#orthostatic hyoptension
minty-fics · 2 years
Falling at the Library / Hero Aca
Presyncope/ orthostatic intolerance fic1
- word count 892
BNHA / MHA / Hero Aca
Gender Neutral c/n x Tenya Iida
c/n means character name I use it instead of Y/N -
fluff and kinda whump, could be read as romantic or platonic
summary: Iida and the reader stays at the library studying for too long and in their rush to get back to the dorms the reader triggers their presyncope-like symptoms and falls which makes Iida worried about their safety.
Both of them have been at the school library for hours, and with how long the two had been studying it's quite probable the librarian has already left.
"Iida, how early do we have to leave to get to the dorm before curfew?"
"Oh it takes me maybe 2 minutes why?"
"2 minutes? It's on the edge of campus, I assume that time is with you using your quirk then." They pondered at the person across from them peering through his glasses at the eyes that were still fixated on the book he read -but would soon lift up to meet the eyes that peered at him.
"Of course,” he exclaimed with a smile,”It's actually very efficient going from working my mind to working my quir- oh. I'm so sorry!” In his voice and on his face anyone could see the moment Iida realized the mistake. “When we changed to meeting after class instead of before. I mean. I completely forgot to consider you being here too, that was so inconsiderate and unprepared of me! Oh no. Then that means!" Iida quickly looks out the nearest window, which is simple given that most of the walls were practically just windows. By the ever growing darkness outside and the fact that the lamps had already turned on Iida, and c/n’s, fears were confirmed.
The time was very late. (I hope someone gets the reference)
Trying to stop the spew of apologies directed at them and focus on the situation at hand, c/n tries to direct their nerves into solving the situation. "It's not like were not going to be late if we leave the next couple minutes." The interjection didn't seem to stop the frantic Iida. "It's completely unacceptable, I hope you forgive me. As class president and as the one who asked if we could study after class I should take full responsibility and-""Iida." He finally stops and they stare at each other for just a second.
"We should be going."
He nods in agreement before, as quickly as possible, collecting his reading and note taking materials to put back in his school bag as his classmate does the same both clearly in a rush. As expected Iida was faster and was already waiting to leave when c/n slung their bag over their shoulder as they stood up, and suddenly they weren't.
Iida's eyes widened in surprise as a loud thump rang out through the empty library. C/n on the ground, their shins and one arm holding them up.
"Are you okay?" Iida rushes over to check on his classmate. "What was that thud, are you bruised or cut at all?" You could see the worry in his eyes as he frantically tries to assess what just happened.
Beginning to hold the table's leg with one hand and shoo Iida back with their other c/n responds "I'm fine. The thud was my bag hitting the table. Just give me a moment."
Iida does slow down and back off slightly, then he lightly touches the wrist of the hand shooing him off. "You seem to shaking are you sure you're okay?"
It's this moment he also realizes that they were staring directly at one spot, at nothing, as now they've started to violently blink. "I'll get back up after I've fully regained vision it’s okay."
"Peripherals haven't come back yet."
"c/n that's not what I meant. I meant to ask what you mean by-" "Ah. It's back now, just still a lil fuzzy."
"C/N!" It's at this moment they finally look back into his eyes and try to smile reassuringly. "c/n, do you commonly lose your vision like this?" Iida finally stopped trying to ask every question at once even though more and more questions enter his mind before the last one was even completed.
"Yeah it's pretty often, but this usually just happens in the mornings for me. Unless I've been sitting for a while and I guess we have been studying for quite some time."
Those hundreds of questions are still bouncing around his head, c/n can see it on his face, and the concern far from fading even as relief enters his mind from c/n's calm response. "I'm really gonna be okay, like I said this is a daily thing for me, and it's not uncommon to happen more than once a day. It was mostly because I stood up too fast. Oh but don't worry it shouldn’t happen again as we go back to the dorm. The dorm! We gotta go!" They turned to grab the bag that had hit the desk and landed not far from them and with the other hand accepted their class president's outstretched hand that offered them help getting up.
Although believing what c/n said about this not likely happening again on the way back Iida was sure to help them up slowly and even was careful during the return to the dorms, which means walking even slower than what would be normal for a non-speed hero… which means they definitely got back to the dorms after curfew. The chaos that ensued from 1-A’s reaction to class president Iida being out after curfew, well some people still don’t believe it and they saw him enter the dorm building following c/n.
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