#ortan cassius
the-cato-sicarius · 9 months
As I walk up the steps of the reclusiam, I can feel my legs grow heavier, not from the physical exertion despite the thousands of winding marble steps, but from the sinking feeling that I'm not allowed to be here anymore.
I have spent so much time here, praying, being guided spiritually by my betters, giving my weary soul some respite in dark times.
Ever since my father, my Primarch, returned to life, that has changed. He never forbade the practice, but the heavy frowning upon it made it all but obsolete among his trusted men.
Yet, with practised ease, I fell to my knees in front of the shrine, trying to find the solace I so desperately needed.
“Captain Sicarius, I haven't seen you in here for quite some time.” The voice was very human; it had such warmth to it, but without turning around, I knew I would be face to face with anything but.
“Cassius,” I acknowledged and looked upon his lined face. It was covered more than not in cybernetics, just like the rest of his wartorn body.
“To what does this humble sanctuary owe the honour, esteemed captain?” He asked.
“I require guidance,” I answered him truthfully.
“Guidance our gene father can not bestow you?” Cassius asked; I could see I had piqued his interest.
“It is regarding him I've come,” I said, yet in my head, I wondered if I was betraying the trust put upon me by Guilliman. Cassius, on the other hand, looked intrigued and nodded for me to continue.
“The Primarch, Guilliman. He was crying in the bath, mumbling to himself, “Perhaps that bastard was right; perhaps I am a god.” He seemed drunk, Cassius. How is that even possible? I don't know what to do,” I admitted.
”Remember what I say to you whenever you lose faith or show weakness, Cato?” Cassius asked, and I nodded in acknowledgement.
“Shut the fuck up and stop crying before I give you something to cry about”, I said out loud.
I had heard this mantra since before I was a neophyte, and I had, in turn, told the same to countless men under my command.
Cassius' words had strengthened my convictions. He was wise beyond any of us. I knew now what I had to do. So why did I hesitate?
Cassius seemed to spot the weakness in me immediately, and he put his cybernetic arm on my shoulder in support.
“I sure am glad I do not have to be the one to tell him”, the chaplain said.
And all I could answer was a resounding, “Fuck...”
“Fuck, indeed,” Cassius agreed.
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darckysposts · 8 months
Los quiero extintos quiero que toda la especie sea declarada extinta dentro de de las próximas 2 semanas solares. Debemos borrarlos de la escena galáctica antes de que ellos nos borren a nosotros. .. CAPELLÁN ORTAN CASSIUS DE LOS ULTRAMARINES EN REFERENCIA A LOS TIRANIDOS
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Ortan Cassius
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askjenetiakrole · 7 years
Soul of Chaplain Cassius, "Tyranid Killer" and "Slayer of the Swarmlord"
Commander Krole: *hand gestures*
Melpomanei: “The crackle of raging fire, the hiss of burning acid, and the pained screech of dying xenos all set to the rhythm of a swinging crozius and the chanting of a litany of detestation.”
(send me a ‘soul’ and my muse will describe what they think your muse’s soul ‘sounds’ like)
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Timeline of the 41st Millennium: 680-681.M41
Inquisitor Chaegryn travels to Ghosar Quintus to investigate the mining colony's suspected heretical turn from the Imperial Cult. After a violent encounter with a sub-level overseer, Chaegryn declares the investigation closed and his intent is to return to the Ordo fortress. He never arrives.
Part of Ortan Cassius's Deathwatch kill team is reassigned to investigate Ghosar Quintus and retrieve Inquisitor Chaegryn. Kill Team Excis is lost and Cassius demands he be allowed to take his kill team to Ghosar to avenge them and learn the truth of Chaegryn's disappearance.
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jakey-beefed-it · 4 years
New 40k Starter Box
Thoughts on the contents of the new 9th edition 40k starter box. Overview is ‘Neat! Wonder if I can find someone who wants to buy those ‘crons off of me’. Because I have enough goddamn armies. They are kinda tempting though. Maybe if I went for a more ‘ancient berserker machines’ vibe through paint and kitbashing... cylons meet Reapers meet The Machines from the Matrix...
New Core Rulebook: 
Gorgeous, great artwork. I liked that artwork well enough I bought it on a mug before I knew it was the Official 9th Edition Core Rulebook cover. So that’s neat.
Overlord- very cool, loving the beefier aesthetic for the most part, could use a bit more in the way of egyptian-style pharaohnic bling
Royal Warden- nice and beefy, has the right amount of bling for a royal bodyguard who is not himself any kind of pharaoh
Plasmancer- he float. I like his lil beard. He’s weirdly kinda cute.
Cryptothralls- good aesthetic, I wish they’d just been revised flayers
Canoptek Reanimator- The Good Shit
Skorpekh Lord- a bit busy in terms of number of weapons imo but a good overal design
Skorpekh Destroyers- perfect. Good design, not too busy, purposeful, look like they do what they’re supposed to do. You won’t be surprised when they charge you and maul the absolute fuck out of your units though you might be surprised by how badly they do so.
Canoptek Plasmacyte- orbcron is also kinda cute. Not sure what they’re going for with cutecrons but I like ‘em anyhow.
New scarabs- sure are scarab swarms. Hopefully better designed so ‘cron players don’t lose lone scarabs so much while assembling them.
New Warriors- I like the damaged/corroded look a lot more than the super-clean old design and the guns look better without the green plastic rods but they’re not really that different. Which is probably the point, but it means my opinion on them is going to be somewhat tepid.
Stabby Primaris Mreenz
Stabby Captain- aw shit it’s taking my favorite marine aesthetic of Gothic Crusader a-la Black Templars but painting them in my preferred Ultramarines Blue. Just needs a helmet crest to be perfect, but that’s why we have chapter-specific upgrade kits. I do like the flipped-up visor look but might use that for the Lieutenant instead and give the captain a bare head with a crested helmet mag-locked to his faulds.
Stabby Lieutenant- as stabby captain but I am legitimately excited for the volkite pistol holy shit it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had any marines with volkite weapons. 
New Chaplain- that’s just Ortan Cassius, you can’t fool me. I guess he got primaris’ized. I actually prefer the initial Primaris Chaplain with the robes.
Judiciar- I’ve been over this but to recap briefly his head is stupid his sword is too flat (yes I know why it’s shaped like an Executioner’s Sword but it’s still dumb looking) his left hand is too busy with that hourglass thing, BUT, the off-the shoulder robes and general pose have potential. So the model is a loss, but the kitbash is gonna be rad.
Bladeguard Ancient- is he specific to the Bladeguard Veterans? Could you just use him as your regular old Ancient? I like him, he’s neat. See the above comment on the captain about Gothic/Knightly aesthetic.
Bladeguard Veterans- Primaris Sword Brethren for any chapter. Love them. Their holsters look about the same as that on the new L-T so hopefully they also get volkite pistols that’d be siiick
Eradicators- points in their favor are the gravis armor and the weapon loadout, point against is the look of said melta rifle. It’s just a slightly longer meltagun with a dumb handle up top. At least give it a side-handle, jeez.
Outriders- Primaris bikers are Good News for White Scars players (as well as Dark Angels and Raven Guard probably) and while I’ve always liked dumb space marine bikes in the past these are leaving me a little underwhelmed.
Choppy Ladz- enh. At least they’ve got some nice dynamic poses? They’re fundamentally just ‘intercessors with a different loadout’ though so they’re not going to really impress me.
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coolyo294 · 5 years
Writing is fucking hard. I have the idea for my deathwatch character clear in my head: exorcists librarian -> nearly killed by an eldar psyker -> has a vision (ala ortan Cassius after he got gored by a carnifex) about the threat posed by unchecked xenos witchcraft -> requests a transfer to the Deathwatch to study and fight them as much as he can
But I can't figure out how to put it down on paper in a way that makes sense or sounds good to me
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What do you think of Ortan Cassius
“Narrow minded, his hate of the Tryanids blinds him.”
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Cassius and the Swarmlord
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I love that the main reason Ortan Cassius hates the Swarmlord is not because it is the herald of a countless horde of extragalactic terrors hellbent on consuming the galaxy...but because it made his crush Chapter Master sad.
@nightshade-victorian @fuukonomiko
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littleclevercat · 7 years
- I'm still failing to understand why the practice of Sacred Marriage has become so widespread amongst Adeptus Astartes. Why do you marry us? - To be reminded that we are still humans.
Ortan Cassius of the Ultramarines answers to Kallista of the Order of the Golden Spear.
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onemindsyndicate · 7 years
Latest warhammer 40k special character
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Which would you say is the most annoying infestation to get rid of: Orks, Tyranids, or Nurglites? My guess is you and Ortan Cassius might argue over this for a while.
Tyranids can be exterminated, Nurgle deamons leave when there is no energy to sustain them... but Orks? Thank to their spores you could be fighting them for centuries.”
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