#osmp james
cuppahoney · 2 years
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kaytrawrites · 2 years
Kitty and the Fish
Summary In which James falls in a puddle and a fish saves him
James’ face bore an expression of deep interest and concentration as he stared down into the water filled crevice not far from where the Pub floated overhead. He frequently heard sounds from the water below but up until now he had always been called away quickly before he could take a really good look.
But now he had been left unsupervised.
Down below, he saw a figure occasionally crossing the bits of bright red magma that very faintly illuminated the water carved stone below. The figure was sizable, but didn’t look too hard to manage.
He reached out a tentative paw to try and lure the figure closer to the surface. But he quickly realized that he had entirely misjudged the distance and was very far away from the water below.
He looked around the walls quickly, looking for a way to descend. He spotted a section of very sturdy vines and climbed down them as quickly as he could, his mind filled with thoughts of how tasty this large meal would be.
As he got closer to the water, he was struck with a bit of an odd feeling. He paused, just shy of the water’s surface. He stared down into the water at the figure. It was...much larger than it had looked from up above. He hesitated, not sure if he should go through with this or just head back to his Kitty Tree.
But, as the old saying goes: ‘Curiosity killed the cat.’ James extended a paw and dipped it into the water, causing ripples to spread out across the darkened water.
The figure down below paused, then turned and began swimming up.
Yup. Definitely much larger than he expected!
James snatched his paw from the water and tried to climb higher, but the vines this low down were a bit wet and with him not having a chance to shake his paw a bit dry, he couldn’t get a good grip, and slid down the vines.
It was quite the splash when he hit the water. He frantically flailed as he tried to keep his head above the water, but scaled arms reached around his torso and pulled him under.
He let out a bubbly yowl as he was dragged away from the surface.
James closed his eyes, feeling water begin to trickle down his throat, and waited for whatever grabbed him to begin tearing him to shreds.
Abruptly, he and the person who grabbed him burst through into the air and collapsed onto a bed of soft, slightly luminescent moss. James gasped, coughing up the water that he had inhaled.
“You alright now, James?” A soft, concerned voice asked.
James spat out a last bit of water and looked up at his...savior? Her bright pink hair was tinted slightly green from the luminescent moss around them, the lights glittering off her large gray eyes. She cocked her head. “James?” She pressed.
James nodded. “I’m okay now.”
Niki smiled and gently clapped her hands, smiling gently, obviously pleased. “You know, if you wanted to come visit, there’s a much easier way to do so than tossing yourself into the lagoon.”
James tilted his head, confused. “Wait. Really?”
Niki nodded and stood. “Over here.”
James scrambled to his feet and followed the taller Merling. She climbed up a wooden staircase, the same glowing moss down below speckling the walls on the way up. Or down.
The pair exited into a cozy little shack and Niki opened the door, needing to bump it with her hip to get it open.
When James stepped out, he immediately recognized the location. The little house was just across from where he had fallen in. “Oh.” He said.
Niki smiled. “Whenever you want to come visit, you can just come down this way.”
James nodded, and Niki took a running leap off the edge of the lagoon cliff, diving gracefully into the water down below.
“Huh.” James mumbled, deciding to start heading home.
As he walked, he started humming a tune to himself. Someday, maybe he’ll make a song about this place.
But, not today. Today, he had to go dry off.
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𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐒𝐌𝐏 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: the afternoon—lemon demon
• You hadn't been in the neighborhood for long. In fact, you hadn't originally planned to be in the neighborhood at all, instead following a route that surpassed it completely. But all of that quickly changed once a floating hat with the voice of an invisible man greeted you excitedly, apparently very pleaded and surprised to meet someone new on a supply run
• From them on, you had been dragged by the arm onto a strange village; the invisible stranger you'd met turning out to be a rather handsome and good spirited phantom named Wilbur—whom of which wasted no time showing you around
• "Sorry about er basically abducting you by the way. We uh, don't get a lot of visitors, and I wanted to make sure I introduced you to the Pube—I mean Pub before my little brother found you." The hybrid laughed a little, face now visible with the passing of daytime. It was a soft purplish blue color that reminded you of stargazing on a hill
• You just shrugged and adjusted the bag full of belongings of your back uncomfortably before choosing your next words
• "It's not that big of a deal. You're nice enough and it's not like I really had a set destination, so honestly this is better than whatever tree I was gonna spend tonight setting up camp under." You said, being honest with him
• Wilbur seemed to like that answer, once again wrapping an arm around your shoulder and practically dragging you alongside him
• "Come on stranger." He grinned, looking down at your face. "You have lots of new faces to meet!"
• He certantly wasn't lying. You were quickly taken from a dusty forest path to a homey looking village. Which, you noted, had a building floating high up in the air with two elevators leading to it. You barely had time to read the 'Wet' and 'Dry' signs on them before being shoved in the one without water
• You were given a thorough tour of the Pub and all its wonderfully inclusive details. At least, you had been until a blur of yellow and red divebombed your vision
• The air was quickly knocked out of your lungs as you were tackled to the ground, barely able to hear as Wilbur called out in distress at someone
• "Rescued you Wilbah!" A voice grinned from above you. "Big man Tommy to save the day, hah!"
• The weight on your chest was lifted moments after as Wilbur scurried over, lifting whoever had decided to attack you into the air with a glare
• As soon as you were able to stand again, you got a better look at the person who had so violently knocked you to the ground. It was no mistaking that he was Wilburs younger brother that he had mentioned earlier—even if the youngers' golden locks differed from Wilburs' deep chestnut ones
• Safe to say Tommy, as you learned his name to be, got a kick in the shin for his behavior before apologizing and going to shake your hand with such vigor the motion became but a blur
• You liked him immediately
• "You know—" Wilbur said your name with a crooked smile, talking over Tommy's rambling in the background as he quizzed you over everything and anything, "—if you'd like, we have a nice spot right by a friend of mines hut that'd be perfect for a house. I know you said you were traveling, but it couldn't hurt to kick up your feet for a while."
• Maybe it was the charismatic nature of the phantom that had found you, the way Tommy was currently rustling through your bag with a mischievous grin, or the prospect of meeting even more people like them that had you not even hesitating to respond
• "I think I'm gonna like it here, Wilbur." Was all you said, kicking off a new chapter of your life that you couldn't help but want to unearth
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the-wyzer · 10 months
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Origins James design :)
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On account of Origins coming coming back (and to just hype shit more about it honestly), what is something about the smp that you really enjoyed watching/are excited to see more of if it comes back in the future?
for me it was how beautiful the entire server always was. the dream smp was too, but this was refreshing! the dsmp was beautiful in a tragic poetry way, while osmp was beautiful in the 'evrything is sparkly and funny and colourful and stimulating to watch and this is a cartoon!!' way if ykwim!!
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also o!crimeboys but uhh yeha
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seatail-mc · 2 years
Now that origins is back, I've been re- uploading my old season 3 edits into 10 minutes episodes on YouTube!
I worked really hard on this as one massive project back in February but I took down the hour and a half long video cause it had my real name in the credits lol
The first four parts are up now and the rest will be uploaded daily if you are interested!
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jimjamjommeron · 2 years
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The Royal Ball
"May I take this dance, miss beloved?" - Sparklez
Background folks down below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
From Left to right: Bekyamon, Philza, Sneegsnag, Technoblade, Tommyinnit, Tubbo_, Slimecicle, Shubble, Wilbur Soot, Aimsey, James Marriott, Smajor, Jack Manifold, Fundy, Schlatt
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philza-updates · 2 years
Phil is on Origins on James Marriott’s stream! (Not in VC)
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origins-updates · 2 years
James is live playing Origins!
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unhonest-iago · 11 months
~Act IV~
From the DMV, the duo came across the abandoned car. Techno quickly collecting evidence while Fundy goofed off. Techno quirked an eyebrow in confusion seeing the fox panic. The car belonged to Tundra town's big crime boss Quackity. 'Quackity, this is a simple-' Fundy paused, seeing the duck hybrid push out his hand, expecting a kiss. The fox moving swiftly to complete the task, nerves not lessening in the slightest. Techno eyes narrowing, following the movement. 'This is a simple misunderstanding'
'You come here unannounced on the day I’m to be wed' Quackity spoke with a slow pace. 'Well actually we were brought here against our will so...' Fundy let out an awkward chuckle, curling in on himself. 'Point is I-I didn't know it was your car and I did not know about your wedding.'
'I trusted you, I welcomed you into my home. We broke bread together, grand mama made you cannolis and how did you repay my generosity? With a rug made from the but of a skunk. A skunk but rug. You disrespected me and my grand mama. Who I buried in that skunk butt rug.' Techno's bunny ears were flat against his head; he knew it was something bad but not a rug made of a skunk's ass. Steve, a polar bear & one of Quackity's bodyguard brought a hand to their forehead, proceeding to make the motion of a cross.
'I told you to never show your face around here again but here you are snooping around with this' Finally glancing at Techno, Quackity asked in dubiety, 'what are you? A performer? What's with the costume?' Not realizing Techno's occupation to which Fundy attempted to lie like a sly fiend. 'I am a co-a pol-'
'He's a mime, a mime. This mime cannot speak, can't speak if you're a mime' barring his teeth.
'No I am a cop. And I'm on the James Marriott case. And my evidence puts him in your car, so intimidate me all you want, I'm going to find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do' Quackity, blankly staring, 'And I only have one request, say hello to grand mama. 'Ice 'em.' Steve and another polar bear, Raymond picked up the duo holding them above frozen water. Guaranteed to cause hypothermia fast. Karl, in an ethereal outfit, decked to the nines walked into to grab Quackity for the first dance. The outfit incorporating elements from his everyday hoodie, his googles a steampunk pair for the occasion. Sapnap, a blaze hybrid & Karl's husband was waiting for the duo's return by the side of the dance floor. They both knew there'd be a slight chance Quackity's work would interfere with the wedding.
'It's time for our dance,' pausing when they saw Techno and Fundy suspended in air. Unsure, he thought the bunny looked familiar.
'What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding!!' Karl, a time traveler, had spent weeks preparing for this day, marrying the loves of his life Sapnap & Quackity. They had met when Sapnap was foraging for food in the forest and Karl was taking a short cut to get home. Later Quackity met them, the duo having been regulars at his cafe, a front for illegal activities.
Techno had saved Karl from being crushed by a statuesque donut a few days prior. His original goal was to stop a weasel after robbing a storefront. 'I had to baby.'
'Wait, wait, wait! He's the bunny who saved my life yesterday. The giant donut.'
'This bunny?' turning to face Techno, 'Yea, hi.' Techno giving a meek wave returned the greeting. 'Your outfit, it's...nice.'
'Thank you!' Now knowing that this bunny hybrid had save his now husband, ordered his bodyguards to let them down.
'You've done me a great service. I will help you find the otter. I will take your kindness and pay it forward' Gesturing for Techno to come closer, placing a kiss on both cheeks. Turning a pale pink, matching his hair. Fundy now the shocked one. Sitting at a table, the duo watched as Sapnap and Karl danced an off kilter waltz, celebrating their love for one another. As if they were off in their own little world. One that Quackity would join after his conversation with Fundy & Techno ended. 
Techno accepting a piece of cake, poked his tiny fork, taking a bite. 'Marriott is my florist, he's like a part of the family. He had something important he wanted to discuss, that's why I sent that car to pick him up. But it never arrived.' Fundy looking anywhere but Quackity's direction. 'Because it was attacked' Techno attempted to finish Quackity's sentence.
'No he attacked'
'Marriott,' nodding, 'he went crazy, ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death and disappeared into the nigh'
'But he's a sweet little otter'
'My child, we might have evolved but deep down we are still animals' 
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kaytrawrites · 2 years
The Catboy
Summary In which Wilbur catches a cat(boy)
Notes Bit of a shorter one. James Marriot curses in this because he is an adult and does that. Tommy also curses because he does that.
Wilbur was being watched.
He occasionally spotted them out of the corner of his eye, a black flash and the slightest of sounds. He had tried going invisible whenever he felt the gaze, but as soon as he turned to look, the watcher was gone.
He also tried going around a corner then going invisible then going back to check. Again, the watcher was gone.
Wilbur tried having someone around who would check over his shoulder to see who the watcher was. Still didn’t work.
Then he noticed that his milk was running out faster than usual. Well, not the milk but rather the cream.
Now much more suspicious, he decided to leave out a dish of milk, left the house, went invisible, then returned to watch the milk.
And he caught them.
A black Feline.
Wilbur snuck up, and grabbed the Feline by the back of their shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?” Wilbur asked, barely containing his mirth toward the suddenly limp Feline.
“Oi! Let me down, you dickhead!” The Feline yelped.
Wilbur paused, staring down at the very adult feline he was holding like a kitten. He burst into cheerful laughter.
“Awe! Little kitty’s angry!” Wilbur crooned.
The Feline managed to wiggle around and swiped at Wilbur’s face.
Wilbur dropped the Feline, who immediately dashed up one of the big old bookcases lining the walls of Wilbur’s home. The Feline hissed at Wilbur, their green-brown eyes narrowed and glaring down at the Phantom.
Wilbur crossed his arms and smiled up at the Feline on his bookshelf. “And who are you?” He asked.
The Feline just glared down at him.
“Hey Wilbur- who the fuck’s that?” Tommy asked. Wilbur glanced at Tommy for a second and when he looked back, the Feline was gone.
“Tommy! Look what you did!” Wilbur exclaimed. He sighed. “Now the cat I caught is gone.”
James ran near silently across the fields toward his home.
He had been caught.
They hadn’t found his home, so he wouldn’t risk leaving his home just yet. But he would have to be much more careful from this point on.
It had been a stupid move to go after that dish of milk. Well, it had been a stupid move to go after the milk, full stop. But it was so tempting.
He would have to be more careful. But the eggs those Avians had looked so tasty...
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possuminnit · 1 year
i love osmp i miss it everyday. i miss all the builds and all the spawns they had with the amount of times they redid the server. i miss james library and i miss the pube and scotts house. i miss the silly potion shop and the other little shops that were there just for display. i miss the giant pond niki had and jacks volcano. i miss tommys stupid ass nub house and sneegs tunneled house. I MISS OSMP!!!!!!
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cupcraft · 1 year
Does anyone ever still think about the implications of why owilbur didn't want people to leave the spawn area/live outside past the mountain range (not to mention later starting building a wall with his brother) and he once yelled at James for wanting to leave and how that maybe implied that owilbur haunted that area and really couldn't leave and then it sort of makes it crazy that ophil lived outside the mountain range with his secret base and then it makes you realize he mightve known owilbur haunted that place and he couldn't accept that and maybe you realize I'm reading too much into osmp ...jkunless?
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
Niki Nihachu vs Jack Manifold is like Jesse Team Rocket vs James Team Rocket how do I choose
We just put together the matches based on seed best practice, and we saw that one and we all went NOOOOOOOOO HOW TO CHOOSE. And I think the mod team split down the middle about who to support, because Jack is just so pathetic, but Niki got drawn holding fire, but Jack is made of fire on OSMP, but Niki is a murderous mermaid— you see our issue.
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Origins SMP Character Tags
osmp ensemble
*ensemble tag is for any art unable to be sorted into individual tags due to vagueness, amount of characters featured, or any other reason
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mcytblrcringefail · 2 years
has osmp james marriott got any nominations because he is literally a wet cat, an actual poor little meow meow, a trademarked cringe fail boy
3 nominations for James Marriott specifying origins! There are 3 others that do not specify which server though.
Reminder to please specify which series! Submissions without a series are left blank until someone specifies a series or go to whichever series the character has the most nominations in.
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