#oscar never using a comb is never not funny to me
416piastri · 9 months
day 37 of missing landoscar
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amara-scott · 4 years
Enjoy your dinner.
Movie: The Gentlemen Characters: Raymond Smith x Reader Categories: Teasing
you’re reading part one | part two
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Takes place a few weeks before the movie timeline.
3rd Person P.O.V.:
Her father knew very well that she did not enjoy these kinds of events. Richlings bragging about their richness to other fat cats. Not to mention the young ones. The ones her age, who did not have to flip a coin to get any of the wealth their parents owned. Dirty or good money, does not matter. It is more dirty than anything else though. And she knew that also. Another reason for her to usually not stay longer than needed.
It has been a while since her father has last asked her to join him and her mother to a dinner party. It was way more just a synonym for let’s see who will embarrass themselves first by drinking too much of the way too expensive bottle of rum. Long translation - but a hundred percent correct. 
And even though she loathed going, she always used the opportunity to make the largest impact possible without trying to say a word. She loved the longing stares and the surprised ones every time she did indeed attend alongside her parents. Today it was just her father though. Her mother was out in Paris, probably spending all the pocket money her loving husband gave her. At least their love for each other seemed honest.
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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
When I walk down the stairs to stop in front of a mirror in my hallway, I hear another honk of the limousine waiting outside. I sigh, grabbing a light coat and throwing that over my arm, holding a small clutch in my hand. After locking the door behind me, I greet Mitch with a smile.
“ ’Ello Miss (Y/L/N), hope you are doing well today.” I hold back a roll of my eyes, long forgotten how many times I made him call me by my first name. If I had to guess, probably around 64 times. He doesn’t work for me, he works for my father and my father alone. 
“Very well indeed, how about you, Mitch?” He smiles, about to answer, when a voice from inside the car calls out.
“-You can chat on the way there, we’re late as it is.” Now I do roll my eyes at my fathers words and send Mitch another small smile. He nods, closing the door when I’m in, going back to the drivers seat.
“Wow, darlin’, you look lovely tonight.” I greet him with a kiss to each cheek and buckle up.
“Thank you, is that a new suit? I’ve never seen you wear burgundy red.” He nods, smoothing out the fabric. 
“It is, it is. You’re a smart one. I despised the colour but your mother thinks it looks expensive and high-class. And you know her- there’s no telling her no.” I chuckle along and we get a few small-talk questions out the way before we finally arrive at the mansion. Some old business partner of my father’s. I can’t keep names in mind so I usually go the shy and long time no see route. It usually works.
My father helps me step outside and Mitch rides off, picking us up later again. Before walking after my father I take a deep breath and exhale, placing a smile onto my face. Fake- but no one seemed to notice the last few times. So no worries there. Walking up the stairs, an arm wraps around mine and I glance up to my right, frowning at the sudden physical contact. James. Yes, the one person I loathed the least. Or you could say - who I actually liked a bit. I grin and bump my shoulder with his as he guides me up to the entrance.
“Hello there gorgeous lady, haven’t seen you around a lot lately.” 
“Well, can you blame me? These types of gatherings do not amuse me much. They rather support my boredom and make me want to drown in expensive alcohol. I don’t want to turn into an alcoholic.” He smirks at my statement but shakes his head. 
“You’re a special one, you know that?” I nod, sighing dramatically. I look up front, where my father is already involved with other suit-wearing snobs.
“I know- I am.” I try sounding posh, but fail miserably, making us both laugh. I still have my arm wrapped around his’ as we get offered a drink and then he is off. Talking business, making connections. A life I would not want to live. That is why James and me could never be more than friends. Even though he might wants change my mind on that one day - I would never accept his advances.
“Well, well, well. If it is not little Miss (Y/L/N) Junior. How are things going?” I turn, taking another sip of champagne as I recognise the slimy man in front of me. His eyes wandering up and down my presence. 
“Oscar- what a nice surprise-” My fake smile widens and I let him kiss my knuckles briefly - even though some of the potatoes I had for lunch earlier wanted to revisit. He must be double my age - I never thought of that. 50 at least.
“Would not be that much of a surprise to you if you would join our parties more often.” So it is his housing we are inside of right now. Good to know...
“Oh, Oscar. You know I am a busy woman. Cannot have fun all the time.” My smile starts to hurt my cheeks but I keep it up. Having held it for longer. My record is 24 minutes and 37 seconds. Yes, I know. Very impressive.
“But you never fail to make a grand entrance, what a gown on you - just lovely. Perfectly fitting for you, an extraordinary woman.” His sickly, slimy words feel like nails scratching on a chalk board but I hold back a flinch, nodding once. Not quite sure how to reply. I glance down at my drink, assumingly and very unconsciously having drank it all.
“Oh, would you look at that- I think I need a refill, it was lovely chatting-” “-Let me get you a new one.”
“No need, Oscar. I will just go myself.” 
“Oh please, I insist-”
“-Here, take mine. I don’t drink Champagne.” I turn to my right, looking at the source of the new voice. A man I have not seen before stands there - a neat three piece in dark blue, adoring his well shaped physique. His dirty blonde hair combed back to perfection. He rearranges his glasses with his free hand before it disappears in the pocket of his trousers. The other one still holding out the glass to me. I realise I held a breath and nod at him, this time smiling genuinely. 
“Thank you-” I drift off, not taking my eyes off his. A little staring contest going on. I accept the drink and take a sip. Not having blinked once. Just like him.
“-Raymond. Raymond Smith.”
“Nice to meet you, Raymond Smith. I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” 
“I know that.” I quirk an eyebrow at his answer, him staying silent though, a small smile grazing his lips. 
“Well, why don’t I give you a little tour? We have a whole new balcony on the east wing-”
“-no, thank you Oscar. I just found a way more interesting activity.” I cut him off, not taking my eyes off of Raymond Smith. I see his lips twitch but he is holding back a smirk. Which makes my smile grow. I only hear a huff and grumbling. 
I then break the eye contact, feeling rather lost now and walk past him, closely past him. My shoulder barely touching his jacket. I can feel his eyes on my back, making me sway my hips a tad more than usual. The things the right man can make you do.
I decide to sit down at an empty table and pick out some of the delicate canapés placed in the center. It looks like a mushroom tartlet and once inside my mouth I nod to myself. One thing that makes me come back to these parties is definitely the appetisers and the drinks. Lot’s of effort goes into them but no one seems to enjoy any. Either because they are busy laughing at jokes that are not funny or because they think others would judge them for eating. I learned to not care, ever, about what someone thought of me because I eat more than them. Their loss.
“Enjoying the food, I see.” I chew quickly and swallow thickly, holding a napkin to my lips as Raymond sits next to me at the round table, taking a tartlet himself. I hum.
“I do, cannot be mad about the food. I am a true gourmet, what can I say. But- you probably already knew that, did you not?” I grin at him, watching his chew and making eye contact with me once more. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“No, did not. I will note it down though.” His teasing tone sparks my interest and I wonder how far I could go. Or what he works as. Why I have never seen him before. 
“Tell me, Raymond Smith, who are you?” I turn toward him, leaning my arm on the table and tilting my head slightly, full attention on him. He wipes his hands at a napkin, eyes cast down as he seems deep in thought. Choosing his words carefully. One of the only men here who do.
“I don’t really exist. I just - like a good dinner party every now and then.” I bite my lip at his cheeky reply, trying to hold back all the things running through my mind. 
“Can I guess?” I lift my head and he nods, gesturing for me to go ahead. He leans back slightly, probably expecting the most cliché answers anyway. So I think again, observing his posture and the drifting of his eyes every now and then. Back over to the big table. A couple people sitting there. He must be here either with his wife or colleague. I shake my head at the wife, he wouldn’t be sitting here with me if he had one. 
“Well, seeing as you’re not here by yourself, you must be the right hand to someone or - maybe you are the kid of a big fish.” He smirks, nodding. One must be correct. I go with my first instinct. “-a right hand man it is.” I look back over to where he seemed to focus earlier. I do know a few of them. One being a partner to my father’s business. Another one the son of said partner. And then - no way. Micheal Pearson himself. The Micheal Pearson. Sticky bush Pearson. But Raymond would not be involved-
“-I see you figured it out.” My eyes snap back to Raymond and I close my mouth, licking my dry lips in the process. I tense up, not knowing if running would be an appropriate reaction. But then again - I never cared about appropriate behaviour that much.
“And I also see you’re taken aback.” It sounded more like a question really. But I only nod, sending him a small smile.
“It is not every day that I cross paths with true gangsters.” 
“I will take that as a compliment. And just for your information-” He leans in closer, elbows on his thighs. “-there are a few more gangsters here than you would like to care.” 
I gulp at his intense eyes, he leans back up and stands to his feet, smoothing out his suit and buttoning his jacket. 
“Well, if you would excuse me, my duties as a right hand man are needed. Have a good rest of your evening, Miss (Y/L/N). Enjoy your dinner.” 
“You too, Mister Smith.” He nods, walking off. I look after him, Mister and Misses Pearson walking off with him and exiting the building. I let out a breath I was holding and sink back into the chair. Not without being haunted by those icy blue orbs.
More The Gentlemen Imagines
Full Masterlist
part two
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stone cold
Request: “Hi I love your stories 😍❤️ can I request an angst where Timmy and the reader are together but Timmy fell out of love with the reader. Inspired by Demi Lovato's song "stone cold" the line in the song " if happy is her, I'm happy for you" really got me. Thank you please notice me 😊” @kristineyoshaii
word count: 1,245                                                                                     reading time aprox: 5 mins
You know they say that time is of the essence and that it must not be wasted on invaluable things because every moment is priceless. They say that only time will heal and that memories will soon be nothing a figment of our past lives. What they didn’t tell you is how cold those memories feel after time elapses. 
“You’re my world, do you know that my love?” Timmy murmured, nuzzling his head into the crevice of my neck. “Do you know that out of all the people in the world, excluding my mom of course, you’d be the only one I’d ever do anything for” He stated, wrapping his arms around me tighter as we laid on his bed. 
The moonlight engulfing the room entirely, casting shadows of the dressers onto the wall that stood in front of us. The air was crisp due to the autumn air and the open window that creaked ever so often.
“You’d do anything?” I questioned flipping over to face him, shifting under the white duvet to cuddle closer into his chest. I laid my head comfortably on his shoulder basking in his scent of old cologne combined with fresh linen. 
“Anything, my love” He kissed the top of my head, exhaling into my head as he combed the tangled bits of hair. 
“So you’d strip and give me a lap dance if I asked?” I playfully suggested, drawing figure eights on the surface of his skin, knowing the comfort that usually brings him. 
He chuckled lightly, pressing another kiss, but on my forehead this time. “Maybe not everything”
We were in love. Maybe they were right and that we were too young. His friends always judged him because of his decision on our relationship. My friends always reminded me how gullible I was for continuously forgiving him after many fights and deliberations. But he was my person, he was part of me, and he made me. 
“Hey babe, are we still on for movie night tonight?” I asked, looking behind me as I watched Timothee get ready for an interview he had to attend for New York Times. He was in the middle of rushing to put on his blazer and grabbing his keys.  
“Oh shit, my love I forgot, I’m so sorry I have a shoot toni-” 
“It’s okay Timmy” I cut him off with a smile, laughing as he struggled to put his boots on. 
He then came up behind me in a fit of laughter and began peppering kisses all over my collarbone. “You. are. the. best” He stated in between kisses, pulling away while wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. “I promise my love, I’ll try my best to come back as soon as possible, and if not you have my permission to murder me” 
“Go Chalamet,  before I actually do murder you” I chuckled, shaking my head as he ran to the front door. 
“I LOVE YOU Y/N Y/L/N” He yelled before slamming the door shut in a hurry. 
He’d never forget to tell me that he loved me everytime he left, even if it was to pick up the mail that was delivered in the lobby of our apartment building. He loved me and I loved him.
“Hey baby” Timmy greeted as he walked through the front door, giving me a chaste peck on the cheek. I sat on our couch watching the latest season of Criminal Minds, resting from the tasks I had accomplished today. 
“Hi darling” I greeted back. “When are you going to take a break my love, you’ve been working an awful lot” I inquired. 
“Well, it’s all in a hard day’s work baby” 
His response triggered an unnerving feeling inside me, but I pushed it off. 
“Okay darling”
He was an actor and he was famous. All eyes were on him, which put a lot of stress and anxiety on Timmy. I also knew he was a workaholic, but the difference was that he held passion in what he did, so I never questioned it. 
Timmy came through the front door, his hair was disheveled, his shirt was buttoned in the wrong places and he looked overall exhausted. This caused me to jump up from where I was sitting and traveled over to where he was. 
I placed a gentle hand on his cheek, shifting his face around to get a better look. “Geez Timmy, are you okay baby? What happened?” I asked, frantically checking his body for any injuries.
He simply brushed off my hand and replied, “I’m okay Y/N, relax a bit. I was doing my own stunts for a scene we were shooting” He explained, laughing as he glided in our bedroom. 
“Well...do you need anything darling?” I continued, still worried about his state of appearance. 
“No, I’m fine Y/N”
Fine. That’s a funny word.
“Hey baby, it’s me. Send me a text or call me when you come home” I sighed as I left him the sixth voicemail I’ve recorded. It was already 2am and he hasn’t come home yet. 
My mind began exploring irrational theories of what could’ve happened to Timmy from getting jumped in an alleyway near Grand Central Station to him being kidnapped by a crazed fan. 
All my thoughts were halted when my phone lit up, Timothee’s name appearing as a notification. 
“Shoot is late, home tomorrow. GN”
He never came back home. 
Well he did physically, but my Timmy didn’t come back home the next day. 
“Y/N can’t you understand I have a job to do. Hell I’m the reason you even have a place to stay in” He argued, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned away from me. 
“Baby, I’m not saying to stop wo-” 
“Stop, don’t call me that. Just stop” 
We can make it work, right? We were Y/N and Timothee. We loved each other, we were each others worlds...right?
“Baby, please, please don’t go please” I begged, following Timmy as he paced to the front door with packed suitcases in both of his hands. “Baby, why are you- please baby...” 
“Y/N I told you not to call me that” He said emotionlessly, huffing as he set his suitcases down to open the locks to the apartment door. 
“But, I don’t understand, why? Why are you leaving me?” Sobs racked my entire body as I struggled to let simple sentences leave my mouth. 
“Y/N please don’t be difficult, you knew this was bound to happen, especi-” 
“You cheated on me didn’t you?” I accused him
He stared at me with an incredulous look, appearing more offended that I suspected him of such a heinous crime. 
“What? No Y/N, you think I’d be one to cheat on you?” He retorted, staring at me in disbelief”
“Th-the long n-nights at work, an-and the excuses- I though-” 
“Y/N, I don’t love you anymore” 
Silence came after that, it was the hardest part to bear. Not when he confessed he didn’t love me anymore. Not the sleepless nights I spent alone without him by my side. But the silence that engulfed me in the aftermath. 
“I’m...I’m sorry Y/N, I just don’t love you anymore” 
He’s dating his co-star now. He’s won approximately one Golden Globe and have had two nominations for an Oscar award. His significant other had won one, but not him. 
Although, she’d won more than an Oscar. She’d won Timmy. She makes him laugh now, she draws the figure eights on his chest now, she’s his comfort now, while I sit here in a pool of regret. 
Time elapses and memories fade, but when they’re gone all you’re holding onto is the stone cold feeling of what was once there. 
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lauralikedthatmovie · 4 years
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I wish I could tell you something profound like I was on a mission trip, or something tragic like I was in a coma… but the fact of the matter is I lost my bliss. I just plain old slacked off so hard, y’all. I can’t even tell you how many movies I took notes on and just never wrote up… and maybe I’ll dig those scribbled sheets out finally! 
So here’s a post that is the equivalent of me dipping my toe back in the (blog) water! 
I think I speak for all of us when I say 2020 was disappointing in so many ways. Movies being a major casualty of the pandemic, especially frustrating since we were cooped up for 80% of the year. I can only think of 3 mainstream films I saw and I’m not exactly over here singing their praises to anyone. (THE WAY BACK, PALM SPRINGS, THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND - for the record.) This was definitely the year of the miniseries, for me… Perhaps I’ll revisit that another time :)
I compiled this list to recap what has stuck out to me since I dropped off the radar. I have seen these 8 films more than once; I have recommended them several times; and I didn’t even have to Google what year they came out because they left such an impression! Honorable mention to ON THE BASIS OF SEX, THE HATE U GIVE, and A SIMPLE FAVOR.   From indies, to docs, to major award winners… there’s a nice crop of content for you to comb...
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBINGS MISSOURI Fox Searchlight, 2017 My Take: Jaded mama bear in the backwoods of middle America channels her guilt & frustration following personal tragedy to shine a light on an antiquated, sexist, classist justice system. Perhaps the most darkly funny and timely film to win an Oscar? 
MOLLY’S GAME STX, 2017 My Take: Could not take my eyes off Jessica Chastain as ex-Olympian turned bi-coastal private high-stakes poker hostess-with-the-mostest. Layered performances from a remarkable supporting cast (including Idris Elba, Kevin Costner, and Michael Cera) create a freaking symphony in this underrated adapted bio.
TO THE BONE Netflix, 2017 My Take: I can only think of one other film that unflinchingly highlights the taboo world of eating disorders and the oft-fatal road to recovery this particular avenue of mental health takes - and with all due respect, the Lifetime network wasn’t nearly as effective with their offering. Lily Collins carries this special film on every delicate, exposed vertebrae in her capable back. 
INGRID GOES WEST Neon, 2017 My Take: Sardonic assessment of the fringe demo between Millennial and Gen Z. Screen culture, inflated self-importance, and the dangers of filtered life are embraced then set aflame by Audrey Plaza… who is SO MUCH MORE than the weirdly charming yet frightening April Ludgate on NBC’s “Parks & Rec.” 
... .. . The only movie I cared about for the entirety of 2018 was A STAR IS BORN but I’m sure you’ve had about enough of the Gaga/Cooper talk . .. ...
BOOKSMART Annapurna Pictures/United Artists, 2019 My Take: It’s SUPERBAD for the woke #metoo femmefluid set. It’s fun, it’s evocative, it’s simultaneously timely AND nostalgic, and oh boy, it’s packed with a cast of young Hollywood faces you know and names you’ll learn shortly, as they’re all shining so bright I didn’t know where to look for fear of missing the next nuanced moment.  SOMEONE GREAT Netflix, 2019 My Take: Giving yourself a day to cry, do some scene drugs, and relive the glory days with your friends - set to a near perfect soundtrack - as you transition between major phases of adulthood is reminder we all needed. Gina Rodriguez is a goddamn treasure… Someone greenlight a sequel before I tear up thinking about it any more.  THE PEANUTBUTTER FALCON Roadside Attractions, 2019 My Take: YES to buddy road trip movies (this is a reimagining of Huck Finn if ever there was one!). YES to inclusive casting. YES to loving something pure & simple. YES to movies set in the beautiful state of North Carolina. YES to Shia LeBeouf in a vehicle that makes him seem much more tenderly human than we now know him to be. 
ATHLETE A Netflix, 2020 My Take: I get a fresh wave of chillbumps across my whole body just thinking about this documentary. As a woman… no, you know what? This is about common decency not gender issues. As a human person with working brain cells, this film is startling for several reasons: The inexplicable willingness to sacrifice tender-aged girls in order to protect a brand; the overwhelming, pervasive silence amongst the otherwise tight community of elite athletes; the lack of urgency with which any consequences were doled out to the dozens of so-called professionals culpable among several branches of Team USA; and the absolutely unapologetic, fierce judge who created a safer space within the walls of her courtroom for 175 women to be heard than National Gymnastics could ever have hoped to fathom let alone facilitate.
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writlit19 · 4 years
Pitch Fanfiction: “The Pact”
I wrote this more like an epsiode. This is taken place after 2 months after Ginny’s Injury. After epsiode 1x10. 
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It was 6 am and Ginny was already up. It's hard to sleep given what today is. She hopped into a shower. She then threw on her bra, pair of leggings, a tank, and sweatshirt. She pulled her hair through her baseball cap and placed her headphones on. Baker left her hotel room for the stadium before most people got up. The clubhouse was quiet. It reminded her of when she first started at the Padres. 
Ginny began with a warmup and stretched when Mike came in with two coffees. 
“Please, hurt yourself before you even get back on the mound”, Mike teased. “Aww. Miss me already?”, Ginny teased back. She got up and went to grab a coffee when Mike slid it away. “What makes you think this for you? This for the doc, you need all the help you can”, he said. “Very funny. I really wouldn’t want to pitch if a mocha was the deciding factor”. All fun and games faded from Baker’s smile as when she remembered. Mike saw it, the fear.
 “What if I’m not better? What if I can’t pitch?”, Ginny panicked. She put her hands on her forehead trying to focus her reality. “Look at me, Baker”, Mike said. Ginny turned around and got ready for a speech. “I’ve seen injuries and the worst thing you can do is doubt yourself. You made it through surgery, you made it through recovery, you can make it through this, but only if you keep your eye on the ball”, Mike explained. “You and you’re freaking speeches”, Ginny said. They shared a laugh and then hugged. “Seriously when those old kneecaps give out you should take up motivational speaking. “I’m sorry who is getting a physical test today”, Mike said. They shook hands and began to prep. Today Baker was being tested to see if she’s physically fit to pitch in the next game, the wildcard game. 
The doctor came in along with Al and Oscar for the physical. There was running and weights and all the things the puts pitching together. Oscar ran out of nail to biteby the time they were ready to pitch. Mike set up at the backboard. He and Ginny looked eyes. She breathed according to his glare. It’s the same glare he gave her when Ginny had to go into surgery. The glare said, “Don’t worry”. 
Ever since Ginny’s injury, Mike has been there. Probably for the first time in his life he was there for someone fully. Mike and Rachel didn’t end well. After their one night stand, Rachel went back to her fiance. She told him that it was a flunk, and that she was searching for something familiar, not forever. Usually Mike would find himself in a bender of booze and attention, but nothing seemed to matter when his friend was hurt. 
Ginny stared down the line of the bullpen. She focused on the call sign. She started with a combo of fastballs. It was impressive enough when her fastball topped out in the high 80s, but with rehab and refined technique, Baker has reached the 90s. Fastballs weren’t the problem. When Mike called for her screwball, Ginny swallowed. She remembered the pain from her fingertips through her shoulder from that day. She remembered how Blip and Mike had to help her walk off the field because it was too painful. She remembered the one less inning that could have made history. Her chest started to tighten and her throat became sore. So she closed her eyes. Ginny held onto the ball. She felt in the stitches and the curves. She focused her two fingers and held on. As she opened her eyes heard clapping in the background. She saw her teammates cheering on, even the new rookies she hasn’t met. Ginny flared her nostrils and looked at Mike. She gave him a nod and went into a wind up……. One, two, three. She threw 5 strikes before the doctor called it. She had one more private physical before final word. Ginny bid her teammates goodbye for a bit. The doctor and Ginny went to the physical therapy room to finish up. 
“Okay everything is looking good. I’m just going to examine your shoulders and back. Just tell me if you feel any pain”, said the doctor. Ginny lied on her stomach as the doctor worked her muscles. “Seems you have a lot of support”, said the doctor. “Um yeah”, said Ginny. “It’s a key to recovery especially considering”. “Considering what?”, Ginny asked. “Most of my patients, even the athletes don’t have the recovery time you do. Not to mention a very starting date”, the doctor said. “I don’t feel any pain”, Ginny said to appease the doctor. “That’s good. Could you sit up? Lift your arms in front of your hands”. Ginny did that and the doctor scratched down some notes. “Any tingling in the fingertips?” “No. I feel good”. 
“I know you’re scared, but we want you to be better. Do you have support outside of work?”, she asked. “What do you mean?”, Ginny asked. “Here you have PT, managers, and teammates. But outside do you have family, friends?” That was a loaded question. Her mom and brother stood by her through the surgery. Evelyn and Blip practically adopted her and Mike…..well. She knows she has people, but sometimes when she goes home to her hotel, she can’t help but feel like a burden. 
“Yeah I have friends. I have support”, Ginny said. “Your pain response is good. Your arm looks good and you have a good support system”, the doctor began. Ginny’s face lit up as the doctor began to speak. “And because your scans showed repair. I’m clearing you to pitch with a required physical after your first game. You still had a rushed recovery time so we will revisit after the game”, said the doctor. Ginny was already a glowing star because she was pitching in the wild card game. She went to the clubhouse where they all were waiting. As she entered the room, everyone had their eyes on her. She was quiet for a second. “What are you all looking at? We have a game to win”. 
* * * 
Ginny was staying with Evelyn and the kids. Blip was hanging out with the guys after watching the kids all week. After Evelyn lost the restaurant, Blip and Evelyn decided that they needed to be each other in their marriage. Evelyn had started going back to school and Blip started being home. Actually Ginny helped watch the kids as they went to couples therapy. Even Mike helped out. 
“I’m just saying I know that your minors gutter years were bad, but I would trade it all for never seeing a reference page again”, Evelyn said. “But are you happy with going back? With no having another kid”, Ginny asked. “I am. It’s the most me I’ve felt in awhile. I don’t regret being there for Blip, but I regret not being there for me. Can't just keep living away your pride because there will be none left when you need it”. 
“Yeah I feel that sometimes”. Ginny played with her popcorn while Evelyn nestled with her wine. Evelyn looked at Ginny waiting for more explanation. “Before the injury, it just felt like I had to be Ginny Baker for everyone. For every little girl that wanted to play professional sports. I think being injured helps reset more than my arm. I feel like I can breath”, Ginny explained. “Speaking of resetting. Have you spoken to Amelia?” Ginny rolled her eyes at Evelyn’s prying. “You don’t even like her!”, Ginny said. “Hey, she kept from getting into a con deal. Does it have boundary issues? Yes. Was she good at her job? Notice how the press didn’t watch you during surgery. Amelia scared them off from across the country, I’m just saying”, Evelyn explained. “I didn’t know that”. Amelia left San Diego after her and Ginny fought. She returned back east to New York. She hasn’t taken any clients since, not that she hasn’t had beggars.  
“Maybe it’s time to bury the hatchet”. Ginny did owe a lot to Amelia and things have changed. “I’ll think about it”, Ginny said. The doorbell rang. “Pizza!” Ginny got up and went to the door to pay for the pizza. She opened the door and there was a camera flash coming at her face. A photographer tried getting inside. Ginny closed the door and locked it. “Okay I’ll call her later”, said Ginny.  
* * * 
Today is the day. Today the Padres have the chance to make history by making it into the World Series. Everyone was in the clubhouse by sunrise. Oscar probably never left the stadium. Not only being in a wildcard game, but it also being at home puts the pressure on. Ginny was pitching in the bullpen when Duartve came in to catch. “Welcome back, mami”, he said while gearing up. “Good to be back”, Ginny said. “Let’s see what you can do”. Duarte setup for the pitch. Ginny went into the windup and let out the pitch. “Wow. Looks like someone found a fastball”, he said. “Really?” “No. But it’s better”. Ginny sarcastically laughed the very back hand compliment as she finished her warmup. “Are you catching today?”, Ginny asked. “Relax. Wouldn’t want to break but the Bawson dream team”. “Bawson? Did you come with that all by yourself?” Ginny asked. “It’s what all the blogs are calling your guys”. “Oh, great”. Ginny and Duarte go back to the clubhouse. Ginny went and checked her phone in her dressing room. Amelia had texted her back: 
I’ll be in town tomorrow for business. We can grab lunch.
Ginny put her phone away and focused on what’s at hand. She pulled off her hat and her hair tie. She used her finger to combs through her sweaty curls. She twisted her hair into a ponytail and put it through her hand. Ginny left her dressing room and entered into hyping in the clubhouse. She greeted Blip who was chugging gatorade number five. “Be careful you’re exploding out there”, Ginny said. Blip squirt the bottle towards her as Mike joined the conversation. “Ok so where is the speech?”, said Ginny. “Believe it or not I don’t always have something to say. I’m new to this as you are a rookie”, Mike snapped. “Man, chill”, said Blip patting her friend on the back. Mike was more than worried. This probably his last chance to make it into the world series. He felt as if his entire career was flashing before his eyes. Mike got up and knocked the hair behind him. He stormed out of the clubhouse holding the attention of the room. “What’s up with him?”, Blip asked Ginny. “Nerves?”, Ginny suggested. “Uh Ginny. Sorry to break it to you, but you're the nerves wreck of the Padres. That’s something more”, Blip said. Ginny rolled her eyes and such as a comment, but accepted the truth behind it. Ginny went after Mike because his behavior was definitely not normal. She found him in a PT room with his head resting on a wall. “Mike, are you okay?”, Ginny asked in a concerned voice. Mike turned from the wall and faced Ginny. “Just needed a minute”. Mike whipped her face and put his hate back on. “Come on. Something’s bothering you”. Mike exhaled while avoiding eye contact. “It’s nothing,'' Mike said, avoiding himself. “If it’s nothing then tell me”, Ginny said. She didn't let Mike leave with whatever was going on. “This is it for me”, Mike said. Ginny looked at him, listening. “This probably my last chance to get a ring for the Padres. What if I have nothing to show for it? I mean I’ve already failed once”, Mike said. Ginny had this familiar feeling on the day of her first start. “That pit in your stomach where it feels all your hard work and potential seem to drain into, that’s everything else. That’s everyone else telling what this is to you when you need to be doing for yourself too. A great man told me that. Same one who’s led the Padres the closest it’s been to the World Series in a decade”, Ginny said. Mike smiled at Ginny’s speech. “Trying to make me feel old, rookie”, Mike joked. “Shut up and get moving. We have a game to win”. They hugged and went off to the game 
* * * 
The Padres and Memphis Redbird were tied in the 11th inning. Ginny was starting her 3 innings with no hits on her. SHoulder feeling good, but her stomach turned as the hitter came up to the plate. She had thrown multiple screwballs. She didn’t know what to do next. If buffing was the way to go or not, but she knew this was it. Mike called timeout and walked up to the mound. Al joined him. “You need to throw the fastball”, Mike said. “What?”, both Ginny and Al said. “This hitter will throw your screwgie, but you’ve haven’t used a fastball yet”. Ginny held her mit up to hide the extreme worry on her face. “You have to trust me”, Mike pleaded. Al nodded in agreement. Ginny, though hesitant, nodded to. She took the ball as Mike went back to setup. Ginny took in air as she went into a windup. She gripped the ball while looking at Mike. With every feeling in her arm, she threw the ball…… 
She didn’t hear anything. She couldn’t understand beyond the loud roar of the packed stadium. The moment when her team surrounded her, she knew. It was a 95, btw. 
* * * 
Celebration was an understatement. It started with an entire club being rented out, a certain musical guest, and a stolen disco ball. Most of the night is probably a flip book on social media and the morning news. At some point, it was utterly stupid to stay out. Mike and Ginny had tossed Blip into a cab and notified Evelyn of the incoming comatose package. “Are you gonna grab a cab?”, Mike asked. “I’m just gonna walk. The hotel is not far”, Ginny said. “You really need to get an apartment”, Mike said. “I like living near the stadium plus you never know when you’ll get traded”, Ginny said in her slightly tipsed state. “I think you’re safe for now. Come on, I’ll walk you home”. 
The walk home definitely seemed a lot more fun when tipsy and winner. Ginny invited Mike up for a drink after they got to the hotel. They got to Ginny’s room. She dropped her jacket on the chair and went to grab drinks. “Water”, Mike said. “Got it”. Mike has been at Ginny’s place before, but something felt different. Maybe because they were alone, maybe because it was reaching the early morning hours, or maybe it was the way he noticed her fall onto her shoulder when she took out her hair tie. She handed him a bottle of water. “That call you made about the fastball, genius. I sure as hell didn’t think it would work, but you did”, Ginny said. Her drunkenness was definitely a factor in her sharing and the beer in her hand wasn’t helping. “It’s my job”, he said without any ego attached. “Hey I want to ask you a question. Before the game you said, you already failed once. What did you mean?”, Ginny asked. “It’s nothing really”, Mike deflected again. “Then tell me”. He took a large sip of his water as if it was liquid courage. He wouldn’t look at Ginny. He couldn’t look at her and lied. She took a sit on the couch next to him making it harder for him to deflect. Then he looked at her. “Your arm. That game. Before your injury, Al and Oscar asked if I should shut you down and I said know. Somehow Blip knew. He knew you’d push yourself too far, but I encouraged it”, Mike admitted. Ginny put the bottle down on the table, probably showing she was serious. “There was nothing you could do”, Ginny said. “But I”- “There was nothing you did”, Ginny interrupted. She looked Mike in the eyes to emphasize her point. “Look, I may be a rookie, but I’m not a kid. Even if you needed to shut me down I would have found a way to pitch. It was my choice, not your fault”, Ginny explained. There was something different about being there. Ginny leaned towards Mike and they kissed. Starting with a peck, it got deeper. Mike held onto Ginny’s waist as she pushed his jacket off. They fell back onto the couch. At first they laughed and continued making out. A second passed when something felt different to Mike. He slowly pulled away from Ginny. She seemed concerned and then uncomfortable. “Sorry”, he said sitting up. “Um. It’s fine I get it”, Ginny said scurrying to get up. She felt her embarrassment flush in her stomach with disgust for both herself and Mike, but mostly what just happened. “Ginny, wait”. 
“There’s nothing to wait for”, Ginny said standing up from the couch. “Would just listen to me for a second?”, Mike snapped. Ginny stood still and looked at him. “I don’t know what that was, but I know that wasn’t insignificant”, Mike began. Ginny crossed her arms while feeling a little naked from what nearly happened. “That didn’t feel casual and right now, that can’t happen”, Mike said with fear in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”, GInny said. “You’ve always been bigger than the game and right now, we are bigger than just us. I’ve been working for the chance at the World Series for forever and so have the Padres. I don’t want to ruin those chances or our relationship”, Mike explained. Ginny understood where he was coming from. Their pairing in public or private would present challenges, but the familiar of a guy trying to protect her didn’t sit well. “I get that and I want to win. It’s literally what my life has been, but living for someone or something else without thinking of yourself isn’t a way to live”, Ginny said. “Okay, you really need to stop with”.
“I thought you loved hearing your words”, Ginny teased. Mike laughed. Ginny sat down on the table across from Mike. “How about this? We got out, we won, and if we find ourselves in this position again. We let go?”, Ginny said. Mike looked at Ginny and nodded. He knew something was different and he knew as he hugged Ginny goodbye. It was different because it meant something, but felt different from when he met his ex-wife. They let go of each other and stood up. “I should go”. Mike grabbed his jacket and Ginny walked him towards the door. For a second they held hands, but let go as Mike opened the door. As he opened the door, Amelia stood in the hallway.
Tell me if you guys want me to continue this storyline. Let me know what you think about int comments. 
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson says J.K Rowling's quote about Hermione ending up with Harry was taken out of context and it was a joke
Posted March 6, 2014
From mtv.com/news may 2014, "Watson also seemed somewhat pessimistic about the longevity of the popular pairing, sharing at the time, "I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy." But Watson's tune may have changed just a bit, as the starlet took to the red carpet at tonight's Oscars (her first time attending the big show, if you can believe it) and told MTV's own Josh Horowitz, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context." Emma change her tune? Noooooo way she would never do that!! =)~ MTV left out the part where she said it was just a joke From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com March 2014, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context, and if you read the whole interview it was completely not how it was framed but it was actually kind of a joke." You know the funny part is? This is the Wonderland Magazine that Emma herself guest edited and Emma herself conducted the interview with J.K. Rowling. How could it be possibly taken out of context or even be considered a joke? There is nothing in the writing that suggests it's a joke. Maybe if the interview was conducted by video you could see their facial expressions that would tip you off that they were joking. This is typical Emma changing her tune but only because the HP fandom lost their shit over fictional characters. JK and Emma are back tracking now. I don't really care because to me it's a book made into a movie but this is Emma deceiving others as usual.
Actually I read the entire interview and what is being taken out of context and where is the punch line? Here is the part of the interview with JK about Hermione ending up with harry instead of Ron. From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com Feb 2014 Emma: I thought we should discuss Hermione... I'm sure you've heard this a million times but now that you have written the books, do you have a new perspective on how you relate to Hermione and the relationship you have with her or had with her? JK: I know that Hermione is incredibly recognizable to a lot of readers and yet you don't see a lot of Hermione's in film or on TV except to be laughed at. I mean that the intense, clever, in some ways not terribly self-aware, girl is rarely the heroine and I really wanted her to be the heroine. She is part of me, although she is not wholly me. I think that is how I might have appeared to people when I was younger, but that is not really how I was inside. What I will say is that I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione with Ron. Emma: Ah. JK: I know, I'm sorry, I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not. Emma: I don't know. I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy. JK: Yes exactly. Emma: And vice versa. JK: It was a young relationship. I think the attraction itself is plausible but the combative side of it... I'm not sure you could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was too much fundamental incompatibility. I can't believe we are saying all of this – this is Potter heresy! Emma: I know, it is heresy. JK: In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit and I'll tell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quite strongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn't told [Steve] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the same thing at exactly the same point. Emma: That is just so interesting because when I was doing the scene I said to David [Heyman]: "This isn't in the book, she didn't write this". I'm not sure I am comfortable insinuating something however subtle it is! JK: Yes, but David and Steve – they felt what I felt when writing it. Emma: That is so strange. JK: And actually I liked that scene in the film, because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it and I thought that it was right. I think you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene. Emma: It's a really haunting scene. It's funny because it really divided people. Some people loved that scene and some people really didn't. JK: Yes, some people utterly hated it. But that is true of so many really good scenes in books and films; they evoke that strong positive/negative feeling. I was fine with it, I liked it. Emma: I remember really loving shooting those scenes that don't have any dialogue, where you are just kind of trying to express a moment in time and a feeling without saying anything. It was just Dan and I spontaneously sort of trying to convey an idea and it was really fun. JK: And you got it perfectly, you got perfectly the sort of mixture of awkwardness and genuine emotion, because it teeters on the edge of "what are we doing? Oh come on let's do it anyway", which I thought was just right for that time. Emma: I think it was just the sense that in the moment they needed to be together and be kids and raise each other's morale. JK: That is just it, you are so right. All this says something very powerful about the character of Hermione as well. Hermione was the one that
stuck with Harry all the way through that last installment, that very last part of the adventure. It wasn't Ron, which also says something very powerful about Ron. He was injured in a way, in his self-esteem, from the start of the series. He always knew he came second to fourth best, and then had to make friends with the hero of it all and that's a hell of a position to be in, eternally overshadowed. So Ron had to act out in that way at some point. But Hermione's always there for Harry. I remember you sent me a note after you read Hallows and before you started shooting, and said something about that, because it was Hermione's journey as much as Harry's at the end. Emma: I completely agree and the fact that they were true equals and the fact that she really said goodbye to her family makes it her sacrifice too. JK: Yes, her sacrifice was massive, completely. A very calculated act of bravery. That is not an 'in the moment' act of bravery where emotion carries you through, that is a deliberate choice. Emma: Exactly. I love Hermione. JK: I love her too. Oh, maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical. Emma: I think it makes sense to me that Ron would make friends with the most famous wizard in the school because I think life presents to you over and over again your biggest and most painful fear – until you conquer it. It just keeps coming up. JK: That is so true, it has happened in my own life. The issue keeps coming up because you are drawn to it and you are putting yourself in front of it all the time. At a certain point you have to choose what to do about it and sometimes conquering it is choosing to say: I don't want that anymore, I'm going to stop walking up to you because there is nothing there for me. But yes, you're so right, that's very insightful! Ron's used to playing second fiddle. I think that's a comfortable role for him, but at a certain point he has to be his own man, doesn't he? Emma: Yes and until he does it is unresolved. It is unfinished business. So maybe life presented this to him enough times until he had to make a choice and become the man that Hermione needs. JK: Just like her creator, she has a real weakness for a funny man. These uptight girls, they do like them funny. Emma: They do like them funny, they need them funny. JK: It's such a relief from being so intense yourself – you need someone who takes life, or appears to take life, a little more light heartedly.
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^This post made Ron cry, lol I really don't care who ended up with who because it's a movie. I lost no sleep over it or thought about it much until I read the quote of Emma changing her tune as MTV pointed out. I will say this. In the Half Blood Prince when Ron was in the Hospital after mistakenly consuming a love potion meant for Harry there was an exchange between Hermione and Lavender Brown where Hermione said, "I've always found him interesting" meaning Ron. There was also that scene in DH2 where Hermione said she couldn't destroy the horocrux and it took Ron to coach her up to do it. There was that scene after that where they were looking for Harry using the marauders map and Ron remembered what Hermione told him about the room of requirement not being on the map and she was surprised he remembered. Then there was the Order of the Phoenix when Ron tricked Malfoy and the rest of them (with a spell of which I forget) and they got away while Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forrest. When Hermione came back she was impressed by him. I think Ron and Hermione would be just fine if they were real. They actually compliment each other by being total opposites. I'm sure true Potter fans have better examples for Ron and Hermione. Btw Emma was about Ron and Hermione for years and years. I'd post the quotes but I think true Potter fans know this to be true so there would be no argument there. It's something me and Emma fans probably agree on. I think hell just froze over. As for what Emma said about Ron making Hermione happy and stuff. In my opinion she's purely speaking from her own taste in men since she goes for the Viktor Krum's (Matt Janney/Tom Ducker) and Cormac McLaggen's (Will Adamowicz/Jay Barrymore). Emma is more of  mix of Sam (Perks) and Nicki (TBR) than she was ever Hermione. Emma would never date a Ron Weasley in real life. It's beneath her and there would be a reality gap between them since Emma lives in her own head and is out of touch with normal people. So really that statement is a full on Emmione moment where she's doing her thinking for a fictional character that is totally different from "the real Emma Watson". I've said this numerous times. If Hermione were real she would not think too kindly of Emma. Shy and introverted post is coming one of these days. I keep on saying that but it is. I put this post together in 15 minutes. I've been working on the other one for two weeks on and off by procrastinating with it mostly. It's not that complicated I'm just being lazy getting all the photos and quotes together I need. And while were on this shipping business
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She supposedly interviewed JGL in Wonderland Magazine but it was not formatted like her other Interviews where she talked just as much as the person she was interviewing so this leads to believe she actually didn’t interview JGL. It was a straight Q&A without it reading like a conversation between two people in the same room like the others. And JGL has done Wonderland a few times in the past so I don’t think this was Emma’s request. Then they presented together at the Oscars. Coincidence or more Hollywood smoke and mirrors? Fans are shipping (weirdo movement) these two and it was all for show. Ok I’m going to join this weirdo movement of shipping! JGL and Dan forever!!
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Life & Style, January 18
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Uber Drivers Tell All 
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Page 1: Photo Flash -- John Legend celebrated his birthday aboard a private yacht in St. Barts where he slid down the craft’s waterslide 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: The Top 10 Champagne Looks -- Joey King, Saoirse Ronan, Eiza Gonzalez, Gillian Anderson, Leona Lewis 
Page 5: Heidi Klum, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson 
Page 6: Kelly Clarkson’s daytime talk show tied with Ellen DeGeneres’ long-running series in the year-end TV ratings battle -- The Ellen DeGeneres Show lost advertisers and A-listers and audiences after former staffers came forward with stories of a toxic workplace while The Kelly Clarkson Show which was recently renewed through 2023 has become a household staple in its sophomore season and gaining viewers in daytime’s key demographic of women and ending 2020 on a season high -- Ellen is putting on a good front but deep down she feels threatened by Kelly’s success and she’s done everything she can to prove that she’s changed but she still can’t win back her fans plus Ellen is convinced that Kelly is trying to steal her famous friends even going so far as to demand that if a celebrity agrees to appear on Ellen then they can’t go on Kelly; it’s one or the other from here on out 
Page 7: Rihanna and A$AP Rocky celebrated their first Christmas together in her native Barbados where the couple went on a sunset cruise around the Caribbean isle with her loved ones -- Christmas is a really important time for Rihanna and it’s not often that she gets to see her family and friends all at once and she wanted A$AP to be a part of it -- he was a bit nervous meeting everyone but he was worrying over nothing because they all adore him -- she’s really close with her family so it was important for him to get to know them before things begin to get serious
* Throwback -- Billie Eilish 
* Biggest Spenders of the Week -- French Montana, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, Gal Gadot, Katie Holmes 
Page 8: Critics slammed Demi Moore’s new movie Songbird calling it a Michael Bay-produced travesty that exploits the coronavirus epidemic for thrills -- the film takes place in the not-so-distant future during a COVID-23 outbreak with Demi playing a wealthy woman who sells immunity bands on the black market for a hefty price -- Demi jumped at the chance to star in the movie; with its topical storyline she expected it to be a box-office hit and she’s disappointed that it’s flopped and is shocked at the backlash and she certainly never intended to hurt anyone’s feelings 
* Hilaria Baldwin proudly showed off her post-baby body posting a photo of herself holding 3-month-old son Eduardo while wearing nothing but her bra and underwear but instead of being praised for her postpartum pic she was inundated with cruel comments after Amy Schumer reported the snap seemingly roasting Hilaria for setting unrealistic standards for new moms -- while the comedian soon apologized and deleted the image it wasn’t long before she replaced it with several other shots and making fun of the controversy -- there’s a fine line between being funny and being cruel and Amy overstepped the mark in Hilaria’s eyes
Page 10: The Week in Photos -- Kacey Musgraves visits Oscar the Grouch and Sesame Street 
Page 11: Gwen Stefani on The Kelly Clarkson Show 
Page 12: Animal Instinct -- Oliver Hudson plants a smooch on a goat, Mayim Bialik with her new co-star Monty the cat from her show Call Me Kat, Padma Lakshmi cuddling on the couch with her dog Ms. Divina 
Page 13: Jerry O’Connell got a slobbery kiss from his dog Phil in L.A. 
Page 16: Stars Behaving Badly -- Selma Blair topless in a impromptu shoot off the highway in Palm Springs, Sean Lennon pretended to attack a replica of the Empire State Building during a lighting ceremony in NYC, Jameela Jamil and Jason Mantzoukas let their middle fingers fly 
Page 18: Say What?! Miley Cyrus on being single during the pandemic, Dolly Parton on her fashion and beauty credo, Kristin Chenoweth on starring in Holidate with 5-foot-2 Emma Roberts, Keke Palmer joking about her skin issues, Jason Momoa who’s been wed to Lisa Bonet since 2017 
Page 20: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez planned to tie the knot in Italy but after being forced to postpone their nuptials twice since the pandemic struck Alex has gotten a case of cold feet -- the pressure of a huge wedding was very overwhelming and in the end Alex decided it wasn’t necessary anymore -- J.Lo also hinted as much saying they’ve talked about canceling the destination wedding altogether because at their ages and they’ve both been married before should they get married or not -- the very next day Jennifer was pictured without her engagement ring sparking speculation that the couple had already reached a decision that they would no longer be walking down the aisle and Jennifer’s heartbroken because she wanted a big splashy wedding since this was going to be her fourth and final trip to the altar
Page 21: Courteney Cox was recently reunited with boyfriend Johnny McDaid after spending nine months apart due to the COVID-19 crisis but the long-awaited meetup in Ireland was far from romantic -- this was a make-or-break trip to either figure things out or go their separate ways and shortly after arriving Courteney laid all her cards on the table and she made it clear to Johnny that in order to move forward things had to change -- with her living in LA and Johnny based in Ireland the time difference is a real problem and FaceTime calls are few and far between and texts go unreturned for hours or sometimes not at all and it’s a daily struggle and Courteney’s at the end of her rope 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Uber drivers tell all -- the scoop on celebrities’ best and worst moments as rideshare passengers -- Brooke Shields’ boozy cruise, Tom Selleck requires a quiet car 
Page 23: Justin Bieber threw a party on wheels, blind items
Page 24: George Clooney uses a pseudonym, Kylie Jenner was 2 hours late for her ride
Page 25: Cash-carrying Prince Harry is a huge tipper, Tom Cruise is not a cool customer, Jennifer Lawrence makes the back seat her bed 
Page 26: Lori Loughlin breaks her silence -- after completing a two-month prison sentence for her role in the infamous college admissions cheating scandal Lori emerges to find her life and family in pieces -- Lori wants to move forward as a family in a positive direction but her daughters have so many walls up now
Page 28: The Bachelorette’s Clare Crawley and Tayshia Adams: Two dream weddings -- with a wild ride of a season behind them leading ladies Clare and Tayshia are happily planning their respective nuptials 
Page 30: The truth about Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson’s engagement -- Khloe’s new ring from Tristan sparks wedding speculation -- Tristan swears he’ll never ever stray again and Khloe is desperate to make their relationship work because she loves the little family they’ve created 
Page 32: Who Lives Here? Kathy Griffin 
Page 36: Fashion -- shop these haute hues -- Pantone’s 2021 Colors of the Year are Ultimate Grey and Illuminating Yellow, making them musts for every fashionista’s wardrobe 
Page 40: Diva or Down-to-Earth? John Legend grabs groceries -- down-to-earth, Heather Locklear pumps her own gas -- down-to-earth
Page 41: Gal Gadot assembles a glam squad -- diva, Zac Efron cuts his friend’s hair -- down-to-earth 
Page 42: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Angela Kinsey and her dogs, Kim Kardashian and longtime pal La La Anthony, Laura Prepon building a snowman, Kevin Jonas and wife Danielle 
Page 44: Horoscope -- Capricorn Zooey Deschanel turned 41 on January 17
* They’re Not Together, But They Should Be -- Aries Jennifer Garner and Aquarius Justin Hartley 
Page 46: Made Ya Look! Emily Blunt strikes a stylish pose 
Page 48: What I’m Into -- Jonathan Van Ness  
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tyravenholme · 4 years
Chapter 1: Unfortunate Timing
Author’s Note: Okay, so this is the first time I’ve done anything like this so please understand if things seem a little rough it’s because I’m trying something out that I’ve always wanted to, but just never had the confidence to really dive head first into writing fan fiction.
Some important notes to take into consideration about this piece, it follows entirely original characters set within the universe of My Hero Academia. I may allude to or mention characters like little Easter eggs from time to time, but they won’t be the focus of these stories. I also won’t be doing any NSFW type stuff because that really isn’t the type of stuff I write so don’t expect anything like that from me right now.
With that, I hope you enjoy this first chapter into what I hope will be a long fun story.
Chapter 1: Unfortunate Timing
For me, time moved how I wanted it to.
When everyone else was standing around and staring at the fight that was happening in front of them, I was watching the fuel of the piled up cars left behind by the villain pour out onto the ground. The villain had everyone’s attention, the heroes, the public, even me, but since I had more time to see what was happening, I could see that fuel.
And the fire that grew larger nearby.
“Take this!” The villain said and waved one heavy arm towards one of the heroes. Their hands dug deep into the concrete beneath them and hurled a handful of rocks in their direction. That hero was able to take the hits like they were nothing, and another with speed rushed to deflect the pieces with a sword that would have hit civilians.
“You people, move along, quickly now, so you don’t get hurt.” The sword bearing hero said.
The pool of fuel continued to grow. The fire inched ever closer to it. None of the heroes had noticed it.
Don’t get involved, I thought. Don’t do anything you shouldn’t. It’s not your business. Leave it to the professionals. They know what they’re doing.
Sometimes though, there are moments where you just can’t stand idly by. When I saw that child's face rise up in the back of the wrecked car, eyes tearing up, face covered in scratches, I just couldn’t stand it any more.
I let my quirk do its thing and cranked up the temporal factor to it’s absolute limit. Everyone around me was still moving, it just didn’t look like it to me at that point. I moved like I normally did, walked at a steady pace through the crowd and the chaos and made sure not to touch anyone as I did as I knew all too well what would happen if I bumped into anyone or anything when I moved at those speeds.
Improving my reflexes and perception time was not the only thing I could do. I wouldn’t have gotten closer to the cars had it been my only trick. I stood by the other car, the empty one, and hovered my hands over the hood where several sparks were in mid flight, almost like they were fireflies hovering in the air. I let my body return to the normal flow of time and slammed my hands down on the hood of the car, reversing the factor and imparting it onto it and everything connected to it.
That included the fuel at my feet that had just been ignited by the nearby fire.
“What the!” A hero appeared in front of me, standing at the other side of the car, surprised by my presence. “Where did you come from?” He rushed forward and was about to leap over the car.
“Stop! Don’t touch this car, you’ll get hurt.” I shouted. And they listened to my words, which was a surprise to me, “The fuel leaking from this car has just been ignited. I’m using my quirk to slow it down. Get everyone in the nearby vicinity to safety. The people in the other car also need to be evacuated. I can’t maintain my quirk in this fashion for very long, so please, hurry.”
I could already feel it, the strain of pushing my quirk to a factor this high. I needed to maintain concentration, long enough for the heroes not in the fight with the villain to do their job. Long enough until everyone was safe.
It was strange, and a little funny I guess, when I thought about it. I so desperately wanted that moment to pass me by so quickly, yet every second felt as slow as it did when I used my quirk on myself, but I wasn’t using it on myself, I was totally focused on the car and the fuel in front of me.
The heroes got the kid and her mother from the other car to safety. The people nearby were also moved along, though they weren’t being cooperative as many wanted to see the fight that was still ongoing behind me.
Ignoring the fight was easy when there were intense flames moving slowly towards where you stood. I realized I hadn’t thought of a way to escape once everyone was safe and I could let the explosion that was going to happen happen. The instant I removed my hand, that fire was rush towards me and the car and its fuel tank. Would I be able to switch the temporal factor fast enough, would I even be able to react fast enough.
I didn’t know, I had never tried, never had a reason to, I always took things at my own pace, this was the first time I was being pushed to take things at something else’s pace.
The same hero I first to before rushed up to me, avoiding contact with the car I was still holding onto
just I said he should. I could feel beads of cold sweat run down the side of my face. My body was shaking, the strain in my head had spread to every part of me and turn into a dull pain, a constant throb like it was being slow crushed under an intense weight.
“Are you all right?” The hero asked.
“No.” I could barely speak. I looked up to him, “I need your help.” I stammered every other word, but did my best to get them out quickly and consistently, all while maintain focus. “When I remove my hands, I don’t think I’ll be able to react quickly enough to avoid the explosion. In fact, I’m pretty confident I’ll just pass out once I do release my quirk.”
The hero nodded his head and his eyes darted around and took in the scene around us, “I’ll find someone with a speed based quirk, get you out of here when you let go of the car. Can you hold on until I do?” There was a look of concern and fear in their eyes, the eyes of a true hero.
I used what strength I had to nod my head and just the once.
The temperature was starting to rise within me, but whether that was due to me reaching some kind of limit or because of the fire at my feet, I wasn’t sure.
At some point, the fight had ended, the villain had been knocked unconscious and the heroes involved in stopping them had been informed of the new situation. One of them came to me while the others made sure nobody was within the blast radius.
“I understand you’re preventing this car from exploding.” The deep booming voice came from behind, and then stepping into my view, it was the big guy, the one who had held off against the villain the longest. “I may not be incredibly fast, but I can certainly take an explosion like it’s nothing.” He stood off to the side in such a way where it would only take him one step for him to get between me and the car. It seemed like he was ready to tackle me, line a line-backer ready to charge and shove me out of the way.
“Just tell me when you’re ready and I’ll take care of everything.” He said.
I nodded again and decided a simple countdown would be enough.
“3.” My head was getting faint.
“2.” My eyes started to get weak.
“1.” My words were slurred.
The strain in my head disappeared when I let go. The pain vanished and my whole felt like I had slipped into a nice cool bath. I could feel a hand on my chest push me and then something so loud my ears popped.
Then there was darkness, a deep black that stayed with me for a very long time. I was asleep, unconscious, my worst time of the day as it was always the slowest. Most people skip through their time of sleep, but not for me, I was aware for most of it.
It felt like hours had passed before I was able to open my eyes. That was far more than I was used to
The smell of the hospital was unmistakable. Everything had that clean bleached scent to it, almost like a swimming pool, but not nearly as intense.
“They said you’d wake up in a bit.” A voice said from one corner of the room I was in, and then the face of a suit popped into my field of view. They were about as generic as a government official could possibly get, combed brown hair, grey suit, forgettable face, the only interesting thing about them was their bright pink tie.
“What happened?” I said.
“You don’t remember?”
“I remember, just not what happened after when I fell unconscious.” I said sitting up with what little strength I had. I wondered just how long I was out this time as it had been a very, very long time since I had push my quirk to those limits.
The man with the pink tie smirked, “I guess that makes sense, but I had to ask anyway, just in case. My name is Rose, last name, not first. And you are unfortunately in some serious trouble, Oscar Smith.”
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Rumors about Gwilym's love life are all over Internet but he always refused to disclose anything. However, after a year of a good and healthy relationship, he decides it's time for the world to know Y/n.
Request: All right doll, Could you write some Blake Shelton or/& Gwilym Lee fanfic for me, it would be awesome!! Love you and your work both of you are amazing 😉😻🌚💦
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @marvelieber-rdjr01
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: a tiny bit of swearing, ofc!Evangeline
A/N: Idk why it's taking me so much time to write, I apologize. It never happened before, I guess I've been a while without writing. If you sent me a request, don't worry, I'll post it as soon as possible. About this request, it was really special, so I put extra effort on it. I hope you enjoy <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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"Darlin'!" my friend called the barman attention by hitting the surface of the barcounter. "my friend wants a martini and..." she gave me a knowing smirk before leaning over the counter. "I want your number."
"what the hell Eva?" I hissed, not able to hold back a chuckle. She shrugged, mouthing a confused 'what now', and I turned to the barman. "she'll have wine. Just wine" I remarked.
The boy on the other side of the barcounter nodded whilst chuckling and served us what we had ordered.
"I mean, I didn't think it'd work but okay"
"yeah, sure" I teased her, nursing my cup. "anyways- what are you doing now?" I asked while she turned her stool to face the people behind us, sitting in the booths. "Eva?"
She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before actually speaking. "So there's that cute blond boy-" she was cut off by my snort, which made her nudge me. "no, listen. There's that cute blond boy and there's that handsome man staring at you shamelessly."
"wait what?" I hesitantly spun my own stool, following my friend's line of sight until my eyes met with a pair of blue ones which belonged to a tall, slim man staring at me. "shit" I muttered, rapidly coming back to my initial position. "he's hot"
"He's your type." my friend stated whilst sipping her wine. "aw now he's all bashful" she updated me, letting out a laugh. "he's no longer looking, I think he saw you staring"
"bitch" I called her, refraining the temptation of looking at the man once again. "he saw you staring"
"go talk with him" she whispered, resting her back and elbows against the edge of the counter. "he seems shy all from sudden."
"I'm-" this time, I did turn around to check on him once again, and damn, he was attractive as hell. "-not gonna do that."
"Y/n are you kidding me right now?" Eva asked rhetorically. "it's not the moment to be shy." she waited a few seconds for me to move, but when I didn't, she took the matter in her own hands.
"Eva-" I tried to stop her but she was soon walking towards the two men across the pub. "fuck"
I followed her form until she reached them, and then my eyes came back once again to the tall man, making me miss completely the way Eva pointed at me.
It was only when the mysterious man started to make his way towards me, that I realized what had just happened.
Before I had time to kill my friend, who now seemed to be very interested in whatever the blond boy was saying, the man was standing in front of me. "hey there, I'm Gwilym"
"Uh hi. Y/n" I replied, giving him an involuntary smile.
"Your... friend, I suppose?" he questioned, trying to hide his nervousness. "suggested me to buy you a drink instead of..."
"...of staring at me?" I guessed, raising my eyebrows at him, the ghost of a smirk forming on my lips when he nodded sheepishly.
"But, since you already have a drink" he shoved his hands in his pockets, taking a peek at the improvised dance floor in the middle of the pub. "do you want to dance?"
"I mean-" I opened and closed my mouth, meditating my answer. "I'm terrible at dancing."
"me too" he shrugged with a sweet smile dancing on his lips. "but it'll be funny, and if you get bored, I can walk you home" he added, extending his hand to me.
"such a gentleman" I stated, taking his hand, at first just to climb off the stool. However, he intertwined our fingers and leaded me to the middle dance floor, just in time to dance a slow song. "after all, I might not step on your feet."
"lucky me" he replied with a hint of humor in his voice, right before resting one of his hands on my waist while the other held one of my own.
We stayed like that for a long while, lightly swinging at the peaceful rhythm of the melody playing on the pub, lost in each other's eyes.
One Year Later
I was sat in my couch, wrapped in blankets and watching The Diary of Bridget Jones, when I heard my main door opening. "I'm in the living room!" I yelled, guessing it was Evangeline.
"Y/n, love!" my eyes opened widely at the sound of Gwilym's voice. "I'm home!"
"wha- how-" I attempted to move from the couch but it turned out to be almost impossible due to the amount of fabric wrapped around me. "I thought you were on press tour still"
"I am" he replied, walking towards me to kneel before the couch where I was. "but I missed you" I beamed at him, and a second later, he had leaned in to place a tender kiss on my lips "and I wanted to give you a surprise"
"awe" my hands left their cozy haven, recently found in the blankets, to hold both of his cheeks and bring him into another kiss, even though if this time we couldn't stop smiling. "I want more surprises like this one"
He then pulled away from me, holding both of my hands with his. "in that case" a mischievous grin made its way to his lips. "I might have another one" I raised my eyebrows, prompting him to tell me what he was up to. "we- the boys and I- were offered the possibility of taking a plus one with us to the Oscars"
I opened my mouth in agape, not because I had the chance to go to the Oscars —I would fangirl about that later—, but because he was offering me to go with him as his plus one.
"Gwilym" a wave of insecurities visibly washed over him the moment I said his name. "okay, first of all, come here" I pulled him up to sit besides me on the couch, and once he was there, rested my side against the backrest to face him. "I'd love to go." I assured him.
He sighed, a somehow sad smile twisting up the corner of his lips. "but?"
"are you sure you want us to be public?" I asked him softly. "because if you're doing this for me, you don't have to" giving him a smile, I prompted myself on my knees to kiss him. "I'm happy now. Evangeline, Ben and Joe know about us and that's more than enough."
"I know, Y/n" he pulled me onto his lap, giving me another kiss. "I know we're happy like this. And" his thumbs rubbed my hips, something that I managed to feel even through all those layers of fabric. "I'm the one who wanted this to be a secret but-" he bit his lower lip, struggling to find the right words. "I mean- we- now-"
I rested my cheek against his chest and leaded one of my hands to the crook of his neck to trace random patterns there, something I knew that would calm him.
"today we had an interview." he finally starting talking calmly "the interviewer asked me about my hobbies." I felt his fingers combing me hair. "and I wanted to say that I love watching TV shows with you on Saturday nights. I wanted to tell her how much I enjoy helping you cooking because I know you'll burn the kitchen if I'm not there" I slapped his chest playfully, earing a chuckle from him. "I wanted to tell her about our Sunday morning runs, and about our romantic escapades."
"sweet" I commented, lifting my gaze to look at him, who had his beautiful blue eyes on me. "and you want to be able to say those things." he nodded. "100% sure?" he nodded again, this time more eagerly. "then I need to find a dress."
"Evangeline is going to need one too" he informed me with a knowing smile on his face. "Ben is going to ask her to go with him."
"how are you so sure she'll say yes?" he snorted and I shook my head, chuckling. "yeah, don't even answer." I attempted to get up, but Gwilym tugged my arm and I fell back on the couch. "I gotta call her, Gwil."
"not now" he hugged me and made us both lie down on the couch. "I'm tired and needy." I let out a laugh, shifting to have my head comfortably laid over his chest once again. "I'm in the mood for cuddles with my amazing girlfriend"
"You're always in the mood for cuddles" I retorted, throwing one of my arms over his torso and tangling my legs with his. Meanwhile, both his arms wrapped around me, one of his hands finding it's way once more to my hair. "okay. Just for a bit"
"as you wish, love" Gwilym mumbled, already drifting off.
"okay guys" one of the coordinators of the staff called our attention. "your turn. All of you go together, but once you reach the middle section of the carpet you can split up, go solo, take pictures or whatever" he stepped aside and prompted us to walk. "first Ben-"
"Jesus fucking Christ. Goddamnit. Fuck. why did I agree? Fucking hell" Evangeline cursed in low voice, holding onto Ben's arm to walk down the red carpet.
"now Joe. Allen, you go next" they both stepped out, and finally, the coordinator turned to Gwilym and me. "Gwilym, your turn."
"ready?" he whispered, securing me by holding my waist.
"yeah I'm just nervous as fuck" I muttered, smiling for the cameras and the paparazzi that were now taking photos of us.
"I'm gonna be honest, I'm so bloody nervous too" I let out a nervous laugh and he did the same right before another coordinator stopped us to stay still a few seconds, so the reporters could take proper pictures of us. "Y/n?"
"I'm gonna kiss you, don't freak out" I didn't have time to give him any snarky reply before his lips were on mines, his hands holding my cheeks. "You're red" he stated with his eyes still closed.
"you didn't even see me, asshole" I hissed, feeling my whole face burning.
"Don't need to. I know you." he replied, pecking my forehead before letting go of me, for us to face the cameras once more. "Y/n?"
"not another kiss" I warned him, resuming our walk when the coordinator told us to do so.
"No no, at least not now." he leaned on me and whispered on my ear, "I love you"
I spun my face, capturing his lips before replying, "I love you too" with a big beam on my face, that was probably equivalent to the one on his.
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cksmart-world · 6 years
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
by Christopher Smart
Feb. 26, 2019
Nobels For Trump & Kim
Spike Lee's in a snit but who cares, the Oscars are over. Now we can look forward to the next big awards show, the Nobel Peace Prize. The smart money is riding on that sporty North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and our jaunty president, Donald Trump. As Trump has said many times, he deserves the Nobel more than that Kenyan, Barack Obama. Look it, our president has single-handedly prevented a nuclear war with North Korea. We could be dead by now. That easily beats carpet bomber Henry Kissinger, Nixon's alter ego, who also is a Nobel laureate. It's only right that Trump and Kim should win the Nobel together because, well, because they love each other. In Trump's words: “He wrote me some very beautiful letters... I fell in love.” (We are not making this shit up.) Haircuts not withstanding, they do have a lot in common. As we speak, Trump and Kim are in Hanoi, the beautiful capital of Vietnam, to smoke the peace pipe. And the usually reserved Vietnamese people are absolutely gaga over the summit. According to CBS News, one barber there is giving away free Donald and Kim haircuts. Why this hasn't caught on here, we're not sure. One footnote: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science is lobbying for Alec Baldwin to get a share of the Nobel for best supporting tyrant. It's much better than an Oscar.
Tax Cuts For Working-Class Stiffs
Speaking of great feats, it's time for everyday working Americans to begin enjoying their tax refunds. Oh yeah. The Republican overhaul of the tax code is really making a significant difference for some more than others. The beauty of the tax cuts is that they also apply to what some people call the investment class. (Wilson and the band just call them rich bastards — or RBs.) It's like this, Republicans have known since the time of Ronald “Ketchup Is a Vegetable” Reagan that if we give big tax breaks to the RBs, they, in turn, will take all that dough and invest it everywhere. It follows that all those investments will grow the economy and all the worker bees (Wilson calls them working-class stiffs — or WCSs) will get lots of money and everybody wins. Some economists say we're still waiting to see the trickle down from Reagan's time. But remember, Galileo and Darwin had their doubters, too. The downside, of course, is the trillion dollars the tax cuts added to our national debt. But that doesn't matter so much anymore. Republican leader Sen. Mitch McConnell and former House Speaker Paul Ryan — who has returned to working at McDonalds — have explained that it's no big deal. What's another trillion, anyway? And besides, the RBs aren't worried because the WCSs — or their grandchildren — will take care of it in due time.
Let Us Entertain You
This is the best time of year for many reasons. The days are getting longer. The Oscars are over. And the Utah Legislature is providing entertainment beyond our wildest dreams. For example, there is a legislative proposal to bring the most dangerous type of radioactive material to Tooele County. Is that funny, or what. Another bill would make it so we don't have to stop at red lights any more. It's the best idea since the legislation two years ago that did away with auto safety inspections. Another bill would make it legal for children to play outside without adult supervision — the “Free Range Kids” bill. That came as a surprised to the staff here at Smart Bomb. We had no idea it was illegal for children to play outside without an adult. Wilson says it reminds him of free-range chickens. But let's not go there. (Notice, we haven't said anything about medical marijuana or Medicaid expansion. That's just too hilarious). Legislators also are focusing on our deadly air pollution with a bunch of bills that would study pollution from cars, pollution from smoke stacks, pollution from cows and pollution from vaping high school kids. Wisely, legislators have been careful to avoid setting rigorous standards for industry, building construction or transportation. That would be too expensive — and, after all, people have to live.
Sinners Tarnish Utah's Rep
OK, this is serious. Utah is not the least sinful state in the nation. That's the word from Tribune columnist and all around bon vivant, Scott Pierce. If he wouldn't know about sin, who would. This has to be of great concern to the old boys in The Tower of Power, who must be preoccupied right now lobbying against sin at the Utah Legislature. And that's not to mention Brigham Young University that, year-in and year-out, holds the honor of most sober school anywhere. It's probably the most chaste, too, but BYU officials have refused to release that data from undercover campus police. It's just too bad the classifications weren't based on sex and drink. Utah could have, um, well, never mind. The rankings by the website WalletHub were based on scores for vanity, jealousy, lust, anger, hatred, greed and laziness — you got it, the Seven Deadly Sins. Vermont was ranked least sinful of the 50 states. Can you believe that — the home of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Hah. Maine, North Dakota, Nebraska and Idaho (in that order) also beat out Utah for lacking sin. Well, of course, those states are practically empty. How can you have sin in a vacuum. Where did the Beehive State fall short. Was it lust. Was it greed. It couldn't have been vanity, could it? Nah. We're too special for that.
And finally, here are this week's top stories from our “As Rome Burns” - file:
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar ate a salad with a comb and ordered a staffer to clean it
Ivanka Trump endorses Nikki Haley's daughter for student body vice president at Clemson
Delta Air Lines apologizes for 'creepy' Diet Coke napkins, is removing them from flights
Utah County Still Home to Large Families with 6 Kids
Have Dark Forces Been Messing With the Cosmos? (We did not make this up.)
Well, that's it for another jaunty week here at Smart Bomb, where the staff keeps a close eye on the cosmos so you can adjust your feng shui as needed. OK Wilson, take us out with a little something for our cosmic well-being: Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup / They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe / Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind / Possessing and caressing me... Jai Guru Deva, om / Nothing's gonna change my world / Nothing's gonna change my world...
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
RWBY Musings #44: A Squiggle Meister’s Views on Whitley Schnee. The Proverbial Black Sheep of the Schnee Siblings or the overlooked Diamond in the Rough?
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An uncommon character for me to muse about, I know. I don’t generally make it habit to ponder about this character but, oddly enough, recently I got thinking about Whitley Schnee. Mind you, Whitley didn’t exactly receive the most favourable of introductions back during the events of RWBY Volume 4.
However, in spite of this, it didn’t deter from making him come off as a less than interesting character.
I wanted to take today to not really do any sort of in-depth analysis on Whitley but rather share one or two ponderings about him that I’ve considered. To think, this all started with just one thought.
Whitley with the Good Hair
Imagine...the same Whitley Schnee we all know from RWBY but with fluffy, unkempt, wavy, hair. 
I am not even joking with this. Not gonna lie either. Whitley’s hair kinda bugs me a little bit. It’s so perfectly well-kept all the time that at moments when he’s onscreen, it almost appears too perfect if you actually get what I’m saying and I don’t sound like a complete imbecile bringing up this point. Never have I figured I’d have to use the words ‘outlandishly neat hair’ to describe a character.
In an odd way, I pegged Whitley to be the type to be born with hair that’s not exactly like his sisters. I noticed from the Schnee Family portrait in their residence that Jacques’ hair doesn’t seem to be as naturally white as snow as he’d like others to presume.
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As a matter of fact, in the portrait, Jacques’ hair is predominantly black but while his mustache is still dark, you can tell that his hair was starting to grey a bit from age. That’s right, I said, grey. Not white.
However, when we met Jacques in the series, both his hair and mustache were completely chalk white. Give the man a big red and white bucket of fried chicken and he’d be Colonel Sanders.
A dye job perhaps? I wouldn’t put it past him. The series has already painted Jacques as such a ‘wannabe Schnee’, that it wouldn’t surprise me not one bit if he did change his hair colour to fit with his new Schnee title. This actually makes me curious about Jacques’ origin.
What kind of upbringing and background would a man such as that have to come from to become this kind of tyrannical person? So far, we know naught of Jacques’ previous life beyond the fact that he married into the Schnee Family and was only interested in Mama Schnee for her name. This is a man who wanted to the wealth, power and status that the Schnee name brought that he was willingly to feign romantic interest in the Daughter of the Head of the Schnee Dust Company to do so.
This is a man who wanted to be somebody. So with that thought in mind, this pegs the question. How much of a nobody did Jacques used to be before becoming a Schnee?
This makes me wonder if even having children, the proclaimed heirs, is nothing but another superficial front for Jacques to hide behind. It makes me wonder if Jacques has any real intention of ever giving up being the Head of the Schnee Dust Company. This is a man who stole the integrity of a well-known and trusted name in Remnant and tarnished it for his own egotistical greed.
Would a man as devious as that wholeheartedly and willingly just hand the reigns to someone else, even if that someone was his own spawn and rightful heir? I don’t think so. I think Jacques might even end up double crossing Whitley, the current heir, in the end and using him to heighten his running in the company.
This brings me back to Whitley again. This post is supposed to be about the youngest Schnee Sibling after all and not his bad-minded father. However Jacques will be mentioned now and again because the type of person Whitely is now, is as a result of Jacques’ grooming.
Resuming talk about his hair. Soft, silky, snow-white hair seems to be a hereditary trait amongst the Schnee bloodline. That being said, what if...like his father, Whitley’s hair is different from his sisters. Though it may be white in colour as a Schnee’s head would be, the texture of his hair is not of his family.
Imagine if...Whitley’s hair is naturally wavier than his sister’s, creating this constantly dishevelled look that he hates because it’s not the vision of him that his father wants of him and because of this, Whitley desperately tries to keep it under control.  Whitley certainly strikes me as the type. He’s so snooty all the time and his hair oddly mimics that level of contempt.
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I’m kind of chuckling to myself imagining for Atlas Arc where Whitley is forced to play nice and befriend our heroes because Jacques is making him act the part as a means of gathering intel. But that’s not why I’m laughing. I’m laughing because I’m envisioning Whitley hanging out with the Rosebuds: Ruby and Oscar and the two, mostly Ruby’s idea, drag the poor Schnee boy to an area where there’s water.
And while Ruby and Oscar go for a quick dip, Whitley cautiously chooses to stay dry, remarking that he doesn’t quite enjoy going to pool areas because he doesn’t like getting his hair wet. However Ruby and Oscar don’t buy the excuse and hatch a plan to get the Schnee boy to join them. So while Ruby distracts Whitley, Oscar sneaks up behind him and playfully shoves him into the water.
It was originally meant as a playful joke to get the pretentious rich boy to loosen up a little but the entire act ends up infuriating Whitley. Turns out, Whitley is just as harsh with words when he’s pissed like his sister Weiss.
But as Whitley is uncharacteristically yelling at our veteran rose buds, Ruby and Oscar are in awe.
Not for Whitley losing his cool, which was a first, but because of what the water had done to his hair. When Whitley had fell into the water, it washed away whatever chemical hair products that was keeping it at bay because Whitley now stood with a full head of the fluffiest curly white locks the two had ever seen.
He looked like a completely different person; albeit while also looking like an angry lollipop with a head of white cotton candy.
And upon realizing what had happened based on Ruby and Oscar’s shared surprised reactions, Whitley becomes incredibly embarrassed at the fact that his secret was out and before anyone could tell him to stop, Whitley immediately climbs out of the water and storms off.  
If Whitley had tougher hair, he’d probably trust Klein to comb it because he’s the only one who fully understands Whitley’s need to please his father.
Just picture, Whitley Schnee---the real Whitley Schnee with his natural fluffy ‘bed head’ posed disgruntled before a mirror, looking disgustedly at himself, surrounded by varying hair styling utensils and products while Klein works his magic to get the young boy looking like a proper boy; just as daddy would like it.    
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Yup. Whitley definitely strikes me as that type. The type who would have wild, unruly hair but is able to pull it off quite handsomely because, though a little more difficult to maintain that his sisters’, Whitley actually has really good hair. Whitley with the good hair. He just needs to learn how to maintain it but unfortunately doesn’t want to.
To Whitely, while the wild natural ‘bed head’ look might suit him better because he’d look less like a mini-Jacques with it, due to the young man’s obsession with living up to his father’s expectations of him, he keeps this side hidden because...the real him isn’t up to his father’s standards. Neat Whitley is and that’s how he wants to keep it.
Yep. Though this is all mostly me just speculating, I can totally see this being canon because as I’ll say again, Whitley strikes me as that type of character. The type that probably has another side to him that feels more true to himself but chooses not to show it often or at all. The type that would need someone to help him with his hair and other things because he doesn’t know how to maintain this delusion of himself on his own. Someone to help him keep his guise up, quickly painting all the cracks in his mask whenever  one of his many pretences start to fall apart and his real nature and feelings start to leak out.
The type where if the slightest thing isn’t perfect, he’ll completely unravel and wouldn’t know how to piece himself back together without help from those who truly care about him because he’d been forced to suppress himself for so long. At least, this is how I’m interpreting Whitley’s character.
Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree
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‘...It’s foolish, not to do what father asks...’
‘Are you jealous? Is that it? Whatever do you mean? Is that why you hate me? Are you jealous of my abilities? Of Winter’s? Hmm. Not really. Honestly I find it barbaric. It’s beneath people like me, like father...’
Y’know what’s funny? If you pay attention to some of Whitley’s dialogue from V4, you can interpret a lot about his character regardless of whether it was the writers’ intention for this assumption or not. For starters, what I’m gathering from this is that Whitley, contrary to what Weiss might think of him right now, doesn’t hate his sisters’.
Between Weiss and Winter, I feel a stronger connection with Weiss resonating from Whitley. I certainly get the vibe that he likes her more than Winter.
‘...You’re strong, like Winter. You never liked Winter. True. But you can’t deny her resolve...’
What’s interesting to note is when Weiss called Whitley out for disliking Winter, he didn’t deny it. As a matter of fact, he openly admitted it without the slightest hint of remorse. However when Weiss questioned Whitley about hating her, he never exactly said he did. His answer was a nonchalant ‘not really’. So Whitley dislikes Winter but not Weiss. So why is that?
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Here’s my deduction. I think the reason why Whitley may resent Winter is because in his head, not only was she the first to defy their father but she was one whose actions encouraged Weiss to follow in her defiant footsteps; choosing to study to become a huntress away at Beacon rather than in Atlas where Jacques continue to keep a very tight reigns on her.
Winter was the first to break free from her cage and started this whole debacle of disobedience. If Winter had just stayed in line, then Whitley wouldn’t have lost not one but both of his sisters.
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‘...You seem different. And you’ve been gone. I’ll have you know, I didn’t stop growing while you were away at Beacon...’
In rewatching this scene where Whitley was first introduced, this line he said to Weiss really stuck out to me. It kind of implies Whitley’s true feelings about Weiss leaving here. It tells me, as the viewer, that Whitley might be harbouring some unspoken feelings of bitterness towards his sister’s departure for Beacon.
I’m not sure how close the Schnee Siblings were growing up but it is safe to assume that there was some level of closeness as family, right? The impression I got here is that to Whitley, with his sisters around there was the slight comfort of knowing that he wasn’t alone. Even if their relationship was shaky, his sisters were always present in his life at all times. But because Weiss chose to defy their father, like Winter did before her, for a second time in his life, Whitley lost yet another sister.
His big sister had left home...left Jacques...left him and why? To forge her own path outside of the sheltered lifestyle their father had laid out for them.
There is no doubt that Whitley is loyal to Jacques to a fault. He’s such a trained canary with the way how he just blindly follows Jacques around and adheres to everything he says and does; that it makes me wonder if this kid is even human and not some robo-child programmed to be subservient to the whim of Jacques Schnee.
Even Penny Pollendina felt more human than machine than Whitley and she was the real deal.
That being said, I also believe there is no denying that Whitley...in his own Whitley way, loves his sisters. Particularly Weiss and when they both left...it probably hurt. A lot more than he alludes to. Perhaps he feels like his sisters both abandoned him. While Weiss and Winter stayed close and held on to each other, Whitley was left alone with only Jacques as his guide.
Not even Mama Schnee was around, as it would seem. Too preoccupied with her own drunkard stupor to be there for her own son.
Speaking of which, did anyone else notice that in V4, Jacques keeps a picture of Whitley on his desk in his study but one of his own wife on the shelf in the corner of the room?
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What does that say? Whitley is certainly special to Jacques. I mean, he is the only he has left. The only one that hasn’t pulled away. His little perfectly groomed puppet that he occasionally likes to parade around for all of Atlas to see what a caring father he is including every wealthy Atlesian aristocrat dumb enough to fall for their act and invest in Jacques. It’s a never-ending game of manipulation where Whitley is the sole MVP.
However the weird thing is, I don’t get Whitley’s real motive for following Jacques. Though he’s painted as a puppet, the way how Whitley played Weiss---oh I’m sorry, based on the way Weiss claimed Whitley played her like a fiddle while he himself didn’t deny that that was his intentions from the start, makes me wonder if he could have his own schemes underway.
Whitley is such an elusive character to me that I can’t tell if his faithfulness to Jacques is out of blind love, a son’s desperate need for his father’s constant appraisal and acknowledgment or...could Whitley have his own plans for the Schnee Dust Company and Jacques is just too ignorant to notice his own son’s deceit?
I brought up this hunch in another musing about Whitley. Sure Jacques is probably just manipulating Whitley and using him in the same fashion he does for everything and everyone around him. But what if...the twist is that Whitley is also using Jacques and plans on giving him his just desserts.
They say karma is a cold-hearted bitch so wouldn’t it be ironic and a fitting punishment for Jacques to get taken down by the very perfect child he’s been grooming to be like him in the same fashion he duped Mama Schnee? A nice addition to Whitley’s character is if of all the Schnee children, he’s the one that cared about their mother the most.
Though like father, like son, I like the idea of Whitley being a momma’s boy too; sharing a close bond with Mamma Schnee from since birth. I imagined, before Weiss’ 10th birthday, Mamma Schnee was probably a very loving mother who adored all her children. However Whitley was the spoiled one because he was the baby of the bunch. But after hearing the truth that the man she’s been married to for years didn’t truly love her, the news changed Mamma Schnee and suddenly, she just wasn’t the same caring person anymore.
What if...as a young boy, Whitley was very close to his mother and hated the pain his own father caused her growing up. So much so that he’s been plotting his own devious scheme for years, smartly playing the role of ‘the good child’ as a ploy to gain Jacques’ trust before removing him from the picture as revenge. That’s one cool hunch for Whitley’s character story, dontcha think?
The Phantom of the Schnee Dust Company
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Speaking of ideas for Whitley’s character story, this brings me to a next theory I’m wanna talk about.  
Does Whitley Schnee secretly have summoning powers like his sisters?
Winter Schnee once told Weiss that every member of the Schnee family has the ability to summon and have done so for generations. She made mention of this back in V3. That being said, I wonder if the same can be said for Whitley, who isn't a huntsman per say, but certainly has the potential to unlock this kind of power given his lineage, right?
What’s to say he hasn’t already? Perhaps, Whitley already awakened his semblance but no one else knows of this. Not even Jacques. I believe Whitley Schnee probably does possess summoning powers but unlike his sisters, who have both fully embraced their potential, Whitley despises his powers and thus, suppresses his abilities.
We’ve seen two Schnees accept their powers upon unlocking them. What would happen to one who’s unlocked their power but shows resistance?
This is going to sound weird to say but perhaps, Whitley’s Schnee power is surprisingly the strongest of the three siblings; even more powerful than his sisters’ combined; probably mirroring that of their grandfather’s skill level at that age.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Whitley associates the Schnee’s hereditary semblance with being a curse due to the rebellious nature that its current wielders seem to adopt once fully realizing their potential. After all, look at Winter and Weiss. They both left Jacques’ cold clutches upon acknowledging their strength as huntresses.
What if...Jacques has drilled into Whitley’s head that having such powers is a curse in itself because it made his sisters’ insolent and thus, Whitley sees it the same way too.
The more I consider it, the more I’m falling in love with the concept of Whitley having summoning abilities but because he chooses to ignore the existence of such powers within himself and thus represses his own semblance, he’s lost control of his own summoning.
Imagine...Whitley being haunted by a summon he unintentionally manifested in the real world? Besides having an arsenal of summons to chose from, both Winter and Weiss seem to have a signature summon that they call upon the most. For Winter, it’s her Beowolves. For Weiss, it’s her Arma Gigas.
So what if...Whitley’s summon is a Geist? A literal phantom that can take the form of anything it possesses. A creature of many masks, no different than its amateur summoner.
The Geist, being a summon, acts on the will of Whitley, its summoner. However because Whitley has been suppressing his powers for so long, he doesn’t quite know how to control the summon. Similar to how Weiss lost control and accidentally summoned a Boarbatusk at the charity ball out of her frustration with one of its disrespectful patrons, imagine Whitley’s Geist manifesting itself during moments when his emotions at its peak and the creature acts out on those negative emotions.
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I’m just envisioning a side story for the upcoming Atlas Arc where some strange occurrences have been happening around Atlas that put the Schnee Dust Company in the spotlight. Competitor company buildings going up in flames. Missing former employees who were all reported to have quit the job in recent times. Severe injuries and in some cases, death, surrounding people who were in recent alleged heated contact with head of the company: Jacque Schnee; etc. At first the incidences were suspected to be White Fang activity, even though the White Fang haven’t been relevant since the Triumph of Haven and the reformation of the Brotherhood. But due to the unusual nature of the cases and the fact that no evidence was found at the scene of the crimes, these incidences eventually became closed cases. But that didn’t stop it from creating negative propaganda that brought the Schnee Dust Company to the forefront of the Atlesian headlines; catching the attention of the public including Weiss and Winter.
Imagine...Weiss and Winter working together to solve the mystery of what was going on within their family company while subsequently concocting a plan to remove Jacques Schnee once and for all under the assumption that he’s been orchestrating the events as an interrogation tactic to ward off competition while gaining the sympathy of the public eye. So in the beginning, Jacques Schnee was believed to be the main culprit. However, in the midst of it all, all traces of added evidence started pointing towards the true mastermind: Whitley Schnee who had been using his newly awakened semblance to get his father ahead and keep him at the top.
But do you know what the bigger twist would be? That Jacques was oblivious to Whitley’s powers and his intentions of using them the way he did.
Even better. Wanna hear the biggest twist? Whitley is oblivious to his own powers or at least, decides not accept that they aren’t real and his to control. While the rich boy was aware of the strange occurrences was due to a monster, he called ‘The Phantom’, what he didn’t know was that the beast was his summon. He always figured the beast was a ghost sent by karma to haunt him. But what he didn’t realize was that the wild summon was a manifestation of his own suppressed powers he’d been trying to hide even though they’d been growing stronger. So strong that’d become erratic with the summoned Geist appearing chaotic in form.
I just would love to see Whitley as a summoner; particularly an antagonistic one. I wonder if this is what the CRWBY Writers might be alluding to with his character or at least it’s one way to look at it. At first I figured he might’ve been the one to have no powers. But imagine if he does but uses them for all the wrong reasons; be it intentional or not.
Picture....a Battle of the Schnees where for the first time in RWBY history, Winter and Weiss tag-team to take down a crazed and broken Whitley who is revealed to be a summoner like his sisters and whose own summon had been attacking victims on Whitley’s behalf.
Of course, like I mentioned before, Whitley is unaware of this because he’s been suppressing his powers just he’d be suppressing so many other things about himself, forcibly trying to keep it all at bay to maintain his facade of perfection.
But in the end, it all falls apart and the Schnee boy suffers a mental breakdown with his own monstrous phantom lashing out because of it. So it’s up to his big sisters to come to his rescue.
Doesn’t that sound like a cool story to tell?
I want so much from the Atlas Arc. So many side stories I wanna see done and this is one of them. And if it leads to Whitley receiving an inkling of redemption; y’know reconciling things with his sisters with the three Schnee Siblings finally coming together as a family which then leads to them working together to put an end to Jacques’ reign, wouldn’t that be an interesting way to conclude Weiss’ story arc with her family on a positive light?
I know this is something I’d love to see as part of the Atlas Arc. But again, I’m not a writer for RWBY so I am curious to see what Miles and Kerry has in store for us going forward, particularly for Whitley.  
A Better Whitley
Although I originally wrote him off as a bad character, I’m actually intrigued as to where the CRWBY Writers are going to go with Whitley’s development, particularly regarding his role in the upcoming Atlas Arc.
I know for a fact that Whitley will be a major player in Weiss’ side of the story, for sure.
Don’t get me wrong, I still desire for Whitley to be an antagonist or rival character to Oscar Pine in the arena for Ruby’s affections.
While I doubt Whitley would have any genuine affection towards Ruby beyond using her in a similar fashion his own father used his mother, I think Whitley would be the perfect Ying to Oscar’s Yang to give the farm boy a well-deserved shove towards realizing his true feelings for the Silver Eyed Girl.
I love the idea of Whitley being a rival to Oscar. But believe it or not, I also like the idea of the two becoming allies too if possible. Whitley looks like he could use more people in his life that care about him besides his father. Maybe even Klein cares deeply for Whitley---the father figure he deserves but he just never acknowledges it. I think Oscar can be a good friend for Whitley.
While I don’t ship Rich Farmers as a relationship (proud RoseGardener over here), I do like the thought of them being a friendship. If Rubes becomes Oscar’s closest best friend, then can the precious farm boy begrudgingly become the snooty rich boy’s best friend or...the closest thing to it?
The kind of friendship that I imagine Oscar and Whitley having is the one where either originally hated each other’s guts but when you eliminate the object that made them butt heads in the first place (like Whitley pursuing Ruby and Oscar becoming jealous for of it), turns out the two might actually get along quite well. May even like each other...or at least respect the other enough to not kill them in their sleep when they piss them off.
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An unlikely friendship that thrives on a shit ton of inside jokes and even more sarcastic quips at the other’s expense. The kind of friendship that makes others question why and how the two participants befriended each other when their attitude makes it seem like they hate each other when in actuality, they love each other like two inglorious bastard brothers bred from the same illegitimate father called anarchy.
So yeah, while I’m drawn to the concept of Whitley being a rival and a mini boss character, I’d also like to learn more about his character in hopes that he may be redeemed.
Though not much was revealed about Whitley back in V4, it did hint of there being more layers to him and I’m hoping we get to explore those layers once the group returns to Atlas.
I just don’t want for Whitley to be another throw away character who’s just there for the sake of moving the plot along or being an unnecessary red herring. I don’t want Whitley to be another Vernal or Professor Lionheart. Both characters had the potential for more, the writers just chose not to flesh them out before cutting straight to their inevitable deaths in the Haven Battle.
While very straightforward, this left me feeling more like these two characters were merely just plot devices rather than what they’re supposed to be---actual characters. While the CRWBY writers didn’t necessarily have to keep these characters around for future arcs, my complaint here is that they could’ve done a much better job at fleshing them out.
As I said, make them feel more like characters. Never mind that they were meant to die, at least make me care about their deaths.
I don’t want this to be the case with Whitley or any character during the Atlas Arc. Which is why I’m hoping that the Conclusion to the Mistral Arc in V6 leading into the Atlas Arc would be handled much better. Regarding Whitley, the writers have already established some keen plot points to assist with composing his part in ongoing story.
I just pray that Miles and Kerry learnt from their mistakes during the last two seasons and will work towards making sure that the seasons ahead are done much better.
Despite being painting as this conniving person, when I recall V4, I don’t remember Whitley actually doing anything that’d suggest that. As a matter of fact, all the allegations that Weiss made about Whitley were pointed out by her without the show visually showing that he committed these crimes. There was a lot of ‘Tell. Not Show’ for volumes 4 and 5 and I sincerely hope this is a habit that the CRWBY will drop for the upcoming V6.
They could’ve easily not have given Weiss a brother at all. This is the thing though. Why was Whitley introduced? In the scope of things, his character wasn’t really necessary because the past seasons had already established the tension of Weiss’ relationship with Jacques and that was enough to drive her own arc during the V4 Split.
It’s not like Whitley’s introduction in V4 actually acted as a good catalyst for the events that happened to Weiss during the season that lead to her outburst at the charity ball after party to her fall out with Jacques to even her departure.
Did Whitley give Weiss the brilliant idea to present an expensive painting as part of an auction to help raise funds for Beacon, knowing full well that Weiss would fail in that regard? No.
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.Did Jacques give Weiss reason to bring up the painting during their fight so that Weiss could have leverage to make mention that Whitley supported her in her idea only for the boy to turn on Weiss in the moment and take Jacques side, showing just how two faced he could be? Nope. The charity painting and the Atlesian Elite’s total disregard for the People in Vale following the Fall of Beacon was what drove Weiss to spiral out of control the way she did. Whitley Schnee played no part in that scene yet somehow Weiss blamed him like her being punished by Jacques was his doing when really...what did he do though?
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Seriously. In the grander scope of things, Whitley did nothing for V4 except talk. And even when he did talk it’s not like he was being a clever snake, whispering in Weiss’ ear and encouraging her to pursue her own personal ideas that in hindsight, would please her but knowingly irk Jacques.
 Nope. All he did was play nice the entire time yet when Jacques took away her heiress status, there was Weiss accusing Whitley of being devious the entire time and there he was smiling and acting like this was all true. But in reality, nothing happened on screen to prove this.
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You could remove Whitley from the story in V4 and the plot wouldn’t have played out any differently. I’m sorry to say this for all the diehard Whitley fans in the FNDM but his character added nothing more for V4 beyond giving Weiss a punching bag to point fingers at for the consequences of her own actions against Jacques; which wasn’t even necessary. Up until V4, there has been no prior mention of Weiss ever having a brother. We knew she had Winter since her debut in V3 and we knew of Jacques because he was already established as the authoritarian father she was trying to avoid. The one whose crimes she constantly found herself having to pay for and whose royal test she had to shoulder.
But there was never any mentioning of Whitley at all. Neither Schnee sisters didn’t even comment about Whitley being in the picture during their one on one talk before Winter’s leave in V3 C6. Jacques was mentioned, naturally. But no Whitley.
So then why does his character exist? What are the CRWBY writers’ setting him up to truly be? Is he indeed the proverbial black sheep of the siblings, driven by the negativity of feeling abandoned by both of his older sisters or...will he be the diamond in the rough---a conniving trickster on the surface but his trickery is merely another one of his acts to conceal the ambitions of more caring soul.
Whatever it is, I hope it isn’t another poor plot device and actually fits within the context of the story and the overall direction the Atlas Arc is leading towards.
So to conclude...
As I’ll say again, I don’t want Whitley to be another Vernal or Lionheart otherwise it’d just be boring. If he does have a bigger role to play, I hope it’s a well conducted one that gives him more depth than what was glimpsed in V4.
I’m even hoping for a twist or perhaps twists with his character like what I theorized. Overall, whatever Whitley’s story is, I hope it’s handled with enough tact to leave his fans happy and satisfied.
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♦ More RWBY Musings by Squiggles
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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oldtoothgun · 7 years
movies on uk netflix worth watching (that ive seen) (in my opinion)
anastasia (1997) stunningly historical inaccurate but the songs are great and its fun
rise of the guardians (2012) remember when everyone was obsessed with this lmao? anyway its a fun and cute kids movie
the adventures of sharkboy and lavagirl (2005) just for the laffs
kung fu panda (2008) its good!
kung pu panda 2 (2011) its good too!
green room (2015) gross gore effects cool plot good acting whats not to luv
creep (2014) ik this ones kinda polarising but i thought it was pretty good and creepy!
the craft (1996) classic!! bitchy gothy goodness
would you rather (2013) jeffrey combs seeing what gross shit desperate people will do for money? loves it!
the invitation (2015) one of my favourite movies of recent years. could talk about for hours! slowly creepingdinner party horror flick
burlesque (2010) 119 minutes of blatant moulin rogue, cabaret and chicago rip offs and christina aguilera fannig her ego and i enjoy it thouroughly every time
dreamgirls (2006) one of the best movie musicals in my opinion. the sheer raw power and talent in this movie!!
footloose (2011) bad movie but its 1 of the 20 movies miles teller has been in and i’ll take what i can get. also he dances and has a southern accent and wears a cowboy hat ad thats all pretty good.
a single man (2009) colin firth? julianne moore? matthew goode? tom ford? christopher isherwood? in all honestly tho this movie is beautiful.
whiplash (2014) you probably already know. miles teller again as well.
aileen: life and death of a serial killer (2003) documentary about aileen wuornos. its really sad and insightful. worth a watch.
escorts (2015) very nsfw documentary about two escorts living in london. its really interesting and quite funny.
labyrinth (1986) you already know.
boys dont cry (1999) this movie is harrowing as shit and might make you want to die but hilary swank, chloe sevigny and peter sarsgaard put in brilliant performances. i have a LOT of opinions on this movie, not all of them good, but its a pretty good watch.
jackie brown (1997) better than pulp fiction!
the drop (2014) tom hardy and puppy?!?!?!
amanda knox (2016) another really good documentary. 
gone girl (2014) you probably have already seen this.
we need to talk about kevin (2011) creepy and good
layer cake (2004) daniel craigs in it and tom hardys there as well. idk why but ive got this on dvd. crime movie.
legally blonde (2001) classic!!! but seriously this movie is really funny and good
uptown girls (2003) brittany murphy being beautiful and lovely :’( 
a series of unfortunate events (2004) no matter how much he tries, neil patrick harris will never be jim carrey
arthur christmas (2011) this is my favourite christmas movie i cry every time i watch it and i will until i die at age 39
nativity! (2009) another christmas movie i cry at every time. they did it !
fantastic mr fox (2009) the detail in this movie is just lovely. and so is the soundtrack. 
bratz: the movie (2007) shaped me as a person
shrek 2 (2004) classic
eddie the eagle (2016) i love taron egerton i love hugh jackman this movie goes!
funny girl (1968) barbara streisand man.
hotel for dogs (2009) lots of dogs in this one.
annie (2014) very cute
charlie bartlett (2007) i watched this in like 2007 going through aton yelchins filmography and its a pretty dece teen flick
just my luck (2006) lindsey lohan, chris pine, mcfly. whats not to love!
21 and over (2013) agai, shitty movie, but miles teller is in it
legally blonde 2: red, white and blonde (2003) this ones got gay dogs in it!
monsters vs aliens (2009) when i was a kid i used to pretend i was in this movie
the duff (2015) not as awful as you think itll be
flushed away (2006) ive seen this movie so many times man
angus, thongs and perfect snogging (2008) another classic
fargo (1996) blood has been shed, jerry
birdman (2014) its alright
the big short (2015) again, its alright
the big lebowski (1998) yeah well thats just like your opinion man
super (2010) rainn wilson is a gem
kingman: the secret service (2015) exceeds expectations greatly
hunt for the wilderpeople (2016) taika waititi knows what hes doing
seven psychopaths (2012) i love colin farrell i love sam rockwell i love martin mcdonagh. 
drive (2011) youve proabaly seen people raving about this and for good reason! its good! good acting good soundtrack good lookin its got everything. fair bit of violence and fast cars too.
the nice guys (2016) funny and all that. my favourite film of last year. ryan gosling and russell crowe work so well together.
turbo kid (2015) great little movie. post apocalyptic 80s nostalgia gore goodness. netflix describes it as: offbeat, violent
night of the comet (1984) like totally underrated 80s sci fi horror. two teenage girls wake one one day to find everyone turned into dust. its brilliant
coherence (2013) if you liked the invitation youll like this one. indepentant sci fi thriller set at a dinner party. you have to think a little though.
star trek into darkness (2013) aw i went to see this on my 14th birthday
under the skin (2013) this movie is brilliant. netflix says: chilling, scary, cerebral, steamy 
watchmen (2009) worth it for the opening titles alone
equilibrium (2002) GUN KATA
the lobster (2015) this movie is so left field and weird. high hopes for the killing of a sacred deer yorgos!
ex machina (2015) 2015 was such a good year for movies. oscar isaac, domnhall gleeson and alicia vikander are all brilliant
what we do in the shadows (2014) funniest movie ive ever seen. taika working his magic again. if youve met my dad, he’s probably told you to watch it
sing street (2016) funny and good.
let the right one in (2008) kid vampires!
from beyond (1986) one of my fav films ever. i wanna be jeffrey combs so bad.
starry eyes (2014) first time i watched this i thought it sucked but second time around i thought it was weird and cool and its got some good gross bits!
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