#ostensibly anyway I probably won't ever finish this so
hothotpot · 4 months
I was digging through my notes app the other day and came upon this little snippet of a thing I wrote. Like the other little bit, it was meant for a Disco Elysium fic that I'm not sure I'll ever properly write, but I like it so much it feels unfair to keep it all to myself.
The fic had no real plot, and was really just a series of scenes of Harry and Kim flirting and eventually getting together, because I am a soft idiot. This would have been the end of the fic, so uh, spoilers I guess lol
Anyway, stupid Harry/Kim fluff below the cut!
"So are you my boyfriend now?"
Kim can't quite bite back the laugh that huffs out. "We're not teenagers, detective."
"But I don't think I've ever had a boyfriend before, Kim. I want you to be mine."
His plea is so plaintive and genuine, Kim can't help but be moved, however slightly. "Fine," sarcasm laces his tone as he answers, "we can be boyfriends. You can pass me notes between Civics and Maths, hm?"
The grin that breaks out across Harry's face sends an altogether unreasonable surge of warmth thrumming through Kim's chest. "Will you write back?"
"No, I will not. Unlike you, I take my studies very seriously."
But I will keep every single note you give me in a box beneath my bed, safe where only I can find them, and take them out and read and read and read them again and again, as often as I like - the thought runs through Kim's head completely of its own accord, accompanied by a mortifying burst of sentimentality, and he feels an insane sense of relief that it is only the tips of his ears glowing and not his lungs.
The relief evaporates, though, as Harry fixes his intense green eyes on his own, and the absurd thought that Harry has heard the thought occurs to him. It's impossible, of course, but then Harry raises his hand and cups Kim's jaw with a reverence that sets his pulse hammering in his ears, and Kim is certain that it's true.
"I think I love you, Kim." A breathless exhalation, wondering and amazed.
Kim laughs, and thank the Innocence Harry doesn't flinch.
"Shut up, Harry." The words are amused and fond, tempered with what, even in the privacy of his own thoughts, Kim does not dare admit the truth of.
But Harry just grins and pulls him into a kiss, lips soft and warm, mustache tickling his nose. Kim lets him, but only briefly, then pulls away and bats gently at the detective's shoulder.
"Go to sleep, lieutenant, it's late."
Harry lets Kim move away just long enough to set his glasses carefully in their place on the nightstand and switch off the light, before dragging him back to him with a strength that leaves Kim a little breathless, thick arms encircling slim waist and holding close. Warmth breathed against sensitive skin as Harry nuzzles into Kim's neck, lips grazing, and then a murmured "Good night, Kim."
"Good night, Harry."
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scary-senpai · 2 years
🌝 + 🧠 (Doesn't have to be exclusively for OPM necessarily, although I prob won't know what you're talking about for other fandoms, lol)
Gahh! Thank you so much for asking <3 you are the best.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
this was difficult to answer because for better or worse, a lot of my writing ideas appear as intrusive thoughts when I should be doing other things. there really isn’t a character that interests me that I haven’t written for in some way/shape/form, even if I haven’t published it yet, especially within the OPM-verse.
I think I'd like to do a bit more with Mumen Rider. I think Mumen tends to appear in fic as an Author’s Darling, almost—and for the record, I do this also--if I need a sweet, upstanding cinnamon role to always say the right thing at exactly the right time, I'll use Mumen Rider (like when he's giving Garou parenting advice in Holiday Hijinks).
Anyway, I imagine him like this although in canon, his decisions are ostensibly selfless but still somewhat questionable (and I joke a little bit about this in The Hero Association's First and Final Festivus, when Mumen attempts to do a self-deprecating standup routine in front of his colleagues.) The first rule of emergency response, for example, is "stay in your lane, and don't create more work for the rescue team." Also, he attacked Garou first, from behind. (oh man, when I went back and read the manga after watching the anime, I wrote 'Mumen rider struck first????' on a big ole post-it note because I thought I was reading it wrong).
I think a lot of the sweetest, kindest people have spent a lot of time fighting their inner shadows, because (like we see in Mob Psycho), kindness is a muscle that has to be actively exercised and mindfully developed, and it’s also a muscle that fatigues. So I'd like to see Mumen Rider grappling with how to be a good person. I've thought about this, but I haven't figured out a way to execute it quite yet—whenever I try, he just comes out too similar to the way I write Garou. Probably I will figure it out after spending a bit more time in Mumen's head.
Anyway, if I were ever to write a Mumarou fic, it would be either the sweetest thing ever or the absolute darkest thing ever. I would also like to write a crossover where Mumen is actually Gojo Satoru, this massively over-powered and insufferable character widely considered by his community to a kind of "Chosen One," who, having spent an entire lifetime living under intense and overwhelming pressure, just wants to bike around and touch grass and rescue cats from trees and maybe lose a fight once in awhile, knowing that Saitama's got his back. Gojo's Cursed Technique (magical power) requires him to cover his eyes most of the time, and he has very distinctive features so this could easily work in an AU where we never see Mumen Rider without his biker gear.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Okay, funny you should ask that question, Bestie, because I might ask for your help with this one day. It's an OPM / welcome-to-nightvale crossover:
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I use Discord to keep tabs on my WIP notes, and these are literally the only notes I have. Here's a transcription/translation because these notes are somewhat incomplete
Garou taking Tareo to the library for books. Garou saying it will be fun, libraries (“you mean books?” “Books too but mostly libraries”) are fun but also incredibly [[Note: apparently I did not finish this sentence, which is a problem I have often]]
Opening is sweet but then maybe vague mention of “librarian repellent” (Tareo wonders why Garou doesn’t bring any). Garou says “like a librarian would get me down” [[Note: basically, the first scene would be a bait-and-switch, playing around with irony and what most people would picture when tasked with imagining two kids visiting the library]]
When Garou and Tareo arrive, Genos is just very calmly in the library fighting off librarians. Saitama came because he’s bored. or he’s on a quest to not come home with his memory wiped, holding 33 copies of Helen Hunt’s biography. “You too, huh?” Garou says [[Note: this is a frequent occurrence in Nightvale]]
Anyway, for those of you unfamiliar with Welcome to Nightvale, here's what the Nightvale Library is all about:
The Night Vale Public Library is a notable landmark in Night Vale, although there is widespread dissatisfaction with the library among the town's citizens. Its available public computers are outdated and slow, they provide a lending period of only fourteen days, and the Biography section contains nothing but 33 copies of the official biography of Helen Hunt. There have been reports of a faceless spectre who roams through the Biography section, bringing visitors to an untimely end. Cecil expresses his desire for the City Council to make some serious changes to the library, "or I may find myself hoping that the faceless spectre puts the library to the same mysterious, violent end as its many victims."
Unidentifiable black metallic trees suddenly appeared by the library back in June, causing all airborne objects above 30 feet to catch fire. They were cleared away to make room for a new strip mall and parking lot.
It's creepy. It's weird. It's got books—Garou would love this, and he would have certainly survived the summer reading program.
The Summer Reading Program was is was an annual event held at the Night Vale Public Library in a group of kids and teenagers are trapped in the library and possibly forced to learn.
It was abolished around 1983 following an incident known only as "The Time of Knives." During the 2013 program, fourteen students between the ages of 5 and 17 were kidnapped by librarians and trapped in the library. The number later grew to nearly 100 children and teens before the program officially began that day. It was during this event that Tamika Flynn, 12-years-old at the time, battled librarians for the first time. Her triumph established her combat and leadership skills, and the severed head of the librarian served as a reminder of her battle in the summer reading program of 2013.
To promote the 2013 event, posters were placed around town, unbeknownst to the stores they were put on. Some of them read:
- Get into a good book this summer We are going to force you into a good book this summer - You are going to get inside this book, and we are going to close it on you and there is nothing you can do about it
All with the tagline "Catch the flesh-eating reading bacterium!"
Truly, the Summer Reading Program Garou needs and deserves. I've got a decent amount of headcanon but no real plot.
Thank you so much for asking! these are always fun to do.
(original post is here--the ask is still open, I always love talking about my fics, haha)
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