#otherwise. Let them coook let them make you look like i did to my big ass brats doll the one that’s just the head
ashmp3 · 1 year
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if cheesy meant beautiful incredible sweet pretty show stopping gorgeous lovely then yeah….
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sawienmoon · 4 years
Once upon a time... (Fairytale!AU-  Kylo Ren x Reader)
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader
Summary: When was the last time someone told you a bedtime story?
Words: 2964 
Warning: none
A/N: English is not my first language so it’s  possible that there would be some mistakes. If you notice something, please tell me so I can correct my errors. I would like this to be as enjoyable as possible, so suggestion are appreciated. Thank you! The plot is probably strange but I just wanted to write something funny, or at least I hope it to be
Her eyes lit up every time he walked into the room, furthermore his presence didn’t leave anybody indifferent and of course you are among those people.
That night he told that he would have been there for her and nobody would have bothered them.
She was sitting cross-legged waiting forward for him to come back, meanwhile her gaze was caught by the star that were glittering outside the window.
She waited.
She waited her once upon a time.
Suddenly she heard the door open and she recognized the figure standing at the doorway. He had a happy look on his face, slowly he walked towards the window where earlier she had placed her gaze, then he turned his head and he looked at her, a smile appeared on their faces.
That night no one would have bothered them and perhaps that night they would have their once upon a time.
Wait, wait, wait; what are you thinking about? And don’t try to hide behind that screen because I know you are there.
Were you hoping for some romantic moments with your favourite character? Probably the 90% of you were waiting for them, otherwise you are part of that 10% who was looking for something else, or maybe I was the only one who was thinking about it.
You probably read the title and asked yourself if the author was going crazy or you could have just shouted everything down without reading this part.
But I don’t want to bore you with this, so the only thing I ask is: when was the last time you heard a bedtime story?
(Warning! This chapter may contain nonsense and a small amount of spoilers if you have never, and I mean never, seen Star Wars, in this case consult the movies, if the spoiler persists it is recommended to consult Wikipedia.)
Luke Skywalker could have expected everything from life, but taking care of his five-year old nephew. He was old, retired and live in the suburbs of the city, his only desire was to spend his time doing whatever he felt comfortable doing.
He was watering his garden, thinking how the strong winter had ruined hit when he heard an engine in the backrground.
“Strange.” he tought, not many people when down that road in the middle of the afternoon.
He lifted his head observing the black car that was passing throug the street and he frown when the shiny grey car stopped exactly in front of his house.
A man quickly got out of the driver’s seat and with a swift movement opened the back door of the vehicle, two figures hand in hand stepped out of the car.
The old man recognised them immediately, he turned off the garden hose and moved to open the gate to let them in.
“Uncle Luke!”The mouth of a little girl turned into a smile as she saw his favourite uncle, she set her hand free and started running towards him.
Slowly Luke crouched down and opens his arms, ready for the hug she would have given him.
He was so happy to see her, a month had passed since their last meet.
“I missed you, uncle.”The girl said while hugging him tigh
“I missed you too, little lady.”He replied gently stroking her head.
“Good afternoon, Luke.”A woman joined the two at the entrance of the gate.
“Leia, what are you doing here? Something happened?”
“Let's say that there are some little... complications. But there's nothing to worry about. I came here to ask you a favour.-
“A favour?”He frowned listening to his sister's words.
“Yeah, can you look after Hanna for tonight? I'll come back tomorrow morning to pick her up.”
That’s how his sister charged Luke with looking after her nephew until the next day, pity that he had no idea hot to behave with children. Sure, he loved his nephew and he used to teach at college but taking care of a five-years-old can be quite different.
Hanna and Luke spent the afternoon taking care of his garden, watering the plants and the flowers, moving some pots froma a place to another and observing the birds that flew here and there.
“Okay little bean, I think it's time to get inside and make something for dinner.”The uncle get up from the chair he was sat on, while the gaze of his nephew was still fixed on a couple of sparrow on a branch.
“Hanna?”He called her again sweetly, asking himself if she didn't heard the first time.
Hanna nodded and got up from the little chair that uncle Luke has crafted for her last year, she loved that gift made only for her.
“Do you think they will be okay?” Hanna asked with a concerned look on her pretty face.
“The sparrows, they were so cute. I don't want anything to happen to them.”
“Don't worry, they will be fine. If you want, next time you come here you can help me make a little house just for them.-
She clap her hands as a sign of excitement -Yes! That's a beautiful idea, uncle. You are the best!” Then she took his hands and starts leading him towards the door of the house “I'm hungry! Let's go!”
Once inside Hanna headed straight to the living room, she turn on the big tv and sat on the soft carpet, watching one of her favourite cartoons, meanwhile Luke was busy coooking some pasta.
After dinner he sent Hanna to bed, the house had a spare room in case of emergency like this, saying that he would have come to say goodnight after having washed the dishes.
So the girl prepared herself for bed and she sat on it happy, she waited the moment when he would have come back to his room to stay with her. She couldn't have gone to bed without that special thing that her mother or her father did every night and today she wasn't even tired.
It would have been impossible for her going straight to sleep.
Finally her once upon a time came and Luke sat on the edge of the bed near her nephew.
“It’s bedtime, little bean.”he said tactfully.
“But I’m not tired uncle, look!”
The little girl stood up and began to bounce on the bed, man could not help but smile, who could have resisted to such tenderness? But the Skywalker had a duty to perform.
“Stop it, don’t jump on the bed, you are going to hurt yourself.” Luke tried to catch her, but with a bounce she moved away.
He had just been fooled by a five year-old.
“And now I’m going to jump up to the ceiling, look.”
Luke realized the danger in time and this once he managed to get her.
“Not a chance, little bean, for as long I am here with you, you won’t jump anywhere. I remember you that you are under my surveillance.”
“And can I jump on the bed when you leave the room?” she asked innocently.
“No.” he replied whit a stern voice.
“But if I don’t jump, I can’t fall asleep.” she whined .
“And since when do you jump on the bed before sleeping?”
“Always uncle.”
“You are not going to jump here, case closed.”
“Then… can you tell me a story?” she asked looking at her uncle with puppy eyes.
“I don’t know how to tell stories.”
He was not a storyteller, he used to teach facts, science, he didn’t tell babies stories.
“I can teach you. First thing, I go under the blankets. Like this,” Hanna crawled towards the pillow, moved the blankets and the slipped under them, laying her head on the soft cushion.
“Second, you sit on the edge of the bed and begin to tell. See uncle? You are already sitting, you learn fast.”
“Apparently.” he whispered.
“By the way, uncle… At home I don’t jump on the bed to fall asleep and not even up to the ceiling, usually mum or dad tell me a fairy tale.”
“I see, you thought to bounce so that I stopped you and told a story.” he deduced tossing his head amused.
“More or less. Now we can start.” Hanna sang happily.
“Is your dad good with bedtime stories?” He was really curios,he didn't thought Hanna's dad was the type to tell bedtime stories.
“Yes, and he's amazing at it. Now start, uncle!”
“This story takes place in a distant time…”
“No, uncle. Once upon a time.”
“Mum’s fairy tales always begin with once upon a time.”
“Once upon a time… that’s a good question, who was there once upon a time?”
“A boy and…”
“A princess.”
“A prince, no princess.”
“At your command, young lady.”
Once upon a time in a land far far-away that no one seems to remember there was the kingdom of Naboo. Everyone lived happily in that reign, there were no monster nor wars and peace ruled for a very long time, too much time…
All of its inhabitants were kind, friendly and loved each other, well, not everyone.
There was a poor guy named…
At that moment the ring of a phone could be heard in the distance.
“Uncle, someone is calling you!” Hanna said pointing a finger at the door. Luke puffed and got up from the bed. “Wait here, I’ll be back in a minute, little bean.”
The little girl nodded and Luke exited the room. She was upset that someone had interrupted her story. She waited for a little more than a minute but that time to her seemed like an eternity.
Going against the order of his uncle she get up from the bed and went to find him. She wandered down the hallways, step after step trying not to make any noise, she went down the stairs and saw her uncle sitted on a sofa with the phone in one of his hands.
“I told you to stay in your room, didn’t I?”
The little lady flinched surprised by his remark, but not bothered “Who is it?” She asked “Yeah, sorry Poe, I have to go now, it’s fairy tales time. Call me if you have any news Goodnight! ”.
“Goonight Poe.” Hanna shouted hoping that the man would hear her voice on the other side of the device.
Luke fixed his gaze on Hanna “Okay, now we can go little bean, so I can tell you your fairytale and we can go to sleep”
They didn’t even have the time to go back to the bedroom when the phone rang for a second time. Luke lt out s frustrated groan, he just wanted to end that night and go to sleep.
“Hello?” he said picking up the phone. He recognised the voice of the other man in an instant.
“Who is it?” Hanna asked curious while climbing on the couch trying to listen to the conversation.
“Yes Finn, don’t worry, Poe had already called me, I’ll tell her tomorrow morning.”
Hearing the name Finn the eyes of the little girl lit up “Can I say hello to him?” Luke made the mistake to look at his nephew and at the puppy eyes she was making. Resigned he handed her the device.
“Hi uncle Finn! How are you?”
“You know he’s not really your uncle, right?” Luke laughed but at the same time he felt also a sense of jealousy, Hanna ignored his voice and continued speaking with the other guy.
“Now I have to go to bed, uncle Luke is going to tell me a story, Bye!” she put the phone down and gave it to Skywalker “Ok, now we can go uncle.”
While they were going upstairs the girl asked something unexpected. “What do you have to do tomorrow?” The old man was caught off guard, he didn’t think she would have remember something like this. “I just have to talk to Leia, don’t worry.” He lied.
“Why don’t we take it from where we left off, Hanna?” he asked trying to change the topic while he opened the door to her room.
“Sure, but I have an amazing idea. We have to use real people, this way is funnier.”Quickly the little lady went back to the bedroom under the blankets and they continue their tales.
“I was saying…-
Once upon a time there was a huge and powerful kingdom named Naboo, it was so vast that it stretched high and low, giving the impression that that territory had no borders.
“Ok, ok, let’s go on, we were speaking about a boy, please use Finn, uncle!.”
Naboo had a lot of inhabitants who lived in joy and serenity, but there was a single exception and his name was Cinderfinn.
“I don’t like this name, uncle.”
“Then you can find a better one.”
Cinderfinn was a beautiful young boy, he was also stubborn, sometimes short-tempered but also loyal and honest.
He lived in country house, the spooky manor as he called it, that place was grim, so grim that the Addams family’s mansion was no match for Cinderfinn’s home.
“Who are the Addams?”
“An old tv-show, you are too young to know that.”
The boy would have been satisfied with that gruesome place if it weren’t for them..
Them, those harpies, the cruelest, the worst creature the reign of Naboo had ever seen: his great-uncle and his sons, who Cinderfinn considered as his step-brothers.
Finn, or Cinderfinn for evil step-brothers and old uncles, was an orphan.
His family left him in a orphanage when he was only a newborn, those were horrible times for everyone, not only for the baby, a civil war ignited all the kingdom, many people died and were hurt but at the end peace was conquered.
Some months after the end of the war Finn was adopted by a woman, a beautifuld, kind and wealthy lady… his future step-mother.
She gave him all the love that he deserved but unfortunately never received, he used to spend a lot of time with her doing different activities, reading, cooking, sewing, playing… and he admired her under every aspect. She treated everyone kindly, making no exception, the servants, the cooks, the flowers, the aimals and even the bugs.
She told him a story every night and at the end she kissed his forehead wishing him sweet dreams while he already was in the arms of Morpheus. Oh, how he missed those times.
But all good things come to an end and sometimes this happens sooner than later. Finn was sixteen year old when his mother feel ill and the freezing winter of that year didn’t help. Before the beginning of the spring she passed away in the arms of his son, who was crying out all of his tears. It was at the funeral of his mother where he met Count Dooku, his mother’s brother and the man who would have took care of him.
Little Finn was entrusted to her mother’s brother with two sons who moved to Finn’s mansion.
Day after day since their arrival the situation worsened, the money was running short and  they had to fire the servitude, this way Finn lost also his friends and all the chores of the house fell on his shoulders.
The count was a strict man, harsh and inflexible, respectful of the discipline, but the main thing was that he was terrifyng in everything: his walk, his way of talking and how he gave orders. He was part of the army and he took part to the war, he was awarded with medals for his strenght, courage and determination, but the truth was that he was rotten to the core, almost cruel. The war changed him forever
His two sons partially reflected his personality, the eldest named Sheev and the younger brother Evander, better known as Palpatine and Sknoke.
Every time the three of them tormented the poor Cinderfinn, giving him a mountain of chores to do and this once made no exception.
Cindefinn was passing by the hallway and in his hands he kept an empty laundy basket, he had already washed, pressed, folded and delivered their clothes toi his terrible step-brothes.
“Cinderfinn!” Snoke yelled from his room, then he appeared on the doorstep.
“How often have I told you that my khalat robes need to be ironed following the folds?”
The boy sighed and with a big amount of patience he went to his brother’s room to recollect the objects of his complaints to iron them again.
“Do you know where you can put your stupid glittering robes? They don’t even suit you, you can use them to gag you and shut your monumental ego.” Finn whispered while he went back to the hallway with a full basket.
“Cinderfinn!” that time the voice came from a room at the end of the corridor.
“Yes, Sheev?” Finn asked walking towards that room.
“These are my boots, polish the till I can see my face on them.” With these harsh words he dropped the boots he was grabbing with his hand inside the laundry basket, getting dirty all Snoke's robes.
Finn, distraught, turned his back on the other guy and continue his walking towards a destination which seems unreachable.
“You’ll see how I’ll polish your horrid boots, I’ll use your empty head." The boy with brown eyes thought.
“Cinderfinn!” the scream came from the hall. In a hurry Finn came down the stairs and found himself facing his uncle.
“I am going into town, get my horse ready!” the man commanded.
“And prepare dinner.”
"Cinderfinn here, Cinderfinn there, who do they think they are? I’m done living here, why do I always have to follow their stupid rules?”
But Finn didn’t know things were going to change soon.
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