#otonymous 2020 ms
otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): From the Pages of Le Comte’s Diary (IkeVamp - NSFW)
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Description: You happen to find le Comte de Saint-Germain’s diary by chance.  Do you dare to take a look inside? Warnings: NSFW/18+:  Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised. Trigger warnings: very mild hints of somnophilia & dubcon (without actual violation), mentions of death.  SPOILERS for something minor noted in Leonardo’s MS. Author’s Notes: Hey everyone!  This piece was heavily inspired by a personal headcanon I have of le Comte’s backstory and, for all intents and purposes, can be seen as a continuation to an earlier fic I wrote for him, Bitten.
(SPOILER ALERT!!) I also noticed while playing Leonardo’s route that he sometimes refers to le Comte with his name in quotation marks.  It happened so frequently that I was inclined to think that this was no mere typo.  This observation will figure in the following piece as well.
I’ve never played le Comte’s route before in the JP server and I try to stay away from spoilers, so the rest is just pure speculation on my part!  That being said, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above, and happy reading! 😊
Tagging the following lovelies: @ambrosiallkiss​, @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons​
All characters & Ikemen Vampire owned by Cybird.
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17th of May, XXXX
She sleeps; soft skin taunting beneath the gossamer silk of her nightgown - satin ribbons and blush pink and almost coquettish in how it barely concealed anything of the wonders beneath:
Breasts exquisitely tipped, nipples hardening like jewels beneath the heat of my stirring breath.
Hourglass curves limned in silver moonlight spilling into her room (for even after lifetimes apart, she maintains the habit of retiring with the curtains open) — lending her the ethereal cast of the goddess Diana herself.
The shadows between her legs, darkness undulating every time she shifted upon the bed; thighs parting...then closing…then parting again as her lips dropped in a wisp of a moan that reverberated nonetheless like an orchestra in my ears.
For she had called to me.  
Writhing upon her bed in the throes of what seemed a particularly feverish dream, she had uttered my name — that which had never been revealed to her nor any of the mansion’s other residents aside from Leo.  And there is no other man I trust more with a secret.  Yet, there it was like a miracle…spilling unbidden from those perfect lips.
How long has it been since I was last addressed as such?  Not “le Comte de Saint-Germain” but by the name of my birth.  Not since she was in my arms last, hundreds of years in a past when I knew her by an entirely different name and face.
Different, yes, but beautiful no less.  And though she returned to me changed, I recognized her immediately by scent — fragrant blood ripe with the sweet spring of life, pulsing hot beneath delicate skin that flushed when I approached her that fateful day, palm outstretched like a hopeful supplicant to return what she had lost:
An earring of amethyst.
The same precious stone as the one in which I had carved the elegant profile of her face; the cameo the very first gift I had given her...and the very last piece of jewellery I adorned her body with the day they laid her to rest all those grey seasons ago.
But my lover has returned.  And though many say our kind walk in darkness, God has revealed itself to me by this very act of faith.  For she is the light: the spark in her eyes more brilliant than a thousand suns, the warmth of her soul the very fire of a hearth, forever burning.
Yes, she has returned.  And I am home once more.
Yet, I linger at the threshold, paralyzed by the thought of her dissipating like smoke before my very eyes.  Could this much happiness be allowed for one such as myself?  Would Cupid’s arrow be tipped with sympathy for a creature’s plight, striking twice like lightning bearing down upon the selfsame tree?
Alas, caution, caution.  To be exercised constantly.
I remind myself, always, to stay the haste that would urge me to reveal all, as fantastical as the story may seem to a woman both worldly and hailing from a time that, I’ve learned, has very little tolerance for things incapable of being stripped away by science.
Thus, I must find contentment in observation, watching the slow procession of my bride as she fumbles among the great men I’ve gathered.  Waiting…hoping for the day that she’ll discover her place by the side of one who has loved her and only her since time immemorial.  For I would never force her hand.  If she is to love, it would be completely of her own accord.  
Such is my situation: to look but never to touch.  Never seeking to interfere.  It is torture of the most acute degree.
In a stark reminder that I, too, was once a man possessed of love and passion, jealousy and lust, I almost succumbed tonight.  Her soft moans had drawn me to her bedchamber, and when she failed to respond to my inquiries as to her well-being, I entered her room without express permission, fearing the worst.
And there…a sight to rival Venus’ birth upon foamy shores:
Tresses of silk fanned out upon down pillows as a thin sheen of sweat glistened on her brow, ma chérie had thrown off her bedcovers and continued to writhe under the influence of a dream.  Her lashes fluttered long like butterflies in flight, and I was captivated by the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the perfect flesh of supple breasts visible beneath the gauzy layers of her nightgown.
I pressed a hand to her forehead, relieved to find it cool to the touch and tried to keep from being distracted by her tongue as it slipped out to wet pink lips from corner to corner, as if fighting to quench some unfathomable thirst.  I wondered from which well of desire she had drawn in the hazy web of sleep to excite her so.
I wasn’t left ignorant for long, for it was then that she moaned my name, beckoning like the goddess of love herself and impossible to ignore as the sound stirred something deep in my enraptured heart and loins.  And just when I gathered every last shred of willpower to pull away, she grasped me by the wrist, fingers curling tight and with surprising strength.
Selfishly, I yielded.  Allowed her to draw me in any direction she saw fit until I was positioned over her sleeping form on all fours, like the basest of beasts.  I told myself that I did not wish to disturb her slumber, but the heart knows its own darkness.  For I was hopelessly drawn to the flush of her cheeks, the way her hands sought purchase in my hair — pushing my head lower and lower, allowing my gaze to take in every glorious inch of her body as it moved towards the heat between her legs.
She stopped then, spread herself even wider and lifted slightly off the bed as if seeking the warmth of my breath.  It blew shaky upon bare skin, for she had worn no undergarments.  Her heady scent wafted towards me, a bouquet delectable and sweet, as if deliberately fashioned to please my palate, and I smiled to remember the times I’d feast upon her until the candles burned low.
She glistened — rosy flesh trembling as her arousal beaded to drip from her entrance, leaving a salacious trail that ended in a growing spot of moisture on the bed beneath her.  She called for me again, the wanton whine of her voice mixed with a desperation I only knew too well, and it would’ve been so easy to take up her invitation with the tip of my tongue, lapping at the nectar offered up by her beautiful flower in bloom.
It would have been easy, yes.  But I am not one unaccustomed to hardship.
And so, with the greatest care not to rouse her, I extricated myself from her grasp, pulling the covers over her sleeping form once more.
On this night, I allowed myself this: the gentlest press of my lips to her forehead.  The slightest touch of my nose to the tip of hers.  Then I bade ma chérie “bonne nuit” as I closed the door behind me.
She will come to me once more, awake and willing.  And when she does...
…she will know my name.
(End of Entry)
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Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📓
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otonymous · 4 years
(End of Teaser): You are cordially invited to...🥳
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To all my dear followers,
To everyone who has ever read a story I wrote,
To the people who took the time to read through my thirst tags,
To anyone who has ever liked, commented on, or reblogged my original content,
To all the lovely folks who sent messages in my Ask box - anonymously and otherwise,
To the wonderful people who slid into my DMs to strike up a conversation:
I thank you.  From the very bottom of my heart.💖
You have all made this virtual space a very special place for me and I cannot thank you enough.  I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: it is an honour and a blessing to be part of such amazing, supportive fandoms, and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been the recipient of such kindness.  
So, in turn, please allow me to show you my love...with words of love from our favourite men throughout the duration of this celebration:
A steamy letter from Gavin.  Victor’s sweet confession.  Lucien’s salacious instructions.  The future Kiro envisions with you.  Shaw’s true feelings.  And a page lifted from the diary of le Comte de Saint-Germain.
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Furthermore, I will be holding a giveaway contest for the following 3 prizes:
1. One fic (~1500 words) 2. One drabble (~500 words) 3. One headcanon (varies in length, depending on the topic)
Fandoms I write for include:
Mr Love: Queen’s Choice (all characters)
Ikemen Vampire (Leonardo, Arthur, Comte)
Ikemen Sengoku (Mitsuhide — sorry y’all, just jumped back into the Ikemen series after a long hiatus 🤣)
NSFW and SFW requests are both absolutely fine, but please know that I will not write anything that would be considered illegal in the NSFW category.
Contest Rules:
You must be a follower, since this giveaway is meant to be a show of my appreciation (new followers are more than welcome!) 💕
Reblog this post to be entered into the contest (only 1 reblog per person please as only one will be counted as an entry — we don’t want any annoyed followers 😆)
(Optional): For an additional entry (max. one additional entry per person), please comment on this post about:
which of my fics/drabbles/headcanons you enjoyed reading and/or
the type of content you’d like to see more of on this blog (e.g., longer, multi-chapter stories, headcanons, shorter drabbles, etc.)
In essence, each participant could have a maximum of 2 entries in this raffle
Contest closes on June 10, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST and winners will be contacted via Tumblr DM (please enable this function on your account in order for me to be able to contact you if you’ve won)
Winners will be drawn via random selection on June 13th, 2020
If winners do not respond within 48 hours, another contestant will be chosen
Once again, a GIANT THANKS to all of my lovely followers for sharing in my fandom shenanigans!  I hope you all enjoy the content I’ve planned for this celebration, and will continue to thirst with me for hot otome guys in the future! 🤣🥰
- XOXO, Otonymous
(P.S. If you do not wish to see material related to the follower celebration, please feel free to block the #otonymous 2020 ms tag!)
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otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): A Dummy Like Me - A Letter From Victor
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You wake up one morning to find a letter addressed to you laid out on Victor’s pillow, along with a single red rose, freshly clipped from the garden 🌹
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[Transcript after the cut!]
You can always cry in front of me.  Stop trying to be strong all the time.  You're not fooling anyone, least of all me.  Trying to do otherwise is just insulting when you’re about as transparent as a pane of glass.
That being said, it’s actually one of your better qualities - the fact that you're incapable of hiding anything.  Though I’m always teasing you about how you ball your fists up whenever you get angry, or the way your eyes sparkle like a child’s at the mere sight of dessert, don’t change.  Ever.  
It’s rare to find someone who wears their heart on their sleeve like you do.  Consider this a compliment.
Which brings me to another point: how exasperating it is that you seem to be completely incapable of accepting compliments.  What other reason would I have to tell you that you were the most gorgeous woman at the ball last night if it weren’t the truth?  Last I checked, no one is paying me to tell lies.  Although, if I were to be completely honest, you’re the most beautiful person I know, inside and out, especially even when you’ve fallen asleep on the couch and are drooling shamelessly onto my thigh.  I guess you really took it to heart when I told you to let me take care of you, always.
I knew you were upset when I returned to the table from the restroom last night, and I should've guessed that it had something to do with Chik.  It didn’t help that you refused to tell me what she had said, probably because you didn’t want to make a scene in public.  I have to say that while I rarely make errors, I really suffered a lapse in judgment when I agreed to meet with her that one time LFG invested in her drama series.  I had no idea she would be shameless enough to try to stick to me like glue, even though I spent most of the time speaking to the director, trying to ignore the way she kept fluttering her eyes at me and laughing at my every word.  It was really quite irritating.
I have to say though, regardless of how despicable her methods are when it comes to trying to get my attention, she is nothing if not tenacious.  But then again, I guess I am one to talk; I did pursue a certain dummy for the longest time before she finally understood my intentions.
Yes, I am referring to you.
I’ve already instructed Goldman to tell security that Chik is banned from the LFG Tower, and my secretary knows I won’t be taking any more calls from her.  I don’t care if she tries to play the sympathy card in front of the press.  If she tries to speak even one disparaging word about you, I will sue her for libel in a heartbeat.
I would never allow her — or anyone else — to hurt the person I love.
So show me everything: your anger, sadness, jealousy, frustration — all the things you feel you need to hide because you think it’s ugly and unbecoming.  Nothing is more beautiful in my eyes than the truth of who you are as a person.  Don’t ever worry about anything, dummy.  You’re not in this alone.  I am always on your side, and will forever be by your side.  In return, you can reward me with your dazzling smile once more.
Because I’ve always been a dummy for your love.
Forever yours,
Victor Li
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Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): On A Mission - A Letter From Gavin (NSFW)
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You get a letter from Gavin while he’s away on a mission!
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of oral sex, vaginal intercourse, public sex.  Slight spoilers for chapter 7.
Open the envelope and see what’s inside...[After the cut!]
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This is all very new to me, and I���d be lying if I said I was completely comfortable writing this with Eli asleep in the same room, but I did promise you I’d try, so…here goes nothing.
It’s coming up to a full week since I saw you last, and...I miss you.  My heart misses you.  My body misses you, and it reminds me of this — constantly; the way I wake up in the middle of the night, heart racing because I’ve been chasing after you in my dreams.  Or the way I’ll suddenly start scanning my surroundings, trying to pick you out in a crowd because I think I caught the scent of your perfume.  It’s never actually you, of course, because it’s only ever in my head.  Which makes sense, I suppose, when you’re all I can think of.  When I’m not focused on the mission, every single thought turns to you.  I’m pretty sure Eli is getting sick and tired of me zoning out on him during whatever downtime we have together.
But perhaps the most…embarrassing reminder, is the way I’m constantly hard.  Please don’t take this the wrong way!  I don’t want to scare you off, but at the same time, I promised you complete honesty and the truth is that even the tiniest thought of you just…sends the blood rushing to my cock.  Regardless of where I am or what I’m doing.  It even happened once when I passed a street vendor selling your favourite grilled meat skewers.  It hasn’t affected my performance on the mission so far, thankfully, but I know Eli would never let me live it down if he knew I popped a boner just from the smell of grilled pork.  
But let him think what he wants.  He doesn’t need to know that I was thinking about that time I chased the vendor down to get you a new skewer when you accidentally dropped yours on the ground.  Or how you rewarded me later that evening, so beautiful when you looked up at me and told me you wanted to please me as I pleased you, right before taking me into your mouth.
You do please me.  Very much so.  The softness of your skin pleases me, especially when you smell of my body wash.  As does your hair, the way it tickles my neck and chest when you bend to kiss me on the lips whenever you’re on top, riding me.  But I think what pleases me the most is the look on your face when you tell me you can’t take anymore, but then scold me when I try to stop, hands pulling even tighter on my hair.
Like our last night together.  Do you remember?  I do; the way you bit your lip, wide eyes looking into mine as I pulled you up to sit on my lap.  God, you felt so good around me, so tight and wet.  And when you gasped and told me you felt me all the way up to the pit of your stomach?  You really know how to make a guy feel good.  I’m not even joking.
Looks like I won’t be getting to sleep anytime soon, not when something is so uncomfortably hard in my shorts.  Guess I’ll use the rest of the night to think of ways to make up for our time spent apart when I return from my mission.  Shall I fly you to the roof of that building you love so much, the one overlooking the water?  I’ll try not to lose control again, but just in case, maybe you shouldn’t wear that miniskirt.
Save that one for when we’re completely alone.
So there you have it.  The first letter I’ve written in…a very long time.  Thank you for giving me the encouragement to try again.  Guess it was just hard to get over what happened the last time I wrote a letter — but I’m not blaming you at all!  I totally understand why you didn’t open it.  Now that I look back on it, anyone in their right minds wouldn’t.  But you were right: it really wasn’t that hard to be honest once I got past my initial embarrassment over writing about more, ahem, intimate matters.  And since we are being completely honest, I hope you won’t hold it against me when I tell you that the black lace panties you said you were missing are actually here with me right now.
I’m so sorry.  I’ll buy you another pair, no, TEN pairs when I get back.
I love you, always and forever.
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Thanks so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): Obedience - Lucien’s Instructions (NSFW)
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Rating: VERY NSFW Warnings: PLEASE NOTE! - Exhibitionism, implied voyeurism, temperature play, masturbation, extremely slight D/s and humiliation undertones, edging, oral sex
Be sure to follow Lucien’s instructions exactly, or else look forward to the consequences.  See for yourself AFTER THE CUT!
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Enter the lobby.  Take three deep breaths.  Approach the front desk and request the key to room 1106.  They won’t question you.  They’re used to being discreet.
Take the leftmost elevator up.  Stand in the right hand corner, at the very back - directly in view of the security camera mounted at the top.  Wait until you’re alone.  Then when you are, look directly into the camera.  Touch yourself.
Bring your hand to your lips; trace their perfect outline with the tip of your finger.  Make sure your nails are painted with the polish I sent you.  Open your mouth and suck on your index, pushing in and pulling out, slowly.  Do that three times for me.
Slide the straps of your dress down your shoulders.  First the left, then the right.  Pull down the top.  You don’t need to be told that you shouldn’t be wearing a bra.  Touch your breasts.  Feel how soft they are, how it feels in the squeeze of your palms.  Wet your nipple with your finger.  Make it glisten with your saliva.
Keep looking up at the camera.  Smile.  Show them how pretty my little butterfly is.  Let them know that you like to put on a show, that there’s nothing you love more than an audience — that despite how you look on the outside, so prim and proper, nothing gets you wetter than being watched.  Imagine your hands are my own.  Pinch your nipples.  Hard.  Enough to make you moan.
When you enter the suite, leave the door ajar, just the tiniest bit.  No one should be able to see you from the hallway, but they will hear you.  The flowers will already be there, as should the bucket of ice and champagne.  Go ahead and smell the roses.  Feel how soft the petals are — against the tips of your fingers, the apple of your cheek, your collarbones...cleavage.
Pour yourself a glass of champagne and sit back on the bed.  Drink and relax.  Let the bubbles tickle the tip of your tongue, the back of your throat.  Then, when your cheeks are sufficiently warm, make your way to the tripod and turn the camera on.
Pay close attention.  This time, I don’t want you to look at the camera.  Focus instead on the mirror behind it.  Let your gaze travel over every curve.  Take your time.  Study them, from head to toe.  This is a lesson on how beautiful you really are.
Let down your hair.  Shake it out.  Feel how the strands fall against your neck and shoulders like the finest silk.  You have the loveliest hair; I never tire of running my hands through it, especially when you beg me to pull it hard.  Did that make you blush, my love?  Look in the mirror and find out.  Has that pink flush spread all the way down to your chest yet?  If the answer is no, then we have a lot more work ahead of us.
Unzip your dress.  Peel it off your body.  Slowly.  Be patient, butterfly.  Love making should never be rushed, whether it’s with me or by yourself.  Let the dress fall to the floor, pool around your stilettos.  I should hope you’re wearing the ones I like - the pair that lets you tip-toe up to press your lips to the pulse on my neck with ease.
Did it embarrass you to walk around in public with no bra or panties on?  I’m sorry, my little fool, but you know I couldn’t have it any other way, not when you look so bewitching in just a garter belt and stockings.  Don’t believe me?  Take a look: the proof is right before your eyes.  Remove your shoes if you wish, but be a good girl and keep the rest on.
Because you are a good girl, aren’t you?  So very good at pleasing me in the ways I like best.  Like how you work your tongue so well when you try to take all of me into your mouth, not caring about what a mess you’re making of your face with all that saliva dripping down your chin.  And then you look up at me, all wide-eyed and innocent; it’s downright indecent.  But that’s okay.  Because I like bad girls too, especially the ones that sneak into my office to hide under my desk, so impatient that her hands are already tugging at my belt even as I’m trying to sit down.
And since you’ve been such a good girl, let me let you in on a little secret: I love it when you’re desperate for me.
So you know what comes next.  Take an ice cube from the bucket.  Close your eyes and press it to your lips.  Feel it start to melt under the heat of your breath.  Drag it down your neck as you follow its liquid trail.  Trace it along your collarbones, from one shoulder to the other.  Surrender to the shivers that make the soft hairs of your body stand on end, dotting your precious skin with goosebumps.
I want you to lie back and spread your legs.  Wide.  I already know what we’ll discover there: beautiful flesh - pink, swollen, glistening.  Your body has always been so sensitive, so responsive.  It’s absolutely addicting.  Tease yourself for me, love; run the ice cube over your nipples until they pucker, as if I’d been sucking hard on them myself.  Then, I want you to slide it slowly down the rest of your body.  Look into the camera and tell me how it feels, having the run-off trickling cool over your folds, tickling your clit.
Bring a hand to your pussy.  Caress your slit.  I want you to slip one finger in, then two.  Feel how hot it is inside your body, especially after the cool touch of the ice.  How slick it is.  Moan if you have to.  Don’t hold anything in, not even the slightest gasp.  You’re at your most beautiful when you are free.
And now, my butterfly, the ultimate test: under no circumstances are you to come by your own hand.  Bring yourself to the edge as many times as you want, but know there will be a punishment for pushing yourself over it.  I want you to be a good girl…a patient one…
And wait for me.
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Thanks so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): Choices - A Letter From Shaw
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Shaw extends you an invitation. Will you pass it up?
Warnings: PLEASE NOTE!! - Angst, allusions to infidelity, love triangles, violence and intercourse, SPOILERS for the following: Chapter 20 (MS), Gavin’s “Rumours & Secrets: Little Guardian,” and Shaw’s identity.  Please note that Shaw is legally an adult.
You unfold the sheets of lined paper, hastily torn out from a notebook...[More after the cut!]
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If I could take back what I said, I would’ve.  I never meant to hurt you, let alone make you cry.  
Guess you were right when you told me I was just a boy and not a man.  Unlike Gavin, because that’s who you were thinking of when you said that, right?  It’s okay.  You don’t have to deny it to spare my feelings.  I certainly didn’t spare yours.
If I told you that I can’t get you out of my head, would you find any consolation in that fact?  If I told you that every time I close my eyes, I see your face; tear-streaked and red, hands balled into tight fists by your side like you wanted nothing more than to punch my face in?  In the end, I almost wish you did.  Pain like that, I can deal with.  But the pain of having my brother’s ghost hang over you - over us - every time we’re together?  That’s another kind of torture entirely.
I thought I knew pain.  Was so confident I could deal with it again like I did when they ripped everything and everyone I ever loved away from me like it was nothing more than removing a band-aid.  But life is as cruel as it is unpredictable, sending you my way to heal my fractured heart only to break it again.
You must really think I’m just another snot-nosed kid, easily appeased by smiles that don’t quite reach your eyes because when you look in mine, you see Gavin’s.  So I spend my nights wondering when — and how quickly — you’d drop my hand to grab hold of his when my brother finally wakes up, when he realizes at last that the woman he’s been treating as nothing more than a stranger is the same girl he’s loved since forever.
And isn’t that why you love him?  Because he’s loved you for so long?  And if it’s all just a numbers game, would you have chosen me if I were the older sibling?  You always brush me off, saying I’m too young for you.  Well, I was certainly old enough to make your body feel the things it did that night, wasn’t I?  Don’t forget that it was my name you screamed when you ran your nails down my back.  You can’t tell me any other man has ever done that before, not with how you couldn’t look in my direction without blushing afterwards.
“We are never doing this again,” you had said, head in your hands as you repeated the phrase over and over.  Were you trying to convince me or yourself?
I’m not Gavin, and I don’t want to be.  I’m no longer that naïve little kid who lived for nothing more than to emulate his older brother.  He’s got his own path in life and I have mine.  So no, I will never treat you the way he treated you: the valiant knight guarding his queen, keeping her under glass in order to keep her safe.
You may have judged a book by its cover, but I’ve always seen you for who you really are: an amazing woman, more than capable of holding her own.  So I refuse to coddle you.  Sure, you trip up more times than I can count, and you sometimes behave in ways that makes me wonder who’s really the older one between the two of us, but I’ve never doubted your strength or your fortitude.  I’ll be there to lend a helping hand when you stumble, protect you when you need it.  But I’ll also be there to call you out when you’re being unreasonable, stubbornly insisting on shouldering such a large burden all by yourself.
No, I’m nothing like my brother.  He loved you first, he loved you for longer.  But you’re sorely mistaken if you think my feelings for you would ever come in second to his.  When it comes to you, I could never be the bigger man.  So call me a child if you must, because there’s no way in hell I’m letting you go without a fight.
Well, there you have it: the truth laid bare.  My truth, at least.  And now that the ball’s in your court, I think you owe it to both of us to be honest with yourself, just this once.  
So I’ll ask you again...for the very last time:
Will you stay with me?
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Thanks so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📓
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otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): Thank You!
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Hey all!
Just wanted give a giant “THANK YOU” to everyone who participated in my follower milestone celebration!  Every single tag, comment, like and reblog meant the world to me.  It puts a huge smile on my face whenever I think of how awesome you all are 💖
Furthermore, the winners of the draw will be chosen shortly!  I will be reaching out via DM, so to those of you who’ve entered the contest, please ensure you’ve enabled that option on your Tumblr accounts!  Can’t wait to chat with you! 😊 
Here is a masterlist of all the love letters I’ve written as part of the celebration:
On A Mission: A Letter From Gavin (NSFW)
A Dummy Like Me: A Letter From Victor 
Obedience: Lucien’s Instructions (NSFW)
Buried Love: A Letter From Kiro
Choices: A Letter From Shaw
From The Pages Of Le Comte’s Diary (NSFW - Ikevamp)
Also, please stay tuned for the FINAL SURPRISE... 
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(Hint: there’s way more than 3 😂)
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otonymous · 4 years
(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): Buried Love - A Letter From Kiro
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Get a glimpse into the future Kiro envisions with you.
Warnings: Based on Kiro’s “Date of Time” date (from his “Summer Vow” karma), so there are slight spoilers below.  Mentions of marriage and children. Nb. Lines marked with an asterisk were taken directly from the date.
You and Kiro each write a letter to the other, making a pact to bury them in a time capsule and only read them when it is unearthed years later.  Find out what was contained in the superhero’s sweet message.
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To my dearest, loveliest Miss Chips,
I hope that by the time you read this letter, it will be with me by your side.  We might have a few more wrinkles on our faces, a touch of grey in our hair.  My back may be bent at that point, but I promise that if you have trouble walking, I’ll still be strong enough to carry you on it!
I am your hero, after all.  
The sun would shine even brighter than it did today, because we’d be warmed by all the memories we’ve made in a lifetime together.  How many children do you think we’ll have?  Maybe…two boys and a girl?!  Haha!  I can see it even now, Miss Chips.  Our little girl would look exactly like you and be just as sweet.  Our home would be a happy one, filled with lots of laughter and the pitter-patter of little feet.  Not to mention tons of secret snacks stashed in hiding places under bunk beds and toy boxes.  I mean, they’d have to take after their father in some way, right?
Someone very important to me once said that we must understand our past if we are to move forward.  He was the one who told me to bury this time capsule, saying that the things inside — my most precious items — would remind me of who I was and give me a glimpse of the man I would become.  
You don’t know this yet, Miss Chips — sitting with your back to me and so incredibly adorable as you pour your heart and soul into writing your letter — but I’m enclosing a photo of you with mine, one that I’ve secretly kept with me in my wallet for some time now.  Because you’re the most precious “thing” in this world to me, the most important person in my life.
You are my past.  You are my present.  And, Miss Chips, if you’d agree to make me the luckiest man who ever lived, you’ll also say ‘yes’ to being my future.  Because no matter if it’s 10 years, or 30, or 50, I’ll always be by your side.* Forever and ever.*
I hope my teddy bear doesn’t mind that I’ve found a new friend to confide in.  But maybe it was he who sent you my way so I’d never be lonely again.  You always say that I shine brighter than the sun, but the truth is, Miss Chips…you are the light that I cannot live without.
And I love you.  More than you could ever know.
Forever your hero,
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Thanks so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📓
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