#otori kyoji
rainbowdonkee · 3 months
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New illustration for Jack Jeanne Drama CD "Summer's End Swing"
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geckkoo · 11 months
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These two are FUN to draw . fun fun fun
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rainemonn · 1 year
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old art of quartz 78th (i love THEM)
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Last but not least is Otori! I wasn’t gonna leave him out, this gremlin needed to be represented too!
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Jack Jeanne - Kyoji's Perspective
Objectively, Tachibana did have a good face for acting. At first Kyoji had thought he was only suitable to be a Jeanne - his slender face, big blue eyes, and dark eyelashes practically screamed ‘female role’, whether it was the lead character or a simple background part. He still swore that was the only reason the other boy had been picked to play the Maiden in the newcomer’s performance. Even if he had turned out to be a half decent performer in the end, who could have anticipated that based on his previous work? Kyoji snorted, his train of thought temporarily derailed as he recalled Tachibana and that red-haired idiot’s sham of an impromptu story at the welcome party. Saved by some timid mouse rattling off the plot of an old novel - and they had the audacity to be mad at him for trying to get things on track! Ridiculous.
…Though, they did improve. Even Kyoji, upset as he was about that oaf stealing his lead role, had to admit that. The newcomer’s performance had been a raging success, in no small way because of Tachibana’s incredibly sincere performance as the Maiden. He looked back at the other boy, who had paused in his cleaning to stare out the window. His face was framed in the golden light of the setting sun, making him appear to glow. Kyoji considered him. Yes, Tachibana did have aesthetically pleasing features, but his hard work and determination was what had carried him to success. Kyoji had seen him stay behind in the studio after practice was over, perfecting his dancing or going over his part with his friends. He truly put his all into acting, and you could feel it when you watched him play a part. Even Kyoji had been flustered by his devotion as he rehearsed scenes with him a week before the play.
So many nights he’d stayed up late practicing, squinting at the script with bleary eyes as he’d engraved every line and stage direction into his brain. By the time the newcomers' play had come around, he had not only polished his own part to perfection but also memorized both of the lead roles, just in case those two so-called ‘actors’ didn’t master them in time. While they were fooling around with their little amateur crew, he had been standing alone in the practice room next door, eyes on the mirror as he picked out every little imperfection and banished it:
“I wish…” His voice faltered. He still sounded too stiff, too wooden. Not nearly genuine enough. Damn it, what was he missing? He picked up the script book from the stool he’d left it on, scanning the contents until he came to the scene. His scene - his chance to shine, if only he could get it right…! He looked over the lines, repeating each one in his head to get a sense of how they should sound, then put the script back down and marched back to the mirror. Looking himself in the eye, he summoned every nerve, every ounce of frustration he’d felt since he came to the school, and spoke in a trembling yet resolute voice:
“I wish to cast off my armor, and speak my true heart…”
All of that preparation, all those days of studying. And for what? His moment had come, and he’d choked. So many times he’d scolded that fool Orimaki for forgetting his lines, and yet he had made the same mistake. Not to mention that Orimaki had played his part perfectly…
The blinding lights of the stage. The weight of his fake armor, his sweaty undershirt clinging to his skin. His mouth was dry, his tongue was lead, and he knew somewhere deep inside that he knew what to say but the words had left him - they had been drowned out by the pounding of his own traitorous heart. He stood there for an eternity, time flowing past him like molasses, before a shrill, familiar sound brought him back to Earth:
“Please, Sir Knight! Please, lend me your aid! I cannot do this without you! I beg of you…”
Tachibana was chattering away, waving his arms wildly as if to bat away the silence that had settled on the stage. Two thoughts staggered into his muddled brain: first, “That’s not in the script,” and the second, limping along a few seconds later, “He’s stalling for me.” Tachibana was ad-libbing, buying him time to recall that vital piece of dialogue. The gears in his mind started to turn; he found the information he was looking for. It no longer seemed quite so important, but he spoke it anyway, like a good soldier:
“I wish to cast off my armor and speak my true heart…”
The rest of it was a blur. When the scene had ended and he’d gone backstage while the setting changed, both Orimaki and Tachibana had been waiting there too. Tachibana had given him a small, not mocking smile, and a little shrug as if to say, “It happens.” The thought of the class’s worst student taking pity on him almost made him want to slug the other boy, but before he could snap a retort Orimaki spoke.
“Not alone on that stage, were you?”
It hit him like a blow to the gut. He’d sputtered, trying to come up with a proper response, before giving up and storming off. He couldn’t afford to completely lose it right then; his character had more scenes, and despite his blunder the show had to go on. The rest of the night had gone without incident, and his class had actually placed first in the competition. Tachibana, much to his own shock and his friends’ excitement, had gotten a golden individual award for his performance as the Maiden. Kyoji was too tired to even make a remark at their loudmouthed celebration, and he’d retired to his room as soon as possible.
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tinystarmyu · 2 years
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Shiki Toma from Star-Myu is an omniromantic omniasexual transmasculine agenderfaun person who's in a relationship with Hoshitani and Otori!
Hoshitani Yuta is a panromantic divisexual verdeboy!
Otori Itsuki is an amorromantic acorsexual transmasculine genderflorer person!
Nanjo Koki is a torenamoric apothisexual transmasculine cenrell person who's in a relationship with Kitahara and Kuga!
Kitahara Ren is a flixasexual nanofluid fereboy!
Kuga Shu is an omniromantic vixsexual virvoid person!
Nanjo, Kitahara, and Kuga are in an open relationship with Toraishi Izumi, a delloromantic schrosexual trans man!
Tsukigami Kaito is an amid transmasculine hemiboyflux person!
Akatsuki Kyoji is a fenosexual nonbinary fuemontic person!
He has a crush on Hiiragi Tsubasa, a closeted demibiromantic asexual agender person!
Tatsumi Rui is a hemibisexual voidsexual transmasculine magiboy!
He's in a relationship with Awatori Eigo, a floric unisexual transmasculine aboy!
Ugawa Akira is a feminaesexual genderfluid person!
Yuzuriha Christian Lion is an ideromantic abrosexual transmasculine valene!
He's in a relationship with Sazanami Sakuya, an omnigray demiagender person!
Ageha Riku is a proculsexual transmasculine paraboy!
Irinatsu Masashi is a rosesexual spectrasexual transmasculine paraneoboy who's in a relationship with Kusagano and Chiaki!
Kusagano Shion is a multiromantic mollsexual transmasculine gendersylpher person!
Chiaki Takafumi is an omniromantic placiosexual transmasculine demiboy!
Fuyusawa Ryo is an anroance neverisexual neutrois person!
Tsukigami Haruto is a rheasexual gay aporagender person!
He's in a relationship with Uozumi Asaki, a magnsexual demisexual nixvir person!
Futaba Taiga is a similosexual inhosexual transmasculine neoboy!
He's in a relationship with Saotome Ritsu, an ecliptiasexual enboy!
Nayuki Tooru is a closeted trixensexual twainsexual transfeminine demigirl!
Inumine Seishiro is a cassexual doggender person!
Tengenji Kakeru is bi gay!
Tavian is aroace and demifluid!
Hachiya So is a polarsexual genderqueer person!
dni link
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kaitoshu · 4 years
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akashi-tetsuki · 5 years
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StarMyu S3 || EndCard & Intermission Card || Ep.7
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] StarMyu S2 BD Vol. 3 Special Drama CDs
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Okay~! I did say I have a lot more translations for StarMyu so here’s some more~! I can’t believe it took so long for me to post this LOL I don’t know if someone else has translated these but, here are mine either way~!  After this is more Shuffle Revue songs (for really real this time!!) and then Magic Time Maker and Handmade HAPPY! 
Also! I’m doing an interest check for a Caribbean Groove Re-run DVD split ^^ Please DM/ask me if you’d like one for it, too~! 
Track 01: “StarMyu in Periodical Examinations - College Chapter”
Track 02: “Otori Itsuki”
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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umimizuai · 5 years
starmyu s3 ep7
I really loved this part. Mother hens otori/yuzuriha wanting to help their poor students while Akatsuki/Sazanami couldn’t care less. Though I guess Akatsuki wouldn’t care as none of his students are a part of this debacle and Sazanami only has Koki/Kitahara who are so self-sufficient and mature he doesn’t need to worry about them.
and then yuzuriha getting hiragi involved and getting scolded again. XD
lols, otori doesn’t want to sit by akastsuki so he sits between yuzuriha and sazanami
also the convo between Uozumi and Haruto was great as well.
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hadukilina · 5 years
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geckkoo · 11 months
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Ghooostparty !!! !
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imikah098 · 5 years
The funny thing about starmyu is how almost all the star team are all friends and non of them are from team Akatsuki (at least team Sazanami and team Yuzuriha has 2 each). It's as if Otori cast a spell on the team that cause them all to be background characters because of how Akatsuki treat team Otori during season 1.
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phantomstatistician · 6 years
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Fandom: Star-Myu
Sample Size: 144 stories
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amthebeginning-blog · 6 years
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Star-Myu Constellation Birthday (Kao Council)
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