#otp: embarassing freak couple
theprotagonistisdead · 4 months
The Spuffy Hotlist (according to Me)
Most of these are Spuffy episodes, some (especially the ones from Season 4) are episodes with a b-plot that is centered on Spike, and aren’t necessarily Spuffy-centered. The descriptions are partly taken from the Buffy Wiki and then changed a bit.
also tagging @me-and-snails
S2E3 School Hard – Spike and Drusilla visit Sunnydale for the Night of Saint Vigeous, the holy night of attack.
S2E10 What’s My Line? Part 2 – Buffy drops an organ on Spike.
S2E22 Becoming, Part 2 – Spike offers a temporary alliance to Buffy.
S3E8 Lovers Walk – After Drusilla has broken up with him, a broken Spike returns to Sunnydale to punish everyone to blame, especially Angel.
S4E8 Pangs – Spike tries to get help from the Scoobies after The Initiative has put a chip into his head and is taken in by Giles.
S4E9 Something Blue – Willow’s spell goes badly, making Buffy and Spike fall in love and get engaged.
S4E11 Doomed – Spike has lost his will to live without his ability to kill due to the chip in his head, but grows heartened by the approaching end of the world as the Hellmouth has reopened.
S4E14 Goodbye Iowa – Spike has become an outcast among demons since he has taken up with the Scoobies.
S4E20 The Yoko Factor – Spike joins forces with Adam and devises a plan to tear Buffy from her friends, leaving her wide open for an attack.
S4E4 Out Of My Mind – When Riley stubbornly refuses help for his physical aftereffects of Initiative drugs and goes into hiding, Buffy turns to Spike for help, but he takes her situation for his own plot to rid himself of her once and for all.
S5E7 Fool for Love – In an effort to learn about Slayers’ final battles after having gotten hurt, Buffy forces Spike to tell her how he killed two Slayers.
S5E10 Into the Woods – Spike exposes Riley’s letting vampires suck his blood to Buffy.
S5E14 Crush – Buffy’s rejection of his love sends Spike back into Drusilla’s arms, who is set on returning him to his killer ways.
S5E15 I Was Made to Love You – Spike is thrown through a window by a heartbroken young woman/robot.
S5E17 Forever – Spike decides to help Dawn, who is trying to resurrect her mother, Joyce.
S5E18 Intervention – Believing he is The Key, Glory kidnaps and tortures Spike, but he decides not to tell her about Dawn. As a thank you, Buffy kisses him.
S5E20 Spiral – Spike helps the Scoobies protect Dawn and flee from Glory.
S5E22 The Gift – Spike protects Dawn from Glory’s ritual because he’s “made a promise to a lady.”
S6E1 Bargaining, Part 1 – Spike still takes care of Dawn, even after Buffy’s death.
S6E3 After Life – Buffy opens up to Spike about what happened to her while she was dead, something she feels she is unable to tell her friends.
S6E4 Flooded – In a quiet moment, Buffy and Spike sit on the porch and talk about life and money.
S6E7 Once More, With Feeling – A demon makes the citizens of Sunnydale break into song and Spike sings about their complicated relationship and that she should stay away if she can’t decide what they should be.
S6E9 Smashed – Spike realizes he can fight Buffy. The two fight; but as tensions rise, the two kiss and sleep with each other.
S6E10 Wrecked – Buffy is disgusted with herself after having slept with Spike.
S611 Gone – A social services worker believes that Spike is Buffy’s boyfriend. Later, Buffy is hit by an invisibility gun, which gives her a sense of freedom and she goes to sleep with Spike while invisible.
S6E12 Doublemeat Palace – Buffy starts working at a fast-food restaurant and after Spike annoys her at work, she sleeps with him during her break.
S6E13 Dead Things – Buffy is framed for murder by Warren, Andrew and Jonathan, making her believe she has actually killed an innocent person. Spike tries to convince her she didn’t kill anyone by making the body disappear, even though he had attacked her earlier.
S615 As You Were – Riley comes back to Sunnydale to recruit her to fight a demon. Accidentally, he stumbles onto Buffy and Spike sleeping with each other. However, Buffy decides to break things off with Spike at the end of the episode.
S6E19 Seeing Red – Spike tries to assault Buffy, but she fights him off.
S6E21 Two to Go – Spike starts fighting to get his soul back.
S6E22 Grave – Spike manages to get his soul back.
S7E1 Lessons – Spike appears in the basement of the rebuilt Sunnydale High School but appears to have gone mad.
S7E2 Beneath You – Spike, even though still mad, reveals to Buffy he’s gotten his soul back.
S7E8 Sleeper – Buffy fears that Spike has been killing people again and finds out that he can’t remember what happened, but switches from good to evil, again and again.
S7E9 Never Leave Me – Spike is tied up in the Summers’ house, but is later taken by the First’s lackeys.
S7E10 Bring On The Night – Spike is being kept prisoner by the First, who tortures him by appearing to him as Drusilla and Buffy.
S7E11 Showtime – Buffy rescues Spike from the First.
S7E12 Potential – Buffy and Spike train the Potentials.
S7E13 The Killer in Me – Spike’s chip malfunctions, and he ad Bufy have to find a way to help him.
S7E15 Get It Done – Spike kills a demon to get Buffy back to the present.
S7E16 Storyteller – Andrew documents what is happening for future generations and Buffy and Spike get a big romantic introduction in his story.
S7E17 Lies My Parents Told Me – A solution to Spike’s trigger is found, but Giles and Principal Wood decide to try to kill him.
S7E20 Touched – Buffy is demoted from leadership by the Potentials and throw out of the house. Spike is the only one who stands up for her and comforts her in an abandoned house.
S7E22 Chosen – Spike sacrifices himself to close the Hellmouth, but not before Buffy tells him she loves him.
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RATE THEM: NOTP / Too Weird / Only Side Pairing / Would Read / I LOVE IT / OTP
Tell you:
Which one sexts like a straight white boy? Definitely Mister Stiles
Which one cried during a fucking disney movie? Both of them. Stiles cries during all of them, but Toy Story got to Cora too
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave? Cora, because the fork was too cold.
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes "Guess who" thing? Stiles, even though Cora has accidentally thrown him against the floor plenty of times already for it.
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner? Stiles does because “Werewolves run hot, Cor” “That’s just in Twilight, NOT real life!”
Who had that embarassing Reality TV marathon? Cora, which Stiles definitely teased her for.
Who laughs more during sex? Cora, which had Stiles really miffed at the beginning of their relationship because he thought she was making fun of him and his Movez.
WHO IS THE LITTLE SPOON? Stiles Stilinski.
RATE THEM: NOTP / Too Weird / Only Side Pairing / Would Read / I LOVE IT / OTP
Tell you:
Which one sexts like a straight white boy? Cora does it on purpose just to piss off Lydia. “What are you doing?” “Just got out of the shower” “Damn, without me? :O” “I’m blocking this number, Hale”
Which one cried during a fucking disney movie? Cora cried during Toy Story and fucking Frozen and Lydia has not let her leave it down yet.
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave? Both of them, at different times. Neither of them knows how to cook really. “Honey, today I’m serving looks” “moms, we haven’t eaten in two day”
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes "Guess who" thing? Lydia does it all the time to Cora, who calls her cheesy before manhandling her in her lap and kissing her
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner? Lydia is basically cold blooded and does it, mostly when she is half asleep or in the middle of the night. The first time she did that Cora freaked out and threw her off the bed.
Who had that embarassing Reality TV marathon? Cora watches so many realities, no matter how much Lydia makes fun of her for it. But when college starts and they are apart from each other, Lydia puts on one of Cora’s jumper and watches all of her saved episodes because she misses her so much
Who laughs more during sex? Cora does, but not even about anything Lydia did; she simply remembers something funny and kills the mood. Lydia hates it but she really loves Cora’s laugh so she can’t complain too much
WHO IS THE LITTLE SPOON? At the beginning it was Lydia, but after a couple of terrible nightmares about the Hale fire, Lydia started big spooning her and found out that when she does, Cora has less nightmares. 
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Slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers: Hance, Alyanette, anddddd uh Tododeku (I’m trying to give you different ones than you gave me lol)
Okay this was way harder than I expected lol. Sorry it’s a little late, I wanted to really take time with it (and boy did I. I wrote way more than I expected to haha)

Slow burn: Hance. Hance is THE brotp to otp ship for me. I do see them more as queer platonic partners but. I mean their friendship??? doesn’t need labels. Their friendship is Epic. It’s the kind of relationship that transcends the difference between romantic and platonic love. It just. is. They just grow closer and closer and when they first kiss it feels so natural and obvious and. gods I have so many feelings about this I can’t even put it into words they’re just. so. good. together. ahhhhhhhh.

Fake date: Tododeku. It starts with Iida completely misunderstanding and blowing everything way out of proportion and our children being very bad at saying no; After the Stain incident Iida decides that because they’re not allowed to talk to anyone about what happened, they should sit and talk about what the went through together. It comes up that Todoroki “ride or die” Shouto literally received nothing but coordinates from Izuku but decided to drop everything and just go with it (still my favourite thing he has ever done like can you believe). Iida very understandably misinterprets this information and promptly congratulates them on their relationship, and completely doesn’t hear their protests over his “that’s wonderful! the first class couple! we should celebrate this!! let’s throw a party!”. Izuku and Shouto wanna say no but they figure with everything Iida’s been through with his brother getting hurt and all, “I guess we can do this for him, he could probably use a party” and “we can just pretend for a while and when it blows over say we had an amicable break-up or whatever”, and so they go along with it. Cue very clumsy fake flirting because both these boys are very socially inept. Fake flirting that turns into real attempts at flirting before either of them realize. Holding hands because “it’s what couples do right”, with faces redder than the hair on Shouto’s left side.
By the time they think it’d be appropriate to fake amicably break up, they’re both super smitten and the fake dating just keeps going as they both keep coming with excuses to keep up the ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘charade’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘.  For Valentine’s day they both make each other chocolates. Homemade. They both get help from those in Class A who are good at baking, unbeknownst to the other. (Class A is delighted and spends a lot of time snickering at these two fools who are just so meant for each other) They exchange the chocolates in front of the class ‘to keep the charade going’ but then after school Shouto cracks and pulls Izuku aside to admit the chocolates were for real and Izuku Dies and then admits to the same thing and they both lived happily ever after and became one of the most famous hero couples. (”#1 Hero All Might’s deciple and #2 Hero Endeavor’s son! can you believe!” scream the delighted masses)
Turns out I have way more Tododeku feels then I realized before answering this ask oops

Enemies to lovers: this physically pains me but Alyanette. I have to do this to them because the other two ships just had to get the other two tropes Alya and Mari I am so sorry to do this to you. This one is the hardest ohmygods. I’ve been sitting with this for almost an hour and I can’t figure out a way to make them hate each other that isn’t either wildly OOC or involves Adrien and I hate making two girls’ relationship about a boy but I don’t know what else to do ashgjdkhfgks. So uh here goes. I’m sorry.Alya & Adrien grew up together so they’re super duper close. like. Jake and Rosa from B/99. Mer Cristina from G/reys. Steven and Connie. You get the picture. So anyways, they’re always together, Alya accompanies Adrien on a lot of modelling jobs, both to support him and because it’s an opportunity to learn from professional cameramen & camerawomen. Marinette, still having a hugeass freaking crush on Adiren, is extremely jealous because she (and the entire Paris presse) is convinced Alya and Adrien are an item. Meanwhile Alya, who’s very protective of her boy Adrien, is really annoyed at this girl who she suspects is stalking her bestie, on account of Marinette being... well, admittedly kind of a stalker (mostly harmless of course but still Not Great).So Alya catches Marinette in the middle of stalking Adrien a couple times a tells her off and their relationship just keeps getting worse UNTIL Marinette is a little too careless about where she detransforms after a long and difficult fight against an akuma and, unbeknownst to her, is seen by Alya. This changes everything Alya thought she knew about Marinette - and about Ladybug. This creepy girl who's stalking her best friend is Ladybug, her favourite hero and Icon? Her Icon is a stalker? What On Earth. Internal crisis ensues. She desperately wants to understand how they can be the same person and ends up trying to look at Marinette differently, and noticing how kind she is, how much she cares for her classmates, how she tries really hard to always do the right thing - though it does sometimes end up being at the expense of other people - and another crisis soon ensues as Alya starts to realize how her feelings are changing lol.On Marinette's side of things, she does notice that Alya's been less hostile towards her, and doesn't understand why, but doesn't think too much of it..... Until Alya, whos' desperate to get on Marinette's good side now that she has Feelings, offers to let Marinette tag along on one of Adrien's photoshoots (after asking him of course. The two of them talk about p much everything and Adrien is all too happy to let Alya use his modeling job to get close to a girl (even if he's not quite sure why that would work, oblivious as he is to the extent of Mari's adoration for him)). Marinette accepts, thinking it's some sort of trap but unwilling to pass up this chance, and when everything goes really well (to her utmost surprise and confusion), it's her turn to start seeing Alya in a different light.And I think that's enough from me about them lmfao. They just.... go from there after that IDK.
I've written so much more than I intended, I'm sorry this is so long, I'm kind of embarassed at how carried away I got haha ^^" but I hope you enjoyed it.
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emetkoto · 6 years
hhh nobody asked for it but heres (most of) that last OTP meme i reblogged for Swiftshipping bc i love them
Who is the most affectionate?: Ruri is a cuddlebug she loves hugs and kisses and holding hands,,,Rin is pretty awkward about it at first but eventually warms up to it Big spoon/Little spoon?: Ruri is the big spoon! Most common argument?: Who gets to drive,,,Ruri is a pretty bad driver but she has so much fun doing it Favorite non-sexual activity?: Going for rides through town, working on D-Wheels Who is most likely to carry the other?: RIN she's a strong girl and she LOVES picking up her gf!!! What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?: Ruri loves Rin's golden eyes, and Rin thinks Ruri's hair is one of the 7 wonders of the world What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?: Ruri always knew so there was nothing new there but Rin starting trying to hold back around Yuugo bc she was waiting for the right time to tell him Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?: Ruri likes to call Rin all the standard cutesy pet names like 'love', 'darling', 'sweetie', etc. but Rin gets embarassed when she tries to use them for Ruri,,,the poor girl, go easy on her she's not used to being a girlfriend Who worries the most?: Rin, Ruri tends to be pretty carefree Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?: They both have each others' regular orders memorized to the point where they accidentally talk over each other when trying to order for each other Who initiates kisses?: Definitely Ruri Who reaches for the other’s hand first?: Both try to and their hands awkwardly bump together and then they laugh and Ruri probably kisses Rin bc she thinks she's so pretty when she laughs Who wakes up first?: Rin, she's used to waking up early to help make breakfast for the other orphans and Yuugo Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?: Ruri,,,,she's definitely not an early bird Who says I love you first?: Ruri! She just kinda,,blurts it out one day and Rin's face turns bright red and Ruri realizes what she said and screams Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?): Ruri brings Rin lunch a lot while she's working and leaves her little notes with doodles of birds and bird puns ('you're the wind under my wings! XOXOXO -Ruri') on them and Rin just,,,,can't handle it she's too cute Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?: Definitely Ruri,,,she probably gushes about Rin all the way up until they become a couple so Yuuto and Shun really aren't surprised when it becomes official What do their family/friends think of their relationship?: Yuuto was happy for her but was worried Shun would freak out and go into protective big bro mode but he took it really well???? Cue Yuuto wondering if his boyfriend was replaced with an imposter.
Rin was afraid to tell Yuugo bc she knew he kinda had a thing for her?? But he took it pretty well...he was just kinda confused bc he never thought she was into girls?? And honestly neither did she Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?: Ruri! If there's music you can bet she's gonna take Rin's hands and start twirling her around Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?: Rin since she does it so much already~ Ruri is one hell of a baker tho Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?: rURI,,,,,,Yuugo offers lots of lame ones for Rin to try but she can never bring herself to use them Who needs more assurance?: Rin,,,she's not used to the whole dating thing and worries she's doing stuff wrong Who would sing to their child back to sleep?: Ruri, she has a great singing voice What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Ruri talks to everyone within earshot about how much she loves her gf and sends her all kinds of cute texts,,,,meanwhile Rin just can't get Ruri off her mind and often finds herself distracted from whatever she's doing
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Tall Girl Little Guy Otp Prompts
Okay, we all know how cute it is when a guy is like a foot taller than the girl, but what about when it's switched? Personally i think it's just as cute, and those couples do exist too, and need love too! •*the short guy trying everything to reach the cabinets just so he can avoid asking his tall gf to get a cup down for him because it's "embarassing"* •*Tall gf showing off biceps to awed short guy* (Bonus: "ohmygosh can I touch?" Or "No im not arm wrestling you, you'd break my arm") •*tall gf feeling unfeminine so short guy makes sure to tell her she's pretty all the time* •*confident big girl and shy little guy reading together all snuggled up under the blankets* •'i hugged you because you were crying and now you're smothering me and i can't breathe' •*going on a roller coaster together while tall girl freaks out and short guy has to comfort her* •*Role switch, tall girl has to drag shy fanboy out to parties and socializing* (Feel free to add your own ;D)
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zephyrvos · 7 years
Tara/Willow/Oz polyvee
Ahh good, my poly kids
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs - sorta? my buffyverse otp is probably Buffy/Willow/Oz, but this is a good second
How long will they last? - I think I’ve spoken before about how I think Oz would help ground Willow when she’s getting lost in her magic, or be a more reasonable head to turn to, and bring her back down. So, barring a stray bullet, I think they could be in it for the long haul
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - For Oz, love at first sight. And Willow fell for him without realizing it, but it was fast because she was young. For Tara and Willow, there was a spark at first touch, when the magic flowed between them. But it was “Family” when they really fell in love, I think.
How was their first kiss? - Willow and Oz’s first kiss was sudden and long overdue and passionate but sweet and tender, and it left them both breathless. Willow and Tara’s was nervous, and hesitant. Willow didn’t know what she was doing, and Tara didn’t want to assume. But it quickly turned much more passionate.
Who proposed? - I think it was something they’d talked about between the three of them, but then when it came to actually making a gesture to cement the intentions, Willow picked out a simple ring, possibly from Oz’s family, and a ring with some sort of witchy/magical significance, and proposed to the both of them with a dorky, rambling speech that ends in both of them laughing (through tears) and kissing her to cut her off
Who is the best man/men? - I imagine a poly ceremony where Willow waits at the ‘alter’ and Oz and Tara each walk down opposite aisles. Xander is Willow’s best man, Oz calls in Angel since Xander is taken (maybe Riley? the bandmate? but we don’t hear about him much)
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Buffy is Willow’s maid of honor (the three main scoobies, standing at the front), meanwhile Tara’s is Dawn
Who did the most planning? - Tara and Willow did about an equal amount, but Buffy actually did the most planning. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get a wedding, and Willow is more than happy to let Buffy deal with picking out decorations and color schemes and things. Oz doesn’t have much of an opinion outside of his tux and the food
Who stressed the most? - Willow, she can’t help it, she gets anxious. and this is big! she just wants it all to be perfect with these two people she’s in love with
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. - Again, I don’t think it’s a traditional wedding. No church, no preacher, but their own combinations of Jewish traditions and Wicca traditions and modern twists to incorporate the polyvee element, and it’s a small ceremony with the Scoobies, and maybe Oz’s family and a couple other friends
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Tara’s family
Who is on top? - I think Willow tends to top Oz, but Tara tops her?
Who is the one to instigate things? - It depends. Magic tends to put Willow and Tara in the mood, so either of them will start it after they’ve been working on a spell or something. Meanwhile Willow is always down to jump Oz’s bones post a full-moon, or during once he can control it. They no longer have to pay attention to the full moon, but her hormones somehow sense it and get extra horny. Plus, it tends to make Oz’s hormones wonky too
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head - they all strike me as being really down to try things
How long do they normally last? - I’d say they’ve all got pretty good stamina. Oz tends to wear out faster when it’s a full moon, because, consciously or not, he’s fighting his wolf. Otherwise, there have been plenty of times Buffy has thrown a shoe at the wall to tell them to quiet down because she got back from slaying and needs some sleep, and Willow is going at it in her room with somebody
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - I think they’re much more about pleasing their partner, worshipping their body, and making sure both parties are feeling good, that they don’t turn it into a competition. The end goal isn’t orgasm necessarily, just having a good sex
How rough are they in bed? -Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. - Willow tends to be rougher with Oz, but sometimes it’s the opposite, and she and Tara are rough, and she and Oz are soft
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. - Willow is always on somebody’s lap. Sometimes she manages to be on both of their laps at once. Post-sex cuddling is a necessity - she’ll pout if they try to leave, and neither of them can resist a Willow pout. Oz is losing his cool, unaffected reputation because he has a ginger cuddled into him half the time he’s out in public. 
How many children will they have naturally? - I don’t think they would? Tara/Willow can’t, and it’s never explained, but if Oz would pass on the werewolf-ness, a baby couldn’t control it, and I think that’s not something they’d want to confine their kid to - being in a cage a couple nights a month.
How many children will they adopt? - I can, however, see them adopting two or three kids, when they’re older and have trained the new slayers and life has, relatively, calmed down a bit. I think one is with Oz, and two with Tara, but parenting gets a bit mixed up with all of the polyness, and one of Tara’s is a tomboy, who bonds with Oz more than expected, so they basically all three split parenting on that one
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Tara
Who is the stricter parent? - Willow or Tara, depending on the situation. Willow goes from too chill, to freaking out about a minor thing. Meanwhile Tara tries to be cool and understanding, but is very strict about rules about magic
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Tara. Oz is probably the one who gave the kid the idea (or uncle Xander)
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Willow
Who is the more loved parent? - I think each kid has a different favorite. Tara’s tomboy loves Oz the most, even though he wasn’t meant to be an official parent to that one. Oz’s is into magic and bonds the most with Willow. Tara’s other kid takes after his mother’s kind heart (but also loves training to fight with aunt Buffy)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Tara
Who cried the most at graduation? - Willow. Tara didn’t want to embarass the kid, but Willow was an emotional mess. (It was a much less deadly/nearly-world-ending graduation than hers)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Tara. Half the time, Willow and/or Oz are in there with them (Oz taught the kids punk, Willow taught them to protest)
Who does the most cooking? - I feel like they’re all good cooks? Tara’s better at breakfast, they split dinner duties
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Willow!!
Who does the grocery shopping? - Tara - Willow will get a bunch of dessert, Oz will get salty junk food
How often do they bake desserts? - There’s usually some sort of dessert in the house, because they try not to eat it all at once. And with Buffy and Dawn living there too (assuming at least Willow lives in the Summer household), it doesn’t go bad. So about once a week or so. Sort of a Sunday dinner with dessert that then lasts the week
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Tara prefers salad - she’s not vegetarian, just likes salad. The other two are big meat eaters
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Oz is most likely to plan a surprise romantic night for Willow (he gives Tara a heads up - he doesn’t want her to feel like it’s a competition or he’s trying to ‘out-do’ her)
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Willow - Tara and Oz are more likely to prefer staying in
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Willow, but that’s because she’ll get distracted and then get super focused on the other thing she’s doing
Who cleans the room? - Oz and Tara are better at keeping it clean or cleaning it regularly. Willow will let it become an absolute mess, and not care at all, until she gets stressed and randomly cleans everything in an hour
Who is really against chores? - Willow
Who cleans up after the pets? - Tara
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Oz
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Usually Tara, though occasionally Willow, depending on the guests
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Oz, always Oz
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Willow
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Willow takes Oz on walks :P No, I’m not sure they’d ever get a dog? Willow and Tara are cat people. Oz makes jokes about not getting along with the cat, but will play with it when no one’s looking
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Buffy decorate the Summers house for Christmas and Halloween and Easter, but Willow decorates for Hanukkah and the like
What are their goals for the relationship? - To be grounding forces for each other? To constantly challenge each other to be honest and be their best selves, and hopefully always grow within the relationship, but to be honest if they ever grow out of it, rather than fall into old habits (cheating or magic)
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Oz!
Who plays the most pranks? - Oz plays the most, but Tara’s are the best, because nobody ever sees hers coming
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