dryadpharmacy · 6 years
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Boswellia serrata 
Shallaki,  Arbre à Encens, Arbre à Oliban Indien, Boswella, Boswellia, Boswellia serrata, Boswellie, Boswellin, Boswellin Serrata Resin, Encens Indien, Franquincienso, Gajabhakshya, Indian Olibanum, Oliban Indien, Resina Boswelliae, Ru Xiang,
“is a plant that produces Indian frankincense. It is also known as Indian oli-banum, Salai guggul, and Sallaki in Sanskrit. The plant is native to much of India and the Punjab region that extends into Pakistan.
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The resin of Boswellia species has been used as incense in religious and cultural ceremonies and in medicines since time immemorial. Boswellia serrata (Salai/Salai guggul), is a moderate to large sized branching tree of family Burseraceae (Genus Boswellia), grows in dry mountainous regions of India, Northern Africa and Middle East. Oleo gum-resin is tapped from the incision made on the trunk of the tree and is then stored in specially made bamboo basket for removal of oil content and getting the resin solidified. 
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After processing, the gum-resin is then graded according to its flavour, colour, shape and size. In India, the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are the main source of Boswellia serrata. Regionally, it is also known by different names. The oleo gum-resins contain 30-60% resin, 5-10% essential oils, which are soluble in the organic solvents, and the rest is made up of polysaccharides. *22457547
Extracts of Boswellia serrata have been clinically studied for osteoarthritis and joint function, with the research showing trends of benefit (slight improvement) in pain and function, warranting further investigation. Positive effects of Boswellia in some chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease have been reported. It has been used in Indian traditional medicine for diabetes.
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Gum-resin extracts of Boswellia serrata have been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases. The resinous part of Boswellia serrata possesses monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, tetracyclic triterpenic acids and four major pentacyclic triterpenic acids i.e. β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid, 11-keto-β-boswellic acid and acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid, responsible for inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes.
Out of these four boswellic acids, acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid is the most potent inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme responsible for inflammation.”
Hs= Human study  Hc= Human cells
Analgesic  properties (excerpt from research: “The mean pain tolerance force and time were significantly increased from baseline at 1 hr, 2 hrs and 3 hrs of drug  “)  *see research link PMC4175880/ Hs
Potent anti-inflammatory *see research link  17321470   Hc , PMC5133128/  Hs,  20487208 , 17321470, 0125375
Contains boswellic acid, not in the steam or hydro distilled frankincense essential oil form,  see wiki * see research link  22457547
Safe for topical use, however it could be an irritant  *see research link 18304763
Cancer suppressant and adjuvant against pancreatic cancer & liver cancer (excerpt from research:”  In addition, AKBA inhibited the metastasis of the PaCa to spleen, liver, and lung “) *see research link PMC3204996/    Hc  , PMC4142179/ , PMC4142179/
Improves skin texture, reduces damage from UVA & UVB rays (excerpt from research:” an increase of elasticity, a decrease of sebum excretion “)*see research link 19918712,  /29157812 , /20136919 Hs
Improves erythematous eczema and psoriasis, redness and itch  *see research link PMC4235203/  Hs
Reduces pain in combination with Curcumin in patients with Osteoarthritis (excerpt from research:” The time required to ascend and descend a flight of stairs significantly decreased by week 12  “)   *see research link PMC5761198/   Hs 
Reduces knee-arthritis , works better combined with MSM compaired to Glucosamine sulfate  *see research link 26684635  Hs , PMC5806735/ Hs , 18667054/ Hs
Could improve Crohn’s Disease symptoms , and IBD *see research link 11215357/  Hs, .0125375 (Plos link)
Safely used by type2 diabetics on medications to reduce LDL  *always consult your physician/GP  * see research from PMC3929136/ Hs
Could help with recovery of ankle sprains  *see research link 29131239 Hs
Could improve sciatic nerve damage *see research link  PMC5900512/
Antimicrobial against Propionibacterium acnes, Candida Albicans, Trichophyton spp. which can cause toenail infection & Malassezia which causes dandruff * see research link 27730658
Could reduce cluster headaches *see research link PMC3620238/ Hs
Research links :
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danielleleda80-blog · 7 years
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The liquid days became my favorite ones. At first it was hard to focuse and have patient for but after a while it turned into great and "light feeling" experience. Absolutely love it. 💜☕🎧🎶 lets enjoy that Friday and make it unforgettable good. ✨🌞🌼 happy Friday everyone. #liquiddays #drinkingdays #detox #freshlife #loveyourself #lifetolive #joy #getinshape #ostheoarthritis #Vienna #tlv #sports #sportylife #changes #mindchanges #fit4fun #weightloss #looseweight
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jpem1979-blog · 7 years
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When you can't sleep because you are in pain. #ostheoarthritis #backproblems (at Santa Ana, California)
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Why Physiotherapy is useful?
As you might have as of now comprehend, a physiotherapist can get you on target to have torment free development, which is vital for have the option to do your top picks proactive tasks, so forestalling a ton of ongoing diseases, and have some fun time as well. You can recuperate well from an enormous assortment of conditions with physiotherpists' assistance.
Besides, regardless of whether medical procedure and medications can be the best course of therapy for specific conclusions, there are conditions in which physiotherapy can be similarly successful.
Accept low back torment for instance. There is proof this condition is over-treated with imaging, drugs solution and medical procedures, while early exercise based recuperation can be a truly savvy treatment It is something similar assuming we discuss moderate meniscal tears or knee ostheoarthritis, again physiotherapy can be a best option treatment. What's more, shouldn't something be said about non-horrendous rotator sleeve tear? Prepare to have your mind blown. There is no distinctions among medical procedure and physiotherapy therapy as far as outcomes . So why pick a medical procedure?
In any case, any individual is one of a kind, accordingly physiotherapists work in group with other medical services experts, to attempt to give you generally the best therapy you want.
Which conditions does a physiotherapist doctor treat?
A physiotherapist doctor can treat many conditions and wounds. Which are given the names of various problems below, if you also have the same problem, then you can also get your treatment done by a good physiotherapist doctor.
Muscles: Back pain, Carpal passage disorder, Joint swelling, Lower back pain, Leg conditions, Sciatica, Knee conditions, Joint problems etc.
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T H I S I S N O T A S A D S T O R Y || But it is my reality. And I feel I need to share, and explain my journey a bit. This is not about getting your attention, or pity. I'm looking for awareness, and understanding. Chronic pain, and invisible illness is a reality for millions of people, and I'm one of them. I have fibromyalgia, ostheoarthritis, a history of depression, and anxiety, and some (un-)related health issues, that are an unpredictable factor in my life. Already minor stimulation, can cause a sudden (major) pain, and extreme fatigue flare up. Sometimes, I can predict them happening, often I don't. In both situations the only thing I can do is to accept, kick back, let it happen, recover, and move on. On my worst days, I can do the obligatory chores (you know, food, bathroom visits, walking the dog), but interaction with people irl or online is a big no. In a flare up all my senses are in overdrive. In that state I cannot filter any information. So, I turn into a hermit. To rest and recover. Unfortunately, these episodes happen quite often lately. On those days I'd love to read cards. I just don't have the energy, or strength. And my brain works in opposite directions. Don't feel sorry for me. I have grieved. I'm not a victim. I have accepted this life. I'm finding ways to deal with it, ánd enjoying life. It's my strength, and perseverance that brought me here. Had I known pushing through was a bad thing...Oh well..that's the past. I don't need attention, nor pity. I'm looking for awareness, and understanding, that behind the happy face (with or without makeup), there is a whole untold story. Ask questions, before you judge, or send irritated messages questioning my work, or work attitude. Care about the people around you. There quite possibly are a lot more people in pain on a daily basis, than you know. Just because illness is perceived as weakness, people keep pain to themselves. But we're not weak. We live, and smile through pain, all day. Every day. Some of us, the rest of our lives. Try that. Let's see who is the strong one. I'll be back with the daily draws when I'm back on track. Thx for reading. Enjoy your weekend! ♡ #invisibleillness
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Lower Back Pain Relief: 5 Ways to Avoid and Prevent Muscle Strains
The body’s core is its busiest part. Every day, the back supports the movement, tilts, bends, and the simple sit up and stand up movements people do.
Unfortunately, the back does not receive sufficient rest from its activities. In fact, most people do not improve their lower back muscles to improve its performance.
As a result, chronic lower back pain has become a huge worldwide professional problem. According to a study published in The BMJ Medical Journal, lower back pain is one of the leading reasons for missed work.
So, if someone tells you to just walk off your lower back pain, tell them it’s detrimental to your overall being. However, is mild back pain enough to remove you from work? Know about the symptoms of back pain and effective natural treatments by reading on!
Symptoms of Lower Back Muscle Strains
If you feel a wood plank hit the circle of your lower back, then consider mild back pain. However, if it feels the same way but you feel weak using the muscles, it is a possible chronic condition.
Back muscle strain symptoms are the following:
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Swelling or Redness
Muscle strain appears like an impact-caused swollen bump or bruise on any part of your body. If you feel some pulsating swelling or redness on your lower back, you may have chronic back muscle strain.
Athletes suffer mostly from chronic lower back pains with insufficient rest. Corporate workers with prolonged sedentary sitting positions suffer due to the lack of physical activity and rest for the lower back.
Given the modern hectic lifestyle of today, employees lack sleep often. In turn, the body cannot repair the torn lower back muscles completely.
Chronic back pain with swelling occurs when you feel the pain spreading from your lower back to your upper back. In fact, shoulder blade pain is a sign of chronic back pain. See a chiropractor immediately if the pain fails to subside after a week.
Pain in the Affected Area
Swollen and bruised lower back muscles will feel tender to the touch. However, if you feel a consistent stabbing pain in the area, it is possible you have chronic back pain.
Nerve damage causes the stabbing sensation. Because the back muscles are under great duress for hours in a sedentary position, they bend and pull against the nerves consistently.
The sensation of chronic muscle strain different muscle groups is similar to each other. Usually, a hot compress and bath will help relax the nerves and muscles. In addition, a good night’s sleep will help the body repair the damaged nerves and muscles.
A good protein-heavy diet helps the body repair damaged muscles. Coupled with lower back-oriented exercises, you can help grow the muscles and increase your lower back’s capability.
Weakened Sensation in the Affected Muscle Area
Stabbing is the first sign you are entering the first threshold of chronic lower back pain. If you feel unable to stand up and feel your muscles are weak, you have just entered the first level of chronic back problems.
Continued muscle strain without ample sleep for tissue repairs and development accelerates your chronic back condition. The feeling is similar to the prolonged absence of blood when you apply pressure on your hand for an hour. The back feels numb, blocked, and tender.
The weakened sensation is a possible sign your lower back muscle nerves have sustained damage. If you require more than 30 minutes standing up and walking, you may need to see a professional to receive a proper diagnosis.
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Inability to Use the Muscle
Massive nerve damage causes the complete shutdown of the lower back muscle. If left unchecked, it can lead to severe spinal damage. The muscles in your back provide spinal column support. Therefore, numbed and disabled lower back muscles will force the spine to carry the full upper and lower body weight.
Spinal damage will result into the paralysis of the entire lower body and sections of the upper body. Therefore, proper lower back muscle improvement and maintenance is important. It will ensure your spine receives better protection. In addition, you will improve your lower back pain and physical wellness in the process.
Cause of Lower Back Muscle Strains
Lower back pain comes from the incremental stress it suffers on a daily basis. Individuals assuming a sedentary position for hours are prone to chronic and severe lower back muscle strains. If possible, they must avoid the following causes to improve their lower back muscle’s condition.
Bad Sitting Posture
Proper sitting posture helps you align the spine to the tailbone. This allows it to rest in its natural curve. Here are steps on how to sit properly to avoid bad sitting positions:
Sit with your back straight
Keep your shoulders back
Your buttocks should touch the back of the chair
Distribute your body weight on both your hips
Your knees must be bent at a right angle and slightly higher than your hips
Keep your feet flat on the floor
Move every 30 minutes to allow your lower back muscles to rest
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Avoid slouching and placing unnecessary pressure on different areas of your body. Despite assuming a better sitting position, make sure to change it every 30 minutes or take a short five-minute break. This allows your muscles to rest.
Excess Weight
Extra weight in your stomach will pull the pelvis forward. In turn, this will strain the lower back muscles. Even if overweight or obese individuals assume a favorable sitting position, their body fat will drag the lower back muscles when they sit or stand up.
In addition, obese individuals may experience the following chronic lower back pain problems
Herniated Disc
Pinched Nerves
Piriformis Syndrome
If you’re overweight or obese, consider reformation programs to help not just provide back pain relief but to improve your overall health.
Lack of Exercise
Overweight, underweight, or balanced weight individuals must perform physical activity and stick with a healthy diet.  Physical activity allows nerves to relax and muscles to grow.
Lower back-oriented workouts will help grow muscles in the area. In addition, the human body responds to physical activity in a positive manner. Post-workout endorphins will stimulate growth in all activated muscle groups.
Aside from back pain relief, exercise delivers the following benefits:
Improved circulation
Discomfort relief
Enhanced Muscle and Skeletal Stability
Improved muscle healing
Sped-up Metabolism
Strengthened Spine
Even swimming can help improve your lower back pain. If you don’t feel like working against gravity, you can swim and improve your health too.
Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths. In addition, it is also the leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
A cigarette contains hundreds of chemicals dangerous for the human body. Nicotine sticks inside your lungs. Because it is highly addictive, smoking is a habit difficult to quit.
Aside from its lethal long-term consequences, smoking is a major cause of lower back muscle pain. Nicotine affects vertebral disk blood flow. In turn, this will increase the disk degeneration rate ultimately leading to premature arthritis.
In addition, smoking reduces calcium growth leading to osteoporosis and slowed bone fracture healing. Therefore, it increases the risk of spinal damage due to weak lower back muscles.
Smoking increases the risk of osteoarthritis. The reduced spinal blood flow will result to accelerated disk degeneration.
The spine’s disks allow it to move the spine freely. Without the disks, the afflicted individual will suffer immense swelling and pain.
While old age will wear down the disks naturally, premature disk degeneration is possible due to bad vices or a hereditary disorder.
In addition, severe injury or trauma to a joint or spinal column will result to a dislodged cartilage. If left unchecked, it will cause the cartilage to degenerate due to restricted blood flow. Finally, it will cause osteoarthritis.
If you have a stiff and painful neck or back lasting for more than two weeks, you may have osteoarthritis. At this point, you must see a professional as soon as possible.
5 Ways to Introduce Lower Back Pain Relief
Acute and chronic lower back pain will not lead to immediate severe back problems. By introducing the best solutions as early as possible, you will get relief and preserve your back’s health for longer.
Avoid relying on artificial medication such as ibuprofen or mefenamic acid. They will help relieve the pain. However, they have immense side effects and are not viable as long-term solutions.
However, these five will help alleviate the pain progressively and restore your lower back muscle’s health.
A Hot Long Bath
Water makes up the human body’s majority. Liquids and nutrients compose the solid bones and hard muscles. Therefore, remaining soaked in water will help relax your nerves and muscles.
A long, hot soak in the bathtub is not just fun. In fact, it is imperative you do so daily. Medical professionals consider bathtub soaks as the simplest and easiest form of hydrotherapy.
Hydrotherapy is a process wherein the body receives the following sensations:
Aside from calming your mental state and physical nerves with heat and vibration, it releases tension in all areas. Take a hot bath each time you get home and get up in the morning to help your back!
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Proper Sleeping Position
You’ve probably awoken to find your upper or lower back feeling pinched. In addition, you feel as if your neck positioned itself at the wrong place. You may have slept in a bad position.
When sleeping, always align your ears, shoulders, and hips. It doesn’t matter which position you assume at night.
However, here are some helpful tips to allow your back to have the best rest to improve the body’s muscle repair capabilities in the area:
Back Sleeping: Place a pillow at the back of your knees
Flat-Stomach Sleeping: Place a flat pillow under your stomach and pelvis area
Side Sleeping: Place a pillow between your knees to align the spine
You reduce the likelihood of back pains if you never move during your sleep. However, if you do, and you are conscious in doing so, always turn your body as a single unit to help align your spine at all times.
Aligning Your Feet When You Stand and Sit
Your pair of feet is the starting point of your body’s kinetic chain. They are the foundation of the balance ears regulate when you stand up, walk, and sit down.
In fact, during your younger years, you have subconsciously trained your feet to support the entire body. The feet’s balls will support the body’s weight and strengthen your lower back.
Therefore, misaligned feet will affect your body when you stand or sit. It will introduce incrementing pain from your feet to your knees and legs. Misaligned feet will introduce pain in your lower back.
Each pair of feet has a different level of flatness. If you have tight and wrongly angled shoes, your feet will not hurt. However, the improper weight distribution will greatly affect your back.
Always check your feet’s alignment and your footwear to see your back pain improve.
Posture Correcting Devices
Modern technology, design, and innovation have brought many posture-correcting devices in the market. Most of them are effective if you use them correctly. Some of them are the following:
Firm, spine-angled mattresses
Buttocks-lifting seats
Shoulder, ears, and knee aligners (for sitting)
These devices are excellent long-term devices especially for sedentary postures at work. While they are helpful even without physical workouts, it is important to consider the latter as the best, permanent, and long-term solution.
Back-Supportive Exercises
As mentioned earlier, exercise is the best cure for muscle development. Doing the following workouts for lower back muscle improvement will relieve your back pain with muscle growth.
Hamstring Stretches: Targets your hamstrings. Loop a towel over the balls of your feet with your back lying against the ground. Straighten the knee and pull down on the towel
Wall Sits: Stand with your back flat against the wall. Perform a semi-squat with your back sliding against the wall. Raise your body up and repeat.
Partial Crunches: Lie on the ground. Cross your arms over your chest. Bring your upper body and raise your shoulders off the floor.
However, while these are long-term solutions, a program that strengthens your back and core is the best workout for your back. My Back Pain Coach is an excellent back pain relief-oriented program you may want to try. The program is designed to improve back blood circulation and muscle improvement. Know more about it here!
Lower back pain is a troublesome issue for almost every human in existence. However, with long-term solutions in the form of excellent exercise, proper posture, and good diets, you can help relieve your back. Good back care prevents catastrophic physical damages to your body too.
Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/photos/CEM52sAHR80
Photo by Sam Burriss on Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/photos/zHSX9o2_B7Y
Photo by Olenka Kotyk on Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/photos/LU9TL9ZnYqM
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liberatewpb420 · 6 years
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What are some of the therapeutic implications of the cannabinoids? Multiple sclerosis: The ability of the cannabinoids to inhibit T cell responses makes them potential therapeutic agent for MS. Parkinson’s disease: Cannabinoids could provide protection against progression of neuronal injury and influence local inflammatory events. Atherosclerosis: CB2 receptor activation by THC inhibits atherosclerotic plaque progression in mice models. Rheumatic disease: Cannabinoid receptors could become important therapeutic target for treatment of pain and inflammation associated with ostheoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. CBD has shows anti-arthritis effect in studies with patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Diabetes and lipid metabolism: In diabetes cannabinoids may protect against pancreatic islets destruction and also in treatment of neuropathic pain. Allergic asthma: Cannabinoids could modulate cytokines profiles, which could result in decreasing overproduction of mucus in the lungs. Gut and liver disease: Cannabinoids may reduce gut inflammation via CB1 and CB2 receptor activation. They can also be used to treat immune-mediated liver inflammation, hepatic fibrosis and hepatic and intestinal neoplastic disease.  The list seems endless! www.liberatewpb.com #liberatewpb #cannabinoids #immunesystem #medicalmarijuana #cannabis #cannabispatient #medicine #cbd #thc #endocannabinoid
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jacquelynepatterson · 7 years
Just start...
I am a 63 year old, woman who is morbidly obese, hypertensive and suffering from ostheoarthritis. What is the point of saying all that? That confession is necessary because of the journey I am on. This journey is one of losing weight. I was over 316 pounds when I started in July 2017 but in mid-November I am 298.2 pounds. How did this happen? What diet am I on? How many calories do I consume daily? This blog is going to provide insight to those queries. All of this is not about losing physical weight. The weight of unprofitable relationships, unrealized goals and poor sense of self all conspired over the years to allow me to put layers of fat on my frame to protect my fragile core and a barrier from which to hide. But, no more! So, come along on this journey and let's marvel at the sights to behold.
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ipguru · 7 years
Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
Do not miss this chance to get this product on most reasonably priced value.
KNEE PAIN RELIEF AND PREVENTION – Our distinctive knee band offers help on your knee and patellar tendon throughout sport actions, strolling and exercising. It helps with varied knee issues and ailments resembling jumper’s knee (aka patellar tendonitis), Osgood-Schlatter’s illness, chondromalacia, ostheoarthritis and runner’s knee.
COMFORTABLE TO WEAR – Fixed compression on the patellar tendon with none motion restrictions. Made out of sentimental padding for comfy put on and excellent help. The light-weight and breathable material makes for ultra-comfortable all-day put on.
ONE SIZE FITS MOST – Comprises two adjustable velcro straps, and matches all knee sizes between 11 and 22 inches. Straightforward to placed on, straightforward to put on.
HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL – Comprised of premium nylon, our knee strap doesn’t irritate your pores and skin and is definitely wearable underneath all climate situations. The double strap design prevents loosening and holds tightly to your knee underneath all circumstances.
100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – Purchase the merchandise with confidence, and in the event you’re not happy, return it for a full refund.
Get this Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Health, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Assist Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports activities/ Ache Aid for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
Paragon Sports activities’ top-quality patella tendon strap offers good help whereas exercising or operating. It has been confirmed that through the use of it you may alleviate knee ache and decrease the chance of additional accidents. The distinctive materials drains away moisture and prevents odors.
PREMIUM MEDICAL KNEE STRAP ► Form and profile of the strap ensures most adhesion to the knee and unrestricted motion ► Low-profile design with non-slip materials ► Particular materials drains away moisture ► Antimicrobial know-how reduces odor ► Twin Velcro fasteners enable particular person adjustment of compression brace ► Straightforward and quick upkeep – merely rub the brace with delicate detergent, rinse totally and let dry
Paragon Sports activities’ knee band is a exceptional well being aide that may enable you return to energetic life!
It’s at all times higher to purchase Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Health, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Assist Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports activities/ Ache Aid for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia from the the chief on this eCommerce trade. They’ve proved their potential in delivering high quality service after shopping for implausible merchandise from them.
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The post Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia appeared first on IPCAMVOX.
from Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
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dayogis-blog · 7 years
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DaYogis Pomegranate Concentrated Juice. Pomegranate juice is a super food for health and skin. A single glass of Dayogi pomegranate juice provides 40% daily requirement of folic acid & vitamins A, C and E. It helps to maintain blood sugar levels & reduce the risk of Cancer & Ostheoarthritis. It will provide the energy, carbohydrates, proteins and fats that your skin and other appropriate tissues need to maintain themselves. Pomegranate juice also serves as a source of minerals and vitamins, including several nutrients. #DaYogis #Pomegranate #Concentrated #Juice #MaintainsBloodPressure #ReducesRiskOfCancer #TreatingDiarrhoea #BoostsYourImmunity #PreventsAnaemia #BeneficialDuringPrenatalCare #AntiAging #SuitsAllSkinTypes #HelpsInHealingScars #ImprovesSkinTexture #FaceMaskForGlowingSkin #PreventsSkinCancer #PreventsHairFall https://goo.gl/Ac4TwA
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mydhaba · 8 years
Elixir Pomegranate - Da Yogis
Elixir Pomegranate – Da Yogis
Buy Elixir Pomegranate by Da Yogis at MyDhaba.in Natural Juice Concentrate for Anti-Ageing Pomegranate juice benefits our health and skin in myriad of ways It is said that a single glass of pomegranate juice can provide us with 40% daily requirement of folic acid & vitamins A, C and E Pomegranate juice is believed to maintain blood sugar levels & reduce the risk of Cancer & Ostheoarthritis…
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jpem1979-blog · 7 years
#24hoursaday7daysaweek #arthritis #painismylife #ostheoarthritis (at Santa Ana, California)
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ipguru · 7 years
Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
Do not miss this chance to get this product on most reasonably priced value.
KNEE PAIN RELIEF AND PREVENTION – Our distinctive knee band offers help on your knee and patellar tendon throughout sport actions, strolling and exercising. It helps with varied knee issues and ailments resembling jumper’s knee (aka patellar tendonitis), Osgood-Schlatter’s illness, chondromalacia, ostheoarthritis and runner’s knee.
COMFORTABLE TO WEAR – Fixed compression on the patellar tendon with none motion restrictions. Made out of sentimental padding for comfy put on and excellent help. The light-weight and breathable material makes for ultra-comfortable all-day put on.
ONE SIZE FITS MOST – Comprises two adjustable velcro straps, and matches all knee sizes between 11 and 22 inches. Straightforward to placed on, straightforward to put on.
HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL – Comprised of premium nylon, our knee strap doesn’t irritate your pores and skin and is definitely wearable underneath all climate situations. The double strap design prevents loosening and holds tightly to your knee underneath all circumstances.
100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – Purchase the merchandise with confidence, and in the event you’re not happy, return it for a full refund.
Get this Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Health, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Assist Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports activities/ Ache Aid for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
Paragon Sports activities’ top-quality patella tendon strap offers good help whereas exercising or operating. It has been confirmed that through the use of it you may alleviate knee ache and decrease the chance of additional accidents. The distinctive materials drains away moisture and prevents odors.
PREMIUM MEDICAL KNEE STRAP ► Form and profile of the strap ensures most adhesion to the knee and unrestricted motion ► Low-profile design with non-slip materials ► Particular materials drains away moisture ► Antimicrobial know-how reduces odor ► Twin Velcro fasteners enable particular person adjustment of compression brace ► Straightforward and quick upkeep – merely rub the brace with delicate detergent, rinse totally and let dry
Paragon Sports activities’ knee band is a exceptional well being aide that may enable you return to energetic life!
It’s at all times higher to purchase Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Health, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Assist Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports activities/ Ache Aid for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia from the the chief on this eCommerce trade. They’ve proved their potential in delivering high quality service after shopping for implausible merchandise from them.
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from Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper’s Knee and Chondromalacia
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dayogis-blog · 8 years
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dayogis-blog · 8 years
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