#orphydice babies
hadestownmodern · 2 years
Halloween Treat
Hey y’all. Long time no see! I..love Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday. I realized there was nothing here for it, so this is my little halloween treat to myself. That being said this has some suggestive moments, and there will be a blatantly explicit variation posted on AO3 in the next 24 hours. I wanted to get this up by Halloween being her and I'm going to make that cut by 45 minutes. I have a few more things I’m hoping to get up this week as well, but this one had the most serious time crunch. Theres some Orphydice. Theres some Persephone. Theres halloween. 
That being said. 
Happy Halloween.
They had no halloween plans when they woke up the day before, nothing set in stone anyway.
They had just been sitting together on the couch, Orpheus on the end with his one year old asleep in his left arm with both his legs tucked underneath him. Eurydice is not far from him in the middle segment, sitting cross legged with various papers balancing on both her knees. She’s flipping through some inventory sheets for the bar- deciding exactly what to feature for November and the weeks leading to Thanksgiving. Hermes had taught her the year prior exactly how much busier they tended to get in the winter holiday season, and she had dutifully made mental note of the increased demands for whiskey, rosemary, and dry red wines. As Eurydice scribbled values into her order forms, she realized the date. She squints, before pushing her glasses back to the proper place on the bridge of her nose as if it would change the dates infront of her.
“Halloween is Saturday?” Eurydice turns her head to glance at him so quickly that her glasses slide back down her nose, this time landing in the papers in her lap. “Like..two days away, Saturday?”  Eurydice’s eyes shift to Melody, newly 14 months old, curled up against her father’s chest. Little eyelids barely flutter with her sleep, and if she were to lean in closer she is sure she’d hear the tiny baby snores she sometimes gave in her deepest moments of sleep. Surely she wouldn’t remember any of it- she wasn’t likely to begrudge her parents for failing to dress her as a little pumpkin and traipse her around their little town. Still, it unsettles Eurydice to have forgotten something that should be a childhood staple. Her left hand raises to capture Melody’s onesie clad foot with a sigh. “I’m supposed to be better than this. You’ve been trying to get into it for weeks…I thought we had more time and-”
They had talked about the approaching day of October 31st very casually. Orpheus would hold up tiny baby costumes when they went to get groceries, usually to be met with soft laughs from Eurydice as she shook her head and pushed forward with following the shopping list on her wrist, ensuring they’d grab something for her once they were more sure of the weather forecast for the Halloween Weekend. He had snuck in pumpkin shaped sugar cookies once or twice, a welcome treat Eurydice wouldn’t complain about. He had suggested cutting open a large pumpkin and sitting Melody inside of it for the sake of pictures, which Eurydice promised they would get to in time.
And now that time is out.
“Hey..hey.. it’s okay.” Orpheus reaches his free hand out, taking hers in his own, his thumb rubbing her knuckles in the practiced way of both a musician and a lover. “She’s little! We can put her in one of her little tutu dresses and say she’s a little ballerina baby.” He smiles- one of those genuine, kind smiles that really do convey that he genuinely believes it will all be okay. “She can’t even eat candy! We can watch a movie with her!” Orpheus grabs for the remote, seemingly ready to get a jump on the movie marathon now. “When I was little, Hermes always put on this one movie for me, about a little girl whose grandmother is a witch in a different dimension and could only come for halloween and they have to go save halloween together..we’d come home from trick’or’treatin’ and Seph would sit and sneak me extra pieces of candy. When I got a lil older she started letting me come to her Halloween party too...”  Orpheus begins to ramble on about the movies, flipping through their streaming options with a purpose. As he looks for the movie in question, he shifts, as he often does, to her. “What was your favorite part of it as a little kid? The candy or the movies or dressing up or-”
“I didn’t have one.”
Orpheus stops scrolling, that being enough to pull him from his train of thought. “...didn’t have a favorite?” Orpheus, no matter how well he knows what his wife’s answer meant, can’t help but hope for a brighter explanation.
“After my mom died, I didn’t really have halloween. Once I got to college I got to go out once or twice! When I was little though, I don’t know if I ever dressed up. I don’t have any pictures or anything like that. I don’t remember it, if I ever did do anything. I’m sure I did when I was little.” Eurydice shakes her head, hair brushing the tips of her shoulders as she does so. She can see the way his face is starting to fall, and quickly squeezes his hand in response. “I don’t want that for Melody, Orpheus.  I want her to have a favorite candy and to light up when she gets to pick her costume and to remember that her Daddy carves pumpkins with her while he watches her favorite movie with her. I don’t want her to end up like-”
She watches as he looks away from her and back to Melody. She can almost see it in his eyes- she recognizes what he is thinking. It’s not a fear of Melody turning up like Eurydice- something Orpheus makes abundantly clear would be one of the greatest joys he would ever have– but rather the fear of her alone. Fear of her losing both of them, somehow falling through the cracks like Eurydice had, being raised without the slightest bit of love or kindness directed at her. It’s an unspoken fear and one that doesn’t need to be said- Melody had an entire family who would fight tooth and nail for her. One that had the resources to do so, if needed, too. Melody wasn’t destined to end up without childhood memories of her own.
“I think this is perfect for her right now.” Orpheus promised, bringing her knuckles to his lips to kiss softly. “Maybe we can even get her a pumpkin to sit in like last year.”
Eurydice had fully intended to go to the store that next morning, hoping to comb over the leftover pumpkins, maybe grab more of those cookies Orpheus likes, and grab a chocolate bar or two for them to share.
However, when Persephone arrived at her door with a box full of decorations and a brown paper bag full of some fried breakfast selection, Eurydice’s plans were redirected.
She lets herself through Eurydice’s door frame, shoving the fast food bag into her hands. “I come with gifts.” Persephone sets the box down by Eurydice’s doormat, looking around over her shoulders. “Where’s Miss Melody?”
“Good morning to you too, Seph.” Though She doesn’t complain as she fishes a hash brown out for herself. “Melody is down for her nap- what are you doing? What is that?” Her foot nudges the cardboard as she peaks inside, catching a glimpse of something shimmering gold. “Where’s Junie..is that tinsel?”
“Junie’s at school. I had to finish some decorations for the party and I was bored. You’ve never turned me away when I bring you a meal.” Persephone picks the box back up and heads towards  Eurydice’s living room area. “Besides. You’ve got little nimble fingers for those tricky details.”
Eurydice follows behind on, hands crossed over her chest. “Party? What party? Why are we threading beads on strings-”
Persephone parks herself on Eurydice’s couch, curling her legs up underneath her as she begins to unpack her box. “The combination Halloween-Birthday Party for my husband. Remember? I married a man who hates his Halloween birthday…I do this every year.. Ringing any bells?” She hands Eurydice some gold painted acrylic and a marker pen, before sliding a paper as well. “You have to come this year. You got a pass last year with the new baby…Can you copy that drink menu pretty please? I hired a couple of bartenders to run the drinks- I couldn’t decide between the pumpkin old fashioned, the witches brew martini, or the mim-ghost-as.  Figured bar staff can just make it all.”
She takes the menu and does copy it without resisting, before she sighs heavily, rubbing at her face with the heel of her hand. “I forgot. Just like I forgot Halloween. Go ahead. You can say it. I’m a terrible mother.  Last year I at least had an excuse. She was two months old, we couldn't take her out in the cold like that, you know. This time i’m just forgetful and unorganized and-”
“Oh, shush.” Seph waves off with her hand, the others pulling out golden sequins, which Eurydice can tell are strung together by large round rings. “Junie is five and just started showing interest in Halloween. You aren’t scarring Melody for life. Orpheus was terrified of Halloween until he was at least ten years old, really you’re probably doing her a favor. Speaking of Melody-'' She digs down into her box with one hand, before finally pulling back out with fabric balled in her hands. “Isn’t this just so cute?”
In her hand is a little black onesie, covered in caricatures of candy corn. Some smile and some have little pink bows, the feet adorned with embroidered, smiling ghosts. “ I figured you can bring her over in it, I’ll tell Junie she has matching pajamas in her room, and that’ll get her to go down for the night- she loves the attention of a party.  She actually thinks it’s for her. Hades isn’t going to correct her either, so she’s been telling all of the kids in her class that her daddy tells her she’s a real princess with subjects who come to see her.”  Persephone folds the little pajama set and places it on Eurydice’s thigh.  “My mom will be there. She’ll take Melody and Junie up for bed. You can have a little grown up night alone. You’re so welcome.”
“Seph…it’s too late for us to come. We don’t have costumes. We don’t have time to get them. We’re just going to stay in, Orpheus has some movie he wants to watch. We’ll be okay.” Eurydice draws a little ghost caricature next to one of the signature drink names. “I will cash in that adult night next month though-”
“Eurydice, baby, do what every other girl your age does, throw on some lingerie and a headband and call it a day. You have your whole lives to watch movies on the couch,” Seph goes back to her task of attaching what Eurydice now recognizes as a photo backdrop together, shooting a teasing smile towards her younger counterpart. “You could put on that black corset from last year, some bunny ears. Little playboy bunny moment. Orpheus could be-”
“Excuse me, isn’t that more appropriate for you?” Eurydice interrupts, just as teasing towards Persephone. “Actually, I’m more shocked that you haven’t pulled that-”
“Seven years ago. The theme that year was a Casino.” Persephone admits, coy grin on her face. “This year is the 1920s. Prohibition. All that fun stuff.”
“Persephone, I am a mother. I am a wife. I can’t wear those things in public.”
“And you’re also like..twenty three. You’re young. You’re hot. Besides, you really don’t think it’d be fun to watch Orpheus try to avert his eyes and be gentlemanly  all night? You can even stay over after. It’s not public. It’s my house. Wearing that would not be the worst thing you’ve ever done in my home.” She shifts the decorations back into the box, standing up off of the couch and heading towards Eurydice’s bedroom. “In fact, I even know exactly what you could be.”
“Yeah I'll think about- Seph, where are you going?”
“Orpheus, are you almost ready?” Despite her better Judgment, Eurydice decided to go to the party with Orpheus. Seph was right- not only right but also offering free babysitting and a place to stay at the end of the night. They had stopped by the town costume pop up 15 minutes before closing, frantically searching for anything left they could combine into something resembling costumes. She exits their bedroom in the exact thing Seph had suggested, and Eurydice is sure that Seph was not right about this.
The scarlet lace bodysuit is cut to the bottom of her sternum, a wide and deep V held up but the flimsy lace straps that sit on the edges of her shoulders. Under the bottom of the bodysuit she wears red fishnet tights they grabbed at the store, though it isn't as though the minimal coverage leaves much to the imagination. Much like was suggested to her, she wears a headband with little devil horns on top, the same shade of red as the lipstick on her lips.
Persephone had loaned her red patent knee-high boots (when asked why she even had them, Seph reminded her not to ask questions she didn’t really want answers to), that click as she walks across the apartment in them. “Orpheus? Baby, do you need some help?”
Eurydice catches her reflection in the mirror as she walks through the kitchen and nearly shrinks back into their bed and refuses to leave. It felt like too..much. She turns to the side, ready to pick apart her appearance when she hears soft little coos of mama babbling for her from the living room.
She crosses over to her baby, crouching to her level to scoop her from where she sits in her playpen. Melody simply lights up as she sees her, clapping her little hands as she reaches up towards her mother, the widest smile on her face. “Hello my little angel girl.” Eurydice settles Melody on her hip, squeezing at her chubby baby cheeks to elicit a little giggle from her. Little baby hands grasp at the straps of her bodysuit, Melody’s little face burying itself against the skin of her chest. “Are you almost ready for bed? You’re gonna have a little sleepover.. Mama’ll be right down the hall though. I promise.” Eurydice kisses the top of Melody’s curly covered head, debating whether to feed her and put her to sleep now or wait. “Orpheus? Baby, do you think I should feed her or are you gonna need some help-”
“Can you help me with the pink stuff on my face, I think I got it but-” Orpheus finally peeks his head out of the bathroom, the white feathered halo attached to his headband bobbling with his abrupt movement. “Oh my god.”  Orpheus literally drops the pink makeup compact in his hand the instant he sees her, suddenly seeming to forget whatever he was about to ask for. He goes to exit the bathroom only to get his little glittery white wings caught in the door frame. “Eurydice..oh..um..oh my god.” He stutters out again, mouth hanging slightly ajar as he stares at his wife. Orpheus tugs the hem of his white shirt down over the front of his jeans, debating between trying to adjust or simply saying screw the party and carry her right back to their room. “You look…you’re so..”
“Is it too much?” Eurydice turns, red lips dropping into a pout as she is suddenly even more aware of exactly how much of her skin is visible. “I can try to find a shirt or something.”
“You are flawless.” He finally manages, running his hand through his hair in a characteristic display of shock and awe. “Flawless. Stunning. Gorgeous. Pick one. Not too much. Not too much at all.”  Orpheus composes himself- as much as he can when he sees Eurydice in the way he does now. “God you’re so- fuck you’re my wife.”  He steps forward and stares, awestruck. At her. His face is flushed now, even without the blush eurydice suggested to give him that..angelic..look he was going for.
It’s Eurydice who now feels warmth spread across her cheeks, at Orpheus’ oh so earnest reaction. Okay, maybe someone was right in suggesting this for the night out. “You aren’t sounding very angelic right now, my love.” She teases, turning to face him full on. “I’m not even sure you need the blush now.” She walks towards him anyway, kneeling gracefully to grab the makeup compact. One hand holding the baby, with the other she opens the compact and coats her finger with product. Using her middle finger, Eurydice swipes some glittery pink over the bridge of his nose to complete the warm look. She notices the darkness in his eyes- eyes that were glancing right past her face and right down the front of her top. “Hey. Eyes up here.” She teased, snapping the makeup compact and giving him a smile that dances between teasing and coy. “You’re a good boy, remember.”
As if he doesn’t hear her, Orpheus’s hands settle around her waist, pulling her hips flush against his. His hands trail just a little lower, fingers dancing along the- very high- cut lace on her hips. “You wore this before, on um..at..uh…our uh..”
“Honeymoon.The Last night. I remember. And clearly you do too.” She remarks, commenting on the obvious effect she had on more than just his loss for words. Eurydice threads her arm around his waist, biting her lip as her fingers hook under the spandex straps of his little wings. “I like this look. But you aren’t pulling off..angelic..very well when you look at me like that.”
“Mmm, we could stay in..that plan still sounds good..” Orpheus mumbles as he leans down, lips finding the side of her neck just below her ear. “I think I know what a good Halloween treat would taste like-”
“We promised.” Eurydice whines, breath hitching in her throat. “Well, I promised- and we got a babysitter out of it. We’ll have all night..” She leans her head back and pulls away with a sigh, “Come on. Be a good boy and maybe you’ll get an extra treat.”
Somehow they make it to the party.
Eurydice wears an oversized leather jacket of his as they take the walk to Persephone’s. They do not stand out by any means- the streets are filled with people wearing less than them both, though Orpheus wouldn’t know. His hand strummed on her hip, hand trailing lower every few steps forward. He nearly stepped off the sidewalk multiple times from his lack of attention to his surroundings. His eyes- and mind- were elsewhere.
The music can be heard  even before they enter the house, and when the door swings open they walk directly into the gold sequin wall decor Persephone had been making only the day before. They are greeted by a waiter with a tray full of champagne flutes, dressed as if he himself walked out of the Great Gatsby and into Persephone’s hallway. Orpheus takes two- holding one for Eurydice whose hands are full of a now sleeping baby that is draped over her chest. He is helping her slip out of his jacket when a voice calls out to them.
“There you finally are. I started to think you weren’t coming.” Persephone greets them from the end of her entry way, shining brighter than the crystal chandelier she had hung above her stairs. She’s wearing a black fringed-flapper style dress with feathers in her hair. Stealing the show is the flashing emerald jewelry from her neck to her fingers. Everything in the room dulls in comparison to the way she herself glimmers, even against what Eurydice would bet are real crystals decorating half the home.  “And look at you Eurydice. She’s a sexy little thing, isn’t she Orpheus.” Persephone teases, holding out her arms. “Here. My mom just took Junie upstairs. She tried to make her father’s colleagues bow to her, introducing herself as the princess and in line for the throne and thus would be their boss. I figured that was enough Junie for the night…I promised her Melody was coming soon in her matching Pajamas.” Seph gently takes the baby– wrapped in her little purple blanket– and cradles her to her shoulder. “Go, have fun. My mama’s got her for the night.”
Eurydice is only slightly reluctant to hand her over to Persephone, kissing her temple as she does so. “Goodnight baby,” She whispers, though Melody was long since lulled to sleep by their walk over. “I can’t believe Demeter didn’t dress up and just came to watch Junie..”
“Oh she did. She’s been Mother Earth every year since I started this party fifteen years ago.” Persephone explains, turning to take Melody away from the excitement. “If you need her she’ll be in Junie’s room. You know where your room is.”
Eurydice watches as Persephone carries her daughter off, feeling the cool glass of a champagne flute slipping into her fingers. Orpheus smiles at her as he laces his fingers into her own, leading her forward into the depths of the house.
Eurydice was having more fun than she expected, she realized a few hours into the event. Plates full of cookies and treats pass her at intervals too perfect to resist, and trays full of drinks are never absent when she is finishing one, always ready to pass her another. She’s on her fourth- maybe fifth- witchy themed cocktail, laughing as Hermes (dressed head to toe in a gold sequined suit, mind you) tells her yet another story about Orpheus’s halloween antics as a little child, when she catches Orpheus' gaze across the room.
He’s talking to someone she recognizes as Demeter, who has returned to the festivities after getting the children solidly to sleep. He isn’t looking at her though. No, Orpheus is leaning against the wall, half empty glass in his hand, eyes locked on her.  Even from across the room she can see just how dark they are, how something beyond his usual admiration fills them. She catches as he licks his bottom lip when she turns to face him, watching the way his chest heaves while his breath catches in his throat. Lust, Eurydice realizes. He’s got pure, unfiltered lust in his eyes. 
Eurydice excuses herself from the conversation, taking one final sip of her drink before she struts towards him. She isn’t sure if it’s the drinks or the way he’s looking at her, but as soon as she reaches him she’s pulling him by the neck of his shirt to her height. She’s got her lips on his in a matter of moments, her back to the wall as she pulls him flush against her.
Nevermind that they are in a room full of people- including his family- Orpheus’s hands firmly come to rest on her hips, sliding lower in the back as soon as he was sure his body obscured any view of them. In a minute or so she pulls back, head leaning against the wall. She notes the way his lips are now covered in her red lipstick, and she is sure hers look no better any more.
“You look like you like what you see. You like the little devil on your shoulder then?” She taunts, her hands threading up to grasp at the roots of his hair.
Orpheus dips his head back to her neck, leaving a trail of her own lipstick down to her collarbone. “You’re just….you’re irresistible.”
“Mmm..why’re you resisting then?” Eurydice teases, her other hand dancing along the hem of his jeans, hidden from view by his body between them and the other party goers (who, may it be said, weren’t even paying attention with the flurry of activities to distract them). “Do something about it, then baby.”
When his hands start to tug at her tights, it is Eurydice who pushes him off of her. She takes him by the hand and leads him towards the corner of the kitchen. Her hand fumbles for the door knob of the same pantry they had found themselves in last thanksgiving, and she pushes him inside.
When Orpheus stumbles out not too long after, with red lipstick marks from his lips to his collarbone, across the front of his white shirt, and -unashamedly- along the top, button, and pocketlines of his jeans it appears that no one had noticed their absence.
When Eurydice stumbles out behind him, one arm over the top of her chest to hold herself in, her lipstick smeared around her once lined lips, she takes his hand once more with her free one. “Come on. I think we have a bedroom to get to.”
15 notes · View notes
whorphydice · 5 years
The stars too they tell of spring returning- Orphydice Hadestown Fix it Fic no-one asked for
Well y’all I’m BACK With content no-one wanted. This time, 10 pages of angst filled fix it fic. Woo. 
And of course theres a baby. Why not.
Shoutout to @bakedbeans-orpheus and @hollywoodx4 who have heard my angst for DAYS about this fic and this verse. Ily guys. @hollywoodx4 deserves a ton of the credit for putting the image of the “finale with this verse” in my head. This is for you two who deal with me. 
Here goes nothing on the angst train
It’s a sad song
“Will it be okay.. Will it live, Hades?” Stone faced and teary eyed, she is unwavering as she asks. Looking him dead in the face, unblinking. “Persephone did she ever-”
“I don’t know, girl.” He shakes his head, eyes blinking from paperwork to her face and for yet another time in the months they knew each other doubt scattered across his features. “Noone has ever been born in Hadestown.”
Feelings. Emotions. Something she thought she would forget in Hadestown. Yet suddenly a wave of something like grief and fierce unyielding love washed through her. “Can I send her up with Persephone, at the end of winter, can she take her to Orpheus-”
“I don’t know, Eurydice. I don’t know.” Not knowing was a weakness, one he did not like to show. Yet this girl, she deserved the truth. And that truth was unknown. “Take care of yourself, stay off the line. We’ll go from there.” 
It’s a sad tale
Fall came and so did Persephone, who could tell things were wrong in the air. They were going to try, he was going to wait. And when he greeted her off the train with his usual kiss and a tight squeeze of her hands, she expected the worst.
“Hades what is it, what’s wrong.” 
“It’s the girl. You.. you need to see her.” He said briefly, linking his arm with hers and walking her through the town. He needed her to see his improved conditions. Changes he made for her. For them 
The workers had time off and reasonable shifts. Camaraderie on the lines. Other work, rather than just the line and the wall. Things were improving in Hadestown. 
 Improving for all but one. 
Hades stopped them infront of a small building, with a single flight up stairs up the front. “Go up. She’ll be excited to see you.
It’s a tragedy.
“Oh, honey.” Her stomach dropped the second she busted into the apartment, her bag all but dropping to her feet.
Eurydice was there, of course. Sitting in the bed, back to the wall. And like a song bird, she sang. The softest voice singing a melody of love- the very melody that brought the world back into tune. 
“Spring came for us down here too- Her name’s Ophelia.” Eurydice said, no need for prompting. “She looks like him, don’t you think?” In truth, no. Persephone could see nothing but Eurydice in the baby, from Dark hair to her nose. “She’s sleepin’ but she’s got the prettiest hazel eyes.” She cooed, not even looking at the goddess.  “And you’re gonna take her to him, if you can.”
“I- what? How old is she, darlin, I couldn’t take this little baby from her mama.” Persephone kneeled at the bedside, running a hand over Eurydice’s short hair. 
“She has to go, He’ll love her. He’ll love her more than anything. And she deserves better than this. She deserves springtimes and ice cream and her father.” She finally snapped her head up, eyes ringed with puffy red skin. Tears. How many had she shed over this little girl.  “She’s two weeks old. Ashame, really. I thought I could wait until you got down here to have her. She has her own agenda, it seemed.”
Ophelia was spring time. This happy, smiley little girl who the workers loved. Who brought Eurydice’s singing to town. She would tell persephone later, about how they banded together for her. How they took over her work for her, and helped her when she was too weak to move. 
“I didn’t think she’d make it, Seph. I felt her moving and kicking in there and I was sure.. I was so sure” Her voice broke in her throat as more tears pooled in her eyes. “Living things don’t survive in Hadestown. But here she is. An anomaly I guess.”
Anomaly. Just like her mother. And her father. 
“He’s going to love her.”
“And you don’t?” It wasn’t a question. It was just a fact. She could love her enough, Persephone believed that.
“I love her too much to keep her from him.”
It’s a sad song
“She can go, can’t she?”
“Ophelia? Yes. Most likely.” It was an unforeseen situation. But he owned everything in hadestown- and Ophelia he did not.  He sighed and looked away from her, unable to face the disappointment. “Eurydice, no. Not yet. I’m trying. I’m looking for a loophole. I can’t stomach it.”
She cut him off with a kiss, and a gentle hand on his cheek. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
He wasn’t a monster, he wanted to scream to the world. To Eurydice. To Orpheus, who saved his marriage and ended his own. 
She’s coming, poet. Give her time.
But we sing it, anyway.
The only sound at that train station were sobs. Hopeless, never ending sobs from a young woman on her knees, too weak to stand. 
“Tell her how much I love her.” She begged Persephone, as the only thing she had left to go on for was taken from her. “And him. Tell him I love him and I forgive him and that she is the most important thing to me.” It was barely coherent as it stumbled out of her mouth through gasping sobs. 
She was shaking the last time she kissed her daughter’s head, prying the baby’s fingers from around the strap of her overalls. “I love you more than spring, sunshine.” Eurydice swore, letting out another gasping sob as Ophelia reached for her, little lip quaking. She was an empathetic baby, much like her dad. She felt everything her mother did. “Give your daddy a kiss for me, yeah?” 
The train whistle blew impatiently as Persephone looked between Eurydice and the train, Ophelia becoming fussy in her arms. 
“Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?” The heartbreak ripped through everyone in the vicinity, and Persephone couldn’t help but doubt if this was the best thing for everyone involved. Eurydice, especially. 
“Please, take her. Take her.” Eurydice whimpered, wiping at her eyes. “Take her and tell her how much I will always love her.” It was harder than selling her soul and leaving Orpheus.  It was harder than anything she had ever done and would ever do again. 
Persephone offered the most sympathetic smile she could as she boarded the train, the baby in her arms whimpering loudly. “I know, honey, I know.”
Hermes locked eyes with her the second she boarded, and something caught in his throat as she locked eyes with him. “Yeah brother, it’s what you think.”
As she took the seat by the window, Ophelia banged her tiny fists against the glass. “Ma?” She asked softly, before breaking out into crocodile tears. “Ma.”
“I know darlin, your mama wants you too.”
The sight of Eurydice on her knees sobbing as the train pulled away, workers gathering to help her up, is one that will haunt Persephone forever.
The sound of screams as Eurydice said goodbye to her daughter, knowing she would never see her again, will stay with Persephone every day of her life. 
On a sunny day there was a railroad car and a lady stepping off a train
Noone was ready that day, when Persephone’s train rolled up. Dozens of people flocked to see her, to give thanks. But when the door opened, the world stood still. The crowd went silent. 
Silence, as Persephone approached the boy. The boy who hadn’t sang in months. Who’s permanent smile was replaced with something like indifference. 
“Lady Persephone, I didn’t know you had a-”
“Shh, Poet.” And in a moment, the world shifted again. The crowd remained silent, with eyes only on the poet and green clad woman in the center. Without finishing her though, she deposited the whimpering baby in his arms, pressing a hand to his face. 
“Her name is Ophelia, and her mama forgives you.” 
If he hadn’t held something so precious, he would have collapsed. He vaguely remembers his heart racing and the feeling like someone was holding him under water. 
“I...she..Eurydice?” He squeaked, arms shaking as he finally looked at the baby. Dark hair, chubby little cheeks, the sweetest little face. If Eurydice was the world in his arms, Ophelia was the universe. 
“Not yet, poet. He’s tryin’” She assured, pulling her hand from his face. “She’s a fighter, that one. She’ll come home to you.”
She couldn’t tell him, that Eurydice made her peace with never seeing her daughter again. 
Every body looked, and everybody saw that spring had come again
Orpheus sang for the first time that night. The six month old wrapped against his chest in one of Persephone’s summer scarves. He picked up a guitar and sang of love. Love for a girl far away, and love for a much smaller girl nestled safely in the crook of his arm. 
Orpheus loved easily, and Ophelia was easy to love. It took effort, to learn how to care for a baby so quickly. But with lessons from Persephone, he was doing his best. And that was what he owed Ophelia and Eurydice both. 
That first night, when he held her in his arms and paced infront of the window, a sky full of stars the only source of light. 
In his free hand was a picture, the only one he had, the only one of value. 
“Her name is Eurydice, and she loves you endlessly. And I promise, I’m not gonna fail you, i’m not gonna let you down, like I did her.”
With a love song
“She hasn’t spoken in months.” Hades told her, the second she came home that winter. “I don’t know if she has a voice anymore.”
Her singing was missed in the mines. Her joy that Ophelia brought the workers. The hope she inspired. Without Ophelia Eurydice gave up.
Eurydice had no reason to hold on to herself anymore, as far as she was concerned. 
“How is the boy? And Ophelia?” He inquired, linking arms with her yet again, as he had done a year prior. 
What he wasn’t expecting were the sounds of sobs, held back in her throat.
“He’s trying so hard, Hades. But she wasn’t ready to leave Eurydice. He’s trying so hard but winter’s coming- they aren’t going to survive a winter like this.” It was horribly poetic. Eurydice sending her daughter for a better life, only to be reunited a year later in death. 
“DO we tell her?” 
“There’s nothing she can do.”
With a love song
Hades was enraged, to say the least. 
Somewhere between a desk destroyed and papers tossed into a furnace, he found himself on the ground, palms in his eyes.
Orpheus saved the world. Brought his love back to him. And he couldn’t even do the same for him. 
It had been months since Persephone returned. Over half a year since Eurydice gave up her daughter, hope, and the will to fight. 
Days since Hermes sent the message. Orpheus was dying. He’d need a ticket. 
Somewhere between papers in the furnace and getting off of the ground, he had her called in. 
He called the girl to his destroyed office, where flames ate the papers she signed many months ago.
“You’re free to leave.”
She didn’t speak, simply looked up. And for the first time since ophelia was taken topside, he saw something in the girl spark. 
“The contract..it’s burned. Gone. Invalidated, actually. Ophelia wasn’t on the contract. She’s an extenuating circumstance. You’re free to go, if you want.” He paused. “But you need to know something.”
She knew it was too good to be true, and the way she shook in her spot revealed that. “Know what?” Her throat screamed, it was like razors sliding over the delicate folds controlling her voice. 
“The boy. He isn’t doing well. Neither is Ophelia, i’m afraid. You can go be with them, be a source of comfort if you wish. Or you can wait here, for them to arrive on the train.”
Eurydice can’t remember feeling pain when her knees met the marble, and the blood drained from her skin. “They’re dying?” She croaked out, hand grasping over her heart. 
“They’re...unwell. The weather is cruel to them. And Ophelia is just so young.. The odds are not favoring them.” There was no use in lying to her. Not now. 
“But they could make it?” She asked quietly, hope in her heart for the last time.
“They could. Should I send for a train?” It was a peace offering. A train and freedom, to get home. 
Eurydice nodded, scrambling to her feet frantically. “Mr. Hades.. Thank you. Thank you so much. For everything.” She was practically out the door when he spoke again. 
“Get to the station. And Eurydice?” She turned to face the man speaking. “Since your contact was invalid, here is back pay for all the months you worked on my line. You’re going to need it.”
With a love song
The train ride was longer than she remembered. Alone on a train out of hell gives one a lot of time to wallow. 
She thought of Orpheus, with his million watt smile and gift for words.
She thought of Ophelia, who wouldn’t know who she was.
She thought of how she would lose them both, but was acting as the comfort Orpheus deserved.
She thought of him. 
With a tale of love from long ago
The train station was empty, as one would expect for winter. 
Empty except for a man in a silver suit, with a blanket over his arm and a solemn smile on his face. 
“Girl, come on lets get out of the cold.”
He half carried her home. Months of abuse of her own body- not caring for it, not eating, not sleeping- made standing hard and walking near impossible. She leaned heavily on him for support, the winter storm around them making things somehow worse.
She decided now, to voice her fear. “How bad is it, Hermes?”
When he remained steadfast and silent, she knew better than to press on. “He’ll be happy to see you.”
He brought her home. To the house she didn’t expect Orpheus to have. He unlocked the door for her, kissing her temple before stepping away. 
“He waited for you. For this moment.”
It’s a sad song.
She limped through the house, a draft from somewhere chilling to her bones. She caught a glimpse of her reflection- she looked more like bones and paper skin than herself nowadays. Eurydice wondered to herself, what Orpheus would think, when she heard the wheezy breathing in the back room.
With apprehension, she approached the door, swallowing to lubricate her brittle throat before trying. “Orpheus?” She called out, before she limped into the room and locked eyes with him.
But we keep singing even so.
“Eurydice?” The frame under the blankets whispered out, before the sound of crying filled the room. “Eurydice...god no...I’m so sorry Eurydice.” Orpheus was lanky before. But now? Now he was broken. Thin face, lost shine in his eyes. If she hadn’t known to look for it, she never would have seen the impossibly little bundle of blankets on his chest, far too small to house the fifteen month old baby she imagined in her dreams. 
“Orpheus, it’s me… why...why are you sorry?” Eurydice climbed into the bed, taking his face in her hands frantically. 
“You’re here. That means I’m dead doesn’t it? I failed you again. I took her to protect her, you wanted me to protect her, and I failed. I failed and i’m dead and she must be dead and-”
She grabbed his hand, and placed his palm against the center of his chest. “Orpheus, honey, i’m here. I’m alive and i’m here. He let me go- it’s not important right now. What matters is i’m right here, and you’re alive.” 
Unable to wait anymore she leaned down to kiss him, the contact of his lips igniting a fire in her that had long since gone out. “I’m here, and you aren’t leaving me. I just got back, you don’t get to go yet.” Eurydice pulled his upper body into her lap, and stroked his hair, draping Hermes’ blanket over him. “We’re going to be okay.”
It’s an old song
He cried into her thigh, words of love and endless apology. Of hopeful future and the life they would share. Before long she was beside him, head on his chest listening to the steady, albeit weak heart beat.
Alive. Alive. Alive. 
They could have forever, now, so long as they made it through this winter. She was sure of it. 
Her sweet, sweet husband. And their daughter. Ophelia. 
“I know she won’t remember but Orpheus can I-” He was too far sleeping, his arms wound around her so she couldn’t disappear. 
She decided for herself, to take the little blanket wrapped bundle from his chest.
And we’re gonna sing it again and again
It was like her heart restarted in that moment, when this tiny, whimpering little girl looked at her. The whimpering, she knew, was a sign of obvious pain in her daughter, and she knew then that she’d go to hadestown and back to end her pain for her.
For a moment it felt like forever and yet no time at all had passed since she held her. She wasn’t terribly bigger, which was concerning enough. 
It was like the world fell back into tune for Eurydice alone, when she got to look at this baby she would fight the world for. “Hey sunshine, I know you don’t know who I am, but i love you more than springtime.” She cooed, holding her against her chest. Ophelia’s fingers curled around the strap of her shirt, like they had so many times when she was a new infant still. Muscle memory, she supposed. 
“I’m afraid I don’t have anything in there to feed you this time. I’m sorry i’m not-” Hours topside and she already felt this rush of failure. Her baby, asking for something she couldn't give anymore. 
It was a moment she’ll never forget of course, when Ophelia relaxed with her head against her heart. When her baby stopped her whimpering because she had her mother. 
When her daughter, with what little strength she had, smiled at her and just breathes out “mama” into her skin. 
Of course, Orpheus would never let her forget.
It’s a long journey out of hadestown and it’s a long journey out of the dark. Eurydice knew though, in those moments, that they could make any journey together. The three of them. 
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hopecel · 4 years
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And I'd be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice
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🏡 for orphydice?
🏡 Domestic headcanon: In a fix-it AU, I see them with 2 daughters! Their names are Calliope (“Callie”) and Echo and I love them
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bumblingalong · 4 years
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A half empty girl don’t make me laugh I’ll choke
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rollingthunder06 · 4 years
Chapters: 22/? Fandom: Hadestown - Mitchell Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hades/Persephone (Hadestown), Eurydice/Orpheus (Hadestown), Hermes & Persephone (Hadestown), Hermes & Orpheus (Hadestown), Eurydice & Persephone (Hadestown) Characters: Eurydice (Hadestown), Persephone (Hadestown), Hades (Hadestown), Orpheus (Hadestown), Hermes (Hadestown), The Workers (Hadestown) Additional Tags: ok but, this isn’t a terrible idea, moulin rouge esc hadestown, other gods make appearances - Freeform, also year is 1901, cause moulin rouge takes place in 1900, and it feels appropriate, Also tw for alcohol, tw for sex, tw for drugs, come on guys it moulin rouge what were you expecting, tw for violence but not too graphic, also lots of sketchy people and greek mythology refs Summary:
The moment he saw her his jaw dropped. Her voice was like liquid diamonds, her beauty exquisite beyond compare.
And Hades could swear she was looking at him.
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askthedustbowl · 5 years
*in the voice of the can I get a waffle vine* Can I get a slow dancing in the bar after closing? Can I ~please~ get a slow dancing in the bar after closing?
“i thought dionysus would never leave,” eurydice murmured into orpheus’s chest, resting her head against his shoulder. she felt the familiar sensation of orpheus’s chin on the crown of her head and smiled. their hands were clasped together as a slow song played from the radio atop the bar.
orpheus chuckled. “i’m always surprised he can stand up. i can’t imagine drinking the way he does.”
eurydice shrugged. “he’ll be fine. he always is.”
they lapsed into silence, and orpheus began to hum a soft little tune, harmonizing with the crooning voice on the radio. eurydice closed her eyes and listened. before meeting orpheus, she had never thought much of music. now, though, she could barely go a day without having some song in her head. whether it be one of orpheus’s original songs or some top 40 song that she had heard from somewhere, music was a part of her life permanently now.
as they swayed, eurydice could feel herself slowly melting into orpheus’s arms. she absolutely exhausted, and he felt it, too. it had been a long day for both of them. a long week, really.
“we should get you to bed, hm?” orpheus said quietly. “i can’t remember the last time i’ve seen you sleep.”
eurydice held onto orpheus tighter. “not yet, baby, please.” she pleaded softly. “dance with me a little more.”
orpheus nodded, and eurydice could see his little smile without having to see his face.
when he could feel her head rest fully on his shoulder, he knew it was time to take her upstairs. orpheus carefully lifted her up like a bride on her wedding night and carried her up the stairs, cautious as to not make any sudden movements that would rouse her.
eurydice fit in orpheus’s arms like a puzzle piece. he savored the warmth of her body against his. they truly were made for each other.
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beenutbutter99 · 4 years
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Some doodles from the To The Moon AU
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ratcarney · 5 years
what really happened during wedding song
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mimymomo · 5 years
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Okay so I’m an idiot and accidentally deleted this ask so here I go redoing it...
Eurydice gets pregnant a few years after the events of Hadestown. It took the couple some time to really get “intimate on that level” but they worked up to it and regained their trust to even higher/deeper than it was pre-Hadestown
It was early Fall and there was Eurydice, in bathroom, dizzy and throwing up for the 3rd time that week. She had been feeling bloated and nauseous for over a week at this point and it was effect her daily life, Hermes and Orpheus had sent her home due to nearly falling over at the bar. Eurydice had thought it was only a bad bug and that she would be fine but as weeks passed, the nausea had only gotten worse and other symptoms began to pop up: she was constantly tired and her mood would swing like on a pendulum and she would have to pee like crazy
Then she realized...period was late
Eurydice had always been hesitant about getting pregnant- the world was too uncertain for her to even dream about it yet here she was...
She didn’t tell Orpheus right away, she wasn’t 100% sure and her mind there was no need to tell him unless she completely and totally sure, saves him the concern (aka Eurydice was terrified of what his reaction would be. She knows he would most likely be over the moon but that didn’t stop her anxiety)
Orpheus on the other hand is freaking out. He sees his wife vomiting and exhausted and then there was an incident where he wrapped his arms around her chest after she got out of the shower and Eurydice had yelled in pain that scared the bejebus out of him. But she was not telling him anything,sticking to her “having a bug” story! The poor musician had been worried sick about his lover for weeks at this point but he tries not to pry and invade Eurydice’s privacy
It takes Eurydice nearly another month and a half to tell Orpheus. She waits until she starts the tiniest bit showing to confirm her suspicions. She can’t deny the truth any longer: she’s most definitely pregnant
Telling Orpheus isn’t has hard as she expected: she waits until she gets a day off and spends it preparing a nice meal (well nice by their cheap standards). She changes into one of Orpheus’ old shirts that won’t accentuate her new slight belly bulge. When Orpheus gets home the two eat dinner as normal but Orpheus can tell something is off, Eurydice is oddly quiet and dazed. At this point, Orpheus has had enough and asks Eurydice what’s truly going on
Eurydice doesn’t respond verbally and instead walks over to Orpheus and places his hand on her stomach. Orpheus doesn’t get it for a full minute until Eurydice quietly whispers, “I’m pregnant.” Cue the boy being stunned
Orpheus, like Eurydice was expecting/hoping, is over the moon and immediatelystarts crying and laughing in pure joy. Eurydice smiles and cries too, ‘why was I ever worried?’
Orpheus and Eurydice tells Mister Hermes the next day. Orpheus is speaking so fast it takes Eurydice to clearly tell the god the news
The rest of the pregnancy is full of it’s own challenges, as fall and winter drag on , the couple has to worry about food and firewood and now carrying for a pregnant Eurydice and soon a new baby
Eurydice is tried and reckless all at the same time. Her small frame doesn’t make carrying a kid easy but she learns more about her body in these months than she has in years shed been alive. Plus, there’s small moments that she truly enjoys (feeling her baby kick for the first time, rubbing her hands on her protruding stomach as a reminder that it was her and her husband’s love that got her here, waking up from naps to hear Orpheus whispering songs, stories and promises to their unborn child)
Persephone comes back up top around the 6th month range and is shocked beyond belief at the state of the couple. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t extremely happy, she had been not so subtly trying to get the youngsters to birth a child for years (she may or may not have had an ongoing bet with Hermes and hades on when it would inevitably happen...she won)
A new bet is made all throughout the bar on what the baby is gonna be. Persephone and Eurydice bet boy while Hermes bets girl. Orpheus doesn’t care what gender the baby is/isn’t, he’s just happy that they’re gonna be here and his. The total in the bar is boy: 7 girl: 11
Seph teaches Eurydice to knit/crochet and together: Eurydice makes baby blanket and Seph crochets a hat, mittens, footies and even a bunny wearing suspenders and white shirt with red flowers by one ear...(Seph has been doing this for much longer than Eurydice)
Eurydice’s water breaks a month early which gets the socks off of Orpheus. Eurydice tried to be the calm one but she’s nervous too (and in an immense amount of pain)
Persephone and some townsfolk help Eurydice in labor while Hermes keeps Orpheus grounded. During the actual delivery, Eurydice nearly breaks Orpheus’ hand and slings multiple threats/curses at her husband which at first he took to heart but Persephone tells him it’s just the pain talking
After a few hours and 4 big pushes, Eurydice gives birth to a small, silent infant. The quiet sends the new parents into a panic until a few seconds that felt like hours later, the piercing cry breaks out into the room
It’s a little girl
The town helpers clean the baby off and place the wailing child on Eurydice’s chest: her skin smooth, wrinkly and redish-tan, head covered in a thick tuff of dark black hair (when the baby does open her eyes they’re a beautiful hazel just like her fathers)
Orpheus and Eurydice are sobbing messes. Orpheus doesn’t let his wife or his daughter go
The two name their daughter Hyacinth (Cici for short) and she’s the happiest, most giggly baby, always smiling and giving a gurgle or a giggle and rarely ever crying (which is a relief on the young parents)
She is music bug just like her dad. The quickest way to to calm her when she’s in one of her infrequent tantrums is to sing to her (Orpheus wrote a “no more tantrum” song that the parents as well as Persephone and Hermes, uses for these specific situations)
Hyacinth is always being held. The poor baby doesn’t learn to crawl/walk until late because she was held so much
Her first word is “la” but her first actual word is “mama” and Eurydice definitely “doesn’t” she does cry. Orpheus openly cries
Remember that bunny that Persephone made? Hyacinth names them Poppy, not after the flower but her Papa since it looks like him
Hyacinth hair grows extremely fast and Eurydice often braids it back and weaves flowers into her hair. You know those Barbie doll heads that let you practice hair? Yeah, that’s basically Hyacinth at this point but she loves having her hair done so she never minds
Hyacinth’s favorite color is orange and she begs for an orange scarf/bandana. Her reasoning: orange is the color between red (Orpheus’ bandana) and yellow (the color of Eurydice’s scarf)
I debated heavily if I wanted this to take place in the MCU (Miko Centered Universe) or not, but I decided that more people would probably appreciate it if I stopped injecting Miko into everything I write. But you do want this in the same universe, the list would virtually be the same thing except Miko would be there as well and instead of being worried about being a mom, Eurydice is worried about the size of her family growing and how Orpheus and Miko would react. Miko is hesitant and thinks that Orpheus and Eurydice are trying to replace him with a blood related child because they no longer want him anymore and even tries to run at one point. But Orpheus and Eurydice quickly tell him that that’s not the case.
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hadestownmodern · 2 years
the way i love the duality of Orphydice worrying about the quality of halloween for their baby to the most feral young adults finding a place to hookup at a party is truly unmatched
I consider the fine line between Soft and um...not Soft Orphydice to be my passion. My speciality in this world if you will. My reason for writing. If there is one thing I will write it's going to be the balance of tender and touchy.
All jokes aside I'm so glad you liked it, It always is a little odd to write actually. Like writing the background of them just..causally going about their lives and the inconsequential lead up knowing full well where it ends. Namely, a closet. Or a public restaurant bathroom. Or the bar stock room. Etc. etc. etc.
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whorphydice · 5 years
prompt: Ophelia’s first day at school
This took 80 years I’m so sorry and it isn’t even great but I wanted to get it up within the first week of classes!!  Thank you for loving my baby with me. This is just super soft man. It’s really just? mindless fluff. @pansexualandscared
It wasn’t an easy day for Orpheus and Eurydice, letting their nearly five year old daughter walk away from them. So much had walked out of their lives and out of sight, that the thought of letting go of their girl broke them both. They had plenty of support, from Persephone who insisted that they would be fine. Hermes who told them that it was what they had to do, that Ophelia was better off. Even so, there was just constantly reminding themselves that it was only a few hours. Only a few hours and their baby would be between them again.
They laid together all day, just calmly holding each other in bed. Sure, they had things to do. She could be working on the papers in the bar. He could be working on a new song. Yet, that day, paperwork could wait. And as Eurydice laid in the bed, head on her husband’s chest, she thought back to the past years. From having a baby in the underground, to holding her again in this same bad. She thought to her daughter, who just hours ago skipped out of their arms and down the road to her first day of school. 
“Mama, come on,we gonna be late!” Ophelia linked her hand through Eurydice’s, running up her father as well. Ophelia linked her little hand in his, too, and tugged on their arms. “Come ooooon, I gotsa to got school!”
“We’re coming, baby, school doesn’t start for a few minutes yet.” Eurydice teased, letting Ophelia drag her down the street towards the little school she would be spending her first day in shortly.  
It wasn’t even like she was gone the whole day, but the ache deep in her heart for her daughter remained. She couldn’t stay a baby forever, but part of Eurydice would always think of her as the little baby who slept against her chest in Hadestown as her only link to humanity. 
“She’ll be fine, ‘Rydice.” Orpheus promised, kissing the top of her head as both his arms wrapped around her shoulders. “And she’ll be home in a few hours.”
“I haven’t been apart from her since-” Her voice caught in her throat. “…since before I came home.” She rested her chin on his arms, hands coming up to hold onto his forearms as well. 
“This isn’t that, Eurydice. She’ll be back before we know it. Before lunch, actually.” He rested his cheek ontop of her head now, and let out a heavy sigh he didn’t know he was holding. “She isn’t a baby anymore.”
“I didn’t think i’d ever get to see this.” She admitted, watching as their daughter disappeared into the school, waving back at them every few steps. “And here we are.”
They were there, hands linked with each other in the same place they stood hours before, waiting anxiously for their daughter to return to them. 
Eurydice was bouncing on her toes, waiting for noon to hit and their baby to run out. Orpheus stood beside her running his thumb over her fingers to calm her. 
It was when the sweet sound of “mama, daddy!” called to them, that they were taken from their anxious reverie.
When the little human jumped into Eurydice’s waiting arms, burying her face immediately into her neck. 
“I missed you.” The words are spoken by Eurydice and Ophelia at once, as they cling to each other like they were missing part of their soul without each other. 
It’s when Ophelia pulls away and looks at her parents with a toothy grin, that Eurydice gasps and Orpheus stutters over the words coming out of his mouth.
“Where did all your hair go?”  
Orpheus reaches out and grasps at the choppy ends of his daughter’s hair, that now framed her face. The long dark curls that had previously reached the middle of her back were no more. Some front pieces were cut above her eyes, in her version of bangs. 
“I cutted it! I wanted hair like Mama’s!” She explained, reaching a childish hand to run through her mother’s short curls. “Mama’s hair is so pretty…” Ophelia coos, still gently petting the bangs on Eurydice’s forehead. “I wanted pretty mama hair too. I missed her so much.” She says it so matter of factly that it was hard for Orpheus to argue with her, and instead reached out to hold her on his hip instead. 
“Well, you look beautiful, Ophelia.” Orpheus promises, trying to make up for Eurydice’s stunned look. “And I bet Mama will straighten it out for you when we get home.” 
Eurydice absently nodded, still a bit dazed by the whole interaction. “Yeah..yeah of course I can.”
“Do you like my hair, mama?” Ophelia cocks her head, waiting for her mother’s approval on the new look. 
“I love it, baby.” She agreed, finally flashing her a smile and nodding. “Is this what you learned in school today?”
“I learned how to spell my name, too!”
She was proud, it was evident in her sweet smile and the way she talked animatedly with her hands. 
“Thats wonderful, you’ll have to teach us!” Orpheus teased, poking her little stomach to make her giggle. “Why don’t you run up ahead, we’ll stop and see Hermes before we go home?” The god turned father figure would certainly get a kick out of her appearance and decision making skills. 
He sat her down and watched as she ran ahead a little, skipping through every puddle she could get her little feet into. 
“…she cut off all her hair.” Eurydice whispered, feet glued to their space on the ground. “Our baby took scissors and cut off her hair. It’s her first day.” 
Orpheus draped his arm over his wife’s shoulder, laughing just a little as he kissed her temple. “Because she loves you so much that her first reaction was to look like you.”
“She cut her hair. I’ve never cut her hair…” It was so trivial, but such visible evidence that her baby was no longer a baby. 
“And she cut it like you do. She wants to be like you. I don’t blame her.” Orpheus tugs gently, to get her walking down the street towards the bar with him. “I didn’t think she could look any more like you, then here she goes. Fringe and all.”
“You sound so proud, poet.”
“Couldn’t be prouder actually. And if this is how she is as a kindergartener, it can only get easier with age, right?”
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setitofflove143 · 5 years
Okay, so I’m listening to Doubt Comes In and I noticed that it’s practically the first time that Orpheus sings his la la part without any other voice parts or people singing. It’s because he truly feels like he’s alone. He doesn’t know where Eurydice is, he doesn’t know where anyone is. He’s alone with his thoughts and that’s why there’s no harmony, no other voices, just one voice, just his, one part of the usual harmony we’re so used to hearing there. All because Orpheus has lost all hope that the girl he loves is behind him. He truly feels hopeless and alone for the first time in the entire show, he’s broken, and that makes me SAD
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bumblingalong · 4 years
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I said, “girl can I tell you a wonderful thing? I made you a present with paper and string Open with care now, I’m asking you please You know that I love you will you marry me?”
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bigprincess-energy · 5 years
Hhh sorry, but can I have baby hcs? That's not angsty? Thank you!!
Okay here are some Baby/Parenting/Pregnancy HCs that don’t rip your heart out and stuff your mouth full of cotton: 
Orpheus is very doting during pregnancy, especially in the later months. At first, Eurydice is a little annoyed with him, she has always been independent and headstrong, wanting to prove that she can take care of herself. However one day when her feet are swollen like crazy, her back screaming in pain, and the whole day seems to be going against her, having Orpheus there to pick things off the ground or get her a cold towel is greatly appreciated. 
Orpheus tries to make the crib for the little one to sleep in but it was as much of a disaster as one might think it would be. Eurydice comes home to find pieces all over the floor and a very flustered Orpheus sitting in the center of the mess. Hermes ends up coming over and has the thing built in minutes. 
Eurydice goes into labor but refuses to take it seriously, pacing back and forth in their small home and telling Orpheus not to freak out, as he proceeds to panic.  
The couple opts for a home birth and the baby is born in the spring. While not a mother herself, Persephone makes an excellent midwife and coaches Eurydice through the process with grace and ease. Orpheus almost passes out three separate times, but thankfully Hermes is there to hold him steady. 
During the birth, Orpheus and Eurydice never let go of each other’s hand.
Eurydice is not a crier in any sense of the word but the first time she holds her baby against her skin, to feel how soft and warm her child is and see the baby’s big brown eyes peer up at her, tears fall down the exhausted mother’s cheeks. Orpheus is there to wipe them away and stares at his wife and child with all of the amazement in the world. 
Hades does not leave the underworld to congratulate the family, but he did send his wife back with a gift for the baby, a chrome music box that plays lover’s desire. 
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