#otp: you mean we have a minute || vixenwave
anansixpowered · 6 years
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terrayoung · 7 years
Legends of Tomorrow :)
@honorreid also asked for this show as well. Great minds think alike!
-the character i least understand
I guess Damien Darhk? I’ve been watching season 3 of Arrow for Ray, so I’m getting to know Merlyn, and I know Eobard from watching Flash, but beyond a pretty much 5 second glimpse in one of the Flarrow crossovers I haven’t seen anything of Darhk and thusly don’t know much about him. He’s semi-immortal, a former League of Assassins member, and he killed Laurel. That’s about it.
 And of course, I can understand most of the Legends most of the time - with the exception being any undue hatred on Mick. Like, I get them feeling betrayed by Mick helping create Doomworld - even though it’s kinda their fault - but all the insults and stuff were totally uncalled for.
-interactions i enjoyed the most
Think there’s three top ones in no particular order: The team as a whole on the few occasions they’re all getting along and/or acting as a cohesive unit, and then my OTPs Coldwave and Atomic Hawk. 
And a special mention of the Legion of Doom for being far more hilarious than I ever would have guessed.
-the character who scares me the most
Black Flash/Zombie Velociraptor Zoom who is the single most disturbing thing I have ever seen on any of the Legends of Superflarrow shows. Did not need those close ups of his - its? - decaying and rotting face, no thank you very much show. 
-the character who is mostly like me
Not entirely sure, but I’ll go with a combo of Ray and Jax. Kind and caring like Ray (though he turns it up to 1000), but more realistic than optimistic and sarcastic like Jax.
-hottest looks character
Purely from an aesthetic perspective since I’m ace, but - Kendra. She’s really pretty with her hair and the freckles, and has a really nice smile.
-one thing i dislike about my fave character
My fave character is a tie between Snart and Ray. So one thing I dislike about Snart is that he has canonically killed and seriously hurt several people. And while there’s nothing I dislike about Ray really - cos, I mean, he’s RAY - I do wish he’d be less willing/up for sacrificing himself for the greater good because I’d really rather he not get hurt or even killed.
-one thing i like about my hated character
So. I really don’t like Carter. I think he’s a creep who is way too pushy about the whole “we’ve been together in all our past lives so we must be together in this one and who cares if that’s what you really want because we’re ~destiny~” and “of course it’s okay if you don’t love me in this life because I know you’ll love me in the next” and “you may be mad at me or something but I’m going to try to kiss you anyway despite you not feeling that way about me because I’m sure you will someday based on past lives” and “hey let me kidnap you and fly you away to this distant rooftop so I can tell you, a far as you know perfectly normal human or at least semi-normal metahuman, that you’re really a reincarnating hawk goddess because what’s having a civil conversation in a well-lit area with people you trust helping you feel safe since far as you currently know I’m a complete and utter stranger” and “by the way do you mind if I shove you off a really high building on the off chance that the wings you don’t remember having appear to save you before you go splat on the concrete - why start small when you can run the risk of dying young” things. And while it’s not something I like about him, I’ll give him credit for the fact that he didn’t intend to be as creepy/pushy/obsessive as he comes across. He should’ve realized that that was what he seemed like, but he didn’t mean it.
I apologize about the rant - I’ve never typed up how I felt about him so it kinda just…exploded. 
-a quote or scene that haunts me
The first one I can think of is from the Wild West episode in season 2 when Mick and Amaya are watching the bomb fuse die down (and I’m paraphrasing here since I haven’t seen the episode in a while):
Mick: “You have one minute to get out of here.”Amaya: “You mean we have one minute to get out of here.”Mick: “That’s what I meant.”
Because Mick’s had a death wish ever since Snart died, but this is when it’s undeniably blatant that he wants to die and it hurts. 
-a death that left me indifferent
I’d have to say Carter. Like I’ve said above I was far from a fan of his, so I wasn’t too affected by his death. 
-a character i wish died but didn’t
I’m not a fan of the wording - wishing someone, even a fictional someone, dead feels really wrong to me - but in a sense, Eobard. Like, I wish that any appearance made by Eobard after the season 1 finale of Flash was from a point in his timeline where he hadn’t yet pretended to be Harrison Wells. Because otherwise it seems like Eddie’s sacrifice didn’t mean much beyond stopping Eobard in that present moment. Which helped, it really did, but it was supposed to be the end of Eobard. An earlier version could show up due to him being a time traveller, but not a later one because his timeline should end with Eddie’s sacrifice. Eobard’s life should have a definite end and that definite end should be when Eddie sacrificed himself. It seems like a dishonor to Eddie for it to be otherwise. 
-my ship that never sailed
Any and all of my polyships - shoot me an ask if you’re curious because I don’t want to make this post way too long by adding all of them in - along with Coldwave, Time Canary, Vixenwave, and it technically sailed but is currently sunk so I’ll add Atomic Hawk to this.
Thanks for sending this in!
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anansixpowered · 6 years
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I’m sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my otp sharing an extremely meaningful look.
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anansixpowered · 6 years
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This scene/episode is the moment I sold my soul to Vixenwave.
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anansixpowered · 6 years
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Vixenwave + You Shine (Part 1/2)
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anansixpowered · 6 years
Meta: Mick and Amaya's relationship
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
At first I was wondering how to do this without it bleeding into the meta I wrote about them, and why I ship it. But then it came to me. Yes, it mostly boils down to ‘Why I ship Vixenwave, part 2′, but there’s more to it than just that. Under the cut.
I truly, truly believe that Mick and Amaya love each other. In any and every capacity. They have an understanding between the two of them that I haven’t seen in any other couple in any of the other TV shows I watch-and I watch several. Their willingness to defend and stick by each other, even despite heinous things they’ve done, as well as their unwavering faith and belief in one another
(”Mick, I don’t care what anyone else thinks, I still believe in you.” 
“You’re better than a story, and a hell of a lot more fearsome than some pirate queen. With or without your totem.” 
“Mick, you’re better than this.” 
“She said she could handle it.” 
“You may try to hide it, Mick. But you’re a good man.” 
“Well, we’ve all done things we’re not proud of.”) is absolutely beautiful.
I would even go so far as to say that he loves her more than Nate does. Way more.
His face after she’s frozen by Snart, and then his face after she’s killed by him, are heartbreaking but very telling about his feelings for her. He points his gun at Snart for killing her, and Snart actually looks concerned that Mick will do it. That’s right: For a few tenuous moments, Snart looks like he genuinely believes Mick will kill him for killing Amaya. Mick ultimately doesn’t end up doing so, but he was seriously considering it.
Not to mention that his first reaction after she calls him a bastard for betraying the Legends isn’t anger, or even hurt. His immediate first reaction after she says that is to look her specifically dead in the eyes and say “Come with me.”. Despite the other three members of the Legion of Doom standing right behind him, he doesn’t say “Come with us.”
He says “Come with me.”, sounding softer than I’ve ever heard him speak.
And for a sliver of a moment, Amaya looks like she’s actually considering it.
In Season 3, Nate’s attempt to snap Mick out of his catatonic state after meeting his father in Vietnam is three simple words: “Amaya’s in there”.
She’s the one who can pull him back from the brink, as she proves several times throughout her run on the show. And she’s also the only one he doesn’t consistently call by a nickname. Sure, there was ‘girly’ for about five minutes in episode 3 of season 2, but that doesn’t really count.
I’m going to end this by saying I will forever be gutted that we didn’t get a Mick/Amaya goodbye scene in 3x18. He’s the one who deserved the goodbye with her, not Nate.
And with that, I’m off to bed. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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anansixpowered · 6 years
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Something There-Vixenwave (Part 1 of 2)
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anansixpowered · 6 years
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//This is Mick’s face immediately after Amaya is frozen by Snart’s cold gun.
I will literally fight anyone who tries to tell me he doesn’t love her, at least in some capacity.
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anansixpowered · 6 years
What is your honest opinion about Mick Rory?
Send my muse curious anons
“Mick Rory…If you’d told me when I first met the Legends in 1942 that Mick Rory is the member of the team I’d end up feeling the deepest connection to, I’d have looked at you like you’d lost your mind. Talk about opposites attracting. Not that there’s any attraction there.” She added quickly. “I used to think he was a thug, nothing more than a criminal, with no place on a team of people who claimed to be heroes. But the more I got to know him, the more I realized that he was so much more than that. That he was a good person deep down. That underneath that gruff exterior, there was a brave, protective, compassionate man who was capable of thinking of others before himself.
I’ll never forget what he said to me, about me being better than a story, and more fearsome than a pirate queen. Even without my totem, he saw that in me, and it means so much to me.
I might even go so far as to say that I love him.”
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