#ot maybe i’m just overthinking it idk
jounosparticles · 9 months
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suegiku posting again sorry (i’m not sorry) but this is genuine love to me. they won’t say it but the fact that tetchou put aside saving the world from the vampire pandemic when he could have easily went after bram in favour of attempting to save jouno shows how much he loves him. i really hope we see more on this and that the two share a moment where they talk about it and how much they actually care. i need tetchou to assure jouno that he isn’t a bad person, and that being selected for evil isn’t his true self. the potential for character building here is so good.
asagiri said he wants to focus on their rivalry in the future, i hope this does not make them enemies but instead just work partners that argue sometimes. tetchou is the only one who understands jouno, i really hope they get to have moments where they connect and jouno slowly breaks away from his tough exterior around tetchou. two people who just care for each other and want to help the world.
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osakunt · 2 years
Wait ——— my blog is dead ass dying 🧍🏻‍♀️
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
14 Anti LO Asks
1. To the one anon: good question - how is it that the mortals dont know who Persephone is / assume she is a minor goddess and therefore its okay to mess with her but the gods (or Olympians / underworld denizens) know exactly everything about her (despite her being there only every so often and only being 20ish) - enough to say shes "wearing her signature white color" during a murder trial.
Also the reason why Persephone is wearing white is because
A). RS wanted persephone to always be "dressed as a bride" (and have Hades dressed as a groom respectively) to show that their matching / is supposed to be a visual cue that their eventually gonna be together.
B). I believe this is RS way of saying that Persephone (despite murdering some mortals) is innocent because in purity culture White = innocence, virginity, youth etc. (Even though RS explicity ssid she wanted to go against purity culture morals shes very much leaning into them). 
2. why are Psyche’s eyes yellow even in her human form? Is she sick??
3. honestly? LO is just gossisp girl at this point, espect even GG (at least in the first season) bothered to saturze the rich and was calling out how wealth and power makes them corrupt assholes. meanwhile LO is just GG season 2 and on of being like no no, the poor people are the evil people and the rich people are the oppressed ones! all while also fawning over their  wealth and status and being way into grown men wanting to bang barely legal teens and claiming to be "feminist" somehow.
4. Tumblr is well-known for broken tag system. Check the post' tags before complaining that it's op's fault. How about you guys not tag greek mythology when posting about LO? LO is not one-shot or short fancomic. It's also definitely not considered actual greek mythology. LO is years long webcomic with huge fans. LO has its own tag. Tell your fellow fans to stop using the greek mythology tag.
5. I would argue nyx is the only woman with a unique in design in LO but thats only because she looks like a deformed chicken woman. why was my night mom disrespected this much 😭
6. So now that LO is back from break and I can finally read chapter 170 - Why oh Why do ALL the female characters Have to be defined by their male love interests??? (Or really just love interests in general).
I understand LO qualifies as the "romance" genre and there are certain stipulations or I guess themes or what have you that make it romance but for f*cks sake.
Psyche being worried about Eros loving the "fake" her I kinda get, but really? Thats your most pressing concern?? Hera is defined by her garbage marriage to Zeus - King of the gods (of which is why she is Queen of the gods). Hestia + Athena are now defined solely by their relationship to each other (not the TGOEM or their respective traits of being a goddess of the hearth + goddess of war, strategy etc etc).
Aphrodite is defined by giving Persephone "relationship" advice (e.g: telling her to curb stomp Minthe because "nymphs dont take things from gods" - doubly implying that people are things to own) And by her jealousy of Persephone in the first place because Hades made a comment about how he thought Persephone was prettier than her. And also because of her "house of debauchery" (Artemis'  words) - and relationship with Ares.
Persephone is defined both by Apollo raping her and by her fated future status as Queen of the underworld (so her relationship with Hades). Hell, even the minor characters such as nymphs are defined by this relationship status / standard. Minthe is defined by her mean spirited personality yes, but Also because of her abusive relationship with Hades prior to the introduction of Persephone. Psyche is defined by her relationship woes with Eros. Daphne is defined by her relationship with Thanatos (and because shes a flower nymph) but also mostly because she looks like Persephone.
Rhea is defined by her marriage / relationship to Kronos (lets ignore the whole "fertility goddess power" plot for a second). Even Aetna is defined by Haphestus creating her! Is there not a single character (especially female) is isnt defined by their romantic love interest???Sorry. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but thats definitely how ot comes off as of late, in regard to the latest chapters.
Okay, same anon as earlier - I take it back somewhat - we have Artemis and Hecate that are not defined by their romantic relationships - but rather their lack of one.
However the way they are shown - it still comes off as a standard - "Artemis is stingy / a stick in the mud" because shes not romantically involved and is "barbaric" (according to Hera). And Hecate is still somewhat defined by her being Hades' employee (and cheerleader for him and Persephone to be together).
So technically yes, we have at least 2 characters that are not defined by their romantic interests / relationships, but they are still held to the standard of their "un-ladylike / undesirable" because their not romantically involved.
(I guess I should count Demeter, but only because shes more defined by just being "Persephone's overbearing mom" )
7. i think whats also kinda weird about this trial is like?? persephone is obvs framed as not liking the attention (bc duh) but she didnt like the previous press either, she wanted to be private, but wouldnt being with hades force her to be in the spotlight that makes her uncomfortable? also the citizens of the underworld already dislike hades, why would they want a uncontrollable felon as their queen, even if she found innocent? idk the whole thing just makes the endgame less plausible, tbh.
8. love that rachel was able to find a random deity name to name her random nymph the greek word for "beans" meanwhile apparently cant google actual greek names for even one off characters? like andrew, ellen, george, alexis, damian, luke, phoebe, sophia, and so any other english names are also greek, but she cant even bother with that? what exactly is her "research" if she cant even bother to spend 30 seconds googling greek names? at this point LO seems determined to be as un-Greek as possible.
9. wait so everyone in LO went from having no idea who persephone was, to her only showing up on ONE magazine cover, to now being the most well known person with a signature color? all in the span of two weeks with no genuine public outings? how does that make sense? also white isnt even her signature color if 90%+ the female cast and even a lot of the men ((including ZEUS) all wear it too.
10. the fact the courthouse WASNT the areopagus, aka the place in greece where they say the first ever trial ever happened and where the court system was invented, is just another point of rachel talking out her ass about being "respectful" or "researched" on greece and their mythology. its literally one of the most famous mythology spots ever with some fantastic stories to it and she's just like "nah! boring rectangle will do!" like why even both with mythology then if its this devoid of it?
11. Anons are saying Hades in the FS chapter is leaning down and talking to Persy like a child. Say it aint true.
(I wanna see. I thought RS was finally giving Persy adult proportions). 😨
12. So wait, hold up. I kinda get where RS is coming from with the law school in the underworld (because Hades is supposed to be a kinda Judge, jury, executioner situation in the afterlife when it comes to mortals and their "punishments" and whatnot). However, is RS stating that the ONLY law school / courthouse exists in the underworld? If so, why? Why wouldn't Athena be there then. She's a goddess of strategy and justice (among other things).
Also is RS really implying that Hades owns not only the banks and underworld but the law too? She really wants Hades to be a Gary Sue along side her Mary Sue - Hades controls everything that matters and since its his realm and blah blah blah rules, Zeus, king of the gods cant do anything about it.
(Which is dumb. Because you would think that because Persephone committed the crime in the mortal realm / on, or near Olympus that therefore she would be brought back there to dole out justice under Zeus jurisdiction because she committed the crime in His Realm). 
13. FP Spoiler ahead:
Why on earth couldn't the reporters have Greek names? There is so much wrong and bad with this story, yet this irks me so much. It is Brenda all over again.
14. i dont really get the point of the trial plotline, tbh. even persephone says she should be punished and held accountable, but hades is framed in the right for trying to go against that and weasel her out of it. so?? plus zeus has legit reason to punish them? persephone is a danger to others, demeter and hermes both committed treason to cover it up, and hades was harboring a fugitive of the law and is now trying to force the system to let her go. how is zeus in the wrong for this?
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mariaantonnietta · 3 years
Okay, the promised is debt.let"s talk about Gintaka moments!!!
I said a long time ago I was gonna do a compilation of Gintaka/Takagin moments. And I will deliver right now! (op skimmed the jp twitter and is excited/can’t wait to see the movie )
Ok, no, this will be mostly my disorganized headcanons, moments where I can see the ship with my shipper googles on, some paralels? Haha, honestly just to show the ship some love!!!
It’s also my perspective on why I love this ship!!
Of course, I'm going to talk about all the series and go back and fort, so there’s going to be spoilers all around, so if you have not seen the manga end, best skip it.
The rest is under the cut, let’s go!!!!!
So, I started shipping  Gintaka/Takagin  after the Shougun Assasination arc, best  strangled friends story I have ever seen.  I like a lot of Gintoki ships, but it became my favourite really fast. Then, looking back, I noticed these haha:
the first meeting in the show (ep 17). I know it was threatening, but watching it again the fireworks exploded over their heads as they met.Isn’t that  a romantic troupe? (and also in this scene makes Takasugi face scarier, haha). And also how Gintoki stopped Takasugi blade, so obvious for point one that they knew each other.(the interactions here are so painful in retrospective 'When his father saw his son's head, imagine the rage he felt?😭')
(and then there’s also , in the extra episode where the yoroyuza go to China, they help a poor dude with his first date with a girl, and Gintoki comments how the first date  should have fireworks, haha, at the time there were some images on pixiv of child Gintoki and child Takasugi seeing the fireworks together, it was so lovely, good headcanon!)
There's the Senbonsakura arc, and Takasugi appearing at the reunion scene looking at the moon, woah (there's also them crossing paths, but that's more dramatic of the ideologies maybe, still this a shipping post so ' them crossing paths there, the athmosphere of fated (rivals) people!!!')
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( ‘They both had sad eyes’)
I like how even as they are different their core is the same, even if not these character are so raw together in their feelings
Let's talk about the movies for a moment: in the movie version of the Benizakura arc, Gintoki dreams with Takasugi, and IDK, but for how haunting it is, it also feels intimate, and that makes it hurt most.
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About the second movie when we saw it we didn't know what the hell happened to Takasugi, but looking back he's dead by that time....maybe. (why didn't you give us a clear answer at the end sorachi).Okay but for practical purposes of what the cast knows he's dead (maybe...ahhh let's says it's like that) and well, haha, gintoki of the future dying looking at the sunset haha don't think of him daydreaming things.(When I saw the movie I had the impression that takasugi was dead, for both katsura clothes that are not called as a joke, and future gintoki 'the only one that can kill me is me', if takasugi was alive, he wouldn't let gintoki claim that so hypotrically, that's what I believed.)
There's the mini arc of the underseas dragon palace, (I remembered this one because of takasugi 'monster' form) I'm just gonna said that even if I read too much into ot there are some interesting paralels maaaaaybe, this one is a strech.
Talking about far fetched things, you people remember the Love Chorris arc? The one with the virtual girlfriends game? I think I am not the first person to point this out, but if you analyze Gintoki girl:
Gintoki selects her and (accidentally)kills her son.After that, she is bend of killing him in return in revenge. With his son corpse at her back to haunt him too.
She later confesses to him that she knew he wasn't at fault for her sons death, and that she focused on blaming him to be able to handle the pain, that she's grateful of Gintoki for understanding this.
The spirit of her son aproves their relashionship.
Now tell me this doesn't remain you of someone in particular and his relashionship with gintoki. And this is gintoki mind perspective and hopes, and fears.
(Well it probably isn't that deep, its the chorris arc, but still)
The way you can see Sakamoto’ jokes as a friend teasing because he knows they like each other. The fight when they to a red district gaining another lining.
The rajuko arc, when they exchanged blades to save the other newfound friends/family. The fucking red string of blood that they form together.
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In the manga there was the famous saying attributted to takasugi historical counterpart :
'I want to kill all crows in the three thousand world, and sleep in with my heart's master'
This if I remember correctly because crows caw mark the morning, and in a brothel you have to leave.
So the meaning is ' I want to kill all crows in three thousand worlds(so that morning never comes) and sleep/stay in (forever) with my heart' master'
(Of course this could refer to shouyo, but it could be about gintoki, they go directly to meet the other)
It's a famous saying used in songs, I believe.
The part when he doesn’t want to see more rain, its of course because seeing gintoki's crying was imprinted in his mind for so long and influenced how he thinks. He is so important to him!!
And of course the final arc, where they are more open to each other,(the strangled friends are so happy to be together again) both Takasugi who finally let go of that 'burn the world down' and of Gintoki that walks besides him. The way Gintoki looks at Takasugi with a soft expression on his eyes. Matako ' I have never seen before Shinsuke sama with those eyes, I couldn't stop them'
The Glorious Days ending, that's when one (me) realises, 'oh ... this two care about each other and want to save the other' and while it isnt surprising for Gin, it was for Takasugi at the time.Rewatch the openings and endings in general, and see Takasugi place in them. IDK, he is usually the last alone waiting under the moon. And it gets me...cant really explain that.
The radio call, how we couldn’t see gintoki's initial reaction as Takasugi talked to him, gintoki even pretending not knowing (painfully bad) he didn’t know the other voice.
And of course the myriad moments in the final arc, Gintoki promply saying he is the one he wants to protect, the death sequence 'maybe we were just born under that kind of (tragic) star'
Gintoki teading takasugi that his parents would cry if they see the delincuent he is bringing home 🤣🤣.
Fuck, in the spin off Takasugi as a student novel, when he and Gintoki meet they can't keep the skit up, they talk directly to each other.
Also about the special episode, there's another...uh this is more of a paralel, and purely a headcanon, but here it goes: the yorozuya meet with kamui while trying to help a woman about her mother setting her up in blind dates, and in one moment she starts mothering both kamui and kagura and they get, well their eyes are animated different in that moment, and then they start listening to her. They were probably remainded of their own mother. And then I realised that I have seen Kamui make those eyes before (I will look for a pic, it's a very distintive shift), when talking to Takasugi. Is in one op too.
Of course the childhood friends dynamic. Regardless of nature, nobdy can deny the deep connection these two have.
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(Here's the image from the op, is less obvios in the ep I think...or I'm overthinking, that's more possible)
Here’s Kamui and Kagura’s eyes when tehy get scold by the mother:
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(I’m not crazy, they are similar XD Maybe XD)
I remember thinking to myself at the time 'woah, Kamui shows a admiring expression with takasugi somentimes' and now I fully believe is a childlike more like expression because takasugi reminds him of his mother(subconsiously). I can see the resemblance, especially towards the end of the series. As Gintoki and Umibozuo paralel too(both of them act like Kagura's dads) I just....haha parallel things.
There's a hundred things more, I'm sure I'm forgetting some (may add in a reblog after). All their fucking dialogue with each other is so intense. I I just love this ship sooo much
Totally up to talk about this ship if someone wants to!!
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sabotager-k · 4 years
I love your style! But I'm not familiar with your character, so you can ramble on as much about yourself as you like. ^^
so, on a most basic level K is a defective and rebel who really REALLY hates Red and Purple, and really likes Zim, she's clever and that trait is usually clear to others, but she's also pretty goofy and extremely unpredictable, I made her so that she could be flexible and be thrown into a whole bunch of situations easily and have her backstory be easily changeable without changing her overall character, THAT BEING SAID I have a favourite version of her past... which actually happens to be the only version that is fleshed out and that is this:
as a young smeet K was like, insanely tall, so much that I guess she was like... bumped up in her age group that she ended up being around Zim nd Red and Purple and everyone, and for a long time she either exceeded or matched Red and Purple in height... and then one day she just stopped growing, which already made her resent R&P for passing her in height, which was made worse by them making fun of her, I don't really have any details for her early life past that, but when Red and Purple became the Tallest she just kinda snapped and decided that she would refuse to follow them and rebel, so that's what she did, she ended up on a planet as a regular soldier and kinda, blew everyone up I guess, she sabotaged that battle (and her having that thought is probably when she self appointed herself the title Sabotager-K) and talked to whoever the Empire was fighting to like, tell them her whole deal I guess, her rebellion is at first just a result of her grudge against Red and Purple but the more she travels the more she like, enjoys seeing other species and what they create and starts to gain more compassion, even if she looks down on most individuals and considers herself superior, though that starts to fade into less of a trait she has regarding her being Irken and moreso regarding her being herself as she starts to also look down on her own species
so she eventually ends up on earth somehow, I usually think of it as an accident, like she got list or her ships coordinates got messed up and she ended up near this planet that she detected Irken technology on, so she goes to investigate. I feel like she finds Tak's ship first since like it's been stated that its more powerful and detectable than Zim's base haha, she probably suspects Dib is an Invader maybe, but probably only gathers the information that he goes to Skool and then just decides she'll infiltrate that place nd confront him somehow? idk but she comes up with her lil cat hologram disguise, mostly cause she thinks humans are ugly, and a backstory that she was made in this lab or something and successfully joins Dib and Zim's class posing as a weirdly tall cat child, ofc when shes there she's like 'oh, I was wrong about Dib but WOAH Zim's here' but she's like, not really sure what to do, she's successfully fooled everyone with her disguise tho, like her being a cat person is SO distracting that not even Dib suspects her to be an alien, Dib does talk to her abt Zim tho and she says she believes him, and that she thinks she might be able to help expose or defeat him or something, and so later her and Dib and Zim face off in like the woods or smth where K does make a dramatic and theatrical reveal that HA SHE IS AN IRKEN but she still hates the Empire and while she won't help Dib hurt Zim or expose him she'll generally help if it looks like the earth IS in trouble and she wants to take down the Empire, hijinks ensue
K and Zim really start out as enemies I guess, nd K at first really doesn't think much of him, but I guess as her loneliness and feelings of isolation hit her the more she realizes that they have similarities and also, man if anything Zim did was purposeful he'd be a way better rebel than she is, and she just starts enjoying his company and develops feelings for him, which she really doesn't understand or have many words for, but yea, she likes GIR a lot and has a guardian type affection towards him, which she is not hesitant to show, as far as Dib goes she cares about him and is a friend, she thinks he's smart for a child, and since they're on what she perceives as the same 'side' she'll look for confirmation that her actions are 'good' from him, she respects but is a little scared of Gaz and doesn't talk to her much, and she just, doesn't trust Professor Membrane, she can't pinpoint why tho
I've not come up with a whole bunch beyond that, she's incredibly stubborn and won't let go of ANYTHING unless she loses interest in it, she's chaotic and while she's empathetic for an Irken because of her defective nature, she really doesn't have a moral compass and tends to mostly care about herself and the people or things she's come to like, her behaviour and movements are theatrical, or intended to be usually, she's kinda clumsy, she overthinks things A LOT, and she wants those she likes or admires to respect her, and those she doesn't like to fear her
I AM working on a character document or maybe a carrd with all her information on ot, I'm just still currently in the process of organizing and writing it ahaaaa
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mercurialsmile · 6 years
so I was playing Skyrim as my evil vampire character and like. Ofc I start thinking abt Dante while riding around on my horse 
and like. I am thinking about Monster Hunters again and how out of ALL my stories, it has like. No plot at all. 
Like. I don’t even have a vague IDEA of one xdddd
Inner Demons? Has a plot and plot points planned out.
Counting Stars? Already written! Has a plot and plot points planned out!
Love Thy Sacrifice, which me and Angel almost never talk about? Even it has a vague plot and some plot points thought out! 
Legit, every story me and Angel have has some sort of basic plot minus SSLL, OT, and MH
Thing is, SSLL is just a fun... thing for me and Angel. It’s not really supposed to have a plot as it’s just about the lives of Roth and Mason. Of course, if I did enough research, I could take a snapshot of their life and make it into a story, but I’m lazy and am content with how it is. 
OT is kinda the same in a way? Like if I wanted to I could make it into a story if I wanted to... and I have thought about actually writing its story (but just not publishing it... or maybe even posting it...) but it’d have a lot of smut in the story and rn I find smut boring to write and again, am content with how it is now. I don’t feel the need to turn it into a story.
Thing is, with MH, there is this really bad URGE and FEELING. Like... I know there is a plot somewhere! My ideas are TOO INTERESTING to not write about in a fully fleshed out novel/series! 
But I. Can’t find a plot ANYWHERE. Or at least, not one I am passionate about. I have a couple of ideas but they just. Are not interesting for me to write about. Not really. And maybe I am overthinking MH too much, but the world feels like a mess to me as well. Ironically enough, I can build fantasy worlds from scratch just fine. But throwing paranormal elements into our already established world? Too hard. Don’t wanna deal with it.
I’m also nervous about writing fantasy r/acism directed toward a black character (Dante) for being a vampire. I mean... there’s a lot of fantasy racism in tpoo, but that story takes place in a completely different world and the races don’t match up to humans at all. Writing about fantasy r/acism in our real world in a setting that’s the deep south makes me. Kinda uncomfortable in numerous ways? 
And you could say, well I could ignore that part of the world or worldbuild around that, but then... idk i dont r want to cut smth like that out. it feels disrespectful for NUMEROUS reasons 
anyways im rambling. basically I have no real plot ideas for MH that could cover an entire series and it’s been kinda stressing me out a little. I don’t wanna drop MH from my list of stories I wanna write. I love the characters and the concrete things I have world built to do that. But I’ve been thinking for months now and have even asked some of my friends about it and they’re just as stumped as me for a plot
So... idk. idk what to do. I’m just kinda disappointed and frustrated and wanted to write my feelings out lol 
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fmlfpl · 4 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW25
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week!
Friday My Life also just went up for Patreon subs. Get in.
Generally speaking the team is in ok shape off the double.and having two frees during the break feels like a good place to be. I definitely have a Haller problem...who I will probably go straight to Ings after this weekend...but the fixtures certainly aren't lining up to do that now. Might have a Poinstram problem if he's dropped...we'll see. Definitely have a Schmike problem but when it comes to GK I'd rather not shoot myself in the foot and just let it ride.
Schmeichel (CHE)
Schmike kicking off the GW with a diabolical fixture and he's just been a complete and scenic disaster for me since I brought him in. I think he's had one clean for me since I bought him like twooooo months ago? Yeah cool. Hoping for a three pointer here fack.
Alexander-Arnold & Gomez (SOU)
Trent and Joemez double goes again and will probably go for a while in my team. Soton certainly not a pushover but it also wouldn't surprise me if they don't lay a glove on Livp. Mark Ings out of the game and that should neuter them pretty much is my thinking. Anfield should help, too.
Lundstram (cry)
Pointstram is back into the fray here...although obviously concerned that he may have lost his place in which case he's going to be in for a one pointer most likely. I really don't rate Besic so just hoping Pointstram got a nice break over the last two weeks and is ready to go again. If he somehow plays zero I have baby will off the bench for him and he'll be out of my team come next GW.
Salah (SOU)
Mo fresh off the big return against Wet Spam he's such a good boy.
De Bruyne & Mahrez (tot)
Double City mid goes again with Kevin and Mahrez. At Spurs isn't a great fixture but also feels far from bad even though Mou's defensive underlyings have been somehow pretty okay lately. Feels like City always whip Spurs..idk. Seems fine.
Martial (WOL)
Tony M I'm still sticking by with the Portugease National Team rolling in to OT. I don't really know what I'm doing with this boy as I'm sensing I am in maybe some kind of denial that he is a bad pick? Not sure. Perhaps he's not long for my team but for now, he's still here. Wolves are contractually obliged to not clean so maybe Tony comes up with something this weekend but I'm not too hopeful.
Maupay (whu) & Haller (BHA)
Neal versus Haller - battle of titans - disaster for me. Neal will surely find another way to break my heart, likely to the tune of leading the league in shots on his way for a two pointer...while Haller does similar heartbreaking in different fashion....likely to the tune of zero shots on his way to his two pointer. Thinking this fixture will be a goal fest because both teams are so bad is the worst possible logic I could think of but I'm clinging to it. More realistically they fucking shit on each other for 90 minutes and it's a 0-0...rip.
Agüero (tot)
Kun rounds out my team. Lovely Kun.
Agüero (tot)
I'm rolling on Kun this weekend and straying off Mo.
Don't feel like it's that great of a fixture for Livp and not seeing them capable of a big goal explosion against Soton without Mane in the fold and also on short rest.
Kun literally been scoring for fun in the league so I'm going to check him out and see if I can spike something over there with the diff cap. I feel like there is a much better chance of a four goal showing from City than Livp this weekend even if the fixtures tell a different story. Always a risk going on Kun as he could just not start any given game but I'm still backing him to feature in any league game / real game of importance while he's fit and they don't have a pileup where he needs to be protected.
OUT: Wildcard
IN: Wildcard
Henderson (cry)
I’m going with *the guy* even though I tried desperately to outsmart the field here in the end it’s the obvious pick for a reason. Sheff U have the fixtures and the defensive setup and the cleans and Hendo is great and makes saves and get bones yada yada yada you know everything about him and probably own him too.
Alexander-Arnold & Gomez (SOU)
Keeping with the double Liverpool defense. Trent is the best and needs no explanation and Gomez is the best value imo and is nailed and fantastic. Simple.
Egan & Basham (cry)
Fuck the blank. Triple Sheff U defense is in and here we fucking go. I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel financially so unfortunately couldn’t go with Enda Stevens who I really wanted but hey, still got the triple going which is exciting. Every Sheff U clean will be maaaaaassssssiiiiivvveee for me so hopefully they come in en masse.
Salah (SOU)
Love ya Mo.
De Bruyne (tot)
Keeping Kev as my lone City representative. Feels silly only having one piece of the most explosive attack in the league but Pep’s wheel will be returning soon with the return of UCL so I duno. Kev is great is all ya needa know.
Son (MCI)
Shite fixture but no Laporte so City are still very liable to concede one or two.
Son is fantastic and as far as high upside brace+ potential in every fixture there are not that many guys in the league and I consider Son to be one of them.
Aubameyang (bur)
Aubz has completely fucked me the last two times I’ve brought him in so I’m hoping that the third time is a charm. He was my gut guy in the very first tinker I made and I’m sticking with the boy. Hoping Arsenal keep getting better and blow some of these bad teams away that they have upcoming.
Go on Aubz, come on Aubz.
Jiménez (mun)
I gave in. Jim is fantastic and I’m not overthinking it anymore then that.
Ings (liv)
Ings also was in the first tinker for a reason. One bad fixture this week and then a sea of greens ahead of him... Although must be said this is the absolute best time to play Liverpool when they’re without Mané and off of two days of rest so would not be surprised at all if Ings finds the net this week.
Doing bench guys this week since I’m on WC I guess it’s relevant.
Hayden (NOR)
If you’re doing a bench and it doesn’t start with Isaac Hayden then I don’t even want to talk to you. He’s the cheapest nailed mid in the game and he has some attacking intent. Can’t beat it.
Williams (WOL)
Young Brando Williams cheapest starting defender too and you get the bonus of him being on a solid defense and a top 6 team. Easy one.
McCarthy (SHU)
The other cheapest nailed mid in the game... Macca will be last on my bench every week but hey ya never know when a two pointer off the bench will do a job.
Aubameyang (bur)
Going for it. This is me going for it and this is the record of me going for it.
I feel pretty covered with owning Mo and I agree with Walsh I do not see Liverpool blowing the doors down against a probably top 4 team in the league Southampton so it’s a good week for a differential cap and Aubz is a massive differential with a good fixture.
Let’s fucking gooooo!!! COME ON!!!
0 notes