need to stop them!}
{Umika: *still holding her manuscript* "..." *nods*}
{niko: but where can we even start?}
{michiru: you've heard of the incubator gardens, right?}
{mirai: i think so?}
{michiru: you can become a magical girl there, as well as have a wish granted.}
{kaoru: for real?!}
niko: she was the one who helped us form the pleadies saints.
mirai:.....she was almost a second mom to us.
Saki: *looks downcast* "Until..."
Umika: "...When she passed away...."
niko: *looking through notes left behind*
kazumi: *unable to speak*
niko: ?? i think i found something.
Umika: "??? What is it?" *looks*
Saki: "!!! These papers mention Michiru..."
-michiru came by again today. we decided to go to the natural history museum for a while. i swear, her smile could light up a room. she told me she got a report from the doctors this morning. the tests came back negative. i was heartbroken for her. she really wanted to start a family, and so did i. i promised her that i would find a way. ~Kazuhito Asakura-
Umika: *tenses up* "...You mean...They..."
mirai: i didnt know she had a boyfriend.
niko: *skimming notes*
-she's gone. this evening she stumbled into the lab in terrible shape. i tried to get medical help, but her wounds were too severe.-
*it looks like there are dry tear stains on the paper*
-if soul gems really are connected to souls, maybe there's a way to save her using the clones. if i can find a way to do a transfer-
Saki: "Wh-What is he talking about? 'Clones'? Soul gem transfer?!"
-test 1; failure-
-test 2; failure-
-test 3; failure-
Satomi: "Th-This is insane--this is too much..."
mirai: i think im gonna be sick....
-test 13; i think i succeeded. i'll name her 'kazumi'-
*the rest of the notes are torn out*
kazumi: ah.....ah......
Umika: "Ka-Kazumi...It's going to be okay..."
kaoru: where even is this guy- whoever he is....
???: im afraid that wont be needed.
Saki: "!!!" *spins around, weapon ready*
souju: dr asakura has been dealt with already, my benefactor made sure of that~
Umika: "Everyone, arm yourself!"
souju: *hits a button, causing the incubator machines to open and release the other clones*
Clones: *groan...*
kazumi: *shaking*
Saki: "!!!" *blocks*
kaoru: shit!
Umika: "Don't let that fiend get away!" *aims at Souju*
clone: *lunges at kazumi*
Satomi: "!!!" *attacks the clone*
kaoru: *picks kazumi up* come on!
Satomi: "..." *tries to reach for papers on the desk--*
izumi: ....
*the front door opens*
izumi: *looks up*
Spirit: *enters, staring down at a set of photos in his hands*
izumi: welcome home.
Spirit: "H-Hi..." *his tie is loosened, he looks like a mess* "I'm sorry I couldn't pick up everything..."
sachiko: what on earth happened?!
Spirit: "...We better sit down. C-Can I get some water?"
-and so-
Spirit: "--then I told the police."
Spirit: "I'm speaking with Lord Death in the morning."
Kro: *flipping through pages of a sketchbook* "And this is of our HQ! And this is of my neighbor's parrot! And this is of a bowl of fruit--"
Black Star: TT~TT ("The one guy who speaks English here...")
Kro: *flips a page to a giant multi-eye monster*
tsubaki: !!!
Kro: "Oh! This is what the victim reported seeing before their eyes went--" *passes a hand over his face back and forth* "--blind. Wild, right?"
tsubaki: *looks at black*star*
Black Star: "FINALLY--SOMETHING WE CAN FIGHT! Where'd that monster go?!"
Sang: *covering his ears* ^^; <"He's certainly energetic...>
tsubaki: <that's one way to put it.> ^^;
Kro: "Oh! Um..." *flips through paperwork, all covered in doodles* "Ah! Bong had encountered the monster in an alley off of Jung-gu at the Dongdaemun Vegetable Market--"
Black Star: "WE'RE ON OUR WAY!" *runs...then walks back in* "Which way is that?"
tsubaki: -.-;
kabo: y'all got plans for the summer?
camie: malibu, baby!
Inasa: "Awesome! You going to get some TRAINING done for our LICENSES?!"
camie: yeaaaah that too! ^^;
Seiji: =_= "You both should take this seriously--or you'll never get your licenses at this rate." *bites into his burger*
camie: =3= mood killer.
kabo: sure has a funny way of showing it.
Seiji: "No, I'm serious--I doubt either of you will get your license with the way you're carrying on."
Inasa: QwQ; "Ouch, buddy."
camie: i bet that rock's gonna make a fine diamond when it comes out.
Inasa: "??? I don't get it."
Seiji: -_-; "Kabo, what will you be doing?"
kabo: im gonna be helping my fam out with the farm.
Nagamasa: "How is your family doing?"
kabo: we're doing pretty well. weather's been nice.
Inasa: "What's in season? You got peppers?"
kabo: yep, plus we got zucchinis for ma's famous zucc pie!
Seiji: *hair blown back* ._.
*it's nighttime in Seoul...the downtown area is starting to disperse as people head home...*
*one woman is walking with her service dog*
Black Star: "IT'S THIS WAY, RIGHT?!"
tsubaki: not so loud...
Black Star: "Sorry--just wanted to see what was there to find a clue--"
Woman: <Ow!> *knocked over*
tsubaki: ah! <sorry!>
Woman: <Ow...That really hurt...>
Black Star: "Hey, watch where you're going next time!"
Woman: "... ... ...What the hell did you just say to me?"
tsubaki: oh.
Dog: *helps her up*
Black Star: "... ... ..." *light bulb* ._.; "Oh shit--sorry!"
Woman: "Yeah, thanks a lot--OW!" *she has a cut along her arm*
tsubaki: ah! you're hurt!
Woman: "Ah, it must have been when I fell over..."
tsubaki: *taking a mini med-kid out of her bag*
Dog: *kneels down next to her*
Woman: "Do you have a bandage?"
tsubaki: here...
Woman: "Ah, thank you, ma'am..." *applies the bandage* "Bae, the groceries?"
Bae (the Dog): "WOOF!" *picks up the bag*
Black Star: " 'Bae'? Ha! That's funny!" *pets Bae*
Woman: -_-# "Could you not pet my dog while she's on duty?"
Bae: *growls*
tsubaki: ^^;
Bae: *barks--and runs into the alley*
Woman: "?! Bae! What is it?"
tsubaki: ah! *follows*
Black Star: "!!!" *picks the woman up* "I am really sorry about running into you, Miss--"
Woman: "Chul. Don't you know how to follow directions?"
Black Star: "I know where I'm going! Why don't you--...Oh, nevermind! Wait here..." *runs into the alley*
Bae: *chasing after something*
tsubaki: here bae! *whistles*
Bae: *corners something under a dumpster* "BARK BARK--"
Bae: *knocked into a wall*
tsubaki: !!! *runs over to her*
Bae: *struggling to get up--before something whips at her leg...something covered in eyeballs*
tsubaki: !!!!!!
Bae: "WOOF!" *bites into the whip--ripping it off*
???: *inhuman scream, before it reveals itself, sliding along one snail-like tail...a giant creature, covered in eyeballs, just like Kro's drawing*
tsubaki:....*blade arm*
Eye Creature: *gurgles, its eyes shifting all over...*
*Tsubaki's eyes start to glow...as her vision starts going dark*
tsubaki: *SCREAMS*
*two new eyes start to form along the Eye Creature's body--*
*Tsubaki's vision is restored*
tsubaki: ah!
Black Star: "TAKE THAT!" *slammed a dumpster on top of the Eye Creature*
Bae: *holding the Creature's tentacle in its mouth* "RAUR?" *head tilt*
tsubaki: black*star!
Black Star: "Hey! I caught the monster--"
*an eye-tentacle whips out, grabbing Black Star by the ankles and swinging him around*
Black Star: "WAAAAAAAH!"
Black Star: *lands against the alley wall* "Thanks, Tsubaki! Let's kick this thing's ass--" *kicks the dumpster--revealing a giant slimy hole underneath it...and no creature* ._.
Sami: <Will you be needing anything else before beddy-bye time? Some sleepytime tea?> *literally tucking Soul into bed*
soul: =~=;
Francoise: <Stop babying the boy, Sami! You! Go to bed!>
Sami: ^^; <Good night, Mr. Evans!>
soul: <good night.>
Sami: *turns off the lights*
Francoise: *slams the door behind them*
soul:..... (well this has been a weird day.)
*phone vibrates on the nightstand*
soul: *checks*
Blair: {they're so cute >w< } *photo attached of the kids asleep on the couch*
-it looks a little damp outside, like it rained a bit-
Izuku: *jogging*
jirou: sup, midoriya.
Izuku: "Oh, Jirou--hello! You're getting an early start!"
jirou: guess so.
Izuku: ^^; "Sorry--just trying to keep my training up before the summer trip."
jirou: yeah, thats like, any day now.
Izuku: *nods* "I had to finish shopping from online purchases after--...Well, after." *slight shiver*
Asher: "Thanks for the alternative ride this morning, Mrs. Albarn."
sachiko: no problem. you got your lunch all packed?
izumi: yes, mom.
Asher: *holds up a bag*
Gen: =_= "...I try to run a nice clean facility..."
Spirit: *crying over the remains of his car, scattered all over Gen's workshop*
Gen: "And you ruin that for me. Why."
Spirit: *sobbing*
hakuno: come on, albarn, suck it up!
Spirit: "My baby! Those crazy assassins and damn thieves ruined my baby! Please, re-build it!"
lord death: *ahem*
Spirit: Q~Q *wipes his nose* "R-Right..." *clears his throat* "The police identified the two thieves as two-bit hoodlums, but the assassin definitely was from that Crimson group."
lord death: hmm...
Gen: *examining a sliced fender* "Gee, no wonder you couldn't out-run them in this old jalopy--"
Spirit: OnO#
Gen: *whistles innocently* >_>;
Spirit: "But why would they target me--I'm lovable!"
hakuno: -.-;
lord death: given the position of power death scythes have, it would make sense they would be targeted by an enemy faction.
Spirit: "But to kill me? That's a bit much for some assassins to show themselves!"
hakuno: ....
Gen: "Things are getting more desperate after those Kishin people showed up. Everyone's skittish--and thinks they can make a power play."
*there is a dungeon...*
Twice: *walks up to the jail bars with a tray of food* "Mornin', sunshine~!"
Queen: *locked in the cell, emaciated, bandages on her arms* "..."
Twice: "Hey, Banshee--take a break, it's my watch."
Queen: *growls*
banshee: *nods and exits*
Dabi: *standing in the hallway, looking irritated*
Dabi: "...It's quieter here than the noise upstairs with those loons."
banshee: i suppose so.
Dabi: "...I finished errands. Your meal is in the fridge."
banshee: thank you.
Dabi: "..." *grunts, goes back to leaning against the wall*
Twice: *heard yelling inside the dungeon* "No, you're supposed to _eat_ with the fork!" *pokes his head outside--with the fork jabbed in his forehead* "Dabi, be a dear and help? THAT'S AN ORDER!"
mirai: .......
Umika: *carrying a tray of food* "...You eaten yet? I was hoping to get Kazumi to eat..."
mirai: saki got me some french toast.
Umika: "..." *nods* "Okay. Please try to be patient with Kazumi--this is a lot of information to take in."
kaoru: no kidding, i mean, if i were in her situation....
Satomi: *overhearing from the hall before she steps in* "All we can do is be supportive and listen to her--it'd be more useful than just sitting around."
Saria: "Morning! Was that your mother dropping you two off?"
izumi: yep.
Kanin: "He was crying and saying something about 'my darling red and sleek baby.'"
izumi: ^-^; yeah, his car... it got kinda totaled.
lei-lei: golly! i hope he's alright!
Asher: "He was pretty shaken up."
Axel: "Did someone say a mechanic?" *pulls out a wrench*
Anya: *in outback attire and carrying a giant bug net* "I am ready to confront the Australian wilderness." *swing swing*
mio: Q-Q
Meme: "Relax, we're not even out of the airport! It's not like there's some wildlife already--"
*a crocodile is sitting in the back of a Jeep to pick them up*
crocodile: yo.
Anya: *smug look* "Don't you hate being wrong all the time?"
ao: i dont know, dont you hate having a spider in your hair?
Anya: *LOUD SCREAM, rips off her hat, smacking it against the side of the Jeep*
ao: made you look~ ^^
Anya: OnO#
Meme: ._.; "Um...We were expecting a ride to see Miss Mjolnir?"
driver: hop on in.
tsugumi: so no one is gonna acknowledge that the crocodile just spoke?............no one?..........just me?.........ok then.
Iida: "Forward, forward! The bell will ring shortly!"
Bakugo: "Jeez, the stick up your butt must be extra rigid today..."
kaminari: *snicker*
Izuku: *runs into the room*
Eijiro: "Morning!"
Aizawa: *already in the classroom...asleep*
ochako: im here! *coming in through the window* my alarm clock broke.
Mina: "Wow, swinging in like Spider-Girl! Training must be paying off!"
tsuyu: *also comes in through a window*
*tick tick--DING*
Aizawa: *bolts up awake* "In your seats."
-everyone's seated-
Aizawa: "We're finishing up your training camp route. Be present at 5 AM, as we're leaving bright and early...So early..."
*the blackboard behind him has a chart on it*
Aizawa: "This also should prepare you for your daily training schedule--" *he taps the blackboard--and the electronic portion lists a daily schedule--including one marked "REMEDIAL" with the names of Mina, Eijiro, and others*
kaminari: owo;
Eijiro: "Aw, man..."
Sero: "Hey!"
Aizawa: "I can answer that..." *disappears behind the desk, and a grunting sound is heard*
ochako: ??
Aizawa: *lifts up a very heavy binder folder labeled "WHAT MINETA DID"*
Mineta: ._.
jirou: *almost falls out of her seat*
Mineta: "B-But I still passed the exam!"
Aizawa: "Yes, you did. And yet the complaints keep coming in about conduct. Need I remind you of the Sports Festival? Or the locker room incident?"
tsuyu: let's not forget last thursday.
Aizawa: "...I don't have a record of last Thursday." *pulls out stationery and pen*
Mineta: Q_Q *trying to inch out of the room*
jirou: you stay and face your crimes, coward.
Mineta: "..." *sighs* *turns, faces the class* "Part of being a hero is having the courage to face your fears."
Izuku: "Aw, Mineta..."
Mineta: "The other part IS KNOWING WHEN TO RUN FOR SAFETY!" *bolts*
Aizawa: *flings his scarves* "New assignment--capture the coward."
tsuyu: way ahead of you.
ochako: omae wa mou shindeiru.
Shinso: *walking down the hall--*
Mineta: "NEVER!" *runs by Shinso*
Shinso: "... ... ..."
ochako: dont just stand there, get him!
Shinso: "..."
Mineta: *cornered in the other hall, turns, runs back--*
Shinso: "..." *holds out his foot--*
-le trip-
Mineta: *slow-motion* "NOOOOOOOOOO--" *face-plant*
jirou: time to pay for your crimes.
Shinso: <What did he do this time? Is this about the fly paper and rubberbands?>
jirou:.....you know what, i've thought about it....
Mineta: 8D
jirou: and i've decided....im going to destroy you twice as hard now.
Mineta: Q_Q
Aizawa: "I said capture, not 'destroy.'"
-what occurred next was far too heinous to depict here-
Aizawa: ._.;;;; ("Oh, the principal is going to rip me for this one...")
Shinso: "..." *tilts his head* <I didn't know it could bend like that.>
Mineta: *horrifying shriek*
Customer: "--and I don't appreciate people like you showing up where I live! This used to be a nice community before your kind showed up!"
Cashier: *has a Quirk* =_= "Sir, this is a Death Mart."
mitsuki: *checking the wine rack and humming*
Inko: "Mitsuki?"
mitsuki: oh hey girl!
Inko: ^^ "Hello! How's it going?"
mitsuki: oh the usual. and yourself?
Inko: "The same. I was trying to find something for Izuku's workout diet. How's Katsuki?"
mitsuki: oh, you know how he gets. ^^; *mutters* beingalittleshit...
Inko: "Oh dear...I was worried after Izuku mentioned their last exam...It sounded far too violent." T~T
Cashier: =_=#
mitsuki: ! you got a problem with quirks, buddy?!
Customer: "I got a problem with ones that turn people ugly! This asshole didn't give me the right change--probably because his stupid eyes are on either side of his head."
Cashier: *blinks in annoyance*
Inko: "...Well, it takes all kinds, _sir_."
Customer: "Did anyone ask you two old hags?"
Customer: "Well, Dad raised me never to hit a woman--too bad I don't see any here!"
Inko: "... ... ..." *sets her purse down in her shopping cart*
mitsuki: you know what's gonna happen if you dont shut up, im going to punch my fist through your teeth, down your throat, grab you by the BALLS and PULL YOU INSIDE THE FUCK OUT!
Customer: "Probably the only action you've gotten in the last year."
Inko: *rolls up a sleeve...*
Manager: "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to--"
Customer: *swings his fist towards the manager*
Inko: =_=# "Some people nowadays are so inconsiderate, aren't they?"
mitsuki: *has the customer in a chokehold*
Customer: *high-pitch squeak* "Ow! Let me go, please! Owie owie owie!"
Inko: "Hold him still, Mitsuki--I don't want to have to deal another one..."
Manager: ._. "..." *dials the cops*
tsubaki: ^^;
Physician: =_=# <It is really pathetic that you two needed a dog to procure this sample from the creature...> *keeps it under glass* <Where did the dog even disappear to?>
tsubaki: <they left before you got here...>
Black Star: ._. "???"
Sang: <What a shame--we really could have gotten more information.> *smiles, pats Physician's back* <Good thing we have an excellent forensics team! I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this!>
Physician: =_=#
Sang: <Why don't you two see the town? It would help to acclimate yourself.>
tsubaki: that sounds like a good idea.
Black Star: "Yeah! Let's go find that blob monster in the sewers!" *has not heard of word of this in Korean*
Kro: "Oh! I can give you the tour!"
Vortex Cafe Master: "We heard the crash all the way down here...An entire car, through your window?"
Kunikida: =_=
cafe master's wife: did anyone get hurt?
Kunikida: "No, thank goodness. Our team was able to stop the vehicle."
Lucy: =_=
atsushi: and the consultation office was nice enough to offer their office temporarily while we do repairs.
Kenji: "Their plants are so friendly!" ^w^
*the cafe door opens*
Cervantes: "GOOD DAY!"
frances: hello dears~
Kunikida: *nods* "Ms. Burnett."
Kenji: "Hiya! Did you finish watering already?"
frances: indeed i have, young kenji. *looks at the cafe master* i'll have my usual please. *hands him the money*
Master: *smiles* "Right away." *begins brewing*
Damon: ._.
becky: -_-; did dad approve this?
Blair: "He wanted you to have a busy and productive summer! I heard the Death Scouts do all neato activities! First aid, weaving, build campfires..."
becky:....i guess i've always wanted to do scouts. 7.7;
Damon: "I was hoping to stay indoors and read?"
Blair: "You can read the Scout Guidebook--" *pulls out a pocket-size book*
Damon: "???" *opens it* "Oh, a bug guide!"
Chuuya: *fanning himself* "I just want to figure out something to keep busy, you know?"
naoya: i feel ya.
Chuuya: "And with the girls, that's a challenge, to keep them occupied, you know? It feels like I haven't had a night off..."
naoya: i could look after them for a day if you'd like.
Chuuya: "Oh, that'd help--thanks! What would you like to do with them--anywhere you'd want to go?"
naoya: i could take them to the zoo or mephyland or something.
Chuuya: "Not bad choices--although I'll have to ask Sonia first...That clown on the Mephyland logo is creepy."
stocking: zzzz....
Kid: *holds her, gently rubbing her shoulder*
stocking: *nuzzles up to him* =///w///=
Kid: *yawns* "Love you..."
stocking: hmhm~ ^^
Kid: "Want to just stay in bed?"
stocking: yus.
Kid: *smiles* "I love summer breaks..." *nuzzle*
stocking: mmmm~<3
Kid: *kisses her shoulder*
1 note · View note
shellyisvintage · 4 years
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Who loves Chickadees? Enamel Chickadee Brooch, Fine Enamels, Gold tone, #Black and White, Ornthology, Vintage Bird Brooch, Bird Watcher Gift, Bird Lovers #gotvintage #enamel #chickadeebrooch #fineenamels #goldtone #shellyisvintage #thursdaybirds https://etsy.me/2w6yaMz https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fH0bepHxz/?igshid=1fdtavf9q7rjf
2 notes · View notes
sunnygander · 7 years
natural history musuem in london is sick and i wanna live there
the victorian-style natural curiosities aesthetic is on point
0 notes
zeledonia · 5 years
Is there a good book about birds that you would recommend? Like, an encyclopedia, or something like that?
The only actual encyclopedias I own at home are outdated ones because I’ve got a bit of a collection of old ornthology books going on.But my boss gifted me a copy of ‘Federnlesen’ by Johanna Romberg a bit ago, which I’ve been quite enjoying before my progress at working down my book stack came to a sudden halt by the arrival of my switch, oops.It’s not encyclopedic, though - it’s more about birding in general.
0 notes
herpsandbirds · 8 months
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Lewis's Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis), family Picidae, Colorado, USA
photograph via:
254 notes · View notes
jerepcomedy · 9 years
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At Stadium in Quincy.
0 notes
tangledwing · 11 years
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Falco Peregrinus, commonly known as Peregrine Falcon and Duck Hawk in North America.
41 notes · View notes
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Www.capturinglostfootsteps.com's sunday post. Black Capped Chickadee.
2 notes · View notes