drrestlesshate · 1 year
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liyahmackenzie · 8 days
I've been poisoned! But...
Your love is an elixir -
An orvietan.
Orvietan: A medicinal preparation thought to be an antidote for any poison.
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bishonenvoicedbyadyke · 2 months
Lestat explaining his backstory in s3 : So we move to Paris. Nicolas gets a job at the boulevard theater. My Uncle Renaud works there who was a Protestant, believe it or not. He went from Catholic to Protestant. So basically, Armand wanted us all to switch from Catholic to the Children of Satan, you know? Meanwhile, we're from Auvergne; my father's doing orvietan, you know; my mother thinks she's Olympes de Gouges; she's teasing her hair with a bottle of wine, you know; so dysfunctional, cross-addicted family, still cooking cassoulet on Sundays… Um, and uh, and the croutons, they- they wind up being burnt, you know? It just got so dysfunctional. It got pretty bad.
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umbriajournal · 1 year
06 STampala, magliette solidali, ecco le T-shirts orvietane from Umbria Journal TV on Vimeo.
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rausule · 1 year
ORVIETO, Orvietane-heiligdomme °hier kom die reën ° vir die reën van die wolke en heilige donderweer.
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Die Pozzo di San Patrizio en die krans, die Gotiese katedraal en die strate van suiwer Middeleeuse voorkoms. Baie naby aan die Autostrada del Sole en die twee Rome-Florence spoorweë, Orvieto is een van die mees besoekte bestemmings in Umbrië. Vyf-en-twintig eeue gelede, net soos vandag, was dit 'n belangrike deurgangs- en handelspunt. In sy nekropolis is daar baie grafte van handelaars van Umbries-kursief afkoms, wat sonder probleme van saamwoon met die Etruskers hier gewoon het.
Maar Orvieto was een van die belangrikste stede van Etrurië. Dit is waarskynlik Velzna, Volsinii Veteres in Latyn genoem, en die tempel wat hier gewy is aan die donder van die wolke, 'n besonder vereerde heiligdom, het naby die Fanum Voltumnae, Vulgêre Latyn, gestaan. Dit het sy hoogtepunt tussen die 6de en 4de eeu bereik. Toe begin 'n tydperk van onrus en die edeles het die Romeine om hulp gevra, wat geen tyd gemors het nie.
In 264 vC. 'n leër wat van Rome aangekom het, het die stad met die grond gelykgemaak en die oorlewendes na die Bolsena-meer gedeporteer, waar Volsinii Novi ontstaan ​​het. Duisende heilige standbeelde uit die heiligdomme van Orvieto is egter na Rome vervoer. Die rede vir sulke woede aan die kant van die generaals en heersers van die stad is nog nooit aan ons vertel nie.
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umbriasud · 1 year
Strade provinciali: per lavori limitazioni al traffico sulle strade orvietane
A seguito dei lavori avviati nell’Orvietano per la riqualificazione di numerosi tratti stradali tra Orvieto e Castel Viscardo l’amministrazione provinciale ha emanato un’ordinanza al fine di evitare situazioni di pericolo al transito e assicurare la pubblica incolumità, in relazione alle dimensioni delle carreggiate nelle aree di cantiere. Con il provvedimento si istituisce il senso unico…
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absintheanflare · 2 years
wikipedia dot org slash wiki slash orvietan fuck me up in the head soooo much i love ~1900s medicine so much. there is something wrong with me. i need to go to antique/oddities stores more so i can try to find old medicine bottles or something. i need to go to noir again i miss their $2000 real human skull and the pig brain jar. i need to buy more human teeth or else i;ll die
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orvieto-art · 6 years
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My final project of this wonderful drawing journey is what made me an Orvietan. So much contributed to my fantastic month here but these things were the main reasons why I felt more connected to Italy. The art I saw around Italy, especially the famous works i’ve dreamt of seeing inspired me the most because the whole reason I came to Italy through this program was to see the art history all over. Eating dinner with my home stay family and looking out the kitchen window to the beautiful dusk contrasted to the yellow lights of Orvieto. Hanging out with my friends at Blue Bar singing songs with the bartenders and creating memories, and last but not least, the delicious wine I had with almost all of my meals 😉
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adayinromeblog · 7 years
Alla scoperta delle colline orvietane con le auto elettriche di #UmbriaGreenCard con il team femminile di #OrvietoSocialTour @ilarysgrill @silcre @girlinflorence @flavianaboni ✨ Seguiteci su Instagram e Twitter e sui profili social @Love_Orvieto 📸#Orvieto #igersumbria #loveorvieto #inorvieto
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drrestlesshate · 1 year
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La giornata perfetta.
Cavalli, un sushi con un buon vino delle terre orvietane, le tue amiche, un’occasione di lavoro... Cosa chiedere di meglio?
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umbriasud · 1 year
Viabilità, cantieri aperti sulle provinciali orvietane
Sono iniziati in questi giorni nuovi lavori stradali nell’Orvietano, principalmente nel comune di Orvieto, interessando anche parte di quello di Castel Viscardo. L’amministrazione provinciale di Terni ha infatti dato il via agli interventi di riqualificazione delle pavimentazioni stradali su alcuni dei tratti maggiormente deteriorati della Sp 44 del Piano, della Sp 12 Bagnorese, della Sp 46 di…
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kevlo75 · 3 years
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Orvietan was a #concoction of partially #toxic #herbs, wine, and dissolved honey, but existed in powdered form too (sold in lead boxes). Patrizia Catellani and Renzo Console analyzed 35 different recipes for mixing orvietan, published between 1655 and 1857. The number of ingredients varies from 9 to 57. The most frequent 26 #ingredients are: garden angelica, healing #wolfsbane , #birthwort , bistort, sweet flag, Carline #thistle , #dittany, #gentian , masterwort, black #salsify, tormentil, valerian, blessed thistle, dittany of Crete, rue, germander, laurel berries, juniper #berries , cinnamon, #cloves, viper meat, and the two concoctions mithridate and theriac, as well as white #wine and #honey . #pharma #charlatan #plants #spices #heathcare #science #invention #drugs (à Archives départementales de Loire-Atlantique) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPBV1xAp6W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adayinromeblog · 7 years
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Così tra questa immensità s'annega il pensier mio e il naufragar m'è dolce in questo 'mare' ✨con #OrvietoSocialTour a @borgo_san_faustino ammirando le campagne orvietane e citando #GiacomoLeopardi #loveorvieto #igersumbria #umbria #countryliving #italianstyle #inumbria @love_orvieto 🙌🏻 (presso Borgo San Faustino Relais di Campagna)
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drrestlesshate · 3 years
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Louis-Marin Bonnet - Le marchand d'Orviétan de campagne
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